98-341Council File # ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 98-.�� `�� �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappoirrimenis, made by the Mayor, of ihe following individuals to serve on the CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAMINING BOARDS. (All positions aze reappointrnents, except those denoted as appnixtees.) Concrete Masonr�and Cement I�tiuishers Frank Berg Richard Gilbert Duwaine Knajdek John Conway—Sc Building Inspector and Building Officiat Designee--Appointee Fue1 Burner Dennis Chada David Hodgson Jerold Maleitzke Richard Pesek Ron Rice—Senior Mechanical Inspector and Building Official Designee Lathers and Plasterers Richard Felber Herb Holzschuh David Kenyon—Appointee John Conway, SeniorBuildinglnspector and Building Officia] Designee--Appointee RESOLUTION Green Sheet # OF SAINT PAUL, MINNE50TA Plumbera Mickey Nasseff William Rascher Robert Schwarhzbauer Bernie Bullert—Water Utility Representative Hazley Currier—Building Official Designee Refri�eration Bil] Daly Lazry Jordan John Matthews Ron Rice—Building Official Designee Steamfitting Paul F3ack1 Dougias Olson Troy Pearson —Appointee John W illang—Appointee Ron Rice--Building Official Designee Warm AirHeatine/Ventilation George Albets Eugene Binder Michael Connelly Donaid Geng Jann Peyer Alternate David Olson—Building Official Designea--Appointee Each member shall serve a three-year term which will eapire on July 1, 20 Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: App� By: Adopted by Council: Date �{�,�aq ,r{q� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: • �,�ii�" � 2� -�/ �' N° 52336 9tr.� s �r DEMR7MENTfOFFICER:OVNCIL � DATE INITIATED � � � � Mayor Coleman's Office 4-21-98 � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE IN1ilAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOA CINCOUNCIL Roger C.11Xt15 266-8531 /SSIGN �CITYATTORNEI' QTVCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (pATE1 NUMBER FOR ❑ BUOGET DIREGTOq O FIN. & MGT SERVICES �IR. NOUTING OpOEP � MAYOR �OR ASSISTAM) � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES __]_ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION PEDUESTEO: Approval of appointments and reappointments of inembers to serve on the Certificate of Competency Examining Boards. RECOMMENDAr1oN5: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PV.NNING COMTAISSION _ CrvIL SERVICE COMMISSION �. Has ffii5 persOnflirm ¢ver worked untle� a ConiraCt tOr this departm2Rf? _CIBCOMMITfEE _ VES NO � STAFF 2. Has this personKrm e�er been a city employee? — YES NO _ o1SrR�Cr GoURT _ 3. Does this personlfirm posses5 a 5kiii not normaffy po55essetl by any curreM city employae� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on seperate eheet end ettach to green shaet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPpORTUNIT'(Wlro, What. When. Whare. Why) ADVANTAGES IF A7PROVED' �ISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: �'sbl�dd� ���� L`a��t�?4, �3F�'6 �a � " � DfSADVANTAGE5IF NOT APPflW E�. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TNANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUOGE7Ep (qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOUHCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORAriATION (EXPLAIN) 9�-3 y/ Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul CitX Councitmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter FROM: Roger C. Curtis �. DATE: Apri122, 1998 RE: Cert►f►cate of Competency Exnmining Boards Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of inembers to serve on the Certificate of Competency Examining Boards. Attached is a copy of the resolution listing these members. Also attached is an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994 and copies of the new appointees' applications. Feel free to call me at 266-8531 if you have any questions. RCC:dw Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Dick Owen, LIEP A.U3SEAS�MORRO�NWPFII,ES\COMPET.CNC 02/06/1998 08:08 2286241 IRN-26-1998 09�18 FR•�M , � � �� ��,(f � Plamo: � k K $ome Addreys: �,� 5trett Te(ephone Number. PlanninY DisYritt Coupeil: Preferced Malting Address: CITY OF S7 PaU� LIEP 70 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CiTY Fl4LI, SAINTPAUL,MINNESO7A 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 26b8S13 lt/>!l(�na r� PAGE 02 �zzesza i P. aaz 98- 3 y/ stS:E1Y�,4 r`3 05 i998 -, y,.,. --� - —� � rxu t .7a// / City Zip 1$Omel ��9 � �6 ��ork, aa �' - 2y7��x� �a S'-6� v/ — �� City Council Wprd; � What is your occupation? S� Place of �mpioyment: $� Commltte!(a) App1i¢d For: s �; � c� �i G�� G: � 4;�� What skitlt, training or experlence do you posaess for the commiftee(s) for which yuu seek uppoinhnent7 � ti�/n� �ke �ol%vl;Kq !.'ceKSeS _ reht Mecl,ah;�al �n����Or � i., /DO F // �k ca-. o� 5��: �e�t / �u r n eye.-.ay G?S�e�in �r � 7/NG 0 � � �u� Jiur»eyMaK J`JeQ�7 '1� ��j�b i ef S� /�arc( '�pHrne OiL6urntr #'fZ85� e� S�'�• au/ �ourti< yxan }'�e�r•ytru�l.'oH ,� '�� /� o Sf. / Mas��r /Qe�f'r•9era {,'o,t 1�3�75� .��a�� o� M,'n„�5< � 7cur„e ,,,«.. N,• � P..�ssk�� �• ; # . �e/�' OT YE��f'tnFr�'eS'� Gk�ts4i<et���sr �YYJQH4 �f"�c�' �P ti 7��Q f 4 n Q� CO{h M CPI' JR I!' DH S'�Y r�L7 Oit /�� a V� c �,�e,r v��'cG' ;0�� ��tr . �� : �' r �� yc° f�, i�/l1i ��,�� a � rac rors• .� �ts�p _�.� u ��R�icR� �ti�geC�or �ev T�,2 .S� �../ G.�� /�. )g /KA J ; Tl�e inCurmation included in thls npplitation is considered private data actording lo the Minnesota ry '�,� �, Govsrnroent Data Practices Act. As a result, this information i9 not relensed to ti�e eenerat public. ; t 9 (OVFR) Rev. 8-5-97 62/06/1998 08:08 228b241 ..,,. ��� .�_o n�. ia rir�•i ���r U"r ST r�J� �IE° TJ I'Tal; .. • : ' . y. Name: Address: 922t'362Q1 PAGE 63 p d@3 98-3y/ ,, ,:,,� � . ,. . Name: Address: Phone: orkl a �i �o -qQ7 � Name: Addresa: Q� Phone: (Home) ^�""—��._...- {yyorkl Re � nsons for yoar intereat 3n t pnrticutnr commtttee: �-S ct /,'�e /a�o �q re S i�Pn -,� n�" 7 � � C11 �. � n 1 G� �"" ' " � -r 1 � . . i _ � Have you 6ad prevlovs contact with the commFitee for which you are mnking applfcation7 TCso, when, and the ci�cumstaaccs? A /� /l/ In an utempt to ettsure thAt committee represen[ation relletts the makenp of ovr commvnity� }�tease check the Ifne applicable to you. This informntian is strictly vo]untary. / White (Caucasian) Blaek (African American) Ameriean ind;an or Alnsknn Eskimo X Mate Dl�abted: Ycs Femnle No� 2fspeciai accommodations are needed, plense specify: How did yon 6ear about this opening? Hlspanie Asian or PaeiT+c It2snder DAte of Btrth: � /�- �� rora� a.� 02/06/1998 08:08 2286241 ,�• ��� .�va G�•ao rm�•i ��iY UF 57 P� �IE° 7a ; .. �: r Name: Address: I'hone: Name: Addray: 922862a1 p,a03 9�-3y/ _ _ . _ - - - '�� i �aTCSS,v.m � u�� PhOOC: Lftomel ' _ ltNn 4� � � �-9Q�� Name: Addresa: Phone: Restsons fve your intereat In this pnrticulnr committee: � � Have you had previous contact with thc committee for which you are mnking npplfcation? If so, when, andthecircumstances? /)/� iv In nn �ttempt to ensure thnt commlttee representatlon retlects the mnkeup of our community� plense cfieek the line applicable to you, This informntion is strictly voiuntary. / Whlte (CAUCatian) Blatk (African qmarican) Amer;can Iadian or Alns}rnn Eskimo X Male Femnle Dl�abled: Ycs No,� IfSpecial accornmodAtions are needed, piense tpec+fy: How did you hear about thfa openJng? PAGE 03 Ai�panic Asian or Pacttic Istander Aate of $tcth: � /�` �Q � TOT� a,0g3 ��:[qrira � � '�//�I � tttome� � �-- _ fWorkl FEB-25-98 WED 12�56 NE MECH FAX N0, 6129173364 P.02 98 � 1 t OFc ICE OF ���E bf�YOR . j� � 340 CT'S'Y T�1T.L" , ' • . ` � SAL�iT FALTL, �I�\'ESO"I'A SSIO2 ;,. � " � Yhonc_ ZG6-3525 FA.X: 266-8513 , I4ame:. TroY A. PeoYso�:. ... °. :� . •: . . . . .. ..._.... . ... . . ... . -Home.4ddress: 2171 O�k' G1Qn Trai 1 ct; � j4��+or nr� 55(1flY . = -. . �":, • Street . _ City Zip `';TelephoneNumoer: • �r(Qm�J 4'i9-7974 (�'�ori;l F�a�_55f,9 (FA\l 6A�-5590 ' �`Pl�nnin� Aistrict Couttcil: ' ' " City Council �3'ard: P�eferred�laitingA�dress: 1633 Eustis Stre2t. Sz. Faul MN 55108 :.SVhat is ��our otcupation'... SenPr� � M�na�r � . . �'I�ceof�mploymenr •' �����+��h �mm��nio< rnr Committee(s)Applied k'or: � °Sta�m Examiriind Board ; �� � . ._.. �._ _. _ .... ... _ . : :.. . . . ... . .. � . .. _ . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. What skillS, trainin� or experience do you gossess for the committee(s) for which you scek appointment? ,:, - .. :,LCar.ry::7ourney.mar�'Certificate af•.Competency Cards for. Minneapo�is and 5t. Pau1.. ... .. --•. _ . . , . , .. ._ _ . . . .. � .. . . . ��; : :: - . . . . _. . - _.. _... . .. _.. . ; � _ . . - .: .. , . ...,... ,-- :.:.: ...: ...... . .:. • -- . . �,___., . _. _ ` ` `- Pressu"r'��'St'eam ` Gas''"ffil" "`Rofriaerztion �s we'll��a's i�inn�esetz' Niah Pres�sVre' --° _ ,.._. _ . . ,; ..... ,.. ., .,.. . . .. .... ._ _ _ . . , .. _.. ...._ , ... .. -�:..- : .. .. -Steam'iisence__:.;,.. . ..:..:: -,.. .. .. . ... , . . ,. .:. . " _ . . , ..._ _. . . _.. . _... .. _. . I alsa�ca�rv�several of oiir Comoanies' Mast?r'Lisences: • • � .:_°_; ,.... ._......----_ .........:...._...:.�....:..._:. . _.:. . •' ?�'h"�v�'�iorked in tiae Mechan�icai' Conts^act�inq Field for 14"vears �Ji Ch� NewMech Com�anies.. The inls�rcnat'sun inctuded in ths5 applic�tiun is considercd private da;a �ccordin� to thc ;�Iinnesota .,..Govern:nent pata Practices Act. :ls a resuli, this in(orm�ti0n is not re]e:tsed to the �enera! public. y;.li.r <.�iy}.�t'xw....i.:..��._...�.... . . . . ' . -..-....._ ..... _ _ ...'.�.�..�•-.-�........��_.._r.._..,_.. . .._ .. _ .- .. .. . ,. . . � ' � .. . . .. .... . . . . . �. - .. . (�VER) �2ev.8-5-97 rEa-25-s� wtu 1e:�i I�ame: LarrY Ntw r�t�H rHx Nu bi�aiia3o4 N. U� 98-3yj T'FRS�! Ai, RF,FF•,RF�'CF,S Address: 1633 Eustis Street, St. Paul MN 551�8 -, Phone: ' �q.,m� ' ' (�Vnrkl 645-0451 --�Nsme.