98-268�RIGLNAL Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Council File # 10 � a��i Green Sheet # �_`� /�o Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation holds a 3.2 2 beer license for the City's Midway Stadium; and 3 WFiEREAS, Section 19, Chapter 554, Minnesota Laws 1990 pursuant to s Minnesota Statutes 1988, Chapter 654.021 allows the Division of Parks and s Recreation, with City Council approval, to sell 3.2 beer at events 6 sponsored by the Division of Parks and Recreation; and � WHEREAS, The Saint Pau1 Saints Northern League Baseball Team will s operate all concessions for Midway Stadium in 1998. 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Saints Northern 10 League Baseball Team may use the Division of Parks and Recreation licenses ii to sell 3.2 beer at the Midway Stadium in 1998 under the following terms iz and conditions: 13 1 14 is 2 16 1� 3 is Sales shall occur only when events are scheduled at the Midway Stadium. That prudent care will be taken to insure that a11 sales are made to persons age 21 and over. That prudent care will be taken to insure that no sales are made to individuals who are or appear to be intoxicated. i9 4. That the Saint Paul Saints Northern League Baseball Team shall, 2o at all times, comply with the State of Minnesota and City of zi Saint Paul ordinances, laws, and statutes pertaining to the sale 2z of 3.2 beer. z3 5. That the Saint Paul Saints Northern League Baseball Team shall 24 provide liquor liability insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars zs ($1,00�,��0.��) for the 1998 Stadium season. A certificate of insurance 25 naming the City of Saint Paul as an additional insured shall be provided to 2� the City Attorney's Office prior to any sale of 3.2 beer. �F-a�� ORIGINAL Requested by: sion Adopted by Council: Date � 1 � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY a - Approved b yIay Dat l�j "t / q j j { � $Y � �l% � �� V'� By: � � Approval Recommended by Financial Se vices Director: By: � � �--� Form Approved by City A rney B : '7/ u.CC- LJ U ��G�'� Approve by Mayor or Submission to Counci By: ( q � •� 48"� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET �/ � I NO. 34$0 Parks and Recreation 3/12198 CONTAGT PERSON AND PHONE INRIAL/DATE INffIAVDAiE Howard Se{I 266-6415 � � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 4 CfiYCOVNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEq FOF 2 CfTY ATTORNEV �J CT' CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV IDA7E) RDUiING ORDER FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. 6 Parks & Rec 300 CHA 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn _ TOTAI. Y pF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CUP ALL IACATWNS F9R SIGNANRE) . ACTION REQUE5TED: Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreatio�, City Attorney and Mayor for approva( by City Council of the attached Ftesolution altowing the Saint Paul Saints to use the City's 3.2 Seer License at Midway Stadium. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A� or FejecY (R) PEq50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEq THE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNMG COMMISSION __CNIL SEHVICE GOMM5510N �_ Has t�is perSONfirm ever worketl under a conhac[ tor this tlepartmenR CIB COMMI7TEE _ yES NO A STAFF 2. Has th�s persoNtrten ever been a cRy employee? -- DISTRICT COUNdL YES NO — — 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separMe sheet and attach to green sheat. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WhaY, Whery Where, Whyl: The City of Saint Paul holds the 3.2 Beer license for Midway Stadium. The Saint Pau! Saints Northern League Baseball Club holds the Stadium concession rights. An approved Resolution by the Saint Paui City Council is necessary for the Saints to use the City's License. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: 3.2 beer will be available to those of age attending Saints games and other Stadium events. The City will receive revenue from these sales as outlined in the Agreement 6etween the City and the Sai�t Paul Saints. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPHOVED: pr/�Csy/CF5 ^ gg g � eiL�s6 tlLLF N ,..� �. _' -,?'3 ,. r, n %` n µ'� Vo�.�� f'������ '+r'=Ci#'�f'C�sf o ,. .' � :. ., �s * fE.. �ls `�c r e�,�� 'i.e...3 None MAR 1 � 1998 h1�R � 6� ��� fi��R ; v 1�98 ftHAYf3R'S t1�FIC� ����h ������������ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPR�VEp: Loss of beer service to the public and loss of revenue to both the Saints and the City. TOTAIAMDUNTOFTRANSACTION 5 6,000.00 Saqoroximatelvl COSTIHEVENUEBU�GETED�CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUFCE Midwav Stadium Fund - 334 ACTIVffYNUMBFA 33182 FINANCIAL 1NFORMATIOk: (EXPLAIN) City receives varying percentages of gross sales depending on when the license is used. �RIGLNAL Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Council File # 10 � a��i Green Sheet # �_`� /�o Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation holds a 3.2 2 beer license for the City's Midway Stadium; and 3 WFiEREAS, Section 19, Chapter 554, Minnesota Laws 1990 pursuant to s Minnesota Statutes 1988, Chapter 654.021 allows the Division of Parks and s Recreation, with City Council approval, to sell 3.2 beer at events 6 sponsored by the Division of Parks and Recreation; and � WHEREAS, The Saint Pau1 Saints Northern League Baseball Team will s operate all concessions for Midway Stadium in 1998. 