98-226Council File # ���ZZ�p Ordinance ,# � Green Sheet # LP60027 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'1 28 29 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #0011483) for an Auto Repair Garage License(s) by EAST LARE AUTO DBA EAST LAKE AUTO at 809 BERRY ST be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions; 1) No spray painting or auto body repair allowed on the premises. 2) Parking for customers and employees shall be arranged on the lot as ahown on the attached site plan. 3) A11 vehicles parked outdoors on the Lot must agpear to be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4) Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similar items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be atored in the dumpster or in an enclosed area, not viaible £rom the street. 5} No repair of vehicles wi11 occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � ��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By' Approved by tg or. D � By: / Office of License Inspections and � v' BY: ,1�,,�� � / �� Form Approved by City Att BY: "T��,� ` 0.X v�.�E.. � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �EPARTMENTIOFFICElCOUNCIL DATEINI744TE0 �(� Z � L � EP �� GREEN SHEET No. LP60027 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE m�wuwre ouriauoaee LOOM JAMES (JINn (612} 2669073 t❑ CityAttomey . UST BE ON COUN BY (DATE) 3���' �� ASSIGH - I�u a i,�. keUi , n6 NUMBERFOR ❑z c«,nci� Res�rcn L �� � R6UT67G _ t_ ORQER 3�5�58' 'a�_.� TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREy ACTION REQUESTED: Council approval of the fdbwing lieense appliqtion: Lice�e # 0011483, for EAST LAKE AUTO, Ddng Business As EAST LAKE AUTO, at 809 BERRY ST, inUudi� the tdbwitg ht�siness type(s}: Auto Repa'¢ Garage. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. HaslhispersoMrtneverworkedu�Wera conllacttorthisdepactment? PLANNING COMMISSION rES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a dry employee? CIVILSVCCINN, YES NO � 3. Does this persoMrm possess a slrill not normalty possessed by arry current city emplqree? VES NO 4. Is this perso�rtn a targeted vendo? YES NO Ezplafn aIl yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VJho, What, When, Where, Why): Reques6ng Courxil approval fa East Lake Au[o DBA East Lake Auto for an Au[o Repair Garege License at 809 Berry Street. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: s �N : ,_ ` ` yE" DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: 3 5 ����`� �a�� � i�i� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CtRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVtTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) r��-� v � s Il �/ �"� 9�-a 2� - , CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TfiiS 4rPLTCATSON IS SL�3TECT TO REV�W BY THE PL�BLIC CII'Y OF S.�INT PAUL �u ofLicm�e, Irspzaio,^s znd Emironmc.r�zl Prouc,ion 35,^, St?: c St Sti': i00 Si,-C?a.�(M�ya �5'.03 (61.)766-o:W .`rxl6i:j266ci23 PLEASE TY?E OR P TT IN L'�ZC � Ttpe of Licensz(s) being applied for: �� VY(�G�� ��{ �(� !� �/S v(��' O / :� �` Compxny N2.-ne: Corporalion /Pz�tncrsFip i Sole P:oprieto�ship If business is incorporated, gi��e dzte of incorporztion: o� 9 1 �-{ 1` R C� Doing Business As: S t� G-;- L- � Y= Q�n � � Business Phone: ��}- I �� Busi�ess Address: Strui Addms � CiTy State Zip Beh��een u$at cross strcets is the bi:siness ]ocated? /��✓.� �.' � Which side of the street? � Are the premises now' occupied7 � VJhat T}pe of Business? �ir, ,�A�s Mail To Address: F-3 O`' SSreet.9ddress Applicant Infoimation: I�ame and Tifle: � State tJ� A vJ Zip 4 rust / �5iddle (�tnidrn) LaSt � Titie � Home Address: ��i' Q � S � nn-� �- n G� 2 N �ro�. l� _�a ��� SS�J`f � Street Addxv City Stete / / Z ' ip DateofBirth: �' ��-� � PlaceofBirth: �e�-n � HomePhone: L'��i' �; r Have you e��er been com•icted of any feloay, crime or tiolation of any city ordinance other than tra$ic? YES NO _t,,[_ Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Comicrion: Sentence: Lis1 the naznes and midences of three persons of good moral chazacier, living within tt�e Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or basiness, w�ho may be referred to as to the applicznPs chazacter: List licenses u�hich you currenily ho]d, f 9li[ � erly held, or may have an interest in: A I 1 . � � i � . .