= :� , . - . "!Address:•' t27�i`'ChowPn AvP°5niith• SnitQ� �p_,q BurtLtvilie_ MN 55337 � Phone: � (i�"omel '�--tVQrkJ 890 `'ame: Pon PearSOn Address: _� 923: Wedqewood Peint Read Woodbury MN SSt?5 - � Fhone: �iomel 730-4230 - -- (S'Vorkl 545-!)451 -' . , . ` . . . . .._... . . y.. . . Beasons for your interest in this particular committee: ' I would '1 f ke to become' morP i nvoT vr� in ihe Industrv, dnd fPPI T am ���r�ItF1P�I �n m��A d,�,icinnc in thrc ara� Have you had previous contact with the eommittee for which you are makin� application? If so, when, ... , . and zhe circumstances? .., .� .. . .' _.,....� `. ,... ._:.:_.__ ........ . . . . .... ... .. . ... ni� . ..: � . . . . . . . . . In an attenlpt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please ci�eck the tine app]icable to you. This information is strictty voluntary_ �_ '�'Vhitc (Caucasian) " 131ack (Afric3n Americ�n) �+.merican Indiars orA.lasl:an �sl:imo K D'taie I3is�bled: Ycs Female \'o ' X 7fspeci�i accornmodations are needed, ple:ise speciC}•: �ispanic Asi�n or Pacifcc Islant3er l�ate of Birth: Q-28-E6 How did �'ott hear about ihis openin�?• MMCA Rscor_ - � httl WtU IC�bI NtW �t�H hHn NU. b1Lyll�Jb4 Y.UJ 9�-3�// , 'T E1ZSf_?\AT, RF:FF•,RF.\'Cl?S �..: � Larr :.. - :. . . . � Y Jordan � .. . .. , � � name: .: _; . ..... __ _ . . Addsess: �633 Eustis Street, St. Paul MN 108 .�= ' ' (�Vnrkl 645-0451 . . . .,. _. _...... ......:...............................: . . . .. ,. . .. .. = Nsmec� ' l � : � . "'Address:-' t�701''f.h�wan Ava Sniith• S��itc tp4 BurnevillP_ MN 5�437 •' Phone: � fT�omel . . � . (SVorkl 890-9332 vame_ Pon Pearson Address:-• 9235 WedqewoocS Point Road Woodbury, MN 55175 - • k'f�one: ' �,Fi�mel 730-4230 . .. � (�Vorkl 645_ �Q�i .. FLeasons for your interest in this particulnr committee: ' I would '1 ikp t� t�,�ome' morQ i n'vnl vrri ' �� in the Industrv and fPPI T am �ttA�1P�l tn m�ko�lericinns in thic araa � � .. ...._... .... _... �.: .. . ..... .. . ::::.,-.�. .,. :...,,.•�.-,:: - .._ .. "'. . ... . .. ... ..r. . : - : ' ' . .... ..-. ".. � � � . . , Have yoa had previous contact with the committee for which you are makin; application? If so, when, ., . ...; andt}�ecircumstanccs? _., :,.--- .�... .' :.,....� '.,,.... .�;:�-_..._.;, . .. . ... . : . . . . . ... ni.. .. ' . . . . . . . In an atten�pt io ensure that u�mmittee representation reQects the makeup of our community, ptease cl�eCk the line applicable to you. 'This information is strictly volunt;try. �_ YVhitc (Caucasian) ' _.._,. }�lack (African American) American Zndian orA,Jasf;an Eskimo X 11a1e Femaic Disable�i: �'es No "X 7f speci�l accommodations are needed, ple:ise specify: Flisnanic Asian or Pacific Islandcr Aate oFBirth: 9-28-66 Fiow did vou hear about iliis openino.'• __MMCA Assnr. - vc t .,.� 3 ��'1 390 I SAINT PAIIL� � 266-8525, Nase: IJc�✓�tG/ �[�UYI czTY�xazz . MINNESOTA 55102 FAX: 266-8513 98-3y1 ao�e Address: �3Gj0 f..E,� j Ct,�j�- f�orPS��d�. �'!i� a 5�2--�� Street Citp Zip Telephone 2:w-aber: CHo�e) ��1- ���-�-� / � (Gork) ZL��o^ �o�/ .(��1) 2 -S'� -- Sp�S ! Planning Distri.ct Co�ci1: Preferred Hailing Add Lihat is your occupati Place of Eaplopment: Citp Counczl Yard: Co�ittee(s) Applied For: (�f,l� if�I a-r 2 ��, V� L/� % Ahat sY_i11s/training or espezience do you possess for the coc�ittee(s) ior vnicn you seet: appointment? �/iO 2 r j � � �: t C 7 c' o vr '_ C� �/!'!l?i+-� 5 i v7 c. 2 / t / (�G /? S�v i/ �- fi C n � 1i.P g 7� vfn 2 fr7 � uJ r� ✓�, Y (� �` -� �� �i"ac:t��'� � ��'� 5'i` ��� j % ¢- (� � l/.�� ,- 5-�7` l/�Lo> � �^ r).✓✓� _' 5 fl i � � f- �� � The inz"o r�,..ation inclnded i.n tnis application is considered priczt2 ca�a accorc'_ng to c::z Hinnesota Goverment D2ta Practices Act. As a zesult, this inio.—�.tion is not �elezse� �o the general public. (OVE.R) Rev. 2i?a/96 YY:ttSOtiAL 1Z'r:FEREIvCES x�e . 1 �7.�., �-� 3 ��-ei r � 3 �- CY Address:_ _�� �J � � �� uh f7 �� � �, 9�-3y/ Phone: (Home) � � L' '' / � � � (Vork) Name: Address: �f e-'C) � �-�y -�39� � � L •'� �' � � Phone: (Home) � `� � � � TJ + CGTOrk) Name : �� ('� lr� G� �� C/�l Lt� 1 i 1 Add=ess: �� � C�r� � C 6"�5� L- 1 '1 ��� S-�.. Vj /� Phone: (Home) � � 7 V Z. �^ {pork) h�.� � r Reasons £or your interest in this particular comnittee: /.� �� A i �7 7�3 /� ''�'�J C.? �'! !� �1 ��CZ Y'lGf� t� ��, S D� L.a7 � 7-C/h C Y l rZ �L"i ��.S � vt Have you had pzevious contact vith the comnittee £or which you are making applicatioa, I£ so, vhen, and circumstances7 ✓ TThite (Caucasian) Hispanic Bl.ack (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Isiander American Indian or A2askan Eskimo � Hale Female Date of Bi=th: �� /L /� Z�' Disabled: Yes No V � If special accommodations aie needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? In an attempt to ensu=e that committee representation reflects the makeup o£ our commmitq, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictZy voluntary. Yt:KSOfu1L 1LEFERENCES Name : � i� � �'7 � � `�-U�' � H � Address: Il �J 3 ��7 c7/'i y� S�' S y--, ;� Phone: CHome) 7 �7 �r '� / Q � �} (Aork) Name: Address: � � G�7 �V U' �7 �'i.� y - � 3 ' L r� G(,l Phone •_�Fiome _��/ � "� �J � �v � (S7ork1 Name: Address: b i/ G, `� C�(� uJd �� �: � Y c v� z.; r`— t_- S-e �i, Phone: _ (Home) y � �� � Z } j� (Uork) jl�/ � r Reasons for yovr interest in this particular committee: / n� I"�, A i p� �iT /tn �� S�"r1 � cf� ,-� (�,.,.. 9� y/ Have you had p=evious contact vith the eommittee £oz vhich you are making application. If so, when, and ci=cumstances? L W�� � � �7 c� S7 d- �7 h.S C�E'Sl� N2� In an aCtempt to ensvse that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup o£ our communitp, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormaCion is strictly voluntary. O '� iThite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo l�Male / � y Female Date oE Bizth: �� �� Disabled: Yes No V ���{� If special accommodations are needed, please specify. ':tt Hou did you hear about this openingT F�FR-15-1993 11�42 ��{ �J� ��r�.� c� ti sme: iome A ' :.Tephpns Number: ;tnaing Aistrict Councit: i'referred Mailing Address: hat is your occupation? '��ate ofEmployment: ST PAUL MpYOR'S OFFICE OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAIN'T PAUL, MLY:�iESOTA 55202 Phone: 2GG-8S25 FAX: 266-8513 612 �66 5513 P.03iO4 I o r � �� �"�£fVE� s�PR 7 6 19�8 1�S'tA�'11P�Q nrr....= (1Ftome17� lFAX,}�66 City Council 1�Vard: ��O S�,f'�(ei-_5� Svi�e3a� S R l )1 �l�itnc_ �YI SF71°/'t0 d/' � ommittee(s)AppliedFor: Lc?�li � ��aSlPVY`.S �X��i��i���Uh �1�.� ��'hat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for whic6 you seek appointment? 1�re 6���, � in u,-r»� r�-,av, _,-�1,� c��e'✓P� �r�i� 2�„o�vc � � � � 0 Ie informs�tion include8 in th;s applicatioia is considered private data accordiag to the 11I;nnesata : overnmen# Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER} Rev. 5-5-97 streec c;ity Zip RPP,-15-199� A1�42 ST PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 5513 P.04�04 PERC,�02�AT�i2�,�R�NC.E�^ % O -3y/ '-ame: ��`� DP �-R'S S /Pf : .1 Sdress: ...� � U .S'� �,�' `� P�— � S t� i �� �S G� .__,_._...--•---- : :,one: jFLQ.tnsJ (Wo_�) 2 �G g�/2 � ame: � �adress: ? �, one: ' :;me: � ddress: _'.�one: _ for yonr interest in this psrticulnr hr ave you had previous contaet with the wmmittee for which you are making :tpplication? If so, when, _.:id the cirCUmstauces? :;� an attempt to ensure that committee representatian rnfleCfs the makeup of our community, please :eck the line applitAble to you. This information is stricUy voluntary. _,_� White (Caucasiun} � Black {ACrican American) ____ American Indian or ASasl:an Eskimo __�_ hSale F�male �isabled: Yes No �_ i special accommodafions are needed, ptease specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Lslander Date af Birth: 3�2S��F l .-ow did you hear aboat Yhis opening? - — TOTRL P.04 �l-Tame) (ji'nrkl � 7 7 " �-S �S (t�ome �i�ork) 6� J-' U< p k' RPP.-15-1998 11:42 ST PRUL 1�RYOR'S OFFICE • •►: : •_� .-ame: ,-� �ldress: ?'tione: �:ime: .'-�Idress: I';�one: ' :xme: � ddrCSS: 612 266 8513 P.04iO4 98^3Y1 ':',ione: (flome� �'york� b `f �7 -' U� U X ltensons for your interest in this pflrticulnr committee: �� : ave you had previous contact with the conm�ittee for which you are m�king applicntion? If so, when, .: nd the circumstances? i,i an attempt to ensure that committee representation retleCts the makeup aF our comruunity, please :;eck the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. _� White (Caucasinn) �.� Black (AErican American) , American Indian orAiaskan Eskimo __,� biale Femsle :isabled: Xes No � ` Speci�l accommodations are needed, plelse specify: :: ow did yon hear about this opening? Hispanic Asian or PaciCc Islander Date oP Birth: 3 �1� 1 70TAL P.04 � 1:�� � �, � r � HFF.-15-1�9� �� 11�42 �;ime: ; r ame Ai(dress: Street "t c{ephqne Number: "G� ' anning District Council: ST PAUL hIAYOP,' S OFF I CE OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITX HALL SAIlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55202 ne: -8525 FAX: 266-8513 � _l��{./GC)��/ City Ciry Council�Vard: ���" � Zip Y rcferred 1VIaiting Address: �t�i� — .�� �°, �;-�,�- s�f_ - o.�i ��uG �5�i�, 3i '- hat is your occupation? �"�ace of Employment: �E�.'CC�'�. .�c�, c, c�iNG <L �-�f�,�c; 2�`. C ��i oF �%c3� �x.u�� a����., ontmittee(s) Applied Far: (�J �A'�iff�s � ��fi.�� 5 �0�� � �o.iJE'�Z�: E I�z'is/�s �`� CfauF�J% JZl�'}�sc;,� �"�c� �c� �', hnt skills, training or expericnce do you possess for fhe committee(s) for wl�icl� you seek nppointment? .1 �t �� �Ltr�;2t/C� �.v c ���c � /.UG- ci,v�A.c''Crt�.�''� �.0 7� c'� r � . �s' iU.ec �� -�� �Lris� ��rn2/ j �.r) � .�11��.c,frs��..t- �oi�f �!/� P��is��s— �.��� /l��f�c:�'� �ivtr�s. �i�L C,rr_..E'�t.Ts� � C�.up,E:�ix:c�i. ��-z GU�tt z�f�i�r� �,�' ,�i� t3`��L��arG- ��,t. issuz-=s �,c,�jr���J�.u�- �£s� 7`�z:s, /f.4vi�.z- ��� ,g- ��,«i���;U �c�,� kz. � ��T �� yg� ll��.�cv �s i/'(z- .�'T3t7�` �'� K�/[,�-f�/. v yL�l� ,� y Tlt� G/ � _. L//n JiE Ci��£� Tl�'£.t/7y ' Fi JF _�-.t-�Q.S ,L �ZCA,�2/Z,u�C� /.t1 C�AIS. C; s� r4 �'cst2y�29a` C`Ar����d� f.