98-227RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ! Presented By Referred To RBSOI.VED: 1 2 3 Committee: Date That application (ID �19980000686) for a Gambling Manager License(s) by RICHARD ROSERT MATSON DBA ST PAUL FESTIVAL AND HERITAGE FOUNDATION at 1199 RICE ST be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas Council File# �O 'ZZ / Ordinance # Green Sheet # LP60034 2� Absent Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Adopted by Council: Date ��...`„ �.=, 1� g l��n-1.�2LCnc� H'�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City At�y By: � ih 9,t� �x,f' , -v��. Approved by May Da L `C Approved by Ma�yor for Submission to Council By: By; DEPARTMENTlOFFICFJCWNCfL DA7EINrtiATED �O 'ZZ ��"``�"� GREEN SHEET No. LP60034 NTACT PERSON & PFlONE �� �� UNTHER WILLUIM (BILL) (61� 2669132 - � CdY � UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE7 � 325l96 �� 2❑ CamclResearch ROiiTlIG OR00! TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUES7ED: Co�u�l appa�21 o11he Tdfo�Wg �ense appt'rp�n: License 319B8W W666, for ftiCHARD ROBERT MATSON , Doing Business AS ST PAUL FESTIVAL AND HERRAGE FOUNDATION, at 1199 RICE ST, indudiny the fdbaing business type(s): Gamding Marqger. RECOMMENpATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) RsOWLL SER1ACE cONiRAC7S MUSi MISWER 7HE FOL.OWING �UeST�ONS: 7. FlasihisDe�imeverworlmdundera confnctforMisdepartmenYl �PLANNINGCOMMISSION y� pp CIBCOMMITTEE 2. Heslhispa�soM'meverbaenacityemployee? CML SVC CINN, � � . Does this PersoMrm possess a sldll not namalN Dosaessed bY any curreirt cily employee? YES NO . Is t�is persot�rtn a targMed ventloR YES NO Explain all yes answen on xparate sheet and altach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, fSSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Wl�en, Where, Why): Requesting Council approval fcr Richard Rnhert Matson OBA St. Paui Festiral & HeriNege Foundation fw a Gambling Managets License at SpoAS 8reak, t t99 Rice St. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: V��$�i�r �iQS�f,?1��+'r' 4°r,4�v � � �� ISADVANTAGES tF APPROVE�: DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED: � TOSAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FiNANCiAL 1NFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9�-ZZ7 Ivlinnesotcz Lawfut GambTirzg LG212 siss Gambling Manager Application Pz�e, ofZ . (ncompieiz, ��!se, or misleadir�g �pplicalion ir`orr, �a5cn may result in deni2l of a licensz. Organization [nformation Org2nizz;icn (Cznnot be cambGag m�nzger) Ozy,imePhcne 5! �Z l 223-4700 Orcznization3zseLicense Bozrd Use Onfy: __ Lic � �ence T � Y Gambfing Manager {nformation FirstM1'z7e R�Ch3rd FuifMiddieName R�hort LzstNSme N:fisAn h"zidenNane ��a D�:eofBir,h 3( 1�J r 39 Checkoneofthzbcxes: a M�;e � Ferrzle Social Security N�T Home StreetAadr2s Ci'v `.'205°Vi�� DayttmePhoneNum�r( 612 1 �589-?G53 I became zn 2c:ive member of this orc2nization on: I a;,ended ,he ;wo-day g2mbting mzrzcer seminar on: Disciosure oF Social Security Number You are required to provide yoursoa'zis=cv- ri,ynumberonthisform.Your socialsecu- r!y number witl be used to determine y0ur compliance wfth ;he tzx faws of 6M1inneso:a. Au.hor¢aticnfor reGuiringyoursociaisea- rity num5eris fou�d at 42 U.S.C. t05(c)(i). Bond information A 5'0,060 ideliy bond in tavot of the organiz2tion has been ob,ained as tequired by 1✓innesota Stafutes, secfion 349.167, subdivision 1. InsuranceCompanyName: Old Re�u6lic Suretv f,o BondNumber. RA50445571 (DO NOT 11SE THE AGENCY NA1JE) Gambling Manager Change �''men your organizaUon is changing its gambiing manager, compiete one of these sedions: Emergency Change - aiow up to flve aays sor Other Ch8tlge - Allow up So ten weeks foc processing processing The new gambiing manager's Iicense shouid become The chief executive officer, by signing below, af6rms effective (check one): that