98-289Council File # ��- a �9
Green Sheet # ��6�
Presented By
Referred to
1 WHEREAS, the Cafesjian's
2 Toboggan Company Carousel #33)
3 operate and be housed; and
Committee: Date
Carousel (A.K.A. Philadelphia
is in need of a location to
WHEREAS, through a Request for Proposal process, Our Fair
Carousel Inc. has accepted a proposal put forward by the City of
Saint Paul to locate the Carousel in the City's Como Park; and
WHEREAS, Cafesjian's Carousel will positively add to Como
Park and be available for the public to ride and enjoy if it is
located in Como Park;
10 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are
11 here-by directed and authorized to enter into the attached
12 agreement which sets up the terms and conditions under which
13 Cafesjian's Carousel shall be located and operated in the City's
14 Como Park.
Requested by:
�\ Di sion P ks a Recr�ation
Approval Recommended by Financial
Services Director:
Adopted by Council: Date � 5 l�q,�
Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary
BY �
Approved �
� /�
/l 6 '1 �r0
Parks and Recreation 04/07/98
VIC Wittgehstein 266-6409 � 1 DEPARRAENTDIRECTOR 5 cmcouNCa
NUMBER FOR 3 cm arro�wer _cm c�aK
April 7 5, 1998 4 MAVOR (OF ASSISTANT) G Parks & Rec 300 CH
Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, Director of Financial Services, City Attorney and Mayor, and
passage by the City Council of the attached Council Resolution that directs City Ofifiicials to enter into an Agreement to
place Cafesjian's Carousel in Como Park. -.
PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Hss this person(firtn eve� wotked wMer a conttact fot this tlepartm¢ntT
SiAFF Z. Has this persoMfirtn ever be¢n a city employee?
— -- 3. Does chis person/fem possess a skiN not nonnal{y possessed by any wrrent city employee?
6cptain ali yes ansxren on aepereta sreet antl attath [o green sM1eet.
The attached Resolution directs City Staff to enter into an Agreement with Our Fair Carousel Inc, and Gerard L.
Cafesjian to place Cafesjian's Carousel in Como Park. This opportunity came about as a result of an R.F.P. put forward
by OFC. The City's proposal was selected as the best one.
Cafesjian's Carousel will be located in Como Park, allowing for its use and viewing by the public. The traffic in Como
Park should insure the Carousel's financial fiuture.
None. A��$ Q � ��J�
Loss of an attraction in the City as the other possibilities are not in Saint Paul.
FUNDINGSOURCE General Fund Balance ACTfVf(YNUMBER 001-00000-9830
City will contribute up to $200,000 to the Project, forgive OFC's requirement to pay for Town Square's restoration and
pay off OFC's debt to the H.R.A. on a discounted basis...$277,272.
q Y a�9
This Agreement dated the day of April, 1998, is made and entered into by and among
the City of Saint Paul, a homerule charter city and a municipal corporation of the State of
Minnesota ("Ciry"), the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry of the City of Saint Paul, a
public body corporate and politic �"H.R.A. "), Our Fair Carousel Incorparated, a Minnesota
non profit corporation ("OFC") and Gerard L. Cafesjian, (G.L. Cafesjian).
WHEREAS, all parties to this agreement have previously entered into agreements far the
financing, restoration, installation and operation of a carousel, specifically a Carousel Funding
Agreement dated Mazch 1, 1990; a Carousel Installation, Pernut and Operation Agreement
dated March 1, 1990; a Personal Guaranty dated March 8, 1990; a Donor Agreement dated
March 12, 1990; an Amendment to the Carousel Installation, Pernut and Operation Agreement
dated November 13, 1997, and an Amendment to the Carousel Funding Agreement, dated
November 13, 1997; and a Carousel Sale Agreement dated November 24, 1997, and a First
Amendment to the Personal Guaranty dated December 15, 1997 and;
WHEREAS, OFC, G.L. Cafes}ian and the City haue determined to relocate Philadelphia
Toboggan Company Carousel #33 (a.k.a. Cafesjian's Carousel) in the City's Como Park; here
in after called the Project; and
WHEREAS, all parties to the agreements above wish to set forth the financial and other
obligations by and to each other pertaining to locating Cafesjian's Carousel in the City's Como
NOW THEREFORE, the City, the H.R.A., OFC and G.L. Cafesjian mutually agree and
aclrnowledge as follows:
A. Outstanding financial responsibilities of OFC to the H.R.A. in the amounts of
$314,000 used to purchase the Carousel and $250,000 debt owed to the City for
Town Square Park Restoration are here-by canceled. Further the cancellarion of
the debt to the H.R.A. voids the Personal Guaranty dated March 8, 1990, and
the Amendment dated December 15, 1997 of G.L. Cafesjian to the H.R.A. The
H.R.A. will retum the original agreements to G.L. Cafesjian marked canceled,
as of ffie date first written above.
B. The Bill of Sale received by OFC from the Ciry is here-by aznended to remove
all security interests the City has regarding Cafesjian's Carousel.
q g -a�9
C. OFC's board of directors will amend its bylaws within sixty days of execution
of tlus agreement to allow for the appointment of three members of the OFC
board by the Mayor of the City. It is agreed that the three representarives
appointed by the Mayor wIll be selected from the following: one will be a Saint
Paul Division of Parks and Recreation employee, one will be a resident of the
Como Park area of Saint Paul; and one will be an at lazge selection.
D. OFC's board of d'uectors will amend its bylaws within siY months of the
execution of this agreement to provide for the appoinhnent of an executor in the
event OFC ceases to e�st as a Minnesota Corporation or materially
changes its corporate purpose.
E. In keeping with current OFC bylaws dated 7anuary 23, 1998, OFC will not sell
Cafesjian's Carousel or its components during the term of this agreement and
any subsequent terms.
F. OFC may not pledge or encumber Cafesjian's Cazousel or its parts in excess of
thirry percent (30%) of the assessed valuation of Cafesjian's Carousel without
pernussion of the City and G.L. Cafesjian or his designee. Such permission
shall not be unreasonably withheld.
A. The City will provide a site in Como Park per attached E�ibit A for OFC to
build, and OFC will cause to be built on said site, a building to house
Cafesjian's Carousel, described as:
A circular, open air pavilion, to be known as The Cafesjian Pavilion,
approarimately 80 feet in diameter to house the Carousel. The building must
meet all applicable building codes. The building should be constructed to
have the Carousel visible on approach from all sides when open, and secure
from �re, theft, vandatism and elements when closed. A heated area of
appro�nately 1000 square feet adjacent to the building will contain year-
round office space, staff bathroom, utilities, storage, and a restoration
B. As part of OFC's responsibility for the Project, it shall be responsible for all site
preparation, all utilities, finish work and landscaping in proxnnity and necessary
for the new building, not provided by the City in Section II.F.
C. In completing this Project OFC will contract with registered professional
azchitects, and engineers and will retain a licensed construcuon company to do
the work necessary to complete ihe Project.
D. The City shall have the right to approve all architects, engineers and
construction companies hired by OFC.
E. Due to the City's financial contribution to this Project herein, OFC will comply
with all ozdinances and regulations pertainiug to the use of City funds for
construction projects.
