98-239Council File # "139
Presented By
Referred To
Green Sheet # lL/����
Committee: Date
2 WHEREAS, in Zoning File No. 97-3 ] 4, Jerry Showalter, pursuant to the provisions of
3 the Saint Paul Zoning Code § 66.409, made application to the Saint Paul Planning Commission
4 for a twelve (12) foot - six (6) inch sign height variance to allow replacement of an e�sting
5 identification sign for properry located at 326 Snelling; Southeast corner of Snelling and
6 Concordia, legally described as "Subject to avenue the following lots b through 9, Block 2;
7 Snelling Park"; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Plauning Commission conducted a public
hearing on January 15, 1998, after hauing provided notice to affected property owners and
submitted its recommendation to the commission; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, by its resolution No. 98-03 dated January 30,
1998, decided to grant the application based upon the following findings and conclusions:
1. "The appficant is the owner of the property and has owned the property since 1986. The
applicant is requesting a sign variance as part of change from a Union `76 to a Citgo
The applicant would like to replace an existing fifly foot free standing circular sign of
approximately 1] 3 sq. ft. with a new fifry foot free standing squaze shaped sign of 196 sq.
ft. The replacement would include both the sign and pole structure. The maximum
height on a free standing sign in a B3 zone is 37- 6 inch feet. A height variance of 12 feet
6 inches is required.
2. The ability of the applicant's request for a sign variance to conform to the provisions of
§ 66.409 of the zoning code is as follows:
a. The proposed sign is not unique but there aze unusual conditions
pertaining to sign needs on the site. The applicant is requesting
variance because he states that visibiliiy of a shorter 37' - 6" sign
from the freeway wouid be severely restricted. However, sign
height is not a relevant visibility factor for eastbound I-94 freeway
users because sight of the gas station's exiting sign is blocked by
bridges and vegetation. It is only when one is at the foot of the
Snelling Avenue exit ramp that one can view the existing sign. At
that distance a 37' - 6" sign would be just as visible as a fifty foot
sign. For westbound freeway users, however, the existing fifty foot
sign is clearly visible after one passes underneath the Hamline
Avenue overpass. At that point, one can see the sign before it is
1 further obstructed by a railroad overpass and the Pascal Street
2 overpass. For this stretch of the freeway, a 37' - 6" sign would not
3 have the same level of visibility as a fifiy foot sign.
5 b. The proposed sign generally meets the intent of the sign chapter. Under
6 the variance request the new sign and pole will be 12' - 6" above the
7 zoning code height maximum of 37' - 6" and the sign size wili increase by
8 83 sq. ft. Even with this size increase, the total square footage of all signs
9 on the properiy is within the code maximum.
ll c. The proposed sign will not create a hazzard or violate Minnesota Statutes
12 or rules and regulations.
d. The proposed sign is not objecflonable to adjacent property owners, but is
objectionable to an owner on the same biock who objects to the glare and
lighting from the existing sign. However, there is also a large free
standing advertising sign which is directly across the alley from this
objecting property owner.
e. The proposed sign is in keeping with the general character of the
surrounding area. The gas stafion is located at one of the busiest tr�c
intersections ]n Saint Paul. Approximately 48,500 vehicles use this
section of Snelling Avenue. The I-94 freeway entrance ramp off
Concordia Avenue carries about 12,500 vehicles a day. To the East is a
commercial restaurant along with the free standing outdoor advertising
sign. To the South is a vacant single family home. To the North is I-94
and to the West, across Sneliing Avenue, is a vacant lot surrounding by a
six foot chain link fence." ; and
WIiEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206 the
Snelling - Hamline Community Council, on February 17, 1998, duly filed with the Zoning
section of the Planning Division, an appeal from the determination made by the Planning
Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of
considering the actions taken by the said commission; and
a � _ a 39
WHEREAS, acting pursuant to § 64.206 through § 64.208 and upon notice to affected
parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on March 11, 1998, where all
interested parties were given an opportw�ity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, having heard the statements made and having considered the application,
the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the
Planning Commission, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby •
RESOLVE, that the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter is hereby
reversed, based upon the following findings:
The Pianning Commission made errors in its findings 2(a) and (2)d.
The site of the proposed sign does not constitute an unusual condition.
The fact that the filling station is located next to a freeway is not so
unusual that the extra visibility provided by a higher sign is necessary.
2. The greater height and greater size of proposed sign would adversely
affect adjacent residential properties. Due to the greater height and size of
the proposed sign, its light would cast even more glare on surrounding
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of the Snelling - Hamline
Community Council be and is hereby granted; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution
to Jerry Showalter and the Snelling - Hamline Community Council, the Zoning Administrator,
and the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission.
Requested by Department of:
Form Appsoved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council
BY� By:
Approved by Mayor: Date
� !� �!a -�� 1 - �
; �\ � 1
� , , �
Adopted by Council: Date 1_\.n_ 1 1\�qg
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
qi� � �
City Council 3-25-98 GREEN SHEET No 60862
Counci Benanav , ��
1 1998 xureoecon °t °"'`"""
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Finalizing City Council acton taken March 11, 1998 gxanting the appeal of the Snelling
Hamline Community Council to a decision of the Planning Commission granting a sign
variance at 326 North Snelling Avenue.
Fias tnis a�rsoMmn everwaticed undx a cantmct f« thic departmenrt
Fies ihis persoNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee7
Does this PeR�rm 0� a sidll not normalNP� M' any eurrent city empbyee?
Is Mis peBOrUfrm a falpetetl vendoR ' .
C CLIEZ+`,33 �°J`c�`i�4�Li'D ��.+°4�1��
�[`' .. � a�,,
Peg Birk, Ciry Attorney p�. � 1,h
� a ►
Norne Coleman, Mtryor
400 CiTy Hail
IS West Keliogg Bivd
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Telephone: 612 266-8770
Facsimile: 612 29&5619
March 23, 1998
Nancy Anderson
Assistant Secretary, Saint Paul City Council
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: Appeal by Snelling-Hamline Community Council of
Planning Commission File No. 97-314
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Hand Delivered
Attached please find a resolution signed as to form memorializing decision of the Saint Paul City
Council in the matter of the appeal of Snelling-Hamline Community Council, Zoning File No.
98-033. This matter should be placed on the council's consent agenda at your earliest
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Peter W. Warner
Assistant City Attorney
�i('i!e'Ci3i33 i3°,iC�(Ci�l .�i``.�',3
��� � ��3 ����
612 228 3314 P.02/02
Division afPlonning
Narm Cofemen, Mayar 25 West Fourrh Syreet rdephane: 672�266-6565
Sailu Pauf, MN55IO2 Faarmf4: 6J�228d314
�+�� �
February 23, I998
Ms. Nancy Aederson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Ha11
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson:
1 would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduted for Wednesday
March 11, 1998 for the following appeal of a Planning Commission decision to grant a sign vaziance:
File Number:
Legal Description
of Property:
Previous Action:
Saelling Hamline Communiry Council
Appeal of a Planning Commission decision to grant a sign variance to Jerry
326 N. Snelling Avenue
Subj to avertue the following lots 6 thru 9, Block 2; Snelling Park
Planning Commission Racommendation: Approval, vote; 12-3 January 30, 1948
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 4-2 January 15, 1998
My understandfng is tlwt this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the March 11, 1998
City Council meeting and that you will pahlish notice ofthe hearing in the Saint Pau] Legal Ledger.
Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions.
James Zdon
City Planner
cc; File #98-033
Paul Dubruiel
Pattie Kelly
_ x F7RSlRUN+ . _ \
The Saint Paul �1ty Council will conduct, a public hearing on Wednesday, Mazch 11,
3998 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Ftoor City Hall-COUrt House,
to consider the appeal of the Snellin�s Hamline Communify Council to a decision of the
Planning Comaiission granting a sign variance at 326 North Snelling Avenue.
Dated: February 25. 1998 _ _
Assistanf CiTy Council Secretary ' ' , _
_ � lFebruarv 28. f998) -
NOrm Coleman, Mayor
March 3, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the City Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Division of Plmmiisg
25 Wesr Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Te[ephone: 672-266-6565
Facsimile: 612-228-3314
RE: Zoning File #98-033 Snelling Hamline Community Council
City Council Hearing: March 11, 1998, 530 p.m. to 6:30 p.m, City Council Chambers
PURPOSE: To consider Snelling Hamline Community Council's appeal of a Planning Commission
decision to grant a 12'-6'" sign variance for a sign height of 50' when 37'-6" is the maYimum allowed by
code on property located at 326 N. Snelling.
SUPPORT: Midway Chamber of Commerce submitted a letter and spoke in favor.
OPPOSITION: Snelling Hamline Community Council submitted a letter and spoke against. One resident
submitted letter opposing variance.
Deu Ms. Anderson:
The Sne(ling Hamline Community Council is appealing a Planning Commission decision to grant a sign
height variance for properiy located at 326 N. Snelling. The Zoning Committee of the Planning
Commission held a public hearing on the proposed variance on January 15, 1998. At the close of the
public hearing, the committee voted 4-2 to recommend approval of the sign variance. On January 30,
1998, the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a vote
of 12-3.
This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on March 11, 1998. Please notify me if any
member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing.
i �
Ken Ford
Planning Administrator
cc: City Council members
' � Snelling 1573 SelbyAvenue, Suite 311
� Hamline SaintPaul,Minnesota 55104 q�'�'��
� ,.,� Community
"""'"' �S COUriCII
Board of D'uectors February 17, 1998
644.1085 Fax 917.9991
e-mail karen.dalton@sfpaul.gov
Officers City Councilmember Jay Benanav
JohnKnH«ke Room 310 City Hail
�"'"°" Saint Paul, MN 55102
�R w.ka
Ia Vice P,titarne
snia�y R�ca�r
7td Ya Aesidm[
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Libuly SIa4 BuJc ReprarnGtive
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Go�don Meeka
T«n Robiwn
Fred Schuler
Se4y Kn H«ke
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Dear Counciimember Benanav:
Enclosed please find documentation appealing the Pianning Commission's January
30, i998 decision to grant a variance to Jerry Showalter regarding Zoning File
Number 97-314. The Snelling Hamline Community Council believes there were sev-
eral errors in the Planning Commission's findings which led them to approve this vari-
ance request. The Community Council asks that you review the facts and grant this
As the recognized citizen participation planning district for the area bounded by
Sneliing, University, Hamline and Summit Avenues, the Snelling Hamline Community
Council is committed to our mission of coming together to work on issues of common
interest to make our neighborhood a better piace to work and five. We believe granti-
ng the variance requested in Zoning File Number 97-314 is not in the common inter-
est of our community, nor does it conform to the recently adopted Snelling Selby
Small Area Plan, which was created to guide development in this area.
r""k`"'�a"' In addition to granting this appeai, the Snelling Hamline Community Council requests
Staff a refund for the $150 filing fee. We base this request on the fact that one of the
,�„Q,D.,��, responsibilities of the Pianning Commission is to uphold the laws of the City of Saint
Execvti.eDiRCtor Paul, which they failed to do this in this case. The Community Council should not be
QIMINCYNCIl6! liable for carrying the financial burden of correcting this
Community DevdopmMl
���•�� failure. Thank you for your consideration.
sn�aty� vo�
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John Van Hecke
cc: City Council
Saint Paui Planning Commission
Robert Kessler, License, Inspection and Environmenta{ Protection
Pamela Wheelock, Planning and Economic Development
Jerry Showalter, property owner
Irene Rodriguez, University UNITED
Elien Watters, Midway Chamber of Commerce
Jerry Sognesand, Sneliing Selby Business Association
Citv AttorneV's Office
1. Zoning ardinance
St. Paul Zoning Code, Ghapter 66, governs business signs. The last major
revision of Chapter 66 occurred in 1987 and provides that the height limit for all
business signs to be 37" 1/2'.
No sign shall project higher than thirty seven and one-haif
(37 1f2) feet above grade...Zoning Gode 66.205 (a) (3).
II. Background
Jerry Showalter has owned the property at 326 Snelling Avenue North since
1986. In December, 1997, Mr. Showafter requested a sign variance as part of a
change from a Union 76 to a Citgo station. The curreni Union 76 sign is 50' high and
1l3 square feet in surface area. The proposed replacement sign is 50' high and 196
square feet in surface area. 7he maximum height on a freestanding sign in a B-3
zone is 37 1/2 feet, fior a variance request of 12'6".
At its regularly scheduled board meeting on January 9, 1998, the Snelling
Hamline Community Council unanimously passed a resolution opposing the granting
of this variance. Reasons cited by board members included the opposition of an
adjoining property owner, Adam Clift, the number of similar variances being granted
� by the Planning Commission for signs that are not unique or have unusuaf conditions,
reduced {ivability of the city and detriment to the character of the neighborhood.
On January 15, 1998, the Zoning Committee held a public hearing. Mr
Showalter spoke on his own behalf and Snelling Hamline Community Council
member George Jurgenson spoke on beha{f of the Council. Adam Ciift, the neighbor
in opposition to this variance, indicated in a letter to the Zoning Committee that he
wouid be unable to attend. The Zoning Committee supported the variance on a vote of
The matter came befiore the Planning Commission on January 30, 1998 and
was approved on a 12-3 vote.
At its regu{arly scheduled board meeting an February 5, 1998, the Snelling
Hamiine Communiiy Councii unanimousiy passed a resolution to appeai the Planning
Commission's decision to the City Council.
III. Opposition
The Snelling Hamline Community Council, which is recognized by the City of
Saint Pau! as the citizen participation planning district for the area bounded by
Sneliing, University, Hamline and Summit Avenues, opposes the granting of this
variance. The Merriam Park Community Council, whose jurisdiction is directly
adjacent to the property at 326 Snelling Avenue North, has been on record since 1995
opposing any variances being granted from the Zoning Code. This is not the time to
set a precedent for other area businesses to apply for variances, but is an opportune
� time to bring non-conforming signs into conformance.
IV. Grounds for Appeal
The Zoning Code specifies the standards which must be met before the
Sneiling Hamiine Appeal Page 1
Planning Commission can grant a variance. See Sec. 66.409. There are tive errors in
the Planning Commission's findings. G`g •'� ��
� 1. " 1ni uP or inus�ai conditions �ertainina to ign needs for a s ..ifi .
building or lot".
This standard is not met. The Pianning Commission's resolution states that
visibility from the iMerstate is an "unusuai condition". if so, the case could be made to
grant variances for ali signs that are visible from the +nterstate.
2. " Provid d s� h signs would not be contraq� t the qeneral intent of this
This standard is not met. The generai intent of this chapter of the Zoning Code
is to set standards and reguiate sign usage in Saint Paui. This variance would allow
the sign to be thirty three percent higher than the standard. Although the Code
provides for variances, they should not be granted for signs that so greatiy exceed the
3. " Would not be obj�ctionable to adiacent �rq�erty owners".
This standard is not met. Mr. Adam Glift, residing at 1555 Carroll Avenue,
objects to this variance, as stated in his January 2 letter io the Zoning Committee. The
top of the current sign is visibie from Mr. Clift's bedroom. A new sign at the same
height but 83 square feet bigger wiil most certainiy be more of a blight to Mr. Cfift. in
addition, of Mr. Clift's neighbors in Sneiling Park have signed a petition
opposing this variance.
� 4. " Would not adverse� aftect res+dential }�roRerty thro�qh excessive I� are
and lightina".
This standard is not met. Clearly, if Mr. Adam Clift can see the current sign from
his bedroom window, he will disapprove of a sign ihai is 83 square feet larger at the
same height.
5. " The signs would be in keeRing with the g�nerai character ot the
�urroundinq area".
This standard is not met. This area is characterized by a m+xture of commercial
and residential uses. The foilowing businesses which neighbor Citgo a(ong Snelling
Avenue include: Tires Pius, Totai, Co-op Plating, Getten Credit Company, Snelling
Motors and All Care Veterinary Hospital. None of these businesses have signs which
exceed the Zoning Gode height limit of 37 1/2'.
V. Conciusion
The Pianning Commission has no authority to issue any variance which fails
any of the above standards. Further, the above arguments are supported by the
recommendations of the Snelling-Selby Small Area Plan, adopted by the Planning
Commission and C+ty Council in 1993 as an ame�dment to the Land Use Chapter of
the Comprehensive Plan, which state "A uniform sign ordinance should be adopted
that wili bu+ld on the unique character af the area, improve its visual appearance,
� reduce sign ciutter, provide sign consistency, provide fior signs ihat fit with the
buiidings, and make the businesses ciearly identifiabie". This variance is in direct
contradiction to the plan on record.
Sneliing Hamiine Appeal Page 2
We, the undersig�ed residents o(the Snelling Park neighborhood in St. Paul, respecttully request
� that the Zoning Committee's decision to approve variance tile number 97-31y be overturned. This
�• variance, allows for a 50' taN196 square foot sig� (current zoning permits a 3T-6"l113 square foot
identiLcation sign) at the Ci[go (formerly Union 76) station located on the corner ot Snet{ing Avenne
and Interstate 94.
Its our understanding that in order For the variance to be approved, per Section 66.409 of the zoning
code, the applicant must have ".., a unique sign or unusual conditions pertaining to sign needs of a
specific building or lot, (the sign) would not be objectionable to adjacent property owners, and wou]d
not adversely atCect residential property through excessive giare and lighting". The signa[ures below
represent objection to this variance request. In addition, this variance request does not tollow the
intent to "adopt a uniform sign ordinance" as stated in the Selby Sneiling Sma11 Area Plan adopted
as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Plan in 1993.
We onnose the VarQer sien for the followine reasons:
1) another large sign would further detraci from the residential nature of our area,
2) other (uel stations in residential areas along Interstate 9A do not require towering signs,
3) neighboring businesses could apply for the same sign variance,
4) oversized signs would further commercialize our neighborhood and have the potential to
intimidate current and future residential dwellers in Snelling Park,
5) potential [o increase traffic and accidents in an already congested, accident-prone area
6) excessive glare and lighting, and
7) approving commercial sign variances would not follow the current Selby Snelling Small Land
Use Plan - adopted as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Plan in 1993.
Reasons whv we beiieve Citeo does not reqnire the lar¢er siQn to do business:
1) Citgo already has a consistent flow of business - mostly local residents, and
2) C+tgo occupies a prime location as the only fuei station at the busiest intersection in St. Paut.
We believe the above request has merit, and ask that you strongly consider our positioa Thani: you.
Name Address
L.U/-Q Y✓Qlll,Cr' V�cC- !'� y�'{.
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We, the undersigned residents of the Snelling Park neighborhood in St. Pau1, respeMtulty request
• tha[ the Zoning Committee's decision to approve variance file number 97-31y be overturned. This
� variance, allows tor a 50' ta1U196 square foot sign (curren[ zoning permits a 37'-6°/113 square foot
identiCication sign) at the Citgo (tormerly Union 76) station located on the corner of Snelling Avenue
and Interstate 94.
Its our understanding that in order for the variance to be approved, per Section 66.409 of the zoning
code, the applicant must have "... a unique sign or unusual conditions pertainin$ to sign needs of a
specific buiSding or iot, (the sign) would not be objectionable to ad}acent property owners, and would
not adverseiy affect residentiat property through excessive glare and lighting". The signatures below
represent objection to this variance request. In addition, this variance request does not follow the
intent to "adopt a uniform sign ordinance" as stated in the Selby Snelling Small Area Plan adopted
as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Ptan in 1993.
We oopose the lar¢er sign for the followin2 reasons:
1) another large sign would further detract from the residentiai nature of our area,
2) otfier fuel staSions irt residential areas along Interstate 94 do not require towering signs,
3) neighboring businesses couid apply tor the same sign variance,
4) oversized signs wouid further commereialize our neighborhood and have the potential to
intimidate current and future residential dwellers in Snelling Park,
5) potential to increase tratfic and accidents in an already wngested, accident-prone area
6) excessive glare and lighting, and
7) approving commercial sign variances woutd not follow ihe current Selby Snelting Small Land
CJse Plan - adopted as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Plan in 1993.
Reasons whv we believe CitEO does not require the tareer sian to do business:
1) Citgo already has a consistent tlow ol busi�ess - mostty local residents, and
2) Citgo occupies a prime location as the only fuel station at the busiest intersection in St. Pau1.
We believe the above request has merit, and ask that you strongly consider our position. Thank you.
�Ohnq G�SU
Name Address Signature
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7anuary 19, 1998
Saint Paul Planning Commission
clo Ken Ford
City Hail Annex
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paui, MN 55102
Dear Pianning Commissioners:
� �l� �_ .. _.� .__ . �.
