D00641White - City Clerk Pink - Finance Dept. Canary - Dept. Accounting Blue - Engineer Green - Contractor • No. o Oo 6 �I ► Dxte "1 ' � �' `1 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIDiISTRATIVE ORDER fox CONTRAGT GHANGE AGREEMENT N0. l ADMIDIISTRATIVE ORDER, Wheceas additions wtdeh gcoved to be neeessacy to the Improvement described Demolitionj53te Clearance of the Faust Theater Site per bid number A-014622 as - - - - - - - - - lwown as �75�� . (3i€3��PEtS,� Contracta, is composed of t0e following: THOMAS CONTRACTING See attached page with corresponding exhibits. • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ae- cordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 23 , 958.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- Pur hase Order Il 0146�2 sideration named in the conkact, lmown aszrmabra�� , and w ich amount is to be financed feom: CDBG funds; I00-37812-0583-01331, and tne con�ract time remains unchanged. • �_y�,s �-t �'i / 19� �! �� � - ,�. ��., _ 4 �.��.�._�..-'�. i - . .�- • THOMAS CONTRACTING Contc etor BY ��m �tC�w�n _n ,l�z����� � �.���s d of Department of Fib _ � {`��) Adm atrati Assistant to tha Mayor �_ J � ��� � GREEN SH6�T N� _ 14749 INITA[yp�Q INRIAVDATE DEPAFTMENT DIRECTOR �J` � qTY ('AUNCIL GN ATTORNEY � CIN GLERK BU�GET DIRECTOR �N. & MGT. SERVICES (J,/S� MAYOR {OR ASSISTAN"f) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 2. S. Petcrson Eaecution of iLe atpched Contract (:Lange Agreement Na 1 for demolitionfsite clearance work of the Faust Theater Site in CD IKsirict & Relect (R) __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ COMMITTEE .�A�'AFF _ DISiRICTCOURT CIViL SERVICE COMMISSiON WHICH CAUNCIlO&IECTIVE? Neighborhoods and Honsing PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has this person(firm ever worked u�der a conVact for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRtrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet anA aHach to green sheet Final site costs/extras necessary for completion of all demolitionJsite clearance work at 620-626 W. Universiry Avenue (formerly the Faust Theater site) in accordance with City/HRA spec�cations and requirements. e RECEIVED Close out projec� AUG 2 4 1995 OFFICE OE THE C3IREGTOR DEPARTMENT t3F FIiVANCE RNb MANAGEtJIENT SERV{CES D�SADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None known. RECEIVED SEP 141995 C1TY CLERK - ,,�v - =s` > Potential for property liens against the CityfHRA. �l�G 23 i9�5 � i � { .� = e �D 'OiAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION $ $ �' 9 �'�� COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDING SOURCE CDBG fnnds ACTIYITY NUMBER T!K' 100-34812-0583-6�331 �� 'NANCIAI INFOflMATIOM (EXPLAIN) � i A ' VW � ��� � CONTRACT ADDITIONS WIT�I CREDTT • Provide all materials, equipment, labor, incidentals, etc. necessary to abate asbestos, remove foundations and backfill bas�ment found below single story structure along Dale Street; abandonmendpermanent sealing of unlmown water well found below alley per State Health Department requirements; compaction of upper 4' of surface backfill throughout the site; and credit for deleting seed/topsoil over the finished surface except for 30 cubic yards of black dirt stockpiled for future planting beds; all in a first-class, professional