98-214� �� � � A Councit File # ��� . e�s� u- a p�.1 FC� �q98` ORIGI�A� � A�.op��� �� � 6,�5� C� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION n/( � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 Adopied by Co�ncil: Date � Adoption. e�tified by Cowcil $ecretary ^ i By: z ppproved by o. Da _ J By: Requested by Department of: Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Ha�ns Reiter Adopted by Council Adoption Certifiecl�b B y � Approved y Mayor: By: An Administrative Resolution, pursuant to Civil Service Rule 32, approving new minimum qualifications for the Engineering Aide I and II classifications. 40175 " �� RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached class specification for the Engineering Aide I and II class. ✓ ✓ ' � � .. � � Date � Counci] Secretary � Date Office of Human Resources BY: ��-�'°�`��`�(� Form Approved by G A omey By t An by Mavor for S,�br�iss�o�t� 98-Z�y � c��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCIL: DATE INl"fIATED GREEN SHEET NO.' 4OI�IS Human Resources 2/24/98 ' CONTACT PERSOtV & PFIONE: � u�777nvllwlE u�7'nnLDATE Karen Sanchez, x66483 ,,,�`, ! M n�� ASS[GN I DEPARTMEN7� DI��'S CIIY COUNC[L ____ Mark Robertson, x66471 l`°" ` NUhfBER Z CITY ATTOR�IEY 6 CITY CLERK FOR 3 FMANCIAL SERV D[R TECH & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MUSI'BEORCOUNCILAGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING 4 MAYOR(ORASST.� CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION ORDER �" TOTAL # OF 5IGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) wcr�orv uEQUesrev: Approval of the resolution revising the Engineering Aide I& II class speci8ications as required by Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. RECAMMENDATIONS:P.ppro�e(A}orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICCCONT[L�CTSMUSfANS\VERTHEEOL40W[NG QUGSfIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SCRVIC�� COMMISSION 1. Haa this person/fimi ever wurked undcr a contran for thrs department? C[I3 COMMITI'E8 Yu No S'fAF1' _ __ _. __ ___ ___ 2. Has this penoNfinn evcr been a city empioyee? DIS"I'RICf COURT Yes No SUPPOR'fS WHICIi COUNCIL OI31L'C"PIVL"> 3. Docs Ous penoid�mi pos4�ss a skill noi nummlly possecved hy any wrrent city employee? Y�s No Explain all yes answcrs on scpante sheet and attach ro green s6cci INITIATINC PRORLLM, [S5UE, OPI'OR'PUN17'Y (�Wn, What. �\9ia�, w9iere. �Vhy). � RE�E9�� See Attachment to Green Sheet �IAR 0 6 199� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: r The class�`p.�cifications will reflect the appropriate duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required and minimum qualificai�ci�'s for the Engineering Aide I and II classes. �::i:,= [:.:�r, DtSAD�A�S IT AP,1'IiOVLD. �� ��" � K ` :'` �'� ~ , ��;� t�st�'-' z_ 3'aa:Lr'_: � ti .a, ..� ��� __ None. . s-� ,_ � �1AR � � 1�98 ��- � - =�":: r��k",���� D15ADVANTAGLS 1P NO'C APPROVEll: The class specifications will not reflect the appropriate duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required and minimum qualifications for the Engineering Aide I and II. TOTAL AMOIINT OF TRANSAGTION: S WST/REV ENUE 6UDGETED: FUNllINGSOURCE: AC7'IVITYNUMBER: ,�j3.'�,'„ �.;,�^!-,:�..,.- 3'i::�......�..._ _,u. _... PINANCIAL IM'ORD1A'i'ION: (lXI'LAIN) �iAR � 9 i�� r wserzs'rennaz�NOiaz.cs 98-z � 5� Attachment to Green Sheet Initiatin�Problem. I ssue. Opportunitv: The AFSCME Technical Bargaining Unit has objected to the proposed minimum qualifications for the Engineering Aide I and II. Specifically, the union is objecting to the driver's license and technical college trainin� requirements. The union objects to the driver's license requirement because it contends that the driver's license would most likely be used to support the Mayor's Executive Order establishing administrative procedures to be followed when City employees lose their driving privileges and because a driver's license requirement is a term and condition of employment which must be negotiated. The union objects to the reliance on technical college training because it has not accepted that formal training is more valuable than appropriate experience. (See attached AFSCME memo) The DepaRment ofPublic Works and Water Utility, the affected departments, have weighed the union's objections against the requirements of the job. Both departments agree that the proposed minimum qualifications are appropriate and that the driver's license and technical college training must be included in the minimum qualifications. (See attached Twenty Day Notice) Prior to the twenty day notice, the Office of Human Resources met with the department and union representatives several times to work out the c]ass specification revisions and to try to resolve the issues raised by the union in this matter. In response to the union's objections, the two-year suspension or revocation standard clause was deleted from the driver's license requirement. The union did not sign off on the twenty day notice. Consequently, we are requesting approval of the proposed minimum qualifications under Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. The Office of Human Resources studied the class specification revisions and have determined that the proposed minimum qualifications are appropriate. (See attached Office of Human Resources' Report and Civii Service Rules 32) Attachments: 1. Twenty Day Notice 2. Current and Proposed Class Specifications 3. AFSCME Memo 4. Mayor's Executive Order 5. Civil Service Rule 32 6. Office of Human Resources' Report F'\lSSERS\TEAM?'v�"7TACHGS t I 1_<.'✓����� i �i� � � �J�I;J ;,� �1s `" ;��, � ����� EC . � OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOU$¢5 „ G � � lohn Hami/ton, Director �'%�, �'����,� �a� �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narni Co[ci�tan, Mayor TO: FROM: Stacy Beckcr, Dircctor Public Works Bemie Bullert, Gcneral Manager Water Utility Karen Sanchez 11.J t Core Consulting Services DATE: January 6, 1998 RE: Twcnty Day Notice 230 Ciry Xall Annec 25 Wcst Foursh S+rec� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1631 Tclephone: 6! 2-26b6500 7DDlT7Y.� 612-266-650! Jobfine: 672-266-6502 Facsin�i[e: 612-292-7656 It lias bccn dctcrmincd that Uic class spccifications for Enginccring Aidc I �ud II should bc rcviscd lo re(icct clia��ges in U�c duties, knowledgc, skills and abilitics, and minimum qualifications. I havc attadied for your review a copy of the class specifications. Please notify mc within twcnty days of receipt of ihis memo ifyon wish to discuss this action. If I do not hcar from you within [hat [imc framc, I will assumc agreement atyd will proceed witli the process. I l�ercby waive tl�e timc remaining on this 20-day nolicc for tlie purpase of revising tlic class specifica� �on. G-�,��u., �-, y- 9 X Namc �� Da[c 9�-ziy .� OFFICE OF HUMAN RFSOURCES Jahn Hamilmn. Directo� CTTY OF SAINI' PpLJL Norm Ca(emnn, Mayor TO: FROM: Stacy Becker, Director Public Works Bernic Bullert, General Manager Water Utility Karen Sancl�ez TIJ IV� Core Consulting Services DATE: January 6, 1998 RE: Twenty Day Noticc 230 CFry Ha(l Anner Telephon<: 25 West FourTh Streei 7DD/j7'g• Saini Paul, Minnesota 55702-1631 Joblrne: Facsimile: D [sC�C��t�l�[s., _ ��JAN 0 8 1998 l D 612-2666500 612-266-6501 612-2666502 672-292-7656 It has becn dctcrmined A�at thc dass speciticntions for Enginecring Aidc I ond 1[ should bc rcvised to rcllcet chmigcs in dic dutics, knowlcdgc, skills And nbilitics, �ud minimum qualifications. I hnvc Attached for your rcvicw n copy of Ihc cl�ss spccifications. Plcasc notify mc within hvcnty days of rcccipt of lhis mcmo if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hcar from you within that timc framc, I will ttssumc ngrccmcnl nnd will procccd with thc prcecss. I hereby aive the time remai ng on this 20-day notice for the purpose of revising the class speci ati ��Ly��Y Name Date �o��:: ��� 9�—zl � �U: oz EFPliCTIVE: PROPOSED TZTLE OP CIASS: ENGINEERZNG AZDE I DESGRIPTZON OF WORK General StaLement of Duties: Performs routine field and/or office engineering work such as drafting. inspection, and surveying; and performs related duties as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the close and technical supervision of a hi�her level technician or engineer. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPTGAL DUTIES PL•RPORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepares simple ink or computer-generated drawin�s from infonnation provided by others. Prepares simple drafting such as correcting, updatin&, and editing maps. Assists in design work using data provided by more experienced employees. Performs simple constxuction inspection and assists higher-level employees in inspection; observes construction, tabulates materials used, performs simple materials tests, and takes field notes. Assists with field counts and observations; places and maintains traffic counting devices, downloads raw data from a collection device to a computer system, and prepares basic reports. Assists in field surveying; holds a leveling or alignment rod, measures distances, carries instruments, places stakes, markers, and monwnents as directed; prepares areas for accurate surveys by removing brush and performing similar tasks; records and reduces field notes. Answers the telephone and greets customers; provides routine information orally or by letter regarding administrative procedures and locations of facilities such as sewel and water. Issues permits which may include reviewing simple site plans and routes appropriate information to other offices; refers more comples questions to higher-level employees. (continued on revexse side) ENGINEERING ATDE I Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE I Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform routine calculations using algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative pzocedures. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Ability to use computer for basic data entry, drawing, graphics, and retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and instruments. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Ability to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Ability to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry and high school or post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE I 9�' -ziy Page 2 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE I Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. . KNOWI.EDGE, SKZLLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform routine calculations using algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative procedures. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Ability to use computer for basic data entry, drawing, graphics, and retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and instruments. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Ability to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Ability to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry and high school or post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE I � • _ - _ _ � --�.°^„� ��������� ���� TITLE OF CIASS: i,N� 3NF::RING AIDE I DESCRIPTION OF WORK CODE: 167 98 -a�� BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: 07/02/66 �eneral Statement of Duties: Undez suparvision, to perform the routine tasks involved in surveying, traffic surveys, inspection, drafting, or engineering of£ice work; and to perform related vork as assigned. TYPICAL DUTZES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. To hold a level or a atadia rod and give a sezies of rod readings on a line of levels. � To measure distances. To carry instruments. To place stakes, markers and monuments as directed. To clear brush in the line of survey. To assist inspectozs on simple routine projects or at concrete plants. To conduct zoutine traffic surveys. To place and maintain automatic traf:ic counting devices. In the office-- To give routine information to the puolic st the counter rsgazding assessments, house numbers, etc. To issue house numbezs. T9 keep records and ind:=xes. To make tracings of drawings prepazed by others. To file, reeord and index dravings, tracings, plans and other records. kIINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High�school graduation with courses in mathematics. ENGINEERING AIDE I GODE: 168 9 � - Zy� BU: 02 EFFEGTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II DESCRZPTZON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine £ield andfor office engineering work such as drafting, inspection, and surveying; and performs related duties as assigned. Suvervision Received: Works under the close and technical supervision of a higher-level technician or engineer. Suuervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Prepares simple ink or computer-generated drawings Erom information provided by others. Prepares routine drafting such as correcting, updating, and editing maps. Assists in design work using data provided by more experienced employees. Assists in development of construction plans and inspection checklists including simple calculations and gathering of basic information. Performs routine construction inspection and assists higher-level employees in inspection and testing; observes construction, tabulates materials used, per£orms simple materials tests, and takes field notes. Assists with field counts and observations; places and maintains traffic counting devices, downloads raw data from a collection device to a computer system, and completes basic reports. Assists in field surveying; holds a leveling or alignment rod, measures distances, carries instruments,.rPlaces stakes, markezs, and monuments as directed; prepares areas for surveys by removing brush and performing similar tasks; records and reduces £ield notes. Answers the telephone and greets customers; provides routine information orally ox' by letter regarding administrative procedures and location of facilities such as sewer and water. (continued on reverse side) ENGINEERING AIDE II PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II Page 2 Issues permits which may include reviewing simple site plans and routes appropriate information to other offices; refers more complex questions to higher-level employees. Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. Utilizes computers including data bases. Performs routine facility location. Assists in leak detection. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform calculations using algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of inspection and field survey techniques. Some knowledge of computer-aided drafting. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative procedures. Ability to use the compc�ter for basic data entry, drawing, graphies, and retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and equipment. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Abzlity to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Abi,lity to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must possess a two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one year of undergraduate development certificate in engineering and science from the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or two years of experience as an Engineering Aide I or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE II 9�-z�y Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II Issues permits which may include reviewing simple site plans and routes � appropriate information to other offices; refers more complex questions to higher-level employees. Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. Utilizes computers including data bases. Performs routine £acility location. Assists in leak detection. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform calculations using algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of inspection and field survey techniques. Some knowledge of computer-aided drafting. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative procedures. Ability to use the computer for basic data entry, drawing, graphics, and � retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and equipment. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Ability to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Ability to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must possess a two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one year o£ undergraduate development certificate in engineering and science from the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or two years of experience as an Engineering Aide I or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. . ENGINEERING AIDE II 9�-2iy � ' °� � _� � >�,�. �("'; �.t�r�„��� � ��C��,r CODE: 168 BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: 03/17/79 TZTLE OF CIASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II DESCRIPTION OF WORK ('eneral S[atement of Duties: Under supervision, to perform routine field survey or draf[ing room work, or to do inspection work on minor local improvement projects; and to per£orm related work as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties per£ormed by all positions in this class. To sight iods, dig for and set monuments. To use tapes, chains, and hand levels. To record and reduce field notes. To make £ield sketches and glot field notes. To assist the chief of party in the operation and care of the surveying instruments. To make ink tracings. To check and change assessment records. To give information to the public concerning assessment and engineering records. To inspect, investigate and report upon minor improvement projects 3n order to determine the conformity of materials and methods of construction with authorized plans and specifications and departmental regulations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation with major courses in mathematics, and one year's experience as an Engineering Aide I, Valuation and Assessment Aide I, or equivalent; or high school gtaduation and one year's vocational training in drafting; or one year of college training in engineering. ENGINEERING AIDE II � --�� -- ��x� � � ..