98-230oRl��Na� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION Council File$ 7 0 - 23� ordinance $ Green Sheet # LP60018 ^ Committee: Date RSSOLVED: 1 That application (ID #19980000085) for a Restaurant (B) - more 2 than 12 seats, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, Liquor On Sale - Over 3 100 seats (B), CigarettefTobacco License(s) by THE DEEPHAVEN 4 CdRPORATION DBA LEXINGTON RESTAURANT at 1096 GRAND AVE be and 5 the same is hereby approved. Yeas Navs Abaent Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: iT,� By: Office of License, Inspectione and Environmental Protection B t \ .I� -l.-i��i �" �� Form A proved by City Attorney 2� D �roved by D ayor fo� Submission to ncil Adopted by Council: Date �L� �C ���ld'' n� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEiCOUNCIL DATE INRL4TED I CT �L �U ��EPnke�ing GREEN SHEET No. LPS0018 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE PECHNIANN GARY ������� M ��� (612)2669136 � Cn7rAttomey . UST BE ON / COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ��GH � f�' �i, < LI�.�.;✓ HOMBERF4R � Councit Research ROIRIIIG ORD6t TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION�f2EQUES7ED: Councl appraral of the fdlowi� Ccense application: License # 19980000085, fw THE DEEPHAVEN CORPORATION, Doing Business As LFXINGTON RESTAUR4NT, at 7096 GRAND AVE, includi� the following business type(s): RestauraM (8) - more than 12 seats, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, Llquor On RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Rejecf(Rj ERSOWLL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has ihfs perso�rm ever worked under a conlracl for ihis depeArr�n17 PIANNING COMMISSION yes No CIB COMMITTEE 2, Has this perso�rtn ever been a ciry empbyee? CIVIL SVC CINN, ves No 3. Does this persoMrm possess a sidll nol normally possessed 6y erry current ciy employee? YES NO 4. Is �his perso�rm a targeled vandoR - YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet atW attach to green aheet INiTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNtN (Who, What, Wfien, Where, Why): Requesting Councfl approval iw The Deephaven Corporetion DBA Lexington Restaurant for a Uquor-On Sale (B), Liquor On-Saie Sunday, Restaurent (B) 8 Cigare@e License(s) at 1096 Grand Avenue. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Catsna! Fiesearcn ��`�'r ��� 1 � 19� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ CQSTlREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURC ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: �out3Gsl �.�G�:�? iiSF i°P (EXPLAIN) 1"lY§� � .� � � 7 f�,,,� 98-�3G ,.'.� , a CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�«oru«,�,r�«c� . .�a�t�r«�a;�n uox�.rxs:o.xe .. smsww.sr� ss�ox cs�niecaoso satsWxsa�u ��I : M • �: • � 1 �.t • ): •• ••1 1 1 TypeofLicrnsz(s)beingappliedfor: liquor/on—sale license ( Sunc3a� �o�1(�i$ � RPetat,rant l; cense ��SS� cigarette sales �aiD�Ci � CompanyName: The Deephaven C�reoration Cocpantian / P+rtamhip / Sole Ptoprietrnhip / � S4,650.00 R �a�S• S 200.OU g 425.00 g 317.00 If business is incoiporated, give dau of iaco�oratian: Sune 14 , 19 8 4 DoingBusinessAs: Lexinaton Restaurant Busir.essPhoae: (612) 333-510 BusinessAddress: 1096 Grand Ave.' St. Pau1 MN 55105 Suxs Addxeu City SLte Zip Behceenw6atcrossstreetsisthebusinesslocatedl Lexin4ton at Grand Whichsideofthestreet? South Arethepremisanowoccupied? ves WhatTypeofBusiness7 restaurant MailToAddress: 4 �n� rns Center AO S. 8th St_ Minneapolis MN 55402 Sttect Addns� Ciry Strte Zip Applicant Infmmarion: ,/ 13ameandTide: Thomas K• v -- Scallen Presiden Finc .