F. In order for the Ciry's $200,000 contribution to this Project to comply with
II.E. the City will, through its contract processes, provide for $200,000 worth
of site work, building construction, landscaping work andlor professional
services for the Ptoject at its cost.
G. The City shall have the right to review and approve all building plans, site plans
and signage, including modif'zcations thereof pertaining to The Cafesjian
Pavilion which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
H. G.L. Cafesjian, in keeping with Yhe Donor Agreement between G.L. Cafesjian
and OFC, shall have the right to review and approve all building plans, site
plans and signage, including modifications thereof pertaining to The Cafesjian
Pavilion, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
The proposed budget for the Project is $900,000.
Funding for the Project is to be provided as follows:
1. Donation from G.L. Cafesjian
2. Donation from the City
3. Commercial loan acquired by OFC
Funds shall be made available and spent as follows:
G.L. Cafesjian shall make his $400,000 contribution available to OFC
under the following schedule:
A. $100,000 upon preliminary approval of all initial building plans,
site plans and signage by the City and G.L. Cafesjian as outlined
in III.G. and III.H.
B. $150,000 within tlurty days of III.K.1.A.
C. $100,000 within sixty days of TII.K1.A.
D. $ 50,000 within ninety days of III.K.1.A.
a tr '�'9
2. The City will pay upon receipt of invoices for the various portions of the
Project that aze deemed to be the City's responsibility to a total of
$200,000 as per II.E. and II.7. above.
3. OFC shall make the funds it secures via a commercial loan available on
an as needed basis to insure the continued progress and completion of the
L. If the cost of the Project is over $900,000, OFC cannot, involuntarily, be
obligated to incur debt beyond the $30�,0�0 identified above. OFC, the Ciry
and G.L. Cafesjian shall meet to deternune how to remedy any budgetary
shortfalls as they become known.
M. Upon completion of the Project, OFC shall provide all construction and project
warranties, guarantees, operating and maintenance manuals and a complete set
of record drawings and specifications to the City. OFC shall obtain Certificate
of Occupancy and shall arrange for City's personnel's instructional walk
through of the completed Cafesjian's Pavilion.
N. Upon completion of the Project, the ownership of The Cafesjian Pavilion shall
rest with the CiYy.
O. Upon completion of the Project,The Cafesjian Pavilion shall be named for and
dedicated to G.L. Cafesjian.
P It is the goal of the parties to have Cafesjian Pavilion substanually complete by
October 1, 1998 and to be ready to open to the public by April 15, 1999. No
penalty shall be assessed any parry to this agreement if this time schedule is not
Q. The Ciry may ask, by giving reasonable notice to OFC, that consuuction on the
Project be curtailed or stopped for a period of time in order to insure that events
in the viciniry of the construction site are not negatively affected.
A. The Ciry will lease the completed Cafesjian Pavilion to OFC for an initial term
of 30 years commencing October 1, 1998 and ending October 1, 2028.
B. The terms of this agreement shall be automatically extended for periods of ten
(10) years in perpetuity unless Cafesjian's Carousel is removed per section
C. OFC shall pay the City 15 % of its gross revenues from ridership, gift shop
sales, novelty sales, rentals, photo shoots and any other revenue generating
activiries. All revenue figures shall be net of State sales ta7c. Specifically
exempted from this requirement are any donations, grants or loans received by
OFC. Payments due the City shall be made by December lst for the previous
OFC fiscal year (October lsi to September 30`�) and shall be adjusted as
necessary after the annual audit is complete.
N. OFC Responsibilities
1. OFC will keep Cafesjian's Carousel in Como Park in perpetuity. OFC
will keep it accessible to the public as an operable ride as long as that
can be done safely and as a stationary art-history object if Cafesjian's
Carousel becomes inoperable.
OFC shall, by January 15th of each year of this agreement, submit to the
City its proposed operating schedule far that year. The City shall have
the right to approve the proposed schedule. Such approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld.
3. OFC shall, by January 15th of each year of this agreement, submit its
proposed ticket prices and rental rates to the City for the City's approval.
S�ch approval shall not be unreasonably w3thheld. It is agreed that the
ticket price for the first two years of this agreement (1999 and 2000)
shall be $1.50 per ride.
Except for mechanical failure of the Carousel, natural disaster, fire,
vandalism, a material change to Como Park or persistent significant
operating losses, OFC will operate according to a schedule agreed to
between OFC and the City.
Each year OFC shall provide five (5) free days to Ramsey County
Residents to ride Cafesjian's Carousel. At least one of these days shall
be in June, one in July and one in August each year. The five (5) free
days shall be identified in the proposed operating schedule OFC submits
to the Ciry each year,
OFC shall provide the Ciry with an audited fmancial report of revenues
and expenses related to Cafesjian's Cazousel operation each year. S�cb
report shall be due to the City by January 15th of each year for OFC's
previous fiscal year.
Como Park is closed from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Therefore any
rentals, photo shoots or other activities in The Cafesjian Pavilion during
these times must be approved by the City at least one week prior to the
scheduled event. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
OFC shall pay all expenses of its operation including utilities. As part of
the construcfion process, arrangements shall be made by OFC for
separate metering of all utilities.
9. OFC's gift shop operation shall only carry and sell products that are
directly related to Cafesjian's Carousel or carousels in general. The City
shall have the right to require OFC to remove certain items from its sale
inventory if said items conflict with items in other gift shops operated in
Como Park. The Ciry shall not permit other Como Park gift shops to
sell carousel related items without the agreement of OFC.
10. OFC shall run its Cafesjian's Carousel operation in a manner consistent
with other Como Park activities and in a manner that reflects positively
on OFC, G.L. Cafesjian, Como Park and the Ciry.
11. OFC shall be responsible for all custodial maintenance of the Carousel
building and minor repairs of same. In addition, OFC shall be
responsible for the disposition of any hazardous waste it generates.
12. OFC shall carry and keep in force Commercial General Liability
Insurance, including blanket contractual liability coverage, personal
injury liability coverage; and broad form property damage liability
endorsement, with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000
per occurrence. Such insurance shall name the City as an additional
insured and be prunary with respect to OFCs insurance, be written on
an occurrence form policy basis and an aggregate policy lnnit of five
million dollars. Such policy shall contain a provision that the carrier
shall notify the City at any Ume that insurance coverage lapses. Further,
it is agreed that the $1,000,000 insurance amount shall be increased at
any tnne. The State statute relating to municipality exposure lunits is
increased. OFC wIll provide a copy of said policy to the City.
13. OFC shall carry and keep in force Commercial Pmperty Insurance on
and for the full assessed value of Cafesjian's Carousel. OFC shall
provide a copy of said policy to the Ciry.
14. No employee of OFC shall be required or permitted to work longer than
forty-eight (48) hours in any one week, but additional hours may be
worked if over time is paid therefore at the hourly rate for such
15. OFC shall make no claim against the City on account of any loss or
damage by fue, water, gas, electric failures, etc., within The Cafesjian
16. OFC will not make any alterations to The Cafesjian Pavilion without the
written consent of the City and G.L. Cafesjian, such consent not to be
unreasonably withheld. If OFC desires to make any such alterations, an
accurate description shall first be submitted to and approved by the Ciry
and G.L. Cafesjian and such alterations shall be done by OFC at its own
expense. All such work shall be performed under the Ciry's supervision
and any nnprovements made to the building at OFC's expense shall
become the properCy of the City. OFC agrees that all alterations will be
done in a workmanlike manner and in conforniance with applicable
building codes, that the structural integrity and building systems of The
Cafesjian Pavilion will not be impaired, and that no liens will attach to
The Cafesjian Pavilion by reason thereof without prior written consent of
the City. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
17. OFC shall keep and observe all the laws and ardinances relating to said
premises and the care and use thereof.
