98-276��.���,, ��, - � l � � °��' O R ! t7� �A � RESOLUTION ' OF SAINT PAU Presented Referred To Council File # �' ` c�-`� � Green Sheet # � � `3 � `� Comurittee Date Zg 1 WHEREAS, Council File No. 8`8-1400 mandates all newly constructed residential buildings requirina any public financing 2 to have approved fire protection sprinkling systems installed, and 3 WHERF,AS, this requirement adds as much as $5,000 to the cost of a newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated house; 4 and 5 WHEREAS, much of the publicly financed construction or rehabilitation of housing within Saint Paul occurs on vacant 6 properties; and 7 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is committed to promoting reoccupation of vacant properties by owner occupied 8 housing; and 9 WHEREAS, these reoccupations often require significant public subsidies due to construction costs that ate higher than sales 10 costs; now, therefore, be it 11 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councii mandates that all requirements regazding fire protection sprinkling systems 12 for newly consiructed or substantially rehabilitated residential housing on vacant properties be removed; and be it 3 FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests that appropriate changes to the Fire Code, the Building 14 Code, and any City housing programs be made to conespond with the intent of this resolution; and be it 15 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests the Administration and appropriate Ciry staff to implement the intent of this resolurion bv June 1. 1998. insta 1 such �ystems, and be Requested by Department of: it � by Council Secretary � Appcoved by Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � � _���� qY- a-�� City Council Councilmember Mike Hazris (68630) GREEN SHEET No 62328 Mnuucx. mm.uom. w.xnnmrto.�ccra. mrcoura. ❑ CRYATlORIEY ❑ q1YCiRK 4-2-98 NUNB6RFOR RdRWG ORD6t TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ RIM11141�1tERVICFSOYL ❑ WYORNMbY6l4R1" ❑ wWCNLaE0.Yl4Gef6 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� A resolution calling for all requirements for fire sprinkling protectaon systems in newly constructed ot substantially rehabilitated residenlial housing on vacant properties to be removed. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Hes fhis P��� ever wo�ketl ur�r a conLact Tor Mis deDartment? VES NO Has this persoNBrm e�er Deen a cily empbYee9 YES NO Dces thie per�rm P� a sldq not nonr�allYP� M anY curreM atp emplo�'ee? YES NO kthia pe+savBnn a taigetetl vBntloYt YES NO Council F"�le 88-1400 created a policy unique to Saint Paul that requires all residendal buIldings constructed with public financing be fitted with fire spriukling protecfion systems. This adds approximately $5,000 to the level of gap subsidy necessary to complete housing rehabilitaYion or infill housing construction on vacant properties. In addition, many of the people who live in homes with these systems deactivate ffiem to avoid high maintenance and inspection costs. Gap subsidies for vacant housing rehabilitation or infill housing construction would either be reduced or could be spent on items that add more value to homes. 71SAWANTAGES IF APPROVED to spend money on sprinkling systems that are not used and add significant cost to vacant housing rehabilita6on. �TAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION f 7NU1N6 SOURCE COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED IqRCLE CN� AGTWITYNWABER v�s No WNCiAL INFORAiATON (EtftAIIPj �� � a�� Amendment to Item 29 INSERT between lines 12 and 13 And be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that installment of fire sprinkling protection systems shall remain an eligible cost for City financing in all residentia] housing so that homeowners or deve]opers can choose to install such systems, and be it ��.���,, ��, - � l � � °��' O R ! t7� �A � RESOLUTION ' OF SAINT PAU Presented Referred To Council File # �' ` c�-`� � Green Sheet # � � `3 � `� Comurittee Date Zg 1 WHEREAS, Council File No. 8`8-1400 mandates all newly constructed residential buildings requirina any public financing 2 to have approved fire protection sprinkling systems installed, and 3 WHERF,AS, this requirement adds as much as $5,000 to the cost of a newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated house; 4 and 5 WHEREAS, much of the publicly financed construction or rehabilitation of housing within Saint Paul occurs on vacant 6 properties; and 7 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is committed to promoting reoccupation of vacant properties by owner occupied 8 housing; and 9 WHEREAS, these reoccupations often require significant public subsidies due to construction costs that ate higher than sales 10 costs; now, therefore, be it 11 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councii mandates that all requirements regazding fire protection sprinkling systems 12 for newly consiructed or substantially rehabilitated residential housing on vacant properties be removed; and be it 3 FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests that appropriate changes to the Fire Code, the Building 14 Code, and any City housing programs be made to conespond with the intent of this resolution; and be it 15 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests the Administration and appropriate Ciry staff to implement the intent of this resolurion bv June 1. 1998. insta 1 such �ystems, and be Requested by Department of: it � by Council Secretary � Appcoved by Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � � _���� qY- a-�� City Council Councilmember Mike Hazris (68630) GREEN SHEET No 62328 Mnuucx. mm.uom. w.xnnmrto.