98-312Council File � � � .� � ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 1� 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 ORIGINAL Preaented By Green Sheet # LP60041 RESOLUTIOIV C{TY OF SAINT PAUL, M{NNESOTA � Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #19970000050) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) by Budget Towing Inc. of St. Paul DBA Budqet Towing Inc. of St. Paul at 705 7th St. E., be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1.The landscape buffer area, the off-street parking layout for customers and employees, the location of the dumpster and the access drives site ahall be installed and maintained in accordance with the approved site plan, dated January 28, 1998; which is on file with the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection. 2.The obscuring fence shall be maintained along the northwest property line, to screen vehicular activitiea from the abutting reaidential property. 3.The 10-foot buffer strip shown at the rear of the site shall be landscaped and shall include plantings of at least two shade trees to provide a visual screen to the residential use to the north. The trees shall be 2 inch caliper size, balled and burlapped root stock. Details regarding selection of tree species and planting details must be approved by the City's 2oninq Specialist. Landscapinq must be completed by September 15, 1998. 4.A11 business, storage, and servicing shall be conducted within the building, except that tires Por sale may be displayed outside during business hours. Tires racks must be placed inside the building at the close of each business day. The tire display racks shall not be placed in any of the xequired off-street parking or vehicle maneuvering area. Discarded tires shall be stored inside the building. 5.Auto servicing shall be limited to the repair and mounting of tires. No other auto repair or body work activity shall be conducted on the property. 6.Vehicles awaiting tire-mounting service may not be parked on property for more than 24 hours. There shall be no more than £ive vehicles parked overnight on the property. 7. Employees and customer vehicles shall not be parked on any pubIia st re e t. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: App� By: Off'ce of License Ins�ections and Environment 1 ro ecti n By: ��`�`"�' �i" Form Approved by City A BY� `� .P.�,�-J i �-v-�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By' DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DA7E INiTIA7eD LIEP/Licensft�p GREEN SHEET No. LP60041 9 � ` 31 � ONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE fmnavoa�e mi6au�ate UNTHER WILLIAM (BILL) (65� 2669132 t❑ Couneil Researeh UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) k �� � NUMBERfOR ROUTIHG ORUER T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Council approral of tl�e folbwirg license appiica5on: Lice�e # 199700D0050, for BUDGET TOWING �NC OP ST PAUL, Doing Business As BUDGET TOWING INC OF ST PAUL, at 705 7TH ST E, inGuding the fdlowing business type(s): Auto Repair Garage. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)Reject(R) RSONALSER�nCECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGOUESTiONS: t. Has ihis pe�rm ever worked under a coMract fM ihis depaMreM? _ PIANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoMrm ever been a ciy employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, YE5 No 3. ooes mis yersonrcxm p�sess a swn na „omratH w%se� br a++v ��+CN �+Worea? YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rm a targeted vendo(J YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesting Couneil approvai for Budget Towing Inc of St. Paul DBA Budget Towing Inc ot St. Paui for an Auto Repair Garage Ucense ffi 705 7th St, E. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVkNTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION 3 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) v :3, v3i ,. r�, , a . ,� , . •�1� CL�SS III CITY OF SAL\`i' PALT, LICE\SE �FFLICATIO\ O:fceofLicez<e,Lz�:ions nd Em�uro;.me�:zl?.