98-317Council File # l ' � Green Sheet # O � ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Z9 On January 5, 1998, an adverse action was initiated against the Auto Repair Gazage License held by Mary P. Fasching d1bJa M.F. Automotive (License ID No. 14762), located at 1728 Selby Avenue in St. Paul, when aNOTICE OF VIOLATION which identified several violations of e�sting license conditions was mailed to the licensee. Subsequent to this NOTICE an agreement has been reached between the licensee and the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection for the placement of additional restrictions on the existing Iicense. The licensee agrees that these conditions will appear as restricrions on the existing license and failure to operate within these requirements could be grounds for revocation of the license. Therefore; BE IT RESOLVED, that the current adverse action against the licenses held by Mary P. Fasching d/b/a M.E Automotive is hereby withdrawn and the following conditions are placed on the license: 1. Parking for customers and employees shali be arranged on the lot as shown on the attached site plan. No more than sixteen (16) vehicles sha11 be parked out doors on the lot. The exception to the number of vehicles is the dump truck which will be parked along the south side of the building in the area shown on the site plan. This vehicle shail not be used for the storage of parts or refuse. The dump truck must be operable and used in the conjunction with the business. 2. AIl vehicles parked outdoors on the Iot must be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 3. Vehicle parts, partially disassembled vehicles, tires, oil, vehicle hoist ar similar items will not be stared outdoors. Trash wiil be stored in the dumpster in the existing enclosed area. All such rraaterials presently stored oufdoors on the site must be removed by Wednesday, April I5, 1998. 4. No repaix of vehicles will occur on the exterior of the Iot or on the public right-of- way. Vehicles attached to tow trucks shall not be parked in the public right-of-way. RESOLUTION OF SQINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5. The proposed site improvements shall be completed by September 1, 1998 as detailed on the plan. This shall include fencing, striping for the parking spaces (#1 thru #8), landscaping and the chain device restricting entrance to the property both during business hours and after the business is closed. A pernut is required from the a� - ��� 1 Office of License, Tnspecfions and Environmentai Protection to install the fence. 2 3 6. The curb-cut on Herschel neazest Selby Ave. Must be removed and replace with curb 4 and gutter, to city specifications, by September 1, 1949. Until, this work is 5 completed, the driveway opening shall be closed for vehicle access with a chain or 6 other appropriate restraint. A permit from Public Works Sidewalk Division is 7 required for work in the public right-of-way. Only contractors ticensed with Public 8 Works may da driveway removad and boulevard restoration. 9 10 7. The remaining active driveways to the properiy will be closed with a chain or similar 11 gated device during the times when the business is closed. 12 13 Requested by Department of: $Y � iLJ�LGrLY'6 G�l %�'.��C+v `--- Form Approved by City Attorney BY: ��,,��� � �.�-� Approved by Mayor fox Submission to Council Y� `L By: pproved by Mayor Da e ✓� ldopted by Council: Date \O ��g �doption Certified by Council Secretary � LIEP ONTACT PERSON 8 MiONE Rabert Kessler 266-9112 4-22-98 Public 416/48 TOTAL. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �l$' �1'j GREEN SHEET No 608'7� � u �.,�.� ��,�_ � ❑ �.,n� ❑ �„«� — ❑ ww¢utamxccsuu� ❑ nuxeu�miw�ecrn ❑ WYORlaMA89dfYlT� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning the Auto Repair Garage License held by Aiary P. Fasching d/b1a M.F. Automotive located at 1728 Selby Avenue. PLANNING COMMISSION C16 COMMRTEE C1V1L SERVICE COMM{SSION RSONqLSERVICE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWFR7NE FOLLOWING QIlESTIONS: Has this percoNfirtn everworked urider a oonfract farthis dM�rtmenYt YES NO Hes tMC P��rm ever heen a uH emDbYeeT YES NO Dcee Mis persoMml P�s a s16tl not normairy0osaessed bY anY CurtHR ciN emGbYee? VES NO is this pelaor✓firtn a targetetl veridoY7 YES NO Coimc�l RQsearch Gent�r .�: � y � :,' d B�F� � IF APPROVED �OUNT OF TRANSAC?ION S COST/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ONk� SOURCE ACTIVRT NUMeER INFORAtA'f10N (EXP WN) YES NO PUBLIC HEARING Licensee Name: Address: Mary P. Fasching d/b!a M. F. Automotive 1728 Selby Avenue Council Hearing Date: April 22, 1998 Violation: Viofation Of License Conditions Related to: Prohibited Vehicle Repair of Street Limitation of Vehictes on Lot Date: Place: August 11, '1997, September 17, '1997, December 19, 1997 Licensed Premises Matrix Presumptive Penalty: Revocation of License �tY Recommendation vf Assistant City Attorney on behatf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; Additian of 7 conditions on license Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. 4/1/98 Letter from LIEP to Mary Fasching with Proposed Conditions 3. Notice of Violation 4. License information 5. License restrictions CITY OF SAINT FAUL Norm Coleman, Mtryor April 1, 1998 Mary Fasching 1728 Seiby Avenue Saint Paul MN 55104 RE: 1728 Selby Avenue Ms. Fasching: OFFICE OF LiCENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENV[RONMENTALPROTECTION q�+ 1t� Ro6ert Kessler, Direcror LOWRYPROFESSIDNALBUILDI��G Telephone:672-266-9090 Suite 300 Facsimile: 612-166-9099 350 S[ Peter St�eet 6I2466-9124 SairuPaul,Minnesota551Q2-I5T0 g ,��., y ,.�, :r . # � t � ' � j �a3s`�� $ � �i.