�f'iadlo �Liaen) Lart Tiue .. HomeAddress: 100 SE 2nd Street, #1002 Minneapolis MN 55414 sv«eAmRn e,ey s4re zip DaceofBinh: $-1g-25 PlaceofBinh: Minneapolis, MN HomePhone: (632) 379-4950 Have you ever been v' !e of any fzlony, crime or violation of eny ciry ordinance othec than h�a�c? YES � ItiiO X Date of arrest: Chuge: _ Conviclion: _ Where7 Senteace: List thenames and resideaces of three persons of good moral characta; living within the Twia Cities Metro Area, aot related to the applicant or 5nancially interestsd in the premises or business, who may be referred to as w the applicanY; chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHOAIE w;iliam S. Reilina 2116 Lower St. Dennis Rd.. St. Paul 55116 347-9504 Bobert Linsemaver 2926 Lone Oak Curve. St. Paul 55121 454-3610 �e R. Anderson 5500 Wayy,ata Blvd. #950. Golden 5511ev 595-1009 List licenses which you c�urently hold, formerly held, or may hace an intenst in: Chanhassen Dinner Chanhassen MN � Ha��e any of the above named licenses ever been revoked7 YES X NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for mocation: yi 2'1&97 .^... _ . '. Are you going to operata this businesi sonally? _.� YES NO If notl o�vill operate it? 9p — Z 3� F'usc�ame Miadletaitid (�taiem) L+a , D+teof8uth HomeAddear. Strcftrame Ciry Stau Tap . Yhorm+(umbec Areyrou going W ha��e a maaager or assistant in this business? X YES NO If the manager is not the same as the opaator, please wmplete the foUonving infosmation: Fa#Wma btmtcln;c;.[ �faiswl t.asc , natcotaiRh Home�tdd�w: SCzRN+me City Stuo Zip . Phanc\vmber Please list your employment history for tha previous five (5} }�eaz period: Businas/Emolo�ment Address Pres./CEO Centurv Park Pictures Corp., 4701 IDS Center. Mpls., MN 55402 List all other officers of the corporation: OFfICER TITLE HOME IIOME NAi� (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE BUSINESS PHONE DATE OF BIRTH Thomas K Scallen Pres 100 SE 2nd St. 379-4950 333-5100 8-14-25 (CEO/CFO) #1002, Mpls., MN 55414 tf business is a partaership, please include the following info[matioa for each partaer (use addidonal pages if necessary): F'ust\amc Middlcinitial {�Saidrn) L�st DateofBiiL4 HomeAddw: StmtA'ame City Stata Zip Yhon¢�umber� F'vst\me MaddlelniUal (.Widm) Lasc DauofB'¢th HomeAdd+ar. Sti¢et\ame City Sut¢ Zip P6on¢N�bec M�'ESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Articie 8, Section 2(270.72) (TaC Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Receaue, the Mu�asota business tar identification number and che social sacutity number of each license applicant LTnder the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of I974, we are required to advise you of the following regxrding the use of the Minnesota Ta�c Idencification Numbec: - This information may be used to d�y the issuance or renewal of your Hcense in the evrnt yau owe M'innesota sala, empioyer's withho(ding or motor ��ehicle excise ta�ces, � - Upon receiving this inEormation, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revrnue. However, under the Federai E:cchange of Infonna[ion Agreement, the Department of Revenue may avppiy ttris infoimation to the Intemal Revenue Service. Mumesota Tan Identi6cafion Numbecs (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Depar�nent, 10 RicecPark Plaza (612-296-6181). Federal Tax ID No. 41-1895508 Social Sawiry Number. 4 7 4-12 — 0 0 0 8 Minnesota Ta�c Ideatification Number: a 1 i ed f or _ If a Minncsota Tax Identificatioa Numbet is not required for the business being opaated, indicate so by piacing an "X" in the box. X::p' - visrn . ... . . ,_ .... .: . . . .._ •.- � . , . . . � . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .^rL•�' .. . x _� 98-Z �o ;�.r ' CERT'FICATION OF WORKERS' �..MPENSATION CO VERAGF_ PURSUANT Tc..+IINNESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I h�eby aRify that I, or my compaay, azn in compliance with the workers' compensatioa insurance covaage ttquirements of Minnesota Statute 176.182, subdivision 2. I also undastand that provision of faLse infomaafion ia this certification eonstitutes sufficient gounds for adve�e action agaiast all licenses hetd, incIuding revocation aad suspension of said Gcenses. Nameof7anuaaceCompany. Pendinq PolicyNwn6er. Covecage from to I have no aaployxs cor•aed under �vorkers' compensation insurance (INITIAI.S) ��TY FALSIFTCATION OF A.NSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN AENL4L OF THIS APPLICATIOPI I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, xnd that the iaformarion contained herein is true aad wrrect W the best of my knowledge and belie£ I haeby state further that I have received no money or other consideraflan, by �ti�ay of loaa, gift, contribution, or othecwise, afia thm al�eady disclosed ia the aQplicarion whicfi I herewith submitted I also understand this ptemise may be iaspxted by poGce, fire, health aad otha city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. TAE DEEPHAVEN Sigaatlire (REQUIItED for all applicattoaa) Date Thomas K. Scallen, President We will accept payment by cash, aheck (made payahle to City of Saiat Paun o� credit cacd (M!C or Visa). fF PAYING BY CREDIT G4RD PLFASE COMPLETE THE FOLLO H?NG INFORMATION: � MastrsCsrd � Visa :3�IRATtON DATE: ACCOUNT NUMSER: ❑C�/�❑ ❑�C1❑ ❑�C1❑ C�DCi❑ ❑t�0❑ Varae oi Gr�atder of Card Holder(required for aII cfiarges) Date •*Note: If this applicatioa is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Iaspeotor, Steva Olsoa (2b6-9139), to review pisns. If any substantial changes to sttucture are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building peimiu 3fThae are azry ch�ges to the parking Sot, Iloor space, or for new operauons, piease contact a Ciry of Saisst Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. AIl applicatiom require the following documente. Please attach these documenb R�fiea aubmitting your application: l. A detailed description of the design, Iocation and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The Following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 3 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone numbar. - The scale should be stated sucfi as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - Placanent of all pertinent feaNres of the interior of the licensed faciliry such as seating azeas, kitcheas, offices, repair area, pazking, rest raoms, etc. - -Tfa requzst is for an addition or e:cpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the curtent area aad the proposed eapaasion. 2. A copy ofyaur lease agreement or proof of ownerstilp of the property. SPECIFIC LICEPISE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIONAL L�ORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOIt DETAILS >>>> c�yi' 2118l47 oRl��Na� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION Council File$ 7 0 - 23� ordinance $ Green Sheet # LP60018 ^ Committee: Date RSSOLVED: 1 That application (ID #19980000085) for a Restaurant (B) - more 2 than 12 seats, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, Liquor On Sale - Over 3 100 seats (B), CigarettefTobacco License(s) by THE DEEPHAVEN 4 CdRPORATION DBA LEXINGTON RESTAURANT at 1096 GRAND AVE be and 5 the same is hereby approved. Yeas Navs Abaent Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: iT,� By: Office of License, Inspectione and Environmental Protection B t \ .I� -l.-i��i �" �� Form A proved by City Attorney 2� D �roved by D ayor fo� Submission to ncil Adopted by Council: Date �L� �C ���ld'' n� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEiCOUNCIL DATE INRL4TED I CT �L �U ��EPnke�ing GREEN SHEET No. LPS0018 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE PECHNIANN GARY ������� M ��� (612)2669136 � Cn7rAttomey . UST BE ON / COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ��GH � f�' �i, < LI�.