> Ha�•e any of the above named licenses e�'er been revokedl City Where? YES _�� I��O If yes, list the dates and reasons for recocalion: � 2/18/97 NAME ADDRESS PHONE 9�-za� Are; ou going to operzie this business pzrsonall}'? _L� _ YES NO If not, ��'ho �;'ill opezate it4 t�l� �. m o s�. �a. ti.zs .1- c�. � v 8'" 7�' f i S F'a4:�amc J �tiddleInitizi (�faidrn) L+3t Dz:eofBiYh k�-I SZ � C'. ,. �-i �„ /... r) �t S�„��� _ G.,�� iLl/ nl �l�G� �L.� ��G Ho�e�ddress: St�ct\z�e Are}rou going 2o hz�•e a��ager or scrstu:t ;a th:s business? plea.se complete Lhe :ollon�ing info:mzuoa: `.yddlc Lvtirl Hm.aeAddeess: Str�-t'.:zve Ci y Siztc Zip Phone�ic.iba YES �?�0 ?f' �he mznzezr :s not the same zs the operator, (�iaida) Ltst Date of Hit.h Ci.y Plezse list }•our emnlo}ment Iristory for the pre��ous five (5) czer period: Bus:ness/Emnlo�ment Address Stete Zip Phone �vmba Ci] List all other officers of the corporation: OFfiCER 'iITLE I��AUiE (Office Held) � HOME ADDRESS HOME BUSI:��ESS DAIE�F PHONE PHONE BIl2TH If business is a parmetship, please include the fo1loW�ing informetion for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): F"vt\eme ?vliddleIititiil (�2aiden) Last Da4ofBirth Add[css: Sireet\eae Firri t�ame ?vliddle Ixutial Home Addrus: 54ut'�ame ���) City Statc Zip 7.ast State Zip Phmrc \�ber Date of BirBi Phrne MI2SNSSOTA TAX LDENTIFICATION 1vUNBER - Pursuznt to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Aiticle 8, Section 2(27�.72} (Ta� Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities ue required to provide to the State of Minnesota Comuussioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesoffi Govemment Data Yractices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 19 ]A, we are required to advise you of ihe foIlov.�ing regarding the use of ffie Minnesota Tax Idrntification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Ivfinnesota sales, emploper s ri�thholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving flris inf'ormation, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depar[mrnt of Revenue. Howe��er, under the Federal Exchange of Infotmation Agreement, the Department of Rei�enue may supply ttus infom;ation to tl�e Internal Revenue Sen�ce. Mmnesota Tax Identi5cation Nwnbers (Sales & Use Taat I�Tianber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Sociat Security Number: `7 ��"�'/ �- S' � Minnesota Tax Identification Number: 3 3 O` o� �� � _ If a Minnesota Tax ]drntification Number is not required foz the busu�ess being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. t'; ' 2/I S/97 9�-� z � CERTIFICATION OF N'ORKERS' COVfPEtiSATION C0�'ERAGE PliRSU'�\I TO'�/Ii '�^�'ESOTA S'IATliTE 176.132 1 hereby cenif} :hzt I, or m} compzm�, a-� in cor,ipliance n;ih thz �ro, compens2tion insurz�ce co� eragz rzociremenis of Nu, Statutz 176.182, subd��isirn 2. I a�so i..�d�stz�d Lhzt pro�ision of fzlsz i�ormation in th:s cr, [i�5cztion cor.stitutes su$3cient ffounds for ad�'r, se action zEainst all lic�ses hz!d, including rel'ocetion z�d suspeasioa of seid liczaszs. \zme of Inssz*�ce Co:�pz*!}: Po?±cy Numba: Co��era�¢�e fro: to I have no emplo}'ees cocered undzr �z'o:Las' compe�sation ss::r�,�ce // (I:�'I7IALS) Al\Y FALSIFICATION OF rL\S�4ERS GIVEN OR'1iATERLAL STiB;KITTED WILL RESULT Lti DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION 1 hereby state that I hz��e answered a11 of the preceding questions, and that the information contzined herein is trve znd cor�ect to the best of my lsouledge and belie£ I hereby stzte fiuther that I hzve rzceived no money or other considzrztion, by �ray of ]oan, gift, conuibutioa, or o'�hauise, other thai zkeady disclosed in thz app&catian u'nich I he: ewith submitted I also undastand this premise ma}' be inspected b�� police, .