98-229Council File# Q �ZZ9 Ordinance $ RESOLUTION Presented By Re£erred To CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # LP60029 2� Committee: Date RESOLVBD: 1 That application (ID #19980000504) for a Gambling Manager License(s) 2 by SHIRLEY MUNZ DBA MINNESOTA BRASSfMICHAEL'S at 1179 7TH ST 3 E be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas xavs absent Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by council secretary By: APF Bye Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Sy: �rb`� 'µAf""''`-�� 'Y ' J " 1"p"�g.n-/ Form Approved by City Attorney By: �/`h An .J � Approved by Mayor £or Submission ta Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �,,.� ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICHCOUNGL DA7E INRU7ED �� _ Z � / uEP`u�'"° GREEN SHEET No. LP60029 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE eanave,a m�mumn UNTFiER WILLIAM (BILL) {61� 2669132 � �, A � UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � _ 3-25-98 �f�Wt � �R�°'�' ROIITC�G OR�ER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIOTJS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: CauicHepprWaloftliefdlavingGameappi'�cation: Licerse#1998WW504,forSHIRLEYMU�P,DoingBUSit�essASMINNESOTABRASSIMICHAEL'S, at 1179 7TH ST E� k�dud(ng the fdbwi�7 business type(s): Gambling Manager. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) ERSONAlSERVtcE cAN7RACiS AAJS7 MisWER iHE FOLLOW�NCi WEST10NS: 1. llastluspe�saMrtneverwo�kedunderacordracttatdusdePaAment? ,_ PLANNING COMMISSION Yes NO __ CIB COMMITTEE 2. H� ttus persoMitm ever 6een a cay employee7 GIVIL SVC CINN, �S � a. ooes this persorJfirm possess a s�an � rrormalN c�e� M=m curretN c�Yy emp�weea YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rtn e targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answeB on separate sheet aMl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesting Council approval for Shirley Munz DBA Minnesota Bwss for a Gambling Managefs license ffi Michael's, t 179 7th SL E. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � �� F �?'; ` ,.. � �R 1 �.19 tSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES iF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON $ COSTlREVENUE SUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE qCTMN NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (fXPLAIN) �I 5-22� STATEOFMINNESOTA FOR BOARD IISE ONL� Eyst GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AMT . PAID GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION CHECK # DATE LG212GTvfRPRIN?ED: 10l13l47 INITIALS Incomplete, false, ar misleading application information may result in denial of a license. LICENSE NUMBER: G00444 001 EFFECTIVE DATE:04/Oi/96 EXPIIZATION DATE: 03/31/98 ORG�\TZATION INFORMATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Minn Brass St Paul CEO NAME: Gavin Bumham GAMBLING MANAGE;R INFJRNSATION Shirley B Munz 3606 E 70th St Znver Grove Heights MN 55076 DATE OF BIRTH: 11/03/35 SEX: F SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: 388-40-6875 DAYTIME PHONE NL3MBER: 612-552-3129 MEMBER SINCE: 06/Ol(82 EDUCATION INFORMATION MOST RECENT CObITINUING EDUCATION CLASS YOU ATTENDED: 12/04l96 BOiVD IIVFORMATTON BOND COMPANY NAME: United Fire & Casual BOND NUMBER: 5184060 GAMBLING MANAGER CHANGE When your organization is using this renewal application to change its gambling manager, complete one of the following sections: Emergency Change - Allow up to five working Other Change - Allow up to ten weeks for processing days for processing The new gambling manager's license should become The chief executive o�cer, by signing below, effective (check one): affirms that the emergency application is due to tUe following reason (Check one and fiil in date): The day aRer the cuaent gambling manager's license expires (for ezample, if the current gambrmg manager's Iicense expire Death o€� ' _%_/� 07/31l97 the new gambling manager's license becomes — ��r.,,:bUV ,�t �RA 3�3 ^: effective on O8/Ol/97, provided that all appiication informatio _DisabIlity��'���2ger on_/_/, is complete). ,� 0 ,,,,�,�, r; , t • • .. _When the application has been