�.;✓ HOMBERF4R � Councit Research ROIRIIIG ORD6t TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION�f2EQUES7ED: Councl appraral of the fdlowi� Ccense application: License # 19980000085, fw THE DEEPHAVEN CORPORATION, Doing Business As LFXINGTON RESTAUR4NT, at 7096 GRAND AVE, includi� the following business type(s): RestauraM (8) - more than 12 seats, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, Llquor On RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Rejecf(Rj ERSOWLL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has ihfs perso�rm ever worked under a conlracl for ihis depeArr�n17 PIANNING COMMISSION yes No CIB COMMITTEE 2, Has this perso�rtn ever been a ciry empbyee? CIVIL SVC CINN, ves No 3. Does this persoMrm possess a sidll nol normally possessed 6y erry current ciy employee? YES NO 4. Is �his perso�rm a targeled vandoR - YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet atW attach to green aheet INiTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNtN (Who, What, Wfien, Where, Why): Requesting Councfl approval iw The Deephaven Corporetion DBA Lexington Restaurant for a Uquor-On Sale (B), Liquor On-Saie Sunday, Restaurent (B) 8 Cigare@e License(s) at 1096 Grand Avenue. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Catsna! Fiesearcn ��`�'r ��� 1 � 19� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ CQSTlREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURC ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: �out3Gsl �.�G�:�? iiSF i°P (EXPLAIN) 1"lY§� � .� � � 7 f�,,,� 98-�3G ,.'.� , a CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�«oru«,�,r�«c� . .�a�t�r«�a;�n uox�.rxs:o.xe .. smsww.sr� ss�ox cs�niecaoso satsWxsa�u ��I : M • �: • � 1 �.t • ): •• ••1 1 1 TypeofLicrnsz(s)beingappliedfor: liquor/on—sale license ( Sunc3a� �o�1(�i$ � RPetat,rant l; cense ��SS� cigarette sales �aiD�Ci � CompanyName: The Deephaven C�reoration Cocpantian / P+rtamhip / Sole Ptoprietrnhip / � S4,650.00 R �a�S• S 200.OU g 425.00 g 317.00 If business is incoiporated, give dau of iaco�oratian: Sune 14 , 19 8 4 DoingBusinessAs: Lexinaton Restaurant Busir.essPhoae: (612) 333-510 BusinessAddress: 1096 Grand Ave.' St. Pau1 MN 55105 Suxs Addxeu City SLte Zip Behceenw6atcrossstreetsisthebusinesslocatedl Lexin4ton at Grand Whichsideofthestreet? South Arethepremisanowoccupied? ves WhatTypeofBusiness7 restaurant MailToAddress: 4 �n� rns Center AO S. 8th St_ Minneapolis MN 55402 Sttect Addns� Ciry Strte Zip Applicant Infmmarion: ,/ 13ameandTide: Thomas K• v -- Scallen Presiden Finc .�f'iadlo �Liaen) Lart Tiue .. HomeAddress: 100 SE 2nd Street, #1002 Minneapolis MN 55414 sv«eAmRn e,ey s4re zip DaceofBinh: $-1g-25 PlaceofBinh: Minneapolis, MN HomePhone: (632) 379-4950 Have you ever been v' !e of any fzlony, crime or violation of eny ciry ordinance othec than h�a�c? YES � ItiiO X Date of arrest: Chuge: _ Conviclion: _ Where7 Senteace: List thenames and resideaces of three persons of good moral characta; living within the Twia Cities Metro Area, aot related to the applicant or 5nancially interestsd in the premises or business, who may be referred to as w the applicanY; chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHOAIE w;iliam S. Reilina 2116 Lower St. Dennis Rd.. St. Paul 55116 347-9504 Bobert Linsemaver 2926 Lone Oak Curve. St. Paul 55121 454-3610 �e R. Anderson 5500 Wayy,ata Blvd. #950. Golden 5511ev 595-1009 List licenses which you c�urently hold, formerly held, or may hace an intenst in: Chanhassen Dinner Chanhassen MN � Ha��e any of the above named licenses ever been revoked7 YES X NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for mocation: yi 2'1&97 .^... _ . '. Are you going to operata this businesi sonally? _.� YES NO If notl o�vill operate it? 9p — Z 3� F'usc�ame Miadletaitid (�taiem) L+a , D+teof8uth HomeAddear. Strcftrame Ciry Stau Tap . Yhorm+(umbec Areyrou going W ha��e a maaager or assistant in this business? X YES NO If the manager is not the same as the opaator, please wmplete the foUonving infosmation: Fa#Wma btmtcln;c;.