� AP�t 4 Z 19g8 '`��,� E $ ������� { On March 3, 1998, we met in my office to discuss on-site parking, landscaping and related issues for your auto repair business at the referenced address. Your attorney-, Charles Bethei, was also there at that meeting. I reviewed a site pian you prepared. Based on our conversation and the plan submitted, we wili approve the proposed changes to the site subject to the following conditions: 1) Parking for customers and employees shali be arranged on the lot as shown on the attached site pfan. No more than 16 vehicles shall be parked out doors on the lot. The exception to the number of vehicies is the dump truck which wi11 be parked along the south side of the building in the area shown on the site plan. This vehicle shaii not be used for the storage of parts or refuse. The dump truck must be operabie and used in the conjunction with the business. 21 Ail vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must be completeiy assembied with no parts missing. Vehicle satvage is not permitted. 3) Vehicle parts, partial{y disassembfed vehicfes, tires, oil, vehicie hoist or simiiar items witl not be stored outdoors. Trash wilt be stored in the dumpster in the existing enclosed area. AII such materials presently stored outdoors on the site must be removed by Wednesday, Apri/ 15, 1998. 4) No repair of vehicles will occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of- way. Vehicles aitached to tow trucks shali not be parked in the public right-of- way. 5) The proposed site improvements shatl be completed by September 1, 1998 as detailed on the plan. This shali include fencing, striping for the parking spaces (#1 thru #8), landscaping and the chain device restricting entrance to the, property both during business hours and after the business is cfosed. A permit is requi�ed from thrs office to insta!! the fence. �1 � -� �� April 1, 1998 Mary Fasching Page 2 of 2 6) The curb-cut on Fierschet nearest Selby Ave, must be removed and replaced with curb and gutter, to city specifications, by September 1, 1999. Until, this work is completed, the driveway opening shall be closed for vehicle access with a chain or other appropriate restraint. A pe�mit fiom Public Works Sidewa/k Division is requrred for work in the public right-of way. Only contractors licensed with Public Works may do driveway removal and bouleva�d resioratians. 7) The remaining active driveways to the property wili be closed with a chain or similar gated device during the times when the business is closed. These conditions will appear as restrictions on your license and failing to operate within these requirements could be grounds for revocation of the license. Piease call me at 266-9083 with a�y questions. G�L[T�'�'k'tII.. �. Lawrence R. Zangs Zoning Technician enc. cc: Charles E. Bethel Phii Byrne Robert Kessler Ginger Palmer / �• ? 7Z8 S:��a°r av�AF: � �'_r^:.°<<�car, ? � �'x i ��'' � a' 3 0� �' . 3'0' 3 0 5 `�' Co"' 10' 6' 37' � 1 ' r i i i I � �__ .. � � f j � i � I i i t i , �-� ._ r SI.�?�ti`:h! :; C _�' � Gt:C s= N � :� J'� � i ; i i ; ; � � 2 • 3 ; �} � I I � ' t , �DAY '�� '� ' � , i 2 j"/%�� �' �%,� ��� t��� �. ; �� �t �������� / � � _.:���.�$�s�vl 1.��' J1. :���.� � _ �e �t � , � _ r r�r ��� i � : �=_. :- " � ��s ^3< E�JGG�Mnn!'3 �.r�� <o - f C�� t�a �lan�c� ¢ VGly Zi � T � .., � 73?�_ f:.Y;A'T � , � �, ; . t � � ; a��laictr�I�u;,,� j -�-- l�cr o55 cp '� 1 � � � -` \ � < � —! i } � � l � � � , � �< ( i i. � ' 1 � � � � � G � � . I . 6 ��a y` ��� � .�1 I �Z ����� 1 1 ,�1 ( l I � 1 ) 1 C�ASS E �' � ;13 � ; �R\Y=`alF.Y � ��u' �'i A�,'v BA j� i / �1�' �»: �� ��� sz' � � By Fil� # %� � I� l zo° AnY ai` � e�n� f•�r a,• £+r:� r-' ,; c,�� rt�., ..�„, o� V b��°���2�iS�s"�jvt^;��_,S;/; � ; � . � � ; .'�: �,/ , . i / j � � �� $AY � � � �, /, j j : - , � ; /' / , '� '/,' � , ;' ; ' �Jrn� `L'J_;c � � � ( � �� ���.o I�� 1��. 1,� I _ _ _ -- — — — £�i5 �0�� � � � �� � �r��'v.� a� { !_ � ,� '(�._QP i I 1 � r z� u $' � __ �s' � a 3 �' i i -c�- ; 29' ; �-- ( 23' : � \ i 2 0' ". , -. OFFZC^ OF T8$ CITY ATTORN&Y P B' A eg u.. . .ry aorney � � —� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cole�nan, Mayor January 5, 1998 NOTICE OF VIOLATIOTd Mary Fasching M.F. Automotive 1728 Se1by Avenue Saint Paul , MN 55104 CivilDivision 400 Ciry Hall IS Wert%Ilogg Slvd Saini Pau� M'uenuala 55102 Tefephan¢: 6I2 266-877� Faaimilc 613298-567� RE: General Repair Garage License held by Mary Fasching d/b/a M.F. Automotive License #14762 Dear Ms. Fasching: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) wi11 recommend that adverse action be taken against the general repair garage license held by you at the above address_ The basis for that action is as follows: There are conditiona on your license which prohibit repair of vehicles on the street, or outside the buildiag. Additionally there is a limit of twelve cars which can be in your parking lot both duriag and after business hours. On December 18, 1997 work was being done oa a piek-ug truck on the street outside the building. The truck was later moved to the business parking lot. On August 11, 1997 there were sixteen cara parked in the lot and on September 17, 19897 there were mare than twelve cars parked on the lot. If you do not dispute the facts stated above, please write a letter stating that fact and the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on what, if any penalty, should be impased on your license. If you dispute the facts, you are entitled to a hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please let me know that in writing. The matter will then be - - scheduled for a h and you will receive,^ti� notice letting you know the date, ti : and place of the hearing;. and giving you a short explanation of the procedures. If you have questions Q p 3\1 regarding this matter, you may contact me at 266-8710. If I have not heard from you by January 16, 1998, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts, and will schedule the matter £or a hearing before the City Council. Sincerely, Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, DepuCy Director of LIBP Kristina Schweinler, License Inspector RfiSTRICTIONS INQUIRY SCRfiEN LICENSE ID: 14762 DBA:M.F. AUTOMOTIVFs NOTE: 1:021188 PH ON APPN FOR GENSRAL, REPAIR GARAGE LICENS 2:E APP'D WITH CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS C.F. 88-209 3:1. NO ON STRSST REPAIR. 