98-313ORIGiNAL Presented By Referz'ed To RESOLUTION MINNESOTA Council File # � � Ordinance � Green Sheet # LP60042 Z� Committee: Date RBSOLVED: 1 That appli.cation (ID #19980000435) for a Second Hand Dealer - 2 Motor Vehicle (1st) License(s) by WILLIAM SCHWARTZ DBA DOWNTOWN 3 AUTO SALES INC at 359 ROBERT ST S be and the same is hereby approved 4 with the following conditions: 5 1. The parking lot shall be paved as shown on the site plan, 6 approved by this office. 7 2. The number of •'for sale^ vehicles on the lot shall not exceed 8 (26) twenty-six. (8) eight off-street parking spaces shall be 9 provided for customers and employees. The parking arrangement 10 for both the vehicle display area and customer parking ahall 11 be in accordance with the approved site plan. A sign shall be 12 posted visible from Robert Street reading "CUStomer parking at 13 the Rear of the Building" . Off-street parking for the tenant 14 occupying the northern hal£ of the builiding shall be provided 15 as required by city ordinance. 16 3.Vehicles associated with the business may not be stored in 17 or project over the public right-of-way. 18 4.There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts. The repair 19 of any vehicle outdoors is also prohibited. 20 S.Trash receptaclesfdumpsters shall be enclosed with a wood obscuring 21 fence at least (6) six feet high. Yeas tuavs t�bsent Requested by Department of: By: APE By: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: V ^*� T�ZJ � �� Form Approved by City Attorney By: `t /Qlt 9,C/��- ' ) 1 : Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � '�.. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary DEPARTMENT/OFfICEICOUNCIL DATEINRW7ED Q�j���� LIEPJLicensirg GREENSHEET No.�PSOOaz �� ONTACT PER50N & PHONE M �� � OZEK CHRISTINE (612) 26&9108 � City A$omey . UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ASS�GN � HUMBER FOR a Councll Research R6UTING OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Council appra2t of the tdbvang license applieation: License S 1�J9800W 435, for WtLLIAM SCfiWARTZ, Doing Business As DOWNTOWh AUTO SALES INC, at 359 ROBERT ST S, inciuding the foilowing business iype(s): Second Hantl Dealer - Motor Vehicle (1 st). RECOMMENDATIONS: AppfOVe(A) RejeCt(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. tiasthispersoMtmevervrorketlutfdera ContradtwlhisdepatlmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO , CB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciy employeeT CIYIL SVC CINN, YES No , 3. Does this persoMrm possess a slall nof nortnally possessed by arry currenf city employee? YES NO . is Nis persoMrtn a targeted vendofl YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Request Council approvai for a Second Hand DealedMotor Vehicle tacense 6y William SchwaAZ OBA Robert Stseet Auto Wholesalew at 359 Robect St. S. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVAN7AGES IF NOT APpROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTfREVENUE SUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINCa SOURCE qCTIVIT�' NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: � (EXPIAiN) �Cti�'t3 �c?S°uf��� �`?^�c l�d� /� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION ��,�` �� °►d -'3�� CITY OF SAP,QT PAUL �ce of Licrnx, I.nspepions a�d Em�uonnen�zl Proteaion 3?o sc era sc s�m 3a� 5��; �z•.il, v��as 55:02 (it])1569J?0 � • •65-SI^.�, � !� ��� % 'IT�S r1I'PLICATION IS SL�IECT TO RF VIEW BY IHE PL�BLIC PLEASE I'YPE OR PRINT L^i INK T}pe of Licet SC'CG �r u1 n,�tz� n Com�anv Nzme: � � • • Carporation/Pextnenhip/SolePropri: If buaness is incorporated, give date of incorporation: Doing Business As: 2 l 0 Business Addrzss: _ J � �r �� J � �;�7-< S s �� l7°U ���f Street Addms $ehx�cen u$at cross streeu is the business located� Are the premises now occupied? '�� What T}pe of Business? . Mail To Address: 54cet Address CiTy State „' , Zip Applicant Information: (.�/t I � ( � �'�/l � � � � ( S"� � �-r'Z �(,� Name and I'itle: ��� ✓ f � Fixs[ \$ddle /� (.Vfaidrn) .. . t I,est TiAe � Home Address: ��� 3 �L'j�Q� Ci t u.� �j'! t�+e L�C%d �U r y /�� '� � a� s�e naa� ciTy ' s,�u z;P Date of Birth: � 3� �% (c Place of Birth: .S`� ����-�— �YI Home Phone: �?/' � d� 1 Iia��e yov e��er been comlcted of any felony, crime or ��iolation of any cit} ordinance other than traffic? YES NO �, Date of azrest: Where? Chazge: Conviction: Sentence: List the naznes and residences of three persons of good moral character, li�ing within 2he Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, w�ho may be referred to as to the applicant's characta: NAME AD PHOI�'E � cz �'�° y Cc�t P:i �k�� S f �a t C. C�- h Ge�52 .