18. OFC for itself, its personal representatives, successors in interest and
assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and
agree, as a covenant rumiing with this agreement:
a. No person, on the grounds of race, sex, sexual or affectional
orientauon, color, creed, religion, age, disability, familial status,
marital status, status with respect to public assistance or national
origin or ancestry shall be excluded from participating in, be
denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination
in the use of the Carousel.
b. OFC shall use The Cafesjian Pavilion in compliance with all
other xequirements imposed pursuant to the Saint Paul I.egislative
Code Chapter 183, Minnesota Stat. Chapter 363 and all other
qg -a�9
State, L.ocal or Federal laws, rules, regulations relating to
19. Upon termination of this L,ease, OFC shall vacate and surrender The
Cafesjian Pavilion to the Ciry in as good condition as it was at the
inception of the lease, normal wear from usage and the passage of time
B. City Responsibilities
1. The Ciry shall be responsible for all normal trash removal from The
Cafesjian Pavilion.
2. The City shall be responsible for on going external and interior
maintenance of The Cafesjian Pavilion. This does not include general
day to day custodial maintenance.
3. The City shall be responsible for the care and upkeep on alllandscaped
areas in the vicnuty and immediately adjacent to The Cafesjian Pavilion.
4. The City will use its best efforts to promote and market Cafesjian's
Carousel through its various outlets and brochures.
5. The Ciry will make available to OFC, on a space available basis, meeting
rooms for OFC board meetings and classroom space for OFC Carousel
education programs.
The City shall insure The Cafesjian Pavilion under its umbrella policy
for all City of Saint Paul owned properties.
C. General Provisions
G.L. Cafesjian hereby appoints the Cafesjian Family Foundation as his
successor in interest to act in his place under this agreement in the event
of his death. G.L. Cafesjian has the right to change this designation
upon giving written notice to the Ciry and OFC.
Cafesjian's Carousel may not be moved from Como Park except with
the eapressed written agreement of OFC, G.L. Cafesjian or his designee
and the City.
In the event that revenues generated from Cafesjian's Carousel are
insufficient to cover operating costs and reasonable debts service, the
� y -a�9
City shall renegotiate the fee structure that OFC pays to the City.
4. The City or OFC may cancel this agreement for cause. Cause being
defined as failure to correct a material breach of this agreement within
sisry days after receiving written notification of the breach from the
other party. All financial obligations of the parties incurred prior to the
time of the cancellation shall remain the responsibility of that parry.
Additional nouce shall be given to G.L. Cafesjian who may choose to
cure the breach.
5. Private rentals of The Cafesjian Pavilion shall be allowed as long as they
occur outside the Cafesjian Carousel's normal operating hours.
6. This agreement may be amended, at any time, by agreement of the Ciry,
OFC and G.L. Cafesjian.
7. OFC owns a Wurlitzer 153 Band Organ. The Ciry and OFC will work
cooperatively on the placement of the band organ so that it is not
intrusive to near-by residents or disruptive to other Como Park users.
For special events in the area such as wedding ceremonies, dedications,
etc., the City may direct OFC not to use the organ for a period of time.
8. OFC staff and volunteers shall have access to Como Park at all tnnes that
the park is open. If it is necessary for OFC to have access at off times,
OFC shall contact the City's Manager of Environmental Services to
make arrangements for access.
9. PresenUy no admission fee is charged to enter the Como Zoo grounds
and the area where The Cafesjian Pavilion is to be located. If a fee
structure is implemented for these areas OFC staff and volunteers will
not be charged the fee.
10. All notices, requests, demands and other communications shall be in
writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed,
certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses:
City: Robert P. Piram
Superintendent of Parks and Recreation
25 W. 4th Street, Roonn 300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
OFC: Peter Boehm
Our Fair Carousel Incorporated
P.O. Box 17276
Saint Paul, MN 55117
For Gerazd L. Cafesjian Gerard L. Cafesjian
c/o The Cafesjian Family Foundation
4001 Tamiami Trail I�iorth
Suite 425
Naples, Florida 34103
For the St. Paul H.R.A. Pamela Wheelock
Executive Director
25 W. 4th Street, Room 1300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
V. This document contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes
any prior negotiations, writings and agreements between the parties with respect to
the Carousel.
Its Executive Director
BY� � °�
irector of Financial Services
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attarney
Director of Parks and Recreation
Its President
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Council File # ��- a �9
Green Sheet # ��6�
Presented By
Referred to
1 WHEREAS, the Cafesjian's
2 Toboggan Company Carousel #33)
3 operate and be housed; and
Committee: Date
Carousel (A.K.A. Philadelphia
is in need of a location to
WHEREAS, through a Request for Proposal process, Our Fair
Carousel Inc. has accepted a proposal put forward by the City of
Saint Paul to locate the Carousel in the City's Como Park; and
WHEREAS, Cafesjian's Carousel will positively add to Como
Park and be available for the public to ride and enjoy if it is
located in Como Park;
10 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are
11 here-by directed and authorized to enter into the attached
12 agreement which sets up the terms and conditions under which
13 Cafesjian's Carousel shall be located and operated in the City's
14 Como Park.
Requested by:
�\ Di sion P ks a Recr�ation
Approval Recommended by Financial
Services Director:
Adopted by Council: Date � 5 l�q,�
Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary
BY �
Approved �
� /�
/l 6 '1 �r0
Parks and Recreation 04/07/98
VIC Wittgehstein 266-6409 � 1 DEPARRAENTDIRECTOR 5 cmcouNCa
NUMBER FOR 3 cm arro�wer _cm c�aK
April 7 5, 1998 4 MAVOR (OF ASSISTANT) G Parks & Rec 300 CH
Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, Director of Financial Services, City Attorney and Mayor, and
passage by the City Council of the attached Council Resolution that directs City Ofifiicials to enter into an Agreement to
place Cafesjian's Carousel in Como Park. -.
PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Hss this person(firtn eve� wotked wMer a conttact fot this tlepartm¢ntT
SiAFF Z. Has this persoMfirtn ever be¢n a city employee?
— -- 3. Does chis person/fem possess a skiN not nonnal{y possessed by any wrrent city employee?
6cptain ali yes ansxren on aepereta sreet antl attath [o green sM1eet.
The attached Resolution directs City Staff to enter into an Agreement with Our Fair Carousel Inc, and Gerard L.
Cafesjian to place Cafesjian's Carousel in Como Park. This opportunity came about as a result of an R.F.P. put forward
by OFC. The City's proposal was selected as the best one.
Cafesjian's Carousel will be located in Como Park, allowing for its use and viewing by the public. The traffic in Como
Park should insure the Carousel's financial fiuture.
None. A��$ Q � ��J�
Loss of an attraction in the City as the other possibilities are not in Saint Paul.