�:ec:ion =<Q St?ec St Surs J7 Svm PaW. Y.Evn_m .`.`;C? (61:) 2(✓iPxJ fu �R:p ][d-crCd ����� Th'tS .4PPLICA'IiOV IS SL TO REVIEW BY T}� PL'BLIC PLEASE�PE OR PRLVT L\ L�K . 1,0.?1=2a)' 1c.^:z: If business is iacar� Do:n2 Business As: Business Ac::;zss: Ge.�.-�cio� / Pz*tr;z-s5ip / Se,e ?ro�rie;oT':� .ed gi�'e d2te of in.o;ger2doa: � S7f2t.4GZC55 &et� een u hzt cress steets is li�e bu<iness ,^,re ibe premiszs new o !vlail To Ad3-ess: J_`�t� — �- .4�PIiC2�t IPSO:Il'it10II: : / \ar.r_ ynd T;de: ���L�� V V , C.i.y S Zip Fi^st � '�!;".dle ('.:tidan) Lut Title xo�.�a�.�5: �Ig�� �t=UN =�/ �.1-�Fl�(f 1t= � i . �A-tJL !��l� ��� S(U� Sc�t Address City / Sum Zip DateofBirth:�-��,n-4� P]aceofBinh:�j_���)�MN. Ho�P6onek�i7�Z�77�-��}'�j� Have yeu e� er tr, en convicted of any felony, cri� or ��io:�:ion of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES _:�O � D2te of arrest: �'bere? Chazae• Con�•iction: Senunce: Lis[ t6e naznes 2nd residences of th:ee peisoas of good n�:al cbaractet, li��ine u•iehin the Tu�in Cives Metro Area, not re]ated to the applicznt or finmcially interes�ed in che p*emises oc business, u ho may be referred to as to the applicznt's chazacter: '�'A'+4E / q� RES S_ • � PHO'�'E �, r i , 1 �lt15'�%L�c�%r�Ji �/ l�L11�C.,tP_ LfJ/J2K�.- � , , . _- - 1] L�I�- List licenses w'(�ich you cucrendy hold, for�rly held or may have an interest in: Have any of Lhe abo�'e named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES �:�'O If yes, list tt�e dates and reasons for revocation: Are you going to operate chis business persooally? � YFS _':�O if not, w�ho w•iIl operate it? Fvst!�ame MiddleItitiz! (!.Suden) Lazt Da�toCBinh Home Address: Sow �ar:c c;.y Business Phone�G� �Z� 7 7�- d��/�7 l � � %�i/ _Sz, Inl,� Staie Zip Pbone T�umber S��.t �d&ess Ci.y Sute Zip A.re � ou eoino te hace a manz_er or ��si�a�t in this bu�ines<? _��S cempleu the fe11oW in� information: FiTtS� >:,�� �eIti:izl ('-dtiEer,) '.:'::reAdLc<s $_z°.t\�*x C::.' Ple<<e lst }enr es histe�' *cr �`?e pre� ious fi� e(_) ;'e2r r riod: BusinessJErmle�ment Addrecs List all other officers of'w° e corpor�tien: /VU/�� OFFfCER TITLE HO'�'fE tiA.'�1E (Office HeJd) ADDRESS \O If Lhe manager is nec the <� as t;�e c�ratcr � g'.e:se ��-313. j�ct S:a:e Zi� HO\� PHO�E Bt;SL�FSS PHO\'E Dz:e ?io�e tiun�t DATE OF SIRI'H If business is a pz.*�ership, ple��e inc;u3e cHe ;ollowine in`e:raeion for each pa*mez (use ad3tional page< if necess��): ^cst':&me Fic;re Ad3ress: S�..et':z-ie First \ame HameAd3ras: Strea?:aae ?:id3', c_�xl V!�due �r:al (\!ziden) Ci,y (:�Stider,) Ciry Last 5 ate Iast State Dau of airh Zip ?ho�e Vumber � Da:e of BL Zip Phme?.wmbet ?����SOTA TAX IDE.\'TIFICATIO\"��,?��ER - Putsu�t to the I.aws of .'�fiflnesot� 198�, Chapter 502, Article 8, Secvoa 2(270.72) (I'ax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorides are required to proride to the State of Mioneso;a CommissioDer of Revenue, tbe ?vIinnesota business tax identificztion number and the so:ial security m�mber of each license applicant tinder tbe DTnnesota Govem�nt Da:a Prac6ces Act and t� Federa] Privacy Act of 7974, we aze requimd to adrise you of t�e following regarding the use of tt�e htinnesota Tzz Identification \'um`xr: - This informadon may be used to deny the issuam,� or renew�al of your license in the event you owe'�tinnesota szles, employei s v.•ithholding or motor vehicle excise tazes; - Upon recei�-ing thia iaforma:ion, tbe licensing au;hority w�ill supply it only to t6e?vlinnesota Depu of Revenue. However, undes tlie Federal Excbange of Informaaon Agreenent, tbe Departr�ent of Revenue may supply this inforxnavon to the Intemal Re��enue Sen�ice. ?.'finnesota Taz Identification Nuuilr_n (Sales & Use Tu \umber) may be obtained from t6e State of `vlinnesota, Business Ruords Departwent, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Social securiry:�'umber: �7`7 � 5 �J y 5` ?.tinnesota Taz Idenufication :�umSer. .�-�.