�7 List Iicenses or Have any of thz abo��e naned licenses ever been revoked? Business Phone: � ��' � f � � ciTy sfate Zip Which side of the street? Ic sf �'� �-�- t v'� �t evcc� � hx�•e a � terest in; �s'��CX€�r S� _ YES TO If}'es, list the dates and reasons for revocation: 2/18/97 / Are you going to operate this business personzll�•? �=S F�, ��� HomeAdFicss: Strect�ac�e ac Are }'ou going to hz� e a Tanager or usistant in tlus bus;nzss? please complete the follo« ir:g infoimatien: Fust \sae \yddle Initia] HomtAddress: SUSet:��e (�?eidrn) Ci �' YES (�lxidrn) Ce y Piease list your emplo�mrnt histo�� for the pre�iots fice (�) rzzr period: Business/Em l�o�ment Address NO If not, �� N operate it? G���f `� -� a Lest Date ofB'vih S;ate Zip Phoae \�vmba � NO If the manager is not the szme as the operator, I,zR Statc Dau of Binh Zip Phone \uyba List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE ATAME _ (Office Held) HOME HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE DAIE OF 3 i � � ��ation Fust 4me Home Addiess; Sirat Pfione �umba MIIINESOTA TAX IDENTIFICAI ION NL�ER - Pursuant to the Lau�s of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 5�2, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to pro��de 2o the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Crovemment Data Praclices Act and the Federal Pm�acy Act of 7 974, we aze required to ad�ZSe you of the following regazding the use of the Minnesota Ta�t Identification I�TUmber: - This information may be used to drny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you o���e Minnesota sales, employer's w7thholding or motor vehicle excise ta�es; - LTpon recei��ing this information, the licensing authoriry v,�ll supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Reti�enue. Howeva, under the Federal Eachange of lnformation A�eement, the Departrnent of Revenue may supply this infoimation to the Intemal Re��enue Ser�ice. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbeis (Szles 8c Use Tax I�TUmbe;) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number: �� l J e� , D�� ' Minnzsota Tax Identification Number: _ If a Minnesota TaX Identificalion Ncmber is not required for the busv�ess beir.g operated, indicate so by placing 2n "X" in the box. pages if necessazy): � 2/18/97 Home Addisss; Street �ame City State Zip Phonc \umber °l�-��� CERTIFICAI ION OF WORKERS' CO?�ENSATION CO� tRAGE PURSUANT TO MI':�^��ESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby cenif}'that I, or r.i}' companp, a*n in compliznce ��:th Lhe �,o;lzrs' compensation insurance co�'erzge requiremrnts of I�finnesota Stztute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I aso understand t1:at p;o�3sion offalsz i-'onnalion in this czrt�cation conslitutes sufficient grounds for ad�•erse action zgavnst all ]icenses held, including recocztion znd suspensioa of s2id licenses. :�TZme of Insurz:.ce Coir,pa.y: Policy ATUmber: Coverage from to I ha� e ao r,nployees co�'ered under �rorkzrs' compensztion i.suan.ce (I\'II IALS) Ai\'Y FALSTFICATION OF Ai1SWERS GIVEI�' OR MMATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT II�' DE\TAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have ans�*,'ered all of the preceding ouesto.^.s, znd that the information cont2ined herein is true and correct to the bzst of my knou�ledge and belief. I hereby st2te furdier that I have : zcziced no money or other considaation, by �a�ay of loan, eift, contribuuon, or oth�uise, otha than alrzady disclosed in the zpplication w hich I h�eNith submitted I also understznd this premise may be inspected b}' police, fse, hezlth and other cit}� officials zt zny and a es when the bus;ness is in oper2tion. � Signature (REQUIRED for all applications) Date We Rill accept pa}ment by cash, e6eck (made pa}able to Cifc of Saint Pau� or credit card (!!4/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITC4RDPLE4SECOMPLETETHEFOLLON'INGINFORMATION: �MasterCazd �Visa EXPIRAFIOI�T DATE: ❑o/o❑ \ame of ACCOUNT NUMBER: ■■■■■.■■ �■tili�i�� ■ ■ ■ ����� all Date **Note: Tf this application is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-97 39), to re�iew plans. 1f any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, piease contact a City of Saint Paul Pian Exatniner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. �there are a�ych�ges to the pazking lot, iloor space, or for new oper , ease coatact a Ci of Saint P Zoning Ins�t�at 266-9008. � �� � All applications require the foltoaing documents. �e attach these documents n'hen submitting }' r application: 1. A detailed description of the desigq location and square foocage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (prefaably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. -111e scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N �hould be indicated to�;�ud the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, pazking, rest rooms, E1c. - ff a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current azea and the proposed ea�pansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease agreement or proof of ounership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQL�2E A.DDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> a,7 s,'97 If apph'ing for, �� I „ 1 J Cabamt adult, p]e2se zttzch �3,—,rien p:oof :h2t ezch es:plo} is at least 18 }'e�s old. Com'ersationlRap parior adult, pleze zrt2ch �+�itten p. that each emplo}'ee is 2t ]ezst 18 pears o1d. Entertainmeot plrz� specif} clzss A, B, or C license; ob:tia and zttach si�atures of approv2l from 90% of } our neiehbors v.ithin 350 feet of the est�b!ish.:nmt This lic.