FUNDINGSOURCE General Fund Balance ACTfVf(YNUMBER 001-00000-9830
City will contribute up to $200,000 to the Project, forgive OFC's requirement to pay for Town Square's restoration and
pay off OFC's debt to the H.R.A. on a discounted basis...$277,272.
q Y a�9
This Agreement dated the day of April, 1998, is made and entered into by and among
the City of Saint Paul, a homerule charter city and a municipal corporation of the State of
Minnesota ("Ciry"), the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry of the City of Saint Paul, a
public body corporate and politic �"H.R.A. "), Our Fair Carousel Incorparated, a Minnesota
non profit corporation ("OFC") and Gerard L. Cafesjian, (G.L. Cafesjian).
WHEREAS, all parties to this agreement have previously entered into agreements far the
financing, restoration, installation and operation of a carousel, specifically a Carousel Funding
Agreement dated Mazch 1, 1990; a Carousel Installation, Pernut and Operation Agreement
dated March 1, 1990; a Personal Guaranty dated March 8, 1990; a Donor Agreement dated
March 12, 1990; an Amendment to the Carousel Installation, Pernut and Operation Agreement
dated November 13, 1997, and an Amendment to the Carousel Funding Agreement, dated
November 13, 1997; and a Carousel Sale Agreement dated November 24, 1997, and a First
Amendment to the Personal Guaranty dated December 15, 1997 and;
WHEREAS, OFC, G.L. Cafes}ian and the City haue determined to relocate Philadelphia
Toboggan Company Carousel #33 (a.k.a. Cafesjian's Carousel) in the City's Como Park; here
in after called the Project; and
WHEREAS, all parties to the agreements above wish to set forth the financial and other
obligations by and to each other pertaining to locating Cafesjian's Carousel in the City's Como
NOW THEREFORE, the City, the H.R.A., OFC and G.L. Cafesjian mutually agree and
aclrnowledge as follows:
A. Outstanding financial responsibilities of OFC to the H.R.A. in the amounts of
$314,000 used to purchase the Carousel and $250,000 debt owed to the City for
Town Square Park Restoration are here-by canceled. Further the cancellarion of
the debt to the H.R.A. voids the Personal Guaranty dated March 8, 1990, and
the Amendment dated December 15, 1997 of G.L. Cafesjian to the H.R.A. The
H.R.A. will retum the original agreements to G.L. Cafesjian marked canceled,
as of ffie date first written above.
B. The Bill of Sale received by OFC from the Ciry is here-by aznended to remove
all security interests the City has regarding Cafesjian's Carousel.
q g -a�9
C. OFC's board of directors will amend its bylaws within sixty days of execution
of tlus agreement to allow for the appointment of three members of the OFC
board by the Mayor of the City. It is agreed that the three representarives
appointed by the Mayor wIll be selected from the following: one will be a Saint
Paul Division of Parks and Recreation employee, one will be a resident of the
Como Park area of Saint Paul; and one will be an at lazge selection.
D. OFC's board of d'uectors will amend its bylaws within siY months of the
execution of this agreement to provide for the appoinhnent of an executor in the
event OFC ceases to e�st as a Minnesota Corporation or materially
changes its corporate purpose.
E. In keeping with current OFC bylaws dated 7anuary 23, 1998, OFC will not sell
Cafesjian's Carousel or its components during the term of this agreement and
any subsequent terms.
F. OFC may not pledge or encumber Cafesjian's Cazousel or its parts in excess of
thirry percent (30%) of the assessed valuation of Cafesjian's Carousel without
pernussion of the City and G.L. Cafesjian or his designee. Such permission
shall not be unreasonably withheld.
A. The City will provide a site in Como Park per attached E�ibit A for OFC to
build, and OFC will cause to be built on said site, a building to house
Cafesjian's Carousel, described as:
A circular, open air pavilion, to be known as The Cafesjian Pavilion,
approarimately 80 feet in diameter to house the Carousel. The building must
meet all applicable building codes. The building should be constructed to
have the Carousel visible on approach from all sides when open, and secure
from �re, theft, vandatism and elements when closed. A heated area of
appro�nately 1000 square feet adjacent to the building will contain year-
round office space, staff bathroom, utilities, storage, and a restoration
B. As part of OFC's responsibility for the Project, it shall be responsible for all site
preparation, all utilities, finish work and landscaping in proxnnity and necessary
for the new building, not provided by the City in Section II.F.
C. In completing this Project OFC will contract with registered professional
azchitects, and engineers and will retain a licensed construcuon company to do
the work necessary to complete ihe Project.
D. The City shall have the right to approve all architects, engineers and
construction companies hired by OFC.
E. Due to the City's financial contribution to this Project herein, OFC will comply
with all ozdinances and regulations pertainiug to the use of City funds for
construction projects.
F. In order for the Ciry's $200,000 contribution to this Project to comply with
II.E. the City will, through its contract processes, provide for $200,000 worth
of site work, building construction, landscaping work andlor professional
services for the Ptoject at its cost.
G. The City shall have the right to review and approve all building plans, site plans
and signage, including modif'zcations thereof pertaining to The Cafesjian
Pavilion which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
H. G.L. Cafesjian, in keeping with Yhe Donor Agreement between G.L. Cafesjian
and OFC, shall have the right to review and approve all building plans, site
plans and signage, including modifications thereof pertaining to The Cafesjian
Pavilion, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
The proposed budget for the Project is $900,000.
Funding for the Project is to be provided as follows:
1. Donation from G.L. Cafesjian
2. Donation from the City
3. Commercial loan acquired by OFC
Funds shall be made available and spent as follows:
G.L. Cafesjian shall make his $400,000 contribution available to OFC
under the following schedule:
A. $100,000 upon preliminary approval of all initial building plans,
site plans and signage by the City and G.L. Cafesjian as outlined
in III.G. and III.H.
B. $150,000 within tlurty days of III.K.1.A.
C. $100,000 within sixty days of TII.K1.A.
D. $ 50,000 within ninety days of III.K.1.A.
a tr '�'9
2. The City will pay upon receipt of invoices for the various portions of the
Project that aze deemed to be the City's responsibility to a total of
$200,000 as per II.E. and II.7. above.
3. OFC shall make the funds it secures via a commercial loan available on
an as needed basis to insure the continued progress and completion of the
L. If the cost of the Project is over $900,000, OFC cannot, involuntarily, be
obligated to incur debt beyond the $30�,0�0 identified above. OFC, the Ciry
and G.L. Cafesjian shall meet to deternune how to remedy any budgetary
shortfalls as they become known.
M. Upon completion of the Project, OFC shall provide all construction and project
warranties, guarantees, operating and maintenance manuals and a complete set
of record drawings and specifications to the City. OFC shall obtain Certificate
of Occupancy and shall arrange for City's personnel's instructional walk
through of the completed Cafesjian's Pavilion.
N. Upon completion of the Project, the ownership of The Cafesjian Pavilion shall
rest with the CiYy.
O. Upon completion of the Project,The Cafesjian Pavilion shall be named for and
dedicated to G.L. Cafesjian.