4:2. THE 'I'HI2EE OFF-STREET PARFCING SPOTS ON THE SITF 5: OF THB BUSINESS NEs'XT TO HPRSCHEL STREET WILL BE II 6: SED BY CUSTOMERS AI3D EMPLOYEES . 7:3. THFS PARKING LOT CAN HOLD NO MORE THAN 12 CARS 8:BOTH DURING ANS� AFTER BUSINESS HOURS. 9:4. NO CARS BE LPsFT IN TH& PARICING LOT ON A JACK O 10:R LIFT. 11:5. ALL MAINPENANCE WORK WILL BE DONE INSID$ TH£s B 12:UILDING. 13:6. NO TOOLS OR PARTS WILL BE STANDING OUTSIDE TAE 14: BUILDING. 15:7. ALL CARS TIiAT ARTS LEFT IN LONG TERM STORAGE (1 Date: Sep 26 ai-��� Date: Sep 26 RBSTRICTIONS INQUIRY SCREEN LICENSE ID: 14762 DBA:M.F. AUTOMOTIVE NOTE:16: WEEIC) T+ITLL HAVE ALL BODY PARTS INTACT AND WILL B33 17: CLOSED. 18:8. IF OVER THItEE VERIFIABLS COMPLAINTS ARE RECSIV 19:ED WITHIN SIX MONTHS, THE COUNCIL WOULD CONSIDER T 20:HAT CAUSE FOR RfiVOCATION. 21: 22• 23- 24: 25- 26: 27: 2S: 29• 30: a1Q -3�`l Lic ID ................... STAT..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip ...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ................. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ TaxId ........... ....... Worker Comg Exp Date..... 14762 RS FASCHING, MARY P 1728 SELBY AVE 55104 M.F. AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPAZR GARI�GE 12/16/97 �1� '��� INSP CHANGE FROM 02 TO 01 ON 4/09/92 120Q2 021188 PH ON APPN FOR GENERAL REPAIR GARAGE LICENS E APP'D WfCONDITIONS C.F. 88-209 checked 1OJ28/94 in compliance at time of insp.however,this busines s requires frequent monitoring.R JENTS 10f30/95 CONTACTED MARY F.AND DICUSSED EACH INDIVI DUAL RESTRICTION.IT APPEARS THAT THE RESTRICTION T HAT STATES THAT ALL CARS THAT Al2E LEFT SN LONG TER M STORAGE WILL HAVE ALL BODY PARTS INTACT.I BROUGA T TO MARY'S ATTENTION THAT THEY WERE IN VIOLATION OF THIS RESTR.AND SAOWED HER A GMC TRUCK 612-HRSWj O A FRONT CLIP,SHE SAID THAT SOMEONE LBFT IT TAERE I ASKED HER WHO,SHE STATED SHE DID NOT KNOW.I TOLD HER TO REMOVE AS SOON AS POSS.SHE PR�MISED TO COM PLY.THIS BUS.REQUIRES MUCH MONITORING.WILL KEEP AN EYE ONTHIS,HOWEVER MARY THINKS SHE IS BEING HARRAS 11j21/96 WAITING FOR AL3 REPORT RJ 2/25J97 - FINE LETTER SENT ($1,000 DUE 3/21/97)-LB 2j19/97 - C.F. #97-163 APP'D IMPOSING $1000.00 FINE 3/21/97 - PAID $1,000.00 FINE - i.AR 3985334 Telephone ................ 646-0032 OFFICE OF TETE CITY ATTORNEY PegBir$ CiryAttomey �� �1\� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Divisian 400 Ciry Hal1 IS West Ke[Iogg Blvd Sain[ Pau1, Minn¢sot¢ 55702 Telephone: 612 266-87I0 Facsimile: 612 298-5619 April 3, 1998 Chazles E. Bethel II Mahlum & Associates 1020 Piper Jaffray Piaza 444 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING RE: General Repair Gazage License held by Mary P. Fasching d16/a M.F. Automotive for the premises at 1728 Selby Ave. In St. Paul License ID No.: 14762 Our file Number: G96-0337 Dear Mr. Bethel: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named estabiishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Apri122, 1948 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documettts wluch wi11 be presented to the City Council for their consideration. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to speak on behalf of yow client. Based upon the agreement to the placement of addirional conditions on the e�sting license, the recommendation of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will by that the current adverse action be withdrawn if the newly agreed upon conditions aze added to the license. However, this is only a recommendation, which the Council is free to reject. If that happens your client would then be entifled to a hearing before an ALJ on the original Notice of Violation letter. Page 2 Charles E. Bethel II Apri13,1998 If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, .����- �� ���. Virguua D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey �� ���� cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Directot LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Michelle McCafferty, Exec. Director, Le�ngton-Hamline Community Council, 1160 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 Council File # l ' � Green Sheet # O � ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Z9 On January 5, 1998, an adverse action was initiated against the Auto Repair Gazage License held by Mary P. Fasching d1bJa M.F. Automotive (License ID No. 14762), located at 1728 Selby Avenue in St. Paul, when aNOTICE OF VIOLATION which identified several violations of e�sting license conditions was mailed to the licensee. Subsequent to this NOTICE an agreement has been reached between the licensee and the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection for the placement of additional restrictions on the existing Iicense. The licensee agrees that these conditions will appear as restricrions on the existing license and failure to operate within these requirements could be grounds for revocation of the license. Therefore; BE IT RESOLVED, that the current adverse action against the licenses held by Mary P. Fasching d/b/a M.E Automotive is hereby withdrawn and the following conditions are placed on the license: 1. Parking for customers and employees shali be arranged on the lot as shown on the attached site plan. No more than sixteen (16) vehicles sha11 be parked out doors on the lot. The exception to the number of vehicles is the dump truck which will be parked along the south side of the building in the area shown on the site plan. This vehicle shail not be used for the storage of parts or refuse. The dump truck must be operable and used in the conjunction with the business. 2. AIl vehicles parked outdoors on the Iot must be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 3. Vehicle parts, partially disassembled vehicles, tires, oil, vehicle hoist ar similar items will not be stared outdoors. Trash wiil be stored in the dumpster in the existing enclosed area. All such rraaterials presently stored oufdoors on the site must be removed by Wednesday, April I5, 1998. 