the emergency apptication is due to the foilowing � The day after the current gambling manager's license reason (check one and fill in dafe): expires (for examp(e, if the currenf gambling manager's ❑ Death of gambting manager on _I 1 license expires 7/31190, the new gambting managePs license becomes effective on 8/1/96, provided tFat all ❑ Disability of gambJing manager on / 1 application information is compfete). ❑ Termination of empioyment of gambiing manager on � yy�en the application has been processed by the Gam- —� � bling Controt Board--the effective date wili 6e the firsi NOTE: The new gambling manager may not assume day of the month. , - duties untit he/she has received the gambling managers NOTE• _ The new gamb{ing manager may not assume license from tha Gambling Confro! Board. _.. ._ duties until he/she has received a gambling managers - - license from the Gambling Control Board.'-� - Si nature�o€CEO _ � ' .: � _ ._ � Ndtariz � Si9natur ofChiefEzecutiveOffixr(CEOJ Dat� � . /�.'1�� - ' __ f_ Nofary Pubiic Information. Nota_ry?ub6c Seal must' be current and corred; sea! may not be attere3' :'i� �\ � . Subsuibed and swom fo before me this 23` � day,:;•' . of �Gr -.19�, ' � 1 l . hpTqRyPUBLIG � (continued on back) RA11S�Y COUNIY f.\� G^,..:..-;�x. E4�TS.1R1i 3t.2ab RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ! Presented By Referred To RBSOI.VED: 1 2 3 Committee: Date That application (ID �19980000686) for a Gambling Manager License(s) by RICHARD ROSERT MATSON DBA ST PAUL FESTIVAL AND HERITAGE FOUNDATION at 1199 RICE ST be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas Council File# �O 'ZZ / Ordinance # Green Sheet # LP60034 2� Absent Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Adopted by Council: Date ��...`„ �.=, 1� g l��n-1.�2LCnc� H'�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City At�y By: � ih 9,t� �x,f' , -v��. Approved by May Da L `C Approved by Ma�yor for Submission to Council By: By; DEPARTMENTlOFFICFJCWNCfL DA7EINrtiATED �O 'ZZ ��"``�"� GREEN SHEET No. LP60034 NTACT PERSON & PFlONE �� �� UNTHER WILLUIM (BILL) (61� 2669132 - � CdY � UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE7 � 325l96 �� 2❑ CamclResearch ROiiTlIG OR00! TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUES7ED: Co�u�l appa�21 o11he Tdfo�Wg �ense appt'rp�n: License 319B8W W666, for ftiCHARD ROBERT MATSON , Doing Business AS ST PAUL FESTIVAL AND HERRAGE FOUNDATION, at 1199 RICE ST, indudiny the fdbaing business type(s): Gamding Marqger. RECOMMENpATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) RsOWLL SER1ACE cONiRAC7S MUSi MISWER 7HE FOL.OWING �UeST�ONS: 7. FlasihisDe�imeverworlmdundera confnctforMisdepartmenYl �PLANNINGCOMMISSION y� pp CIBCOMMITTEE 2. Heslhispa�soM'meverbaenacityemployee? CML SVC CINN, � � . Does this PersoMrm possess a sldll not namalN Dosaessed bY any curreirt cily employee? YES NO . Is t�is persot�rtn a targMed ventloR YES NO Explain all yes answen on xparate sheet and altach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, fSSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Wl�en, Where, Why): Requesting Council approval fcr Richard Rnhert Matson OBA St. Paui Festiral & HeriNege Foundation fw a Gambling Managets License at SpoAS 8reak, t t99 Rice St. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: V��$�i�r �iQS�f,?1��+'r' 4°r,4�v � � �� ISADVANTAGES tF APPROVE�: DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED: � TOSAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FiNANCiAL 1NFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9�-ZZ7 Ivlinnesotcz Lawfut GambTirzg LG212 siss Gambling Manager Application Pz�e, ofZ . (ncompieiz, ��!se, or misleadir�g �pplicalion ir`orr, �a5cn may result in deni2l of a licensz. Organization [nformation Org2nizz;icn (Cznnot be cambGag m�nzger) Ozy,imePhcne 5! �Z l 223-4700 Orcznization3zseLicense