`ue, health and other cit} officials at zm� zad zll times �rhen thz business is in oyeration. �� �-- �-Q � .D for all applicatioos) Date We eill accept pacment b}' cash, check (made pa�'able to City of Saint Paut) or credit card (_!I/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOZLOK7NGIIVFORd1AT10N: �MasterCard � Visa EXPII2ATI0\' DATE: ACCOUNT NUIvflER: ❑�/�❑ . ❑C70❑ ❑��❑ ❑�C7❑ ❑�O❑ of **Note: ff this applicaIIOn is Food/Liquor reated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Ittspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�tiew plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipate.� please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building pennits. If thae are a�y changes to the parking ]ot, floor space, or for new operavons, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications mquim the fnllowing documenta. Please attach these documents a•hen submitting }'onr apptication: I. A detai3ed description of the desigq location and square footage of the preuuses to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 1!2" x i4" papex): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of all pertinent feahues of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, offices, repair area, pazking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cutrent area snd the proposed expansion 2. A copy of your ]ease agreement or proof of ownership of the properry. SPECIFTC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTTONAL L'�"PORl�iATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> _, 2%] 8'97 Council File # ���ZZ�p Ordinance ,# � Green Sheet # LP60027 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'1 28 29 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #0011483) for an Auto Repair Garage License(s) by EAST LARE AUTO DBA EAST LAKE AUTO at 809 BERRY ST be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions; 1) No spray painting or auto body repair allowed on the premises. 2) Parking for customers and employees shall be arranged on the lot as ahown on the attached site plan. 3) A11 vehicles parked outdoors on the Lot must agpear to be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4) Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similar items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be atored in the dumpster or in an enclosed area, not viaible £rom the street. 5} No repair of vehicles wi11 occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � ��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By' Approved by tg or. D � By: / Office of License Inspections and � v' BY: ,1�,,�� � / �� Form Approved by City Att BY: "T��,� ` 0.X v�.�E.. � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �EPARTMENTIOFFICElCOUNCIL DATEINI744TE0 �(� Z � L � EP �� GREEN SHEET No. LP60027 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE m�wuwre ouriauoaee LOOM JAMES (JINn (612} 2669073 t❑ CityAttomey . UST BE ON COUN BY (DATE) 3���' �� ASSIGH - I�u a i,�. keUi , n6 NUMBERFOR ❑z c«,nci� Res�rcn L �� � R6UT67G _ t_ ORQER 3�5�58' 'a�_.� TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREy ACTION REQUESTED: Council approval of the fdbwing lieense appliqtion: Lice�e # 0011483, for EAST LAKE AUTO, Ddng Business As EAST LAKE AUTO, at 809 BERRY ST, inUudi� the tdbwitg ht�siness type(s}: Auto Repa'¢ Garage. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. HaslhispersoMrtneverworkedu�Wera conllacttorthisdepactment? PLANNING COMMISSION rES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a dry employee? CIVILSVCCINN, YES NO � 3. Does this persoMrm possess a slrill not normalty possessed by arry current city emplqree? VES NO 4. Is this perso�rtn a targeted vendo? YES NO Ezplafn aIl yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VJho, What, When, Where, Why): Reques6ng Courxil approval fa East Lake Au[o DBA East Lake Auto for an Au[o Repair Garege License at 809 Berry Street. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: s �N : ,_ ` ` yE" DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: 3 5 ����`� �a�� � i�i� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CtRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVtTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) r��-� v � s Il �/ �"� 9�-a 2� - , CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TfiiS 4rPLTCATSON IS SL�3TECT TO REV�W BY THE PL�BLIC CII'Y OF S.�INT PAUL �u ofLicm�e, Irspzaio,^s znd Emironmc.r�zl Prouc,ion 35,^, St?: c St Sti': i00 Si,-C?a.