98-220Council File # 98 '�2 � ORIG1NAl rr��ab �����,� Referred To Green Sheet # SZZ� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committce Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Administrative Resolution to Establish the Rate of Pay for the new classes, Project Facilitator I and Project Facilitator II. BE IT RESOLVED, thaY the rate of pay for the Project Facilitator I be established at the rate set forth in gade 38, Section ID 2, Technical Standard Ranges, and that the rate of pay for the Project Facilitator II Be established at the rate set forth in grade 42, Section ID 2, Technical Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 8 following passage and approval. r�-- Requested by Department of. BY� �Ln\�\'��in�-�-S� v Form Approved by Ciry Attorney B ,��-- � 3�� j � � for Submi$sio� to Adoprion Cer[ified by CouncIl Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: By: � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date � v���� ,�S �� . i _; 98� ' DEPARTMENf/OFFICFICOUNCII.: DATE YNTTIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: SZ2OS Human Resources 03/04/98 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: p A1]Wma'S's aSiTnuDa'iE ivfichael F. Foley (266-6484� � �IGN I_DEPARTMENT D 3 � s crrr counicn. MazkRobertson(266-6471) xu�Ex z_crrrwrro�Y c= crrrcLextc gpg 3_ BUDGET DIR FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 4_MAYOR (OR ASST.) - CNII. SEYLVIC��SSl, ORDER z=��i��; Y': �,`�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATUAE) j � �� 1 `�JH ��. �,..:._..., ncriox x�ussrEn: Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for th r�s�lassa� dff�rq;jeef �=? -F Facilitator I and�ro,}ect Facilitator II s � �� Y `� "' �` x: RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) ' pERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES170NS: PLANNINGCAMMISSION _CIVILSERVICE CAMMISSION 1. HastLisperso�JfwieverworkedunderacontractforthisdepaM�rnt? cIB COMh-IITTEE 1'� Tao — — 2. Has tivs person�firm ever been a city employee? STAFF Yes No DIS1RiC7 COUAT 3. Does this person/fum powess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtrnt city SUPPORI'SWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? emPloYee? Yw No Ezplain a11 yes an.swers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATINC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (R'ho, wnec, wnen, Where, wny): L1EP has been svessing an increasing prominence for customer service without comproausing review processes or tegal requirements. 77ils is a difficult task, especially when dealing with small and minority businesses and 6usinesses not familiaz with Saint Paul procedures. L1EP management has deteanined tUat some of the delays and confiision experienced in the licensing and approval process could be eased if one person had the responsibility for overseeing a major project from start to finish across functional lines within LIEP and across departmental lines when necessary. These positions would "facilitate" projects in their progress through the approval process by providing clarification, assisting with compliance, developing altemative solu[ions, etc. aDV.wracES iFArraovEn: Positions of this nature can analyze projects as they "come in the door" and identify those that might encounter unusual aduvnisvative problems andfor ones that will require complex coordination. Without compromising legal requirements these positions can assist with administrative delays, provide altematives in resolving conflicts, and generally conh to the economic and social development of the City of Saint Paul. nisauvnlvrncES [F prrxovEn: There aze no known disadvantages at this time. The posi[ions are spec�cally designed not to c'ucumvent laws or shortcut review procedures but to forecast likely areas of dispute and provide altematives to reaching resolution. DtSauVaNTAGES IF NOT ArPROVED: LIEP will be less able to take uutiative in advising and assis[ing when compleac developments or developments that have complex political impact aze delayed by administrative routine. 17vs, in wm, can result in developers seeing the City of Saint Paul as a less desuable investment opportunity. TOTALnMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes. SeeFinancial Inforanation FONDING SOURCE: ACfIVITY NUMBER: F[Navcia[, [nFO�ta'rtox: �xrLp[1v� The salary costs will be covered within the existing LIEP budget. We expect that intemal employees will be selected for these positions. Thus, e�sting salarics plus the reserve budgeted for promotion will cover these costs. ������ F:\USHRSTEAMTCLASSIFV,7EPFAC�GREENFRM.WPD tYlAll 199H a;,'n� P�z7�v^.�.��L7 ��"� ���o�s o�Ffc� ��� g, 319� � $AINT PAUL � � Al1AA �n�)'�� 3�-220 ac_ a�.� ut� ��23�q� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Narnt Coleman, Mayor February 3, 1998 AFSCME District Council 14 L.ocal 1842 Jerry Serfling, Asst. Dir. 300 Hardman Ave. South, Suite 2 Sauth Saint Paul, 55075-2469 OFFICE OE HUMAN ftESOURCES lohn HamiGon, Direcior 400C+ryHa[[A�mer Tdephnne: 61?-2b665W 25 West Fmvth Strcet 7DD?IY: 612-266-6501 Sa7nt Paul, Minnesom SSl02-/63/ JoGline: 612-266-6502 Facsimite: 672-292J656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Project Facilitator I It has been determined that the title and class specification of Project Facilitator 1 should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. lf 1 do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Project Facilitator I in Grade 38, Section ID2, ofthe Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary I'lan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. i/�/ �j�7t�l�/ ��� Mi hael Foley I hereby waive tlie time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name Date qt i ro- e�� of 11�a � 0 deJ � o Pen od � hu� po ob�eCttihs 1i�Mn J�� o� 1'h2 V�1N+n ��� �����{8 �� f� zzo 20 �-� �P a-�3-a� OFFICE OF HUAIAN RESVURCLS SZ Jo{m Flmni(tou. Dir<•cmr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nan+� Cnfeinnn, Mnyor February 3, 1998 AFSCME District Council !4 Local 1842 Jerry Serfling, Asst. Dir. 300 Hardman Ave. South, Suite 2 South Saint Paul, 55075-2469 4(� Cin• Nall Am+er ?S Wca Fnru�ih Slr<t+ Snint Pmd. Minncsorn 5.5102-!(3/ RE: Twenty Day Notice - Project Facilitator II T d��pfmn.'" TOD/7TY: Jnblinr Fm..undc: h!?-?6C>-b5(X� 6l?-26h-6501 !R-?66-6502 r,rz-avz-�es� lt has been determined that the title and dass specification of Project Faci{itator' ll should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action If I do not hear from you withi�i that time fcame, I will assume agreement and witl proceed with the process. I wilt also be processing a resolution to es[ablish the rate of pay for the title oP Project Facilitator II in Grade 42, Section 1D2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. dis %/ 1,Yti�/���� Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Natne Date l � s � E�� �nL � 1'kc '�L �.z� vtn F�ce j,ae�'co� ( w� �AZ� �� � � �[ ��l Ll 1 u N 00�'E-LFton,.7 rro»c N'�D'1LyC""�i`L J � � � 1'1LV �l r� y 98-z 20 5UMMARY OF THE CLASS STUDY FOR PROJECT FACILITATOR IANDII CLASS STUDIED: Project Facilitator I and II INCUMBENT: N/A - New Position PII2SONS CONTACTED: Robert Kessler (D'uector of LIEP and to be supervisor of the ,. position) LIEP Labor- Management Committee LIEP Sub-Committee on Position Development I:�'T�. � � � .l Management requestetl these positions due to increasing complexity of the licensing process, increasing restrictions on budget and staffing, and due to a perceived need on the part of the department for a position that can coordinate a complex project through administrative routines. These posiuons were developed with the LIEP Labor-Management Committee (LMC) and a sub-committee of that body. �_� �� ,� •� Development of job profile with LIEP LMC. Reviews by LIEP LMC Reviews by LIEP LMC Sub-committee Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QFS evaluation and analysis 111 f. Y 11 1 �� tl The duties envisioned for these posi6ons were compared to class specs for the Management Analysis series, the Research Analyst series, the Project manager series, the Project Coordinator class spec, the Program Adminisuator class spec, and the Senior Plan Examiner class spec. None of these class specs adequately describes the responsibilities envisioned for the new positions. 