4. No repaix of vehicles will occur on the exterior of the Iot or on the public right-of- way. Vehicles attached to tow trucks shall not be parked in the public right-of-way. RESOLUTION OF SQINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5. The proposed site improvements shall be completed by September 1, 1998 as detailed on the plan. This shall include fencing, striping for the parking spaces (#1 thru #8), landscaping and the chain device restricting entrance to the property both during business hours and after the business is closed. A pernut is required from the a� - ��� 1 Office of License, Tnspecfions and Environmentai Protection to install the fence. 2 3 6. The curb-cut on Herschel neazest Selby Ave. Must be removed and replace with curb 4 and gutter, to city specifications, by September 1, 1949. Until, this work is 5 completed, the driveway opening shall be closed for vehicle access with a chain or 6 other appropriate restraint. A permit from Public Works Sidewalk Division is 7 required for work in the public right-of-way. Only contractors ticensed with Public 8 Works may da driveway removad and boulevard restoration. 9 10 7. The remaining active driveways to the properiy will be closed with a chain or similar 11 gated device during the times when the business is closed. 12 13 Requested by Department of: $Y � iLJ�LGrLY'6 G�l %�'.��C+v `--- Form Approved by City Attorney BY: ��,,��� � �.�-� Approved by Mayor fox Submission to Council Y� `L By: pproved by Mayor Da e ✓� ldopted by Council: Date \O ��g �doption Certified by Council Secretary � LIEP ONTACT PERSON 8 MiONE Rabert Kessler 266-9112 4-22-98 Public 416/48 TOTAL. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �l$' �1'j GREEN SHEET No 608'7� � u �.,�.� ��,�_ � ❑ �.,n� ❑ �„«� — ❑ ww¢utamxccsuu� ❑ nuxeu�miw�ecrn ❑ WYORlaMA89dfYlT� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning the Auto Repair Garage License held by Aiary P. Fasching d/b1a M.F. Automotive located at 1728 Selby Avenue. PLANNING COMMISSION C16 COMMRTEE C1V1L SERVICE COMM{SSION RSONqLSERVICE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWFR7NE FOLLOWING QIlESTIONS: Has this percoNfirtn everworked urider a oonfract farthis dM�rtmenYt YES NO Hes tMC P��rm ever heen a uH emDbYeeT YES NO Dcee Mis persoMml P�s a s16tl not normairy0osaessed bY anY CurtHR ciN emGbYee? VES NO is this pelaor✓firtn a targetetl veridoY7 YES NO Coimc�l RQsearch Gent�r .�: � y � :,' d B�F� � IF APPROVED �OUNT OF TRANSAC?ION S COST/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ONk� SOURCE ACTIVRT NUMeER INFORAtA'f10N (EXP WN) YES NO PUBLIC HEARING Licensee Name: Address: Mary P. Fasching d/b!a M. F. Automotive 1728 Selby Avenue Council Hearing Date: April 22, 1998 Violation: Viofation Of License Conditions Related to: Prohibited Vehicle Repair of Street Limitation of Vehictes on Lot Date: Place: August 11, '1997, September 17, '1997, December 19, 1997 Licensed Premises Matrix Presumptive Penalty: Revocation of License �tY Recommendation vf Assistant City Attorney on behatf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; Additian of 7 conditions on license Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. 4/1/98 Letter from LIEP to Mary Fasching with Proposed Conditions 3. Notice of Violation 4. License information 5. License restrictions CITY OF SAINT FAUL Norm Coleman, Mtryor April 1, 1998 Mary Fasching 1728 Seiby Avenue Saint Paul MN 55104 RE: 1728 Selby Avenue Ms. Fasching: OFFICE OF LiCENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENV[RONMENTALPROTECTION q�+ 1t� Ro6ert Kessler, Direcror LOWRYPROFESSIDNALBUILDI��G Telephone:672-266-9090 Suite 300 Facsimile: 612-166-9099 350 S[ Peter St�eet 6I2466-9124 SairuPaul,Minnesota551Q2-I5T0 g ,��., y ,.�, :r . # � t � ' � j �a3s`�� $ � �i.� AP�t 4 Z 19g8 '`��,� E $ ������� { On March 3, 1998, we met in my office to discuss on-site parking, landscaping and related issues for your auto repair business at the referenced address. Your attorney-, Charles Bethei, was also there at that meeting. I reviewed a site pian you prepared. Based on our conversation and the plan submitted, we wili approve the proposed changes to the site subject to the following conditions: 1) Parking for customers and employees shali be arranged on the lot as shown on the attached site pfan. No more than 16 vehicles shall be parked out doors on the lot. The exception to the number of vehicies is the dump truck which wi11 be parked along the south side of the building in the area shown on the site plan. This vehicle shaii not be used for the storage of parts or refuse. The dump truck must be operabie and used in the conjunction with the business. 21 Ail vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must be completeiy assembied with no parts missing. Vehicle satvage is not permitted. 3) Vehicle parts, partial{y disassembfed vehicfes, tires, oil, vehicie hoist or simiiar items witl not be stored outdoors. Trash wilt be stored in the dumpster in the existing enclosed area. AII such materials presently stored outdoors on the site must be removed by Wednesday, Apri/ 15, 1998. 4) No repair of vehicles will occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of- way. Vehicles aitached to tow trucks shali not be parked in the public right-of- way. 5) The proposed site improvements shatl be completed by September 1, 1998 as detailed on the plan. This shali include fencing, striping for the parking spaces (#1 thru #8), landscaping and the chain device restricting entrance to the, property both during business hours and after the business is cfosed. A permit is requi�ed from thrs office to insta!! the fence. �1 � -� �� April 1, 1998 Mary Fasching Page 2 of 2 6) The curb-cut on Fierschet nearest Selby Ave, must be removed and replaced with curb and gutter, to city specifications, by September 1, 1999. Until, this work is completed, the driveway opening shall be closed for vehicle access with a chain or other appropriate restraint. A pe�mit fiom Public Works Sidewa/k Division is requrred for work in the public right-of way. Only contractors licensed with Public Works may do driveway removal and bouleva�d resioratians. 