� � �S� � � If a Atinoesota Tax Identificatioo \umber is not requued fot the business being operated, indicate so by placing xn "X" in the boz. ��' C�RTIFIC.4T:0\ OF `\'ORKERS' CO\4PE\S.A7T0\ CG� PL'RSi;.�.\Z' TO �iL�:��ESOTA STATI;TE 176.IS2 9K" �t� I hereby ce�tfy t3zt I, or my company, 2.'a in cos�pli2nce w i:S the w'o.kers' temxncation inswance co�era�e requirenenu oE \1i�nesota Stzrote 176.182, sub3i�'ision 2. I also underc�d �hat p:e� isiea of false inforaL.aen in this certification constitutes sufficient groands for ad��erse ac:ieo z�2inst 211 licenses Le13 indud•.ne revocaGe� z�d cuc�ncion ef �zid licenses. . �arne ef Incur�.�ce Cos�,any: Pelicy \um!+�r: Ceczr2sefrom �`�f'yU to �-U� y7 I h<<e no eu�lo�ees co�'e:ed under �'o;i:ers' co�nsatiea i=�ur2�ce A'�Y FALSTFTCATIO'�' OF A�SR�ERS GI��E\ OF2'�L�TERL�L SL�BSIITTED \��.L RESLZT I\ DE\TA L OF THIS APPLIC?,TiO.V I hereby �a;e t�at I ba�'e ans��ered all of 'rile pruedin� quesaons, an3 tbat the informavon contained he*ein is true and co:rect to the best of ny }:no�+�7ed�e �d belief. I bereby state fiuther chat I bz� e rueived no money or otkier consideraaon, by v.�ay of loan, �i,`t, conuibution, er otherN ise, o;hec [�zn a!ready disclesed in tbe z.pQliczdon F hich I herewith submitted. I also unders,and this premise may be ins�cted b}� police, fi:e, 6eaJch �.�d otber city officials at zny and all t�s w'�en the business is in operation. .� %G�� //- y� applica*.ions) Date "� ote: If this a,�plica�on is Food�Liquor related please ce�a t a Cit}� of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re��iew p;ans. if any substwdal changes w strucnue are anvcipated, plezce contart a Ci.ry of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-4�07 to appiy for building permiu. If there are any chaDges to t6e pa*Y,ing lot, floor spa:e, or for new o�ravons, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Incpector az 266-A�08. Additional application requirements, please attach: A detailed description of tlie design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). TLe fotloticing data should be on the sife pIan (preferahly on an S 1/2" z 11" or 81/l" x 14" paper): -;�ame, address, and phone number. - The scaie should be stated such az 1^ =1A'. ^\ shou]d be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed tacility such as seating areaz, kitchens, offices, repair azea, par6ing, rest rooms, eta - If a request is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facilitp, indicate both the current azea and the proposed expansiun. A copp ot }•our lease agreement or proof ot o�'nership ot the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLTCATION REQLZRE:IIE:VTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> Council File � � � .� � ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 1� 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 ORIGINAL Preaented By Green Sheet # LP60041 RESOLUTIOIV C{TY OF SAINT PAUL, M{NNESOTA � Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #19970000050) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) by Budget Towing Inc. of St. Paul DBA Budqet Towing Inc. of St. Paul at 705 7th St. E., be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1.The landscape buffer area, the off-street parking layout for customers and employees, the location of the dumpster and the access drives site ahall be installed and maintained in accordance with the approved site plan, dated January 28, 1998; which is on file with the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection. 2.The obscuring fence shall be maintained along the northwest property line, to screen vehicular activitiea from the abutting reaidential property. 3.The 10-foot buffer strip shown at the rear of the site shall be landscaped and shall include plantings of at least two shade trees to provide a visual screen to the residential use to the north. The trees shall be 2 inch caliper size, balled and burlapped root stock. Details regarding selection of tree species and planting details must be approved by the City's 2oninq Specialist. Landscapinq must be completed by September 15, 1998. 