D00642� Y�� ar�`.. I � L o���a�- c�y c� Copies- Fin. & Mgrrd Services N ��� Pub{ic Works Accourting Date: Engineer Contraaor CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � bo�O�Z q-14-q5 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT I�IQ? ADMINISfRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, addRbns wti�ch proved to be necessary to the improvement described as PRIOR-SHERIDAN SEWER & PAVING PRO.lECT known as Job No. 29176 City Project No. 93-S-8094 &93-P-8073 , Palda & Sons. Inc. A Remove & patch bituminous pavement B Rock to maintain street access C Sanitary sewer repairs D Remove Concrete curb � St. Mary's Home E Retaining wa�{ instailation F Subgrade repiaceme�t for sewer installation G Pipe materiai substitution H Subgrade drain tile repair i Type IV manhole F.U.P. � (see attached descriptian) $3,327.22 909.41 3,�15.52 169.07 3,385.80 7,105.86 162.50 144.52 2.200.00 $20,419.90 ORDERED, That the City oi Sairrt Paul, through i1s Mayor, approves the foregoing adciRans made in accordance with the spec'rfications in ihe sum of $ 20.419.80 , said amourn to be added to the Iump sum consideration named on the coMract, known as Job Plo. 29176 , arxJ which amourrt is to be financed from: CSSP Funding available in the contract. �Q3—o'�Tl��tp--07 sc�t —� > 7� �—�S, s� c��s � Division Manager � 19— -�,� � � gs � Directar, Dep ment cf Pubiic Works Contractor, is composed ot the folbwing: �� � S��s !�• �,, . � v e � ao � e� w Pubfic Wotks �� a6r�arHOnE (1 1LIItl.� H. Lueth 266-G083 �t PAGE4 5 Approval of Supplemeatal Agneement #1 PRIOR-SI�RIDAN SEWER & PAVING PROJECI'. City Project No. 93-S-S094 & 93 P-80'73 Conaactor. Palda & Sons, i�. �eaoaraNSAaw� cN a �a t�n _ PUWIWCiCOIAMISSidi _qVY.3E(iY10E COYY19SpN CIB COMMRiEE _ � STAFF _ WSTRICTCOUNCtl. _ SUPrOnTS WHIGHCauNCILaeJECirvE? $BWBf $e�f2�1011 WfMTING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (WHO. WiUT. WHEN. WHERE. WH`n: Additionat wak was reguired ta complete the �ojec� This wak was not originally anticipated (see auachment for description of wak). : _ : _;` � �. ��y� 2� 1995 MYANTAGES lF MPROYFA: The �s compensated for wor� performed az the direction of the Engineer. � `L�»7'Sta,C�� �tc �wrurEO �/ sJza/ss GREENSHEE� ��o. sas2s__ DEPMiMEMDIflECTOR �� � CITYCOUiCM. � ' C(IVATTOWIEY � CfTVCLEPoC xam�xs oxiECroa � cw a wcr. sEi a�me+ ��� - •-.,.�..... _ <n� �cur �u �ocnnoaa wn sw�un� ❑ PEASON11LSFRV�cECAHrRACtsYUS7 ANSwHi T4iE FoUAVnNC �u6st�oNS: 1. Has tlus oer=a✓firm ever worked urMer a� for this departnient? �YFSJ NO 2 Hss tlds persoNfurt�been e dry employee? YES �414J 3. Doas UNS persoNfir�.pQ�ssess a skYl rwt namalN Po�� hf' �5' aR�� p9' �P�%�? YE$ �y0.� E%p�118Y yK MSWYR Oi� 8BpB18�e ShNt W W 81�8Ch t0 g1eM ShNt PfCt70llS � CIHLBbi .SCWCa .SCp8CdL1011 PIUJCCLS RECEIVED DISADVANTAGES IF MPNOVED: None. RECE4VED �ro '{ 1 SEP 131995 C(TY CIERK DISADVANTAGES IF I�T APPRDVED: Di�culty paying conuactor for work pez€ormed. pFFICE OF THE DIREGTOR pEPARTMENT QF FIIVANCE AND MANAGEiJ1ENT SERV(CES � AUG �, 5 1995 �g�'� ������EY AMOUNTOFTRANSkCRONi ��419-9� f:03TlREYENUEBUDGETED(GRCLEONE) YES N� F�NDINGSOUfK� .�993C5SPFundine AcnVmNUMBEn 29176 FINANCIALINWRMATqN:(EXPU4N) C93-�r��-o�u� �9�7� d�"