�,s F'� _�'i - ' . L - a t'-� Z C} 2 � Q 2 � Memo To: Karen Sanchez From: Jerry Sertling cc Linda Cobb Mary Hiber, Robin Madsen Bill McDonald and Dick Rohland Date: January 26,1998 Re: Proposed Engineering Aide I&II Speci�ications The Union objects to the pmposed minimum qualifications for the above fitles. The objections are: 1. The Drivers License reqirire�nt would most l�ely be used to support the Mayor's Execntive Order regarding `�driving priveleges". AFSCME has repeatedly mformed the City that such Eaecutive Orders affect term� and conditions of employmen� In the past the City has accommodated employees who lose their driver's license without discharging them Modification of a term and condition of employureut must be negotiated, therefore the Order does not apply to AFSCME represented emplayees. 2. The Union also objects to the reliance on Technical College traiving The U�on has not accepted that forIIral trainmg is more valuable than appropriate ezperience. If you wish to discuss these objections, please call to schednle an appointment • Page 1 9�-2i� T ��Y , � 7 ,, � - 53 9 g" Z �y City of Saint Paul Employee Loss of Driving Privileges Administrative Procedure In the interest of preserving, for a limited rime, an employee's job when the employee hu a drivei 5 license of any type suspended, revoked or canceled, and to estabiish uniformity in addressing such a situatior� all City employees, with the possible exception of those employees with a bonafide medical condiaon which may be grounds for an exemption, will be subject to the following: If an employee loses driving privileges and possession of a license is a minimum requirement of the employee's job classi5cation, the City will insist that the emp]oyee comp]y with the job requirement. 2. It is the employee's responsibility to immediately norify their supervisor of the loss of driving privileges. If an employee fails to norify theit supervisor they will be subject to disciplinary action. If an employee drives a City vehicle without a valid driver's license, they will be subject to immediate terminarion from Ciry employment. Such termination will also apply to any Ciry employee who drives a personal vehicle without a valid driver's license in the performance of their Cityjob duties. It is the employee's responsibility for regaining the license and not the City's. Therefore, the employee must, at the employee's expense and on persona! rime, resolve the issue with the Disrrict Court or Department of Public Safety. Obtaining a permit to drive for work purposes only, in the driver's license class reqwred by the minimum qualiScations of the employee's job classificarion, qualifies as meering those minimum requiremenu. 4. Management, upon being made awaze of the loss of an employee's license, shall send the employee a letter stating that the employee will be put on leave status for a period, not to exceed, 120 calendaz days. The 120 day calendar period shall begin as of the date on which the state cancels, suspends, or revokes the employee's license. The employee's union representative will be sent a copy of the letter. During the 120-day period no accrued sick ]eave may be used. However, accrued vacation and/or compensatory rime may be used Once such time is eahausted, the employee will be placed on a leave without pay status. L`the employee's driving privileges are restored within the 120 calendaz day period, the employee may retum to work w�th full pay effective the date of such retum suoject to layoffs or � other staffino reductions. 6. If the employee cannot resolve the license problem within the 120 calendaz day period, the employee wili be terminated from City employment. Extensions may only be granted at the discretion of the department involved for reasons beyond the emp(oyee's controL The reazons shall be limited to delays caused by State adminisuative procedures or the court system. V oluntary reducrion to a position in a lower classification with minimum qualifications not requinne a driver's license, is at management's discretion under the Civil Service rules. This is an oprion tnat may be discussed with the department involved. However, such a reduction ml:s, bz to a��acant posirion and cannot result in tne displacement of another empioyee r�cusno�r.ncv:rouc cHc � � � , City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor � No: E - 5_� Date: � l% ' 3 ( " `1 I EXECUTIVE ORDER EXECUTNE O12DER, Pursuant to Chapter 3 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, this Executive Order esiablishes administrative proceduru fo be foJlowed when City emp]oyees lose their driving privileges and a valid driver's license is a minimum qualification of their job classification. �t'F�REAS, many City job classes require that employees possess a valid driver's license in a specific State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety Driver's License Classification; and WHEREAS, the driving privileges of some City employees are sometimes suspended, revoked or canceled because of the employees' convictions of or guilty pleas to various driving offenses; and WI�AS, the result of such situations is that such employees can no longer drive while employed by the City and consequently do not meei the minimum requiremenis of iheir job; now therefore be it ORDE�D, thzt the Cirv of Saint Paul hereby establishes the attached administrative procedures reeardin� iob re:ainmenc in the event a City employee has drivine privile¢es suspended, revoked or canceled and possession of a valid dri��er's license is z min'unum qua�cation of the employee's job ciassincatiou. APPRO�'ED wS TO FORRZ ; '—; � ; - � , � �✓�-� i�`� ��. Assistant Ciry At'torney r I ✓ Date ` ( ��� , ,.��.L' ! l �����J� �'�L. Mayor � � � J { J City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor �B�Z/ � � Na: E - �3 Date: �l� " 31"`1� EXECUTIVE ORDER EaECUTIVE ORDE� Pursuant to Chapter 3 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, this Executive Order establishes administrative procedures to be followed when Ciry employees Jose their driving privileges and a valid driver's license is a minimum qualification of their job classification. �'F-�REAS, many City job classes require that employees possess a valid driver's license in a specific State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety Drives's License Classification; and W'I-IEREAS, the driving privileges of some Ciry employees are sometimes suspended, revoked or canceled because of the employees' convictions of or guilty pleas to various driving offenses; and WI-�E.REAS, the result of svch situations is that such employees can no longer drive while cmployed by the City and consequently do not meet the minimum requirements of their job; now thcrefore be it ORDL•.T'WD, that the Ci;�� of Saint Paul hereby establishes ihe attached administrative procedures regarding job rc:ainmenc in the event a City emplo}�ee has drivin¢ privileges suspended, revoked or canceled and possession of a valid driver's license is z min'unum qua'.ification of the employee's job ciassi3catio�:. APPRO�'ED AS TO FORI�i ;'-, -. _` /�i5, •,� �; ..� i i - �� .,� Assiscant Ciry Atiorney ,i ✓ Date C �.L.C.r.�1, l���. Mavor � � � Sec32 Civi1 Service Rules back to Table of Contents/fndea City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Civil Service Rules 32. Class Specifications 9�-z�y Page 1 of 1 Class specifications shall not be a part ofthe Civil Setvice Rules but shall be maintained by the Human Resources Director as an administrative tool. The Human Resources D'uector may make changes in the class specifications as the I?irector sees fit. However, if a change in a class specification is challenged or protested by any individual or goup, the change must be approved by resolution of the City Council. Such rules or amendmerns which are approved by the Council shall be submitted within five days of their passage to the Civil Service Commission for their approval or rejection. Within ten business days the Civil Service Commission shall either approve and sign the measure or shall retum it to the Council with a communication in writing stating their disapprova] and the reason therefor. ff the Commission neither signs nor vetoes the measure within ten business days, it shali be deemed approved. Any such measure which is vetoed by the Civi] Service Commission may be reconsidered by the Council and shall become law if passed by an affirmative vote of at least five members of the Council within 30 days of the veto. Any such measure which has been reconsidered by the Council and repassed shall be deemed approved. back to too 11/19/97 8:45:37 AM 9�-ziy OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES' REPORT ENGINEERING AIDE I Technical Grade 22 Salary range: $24,900 to $30,500 The current Bngineering Aide I class specification is dated July 2, 1966. Current minimum qualifications: High school graduation with courses in mathematics. ♦ Proposed minimum qualifications: High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algebra, geometry, and tri�onometry and high schoo] or post-secondary coursework in computer- aided desia . Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE II Technical Grade 26 Salary range: $27,400 to $33,500 The current Engineering Aide II class specification is dated March 17, 1975. Current minimum qualificntions: High school � with major courses in mathematics, and one year's experience as an Engineering Aide I, Valuation and Assessment Aide I, or equivalent; or high school graduation and one year's vocational training in drafting; or one year of college training in engineering. ♦ Proposed minimum qunlifications: Must possess a two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one-year undergrnduate development certificate in engineering and science from the the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post- secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or two years of experience as an Engineering Aide I or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. 98-2iy AFSCME's OBJECTIONS TO THE MIl�'IMUM QUALIFICATIONS ♦ The union objects to the minimum qualifications because it contends that the driver's license requirement would most likely be used to support the Mayor's Executive Order regarding City employees' loss ofdriving privileges and because the Executive Order affects terms and conditions of employment which must be negotiated. ♦ The union objects to the reliance on technical college training because it has not accepted that formal trainin� is more valuable than appropriate experience. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS' AND WATER UTILITY'S POSITION ♦ A driver's license is required for the Engineering Aide I and II to perform the following essential functions of the positions which require a driver's license: Perform/assist in construction inspection, field counts and observations, field surveying, preliminary design work, routine facility location (Gopher State One calls), and leak detection. ♦ Technical schooling or training is required for Engineering Aide I and 11 to perform the followin� essential functions of the positions which are technica! in nature: Perform/assist in computer-generated drawin�, drafting and design work, construction inspection, and field surveying. OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES' POSITION Minimum qualifications for City classesltitles are established based on the requirements of the }ob which are determined by the duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required of the positions. The minimum qualifications information is used for recruitment purposes and in other areas of human resources such as in determinin� appropriate employment e�mination, compensation, training, career development and promotion For this reason, it is important that appropriate minimum qualifications must be established for each City class/title. Outside or unrelated factors such as Mayor's executive orders, special considerations and/or group preferences as to what the minimum qualifications should belshould not be must not be considered. Re: Driver's license requirement A regular driver's license (Class D) is required for the Engineering Aide I and II to perform the fotlowing essential functions of the positions which require a driver's license: Perform/assist in construction inspection, field counts and observations, field surveying, preliminary design work, facility {ocation (Gopher State One calls), and leak detection. 2 �g�zly Re: Education requirement The technical colle�e training is required for the Engineering Aide II to perform the following essentiai functions of the positions which are technical in nature: Perform/assist in computer-aided drawing, drafting, preliminary design work, construction inspection, and field surveying. The technical colle�e trainin� is not an absolute requirement for the Engineering Aide I and II. The proposed minimum qualifications do not include "no substitution for education", which is a standard clause for classes in which education is an absolute requirement. Therefore, applicants for the Engineering Aide II can be eli�ible to apply by way of education, experience, or a combination thereof, as follows: ♦ two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or ♦ one-year undergraduate development certificate in engineering and science from the CTniversity of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or ♦ two years of experience as an Engineering Aide 1 or equivalent Additionally, the proposed education requirements are not uncommon for classes assigned to the technical bazgaining unii, particularly at the level of compensation of the Engineering Aide I and II. For example, the minimum qualifications for the other classes in the same grade as the Engineering Aide I are as follows: a) Ac�aptive Recreation Assistant - high school graduation and completion of a two-year training program in the area of the trainably mentally retarded and(or physically handicapped; or possession of a teaching certificate and at least six months of experience working with the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped; or high school Jraduation and two years of experience working with the trainably mentally retarded andlor physically handicapped ... b) Citv Planning A�de - two years of college; or completion of an approved vocational program in a related field. c) Dental Assistant - High school graduation and successful completion of a Dental Assistant course recognized by the American Dental Assisting Association and current Minnesota certification and registration as a Dental Assistant. d) Nutrition Assistanl - a bachelor's de�ree in nutrition sciences, community nutrition, clinical nutrition, dietetics, or public hea]th nutrition; or a bachelor's degree in home economics with emphasis in nutrition; or any other nutrition related bachelor's degree that is acceptable to the State WIC progam; or a registered Dietetic Technician or eligible to be registered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration. (No substitution for education) ... e) WaterLcrboratorv Arde - completion of a college coursework in inorganic chemistry, quantitative r 9�-Z,y chemistry and microbiolo�y, or graduation from an accredited chemical technology curriculum .._ Additionally, the proposed minimum qualifications are consistent with the definition of a technicai position/class under the Federal classification code for job categories, as follows: "Technicians are occupations which require a combination of basic scientific or technical knowledge and manual skill which can be obtained through specialized post-secondary school education or through equivalent on-the-job training. a) EnQineering Aide 1 pronosed mrnimum c�zralifrcations - High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algebra, geometry, and trigonometry and high school or post- secondary coursework in computer-aided design. b) Engrneering Aide 11 proposed minimum qualifrcations - Must possess a two-year civil technology certificnte from the S�int Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one year of undergraduate development certiFiclYe in engineering and science from the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or hvo years of experience �s an Engineer9ng Aide I or equivalent. In conclusion, based on the duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required of the positions, the proposed minimum qualifications for Engineering Aide I and II are appropriate. G � �� � � A Councit File # ��� . e�s� u- a p�.1 FC� �q98` ORIGI�A� � A�.op��� �� � 6,�5� C� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION n/( � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 Adopied by Co�ncil: Date � Adoption. e�tified by Cowcil $ecretary ^ i By: z ppproved by o. Da _ J By: Requested by Department of: Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Ha�ns Reiter Adopted by Council Adoption Certifiecl�b B y � Approved y Mayor: By: An Administrative Resolution, pursuant to Civil Service Rule 32, approving new minimum qualifications for the Engineering Aide I and II classifications. 