4.A11 business, storage, and servicing shall be conducted within the building, except that tires Por sale may be displayed outside during business hours. Tires racks must be placed inside the building at the close of each business day. The tire display racks shall not be placed in any of the xequired off-street parking or vehicle maneuvering area. Discarded tires shall be stored inside the building. 5.Auto servicing shall be limited to the repair and mounting of tires. No other auto repair or body work activity shall be conducted on the property. 6.Vehicles awaiting tire-mounting service may not be parked on property for more than 24 hours. There shall be no more than £ive vehicles parked overnight on the property. 7. Employees and customer vehicles shall not be parked on any pubIia st re e t. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: App� By: Off'ce of License Ins�ections and Environment 1 ro ecti n By: ��`�`"�' �i" Form Approved by City A BY� `� .P.�,�-J i �-v-�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By' DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DA7E INiTIA7eD LIEP/Licensft�p GREEN SHEET No. LP60041 9 � ` 31 � ONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE fmnavoa�e mi6au�ate UNTHER WILLIAM (BILL) (65� 2669132 t❑ Couneil Researeh UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) k �� � NUMBERfOR ROUTIHG ORUER T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Council approral of tl�e folbwirg license appiica5on: Lice�e # 199700D0050, for BUDGET TOWING �NC OP ST PAUL, Doing Business As BUDGET TOWING INC OF ST PAUL, at 705 7TH ST E, inGuding the fdlowing business type(s): Auto Repair Garage. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)Reject(R) RSONALSER�nCECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGOUESTiONS: t. Has ihis pe�rm ever worked under a coMract fM ihis depaMreM? _ PIANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoMrm ever been a ciy employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, YE5 No 3. ooes mis yersonrcxm p�sess a swn na „omratH w%se� br a++v ��+CN �+Worea? YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rm a targeted vendo(J YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesting Couneil approvai for Budget Towing Inc of St. Paul DBA Budget Towing Inc ot St. Paui for an Auto Repair Garage Ucense ffi 705 7th St, E. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVkNTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION 3 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) v :3, v3i ,. r�, , a . ,� , . •�1� CL�SS III CITY OF SAL\`i' PALT, LICE\SE �FFLICATIO\ O:fceofLicez<e,Lz�:ions nd Em�uro;.me�:zl?.�:ec:ion =<Q St?ec St Surs J7 Svm PaW. Y.Evn_m .`.`;C? (61:) 2(✓iPxJ fu �R:p ][d-crCd ����� Th'tS .4PPLICA'IiOV IS SL TO REVIEW BY T}� PL'BLIC PLEASE�PE OR PRLVT L\ L�K . 1,0.?1=2a)' 1c.^:z: If business is iacar� Do:n2 Business As: Business Ac::;zss: Ge.�.-�cio� / Pz*tr;z-s5ip / Se,e ?ro�rie;oT':� .ed gi�'e d2te of in.o;ger2doa: � S7f2t.4GZC55 &et� een u hzt cress steets is li�e bu<iness ,^,re ibe premiszs new o !vlail To Ad3-ess: J_`�t� — �- .4�PIiC2�t IPSO:Il'it10II: : / \ar.r_ ynd T;de: ���L�� V V , C.i.y S Zip Fi^st � '�!;".dle ('.:tidan) Lut Title xo�.�a�.�5: �Ig�� �t=UN =�/ �.1-�Fl�(f 1t= � i . �A-tJL !��l� ��� S(U� Sc�t Address City / Sum Zip DateofBirth:�-��,n-4� P]aceofBinh:�j_���)�MN. Ho�P6onek�i7�Z�77�-��}'�j� Have yeu e� er tr, en convicted of any felony, cri� or ��io:�:ion of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES _:�O � D2te of arrest: �'bere? Chazae• Con�•iction: Senunce: Lis[ t6e naznes 2nd residences of th:ee peisoas of good n�:al cbaractet, li��ine u•iehin the Tu�in Cives Metro Area, not re]ated to the applicznt or finmcially interes�ed in che p*emises oc business, u ho may be referred to as to the applicznt's chazacter: '�'A'+4E / q� RES S_ • � PHO'�'E �, r i , 1 �lt15'�%L�c�%r�Ji �/ l�L11�C.,tP_ LfJ/J2K�.