7) The remaining active driveways to the property wili be closed with a chain or similar gated device during the times when the business is closed. These conditions will appear as restrictions on your license and failing to operate within these requirements could be grounds for revocation of the license. Piease call me at 266-9083 with a�y questions. G�L[T�'�'k'tII.. �. Lawrence R. Zangs Zoning Technician enc. cc: Charles E. Bethel Phii Byrne Robert Kessler Ginger Palmer / �• ? 7Z8 S:��a°r av�AF: � �'_r^:.°<<�car, ? � �'x i ��'' � a' 3 0� �' . 3'0' 3 0 5 `�' Co"' 10' 6' 37' � 1 ' r i i i I � �__ .. � � f j � i � I i i t i , �-� ._ r SI.�?�ti`:h! :; C _�' � Gt:C s= N � :� J'� � i ; i i ; ; � � 2 • 3 ; �} � I I � ' t , �DAY '�� '� ' � , i 2 j"/%�� �' �%,� ��� t��� �. ; �� �t �������� / � � _.:���.�$�s�vl 1.��' J1. :���.� � _ �e �t � , � _ r r�r ��� i � : �=_. :- " � ��s ^3< E�JGG�Mnn!'3 �.r�� <o - f C�� t�a �lan�c� ¢ VGly Zi � T � .., � 73?�_ f:.Y;A'T � , � �, ; . t � � ; a��laictr�I�u;,,� j -�-- l�cr o55 cp '� 1 � � � -` \ � < � —! i } � � l � � � , � �< ( i i. � ' 1 � � � � � G � � . I . 6 ��a y` ��� � .�1 I �Z ����� 1 1 ,�1 ( l I � 1 ) 1 C�ASS E �' � ;13 � ; �R\Y=`alF.Y � ��u' �'i A�,'v BA j� i / �1�' �»: �� ��� sz' � � By Fil� # %� � I� l zo° AnY ai` � e�n� f•�r a,• £+r:� r-' ,; c,�� rt�., ..�„, o� V b��°���2�iS�s"�jvt^;��_,S;/; � ; � . � � ; .'�: �,/ , . i / j � � �� $AY � � � �, /, j j : - , � ; /' / , '� '/,' � , ;' ; ' �Jrn� `L'J_;c � � � ( � �� ���.o I�� 1��. 1,� I _ _ _ -- — — — £�i5 �0�� � � � �� � �r��'v.� a� { !_ � ,� '(�._QP i I 1 � r z� u $' � __ �s' � a 3 �' i i -c�- ; 29' ; �-- ( 23' : � \ i 2 0' ". , -. OFFZC^ OF T8$ CITY ATTORN&Y P B' A eg u.. . .ry aorney � � —� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cole�nan, Mayor January 5, 1998 NOTICE OF VIOLATIOTd Mary Fasching M.F. Automotive 1728 Se1by Avenue Saint Paul , MN 55104 CivilDivision 400 Ciry Hall IS Wert%Ilogg Slvd Saini Pau� M'uenuala 55102 Tefephan¢: 6I2 266-877� Faaimilc 613298-567� RE: General Repair Garage License held by Mary Fasching d/b/a M.F. Automotive License #14762 Dear Ms. Fasching: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) wi11 recommend that adverse action be taken against the general repair garage license held by you at the above address_ The basis for that action is as follows: There are conditiona on your license which prohibit repair of vehicles on the street, or outside the buildiag. Additionally there is a limit of twelve cars which can be in your parking lot both duriag and after business hours. On December 18, 1997 work was being done oa a piek-ug truck on the street outside the building. The truck was later moved to the business parking lot. On August 11, 1997 there were sixteen cara parked in the lot and on September 17, 19897 there were mare than twelve cars parked on the lot. If you do not dispute the facts stated above, please write a letter stating that fact and the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on what, if any penalty, should be impased on your license. If you dispute the facts, you are entitled to a hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please let me know that in writing. The matter will then be - - scheduled for a h and you will receive,^ti� notice letting you know the date, ti : and place of the hearing;. and giving you a short explanation of the procedures. If you have questions Q p 3\1 regarding this matter, you may contact me at 266-8710. If I have not heard from you by January 16, 1998, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts, and will schedule the matter £or a hearing before the City Council. Sincerely, Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, DepuCy Director of LIBP Kristina Schweinler, License Inspector RfiSTRICTIONS INQUIRY SCRfiEN LICENSE ID: 14762 DBA:M.F. AUTOMOTIVFs NOTE: 1:021188 PH ON APPN FOR GENSRAL, REPAIR GARAGE LICENS 2:E APP'D WITH CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS C.F. 88-209 3:1. NO ON STRSST REPAIR. 4:2. THE 'I'HI2EE OFF-STREET PARFCING SPOTS ON THE SITF 5: OF THB BUSINESS NEs'XT TO HPRSCHEL STREET WILL BE II 6: SED BY CUSTOMERS AI3D EMPLOYEES . 7:3. THFS PARKING LOT CAN HOLD NO MORE THAN 12 CARS 8:BOTH DURING ANS� AFTER BUSINESS HOURS. 9:4. NO CARS BE LPsFT IN TH& PARICING LOT ON A JACK O 10:R LIFT. 11:5. ALL MAINPENANCE WORK WILL BE DONE INSID$ TH£s B 12:UILDING. 13:6. NO TOOLS OR PARTS WILL BE STANDING OUTSIDE TAE 14: BUILDING. 15:7. ALL CARS TIiAT ARTS LEFT IN LONG TERM STORAGE (1 Date: Sep 26 ai-��� Date: Sep 26 RBSTRICTIONS INQUIRY SCREEN LICENSE ID: 14762 DBA:M.F. AUTOMOTIVE NOTE:16: WEEIC) T+ITLL HAVE ALL BODY PARTS INTACT AND WILL B33 17: CLOSED. 18:8. IF OVER THItEE VERIFIABLS COMPLAINTS ARE RECSIV 19:ED WITHIN SIX MONTHS, THE COUNCIL WOULD CONSIDER T 20:HAT CAUSE FOR RfiVOCATION. 21: 22• 23- 24: 25- 26: 27: 2S: 29• 30: a1Q -3�`l Lic ID ................... STAT..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip ...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ................. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ TaxId ........... ....... Worker Comg Exp Date..... 14762 RS FASCHING, MARY P 1728 SELBY AVE 55104 M.F. AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPAZR GARI�GE 12/16/97 �1� '��� INSP CHANGE FROM 02 TO 01 ON 4/09/92 120Q2 021188 PH ON APPN FOR GENERAL REPAIR GARAGE LICENS E APP'D WfCONDITIONS C.F. 88-209 checked 1OJ28/94 in compliance at time of insp.however,this busines s requires frequent monitoring.R JENTS 10f30/95 CONTACTED MARY F.AND DICUSSED EACH INDIVI DUAL RESTRICTION.IT APPEARS THAT THE RESTRICTION T HAT STATES THAT ALL CARS THAT Al2E LEFT SN LONG TER M STORAGE WILL HAVE ALL BODY PARTS INTACT.I BROUGA T TO MARY'S ATTENTION THAT THEY WERE IN VIOLATION OF THIS RESTR.AND SAOWED HER A GMC TRUCK 612-HRSWj O A FRONT CLIP,SHE SAID THAT SOMEONE LBFT IT TAERE I ASKED HER WHO,SHE STATED SHE DID NOT KNOW.I TOLD HER TO REMOVE AS SOON AS POSS.SHE PR�MISED TO COM PLY.THIS BUS.REQUIRES MUCH MONITORING.WILL KEEP AN EYE ONTHIS,HOWEVER MARY THINKS SHE IS BEING HARRAS 11j21/96 WAITING FOR AL3 REPORT RJ 2/25J97 - FINE LETTER SENT ($1,000 DUE 3/21/97)-LB 2j19/97 - C.F. #97-163 APP'D IMPOSING $1000.00 FINE 3/21/97 - PAID $1,000.00 FINE - i.AR 3985334 Telephone ................ 