Bozrd Use Onfy: __ Lic � �ence T � Y Gambfing Manager {nformation FirstM1'z7e R�Ch3rd FuifMiddieName R�hort LzstNSme N:fisAn h"zidenNane ��a D�:eofBir,h 3( 1�J r 39 Checkoneofthzbcxes: a M�;e � Ferrzle Social Security N�T Home StreetAadr2s Ci'v `.'205°Vi�� DayttmePhoneNum�r( 612 1 �589-?G53 I became zn 2c:ive member of this orc2nization on: I a;,ended ,he ;wo-day g2mbting mzrzcer seminar on: Disciosure oF Social Security Number You are required to provide yoursoa'zis=cv- ri,ynumberonthisform.Your socialsecu- r!y number witl be used to determine y0ur compliance wfth ;he tzx faws of 6M1inneso:a. Au.hor¢aticnfor reGuiringyoursociaisea- rity num5eris fou�d at 42 U.S.C. t05(c)(i). Bond information A 5'0,060 ideliy bond in tavot of the organiz2tion has been ob,ained as tequired by 1✓innesota Stafutes, secfion 349.167, subdivision 1. InsuranceCompanyName: Old Re�u6lic Suretv f,o BondNumber. RA50445571 (DO NOT 11SE THE AGENCY NA1JE) Gambling Manager Change �''men your organizaUon is changing its gambiing manager, compiete one of these sedions: Emergency Change - aiow up to flve aays sor Other Ch8tlge - Allow up So ten weeks foc processing processing The new gambiing manager's Iicense shouid become The chief executive officer, by signing below, af6rms effective (check one): that the emergency apptication is due to the foilowing � The day after the current gambling manager's license reason (check one and fill in dafe): expires (for examp(e, if the currenf gambling manager's ❑ Death of gambting manager on _I 1 license expires 7/31190, the new gambting managePs license becomes effective on 8/1/96, provided tFat all ❑ Disability of gambJing manager on / 1 application information is compfete). ❑ Termination of empioyment of gambiing manager on � yy�en the application has been processed by the Gam- —� � bling Controt Board--the effective date wili 6e the firsi NOTE: The new gambling manager may not assume day of the month. , - duties untit he/she has received the gambling managers NOTE• _ The new gamb{ing manager may not assume license from tha Gambling Confro! Board. _.. ._ duties until he/she has received a gambling managers - - license from the Gambling Control Board.'-� - Si nature�o€CEO _ � ' .: � _ ._ � Ndtariz � Si9natur ofChiefEzecutiveOffixr(CEOJ Dat� � . /�.'1�� - ' __ f_ Nofary Pubiic Information. Nota_ry?ub6c Seal must' be current and corred; sea! may not be attere3' :'i� �\ � . Subsuibed and swom fo before me this 23` � day,:;•' . of �Gr -.19�, ' � 1 l . hpTqRyPUBLIG � (continued on back) RA11S�Y COUNIY f.\� G^,..:..-;�x. E4�TS.1R1i 3t.2ab RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ! Presented By Referred To RBSOI.VED: 1 2 3 Committee: Date That application (ID �19980000686) for a Gambling Manager License(s) by RICHARD ROSERT MATSON DBA ST PAUL FESTIVAL AND HERITAGE FOUNDATION at 1199 RICE ST be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas Council File# �O 'ZZ / Ordinance # Green Sheet # LP60034 2� Absent Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Adopted by Council: Date ��...`„ �.=, 1� g l��n-1.�2LCnc� H'�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City At�y By: � ih 9,t� �x,f' , -v��. Approved by May Da L `C Approved by Ma�yor for Submission to Council By: By; DEPARTMENTlOFFICFJCWNCfL DA7EINrtiATED �O 'ZZ ��"``�"� GREEN SHEET No. LP60034 NTACT PERSON & PFlONE �� �� UNTHER WILLUIM (BILL) (61� 2669132 - � CdY � UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE7 � 325l96 �� 2❑ CamclResearch ROiiTlIG OR00! TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUES7ED: Co�u�l appa�21 o11he Tdfo�Wg �ense appt'rp�n: License 319B8W W666, for ftiCHARD ROBERT MATSON , Doing Business AS ST PAUL FESTIVAL AND HERRAGE FOUNDATION, at 1199 RICE ST, indudiny the fdbaing business type(s): Gamding Marqger. RECOMMENpATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) RsOWLL