�(M�ya �5'.03 (61.)766-o:W .`rxl6i:j266ci23 PLEASE TY?E OR P TT IN L'�ZC � Ttpe of Licensz(s) being applied for: �� VY(�G�� ��{ �(� !� �/S v(��' O / :� �` Compxny N2.-ne: Corporalion /Pz�tncrsFip i Sole P:oprieto�ship If business is incorporated, gi��e dzte of incorporztion: o� 9 1 �-{ 1` R C� Doing Business As: S t� G-;- L- � Y= Q�n � � Business Phone: ��}- I �� Busi�ess Address: Strui Addms � CiTy State Zip Beh��een u$at cross strcets is the bi:siness ]ocated? /��✓.� �.' � Which side of the street? � Are the premises now' occupied7 � VJhat T}pe of Business? �ir, ,�A�s Mail To Address: F-3 O`' SSreet.9ddress Applicant Infoimation: I�ame and Tifle: � State tJ� A vJ Zip 4 rust / �5iddle (�tnidrn) LaSt � Titie � Home Address: ��i' Q � S � nn-� �- n G� 2 N �ro�. l� _�a ��� SS�J`f � Street Addxv City Stete / / Z ' ip DateofBirth: �' ��-� � PlaceofBirth: �e�-n � HomePhone: L'��i' �; r Have you e��er been com•icted of any feloay, crime or tiolation of any city ordinance other than tra$ic? YES NO _t,,[_ Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Comicrion: Sentence: Lis1 the naznes and midences of three persons of good moral chazacier, living within tt�e Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or basiness, w�ho may be referred to as to the applicznPs chazacter: List licenses u�hich you currenily ho]d, f 9li[ � erly held, or may have an interest in: A I 1 . � � i � . .> Ha�•e any of the above named licenses e�'er been revokedl City Where? YES _�� I��O If yes, list the dates and reasons for recocalion: � 2/18/97 NAME ADDRESS PHONE 9�-za� Are; ou going to operzie this business pzrsonall}'? _L� _ YES NO If not, ��'ho �;'ill opezate it4 t�l� �. m o s�. �a. ti.zs .1- c�. � v 8'" 7�' f i S F'a4:�amc J �tiddleInitizi (�faidrn) L+3t Dz:eofBiYh k�-I SZ � C'. ,. �-i �„ /... r) �t S�„��� _ G.,�� iLl/ nl �l�G� �L.� ��G Ho�e�ddress: St�ct\z�e Are}rou going 2o hz�•e a��ager or scrstu:t ;a th:s business? plea.se complete Lhe :ollon�ing info:mzuoa: `.yddlc Lvtirl Hm.aeAddeess: Str�-t'.:zve Ci y Siztc Zip Phone�ic.iba YES �?�0 ?f' �he mznzezr :s not the same zs the operator, (�iaida) Ltst Date of Hit.h Ci.y Plezse list }•our emnlo}ment Iristory for the pre��ous five (5) czer period: Bus:ness/Emnlo�ment Address Stete Zip Phone �vmba Ci] List all other officers of the corporation: OFfiCER 'iITLE I��AUiE (Office Held) � HOME ADDRESS HOME BUSI:��ESS DAIE�F PHONE PHONE BIl2TH If business is a parmetship, please include the fo1loW�ing informetion for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): F"vt\eme ?vliddleIititiil (�2aiden) Last Da4ofBirth Add[css: Sireet\eae Firri t�ame ?vliddle Ixutial Home Addrus: 54ut'�ame ���) City Statc Zip 7.ast State Zip Phmrc \�ber Date of BirBi Phrne MI2SNSSOTA TAX LDENTIFICATION 1vUNBER - Pursuznt to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Aiticle 8, Section 2(27�.72} (Ta� Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities ue required to provide to the State of Minnesota Comuussioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesoffi Govemment Data Yractices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 19 ]A, we are required to advise you of ihe foIlov.�ing regarding the use of ffie Minnesota Tax Idrntification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Ivfinnesota sales, emploper s ri�thholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving flris inf'ormation, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depar[mrnt of Revenue. Howe��er, under the Federal Exchange of Infotmation Agreement, the Department of Rei�enue may supply ttus infom;ation to tl�e Internal Revenue Sen�ce. Mmnesota Tax Identi5cation Nwnbers (Sales & Use Taat I�Tianber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Sociat Security Number: `7 ��"�'/ �- S' � Minnesota Tax Identification Number: 3 3 O` o� �� � _ If a Minnesota Tax ]drntification Number is not required foz the busu�ess being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. t'; ' 2/I S/97 9�-� z � CERTIFICATION OF N'ORKERS' COVfPEtiSATION C0�'ERAGE PliRSU'�\I TO'�/Ii '�^�'ESOTA S'IATliTE 176.132 1 hereby cenif} :hzt I, or m} compzm�, a-� in cor,ipliance n;ih thz �ro, compens2tion insurz�ce co� eragz rzociremenis of Nu, Statutz 176.182, subd��isirn 2. I a�so i..