�ccra. mrcoura. ❑ CRYATlORIEY ❑ q1YCiRK 4-2-98 NUNB6RFOR RdRWG ORD6t TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ RIM11141�1tERVICFSOYL ❑ WYORNMbY6l4R1" ❑ wWCNLaE0.Yl4Gef6 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� A resolution calling for all requirements for fire sprinkling protectaon systems in newly constructed ot substantially rehabilitated residenlial housing on vacant properties to be removed. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Hes fhis P��� ever wo�ketl ur�r a conLact Tor Mis deDartment? VES NO Has this persoNBrm e�er Deen a cily empbYee9 YES NO Dces thie per�rm P� a sldq not nonr�allYP� M anY curreM atp emplo�'ee? YES NO kthia pe+savBnn a taigetetl vBntloYt YES NO Council F"�le 88-1400 created a policy unique to Saint Paul that requires all residendal buIldings constructed with public financing be fitted with fire spriukling protecfion systems. This adds approximately $5,000 to the level of gap subsidy necessary to complete housing rehabilitaYion or infill housing construction on vacant properties. In addition, many of the people who live in homes with these systems deactivate ffiem to avoid high maintenance and inspection costs. Gap subsidies for vacant housing rehabilitation or infill housing construction would either be reduced or could be spent on items that add more value to homes. 71SAWANTAGES IF APPROVED to spend money on sprinkling systems that are not used and add significant cost to vacant housing rehabilita6on. �TAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION f 7NU1N6 SOURCE COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED IqRCLE CN� AGTWITYNWABER v�s No WNCiAL INFORAiATON (EtftAIIPj �� � a�� Amendment to Item 29 INSERT between lines 12 and 13 And be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that installment of fire sprinkling protection systems shall remain an eligible cost for City financing in all residentia] housing so that homeowners or deve]opers can choose to install such systems, and be it ��.���,, ��, - � l � � °��' O R ! t7� �A � RESOLUTION ' OF SAINT PAU Presented Referred To Council File # �' ` c�-`� � Green Sheet # � � `3 � `� Comurittee Date Zg 1 WHEREAS, Council File No. 8`8-1400 mandates all newly constructed residential buildings requirina any public financing 2 to have approved fire protection sprinkling systems installed, and 3 WHERF,AS, this requirement adds as much as $5,000 to the cost of a newly constructed or substantially rehabilitated house; 4 and 5 WHEREAS, much of the publicly financed construction or rehabilitation of housing within Saint Paul occurs on vacant 6 properties; and 7 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council is committed to promoting reoccupation of vacant properties by owner occupied 8 housing; and 9 WHEREAS, these reoccupations often require significant public subsidies due to construction costs that ate higher than sales 10 costs; now, therefore, be it 11 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councii mandates that all requirements regazding fire protection sprinkling systems 12 for newly consiructed or substantially rehabilitated residential housing on vacant properties be removed; and be it 3 FURTI�R RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests that appropriate changes to the Fire Code, the Building 14 Code, and any City housing programs be made to conespond with the intent of this resolution; and be it 15 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requests the Administration and appropriate Ciry staff to implement the intent of this resolurion bv June 1. 1998. insta 1 such �ystems, and be Requested by Department of: it � by Council Secretary � Appcoved by Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � � _���� qY- a-�� City Council Councilmember Mike Hazris (68630) GREEN SHEET No 62328 Mnuucx. mm.uom. w.xnnmrto.�ccra. mrcoura. ❑ CRYATlORIEY ❑ q1YCiRK 4-2-98 NUNB6RFOR RdRWG ORD6t TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ RIM11141�1tERVICFSOYL ❑ WYORNMbY6l4R1" ❑ wWCNLaE0.Yl4Gef6 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� A resolution calling for all requirements for fire sprinkling protectaon systems in newly constructed ot substantially rehabilitated residenlial housing on vacant properties to be removed. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Hes fhis P��� ever wo�ketl ur�r a conLact Tor Mis deDartment? VES NO Has this persoNBrm e�er Deen a cily empbYee9 YES NO Dces thie per�rm P� a sldq not nonr�allYP� M anY curreM atp emplo�'ee? YES NO kthia pe+savBnn a taigetetl vBntloYt YES NO Council F"�le 88-1400 created a policy unique to Saint Paul that requires all residendal buIldings constructed with public financing be fitted with fire spriukling protecfion systems. This adds approximately $5,000 to the level of gap subsidy necessary to complete housing rehabilitaYion or infill housing construction on vacant properties. In addition, many of the people who live in homes with these systems deactivate ffiem to avoid high maintenance and inspection costs. Gap subsidies for vacant housing rehabilitation or infill housing construction would either be reduced or could be spent on items that add more value to homes. 71SAWANTAGES IF APPROVED to spend money on sprinkling systems that are not used and add significant cost to vacant housing rehabilita6on. �TAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION f 7NU1N6 SOURCE COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED IqRCLE CN� AGTWITYNWABER v�s No WNCiAL INFORAiATON (EtftAIIPj �� � a�� Amendment to Item 29 INSERT between lines 12 and 13 And be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that installment of fire sprinkling protection systems shall remain an eligible cost for City financing in all residentia] housing so that homeowners or deve]opers can choose to install such systems, and be it