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Saints Northern 10 League Baseball Team may use the Division of Parks and Recreation licenses ii to sell 3.2 beer at the Midway Stadium in 1998 under the following terms iz and conditions: 13 1 14 is 2 16 1� 3 is Sales shall occur only when events are scheduled at the Midway Stadium. That prudent care will be taken to insure that a11 sales are made to persons age 21 and over. That prudent care will be taken to insure that no sales are made to individuals who are or appear to be intoxicated. i9 4. That the Saint Paul Saints Northern League Baseball Team shall, 2o at all times, comply with the State of Minnesota and City of zi Saint Paul ordinances, laws, and statutes pertaining to the sale 2z of 3.2 beer. z3 5. That the Saint Paul Saints Northern League Baseball Team shall 24 provide liquor liability insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars zs ($1,00�,��0.��) for the 1998 Stadium season. A certificate of insurance 25 naming the City of Saint Paul as an additional insured shall be provided to 2� the City Attorney's Office prior to any sale of 3.2 beer. �F-a�� ORIGINAL Requested by: sion Adopted by Council: Date � 1 � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY a - Approved b yIay Dat l�j "t / q j j { � $Y � �l% � �� V'� By: � � Approval Recommended by Financial Se vices Director: By: � � �--� Form Approved by City A rney B : '7/ u.CC- LJ U ��G�'� Approve by Mayor or Submission to Counci By: ( q � •� 48"� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET �/ � I NO. 34$0 Parks and Recreation 3/12198 CONTAGT PERSON AND PHONE INRIAL/DATE INffIAVDAiE Howard Se{I 266-6415 � � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 4 CfiYCOVNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEq FOF 2 CfTY ATTORNEV �J CT' CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV IDA7E) RDUiING ORDER FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. 6 Parks & Rec 300 CHA 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn _ TOTAI. Y pF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CUP ALL IACATWNS F9R SIGNANRE) . ACTION REQUE5TED: Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreatio�, City Attorney and Mayor for approva( by City Council of the attached Ftesolution altowing the Saint Paul Saints to use the City's 3.2 Seer License at Midway Stadium. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A� or FejecY (R) PEq50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEq THE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNMG COMMISSION __CNIL SEHVICE GOMM5510N �_ Has t�is perSONfirm ever worketl under a conhac[ tor this tlepartmenR CIB COMMI7TEE _ yES NO A STAFF 2. Has th�s persoNtrten ever been a cRy employee? -- DISTRICT COUNdL YES NO — — 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separMe sheet and attach to green sheat. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WhaY, Whery Where, Whyl: The City of Saint Paul holds the 3.2 Beer license for Midway Stadium. The Saint Pau! Saints Northern League Baseball Club holds the Stadium concession rights. An approved Resolution by the Saint Paui City Council is necessary for the Saints to use the City's License. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: 3.2 beer will be available to those of age attending Saints games and other Stadium events. The City will receive revenue from these sales as outlined in the Agreement 6etween the City and the Sai�t Paul Saints. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPHOVED: pr/�Csy/CF5 ^ gg g � eiL�s6 tlLLF N ,..� �. _' -,?'3 ,. r, n %` n µ'� Vo�.�� f'������ '+r'=Ci#'�f'C�sf o ,. .' � :. ., �s * fE.. �ls `�c r e�,�� 'i.e...3 None MAR 1 � 1998 h1�R � 6� ��� fi��R ; v 1�98 ftHAYf3R'S t1�FIC� ����h ������������ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPR�VEp: Loss of beer service to the public and loss of revenue to both the Saints and the City. TOTAIAMDUNTOFTRANSACTION 5 6,000.00 Saqoroximatelvl COSTIHEVENUEBU�GETED�CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUFCE Midwav Stadium Fund - 334 ACTIVffYNUMBFA 33182 FINANCIAL 1NFORMATIOk: (EXPLAIN) City receives varying percentages of gross sales depending on when the license is used. �RIGLNAL Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Council File # 10 � a��i Green Sheet # �_`� /�o Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation holds a 3.2 2 beer license for the City's Midway Stadium; and 3 WFiEREAS, Section 19, Chapter 554, Minnesota Laws 1990 pursuant to s Minnesota Statutes 1988, Chapter 654.021 allows the Division of Parks and s Recreation, with City Council approval, to sell 3.2 beer at events 6 sponsored by the Division of Parks and Recreation; and � WHEREAS, The Saint Pau1 Saints Northern League Baseball Team will s operate all concessions for Midway Stadium in 1998. 