9�-2 zo ����.y �� � � �- •� �� The positions in the classes listed above were reviewed. It was determined that none of these positions were assigned responsibilities that were sufficienfly similar to the responsibilities envisioned to justify assigning the responsibilities. G�74�. : i , , , , �1 . � � The QFS analyses indicate that the Project Facilitator I position should be compensated at grade 38 in the Technical unit and the Project Facilitator II should be compensated at grade 42 in the Technical unit. IC��i�u•��, � It is recommended that the Project Facilitator I and II positions should be established and should be compensatefl at the rates described above. STUDIED BY: Michael F. Foley �� ���� DATE STUDIED: December 5, 1997 APPROVAL OF HLJ�C�CES MANAGEMENT: � /�/9� ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Signature) (Date) 98-ZZo Facilitator I and II Projected Costs Proj�ted Cost Adiusted for Selecfi� an Em�lovee on Staff (Note: No selection has yet been made so this cost estimate is highly variable. It is based rouglily on th�pay ranges from which we believe qualified candidates will come. As in all cases we are using the five year step.) P iti n k'acilitator II jGrade 42 - Barg Unit 2- 5 year ste�) It is expected that there will be only one such position. Facilitator I(Grade 38 - Bazg Unit 2- 5 year steol It is expected that there wiil be two such positions. Bi-Weeklv $ 52 (]) $ 279 (2) $ 558 Annual $ 1,357 $ 7,281 $ 14,562 Estimated Total Actual Cost $ 610 $ 15 ,919 CODE: 604A /p'Z� BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TZTI.E OF CIASS: PROJECT FACILITATOR I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs responsible technical work in monitoring the progress of complex projects; coordinating to ease administrative problems; providing information to applicants and interest groups on various aspects of licensing, permits, and development; develops alternatives to aid in resolving disputes; performs other duties as required. J Sunervision Received: Receives moderate supervision on the majority of projects, but may receive more detailed supervision on the more complex and highly visible projects. Sunervision Exercised: Provides technical guidance to front desk personnel in LIEP on difficult questions. May act as a project leader as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Identifies or is assigned applications and development projects that have neighborhood visibility and impact and/or some impact on the entire City. Reviews initial applications, establishes tentative schedules, identifies potential administrative delays and potential areas of conflict among interest groups. Meets with applicant/developer and with interest groups and discusses legal requirements, potential delays, and objections that may occur during the administration processes. Assists in correctly completing required City documents for application. Meets with neighborhood groups, special interest groups, business groups, etc. and explains proposed projects, discusses relevant laws, explores possible impact on the community. Explains and assists with avenues of legal recourse. Tracks progress of projects and takes action as necessary to eliminate unnecessary administrative delays while maintaining the integrity of the review and approval process. Facilitates meeting schedules, coordintaes actions of LIEP officials and officials in other departments (notably PED and Public Works). Devises innovative solutions, compromises, etc. when delays or opposition (continued on reverse side) PROJECT FACILITATOR I 98-zw Page 2 , PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PROJECT FACILZTATOR I arises in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect legitimate interests and ensure the integrity of the review and approval process. Routinely communicates with elected officials regarding projects, problems encountered, potential or actual community opposition, opposition from special interest groups, and potential solutions. May coordinate with appropriate State agencies on issues such as pollution that may affect the approval process. Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time toaproduce best results. Conducts research; analyzes and evaluates information; coordintaes with subject matter experts; prepares reports and other documents. Routinely communicates with district counciZ staff, Council members and staff, and department heads to anticipate potential problems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of City codes related to licenses, permits, and development projects. Considerable knowledge of the administxative processes of the various divisions of LIEP. Considerbale knowledge of the administrative processes of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge o£ the staf£ in various departments to contact when a project runs into administrative delays. Knowledge of researching technical and legal information related to 2icensing, permits, and development. Some knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in successfully handling conflict situations. Considerable skill in negotiating to arrive at acceptavble and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develo creative alternatives to resolve problems. PROJECT FACILITATOR I %� - LL-U Page 2 , PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: • PROJECT FACILITATOR I � arises in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect legitimate interests and ensure the integrity o£ the review and approval � process. . Routinely communicates with elected officials Yegarding projects, problems encountered, potential or actual community opposition, opposition from special interest groups, and potential solutions. May coordinate with appropriate State agencies on issues such as pollution that may affect the approval process. Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time to+produce best results. Conducts research; analyzes and evaluates information; coordintaes with subject matter experts; prepares reports and other documents. Routinely communicates with district council staff, Council members and staff, and department heads to anticipate potential problems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of City codes related to licenses, permits, and development projects. Considerable knowledge of the administrative processes of the various � divisions of LIEP. Considerbale knowledge o£ the administrative processes of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge of the staff in various departments to contact when a project Yuns into administrative delays. Knowledge o£ researching technical and legal information xelated to licensing, permits, and development. Some knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in successfully handling conflict situations. Considerable skill in negotiating to arYive at acceptavble and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develo creative alternatives to resolve problems. � PROJECT FACILITATOR I � Page 37(�`22d PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PROJECT FACILITATOR I Considerable ability to learn a new set of codes accurately and quickly. Considerable ability to manage a complex administrative process. Ability to prepare and present reports that deal with data, analysis, legal terminilogy, recommendations, etc. Ability to grasp the relationship between law and technology and to apply these to particular situations. Ability to manage multiple projects with conflicting priorities. i Ability to analyze licenses and applications to assist appicants who may be unfamiliar with City procedures. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIO23S One of the following: l. Four years of experience in the City of Saint Paul dealing with issues such as licensing (other than animal licensing), building and permit issue, or development which requires a high level of contact with business and public officials, involves some interpretation of City Code, and involves dealing with people who are under stress. 2. A journeyperson level in a trade and three years of experience as an inspector in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more. 3. Project manager in construction or development projects which has required a high degree of contact with business managers, public groups, and public officials, and which involved interpretation of codes in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more for a period of four years. 4. Bachelor's degree and three years experience in a responsible position in a public inspection function in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more. 5. A housing or building code certification from a technical or vocational college and three years of experience in a responsible position in a public inspection function in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more. PROJECT FACILITATOR I CODE: 605A 96 2 Z� BU: 02 EFFECTZVE; PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PROJECT FACILITATOR II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs responsible technical and professional work monitoring the progress of very complex or highly visible projects, coordinating to ease administrative problems, developing possible solutions when the project has reached an apparent impasse, and effectively dealing with a wide variety of interest groups and public agencies; perfroms other duties as required. Sunervision Received: Receives general supervision on all assigned projects. SllD ervision Exercised: Provides technical guidance to front desk personnel in LIEP and to Project Facilitator Zs, and acts as project team leader. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Identifies or is assigned applications and development projects including all Class III licenses that have high visibility and/or high impact on the City. Reviews initial documentation, establishes tentative schedules, identifies potential areas of conflict among interest groups and identifies potential administrative delays. Meets with applicant/developer and special interest groups and discusses legal requirements, potential delays, and objections that may occur during the review process. Assists in correctly completing required City documents, scheduling hearings, etc. Meets with neighborhood groups, special interest groups, business groups, etc, and explains proposed projects, discusses relavant laws, explores possible impact on the community. Explaind and assiste with avenues o£ legal recourse. Tracks the progress of projects and takes action as necessary to eliminate unnecessary administrative delay while maintaining the integrity of the review and approval process. Facxilitates meetings, schedules and coordinates the actions of LIEP officials and the actions of officials of other departments in the City as well as working with State and other officials. Devises innovative solutions, compromises, etc, when delays or opposition {continued on revarse side} PROJECT FACILITATOR II ��'-z z-o Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: , , PROJECT FACILITATOR II arise in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect the legitimate interests of aZ3 and ensure the integrity of the review and ' approval process. Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time to produce best rrsults. Conducst research; analyzes and evaluates information; coordinates with subject matter experts; prepares reports and other documents. Routinely communicates with district councils, special interest groups, Council memebrs and staff, and department officials to anticipate prgplems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowZedge of City Codes related to licenses, permits and development applications. Considerable knowledge of the administrative processes of the various divisions of LIEP. Considerable knowledge of the administrartive procedures of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledg eof the administrative processes in related State and federal agencies. Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge of the staff of LIEP and of various departments to contact when a project runs into administrative delays. Knowledge of researching technical and 2ega1 information related to licensing, permits and development. Knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in effectively handling conflict situations. Considerable ski11 in negotiation to arrive at acceptable and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate e££ectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develop creative alternatives to resolve problems. Considerable abiloity to learn a new set of codes accurately and quickly. Considerable ability to manage a complex administratfve preocess. PROJECT FACILITATOR II / V ( �� Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: " PROJECT FACILITATOR II � arise in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect the legitimate interests of all and ensure the integrity of the review and ` approval process. � Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time to produce best rrsults. Gonducst research; analyzes and evaluates infotmation; coordinates orith subject matter experts; prepares reports and other docUments. Routinely communicates with district councils, special interest groups, Council memebrs and staff, and department officials to anticipate prgplems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of City Codes related to licenses, permits and development applications. Considerable knowledge of the administrative processes of the various divisions of LIEP. Considezable knowledge of the administrartive procedures of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledg eof the administrative processes in related State and federal agencies. � Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge of the staff of LIEP and of various depaztments to contact when a project runs into administrative delays. Knowledge of researching technical and legal in£ormation related to licensing, permits and development. Knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in effectively handling conflict situations. Considerable skill in negotiation to arrive at acceptable and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develop creative alternatives to resolve problems. Considerable abiloity to learn a new set o£ codes accurately and quickly. Considerable ability to manage a complex administrative preocess. . PROJECT FACILITATOR II Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: 9g'_ZZZ� PROJECT FACILITATOR II Ability to prepare and present reports that deal with data, analysis, legal terminiology, recommendations, etc. Ability to grasp the relationship between law and technology and to apply to the particular situation. Ability to manage multiple projects with conflicting priorities. Ability to analyze licenses and applications to assist applicants who may be unfamiliar with City procedures. MINIMi3NC QUALZFICATZONS One of the following: 1. Four years experience in the City of Saint Paul as a Project Facilitator I. 2. Four years experience in the title of senior or lead inspactor in the City of Saint Paul. 3. Six years experience as a project manager in major construction and/or development pro�ects which has required a high level of contact with business and public officials and which has involved controversial projects in an urban environment of 50,000 or more. 4.A bachelors' degree and three years experience as a Project Facilitator I or equivalent. 5. A housing or building code certification from a technical college and three years experience as a Project Facilitator I or equivalent. PROJECT FACILITATOR II Council File # 98 '�2 � ORIG1NAl rr��ab �����,� Referred To Green Sheet # SZZ� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committce Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Administrative Resolution to Establish the Rate of Pay for the new classes, Project Facilitator I and Project Facilitator II. BE IT RESOLVED, thaY the rate of pay for the Project Facilitator I be established at the rate set forth in gade 38, Section ID 2, Technical Standard Ranges, and that the rate of pay for the Project Facilitator II Be established at the rate set forth in grade 42, Section ID 2, Technical Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 8 following passage and approval. r�-- Requested by Department of. BY� �Ln\�\'��in�-�-S� v Form Approved by Ciry Attorney B ,��-- � 3�� j � � for Submi$sio� to Adoprion Cer[ified by CouncIl Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: By: � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date � v���� ,�S �� . i _; 98� ' DEPARTMENf/OFFICFICOUNCII.: DATE YNTTIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: SZ2OS Human Resources 03/04/98 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: p A1]Wma'S's aSiTnuDa'iE ivfichael F. Foley (266-6484� � �IGN I_DEPARTMENT D 3 � s crrr counicn. MazkRobertson(266-6471) xu�Ex z_crrrwrro�Y c= crrrcLextc gpg 3_ BUDGET DIR FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 4_MAYOR (OR ASST.) - CNII. SEYLVIC��SSl, ORDER z=��i��; Y': �,`�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATUAE) j � �� 1 `�JH ��. �,..:._..., ncriox x�ussrEn: Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for th r�s�lassa� dff�rq;jeef �=? -F Facilitator I and�ro,}ect Facilitator II s � �� Y `� "' �` x: RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) ' pERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES170NS: PLANNINGCAMMISSION _CIVILSERVICE CAMMISSION 1. HastLisperso�JfwieverworkedunderacontractforthisdepaM�rnt? cIB COMh-IITTEE 1'� Tao — — 2. Has tivs person�firm ever been a city employee? STAFF Yes No DIS1RiC7 COUAT 3. Does this person/fum powess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtrnt city SUPPORI'SWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? emPloYee? Yw No Ezplain a11 yes an.swers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATINC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (R'ho, wnec, wnen, Where, wny): L1EP has been svessing an increasing prominence for customer service without comproausing review processes or tegal requirements. 