The Boazd of Directors of the Midway Chamber of Commerce urges the Saint Paul Planning
Co:.�.snissica to urrold the Zo*ing Com^.�Ztiee's mct:c.^. to grant a sign hei�ht variance to ?erry
Showalter, dba Citgo, 326 North Snelling Avenue (on the agenda for 7anuary 30, 1998).
° •}�°�
As you will see, the sign that Mr. Showalter is planning io erect at a height of 50' is replacing a
similar sign at the same height which has been in place for more than a decade. Both City staff
and the Zoning Committee came to the conciusion that a sign at the allowed height would not be
as visible as the higher sign and in some cases would not be visibie at all. The location of Mr.
Showalter's service station, along a major freeway and in the heart of an regional commerciai
marketplace, makes a higher sign an important marketing toot to ensure the continued propsperity
of his business.
We understand that the Snelling Hamline Community Council has gone on record opposing the
variance because of its be]ief that too many sign variances are being granted and therefore there
are too many signs in St. Paul as a result. Whether one agrees with those statements or not, Mr,
Showalter should not be denied a variance reqUest for a sign that replaces an e�cisting sign.
If the Planning Commission and City Council decide to have a community dialogue on signage
issues, the Midway Chamber, which represents nearly 400 businesses in the City, will participate
to ensure that the necessary balance between neighborhood concerns, aesthetics and commerce, is
achieved. In the meantime, an excellent businessperson, with a long history of doing business in
St. Paul, paying sales tas and property tax, who is merely changing an e�cisting sign, should be
granted the required variance.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Ellen Watters
Executive Director
Spruce Tree Centre • Suite #4 • 1600 University Avenue West • St. Paui, MN 55104
PHONE: (612) 646-2636 FAX: (612) 646-2297
Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hail Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, January 30, 1998, at
830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Duarte, Engh, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl and
Present: Messrs. Field Jr., Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Mardell, McDonell and Nowlin.
Commissioners Mmes. *Faricy and Messrs. Chavez *Johnson, *Kong, Sharpe, and *Vaught
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, Nancy Homans, Roger
Ryan, and Jim Zdon, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Donna
Sanders, Councilmember Reiter's Office.
I. Approval of Minutes of January 9, 1998
MOTIQN: Commissioner Field moved approval of the minutes of January 9, I998;
Commissioner Gordon seconded the motion which carried unanimous[y on a voice vofe.
II. Chair's Announcements
Chair Morton suggested that e-mail addresses be included in the new Planning Commission
III. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Mr. Ford announced that the City Council decided to establish their o�vn advisory committee to
develop recommendations regarding the advertising sign issue. Commissioner McDonell stated
that it was his understanding thaY the recommendauons would come through the Planning
Gommission_ Mr. Ford responded that it witl.
Mr. Ford also announced that the appeal of the Planning Commission's decision on the
Mendota Town Homes near Lexington and 5t. Clair was upheld by the City Council. The
appeal was upheld because a netv compromise was negotiated in the process, so a new plan will
be coming before the Plan�ing Commission. He explained that he understands that the new
compromise will provide a littie better exterior finish on the units, improving their appearance;
it will also allow for two extra units.
Commissioner Gordon added that he understands that paft of that compromise is that the
� developer has assumed responsibility for widening the alley in its entirety, and that the �
developer will aiso assume responsibility for maintaining the alley. So, most of the units will
� have garages accessing the alley. There will also be more parking for the units as well as for
the neighborhood.
Commissioner Geisser asked Mr. Ford if it is possible that a member of the Planning
Commission be on the special task force that the City Council is putting together to study
advertising signs. Mr. Ford stated that he has not heard about a make-up for that task force.
MOTION Commissioner Geisser moved and Commissioner Gordon seconded a mofion that
with consultation by the Chair, a member of the Planning Commission be placed on the
advertising task force which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
IV. Zoning Committee
#47-309 Xia Van� - Special condition use permit to al(ow outdoor sales of used automobiles at
1 ll 5 Rice Street. (Nancy Homans, Northeast Team)
Commissioner Field noted that there are a number of conditio�s included on the resolution.
MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested special condition use
permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at III S Rice Street which carried
unanimously nn a voice votz
� #97-314 Jerrv Showalter - A 12'-6" sign height vaziance to allow replacement of an existing
identification sign at 326 Snelling Avenue North. (Jim Zdon, Southwest Team)
MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested sign height variance to
allow replacement of an existing identification sign at 326 Snelling Avenue North.
Commissioner Field explained that it is a replacement sign for Citgo who bought the Union 76
Station. He noted that the Snelling Hamline Community Council opposes the sign height
variance. No one spoke in support; one person spoke in opposition and one letter of opposition
was received. The Zoning Committee's vote was 42.
Commissioner Geisser spoke against the motion. She noted how busy that intersection already
is; there is so much going on there. She noted that the City is in the process of sludying this
issue. Commissioner Geisser is disturbed by the extra size of the new sign, and recalled from
the staff report that the sign can very easily be seen. She is also concerned about the person
who spoke in opposition because of glare and lighting. She cannot support giving him a lazger
Commissioner Field responded to Commissioner Geisser's comments. He began by saying that
the City is studying billboazds, not signs, so this particular sign does not fail under the prevue of
the City Council's discussion, and he would discourage anyone from tying those two together.
He stated that the applicant could enlazge the existing at a lower height without receiving any
approvai from the P.lanning Commission. He also said that he did not recall seeing in a letter
� any ob}ection to glare and lighting. It is included in the resolution, but he believes the
resolution in erroneous.
Commissioner Kramer noted that Commissioner Field is correct There is no mention of an
� objection to glare and lighting in the letter. He thinks that whether or not the resolution is
adopted, item AdQ needs to be amended.
MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved an amendment to the motion which wnuld delete
the fot[owing from item Ad� in the resolution: A6ut is objectionable to an owner on the
same black who objects to the glare and Zighting from the existing sign. However, there is
also a large fieestanding advertising sign which is directly across the alley from this
objectdng property owner.(� Commissioner Field seconded the motion to �mend which
carried unanimously on a voice vote.
Commissioner Gordon informed Commissioners that he voted against this motion at Zoning
Committee. He stated that he does see a relationship between biliboards and signs and he feels
that iYs part of the overall concern in the City for how much we intrude on space by permitting
billboards or signs that exceed variance limits that were established. In his mind he finds it
questionable that the applicant needs a higher sign to attract business. He doesn't feel that the
variance is justified in this case, or consistent with the direction Saint Paul ought to be going
with respect to considering these variances.
Commissioner Field commented in response to the perceived need or lack of need to the extra
height. Upon visiting the site, he made note that at a railroad bridge between Hamline and
Snelling, a lower sign would be obstructed from the westbound traffic to the point that
someone would miss the exit ramp by the time the sign came into view. Secondly, he noted
that Mr. Bates, who is one of the prime movers against billboards, says that billboards should
� not be in the neighborhoods, and this is a busy intersection at Snelling Avenue and an Interstate.
What better place to have signs; better that on a residential strucmre in the neighborhood. He
stated that this is clearly not a neighborhood in the purest sense. IYs a busy commercial area.
He sees this variance as a necessary part of the applicant's business.
Commissioner Gordon responded that he, too, has driven by and he thinks the sign can be seen
in time to access. Secondly, he said that this is a neighborhood; there are residences that
immediately abut on the area that this concerns. TYs not as commercial as Commissioner Field
would portray.
Commissioner Nowlin asked for clarification on the size of the sign. He asked if the cunent
sign is 50 feet, and if it is, why is the applicant asking for a variance? Commissioner Field
answered because he's reconstructing the sign. Commissioner Nowlin asked what kind of an
increase is this variance? Commissioner Field answered there is none.
Commissioner Treichel commented that the letter contained information about how people
behave in neighborhoods w�hich she ftnds disturbing. According to the letter, the writer alleges
that this particular properry owner has left big chunks of cement around, has not mowed his
grass, and has not shoveled his snow. Commissioner Treichel asked who is responsible for the
enforcement of the complaints; these complaints come up time and time again about how
someone is being a very poor neighbor.
Commissioner Kramer told the Commission that Commissioner Chavez has inquired as snch in
response to that letter. It was revealed that the applicant owns the gas stations, but appazently,
! does not own those adjacent properties. Commissioner Kramer informed the Commission that
afrer the Zoning Committee meeting he dropped that particulaz letter off in Councilmember
a � �
� Benanav's Office and pointed it out to Jane Prince.
Chair Morton noted that it was her understanding that the appiicant was dealing with Mobil to
try to purchase that property.
The amended motion on the floor to approve the requesied sign variance at 326 Snelling
Avenue North to atlow replacement of an existing identification sign carried on a rott call
vote of 12 - 3(Geisser, Gordon, Maddox).
#97-316 U.S. West Wireless - Special condition use permit to allow a cellular telephone
antenna on an existing residential buiiding less tha� 60' in height at 1305 Grand Avanue.
(Roger Ryan, Southeast Team)
Commissioner Field explained that at the Zoning Committee meeting, the applicant
demonstrated that the 60' structures that were not residential coutd not accommodate the
antennas, in particulaz, Mount Zion Temple, St. Luke's Church, and St. Paul's on the Hill
At the time of the meeting, the district council had not given an opinion, but subsequently, they
sent a letter in opposition to this proposed plan.
The Zoning Committee's vote was 4- 2.
� MOTION: Commissinner Field moved approval of the sequesied special condition use
permit to atdow a cellutar telephone antenna on an existing residential buitding less than 60'
in height at 1305 GrandAvenuz
Commissioner 2�3ordin questioned why they could not be back 20 more feet from Grand
Avenue. Commissioner Field responded that because these antennae need to talk to different
antennae, and because this is an area of poor reception in the City, if they moved it back it
would need to go higher, and so, it might be more apparent.
Commissioner Gordon stated that he voted against this at the Zoning Committee meeting and
will vote against it today. He thinks this is a cleaz violation of the zoning code:
The applicant demonstrates that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an
existing free standing pole, an existing residential structure at least 60' high, an existing
institutional use structure, or a business building within on haif mile radius of the proposed
He added that there are four options that the applicant must demonstrate do not work, and that
has not happened here. The applicant looked at three structures and decided that those three
didn't work. But those three structures do not begin to e�aust the categories of options just
reviewed from the zoning code. It is the burden of the applicant to show that none of these
other options work, and that showing has clearly not been made.
� In addition, Commissioner Gordon pointed out that Mayor Coleman has repeatedly said that he
considers Grand Avenue one of the gems of the City, and that many of the Commissioners
agree with that. 1n this area, he said, we need to be especially sensitive and protective. He dces
' , �' i
� c,ity of saint paul
planning c,ommiss.ion resolution
file number g
(�te Januant 3Q, 1998
�i �' �'��
��I3EREAS, Jerry Showalter, file # 97-314, has applied for a sign variance under the provisions
of Section 66.409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of replacing an existing
identification sign. Applicant is requesting a 12'-6" sign vaziance for a sign height of 50' when
37'-6" is the maximum allowed by code on property located at 326 N Snelling , legally described
as see file; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 1l15I98, held a public
hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64,300 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code; and
� WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
1. The applicant is the owner of the property and has owned the property since 1986. The
applicant is requesting a sign vaziance as part of an change from a Union 76 to a Citgo station.
The applicant would like to replace an existing 50 foot free standing circulaz si�n of
approximately 113 square feet with a new 50 foot freestanding square shaped sien of 196 square
feet. The replacement woutd include both the sign and pole structure. The maximum height on a
freestanding sign in a B-3 zone is 37'-6" feet. A height variance of 12'-6" is required.
2. The ability of the applicant's request for a sign variance to conform to the provisions of
section 66.409 of the zoning code is as follows:
a. The proposed sign in not unique but there are unusual conditions
pertaining to sign needs on the site. The applicant is requesting the variance because he
states that visibility of a shorter 37'-5" sign from the freeway would be severely restricted.
However, sign height is not a relevant visibility factor for east bound I-94 freeway users
bzcause sight of the gas station's existing sign is blocked by bridges and vegetation. It is
moved by Field
� seca�ded by
in favor 12
a�IC�St_ 3 (Geisser, Gordon, Maddox)
� ,
qg _ a �g
� only when one is at the foot of the Snelling Avenue exit ramp that one can view the
existing sign. At that distance a 37'-6" sign would be just as visible as a 50 foot sign. Por
west bound freeway users, however, the existing SO foot sign_ is cleazly visible afteL one
passes undemeath the I-Iamline Avenue overpass. At that point, one can see the sign
before it is further obstructed by a rail road overpass and the Pascal Street overpass. For
this stretch of the freeway, a 37'-6" feet sign would not have the same level of visibility as
a 50 foot sign.
b. The proposed sign generally meets the intent of the sign chapter. Under the
vaziance request, the new sign and pole will be 12'-6" above the zoning code height
maximum of 37'-6"and the sign size will be increased by 83 squaze feet. Even with this
size increase, the total squaze footage of all signs on the property is within the code
c. The proposed sign will not create a hazard or violate Minnesota
Statutes or rules and regulations.
d. The proposed sign is not objectionab]e to adjacent property owmers but is
objectionable to an owner on the same block who objects to the glare and lighting from
the existing sign. However, there is also a large freestanding advertisin� sign which is
directly across the ailey from this objecting property owner.
� e. The proposed sign is in keeping with the general chazacter of the surrounding
azea. The gas station is located at one of the husiest traffic intersections in Sain? Paul.
Approximately 48,500 vehicles use this section of Snelling Avenue. The I-94 freeway
entrance ramp off Concordia Avenue carries about 12,500 vehicles a day. To the east is a
commercial restaurant along with a freestanding outdoor advertising sign. To the south
is a vacant single family home. To the north is I-94 and to the wesi, across Snelling
� Avenue, is a vacant lot surrounded by a 6 foot chain link fence.
I`T01V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under
the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application to allow a 12'-6" sign height vaziance
at 326 N. Snelling is hereby approved.
. _ , � - `- `� � ��,-a��
PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Wencl and Messrs. Chavez, Fiefd, Gordon and Kramer of the
Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadiez, Homans and
Keiley and Messrs. Ryan and Zdon of the Planning Division.
EXCUSED: Ms. Faricy and Mr. Vaught
The meeting was chaired by Litton Field, Chairperson.
.fERRY SHOWALTER. 326 N. Sneflina Avenue• 97-314� Sign Variance. To ailow replacement of
an existing identification sign with a sign height of 50' requested and 37' and 6" affowed.
Jim Zdon, PED, Southwest Quadrant, presented s{ides and reviewed the staff report stating staif
recommends approval of the sign variance. He referred to a fax received from the District Councii
statfng their opposition to the sign variance, to a telephone cal{ from the owner of the Ma{t Shop who
stated they are not in opposition as long as the sign did not obstruct theirs, and to a letter of
opposition from the property owner at 1555 Carroll.
Upon question of Chair Field, Roger Ryan explained the difference between a square and circular
� sign and he noted this is an increase in the s+ze of the sign.
Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon stated the existing sign is 50 feet high, and that
Finding 2d is in error as the residentia{ property referenced is not adjacent to this site.
Commissioner Chavez referred to the slides shown and requested in the future that photos be taken
at the level of traffic.
Jerry Showalter, 326 N. Snelling, appeared and stated he has been at this site since 1986 and now
owns the premises. F!e referred to the ad}acent property and said it is owned by Mobil who presently
is in negotiations to purchase it.
At the question of Commissioner Chavez pertaining to the value of the height variance, Mr.
Showaiter explained that some people driving wi{I be able to see the sign and turn off the highway
to come to his business, and that others who aren't able to turn off will at least see his sign so in the
future wifl know he's there.
Upon question of Commissioner Wencl pertaining to Citgo, Mr. Showalter stated they do have a sign
variance at that tocation as well.
Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Showatter referred to the diagram and showed that the
objecting homeowner tives on thee block of his business but is one house away from the alley. Fie
also explained that the sign is designed to be fourteen feet wide and aiso is designed for light which
wil{ face east and west.
� Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Showalter stated the business wiH be open 24 hours
and the fight wi11 be on tfie entire time.
Commissioner Chavez referred to �omments made regarding the two drive-up telephones at this
site, and Mr. Showaiter acknowiedged the tefephones and his inability to controi his customers using
q g.a��
Zoning Committee Minutes
January 15, 1998
Jerry Showalter; 97-314
Page Two
�ilen Watters (1600 University Avenue), Director of the Midway Chamber of Commerce, appeared
and spoke in support of the sign variance. She said {-94 is a major thoroughfare which has many
signs that high. She said denying this variance wouid cause undue hardship to Mr. Showalter, that
he is a responsible businessman who would fike to enhance his business, and she urged the
Commissioner to keep this thriving business in the area.
George Jurgensen, 1530 Ashland Avenue, spoke in opposition to the variance. He said he is a
delegate of University UNITED and they discussed this issue at their last meeting and unanimously
voted in opposition to it. He questioned why there are regulations for signs and then variances, and
stated that the Snelling Hamline Community Council also is in opposition to the variance.
Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Showalter stated he was not invited to the January 9th
meeting of the Snelling Hamline Community Council.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Showalter said with the sign height variance there
would be visibility of it every day.
No one else appeared and the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Morton moved to approve the sign variance based on findings 2a, b, c and e, and the
motion was seconded by Commissioner Wencl.
Commissioner Gordon expressed his concern with approving a sign variance when the direction of
the City Council is to cut back on signage, and that he is not convinced that a 50 foot sign is needed
over a 37 foot sign.
Jim Zdon explained the visibility of the sign height variance east6ound and westbound on t-94 and
that it would replace the existing sign.
Chair Field spoke in support of the motion.
There was no further discussion.
ADOPTED YEAS - 4 NAYS - 2(Chavez and Gordon)
Drefted by:
Pattie Kelfey
Recording Secrela
Submitted by:
im Zd
Souih t Quadrant
. •
F2LE � 97-314
°18 -'y� `1
APPLIG�IT: Serry Showalter DATE OF FiEARING: 1/15/98
LOCATION: 326 N. Snelling; Southeast corner of Snelling and Concordia
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subject to avenue the following lots 6 thru 9, Block
2; Snelling Park
7. STAFE INVESTIGATION � REPORT: DATE: January 6, 1998 BY: James Zdon
• A.
PURPOSE: A 12'-6" sign height variance to allow replacement of an
existing identi£ication sign. A sign height of 50' requested and 37'-6 "
maximum allowed.
PARCEL SIZE: This corner parcel has 162.85 feet of frontage on
Snelling Avenue and 128.72 feet of Erontage on Concordia Avenue for a
total lot area of 20,949 square feet.
EXZSTING LAND USE: The property is occupied by d gasoline station.
North: Interstate I-94
East: Commercial restaurant in a B-3 zoning district. �
South: A vacant single family home in a B-3 zoning district.
West: - A vacant lot used for vehicle storage in a RT-1 zoning
E. Zoning Code Citation: Section 66.409 of the zoning code states, "the
planning commission shall have the authority to grant variances from the
strict applications of this chapter for unique signs or unusual
conditions pertaining to sign needs of a specific building or lot,
provided such signs would not be contrary to the general intent of this
chapter, would not create a hazard, would not violate Minnesota State
Statutes or rules and regulations developed pursuant thereto, would not
be objecCionable to adjacent property owners, would not adversely affect
residential property through excessive glare and lighting and provided
that the signs would be in keeping with the general character of the
surrounding area. The commission may not grant a variance that would
permit the sign within a zoning district which is not otherwise
permitted in tliat zoning district under the provision o£ this chapter."
F. ASSTORYjDISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this
G DISTRICT COIINCIL RECOMMENDATION: As of 3anuazy 6, 1998, the Snelling
Fiamline Community Council had not taken a position on the variance
request. The owner of the commercial restaurant to the east called to
indicate that he was not opposed to the height variance as long as the
new sign does not obstruct the view of his billboard. Resident at 1555
Carroll(See attached letter) wroCe to express his opposition to the
1. The applicant is the owner of the property and has owned the property
since 1986. The applicant is requesting a sign variance as part of an
change from a Union 76 to a Citgo station.
The applicant would like to replace an existing 50 foot free standing
circular sign of approximately 113 square feet with a new 50 foot
freestanding square shaped sign of 196 square feet. The replacement
, would include both the sign and pole structure. The maximum height on a
• freestanding sign in a B-3 zone is 37'-6" feet. A height variance of
12'-6" is zequired.