�se rns be zpplied fo; in cenjw�c:ion n'itn a Liquor, Wine, Malt On Sziz or RentaUDznce Hzll license. Firearms, plea�. zttach a]ztter �rit�a thz folloti ing inform�aon: �tzte if selling or only repauing, Federal Firezrms License ?vu:nber, t�pe of Armed Sercices discharge (Honorabie, Ge�ieral, Bzd Conduc� Undesirable, Dishonorable, or no military sen�ce. (IvOTE: Establishment must be commercially zoaed.) Game room, please pro�ide the follot;ir.g i..fotm2tion: n�;z of machine znd list price. {NOTE: A Pool H2111icense is required if there are any poo] tables in the estzblishment.) Health/Sports club aduIt, plezse attach �;Tittzn proof L'�zt each employee is at lezst 18 pears old. Liquor off/on sale, refer to att2ched liquor applicetion. Lock opening senices, please attach a list of all e.mpio;�ees (�:ith home address and telephoae number) w�ho will be doing the iocK opeting service; attach 510,000 Surety Bond. Massage center, piease attach a detailed description of'uz se;v�ces being pro�'ided. Massage center aduit, please attach ��r'ttzn proof that each emplo}�ee is at least I S}'ears old. Massage pnctitioner, plezsz submit proof of successful ca.n�letion of written and practical exams from the City of Saint Paul authorized et'amin inss2nce certi5cate shou�ing coveraee of 51,000,000.00 each general liability and professional liability NZth the City of Saint Paul named as � additional insure3, and a 30 day notice of czncellation; proof of affiliation from a licensed City of Saint Paul therapeutic massage cencer ot state licensed Sealth faciliry . 1lfotoreccle dealer, piezse include State of Minnesota Dzzler I�rumber. New motor v'e6icle dealer, please include St2te of Nlinnesota Dealer Number. Parlring IoUramp, please include the numb� of parking s�z.ces, and attach plans containing a grneral description of the securiry provided at the IoVramp, a site plan shoaing drivewa}s of the propossi lot and the legal description of the property (tlus requirement necessary only if no site pian is ciux ently on file). Attzch a co��er letta desc: ibing your plans to comply with the ]ighting and painting requirements. PaRabroker, please attach 55,000.00 Surety Bond. � Second hand deaIer-motor vehicle, piezse include State of 2vl�innesota Dealer Number. Second haed dea[er-motor �'ehicle parts, pleue aYach 5�,000.00 S;irety Bond Steam room/bath house adult, plzase attach written proof thzY'each employee is at least 18 years old. Theater adult, please attach written proof that each employee is at least 18 years old ��S-�¢e �P��pr � � � —� `� 77 �,�8.g� ORIGiNAL Presented By Referz'ed To RESOLUTION MINNESOTA Council File # � � Ordinance � Green Sheet # LP60042 Z� Committee: Date RBSOLVED: 1 That appli.cation (ID #19980000435) for a Second Hand Dealer - 2 Motor Vehicle (1st) License(s) by WILLIAM SCHWARTZ DBA DOWNTOWN 3 AUTO SALES INC at 359 ROBERT ST S be and the same is hereby approved 4 with the following conditions: 5 1. The parking lot shall be paved as shown on the site plan, 6 approved by this office. 7 2. The number of •'for sale^ vehicles on the lot shall not exceed 8 (26) twenty-six. (8) eight off-street parking spaces shall be 9 provided for customers and employees. The parking arrangement 10 for both the vehicle display area and customer parking ahall 11 be in accordance with the approved site plan. A sign shall be 12 posted visible from Robert Street reading "CUStomer parking at 13 the Rear of the Building" . Off-street parking for the tenant 14 occupying the northern hal£ of the builiding shall be provided 15 as required by city ordinance. 16 3.Vehicles associated with the business may not be stored in 17 or project over the public right-of-way. 18 4.There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts. The repair 19 of any vehicle outdoors is also prohibited. 20 S.Trash receptaclesfdumpsters shall be enclosed with a wood obscuring 21 fence at least (6) six feet high. Yeas tuavs t�bsent Requested by Department of: By: APE By: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: V ^*� T�ZJ � �� Form Approved by City Attorney By: `t /Qlt 9,C/��- ' ) 1 : Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � '�.. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary DEPARTMENT/OFfICEICOUNCIL DATEINRW7ED Q�j���� LIEPJLicensirg GREENSHEET No.�PSOOaz �� ONTACT PER50N & PHONE M �� � OZEK CHRISTINE (612) 26&9108 � City A$omey . UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ASS�GN � HUMBER FOR a Councll Research R6UTING OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Council appra2t of the tdbvang license applieation: License S 1�J9800W 435, for WtLLIAM SCfiWARTZ, Doing Business As DOWNTOWh AUTO SALES INC, at 359 ROBERT ST S, inciuding the foilowing business iype(s): Second Hantl Dealer - Motor Vehicle (1 st). RECOMMENDATIONS: AppfOVe(A) RejeCt(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. tiasthispersoMtmevervrorketlutfdera ContradtwlhisdepatlmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO , CB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciy employeeT CIYIL SVC CINN, YES No , 3. Does this persoMrm possess a slall nof nortnally possessed by arry currenf city employee? YES NO . is Nis persoMrtn a targeted vendofl YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Request Council approvai for a Second Hand DealedMotor Vehicle tacense 6y William SchwaAZ OBA Robert Stseet Auto Wholesalew at 359 Robect St. S. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVAN7AGES IF NOT APpROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTfREVENUE SUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINCa SOURCE qCTIVIT�' NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: � (EXPIAiN) �Cti�'t3 �c?S°uf��� �`?^�c l�d� /� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION ��,�` �� °►d -'3�� CITY OF SAP,QT PAUL �ce of Licrnx, I.nspepions a�d Em�uonnen�zl Proteaion 3?o sc era sc s�m 3a� 5��; �z•.il, v��as 55:02 (it])1569J?0 � • •65-SI^.�, � !� ��� % 'IT�S r1I'PLICATION IS SL�IECT TO RF VIEW BY IHE PL�BLIC PLEASE I'YPE OR PRINT L^i INK T}pe of Licet SC'CG �r u1 n,�tz� n Com�anv Nzme: � � • • Carporation/Pextnenhip/SolePropri: If buaness is incorporated, give date of incorporation: Doing Business As: 2 l 0 Business Addrzss: _ J � �r �� J � �;�7-< S s �� l7°U ���f Street Addms $ehx�cen u$at cross streeu is the business located� Are the premises now occupied? '�� What T}pe of Business? . Mail To Address: 54cet Address CiTy State „' , Zip Applicant Information: (.�/t I � ( � �'�/l � � � � ( S"� � �-r'Z �(,� Name and I'itle: ��� ✓ f � Fixs[ \$ddle /� (.Vfaidrn) .. . t I,est TiAe � Home Address: ��� 3 �L'j�Q� Ci t u.� �j'! t�+e L�C%d �U r y /�� '� � a� s�e naa� ciTy ' s,�u z;P Date of Birth: � 3� �% (c Place of Birth: .S`� ����-�— �YI Home Phone: �?/' � d� 1 Iia��e yov e��er been comlcted of any felony, crime or ��iolation of any cit} ordinance other than traffic? YES NO �, Date of azrest: Where? Chazge: Conviction: Sentence: List the naznes and residences of three persons of good moral character, li�ing within 2he Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, w�ho may be referred to as to the applicant's characta: NAME AD PHOI�'E � cz �'�° y Cc�t P:i �k�� S f �a t C. C�- h Ge�52 .�7 List Iicenses or Have any of thz abo��e naned licenses ever been revoked? Business Phone: � ��' � f � � ciTy sfate Zip Which side of the street? Ic sf �'� �-�- t v'� �t evcc� � hx�•e a � terest in; �s'��CX€�r S� _ YES TO If}'es, list the dates and reasons for revocation: 2/18/97 / Are you going to operate this business personzll�•? �=S F�, ��� HomeAdFicss: Strect�ac�e ac Are }'ou going to hz� e a Tanager or usistant in tlus bus;nzss? please complete the follo« ir:g infoimatien: Fust \sae \yddle Initia] HomtAddress: SUSet:��e (�?eidrn) Ci �' YES (�lxidrn) Ce y Piease list your emplo�mrnt histo�� for the pre�iots fice (�) rzzr period: Business/Em l�o�ment Address NO If not, �� N operate it? G���f `� -� a Lest Date ofB'vih S;ate Zip Phoae \�vmba � NO If the manager is not the szme as the operator, I,zR Statc Dau of Binh Zip Phone \uyba List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE ATAME _ (Office Held) HOME HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE DAIE OF 3 i � � ��ation Fust 4me Home Addiess; Sirat Pfione �umba MIIINESOTA TAX IDENTIFICAI ION NL�ER - Pursuant to the Lau�s of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 5�2, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to pro��de 2o the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Crovemment Data Praclices Act and the Federal Pm�acy Act of 7 974, we aze required to ad�ZSe you of the following regazding the use of the Minnesota Ta�t Identification I�TUmber: - This information may be used to drny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you o���e Minnesota sales, employer's w7thholding or motor vehicle excise ta�es; - LTpon recei��ing this information, the licensing authoriry v,�ll supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Reti�enue. Howeva, under the Federal Eachange of lnformation A�eement, the Departrnent of Revenue may supply this infoimation to the Intemal Re��enue Ser�ice. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbeis (Szles 8c Use Tax I�TUmbe;) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number: �� l J e� , D�� ' Minnzsota Tax Identification Number: _ If a Minnesota TaX Identificalion Ncmber is not required for the busv�ess beir.g operated, indicate so by placing 2n "X" in the box. pages if necessazy): � 2/18/97 Home Addisss; Street �ame City State Zip Phonc \umber °l�-��� CERTIFICAI ION OF WORKERS' CO?�ENSATION CO� tRAGE PURSUANT TO MI':�^��ESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby cenif}'that I, or r.i}' companp, a*n in compliznce ��:th Lhe �,o;lzrs' compensation insurance co�'erzge requiremrnts of I�finnesota Stztute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I aso understand t1:at p;o�3sion offalsz i-'onnalion in this czrt�cation conslitutes sufficient grounds for ad�•erse action zgavnst all ]icenses held, including recocztion znd suspensioa of s2id licenses. :�TZme of Insurz:.ce Coir,pa.y: Policy ATUmber: Coverage from to I ha� e ao r,nployees co�'ered under �rorkzrs' compensztion i.suan.ce (I\'II IALS) Ai\'Y FALSTFICATION OF Ai1SWERS GIVEI�' OR MMATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT II�' DE\TAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have ans�*,'ered all of the preceding ouesto.^.s, znd that the information cont2ined herein is true and correct to the bzst of my knou�ledge and belief. I hereby st2te furdier that I have : zcziced no money or other considaation, by �a�ay of loan, eift, contribuuon, or oth�uise, otha than alrzady disclosed in the zpplication w hich I h�eNith submitted I also understznd this premise may be inspected b}' police, fse, hezlth and other cit}� officials zt zny and a es when the bus;ness is in oper2tion. � Signature (REQUIRED for all applications) Date We Rill accept pa}ment by cash, e6eck (made pa}able to Cifc of Saint Pau� or credit card (!!4/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITC4RDPLE4SECOMPLETETHEFOLLON'INGINFORMATION: �MasterCazd �Visa EXPIRAFIOI�T DATE: ❑o/o❑ \ame of ACCOUNT NUMBER: ■■■■■.■■ �■tili�i�� ■ ■ ■ ����� all Date **Note: Tf this application is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-97 39), to re�iew plans. 1f any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, piease contact a City of Saint Paul Pian Exatniner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. �there are a�ych�ges to the pazking lot, iloor space, or for new oper , ease coatact a Ci of Saint P Zoning Ins�t�at 266-9008. � �� � All applications require the foltoaing documents. �e attach these documents n'hen submitting }' r application: 1. A detailed description of the desigq location and square foocage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (prefaably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. -111e scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N �hould be indicated to�;�ud the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, pazking, rest rooms, E1c. - ff a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current azea and the proposed ea�pansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease agreement or proof of ounership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQL�2E A.DDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> a,7 s,'97 If apph'ing for, �� I „ 1 J Cabamt adult, p]e2se zttzch �3,—,rien p:oof :h2t ezch es:plo} is at least 18 }'e�s old. Com'ersationlRap parior adult, pleze zrt2ch �+�itten p. that each emplo}'ee is 2t ]ezst 18 pears o1d. Entertainmeot plrz� specif} clzss A, B, or C license; ob:tia and zttach si�atures of approv2l from 90% of } our neiehbors v.ithin 350 feet of the est�b!ish.:nmt This lic.�se rns be zpplied fo; in cenjw�c:ion n'itn a Liquor, Wine, Malt On Sziz or RentaUDznce Hzll license. Firearms, plea�. zttach a]ztter �rit�a thz folloti ing inform�aon: �tzte if selling or only repauing, Federal Firezrms License ?vu:nber, t�pe of Armed Sercices discharge (Honorabie, Ge�ieral, Bzd Conduc� Undesirable, Dishonorable, or no military sen�ce. (IvOTE: Establishment must be commercially zoaed.) Game room, please pro�ide the follot;ir.g i..fotm2tion: n�;z of machine znd list price. {NOTE: A Pool H2111icense is required if there are any poo] tables in the estzblishment.) Health/Sports club aduIt, plezse attach �;Tittzn proof L'�zt each employee is at lezst 18 pears old. Liquor off/on sale, refer to att2ched liquor applicetion. Lock opening senices, please attach a list of all e.mpio;�ees (�:ith home address and telephoae number) w�ho will be doing the iocK opeting service; attach 510,000 Surety Bond. Massage center, piease attach a detailed description of'uz se;v�ces being pro�'ided. Massage center aduit, please attach ��r'ttzn proof that each emplo}�ee is at least I S}'ears old. Massage pnctitioner, plezsz submit proof of successful ca.n�letion of written and practical exams from the City of Saint Paul authorized et'amin inss2nce certi5cate shou�ing coveraee of 51,000,000.00 each general liability and professional liability NZth the City of Saint Paul named as � additional insure3, and a 30 day notice of czncellation; proof of affiliation from a licensed City of Saint Paul therapeutic massage cencer ot state licensed Sealth faciliry . 