40175 " �� RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached class specification for the Engineering Aide I and II class. ✓ ✓ ' � � .. � � Date � Counci] Secretary � Date Office of Human Resources BY: ��-�'°�`��`�(� Form Approved by G A omey By t An by Mavor for S,�br�iss�o�t� 98-Z�y � c��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCIL: DATE INl"fIATED GREEN SHEET NO.' 4OI�IS Human Resources 2/24/98 ' CONTACT PERSOtV & PFIONE: � u�777nvllwlE u�7'nnLDATE Karen Sanchez, x66483 ,,,�`, ! M n�� ASS[GN I DEPARTMEN7� DI��'S CIIY COUNC[L ____ Mark Robertson, x66471 l`°" ` NUhfBER Z CITY ATTOR�IEY 6 CITY CLERK FOR 3 FMANCIAL SERV D[R TECH & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MUSI'BEORCOUNCILAGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING 4 MAYOR(ORASST.� CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION ORDER �" TOTAL # OF 5IGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) wcr�orv uEQUesrev: Approval of the resolution revising the Engineering Aide I& II class speci8ications as required by Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. RECAMMENDATIONS:P.ppro�e(A}orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICCCONT[L�CTSMUSfANS\VERTHEEOL40W[NG QUGSfIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SCRVIC�� COMMISSION 1. Haa this person/fimi ever wurked undcr a contran for thrs department? C[I3 COMMITI'E8 Yu No S'fAF1' _ __ _. __ ___ ___ 2. Has this penoNfinn evcr been a city empioyee? DIS"I'RICf COURT Yes No SUPPOR'fS WHICIi COUNCIL OI31L'C"PIVL"> 3. Docs Ous penoid�mi pos4�ss a skill noi nummlly possecved hy any wrrent city employee? Y�s No Explain all yes answcrs on scpante sheet and attach ro green s6cci INITIATINC PRORLLM, [S5UE, OPI'OR'PUN17'Y (�Wn, What. �\9ia�, w9iere. �Vhy). � RE�E9�� See Attachment to Green Sheet �IAR 0 6 199� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: r The class�`p.�cifications will reflect the appropriate duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required and minimum qualificai�ci�'s for the Engineering Aide I and II classes. �::i:,= [:.:�r, DtSAD�A�S IT AP,1'IiOVLD. �� ��" � K ` :'` �'� ~ , ��;� t�st�'-' z_ 3'aa:Lr'_: � ti .a, ..� ��� __ None. . s-� ,_ � �1AR � � 1�98 ��- � - =�":: r��k",���� D15ADVANTAGLS 1P NO'C APPROVEll: The class specifications will not reflect the appropriate duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required and minimum qualifications for the Engineering Aide I and II. TOTAL AMOIINT OF TRANSAGTION: S WST/REV ENUE 6UDGETED: FUNllINGSOURCE: AC7'IVITYNUMBER: ,�j3.'�,'„ �.;,�^!-,:�..,.- 3'i::�......�..._ _,u. _... PINANCIAL IM'ORD1A'i'ION: (lXI'LAIN) �iAR � 9 i�� r wserzs'rennaz�NOiaz.cs 98-z � 5� Attachment to Green Sheet Initiatin�Problem. I ssue. Opportunitv: The AFSCME Technical Bargaining Unit has objected to the proposed minimum qualifications for the Engineering Aide I and II. Specifically, the union is objecting to the driver's license and technical college trainin� requirements. The union objects to the driver's license requirement because it contends that the driver's license would most likely be used to support the Mayor's Executive Order establishing administrative procedures to be followed when City employees lose their driving privileges and because a driver's license requirement is a term and condition of employment which must be negotiated. The union objects to the reliance on technical college training because it has not accepted that formal training is more valuable than appropriate experience. (See attached AFSCME memo) The DepaRment ofPublic Works and Water Utility, the affected departments, have weighed the union's objections against the requirements of the job. Both departments agree that the proposed minimum qualifications are appropriate and that the driver's license and technical college training must be included in the minimum qualifications. (See attached Twenty Day Notice) Prior to the twenty day notice, the Office of Human Resources met with the department and union representatives several times to work out the c]ass specification revisions and to try to resolve the issues raised by the union in this matter. In response to the union's objections, the two-year suspension or revocation standard clause was deleted from the driver's license requirement. The union did not sign off on the twenty day notice. Consequently, we are requesting approval of the proposed minimum qualifications under Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. The Office of Human Resources studied the class specification revisions and have determined that the proposed minimum qualifications are appropriate. (See attached Office of Human Resources' Report and Civii Service Rules 32) Attachments: 1. Twenty Day Notice 2. Current and Proposed Class Specifications 3. AFSCME Memo 4. Mayor's Executive Order 5. Civil Service Rule 32 6. Office of Human Resources' Report F'\lSSERS\TEAM?'v�"7TACHGS t I 1_<.'✓����� i �i� � � �J�I;J ;,� �1s `" ;��, � ����� EC . � OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOU$¢5 „ G � � lohn Hami/ton, Director �'%�, �'����,� �a� �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narni Co[ci�tan, Mayor TO: FROM: Stacy Beckcr, Dircctor Public Works Bemie Bullert, Gcneral Manager Water Utility Karen Sanchez 11.J t Core Consulting Services DATE: January 6, 1998 RE: Twcnty Day Notice 230 Ciry Xall Annec 25 Wcst Foursh S+rec� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1631 Tclephone: 6! 2-26b6500 7DDlT7Y.� 612-266-650! Jobfine: 672-266-6502 Facsin�i[e: 612-292-7656 It lias bccn dctcrmincd that Uic class spccifications for Enginccring Aidc I �ud II should bc rcviscd lo re(icct clia��ges in U�c duties, knowledgc, skills and abilitics, and minimum qualifications. I havc attadied for your review a copy of the class specifications. Please notify mc within twcnty days of receipt of ihis memo ifyon wish to discuss this action. If I do not hcar from you within [hat [imc framc, I will assumc agreement atyd will proceed witli the process. I l�ercby waive tl�e timc remaining on this 20-day nolicc for tlie purpase of revising tlic class specifica� �on. G-�,��u., �-, y- 9 X Namc �� Da[c 9�-ziy .� OFFICE OF HUMAN RFSOURCES Jahn Hamilmn. Directo� CTTY OF SAINI' PpLJL Norm Ca(emnn, Mayor TO: FROM: Stacy Becker, Director Public Works Bernic Bullert, General Manager Water Utility Karen Sancl�ez TIJ IV� Core Consulting Services DATE: January 6, 1998 RE: Twenty Day Noticc 230 CFry Ha(l Anner Telephon<: 25 West FourTh Streei 7DD/j7'g• Saini Paul, Minnesota 55702-1631 Joblrne: Facsimile: D [sC�C��t�l�[s., _ ��JAN 0 8 1998 l D 612-2666500 612-266-6501 612-2666502 672-292-7656 It has becn dctcrmined A�at thc dass speciticntions for Enginecring Aidc I ond 1[ should bc rcvised to rcllcet chmigcs in dic dutics, knowlcdgc, skills And nbilitics, �ud minimum qualifications. I hnvc Attached for your rcvicw n copy of Ihc cl�ss spccifications. Plcasc notify mc within hvcnty days of rcccipt of lhis mcmo if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hcar from you within that timc framc, I will ttssumc ngrccmcnl nnd will procccd with thc prcecss. I hereby aive the time remai ng on this 20-day notice for the purpose of revising the class speci ati ��Ly��Y Name Date �o��:: ��� 9�—zl � �U: oz EFPliCTIVE: PROPOSED TZTLE OP CIASS: ENGINEERZNG AZDE I DESGRIPTZON OF WORK General StaLement of Duties: Performs routine field and/or office engineering work such as drafting. inspection, and surveying; and performs related duties as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the close and technical supervision of a hi�her level technician or engineer. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPTGAL DUTIES PL•RPORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepares simple ink or computer-generated drawin�s from infonnation provided by others. Prepares simple drafting such as correcting, updatin&, and editing maps. Assists in design work using data provided by more experienced employees. Performs simple constxuction inspection and assists higher-level employees in inspection; observes construction, tabulates materials used, performs simple materials tests, and takes field notes. Assists with field counts and observations; places and maintains traffic counting devices, downloads raw data from a collection device to a computer system, and prepares basic reports. Assists in field surveying; holds a leveling or alignment rod, measures distances, carries instruments, places stakes, markers, and monwnents as directed; prepares areas for accurate surveys by removing brush and performing similar tasks; records and reduces field notes. Answers the telephone and greets customers; provides routine information orally or by letter regarding administrative procedures and locations of facilities such as sewel and water. Issues permits which may include reviewing simple site plans and routes appropriate information to other offices; refers more comples questions to higher-level employees. (continued on revexse side) ENGINEERING ATDE I Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE I Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform routine calculations using algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative pzocedures. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Ability to use computer for basic data entry, drawing, graphics, and retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and instruments. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Ability to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Ability to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry and high school or post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE I 9�' -ziy Page 2 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE I Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. . KNOWI.EDGE, SKZLLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform routine calculations using algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative procedures. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Ability to use computer for basic data entry, drawing, graphics, and retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and instruments. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Ability to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Ability to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry and high school or post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE I � • _ - _ _ � --�.°^„� ��������� ���� TITLE OF CIASS: i,N� 3NF::RING AIDE I DESCRIPTION OF WORK CODE: 167 98 -a�� BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: 07/02/66 �eneral Statement of Duties: Undez suparvision, to perform the routine tasks involved in surveying, traffic surveys, inspection, drafting, or engineering of£ice work; and to perform related vork as assigned. TYPICAL DUTZES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. To hold a level or a atadia rod and give a sezies of rod readings on a line of levels. � To measure distances. To carry instruments. To place stakes, markers and monuments as directed. To clear brush in the line of survey. To assist inspectozs on simple routine projects or at concrete plants. To conduct zoutine traffic surveys. To place and maintain automatic traf:ic counting devices. In the office-- To give routine information to the puolic st the counter rsgazding assessments, house numbers, etc. To issue house numbezs. T9 keep records and ind:=xes. To make tracings of drawings prepazed by others. To file, reeord and index dravings, tracings, plans and other records. kIINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High�school graduation with courses in mathematics. ENGINEERING AIDE I GODE: 168 9 � - Zy� BU: 02 EFFEGTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II DESCRZPTZON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine £ield andfor office engineering work such as drafting, inspection, and surveying; and performs related duties as assigned. Suvervision Received: Works under the close and technical supervision of a higher-level technician or engineer. Suuervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Prepares simple ink or computer-generated drawings Erom information provided by others. Prepares routine drafting such as correcting, updating, and editing maps. Assists in design work using data provided by more experienced employees. Assists in development of construction plans and inspection checklists including simple calculations and gathering of basic information. Performs routine construction inspection and assists higher-level employees in inspection and testing; observes construction, tabulates materials used, per£orms simple materials tests, and takes field notes. Assists with field counts and observations; places and maintains traffic counting devices, downloads raw data from a collection device to a computer system, and completes basic reports. Assists in field surveying; holds a leveling or alignment rod, measures distances, carries instruments,.rPlaces stakes, markezs, and monuments as directed; prepares areas for surveys by removing brush and performing similar tasks; records and reduces £ield notes. Answers the telephone and greets customers; provides routine information orally ox' by letter regarding administrative procedures and location of facilities such as sewer and water. (continued on reverse side) ENGINEERING AIDE II PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II Page 2 Issues permits which may include reviewing simple site plans and routes appropriate information to other offices; refers more complex questions to higher-level employees. Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. Utilizes computers including data bases. Performs routine facility location. Assists in leak detection. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform calculations using algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of inspection and field survey techniques. Some knowledge of computer-aided drafting. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative procedures. Ability to use the compc�ter for basic data entry, drawing, graphies, and retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and equipment. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Abzlity to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Abi,lity to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must possess a two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one year of undergraduate development certificate in engineering and science from the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or two years of experience as an Engineering Aide I or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE II 9�-z�y Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II Issues permits which may include reviewing simple site plans and routes � appropriate information to other offices; refers more complex questions to higher-level employees. Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. Utilizes computers including data bases. Performs routine £acility location. Assists in leak detection. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform calculations using algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of inspection and field survey techniques. Some knowledge of computer-aided drafting. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative procedures. Ability to use the computer for basic data entry, drawing, graphics, and � retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and equipment. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Ability to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Ability to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must possess a two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one year o£ undergraduate development certificate in engineering and science from the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or two years of experience as an Engineering Aide I or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. . ENGINEERING AIDE II 9�-2iy � ' °� � _� � >�,�. �("'; �.t�r�„��� � ��C��,r CODE: 168 BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: 03/17/79 TZTLE OF CIASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II DESCRIPTION OF WORK ('eneral S[atement of Duties: Under supervision, to perform routine field survey or draf[ing room work, or to do inspection work on minor local improvement projects; and to per£orm related work as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties per£ormed by all positions in this class. To sight iods, dig for and set monuments. To use tapes, chains, and hand levels. To record and reduce field notes. To make £ield sketches and glot field notes. To assist the chief of party in the operation and care of the surveying instruments. To make ink tracings. To check and change assessment records. To give information to the public concerning assessment and engineering records. To inspect, investigate and report upon minor improvement projects 3n order to determine the conformity of materials and methods of construction with authorized plans and specifications and departmental regulations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation with major courses in mathematics, and one year's experience as an Engineering Aide I, Valuation and Assessment Aide I, or equivalent; or high school gtaduation and one year's vocational training in drafting; or one year of college training in engineering. ENGINEERING AIDE II � --�� -- ��x� � � ..