�af �o��sutreea.% aud� .2t.sr��.�ha� /,�J�,C.0 r �c.',9 /�h',� .X���tt% `,�� ���t-.rz�-.�" ,��.'.� �ut'�E2Jt�t�-t-"�.�ti� � A�.'�%}S� �J��t[�1tiflnf �tiC 7�.'i9���'S�£.G3a•� C�� �lf��l ^�'P� � �S. �'U/11.4�-ifl�-'t�E CGitTJF �C��� � SAG'C`fFtC.�. r�s izi��/ r�s Ca�.�s � c,2�,.�a�r�_s . ---- :��e informtltion included in this appiication is co�tsidered privaYe data a�cording fo tHe iVIinneso2a �-overnment Data Pr�ctices Act. As a result, this information is noi released to the general pubiic. 612 26 ���.03iO4 98- 3 y1 APR 16 i998 �:����� ���� (p�R) Rev. 5-5-97 APR-25-199'� 11 � 4� ST PfIUL 1�lAYt7P,' S OFP I CE 612 266 8513 P. 04iO4 r �la � '':Fme: �tlsi� ��2-Lfl�(117 , � �dress: _ ��j � / n°� �, �f. l�'AzLt ,5�, I d G :'lione: ($2pi� ��7� 7131$ (}Vor 1 � ;imc: '. �ldress: Fhone: ' ' ame: � ddress: �';aone: 1;casons for your interest in this particular committee: � 7�� �/��� �% � ����;�k� ��35i fffsti/� �y ieU'U�'L1/��� /,�l �Mi.UtS7£,llA,�C �1 /11�Z� TidfG- _� �-!�'<� F�C.tt�,QPcIdJi �!L'Et3StiUG �9'A;�) �`fid2�t��,�`hl�C�'�l E�,4,/l15 �� '�/f5E iu.� ��4;er� T s ,U1C�CC�K .�° ��oc/�i� �c' i7U� (`oa� T�.�c..t�i�t � � �o - - - - -- -- � ave you had previous contact with the committee for wLich you xre m�king application? If so, when, !" White {Caucasian) _ Black (AFrican American) � American Indian or AiasRan Eskimo v l�fale FcmaIe �isabled: Yes No t speciai accommodations are needed, ptease specify: Hispunic Asian or paci6c Tslander Date of$irth: l� � � } u'T tow did you hear abaut this opening? _�'`uJ�� i� �1����,z��� i T�Tf� P.04 (Ti4me) �77�� � U l.�� ork� ,��� - �/bl SG � : 1 1L' ► ��� � I I ii �n atYempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our cammunity, piease ;ceck the line appliCable ta you. This information is strictly voluntary. � AP�C-15-1998 S1�A2 57 PpUL hiRYGF?'S OFFICE �,: _ � � _, 612 266 8513 P.04iO4 �8- 3 y �,:�m�: �� ��-�.�� .\�ldress: _ ���3 / r1�,e�Ll �. �t, i�f/ilC_ S��OG I'ItoT10: �nmr '�7G� 7lJI�' (�Vorka ti;tmm �.;taress: .�3' �£z�-�'�. ��f —�'u�/z .� .St�,�uL �`3�1d � Pl�one: (Flome) �7'�7 � !�� 'Vork) .. . %�� - /�DlSG " ' ; :ime: � ddress; ?'�wne: itensons foryour intcrest in this particulnr committee: � 7�f� �i.(I(yL.� �'/7� �rY1�tt�;�%E . ���Si �fA/J%�+-1 l/�.�Uc�L(JF<) /J./ �!1?1.UtS7f /A,+G- �lJ,� lltn'tT/�� �f� �..le<3 /�CA�.€'¢.t�E�Ui , ��c�cls�fuG ,,, �:,) (�cd7�,�?�`h ��y EzC,B/Z45 sf-c�� �.s,E iu,� .���f'�s �>s .11G-lGst2 �1'" eSr�O�![i� ,�c i7e��' �avc �� had previous contact with the cou�mittee for which you are m�king appficatio�? IF so, wfien, s! White (Caucasimi) ,,,_ Biack (African AmcricAn) _,,_. American Indian or Ataskan Eskimo � iFiale Fcmalc ' >isabled: �es No � sprcinl accommodufions are needed, plense specify: Hispnnic Asian or Paciflc Isiandcr D:tte of $trth: l' � 3 �� u' � - low did you hear about this opening? f�/"�/L'Z L/�� //��/����' �`L! j TOTf� P.04 :�u• ���/ I i� an attempt to ensure that committee representation refileCts the makeup oF our community, piease :�eck tlie line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. • 9p- 3y/ 04-22-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 1 CO23MI2TEE : C.C. Board of Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003456 Conway, John C. LIEP 350 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-9021 LathersjPlasterersjconcrete 4-16-95 Certificate of Competency Jan Gasterland 1133 Thorn St., 55106 h) 776-7018 Richard Owen LIEP 350 St. Peter Street, 55102 w) 266-9014 h) 777-9006 Vergel Wason 842 Raymond Street St. Pau1, MN 55114 w) 646-7207 002975 Galloway, Mark S. city of St. Paul Property Management 25 W. Fourth Street, #225 St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-6031 Bldg. Superintendent Mi1es McGinley 777 Butternut St. Paul, MN 55102 Dave Nelson 5566 Alameda Street Shoreview, MN A) 483-0480 Pat Paladie 2052 Nebraska Ave. East H) 778-0529 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- --°---- -------- -°----- --- --- --- 04/16/98 W M 7 4 OS/03j95 W M 003458 Kenyon, David Vern 04/16j98 W M Suite 300 350 St. Peter Street 9�' -3y� 04-22-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICAIITS. RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : C.C. BoaYd oE Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1j94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -^-- -------- -------- ----°-- --- -^- --� St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-9024 fax266-9099 Building Inspector 4-16-98 Robert Kessler 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 St. Paul, MN w) 266-9112 Dick Felber 312 Central Avenue Room 386 Minneapolis, MN 55414 w) 379-1515 Bruce Pottle 820 Transfer Road St. Pau1, MN 55114 w) 645-0208 003441 Noyes, Jay E. 1491 E. Arlington St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-3300 Journeyman Electrician 6 2 02(19f98 W M 2-19-98 Certificate of Competency Jane Bablex 22 Empire Dr. St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 290-2212 003457 Olson, David LIEP Suite 300 350 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-9061 Sr. Ventilation Inspector 04f17(9S W M 4-17-98 C.C. Jan Gasterland 1133 Shorn Street St. Paul, MN 776-7018 ��' �/ 04-22-98 APPLZCAI3TS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : C.C. Board of Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS Richard Amey 2398 Orchard Lane White Bear Lake, MN 770-3368 Doug schwab 370 Oakcrest Lane Roseville, MN 484-8230 003371 Pearson, Troy A. NewMech Companies, Inc. 1633 Eustis Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Work - 642-5562 FAX 6425599 Steam Examining/Gen. Mgr. Larry Jordan 1633 Eustis St., 55108 w) 645-0451 Dave Wistricill Suite 109 12701 Chowen Ave. S. Burnsville, MN 55337 w) 890-9332 Ron Pearson 9235 Wedgewood Point Road Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-4230 w) 645-0451 003440 Wilking, Sohn 1238 Maywwod street St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 489-829� Mechanical Inspector PAGE 3 WARD FLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ----�--_ "-- --- --- 5 10 2-16-98 Certificate of Competency (Steam Boar{d) 02/25/98 W M 02f06/98 W M Charles Maloney 700 Transfer Road, 55114 w) 647-9920 � , 04=22-98 AYPLSCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT 9�-3y/ PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : C.C. Board of Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARU PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) Ron Rice LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Bldg. w) 266-9041 � Dick Anfang 411 Main St. Council File # ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 98-.�� `�� �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappoirrimenis, made by the Mayor, of ihe following individuals to serve on the CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAMINING BOARDS. (All positions aze reappointrnents, except those denoted as appnixtees.) Concrete Masonr�and Cement I�tiuishers Frank Berg Richard Gilbert Duwaine Knajdek John Conway—Sc Building Inspector and Building Officiat Designee--Appointee Fue1 Burner Dennis Chada David Hodgson Jerold Maleitzke Richard Pesek Ron Rice—Senior Mechanical Inspector and Building Official Designee Lathers and Plasterers Richard Felber Herb Holzschuh David Kenyon—Appointee John Conway, SeniorBuildinglnspector and Building Officia] Designee--Appointee RESOLUTION Green Sheet # OF SAINT PAUL, MINNE50TA Plumbera Mickey Nasseff William Rascher Robert Schwarhzbauer Bernie Bullert—Water Utility Representative Hazley Currier—Building Official Designee Refri�eration Bil] Daly Lazry Jordan John Matthews Ron Rice—Building Official Designee Steamfitting Paul F3ack1 Dougias Olson Troy Pearson —Appointee John W illang—Appointee Ron Rice--Building Official Designee Warm AirHeatine/Ventilation George Albets Eugene Binder Michael Connelly Donaid Geng Jann Peyer Alternate David Olson—Building Official Designea--Appointee Each member shall serve a three-year term which will eapire on July 1, 20 Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: App� By: Adopted by Council: Date �{�,�aq ,r{q� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: • �,�ii�" � 2� -�/ �' N° 52336 9tr.� s �r DEMR7MENTfOFFICER:OVNCIL � DATE INITIATED � � � � Mayor Coleman's Office 4-21-98 � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE IN1ilAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOA CINCOUNCIL Roger C.11Xt15 266-8531 /SSIGN �CITYATTORNEI' QTVCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (pATE1 NUMBER FOR ❑ BUOGET DIREGTOq O FIN. & MGT SERVICES �IR. NOUTING OpOEP � MAYOR �OR ASSISTAM) � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES __]_ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION PEDUESTEO: Approval of appointments and reappointments of inembers to serve on the Certificate of Competency Examining Boards. RECOMMENDAr1oN5: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PV.NNING COMTAISSION _ CrvIL SERVICE COMMISSION �. Has ffii5 persOnflirm ¢ver worked untle� a ConiraCt tOr this departm2Rf? _CIBCOMMITfEE _ VES NO � STAFF 2. Has this personKrm e�er been a city employee? — YES NO _ o1SrR�Cr GoURT _ 3. Does this personlfirm posses5 a 5kiii not normaffy po55essetl by any curreM city employae� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on seperate eheet end ettach to green shaet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPpORTUNIT'(Wlro, What. When. Whare. Why) ADVANTAGES IF A7PROVED' �ISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: �'sbl�dd� ���� L`a��t�?4, �3F�'6 �a � " � DfSADVANTAGE5IF NOT APPflW E�. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TNANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUOGE7Ep (qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOUHCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORAriATION (EXPLAIN) 9�-3 y/ Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul CitX Councitmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter FROM: Roger C. Curtis �. DATE: Apri122, 1998 RE: Cert►f►cate of Competency Exnmining Boards Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of inembers to serve on the Certificate of Competency Examining Boards. Attached is a copy of the resolution listing these members. Also attached is an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994 and copies of the new appointees' applications. Feel free to call me at 266-8531 if you have any questions. RCC:dw Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Dick Owen, LIEP A.U3SEAS�MORRO�NWPFII,ES\COMPET.CNC 02/06/1998 08:08 2286241 IRN-26-1998 09�18 FR•�M , � � �� ��,(f � Plamo: � k K $ome Addreys: �,� 5trett Te(ephone Number. PlanninY DisYritt Coupeil: Preferced Malting Address: CITY OF S7 PaU� LIEP 70 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CiTY Fl4LI, SAINTPAUL,MINNESO7A 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 26b8S13 lt/>!l(�na r� PAGE 02 �zzesza i P. aaz 98- 3 y/ stS:E1Y�,4 r`3 05 i998 -, y,.,. --� - —� � rxu t .7a// / City Zip 1$Omel ��9 � �6 ��ork, aa �' - 2y7��x� �a S'-6� v/ — �� City Council Wprd; � What is your occupation? S� Place of �mpioyment: $� Commltte!(a) App1i¢d For: s �; � c� �i G�� G: � 4;�� What skitlt, training or experlence do you posaess for the commiftee(s) for which yuu seek uppoinhnent7 � ti�/n� �ke �ol%vl;Kq !.'ceKSeS _ reht Mecl,ah;�al �n����Or � i., /DO F // �k ca-. o� 5��: �e�t / �u r n eye.-.ay G?S�e�in �r � 7/NG 0 � � �u� Jiur»eyMaK J`JeQ�7 '1� ��j�b i ef S� /�arc( '�pHrne OiL6urntr #'fZ85� e� S�'�• au/ �ourti< yxan }'�e�r•ytru�l.'oH ,� '�� /� o Sf. / Mas��r /Qe�f'r•9era {,'o,t 1�3�75� .��a�� o� M,'n„�5< � 7cur„e ,,,«.. N,• � P..�ssk�� �• ; # . �e/�' OT YE��f'tnFr�'eS'� Gk�ts4i<et���sr �YYJQH4 �f"�c�' �P ti 7��Q f 4 n Q� CO{h M CPI' JR I!' DH S'�Y r�L7 Oit /�� a V� c �,�e,r v��'cG' ;0�� ��tr . �� : �' r �� yc° f�, i�/l1i ��,�� a � rac rors• .� �ts�p _�.� u ��R�icR� �ti�geC�or �ev T�,2 .S� �../ G.�� /�. )g /KA J ; Tl�e inCurmation included in thls npplitation is considered private data actording lo the Minnesota ry '�,� �, Govsrnroent Data Practices Act. As a result, this information i9 not relensed to ti�e eenerat public. ; t 9 (OVFR) Rev. 8-5-97 62/06/1998 08:08 228b241 ..,,. ��� .�_o n�. ia rir�•i ���r U"r ST r�J� �IE° TJ I'Tal; .. • : ' . y. Name: Address: 922t'362Q1 PAGE 63 p d@3 98-3y/ ,, ,:,,� � . ,. . Name: Address: Phone: orkl a �i �o -qQ7 � Name: Addresa: Q� Phone: (Home) ^�""—��._...- {yyorkl Re � nsons for yoar intereat 3n t pnrticutnr commtttee: �-S ct /,'�e /a�o �q re S i�Pn -,� n�" 7 � � C11 �. � n 1 G� �"" ' " � -r 1 � . . i _ � Have you 6ad prevlovs contact with the commFitee for which you are mnking applfcation7 TCso, when, and the ci�cumstaaccs? A /� /l/ In an utempt to ettsure thAt committee represen[ation relletts the makenp of ovr commvnity� }�tease check the Ifne applicable to you. This informntian is strictly vo]untary. / White (Caucasian) Blaek (African American) Ameriean ind;an or Alnsknn Eskimo X Mate Dl�abted: Ycs Femnle No� 2fspeciai accommodations are needed, plense specify: How did yon 6ear about this opening? Hlspanie Asian or PaeiT+c It2snder DAte of Btrth: � /�- �� rora� a.� 02/06/1998 08:08 2286241 ,�• ��� .�va G�•ao rm�•i ��iY UF 57 P� �IE° 7a ; .. �: r Name: Address: I'hone: Name: Addray: 922862a1 p,a03 9�-3y/ _ _ . _ - - - '�� i �aTCSS,v.m � u�� PhOOC: Lftomel ' _ ltNn 4� � � �-9Q�� Name: Addresa: Phone: Restsons fve your intereat In this pnrticulnr committee: � � Have you had previous contact with thc committee for which you are mnking npplfcation? If so, when, andthecircumstances? /)/� iv In nn �ttempt to ensure thnt commlttee representatlon retlects the mnkeup of our community� plense cfieek the line applicable to you, This informntion is strictly voiuntary. / Whlte (CAUCatian) Blatk (African qmarican) Amer;can Iadian or Alns}rnn Eskimo X Male Femnle Dl�abled: Ycs No,� IfSpecial accornmodAtions are needed, piense tpec+fy: How did you hear about thfa openJng? PAGE 03 Ai�panic Asian or Pacttic Istander Aate of $tcth: � /�` �Q � TOT� a,0g3 ��:[qrira � � '�//�I � tttome� � �-- _ fWorkl FEB-25-98 WED 12�56 NE MECH FAX N0, 6129173364 P.02 98 � 1 t OFc ICE OF ���E bf�YOR . j� � 340 CT'S'Y T�1T.L" , ' • . ` � SAL�iT FALTL, �I�\'ESO"I'A SSIO2 ;,. � " � Yhonc_ ZG6-3525 FA.X: 266-8513 , I4ame:. TroY A. PeoYso�:. ... °. :� . •: . . . . .. ..._.... . ... . . ... . -Home.4ddress: 2171 O�k' G1Qn Trai 1 ct; � j4��+or nr� 55(1flY . = -. . �":, • Street . _ City Zip `';TelephoneNumoer: • �r(Qm�J 4'i9-7974 (�'�ori;l F�a�_55f,9 (FA\l 6A�-5590 ' �`Pl�nnin� Aistrict Couttcil: ' ' " City Council �3'ard: P�eferred�laitingA�dress: 1633 Eustis Stre2t. Sz. Faul MN 55108 :.SVhat is ��our otcupation'... SenPr� � M�na�r � . . �'I�ceof�mploymenr •' �����+��h �mm��nio< rnr Committee(s)Applied k'or: � °Sta�m Examiriind Board ; �� � . ._.. �._ _. _ .... ... _ . : :.. . . . ... . .. � . .. _ . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. What skillS, trainin� or experience do you gossess for the committee(s) for which you scek appointment? ,:, - .. :,LCar.ry::7ourney.mar�'Certificate af•.Competency Cards for. Minneapo�is and 5t. Pau1.. ... .. --•. _ . . , . , .. ._ _ . . . .. � .. . . . ��; : :: - . . . . _. . - _.. _... . .. _.. . ; � _ . . - .: .. , . ...,... ,-- :.:.: ...: ...... . .:. • -- . . �,___., . _. _ ` ` `- Pressu"r'��'St'eam ` Gas''"ffil" "`Rofriaerztion �s we'll��a's i�inn�esetz' Niah Pres�sVre' --° _ ,.._. _ . . ,; ..... ,.. ., .,.. . . .. .... ._ _ _ . . , .. _.. ...._ , ... .. -�:..- : .. .. -Steam'iisence__:.;,.. . ..:..:: -,.. .. .. . ... , . . ,. .:. . " _ . . , ..._ _. . . _.. . _... .. _. . I alsa�ca�rv�several of oiir Comoanies' Mast?r'Lisences: • • � .:_°_; ,.... ._......----_ .........:...._...:.�....:..._:. . _.:. . •' ?�'h"�v�'�iorked in tiae Mechan�icai' Conts^act�inq Field for 14"vears �Ji Ch� NewMech Com�anies.. The inls�rcnat'sun inctuded in ths5 applic�tiun is considercd private da;a �ccordin� to thc ;�Iinnesota .,..Govern:nent pata Practices Act. :ls a resuli, this in(orm�ti0n is not re]e:tsed to the �enera! public. y;.li.r <.�iy}.�t'xw....i.:..��._...�.... . . . . ' . -..-....._ ..... _ _ ...'.�.�..�•-.-�........��_.._r.._..,_.. . .._ .. _ .- .. .. . ,. . . � ' � .. . . .. .... . . . . . �. - .. . (�VER) �2ev.8-5-97 rEa-25-s� wtu 1e:�i I�ame: LarrY Ntw r�t�H rHx Nu bi�aiia3o4 N. U� 98-3yj T'FRS�! Ai, RF,FF•,RF�'CF,S Address: 1633 Eustis Street, St. Paul MN 551�8 -, Phone: ' �q.,m� ' ' (�Vnrkl 645-0451 --�Nsme.= :� , . - . "!Address:•' t27�i`'ChowPn AvP°5niith• SnitQ� �p_,q BurtLtvilie_ MN 55337 � Phone: � (i�"omel '�--tVQrkJ 890 `'ame: Pon PearSOn Address: _� 923: Wedqewood Peint Read Woodbury MN SSt?5 - � Fhone: �iomel 730-4230 - -- (S'Vorkl 545-!)451 -' . , . ` . . . . .._... . . y.. . . Beasons for your interest in this particular committee: ' I would '1 f ke to become' morP i nvoT vr� in ihe Industrv, dnd fPPI T am ���r�ItF1P�I �n m��A d,�,icinnc in thrc ara� Have you had previous contact with the eommittee for which you are makin� application? If so, when, ... , . and zhe circumstances? .., .� .. . .' _.,....� `. ,... ._:.:_.__ ........ . . . . .... ... .. . ... ni� . ..: � . . . . . . . . . In an attenlpt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please ci�eck the tine app]icable to you. This information is strictty voluntary_ �_ '�'Vhitc (Caucasian) " 131ack (Afric3n Americ�n) �+.merican Indiars orA.lasl:an �sl:imo K D'taie I3is�bled: Ycs Female \'o ' X 7fspeci�i accornmodations are needed, ple:ise speciC}•: �ispanic Asi�n or Pacifcc Islant3er l�ate of Birth: Q-28-E6 How did �'ott hear about ihis openin�?• MMCA Rscor_ - � httl WtU IC�bI NtW �t�H hHn NU. b1Lyll�Jb4 Y.UJ 9�-3�// , 'T E1ZSf_?\AT, RF:FF•,RF.\'Cl?S �..: � Larr :.. - :. . . . � Y Jordan � .. . .. , � � name: .: _; . ..... __ _ . . Addsess: �633 Eustis Street, St. Paul MN 108 .�= ' ' (�Vnrkl 645-0451 . . . .,. _. _...... ......:...............................: . . . .. ,. . .. .. = Nsmec� ' l � : � . "'Address:-' t�701''f.h�wan Ava Sniith• S��itc tp4 BurnevillP_ MN 5�437 •' Phone: � fT�omel . . � . (SVorkl 890-9332 vame_ Pon Pearson Address:-• 9235 WedqewoocS Point Road Woodbury, MN 55175 - • k'f�one: ' �,Fi�mel 730-4230 . .. � (�Vorkl 645_ �Q�i .. FLeasons for your interest in this particulnr committee: ' I would '1 ikp t� t�,�ome' morQ i n'vnl vrri ' �� in the Industrv and fPPI T am �ttA�1P�l tn m�ko�lericinns in thic araa � � .. ...._... .... _... �.: .. . ..... .. . ::::.,-.�. .,. :...,,.•�.-,:: - .._ .. "'. . ... . .. ... ..r. . : - : ' ' . .... ..-. ".. � � � . . , Have yoa had previous contact with the committee for which you are makin; application? If so, when, ., . ...; andt}�ecircumstanccs? _., :,.--- .�... .' :.,....� '.,,.... .�;:�-_..._.;, . .. . ... . : . . . . . ... ni.. .. ' . . . . . . . In an atten�pt io ensure that u�mmittee representation reQects the makeup of our community, ptease cl�eCk the line applicable to you. 'This information is strictly volunt;try. �_ YVhitc (Caucasian) ' _.._,. }�lack (African American) American Zndian orA,Jasf;an Eskimo X 11a1e Femaic Disable�i: �'es No "X 7f speci�l accommodations are needed, ple:ise specify: Flisnanic Asian or Pacific Islandcr Aate oFBirth: 9-28-66 Fiow did vou hear about iliis openino.'• __MMCA Assnr. - vc t .,.� 3 ��'1 390 I SAINT PAIIL� � 266-8525, Nase: IJc�✓�tG/ �[�UYI czTY�xazz . MINNESOTA 55102 FAX: 266-8513 98-3y1 ao�e Address: �3Gj0 f..E,� j Ct,�j�- f�orPS��d�. �'!i� a 5�2--�� Street Citp Zip Telephone 2:w-aber: CHo�e) ��1- ���-�-� / � (Gork) ZL��o^ �o�/ .(��1) 2 -S'� -- Sp�S ! Planning Distri.ct Co�ci1: Preferred Hailing Add Lihat is your occupati Place of Eaplopment: Citp Counczl Yard: Co�ittee(s) Applied For: (�f,l� if�I a-r 2 ��, V� L/� % Ahat sY_i11s/training or espezience do you possess for the coc�ittee(s) ior vnicn you seet: appointment? �/iO 2 r j � � �: t C 7 c' o vr '_ C� �/!'