2. The ability of the applicant's request for a sign variance to conform
to the provisions of section 66.409 of the zoning code is as follows:
a. The proposed sign in not unique but there are unusual conditions
pertaining to sign needs on the site. The applicant is reguesting
the variance because he states that visibility o£ a shorter 37'-6"
sign from the freeway would be severely restricted. However, sign
height is noC a relevant visibility factor for east bound I-94
freeo�ay users because sight of the gas station's existing sign is
blocked by bridges and vegetation. It is only when one i.s at the
foot of the Snelling Avenue exit ramp that one oan view the
- existing sigxx. At that distance a 37'-6" sign would be just as
visible as a 50 foot sign. For west bound freeway users, however,
the existing 50 foot sign is clearly visible after one passes
underneath the Hamline Avenue overpass. At that point, one can see
the sign before it is furthez obstructed by a rail road overpass
and the Pascal StreeC overpass. For this stretch of the freeway, a
37'-6" feet sign would not have the same level of visibility as a
50 foot sign.
b. The proposed sign generally meets the intent of the sign
chapter. Under the variance request, the new sign and
� pole will be 12'-6�� above the zoning code height maximum of 37'-
6"and the sign size wi11 be increased by 83 square feet. Even witri
this size increase, the total square footage of all signs on the
property is within the code maximum.
f ,
q �. �'��
• c. The proposed sign will not create a hazard or violate Minnesota
Statutes or rules and regulations.
d. The proposed sign is objectionable to an adjacent residential
progerty owner who objects to the glare and lighting £rom the
existing sign. However, there is also a large freestanding
advertising sign which is directly across the alley from this
objecting property owner.
e. The proposed sign is in keeping with the general character of the
surrounding area. The gas station is located at one o£ the
busiest traffic intersections in Saint Paul. Approximately 48,500
vehicles use this section of Snelling Avenue. The I-94 freeway
entrance ramp off Concordia Avenue carries about 12,500 vehicles a
day. To the east is a commercial restaurant along with a
freestanding outdoor advertising sign. To the south is a vacant
single family home. To the north is T-94 and to the west, across
Snelling Avenue, is a vacant lot surrounded by a 6 foot chain link
T. STAFF RECOM23ENDATTON: Based on findings 2a, b, c and e, staff recommends
approval oE the variance.
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3�U SG Peter Street, Suite
Saint Paael, MN�i102-1�
°lk - � 3 '►
Zoning office use only
Fite number: � � ' � �'�
'Pee. 'Z7�' � ,
Ter�taUve heanng date:
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Day[ime Phone_�/�� S � �' �
Property interest of appiicant (owner, contract purchaser, etc.) �� i ,1J F.'/"�. �,,!°L��� i%!��
Name of owner (if
LegaldescripGon i C%S 1��.� .:� � ,{''bLIGt �i,�1'���1'� �-C:�,_�%�
(attachadditionalsheetifnecessary) �.�� (
Lot size �, 5��� � /�% present Zoning� Present Use -S�i"-�6 LP .)l�fi �: �
Proposed Use �.2X�: (,� �`x � � ( �'1 �J
1. Variance(s) requested: �� /�i�t.�' [i '� �(LQ.�IsJ ''�t-� `L.h�+'--�'' 1 T Y I �i}-� 4 JJ
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/ 2 / L tt2r r> '�
2. What physical characteristics of the property prevent its being used for any of the permitted uses in your zone?
(topography, si�e and shape of lot, soii conditions, etc.) +
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� /CFl e5� G , f�-cE' ( �� t e^'� ��ec+� /
S,� .ti�
3. Expiain how the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would result in peculiar or exceptional
practicai difficulties or exceptionai undue hardships. �
��51 )1 L/ I� I'ivv'�. 1�'�<, r/L f11C�a �� vJ� �c.'t/tili.j ��iYLIC.IE'�
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4. Exp{ain how the granting of a variance wili not be a substantial detriment
to the public good or a substantial impairment of the intent and purpose
of the Zoning Ordinance
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PURPOSE � i �"�� U��'� �� � �� zoning district boundary
FILE # � � � � «' DATE '� � �� � `7 � subject property n` orth�`
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PLNG. DIST � S. MAP # ` ll o one family •• � commercia�
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SCALE 1" = 400' �
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January 2,1998
Adam Clift
I555 Canoll Ave
St Paul, MN 55 LOS
JAN 0 5 i95t�
zoaing Cammittee
25 West Fourth St
I100 City Hall Annex
St Paul, MN 55102
Dear Members of the Zoning Committee,
I am wriflng in regard to zoning file number 97-314; the zoning file name is Jerry Showalter and it is
about pSacing a 50' sign wlien a maximum of 3T-6" is allowed. I own and live adjacent to the gas station
and can view tl�e top of [he present sign from my bedroom. I can not attend the hearing on 7anuazy 15th
but I�vant to m.ilce sure I express my disapproval and give you several reasons wh} tl�is zoning request
should be rejected.
A larger sign would detract from the residenual nature of the block and would potentially make it a
freeway pit-stop. Their present sign can already be seen when exiting from the freeway and tl�ey also have
a prime location on one of the busiest intersections in St Paul. They have a constant flow of business and
a larger sign would not necessary mean an increase in business or inerease their visibiliry. Otl�er gas
stations along the freeway in residential areas do not have towering signs. Also, there are 3 o[her nearby
businesses (The Malt Shop, 7ires Plus, and Total) which have signs and potentially they could request
larger signs. If you accept tliis zoning request, you have a weaker defense in rejecung otlier special
zoning requests. Larger signs would make my neighborliood look much more commercial and wouldba
intimidating to residential dwellers. If other Saint Paul residents do not have to put up �vith tall signs, I
see no reason wl�y my neighborhood sl�ould have too.
Tl�e gas station has been negligent in maintaining its neighborhood appearance and quite simply dces not
deserve special VeatmenL About hvo years ago they had to purcl�ase hvo neighbor homes because of a
Ic;akage of tlieir under ground storage tanks. One home is all boarded up and they use that lot as an
additional parking lot for tlieir cars they service a[ their shop. It is a small car junk yard. Tf�e other
house, 1561 Carroll, which is right next to my has been neglected and is falling apart. I know it has
received severa] complaint calls to tlie city, as it is an eyesore and a pxoblem. For the farst }'ear, nobody
mowed the grass or shoveled the snow. At thai time, since I«�as una�vare of the o�imer, I began to mow
and shovel. I have since contacted the city and I believe the house is being taken care of by the Vacant
Home Aepartment. iast winter, iiomeless peopie lived in the garage for ai least ihrzc :�'ceks, Prescr.ly,
part of the backyard fence is torn down from this past summer's storm and tl�e front concrete retainer wall
has crumbled apart; there is over 200 lbs. of concrete currently laying on the sidewalk. The sta6on is
clearly neglecting its responsibilities and is make our neigl�twrhood less attracli��e. They do not deserve
special treatment.
As someone who lives near tl�e gas station and would have to wake up every momina looking at Uie new
sign, I ask that you rejec[ the tatLer sign proposal. The gas station could advertise by using a nearby
billboard whlch is already zoned appropriately. In summary, I feel the gas station does not need a larger
sign and does not desenre special treatment. There is no need io make my neighborhood more
✓ . . A.
If you wish to contact me my home number is 659-0960 and work number is 671-5857. I will be on
vacalion from January 14[h to the 20th.
P.S. The gas station haz two drive up telephones and they present a nuisance. The people who frequently
use these phones crank their car stereo's in the background while they talk; the base actually vibrates my
house. Zoning outside public phones near residential homes should not be ailowed.
S se,�. �,`� ru � 3 q$ - a�
(� Planning Coinmission can grant a varianceJ �ee Sac. 66.409. There are five errors in �`�
�j(�the Plannif�g Commission's findings. v�
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� ��'r 1. ". ni i�P or un�a�al conditions oPrtainina to Siqn n ed� s ior a soec�i�c ����c� �'� QroT
ThiS Star�dard is not met.
y frotn tiie interstate is ar
�anance5 or all signs tha
;ion's resolution states that
so, the case cou ma e to
2. f'rbvided s�ch sians ��o�id not be contr�y to the qPnPral intent of this
This st�atidard is not met. The general intent of this chapter of the Zoning Code
is to set st�nd�rds and regulate sign usage in Saint Paul. This variance would allow
the sign to b� tl5irty three percent higher than the standard. Aithough the Code
pTOVides far variances, they shouid not be granted for signs that so greatiy exceed the
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3. " Wou1d not be obiectionab4e t4 adjacent Rro�v owners".
This st�ndard is not met. Mr. Adam�lift,_[esidin at 1555 Carroll Avenue
> to this Variance, as stated in his January 2 letter to the Zoninq �mittei
opposing tfii5 variance.
be more of a blight to Mr.
4. " W I n v r I tt r � n � i r r nr �� x �� ��
�nd liqhtina". �
This �tdndard is not met. Clearly, if Mr. Adam Clift can see the current sign froi
hys bedroc�rti w+ndow, he wtit d'+sapprove ot a sign that is 83 square feet larger at
same height. `�-
5. _,,,t(�� siqn ��ou1d be �n keepjla with the qPneral character of the
� �ii �P�undina area".
� Thi� St�lidard is not met. 7his area is charactetized by a mixture of commercial
and resid�nti�) us2s. The lotlowing businesses which neighbor Citgo along Snelting
Avenue i�i�lut��t Tires Plus, Tota , o-op a ing, _ e en redit Company, ne ing
businesses have signs_v
V. Con�iU�ttsh
Tfi� �l�nning Commission has no authority to issue any variance which fails
any of tfl� �Eiove standard�. Fu�tiier, the above arguments are supported by the
recomm�ftt��tions ot the Sn�liing-Setby Small Area Plan, adopted by the Planning
CommiSSi�ii �Fld City Council in 1993 as an amendment to the Land Use Chapter of
the Cotn�St�Fi�nSive Plan, which state "A uniform sign ordinance shouid be adopted
that wili buil� bh the unique character oi the area, improve its visual appearance,
reduce Sigii ClUtter, provide sign consistency, provide for signs that fit with the
building"s, �f�d make the businesses ciearly identifiable". This variance is in direct
contradiction to the plan on record.
Snsliing Hamtine Appea! Page 2
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� e, th� uddersigned residents ot ihe Snellin P r e�g o 0o m t. Paul, respectfully request �
� `�,, that th� Zbning Committee's decisfon to approve v9riance fiie ttumber 97-31y bc overturned. This +�
� varianCe, �Ilows for a 50' ta1V146 square toot sign (current zorting permits a 3T-6°/113 square foot
identi'fication sign) at the Citgo (formerly Union 76) station iocated on the corner o[Snelling Avenue
�. and Intersfate 44.
� � i
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Its our undetstanding that in order fior the variance to be approved, per Section 66.409 of the zoning
code, the 9�3pticant must have "... a uniqub sign or unusual conditions pertaining to sign needs oCa �
specific building or lot, (the sigh) would not be objectionable to adjacent property owners, and would j A(� ��
not adversely aftect residential property through excessive glare and lighting". The signatures belo ��
represent bbjection to fhis variance request, In addition, this variance request does not follow t
inient to "adopt a uniform sign ordinance" as stated in the Selby Snelling Small Area Plan a ted ���
as an gmendment to the SL Paul Land Use Plan in 1993. ,,}
�Ve 000dse the lareer sien for the foitowine reasons: �Ik� �( '�
� 0' �t � �
1) another farge sign would turther detract from the residential nature oCour area,� 1:,
`2) oth¢r iuel stations in residentiai areas atong Intcrstatc 94 do not requirt to��ering signs,
3) neighbOring businesses could �pply for the same sign variance,
4) oversii@d signs woutd turther commercialize our neighborhood and 4ave thc potentiaf to
intiinid�te current and tuture residential dwetlers in Snelling Park,
S) ptltentlil to increase tratGc 9nd accidents in 8n already congested, accident-prone area
6) pkersii4� glare and lighting, and
7) �pproVfng commbrcia) sign varlsnces wonld not follow the current Selby Snelling Small Land
U32 h1ai� - adopted as an amendment to the St. Pau] Land Use Ylan in 1993.
Reasons wh we believe Cit o does not r uire the Iar er si n to do busin ss: �� �
�� w ��� ��J.,vus c Sa T NCG-O /lJL+tsz / � s - + � � n J � �
�• n:s ..:�..�...t.. �....... .....e.��e..e f1..m nf Fueinaec _ mneNv Inral rP<iAenlS. SII'tl S U I t �
2) CitgB dctupies a prime tocation as the o ly fuel statwn at t e busiest intersection in Si. PaT ��
o u� � ?/oT �—�n l►�ce R- /rc�t- ro ti��' t+kUz �J-Fr S
We b@li�ve t e a ove request has merit, and ask that you strongly consider our posiL on. Thank you.
�Ohnq ��SD
Name Address
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Council File # "139
Presented By
Referred To
Green Sheet # lL/����
Committee: Date
2 WHEREAS, in Zoning File No. 97-3 ] 4, Jerry Showalter, pursuant to the provisions of
3 the Saint Paul Zoning Code § 66.409, made application to the Saint Paul Planning Commission
4 for a twelve (12) foot - six (6) inch sign height variance to allow replacement of an e�sting
5 identification sign for properry located at 326 Snelling; Southeast corner of Snelling and
6 Concordia, legally described as "Subject to avenue the following lots b through 9, Block 2;
7 Snelling Park"; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Plauning Commission conducted a public
hearing on January 15, 1998, after hauing provided notice to affected property owners and
submitted its recommendation to the commission; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, by its resolution No. 98-03 dated January 30,
1998, decided to grant the application based upon the following findings and conclusions:
1. "The appficant is the owner of the property and has owned the property since 1986. The
applicant is requesting a sign variance as part of change from a Union `76 to a Citgo
The applicant would like to replace an existing fifly foot free standing circular sign of
approximately 1] 3 sq. ft. with a new fifry foot free standing squaze shaped sign of 196 sq.
ft. The replacement would include both the sign and pole structure. The maximum
height on a free standing sign in a B3 zone is 37- 6 inch feet. A height variance of 12 feet
6 inches is required.
2. The ability of the applicant's request for a sign variance to conform to the provisions of
§ 66.409 of the zoning code is as follows:
a. The proposed sign is not unique but there aze unusual conditions
pertaining to sign needs on the site. The applicant is requesting
variance because he states that visibiliiy of a shorter 37' - 6" sign
from the freeway wouid be severely restricted. However, sign
height is not a relevant visibility factor for eastbound I-94 freeway
users because sight of the gas station's exiting sign is blocked by
bridges and vegetation. It is only when one is at the foot of the
Snelling Avenue exit ramp that one can view the existing sign. At
that distance a 37' - 6" sign would be just as visible as a fifty foot
sign. For westbound freeway users, however, the existing fifty foot
sign is clearly visible after one passes underneath the Hamline
Avenue overpass. At that point, one can see the sign before it is
1 further obstructed by a railroad overpass and the Pascal Street
2 overpass. For this stretch of the freeway, a 37' - 6" sign would not
3 have the same level of visibility as a fifiy foot sign.
5 b. The proposed sign generally meets the intent of the sign chapter. Under
6 the variance request the new sign and pole will be 12' - 6" above the
7 zoning code height maximum of 37' - 6" and the sign size wili increase by
8 83 sq. ft. Even with this size increase, the total square footage of all signs
9 on the properiy is within the code maximum.
ll c. The proposed sign will not create a hazzard or violate Minnesota Statutes
12 or rules and regulations.
d. The proposed sign is not objecflonable to adjacent property owners, but is
objectionable to an owner on the same biock who objects to the glare and
lighting from the existing sign. However, there is also a large free
standing advertising sign which is directly across the alley from this
objecting property owner.
e. The proposed sign is in keeping with the general character of the
surrounding area. The gas stafion is located at one of the busiest tr�c
intersections ]n Saint Paul. Approximately 48,500 vehicles use this
section of Snelling Avenue. The I-94 freeway entrance ramp off
Concordia Avenue carries about 12,500 vehicles a day. To the East is a
commercial restaurant along with the free standing outdoor advertising
sign. To the South is a vacant single family home. To the North is I-94
and to the West, across Sneliing Avenue, is a vacant lot surrounding by a
six foot chain link fence." ; and
WIiEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206 the
Snelling - Hamline Community Council, on February 17, 1998, duly filed with the Zoning
section of the Planning Division, an appeal from the determination made by the Planning
Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of
considering the actions taken by the said commission; and
a � _ a 39
WHEREAS, acting pursuant to § 64.206 through § 64.208 and upon notice to affected
parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on March 11, 1998, where all
interested parties were given an opportw�ity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, having heard the statements made and having considered the application,
the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the
Planning Commission, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby •
RESOLVE, that the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter is hereby
reversed, based upon the following findings:
The Pianning Commission made errors in its findings 2(a) and (2)d.
The site of the proposed sign does not constitute an unusual condition.
The fact that the filling station is located next to a freeway is not so
unusual that the extra visibility provided by a higher sign is necessary.
2. The greater height and greater size of proposed sign would adversely
affect adjacent residential properties. Due to the greater height and size of
the proposed sign, its light would cast even more glare on surrounding
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of the Snelling - Hamline
Community Council be and is hereby granted; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution
to Jerry Showalter and the Snelling - Hamline Community Council, the Zoning Administrator,
and the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission.
Requested by Department of:
Form Appsoved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council
BY� By:
Approved by Mayor: Date
� !� �!a -�� 1 - �
; �\ � 1
� , , �
Adopted by Council: Date 1_\.n_ 1 1\�qg
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
qi� � �
City Council 3-25-98 GREEN SHEET No 60862
Counci Benanav , ��
1 1998 xureoecon °t °"'`"""
�� nmxuuaFaxcFSOw. wuxew.araw�cwo
Finalizing City Council acton taken March 11, 1998 gxanting the appeal of the Snelling
Hamline Community Council to a decision of the Planning Commission granting a sign
variance at 326 North Snelling Avenue.
Fias tnis a�rsoMmn everwaticed undx a cantmct f« thic departmenrt
Fies ihis persoNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee7
Does this PeR�rm 0� a sidll not normalNP� M' any eurrent city empbyee?
Is Mis peBOrUfrm a falpetetl vendoR ' .
C CLIEZ+`,33 �°J`c�`i�4�Li'D ��.+°4�1��
�[`' .. � a�,,
Peg Birk, Ciry Attorney p�. � 1,h
� a ►
Norne Coleman, Mtryor
400 CiTy Hail
IS West Keliogg Bivd
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Telephone: 612 266-8770
Facsimile: 612 29&5619
March 23, 1998
Nancy Anderson
Assistant Secretary, Saint Paul City Council
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: Appeal by Snelling-Hamline Community Council of
Planning Commission File No. 97-314
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Hand Delivered
Attached please find a resolution signed as to form memorializing decision of the Saint Paul City
Council in the matter of the appeal of Snelling-Hamline Community Council, Zoning File No.
98-033. This matter should be placed on the council's consent agenda at your earliest
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Peter W. Warner
Assistant City Attorney
�i('i!e'Ci3i33 i3°,iC�(Ci�l .�i``.�',3
��� � ��3 ����
612 228 3314 P.02/02
Division afPlonning
Narm Cofemen, Mayar 25 West Fourrh Syreet rdephane: 672�266-6565
Sailu Pauf, MN55IO2 Faarmf4: 6J�228d314
�+�� �
February 23, I998
Ms. Nancy Aederson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Ha11
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson:
1 would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduted for Wednesday
March 11, 1998 for the following appeal of a Planning Commission decision to grant a sign vaziance:
File Number:
Legal Description
of Property:
Previous Action:
Saelling Hamline Communiry Council
Appeal of a Planning Commission decision to grant a sign variance to Jerry
326 N. Snelling Avenue
Subj to avertue the following lots 6 thru 9, Block 2; Snelling Park
Planning Commission Racommendation: Approval, vote; 12-3 January 30, 1948
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 4-2 January 15, 1998
My understandfng is tlwt this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the March 11, 1998
City Council meeting and that you will pahlish notice ofthe hearing in the Saint Pau] Legal Ledger.
Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions.
James Zdon
City Planner
cc; File #98-033
Paul Dubruiel
Pattie Kelly
_ x F7RSlRUN+ . _ \
The Saint Paul �1ty Council will conduct, a public hearing on Wednesday, Mazch 11,
3998 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Ftoor City Hall-COUrt House,
to consider the appeal of the Snellin�s Hamline Communify Council to a decision of the
Planning Comaiission granting a sign variance at 326 North Snelling Avenue.