�d�stz�d Lhzt pro�ision of fzlsz i�ormation in th:s cr, [i�5cztion cor.stitutes su$3cient ffounds for ad�'r, se action zEainst all lic�ses hz!d, including rel'ocetion z�d suspeasioa of seid liczaszs. \zme of Inssz*�ce Co:�pz*!}: Po?±cy Numba: Co��era�¢�e fro: to I have no emplo}'ees cocered undzr �z'o:Las' compe�sation ss::r�,�ce // (I:�'I7IALS) Al\Y FALSIFICATION OF rL\S�4ERS GIVEN OR'1iATERLAL STiB;KITTED WILL RESULT Lti DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION 1 hereby state that I hz��e answered a11 of the preceding questions, and that the information contzined herein is trve znd cor�ect to the best of my lsouledge and belie£ I hereby stzte fiuther that I hzve rzceived no money or other considzrztion, by �ray of ]oan, gift, conuibutioa, or o'�hauise, other thai zkeady disclosed in thz app&catian u'nich I he: ewith submitted I also undastand this premise ma}' be inspected b�� police, .`ue, health and other cit} officials at zm� zad zll times �rhen thz business is in oyeration. �� �-- �-Q � .D for all applicatioos) Date We eill accept pacment b}' cash, check (made pa�'able to City of Saint Paut) or credit card (_!I/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOZLOK7NGIIVFORd1AT10N: �MasterCard � Visa EXPII2ATI0\' DATE: ACCOUNT NUIvflER: ❑�/�❑ . ❑C70❑ ❑��❑ ❑�C7❑ ❑�O❑ of **Note: ff this applicaIIOn is Food/Liquor reated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Ittspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�tiew plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipate.� please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building pennits. If thae are a�y changes to the parking ]ot, floor space, or for new operavons, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications mquim the fnllowing documenta. Please attach these documents a•hen submitting }'onr apptication: I. A detai3ed description of the desigq location and square footage of the preuuses to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 1!2" x i4" papex): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of all pertinent feahues of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, offices, repair area, pazking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cutrent area snd the proposed expansion 2. A copy of your ]ease agreement or proof of ownership of the properry. SPECIFTC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTTONAL L'�"PORl�iATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> _, 2%] 8'97 Council File # ���ZZ�p Ordinance ,# � Green Sheet # LP60027 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2'1 28 29 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #0011483) for an Auto Repair Garage License(s) by EAST LARE AUTO DBA EAST LAKE AUTO at 809 BERRY ST be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions; 1) No spray painting or auto body repair allowed on the premises. 2) Parking for customers and employees shall be arranged on the lot as ahown on the attached site plan. 3) A11 vehicles parked outdoors on the Lot must agpear to be completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage is not permitted. 4) Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similar items will not be stored outdoors. Trash will be atored in the dumpster or in an enclosed area, not viaible £rom the street. 5} No repair of vehicles wi11 occur on the exterior of the lot or on the public right-of-way. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � ��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By' Approved by tg or. D � By: / Office of License Inspections and � v' BY: ,1�,,�� � / �� Form Approved by City Att BY: "T��,� ` 0.X v�.�E.. � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �EPARTMENTIOFFICElCOUNCIL DATEINI744TE0 �(� Z � L � EP �� GREEN SHEET No. LP60027 ONTACT PERSON & PHONE m�wuwre ouriauoaee LOOM JAMES (JINn (612} 2669073 t❑ CityAttomey . UST BE ON COUN BY (DATE) 3���' �� ASSIGH - I�u a i,�. keUi , n6 NUMBERFOR ❑z c«,nci� Res�rcn L �� � R6UT67G _ t_ ORQER 3�5�58' 'a�_.� TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREy ACTION REQUESTED: Council approval of the fdbwing lieense appliqtion: Lice�e # 0011483, for EAST LAKE AUTO, Ddng Business As EAST LAKE AUTO, at 809 BERRY ST, inUudi� the tdbwitg ht�siness type(s}: Auto Repa'¢ Garage. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve(A) Reject(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. HaslhispersoMrtneverworkedu�Wera conllacttorthisdepactment? PLANNING COMMISSION rES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Mis perso�rm ever been a dry employee? CIVILSVCCINN, YES NO � 3. Does this persoMrm possess a slrill not normalty possessed by arry current city emplqree? VES NO 4. Is this perso�rtn a targeted vendo? YES NO Ezplafn aIl yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VJho, What, When, Where, Why): Reques6ng Courxil approval fa East Lake Au[o DBA East Lake Auto for an Au[o Repair Garege License at 809 Berry Street. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: s �N : ,_ ` ` yE" DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: 3 5 ����`� �a�� � i�i� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CtRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVtTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) r��-� v � s Il �/ �"� 9�-a 2� - , CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION TfiiS 4rPLTCATSON IS SL�3TECT TO REV�W BY THE PL�BLIC CII'Y OF S.�INT PAUL �u ofLicm�e, Irspzaio,^s znd Emironmc.r�zl Prouc,ion 35,^, St?: c St Sti': i00 Si,-C?a.�(M�ya �5'.03 (61.)766-o:W .`rxl6i:j266ci23 PLEASE TY?E OR P TT IN L'�ZC � Ttpe of Licensz(s) being applied for: �� VY(�G�� ��{ �(� !� �/S v(��' O / :� �` Compxny N2.-ne: Corporalion /Pz�tncrsFip i Sole P:oprieto�ship If business is incorporated, gi��e dzte of incorporztion: o� 9 1 �-{ 1` R C� Doing Business As: S t� G-;- L- � Y= Q�n � � Business Phone: ��}- I �� Busi�ess Address: Strui Addms � CiTy State Zip Beh��een u$at cross strcets is the bi:siness ]ocated? /��✓.� �.' � Which side of the street? � Are the premises now' occupied7 � VJhat T}pe of Business? �ir, ,�A�s Mail To Address: F-3 O`' SSreet.9ddress Applicant Infoimation: I�ame and Tifle: � State tJ� A vJ Zip 4 rust / �5iddle (�tnidrn) LaSt � Titie � Home Address: ��i' Q � S � nn-� �- n G� 2 N �ro�. l� _�a ��� SS�J`f � Street Addxv City Stete / / Z ' ip DateofBirth: �' ��-� � PlaceofBirth: �e�-n � HomePhone: L'��i' �; r Have you e��er been com•icted of any feloay, crime or tiolation of any city ordinance other than tra$ic? YES NO _t,,[_ Date of azrest: Chazge: _ Comicrion: Sentence: Lis1 the naznes and midences of three persons of good moral chazacier, living within tt�e Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or basiness, w�ho may be referred to as to the applicznPs chazacter: List licenses u�hich you currenily ho]d, f 9li[ � erly held, or may have an interest in: A I 1 . � � i � . .> Ha�•e any of the above named licenses e�'er been revokedl City Where? YES _�� I��O If yes, list the dates and reasons for recocalion: � 2/18/97 NAME ADDRESS PHONE 9�-za� Are; ou going to operzie this business pzrsonall}'? _L� _ YES NO If not, ��'ho �;'ill opezate it4 t�l� �. m o s�. �a. ti.zs .1- c�. � v 8'" 7�' f i S F'a4:�amc J �tiddleInitizi (�faidrn) L+3t Dz:eofBiYh k�-I SZ � C'. ,. �-i �„ /... r) �t S�„��� _ G.,�� iLl/ nl �l�G� �L.� ��G Ho�e�ddress: St�ct\z�e Are}rou going 2o hz�•e a��ager or scrstu:t ;a th:s business? plea.se complete Lhe :ollon�ing info:mzuoa: `.yddlc Lvtirl Hm.aeAddeess: Str�-t'.:zve Ci y Siztc Zip Phone�ic.iba YES �?�0 ?f' �he mznzezr :s not the same zs the operator, (�iaida) Ltst Date of Hit.h Ci.y Plezse list }•our emnlo}ment Iristory for the pre��ous five (5) czer period: Bus:ness/Emnlo�ment Address Stete Zip Phone �vmba Ci] List all other officers of the corporation: OFfiCER 'iITLE I��AUiE (Office Held) � HOME ADDRESS HOME BUSI:��ESS DAIE�F PHONE PHONE BIl2TH If business is a parmetship, please include the fo1loW�ing informetion for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): F"vt\eme ?vliddleIititiil (�2aiden) Last Da4ofBirth Add[css: Sireet\eae Firri t�ame ?vliddle Ixutial Home Addrus: 54ut'�ame ���) City Statc Zip 7.ast State Zip Phmrc \�ber Date of BirBi Phrne MI2SNSSOTA TAX LDENTIFICATION 1vUNBER - Pursuznt to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Aiticle 8, Section 2(27�.72} (Ta� Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities ue required to provide to the State of Minnesota Comuussioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax idrntification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesoffi Govemment Data Yractices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 19 ]A, we are required to advise you of ihe foIlov.