77ils is a difficult task, especially when dealing with small and minority businesses and 6usinesses not familiaz with Saint Paul procedures. L1EP management has deteanined tUat some of the delays and confiision experienced in the licensing and approval process could be eased if one person had the responsibility for overseeing a major project from start to finish across functional lines within LIEP and across departmental lines when necessary. These positions would "facilitate" projects in their progress through the approval process by providing clarification, assisting with compliance, developing altemative solu[ions, etc. aDV.wracES iFArraovEn: Positions of this nature can analyze projects as they "come in the door" and identify those that might encounter unusual aduvnisvative problems andfor ones that will require complex coordination. Without compromising legal requirements these positions can assist with administrative delays, provide altematives in resolving conflicts, and generally conh to the economic and social development of the City of Saint Paul. nisauvnlvrncES [F prrxovEn: There aze no known disadvantages at this time. The posi[ions are spec�cally designed not to c'ucumvent laws or shortcut review procedures but to forecast likely areas of dispute and provide altematives to reaching resolution. DtSauVaNTAGES IF NOT ArPROVED: LIEP will be less able to take uutiative in advising and assis[ing when compleac developments or developments that have complex political impact aze delayed by administrative routine. 17vs, in wm, can result in developers seeing the City of Saint Paul as a less desuable investment opportunity. TOTALnMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes. SeeFinancial Inforanation FONDING SOURCE: ACfIVITY NUMBER: F[Navcia[, [nFO�ta'rtox: �xrLp[1v� The salary costs will be covered within the existing LIEP budget. We expect that intemal employees will be selected for these positions. Thus, e�sting salarics plus the reserve budgeted for promotion will cover these costs. ������ F:\USHRSTEAMTCLASSIFV,7EPFAC�GREENFRM.WPD tYlAll 199H a;,'n� P�z7�v^.�.��L7 ��"� ���o�s o�Ffc� ��� g, 319� � $AINT PAUL � � Al1AA �n�)'�� 3�-220 ac_ a�.� ut� ��23�q� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Narnt Coleman, Mayor February 3, 1998 AFSCME District Council 14 L.ocal 1842 Jerry Serfling, Asst. Dir. 300 Hardman Ave. South, Suite 2 Sauth Saint Paul, 55075-2469 OFFICE OE HUMAN ftESOURCES lohn HamiGon, Direcior 400C+ryHa[[A�mer Tdephnne: 61?-2b665W 25 West Fmvth Strcet 7DD?IY: 612-266-6501 Sa7nt Paul, Minnesom SSl02-/63/ JoGline: 612-266-6502 Facsimite: 672-292J656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Project Facilitator I It has been determined that the title and class specification of Project Facilitator 1 should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. lf 1 do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Project Facilitator I in Grade 38, Section ID2, ofthe Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary I'lan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. i/�/ �j�7t�l�/ ��� Mi hael Foley I hereby waive tlie time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name Date qt i ro- e�� of 11�a � 0 deJ � o Pen od � hu� po ob�eCttihs 1i�Mn J�� o� 1'h2 V�1N+n ��� �����{8 �� f� zzo 20 �-� �P a-�3-a� OFFICE OF HUAIAN RESVURCLS SZ Jo{m Flmni(tou. Dir<•cmr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nan+� Cnfeinnn, Mnyor February 3, 1998 AFSCME District Council !4 Local 1842 Jerry Serfling, Asst. Dir. 300 Hardman Ave. South, Suite 2 South Saint Paul, 55075-2469 4(� Cin• Nall Am+er ?S Wca Fnru�ih Slr<t+ Snint Pmd. Minncsorn 5.5102-!(3/ RE: Twenty Day Notice - Project Facilitator II T d��pfmn.'" TOD/7TY: Jnblinr Fm..undc: h!?-?6C>-b5(X� 6l?-26h-6501 !R-?66-6502 r,rz-avz-�es� lt has been determined that the title and dass specification of Project Faci{itator' ll should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action If I do not hear from you withi�i that time fcame, I will assume agreement and witl proceed with the process. I wilt also be processing a resolution to es[ablish the rate of pay for the title oP Project Facilitator II in Grade 42, Section 1D2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. dis %/ 1,Yti�/���� Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Natne Date l � s � E�� �nL � 1'kc '�L �.z� vtn F�ce j,ae�'co� ( w� �AZ� �� � � �[ ��l Ll 1 u N 00�'E-LFton,.7 rro»c N'�D'1LyC""�i`L J � � � 1'1LV �l r� y 98-z 20 5UMMARY OF THE CLASS STUDY FOR PROJECT FACILITATOR IANDII CLASS STUDIED: Project Facilitator I and II INCUMBENT: N/A - New Position PII2SONS CONTACTED: Robert Kessler (D'uector of LIEP and to be supervisor of the ,. position) LIEP Labor- Management Committee LIEP Sub-Committee on Position Development I:�'T�. � � � .l Management requestetl these positions due to increasing complexity of the licensing process, increasing restrictions on budget and staffing, and due to a perceived need on the part of the department for a position that can coordinate a complex project through administrative routines. These posiuons were developed with the LIEP Labor-Management Committee (LMC) and a sub-committee of that body. �_� �� ,� •� Development of job profile with LIEP LMC. Reviews by LIEP LMC Reviews by LIEP LMC Sub-committee Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QFS evaluation and analysis 111 f. Y 11 1 �� tl The duties envisioned for these posi6ons were compared to class specs for the Management Analysis series, the Research Analyst series, the Project manager series, the Project Coordinator class spec, the Program Adminisuator class spec, and the Senior Plan Examiner class spec. None of these class specs adequately describes the responsibilities envisioned for the new positions. 9�-2 zo ����.y �� � � �- •� �� The positions in the classes listed above were reviewed. It was determined that none of these positions were assigned responsibilities that were sufficienfly similar to the responsibilities envisioned to justify assigning the responsibilities. G�74�. : i , , , , �1 . � � The QFS analyses indicate that the Project Facilitator I position should be compensated at grade 38 in the Technical unit and the Project Facilitator II should be compensated at grade 42 in the Technical unit. IC��i�u•��, � It is recommended that the Project Facilitator I and II positions should be established and should be compensatefl at the rates described above. STUDIED BY: Michael F. Foley �� ���� DATE STUDIED: December 5, 1997 APPROVAL OF HLJ�C�CES MANAGEMENT: � /�/9� ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Signature) (Date) 98-ZZo Facilitator I and II Projected Costs Proj�ted Cost Adiusted for Selecfi� an Em�lovee on Staff (Note: No selection has yet been made so this cost estimate is highly variable. It is based rouglily on th�pay ranges from which we believe qualified candidates will come. As in all cases we are using the five year step.) P iti n k'acilitator II jGrade 42 - Barg Unit 2- 5 year ste�) It is expected that there will be only one such position. Facilitator I(Grade 38 - Bazg Unit 2- 5 year steol It is expected that there wiil be two such positions. Bi-Weeklv $ 52 (]) $ 279 (2) $ 558 Annual $ 1,357 $ 7,281 $ 14,562 Estimated Total Actual Cost $ 610 $ 15 ,919 CODE: 604A /p'Z� BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TZTI.E OF CIASS: PROJECT FACILITATOR I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs responsible technical work in monitoring the progress of complex projects; coordinating to ease administrative problems; providing information to applicants and interest groups on various aspects of licensing, permits, and development; develops alternatives to aid in resolving disputes; performs other duties as required. J Sunervision Received: Receives moderate supervision on the majority of projects, but may receive more detailed supervision on the more complex and highly visible projects. Sunervision Exercised: Provides technical guidance to front desk personnel in LIEP on difficult questions. May act as a project leader as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Identifies or is assigned applications and development projects that have neighborhood visibility and impact and/or some impact on the entire City. Reviews initial applications, establishes tentative schedules, identifies potential administrative delays and potential areas of conflict among interest groups. Meets with applicant/developer and with interest groups and discusses legal requirements, potential delays, and objections that may occur during the administration processes. Assists in correctly completing required City documents for application. Meets with neighborhood groups, special interest groups, business groups, etc. and explains proposed projects, discusses relevant laws, explores possible impact on the community. Explains and assists with avenues of legal recourse. Tracks progress of projects and takes action as necessary to eliminate unnecessary administrative delays while maintaining the integrity of the review and approval process. Facilitates meeting schedules, coordintaes actions of LIEP officials and officials in other departments (notably PED and Public Works). Devises innovative solutions, compromises, etc. when delays or opposition (continued on reverse side) PROJECT FACILITATOR I 98-zw Page 2 , PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PROJECT FACILZTATOR I arises in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect legitimate interests and ensure the integrity of the review and approval process. Routinely communicates with elected officials regarding projects, problems encountered, potential or actual community opposition, opposition from special interest groups, and potential solutions. May coordinate with appropriate State agencies on issues such as pollution that may affect the approval process. Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time toaproduce best results. Conducts research; analyzes and evaluates information; coordintaes with subject matter experts; prepares reports and other documents. Routinely communicates with district counciZ staff, Council members and staff, and department heads to anticipate potential problems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of City codes related to licenses, permits, and development projects. Considerable knowledge of the administxative processes of the various divisions of LIEP. Considerbale knowledge of the administrative processes of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge o£ the staf£ in various departments to contact when a project runs into administrative delays. Knowledge of researching technical and legal information related to 2icensing, permits, and development. Some knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in successfully handling conflict situations. Considerable skill in negotiating to arrive at acceptavble and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develo creative alternatives to resolve problems. PROJECT FACILITATOR I %� - LL-U Page 2 , PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: • PROJECT FACILITATOR I � arises in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect legitimate interests and ensure the integrity o£ the review and approval � process. . Routinely communicates with elected officials Yegarding projects, problems encountered, potential or actual community opposition, opposition from special interest groups, and potential solutions. May coordinate with appropriate State agencies on issues such as pollution that may affect the approval process. Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time to+produce best results. Conducts research; analyzes and evaluates information; coordintaes with subject matter experts; prepares reports and other documents. Routinely communicates with district council staff, Council members and staff, and department heads to anticipate potential problems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of City codes related to licenses, permits, and development projects. Considerable knowledge of the administrative processes of the various � divisions of LIEP. Considerbale knowledge o£ the administrative processes of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge of the staff in various departments to contact when a project Yuns into administrative delays. Knowledge o£ researching technical and legal information xelated to licensing, permits, and development. Some knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in successfully handling conflict situations. Considerable skill in negotiating to arYive at acceptavble and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develo creative alternatives to resolve problems. � PROJECT FACILITATOR I � Page 37(�`22d PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PROJECT FACILITATOR I Considerable ability to learn a new set of codes accurately and quickly. Considerable ability to manage a complex administrative process. Ability to prepare and present reports that deal with data, analysis, legal terminilogy, recommendations, etc. Ability to grasp the relationship between law and technology and to apply these to particular situations. Ability to manage multiple projects with conflicting priorities. i Ability to analyze licenses and applications to assist appicants who may be unfamiliar with City procedures. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIO23S One of the following: l. Four years of experience in the City of Saint Paul dealing with issues such as licensing (other than animal licensing), building and permit issue, or development which requires a high level of contact with business and public officials, involves some interpretation of City Code, and involves dealing with people who are under stress. 2. A journeyperson level in a trade and three years of experience as an inspector in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more. 3. Project manager in construction or development projects which has required a high degree of contact with business managers, public groups, and public officials, and which involved interpretation of codes in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more for a period of four years. 4. Bachelor's degree and three years experience in a responsible position in a public inspection function in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more. 5. A housing or building code certification from a technical or vocational college and three years of experience in a responsible position in a public inspection function in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more. PROJECT FACILITATOR I CODE: 605A 96 2 Z� BU: 02 EFFECTZVE; PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PROJECT FACILITATOR II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs responsible technical and professional work monitoring the progress of very complex or highly visible projects, coordinating to ease administrative problems, developing possible solutions when the project has reached an apparent impasse, and effectively dealing with a wide variety of interest groups and public agencies; perfroms other duties as required. Sunervision Received: Receives general supervision on all assigned projects. SllD ervision Exercised: Provides technical guidance to front desk personnel in LIEP and to Project Facilitator Zs, and acts as project team leader. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Identifies or is assigned applications and development projects including all Class III licenses that have high visibility and/or high impact on the City. Reviews initial documentation, establishes tentative schedules, identifies potential areas of conflict among interest groups and identifies potential administrative delays. Meets with applicant/developer and special interest groups and discusses legal requirements, potential delays, and objections that may occur during the review process. Assists in correctly completing required City documents, scheduling hearings, etc. Meets with neighborhood groups, special interest groups, business groups, etc, and explains proposed projects, discusses relavant laws, explores possible impact on the community. Explaind and assiste with avenues o£ legal recourse. Tracks the progress of projects and takes action as necessary to eliminate unnecessary administrative delay while maintaining the integrity of the review and approval process. Facxilitates meetings, schedules and coordinates the actions of LIEP officials and the actions of officials of other departments in the City as well as working with State and other officials. Devises innovative solutions, compromises, etc, when delays or opposition {continued on revarse side} PROJECT FACILITATOR II ��'-z z-o Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: , , PROJECT FACILITATOR II arise in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect the legitimate interests of aZ3 and ensure the integrity of the review and ' approval process. Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time to produce best rrsults. Conducst research; analyzes and evaluates information; coordinates with subject matter experts; prepares reports and other documents. Routinely communicates with district councils, special interest groups, Council memebrs and staff, and department officials to anticipate prgplems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowZedge of City Codes related to licenses, permits and development applications. Considerable knowledge of the administrative processes of the various divisions of LIEP. Considerable knowledge of the administrartive procedures of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledg eof the administrative processes in related State and federal agencies. Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge of the staff of LIEP and of various departments to contact when a project runs into administrative delays. Knowledge of researching technical and 2ega1 information related to licensing, permits and development. Knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in effectively handling conflict situations. Considerable ski11 in negotiation to arrive at acceptable and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate e££ectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develop creative alternatives to resolve problems. Considerable abiloity to learn a new set of codes accurately and quickly. Considerable ability to manage a complex administratfve preocess. PROJECT FACILITATOR II / V ( �� Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: " PROJECT FACILITATOR II � arise in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect the legitimate interests of all and ensure the integrity of the review and ` approval process. � Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time to produce best rrsults. Gonducst research; analyzes and evaluates infotmation; coordinates orith subject matter experts; prepares reports and other docUments. Routinely communicates with district councils, special interest groups, Council memebrs and staff, and department officials to anticipate prgplems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of City Codes related to licenses, permits and development applications. Considerable knowledge of the administrative processes of the various divisions of LIEP. Considezable knowledge of the administrartive procedures of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledg eof the administrative processes in related State and federal agencies. � Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge of the staff of LIEP and of various depaztments to contact when a project runs into administrative delays. Knowledge of researching technical and legal in£ormation related to licensing, permits and development. Knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in effectively handling conflict situations. Considerable skill in negotiation to arrive at acceptable and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develop creative alternatives to resolve problems. Considerable abiloity to learn a new set o£ codes accurately and quickly. Considerable ability to manage a complex administrative preocess. . PROJECT FACILITATOR II Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: 9g'_ZZZ� PROJECT FACILITATOR II Ability to prepare and present reports that deal with data, analysis, legal terminiology, recommendations, etc. Ability to grasp the relationship between law and technology and to apply to the particular situation. Ability to manage multiple projects with conflicting priorities. Ability to analyze licenses and applications to assist applicants who may be unfamiliar with City procedures. MINIMi3NC QUALZFICATZONS One of the following: 1. Four years experience in the City of Saint Paul as a Project Facilitator I. 2. Four years experience in the title of senior or lead inspactor in the City of Saint Paul. 3. Six years experience as a project manager in major construction and/or development pro�ects which has required a high level of contact with business and public officials and which has involved controversial projects in an urban environment of 50,000 or more. 4.A bachelors' degree and three years experience as a Project Facilitator I or equivalent. 5. A housing or building code certification from a technical college and three years experience as a Project Facilitator I or equivalent. PROJECT FACILITATOR II Council File # 98 '�2 � ORIG1NAl rr��ab �����,� Referred To Green Sheet # SZZ� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committce Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Administrative Resolution to Establish the Rate of Pay for the new classes, Project Facilitator I and Project Facilitator II. BE IT RESOLVED, thaY the rate of pay for the Project Facilitator I be established at the rate set forth in gade 38, Section ID 2, Technical Standard Ranges, and that the rate of pay for the Project Facilitator II Be established at the rate set forth in grade 42, Section ID 2, Technical Standard Ranges of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 8 following passage and approval. r�-- Requested by Department of. BY� �Ln\�\'��in�-�-S� v Form Approved by Ciry Attorney B ,��-- � 3�� j � � for Submi$sio� to Adoprion Cer[ified by CouncIl Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: By: � AdoptedbyCouncil: Date � v���� ,�S �� . i _; 98� ' DEPARTMENf/OFFICFICOUNCII.: DATE YNTTIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: SZ2OS Human Resources 03/04/98 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: p A1]Wma'S's aSiTnuDa'iE ivfichael F. Foley (266-6484� � �IGN I_DEPARTMENT D 3 � s crrr counicn. MazkRobertson(266-6471) xu�Ex z_crrrwrro�Y c= crrrcLextc gpg 3_ BUDGET DIR FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING 4_MAYOR (OR ASST.) - CNII. SEYLVIC��SSl, ORDER z=��i��; Y': �,`�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATUAE) j � �� 1 `�JH ��. �,..:._..., ncriox x�ussrEn: Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for th r�s�lassa� dff�rq;jeef �=? -F Facilitator I and�ro,}ect Facilitator II s � �� Y `� "' �` x: RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) ' pERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES170NS: PLANNINGCAMMISSION _CIVILSERVICE CAMMISSION 1. HastLisperso�JfwieverworkedunderacontractforthisdepaM�rnt? cIB COMh-IITTEE 1'� Tao — — 2. Has tivs person�firm ever been a city employee? STAFF Yes No DIS1RiC7 COUAT 3. Does this person/fum powess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtrnt city SUPPORI'SWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? emPloYee? Yw No Ezplain a11 yes an.swers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATINC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (R'ho, wnec, wnen, Where, wny): L1EP has been svessing an increasing prominence for customer service without comproausing review processes or tegal requirements. 77ils is a difficult task, especially when dealing with small and minority businesses and 6usinesses not familiaz with Saint Paul procedures. L1EP management has deteanined tUat some of the delays and confiision experienced in the licensing and approval process could be eased if one person had the responsibility for overseeing a major project from start to finish across functional lines within LIEP and across departmental lines when necessary. These positions would "facilitate" projects in their progress through the approval process by providing clarification, assisting with compliance, developing altemative solu[ions, etc. aDV.wracES iFArraovEn: Positions of this nature can analyze projects as they "come in the door" and identify those that might encounter unusual aduvnisvative problems andfor ones that will require complex coordination. Without compromising legal requirements these positions can assist with administrative delays, provide altematives in resolving conflicts, and generally conh to the economic and social development of the City of Saint Paul. nisauvnlvrncES [F prrxovEn: There aze no known disadvantages at this time. The posi[ions are spec�cally designed not to c'ucumvent laws or shortcut review procedures but to forecast likely areas of dispute and provide altematives to reaching resolution. DtSauVaNTAGES IF NOT ArPROVED: LIEP will be less able to take uutiative in advising and assis[ing when compleac developments or developments that have complex political impact aze delayed by administrative routine. 17vs, in wm, can result in developers seeing the City of Saint Paul as a less desuable investment opportunity. TOTALnMOUNT OF TRANSACfION: S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes. SeeFinancial Inforanation FONDING SOURCE: ACfIVITY NUMBER: F[Navcia[, [nFO�ta'rtox: �xrLp[1v� The salary costs will be covered within the existing LIEP budget. We expect that intemal employees will be selected for these positions. Thus, e�sting salarics plus the reserve budgeted for promotion will cover these costs. ������ F:\USHRSTEAMTCLASSIFV,7EPFAC�GREENFRM.WPD tYlAll 199H a;,'n� P�z7�v^.�.��L7 ��"� ���o�s o�Ffc� ��� g, 319� � $AINT PAUL � � Al1AA �n�)'�� 3�-220 ac_ a�.� ut� ��23�q� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Narnt Coleman, Mayor February 3, 1998 AFSCME District Council 14 L.ocal 1842 Jerry Serfling, Asst. Dir. 300 Hardman Ave. South, Suite 2 Sauth Saint Paul, 55075-2469 OFFICE OE HUMAN ftESOURCES lohn HamiGon, Direcior 400C+ryHa[[A�mer Tdephnne: 61?-2b665W 25 West Fmvth Strcet 7DD?IY: 612-266-6501 Sa7nt Paul, Minnesom SSl02-/63/ JoGline: 612-266-6502 Facsimite: 672-292J656 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Project Facilitator I It has been determined that the title and class specification of Project Facilitator 1 should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. lf 1 do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Project Facilitator I in Grade 38, Section ID2, ofthe Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary I'lan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. i/�/ �j�7t�l�/ ��� Mi hael Foley I hereby waive tlie time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name Date qt i ro- e�� of 11�a � 0 deJ � o Pen od � hu� po ob�eCttihs 1i�Mn J�� o� 1'h2 V�1N+n ��� �����{8 �� f� zzo 20 �-� �P a-�3-a� OFFICE OF HUAIAN RESVURCLS SZ Jo{m Flmni(tou. Dir<•cmr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nan+� Cnfeinnn, Mnyor February 3, 1998 AFSCME District Council !4 Local 1842 Jerry Serfling, Asst. Dir. 300 Hardman Ave. South, Suite 2 South Saint Paul, 55075-2469 4(� Cin• Nall Am+er ?S Wca Fnru�ih Slr<t+ Snint Pmd. Minncsorn 5.5102-!