Dated: February 25. 1998 _ _
Assistanf CiTy Council Secretary ' ' , _
_ � lFebruarv 28. f998) -
NOrm Coleman, Mayor
March 3, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the City Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Division of Plmmiisg
25 Wesr Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Te[ephone: 672-266-6565
Facsimile: 612-228-3314
RE: Zoning File #98-033 Snelling Hamline Community Council
City Council Hearing: March 11, 1998, 530 p.m. to 6:30 p.m, City Council Chambers
PURPOSE: To consider Snelling Hamline Community Council's appeal of a Planning Commission
decision to grant a 12'-6'" sign variance for a sign height of 50' when 37'-6" is the maYimum allowed by
code on property located at 326 N. Snelling.
SUPPORT: Midway Chamber of Commerce submitted a letter and spoke in favor.
OPPOSITION: Snelling Hamline Community Council submitted a letter and spoke against. One resident
submitted letter opposing variance.
Deu Ms. Anderson:
The Sne(ling Hamline Community Council is appealing a Planning Commission decision to grant a sign
height variance for properiy located at 326 N. Snelling. The Zoning Committee of the Planning
Commission held a public hearing on the proposed variance on January 15, 1998. At the close of the
public hearing, the committee voted 4-2 to recommend approval of the sign variance. On January 30,
1998, the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a vote
of 12-3.
This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on March 11, 1998. Please notify me if any
member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing.
i �
Ken Ford
Planning Administrator
cc: City Council members
' � Snelling 1573 SelbyAvenue, Suite 311
� Hamline SaintPaul,Minnesota 55104 q�'�'��
� ,.,� Community
"""'"' �S COUriCII
Board of D'uectors February 17, 1998
644.1085 Fax 917.9991
e-mail karen.dalton@sfpaul.gov
Officers City Councilmember Jay Benanav
JohnKnH«ke Room 310 City Hail
�"'"°" Saint Paul, MN 55102
�R w.ka
Ia Vice P,titarne
snia�y R�ca�r
7td Ya Aesidm[
c�� ��w�
l,mn sc�g,wm
Libuly SIa4 BuJc ReprarnGtive
x;�, �.��m.�;a sa�R�t��
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Go�don Meeka
T«n Robiwn
Fred Schuler
Se4y Kn H«ke
c.ry w��
Dear Counciimember Benanav:
Enclosed please find documentation appealing the Pianning Commission's January
30, i998 decision to grant a variance to Jerry Showalter regarding Zoning File
Number 97-314. The Snelling Hamline Community Council believes there were sev-
eral errors in the Planning Commission's findings which led them to approve this vari-
ance request. The Community Council asks that you review the facts and grant this
As the recognized citizen participation planning district for the area bounded by
Sneliing, University, Hamline and Summit Avenues, the Snelling Hamline Community
Council is committed to our mission of coming together to work on issues of common
interest to make our neighborhood a better piace to work and five. We believe granti-
ng the variance requested in Zoning File Number 97-314 is not in the common inter-
est of our community, nor does it conform to the recently adopted Snelling Selby
Small Area Plan, which was created to guide development in this area.
r""k`"'�a"' In addition to granting this appeai, the Snelling Hamline Community Council requests
Staff a refund for the $150 filing fee. We base this request on the fact that one of the
,�„Q,D.,��, responsibilities of the Pianning Commission is to uphold the laws of the City of Saint
Execvti.eDiRCtor Paul, which they failed to do this in this case. The Community Council should not be
QIMINCYNCIl6! liable for carrying the financial burden of correcting this
Community DevdopmMl
���•�� failure. Thank you for your consideration.
sn�aty� vo�
xo��g c�a�,.�ml
co�,�,��cy o���
��n V�...
John Van Hecke
cc: City Council
Saint Paui Planning Commission
Robert Kessler, License, Inspection and Environmenta{ Protection
Pamela Wheelock, Planning and Economic Development
Jerry Showalter, property owner
Irene Rodriguez, University UNITED
Elien Watters, Midway Chamber of Commerce
Jerry Sognesand, Sneliing Selby Business Association
Citv AttorneV's Office
1. Zoning ardinance
St. Paul Zoning Code, Ghapter 66, governs business signs. The last major
revision of Chapter 66 occurred in 1987 and provides that the height limit for all
business signs to be 37" 1/2'.
No sign shall project higher than thirty seven and one-haif
(37 1f2) feet above grade...Zoning Gode 66.205 (a) (3).
II. Background
Jerry Showalter has owned the property at 326 Snelling Avenue North since
1986. In December, 1997, Mr. Showafter requested a sign variance as part of a
change from a Union 76 to a Citgo station. The curreni Union 76 sign is 50' high and
1l3 square feet in surface area. The proposed replacement sign is 50' high and 196
square feet in surface area. 7he maximum height on a freestanding sign in a B-3
zone is 37 1/2 feet, fior a variance request of 12'6".
At its regularly scheduled board meeting on January 9, 1998, the Snelling
Hamline Community Council unanimously passed a resolution opposing the granting
of this variance. Reasons cited by board members included the opposition of an
adjoining property owner, Adam Clift, the number of similar variances being granted
� by the Planning Commission for signs that are not unique or have unusuaf conditions,
reduced {ivability of the city and detriment to the character of the neighborhood.
On January 15, 1998, the Zoning Committee held a public hearing. Mr
Showalter spoke on his own behalf and Snelling Hamline Community Council
member George Jurgenson spoke on beha{f of the Council. Adam Ciift, the neighbor
in opposition to this variance, indicated in a letter to the Zoning Committee that he
wouid be unable to attend. The Zoning Committee supported the variance on a vote of
The matter came befiore the Planning Commission on January 30, 1998 and
was approved on a 12-3 vote.
At its regu{arly scheduled board meeting an February 5, 1998, the Snelling
Hamiine Communiiy Councii unanimousiy passed a resolution to appeai the Planning
Commission's decision to the City Council.
III. Opposition
The Snelling Hamline Community Council, which is recognized by the City of
Saint Pau! as the citizen participation planning district for the area bounded by
Sneliing, University, Hamline and Summit Avenues, opposes the granting of this
variance. The Merriam Park Community Council, whose jurisdiction is directly
adjacent to the property at 326 Snelling Avenue North, has been on record since 1995
opposing any variances being granted from the Zoning Code. This is not the time to
set a precedent for other area businesses to apply for variances, but is an opportune
� time to bring non-conforming signs into conformance.
IV. Grounds for Appeal
The Zoning Code specifies the standards which must be met before the
Sneiling Hamiine Appeal Page 1
Planning Commission can grant a variance. See Sec. 66.409. There are tive errors in
the Planning Commission's findings. G`g •'� ��
� 1. " 1ni uP or inus�ai conditions �ertainina to ign needs for a s ..ifi .
building or lot".
This standard is not met. The Pianning Commission's resolution states that
visibility from the iMerstate is an "unusuai condition". if so, the case could be made to
grant variances for ali signs that are visible from the +nterstate.
2. " Provid d s� h signs would not be contraq� t the qeneral intent of this
This standard is not met. The generai intent of this chapter of the Zoning Code
is to set standards and reguiate sign usage in Saint Paui. This variance would allow
the sign to be thirty three percent higher than the standard. Although the Code
provides for variances, they should not be granted for signs that so greatiy exceed the
3. " Would not be obj�ctionable to adiacent �rq�erty owners".
This standard is not met. Mr. Adam Glift, residing at 1555 Carroll Avenue,
objects to this variance, as stated in his January 2 letter io the Zoning Committee. The
top of the current sign is visibie from Mr. Clift's bedroom. A new sign at the same
height but 83 square feet bigger wiil most certainiy be more of a blight to Mr. Cfift. in
addition, of Mr. Clift's neighbors in Sneiling Park have signed a petition
opposing this variance.
� 4. " Would not adverse� aftect res+dential }�roRerty thro�qh excessive I� are
and lightina".
This standard is not met. Clearly, if Mr. Adam Clift can see the current sign from
his bedroom window, he will disapprove of a sign ihai is 83 square feet larger at the
same height.
5. " The signs would be in keeRing with the g�nerai character ot the
�urroundinq area".
This standard is not met. This area is characterized by a m+xture of commercial
and residential uses. The foilowing businesses which neighbor Citgo a(ong Snelling
Avenue include: Tires Pius, Totai, Co-op Plating, Getten Credit Company, Snelling
Motors and All Care Veterinary Hospital. None of these businesses have signs which
exceed the Zoning Gode height limit of 37 1/2'.
V. Conciusion
The Pianning Commission has no authority to issue any variance which fails
any of the above standards. Further, the above arguments are supported by the
recommendations of the Snelling-Selby Small Area Plan, adopted by the Planning
Commission and C+ty Council in 1993 as an ame�dment to the Land Use Chapter of
the Comprehensive Plan, which state "A uniform sign ordinance should be adopted
that wili bu+ld on the unique character af the area, improve its visual appearance,
� reduce sign ciutter, provide sign consistency, provide fior signs ihat fit with the
buiidings, and make the businesses ciearly identifiabie". This variance is in direct
contradiction to the plan on record.
Sneliing Hamiine Appeal Page 2
We, the undersig�ed residents o(the Snelling Park neighborhood in St. Paul, respecttully request
� that the Zoning Committee's decision to approve variance tile number 97-31y be overturned. This
�• variance, allows for a 50' taN196 square foot sig� (current zoning permits a 3T-6"l113 square foot
identiLcation sign) at the Ci[go (formerly Union 76) station located on the corner ot Snet{ing Avenne
and Interstate 94.
Its our understanding that in order For the variance to be approved, per Section 66.409 of the zoning
code, the applicant must have ".., a unique sign or unusual conditions pertaining to sign needs of a
specific building or lot, (the sign) would not be objectionable to adjacent property owners, and wou]d
not adversely atCect residential property through excessive giare and lighting". The signa[ures below
represent objection to this variance request. In addition, this variance request does not tollow the
intent to "adopt a uniform sign ordinance" as stated in the Selby Sneiling Sma11 Area Plan adopted
as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Plan in 1993.
We onnose the VarQer sien for the followine reasons:
1) another large sign would further detraci from the residential nature of our area,
2) other (uel stations in residential areas along Interstate 9A do not require towering signs,
3) neighboring businesses could apply for the same sign variance,
4) oversized signs would further commercialize our neighborhood and have the potential to
intimidate current and future residential dwellers in Snelling Park,
5) potential [o increase traffic and accidents in an already congested, accident-prone area
6) excessive glare and lighting, and
7) approving commercial sign variances would not follow the current Selby Snelling Small Land
Use Plan - adopted as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Plan in 1993.
Reasons whv we beiieve Citeo does not reqnire the lar¢er siQn to do business:
1) Citgo already has a consistent flow of business - mostly local residents, and
2) C+tgo occupies a prime location as the only fuei station at the busiest intersection in St. Paut.
We believe the above request has merit, and ask that you strongly consider our positioa Thani: you.
Name Address
L.U/-Q Y✓Qlll,Cr' V�cC- !'� y�'{.
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We, the undersigned residents of the Snelling Park neighborhood in St. Pau1, respeMtulty request
• tha[ the Zoning Committee's decision to approve variance file number 97-31y be overturned. This
� variance, allows tor a 50' ta1U196 square foot sign (curren[ zoning permits a 37'-6°/113 square foot
identiCication sign) at the Citgo (tormerly Union 76) station located on the corner of Snelling Avenue
and Interstate 94.
Its our understanding that in order for the variance to be approved, per Section 66.409 of the zoning
code, the applicant must have "... a unique sign or unusual conditions pertainin$ to sign needs of a
specific buiSding or iot, (the sign) would not be objectionable to ad}acent property owners, and would
not adverseiy affect residentiat property through excessive glare and lighting". The signatures below
represent objection to this variance request. In addition, this variance request does not follow the
intent to "adopt a uniform sign ordinance" as stated in the Selby Snelling Small Area Plan adopted
as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Ptan in 1993.
We oopose the lar¢er sign for the followin2 reasons:
1) another large sign would further detract from the residentiai nature of our area,
2) otfier fuel staSions irt residential areas along Interstate 94 do not require towering signs,
3) neighboring businesses couid apply tor the same sign variance,
4) oversized signs wouid further commereialize our neighborhood and have the potential to
intimidate current and future residential dwellers in Snelling Park,
5) potential to increase tratfic and accidents in an already wngested, accident-prone area
6) excessive glare and lighting, and
7) approving commercial sign variances woutd not follow ihe current Selby Snelting Small Land
CJse Plan - adopted as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Plan in 1993.
Reasons whv we believe CitEO does not require the tareer sian to do business:
1) Citgo already has a consistent tlow ol busi�ess - mostty local residents, and
2) Citgo occupies a prime location as the only fuel station at the busiest intersection in St. Pau1.
We believe the above request has merit, and ask that you strongly consider our position. Thank you.
�Ohnq G�SU
Name Address Signature
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7anuary 19, 1998
Saint Paul Planning Commission
clo Ken Ford
City Hail Annex
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paui, MN 55102
Dear Pianning Commissioners:
� �l� �_ .. _.� .__ . �.
The Boazd of Directors of the Midway Chamber of Commerce urges the Saint Paul Planning
Co:.�.snissica to urrold the Zo*ing Com^.�Ztiee's mct:c.^. to grant a sign hei�ht variance to ?erry
Showalter, dba Citgo, 326 North Snelling Avenue (on the agenda for 7anuary 30, 1998).
° •}�°�
As you will see, the sign that Mr. Showalter is planning io erect at a height of 50' is replacing a
similar sign at the same height which has been in place for more than a decade. Both City staff
and the Zoning Committee came to the conciusion that a sign at the allowed height would not be
as visible as the higher sign and in some cases would not be visibie at all. The location of Mr.
Showalter's service station, along a major freeway and in the heart of an regional commerciai
marketplace, makes a higher sign an important marketing toot to ensure the continued propsperity
of his business.
We understand that the Snelling Hamline Community Council has gone on record opposing the
variance because of its be]ief that too many sign variances are being granted and therefore there
are too many signs in St. Paul as a result. Whether one agrees with those statements or not, Mr,
Showalter should not be denied a variance reqUest for a sign that replaces an e�cisting sign.
If the Planning Commission and City Council decide to have a community dialogue on signage
issues, the Midway Chamber, which represents nearly 400 businesses in the City, will participate
to ensure that the necessary balance between neighborhood concerns, aesthetics and commerce, is
achieved. In the meantime, an excellent businessperson, with a long history of doing business in
St. Paul, paying sales tas and property tax, who is merely changing an e�cisting sign, should be
granted the required variance.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Ellen Watters
Executive Director
Spruce Tree Centre • Suite #4 • 1600 University Avenue West • St. Paui, MN 55104
PHONE: (612) 646-2636 FAX: (612) 646-2297
Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hail Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, January 30, 1998, at
830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Duarte, Engh, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl and
Present: Messrs. Field Jr., Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Mardell, McDonell and Nowlin.
Commissioners Mmes. *Faricy and Messrs. Chavez *Johnson, *Kong, Sharpe, and *Vaught
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, Nancy Homans, Roger
Ryan, and Jim Zdon, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Donna
Sanders, Councilmember Reiter's Office.
I. Approval of Minutes of January 9, 1998
MOTIQN: Commissioner Field moved approval of the minutes of January 9, I998;
Commissioner Gordon seconded the motion which carried unanimous[y on a voice vofe.
II. Chair's Announcements
Chair Morton suggested that e-mail addresses be included in the new Planning Commission
III. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Mr. Ford announced that the City Council decided to establish their o�vn advisory committee to
develop recommendations regarding the advertising sign issue. Commissioner McDonell stated
that it was his understanding thaY the recommendauons would come through the Planning
Gommission_ Mr. Ford responded that it witl.
Mr. Ford also announced that the appeal of the Planning Commission's decision on the
Mendota Town Homes near Lexington and 5t. Clair was upheld by the City Council. The
appeal was upheld because a netv compromise was negotiated in the process, so a new plan will
be coming before the Plan�ing Commission. He explained that he understands that the new
compromise will provide a littie better exterior finish on the units, improving their appearance;
it will also allow for two extra units.
Commissioner Gordon added that he understands that paft of that compromise is that the
� developer has assumed responsibility for widening the alley in its entirety, and that the �
developer will aiso assume responsibility for maintaining the alley. So, most of the units will
� have garages accessing the alley. There will also be more parking for the units as well as for
the neighborhood.
Commissioner Geisser asked Mr. Ford if it is possible that a member of the Planning
Commission be on the special task force that the City Council is putting together to study
advertising signs. Mr. Ford stated that he has not heard about a make-up for that task force.
MOTION Commissioner Geisser moved and Commissioner Gordon seconded a mofion that
with consultation by the Chair, a member of the Planning Commission be placed on the
advertising task force which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
IV. Zoning Committee
#47-309 Xia Van� - Special condition use permit to al(ow outdoor sales of used automobiles at
1 ll 5 Rice Street. (Nancy Homans, Northeast Team)
Commissioner Field noted that there are a number of conditio�s included on the resolution.
MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested special condition use
permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at III S Rice Street which carried
unanimously nn a voice votz
� #97-314 Jerrv Showalter - A 12'-6" sign height vaziance to allow replacement of an existing
identification sign at 326 Snelling Avenue North. (Jim Zdon, Southwest Team)
MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested sign height variance to
allow replacement of an existing identification sign at 326 Snelling Avenue North.
Commissioner Field explained that it is a replacement sign for Citgo who bought the Union 76
Station. He noted that the Snelling Hamline Community Council opposes the sign height
variance. No one spoke in support; one person spoke in opposition and one letter of opposition
was received. The Zoning Committee's vote was 42.
Commissioner Geisser spoke against the motion. She noted how busy that intersection already
is; there is so much going on there. She noted that the City is in the process of sludying this
issue. Commissioner Geisser is disturbed by the extra size of the new sign, and recalled from
the staff report that the sign can very easily be seen. She is also concerned about the person
who spoke in opposition because of glare and lighting. She cannot support giving him a lazger
Commissioner Field responded to Commissioner Geisser's comments. He began by saying that
the City is studying billboazds, not signs, so this particular sign does not fail under the prevue of
the City Council's discussion, and he would discourage anyone from tying those two together.
He stated that the applicant could enlazge the existing at a lower height without receiving any
approvai from the P.lanning Commission. He also said that he did not recall seeing in a letter
� any ob}ection to glare and lighting. It is included in the resolution, but he believes the
resolution in erroneous.
Commissioner Kramer noted that Commissioner Field is correct There is no mention of an
� objection to glare and lighting in the letter. He thinks that whether or not the resolution is
adopted, item AdQ needs to be amended.
MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved an amendment to the motion which wnuld delete
the fot[owing from item Ad� in the resolution: A6ut is objectionable to an owner on the
same black who objects to the glare and Zighting from the existing sign. However, there is
also a large fieestanding advertising sign which is directly across the alley from this
objectdng property owner.(� Commissioner Field seconded the motion to �mend which
carried unanimously on a voice vote.
Commissioner Gordon informed Commissioners that he voted against this motion at Zoning
Committee. He stated that he does see a relationship between biliboards and signs and he feels
that iYs part of the overall concern in the City for how much we intrude on space by permitting
billboards or signs that exceed variance limits that were established. In his mind he finds it
questionable that the applicant needs a higher sign to attract business. He doesn't feel that the
variance is justified in this case, or consistent with the direction Saint Paul ought to be going
with respect to considering these variances.
Commissioner Field commented in response to the perceived need or lack of need to the extra
height. Upon visiting the site, he made note that at a railroad bridge between Hamline and
Snelling, a lower sign would be obstructed from the westbound traffic to the point that
someone would miss the exit ramp by the time the sign came into view. Secondly, he noted
that Mr. Bates, who is one of the prime movers against billboards, says that billboards should
� not be in the neighborhoods, and this is a busy intersection at Snelling Avenue and an Interstate.
What better place to have signs; better that on a residential strucmre in the neighborhood. He
stated that this is clearly not a neighborhood in the purest sense. IYs a busy commercial area.
He sees this variance as a necessary part of the applicant's business.
Commissioner Gordon responded that he, too, has driven by and he thinks the sign can be seen
in time to access. Secondly, he said that this is a neighborhood; there are residences that
immediately abut on the area that this concerns. TYs not as commercial as Commissioner Field
would portray.
