D00647Whrce — Ctty C�erk Pi�k — Finance Dept. Cannry— D�. GITY OF SAI1�'T I�AUL OFFSGF OF TFSE MAYOR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER No: ! �-x-1�C7"'t � Date: � � ADMIN RA f TE OR D9 R I I NFL�V � I��ILTRATI�Nal:O�E�l�N��tract known as Activity No. Citp Project No. 94- -1 , ons, nc. Contractor, the speeified date of completion is JuTv 1. 1995 and the Contractor did not complete the contract hy said date of completion because the businesses on Grand Avenue reauested the work be pushed back several weeks so it and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to August 15, 1995 and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for liquidated damages on this project. � PROVED AS TO FORM � � ASSist nt City Attorney Lsu.t/C�" epartment Head O ' � m� (ta rve�to MaYOt __' . _ _ . _ _ __ _ .____— _ _'__'__ � _— _ �. . � , � • � � • DEPARIMEPT/OFFICE/COUNCII, DAlE Q.TIiA4£D �� SEP �. 3�9 � Publicworks Construcuon s/1/ss GREEN S�EET 1�i0. 346 coxn+crer.xsoxseeoxe lnn� nvrsiu.roa�re Daniel A Haak 266-6084 �� ,�ce � C �RYPARIl1F.N[DiREC1VR �ccrraovxcn. AfUSfBEONCOUNCILAGENDAHY(DA1Fa HNOmII70FDY AT3DRNEY C[IYCIERK OBDEII 8UI)GELDWECIOR �FQC.6MGT.SERVICFS b1AYOR (OR �' l35LSG1F17 �� T �-� O � � T02Y1L10Pei6FATOR8PAG8! 2 (CiIPAiLLOCAIIONeFOReiGNA2UIIW � ASSOCfATE �DEPI.ACCOVh AL;IIOt7 RF/�UFSl£D bctend contract completion date from 3uty 1. 1995 to August 15, 1895. 94 INFIAW & INFILTRAISON CORRECIIONS City Ptoject No. 94-S-1842 Contractor. Palda �.Sons,Inc. RECOMMtiNUATloti& Apqrm < W oi F�7xt (H! PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACT3 MOST ANSWER TRL FOL7AWII7G $S7ESTlO1CS: _ py�q.� �pMy7y�pp _CNlLSFRC'�C�COSR.l'�SION 1. Has this pnson(firm Ne worked wder a canhaM for th5s depaztme.nt? YES NO _ GB �lw.fn'1EE _ 2. Has this petson/f4m eve bern a ciry anpbyeel A srntr Ye5 ND — — 3. Does fhis pasoa)flrm pocve2v a sMll not noxmally pos,vesaed by azry cuitent dty __DISTAICIWVNCb _ 4npSoytCT sorroxrsw��cxcouxcaoe,Jecnver YES NO Ezplain a119� a��ets m uparate sheat and attach w�neea sLeet A1fM'1'Q�IG PR(181EM. ISSUE.OPPORR1Nf1Y IWN�. WNfT. WHEN. WHERE. WISYi: The businesses on Grand Avenue requested the work be pushed back several weeks sc�St ave less 3znpact on them. ` � 5EP A7 1995 r:�:�'4�Rls° .� � . �ir AD�'MTNG6S Q�' APPROYED: The time eactension authozizes additional contract time required to eomplete the project. ws�nvnn*r��,s iR neeaoveo: None R��'£/V�� C���� 3 1g9 S L��� DISADYAX{AGESIFNQfAPPR�VED: Contractor'sworkperformedafterJuly1,1995wlllnotbeauthorized. [C����'���� S�P �6 1995 ���� ���������� TO?IlL AMOIINT OF TRAN6ACTION S -0- COST/REVFNOL BODCEIED lCII2QE �N&I � No Kal�nnvc aoujccE SSF. SRLP ecrrvtrY xu�erc C94-21�672-0784-26022 ewaNCw. �owwaiox: te�wum7 � `� ( VI!