processed by the Gambling ^ Termination.o�emploqment of gambling Control Boazd--the effective date will be the first day of manager on_/,/_ the month. Note: A New gambling manager may not assume duties until helshe has received the gamhling manager's license from the Gambiing Control Boazd. The current chief executive o�cer of your organization must sign this application in che presence of a notary SIGNAT[JKE OF CFIIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO) No[arized Signature of CEO Date 10-19-9� f �f���ll SG� Notary Public Informatioa. Notary Public Seal must be current and correct; seal may not be altered. Subscribed and swom to before me this ( 4 day of ��-. ,19, Notary Public on Bacl 9��ZZ9 LG212G a Page 2 . Gambling Manager Renewai Application (continued) �davit and Consen Statement: I,(print aame) C; h� r �e .i � � u» L ,under oath state that I have never: 1. been convicted of a felony or crime involving gambling; 2. committed a violation of law or Boazd rule that resulted in the revocation of a license issued by the Board within five yeazs before the date of the licease application; 3. been convicted of a criminal violation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling; 4. been convicted of (i) assault, (ii) a criminal violation involving die use of a firearm, or (iii) making tetroristic threats; I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 270.72. 5. been, or am now, connected with nor engaged in an illegal business; 6. fiad a sates and use taz pernnt revoked by the commissic of revenue within the past two years; 7. after demand, failed to file, tax returas cequued by the commissioner of revemie. In addition, 1 understand, agree, and hereby irrevocably consent that suits and actions relaYmg to the subject matter of the attached gambling manager license application, or acts or omissions azising from such application, may be commenced against me or my organiza[ion and I will accept the service of process in any court of competent jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota Secretary of State of any summons, process, or pieading authorized by the laws of Minnesota. By signature of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Depaztments of Public Safety and Revenue to wnduct a criminal and taz background check or review and to shue the results with the Gambling Control Boazd. Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, ezcept that this Affidavit and Consent Statement aze subtnitted ia support of the application for a gambling manager ]icense from the Gambling Control Board. SIGNATURE OF GAMBLING MANAGER APPLICANT Notarized Signanlfe of Applicant Notary Public Information. Notary Public Seal must be current and conect; seal may not be altered. Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of n;t ,19 S�_. Date / 0 ' l /�' / 7 Public This pubiication will be made available in altemative fortnat (i.e. large pcin[. Bnille) upon reques[. If you us a'S�ou can Relay Service at (bl2) 297-5353 or 1•800-627-3529 and ask them to place a call w(612) 639-0000. The infottnadon reques[ed on this fortn will be used by the Gambling Control Boaid (Boacd) to dete�mine your compliance with Minnewta stam[es and Iules goveming lawtui gambling activities. All of the informauon that you supply on this form will become public informauon when [eceived by rhe Hoard. You att tequittd to provide your socia! securiry numbor on this form. Your socia! seeu»ry number wi41 be used w demcmine your wmpliance with the tax laws of Minnewm. Autfwrizatiun for requiring you[ wcia! :ecuriry number is found at 42 U.S.C. 405(c)(i). The information requesred on [his fonn (including any attachmena) wil! be used by tt�e Board w dekrm'u�e your quali6cadons m be imolved in lawful gamb�eng activities in Minnesota, and to assis[ the Board in conduc[ing a background invesugaaon of you. You have the right to refuse to supply tfie infolmauon requested; howevet, if you refuse to supply ffiis infortnation, the Boaid may not be able m dececmine you� quatificarions and, as a cansequence, may ee[use to issue you a licenu. If you wpply the infoemadon wqui�ed, the Boant will be