P It is the goal of the parties to have Cafesjian Pavilion substanually complete by
October 1, 1998 and to be ready to open to the public by April 15, 1999. No
penalty shall be assessed any parry to this agreement if this time schedule is not
Q. The Ciry may ask, by giving reasonable notice to OFC, that consuuction on the
Project be curtailed or stopped for a period of time in order to insure that events
in the viciniry of the construction site are not negatively affected.
A. The Ciry will lease the completed Cafesjian Pavilion to OFC for an initial term
of 30 years commencing October 1, 1998 and ending October 1, 2028.
B. The terms of this agreement shall be automatically extended for periods of ten
(10) years in perpetuity unless Cafesjian's Carousel is removed per section
C. OFC shall pay the City 15 % of its gross revenues from ridership, gift shop
sales, novelty sales, rentals, photo shoots and any other revenue generating
activiries. All revenue figures shall be net of State sales ta7c. Specifically
exempted from this requirement are any donations, grants or loans received by
OFC. Payments due the City shall be made by December lst for the previous
OFC fiscal year (October lsi to September 30`�) and shall be adjusted as
necessary after the annual audit is complete.
N. OFC Responsibilities
1. OFC will keep Cafesjian's Carousel in Como Park in perpetuity. OFC
will keep it accessible to the public as an operable ride as long as that
can be done safely and as a stationary art-history object if Cafesjian's
Carousel becomes inoperable.
OFC shall, by January 15th of each year of this agreement, submit to the
City its proposed operating schedule far that year. The City shall have
the right to approve the proposed schedule. Such approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld.
3. OFC shall, by January 15th of each year of this agreement, submit its
proposed ticket prices and rental rates to the City for the City's approval.
S�ch approval shall not be unreasonably w3thheld. It is agreed that the
ticket price for the first two years of this agreement (1999 and 2000)
shall be $1.50 per ride.
Except for mechanical failure of the Carousel, natural disaster, fire,
vandalism, a material change to Como Park or persistent significant
operating losses, OFC will operate according to a schedule agreed to
between OFC and the City.
Each year OFC shall provide five (5) free days to Ramsey County
Residents to ride Cafesjian's Carousel. At least one of these days shall
be in June, one in July and one in August each year. The five (5) free
days shall be identified in the proposed operating schedule OFC submits
to the Ciry each year,
OFC shall provide the Ciry with an audited fmancial report of revenues
and expenses related to Cafesjian's Cazousel operation each year. S�cb
report shall be due to the City by January 15th of each year for OFC's
previous fiscal year.
Como Park is closed from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Therefore any
rentals, photo shoots or other activities in The Cafesjian Pavilion during
these times must be approved by the City at least one week prior to the
scheduled event. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
OFC shall pay all expenses of its operation including utilities. As part of
the construcfion process, arrangements shall be made by OFC for
separate metering of all utilities.
9. OFC's gift shop operation shall only carry and sell products that are
directly related to Cafesjian's Carousel or carousels in general. The City
shall have the right to require OFC to remove certain items from its sale
inventory if said items conflict with items in other gift shops operated in
Como Park. The Ciry shall not permit other Como Park gift shops to
sell carousel related items without the agreement of OFC.
10. OFC shall run its Cafesjian's Carousel operation in a manner consistent
with other Como Park activities and in a manner that reflects positively
on OFC, G.L. Cafesjian, Como Park and the Ciry.
11. OFC shall be responsible for all custodial maintenance of the Carousel
building and minor repairs of same. In addition, OFC shall be
responsible for the disposition of any hazardous waste it generates.
12. OFC shall carry and keep in force Commercial General Liability
Insurance, including blanket contractual liability coverage, personal
injury liability coverage; and broad form property damage liability
endorsement, with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000
per occurrence. Such insurance shall name the City as an additional
insured and be prunary with respect to OFCs insurance, be written on
an occurrence form policy basis and an aggregate policy lnnit of five
million dollars. Such policy shall contain a provision that the carrier
shall notify the City at any Ume that insurance coverage lapses. Further,
it is agreed that the $1,000,000 insurance amount shall be increased at
any tnne. The State statute relating to municipality exposure lunits is
increased. OFC wIll provide a copy of said policy to the City.
13. OFC shall carry and keep in force Commercial Pmperty Insurance on
and for the full assessed value of Cafesjian's Carousel. OFC shall
provide a copy of said policy to the Ciry.
14. No employee of OFC shall be required or permitted to work longer than
forty-eight (48) hours in any one week, but additional hours may be
worked if over time is paid therefore at the hourly rate for such
15. OFC shall make no claim against the City on account of any loss or
damage by fue, water, gas, electric failures, etc., within The Cafesjian
16. OFC will not make any alterations to The Cafesjian Pavilion without the
written consent of the City and G.L. Cafesjian, such consent not to be
unreasonably withheld. If OFC desires to make any such alterations, an
accurate description shall first be submitted to and approved by the Ciry
and G.L. Cafesjian and such alterations shall be done by OFC at its own
expense. All such work shall be performed under the Ciry's supervision
and any nnprovements made to the building at OFC's expense shall
become the properCy of the City. OFC agrees that all alterations will be
done in a workmanlike manner and in conforniance with applicable
building codes, that the structural integrity and building systems of The
Cafesjian Pavilion will not be impaired, and that no liens will attach to
The Cafesjian Pavilion by reason thereof without prior written consent of
the City. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
17. OFC shall keep and observe all the laws and ardinances relating to said
premises and the care and use thereof.
18. OFC for itself, its personal representatives, successors in interest and
assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and
agree, as a covenant rumiing with this agreement:
a. No person, on the grounds of race, sex, sexual or affectional
orientauon, color, creed, religion, age, disability, familial status,
marital status, status with respect to public assistance or national
origin or ancestry shall be excluded from participating in, be
denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination
in the use of the Carousel.
b. OFC shall use The Cafesjian Pavilion in compliance with all
other xequirements imposed pursuant to the Saint Paul I.egislative
Code Chapter 183, Minnesota Stat. Chapter 363 and all other
qg -a�9
State, L.ocal or Federal laws, rules, regulations relating to
19. Upon termination of this L,ease, OFC shall vacate and surrender The
Cafesjian Pavilion to the Ciry in as good condition as it was at the
inception of the lease, normal wear from usage and the passage of time
B. City Responsibilities
1. The Ciry shall be responsible for all normal trash removal from The
Cafesjian Pavilion.
2. The City shall be responsible for on going external and interior
maintenance of The Cafesjian Pavilion. This does not include general
day to day custodial maintenance.
3. The City shall be responsible for the care and upkeep on alllandscaped
areas in the vicnuty and immediately adjacent to The Cafesjian Pavilion.
4. The City will use its best efforts to promote and market Cafesjian's
Carousel through its various outlets and brochures.
5. The Ciry will make available to OFC, on a space available basis, meeting
rooms for OFC board meetings and classroom space for OFC Carousel
education programs.
The City shall insure The Cafesjian Pavilion under its umbrella policy
for all City of Saint Paul owned properties.
C. General Provisions
G.L. Cafesjian hereby appoints the Cafesjian Family Foundation as his
successor in interest to act in his place under this agreement in the event
of his death. G.L. Cafesjian has the right to change this designation
upon giving written notice to the Ciry and OFC.
Cafesjian's Carousel may not be moved from Como Park except with
the eapressed written agreement of OFC, G.L. Cafesjian or his designee
and the City.