- � , , . _- - 1] L�I�- List licenses w'(�ich you cucrendy hold, for�rly held or may have an interest in: Have any of Lhe abo�'e named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES �:�'O If yes, list tt�e dates and reasons for revocation: Are you going to operate chis business persooally? � YFS _':�O if not, w�ho w•iIl operate it? Fvst!�ame MiddleItitiz! (!.Suden) Lazt Da�toCBinh Home Address: Sow �ar:c c;.y Business Phone�G� �Z� 7 7�- d��/�7 l � � %�i/ _Sz, Inl,� Staie Zip Pbone T�umber S��.t �d&ess Ci.y Sute Zip A.re � ou eoino te hace a manz_er or ��si�a�t in this bu�ines<? _��S cempleu the fe11oW in� information: FiTtS� >:,�� �eIti:izl ('-dtiEer,) '.:'::reAdLc<s $_z°.t\�*x C::.' Ple<<e lst }enr es histe�' *cr �`?e pre� ious fi� e(_) ;'e2r r riod: BusinessJErmle�ment Addrecs List all other officers of'w° e corpor�tien: /VU/�� OFFfCER TITLE HO'�'fE tiA.'�1E (Office HeJd) ADDRESS \O If Lhe manager is nec the <� as t;�e c�ratcr � g'.e:se ��-313. j�ct S:a:e Zi� HO\� PHO�E Bt;SL�FSS PHO\'E Dz:e ?io�e tiun�t DATE OF SIRI'H If business is a pz.*�ership, ple��e inc;u3e cHe ;ollowine in`e:raeion for each pa*mez (use ad3tional page< if necess��): ^cst':&me Fic;re Ad3ress: S�..et':z-ie First \ame HameAd3ras: Strea?:aae ?:id3', c_�xl V!�due �r:al (\!ziden) Ci,y (:�Stider,) Ciry Last 5 ate Iast State Dau of airh Zip ?ho�e Vumber � Da:e of BL Zip Phme?.wmbet ?����SOTA TAX IDE.\'TIFICATIO\"��,?��ER - Putsu�t to the I.aws of .'�fiflnesot� 198�, Chapter 502, Article 8, Secvoa 2(270.72) (I'ax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorides are required to proride to the State of Mioneso;a CommissioDer of Revenue, tbe ?vIinnesota business tax identificztion number and the so:ial security m�mber of each license applicant tinder tbe DTnnesota Govem�nt Da:a Prac6ces Act and t� Federa] Privacy Act of 7974, we aze requimd to adrise you of t�e following regarding the use of tt�e htinnesota Tzz Identification \'um`xr: - This informadon may be used to deny the issuam,� or renew�al of your license in the event you owe'�tinnesota szles, employei s v.•ithholding or motor vehicle excise tazes; - Upon recei�-ing thia iaforma:ion, tbe licensing au;hority w�ill supply it only to t6e?vlinnesota Depu of Revenue. However, undes tlie Federal Excbange of Informaaon Agreenent, tbe Departr�ent of Revenue may supply this inforxnavon to the Intemal Re��enue Sen�ice. ?.'finnesota Taz Identification Nuuilr_n (Sales & Use Tu \umber) may be obtained from t6e State of `vlinnesota, Business Ruords Departwent, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Social securiry:�'umber: �7`7 � 5 �J y 5` ?.tinnesota Taz Idenufication :�umSer. .�-�.� � �S� � � If a Atinoesota Tax Identificatioo \umber is not requued fot the business being operated, indicate so by placing xn "X" in the boz. ��' C�RTIFIC.4T:0\ OF `\'ORKERS' CO\4PE\S.A7T0\ CG� PL'RSi;.�.\Z' TO �iL�:��ESOTA STATI;TE 176.IS2 9K" �t� I hereby ce�tfy t3zt I, or my company, 2.'a in cos�pli2nce w i:S the w'o.kers' temxncation inswance co�era�e requirenenu oE \1i�nesota Stzrote 176.182, sub3i�'ision 2. I also underc�d �hat p:e� isiea of false inforaL.aen in this certification constitutes sufficient groands for ad��erse ac:ieo z�2inst 211 licenses Le13 indud•.ne revocaGe� z�d cuc�ncion ef �zid licenses. . �arne ef Incur�.�ce Cos�,any: Pelicy \um!+�r: Ceczr2sefrom �`�f'yU to �-U� y7 I h<<e no eu�lo�ees co�'e:ed under �'o;i:ers' co�nsatiea i=�ur2�ce A'�Y FALSTFTCATIO'�' OF A�SR�ERS GI��E\ OF2'�L�TERL�L SL�BSIITTED \��.L RESLZT I\ DE\TA L OF THIS APPLIC?,TiO.V I hereby �a;e t�at I ba�'e ans��ered all of 'rile pruedin� quesaons, an3 tbat the informavon contained he*ein is true and co:rect to the best of ny }:no�+�7ed�e �d belief. I bereby state fiuther chat I bz� e rueived no money or otkier consideraaon, by v.�ay of loan, �i,`t, conuibution, er otherN ise, o;hec [�zn a!ready disclesed in tbe z.pQliczdon F hich I herewith submitted. I also unders,and this premise may be ins�cted b}� police, fi:e, 6eaJch �.�d otber city officials at zny and all t�s w'�en the business is in operation. .