manner per the wntract specifications, City ordinances/HRA requirements, state laws/regulatory agencies, etc. and the attached e�chibits. All work further subject to: • A. Satisfactory completion of all contract stipulations and covenants as a result of the aforementioned change and all work affected thereby; B. The claims of the City/HRA aze not prejudiced; and C. All claims against the City/E�IRA which aze incidental to or as a consequence of the aforementioned change, aze sadsfied. • CHANGE ORDER AlA DOCUt1E.\"T G?01 O�'�ER AIZCHI7�ECT CO\TR.4CTOR FIELD OTHER PROJECT: Faust Theater Site � (name, address) 620-626 i3niversity Ave. St. Paul� MN TO CONTR.�CTOR: �Omas COritraCtlrig (name, address) 101 27th Ave. SE Ste. 120 Mpls, MN 55414 The Concract is chtinged as folloccs: � FX�/$/T � PG / o -� 1�00 t�y i CHA\GE ORDER \L'>iBER: 1 D.�TE: 8/1/95 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT \O: A-16989-3 CO�TRACT DATE. 6/19/95 .. +� � 2 CO:�TRACT FOR:j�molition & site clearance For additional asbestos removal located in the basement area that was not included in the original bid specifications. *Enclosed if the original invoice from A-1 Abatement, Inc. in the amount of $2,887.00. We have included our 15% overhead on this change order. • Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Con�ract Sum) fF,t�aFa�teec-i-�ta�attw-Pfiec3 n:u . . . . . . . . . . °�7'7 � 650. 00 Net change by previously authorized Ch:u�ge Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � _ The (Contract Sumj (6asrs�teec�-?.IstiPr�r��feej pnor [o th�s Change Order n°is ....... S/'7 � 65�. 00 The (Contcact Sum) (6tx�a�ec�e1 �Fa�c+�tEr+� Ptiee� ��ill be (increased) (derseasecy � ��� .(+.¢�kangc.c� b}° [his Change Orde� m the amou�[ of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 3 r 32�. �0 �'�"'�'� 7he new (Contract Sum) (l.u�c:wte.ed➢�L�simum.Psice� induding tl�is Cliange Order c� ill br .��� 9']p. �0 "Lhe Conaact Time n�il( be �tac-r��c€c.i}(c.iges$zced.� (u�ehanged) by ( ) d:n�s The date uf Substantial Compleuon as of the da[e oF this Cliange Order cherefore is N�A \OTE 'Chin aummap' doc.� nu[ reflcc[ Chungeti m[he Contr.tc[ SUm. Convact Tmic or C;uvrdntced }laemnm Piicc n h�ch h.n e becn tudwrv�d b� Con�m�ttion Changc Dirrc[rvr N/A Thomas Contracting ARCHITECT COVTfL4CTOR 101 27th Ave. SE Ste. 120 aaa«�, �da�r,. Minneapolis, MN 55414 tsv UAIE eti D 1TE City of St. Paul (PED) OAY"SER 25 W. 4th St. ada�t„ St. Paul, 2MI 55102 ti� DBTh •� � CAUTION: You st�ould sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes wiil not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G701 • CHTNGE ORDER • 198' EDI'IIOV •.Vd� • CJI`Jti • 7HE .qMERICAN [ASTITIIE Of 9BCHITF.CTS. C35 SF.0 YORF dAE_ M1IX \�1�HISGTOA_ DC 1(IU00 G7O�—�9H� WARNING: Unli<ensed photocopyin9 violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal pmsecution. / � : `_ ll ► � • • • � � Sold To: Thomas Conuacting C& D, Inc 101 27th Ave SE Suite 120 Minneapoiis, MN 55414 Customer PO Invoice Date: 8/3/95 � Ct�ange Order #1 at the Faust Theatre. '` J Invoice 101 27th Ave. S.E. Mpls., MN 55414 Office (612) 627-9909 '(�f��i �_l � FAX (672) 627-9077 �.