1lfotoreccle dealer, piezse include State of Minnesota Dzzler I�rumber. New motor v'e6icle dealer, please include St2te of Nlinnesota Dealer Number. Parlring IoUramp, please include the numb� of parking s�z.ces, and attach plans containing a grneral description of the securiry provided at the IoVramp, a site plan shoaing drivewa}s of the propossi lot and the legal description of the property (tlus requirement necessary only if no site pian is ciux ently on file). Attzch a co��er letta desc: ibing your plans to comply with the ]ighting and painting requirements. PaRabroker, please attach 55,000.00 Surety Bond. � Second hand deaIer-motor vehicle, piezse include State of 2vl�innesota Dealer Number. Second haed dea[er-motor �'ehicle parts, pleue aYach 5�,000.00 S;irety Bond Steam room/bath house adult, plzase attach written proof thzY'each employee is at least 18 years old. Theater adult, please attach written proof that each employee is at least 18 years old ��S-�¢e �P��pr � � � —� `� 77 �,�8.g� ORIGiNAL Presented By Referz'ed To RESOLUTION MINNESOTA Council File # � � Ordinance � Green Sheet # LP60042 Z� Committee: Date RBSOLVED: 1 That appli.cation (ID #19980000435) for a Second Hand Dealer - 2 Motor Vehicle (1st) License(s) by WILLIAM SCHWARTZ DBA DOWNTOWN 3 AUTO SALES INC at 359 ROBERT ST S be and the same is hereby approved 4 with the following conditions: 5 1. The parking lot shall be paved as shown on the site plan, 6 approved by this office. 7 2. The number of •'for sale^ vehicles on the lot shall not exceed 8 (26) twenty-six. (8) eight off-street parking spaces shall be 9 provided for customers and employees. The parking arrangement 10 for both the vehicle display area and customer parking ahall 11 be in accordance with the approved site plan. A sign shall be 12 posted visible from Robert Street reading "CUStomer parking at 13 the Rear of the Building" . Off-street parking for the tenant 14 occupying the northern hal£ of the builiding shall be provided 15 as required by city ordinance. 16 3.Vehicles associated with the business may not be stored in 17 or project over the public right-of-way. 18 4.There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts. The repair 19 of any vehicle outdoors is also prohibited. 20 S.Trash receptaclesfdumpsters shall be enclosed with a wood obscuring 21 fence at least (6) six feet high. Yeas tuavs t�bsent Requested by Department of: By: APE By: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: V ^*� T�ZJ � �� Form Approved by City Attorney By: `t /Qlt 9,C/��- ' ) 1 : Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � '�.. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary DEPARTMENT/OFfICEICOUNCIL DATEINRW7ED Q�j���� LIEPJLicensirg GREENSHEET No.�PSOOaz �� ONTACT PER50N & PHONE M �� � OZEK CHRISTINE (612) 26&9108 � City A$omey . UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ASS�GN � HUMBER FOR a Councll Research R6UTING OROER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Council appra2t of the tdbvang license applieation: License S 1�J9800W 435, for WtLLIAM SCfiWARTZ, Doing Business As DOWNTOWh AUTO SALES INC, at 359 ROBERT ST S, inciuding the foilowing business iype(s): Second Hantl Dealer - Motor Vehicle (1 st). RECOMMENDATIONS: AppfOVe(A) RejeCt(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. tiasthispersoMtmevervrorketlutfdera ContradtwlhisdepatlmeM? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO , CB COMMITTEE 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a ciy employeeT CIYIL SVC CINN, YES No , 3. Does this persoMrm possess a slall nof nortnally possessed by arry currenf city employee? YES NO . is Nis persoMrtn a targeted vendofl YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Request Council approvai for a Second Hand DealedMotor Vehicle tacense 6y William SchwaAZ OBA Robert Stseet Auto Wholesalew at 359 Robect St. S. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVAN7AGES IF NOT APpROVED: OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTfREVENUE SUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINCa SOURCE qCTIVIT�' NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: � (EXPIAiN) �Cti�'t3 �c?S°uf��� �`?