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Saints Northern 10 League Baseball Team may use the Division of Parks and Recreation licenses ii to sell 3.2 beer at the Midway Stadium in 1998 under the following terms iz and conditions: 13 1 14 is 2 16 1� 3 is Sales shall occur only when events are scheduled at the Midway Stadium. That prudent care will be taken to insure that a11 sales are made to persons age 21 and over. That prudent care will be taken to insure that no sales are made to individuals who are or appear to be intoxicated. i9 4. That the Saint Paul Saints Northern League Baseball Team shall, 2o at all times, comply with the State of Minnesota and City of zi Saint Paul ordinances, laws, and statutes pertaining to the sale 2z of 3.2 beer. z3 5. That the Saint Paul Saints Northern League Baseball Team shall 24 provide liquor liability insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars zs ($1,00�,��0.��) for the 1998 Stadium season. A certificate of insurance 25 naming the City of Saint Paul as an additional insured shall be provided to 2� the City Attorney's Office prior to any sale of 3.2 beer. �F-a�� ORIGINAL Requested by: sion Adopted by Council: Date � 1 � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY a - Approved b yIay Dat l�j "t / q j j { � $Y � �l% � �� V'� By: � � Approval Recommended by Financial Se vices Director: By: � � �--� Form Approved by City A rney B : '7/ u.CC- LJ U ��G�'� Approve by Mayor or Submission to Counci By: ( q � •� 48"� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET �/ � I NO. 34$0 Parks and Recreation 3/12198 CONTAGT PERSON AND PHONE INRIAL/DATE INffIAVDAiE Howard Se{I 266-6415 � � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 4 CfiYCOVNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEq FOF 2 CfTY ATTORNEV �J CT' CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV IDA7E) RDUiING ORDER FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR. 6 Parks & Rec 300 CHA 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn _ TOTAI. Y pF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CUP ALL IACATWNS F9R SIGNANRE) . ACTION REQUE5TED: Signatures of Superintendent of Parks and Recreatio�, City Attorney and Mayor for approva( by City Council of the attached Ftesolution altowing the Saint Paul Saints to use the City's 3.2 Seer License at Midway Stadium. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A� or FejecY (R) PEq50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEq THE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNMG COMMISSION __CNIL SEHVICE GOMM5510N �_ Has t�is perSONfirm ever worketl under a conhac[ tor this tlepartmenR CIB COMMI7TEE _ yES NO A STAFF 2. Has th�s persoNtrten ever been a cRy employee? -- DISTRICT COUNdL YES NO — — 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? VES NO Explain all yes answers on separMe sheet and attach to green sheat. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WhaY, Whery Where, Whyl: The City of Saint Paul holds the 3.2 Beer license for Midway Stadium. The Saint Pau! Saints Northern League Baseball Club holds the Stadium concession rights. An approved Resolution by the Saint Paui City Council is necessary for the Saints to use the City's License. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: 3.2 beer will be available to those of age attending Saints games and other Stadium events. The City will receive revenue from these sales as outlined in the Agreement 6etween the City and the Sai�t Paul Saints. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPHOVED: pr/�Csy/CF5 ^ gg g � eiL�s6 tlLLF N ,..� �. _' -,?'3 ,. r, n %` n µ'� Vo�.�� f'������ '+r'=Ci#'�f'C�sf o ,. .' � :. ., �s * fE.. �ls `�c r e�,�� 'i.e...3 None MAR 1 � 1998 h1�R � 6� ��� fi��R ; v 1�98 ftHAYf3R'S t1�FIC� ����h ������������ DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPR�VEp: Loss of beer service to the public and loss of revenue to both the Saints and the City. TOTAIAMDUNTOFTRANSACTION 5 6,000.00 Saqoroximatelvl COSTIHEVENUEBU�GETED�CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUFCE Midwav Stadium Fund - 334 ACTIVffYNUMBFA 33182 FINANCIAL 1NFORMATIOk: (EXPLAIN) City receives varying percentages of gross sales depending on when the license is used.