!l?i+-� 5 i v7 c. 2 / t / (�G /? S�v i/ �- fi C n � 1i.P g 7� vfn 2 fr7 � uJ r� ✓�, Y (� �` -� �� �i"ac:t��'� � ��'� 5'i` ��� j % ¢- (� � l/.�� ,- 5-�7` l/�Lo> � �^ r).✓✓� _' 5 fl i � � f- �� � The inz"o r�,..ation inclnded i.n tnis application is considered priczt2 ca�a accorc'_ng to c::z Hinnesota Goverment D2ta Practices Act. As a zesult, this inio.—�.tion is not �elezse� �o the general public. (OVE.R) Rev. 2i?a/96 YY:ttSOtiAL 1Z'r:FEREIvCES x�e . 1 �7.�., �-� 3 ��-ei r � 3 �- CY Address:_ _�� �J � � �� uh f7 �� � �, 9�-3y/ Phone: (Home) � � L' '' / � � � (Vork) Name: Address: �f e-'C) � �-�y -�39� � � L •'� �' � � Phone: (Home) � `� � � � TJ + CGTOrk) Name : �� ('� lr� G� �� C/�l Lt� 1 i 1 Add=ess: �� � C�r� � C 6"�5� L- 1 '1 ��� S-�.. Vj /� Phone: (Home) � � 7 V Z. �^ {pork) h�.� � r Reasons £or your interest in this particular comnittee: /.� �� A i �7 7�3 /� ''�'�J C.? �'! !� �1 ��CZ Y'lGf� t� ��, S D� L.a7 � 7-C/h C Y l rZ �L"i ��.S � vt Have you had pzevious contact vith the comnittee £or which you are making applicatioa, I£ so, vhen, and circumstances7 ✓ TThite (Caucasian) Hispanic Bl.ack (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Isiander American Indian or A2askan Eskimo � Hale Female Date of Bi=th: �� /L /� Z�' Disabled: Yes No V � If special accommodations aie needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? In an attempt to ensu=e that committee representation reflects the makeup o£ our commmitq, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictZy voluntary. Yt:KSOfu1L 1LEFERENCES Name : � i� � �'7 � � `�-U�' � H � Address: Il �J 3 ��7 c7/'i y� S�' S y--, ;� Phone: CHome) 7 �7 �r '� / Q � �} (Aork) Name: Address: � � G�7 �V U' �7 �'i.� y - � 3 ' L r� G(,l Phone •_�Fiome _��/ � "� �J � �v � (S7ork1 Name: Address: b i/ G, `� C�(� uJd �� �: � Y c v� z.; r`— t_- S-e �i, Phone: _ (Home) y � �� � Z } j� (Uork) jl�/ � r Reasons for yovr interest in this particular committee: / n� I"�, A i p� �iT /tn �� S�"r1 � cf� ,-� (�,.,.. 9� y/ Have you had p=evious contact vith the eommittee £oz vhich you are making application. If so, when, and ci=cumstances? L W�� � � �7 c� S7 d- �7 h.S C�E'Sl� N2� In an aCtempt to ensvse that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup o£ our communitp, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormaCion is strictly voluntary. O '� iThite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo l�Male / � y Female Date oE Bizth: �� �� Disabled: Yes No V ���{� If special accommodations are needed, please specify. ':tt Hou did you hear about this openingT F�FR-15-1993 11�42 ��{ �J� ��r�.� c� ti sme: iome A ' :.Tephpns Number: ;tnaing Aistrict Councit: i'referred Mailing Address: hat is your occupation? '��ate ofEmployment: ST PAUL MpYOR'S OFFICE OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAIN'T PAUL, MLY:�iESOTA 55202 Phone: 2GG-8S25 FAX: 266-8513 612 �66 5513 P.03iO4 I o r � �� �"�£fVE� s�PR 7 6 19�8 1�S'tA�'11P�Q nrr....= (1Ftome17� lFAX,}�66 City Council 1�Vard: ��O S�,f'�(ei-_5� Svi�e3a� S R l )1 �l�itnc_ �YI SF71°/'t0 d/' � ommittee(s)AppliedFor: Lc?�li � ��aSlPVY`.S �X��i��i���Uh �1�.� ��'hat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for whic6 you seek appointment? 1�re 6���, � in u,-r»� r�-,av, _,-�1,� c��e'✓P� �r�i� 2�„o�vc � � � � 0 Ie informs�tion include8 in th;s applicatioia is considered private data accordiag to the 11I;nnesata : overnmen# Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER} Rev. 5-5-97 streec c;ity Zip RPP,-15-199� A1�42 ST PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 5513 P.04�04 PERC,�02�AT�i2�,�R�NC.E�^ % O -3y/ '-ame: ��`� DP �-R'S S /Pf : .1 Sdress: ...� � U .S'� �,�' `� P�— � S t� i �� �S G� .__,_._...--•---- : :,one: jFLQ.tnsJ (Wo_�) 2 �G g�/2 � ame: � �adress: ? �, one: ' :;me: � ddress: _'.�one: _ for yonr interest in this psrticulnr hr ave you had previous contaet with the wmmittee for which you are making :tpplication? If so, when, _.:id the cirCUmstauces? :;� an attempt to ensure that committee representatian rnfleCfs the makeup of our community, please :eck the line applitAble to you. This information is stricUy voluntary. _,_� White (Caucasiun} � Black {ACrican American) ____ American Indian or ASasl:an Eskimo __�_ hSale F�male �isabled: Yes No �_ i special accommodafions are needed, ptease specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Lslander Date af Birth: 3�2S��F l .-ow did you hear aboat Yhis opening? - — TOTRL P.04 �l-Tame) (ji'nrkl � 7 7 " �-S �S (t�ome �i�ork) 6� J-' U< p k' RPP.-15-1998 11:42 ST PRUL 1�RYOR'S OFFICE • •►: : •_� .-ame: ,-� �ldress: ?'tione: �:ime: .'-�Idress: I';�one: ' :xme: � ddrCSS: 612 266 8513 P.04iO4 98^3Y1 ':',ione: (flome� �'york� b `f �7 -' U� U X ltensons for your interest in this pflrticulnr committee: �� : ave you had previous contact with the conm�ittee for which you are m�king applicntion? If so, when, .: nd the circumstances? i,i an attempt to ensure that committee representation retleCts the makeup aF our comruunity, please :;eck the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. _� White (Caucasinn) �.� Black (AErican American) , American Indian orAiaskan Eskimo __,� biale Femsle :isabled: Xes No � ` Speci�l accommodations are needed, plelse specify: :: ow did yon hear about this opening? Hispanic Asian or PaciCc Islander Date oP Birth: 3 �1� 1 70TAL P.04 � 1:�� � �, � r � HFF.-15-1�9� �� 11�42 �;ime: ; r ame Ai(dress: Street "t c{ephqne Number: "G� ' anning District Council: ST PAUL hIAYOP,' S OFF I CE OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITX HALL SAIlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55202 ne: -8525 FAX: 266-8513 � _l��{./GC)��/ City Ciry Council�Vard: ���" � Zip Y rcferred 1VIaiting Address: �t�i� — .�� �°, �;-�,�- s�f_ - o.�i ��uG �5�i�, 3i '- hat is your occupation? �"�ace of Employment: �E�.'CC�'�. .�c�, c, c�iNG <L �-�f�,�c; 2�`. C ��i oF �%c3� �x.u�� a����., ontmittee(s) Applied Far: (�J �A'�iff�s � ��fi.�� 5 �0�� � �o.iJE'�Z�: E I�z'is/�s �`� CfauF�J% JZl�'}�sc;,� �"�c� �c� �', hnt skills, training or expericnce do you possess for fhe committee(s) for wl�icl� you seek nppointment? .1 �t �� �Ltr�;2t/C� �.v c ���c � /.UG- ci,v�A.c''Crt�.�''� �.0 7� c'� r � . �s' iU.ec �� -�� �Lris� ��rn2/ j �.r) � .�11��.c,frs��..t- �oi�f �!/� P��is��s— �.��� /l��f�c:�'� �ivtr�s. �i�L C,rr_..E'�t.Ts� � C�.up,E:�ix:c�i. ��-z GU�tt z�f�i�r� �,�' ,�i� t3`��L��arG- ��,t. issuz-=s �,c,�jr���J�.u�- �£s� 7`�z:s, /f.4vi�.z- ��� ,g- ��,«i���;U �c�,� kz. � ��T �� yg� ll��.�cv �s i/'(z- .�'T3t7�` �'� K�/[,�-f�/. v yL�l� ,� y Tlt� G/ � _. L//n JiE Ci��£� Tl�'£.t/7y ' Fi JF _�-.t-�Q.S ,L �ZCA,�2/Z,u�C� /.t1 C�AIS. C; s� r4 �'cst2y�29a` C`Ar����d� f.�af �o��sutreea.% aud� .2t.sr��.�ha� /,�J�,C.0 r �c.',9 /�h',� .X���tt% `,�� ���t-.rz�-.�" ,��.'.� �ut'�E2Jt�t�-t-"�.�ti� � A�.'�%}S� �J��t[�1tiflnf �tiC 7�.'i9���'S�£.G3a•� C�� �lf��l ^�'P� � �S. �'U/11.4�-ifl�-'t�E CGitTJF �C��� � SAG'C`fFtC.�. r�s izi��/ r�s Ca�.�s � c,2�,.�a�r�_s . ---- :��e informtltion included in this appiication is co�tsidered privaYe data a�cording fo tHe iVIinneso2a �-overnment Data Pr�ctices Act. As a result, this information is noi released to the general pubiic. 612 26 ���.03iO4 98- 3 y1 APR 16 i998 �:����� ���� (p�R) Rev. 5-5-97 APR-25-199'� 11 � 4� ST PfIUL 1�lAYt7P,' S OFP I CE 612 266 8513 P. 04iO4 r �la � '':Fme: �tlsi� ��2-Lfl�(117 , � �dress: _ ��j � / n°� �, �f. l�'AzLt ,5�, I d G :'lione: ($2pi� ��7� 7131$ (}Vor 1 � ;imc: '. �ldress: Fhone: ' ' ame: � ddress: �';aone: 1;casons for your interest in this particular committee: � 7�� �/��� �% � ����;�k� ��35i fffsti/� �y ieU'U�'L1/��� /,�l �Mi.UtS7£,llA,�C �1 /11�Z� TidfG- _� �-!�'<� F�C.tt�,QPcIdJi �!L'Et3StiUG �9'A;�) �`fid2�t��,�`hl�C�'�l E�,4,/l15 �� '�/f5E iu.� ��4;er� T s ,U1C�CC�K .�° ��oc/�i� �c' i7U� (`oa� T�.�c..t�i�t � � �o - - - - -- -- � ave you had previous contact with the committee for wLich you xre m�king application? If so, when, !" White {Caucasian) _ Black (AFrican American) � American Indian or AiasRan Eskimo v l�fale FcmaIe �isabled: Yes No t speciai accommodations are needed, ptease specify: Hispunic Asian or paci6c Tslander Date of$irth: l� � � } u'T tow did you hear abaut this opening? _�'`uJ�� i� �1����,z��� i T�Tf� P.04 (Ti4me) �77�� � U l.�� ork� ,��� - �/bl SG � : 1 1L' ► ��� � I I ii �n atYempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our cammunity, piease ;ceck the line appliCable ta you. This information is strictly voluntary. � AP�C-15-1998 S1�A2 57 PpUL hiRYGF?'S OFFICE �,: _ � � _, 612 266 8513 P.04iO4 �8- 3 y �,:�m�: �� ��-�.�� .\�ldress: _ ���3 / r1�,e�Ll �. �t, i�f/ilC_ S��OG I'ItoT10: �nmr '�7G� 7lJI�' (�Vorka ti;tmm �.;taress: .�3' �£z�-�'�. ��f —�'u�/z .� .St�,�uL �`3�1d � Pl�one: (Flome) �7'�7 � !�� 'Vork) .. . %�� - /�DlSG " ' ; :ime: � ddress; ?'�wne: itensons foryour intcrest in this particulnr committee: � 7�f� �i.(I(yL.� �'/7� �rY1�tt�;�%E . ���Si �fA/J%�+-1 l/�.�Uc�L(JF<) /J./ �!1?1.UtS7f /A,+G- �lJ,� lltn'tT/�� �f� �..le<3 /�CA�.€'¢.t�E�Ui , ��c�cls�fuG ,,, �:,) (�cd7�,�?�`h ��y EzC,B/Z45 sf-c�� �.s,E iu,� .