^�c l�d� /� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION ��,�` �� °►d -'3�� CITY OF SAP,QT PAUL �ce of Licrnx, I.nspepions a�d Em�uonnen�zl Proteaion 3?o sc era sc s�m 3a� 5��; �z•.il, v��as 55:02 (it])1569J?0 � • •65-SI^.�, � !� ��� % 'IT�S r1I'PLICATION IS SL�IECT TO RF VIEW BY IHE PL�BLIC PLEASE I'YPE OR PRINT L^i INK T}pe of Licet SC'CG �r u1 n,�tz� n Com�anv Nzme: � � • • Carporation/Pextnenhip/SolePropri: If buaness is incorporated, give date of incorporation: Doing Business As: 2 l 0 Business Addrzss: _ J � �r �� J � �;�7-< S s �� l7°U ���f Street Addms $ehx�cen u$at cross streeu is the business located� Are the premises now occupied? '�� What T}pe of Business? . Mail To Address: 54cet Address CiTy State „' , Zip Applicant Information: (.�/t I � ( � �'�/l � � � � ( S"� � �-r'Z �(,� Name and I'itle: ��� ✓ f � Fixs[ \$ddle /� (.Vfaidrn) .. . t I,est TiAe � Home Address: ��� 3 �L'j�Q� Ci t u.� �j'! t�+e L�C%d �U r y /�� '� � a� s�e naa� ciTy ' s,�u z;P Date of Birth: � 3� �% (c Place of Birth: .S`� ����-�— �YI Home Phone: �?/' � d� 1 Iia��e yov e��er been comlcted of any felony, crime or ��iolation of any cit} ordinance other than traffic? YES NO �, Date of azrest: Where? Chazge: Conviction: Sentence: List the naznes and residences of three persons of good moral character, li�ing within 2he Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financiaily interested in the premises or business, w�ho may be referred to as to the applicant's characta: NAME AD PHOI�'E � cz �'�° y Cc�t P:i �k�� S f �a t C. C�- h Ge�52 .�7 List Iicenses or Have any of thz abo��e naned licenses ever been revoked? Business Phone: � ��' � f � � ciTy sfate Zip Which side of the street? Ic sf �'� �-�- t v'� �t evcc� � hx�•e a � terest in; �s'��CX€�r S� _ YES TO If}'es, list the dates and reasons for revocation: 2/18/97 / Are you going to operate this business personzll�•? �=S F�, ��� HomeAdFicss: Strect�ac�e ac Are }'ou going to hz� e a Tanager or usistant in tlus bus;nzss? please complete the follo« ir:g infoimatien: Fust \sae \yddle Initia] HomtAddress: SUSet:��e (�?eidrn) Ci �' YES (�lxidrn) Ce y Piease list your emplo�mrnt histo�� for the pre�iots fice (�) rzzr period: Business/Em l�o�ment Address NO If not, �� N operate it? G���f `� -� a Lest Date ofB'vih S;ate Zip Phoae \�vmba � NO If the manager is not the szme as the operator, I,zR Statc Dau of Binh Zip Phone \uyba List all other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE ATAME _ (Office Held) HOME HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE DAIE OF 3 i � � ��ation Fust 4me Home Addiess; Sirat Pfione �umba MIIINESOTA TAX IDENTIFICAI ION NL�ER - Pursuant to the Lau�s of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 5�2, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to pro��de 2o the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Crovemment Data Praclices Act and the Federal Pm�acy Act of 7 974, we aze required to ad�ZSe you of the following regazding the use of the Minnesota Ta�t Identification I�TUmber: - This information may be used to drny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you o���e Minnesota sales, employer's w7thholding or motor vehicle excise ta�es; - LTpon recei��ing this information, the licensing authoriry v,�ll supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Reti�enue. Howeva, under the Federal Eachange of lnformation A�eement, the Departrnent of Revenue may supply this infoimation to the Intemal Re��enue Ser�ice. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbeis (Szles 8c Use Tax I�TUmbe;) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Security Number: �� l J e� , D�� ' Minnzsota Tax Identification Number: _ If a Minnesota TaX Identificalion Ncmber is not required for the busv�ess beir.g operated, indicate so by placing 2n "X" in the box. pages if necessazy): � 2/18/97 Home Addisss; Street �ame City State Zip Phonc \umber °l�-��� CERTIFICAI ION OF WORKERS' CO?�ENSATION CO� tRAGE PURSUANT TO MI':�^��ESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby cenif}'that I, or r.i}' companp, a*n in compliznce ��:th Lhe �,o;lzrs' compensation insurance co�'erzge requiremrnts of I�finnesota Stztute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I aso understand t1:at p;o�3sion offalsz i-'onnalion in this czrt�cation conslitutes sufficient grounds for ad�•erse action zgavnst all ]icenses held, including recocztion znd suspensioa of s2id licenses. :�TZme of Insurz:.ce Coir,pa.y: Policy ATUmber: Coverage from to I ha� e ao r,nployees co�'ered under �rorkzrs' compensztion i.suan.ce (I\'II IALS) Ai\'Y FALSTFICATION OF Ai1SWERS GIVEI�' OR MMATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT II�' DE\TAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have ans�*,'ered all of the preceding ouesto.