646-0032 OFFICE OF TETE CITY ATTORNEY PegBir$ CiryAttomey �� �1\� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Divisian 400 Ciry Hal1 IS West Ke[Iogg Blvd Sain[ Pau1, Minn¢sot¢ 55702 Telephone: 612 266-87I0 Facsimile: 612 298-5619 April 3, 1998 Chazles E. Bethel II Mahlum & Associates 1020 Piper Jaffray Piaza 444 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING RE: General Repair Gazage License held by Mary P. Fasching d16/a M.F. Automotive for the premises at 1728 Selby Ave. In St. Paul License ID No.: 14762 Our file Number: G96-0337 Dear Mr. Bethel: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named estabiishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Apri122, 1948 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documettts wluch wi11 be presented to the City Council for their consideration. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to speak on behalf of yow client. Based upon the agreement to the placement of addirional conditions on the e�sting license, the recommendation of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will by that the current adverse action be withdrawn if the newly agreed upon conditions aze added to the license. However, this is only a recommendation, which the Council is free to reject. If that happens your client would then be entifled to a hearing before an ALJ on the original Notice of Violation letter. Page 2 Charles E. Bethel II Apri13,1998 If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, .����- �� ���. Virguua D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey �� ���� cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Directot LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Michelle McCafferty, Exec. Director, Le�ngton-Hamline Community Council, 1160 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 Council File # l ' � Green Sheet # O � ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Z9 On January 5, 1998, an adverse action was initiated against the Auto Repair Gazage License held by Mary P. Fasching d1bJa M.F. Automotive (License ID No. 14762), located at 1728 Selby Avenue in St. Paul, when aNOTICE OF VIOLATION which identified several violations of e�sting license conditions was mailed to the licensee. Subsequent to this NOTICE an agreement has been reached between the licensee and the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection for the placement of additional restrictions on the existing Iicense. The licensee agrees that these conditions will appear as restricrions on the existing license and failure to operate within these requirements could be grounds for revocation of the license. Therefore; BE IT RESOLVED, that the current adverse action against the licenses held by Mary P. Fasching d/b/a M.E Automotive is hereby withdrawn and the following conditions are placed on the license: 1. Parking for customers and employees shali be arranged on the lot as shown on the attached site plan. No more than sixteen (16) vehicles sha11 be parked out doors on the lot. The exception to the number of vehicles is the dump truck which will be parked along the south side of the building in the area shown on the site plan. This vehicle shail not be used for the storage of parts or refuse. The dump truck must be operable and used in the conjunction with the business. 2. AIl vehicles parked outdoors on the Iot must be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 3. Vehicle parts, partially disassembled vehicles, tires, oil, vehicle hoist ar similar items will not be stared outdoors. Trash wiil be stored in the dumpster in the existing enclosed area. All such rraaterials presently stored oufdoors on the site must be removed by Wednesday, April I5, 1998. 4. No repaix of vehicles will occur on the exterior of the Iot or on the public right-of- way. Vehicles attached to tow trucks shall not be parked in the public right-of-way. RESOLUTION OF SQINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5. The proposed site improvements shall be completed by September 1, 1998 as detailed on the plan. This shall include fencing, striping for the parking spaces (#1 thru #8), landscaping and the chain device restricting entrance to the property both during business hours and after the business is closed. A pernut is required from the a� - ��� 1 Office of License, Tnspecfions and Environmentai Protection to install the fence. 2 3 6. The curb-cut on Herschel neazest Selby Ave. Must be removed and replace with curb 4 and gutter, to city specifications, by September 1, 1949. Until, this work is 5 completed, the driveway opening shall be closed for vehicle access with a chain or 6 other appropriate restraint. A permit from Public Works Sidewalk Division is 7 required for work in the public right-of-way. Only contractors ticensed with Public 8 Works may da driveway removad and boulevard restoration. 9 10 7. The remaining active driveways to the properiy will be closed with a chain or similar 11 gated device during the times when the business is closed. 12 13 Requested by Department of: $Y � iLJ�LGrLY'6 G�l %�'.��C+v `--- Form Approved by City Attorney BY: ��,,��� � �.�-� Approved by Mayor fox Submission to Council Y� `L By: pproved by Mayor Da e ✓� ldopted by Council: Date \O ��g �doption Certified by Council Secretary � LIEP ONTACT PERSON 8 MiONE Rabert Kessler 266-9112 4-22-98 Public 416/48 TOTAL. # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �l$' �1'j GREEN SHEET No 608'7� � u �.,�.� ��,�_ � ❑ �.,n� ❑ �„«� — ❑ ww¢utamxccsuu� ❑ nuxeu�miw�ecrn ❑ WYORlaMA89dfYlT� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Concerning the Auto Repair Garage License held by Aiary P. Fasching d/b1a M.F. Automotive located at 1728 Selby Avenue. PLANNING COMMISSION C16 COMMRTEE C1V1L SERVICE COMM{SSION RSONqLSERVICE CONTRACfS MUSTANSWFR7NE FOLLOWING QIlESTIONS: Has this percoNfirtn everworked urider a oonfract farthis dM�rtmenYt YES NO Hes tMC P��rm ever heen a uH emDbYeeT YES NO Dcee Mis persoMml P�s a s16tl not normairy0osaessed bY anY CurtHR ciN emGbYee? VES NO is this pelaor✓firtn a targetetl veridoY7 YES NO Coimc�l RQsearch Gent�r .