[ �faiswl t.asc , natcotaiRh Home�tdd�w: SCzRN+me City Stuo Zip . Phanc\vmber Please list your employment history for tha previous five (5} }�eaz period: Businas/Emolo�ment Address Pres./CEO Centurv Park Pictures Corp., 4701 IDS Center. Mpls., MN 55402 List all other officers of the corporation: OFfICER TITLE HOME IIOME NAi� (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE BUSINESS PHONE DATE OF BIRTH Thomas K Scallen Pres 100 SE 2nd St. 379-4950 333-5100 8-14-25 (CEO/CFO) #1002, Mpls., MN 55414 tf business is a partaership, please include the following info[matioa for each partaer (use addidonal pages if necessary): F'ust\amc Middlcinitial {�Saidrn) L�st DateofBiiL4 HomeAddw: StmtA'ame City Stata Zip Yhon¢�umber� F'vst\me MaddlelniUal (.Widm) Lasc DauofB'¢th HomeAdd+ar. Sti¢et\ame City Sut¢ Zip P6on¢N�bec M�'ESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Articie 8, Section 2(270.72) (TaC Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Receaue, the Mu�asota business tar identification number and che social sacutity number of each license applicant LTnder the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of I974, we are required to advise you of the following regxrding the use of the Minnesota Ta�c Idencification Numbec: - This information may be used to d�y the issuance or renewal of your Hcense in the evrnt yau owe M'innesota sala, empioyer's withho(ding or motor ��ehicle excise ta�ces, � - Upon receiving this inEormation, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revrnue. However, under the Federai E:cchange of Infonna[ion Agreement, the Department of Revenue may avppiy ttris infoimation to the Intemal Revenue Service. Mumesota Tan Identi6cafion Numbecs (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Depar�nent, 10 RicecPark Plaza (612-296-6181). Federal Tax ID No. 41-1895508 Social Sawiry Number. 4 7 4-12 — 0 0 0 8 Minnesota Ta�c Ideatification Number: a 1 i ed f or _ If a Minncsota Tax Identificatioa Numbet is not required for the business being opaated, indicate so by piacing an "X" in the box. X::p' - visrn . ... . . ,_ .... .: . . . .._ •.- � . , . . . � . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .^rL•�' .. . x _� 98-Z �o ;�.r ' CERT'FICATION OF WORKERS' �..MPENSATION CO VERAGF_ PURSUANT Tc..+IINNESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I h�eby aRify that I, or my compaay, azn in compliance with the workers' compensatioa insurance covaage ttquirements of Minnesota Statute 176.182, subdivision 2. I also undastand that provision of faLse infomaafion ia this certification eonstitutes sufficient gounds for adve�e action agaiast all licenses hetd, incIuding revocation aad suspension of said Gcenses. Nameof7anuaaceCompany. Pendinq PolicyNwn6er. Covecage from to I have no aaployxs cor•aed under �vorkers' compensation insurance (INITIAI.S) ��TY FALSIFTCATION OF A.NSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN AENL4L OF THIS APPLICATIOPI I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, xnd that the iaformarion contained herein is true aad wrrect W the best of my knowledge and belie£ I haeby state further that I have received no money or other consideraflan, by �ti�ay of loaa, gift, contribution, or othecwise, afia thm al�eady disclosed ia the aQplicarion whicfi I herewith submitted I also understand this ptemise may be iaspxted by poGce, fire, health aad otha city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. TAE DEEPHAVEN Sigaatlire (REQUIItED for all applicattoaa) Date Thomas K. Scallen, President We will accept payment by cash, aheck (made payahle to City of Saiat Paun o� credit cacd (M!C or Visa). fF PAYING BY CREDIT G4RD PLFASE COMPLETE THE FOLLO H?NG INFORMATION: � MastrsCsrd � Visa :3�IRATtON DATE: ACCOUNT NUMSER: ❑C�/�❑ ❑�C1❑ ❑�C1❑ C�DCi❑ ❑t�0❑ Varae oi Gr�atder of Card Holder(required for aII cfiarges) Date •*Note: If this applicatioa is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Iaspeotor, Steva