���f'�s �>s .11G-lGst2 �1'" eSr�O�![i� ,�c i7e��' �avc �� had previous contact with the cou�mittee for which you are m�king appficatio�? IF so, wfien, s! White (Caucasimi) ,,,_ Biack (African AmcricAn) _,,_. American Indian or Ataskan Eskimo � iFiale Fcmalc ' >isabled: �es No � sprcinl accommodufions are needed, plense specify: Hispnnic Asian or Paciflc Isiandcr D:tte of $trth: l' � 3 �� u' � - low did you hear about this opening? f�/"�/L'Z L/�� //��/����' �`L! j TOTf� P.04 :�u• ���/ I i� an attempt to ensure that committee representation refileCts the makeup oF our community, piease :�eck tlie line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. • 9p- 3y/ 04-22-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 1 CO23MI2TEE : C.C. Board of Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003456 Conway, John C. LIEP 350 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-9021 LathersjPlasterersjconcrete 4-16-95 Certificate of Competency Jan Gasterland 1133 Thorn St., 55106 h) 776-7018 Richard Owen LIEP 350 St. Peter Street, 55102 w) 266-9014 h) 777-9006 Vergel Wason 842 Raymond Street St. Pau1, MN 55114 w) 646-7207 002975 Galloway, Mark S. city of St. Paul Property Management 25 W. Fourth Street, #225 St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-6031 Bldg. Superintendent Mi1es McGinley 777 Butternut St. Paul, MN 55102 Dave Nelson 5566 Alameda Street Shoreview, MN A) 483-0480 Pat Paladie 2052 Nebraska Ave. East H) 778-0529 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- --°---- -------- -°----- --- --- --- 04/16/98 W M 7 4 OS/03j95 W M 003458 Kenyon, David Vern 04/16j98 W M Suite 300 350 St. Peter Street 9�' -3y� 04-22-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICAIITS. RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : C.C. BoaYd oE Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1j94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -^-- -------- -------- ----°-- --- -^- --� St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-9024 fax266-9099 Building Inspector 4-16-98 Robert Kessler 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 St. Paul, MN w) 266-9112 Dick Felber 312 Central Avenue Room 386 Minneapolis, MN 55414 w) 379-1515 Bruce Pottle 820 Transfer Road St. Pau1, MN 55114 w) 645-0208 003441 Noyes, Jay E. 1491 E. Arlington St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-3300 Journeyman Electrician 6 2 02(19f98 W M 2-19-98 Certificate of Competency Jane Bablex 22 Empire Dr. St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 290-2212 003457 Olson, David LIEP Suite 300 350 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-9061 Sr. Ventilation Inspector 04f17(9S W M 4-17-98 C.C. Jan Gasterland 1133 Shorn Street St. Paul, MN 776-7018 ��' �/ 04-22-98 APPLZCAI3TS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : C.C. Board of Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS Richard Amey 2398 Orchard Lane White Bear Lake, MN 770-3368 Doug schwab 370 Oakcrest Lane Roseville, MN 484-8230 003371 Pearson, Troy A. NewMech Companies, Inc. 1633 Eustis Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Work - 642-5562 FAX 6425599 Steam Examining/Gen. Mgr. Larry Jordan 1633 Eustis St., 55108 w) 645-0451 Dave Wistricill Suite 109 12701 Chowen Ave. S. Burnsville, MN 55337 w) 890-9332 Ron Pearson 9235 Wedgewood Point Road Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-4230 w) 645-0451 003440 Wilking, Sohn 1238 Maywwod street St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 489-829� Mechanical Inspector PAGE 3 WARD FLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ----�--_ "-- --- --- 5 10 2-16-98 Certificate of Competency (Steam Boar{d) 02/25/98 W M 02f06/98 W M Charles Maloney 700 Transfer Road, 55114 w) 647-9920 � , 04=22-98 AYPLSCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT 9�-3y/ PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : C.C. Board of Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARU PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) Ron Rice LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Bldg. w) 266-9041 � Dick Anfang 411 Main St. Council File # ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 98-.�� `�� �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and reappoirrimenis, made by the Mayor, of ihe following individuals to serve on the CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCY EXAMINING BOARDS. (All positions aze reappointrnents, except those denoted as appnixtees.) Concrete Masonr�and Cement I�tiuishers Frank Berg Richard Gilbert Duwaine Knajdek John Conway—Sc Building Inspector and Building Officiat Designee--Appointee Fue1 Burner Dennis Chada David Hodgson Jerold Maleitzke Richard Pesek Ron Rice—Senior Mechanical Inspector and Building Official Designee Lathers and Plasterers Richard Felber Herb Holzschuh David Kenyon—Appointee John Conway, SeniorBuildinglnspector and Building Officia] Designee--Appointee RESOLUTION Green Sheet # OF SAINT PAUL, MINNE50TA Plumbera Mickey Nasseff William Rascher Robert Schwarhzbauer Bernie Bullert—Water Utility Representative Hazley Currier—Building Official Designee Refri�eration Bil] Daly Lazry Jordan John Matthews Ron Rice—Building Official Designee Steamfitting Paul F3ack1 Dougias Olson Troy Pearson —Appointee John W illang—Appointee Ron Rice--Building Official Designee Warm AirHeatine/Ventilation George Albets Eugene Binder Michael Connelly Donaid Geng Jann Peyer Alternate David Olson—Building Official Designea--Appointee Each member shall serve a three-year term which will eapire on July 1, 20 Requested by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: App� By: Adopted by Council: Date �{�,�aq ,r{q� � Form Approved by City Attorney By: • �,�ii�" � 2� -�/ �' N° 52336 9tr.� s �r DEMR7MENTfOFFICER:OVNCIL � DATE INITIATED � � � � Mayor Coleman's Office 4-21-98 � GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE IN1ilAUDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOA CINCOUNCIL Roger C.11Xt15 266-8531 /SSIGN �CITYATTORNEI' QTVCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (pATE1 NUMBER FOR ❑ BUOGET DIREGTOq O FIN. & MGT SERVICES �IR. NOUTING OpOEP � MAYOR �OR ASSISTAM) � TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES __]_ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION PEDUESTEO: Approval of appointments and reappointments of inembers to serve on the Certificate of Competency Examining Boards. RECOMMENDAr1oN5: Appmve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PV.NNING COMTAISSION _ CrvIL SERVICE COMMISSION �. Has ffii5 persOnflirm ¢ver worked untle� a ConiraCt tOr this departm2Rf? _CIBCOMMITfEE _ VES NO � STAFF 2. Has this personKrm e�er been a city employee? — YES NO _ o1SrR�Cr GoURT _ 3. Does this personlfirm posses5 a 5kiii not normaffy po55essetl by any curreM city employae� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on seperate eheet end ettach to green shaet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPpORTUNIT'(Wlro, What. When. Whare. Why) ADVANTAGES IF A7PROVED' �ISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: �'sbl�dd� ���� L`a��t�?4, �3F�'6 �a � " � DfSADVANTAGE5IF NOT APPflW E�. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TNANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUOGE7Ep (qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOUHCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORAriATION (EXPLAIN) 9�-3 y/ Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul CitX Councitmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter FROM: Roger C. Curtis �. DATE: Apri122, 1998 RE: Cert►f►cate of Competency Exnmining Boards Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments and reappointments of inembers to serve on the Certificate of Competency Examining Boards. Attached is a copy of the resolution listing these members. Also attached is an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994 and copies of the new appointees' applications. Feel free to call me at 266-8531 if you have any questions. RCC:dw Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Dick Owen, LIEP A.U3SEAS�MORRO�NWPFII,ES\COMPET.CNC 02/06/1998 08:08 2286241 IRN-26-1998 09�18 FR•�M , � � �� ��,(f � Plamo: � k K $ome Addreys: �,� 5trett Te(ephone Number. PlanninY DisYritt Coupeil: Preferced Malting Address: CITY OF S7 PaU� LIEP 70 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CiTY Fl4LI, SAINTPAUL,MINNESO7A 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 26b8S13 lt/>!l(�na r� PAGE 02 �zzesza i P. aaz 98- 3 y/ stS:E1Y�,4 r`3 05 i998 -, y,.,. --� - —� � rxu t .7a// / City Zip 1$Omel ��9 � �6 ��ork, aa �' - 2y7��x� �a S'-6� v/ — �� City Council Wprd; � What is your occupation? S� Place of �mpioyment: $� Commltte!(a) App1i¢d For: s �; � c� �i G�� G: � 4;�� What skitlt, training or experlence do you posaess for the commiftee(s) for which yuu seek uppoinhnent7 � ti�/n� �ke �ol%vl;Kq !.'ceKSeS _ reht Mecl,ah;�al �n����Or � i., /DO F // �k ca-. o� 5��: �e�t / �u r n eye.-.ay G?S�e�in �r � 7/NG 0 � � �u� Jiur»eyMaK J`JeQ�7 '1� ��j�b i ef S� /�arc( '�pHrne OiL6urntr #'fZ85� e� S�'�• au/ �ourti< yxan }'�e�r•ytru�l.'oH ,� '�� /� o Sf. / Mas��r /Qe�f'r•9era {,'o,t 1�3�75� .��a�� o� M,'n„�5< � 7cur„e ,,,«.. N,• � P..�ssk�� �• ; # . �e/�' OT YE��f'tnFr�'eS'� Gk�ts4i<et���sr �YYJQH4 �f"�c�' �P ti 7��Q f 4 n Q� CO{h M CPI' JR I!' DH S'�Y r�L7 Oit /�� a V� c �,�e,r v��'cG' ;0�� ��tr . �� : �' r �� yc° f�, i�/l1i ��,�� a � rac rors• .� �ts�p _�.� u ��R�icR� �ti�geC�or �ev T�,2 .S� �../ G.�� /�. )g /KA J ; Tl�e inCurmation included in thls npplitation is considered private data actording lo the Minnesota ry '�,� �, Govsrnroent Data Practices Act. As a result, this information i9 not relensed to ti�e eenerat public. ; t 9 (OVFR) Rev. 8-5-97 62/06/1998 08:08 228b241 ..,,. ��� .�_o n�. ia rir�•i ���r U"r ST r�J� �IE° TJ I'Tal; .. • : ' . y. Name: Address: 922t'362Q1 PAGE 63 p d@3 98-3y/ ,, ,:,,� � . ,. . Name: Address: Phone: orkl a �i �o -qQ7 � Name: Addresa: Q� Phone: (Home) ^�""—��._...- {yyorkl Re � nsons for yoar intereat 3n t pnrticutnr commtttee: �-S ct /,'�e /a�o �q re S i�Pn -,� n�" 7 � � C11 �. � n 1 G� �"" ' " � -r 1 � . . i _ � Have you 6ad prevlovs contact with the commFitee for which you are mnking applfcation7 TCso, when, and the ci�cumstaaccs? A /� /l/ In an utempt to ettsure thAt committee represen[ation relletts the makenp of ovr commvnity� }�tease check the Ifne applicable to you. This informntian is strictly vo]untary. / White (Caucasian) Blaek (African American) Ameriean ind;an or Alnsknn Eskimo X Mate Dl�abted: Ycs Femnle No� 2fspeciai accommodations are needed, plense specify: How did yon 6ear about this opening? Hlspanie Asian or PaeiT+c It2snder DAte of Btrth: � /�- �� rora� a.� 02/06/1998 08:08 2286241 ,�• ��� .