98-247Council File # `�' �� ( OR1GlNAL Presented By Referred To G � Green Sheet # \ ` RESO�UTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date WFIEREAS, Congress in the 5pring of 1989, passed an employment program called the 7ob Training Partnership Act Title III Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjushnent Assistance Act (EDWAA); and 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paul grant recipient for this program in the Saint Paul azea; and WIIEREAS, the EDWAA program will provide employment and training services to Saint Paul area workers dislocated due to plant closing; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on March 11, 1998 has allocated an additional $90,000 in EDWAA fixnds to provide services for 53 participants for the amended period of Apri18, 1497 through March 31, 1499; now, therefore, be it 19 RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Councii of the City of Saint 20 Paul does hereby approve the City's continued participation in the Metro Area Transition Project 21 for Saint Paul; and be it ?2 �3 !4 RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officials aze hereby authorized and ',5 directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and ORIGINAL ai � -1 �t�l FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: FINANCING PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36582 Metro Area Transition Project 3111-67096 7ob Training Partnership Act SPENDING PLAN 345 Governxnental Emp & Trng Pro$ 36582 Metro Area Transition Project 0547-67096 Payment to 5ubconRactors 0558-67046 Transfer to PED Oper. Fund Current Amended Budget Changes Budget 132.000 90.000 222.000 $132,000 Current Budget $90,000 Changes $222,000 Amended Budget 124,000 84,000 208,000 8.000 6.000 14.000 $132,000 $90,000 $222,Q00 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1998 budget. APPROVED A5 TO FUNDING n-- �� Di c r, Department of Finance and Management Services Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED �'��-- Bu et Director Requested by Department of: __Plannaafr &bEconbmic Develonment By: � � � Form Approv�y�Cit �Att ney By: ncil Adopted by Council: Date �1�{9 f� PEDlWorkforce N� 51945 �l� - �.y �l CINCOUNCIL _ GITY CLEFK FlN 8 MGi SERVICES fP71TIAV0ASE INITIATED GREEN SH�� 03-13-98 �ry�T1A n Q DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � BER FOF � CITYATTORNEY � 'j C �ING Q BUOGET DIREGTOH � Ep � MAYOR (OR ASSIST (� 70TA1 # OF SlGNATURE PAGES �e �l) (CLlP ALL LOCA710NS FOR StGNATURE} Signature on attached City Council Resolution will authorize the City of Saint Paul to accept $90,000 of additional funds from the State of Minnesota to assist dislocated workers tluough the Meiro Area Transifion Project. or _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVII _ qB COMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFf _ _ _ DISTRICTCAURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE� PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FQLLOWlNCa QUES710NS: t. Has this personlfrtm ever worKed untler s contracl ior this OepartmenY? YES NO 2. Has [his personifirm ever been a c7ty empioyee� YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skiif not nortnalty possessetl by any currerrt ciy employee? YES NO Explaln ali yes answers on aeparate sheet an0 attaeh to green aheet INITIATING PHOBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Who, Whet. When. WNere. Why) The City of Saint Paul has been awarded an additional $90,000 of State Discretionary funding to provide Employment and Training services to 53 workers that have been impacted by company downsizing in the Saint Paul azea. Total funding no` available in the amount of $222,000 will be available from Apri18, 1997 through March 31, 1999. Fifiy-three (53) wotkers that have lost employment through metro azea downsizing will haue an opportuniTy to receive extensive employment and training services and ultimately gain full-time employment in the Saint Paul labor market. r ,, w._c,,,Y,�FCr�„a � ? rr x. 7, aaa�:m"r'-ca 7„� j,..,.