Commissioner Nowlin asked for clarification on the size of the sign. He asked if the cunent
sign is 50 feet, and if it is, why is the applicant asking for a variance? Commissioner Field
answered because he's reconstructing the sign. Commissioner Nowlin asked what kind of an
increase is this variance? Commissioner Field answered there is none.
Commissioner Treichel commented that the letter contained information about how people
behave in neighborhoods w�hich she ftnds disturbing. According to the letter, the writer alleges
that this particular properry owner has left big chunks of cement around, has not mowed his
grass, and has not shoveled his snow. Commissioner Treichel asked who is responsible for the
enforcement of the complaints; these complaints come up time and time again about how
someone is being a very poor neighbor.
Commissioner Kramer told the Commission that Commissioner Chavez has inquired as snch in
response to that letter. It was revealed that the applicant owns the gas stations, but appazently,
! does not own those adjacent properties. Commissioner Kramer informed the Commission that
afrer the Zoning Committee meeting he dropped that particulaz letter off in Councilmember
a � �
� Benanav's Office and pointed it out to Jane Prince.
Chair Morton noted that it was her understanding that the appiicant was dealing with Mobil to
try to purchase that property.
The amended motion on the floor to approve the requesied sign variance at 326 Snelling
Avenue North to atlow replacement of an existing identification sign carried on a rott call
vote of 12 - 3(Geisser, Gordon, Maddox).
#97-316 U.S. West Wireless - Special condition use permit to allow a cellular telephone
antenna on an existing residential buiiding less tha� 60' in height at 1305 Grand Avanue.
(Roger Ryan, Southeast Team)
Commissioner Field explained that at the Zoning Committee meeting, the applicant
demonstrated that the 60' structures that were not residential coutd not accommodate the
antennas, in particulaz, Mount Zion Temple, St. Luke's Church, and St. Paul's on the Hill
At the time of the meeting, the district council had not given an opinion, but subsequently, they
sent a letter in opposition to this proposed plan.
The Zoning Committee's vote was 4- 2.
� MOTION: Commissinner Field moved approval of the sequesied special condition use
permit to atdow a cellutar telephone antenna on an existing residential buitding less than 60'
in height at 1305 GrandAvenuz
Commissioner 2�3ordin questioned why they could not be back 20 more feet from Grand
Avenue. Commissioner Field responded that because these antennae need to talk to different
antennae, and because this is an area of poor reception in the City, if they moved it back it
would need to go higher, and so, it might be more apparent.
Commissioner Gordon stated that he voted against this at the Zoning Committee meeting and
will vote against it today. He thinks this is a cleaz violation of the zoning code:
The applicant demonstrates that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an
existing free standing pole, an existing residential structure at least 60' high, an existing
institutional use structure, or a business building within on haif mile radius of the proposed
He added that there are four options that the applicant must demonstrate do not work, and that
has not happened here. The applicant looked at three structures and decided that those three
didn't work. But those three structures do not begin to e�aust the categories of options just
reviewed from the zoning code. It is the burden of the applicant to show that none of these
other options work, and that showing has clearly not been made.
� In addition, Commissioner Gordon pointed out that Mayor Coleman has repeatedly said that he
considers Grand Avenue one of the gems of the City, and that many of the Commissioners
agree with that. 1n this area, he said, we need to be especially sensitive and protective. He dces
' , �' i
� c,ity of saint paul
planning c,ommiss.ion resolution
file number g
(�te Januant 3Q, 1998
�i �' �'��
��I3EREAS, Jerry Showalter, file # 97-314, has applied for a sign variance under the provisions
of Section 66.409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of replacing an existing
identification sign. Applicant is requesting a 12'-6" sign vaziance for a sign height of 50' when
37'-6" is the maximum allowed by code on property located at 326 N Snelling , legally described
as see file; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 1l15I98, held a public
hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64,300 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code; and
� WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
1. The applicant is the owner of the property and has owned the property since 1986. The
applicant is requesting a sign vaziance as part of an change from a Union 76 to a Citgo station.
The applicant would like to replace an existing 50 foot free standing circulaz si�n of
approximately 113 square feet with a new 50 foot freestanding square shaped sien of 196 square
feet. The replacement woutd include both the sign and pole structure. The maximum height on a
freestanding sign in a B-3 zone is 37'-6" feet. A height variance of 12'-6" is required.
2. The ability of the applicant's request for a sign variance to conform to the provisions of
section 66.409 of the zoning code is as follows:
a. The proposed sign in not unique but there are unusual conditions
pertaining to sign needs on the site. The applicant is requesting the variance because he
states that visibility of a shorter 37'-5" sign from the freeway would be severely restricted.
However, sign height is not a relevant visibility factor for east bound I-94 freeway users
bzcause sight of the gas station's existing sign is blocked by bridges and vegetation. It is
moved by Field
� seca�ded by
in favor 12
a�IC�St_ 3 (Geisser, Gordon, Maddox)
� ,
qg _ a �g
� only when one is at the foot of the Snelling Avenue exit ramp that one can view the
existing sign. At that distance a 37'-6" sign would be just as visible as a 50 foot sign. Por
west bound freeway users, however, the existing SO foot sign_ is cleazly visible afteL one
passes undemeath the I-Iamline Avenue overpass. At that point, one can see the sign
before it is further obstructed by a rail road overpass and the Pascal Street overpass. For
this stretch of the freeway, a 37'-6" feet sign would not have the same level of visibility as
a 50 foot sign.
b. The proposed sign generally meets the intent of the sign chapter. Under the
vaziance request, the new sign and pole will be 12'-6" above the zoning code height
maximum of 37'-6"and the sign size will be increased by 83 squaze feet. Even with this
size increase, the total squaze footage of all signs on the property is within the code
c. The proposed sign will not create a hazard or violate Minnesota
Statutes or rules and regulations.
d. The proposed sign is not objectionab]e to adjacent property owmers but is
objectionable to an owner on the same block who objects to the glare and lighting from
the existing sign. However, there is also a large freestanding advertisin� sign which is
directly across the ailey from this objecting property owner.
� e. The proposed sign is in keeping with the general chazacter of the surrounding
azea. The gas station is located at one of the husiest traffic intersections in Sain? Paul.
Approximately 48,500 vehicles use this section of Snelling Avenue. The I-94 freeway
entrance ramp off Concordia Avenue carries about 12,500 vehicles a day. To the east is a
commercial restaurant along with a freestanding outdoor advertising sign. To the south
is a vacant single family home. To the north is I-94 and to the wesi, across Snelling
� Avenue, is a vacant lot surrounded by a 6 foot chain link fence.
I`T01V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under
the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application to allow a 12'-6" sign height vaziance
at 326 N. Snelling is hereby approved.
. _ , � - `- `� � ��,-a��
PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Wencl and Messrs. Chavez, Fiefd, Gordon and Kramer of the
Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadiez, Homans and
Keiley and Messrs. Ryan and Zdon of the Planning Division.
EXCUSED: Ms. Faricy and Mr. Vaught
The meeting was chaired by Litton Field, Chairperson.
.fERRY SHOWALTER. 326 N. Sneflina Avenue• 97-314� Sign Variance. To ailow replacement of
an existing identification sign with a sign height of 50' requested and 37' and 6" affowed.
Jim Zdon, PED, Southwest Quadrant, presented s{ides and reviewed the staff report stating staif
recommends approval of the sign variance. He referred to a fax received from the District Councii
statfng their opposition to the sign variance, to a telephone cal{ from the owner of the Ma{t Shop who
stated they are not in opposition as long as the sign did not obstruct theirs, and to a letter of
opposition from the property owner at 1555 Carroll.
Upon question of Chair Field, Roger Ryan explained the difference between a square and circular
� sign and he noted this is an increase in the s+ze of the sign.
Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon stated the existing sign is 50 feet high, and that
Finding 2d is in error as the residentia{ property referenced is not adjacent to this site.
Commissioner Chavez referred to the slides shown and requested in the future that photos be taken
at the level of traffic.
Jerry Showalter, 326 N. Snelling, appeared and stated he has been at this site since 1986 and now
owns the premises. F!e referred to the ad}acent property and said it is owned by Mobil who presently
is in negotiations to purchase it.
At the question of Commissioner Chavez pertaining to the value of the height variance, Mr.
Showaiter explained that some people driving wi{I be able to see the sign and turn off the highway
to come to his business, and that others who aren't able to turn off will at least see his sign so in the
future wifl know he's there.
Upon question of Commissioner Wencl pertaining to Citgo, Mr. Showalter stated they do have a sign
variance at that tocation as well.
Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Showatter referred to the diagram and showed that the
objecting homeowner tives on thee block of his business but is one house away from the alley. Fie
also explained that the sign is designed to be fourteen feet wide and aiso is designed for light which
wil{ face east and west.
� Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Showalter stated the business wiH be open 24 hours
and the fight wi11 be on tfie entire time.
Commissioner Chavez referred to �omments made regarding the two drive-up telephones at this
site, and Mr. Showaiter acknowiedged the tefephones and his inability to controi his customers using
q g.a��
Zoning Committee Minutes
January 15, 1998
Jerry Showalter; 97-314
Page Two
�ilen Watters (1600 University Avenue), Director of the Midway Chamber of Commerce, appeared
and spoke in support of the sign variance. She said {-94 is a major thoroughfare which has many
signs that high. She said denying this variance wouid cause undue hardship to Mr. Showalter, that
he is a responsible businessman who would fike to enhance his business, and she urged the
Commissioner to keep this thriving business in the area.
George Jurgensen, 1530 Ashland Avenue, spoke in opposition to the variance. He said he is a
delegate of University UNITED and they discussed this issue at their last meeting and unanimously
voted in opposition to it. He questioned why there are regulations for signs and then variances, and
stated that the Snelling Hamline Community Council also is in opposition to the variance.
Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Showalter stated he was not invited to the January 9th
meeting of the Snelling Hamline Community Council.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Showalter said with the sign height variance there
would be visibility of it every day.
No one else appeared and the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Morton moved to approve the sign variance based on findings 2a, b, c and e, and the
motion was seconded by Commissioner Wencl.
Commissioner Gordon expressed his concern with approving a sign variance when the direction of
the City Council is to cut back on signage, and that he is not convinced that a 50 foot sign is needed
over a 37 foot sign.
Jim Zdon explained the visibility of the sign height variance east6ound and westbound on t-94 and
that it would replace the existing sign.
Chair Field spoke in support of the motion.
There was no further discussion.
ADOPTED YEAS - 4 NAYS - 2(Chavez and Gordon)
Drefted by:
Pattie Kelfey
Recording Secrela
Submitted by:
im Zd
Souih t Quadrant
. •
F2LE � 97-314
°18 -'y� `1
APPLIG�IT: Serry Showalter DATE OF FiEARING: 1/15/98
LOCATION: 326 N. Snelling; Southeast corner of Snelling and Concordia
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subject to avenue the following lots 6 thru 9, Block
2; Snelling Park
7. STAFE INVESTIGATION � REPORT: DATE: January 6, 1998 BY: James Zdon
• A.
PURPOSE: A 12'-6" sign height variance to allow replacement of an
existing identi£ication sign. A sign height of 50' requested and 37'-6 "
maximum allowed.
PARCEL SIZE: This corner parcel has 162.85 feet of frontage on
Snelling Avenue and 128.72 feet of Erontage on Concordia Avenue for a
total lot area of 20,949 square feet.
EXZSTING LAND USE: The property is occupied by d gasoline station.
North: Interstate I-94
East: Commercial restaurant in a B-3 zoning district. �
South: A vacant single family home in a B-3 zoning district.
West: - A vacant lot used for vehicle storage in a RT-1 zoning
E. Zoning Code Citation: Section 66.409 of the zoning code states, "the
planning commission shall have the authority to grant variances from the
strict applications of this chapter for unique signs or unusual
conditions pertaining to sign needs of a specific building or lot,
provided such signs would not be contrary to the general intent of this
chapter, would not create a hazard, would not violate Minnesota State
Statutes or rules and regulations developed pursuant thereto, would not
be objecCionable to adjacent property owners, would not adversely affect
residential property through excessive glare and lighting and provided
that the signs would be in keeping with the general character of the
surrounding area. The commission may not grant a variance that would
permit the sign within a zoning district which is not otherwise
permitted in tliat zoning district under the provision o£ this chapter."
F. ASSTORYjDISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this
G DISTRICT COIINCIL RECOMMENDATION: As of 3anuazy 6, 1998, the Snelling
Fiamline Community Council had not taken a position on the variance
request. The owner of the commercial restaurant to the east called to
indicate that he was not opposed to the height variance as long as the
new sign does not obstruct the view of his billboard. Resident at 1555
Carroll(See attached letter) wroCe to express his opposition to the
1. The applicant is the owner of the property and has owned the property
since 1986. The applicant is requesting a sign variance as part of an
change from a Union 76 to a Citgo station.
The applicant would like to replace an existing 50 foot free standing
circular sign of approximately 113 square feet with a new 50 foot
freestanding square shaped sign of 196 square feet. The replacement
, would include both the sign and pole structure. The maximum height on a
• freestanding sign in a B-3 zone is 37'-6" feet. A height variance of
12'-6" is zequired.
2. The ability of the applicant's request for a sign variance to conform
to the provisions of section 66.409 of the zoning code is as follows:
a. The proposed sign in not unique but there are unusual conditions
pertaining to sign needs on the site. The applicant is reguesting
the variance because he states that visibility o£ a shorter 37'-6"
sign from the freeway would be severely restricted. However, sign
height is noC a relevant visibility factor for east bound I-94
freeo�ay users because sight of the gas station's existing sign is
blocked by bridges and vegetation. It is only when one i.s at the
foot of the Snelling Avenue exit ramp that one oan view the
- existing sigxx. At that distance a 37'-6" sign would be just as
visible as a 50 foot sign. For west bound freeway users, however,
the existing 50 foot sign is clearly visible after one passes
underneath the Hamline Avenue overpass. At that point, one can see
the sign before it is furthez obstructed by a rail road overpass
and the Pascal StreeC overpass. For this stretch of the freeway, a
37'-6" feet sign would not have the same level of visibility as a
50 foot sign.
b. The proposed sign generally meets the intent of the sign
chapter. Under the variance request, the new sign and
� pole will be 12'-6�� above the zoning code height maximum of 37'-
6"and the sign size wi11 be increased by 83 square feet. Even witri
this size increase, the total square footage of all signs on the
property is within the code maximum.
f ,
q �. �'��
• c. The proposed sign will not create a hazard or violate Minnesota
Statutes or rules and regulations.
d. The proposed sign is objectionable to an adjacent residential
progerty owner who objects to the glare and lighting £rom the
existing sign. However, there is also a large freestanding
advertising sign which is directly across the alley from this
objecting property owner.
e. The proposed sign is in keeping with the general character of the
surrounding area. The gas station is located at one o£ the
busiest traffic intersections in Saint Paul. Approximately 48,500
vehicles use this section of Snelling Avenue. The I-94 freeway
entrance ramp off Concordia Avenue carries about 12,500 vehicles a
day. To the east is a commercial restaurant along with a
freestanding outdoor advertising sign. To the south is a vacant
single family home. To the north is T-94 and to the west, across
Snelling Avenue, is a vacant lot surrounded by a 6 foot chain link
T. STAFF RECOM23ENDATTON: Based on findings 2a, b, c and e, staff recommends
approval oE the variance.
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3�U SG Peter Street, Suite
Saint Paael, MN�i102-1�
°lk - � 3 '►
Zoning office use only
Fite number: � � ' � �'�
'Pee. 'Z7�' � ,
Ter�taUve heanng date:
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Property interest of appiicant (owner, contract purchaser, etc.) �� i ,1J F.'/"�. �,,!°L��� i%!��
Name of owner (if
LegaldescripGon i C%S 1��.� .:� � ,{''bLIGt �i,�1'���1'� �-C:�,_�%�
(attachadditionalsheetifnecessary) �.�� (
Lot size �, 5��� � /�% present Zoning� Present Use -S�i"-�6 LP .)l�fi �: �
Proposed Use �.2X�: (,� �`x � � ( �'1 �J
1. Variance(s) requested: �� /�i�t.�' [i '� �(LQ.�IsJ ''�t-� `L.h�+'--�'' 1 T Y I �i}-� 4 JJ
� F� �= 1 T'Y`�► � s�� i= G—C�1 � "3 7� r ff�� �-i /�- l C��.� c
I ��= s.y-� S p�.� p.��p�:,�. �
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2. What physical characteristics of the property prevent its being used for any of the permitted uses in your zone?
(topography, si�e and shape of lot, soii conditions, etc.) +
��P,t�/.��- �i�c��s-/�i y ;,S /fG'.�,,`-� 20 -{r e7" R �c'�-
� /CFl e5� G , f�-cE' ( �� t e^'� ��ec+� /
S,� .ti�
3. Expiain how the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would result in peculiar or exceptional
practicai difficulties or exceptionai undue hardships. �
��51 )1 L/ I� I'ivv'�. 1�'�<, r/L f11C�a �� vJ� �c.'t/tili.j ��iYLIC.IE'�
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,4S �i�. .C�x: si �,.�. . S,-`J��✓
4. Exp{ain how the granting of a variance wili not be a substantial detriment
to the public good or a substantial impairment of the intent and purpose
of the Zoning Ordinance
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PURPOSE � i �"�� U��'� �� � �� zoning district boundary
FILE # � � � � «' DATE '� � �� � `7 � subject property n` orth�`
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PLNG. DIST � S. MAP # ` ll o one family •• � commercia�
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SCALE 1" = 400' �
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January 2,1998
Adam Clift
I555 Canoll Ave
St Paul, MN 55 LOS
JAN 0 5 i95t�
zoaing Cammittee
25 West Fourth St
I100 City Hall Annex
St Paul, MN 55102
Dear Members of the Zoning Committee,
I am wriflng in regard to zoning file number 97-314; the zoning file name is Jerry Showalter and it is
about pSacing a 50' sign wlien a maximum of 3T-6" is allowed. I own and live adjacent to the gas station
and can view tl�e top of [he present sign from my bedroom. I can not attend the hearing on 7anuazy 15th
but I�vant to m.ilce sure I express my disapproval and give you several reasons wh} tl�is zoning request
should be rejected.
A larger sign would detract from the residenual nature of the block and would potentially make it a
freeway pit-stop. Their present sign can already be seen when exiting from the freeway and tl�ey also have
a prime location on one of the busiest intersections in St Paul. They have a constant flow of business and
a larger sign would not necessary mean an increase in business or inerease their visibiliry. Otl�er gas
stations along the freeway in residential areas do not have towering signs. Also, there are 3 o[her nearby
businesses (The Malt Shop, 7ires Plus, and Total) which have signs and potentially they could request
larger signs. If you accept tliis zoning request, you have a weaker defense in rejecung otlier special
zoning requests. Larger signs would make my neighborliood look much more commercial and wouldba
intimidating to residential dwellers. If other Saint Paul residents do not have to put up �vith tall signs, I
see no reason wl�y my neighborhood sl�ould have too.
Tl�e gas station has been negligent in maintaining its neighborhood appearance and quite simply dces not
deserve special VeatmenL About hvo years ago they had to purcl�ase hvo neighbor homes because of a
Ic;akage of tlieir under ground storage tanks. One home is all boarded up and they use that lot as an
additional parking lot for tlieir cars they service a[ their shop. It is a small car junk yard. Tf�e other
house, 1561 Carroll, which is right next to my has been neglected and is falling apart. I know it has
received severa] complaint calls to tlie city, as it is an eyesore and a pxoblem. For the farst }'ear, nobody
mowed the grass or shoveled the snow. At thai time, since I«�as una�vare of the o�imer, I began to mow
and shovel. I have since contacted the city and I believe the house is being taken care of by the Vacant
Home Aepartment. iast winter, iiomeless peopie lived in the garage for ai least ihrzc :�'ceks, Prescr.ly,
part of the backyard fence is torn down from this past summer's storm and tl�e front concrete retainer wall
has crumbled apart; there is over 200 lbs. of concrete currently laying on the sidewalk. The sta6on is
clearly neglecting its responsibilities and is make our neigl�twrhood less attracli��e. They do not deserve
special treatment.
As someone who lives near tl�e gas station and would have to wake up every momina looking at Uie new
sign, I ask that you rejec[ the tatLer sign proposal. The gas station could advertise by using a nearby
billboard whlch is already zoned appropriately. In summary, I feel the gas station does not need a larger
sign and does not desenre special treatment. There is no need io make my neighborhood more
✓ . . A.