able [o process your appiicauon. Your name and address will be public informadon when received by the Boatd. All the other infortnadon about you that you provide will be private dap until the Board issues your license. When the Board issues your license, alI of the informaaon you have p`ovided to tbe Board in the process of applying for your licenu will become pubtic except for your social securiry number, which remains privaee. If ihe Boatd dces na iss�e yon a license, all the infom�ation you have provided in the ptoceu of applying for a license cemainc private, with the excepuon of your name and address, which will remain public. ' ' _.,,,�.._..� J..... �...�. Privaee daW about you is avulable qi co�h €ql�qw.ing: Boald membecs, staff of [he Board whose work assignmrnt requircs that thry Aave access W[he infolmation; the Minnesoq Depamnenc�d€P.u��td�,�,MmneS}� Attomey Geneml; Ne Minnesota Commissioners of Adminisvauon, Finance ar�d Revecme; the Legislative A� nationat and intemaao�}1 garyt��{ggylNpcy9yA0ait�; a oue putsuant ro coutt order, other individuaSs and agrncies that tnay be speci�cally suthorized by state or fedemi iaw to have 3cesslrsna5 in4waadoe�•i�idu� agene�es For which law oc legal otdes audtortzes a new use or sha[ing of the informafioa af[er this noeice is given: you: am'i anyone a�A yoeF�LsRYE�f� ^�onsent. ._.- ....�...�.... .. Council File# Q �ZZ9 Ordinance $ RESOLUTION Presented By Re£erred To CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # LP60029 2� Committee: Date RESOLVBD: 1 That application (ID #19980000504) for a Gambling Manager License(s) 2 by SHIRLEY MUNZ DBA MINNESOTA BRASSfMICHAEL'S at 1179 7TH ST 3 E be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas xavs absent Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by council secretary By: APF Bye Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Sy: �rb`� 'µAf""''`-�� 'Y ' J " 1"p"�g.n-/ Form Approved by City Attorney By: �/`h An .J � Approved by Mayor £or Submission ta Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �,,.� ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICHCOUNGL DA7E INRU7ED �� _ Z � / uEP`u�'"° GREEN SHEET No. LP60029 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE eanave,a m�mumn UNTFiER WILLIAM (BILL) {61� 2669132 � �, A � UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � _ 3-25-98 �f�Wt � �R�°'�' ROIITC�G OR�ER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIOTJS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: CauicHepprWaloftliefdlavingGameappi'�cation: Licerse#1998WW504,forSHIRLEYMU�P,DoingBUSit�essASMINNESOTABRASSIMICHAEL'S, at 1179 7TH ST E� k�dud(ng the fdbwi�7 business type(s): Gambling Manager. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) ERSONAlSERVtcE cAN7RACiS AAJS7 MisWER iHE FOLLOW�NCi WEST10NS: 1. llastluspe�saMrtneverwo�kedunderacordracttatdusdePaAment? ,_ PLANNING COMMISSION Yes NO __ CIB COMMITTEE 2. H� ttus persoMitm ever 6een a cay employee7 GIVIL SVC CINN, �S � a. ooes this persorJfirm possess a s�an � rrormalN c�e� M=m curretN c�Yy emp�weea YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rtn e targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answeB on separate sheet aMl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesting Council approval for Shirley Munz DBA Minnesota Bwss for a Gambling Managefs license ffi Michael's, t 179 7th SL E. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � �� F �?'; ` ,.. � �R 1 �.19 tSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES iF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON $ COSTlREVENUE SUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE qCTMN NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (fXPLAIN) �I 5-22� STATEOFMINNESOTA FOR BOARD IISE ONL� Eyst GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AMT . PAID GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION CHECK # DATE LG212GTvfRPRIN?ED: 10l13l47 INITIALS Incomplete, false, ar misleading application information may result in denial of a license. LICENSE NUMBER: G00444 001 EFFECTIVE DATE:04/Oi/96 EXPIIZATION DATE: 03/31/98 ORG�\TZATION INFORMATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Minn Brass St Paul CEO NAME: Gavin Bumham GAMBLING MANAGE;R INFJRNSATION Shirley B Munz 3606 E 70th St Znver Grove Heights MN 55076 DATE OF BIRTH: 11/03/35 SEX: F SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: 388-40-6875 DAYTIME PHONE NL3MBER: 612-552-3129 MEMBER SINCE: 06/Ol(82 EDUCATION INFORMATION MOST RECENT CObITINUING EDUCATION CLASS YOU ATTENDED: 12/04l96 BOiVD IIVFORMATTON BOND COMPANY NAME: United Fire & Casual BOND NUMBER: 5184060 GAMBLING MANAGER CHANGE When your organization is using this renewal application to change its gambling manager, complete one of the following sections: Emergency Change - Allow up to five working Other Change - Allow up to ten weeks for processing days for processing The new gambling manager's license should become The chief executive o�cer, by signing below, effective (check one): affirms that the emergency application is due to tUe following reason (Check one and fiil in date): The day aRer the cuaent gambling manager's license expires (for ezample, if the current gambrmg manager's Iicense expire Death o€� ' _%_/� 07/31l97 the new gambling manager's license becomes — ��r.,,:bUV ,�t �RA 3�3 ^: effective on O8/Ol/97, provided that all appiication informatio _DisabIlity��'���2ger on_/_/, is complete). ,� 0 ,,,,�,�, r; , t • • .. _When the application has been processed by the Gambling ^ Termination.o�emploqment of gambling Control Boazd--the effective date will be the first day of manager on_/,/_ the month. Note: A New gambling manager may not assume duties until helshe has received the gamhling manager's license from the Gambiing Control Boazd. The current chief executive o�cer of your organization must sign this application in che presence of a notary SIGNAT[JKE OF CFIIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO) No[arized Signature of CEO Date 10-19-9� f �f���ll SG� Notary Public Informatioa. Notary Public Seal must be current and correct; seal may not be altered. Subscribed and swom to before me this ( 4 day of ��-. ,19, Notary Public on Bacl 9��ZZ9 LG212G a Page 2 . Gambling Manager Renewai Application (continued) �davit and Consen Statement: I,(print aame) C; h� r �e .i � � u» L ,under oath state that I have never: 1. been convicted of a felony or crime involving gambling; 2. committed a violation of law or Boazd rule that resulted in the revocation of a license issued by the Board within five yeazs before the date of the licease application; 3. been convicted of a criminal violation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling; 4. been convicted of (i) assault, (ii) a criminal violation involving die use of a firearm, or (iii) making tetroristic threats; I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 270.72. 5. been, or am now, connected with nor engaged in an illegal business; 6. fiad a sates and use taz pernnt revoked by the commissic of revenue within the past two years; 7. after demand, failed to file, tax returas cequued by the commissioner of revemie. In addition, 1 understand, agree, and hereby irrevocably consent that suits and actions relaYmg to the subject matter of the attached gambling manager license application, or acts or omissions azising from such application, may be commenced against me or my organiza[ion and I will accept the service of process in any court of competent jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota Secretary of State of any summons, process, or pieading authorized by the laws of Minnesota. By signature of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Depaztments of Public Safety and Revenue to wnduct a criminal and taz background check or review and to shue the results with the Gambling Control Boazd. Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, ezcept that this Affidavit and Consent Statement aze subtnitted ia support of the application for a gambling manager ]icense from the Gambling Control Board. SIGNATURE OF GAMBLING MANAGER APPLICANT Notarized Signanlfe of Applicant Notary Public Information. Notary Public Seal must be current and conect; seal may not be altered. Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of n;t ,19 S�_. Date / 0 ' l /�' / 7 Public This pubiication will be made available in altemative fortnat (i.e. large pcin[. Bnille) upon reques[. If you us a'S�ou can Relay Service at (bl2) 297-5353 or 1•800-627-3529 and ask them to place a call w(612) 639-0000. The infottnadon reques[ed on this fortn will be used by the Gambling Control Boaid (Boacd) to dete�mine your compliance with Minnewta stam[es and Iules goveming lawtui gambling activities. All of the informauon that you supply on this form will become public informauon when [eceived by rhe Hoard. You att tequittd to provide your socia! securiry numbor on this form. Your socia! seeu»ry number wi41 be used w demcmine your wmpliance with the tax laws of Minnewm. Autfwrizatiun for requiring you[ wcia! :ecuriry number is found at 42 U.S.C. 405(c)(i). The information requesred on [his fonn (including any attachmena) wil! be used by tt�e Board w dekrm'u�e your quali6cadons m be imolved in lawful gamb�eng activities in Minnesota, and to assis[ the Board in conduc[ing a background invesugaaon of you. You have the right to refuse to supply tfie infolmauon requested; howevet, if you refuse to supply ffiis infortnation, the Boaid may not be able m dececmine you� quatificarions and, as a cansequence, may ee[use to issue you a licenu. If you wpply the infoemadon wqui�ed, the Boant will be able [o process your appiicauon. Your name and address will be public informadon when received by the Boatd. All the other infortnadon about you that you provide will be private dap until the Board issues your license. When the Board issues your license, alI of the informaaon you have p`ovided to tbe Board in the process of applying for your licenu will become pubtic except for your social securiry number, which remains privaee. If ihe Boatd dces na iss�e yon a license, all the infom�ation you have provided in the ptoceu of applying for a license cemainc private, with the excepuon of your name and address, which will remain public. ' ' _.,,,�.._..� J..... �...�. Privaee daW about you is avulable qi co�h €ql�qw.ing: Boald membecs, staff of [he Board whose work assignmrnt requircs that thry Aave access W[he infolmation; the Minnesoq Depamnenc�d€P.u��td�,�,MmneS}� Attomey Geneml; Ne Minnesota Commissioners of Adminisvauon, Finance ar�d Revecme; the Legislative A� nationat and intemaao�}1 garyt��{ggylNpcy9yA0ait�; a oue putsuant ro coutt order, other individuaSs and agrncies that tnay be speci�cally suthorized by state or fedemi iaw to have 3cesslrsna5 in4waadoe�•i�idu� agene�es For which law oc legal otdes audtortzes a new use or sha[ing of the informafioa af[er this noeice is given: you: am'i anyone a�A yoeF�LsRYE�f� ^�onsent. ._.- ....�...�.... .. Council File# Q �ZZ9 Ordinance $ RESOLUTION Presented By Re£erred To CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # LP60029 2� Committee: Date RESOLVBD: 1 That application (ID #19980000504) for a Gambling Manager License(s) 2 by SHIRLEY MUNZ DBA MINNESOTA BRASSfMICHAEL'S at 1179 7TH ST 3 E be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas xavs absent Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by council secretary By: APF Bye Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Sy: �rb`� 'µAf""''`-�� 'Y ' J " 1"p"�g.n-/ Form Approved by City Attorney By: �/`h An .J � Approved by Mayor £or Submission ta Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �,,.� ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICHCOUNGL DA7E INRU7ED �� _ Z � / uEP`u�'"° GREEN SHEET No. LP60029 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE eanave,a m�mumn UNTFiER WILLIAM (BILL) {61� 2669132 � �, A � UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � _ 3-25-98 �f�Wt � �R�°'�' ROIITC�G OR�ER TOTAL# OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIOTJS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: CauicHepprWaloftliefdlavingGameappi'�cation: Licerse#1998WW504,forSHIRLEYMU�P,DoingBUSit�essASMINNESOTABRASSIMICHAEL'S, at 1179 7TH ST E� k�dud(ng the fdbwi�7 business type(s): Gambling Manager. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) ERSONAlSERVtcE cAN7RACiS AAJS7 MisWER iHE FOLLOW�NCi WEST10NS: 1. llastluspe�saMrtneverwo�kedunderacordracttatdusdePaAment? ,_ PLANNING COMMISSION Yes NO __ CIB COMMITTEE 2. H� ttus persoMitm ever 6een a cay employee7 GIVIL SVC CINN, �S � a. ooes this persorJfirm possess a s�an � rrormalN c�e� M=m curretN c�Yy emp�weea YES NO 4. Is ihis perso�rtn e targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answeB on separate sheet aMl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBI.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesting Council approval for Shirley Munz DBA Minnesota Bwss for a Gambling Managefs license ffi Michael's, t 179 7th SL E. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � �� F �?'; ` ,.. � �R 1 �.19 tSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES iF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON $ COSTlREVENUE SUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE qCTMN NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (fXPLAIN) �I 5-22� STATEOFMINNESOTA FOR BOARD IISE ONL� Eyst GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AMT . PAID GAMBLING MANAGER LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION CHECK # DATE LG212GTvfRPRIN?ED: 10l13l47 INITIALS Incomplete, false, ar misleading application information may result in denial of a license. LICENSE NUMBER: G00444 001 EFFECTIVE DATE:04/Oi/96 EXPIIZATION DATE: 03/31/98 ORG�\TZATION INFORMATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION: Minn Brass St Paul CEO NAME: Gavin Bumham GAMBLING MANAGE;R INFJRNSATION Shirley B Munz 3606 E 70th St Znver Grove Heights MN 55076 DATE OF BIRTH: 11/03/35 SEX: F SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: 388-40-6875 DAYTIME PHONE NL3MBER: 612-552-3129 MEMBER SINCE: 06/Ol(82 EDUCATION INFORMATION MOST RECENT CObITINUING EDUCATION CLASS YOU ATTENDED: 12/04l96 BOiVD IIVFORMATTON BOND COMPANY NAME: United Fire & Casual BOND NUMBER: 5184060 GAMBLING MANAGER CHANGE When your organization is using this renewal application to change its gambling manager, complete one of the following sections: Emergency Change - Allow up to five working Other Change - Allow up to ten weeks for processing days for processing The new gambling manager's license should become The chief executive o�cer, by signing below, effective (check one): affirms that the emergency application is due to tUe following reason (Check one and fiil in date): The day aRer the cuaent gambling manager's license expires (for ezample, if the current gambrmg manager's Iicense expire Death o€� ' _%_/� 07/31l97 the new gambling manager's license becomes — ��r.,,:bUV ,�t �RA 3�3 ^: effective on O8/Ol/97, provided that all appiication informatio _DisabIlity��'���2ger on_/_/, is complete). ,� 0 ,,,,�,�, r; , t • • .. _When the application has been processed by the Gambling ^ Termination.o�emploqment of gambling Control Boazd--the effective date will be the first day of manager on_/,/_ the month. Note: A New gambling manager may not assume duties until helshe has received the gamhling manager's license from the Gambiing Control Boazd. The current chief executive o�cer of your organization must sign this application in che presence of a notary SIGNAT[JKE OF CFIIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (CEO) No[arized Signature of CEO Date 10-19-9� f �f���ll SG� Notary Public Informatioa. Notary Public Seal must be current and correct; seal may not be altered. Subscribed and swom to before me this ( 4 day of ��-. ,19, Notary Public on Bacl 9��ZZ9 LG212G a Page 2 . Gambling Manager Renewai Application (continued) �davit and Consen Statement: I,(print aame) C; h� r �e .i � � u» L ,under oath state that I have never: 1. been convicted of a felony or crime involving gambling; 2. committed a violation of law or Boazd rule that resulted in the revocation of a license issued by the Board within five yeazs before the date of the licease application; 3. been convicted of a criminal violation involving fraud, theft, tax evasion, misrepresentation, or gambling; 4. been convicted of (i) assault, (ii) a criminal violation involving die use of a firearm, or (iii) making tetroristic threats; I do not owe $500 or more in delinquent taxes as defined in section 270.72. 