Olsoa (2b6-9139), to review pisns. If any substantial changes to sttucture are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building peimiu 3fThae are azry ch�ges to the parking Sot, Iloor space, or for new operauons, piease contact a Ciry of Saisst Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. AIl applicatiom require the following documente. Please attach these documenb R�fiea aubmitting your application: l. A detailed description of the design, Iocation and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The Following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 3 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone numbar. - The scale should be stated sucfi as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - Placanent of all pertinent feaNres of the interior of the licensed faciliry such as seating azeas, kitcheas, offices, repair area, pazking, rest raoms, etc. - -Tfa requzst is for an addition or e:cpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the curtent area aad the proposed eapaasion. 2. A copy ofyaur lease agreement or proof of ownerstilp of the property. SPECIFIC LICEPISE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIONAL L�ORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOIt DETAILS >>>> c�yi' 2118l47 oRl��Na� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION Council File$ 7 0 - 23� ordinance $ Green Sheet # LP60018 ^ Committee: Date RSSOLVED: 1 That application (ID #19980000085) for a Restaurant (B) - more 2 than 12 seats, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, Liquor On Sale - Over 3 100 seats (B), CigarettefTobacco License(s) by THE DEEPHAVEN 4 CdRPORATION DBA LEXINGTON RESTAURANT at 1096 GRAND AVE be and 5 the same is hereby approved. Yeas Navs Abaent Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: iT,� By: Office of License, Inspectione and Environmental Protection B t \ .I� -l.-i��i �" �� Form A proved by City Attorney 2� D �roved by D ayor fo� Submission to ncil Adopted by Council: Date �L� �C ���ld'' n� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEiCOUNCIL DATE INRL4TED I CT �L �U ��EPnke�ing GREEN SHEET No. LPS0018 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE PECHNIANN GARY ������� M ��� (612)2669136 � Cn7rAttomey . UST BE ON / COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ��GH � f�' �i, < LI�.�.;✓ HOMBERF4R � Councit Research ROIRIIIG ORD6t TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION�f2EQUES7ED: Councl appraral of the fdlowi� Ccense application: License # 19980000085, fw THE DEEPHAVEN CORPORATION, Doing Business As LFXINGTON RESTAUR4NT, at 7096 GRAND AVE, includi� the following business type(s): RestauraM (8) - more than 12 seats, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, Llquor On RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Rejecf(Rj ERSOWLL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has ihfs perso�rm ever worked under a conlracl for ihis depeArr�n17 PIANNING COMMISSION yes No CIB COMMITTEE 2, Has this perso�rtn ever been a ciry empbyee? CIVIL SVC CINN, ves No 3. Does this persoMrm possess a sidll nol normally possessed 6y erry current ciy employee? YES NO 4. Is �his perso�rm a targeled vandoR - YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet atW attach to green aheet INiTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNtN (Who, What, Wfien, Where, Why): Requesting Councfl approval iw The Deephaven Corporetion DBA Lexington Restaurant for a Uquor-On Sale (B), Liquor On-Saie Sunday, Restaurent (B) 8 Cigare@e License(s) at 1096 Grand Avenue. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Catsna! Fiesearcn ��`�'r ��� 1 � 19� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ CQSTlREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURC ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: �out3Gsl �.