If you wish to contact me my home number is 659-0960 and work number is 671-5857. I will be on
vacalion from January 14[h to the 20th.
P.S. The gas station haz two drive up telephones and they present a nuisance. The people who frequently
use these phones crank their car stereo's in the background while they talk; the base actually vibrates my
house. Zoning outside public phones near residential homes should not be ailowed.
S se,�. �,`� ru � 3 q$ - a�
(� Planning Coinmission can grant a varianceJ �ee Sac. 66.409. There are five errors in �`�
�j(�the Plannif�g Commission's findings. v�
� A �� I,/Af GtSUI�J � �,'� �1�✓+ f�- �' �2V�Ll `TO Cj4l �� ''' �%1.c21 ; �.�5�- /Y�������
� ��'r 1. ". ni i�P or un�a�al conditions oPrtainina to Siqn n ed� s ior a soec�i�c ����c� �'� QroT
ThiS Star�dard is not met.
y frotn tiie interstate is ar
�anance5 or all signs tha
;ion's resolution states that
so, the case cou ma e to
2. f'rbvided s�ch sians ��o�id not be contr�y to the qPnPral intent of this
This st�atidard is not met. The general intent of this chapter of the Zoning Code
is to set st�nd�rds and regulate sign usage in Saint Paul. This variance would allow
the sign to b� tl5irty three percent higher than the standard. Aithough the Code
pTOVides far variances, they shouid not be granted for signs that so greatiy exceed the
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3. " Wou1d not be obiectionab4e t4 adjacent Rro�v owners".
This st�ndard is not met. Mr. Adam�lift,_[esidin at 1555 Carroll Avenue
> to this Variance, as stated in his January 2 letter to the Zoninq �mittei
opposing tfii5 variance.
be more of a blight to Mr.
4. " W I n v r I tt r � n � i r r nr �� x �� ��
�nd liqhtina". �
This �tdndard is not met. Clearly, if Mr. Adam Clift can see the current sign froi
hys bedroc�rti w+ndow, he wtit d'+sapprove ot a sign that is 83 square feet larger at
same height. `�-
5. _,,,t(�� siqn ��ou1d be �n keepjla with the qPneral character of the
� �ii �P�undina area".
� Thi� St�lidard is not met. 7his area is charactetized by a mixture of commercial
and resid�nti�) us2s. The lotlowing businesses which neighbor Citgo along Snelting
Avenue i�i�lut��t Tires Plus, Tota , o-op a ing, _ e en redit Company, ne ing
businesses have signs_v
V. Con�iU�ttsh
Tfi� �l�nning Commission has no authority to issue any variance which fails
any of tfl� �Eiove standard�. Fu�tiier, the above arguments are supported by the
recomm�ftt��tions ot the Sn�liing-Setby Small Area Plan, adopted by the Planning
CommiSSi�ii �Fld City Council in 1993 as an amendment to the Land Use Chapter of
the Cotn�St�Fi�nSive Plan, which state "A uniform sign ordinance shouid be adopted
that wili buil� bh the unique character oi the area, improve its visual appearance,
reduce Sigii ClUtter, provide sign consistency, provide for signs that fit with the
building"s, �f�d make the businesses ciearly identifiable". This variance is in direct
contradiction to the plan on record.
Snsliing Hamtine Appea! Page 2
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� e, th� uddersigned residents ot ihe Snellin P r e�g o 0o m t. Paul, respectfully request �
� `�,, that th� Zbning Committee's decisfon to approve v9riance fiie ttumber 97-31y bc overturned. This +�
� varianCe, �Ilows for a 50' ta1V146 square toot sign (current zorting permits a 3T-6°/113 square foot
identi'fication sign) at the Citgo (formerly Union 76) station iocated on the corner o[Snelling Avenue
�. and Intersfate 44.
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Its our undetstanding that in order fior the variance to be approved, per Section 66.409 of the zoning
code, the 9�3pticant must have "... a uniqub sign or unusual conditions pertaining to sign needs oCa �
specific building or lot, (the sigh) would not be objectionable to adjacent property owners, and would j A(� ��
not adversely aftect residential property through excessive glare and lighting". The signatures belo ��
represent bbjection to fhis variance request, In addition, this variance request does not follow t
inient to "adopt a uniform sign ordinance" as stated in the Selby Snelling Small Area Plan a ted ���
as an gmendment to the SL Paul Land Use Plan in 1993. ,,}
�Ve 000dse the lareer sien for the foitowine reasons: �Ik� �( '�
� 0' �t � �
1) another farge sign would turther detract from the residential nature oCour area,� 1:,
`2) oth¢r iuel stations in residentiai areas atong Intcrstatc 94 do not requirt to��ering signs,
3) neighbOring businesses could �pply for the same sign variance,
4) oversii@d signs woutd turther commercialize our neighborhood and 4ave thc potentiaf to
intiinid�te current and tuture residential dwetlers in Snelling Park,
S) ptltentlil to increase tratGc 9nd accidents in 8n already congested, accident-prone area
6) pkersii4� glare and lighting, and
7) �pproVfng commbrcia) sign varlsnces wonld not follow the current Selby Snelling Small Land
U32 h1ai� - adopted as an amendment to the St. Pau] Land Use Ylan in 1993.
Reasons wh we believe Cit o does not r uire the Iar er si n to do busin ss: �� �
�� w ��� ��J.,vus c Sa T NCG-O /lJL+tsz / � s - + � � n J � �
�• n:s ..:�..�...t.. �....... .....e.��e..e f1..m nf Fueinaec _ mneNv Inral rP<iAenlS. SII'tl S U I t �
2) CitgB dctupies a prime tocation as the o ly fuel statwn at t e busiest intersection in Si. PaT ��
o u� � ?/oT �—�n l►�ce R- /rc�t- ro ti��' t+kUz �J-Fr S
We b@li�ve t e a ove request has merit, and ask that you strongly consider our posiL on. Thank you.
�Ohnq ��SD
Name Address
�..D/"Q {'✓Q l�C �' yt (.( ; ��,ed
z/bito Nan�h�i[ �fommruJ3� 155�7 '�9�t �ic y�- 7�7'{.
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Council File # "139
Presented By
Referred To
Green Sheet # lL/����
Committee: Date
2 WHEREAS, in Zoning File No. 97-3 ] 4, Jerry Showalter, pursuant to the provisions of
3 the Saint Paul Zoning Code § 66.409, made application to the Saint Paul Planning Commission
4 for a twelve (12) foot - six (6) inch sign height variance to allow replacement of an e�sting
5 identification sign for properry located at 326 Snelling; Southeast corner of Snelling and
6 Concordia, legally described as "Subject to avenue the following lots b through 9, Block 2;
7 Snelling Park"; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Plauning Commission conducted a public
hearing on January 15, 1998, after hauing provided notice to affected property owners and
submitted its recommendation to the commission; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, by its resolution No. 98-03 dated January 30,
1998, decided to grant the application based upon the following findings and conclusions:
1. "The appficant is the owner of the property and has owned the property since 1986. The
applicant is requesting a sign variance as part of change from a Union `76 to a Citgo
The applicant would like to replace an existing fifly foot free standing circular sign of
approximately 1] 3 sq. ft. with a new fifry foot free standing squaze shaped sign of 196 sq.
ft. The replacement would include both the sign and pole structure. The maximum
height on a free standing sign in a B3 zone is 37- 6 inch feet. A height variance of 12 feet
6 inches is required.
2. The ability of the applicant's request for a sign variance to conform to the provisions of
§ 66.409 of the zoning code is as follows:
a. The proposed sign is not unique but there aze unusual conditions
pertaining to sign needs on the site. The applicant is requesting
variance because he states that visibiliiy of a shorter 37' - 6" sign
from the freeway wouid be severely restricted. However, sign
height is not a relevant visibility factor for eastbound I-94 freeway
users because sight of the gas station's exiting sign is blocked by
bridges and vegetation. It is only when one is at the foot of the
Snelling Avenue exit ramp that one can view the existing sign. At
that distance a 37' - 6" sign would be just as visible as a fifty foot
sign. For westbound freeway users, however, the existing fifty foot
sign is clearly visible after one passes underneath the Hamline
Avenue overpass. At that point, one can see the sign before it is
1 further obstructed by a railroad overpass and the Pascal Street
2 overpass. For this stretch of the freeway, a 37' - 6" sign would not
3 have the same level of visibility as a fifiy foot sign.
5 b. The proposed sign generally meets the intent of the sign chapter. Under
6 the variance request the new sign and pole will be 12' - 6" above the
7 zoning code height maximum of 37' - 6" and the sign size wili increase by
8 83 sq. ft. Even with this size increase, the total square footage of all signs
9 on the properiy is within the code maximum.
ll c. The proposed sign will not create a hazzard or violate Minnesota Statutes
12 or rules and regulations.
d. The proposed sign is not objecflonable to adjacent property owners, but is
objectionable to an owner on the same biock who objects to the glare and
lighting from the existing sign. However, there is also a large free
standing advertising sign which is directly across the alley from this
objecting property owner.
e. The proposed sign is in keeping with the general character of the
surrounding area. The gas stafion is located at one of the busiest tr�c
intersections ]n Saint Paul. Approximately 48,500 vehicles use this
section of Snelling Avenue. The I-94 freeway entrance ramp off
Concordia Avenue carries about 12,500 vehicles a day. To the East is a
commercial restaurant along with the free standing outdoor advertising
sign. To the South is a vacant single family home. To the North is I-94
and to the West, across Sneliing Avenue, is a vacant lot surrounding by a
six foot chain link fence." ; and
WIiEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64.206 the
Snelling - Hamline Community Council, on February 17, 1998, duly filed with the Zoning
section of the Planning Division, an appeal from the determination made by the Planning
Commission, requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of
considering the actions taken by the said commission; and
a � _ a 39
WHEREAS, acting pursuant to § 64.206 through § 64.208 and upon notice to affected
parties, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on March 11, 1998, where all
interested parties were given an opportw�ity to be heard; and
WHEREAS, having heard the statements made and having considered the application,
the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the Zoning Committee and of the
Planning Commission, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby •
RESOLVE, that the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter is hereby
reversed, based upon the following findings:
The Pianning Commission made errors in its findings 2(a) and (2)d.
The site of the proposed sign does not constitute an unusual condition.
The fact that the filling station is located next to a freeway is not so
unusual that the extra visibility provided by a higher sign is necessary.
2. The greater height and greater size of proposed sign would adversely
affect adjacent residential properties. Due to the greater height and size of
the proposed sign, its light would cast even more glare on surrounding
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal of the Snelling - Hamline
Community Council be and is hereby granted; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution
to Jerry Showalter and the Snelling - Hamline Community Council, the Zoning Administrator,
and the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission.
Requested by Department of:
Form Appsoved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council
BY� By:
Approved by Mayor: Date
� !� �!a -�� 1 - �
; �\ � 1
� , , �
Adopted by Council: Date 1_\.n_ 1 1\�qg
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
qi� � �
City Council 3-25-98 GREEN SHEET No 60862
Counci Benanav , ��
1 1998 xureoecon °t °"'`"""
�� nmxuuaFaxcFSOw. wuxew.araw�cwo
Finalizing City Council acton taken March 11, 1998 gxanting the appeal of the Snelling
Hamline Community Council to a decision of the Planning Commission granting a sign
variance at 326 North Snelling Avenue.
Fias tnis a�rsoMmn everwaticed undx a cantmct f« thic departmenrt
Fies ihis persoNfirtn ever been a cily empbyee7
Does this PeR�rm 0� a sidll not normalNP� M' any eurrent city empbyee?
Is Mis peBOrUfrm a falpetetl vendoR ' .
C CLIEZ+`,33 �°J`c�`i�4�Li'D ��.+°4�1��
�[`' .. � a�,,
Peg Birk, Ciry Attorney p�. � 1,h
� a ►
Norne Coleman, Mtryor
400 CiTy Hail
IS West Keliogg Bivd
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Telephone: 612 266-8770
Facsimile: 612 29&5619
March 23, 1998
Nancy Anderson
Assistant Secretary, Saint Paul City Council
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: Appeal by Snelling-Hamline Community Council of
Planning Commission File No. 97-314
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Hand Delivered
Attached please find a resolution signed as to form memorializing decision of the Saint Paul City
Council in the matter of the appeal of Snelling-Hamline Community Council, Zoning File No.
98-033. This matter should be placed on the council's consent agenda at your earliest
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
Peter W. Warner
Assistant City Attorney
�i('i!e'Ci3i33 i3°,iC�(Ci�l .�i``.�',3
��� � ��3 ����
612 228 3314 P.02/02
Division afPlonning
Narm Cofemen, Mayar 25 West Fourrh Syreet rdephane: 672�266-6565
Sailu Pauf, MN55IO2 Faarmf4: 6J�228d314
�+�� �
February 23, I998
Ms. Nancy Aederson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Ha11
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Deaz Ms. Anderson:
1 would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduted for Wednesday
March 11, 1998 for the following appeal of a Planning Commission decision to grant a sign vaziance:
File Number:
Legal Description
of Property:
Previous Action:
Saelling Hamline Communiry Council
Appeal of a Planning Commission decision to grant a sign variance to Jerry
326 N. Snelling Avenue
Subj to avertue the following lots 6 thru 9, Block 2; Snelling Park
Planning Commission Racommendation: Approval, vote; 12-3 January 30, 1948
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Approval, vote: 4-2 January 15, 1998
My understandfng is tlwt this public hearing request will appeaz on the agenda for the March 11, 1998
City Council meeting and that you will pahlish notice ofthe hearing in the Saint Pau] Legal Ledger.
Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions.
James Zdon
City Planner
cc; File #98-033
Paul Dubruiel
Pattie Kelly
_ x F7RSlRUN+ . _ \
The Saint Paul �1ty Council will conduct, a public hearing on Wednesday, Mazch 11,
3998 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Ftoor City Hall-COUrt House,
to consider the appeal of the Snellin�s Hamline Communify Council to a decision of the
Planning Comaiission granting a sign variance at 326 North Snelling Avenue.
Dated: February 25. 1998 _ _
Assistanf CiTy Council Secretary ' ' , _
_ � lFebruarv 28. f998) -
NOrm Coleman, Mayor
March 3, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the City Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Division of Plmmiisg
25 Wesr Fourth Street
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Te[ephone: 672-266-6565
Facsimile: 612-228-3314
RE: Zoning File #98-033 Snelling Hamline Community Council
City Council Hearing: March 11, 1998, 530 p.m. to 6:30 p.m, City Council Chambers
PURPOSE: To consider Snelling Hamline Community Council's appeal of a Planning Commission
decision to grant a 12'-6'" sign variance for a sign height of 50' when 37'-6" is the maYimum allowed by
code on property located at 326 N. Snelling.
SUPPORT: Midway Chamber of Commerce submitted a letter and spoke in favor.
OPPOSITION: Snelling Hamline Community Council submitted a letter and spoke against. One resident
submitted letter opposing variance.
Deu Ms. Anderson:
The Sne(ling Hamline Community Council is appealing a Planning Commission decision to grant a sign
height variance for properiy located at 326 N. Snelling. The Zoning Committee of the Planning
Commission held a public hearing on the proposed variance on January 15, 1998. At the close of the
public hearing, the committee voted 4-2 to recommend approval of the sign variance. On January 30,
1998, the Planning Commission upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for approval on a vote
of 12-3.
This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on March 11, 1998. Please notify me if any
member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing.
i �
Ken Ford
Planning Administrator
cc: City Council members
' � Snelling 1573 SelbyAvenue, Suite 311
� Hamline SaintPaul,Minnesota 55104 q�'�'��
� ,.,� Community
"""'"' �S COUriCII
Board of D'uectors February 17, 1998
644.1085 Fax 917.9991
e-mail karen.dalton@sfpaul.gov
Officers City Councilmember Jay Benanav
JohnKnH«ke Room 310 City Hail
�"'"°" Saint Paul, MN 55102
�R w.ka
Ia Vice P,titarne
snia�y R�ca�r
7td Ya Aesidm[
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Libuly SIa4 BuJc ReprarnGtive
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Go�don Meeka
T«n Robiwn
Fred Schuler
Se4y Kn H«ke
c.ry w��
Dear Counciimember Benanav:
Enclosed please find documentation appealing the Pianning Commission's January
30, i998 decision to grant a variance to Jerry Showalter regarding Zoning File
Number 97-314. The Snelling Hamline Community Council believes there were sev-
eral errors in the Planning Commission's findings which led them to approve this vari-
ance request. The Community Council asks that you review the facts and grant this
As the recognized citizen participation planning district for the area bounded by
Sneliing, University, Hamline and Summit Avenues, the Snelling Hamline Community
Council is committed to our mission of coming together to work on issues of common
interest to make our neighborhood a better piace to work and five. We believe granti-
ng the variance requested in Zoning File Number 97-314 is not in the common inter-
est of our community, nor does it conform to the recently adopted Snelling Selby
Small Area Plan, which was created to guide development in this area.
r""k`"'�a"' In addition to granting this appeai, the Snelling Hamline Community Council requests
Staff a refund for the $150 filing fee. We base this request on the fact that one of the
,�„Q,D.,��, responsibilities of the Pianning Commission is to uphold the laws of the City of Saint
Execvti.eDiRCtor Paul, which they failed to do this in this case. The Community Council should not be
QIMINCYNCIl6! liable for carrying the financial burden of correcting this
Community DevdopmMl
���•�� failure. Thank you for your consideration.
sn�aty� vo�
xo��g c�a�,.�ml
co�,�,��cy o���
��n V�...
John Van Hecke
cc: City Council
Saint Paui Planning Commission
Robert Kessler, License, Inspection and Environmenta{ Protection
Pamela Wheelock, Planning and Economic Development
Jerry Showalter, property owner
Irene Rodriguez, University UNITED
Elien Watters, Midway Chamber of Commerce
Jerry Sognesand, Sneliing Selby Business Association
Citv AttorneV's Office
1. Zoning ardinance
St. Paul Zoning Code, Ghapter 66, governs business signs. The last major
revision of Chapter 66 occurred in 1987 and provides that the height limit for all
business signs to be 37" 1/2'.
No sign shall project higher than thirty seven and one-haif
(37 1f2) feet above grade...Zoning Gode 66.205 (a) (3).
II. Background
Jerry Showalter has owned the property at 326 Snelling Avenue North since
1986. In December, 1997, Mr. Showafter requested a sign variance as part of a
change from a Union 76 to a Citgo station. The curreni Union 76 sign is 50' high and
1l3 square feet in surface area. The proposed replacement sign is 50' high and 196
square feet in surface area. 7he maximum height on a freestanding sign in a B-3
zone is 37 1/2 feet, fior a variance request of 12'6".
At its regularly scheduled board meeting on January 9, 1998, the Snelling
Hamline Community Council unanimously passed a resolution opposing the granting
of this variance. Reasons cited by board members included the opposition of an
adjoining property owner, Adam Clift, the number of similar variances being granted
� by the Planning Commission for signs that are not unique or have unusuaf conditions,
reduced {ivability of the city and detriment to the character of the neighborhood.
On January 15, 1998, the Zoning Committee held a public hearing. Mr
Showalter spoke on his own behalf and Snelling Hamline Community Council
member George Jurgenson spoke on beha{f of the Council. Adam Ciift, the neighbor
in opposition to this variance, indicated in a letter to the Zoning Committee that he
wouid be unable to attend. The Zoning Committee supported the variance on a vote of
The matter came befiore the Planning Commission on January 30, 1998 and
was approved on a 12-3 vote.
At its regu{arly scheduled board meeting an February 5, 1998, the Snelling
Hamiine Communiiy Councii unanimousiy passed a resolution to appeai the Planning
Commission's decision to the City Council.
III. Opposition
The Snelling Hamline Community Council, which is recognized by the City of
Saint Pau! as the citizen participation planning district for the area bounded by
Sneliing, University, Hamline and Summit Avenues, opposes the granting of this
variance. The Merriam Park Community Council, whose jurisdiction is directly
adjacent to the property at 326 Snelling Avenue North, has been on record since 1995
opposing any variances being granted from the Zoning Code. This is not the time to
set a precedent for other area businesses to apply for variances, but is an opportune
� time to bring non-conforming signs into conformance.