� %G�� //- y� applica*.ions) Date "� ote: If this a,�plica�on is Food�Liquor related please ce�a t a Cit}� of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re��iew p;ans. if any substwdal changes w strucnue are anvcipated, plezce contart a Ci.ry of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-4�07 to appiy for building permiu. If there are any chaDges to t6e pa*Y,ing lot, floor spa:e, or for new o�ravons, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Incpector az 266-A�08. Additional application requirements, please attach: A detailed description of tlie design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). TLe fotloticing data should be on the sife pIan (preferahly on an S 1/2" z 11" or 81/l" x 14" paper): -;�ame, address, and phone number. - The scaie should be stated such az 1^ =1A'. ^\ shou]d be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed tacility such as seating areaz, kitchens, offices, repair azea, par6ing, rest rooms, eta - If a request is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facilitp, indicate both the current azea and the proposed expansiun. A copp ot }•our lease agreement or proof ot o�'nership ot the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLTCATION REQLZRE:IIE:VTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>> Council File � � � .� � ordinance # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 1� 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 ORIGINAL Preaented By Green Sheet # LP60041 RESOLUTIOIV C{TY OF SAINT PAUL, M{NNESOTA � Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #19970000050) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) by Budget Towing Inc. of St. Paul DBA Budqet Towing Inc. of St. Paul at 705 7th St. E., be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1.The landscape buffer area, the off-street parking layout for customers and employees, the location of the dumpster and the access drives site ahall be installed and maintained in accordance with the approved site plan, dated January 28, 1998; which is on file with the Office of License Inspection and Environmental Protection. 2.The obscuring fence shall be maintained along the northwest property line, to screen vehicular activitiea from the abutting reaidential property. 3.The 10-foot buffer strip shown at the rear of the site shall be landscaped and shall include plantings of at least two shade trees to provide a visual screen to the residential use to the north. The trees shall be 2 inch caliper size, balled and burlapped root stock. Details regarding selection of tree species and planting details must be approved by the City's 2oninq Specialist. Landscapinq must be completed by September 15, 1998. 4.A11 business, storage, and servicing shall be conducted within the building, except that tires Por sale may be displayed outside during business hours. Tires racks must be placed inside the building at the close of each business day. The tire display racks shall not be placed in any of the xequired off-street parking or vehicle maneuvering area. Discarded tires shall be stored inside the building. 5.Auto servicing shall be limited to the repair and mounting of tires. No other auto repair or body work activity shall be conducted on the property. 6.Vehicles awaiting tire-mounting service may not be parked on property for more than 24 hours. There shall be no more than £ive vehicles parked overnight on the property. 7. Employees and customer vehicles shall not be parked on any pubIia st re e t. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date q� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: App� By: Off'ce of License Ins�ections and Environment 1 ro ecti n By: ��`�`"�' �i" Form Approved by City A BY� `� .P.