In the event that revenues generated from Cafesjian's Carousel are
insufficient to cover operating costs and reasonable debts service, the
� y -a�9
City shall renegotiate the fee structure that OFC pays to the City.
4. The City or OFC may cancel this agreement for cause. Cause being
defined as failure to correct a material breach of this agreement within
sisry days after receiving written notification of the breach from the
other party. All financial obligations of the parties incurred prior to the
time of the cancellation shall remain the responsibility of that parry.
Additional nouce shall be given to G.L. Cafesjian who may choose to
cure the breach.
5. Private rentals of The Cafesjian Pavilion shall be allowed as long as they
occur outside the Cafesjian Carousel's normal operating hours.
6. This agreement may be amended, at any time, by agreement of the Ciry,
OFC and G.L. Cafesjian.
7. OFC owns a Wurlitzer 153 Band Organ. The Ciry and OFC will work
cooperatively on the placement of the band organ so that it is not
intrusive to near-by residents or disruptive to other Como Park users.
For special events in the area such as wedding ceremonies, dedications,
etc., the City may direct OFC not to use the organ for a period of time.
8. OFC staff and volunteers shall have access to Como Park at all tnnes that
the park is open. If it is necessary for OFC to have access at off times,
OFC shall contact the City's Manager of Environmental Services to
make arrangements for access.
9. PresenUy no admission fee is charged to enter the Como Zoo grounds
and the area where The Cafesjian Pavilion is to be located. If a fee
structure is implemented for these areas OFC staff and volunteers will
not be charged the fee.
10. All notices, requests, demands and other communications shall be in
writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed,
certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses:
City: Robert P. Piram
Superintendent of Parks and Recreation
25 W. 4th Street, Roonn 300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
OFC: Peter Boehm
Our Fair Carousel Incorporated
P.O. Box 17276
Saint Paul, MN 55117
For Gerazd L. Cafesjian Gerard L. Cafesjian
c/o The Cafesjian Family Foundation
4001 Tamiami Trail I�iorth
Suite 425
Naples, Florida 34103
For the St. Paul H.R.A. Pamela Wheelock
Executive Director
25 W. 4th Street, Room 1300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
V. This document contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes
any prior negotiations, writings and agreements between the parties with respect to
the Carousel.
Its Executive Director
BY� � °�
irector of Financial Services
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attarney
Director of Parks and Recreation
Its President
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Council File # ��- a �9
Green Sheet # ��6�
Presented By
Referred to
1 WHEREAS, the Cafesjian's
2 Toboggan Company Carousel #33)
3 operate and be housed; and
Committee: Date
Carousel (A.K.A. Philadelphia
is in need of a location to
WHEREAS, through a Request for Proposal process, Our Fair
Carousel Inc. has accepted a proposal put forward by the City of
Saint Paul to locate the Carousel in the City's Como Park; and
WHEREAS, Cafesjian's Carousel will positively add to Como
Park and be available for the public to ride and enjoy if it is
located in Como Park;
10 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are
11 here-by directed and authorized to enter into the attached
12 agreement which sets up the terms and conditions under which
13 Cafesjian's Carousel shall be located and operated in the City's
14 Como Park.
Requested by:
�\ Di sion P ks a Recr�ation
Approval Recommended by Financial
Services Director:
Adopted by Council: Date � 5 l�q,�
Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary
BY �
Approved �
� /�
/l 6 '1 �r0
Parks and Recreation 04/07/98
VIC Wittgehstein 266-6409 � 1 DEPARRAENTDIRECTOR 5 cmcouNCa
NUMBER FOR 3 cm arro�wer _cm c�aK
April 7 5, 1998 4 MAVOR (OF ASSISTANT) G Parks & Rec 300 CH
Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, Director of Financial Services, City Attorney and Mayor, and
passage by the City Council of the attached Council Resolution that directs City Ofifiicials to enter into an Agreement to
place Cafesjian's Carousel in Como Park. -.
PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Hss this person(firtn eve� wotked wMer a conttact fot this tlepartm¢ntT
SiAFF Z. Has this persoMfirtn ever be¢n a city employee?
— -- 3. Does chis person/fem possess a skiN not nonnal{y possessed by any wrrent city employee?
6cptain ali yes ansxren on aepereta sreet antl attath [o green sM1eet.
The attached Resolution directs City Staff to enter into an Agreement with Our Fair Carousel Inc, and Gerard L.
Cafesjian to place Cafesjian's Carousel in Como Park. This opportunity came about as a result of an R.F.P. put forward
by OFC. The City's proposal was selected as the best one.
Cafesjian's Carousel will be located in Como Park, allowing for its use and viewing by the public. The traffic in Como
Park should insure the Carousel's financial fiuture.
None. A��$ Q � ��J�
Loss of an attraction in the City as the other possibilities are not in Saint Paul.
FUNDINGSOURCE General Fund Balance ACTfVf(YNUMBER 001-00000-9830
City will contribute up to $200,000 to the Project, forgive OFC's requirement to pay for Town Square's restoration and
pay off OFC's debt to the H.R.A. on a discounted basis...$277,272.
q Y a�9
This Agreement dated the day of April, 1998, is made and entered into by and among
the City of Saint Paul, a homerule charter city and a municipal corporation of the State of
Minnesota ("Ciry"), the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry of the City of Saint Paul, a
public body corporate and politic �"H.R.A. "), Our Fair Carousel Incorparated, a Minnesota
non profit corporation ("OFC") and Gerard L. Cafesjian, (G.L. Cafesjian).
WHEREAS, all parties to this agreement have previously entered into agreements far the
financing, restoration, installation and operation of a carousel, specifically a Carousel Funding
Agreement dated Mazch 1, 1990; a Carousel Installation, Pernut and Operation Agreement
dated March 1, 1990; a Personal Guaranty dated March 8, 1990; a Donor Agreement dated
March 12, 1990; an Amendment to the Carousel Installation, Pernut and Operation Agreement
dated November 13, 1997, and an Amendment to the Carousel Funding Agreement, dated
November 13, 1997; and a Carousel Sale Agreement dated November 24, 1997, and a First
Amendment to the Personal Guaranty dated December 15, 1997 and;
WHEREAS, OFC, G.L. Cafes}ian and the City haue determined to relocate Philadelphia
Toboggan Company Carousel #33 (a.k.a. Cafesjian's Carousel) in the City's Como Park; here
in after called the Project; and
WHEREAS, all parties to the agreements above wish to set forth the financial and other
obligations by and to each other pertaining to locating Cafesjian's Carousel in the City's Como
NOW THEREFORE, the City, the H.R.A., OFC and G.L. Cafesjian mutually agree and
aclrnowledge as follows:
A. Outstanding financial responsibilities of OFC to the H.R.A. in the amounts of
$314,000 used to purchase the Carousel and $250,000 debt owed to the City for
Town Square Park Restoration are here-by canceled. Further the cancellarion of
the debt to the H.R.A. voids the Personal Guaranty dated March 8, 1990, and
the Amendment dated December 15, 1997 of G.L. Cafesjian to the H.R.A. The
H.R.A. will retum the original agreements to G.L. Cafesjian marked canceled,
as of ffie date first written above.