��., —� . , .. �. �XKtB/T � /�G � d � 2 �ment Terms Net 10 Days Invoice Numher: 245 Due Date S/13/95 2,887.00 C � J Subtotal Total Invoice Amount Payment Recieved Total Finance Charges of 1.5%will accrue on past due invoices 2,887.00 2,sszoo 0.00 2,887.00 Certified Asbestos Removal • Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Hazardous Waste Disposal CHANGE ORDER AfA DOGL'1LIE,b7' G701 O� �ER ARCHITECT CO\TR�1C7�OR FIELD OTHER PROJECT: Faust Theater Site � (name, address) 620-626 University Ave. St. Pau1, MN TO CO:�TRACTOR: �omas Contracting (name, address) 101 27th Ave. SE 5te. 120 Mpls, MN 55414 The Contracr is changed as follows: � C J G G Ii �� �XItiB�T +$ CHA\GE ORDER \G`IBER: Z D.aTE: 8-1-95 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT ti0� A-16989-3 CO\T12�1CT DATE: 6-19-95 CO\TRACT FOR: ��lition & site_Clearance Removal & disposal of additional concrete foundation xralls and floor of the additional basement that was not included in the specifications. � Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum) (Faiaraate,gAYFaximua�.ks-rc�) was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 77 � 650. 00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3, 320.00 The (Contratt Sum) (L,�aacwceecLltasaawzn.P-c� prior tu this Change Order w;u .......... S $� 970 �0 � q O A The (Contrace Sum) (6earaxec.�ei �t.n:nrxactz�riec-} n�ill be (increased) �Circreszec§J 4� 050.00 � {�+riek�a�c� b� this Ctiange Order in die amounc of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Tlie �ew (Contraet Sum) (b'.+iac;awt�ed}k+x+ait+cc�Pfie€� including [his Change Order wilI be .. S 85 � �20. �0 TtteConaactTimewil(bekcc�i�(dtc-�€ase�(usehanged}by ( )du�s The date of Substan[ial Complenon as of [he dare of this Ci�ange Orcier therefore is ��g KOTE Th�s summdn doco no[ reflec[ ch:uiges in [hC ContraCt Sum, Conv.�ct Tmic uf Guarant�zd 1Bummm Pnce wivch ha� e becn authoni�d b� C:ortrtruNOn Change D�[tt�tn'e N/A Thomas Contracting ARCHITECT CO\TR�CI'OR 101 27th Ave. SE Ste. 120 �d<<«,, .�aa«,. Minneapolis, M[V 55414 t�v DA"CE H� D.�TF City of St. Paul (PED) O\F SEIt 25 W. 4th St. �ad�e.., St. Paul, MMt�iT 55102 f3}' D.11 F •� � CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documenis are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G707 • CHd\GE ORDHR IJR IDITIO\ Ala' 1�198' • THH A�tERICAS I��TITITf OF ARCHITF.CT1, (';5 �E�� 1'ORA AV A W, IX:4tiHISGTOy_ D C 2ooaG G7O�-19H7 WARNING: Uniicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legat prosecution. CHANGE ORDER A!A DOCL%.tIE:YT G701 O\k'\ER ARCHI7ECT COSTE2�lCTOR FSELD OTHER PROJECT: Fdust Thedter Site ' (name, address) 620-626 University Ave. St. Paul, MN TO COVTRACTOR: ThomaS COntrdCtlrig (name, address) 101 27th Ave. SE Ste 120 Mpls, MPII 55414 The Contract is changed as follows: �c ❑ � J ❑ a r �Xfi�/8�T C CH:IVGE ORDER VC�IBER: 3 DaTE: 8 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT tiO:A-16989-3 CO�TR4CT D9TE: 6-19-95 CO�TRACT FOR: �nolition & site clearance Providing and placing additional fill material in the basement area that was not included in the original specifications. **711 c.y. Ca? $6.00/c.y. • Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum) (6na+*rn,�-�Ft�cirmxxPr'c�c�-was . . . . . . . . . . . . S77 � 650. 00 Net dtange by previousiy authorized Change Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 7 � 37�. �� The (Contract Sum) (�uaraat�e�^.4a��era-R�iee}prior [o this Change Order was . . . . . . . . ff $5 � �20 • �� The (Contcact Sum) (:,:;cs:.a' €�-?