^.s, znd that the information cont2ined herein is true and correct to the bzst of my knou�ledge and belief. I hereby st2te furdier that I have : zcziced no money or other considaation, by �a�ay of loan, eift, contribuuon, or oth�uise, otha than alrzady disclosed in the zpplication w hich I h�eNith submitted I also understznd this premise may be inspected b}' police, fse, hezlth and other cit}� officials zt zny and a es when the bus;ness is in oper2tion. � Signature (REQUIRED for all applications) Date We Rill accept pa}ment by cash, e6eck (made pa}able to Cifc of Saint Pau� or credit card (!!4/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITC4RDPLE4SECOMPLETETHEFOLLON'INGINFORMATION: �MasterCazd �Visa EXPIRAFIOI�T DATE: ❑o/o❑ \ame of ACCOUNT NUMBER: ■■■■■.■■ �■tili�i�� ■ ■ ■ ����� all Date **Note: Tf this application is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-97 39), to re�iew plans. 1f any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, piease contact a City of Saint Paul Pian Exatniner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. �there are a�ych�ges to the pazking lot, iloor space, or for new oper , ease coatact a Ci of Saint P Zoning Ins�t�at 266-9008. � �� � All applications require the foltoaing documents. �e attach these documents n'hen submitting }' r application: 1. A detailed description of the desigq location and square foocage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (prefaably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. -111e scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N �hould be indicated to�;�ud the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, pazking, rest rooms, E1c. - ff a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current azea and the proposed ea�pansion. 2. A copy of your ]ease agreement or proof of ounership of the property. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQL�2E A.DDTTIONAL INFORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> a,7 s,'97 If apph'ing for, �� I „ 1 J Cabamt adult, p]e2se zttzch �3,—,rien p:oof :h2t ezch es:plo} is at least 18 }'e�s old. Com'ersationlRap parior adult, pleze zrt2ch �+�itten p. that each emplo}'ee is 2t ]ezst 18 pears o1d. Entertainmeot plrz� specif} clzss A, B, or C license; ob:tia and zttach si�atures of approv2l from 90% of } our neiehbors v.ithin 350 feet of the est�b!ish.:nmt This lic.�se rns be zpplied fo; in cenjw�c:ion n'itn a Liquor, Wine, Malt On Sziz or RentaUDznce Hzll license. Firearms, plea�. zttach a]ztter �rit�a thz folloti ing inform�aon: �tzte if selling or only repauing, Federal Firezrms License ?vu:nber, t�pe of Armed Sercices discharge (Honorabie, Ge�ieral, Bzd Conduc� Undesirable, Dishonorable, or no military sen�ce. (IvOTE: Establishment must be commercially zoaed.) Game room, please pro�ide the follot;ir.g i..fotm2tion: n�;z of machine znd list price. {NOTE: A Pool H2111icense is required if there are any poo] tables in the estzblishment.) Health/Sports club aduIt, plezse attach �;Tittzn proof L'�zt each employee is at lezst 18 pears old. Liquor off/on sale, refer to att2ched liquor applicetion. Lock opening senices, please attach a list of all e.mpio;�ees (�:ith home address and telephoae number) w�ho will be doing the iocK opeting service; attach 510,000 Surety Bond. Massage center, piease attach a detailed description of'uz se;v�ces being pro�'ided. Massage center aduit, please attach ��r'ttzn proof that each emplo}�ee is at least I S}'ears old. Massage pnctitioner, plezsz submit proof of successful ca.n�letion of written and practical exams from the City of Saint Paul authorized et'amin inss2nce certi5cate shou�ing coveraee of 51,000,000.00 each general liability and professional liability NZth the City of Saint Paul named as � additional insure3, and a 30 day notice of czncellation; proof of affiliation from a licensed City of Saint Paul therapeutic massage cencer ot state licensed Sealth faciliry . 1lfotoreccle dealer, piezse include State of Minnesota Dzzler I�rumber. New motor v'e6icle dealer, please include St2te of Nlinnesota Dealer Number. Parlring IoUramp, please include the numb� of parking s�z.ces, and attach plans containing a grneral description of the securiry provided at the IoVramp, a site plan shoaing drivewa}s of the propossi lot and the legal description of the property (tlus requirement necessary only if no site pian is ciux ently on file). Attzch a co��er letta desc: ibing your plans to comply with the ]ighting and painting requirements. PaRabroker, please attach 55,000.00 Surety Bond. � Second hand deaIer-motor vehicle, piezse include State of 2vl�innesota Dealer Number. Second haed dea[er-motor �'ehicle parts, pleue aYach 5�,000.00 S;irety Bond Steam room/bath house adult, plzase attach written proof thzY'each employee is at least 18 years old. Theater adult, please attach written proof that each employee is at least 18 years old ��S-�¢e �P��pr � � � —� `� 77 �,�8.g