IV. Grounds for Appeal
The Zoning Code specifies the standards which must be met before the
Sneiling Hamiine Appeal Page 1
Planning Commission can grant a variance. See Sec. 66.409. There are tive errors in
the Planning Commission's findings. G`g •'� ��
� 1. " 1ni uP or inus�ai conditions �ertainina to ign needs for a s ..ifi .
building or lot".
This standard is not met. The Pianning Commission's resolution states that
visibility from the iMerstate is an "unusuai condition". if so, the case could be made to
grant variances for ali signs that are visible from the +nterstate.
2. " Provid d s� h signs would not be contraq� t the qeneral intent of this
This standard is not met. The generai intent of this chapter of the Zoning Code
is to set standards and reguiate sign usage in Saint Paui. This variance would allow
the sign to be thirty three percent higher than the standard. Although the Code
provides for variances, they should not be granted for signs that so greatiy exceed the
3. " Would not be obj�ctionable to adiacent �rq�erty owners".
This standard is not met. Mr. Adam Glift, residing at 1555 Carroll Avenue,
objects to this variance, as stated in his January 2 letter io the Zoning Committee. The
top of the current sign is visibie from Mr. Clift's bedroom. A new sign at the same
height but 83 square feet bigger wiil most certainiy be more of a blight to Mr. Cfift. in
addition, of Mr. Clift's neighbors in Sneiling Park have signed a petition
opposing this variance.
� 4. " Would not adverse� aftect res+dential }�roRerty thro�qh excessive I� are
and lightina".
This standard is not met. Clearly, if Mr. Adam Clift can see the current sign from
his bedroom window, he will disapprove of a sign ihai is 83 square feet larger at the
same height.
5. " The signs would be in keeRing with the g�nerai character ot the
�urroundinq area".
This standard is not met. This area is characterized by a m+xture of commercial
and residential uses. The foilowing businesses which neighbor Citgo a(ong Snelling
Avenue include: Tires Pius, Totai, Co-op Plating, Getten Credit Company, Snelling
Motors and All Care Veterinary Hospital. None of these businesses have signs which
exceed the Zoning Gode height limit of 37 1/2'.
V. Conciusion
The Pianning Commission has no authority to issue any variance which fails
any of the above standards. Further, the above arguments are supported by the
recommendations of the Snelling-Selby Small Area Plan, adopted by the Planning
Commission and C+ty Council in 1993 as an ame�dment to the Land Use Chapter of
the Comprehensive Plan, which state "A uniform sign ordinance should be adopted
that wili bu+ld on the unique character af the area, improve its visual appearance,
� reduce sign ciutter, provide sign consistency, provide fior signs ihat fit with the
buiidings, and make the businesses ciearly identifiabie". This variance is in direct
contradiction to the plan on record.
Sneliing Hamiine Appeal Page 2
We, the undersig�ed residents o(the Snelling Park neighborhood in St. Paul, respecttully request
� that the Zoning Committee's decision to approve variance tile number 97-31y be overturned. This
�• variance, allows for a 50' taN196 square foot sig� (current zoning permits a 3T-6"l113 square foot
identiLcation sign) at the Ci[go (formerly Union 76) station located on the corner ot Snet{ing Avenne
and Interstate 94.
Its our understanding that in order For the variance to be approved, per Section 66.409 of the zoning
code, the applicant must have ".., a unique sign or unusual conditions pertaining to sign needs of a
specific building or lot, (the sign) would not be objectionable to adjacent property owners, and wou]d
not adversely atCect residential property through excessive giare and lighting". The signa[ures below
represent objection to this variance request. In addition, this variance request does not tollow the
intent to "adopt a uniform sign ordinance" as stated in the Selby Sneiling Sma11 Area Plan adopted
as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Plan in 1993.
We onnose the VarQer sien for the followine reasons:
1) another large sign would further detraci from the residential nature of our area,
2) other (uel stations in residential areas along Interstate 9A do not require towering signs,
3) neighboring businesses could apply for the same sign variance,
4) oversized signs would further commercialize our neighborhood and have the potential to
intimidate current and future residential dwellers in Snelling Park,
5) potential [o increase traffic and accidents in an already congested, accident-prone area
6) excessive glare and lighting, and
7) approving commercial sign variances would not follow the current Selby Snelling Small Land
Use Plan - adopted as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Plan in 1993.
Reasons whv we beiieve Citeo does not reqnire the lar¢er siQn to do business:
1) Citgo already has a consistent flow of business - mostly local residents, and
2) C+tgo occupies a prime location as the only fuei station at the busiest intersection in St. Paut.
We believe the above request has merit, and ask that you strongly consider our positioa Thani: you.
Name Address
L.U/-Q Y✓Qlll,Cr' V�cC- !'� y�'{.
.Snzllrnn Nu�f�lioiC �F�^ixm« , l5�/7 `�9�e L/c.
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We, the undersigned residents of the Snelling Park neighborhood in St. Pau1, respeMtulty request
• tha[ the Zoning Committee's decision to approve variance file number 97-31y be overturned. This
� variance, allows tor a 50' ta1U196 square foot sign (curren[ zoning permits a 37'-6°/113 square foot
identiCication sign) at the Citgo (tormerly Union 76) station located on the corner of Snelling Avenue
and Interstate 94.
Its our understanding that in order for the variance to be approved, per Section 66.409 of the zoning
code, the applicant must have "... a unique sign or unusual conditions pertainin$ to sign needs of a
specific buiSding or iot, (the sign) would not be objectionable to ad}acent property owners, and would
not adverseiy affect residentiat property through excessive glare and lighting". The signatures below
represent objection to this variance request. In addition, this variance request does not follow the
intent to "adopt a uniform sign ordinance" as stated in the Selby Snelling Small Area Plan adopted
as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Ptan in 1993.
We oopose the lar¢er sign for the followin2 reasons:
1) another large sign would further detract from the residentiai nature of our area,
2) otfier fuel staSions irt residential areas along Interstate 94 do not require towering signs,
3) neighboring businesses couid apply tor the same sign variance,
4) oversized signs wouid further commereialize our neighborhood and have the potential to
intimidate current and future residential dwellers in Snelling Park,
5) potential to increase tratfic and accidents in an already wngested, accident-prone area
6) excessive glare and lighting, and
7) approving commercial sign variances woutd not follow ihe current Selby Snelting Small Land
CJse Plan - adopted as an amendment to the St. Paul Land Use Plan in 1993.
Reasons whv we believe CitEO does not require the tareer sian to do business:
1) Citgo already has a consistent tlow ol busi�ess - mostty local residents, and
2) Citgo occupies a prime location as the only fuel station at the busiest intersection in St. Pau1.
We believe the above request has merit, and ask that you strongly consider our position. Thank you.
�Ohnq G�SU
Name Address Signature
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7anuary 19, 1998
Saint Paul Planning Commission
clo Ken Ford
City Hail Annex
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paui, MN 55102
Dear Pianning Commissioners:
� �l� �_ .. _.� .__ . �.
The Boazd of Directors of the Midway Chamber of Commerce urges the Saint Paul Planning
Co:.�.snissica to urrold the Zo*ing Com^.�Ztiee's mct:c.^. to grant a sign hei�ht variance to ?erry
Showalter, dba Citgo, 326 North Snelling Avenue (on the agenda for 7anuary 30, 1998).
° •}�°�
As you will see, the sign that Mr. Showalter is planning io erect at a height of 50' is replacing a
similar sign at the same height which has been in place for more than a decade. Both City staff
and the Zoning Committee came to the conciusion that a sign at the allowed height would not be
as visible as the higher sign and in some cases would not be visibie at all. The location of Mr.
Showalter's service station, along a major freeway and in the heart of an regional commerciai
marketplace, makes a higher sign an important marketing toot to ensure the continued propsperity
of his business.
We understand that the Snelling Hamline Community Council has gone on record opposing the
variance because of its be]ief that too many sign variances are being granted and therefore there
are too many signs in St. Paul as a result. Whether one agrees with those statements or not, Mr,
Showalter should not be denied a variance reqUest for a sign that replaces an e�cisting sign.
If the Planning Commission and City Council decide to have a community dialogue on signage
issues, the Midway Chamber, which represents nearly 400 businesses in the City, will participate
to ensure that the necessary balance between neighborhood concerns, aesthetics and commerce, is
achieved. In the meantime, an excellent businessperson, with a long history of doing business in
St. Paul, paying sales tas and property tax, who is merely changing an e�cisting sign, should be
granted the required variance.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Ellen Watters
Executive Director
Spruce Tree Centre • Suite #4 • 1600 University Avenue West • St. Paui, MN 55104
PHONE: (612) 646-2636 FAX: (612) 646-2297
Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hail Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, January 30, 1998, at
830 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Duarte, Engh, Geisser, Maddox, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wencl and
Present: Messrs. Field Jr., Gervais, Gordon, Kramer, Mardell, McDonell and Nowlin.
Commissioners Mmes. *Faricy and Messrs. Chavez *Johnson, *Kong, Sharpe, and *Vaught
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator; Jean Birkholz, Kady Dadlez, Nancy Homans, Roger
Ryan, and Jim Zdon, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Donna
Sanders, Councilmember Reiter's Office.
I. Approval of Minutes of January 9, 1998
MOTIQN: Commissioner Field moved approval of the minutes of January 9, I998;
Commissioner Gordon seconded the motion which carried unanimous[y on a voice vofe.
II. Chair's Announcements
Chair Morton suggested that e-mail addresses be included in the new Planning Commission
III. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Mr. Ford announced that the City Council decided to establish their o�vn advisory committee to
develop recommendations regarding the advertising sign issue. Commissioner McDonell stated
that it was his understanding thaY the recommendauons would come through the Planning
Gommission_ Mr. Ford responded that it witl.
Mr. Ford also announced that the appeal of the Planning Commission's decision on the
Mendota Town Homes near Lexington and 5t. Clair was upheld by the City Council. The
appeal was upheld because a netv compromise was negotiated in the process, so a new plan will
be coming before the Plan�ing Commission. He explained that he understands that the new
compromise will provide a littie better exterior finish on the units, improving their appearance;
it will also allow for two extra units.
Commissioner Gordon added that he understands that paft of that compromise is that the
� developer has assumed responsibility for widening the alley in its entirety, and that the �
developer will aiso assume responsibility for maintaining the alley. So, most of the units will
� have garages accessing the alley. There will also be more parking for the units as well as for
the neighborhood.
Commissioner Geisser asked Mr. Ford if it is possible that a member of the Planning
Commission be on the special task force that the City Council is putting together to study
advertising signs. Mr. Ford stated that he has not heard about a make-up for that task force.
MOTION Commissioner Geisser moved and Commissioner Gordon seconded a mofion that
with consultation by the Chair, a member of the Planning Commission be placed on the
advertising task force which carried unanimously on a voice vote.
IV. Zoning Committee
#47-309 Xia Van� - Special condition use permit to al(ow outdoor sales of used automobiles at
1 ll 5 Rice Street. (Nancy Homans, Northeast Team)
Commissioner Field noted that there are a number of conditio�s included on the resolution.
MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested special condition use
permit to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles at III S Rice Street which carried
unanimously nn a voice votz
� #97-314 Jerrv Showalter - A 12'-6" sign height vaziance to allow replacement of an existing
identification sign at 326 Snelling Avenue North. (Jim Zdon, Southwest Team)
MOTION: Commissioner Field moved approval of the requested sign height variance to
allow replacement of an existing identification sign at 326 Snelling Avenue North.
Commissioner Field explained that it is a replacement sign for Citgo who bought the Union 76
Station. He noted that the Snelling Hamline Community Council opposes the sign height
variance. No one spoke in support; one person spoke in opposition and one letter of opposition
was received. The Zoning Committee's vote was 42.
Commissioner Geisser spoke against the motion. She noted how busy that intersection already
is; there is so much going on there. She noted that the City is in the process of sludying this
issue. Commissioner Geisser is disturbed by the extra size of the new sign, and recalled from
the staff report that the sign can very easily be seen. She is also concerned about the person
who spoke in opposition because of glare and lighting. She cannot support giving him a lazger
Commissioner Field responded to Commissioner Geisser's comments. He began by saying that
the City is studying billboazds, not signs, so this particular sign does not fail under the prevue of
the City Council's discussion, and he would discourage anyone from tying those two together.
He stated that the applicant could enlazge the existing at a lower height without receiving any
approvai from the P.lanning Commission. He also said that he did not recall seeing in a letter
� any ob}ection to glare and lighting. It is included in the resolution, but he believes the
resolution in erroneous.
Commissioner Kramer noted that Commissioner Field is correct There is no mention of an
� objection to glare and lighting in the letter. He thinks that whether or not the resolution is
adopted, item AdQ needs to be amended.
MOTION: Commissioner Kramer moved an amendment to the motion which wnuld delete
the fot[owing from item Ad� in the resolution: A6ut is objectionable to an owner on the
same black who objects to the glare and Zighting from the existing sign. However, there is
also a large fieestanding advertising sign which is directly across the alley from this
objectdng property owner.(� Commissioner Field seconded the motion to �mend which
carried unanimously on a voice vote.
Commissioner Gordon informed Commissioners that he voted against this motion at Zoning
Committee. He stated that he does see a relationship between biliboards and signs and he feels
that iYs part of the overall concern in the City for how much we intrude on space by permitting
billboards or signs that exceed variance limits that were established. In his mind he finds it
questionable that the applicant needs a higher sign to attract business. He doesn't feel that the
variance is justified in this case, or consistent with the direction Saint Paul ought to be going
with respect to considering these variances.
Commissioner Field commented in response to the perceived need or lack of need to the extra
height. Upon visiting the site, he made note that at a railroad bridge between Hamline and
Snelling, a lower sign would be obstructed from the westbound traffic to the point that
someone would miss the exit ramp by the time the sign came into view. Secondly, he noted
that Mr. Bates, who is one of the prime movers against billboards, says that billboards should
� not be in the neighborhoods, and this is a busy intersection at Snelling Avenue and an Interstate.
What better place to have signs; better that on a residential strucmre in the neighborhood. He
stated that this is clearly not a neighborhood in the purest sense. IYs a busy commercial area.
He sees this variance as a necessary part of the applicant's business.
Commissioner Gordon responded that he, too, has driven by and he thinks the sign can be seen
in time to access. Secondly, he said that this is a neighborhood; there are residences that
immediately abut on the area that this concerns. TYs not as commercial as Commissioner Field
would portray.
Commissioner Nowlin asked for clarification on the size of the sign. He asked if the cunent
sign is 50 feet, and if it is, why is the applicant asking for a variance? Commissioner Field
answered because he's reconstructing the sign. Commissioner Nowlin asked what kind of an
increase is this variance? Commissioner Field answered there is none.
Commissioner Treichel commented that the letter contained information about how people
behave in neighborhoods w�hich she ftnds disturbing. According to the letter, the writer alleges
that this particular properry owner has left big chunks of cement around, has not mowed his
grass, and has not shoveled his snow. Commissioner Treichel asked who is responsible for the
enforcement of the complaints; these complaints come up time and time again about how
someone is being a very poor neighbor.
Commissioner Kramer told the Commission that Commissioner Chavez has inquired as snch in
response to that letter. It was revealed that the applicant owns the gas stations, but appazently,
! does not own those adjacent properties. Commissioner Kramer informed the Commission that
afrer the Zoning Committee meeting he dropped that particulaz letter off in Councilmember
a � �
� Benanav's Office and pointed it out to Jane Prince.
Chair Morton noted that it was her understanding that the appiicant was dealing with Mobil to
try to purchase that property.
The amended motion on the floor to approve the requesied sign variance at 326 Snelling
Avenue North to atlow replacement of an existing identification sign carried on a rott call
vote of 12 - 3(Geisser, Gordon, Maddox).
#97-316 U.S. West Wireless - Special condition use permit to allow a cellular telephone
antenna on an existing residential buiiding less tha� 60' in height at 1305 Grand Avanue.
(Roger Ryan, Southeast Team)
Commissioner Field explained that at the Zoning Committee meeting, the applicant
demonstrated that the 60' structures that were not residential coutd not accommodate the
antennas, in particulaz, Mount Zion Temple, St. Luke's Church, and St. Paul's on the Hill
At the time of the meeting, the district council had not given an opinion, but subsequently, they
sent a letter in opposition to this proposed plan.
The Zoning Committee's vote was 4- 2.
� MOTION: Commissinner Field moved approval of the sequesied special condition use
permit to atdow a cellutar telephone antenna on an existing residential buitding less than 60'
in height at 1305 GrandAvenuz
Commissioner 2�3ordin questioned why they could not be back 20 more feet from Grand
Avenue. Commissioner Field responded that because these antennae need to talk to different
antennae, and because this is an area of poor reception in the City, if they moved it back it
would need to go higher, and so, it might be more apparent.
Commissioner Gordon stated that he voted against this at the Zoning Committee meeting and
will vote against it today. He thinks this is a cleaz violation of the zoning code:
The applicant demonstrates that the proposed antennas cannot be accommodated on an
existing free standing pole, an existing residential structure at least 60' high, an existing
institutional use structure, or a business building within on haif mile radius of the proposed
He added that there are four options that the applicant must demonstrate do not work, and that
has not happened here. The applicant looked at three structures and decided that those three
didn't work. But those three structures do not begin to e�aust the categories of options just
reviewed from the zoning code. It is the burden of the applicant to show that none of these
other options work, and that showing has clearly not been made.
� In addition, Commissioner Gordon pointed out that Mayor Coleman has repeatedly said that he
considers Grand Avenue one of the gems of the City, and that many of the Commissioners
agree with that. 1n this area, he said, we need to be especially sensitive and protective. He dces
' , �' i
� c,ity of saint paul
planning c,ommiss.ion resolution
file number g
(�te Januant 3Q, 1998
�i �' �'��
��I3EREAS, Jerry Showalter, file # 97-314, has applied for a sign variance under the provisions
of Section 66.409 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of replacing an existing
identification sign. Applicant is requesting a 12'-6" sign vaziance for a sign height of 50' when
37'-6" is the maximum allowed by code on property located at 326 N Snelling , legally described
as see file; and
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 1l15I98, held a public
hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64,300 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code; and
� WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public heazing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
1. The applicant is the owner of the property and has owned the property since 1986. The
applicant is requesting a sign vaziance as part of an change from a Union 76 to a Citgo station.
The applicant would like to replace an existing 50 foot free standing circulaz si�n of
approximately 113 square feet with a new 50 foot freestanding square shaped sien of 196 square
feet. The replacement woutd include both the sign and pole structure. The maximum height on a
freestanding sign in a B-3 zone is 37'-6" feet. A height variance of 12'-6" is required.
2. The ability of the applicant's request for a sign variance to conform to the provisions of
section 66.409 of the zoning code is as follows:
a. The proposed sign in not unique but there are unusual conditions
pertaining to sign needs on the site. The applicant is requesting the variance because he
states that visibility of a shorter 37'-5" sign from the freeway would be severely restricted.
However, sign height is not a relevant visibility factor for east bound I-94 freeway users
bzcause sight of the gas station's existing sign is blocked by bridges and vegetation. It is
moved by Field
� seca�ded by
in favor 12
a�IC�St_ 3 (Geisser, Gordon, Maddox)
� ,
qg _ a �g
� only when one is at the foot of the Snelling Avenue exit ramp that one can view the
existing sign. At that distance a 37'-6" sign would be just as visible as a 50 foot sign. Por
west bound freeway users, however, the existing SO foot sign_ is cleazly visible afteL one
passes undemeath the I-Iamline Avenue overpass. At that point, one can see the sign
before it is further obstructed by a rail road overpass and the Pascal Street overpass. For
this stretch of the freeway, a 37'-6" feet sign would not have the same level of visibility as
a 50 foot sign.
b. The proposed sign generally meets the intent of the sign chapter. Under the
vaziance request, the new sign and pole will be 12'-6" above the zoning code height
maximum of 37'-6"and the sign size will be increased by 83 squaze feet. Even with this
size increase, the total squaze footage of all signs on the property is within the code
c. The proposed sign will not create a hazard or violate Minnesota
Statutes or rules and regulations.
d. The proposed sign is not objectionab]e to adjacent property owmers but is
objectionable to an owner on the same block who objects to the glare and lighting from
the existing sign. However, there is also a large freestanding advertisin� sign which is
directly across the ailey from this objecting property owner.
� e. The proposed sign is in keeping with the general chazacter of the surrounding
azea. The gas station is located at one of the husiest traffic intersections in Sain? Paul.