�va G�•ao rm�•i ��iY UF 57 P� �IE° 7a ; .. �: r Name: Address: I'hone: Name: Addray: 922862a1 p,a03 9�-3y/ _ _ . _ - - - '�� i �aTCSS,v.m � u�� PhOOC: Lftomel ' _ ltNn 4� � � �-9Q�� Name: Addresa: Phone: Restsons fve your intereat In this pnrticulnr committee: � � Have you had previous contact with thc committee for which you are mnking npplfcation? If so, when, andthecircumstances? /)/� iv In nn �ttempt to ensure thnt commlttee representatlon retlects the mnkeup of our community� plense cfieek the line applicable to you, This informntion is strictly voiuntary. / Whlte (CAUCatian) Blatk (African qmarican) Amer;can Iadian or Alns}rnn Eskimo X Male Femnle Dl�abled: Ycs No,� IfSpecial accornmodAtions are needed, piense tpec+fy: How did you hear about thfa openJng? PAGE 03 Ai�panic Asian or Pacttic Istander Aate of $tcth: � /�` �Q � TOT� a,0g3 ��:[qrira � � '�//�I � tttome� � �-- _ fWorkl FEB-25-98 WED 12�56 NE MECH FAX N0, 6129173364 P.02 98 � 1 t OFc ICE OF ���E bf�YOR . j� � 340 CT'S'Y T�1T.L" , ' • . ` � SAL�iT FALTL, �I�\'ESO"I'A SSIO2 ;,. � " � Yhonc_ ZG6-3525 FA.X: 266-8513 , I4ame:. TroY A. PeoYso�:. ... °. :� . •: . . . . .. ..._.... . ... . . ... . -Home.4ddress: 2171 O�k' G1Qn Trai 1 ct; � j4��+or nr� 55(1flY . = -. . �":, • Street . _ City Zip `';TelephoneNumoer: • �r(Qm�J 4'i9-7974 (�'�ori;l F�a�_55f,9 (FA\l 6A�-5590 ' �`Pl�nnin� Aistrict Couttcil: ' ' " City Council �3'ard: P�eferred�laitingA�dress: 1633 Eustis Stre2t. Sz. Faul MN 55108 :.SVhat is ��our otcupation'... SenPr� � M�na�r � . . �'I�ceof�mploymenr •' �����+��h �mm��nio< rnr Committee(s)Applied k'or: � °Sta�m Examiriind Board ; �� � . ._.. �._ _. _ .... ... _ . : :.. . . . ... . .. � . .. _ . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. What skillS, trainin� or experience do you gossess for the committee(s) for which you scek appointment? ,:, - .. :,LCar.ry::7ourney.mar�'Certificate af•.Competency Cards for. Minneapo�is and 5t. Pau1.. ... .. --•. _ . . , . , .. ._ _ . . . .. � .. . . . ��; : :: - . . . . _. . - _.. _... . .. _.. . ; � _ . . - .: .. , . ...,... ,-- :.:.: ...: ...... . .:. • -- . . �,___., . _. _ ` ` `- Pressu"r'��'St'eam ` Gas''"ffil" "`Rofriaerztion �s we'll��a's i�inn�esetz' Niah Pres�sVre' --° _ ,.._. _ . . ,; ..... ,.. ., .,.. . . .. .... ._ _ _ . . , .. _.. ...._ , ... .. -�:..- : .. .. -Steam'iisence__:.;,.. . ..:..:: -,.. .. .. . ... , . . ,. .:. . " _ . . , ..._ _. . . _.. . _... .. _. . I alsa�ca�rv�several of oiir Comoanies' Mast?r'Lisences: • • � .:_°_; ,.... ._......----_ .........:...._...:.�....:..._:. . _.:. . •' ?�'h"�v�'�iorked in tiae Mechan�icai' Conts^act�inq Field for 14"vears �Ji Ch� NewMech Com�anies.. The inls�rcnat'sun inctuded in ths5 applic�tiun is considercd private da;a �ccordin� to thc ;�Iinnesota .,..Govern:nent pata Practices Act. :ls a resuli, this in(orm�ti0n is not re]e:tsed to the �enera! public. y;.li.r <.�iy}.�t'xw....i.:..��._...�.... . . . . ' . -..-....._ ..... _ _ ...'.�.�..�•-.-�........��_.._r.._..,_.. . .._ .. _ .- .. .. . ,. . . � ' � .. . . .. .... . . . . . �. - .. . (�VER) �2ev.8-5-97 rEa-25-s� wtu 1e:�i I�ame: LarrY Ntw r�t�H rHx Nu bi�aiia3o4 N. U� 98-3yj T'FRS�! Ai, RF,FF•,RF�'CF,S Address: 1633 Eustis Street, St. Paul MN 551�8 -, Phone: ' �q.,m� ' ' (�Vnrkl 645-0451 --�Nsme.= :� , . - . "!Address:•' t27�i`'ChowPn AvP°5niith• SnitQ� �p_,q BurtLtvilie_ MN 55337 � Phone: � (i�"omel '�--tVQrkJ 890 `'ame: Pon PearSOn Address: _� 923: Wedqewood Peint Read Woodbury MN SSt?5 - � Fhone: �iomel 730-4230 - -- (S'Vorkl 545-!)451 -' . , . ` . . . . .._... . . y.. . . Beasons for your interest in this particular committee: ' I would '1 f ke to become' morP i nvoT vr� in ihe Industrv, dnd fPPI T am ���r�ItF1P�I �n m��A d,�,icinnc in thrc ara� Have you had previous contact with the eommittee for which you are makin� application? If so, when, ... , . and zhe circumstances? .., .� .. . .' _.,....� `. ,... ._:.:_.__ ........ . . . . .... ... .. . ... ni� . ..: � . . . . . . . . . In an attenlpt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please ci�eck the tine app]icable to you. This information is strictty voluntary_ �_ '�'Vhitc (Caucasian) " 131ack (Afric3n Americ�n) �+.merican Indiars orA.lasl:an �sl:imo K D'taie I3is�bled: Ycs Female \'o ' X 7fspeci�i accornmodations are needed, ple:ise speciC}•: �ispanic Asi�n or Pacifcc Islant3er l�ate of Birth: Q-28-E6 How did �'ott hear about ihis openin�?• MMCA Rscor_ - � httl WtU IC�bI NtW �t�H hHn NU. b1Lyll�Jb4 Y.UJ 9�-3�// , 'T E1ZSf_?\AT, RF:FF•,RF.\'Cl?S �..: � Larr :.. - :. . . . � Y Jordan � .. . .. , � � name: .: _; . ..... __ _ . . Addsess: �633 Eustis Street, St. Paul MN 108 .�= ' ' (�Vnrkl 645-0451 . . . .,. _. _...... ......:...............................: . . . .. ,. . .. .. = Nsmec� ' l � : � . "'Address:-' t�701''f.h�wan Ava Sniith• S��itc tp4 BurnevillP_ MN 5�437 •' Phone: � fT�omel . . � . (SVorkl 890-9332 vame_ Pon Pearson Address:-• 9235 WedqewoocS Point Road Woodbury, MN 55175 - • k'f�one: ' �,Fi�mel 730-4230 . .. � (�Vorkl 645_ �Q�i .. FLeasons for your interest in this particulnr committee: ' I would '1 ikp t� t�,�ome' morQ i n'vnl vrri ' �� in the Industrv and fPPI T am �ttA�1P�l tn m�ko�lericinns in thic araa � � .. ...._... .... _... �.: .. . ..... .. . ::::.,-.�. .,. :...,,.•�.-,:: - .._ .. "'. . ... . .. ... ..r. . : - : ' ' . .... ..-. ".. � � � . . , Have yoa had previous contact with the committee for which you are makin; application? If so, when, ., . ...; andt}�ecircumstanccs? _., :,.--- .�... .' :.,....� '.,,.... .�;:�-_..._.;, . .. . ... . : . . . . . ... ni.. .. ' . . . . . . . In an atten�pt io ensure that u�mmittee representation reQects the makeup of our community, ptease cl�eCk the line applicable to you. 'This information is strictly volunt;try. �_ YVhitc (Caucasian) ' _.._,. }�lack (African American) American Zndian orA,Jasf;an Eskimo X 11a1e Femaic Disable�i: �'es No "X 7f speci�l accommodations are needed, ple:ise specify: Flisnanic Asian or Pacific Islandcr Aate oFBirth: 9-28-66 Fiow did vou hear about iliis openino.'• __MMCA Assnr. - vc t .,.� 3 ��'1 390 I SAINT PAIIL� � 266-8525, Nase: IJc�✓�tG/ �[�UYI czTY�xazz . MINNESOTA 55102 FAX: 266-8513 98-3y1 ao�e Address: �3Gj0 f..E,� j Ct,�j�- f�orPS��d�. �'!i� a 5�2--�� Street Citp Zip Telephone 2:w-aber: CHo�e) ��1- ���-�-� / � (Gork) ZL��o^ �o�/ .(��1) 2 -S'� -- Sp�S ! Planning Distri.ct Co�ci1: Preferred Hailing Add Lihat is your occupati Place of Eaplopment: Citp Counczl Yard: Co�ittee(s) Applied For: (�f,l� if�I a-r 2 ��, V� L/� % Ahat sY_i11s/training or espezience do you possess for the coc�ittee(s) ior vnicn you seet: appointment? �/iO 2 r j � � �: t C 7 c' o vr '_ C� �/!'!l?i+-� 5 i v7 c. 2 / t / (�G /? S�v i/ �- fi C n � 1i.P g 7� vfn 2 fr7 � uJ r� ✓�, Y (� �` -� �� �i"ac:t��'� � ��'� 5'i` ��� j % ¢- (� � l/.�� ,- 5-�7` l/�Lo> � �^ r).✓✓� _' 5 fl i � � f- �� � The inz"o r�,..ation inclnded i.n tnis application is considered priczt2 ca�a accorc'_ng to c::z Hinnesota Goverment D2ta Practices Act. As a zesult, this inio.—�.tion is not �elezse� �o the general public. (OVE.R) Rev. 2i?a/96 YY:ttSOtiAL 1Z'r:FEREIvCES x�e . 1 �7.�., �-� 3 ��-ei r � 3 �- CY Address:_ _�� �J � � �� uh f7 �� � �, 9�-3y/ Phone: (Home) � � L' '' / � � � (Vork) Name: Address: �f e-'C) � �-�y -�39� � � L •'� �' � � Phone: (Home) � `� � � � TJ + CGTOrk) Name : �� ('� lr� G� �� C/�l Lt� 1 i 1 Add=ess: �� � C�r� � C 6"�5� L- 1 '1 ��� S-�.. Vj /� Phone: (Home) � � 7 V Z. �^ {pork) h�.� � r Reasons £or your interest in this particular comnittee: /.� �� A i �7 7�3 /� ''�'�J C.? �'! !� �1 ��CZ Y'lGf� t� ��, S D� L.a7 � 7-C/h C Y l rZ �L"i ��.S � vt Have you had pzevious contact vith the comnittee £or which you are making applicatioa, I£ so, vhen, and circumstances7 ✓ TThite (Caucasian) Hispanic Bl.ack (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Isiander American Indian or A2askan Eskimo � Hale Female Date of Bi=th: �� /L /� Z�' Disabled: Yes No V � If special accommodations aie needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear about this opening? In an attempt to ensu=e that committee representation reflects the makeup o£ our commmitq, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictZy voluntary. Yt:KSOfu1L 1LEFERENCES Name : � i� � �'7 � � `�-U�' � H � Address: Il �J 3 ��7 c7/'i y� S�' S y--, ;� Phone: CHome) 7 �7 �r '� / Q � �} (Aork) Name: Address: � � G�7 �V U' �7 �'i.� y - � 3 ' L r� G(,l Phone •_�Fiome _��/ � "� �J � �v � (S7ork1 Name: Address: b i/ G, `� C�(� uJd �� �: � Y c v� z.; r`— t_- S-e �i, Phone: _ (Home) y � �� � Z } j� (Uork) jl�/ � r Reasons for yovr interest in this particular committee: / n� I"�, A i p� �iT /tn �� S�"r1 � cf� ,-� (�,.,.. 9� y/ Have you had p=evious contact vith the eommittee £oz vhich you are making application. If so, when, and ci=cumstances? L W�� � � �7 c� S7 d- �7 h.S C�E'Sl� N2� In an aCtempt to ensvse that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup o£ our communitp, please check the line applicable to you. This in£ormaCion is strictly voluntary. O '� iThite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo l�Male / � y Female Date oE Bizth: �� �� Disabled: Yes No V ���{� If special accommodations are needed, please specify. ':tt Hou did you hear about this openingT F�FR-15-1993 11�42 ��{ �J� ��r�.� c� ti sme: iome A ' :.Tephpns Number: ;tnaing Aistrict Councit: i'referred Mailing Address: hat is your occupation? '��ate ofEmployment: ST PAUL MpYOR'S OFFICE OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAIN'T PAUL, MLY:�iESOTA 55202 Phone: 2GG-8S25 FAX: 266-8513 612 �66 5513 P.03iO4 I o r � �� �"�£fVE� s�PR 7 6 19�8 1�S'tA�'11P�Q nrr....= (1Ftome17� lFAX,}�66 City Council 1�Vard: ��O S�,f'�(ei-_5� Svi�e3a� S R l )1 �l�itnc_ �YI SF71°/'t0 d/' � ommittee(s)AppliedFor: Lc?�li � ��aSlPVY`.S �X��i��i���Uh �1�.� ��'hat skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for whic6 you seek appointment? 