�: � y � :,' d B�F� � IF APPROVED �OUNT OF TRANSAC?ION S COST/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ONk� SOURCE ACTIVRT NUMeER INFORAtA'f10N (EXP WN) YES NO PUBLIC HEARING Licensee Name: Address: Mary P. Fasching d/b!a M. F. Automotive 1728 Selby Avenue Council Hearing Date: April 22, 1998 Violation: Viofation Of License Conditions Related to: Prohibited Vehicle Repair of Street Limitation of Vehictes on Lot Date: Place: August 11, '1997, September 17, '1997, December 19, 1997 Licensed Premises Matrix Presumptive Penalty: Revocation of License �tY Recommendation vf Assistant City Attorney on behatf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection; Additian of 7 conditions on license Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. 4/1/98 Letter from LIEP to Mary Fasching with Proposed Conditions 3. Notice of Violation 4. License information 5. License restrictions CITY OF SAINT FAUL Norm Coleman, Mtryor April 1, 1998 Mary Fasching 1728 Seiby Avenue Saint Paul MN 55104 RE: 1728 Selby Avenue Ms. Fasching: OFFICE OF LiCENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENV[RONMENTALPROTECTION q�+ 1t� Ro6ert Kessler, Direcror LOWRYPROFESSIDNALBUILDI��G Telephone:672-266-9090 Suite 300 Facsimile: 612-166-9099 350 S[ Peter St�eet 6I2466-9124 SairuPaul,Minnesota551Q2-I5T0 g ,��., y ,.�, :r . # � t � ' � j �a3s`�� $ � �i.� AP�t 4 Z 19g8 '`��,� E $ ������� { On March 3, 1998, we met in my office to discuss on-site parking, landscaping and related issues for your auto repair business at the referenced address. Your attorney-, Charles Bethei, was also there at that meeting. I reviewed a site pian you prepared. Based on our conversation and the plan submitted, we wili approve the proposed changes to the site subject to the following conditions: 1) Parking for customers and employees shali be arranged on the lot as shown on the attached site pfan. No more than 16 vehicles shall be parked out doors on the lot. The exception to the number of vehicies is the dump truck which wi11 be parked along the south side of the building in the area shown on the site plan. This vehicle shaii not be used for the storage of parts or refuse. The dump truck must be operabie and used in the conjunction with the business. 21 Ail vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must be completeiy assembied with no parts missing. Vehicle satvage is not permitted. 3) Vehicle parts, partial{y disassembfed vehicfes, tires, oil, vehicie hoist or simiiar items witl not be stored outdoors. Trash wilt be stored in the dumpster in the existing enclosed area. AII such materials presently stored outdoors on the site must be removed by Wednesday, Apri/ 15, 1998. 4) No repair of vehicles will occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of- way. Vehicles aitached to tow trucks shali not be parked in the public right-of- way. 5) The proposed site improvements shatl be completed by September 1, 1998 as detailed on the plan. This shali include fencing, striping for the parking spaces (#1 thru #8), landscaping and the chain device restricting entrance to the, property both during business hours and after the business is cfosed. A permit is requi�ed from thrs office to insta!! the fence. �1 � -� �� April 1, 1998 Mary Fasching Page 2 of 2 6) The curb-cut on Fierschet nearest Selby Ave, must be removed and replaced with curb and gutter, to city specifications, by September 1, 1999. Until, this work is completed, the driveway opening shall be closed for vehicle access with a chain or other appropriate restraint. A pe�mit fiom Public Works Sidewa/k Division is requrred for work in the public right-of way. Only contractors licensed with Public Works may do driveway removal and bouleva�d resioratians. 7) The remaining active driveways to the property wili be closed with a chain or similar gated device during the times when the business is closed. These conditions will appear as restrictions on your license and failing to operate within these requirements could be grounds for revocation of the license. Piease call me at 266-9083 with a�y questions. G�L[T�'�'k'tII.. �. Lawrence R. Zangs Zoning Technician enc. cc: Charles E. Bethel Phii Byrne Robert Kessler Ginger Palmer / �• ? 7Z8 S:��a°r av�AF: � �'_r^:.°<<�car, ? � �'x i ��'' � a' 3 0� �' . 3'0' 3 0 5 `�' Co"' 10' 6' 37' � 1 ' r i i i I � �__ .. � � f j � i � I i i t i , �-� ._ r SI.�?�ti`:h! :; C _�' � Gt:C s= N � :� J'� � i ; i i ; ; � � 2 • 3 ; �} � I I � ' t , �DAY '�� '� ' � , i 2 j"/%�� �' �%,� ��� t��� �. ; �� �t �������� / � � _.:���.�$�s�vl 1.��' J1. :���.� � _ �e �t � , � _ r r�r ��� i � : �=_. :- " � ��s ^3< E�JGG�Mnn!'3 �.r�� <o - f C�� t�a �lan�c� ¢ VGly Zi � T � .., � 73?�_ f:.Y;A'T � , � �, ; . t � � ; a��laictr�I�u;,,� j -�-- l�cr o55 cp '� 1 � � � -` \ � < � —! i } � � l � � � , � �< ( i i. � ' 1 � � � � � G � � . I . 6 ��a y` ��� � .�1 I �Z ����� 1 1 ,�1 ( l I � 1 ) 1 C�ASS E �' � ;13 � ; �R\Y=`alF.Y � ��u' �'i A�,'v BA j� i / �1�' �»: �� ��� sz' � � By Fil� # %� � I� l zo° AnY ai` � e�n� f•�r a,• £+r:� r-' ,; c,�� rt�., ..�„, o� V b��°���2�iS�s"�jvt^;��_,S;/; � ; � . � � ; .'�: �,/ , . i / j � � �� $AY � � � �, /, j j : - , � ; /' / , '� '/,' � , ;' ; ' �Jrn� `L'J_;c � � � ( � �� ���.o I�� 1��. 1,� I _ _ _ -- — — — £�i5 �0�� � � � �� � �r��'v.� a� { !