} None. VU1���CSi �°ea�xrh P � :. � 1i SYIi 1 f �J�4 � k 6 Pi N'°4 � b Vy! � 4 � r 4 1�� �� These dislocated workers will not receive t�ie services necessary`�or'successful re-enhy into the Saint Paul labor mazket. TAL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION S + $90,000 ��iNG SOURCE State Diseretionary Grant WCIAI INFOflMAT10N: (EXPIAIN), COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED (CiRCIE ONE) VES NO P 3 45-36582-3111-67096 ACTIVITY NUMBER I� �t 8 -ay'1 C. BUDGET SUMiNARY Projected Budget by quarter (cumuiative) E��� g� T C Standard budget quasters are JulylSeptember, OctobedDecember, JanuacylMarch, and AprillJune. Quarteriy ending dates are: March 31; June 30; September 30; and Oecember 31. Category Qtr.1 Qtr. 2' Qtr. 3 Qtr.4 Qtr. 5 4tr. 6 Qtr. 7 Qtr. 8 Enter Quarter End Date 06f30197 09/30/97 �2131197 03131i98 06130l98 09/36198 �2/3�l98 C3131199 AdminiStiBtion 5�0 1,00� 2,177 5,��� 7,50Q 15,50Q 18,000 22,0� (10% M2x) Retraining (Not fess than 20,000 56,145 83,876 85,000 87,500 96,000 100,000 111,000 50 uniess granted . waiver) Support ServicesJ Needs 10,000 22,3�8 26,93t 30,OQ0 33,0�0 35,000 38,000 40,000 Refated Payments Basic Readjustment 4,000 6,591 8,554 20,000 23,000 39,500 44,000 49,000 Total 34,500 86,044 121,538 140,�00 151,000 180,000 200,OQ0 222,000 Council File # `�' �� ( OR1GlNAL Presented By Referred To G � Green Sheet # \ ` RESO�UTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date WFIEREAS, Congress in the 5pring of 1989, passed an employment program called the 7ob Training Partnership Act Title III Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjushnent Assistance Act (EDWAA); and 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paul grant recipient for this program in the Saint Paul azea; and WIIEREAS, the EDWAA program will provide employment and training services to Saint Paul area workers dislocated due to plant closing; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on March 11, 1998 has allocated an additional $90,000 in EDWAA fixnds to provide services for 53 participants for the amended period of Apri18, 1497 through March 31, 1499; now, therefore, be it 19 RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Councii of the City of Saint 20 Paul does hereby approve the City's continued participation in the Metro Area Transition Project 21 for Saint Paul; and be it ?2 �3 !4 RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officials aze hereby authorized and ',5 directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and ORIGINAL ai � -1 �t�l FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: FINANCING PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36582 Metro Area Transition Project 3111-67096 7ob Training Partnership Act SPENDING PLAN 345 Governxnental Emp & Trng Pro$ 36582 Metro Area Transition Project 0547-67096 Payment to 5ubconRactors 0558-67046 Transfer to PED Oper. Fund Current Amended Budget Changes Budget 132.000 90.000 222.000 $132,000 Current Budget $90,000 Changes $222,000 Amended Budget 124,000 84,000 208,000 8.000 6.000 14.000 $132,000 $90,000 $222,Q00 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1998 budget. APPROVED A5 TO FUNDING n-- �� Di c r, Department of Finance and Management Services Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED �'��-- Bu et Director Requested by Department of: __Plannaafr &bEconbmic Develonment By: � � � Form Approv�y�Cit �Att ney By: ncil Adopted by Council: Date �1�{9 f� PEDlWorkforce N� 51945 �l� - �.y �l CINCOUNCIL _ GITY CLEFK FlN 8 MGi SERVICES fP71TIAV0ASE INITIATED GREEN SH�� 03-13-98 �ry�T1A n Q DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � BER FOF � CITYATTORNEY � 'j C �ING Q BUOGET DIREGTOH � Ep � MAYOR (OR ASSIST (� 70TA1 # OF SlGNATURE PAGES �e �l) (CLlP ALL LOCA710NS FOR StGNATURE} Signature on attached City Council Resolution will authorize the City of Saint Paul to accept $90,000 of additional funds from the State of