B. The Bill of Sale received by OFC from the Ciry is here-by aznended to remove
all security interests the City has regarding Cafesjian's Carousel.
q g -a�9
C. OFC's board of directors will amend its bylaws within sixty days of execution
of tlus agreement to allow for the appointment of three members of the OFC
board by the Mayor of the City. It is agreed that the three representarives
appointed by the Mayor wIll be selected from the following: one will be a Saint
Paul Division of Parks and Recreation employee, one will be a resident of the
Como Park area of Saint Paul; and one will be an at lazge selection.
D. OFC's board of d'uectors will amend its bylaws within siY months of the
execution of this agreement to provide for the appoinhnent of an executor in the
event OFC ceases to e�st as a Minnesota Corporation or materially
changes its corporate purpose.
E. In keeping with current OFC bylaws dated 7anuary 23, 1998, OFC will not sell
Cafesjian's Carousel or its components during the term of this agreement and
any subsequent terms.
F. OFC may not pledge or encumber Cafesjian's Cazousel or its parts in excess of
thirry percent (30%) of the assessed valuation of Cafesjian's Carousel without
pernussion of the City and G.L. Cafesjian or his designee. Such permission
shall not be unreasonably withheld.
A. The City will provide a site in Como Park per attached E�ibit A for OFC to
build, and OFC will cause to be built on said site, a building to house
Cafesjian's Carousel, described as:
A circular, open air pavilion, to be known as The Cafesjian Pavilion,
approarimately 80 feet in diameter to house the Carousel. The building must
meet all applicable building codes. The building should be constructed to
have the Carousel visible on approach from all sides when open, and secure
from �re, theft, vandatism and elements when closed. A heated area of
appro�nately 1000 square feet adjacent to the building will contain year-
round office space, staff bathroom, utilities, storage, and a restoration
B. As part of OFC's responsibility for the Project, it shall be responsible for all site
preparation, all utilities, finish work and landscaping in proxnnity and necessary
for the new building, not provided by the City in Section II.F.
C. In completing this Project OFC will contract with registered professional
azchitects, and engineers and will retain a licensed construcuon company to do
the work necessary to complete ihe Project.
D. The City shall have the right to approve all architects, engineers and
construction companies hired by OFC.
E. Due to the City's financial contribution to this Project herein, OFC will comply
with all ozdinances and regulations pertainiug to the use of City funds for
construction projects.
F. In order for the Ciry's $200,000 contribution to this Project to comply with
II.E. the City will, through its contract processes, provide for $200,000 worth
of site work, building construction, landscaping work andlor professional
services for the Ptoject at its cost.
G. The City shall have the right to review and approve all building plans, site plans
and signage, including modif'zcations thereof pertaining to The Cafesjian
Pavilion which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
H. G.L. Cafesjian, in keeping with Yhe Donor Agreement between G.L. Cafesjian
and OFC, shall have the right to review and approve all building plans, site
plans and signage, including modifications thereof pertaining to The Cafesjian
Pavilion, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
The proposed budget for the Project is $900,000.
Funding for the Project is to be provided as follows:
1. Donation from G.L. Cafesjian
2. Donation from the City
3. Commercial loan acquired by OFC
Funds shall be made available and spent as follows:
G.L. Cafesjian shall make his $400,000 contribution available to OFC
under the following schedule:
A. $100,000 upon preliminary approval of all initial building plans,
site plans and signage by the City and G.L. Cafesjian as outlined
in III.G. and III.H.
B. $150,000 within tlurty days of III.K.1.A.
C. $100,000 within sixty days of TII.K1.A.
D. $ 50,000 within ninety days of III.K.1.A.
a tr '�'9
2. The City will pay upon receipt of invoices for the various portions of the
Project that aze deemed to be the City's responsibility to a total of
$200,000 as per II.E. and II.7. above.
3. OFC shall make the funds it secures via a commercial loan available on
an as needed basis to insure the continued progress and completion of the
L. If the cost of the Project is over $900,000, OFC cannot, involuntarily, be
obligated to incur debt beyond the $30�,0�0 identified above. OFC, the Ciry
and G.L. Cafesjian shall meet to deternune how to remedy any budgetary
shortfalls as they become known.
M. Upon completion of the Project, OFC shall provide all construction and project
warranties, guarantees, operating and maintenance manuals and a complete set
of record drawings and specifications to the City. OFC shall obtain Certificate
of Occupancy and shall arrange for City's personnel's instructional walk
through of the completed Cafesjian's Pavilion.
N. Upon completion of the Project, the ownership of The Cafesjian Pavilion shall
rest with the CiYy.
O. Upon completion of the Project,The Cafesjian Pavilion shall be named for and
dedicated to G.L. Cafesjian.
P It is the goal of the parties to have Cafesjian Pavilion substanually complete by
October 1, 1998 and to be ready to open to the public by April 15, 1999. No
penalty shall be assessed any parry to this agreement if this time schedule is not
Q. The Ciry may ask, by giving reasonable notice to OFC, that consuuction on the
Project be curtailed or stopped for a period of time in order to insure that events
in the viciniry of the construction site are not negatively affected.
A. The Ciry will lease the completed Cafesjian Pavilion to OFC for an initial term
of 30 years commencing October 1, 1998 and ending October 1, 2028.
B. The terms of this agreement shall be automatically extended for periods of ten
(10) years in perpetuity unless Cafesjian's Carousel is removed per section
C. OFC shall pay the City 15 % of its gross revenues from ridership, gift shop
sales, novelty sales, rentals, photo shoots and any other revenue generating
activiries. All revenue figures shall be net of State sales ta7c. Specifically
exempted from this requirement are any donations, grants or loans received by
OFC. Payments due the City shall be made by December lst for the previous
OFC fiscal year (October lsi to September 30`�) and shall be adjusted as
necessary after the annual audit is complete.
N. OFC Responsibilities
1. OFC will keep Cafesjian's Carousel in Como Park in perpetuity. OFC
will keep it accessible to the public as an operable ride as long as that
can be done safely and as a stationary art-history object if Cafesjian's
Carousel becomes inoperable.
OFC shall, by January 15th of each year of this agreement, submit to the
City its proposed operating schedule far that year. The City shall have
the right to approve the proposed schedule. Such approval shall not be
unreasonably withheld.
3. OFC shall, by January 15th of each year of this agreement, submit its
proposed ticket prices and rental rates to the City for the City's approval.
S�ch approval shall not be unreasonably w3thheld. It is agreed that the
ticket price for the first two years of this agreement (1999 and 2000)
shall be $1.50 per ride.
Except for mechanical failure of the Carousel, natural disaster, fire,
vandalism, a material change to Como Park or persistent significant
operating losses, OFC will operate according to a schedule agreed to
between OFC and the City.
Each year OFC shall provide five (5) free days to Ramsey County
Residents to ride Cafesjian's Carousel. At least one of these days shall
be in June, one in July and one in August each year. The five (5) free
days shall be identified in the proposed operating schedule OFC submits
to the Ciry each year,
OFC shall provide the Ciry with an audited fmancial report of revenues
and expenses related to Cafesjian's Cazousel operation each year. S�cb
report shall be due to the City by January 15th of each year for OFC's
previous fiscal year.