�i�ia�.�-P-4ic€�witl be (inccrased) (tY.csea+z�'} �r�Fr.�getyb}� this Change Order in the amount of ... ... 3 4, 266.00 � A � D The nea� (Contract Sum) (6ta:uaat�e�i-�i�+r+�a�+�r•ice�including th�s Change Order n itl be S$9 � Z$6.00 The Conaaa Time wdl be (i�r�:ESer�i}{�iecseasr.d}(uac(unged) by ( ) d�c The date of Substantial Comptetion as of the date of this Change O�der therefore is N�A \OTE Thu sumnmcc dues not reflcCt Chanses in the Contr3c[ Swn. Convact Tmie o[ Guardn[ced \IDsmmm Puce ��hich hu�c bc�7i au[huriicd M1� Conttrucuun Channe Direc[iee N/A Thomas Contracting �RCHITtiCT COSTfi1CTOR 101 27th Ave. SE Ste. 120 Adclress Adci�cvs Mpls, MMPII 55414 Hti D i'I"E si D�1TE City of St. Paul (PED) o� nex 25 W. 4th St. ��ia«,, St. Paul, MN 55102 ttt UdIE •� i CAUTION: You shovld sign an originai AIA document which has this caution printed in �ed. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOWMENT G701 • GFIA\GE ORDEA • t9H' EDI"CIOU • AId`� • G�9R' • I'HE ANERICd\ INS"CITtTE OF ARCHITHCTti. 1'i5 D:E�� YORh dvC. �ll'. �CaSHL'�GTO] DC ?WWC G701-1987 WARNING: Unlirensed photocopyin9 violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal prosewtion. CHANGE ORDER ALd DOCG'PoIF.��"T G?DI O�k'SER ARCHITECT CO\TRACTOR FIELD OTHER PROJECT:Eaust Theater Site - (name, address) 620-626 University Ave. St. Pau1, MI�I TO CO�TRACTOR:Thomas Contracting (name, address) 101 27th Ave. SE Ste. 120 Mpls, MN 55414 The Concracc is changed as fotiows: � L G L � xyi8�r f'G / o f .. � D � CHA�GE ORDER \C�IBER:4 D.aTE: $_1 ARCHITECT'S PKOJECT �O: A-16989-3 CONTRACT DATE: 6-19-95 CONTRACT FOR: Demolition & site Clearance To abandon and seal an 8" x 398' well as per state requirements. **Enclosed is the original invoice from McCarthy Well for $9,410.76. We have included our 15% overhead on this change order. • Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum) (Gt�.�.�te-e�-?�t�iaxxx�Rrie€) n�as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 77 � 650. �� Net change by previously audiouzed Change Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 11 � 636 • DO The (Contract Sum) (6u.�ua+.ue,e,�i.ai:�}a�.uzwRxaeg) prior to this Ghange Order was ...... .. 5$9 � 286. 00 The (Con[ract Sum) (6tr�n will be (increased) (c#ezecwsecf) � (aac-Fuege+�) by� th�s Change Order in tlie amount of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 �� 822. �� The ne�� (Conttacc Sum) (6�a�cc€d�i��, ;�n; ;�;iee) including this Change Ocdec wdl be .. S 10� � 108.0� The Con«ac[ Tune wlll be{iaes�as€�}{ciefceas�d) (unch;ulged) hy ( ) da} s The dare of Substantial Complecion as of the date of [his Change Order therefore is N!A l�'OTE Thi+ summan doea nu[ retlect chungc+ m the Contrvtt Sum. Con[rect 71me or (ivaruntecd �lu�mmm Price a hidi h:ice bren authorv�d b� Cuns7mcuon Changc D�reCnce n/a Thomas Contracting City ARCHITECT COSTRAC7'OR O�ktiER 101 27th Ave. SE Ste. 120 25 W Adda>ti Adctce�.ti Addcc�� Minneapolis, MN 55414 St. : BF IJATE BY D�TE U.47E of St. Paul (PED) 4th St. aul, MN 55102 • i i CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An originaf assures tfiat changes witt not be obscured as may occus when documents ace reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G701 • CHAVGE ORDER • 19A' F.DI7IOS • AIA� • G17�+- • TIiE A?IERICdS [�STITI.TE OF ARCHIi'ECTS. Pi5 RE� YORf� :1CC. SIX . l\jJHf�GTOti. DC 1nooG (i70�—�987 B} . WARNING: Unticensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is su6ject to legal prosecution. ... _ . .