(3/ RE: Twenty Day Notice - Project Facilitator II T d��pfmn.'" TOD/7TY: Jnblinr Fm..undc: h!?-?6C>-b5(X� 6l?-26h-6501 !R-?66-6502 r,rz-avz-�es� lt has been determined that the title and dass specification of Project Faci{itator' ll should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action If I do not hear from you withi�i that time fcame, I will assume agreement and witl proceed with the process. I wilt also be processing a resolution to es[ablish the rate of pay for the title oP Project Facilitator II in Grade 42, Section 1D2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. dis %/ 1,Yti�/���� Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Natne Date l � s � E�� �nL � 1'kc '�L �.z� vtn F�ce j,ae�'co� ( w� �AZ� �� � � �[ ��l Ll 1 u N 00�'E-LFton,.7 rro»c N'�D'1LyC""�i`L J � � � 1'1LV �l r� y 98-z 20 5UMMARY OF THE CLASS STUDY FOR PROJECT FACILITATOR IANDII CLASS STUDIED: Project Facilitator I and II INCUMBENT: N/A - New Position PII2SONS CONTACTED: Robert Kessler (D'uector of LIEP and to be supervisor of the ,. position) LIEP Labor- Management Committee LIEP Sub-Committee on Position Development I:�'T�. � � � .l Management requestetl these positions due to increasing complexity of the licensing process, increasing restrictions on budget and staffing, and due to a perceived need on the part of the department for a position that can coordinate a complex project through administrative routines. These posiuons were developed with the LIEP Labor-Management Committee (LMC) and a sub-committee of that body. �_� �� ,� •� Development of job profile with LIEP LMC. Reviews by LIEP LMC Reviews by LIEP LMC Sub-committee Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QFS evaluation and analysis 111 f. Y 11 1 �� tl The duties envisioned for these posi6ons were compared to class specs for the Management Analysis series, the Research Analyst series, the Project manager series, the Project Coordinator class spec, the Program Adminisuator class spec, and the Senior Plan Examiner class spec. None of these class specs adequately describes the responsibilities envisioned for the new positions. 9�-2 zo ����.y �� � � �- •� �� The positions in the classes listed above were reviewed. It was determined that none of these positions were assigned responsibilities that were sufficienfly similar to the responsibilities envisioned to justify assigning the responsibilities. G�74�. : i , , , , �1 . � � The QFS analyses indicate that the Project Facilitator I position should be compensated at grade 38 in the Technical unit and the Project Facilitator II should be compensated at grade 42 in the Technical unit. IC��i�u•��, � It is recommended that the Project Facilitator I and II positions should be established and should be compensatefl at the rates described above. STUDIED BY: Michael F. Foley �� ���� DATE STUDIED: December 5, 1997 APPROVAL OF HLJ�C�CES MANAGEMENT: � /�/9� ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- (Signature) (Date) 98-ZZo Facilitator I and II Projected Costs Proj�ted Cost Adiusted for Selecfi� an Em�lovee on Staff (Note: No selection has yet been made so this cost estimate is highly variable. It is based rouglily on th�pay ranges from which we believe qualified candidates will come. As in all cases we are using the five year step.) P iti n k'acilitator II jGrade 42 - Barg Unit 2- 5 year ste�) It is expected that there will be only one such position. Facilitator I(Grade 38 - Bazg Unit 2- 5 year steol It is expected that there wiil be two such positions. Bi-Weeklv $ 52 (]) $ 279 (2) $ 558 Annual $ 1,357 $ 7,281 $ 14,562 Estimated Total Actual Cost $ 610 $ 15 ,919 CODE: 604A /p'Z� BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TZTI.E OF CIASS: PROJECT FACILITATOR I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs responsible technical work in monitoring the progress of complex projects; coordinating to ease administrative problems; providing information to applicants and interest groups on various aspects of licensing, permits, and development; develops alternatives to aid in resolving disputes; performs other duties as required. J Sunervision Received: Receives moderate supervision on the majority of projects, but may receive more detailed supervision on the more complex and highly visible projects. Sunervision Exercised: Provides technical guidance to front desk personnel in LIEP on difficult questions. May act as a project leader as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Identifies or is assigned applications and development projects that have neighborhood visibility and impact and/or some impact on the entire City. Reviews initial applications, establishes tentative schedules, identifies potential administrative delays and potential areas of conflict among interest groups. Meets with applicant/developer and with interest groups and discusses legal requirements, potential delays, and objections that may occur during the administration processes. Assists in correctly completing required City documents for application. Meets with neighborhood groups, special interest groups, business groups, etc. and explains proposed projects, discusses relevant laws, explores possible impact on the community. Explains and assists with avenues of legal recourse. Tracks progress of projects and takes action as necessary to eliminate unnecessary administrative delays while maintaining the integrity of the review and approval process. Facilitates meeting schedules, coordintaes actions of LIEP officials and officials in other departments (notably PED and Public Works). Devises innovative solutions, compromises, etc. when delays or opposition (continued on reverse side) PROJECT FACILITATOR I 98-zw Page 2 , PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PROJECT FACILZTATOR I arises in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect legitimate interests and ensure the integrity of the review and approval process. Routinely communicates with elected officials regarding projects, problems encountered, potential or actual community opposition, opposition from special interest groups, and potential solutions. May coordinate with appropriate State agencies on issues such as pollution that may affect the approval process. Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time toaproduce best results. Conducts research; analyzes and evaluates information; coordintaes with subject matter experts; prepares reports and other documents. Routinely communicates with district counciZ staff, Council members and staff, and department heads to anticipate potential problems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of City codes related to licenses, permits, and development projects. Considerable knowledge of the administxative processes of the various divisions of LIEP. Considerbale knowledge of the administrative processes of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge o£ the staf£ in various departments to contact when a project runs into administrative delays. Knowledge of researching technical and legal information related to 2icensing, permits, and development. Some knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in successfully handling conflict situations. Considerable skill in negotiating to arrive at acceptavble and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develo creative alternatives to resolve problems. PROJECT FACILITATOR I %� - LL-U Page 2 , PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: • PROJECT FACILITATOR I � arises in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect legitimate interests and ensure the integrity o£ the review and approval � process. . Routinely communicates with elected officials Yegarding projects, problems encountered, potential or actual community opposition, opposition from special interest groups, and potential solutions. May coordinate with appropriate State agencies on issues such as pollution that may affect the approval process. Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time to+produce best results. Conducts research; analyzes and evaluates information; coordintaes with subject matter experts; prepares reports and other documents. Routinely communicates with district council staff, Council members and staff, and department heads to anticipate potential problems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of City codes related to licenses, permits, and development projects. Considerable knowledge of the administrative processes of the various � divisions of LIEP. Considerbale knowledge o£ the administrative processes of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge of the staff in various departments to contact when a project Yuns into administrative delays. Knowledge o£ researching technical and legal information xelated to licensing, permits, and development. Some knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in successfully handling conflict situations. Considerable skill in negotiating to arYive at acceptavble and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develo creative alternatives to resolve problems. � PROJECT FACILITATOR I � Page 37(�`22d PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PROJECT FACILITATOR I Considerable ability to learn a new set of codes accurately and quickly. Considerable ability to manage a complex administrative process. Ability to prepare and present reports that deal with data, analysis, legal terminilogy, recommendations, etc. Ability to grasp the relationship between law and technology and to apply these to particular situations. Ability to manage multiple projects with conflicting priorities. i Ability to analyze licenses and applications to assist appicants who may be unfamiliar with City procedures. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIO23S One of the following: l. Four years of experience in the City of Saint Paul dealing with issues such as licensing (other than animal licensing), building and permit issue, or development which requires a high level of contact with business and public officials, involves some interpretation of City Code, and involves dealing with people who are under stress. 2. A journeyperson level in a trade and three years of experience as an inspector in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more. 3. Project manager in construction or development projects which has required a high degree of contact with business managers, public groups, and public officials, and which involved interpretation of codes in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more for a period of four years. 4. Bachelor's degree and three years experience in a responsible position in a public inspection function in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more. 5. A housing or building code certification from a technical or vocational college and three years of experience in a responsible position in a public inspection function in an urban setting with a population of 50,000 or more. PROJECT FACILITATOR I CODE: 605A 96 2 Z� BU: 02 EFFECTZVE; PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PROJECT FACILITATOR II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties Performs responsible technical and professional work monitoring the progress of very complex or highly visible projects, coordinating to ease administrative problems, developing possible solutions when the project has reached an apparent impasse, and effectively dealing with a wide variety of interest groups and public agencies; perfroms other duties as required. Sunervision Received: Receives general supervision on all assigned projects. SllD ervision Exercised: Provides technical guidance to front desk personnel in LIEP and to Project Facilitator Zs, and acts as project team leader. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Identifies or is assigned applications and development projects including all Class III licenses that have high visibility and/or high impact on the City. Reviews initial documentation, establishes tentative schedules, identifies potential areas of conflict among interest groups and identifies potential administrative delays. Meets with applicant/developer and special interest groups and discusses legal requirements, potential delays, and objections that may occur during the review process. Assists in correctly completing required City documents, scheduling hearings, etc. Meets with neighborhood groups, special interest groups, business groups, etc, and explains proposed projects, discusses relavant laws, explores possible impact on the community. Explaind and assiste with avenues o£ legal recourse. Tracks the progress of projects and takes action as necessary to eliminate unnecessary administrative delay while maintaining the integrity of the review and approval process. Facxilitates meetings, schedules and coordinates the actions of LIEP officials and the actions of officials of other departments in the City as well as working with State and other officials. Devises innovative solutions, compromises, etc, when delays or opposition {continued on revarse side} PROJECT FACILITATOR II ��'-z z-o Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: , , PROJECT FACILITATOR II arise in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect the legitimate interests of aZ3 and ensure the integrity of the review and ' approval process. Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time to produce best rrsults. Conducst research; analyzes and evaluates information; coordinates with subject matter experts; prepares reports and other documents. Routinely communicates with district councils, special interest groups, Council memebrs and staff, and department officials to anticipate prgplems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowZedge of City Codes related to licenses, permits and development applications. Considerable knowledge of the administrative processes of the various divisions of LIEP. Considerable knowledge of the administrartive procedures of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledg eof the administrative processes in related State and federal agencies. Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge of the staff of LIEP and of various departments to contact when a project runs into administrative delays. Knowledge of researching technical and 2ega1 information related to licensing, permits and development. Knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in effectively handling conflict situations. Considerable ski11 in negotiation to arrive at acceptable and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate e££ectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develop creative alternatives to resolve problems. Considerable abiloity to learn a new set of codes accurately and quickly. Considerable ability to manage a complex administratfve preocess. PROJECT FACILITATOR II / V ( �� Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: " PROJECT FACILITATOR II � arise in the approval process, seeking alternatives that protect the legitimate interests of all and ensure the integrity of the review and ` approval process. � Manages multiple projects with conflicting priorities and allocates time to produce best rrsults. Gonducst research; analyzes and evaluates infotmation; coordinates orith subject matter experts; prepares reports and other docUments. Routinely communicates with district councils, special interest groups, Council memebrs and staff, and department officials to anticipate prgplems by maintaining awareness of community and interest group concerns. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Considerable knowledge of City Codes related to licenses, permits and development applications. Considerable knowledge of the administrative processes of the various divisions of LIEP. Considezable knowledge of the administrartive procedures of other departments that impact licensing, permits, and development. Considerable knowledg eof the administrative processes in related State and federal agencies. � Considerable knowledge of the priorities of the administration. Considerable knowledge of the staff of LIEP and of various depaztments to contact when a project runs into administrative delays. Knowledge of researching technical and legal in£ormation related to licensing, permits and development. Knowledge of relevant State legislation. Considerable skill in effectively handling conflict situations. Considerable skill in negotiation to arrive at acceptable and legal solutions. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to a wide variety of audiences. Considerable ability to develop creative alternatives to resolve problems. Considerable abiloity to learn a new set o£ codes accurately and quickly. Considerable ability to manage a complex administrative preocess. . PROJECT FACILITATOR II Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: 9g'_ZZZ� PROJECT FACILITATOR II Ability to prepare and present reports that deal with data, analysis, legal terminiology, recommendations, etc. Ability to grasp the relationship between law and technology and to apply to the particular situation. Ability to manage multiple projects with conflicting priorities. Ability to analyze licenses and applications to assist applicants who may be unfamiliar with City procedures. MINIMi3NC QUALZFICATZONS One of the following: 1. Four years experience in the City of Saint Paul as a Project Facilitator I. 2. Four years experience in the title of senior or lead inspactor in the City of Saint Paul. 3. Six years experience as a project manager in major construction and/or development pro�ects which has required a high level of contact with business and public officials and which has involved controversial projects in an urban environment of 50,000 or more. 4.A bachelors' degree and three years experience as a Project Facilitator I or equivalent. 5. A housing or building code certification from a technical college and three years experience as a Project Facilitator I or equivalent. PROJECT FACILITATOR II