Como Park is closed from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Therefore any
rentals, photo shoots or other activities in The Cafesjian Pavilion during
these times must be approved by the City at least one week prior to the
scheduled event. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
OFC shall pay all expenses of its operation including utilities. As part of
the construcfion process, arrangements shall be made by OFC for
separate metering of all utilities.
9. OFC's gift shop operation shall only carry and sell products that are
directly related to Cafesjian's Carousel or carousels in general. The City
shall have the right to require OFC to remove certain items from its sale
inventory if said items conflict with items in other gift shops operated in
Como Park. The Ciry shall not permit other Como Park gift shops to
sell carousel related items without the agreement of OFC.
10. OFC shall run its Cafesjian's Carousel operation in a manner consistent
with other Como Park activities and in a manner that reflects positively
on OFC, G.L. Cafesjian, Como Park and the Ciry.
11. OFC shall be responsible for all custodial maintenance of the Carousel
building and minor repairs of same. In addition, OFC shall be
responsible for the disposition of any hazardous waste it generates.
12. OFC shall carry and keep in force Commercial General Liability
Insurance, including blanket contractual liability coverage, personal
injury liability coverage; and broad form property damage liability
endorsement, with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000
per occurrence. Such insurance shall name the City as an additional
insured and be prunary with respect to OFCs insurance, be written on
an occurrence form policy basis and an aggregate policy lnnit of five
million dollars. Such policy shall contain a provision that the carrier
shall notify the City at any Ume that insurance coverage lapses. Further,
it is agreed that the $1,000,000 insurance amount shall be increased at
any tnne. The State statute relating to municipality exposure lunits is
increased. OFC wIll provide a copy of said policy to the City.
13. OFC shall carry and keep in force Commercial Pmperty Insurance on
and for the full assessed value of Cafesjian's Carousel. OFC shall
provide a copy of said policy to the Ciry.
14. No employee of OFC shall be required or permitted to work longer than
forty-eight (48) hours in any one week, but additional hours may be
worked if over time is paid therefore at the hourly rate for such
15. OFC shall make no claim against the City on account of any loss or
damage by fue, water, gas, electric failures, etc., within The Cafesjian
16. OFC will not make any alterations to The Cafesjian Pavilion without the
written consent of the City and G.L. Cafesjian, such consent not to be
unreasonably withheld. If OFC desires to make any such alterations, an
accurate description shall first be submitted to and approved by the Ciry
and G.L. Cafesjian and such alterations shall be done by OFC at its own
expense. All such work shall be performed under the Ciry's supervision
and any nnprovements made to the building at OFC's expense shall
become the properCy of the City. OFC agrees that all alterations will be
done in a workmanlike manner and in conforniance with applicable
building codes, that the structural integrity and building systems of The
Cafesjian Pavilion will not be impaired, and that no liens will attach to
The Cafesjian Pavilion by reason thereof without prior written consent of
the City. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
17. OFC shall keep and observe all the laws and ardinances relating to said
premises and the care and use thereof.
18. OFC for itself, its personal representatives, successors in interest and
assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and
agree, as a covenant rumiing with this agreement:
a. No person, on the grounds of race, sex, sexual or affectional
orientauon, color, creed, religion, age, disability, familial status,
marital status, status with respect to public assistance or national
origin or ancestry shall be excluded from participating in, be
denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination
in the use of the Carousel.
b. OFC shall use The Cafesjian Pavilion in compliance with all
other xequirements imposed pursuant to the Saint Paul I.egislative
Code Chapter 183, Minnesota Stat. Chapter 363 and all other
qg -a�9
State, L.ocal or Federal laws, rules, regulations relating to
19. Upon termination of this L,ease, OFC shall vacate and surrender The
Cafesjian Pavilion to the Ciry in as good condition as it was at the
inception of the lease, normal wear from usage and the passage of time
B. City Responsibilities
1. The Ciry shall be responsible for all normal trash removal from The
Cafesjian Pavilion.
2. The City shall be responsible for on going external and interior
maintenance of The Cafesjian Pavilion. This does not include general
day to day custodial maintenance.
3. The City shall be responsible for the care and upkeep on alllandscaped
areas in the vicnuty and immediately adjacent to The Cafesjian Pavilion.
4. The City will use its best efforts to promote and market Cafesjian's
Carousel through its various outlets and brochures.
5. The Ciry will make available to OFC, on a space available basis, meeting
rooms for OFC board meetings and classroom space for OFC Carousel
education programs.
The City shall insure The Cafesjian Pavilion under its umbrella policy
for all City of Saint Paul owned properties.
C. General Provisions
G.L. Cafesjian hereby appoints the Cafesjian Family Foundation as his
successor in interest to act in his place under this agreement in the event
of his death. G.L. Cafesjian has the right to change this designation
upon giving written notice to the Ciry and OFC.
Cafesjian's Carousel may not be moved from Como Park except with
the eapressed written agreement of OFC, G.L. Cafesjian or his designee
and the City.
In the event that revenues generated from Cafesjian's Carousel are
insufficient to cover operating costs and reasonable debts service, the
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City shall renegotiate the fee structure that OFC pays to the City.
4. The City or OFC may cancel this agreement for cause. Cause being
defined as failure to correct a material breach of this agreement within
sisry days after receiving written notification of the breach from the
other party. All financial obligations of the parties incurred prior to the
time of the cancellation shall remain the responsibility of that parry.
Additional nouce shall be given to G.L. Cafesjian who may choose to
cure the breach.
5. Private rentals of The Cafesjian Pavilion shall be allowed as long as they
occur outside the Cafesjian Carousel's normal operating hours.
6. This agreement may be amended, at any time, by agreement of the Ciry,
OFC and G.L. Cafesjian.
7. OFC owns a Wurlitzer 153 Band Organ. The Ciry and OFC will work
cooperatively on the placement of the band organ so that it is not
intrusive to near-by residents or disruptive to other Como Park users.
For special events in the area such as wedding ceremonies, dedications,
etc., the City may direct OFC not to use the organ for a period of time.
8. OFC staff and volunteers shall have access to Como Park at all tnnes that
the park is open. If it is necessary for OFC to have access at off times,
OFC shall contact the City's Manager of Environmental Services to
make arrangements for access.
9. PresenUy no admission fee is charged to enter the Como Zoo grounds
and the area where The Cafesjian Pavilion is to be located. If a fee
structure is implemented for these areas OFC staff and volunteers will
not be charged the fee.
10. All notices, requests, demands and other communications shall be in
writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed,
certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses:
City: Robert P. Piram
Superintendent of Parks and Recreation
25 W. 4th Street, Roonn 300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
OFC: Peter Boehm
Our Fair Carousel Incorporated
P.O. Box 17276
Saint Paul, MN 55117
For Gerazd L. Cafesjian Gerard L. Cafesjian
c/o The Cafesjian Family Foundation
4001 Tamiami Trail I�iorth
Suite 425
Naples, Florida 34103
For the St. Paul H.R.A. Pamela Wheelock
Executive Director
25 W. 4th Street, Room 1300
Saint Paul, MN 55102
V. This document contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes
any prior negotiations, writings and agreements between the parties with respect to
the Carousel.
Its Executive Director
BY� � °�
irector of Financial Services
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attarney
Director of Parks and Recreation
Its President
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