\ "�',c.�=' _ ���"fi�� ; . ; " . � _ �P��1�� - - " �.�' ._�����." _.. , �iC ��G1L7C'��hly WELL�� COMPANY - _ N MN 2 1323 � OFFICES, SHOPS, YARDS & WAREHOUSES - 2700 EAST 80TH STREET BLnOMINGTO , 554 5- Phone: (612) 854-5333 • Fax: (612) 851-9378 "THERE lS NO SUBST/TUTE FOR EXPERIENCE" iNVO10E so BRAD ENSRUIJE . THOMAS C�NTRAGTING C&D INC. i01 S.E. 27th AVE. . MPLS, MN• 55414 • RE: �AUST THEATRE IN ST. PAUI,. _�1_9K � 9510� 'i'j No. M 15200 Please make ali checks payabie to McCarthy Well Co. and mail to main office at above address. Payment due in cash immediatey upon receipt of this invoice. interest shaSf be charged on aarounis nut paid when due at the rate of 2qo per month on the ou[standing balance to corporate buyers and atthe highestiegal annual rate on the outstanding balance to non-corporate buyers. .7-20-95�TERMS: NET TEN DAYS 7-20-95 REMOVE THE DEEP WELI, PUMP, MEASURE TI�E WET,I„ INSTALI, A TRIlViIE LINE, FERFORATE THE WELL CASING AND.SEAL THE WELI, WITH 4 GUBIG YARDS OF' SEALING MATERIAL PER QUOTE TO BRAD ENSRU7JE ON 7-�9-95 �(�650.76 i2 ADDITIONAI, YARDS OF SEAI,ING MATERIAL FURNISHED AND PLACED IN TFiE WEI,L TO SEAL THE WEZL TO THE SURFACE C� $230 PER YARD. $2,760.00 �PON PAYMENT OF THIS INVOICE YOU WILL RECEIVE THE WELI. SEALING RECORD. � XtI/I� /T PG vZ c� TOTAL THANK YOU J� •` D � $9,4io.7 WATERWELLS � PUMPS • WATERTREATMENT • COOLINGTOWERS • SEWAGEANDCENTRIFUGALPUMPS E SERV • SUPPliES • FOUNDATION DRILLITIG � - �laK 6 ��cf¢dt ' �O'[l�t[UCdI 6.L�ef/LgGdt �/R.tP�L r4ati�ilCPlid � Wtiite Customei Copy Canary - Costing Pink - dob File Gold - Account+ng e .��par -` #.esr � '`-, .,n, t r'.'� � .. : , . � . � �'�:�!x.cY . � n` . .-� +oa'�. _ -.,. , . ., _ . ` . `h , . _ _ �CHANGE ORDER AIA DOCU.IIE�'T G7(ll • O�'\ER ARCHITECT CO\7R4CTOR FIELD OTHER PROJECT: Faust Theater Site -- (name, address) 620-626 University Ave. St. Paul, M[d TO COtiTRaCTOR: ThomaS ContrdCting (name, address) 101 27th Ave. SE Ste. 120 Mpls, MN 55414 The Concract is changed as follows: „ .. '� �x��r�� r E � ❑ ❑ G ❑ -;��� l.A.IJ�� I CHASGE ORDER �C;�IBER: 5 D.�TE:8-1-95 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT ti0: A-16989-3 CO�TF2�1CT D,�TE: 6-19-95 CO\TR.aCT FOR: detttolitiOri & site ciearance For additional compaction of the fill material placed over the entire site. • Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum) (C�er���Pa�t�rt�Frtee) aas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 77 � 650. 00 Net change by previously authorized Cliange Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Z2, 458.00 The (Contrace Sum) (6K�^.�..-^^.::,=e�4.2�1aziaaaua-Rse�) pric�r to this Ch:inge Ordet a�as .......... 8 10Q r 1�8.0� Tlie (Contrac[ Sum) (G,uaraa[ce.ci-�M1ar�r�u+a�-P��e� � be (�nereased) (d�r€as€�) (uncl�ugc.cl}bp tliis Ciiange Order in the :unount oE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . S 2 r 50�.00 � �� � Tlie new (Conttact Sum) (Gaa�ttte�dak�:s,--km--�+e�) includ�ng this Change Ocder w�lt be .