�G�:�? iiSF i°P (EXPLAIN) 1"lY§� � .� � � 7 f�,,,� 98-�3G ,.'.� , a CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL o�«oru«,�,r�«c� . .�a�t�r«�a;�n uox�.rxs:o.xe .. smsww.sr� ss�ox cs�niecaoso satsWxsa�u ��I : M • �: • � 1 �.t • ): •• ••1 1 1 TypeofLicrnsz(s)beingappliedfor: liquor/on—sale license ( Sunc3a� �o�1(�i$ � RPetat,rant l; cense ��SS� cigarette sales �aiD�Ci � CompanyName: The Deephaven C�reoration Cocpantian / P+rtamhip / Sole Ptoprietrnhip / � S4,650.00 R �a�S• S 200.OU g 425.00 g 317.00 If business is incoiporated, give dau of iaco�oratian: Sune 14 , 19 8 4 DoingBusinessAs: Lexinaton Restaurant Busir.essPhoae: (612) 333-510 BusinessAddress: 1096 Grand Ave.' St. Pau1 MN 55105 Suxs Addxeu City SLte Zip Behceenw6atcrossstreetsisthebusinesslocatedl Lexin4ton at Grand Whichsideofthestreet? South Arethepremisanowoccupied? ves WhatTypeofBusiness7 restaurant MailToAddress: 4 �n� rns Center AO S. 8th St_ Minneapolis MN 55402 Sttect Addns� Ciry Strte Zip Applicant Infmmarion: ,/ 13ameandTide: Thomas K• v -- Scallen Presiden Finc .�f'iadlo �Liaen) Lart Tiue .. HomeAddress: 100 SE 2nd Street, #1002 Minneapolis MN 55414 sv«eAmRn e,ey s4re zip DaceofBinh: $-1g-25 PlaceofBinh: Minneapolis, MN HomePhone: (632) 379-4950 Have you ever been v' !e of any fzlony, crime or violation of eny ciry ordinance othec than h�a�c? YES � ItiiO X Date of arrest: Chuge: _ Conviclion: _ Where7 Senteace: List thenames and resideaces of three persons of good moral characta; living within the Twia Cities Metro Area, aot related to the applicant or 5nancially interestsd in the premises or business, who may be referred to as w the applicanY; chazacter: NAME ADDRESS PHOAIE w;iliam S. Reilina 2116 Lower St. Dennis Rd.. St. Paul 55116 347-9504 Bobert Linsemaver 2926 Lone Oak Curve. St. Paul 55121 454-3610 �e R. Anderson 5500 Wayy,ata Blvd. #950. Golden 5511ev 595-1009 List licenses which you c�urently hold, formerly held, or may hace an intenst in: Chanhassen Dinner Chanhassen MN � Ha��e any of the above named licenses ever been revoked7 YES X NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for mocation: yi 2'1&97 .^... _ . '. Are you going to operata this businesi sonally? _.� YES NO If notl o�vill operate it? 9p — Z 3� F'usc�ame Miadletaitid (�taiem) L+a , D+teof8uth HomeAddear. Strcftrame Ciry Stau Tap . Yhorm+(umbec Areyrou going W ha��e a maaager or assistant in this business? X YES NO If the manager is not the same as the opaator, please wmplete the foUonving infosmation: Fa#Wma btmtcln;c;.[ �faiswl t.asc , natcotaiRh Home�tdd�w: SCzRN+me City Stuo Zip . Phanc\vmber Please list your employment history for tha previous five (5} }�eaz period: Businas/Emolo�ment Address Pres./CEO Centurv Park Pictures Corp., 4701 IDS Center. Mpls., MN 55402 List all other officers of the corporation: OFfICER TITLE HOME IIOME NAi� (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE BUSINESS PHONE DATE OF BIRTH Thomas K Scallen Pres 100 SE 2nd St. 379-4950 333-5100 8-14-25 (CEO/CFO) #1002, Mpls., MN 55414 tf business is a partaership, please include the following info[matioa for each partaer (use addidonal pages if necessary): F'ust\amc Middlcinitial {�Saidrn) L�st DateofBiiL4 HomeAddw: StmtA'ame City Stata Zip Yhon¢�umber� F'vst\me MaddlelniUal (.Widm) Lasc DauofB'¢th HomeAdd+ar. Sti¢et\ame City Sut¢ Zip P6on¢N�bec M�'ESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Articie 8, Section 2(270.72) (TaC Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Receaue, the Mu�asota business tar identification number and che social sacutity number of each license applicant LTnder the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of I974, we are required to advise you of the following regxrding the use of the Minnesota Ta�c Idencification Numbec: - This information may be used to d�y the issuance or renewal of your Hcense in the evrnt yau owe M'innesota sala, empioyer's withho(ding or motor ��ehicle excise ta�ces, � - Upon receiving this inEormation, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revrnue. However, under the Federai E:cchange of Infonna[ion Agreement, the Department of Revenue may avppiy ttris infoimation to the Intemal Revenue Service. Mumesota Tan Identi6cafion Numbecs (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Depar�nent, 10 RicecPark Plaza (612-296-6181). Federal Tax ID No. 41-1895508 Social Sawiry Number. 