1�re 6���, � in u,-r»� r�-,av, _,-�1,� c��e'✓P� �r�i� 2�„o�vc � � � � 0 Ie informs�tion include8 in th;s applicatioia is considered private data accordiag to the 11I;nnesata : overnmen# Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER} Rev. 5-5-97 streec c;ity Zip RPP,-15-199� A1�42 ST PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE 612 266 5513 P.04�04 PERC,�02�AT�i2�,�R�NC.E�^ % O -3y/ '-ame: ��`� DP �-R'S S /Pf : .1 Sdress: ...� � U .S'� �,�' `� P�— � S t� i �� �S G� .__,_._...--•---- : :,one: jFLQ.tnsJ (Wo_�) 2 �G g�/2 � ame: � �adress: ? �, one: ' :;me: � ddress: _'.�one: _ for yonr interest in this psrticulnr hr ave you had previous contaet with the wmmittee for which you are making :tpplication? If so, when, _.:id the cirCUmstauces? :;� an attempt to ensure that committee representatian rnfleCfs the makeup of our community, please :eck the line applitAble to you. This information is stricUy voluntary. _,_� White (Caucasiun} � Black {ACrican American) ____ American Indian or ASasl:an Eskimo __�_ hSale F�male �isabled: Yes No �_ i special accommodafions are needed, ptease specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Lslander Date af Birth: 3�2S��F l .-ow did you hear aboat Yhis opening? - — TOTRL P.04 �l-Tame) (ji'nrkl � 7 7 " �-S �S (t�ome �i�ork) 6� J-' U< p k' RPP.-15-1998 11:42 ST PRUL 1�RYOR'S OFFICE • •►: : •_� .-ame: ,-� �ldress: ?'tione: �:ime: .'-�Idress: I';�one: ' :xme: � ddrCSS: 612 266 8513 P.04iO4 98^3Y1 ':',ione: (flome� �'york� b `f �7 -' U� U X ltensons for your interest in this pflrticulnr committee: �� : ave you had previous contact with the conm�ittee for which you are m�king applicntion? If so, when, .: nd the circumstances? i,i an attempt to ensure that committee representation retleCts the makeup aF our comruunity, please :;eck the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. _� White (Caucasinn) �.� Black (AErican American) , American Indian orAiaskan Eskimo __,� biale Femsle :isabled: Xes No � ` Speci�l accommodations are needed, plelse specify: :: ow did yon hear about this opening? Hispanic Asian or PaciCc Islander Date oP Birth: 3 �1� 1 70TAL P.04 � 1:�� � �, � r � HFF.-15-1�9� �� 11�42 �;ime: ; r ame Ai(dress: Street "t c{ephqne Number: "G� ' anning District Council: ST PAUL hIAYOP,' S OFF I CE OFFTCE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITX HALL SAIlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55202 ne: -8525 FAX: 266-8513 � _l��{./GC)��/ City Ciry Council�Vard: ���" � Zip Y rcferred 1VIaiting Address: �t�i� — .�� �°, �;-�,�- s�f_ - o.�i ��uG �5�i�, 3i '- hat is your occupation? �"�ace of Employment: �E�.'CC�'�. .�c�, c, c�iNG <L �-�f�,�c; 2�`. C ��i oF �%c3� �x.u�� a����., ontmittee(s) Applied Far: (�J �A'�iff�s � ��fi.�� 5 �0�� � �o.iJE'�Z�: E I�z'is/�s �`� CfauF�J% JZl�'}�sc;,� �"�c� �c� �', hnt skills, training or expericnce do you possess for fhe committee(s) for wl�icl� you seek nppointment? .1 �t �� �Ltr�;2t/C� �.v c ���c � /.UG- ci,v�A.c''Crt�.�''� �.0 7� c'� r � . �s' iU.ec �� -�� �Lris� ��rn2/ j �.r) � .�11��.c,frs��..t- �oi�f �!/� P��is��s— �.��� /l��f�c:�'� �ivtr�s. �i�L C,rr_..E'�t.Ts� � C�.up,E:�ix:c�i. ��-z GU�tt z�f�i�r� �,�' ,�i� t3`��L��arG- ��,t. issuz-=s �,c,�jr���J�.u�- �£s� 7`�z:s, /f.4vi�.z- ��� ,g- ��,«i���;U �c�,� kz. � ��T �� yg� ll��.�cv �s i/'(z- .�'T3t7�` �'� K�/[,�-f�/. v yL�l� ,� y Tlt� G/ � _. L//n JiE Ci��£� Tl�'£.t/7y ' Fi JF _�-.t-�Q.S ,L �ZCA,�2/Z,u�C� /.t1 C�AIS. C; s� r4 �'cst2y�29a` C`Ar����d� f.�af �o��sutreea.% aud� .2t.sr��.�ha� /,�J�,C.0 r �c.',9 /�h',� .X���tt% `,�� ���t-.rz�-.�" ,��.'.� �ut'�E2Jt�t�-t-"�.�ti� � A�.'�%}S� �J��t[�1tiflnf �tiC 7�.'i9���'S�£.G3a•� C�� �lf��l ^�'P� � �S. �'U/11.4�-ifl�-'t�E CGitTJF �C��� � SAG'C`fFtC.�. r�s izi��/ r�s Ca�.�s � c,2�,.�a�r�_s . ---- :��e informtltion included in this appiication is co�tsidered privaYe data a�cording fo tHe iVIinneso2a �-overnment Data Pr�ctices Act. As a result, this information is noi released to the general pubiic. 612 26 ���.03iO4 98- 3 y1 APR 16 i998 �:����� ���� (p�R) Rev. 5-5-97 APR-25-199'� 11 � 4� ST PfIUL 1�lAYt7P,' S OFP I CE 612 266 8513 P. 04iO4 r �la � '':Fme: �tlsi� ��2-Lfl�(117 , � �dress: _ ��j � / n°� �, �f. l�'AzLt ,5�, I d G :'lione: ($2pi� ��7� 7131$ (}Vor 1 � ;imc: '. �ldress: Fhone: ' ' ame: � ddress: �';aone: 1;casons for your interest in this particular committee: � 7�� �/��� �% � ����;�k� ��35i fffsti/� �y ieU'U�'L1/��� /,�l �Mi.UtS7£,llA,�C �1 /11�Z� TidfG- _� �-!�'<� F�C.tt�,QPcIdJi �!L'Et3StiUG �9'A;�) �`fid2�t��,�`hl�C�'�l E�,4,/l15 �� '�/f5E iu.� ��4;er� T s ,U1C�CC�K .�° ��oc/�i� �c' i7U� (`oa� T�.�c..t�i�t � � �o - - - - -- -- � ave you had previous contact with the committee for wLich you xre m�king application? If so, when, !" White {Caucasian) _ Black (AFrican American) � American Indian or AiasRan Eskimo v l�fale FcmaIe �isabled: Yes No t speciai accommodations are needed, ptease specify: Hispunic Asian or paci6c Tslander Date of$irth: l� � � } u'T tow did you hear abaut this opening? _�'`uJ�� i� �1����,z��� i T�Tf� P.04 (Ti4me) �77�� � U l.�� ork� ,��� - �/bl SG � : 1 1L' ► ��� � I I ii �n atYempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our cammunity, piease ;ceck the line appliCable ta you. This information is strictly voluntary. � AP�C-15-1998 S1�A2 57 PpUL hiRYGF?'S OFFICE �,: _ � � _, 612 266 8513 P.04iO4 �8- 3 y �,:�m�: �� ��-�.�� .\�ldress: _ ���3 / r1�,e�Ll �. �t, i�f/ilC_ S��OG I'ItoT10: �nmr '�7G� 7lJI�' (�Vorka ti;tmm �.;taress: .�3' �£z�-�'�. ��f —�'u�/z .� .St�,�uL �`3�1d � Pl�one: (Flome) �7'�7 � !�� 'Vork) .. . %�� - /�DlSG " ' ; :ime: � ddress; ?'�wne: itensons foryour intcrest in this particulnr committee: � 7�f� �i.(I(yL.� �'/7� �rY1�tt�;�%E . ���Si �fA/J%�+-1 l/�.�Uc�L(JF<) /J./ �!1?1.UtS7f /A,+G- �lJ,� lltn'tT/�� �f� �..le<3 /�CA�.€'¢.t�E�Ui , ��c�cls�fuG ,,, �:,) (�cd7�,�?�`h ��y EzC,B/Z45 sf-c�� �.s,E iu,� .���f'�s �>s .11G-lGst2 �1'" eSr�O�![i� ,�c i7e��' �avc �� had previous contact with the cou�mittee for which you are m�king appficatio�? IF so, wfien, s! White (Caucasimi) ,,,_ Biack (African AmcricAn) _,,_. American Indian or Ataskan Eskimo � iFiale Fcmalc ' >isabled: �es No � sprcinl accommodufions are needed, plense specify: Hispnnic Asian or Paciflc Isiandcr D:tte of $trth: l' � 3 �� u' � - low did you hear about this opening? f�/"�/L'Z L/�� //��/����' �`L! j TOTf� P.04 :�u• ���/ I i� an attempt to ensure that committee representation refileCts the makeup oF our community, piease :�eck tlie line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. • 9p- 3y/ 04-22-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 1 CO23MI2TEE : C.C. Board of Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 003456 Conway, John C. LIEP 350 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-9021 LathersjPlasterersjconcrete 4-16-95 Certificate of Competency Jan Gasterland 1133 Thorn St., 55106 h) 776-7018 Richard Owen LIEP 350 St. Peter Street, 55102 w) 266-9014 h) 777-9006 Vergel Wason 842 Raymond Street St. Pau1, MN 55114 w) 646-7207 002975 Galloway, Mark S. city of St. Paul Property Management 25 W. Fourth Street, #225 St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-6031 Bldg. Superintendent Mi1es McGinley 777 Butternut St. Paul, MN 55102 Dave Nelson 5566 Alameda Street Shoreview, MN A) 483-0480 Pat Paladie 2052 Nebraska Ave. East H) 778-0529 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- --°---- -------- -°----- --- --- --- 04/16/98 W M 7 4 OS/03j95 W M 003458 Kenyon, David Vern 04/16j98 W M Suite 300 350 St. Peter Street 9�' -3y� 04-22-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICAIITS. RPT PAGE 2 COMMITTEE : C.C. BoaYd oE Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1j94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -^-- -------- -------- ----°-- --- -^- --� St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-9024 fax266-9099 Building Inspector 4-16-98 Robert Kessler 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 St. Paul, MN w) 266-9112 Dick Felber 312 Central Avenue Room 386 Minneapolis, MN 55414 w) 379-1515 Bruce Pottle 820 Transfer Road St. Pau1, MN 55114 w) 645-0208 003441 Noyes, Jay E. 1491 E. Arlington St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-3300 Journeyman Electrician 6 2 02(19f98 W M 2-19-98 Certificate of Competency Jane Bablex 22 Empire Dr. St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 290-2212 003457 Olson, David LIEP Suite 300 350 St. Peter Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - 266-9061 Sr. Ventilation Inspector 04f17(9S W M 4-17-98 C.C. Jan Gasterland 1133 Shorn Street St. Paul, MN 776-7018 ��' �/ 04-22-98 APPLZCAI3TS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : C.C. Board of Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFERENCE COMMENTS Richard Amey 2398 Orchard Lane White Bear Lake, MN 770-3368 Doug schwab 370 Oakcrest Lane Roseville, MN 484-8230 003371 Pearson, Troy A. NewMech Companies, Inc. 1633 Eustis Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Work - 642-5562 FAX 6425599 Steam Examining/Gen. Mgr. Larry Jordan 1633 Eustis St., 55108 w) 645-0451 Dave Wistricill Suite 109 12701 Chowen Ave. S. Burnsville, MN 55337 w) 890-9332 Ron Pearson 9235 Wedgewood Point Road Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-4230 w) 645-0451 003440 Wilking, Sohn 1238 Maywwod street St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 489-829� Mechanical Inspector PAGE 3 WARD FLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ----�--_ "-- --- --- 5 10 2-16-98 Certificate of Competency (Steam Boar{d) 02/25/98 W M 02f06/98 W M Charles Maloney 700 Transfer Road, 55114 w) 647-9920 � , 04=22-98 AYPLSCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT 9�-3y/ PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : C.C. Board of Examiners FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAMMENTS WARU PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) Ron Rice LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Bldg. w) 266-9041 � Dick Anfang 411 Main St.