� 102 r 6Q8 . �� 7'tie Contract Time will be (er+erease9}{c�left�,ased) (unchange� bp ( ) d.q s The da[e of Substantial Completio� as of clie date of fltis Change Order d�erefore 7s �g nO7p Thi+ sununan due> nu[ refleet ch�nge;, m che Conm.�ct Sum. Gun[cact Time oc Gu.�c:u�tecd �Wtiunwzi Puce ohirh ha� r bcai autfioved b� Consiniaion Change Diretcrve n/a Thomas Contracting F:CT COSTlL4CTOR 101 27th Ave. 5E Ste. 120 Adcirel� Minneapolis, hIN 55414 k31' D,1TE �t U�T[ City of St. Paul (PED) OAt tiEK 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, NIN 55102 I3Y DdTg • i � CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document which has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes wili not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G707 • CHA\"GE ORDF.R • I)R' EDITIOV • AIA� •�I18' • THE A1IERICA\ 1rSYITt"TE OF ARCH{TECTti, l?3> NH�C YORK AbE. `�U ,�%BS({���;TO]. DC. 11X1;K� G701-1987 WAFNING: Unlicensetl photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is sub�ect to legal pmsecuhon. 'CHANGE �� ORDER AIA DOCU.ti1E:�T G701 • OW\ER ARCHITECT CO\TR.ACTOR FIELD OTHER PROJECT: Faust 'I`heater Site � (name, address) 620-626 University Ave. St. Paul, MN TO COtiTR�CTOR: Thomas Contracting (name, address) 101 27th Ave. SE Ste. 120 Mpls r PiN 55414 The Concrac[ is changed as follo��s: � i. �� � �X Ht8/T � G -��� l..l.�lllN� � CHANGE ORDER �1;DiBER: 6 D �TE: 8-1-95 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT \O: A-16989-3 CO`TR9CT D3TE:6 CO�TRACT FOR: Demolition & site clearance Credit for topsoil reduction from bid specification amount. Down to 30 yds. as requested by Darold McMahon. • Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. The original (Contract Sum) (6eeea{;t�e9 "'—n: ��: ��:,'rrFt�e�) n as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 77 � 650. 00 Net change by previously aucliorized Change Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 24 � 958. �� The (Contract Sum) (6aa�a�xz�fi-k�tx�xa�gr-ic�) prior to dus Change Order n�as ... ....., 3 1�2 rS�8.00 Tlie (Gontract Sum) (Geara�E€€c��4aziav�a�Rr+c�) w'ill be{�erease� (decceased) C ��� �T (yaae4�aage-d) by this Char�ge Order in the amount oP _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 � 0�0.0� � Tl�e new (COntracc Sum) (6ua�ar+�e�k?��aesaea�€Eice}including dus Cha�ge Order will be . 5 101 � 608.0� 'Lhe Contcact Time w ill be (iac�ease�}{�fesseA}(unehanged) by ( ) d-i} . The date of Substantial Compte[ion as of the datz of tlus Change Ocder tliecefore �s y1/3 \OTE: Th�ti sumnuirr dues not reFlecc chunges in the Concnc[ Sum. Contrart Timc or Guaramecd bt:i�mwm Pnce w hich hace becrt amhon<cd b� f.onstcucnun Changc Dicecci�e n/a Thomas Contractina ,1RGtiITEC1' COtiTk�C:TOR 101 27th Ave. SE Ste. 120 Addmas AdJrc.v+ Minneapolis MN 55414 67 D.ATE Bt DdTE Citv of St. Paul (PED) O�C N f ii 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MDI 55102 [sti D.11'E .� i CAUTION: You should sign an original AfA document whicfi has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes witl not be obscured as may occur when documenYS are reproduced. AIA DOCUMENT G701 • CHA:VGE ORDER • 198' EDITIOM1 • dtd • GI9F • THE 4YtERIC.4V I\1TYIClE OC 4RCHITECTS. 1 SE\C YORF A�'C, SU, lV{1H��GTO\ DC 3U006 G701-1987 WARNiNG: Unficensed photocopyin9 v{olates U.S. copyri9ht laws antl is subject to fegal prosecution.