�ing regarding the use of ffie Minnesota Tax Idrntification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Ivfinnesota sales, emploper s ri�thholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving flris inf'ormation, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Depar[mrnt of Revenue. Howe��er, under the Federal Exchange of Infotmation Agreement, the Department of Rei�enue may supply ttus infom;ation to tl�e Internal Revenue Sen�ce. Mmnesota Tax Identi5cation Nwnbers (Sales & Use Taat I�Tianber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Sociat Security Number: `7 ��"�'/ �- S' � Minnesota Tax Identification Number: 3 3 O` o� �� � _ If a Minnesota Tax ]drntification Number is not required foz the busu�ess being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in the box. t'; ' 2/I S/97 9�-� z � CERTIFICATION OF N'ORKERS' COVfPEtiSATION C0�'ERAGE PliRSU'�\I TO'�/Ii '�^�'ESOTA S'IATliTE 176.132 1 hereby cenif} :hzt I, or m} compzm�, a-� in cor,ipliance n;ih thz �ro, compens2tion insurz�ce co� eragz rzociremenis of Nu, Statutz 176.182, subd��isirn 2. I a�so i..�d�stz�d Lhzt pro�ision of fzlsz i�ormation in th:s cr, [i�5cztion cor.stitutes su$3cient ffounds for ad�'r, se action zEainst all lic�ses hz!d, including rel'ocetion z�d suspeasioa of seid liczaszs. \zme of Inssz*�ce Co:�pz*!}: Po?±cy Numba: Co��era�¢�e fro: to I have no emplo}'ees cocered undzr �z'o:Las' compe�sation ss::r�,�ce // (I:�'I7IALS) Al\Y FALSIFICATION OF rL\S�4ERS GIVEN OR'1iATERLAL STiB;KITTED WILL RESULT Lti DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION 1 hereby state that I hz��e answered a11 of the preceding questions, and that the information contzined herein is trve znd cor�ect to the best of my lsouledge and belie£ I hereby stzte fiuther that I hzve rzceived no money or other considzrztion, by �ray of ]oan, gift, conuibutioa, or o'�hauise, other thai zkeady disclosed in thz app&catian u'nich I he: ewith submitted I also undastand this premise ma}' be inspected b�� police, .`ue, health and other cit} officials at zm� zad zll times �rhen thz business is in oyeration. �� �-- �-Q � .D for all applicatioos) Date We eill accept pacment b}' cash, check (made pa�'able to City of Saint Paut) or credit card (_!I/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOZLOK7NGIIVFORd1AT10N: �MasterCard � Visa EXPII2ATI0\' DATE: ACCOUNT NUIvflER: ❑�/�❑ . ❑C70❑ ❑��❑ ❑�C7❑ ❑�O❑ of **Note: ff this applicaIIOn is Food/Liquor reated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Ittspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re�tiew plans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipate.� please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building pennits. If thae are a�y changes to the parking ]ot, floor space, or for new operavons, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications mquim the fnllowing documenta. Please attach these documents a•hen submitting }'onr apptication: I. A detai3ed description of the desigq location and square footage of the preuuses to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 1!2" x i4" papex): - Nazne, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1"= 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - Placement of all pertinent feahues of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, offices, repair area, pazking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the cutrent area snd the proposed expansion 2. A copy of your ]ease agreement or proof of ownership of the properry. SPECIFTC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTTTONAL L'�"PORl�iATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAII,S >>>> _, 2%] 8'97