_ � ,� '(�._QP i I 1 � r z� u $' � __ �s' � a 3 �' i i -c�- ; 29' ; �-- ( 23' : � \ i 2 0' ". , -. OFFZC^ OF T8$ CITY ATTORN&Y P B' A eg u.. . .ry aorney � � —� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cole�nan, Mayor January 5, 1998 NOTICE OF VIOLATIOTd Mary Fasching M.F. Automotive 1728 Se1by Avenue Saint Paul , MN 55104 CivilDivision 400 Ciry Hall IS Wert%Ilogg Slvd Saini Pau� M'uenuala 55102 Tefephan¢: 6I2 266-877� Faaimilc 613298-567� RE: General Repair Garage License held by Mary Fasching d/b/a M.F. Automotive License #14762 Dear Ms. Fasching: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) wi11 recommend that adverse action be taken against the general repair garage license held by you at the above address_ The basis for that action is as follows: There are conditiona on your license which prohibit repair of vehicles on the street, or outside the buildiag. Additionally there is a limit of twelve cars which can be in your parking lot both duriag and after business hours. On December 18, 1997 work was being done oa a piek-ug truck on the street outside the building. The truck was later moved to the business parking lot. On August 11, 1997 there were sixteen cara parked in the lot and on September 17, 19897 there were mare than twelve cars parked on the lot. If you do not dispute the facts stated above, please write a letter stating that fact and the matter can be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on what, if any penalty, should be impased on your license. If you dispute the facts, you are entitled to a hearing before an administrative law judge. If you wish to have such a hearing, please let me know that in writing. The matter will then be - - scheduled for a h and you will receive,^ti� notice letting you know the date, ti : and place of the hearing;. and giving you a short explanation of the procedures. If you have questions Q p 3\1 regarding this matter, you may contact me at 266-8710. If I have not heard from you by January 16, 1998, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts, and will schedule the matter £or a hearing before the City Council. Sincerely, Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director of LIEP Christine Rozek, DepuCy Director of LIBP Kristina Schweinler, License Inspector RfiSTRICTIONS INQUIRY SCRfiEN LICENSE ID: 14762 DBA:M.F. AUTOMOTIVFs NOTE: 1:021188 PH ON APPN FOR GENSRAL, REPAIR GARAGE LICENS 2:E APP'D WITH CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS C.F. 88-209 3:1. NO ON STRSST REPAIR. 4:2. THE 'I'HI2EE OFF-STREET PARFCING SPOTS ON THE SITF 5: OF THB BUSINESS NEs'XT TO HPRSCHEL STREET WILL BE II 6: SED BY CUSTOMERS AI3D EMPLOYEES . 7:3. THFS PARKING LOT CAN HOLD NO MORE THAN 12 CARS 8:BOTH DURING ANS� AFTER BUSINESS HOURS. 9:4. NO CARS BE LPsFT IN TH& PARICING LOT ON A JACK O 10:R LIFT. 11:5. ALL MAINPENANCE WORK WILL BE DONE INSID$ TH£s B 12:UILDING. 13:6. NO TOOLS OR PARTS WILL BE STANDING OUTSIDE TAE 14: BUILDING. 15:7. ALL CARS TIiAT ARTS LEFT IN LONG TERM STORAGE (1 Date: Sep 26 ai-��� Date: Sep 26 RBSTRICTIONS INQUIRY SCREEN LICENSE ID: 14762 DBA:M.F. AUTOMOTIVE NOTE:16: WEEIC) T+ITLL HAVE ALL BODY PARTS INTACT AND WILL B33 17: CLOSED. 18:8. IF OVER THItEE VERIFIABLS COMPLAINTS ARE RECSIV 19:ED WITHIN SIX MONTHS, THE COUNCIL WOULD CONSIDER T 20:HAT CAUSE FOR RfiVOCATION. 21: 22• 23- 24: 25- 26: 27: 2S: 29• 30: a1Q -3�`l Lic ID ................... STAT..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip ...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ................. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ TaxId ........... ....... Worker Comg Exp Date..... 14762 RS FASCHING, MARY P 1728 SELBY AVE 55104 M.F. AUTOMOTIVE AUTO REPAZR GARI�GE 12/16/97 �1� '��� INSP CHANGE FROM 02 TO 01 ON 4/09/92 120Q2 021188 PH ON APPN FOR GENERAL REPAIR GARAGE LICENS E APP'D WfCONDITIONS C.F. 88-209 checked 1OJ28/94 in compliance at time of insp.however,this busines s requires frequent monitoring.R JENTS 10f30/95 CONTACTED MARY F.AND DICUSSED EACH INDIVI DUAL RESTRICTION.IT APPEARS THAT THE RESTRICTION T HAT STATES THAT ALL CARS THAT Al2E LEFT SN LONG TER M STORAGE WILL HAVE ALL BODY PARTS INTACT.I BROUGA T TO MARY'S ATTENTION THAT THEY WERE IN VIOLATION OF THIS RESTR.AND SAOWED HER A GMC TRUCK 612-HRSWj O A FRONT CLIP,SHE SAID THAT SOMEONE LBFT IT TAERE I ASKED HER WHO,SHE STATED SHE DID NOT KNOW.I TOLD HER TO REMOVE AS SOON AS POSS.SHE PR�MISED TO COM PLY.THIS BUS.REQUIRES MUCH MONITORING.WILL KEEP AN EYE ONTHIS,HOWEVER MARY THINKS SHE IS BEING HARRAS 11j21/96 WAITING FOR AL3 REPORT RJ 2/25J97 - FINE LETTER SENT ($1,000 DUE 3/21/97)-LB 2j19/97 - C.F. #97-163 APP'D IMPOSING $1000.00 FINE 3/21/97 - PAID $1,000.00 FINE - i.AR 3985334 Telephone ................ 646-0032 OFFICE OF TETE CITY ATTORNEY PegBir$ CiryAttomey �� �1\� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Civil Divisian 400 Ciry Hal1 IS West Ke[Iogg Blvd Sain[ Pau1, Minn¢sot¢ 55702 Telephone: 612 266-87I0 Facsimile: 612 298-5619 April 3, 1998 Chazles E. Bethel II Mahlum & Associates 1020 Piper Jaffray Piaza 444 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING RE: General Repair Gazage License held by Mary P. Fasching d16/a M.F. Automotive for the premises at 1728 Selby Ave. In St. Paul License ID No.: 14762 Our file Number: G96-0337 Dear Mr. Bethel: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named estabiishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Apri122, 1948 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documettts wluch wi11 be presented to the City Council for their consideration. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to speak on behalf of yow client. Based upon the agreement to the placement of addirional conditions on the e�sting license, the recommendation of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will by that the current adverse action be withdrawn if the newly agreed upon conditions aze added to the license. However, this is only a recommendation, which the Council is free to reject. If that happens your client would then be entifled to a hearing before an ALJ on the original Notice of Violation letter. Page 2 Charles E. Bethel II Apri13,1998 If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, .����- �� ���. Virguua D. Palmer Assistant City Attomey �� ���� cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Directot LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Michelle McCafferty, Exec. Director, Le�ngton-Hamline Community Council, 1160 Selby Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104