Approximately 48,500 vehicles use this section of Snelling Avenue. The I-94 freeway
entrance ramp off Concordia Avenue carries about 12,500 vehicles a day. To the east is a
commercial restaurant along with a freestanding outdoor advertising sign. To the south
is a vacant single family home. To the north is I-94 and to the wesi, across Snelling
� Avenue, is a vacant lot surrounded by a 6 foot chain link fence.
I`T01V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission, that under
the authority of the City's Legislative Code, the application to allow a 12'-6" sign height vaziance
at 326 N. Snelling is hereby approved.
. _ , � - `- `� � ��,-a��
PRESENT: Mmes. Morton and Wencl and Messrs. Chavez, Fiefd, Gordon and Kramer of the
Zoning Committee; Mr. Warner, Assistant City Attorney; Mmes. Dadiez, Homans and
Keiley and Messrs. Ryan and Zdon of the Planning Division.
EXCUSED: Ms. Faricy and Mr. Vaught
The meeting was chaired by Litton Field, Chairperson.
.fERRY SHOWALTER. 326 N. Sneflina Avenue• 97-314� Sign Variance. To ailow replacement of
an existing identification sign with a sign height of 50' requested and 37' and 6" affowed.
Jim Zdon, PED, Southwest Quadrant, presented s{ides and reviewed the staff report stating staif
recommends approval of the sign variance. He referred to a fax received from the District Councii
statfng their opposition to the sign variance, to a telephone cal{ from the owner of the Ma{t Shop who
stated they are not in opposition as long as the sign did not obstruct theirs, and to a letter of
opposition from the property owner at 1555 Carroll.
Upon question of Chair Field, Roger Ryan explained the difference between a square and circular
� sign and he noted this is an increase in the s+ze of the sign.
Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Zdon stated the existing sign is 50 feet high, and that
Finding 2d is in error as the residentia{ property referenced is not adjacent to this site.
Commissioner Chavez referred to the slides shown and requested in the future that photos be taken
at the level of traffic.
Jerry Showalter, 326 N. Snelling, appeared and stated he has been at this site since 1986 and now
owns the premises. F!e referred to the ad}acent property and said it is owned by Mobil who presently
is in negotiations to purchase it.
At the question of Commissioner Chavez pertaining to the value of the height variance, Mr.
Showaiter explained that some people driving wi{I be able to see the sign and turn off the highway
to come to his business, and that others who aren't able to turn off will at least see his sign so in the
future wifl know he's there.
Upon question of Commissioner Wencl pertaining to Citgo, Mr. Showalter stated they do have a sign
variance at that tocation as well.
Upon question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Showatter referred to the diagram and showed that the
objecting homeowner tives on thee block of his business but is one house away from the alley. Fie
also explained that the sign is designed to be fourteen feet wide and aiso is designed for light which
wil{ face east and west.
� Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Showalter stated the business wiH be open 24 hours
and the fight wi11 be on tfie entire time.
Commissioner Chavez referred to �omments made regarding the two drive-up telephones at this
site, and Mr. Showaiter acknowiedged the tefephones and his inability to controi his customers using
q g.a��
Zoning Committee Minutes
January 15, 1998
Jerry Showalter; 97-314
Page Two
�ilen Watters (1600 University Avenue), Director of the Midway Chamber of Commerce, appeared
and spoke in support of the sign variance. She said {-94 is a major thoroughfare which has many
signs that high. She said denying this variance wouid cause undue hardship to Mr. Showalter, that
he is a responsible businessman who would fike to enhance his business, and she urged the
Commissioner to keep this thriving business in the area.
George Jurgensen, 1530 Ashland Avenue, spoke in opposition to the variance. He said he is a
delegate of University UNITED and they discussed this issue at their last meeting and unanimously
voted in opposition to it. He questioned why there are regulations for signs and then variances, and
stated that the Snelling Hamline Community Council also is in opposition to the variance.
Upon question of Commissioner Kramer, Mr. Showalter stated he was not invited to the January 9th
meeting of the Snelling Hamline Community Council.
At the question of Commissioner Gordon, Mr. Showalter said with the sign height variance there
would be visibility of it every day.
No one else appeared and the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Morton moved to approve the sign variance based on findings 2a, b, c and e, and the
motion was seconded by Commissioner Wencl.
Commissioner Gordon expressed his concern with approving a sign variance when the direction of
the City Council is to cut back on signage, and that he is not convinced that a 50 foot sign is needed
over a 37 foot sign.
Jim Zdon explained the visibility of the sign height variance east6ound and westbound on t-94 and
that it would replace the existing sign.
Chair Field spoke in support of the motion.
There was no further discussion.
ADOPTED YEAS - 4 NAYS - 2(Chavez and Gordon)
Drefted by:
Pattie Kelfey
Recording Secrela
Submitted by:
im Zd
Souih t Quadrant
. •
F2LE � 97-314
°18 -'y� `1
APPLIG�IT: Serry Showalter DATE OF FiEARING: 1/15/98
LOCATION: 326 N. Snelling; Southeast corner of Snelling and Concordia
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subject to avenue the following lots 6 thru 9, Block
2; Snelling Park
7. STAFE INVESTIGATION � REPORT: DATE: January 6, 1998 BY: James Zdon
• A.
PURPOSE: A 12'-6" sign height variance to allow replacement of an
existing identi£ication sign. A sign height of 50' requested and 37'-6 "
maximum allowed.
PARCEL SIZE: This corner parcel has 162.85 feet of frontage on
Snelling Avenue and 128.72 feet of Erontage on Concordia Avenue for a
total lot area of 20,949 square feet.
EXZSTING LAND USE: The property is occupied by d gasoline station.
North: Interstate I-94
East: Commercial restaurant in a B-3 zoning district. �
South: A vacant single family home in a B-3 zoning district.
West: - A vacant lot used for vehicle storage in a RT-1 zoning
E. Zoning Code Citation: Section 66.409 of the zoning code states, "the
planning commission shall have the authority to grant variances from the
strict applications of this chapter for unique signs or unusual
conditions pertaining to sign needs of a specific building or lot,
provided such signs would not be contrary to the general intent of this
chapter, would not create a hazard, would not violate Minnesota State
Statutes or rules and regulations developed pursuant thereto, would not
be objecCionable to adjacent property owners, would not adversely affect
residential property through excessive glare and lighting and provided
that the signs would be in keeping with the general character of the
surrounding area. The commission may not grant a variance that would
permit the sign within a zoning district which is not otherwise
permitted in tliat zoning district under the provision o£ this chapter."
F. ASSTORYjDISCIISSION: There are no previous zoning cases concerning this
G DISTRICT COIINCIL RECOMMENDATION: As of 3anuazy 6, 1998, the Snelling
Fiamline Community Council had not taken a position on the variance
request. The owner of the commercial restaurant to the east called to
indicate that he was not opposed to the height variance as long as the
new sign does not obstruct the view of his billboard. Resident at 1555
Carroll(See attached letter) wroCe to express his opposition to the
1. The applicant is the owner of the property and has owned the property
since 1986. The applicant is requesting a sign variance as part of an
change from a Union 76 to a Citgo station.
The applicant would like to replace an existing 50 foot free standing
circular sign of approximately 113 square feet with a new 50 foot
freestanding square shaped sign of 196 square feet. The replacement
, would include both the sign and pole structure. The maximum height on a
• freestanding sign in a B-3 zone is 37'-6" feet. A height variance of
12'-6" is zequired.
2. The ability of the applicant's request for a sign variance to conform
to the provisions of section 66.409 of the zoning code is as follows:
a. The proposed sign in not unique but there are unusual conditions
pertaining to sign needs on the site. The applicant is reguesting
the variance because he states that visibility o£ a shorter 37'-6"
sign from the freeway would be severely restricted. However, sign
height is noC a relevant visibility factor for east bound I-94
freeo�ay users because sight of the gas station's existing sign is
blocked by bridges and vegetation. It is only when one i.s at the
foot of the Snelling Avenue exit ramp that one oan view the
- existing sigxx. At that distance a 37'-6" sign would be just as
visible as a 50 foot sign. For west bound freeway users, however,
the existing 50 foot sign is clearly visible after one passes
underneath the Hamline Avenue overpass. At that point, one can see
the sign before it is furthez obstructed by a rail road overpass
and the Pascal StreeC overpass. For this stretch of the freeway, a
37'-6" feet sign would not have the same level of visibility as a
50 foot sign.
b. The proposed sign generally meets the intent of the sign
chapter. Under the variance request, the new sign and
� pole will be 12'-6�� above the zoning code height maximum of 37'-
6"and the sign size wi11 be increased by 83 square feet. Even witri
this size increase, the total square footage of all signs on the
property is within the code maximum.
f ,
q �. �'��
• c. The proposed sign will not create a hazard or violate Minnesota
Statutes or rules and regulations.
d. The proposed sign is objectionable to an adjacent residential
progerty owner who objects to the glare and lighting £rom the
existing sign. However, there is also a large freestanding
advertising sign which is directly across the alley from this
objecting property owner.
e. The proposed sign is in keeping with the general character of the
surrounding area. The gas station is located at one o£ the
busiest traffic intersections in Saint Paul. Approximately 48,500
vehicles use this section of Snelling Avenue. The I-94 freeway
entrance ramp off Concordia Avenue carries about 12,500 vehicles a
day. To the east is a commercial restaurant along with a
freestanding outdoor advertising sign. To the south is a vacant
single family home. To the north is T-94 and to the west, across
Snelling Avenue, is a vacant lot surrounded by a 6 foot chain link
T. STAFF RECOM23ENDATTON: Based on findings 2a, b, c and e, staff recommends
approval oE the variance.
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3�U SG Peter Street, Suite
Saint Paael, MN�i102-1�
°lk - � 3 '►
Zoning office use only
Fite number: � � ' � �'�
'Pee. 'Z7�' � ,
Ter�taUve heanng date:
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Day[ime Phone_�/�� S � �' �
Property interest of appiicant (owner, contract purchaser, etc.) �� i ,1J F.'/"�. �,,!°L��� i%!��
Name of owner (if
LegaldescripGon i C%S 1��.� .:� � ,{''bLIGt �i,�1'���1'� �-C:�,_�%�
(attachadditionalsheetifnecessary) �.�� (
Lot size �, 5��� � /�% present Zoning� Present Use -S�i"-�6 LP .)l�fi �: �
Proposed Use �.2X�: (,� �`x � � ( �'1 �J
1. Variance(s) requested: �� /�i�t.�' [i '� �(LQ.�IsJ ''�t-� `L.h�+'--�'' 1 T Y I �i}-� 4 JJ
� F� �= 1 T'Y`�► � s�� i= G—C�1 � "3 7� r ff�� �-i /�- l C��.� c
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/ 2 / L tt2r r> '�
2. What physical characteristics of the property prevent its being used for any of the permitted uses in your zone?
(topography, si�e and shape of lot, soii conditions, etc.) +
��P,t�/.��- �i�c��s-/�i y ;,S /fG'.�,,`-� 20 -{r e7" R �c'�-
� /CFl e5� G , f�-cE' ( �� t e^'� ��ec+� /
S,� .ti�
3. Expiain how the strict application of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would result in peculiar or exceptional
practicai difficulties or exceptionai undue hardships. �
��51 )1 L/ I� I'ivv'�. 1�'�<, r/L f11C�a �� vJ� �c.'t/tili.j ��iYLIC.IE'�
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,4S �i�. .C�x: si �,.�. . S,-`J��✓
4. Exp{ain how the granting of a variance wili not be a substantial detriment
to the public good or a substantial impairment of the intent and purpose
of the Zoning Ordinance
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PURPOSE � i �"�� U��'� �� � �� zoning district boundary
FILE # � � � � «' DATE '� � �� � `7 � subject property n` orth�`
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PLNG. DIST � S. MAP # ` ll o one family •• � commercia�
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SCALE 1" = 400' �
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January 2,1998
Adam Clift
I555 Canoll Ave
St Paul, MN 55 LOS
JAN 0 5 i95t�
zoaing Cammittee
25 West Fourth St
I100 City Hall Annex
St Paul, MN 55102
Dear Members of the Zoning Committee,
I am wriflng in regard to zoning file number 97-314; the zoning file name is Jerry Showalter and it is
about pSacing a 50' sign wlien a maximum of 3T-6" is allowed. I own and live adjacent to the gas station
and can view tl�e top of [he present sign from my bedroom. I can not attend the hearing on 7anuazy 15th
but I�vant to m.ilce sure I express my disapproval and give you several reasons wh} tl�is zoning request
should be rejected.
A larger sign would detract from the residenual nature of the block and would potentially make it a
freeway pit-stop. Their present sign can already be seen when exiting from the freeway and tl�ey also have
a prime location on one of the busiest intersections in St Paul. They have a constant flow of business and
a larger sign would not necessary mean an increase in business or inerease their visibiliry. Otl�er gas
stations along the freeway in residential areas do not have towering signs. Also, there are 3 o[her nearby
businesses (The Malt Shop, 7ires Plus, and Total) which have signs and potentially they could request
larger signs. If you accept tliis zoning request, you have a weaker defense in rejecung otlier special
zoning requests. Larger signs would make my neighborliood look much more commercial and wouldba
intimidating to residential dwellers. If other Saint Paul residents do not have to put up �vith tall signs, I
see no reason wl�y my neighborhood sl�ould have too.
Tl�e gas station has been negligent in maintaining its neighborhood appearance and quite simply dces not
deserve special VeatmenL About hvo years ago they had to purcl�ase hvo neighbor homes because of a
Ic;akage of tlieir under ground storage tanks. One home is all boarded up and they use that lot as an
additional parking lot for tlieir cars they service a[ their shop. It is a small car junk yard. Tf�e other
house, 1561 Carroll, which is right next to my has been neglected and is falling apart. I know it has
received severa] complaint calls to tlie city, as it is an eyesore and a pxoblem. For the farst }'ear, nobody
mowed the grass or shoveled the snow. At thai time, since I«�as una�vare of the o�imer, I began to mow
and shovel. I have since contacted the city and I believe the house is being taken care of by the Vacant
Home Aepartment. iast winter, iiomeless peopie lived in the garage for ai least ihrzc :�'ceks, Prescr.ly,
part of the backyard fence is torn down from this past summer's storm and tl�e front concrete retainer wall
has crumbled apart; there is over 200 lbs. of concrete currently laying on the sidewalk. The sta6on is
clearly neglecting its responsibilities and is make our neigl�twrhood less attracli��e. They do not deserve
special treatment.
As someone who lives near tl�e gas station and would have to wake up every momina looking at Uie new
sign, I ask that you rejec[ the tatLer sign proposal. The gas station could advertise by using a nearby
billboard whlch is already zoned appropriately. In summary, I feel the gas station does not need a larger
sign and does not desenre special treatment. There is no need io make my neighborhood more
✓ . . A.
If you wish to contact me my home number is 659-0960 and work number is 671-5857. I will be on
vacalion from January 14[h to the 20th.
P.S. The gas station haz two drive up telephones and they present a nuisance. The people who frequently
use these phones crank their car stereo's in the background while they talk; the base actually vibrates my
house. Zoning outside public phones near residential homes should not be ailowed.
S se,�. �,`� ru � 3 q$ - a�
(� Planning Coinmission can grant a varianceJ �ee Sac. 66.409. There are five errors in �`�
�j(�the Plannif�g Commission's findings. v�
� A �� I,/Af GtSUI�J � �,'� �1�✓+ f�- �' �2V�Ll `TO Cj4l �� ''' �%1.c21 ; �.�5�- /Y�������
� ��'r 1. ". ni i�P or un�a�al conditions oPrtainina to Siqn n ed� s ior a soec�i�c ����c� �'� QroT
ThiS Star�dard is not met.
y frotn tiie interstate is ar
�anance5 or all signs tha
;ion's resolution states that
so, the case cou ma e to
2. f'rbvided s�ch sians ��o�id not be contr�y to the qPnPral intent of this
This st�atidard is not met. The general intent of this chapter of the Zoning Code
is to set st�nd�rds and regulate sign usage in Saint Paul. This variance would allow
the sign to b� tl5irty three percent higher than the standard. Aithough the Code
pTOVides far variances, they shouid not be granted for signs that so greatiy exceed the
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3. " Wou1d not be obiectionab4e t4 adjacent Rro�v owners".
This st�ndard is not met. Mr. Adam�lift,_[esidin at 1555 Carroll Avenue
> to this Variance, as stated in his January 2 letter to the Zoninq �mittei
opposing tfii5 variance.
be more of a blight to Mr.
4. " W I n v r I tt r � n � i r r nr �� x �� ��
�nd liqhtina". �
This �tdndard is not met. Clearly, if Mr. Adam Clift can see the current sign froi
hys bedroc�rti w+ndow, he wtit d'+sapprove ot a sign that is 83 square feet larger at
same height. `�-
5. _,,,t(�� siqn ��ou1d be �n keepjla with the qPneral character of the
� �ii �P�undina area".
� Thi� St�lidard is not met. 7his area is charactetized by a mixture of commercial
and resid�nti�) us2s. The lotlowing businesses which neighbor Citgo along Snelting
Avenue i�i�lut��t Tires Plus, Tota , o-op a ing, _ e en redit Company, ne ing
businesses have signs_v
V. Con�iU�ttsh
Tfi� �l�nning Commission has no authority to issue any variance which fails
any of tfl� �Eiove standard�. Fu�tiier, the above arguments are supported by the
recomm�ftt��tions ot the Sn�liing-Setby Small Area Plan, adopted by the Planning
CommiSSi�ii �Fld City Council in 1993 as an amendment to the Land Use Chapter of
the Cotn�St�Fi�nSive Plan, which state "A uniform sign ordinance shouid be adopted
that wili buil� bh the unique character oi the area, improve its visual appearance,
reduce Sigii ClUtter, provide sign consistency, provide for signs that fit with the
building"s, �f�d make the businesses ciearly identifiable". This variance is in direct
contradiction to the plan on record.
Snsliing Hamtine Appea! Page 2
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� e, th� uddersigned residents ot ihe Snellin P r e�g o 0o m t. Paul, respectfully request �
� `�,, that th� Zbning Committee's decisfon to approve v9riance fiie ttumber 97-31y bc overturned. This +�
� varianCe, �Ilows for a 50' ta1V146 square toot sign (current zorting permits a 3T-6°/113 square foot
identi'fication sign) at the Citgo (formerly Union 76) station iocated on the corner o[Snelling Avenue
�. and Intersfate 44.
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Its our undetstanding that in order fior the variance to be approved, per Section 66.409 of the zoning
code, the 9�3pticant must have "... a uniqub sign or unusual conditions pertaining to sign needs oCa �
specific building or lot, (the sigh) would not be objectionable to adjacent property owners, and would j A(� ��
not adversely aftect residential property through excessive glare and lighting". The signatures belo ��
represent bbjection to fhis variance request, In addition, this variance request does not follow t
inient to "adopt a uniform sign ordinance" as stated in the Selby Snelling Small Area Plan a ted ���
as an gmendment to the SL Paul Land Use Plan in 1993. ,,}
�Ve 000dse the lareer sien for the foitowine reasons: �Ik� �( '�
� 0' �t � �
1) another farge sign would turther detract from the residential nature oCour area,� 1:,
`2) oth¢r iuel stations in residentiai areas atong Intcrstatc 94 do not requirt to��ering signs,
3) neighbOring businesses could �pply for the same sign variance,
4) oversii@d signs woutd turther commercialize our neighborhood and 4ave thc potentiaf to
intiinid�te current and tuture residential dwetlers in Snelling Park,
S) ptltentlil to increase tratGc 9nd accidents in 8n already congested, accident-prone area
6) pkersii4� glare and lighting, and
7) �pproVfng commbrcia) sign varlsnces wonld not follow the current Selby Snelling Small Land
U32 h1ai� - adopted as an amendment to the St. Pau] Land Use Ylan in 1993.
Reasons wh we believe Cit o does not r uire the Iar er si n to do busin ss: �� �
�� w ��� ��J.,vus c Sa T NCG-O /lJL+tsz / � s - + � � n J � �
�• n:s ..:�..�...t.. �....... .....e.��e..e f1..m nf Fueinaec _ mneNv Inral rP<iAenlS. SII'tl S U I t �
2) CitgB dctupies a prime tocation as the o ly fuel statwn at t e busiest intersection in Si. PaT ��
o u� � ?/oT �—�n l►�ce R- /rc�t- ro ti��' t+kUz �J-Fr S
We b@li�ve t e a ove request has merit, and ask that you strongly consider our posiL on. Thank you.
�Ohnq ��SD
Name Address
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