SER1ACE cONiRAC7S MUSi MISWER 7HE FOL.OWING �UeST�ONS: 7. FlasihisDe�imeverworlmdundera confnctforMisdepartmenYl �PLANNINGCOMMISSION y� pp CIBCOMMITTEE 2. Heslhispa�soM'meverbaenacityemployee? CML SVC CINN, � � . Does this PersoMrm possess a sldll not namalN Dosaessed bY any curreirt cily employee? YES NO . Is t�is persot�rtn a targMed ventloR YES NO Explain all yes answen on xparate sheet and altach to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, fSSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Wl�en, Where, Why): Requesting Council approval fcr Richard Rnhert Matson OBA St. Paui Festiral & HeriNege Foundation fw a Gambling Managets License at SpoAS 8reak, t t99 Rice St. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: V��$�i�r �iQS�f,?1��+'r' 4°r,4�v � � �� ISADVANTAGES tF APPROVE�: DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED: � TOSAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FiNANCiAL 1NFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9�-ZZ7 Ivlinnesotcz Lawfut GambTirzg LG212 siss Gambling Manager Application Pz�e, ofZ . (ncompieiz, ��!se, or misleadir�g �pplicalion ir`orr, �a5cn may result in deni2l of a licensz. Organization [nformation Org2nizz;icn (Cznnot be cambGag m�nzger) Ozy,imePhcne 5! �Z l 223-4700 Orcznization3zseLicense Bozrd Use Onfy: __ Lic � �ence T � Y Gambfing Manager {nformation FirstM1'z7e R�Ch3rd FuifMiddieName R�hort LzstNSme N:fisAn h"zidenNane ��a D�:eofBir,h 3( 1�J r 39 Checkoneofthzbcxes: a M�;e � Ferrzle Social Security N�T Home StreetAadr2s Ci'v `.'205°Vi�� DayttmePhoneNum�r( 612 1 �589-?G53 I became zn 2c:ive member of this orc2nization on: I a;,ended ,he ;wo-day g2mbting mzrzcer seminar on: Disciosure oF Social Security Number You are required to provide yoursoa'zis=cv- ri,ynumberonthisform.Your socialsecu- r!y number witl be used to determine y0ur compliance wfth ;he tzx faws of 6M1inneso:a. Au.hor¢aticnfor reGuiringyoursociaisea- rity num5eris fou�d at 42 U.S.C. t05(c)(i). Bond information A 5'0,060 ideliy bond in tavot of the organiz2tion has been ob,ained as tequired by 1✓innesota Stafutes, secfion 349.167, subdivision 1. InsuranceCompanyName: Old Re�u6lic Suretv f,o BondNumber. RA50445571 (DO NOT 11SE THE AGENCY NA1JE) Gambling Manager Change �''men your organizaUon is changing its gambiing manager, compiete one of these sedions: Emergency Change - aiow up to flve aays sor Other Ch8tlge - Allow up So ten weeks foc processing processing The new gambiing manager's Iicense shouid become The chief executive officer, by signing below, af6rms effective (check one): that the emergency apptication is due to the foilowing � The day after the current gambling manager's license reason (check one and fill in dafe): expires (for examp(e, if the currenf gambling manager's ❑ Death of gambting manager on _I 1 license expires 7/31190, the new gambting managePs license becomes effective on 8/1/96, provided tFat all ❑ Disability of gambJing manager on / 1 application information is compfete). ❑ Termination of empioyment of gambiing manager on � yy�en the application has been processed by the Gam- —� � bling Controt Board--the effective date wili 6e the firsi NOTE: The new gambling manager may not assume day of the month. , - duties untit he/she has received the gambling managers NOTE• _ The new gamb{ing manager may not assume license from tha Gambling Confro! Board. _.. ._ duties until he/she has received a gambling managers - - license from the Gambling Control Board.'-� - Si nature�o€CEO _ � ' .: � _ ._ � Ndtariz � Si9natur ofChiefEzecutiveOffixr(CEOJ Dat� � . /�.'1�� - ' __ f_ Nofary Pubiic Information. Nota_ry?ub6c Seal must' be current and corred; sea! may not be attere3' :'i� �\ � . Subsuibed and swom fo before me this 23` � day,:;•' . of �Gr -.19�, ' � 1 l . hpTqRyPUBLIG � (continued on back) RA11S�Y COUNIY f.\� G^,..:..-;�x. E4�TS.1R1i 3t.2ab