Minnesota to assist dislocated workers tluough the Meiro Area Transifion Project. or _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVII _ qB COMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFf _ _ _ DISTRICTCAURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE� PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FQLLOWlNCa QUES710NS: t. Has this personlfrtm ever worKed untler s contracl ior this OepartmenY? YES NO 2. Has [his personifirm ever been a c7ty empioyee� YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skiif not nortnalty possessetl by any currerrt ciy employee? YES NO Explaln ali yes answers on aeparate sheet an0 attaeh to green aheet INITIATING PHOBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Who, Whet. When. WNere. Why) The City of Saint Paul has been awarded an additional $90,000 of State Discretionary funding to provide Employment and Training services to 53 workers that have been impacted by company downsizing in the Saint Paul azea. Total funding no` available in the amount of $222,000 will be available from Apri18, 1997 through March 31, 1999. Fifiy-three (53) wotkers that have lost employment through metro azea downsizing will haue an opportuniTy to receive extensive employment and training services and ultimately gain full-time employment in the Saint Paul labor market. r ,, w._c,,,Y,�FCr�„a � ? rr x. 7, aaa�:m"r'-ca 7„� j,..,.} None. VU1���CSi �°ea�xrh P � :. � 1i SYIi 1 f �J�4 � k 6 Pi N'°4 � b Vy! � 4 � r 4 1�� �� These dislocated workers will not receive t�ie services necessary`�or'successful re-enhy into the Saint Paul labor mazket. TAL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION S + $90,000 ��iNG SOURCE State Diseretionary Grant WCIAI INFOflMAT10N: (EXPIAIN), COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED (CiRCIE ONE) VES NO P 3 45-36582-3111-67096 ACTIVITY NUMBER I� �t 8 -ay'1 C. BUDGET SUMiNARY Projected Budget by quarter (cumuiative) E��� g� T C Standard budget quasters are JulylSeptember, OctobedDecember, JanuacylMarch, and AprillJune. Quarteriy ending dates are: March 31; June 30; September 30; and Oecember 31. Category Qtr.1 Qtr. 2' Qtr. 3 Qtr.4 Qtr. 5 4tr. 6 Qtr. 7 Qtr. 8 Enter Quarter End Date 06f30197 09/30/97 �2131197 03131i98 06130l98 09/36198 �2/3�l98 C3131199 AdminiStiBtion 5�0 1,00� 2,177 5,��� 7,50Q 15,50Q 18,000 22,0� (10% M2x) Retraining (Not fess than 20,000 56,145 83,876 85,000 87,500 96,000 100,000 111,000 50 uniess granted . waiver) Support ServicesJ Needs 10,000 22,3�8 26,93t 30,OQ0 33,0�0 35,000 38,000 40,000 Refated Payments Basic Readjustment 4,000 6,591 8,554 20,000 23,000 39,500 44,000 49,000 Total 34,500 86,044 121,538 140,�00 151,000 180,000 200,OQ0 222,000 Council File # `�' �� ( OR1GlNAL Presented By Referred To G � Green Sheet # \ ` RESO�UTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date WFIEREAS, Congress in the 5pring of 1989, passed an employment program called the 7ob Training Partnership Act Title III Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjushnent Assistance Act (EDWAA); and 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of Saint Paul grant recipient for this program in the Saint Paul azea; and WIIEREAS, the EDWAA program will provide employment and training services to Saint Paul area workers dislocated due to plant closing; and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on March 11, 1998 has allocated an additional $90,000 in EDWAA fixnds to provide services for 53 participants for the amended period of Apri18, 1497 through March 31, 1499; now, therefore, be it 19 RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Councii of the City of Saint 20 Paul does hereby approve the City's continued participation in the Metro Area Transition Project 21 for Saint Paul; and be it ?2 �3 !4 RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officials aze hereby authorized and ',5 directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and ORIGINAL ai � -1 �t�l FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: FINANCING PLAN 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36582 Metro Area Transition Project 3111-67096 7ob Training Partnership Act SPENDING PLAN 345 Governxnental Emp & Trng Pro$ 36582 Metro Area Transition Project 0547-67096 Payment to 5ubconRactors 0558-67046 Transfer to PED Oper. Fund Current Amended Budget Changes Budget 132.000 90.000 222.000 $132,000 Current Budget $90,000 Changes $222,000 Amended Budget 124,000 84,000 208,000 8.000 6.000 14.000 $132,000 $90,000 $222,Q00 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1998 budget. APPROVED A5 TO FUNDING n-- �� Di c r, Department of Finance and Management Services Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED �'��-- Bu et Director Requested by Department of: __Plannaafr &bEconbmic Develonment By: � � � Form Approv�y�Cit �Att ney By: ncil Adopted by Council: Date �1�{9 f� PEDlWorkforce N� 51945 �l� - �.y �l CINCOUNCIL _ GITY CLEFK FlN 8 MGi SERVICES fP71TIAV0ASE INITIATED GREEN SH�� 03-13-98 �ry�T1A n Q DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � BER FOF � CITYATTORNEY � 'j C �ING Q BUOGET DIREGTOH � Ep � MAYOR (OR ASSIST (� 70TA1 # OF SlGNATURE PAGES �e �l) (CLlP ALL LOCA710NS FOR StGNATURE} Signature on attached City Council Resolution will authorize the City of Saint Paul to accept $90,000 of additional funds from the State of Minnesota to assist dislocated workers tluough the Meiro Area Transifion Project. or _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVII _ qB COMMITTEE _ _ _ STAFf _ _ _ DISTRICTCAURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE� PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FQLLOWlNCa QUES710NS: t. Has this personlfrtm ever worKed untler s contracl ior this OepartmenY? YES NO 2. Has [his personifirm ever been a c7ty empioyee� YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skiif not nortnalty possessetl by any currerrt ciy employee? YES NO Explaln ali yes answers on aeparate sheet an0 attaeh to green aheet INITIATING PHOBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Who, Whet. When. WNere. Why) The City of Saint Paul has been awarded an additional $90,000 of State Discretionary funding to provide Employment and Training services to 53 workers that have been impacted by company downsizing in the Saint Paul azea. Total funding no` available in the amount of $222,000 will be available from Apri18, 1997 through March 31, 1999. Fifiy-three (53) wotkers that have lost employment through metro azea downsizing will haue an opportuniTy to receive extensive employment and training services and ultimately gain full-time employment in the Saint Paul labor market. r ,, w._c,,,Y,�FCr�„a � ? rr x. 7, aaa�:m"r'-ca 7„� j,..,.} None. VU1���CSi �°ea�xrh P � :. � 1i SYIi 1 f �J�4 � k 6 Pi N'°4 � b Vy! � 4 � r 4 1�� �� These dislocated workers will not receive t�ie services necessary`�or'successful re-enhy into the Saint Paul labor mazket. TAL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION S + $90,000 ��iNG SOURCE State Diseretionary Grant WCIAI INFOflMAT10N: (EXPIAIN), COSTJREVENUE BUDGETED (CiRCIE ONE) VES NO P 3 45-36582-3111-67096 ACTIVITY NUMBER I� �t 8 -ay'1 C. BUDGET SUMiNARY Projected Budget by quarter (cumuiative) E��� g� T C Standard budget quasters are JulylSeptember, OctobedDecember, JanuacylMarch, and AprillJune. Quarteriy ending dates are: March 31; June 30; September 30; and Oecember 31. Category Qtr.1 Qtr. 2' Qtr. 3 Qtr.4 Qtr. 5 4tr. 6 Qtr. 7 Qtr. 8 Enter Quarter End Date 06f30197 09/30/97 �2131197 03131i98 06130l98 09/36198 �2/3�l98 C3131199 AdminiStiBtion 5�0 1,00� 2,177 5,��� 7,50Q 15,50Q 18,000 22,0� (10% M2x) Retraining (Not fess than 20,000 56,145 83,876 85,000 87,500 96,000 100,000 111,000 50 uniess granted . waiver) Support ServicesJ Needs 10,000 22,3�8 26,93t 30,OQ0 33,0�0 35,000 38,000 40,000 Refated Payments Basic Readjustment 4,000 6,591 8,554 20,000 23,000 39,500 44,000 49,000 Total 34,500 86,044 121,538 140,�00 151,000 180,000 200,OQ0 222,000