5. been, or am now, connected with nor engaged in an illegal business; 6. fiad a sates and use taz pernnt revoked by the commissic of revenue within the past two years; 7. after demand, failed to file, tax returas cequued by the commissioner of revemie. In addition, 1 understand, agree, and hereby irrevocably consent that suits and actions relaYmg to the subject matter of the attached gambling manager license application, or acts or omissions azising from such application, may be commenced against me or my organiza[ion and I will accept the service of process in any court of competent jurisdiction in Minnesota by service on the Minnesota Secretary of State of any summons, process, or pieading authorized by the laws of Minnesota. By signature of this document, the undersigned authorizes the Depaztments of Public Safety and Revenue to wnduct a criminal and taz background check or review and to shue the results with the Gambling Control Boazd. Failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT, ezcept that this Affidavit and Consent Statement aze subtnitted ia support of the application for a gambling manager ]icense from the Gambling Control Board. SIGNATURE OF GAMBLING MANAGER APPLICANT Notarized Signanlfe of Applicant Notary Public Information. Notary Public Seal must be current and conect; seal may not be altered. Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of n;t ,19 S�_. Date / 0 ' l /�' / 7 Public This pubiication will be made available in altemative fortnat (i.e. large pcin[. Bnille) upon reques[. If you us a'S�ou can Relay Service at (bl2) 297-5353 or 1•800-627-3529 and ask them to place a call w(612) 639-0000. The infottnadon reques[ed on this fortn will be used by the Gambling Control Boaid (Boacd) to dete�mine your compliance with Minnewta stam[es and Iules goveming lawtui gambling activities. All of the informauon that you supply on this form will become public informauon when [eceived by rhe Hoard. You att tequittd to provide your socia! securiry numbor on this form. Your socia! seeu»ry number wi41 be used w demcmine your wmpliance with the tax laws of Minnewm. Autfwrizatiun for requiring you[ wcia! :ecuriry number is found at 42 U.S.C. 405(c)(i). The information requesred on [his fonn (including any attachmena) wil! be used by tt�e Board w dekrm'u�e your quali6cadons m be imolved in lawful gamb�eng activities in Minnesota, and to assis[ the Board in conduc[ing a background invesugaaon of you. You have the right to refuse to supply tfie infolmauon requested; howevet, if you refuse to supply ffiis infortnation, the Boaid may not be able m dececmine you� quatificarions and, as a cansequence, may ee[use to issue you a licenu. If you wpply the infoemadon wqui�ed, the Boant will be able [o process your appiicauon. Your name and address will be public informadon when received by the Boatd. All the other infortnadon about you that you provide will be private dap until the Board issues your license. When the Board issues your license, alI of the informaaon you have p`ovided to tbe Board in the process of applying for your licenu will become pubtic except for your social securiry number, which remains privaee. If ihe Boatd dces na iss�e yon a license, all the infom�ation you have provided in the ptoceu of applying for a license cemainc private, with the excepuon of your name and address, which will remain public. ' ' _.,,,�.._..� J..... �...�. Privaee daW about you is avulable qi co�h €ql�qw.ing: Boald membecs, staff of [he Board whose work assignmrnt requircs that thry Aave access W[he infolmation; the Minnesoq Depamnenc�d€P.u��td�,�,MmneS}� Attomey Geneml; Ne Minnesota Commissioners of Adminisvauon, Finance ar�d Revecme; the Legislative A� nationat and intemaao�}1 garyt��{ggylNpcy9yA0ait�; a oue putsuant ro coutt order, other individuaSs and agrncies that tnay be speci�cally suthorized by state or fedemi iaw to have 3cesslrsna5 in4waadoe�•i�idu� agene�es For which law oc legal otdes audtortzes a new use or sha[ing of the informafioa af[er this noeice is given: you: am'i anyone a�A yoeF�LsRYE�f� ^�onsent. ._.- ....�...�.... ..