�,�-J i �-v-�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By' DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DA7E INiTIA7eD LIEP/Licensft�p GREEN SHEET No. LP60041 9 � ` 31 � ONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE fmnavoa�e mi6au�ate UNTHER WILLIAM (BILL) (65� 2669132 t❑ Couneil Researeh UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) k �� � NUMBERfOR ROUTIHG ORUER T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Council approral of tl�e folbwirg license appiica5on: Lice�e # 199700D0050, for BUDGET TOWING �NC OP ST PAUL, Doing Business As BUDGET TOWING INC OF ST PAUL, at 705 7TH ST E, inGuding the fdlowing business type(s): Auto Repair Garage. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)Reject(R) RSONALSER�nCECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGOUESTiONS: t. Has ihis pe�rm ever worked under a coMract fM ihis depaMreM? _ PIANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoMrm ever been a ciy employee? CIVIL SVC CINN, YE5 No 3. ooes mis yersonrcxm p�sess a swn na „omratH w%se� br a++v ��+CN �+Worea? YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rm a targeted vendo(J YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesting Couneil approvai for Budget Towing Inc of St. Paul DBA Budget Towing Inc ot St. Paui for an Auto Repair Garage Ucense ffi 705 7th St, E. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVkNTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION 3 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) v :3, v3i ,. r�, , a . ,� , . •�1� CL�SS III CITY OF SAL\`i' PALT, LICE\SE �FFLICATIO\ O:fceofLicez<e,Lz�:ions nd Em�uro;.me�:zl?.�:ec:ion =<Q St?ec St Surs J7 Svm PaW. Y.Evn_m .`.`;C? (61:) 2(✓iPxJ fu �R:p ][d-crCd ����� Th'tS .4PPLICA'IiOV IS SL TO REVIEW BY T}� PL'BLIC PLEASE�PE OR PRLVT L\ L�K . 1,0.?1=2a)' 1c.^:z: If business is iacar� Do:n2 Business As: Business Ac::;zss: Ge.�.-�cio� / Pz*tr;z-s5ip / Se,e ?ro�rie;oT':� .ed gi�'e d2te of in.o;ger2doa: � S7f2t.4GZC55 &et� een u hzt cress steets is li�e bu<iness ,^,re ibe premiszs new o !vlail To Ad3-ess: J_`�t� — �- .4�PIiC2�t IPSO:Il'it10II: : / \ar.r_ ynd T;de: ���L�� V V , C.i.y S Zip Fi^st � '�!;".dle ('.:tidan) Lut Title xo�.�a�.�5: �Ig�� �t=UN =�/ �.1-�Fl�(f 1t= � i . �A-tJL !��l� ��� S(U� Sc�t Address City / Sum Zip DateofBirth:�-��,n-4� P]aceofBinh:�j_���)�MN. Ho�P6onek�i7�Z�77�-��}'�j� Have yeu e� er tr, en convicted of any felony, cri� or ��io:�:ion of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES _:�O � D2te of arrest: �'bere? Chazae• Con�•iction: Senunce: Lis[ t6e naznes 2nd residences of th:ee peisoas of good n�:al cbaractet, li��ine u•iehin the Tu�in Cives Metro Area, not re]ated to the applicznt or finmcially interes�ed in che p*emises oc business, u ho may be referred to as to the applicznt's chazacter: '�'A'+4E / q� RES S_ • � PHO'�'E �, r i , 1 �lt15'�%L�c�%r�Ji �/ l�L11�C.,tP_ LfJ/J2K�.- � , , . _- - 1] L�I�- List licenses w'(�ich you cucrendy hold, for�rly held or may have an interest in: Have any of Lhe abo�'e named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES �:�'O If yes, list tt�e dates and reasons for revocation: Are you going to operate chis business persooally? � YFS _':�O if not, w�ho w•iIl operate it? Fvst!�ame MiddleItitiz! (!.Suden) Lazt Da�toCBinh Home Address: Sow �ar:c c;.y Business Phone�G� �Z� 7 7�- d��/�7 l � � %�i/ _Sz, Inl,� Staie Zip Pbone T�umber S��.t �d&ess Ci.y Sute Zip A.re � ou eoino te hace a manz_er or ��si�a�t in this bu�ines<? _��S cempleu the fe11oW in� information: FiTtS� >:,�� �eIti:izl ('-dtiEer,) '.:'::reAdLc<s $_z°.t\�*x C::.' Ple<<e lst }enr es histe�' *cr �`?e pre� ious fi� e(_) ;'e2r r riod: BusinessJErmle�ment Addrecs List all other officers of'w° e corpor�tien: /VU/�� OFFfCER TITLE HO'�'fE tiA.'�1E (Office HeJd) ADDRESS \O If Lhe manager is nec the <� as t;�e c�ratcr � g'.e:se ��-313. j�ct S:a:e Zi� HO\� PHO�E Bt;SL�FSS PHO\'E Dz:e ?io�e tiun�t DATE OF SIRI'H If business is a pz.*�ership, ple��e inc;u3e cHe ;ollowine in`e:raeion for each pa*mez (use ad3tional page< if necess��): ^cst':&me Fic;re Ad3ress: S�..et':z-ie First \ame HameAd3ras: Strea?:aae ?:id3', c_�xl V!�due �r:al (\!ziden) Ci,y (:�Stider,) Ciry Last 5 ate Iast State Dau of airh Zip ?ho�e Vumber � Da:e of BL Zip Phme?.wmbet ?