4 7 4-12 — 0 0 0 8 Minnesota Ta�c Ideatification Number: a 1 i ed f or _ If a Minncsota Tax Identificatioa Numbet is not required for the business being opaated, indicate so by piacing an "X" in the box. X::p' - visrn . ... . . ,_ .... .: . . . .._ •.- � . , . . . � . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .^rL•�' .. . x _� 98-Z �o ;�.r ' CERT'FICATION OF WORKERS' �..MPENSATION CO VERAGF_ PURSUANT Tc..+IINNESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I h�eby aRify that I, or my compaay, azn in compliance with the workers' compensatioa insurance covaage ttquirements of Minnesota Statute 176.182, subdivision 2. I also undastand that provision of faLse infomaafion ia this certification eonstitutes sufficient gounds for adve�e action agaiast all licenses hetd, incIuding revocation aad suspension of said Gcenses. Nameof7anuaaceCompany. Pendinq PolicyNwn6er. Covecage from to I have no aaployxs cor•aed under �vorkers' compensation insurance (INITIAI.S) ��TY FALSIFTCATION OF A.NSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN AENL4L OF THIS APPLICATIOPI I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, xnd that the iaformarion contained herein is true aad wrrect W the best of my knowledge and belie£ I haeby state further that I have received no money or other consideraflan, by �ti�ay of loaa, gift, contribution, or othecwise, afia thm al�eady disclosed ia the aQplicarion whicfi I herewith submitted I also understand this ptemise may be iaspxted by poGce, fire, health aad otha city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. TAE DEEPHAVEN Sigaatlire (REQUIItED for all applicattoaa) Date Thomas K. Scallen, President We will accept payment by cash, aheck (made payahle to City of Saiat Paun o� credit cacd (M!C or Visa). fF PAYING BY CREDIT G4RD PLFASE COMPLETE THE FOLLO H?NG INFORMATION: � MastrsCsrd � Visa :3�IRATtON DATE: ACCOUNT NUMSER: ❑C�/�❑ ❑�C1❑ ❑�C1❑ C�DCi❑ ❑t�0❑ Varae oi Gr�atder of Card Holder(required for aII cfiarges) Date •*Note: If this applicatioa is Food/Liquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Iaspeotor, Steva Olsoa (2b6-9139), to review pisns. If any substantial changes to sttucture are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building peimiu 3fThae are azry ch�ges to the parking Sot, Iloor space, or for new operauons, piease contact a Ciry of Saisst Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. AIl applicatiom require the following documente. Please attach these documenb R�fiea aubmitting your application: l. A detailed description of the design, Iocation and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The Following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 3 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone numbar. - The scale should be stated sucfi as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - Placanent of all pertinent feaNres of the interior of the licensed faciliry such as seating azeas, kitcheas, offices, repair area, pazking, rest raoms, etc. - -Tfa requzst is for an addition or e:cpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the curtent area aad the proposed eapaasion. 2. A copy ofyaur lease agreement or proof of ownerstilp of the property. SPECIFIC LICEPISE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTIONAL L�ORMATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOIt DETAILS >>>> c�yi' 2118l47