����SOTA TAX IDE.\'TIFICATIO\"��,?��ER - Putsu�t to the I.aws of .'�fiflnesot� 198�, Chapter 502, Article 8, Secvoa 2(270.72) (I'ax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorides are required to proride to the State of Mioneso;a CommissioDer of Revenue, tbe ?vIinnesota business tax identificztion number and the so:ial security m�mber of each license applicant tinder tbe DTnnesota Govem�nt Da:a Prac6ces Act and t� Federa] Privacy Act of 7974, we aze requimd to adrise you of t�e following regarding the use of tt�e htinnesota Tzz Identification \'um`xr: - This informadon may be used to deny the issuam,� or renew�al of your license in the event you owe'�tinnesota szles, employei s v.•ithholding or motor vehicle excise tazes; - Upon recei�-ing thia iaforma:ion, tbe licensing au;hority w�ill supply it only to t6e?vlinnesota Depu of Revenue. However, undes tlie Federal Excbange of Informaaon Agreenent, tbe Departr�ent of Revenue may supply this inforxnavon to the Intemal Re��enue Sen�ice. ?.'finnesota Taz Identification Nuuilr_n (Sales & Use Tu \umber) may be obtained from t6e State of `vlinnesota, Business Ruords Departwent, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). Social securiry:�'umber: �7`7 � 5 �J y 5` ?.tinnesota Taz Idenufication :�umSer. .�-�.� � �S� � � If a Atinoesota Tax Identificatioo \umber is not requued fot the business being operated, indicate so by placing xn "X" in the boz. ��' C�RTIFIC.4T:0\ OF `\'ORKERS' CO\4PE\S.A7T0\ CG� PL'RSi;.�.\Z' TO �iL�:��ESOTA STATI;TE 176.IS2 9K" �t� I hereby ce�tfy t3zt I, or my company, 2.'a in cos�pli2nce w i:S the w'o.kers' temxncation inswance co�era�e requirenenu oE \1i�nesota Stzrote 176.182, sub3i�'ision 2. I also underc�d �hat p:e� isiea of false inforaL.aen in this certification constitutes sufficient groands for ad��erse ac:ieo z�2inst 211 licenses Le13 indud•.ne revocaGe� z�d cuc�ncion ef �zid licenses. . �arne ef Incur�.�ce Cos�,any: Pelicy \um!+�r: Ceczr2sefrom �`�f'yU to �-U� y7 I h<<e no eu�lo�ees co�'e:ed under �'o;i:ers' co�nsatiea i=�ur2�ce A'�Y FALSTFTCATIO'�' OF A�SR�ERS GI��E\ OF2'�L�TERL�L SL�BSIITTED \��.L RESLZT I\ DE\TA L OF THIS APPLIC?,TiO.V I hereby �a;e t�at I ba�'e ans��ered all of 'rile pruedin� quesaons, an3 tbat the informavon contained he*ein is true and co:rect to the best of ny }:no�+�7ed�e �d belief. I bereby state fiuther chat I bz� e rueived no money or otkier consideraaon, by v.�ay of loan, �i,`t, conuibution, er otherN ise, o;hec [�zn a!ready disclesed in tbe z.pQliczdon F hich I herewith submitted. I also unders,and this premise may be ins�cted b}� police, fi:e, 6eaJch �.�d otber city officials at zny and all t�s w'�en the business is in operation. .� %G�� //- y� applica*.ions) Date "� ote: If this a,�plica�on is Food�Liquor related please ce�a t a Cit}� of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re��iew p;ans. if any substwdal changes w strucnue are anvcipated, plezce contart a Ci.ry of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-4�07 to appiy for building permiu. If there are any chaDges to t6e pa*Y,ing lot, floor spa:e, or for new o�ravons, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Incpector az 266-A�08. Additional application requirements, please attach: A detailed description of tlie design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). TLe fotloticing data should be on the sife pIan (preferahly on an S 1/2" z 11" or 81/l" x 14" paper): -;�ame, address, and phone number. - The scaie should be stated such az 1^ =1A'. ^\ shou]d be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed tacility such as seating areaz, kitchens, offices, repair azea, par6ing, rest rooms, eta - If a request is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facilitp, indicate both the current azea and the proposed expansiun. A copp ot }•our lease agreement or proof ot o�'nership ot the property. FOR SPECIFIC APPLTCATION REQLZRE:IIE:VTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>>