�,s F'� _�'i - ' . L - a t'-� Z C} 2 � Q 2 � Memo To: Karen Sanchez From: Jerry Sertling cc Linda Cobb Mary Hiber, Robin Madsen Bill McDonald and Dick Rohland Date: January 26,1998 Re: Proposed Engineering Aide I&II Speci�ications The Union objects to the pmposed minimum qualifications for the above fitles. The objections are: 1. The Drivers License reqirire�nt would most l�ely be used to support the Mayor's Execntive Order regarding `�driving priveleges". AFSCME has repeatedly mformed the City that such Eaecutive Orders affect term� and conditions of employmen� In the past the City has accommodated employees who lose their driver's license without discharging them Modification of a term and condition of employureut must be negotiated, therefore the Order does not apply to AFSCME represented emplayees. 2. The Union also objects to the reliance on Technical College traiving The U�on has not accepted that forIIral trainmg is more valuable than appropriate ezperience. If you wish to discuss these objections, please call to schednle an appointment • Page 1 9�-2i� T ��Y , � 7 ,, � - 53 9 g" Z �y City of Saint Paul Employee Loss of Driving Privileges Administrative Procedure In the interest of preserving, for a limited rime, an employee's job when the employee hu a drivei 5 license of any type suspended, revoked or canceled, and to estabiish uniformity in addressing such a situatior� all City employees, with the possible exception of those employees with a bonafide medical condiaon which may be grounds for an exemption, will be subject to the following: If an employee loses driving privileges and possession of a license is a minimum requirement of the employee's job classi5cation, the City will insist that the emp]oyee comp]y with the job requirement. 2. It is the employee's responsibility to immediately norify their supervisor of the loss of driving privileges. If an employee fails to norify theit supervisor they will be subject to disciplinary action. If an employee drives a City vehicle without a valid driver's license, they will be subject to immediate terminarion from Ciry employment. Such termination will also apply to any Ciry employee who drives a personal vehicle without a valid driver's license in the performance of their Cityjob duties. It is the employee's responsibility for regaining the license and not the City's. Therefore, the employee must, at the employee's expense and on persona! rime, resolve the issue with the Disrrict Court or Department of Public Safety. Obtaining a permit to drive for work purposes only, in the driver's license class reqwred by the minimum qualiScations of the employee's job classificarion, qualifies as meering those minimum requiremenu. 4. Management, upon being made awaze of the loss of an employee's license, shall send the employee a letter stating that the employee will be put on leave status for a period, not to exceed, 120 calendaz days. The 120 day calendar period shall begin as of the date on which the state cancels, suspends, or revokes the employee's license. The employee's union representative will be sent a copy of the letter. During the 120-day period no accrued sick ]eave may be used. However, accrued vacation and/or compensatory rime may be used Once such time is eahausted, the employee will be placed on a leave without pay status. L`the employee's driving privileges are restored within the 120 calendaz day period, the employee may retum to work w�th full pay effective the date of such retum suoject to layoffs or � other staffino reductions. 6. If the employee cannot resolve the license problem within the 120 calendaz day period, the employee wili be terminated from City employment. Extensions may only be granted at the discretion of the department involved for reasons beyond the emp(oyee's controL The reazons shall be limited to delays caused by State adminisuative procedures or the court system. V oluntary reducrion to a position in a lower classification with minimum qualifications not requinne a driver's license, is at management's discretion under the Civil Service rules. This is an oprion tnat may be discussed with the department involved. However, such a reduction ml:s, bz to a��acant posirion and cannot result in tne displacement of another empioyee r�cusno�r.ncv:rouc cHc � � � , City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor � No: E - 5_� Date: � l% ' 3 ( " `1 I EXECUTIVE ORDER EXECUTNE O12DER, Pursuant to Chapter 3 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, this Executive Order esiablishes administrative proceduru fo be foJlowed when City emp]oyees lose their driving privileges and a valid driver's license is a minimum qualification of their job classification. �t'F�REAS, many City job classes require that employees possess a valid driver's license in a specific State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety Driver's License Classification; and WHEREAS, the driving privileges of some City employees are sometimes suspended, revoked or canceled because of the employees' convictions of or guilty pleas to various driving offenses; and WI�AS, the result of such situations is that such employees can no longer drive while employed by the City and consequently do not meei the minimum requiremenis of iheir job; now therefore be it ORDE�D, thzt the Cirv of Saint Paul hereby establishes the attached administrative procedures reeardin� iob re:ainmenc in the event a City employee has drivine privile¢es suspended, revoked or canceled and possession of a valid dri��er's license is z min'unum qua�cation of the employee's job ciassincatiou. APPRO�'ED wS TO FORRZ ; '—; � ; - � , � �✓�-� i�`� ��. Assistant Ciry At'torney r I ✓ Date ` ( ��� , ,.��.L' ! l �����J� �'�L. Mayor � � � J { J City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor �B�Z/ � � Na: E - �3 Date: �l� " 31"`1� EXECUTIVE ORDER EaECUTIVE ORDE� Pursuant to Chapter 3 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, this Executive Order establishes administrative procedures to be followed when Ciry employees Jose their driving privileges and a valid driver's license is a minimum qualification of their job classification. �'F-�REAS, many City job classes require that employees possess a valid driver's license in a specific State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety Drives's License Classification; and W'I-IEREAS, the driving privileges of some Ciry employees are sometimes suspended, revoked or canceled because of the employees' convictions of or guilty pleas to various driving offenses; and WI-�E.REAS, the result of svch situations is that such employees can no longer drive while cmployed by the City and consequently do not meet the minimum requirements of their job; now thcrefore be it ORDL•.T'WD, that the Ci;�� of Saint Paul hereby establishes ihe attached administrative procedures regarding job rc:ainmenc in the event a City emplo}�ee has drivin¢ privileges suspended, revoked or canceled and possession of a valid driver's license is z min'unum qua'.ification of the employee's job ciassi3catio�:. APPRO�'ED AS TO FORI�i ;'-, -. _` /�i5, •,� �; ..� i i - �� .,� Assiscant Ciry Atiorney ,i ✓ Date C �.L.C.r.�1, l���. Mavor � � � Sec32 Civi1 Service Rules back to Table of Contents/fndea City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Civil Service Rules 32. Class Specifications 9�-z�y Page 1 of 1 Class specifications shall not be a part ofthe Civil Setvice Rules but shall be maintained by the Human Resources Director as an administrative tool. The Human Resources D'uector may make changes in the class specifications as the I?irector sees fit. However, if a change in a class specification is challenged or protested by any individual or goup, the change must be approved by resolution of the City Council. Such rules or amendmerns which are approved by the Council shall be submitted within five days of their passage to the Civil Service Commission for their approval or rejection. Within ten business days the Civil Service Commission shall either approve and sign the measure or shall retum it to the Council with a communication in writing stating their disapprova] and the reason therefor. ff the Commission neither signs nor vetoes the measure within ten business days, it shali be deemed approved. Any such measure which is vetoed by the Civi] Service Commission may be reconsidered by the Council and shall become law if passed by an affirmative vote of at least five members of the Council within 30 days of the veto. Any such measure which has been reconsidered by the Council and repassed shall be deemed approved. back to too 11/19/97 8:45:37 AM 9�-ziy OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES' REPORT ENGINEERING AIDE I Technical Grade 22 Salary range: $24,900 to $30,500 The current Bngineering Aide I class specification is dated July 2, 1966. Current minimum qualifications: High school graduation with courses in mathematics. ♦ Proposed minimum qualifications: High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algebra, geometry, and tri�onometry and high schoo] or post-secondary coursework in computer- aided desia . Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE II Technical Grade 26 Salary range: $27,400 to $33,500 The current Engineering Aide II class specification is dated March 17, 1975. Current minimum qualificntions: High school � with major courses in mathematics, and one year's experience as an Engineering Aide I, Valuation and Assessment Aide I, or equivalent; or high school graduation and one year's vocational training in drafting; or one year of college training in engineering. ♦ Proposed minimum qunlifications: Must possess a two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one-year undergrnduate development certificate in engineering and science from the the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post- secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or two years of experience as an Engineering Aide I or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. 98-2iy AFSCME's OBJECTIONS TO THE MIl�'IMUM QUALIFICATIONS ♦ The union objects to the minimum qualifications because it contends that the driver's license requirement would most likely be used to support the Mayor's Executive Order regarding City employees' loss ofdriving privileges and because the Executive Order affects terms and conditions of employment which must be negotiated. ♦ The union objects to the reliance on technical college training because it has not accepted that formal trainin� is more valuable than appropriate experience. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS' AND WATER UTILITY'S POSITION ♦ A driver's license is required for the Engineering Aide I and II to perform the following essential functions of the positions which require a driver's license: Perform/assist in construction inspection, field counts and observations, field surveying, preliminary design work, routine facility location (Gopher State One calls), and leak detection. ♦ Technical schooling or training is required for Engineering Aide I and 11 to perform the followin� essential functions of the positions which are technica! in nature: Perform/assist in computer-generated drawin�, drafting and design work, construction inspection, and field surveying. OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES' POSITION Minimum qualifications for City classesltitles are established based on the requirements of the }ob which are determined by the duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required of the positions. The minimum qualifications information is used for recruitment purposes and in other areas of human resources such as in determinin� appropriate employment e�mination, compensation, training, career development and promotion For this reason, it is important that appropriate minimum qualifications must be established for each City class/title. Outside or unrelated factors such as Mayor's executive orders, special considerations and/or group preferences as to what the minimum qualifications should belshould not be must not be considered. Re: Driver's license requirement A regular driver's license (Class D) is required for the Engineering Aide I and II to perform the fotlowing essential functions of the positions which require a driver's license: Perform/assist in construction inspection, field counts and observations, field surveying, preliminary design work, facility {ocation (Gopher State One calls), and leak detection. 2 �g�zly Re: Education requirement The technical colle�e training is required for the Engineering Aide II to perform the following essentiai functions of the positions which are technical in nature: Perform/assist in computer-aided drawing, drafting, preliminary design work, construction inspection, and field surveying. The technical colle�e trainin� is not an absolute requirement for the Engineering Aide I and II. The proposed minimum qualifications do not include "no substitution for education", which is a standard clause for classes in which education is an absolute requirement. Therefore, applicants for the Engineering Aide II can be eli�ible to apply by way of education, experience, or a combination thereof, as follows: ♦ two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or ♦ one-year undergraduate development certificate in engineering and science from the CTniversity of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or ♦ two years of experience as an Engineering Aide 1 or equivalent Additionally, the proposed education requirements are not uncommon for classes assigned to the technical bazgaining unii, particularly at the level of compensation of the Engineering Aide I and II. For example, the minimum qualifications for the other classes in the same grade as the Engineering Aide I are as follows: a) Ac�aptive Recreation Assistant - high school graduation and completion of a two-year training program in the area of the trainably mentally retarded and(or physically handicapped; or possession of a teaching certificate and at least six months of experience working with the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped; or high school Jraduation and two years of experience working with the trainably mentally retarded andlor physically handicapped ... b) Citv Planning A�de - two years of college; or completion of an approved vocational program in a related field. c) Dental Assistant - High school graduation and successful completion of a Dental Assistant course recognized by the American Dental Assisting Association and current Minnesota certification and registration as a Dental Assistant. d) Nutrition Assistanl - a bachelor's de�ree in nutrition sciences, community nutrition, clinical nutrition, dietetics, or public hea]th nutrition; or a bachelor's degree in home economics with emphasis in nutrition; or any other nutrition related bachelor's degree that is acceptable to the State WIC progam; or a registered Dietetic Technician or eligible to be registered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration. (No substitution for education) ... e) WaterLcrboratorv Arde - completion of a college coursework in inorganic chemistry, quantitative r 9�-Z,y chemistry and microbiolo�y, or graduation from an accredited chemical technology curriculum .._ Additionally, the proposed minimum qualifications are consistent with the definition of a technicai position/class under the Federal classification code for job categories, as follows: "Technicians are occupations which require a combination of basic scientific or technical knowledge and manual skill which can be obtained through specialized post-secondary school education or through equivalent on-the-job training. a) EnQineering Aide 1 pronosed mrnimum c�zralifrcations - High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algebra, geometry, and trigonometry and high school or post- secondary coursework in computer-aided design. b) Engrneering Aide 11 proposed minimum qualifrcations - Must possess a two-year civil technology certificnte from the S�int Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one year of undergraduate development certiFiclYe in engineering and science from the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or hvo years of experience �s an Engineer9ng Aide I or equivalent. In conclusion, based on the duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required of the positions, the proposed minimum qualifications for Engineering Aide I and II are appropriate. G � �� � � A Councit File # ��� . e�s� u- a p�.1 FC� �q98` ORIGI�A� � A�.op��� �� � 6,�5� C� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION n/( � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Referred To Committee Date 1 2 3 4 5 Adopied by Co�ncil: Date � Adoption. e�tified by Cowcil $ecretary ^ i By: z ppproved by o. Da _ J By: Requested by Department of: Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Ha�ns Reiter Adopted by Council Adoption Certifiecl�b B y � Approved y Mayor: By: An Administrative Resolution, pursuant to Civil Service Rule 32, approving new minimum qualifications for the Engineering Aide I and II classifications. 40175 " �� RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached class specification for the Engineering Aide I and II class. ✓ ✓ ' � � .. � � Date � Counci] Secretary � Date Office of Human Resources BY: ��-�'°�`��`�(� Form Approved by G A omey By t An by Mavor for S,�br�iss�o�t� 98-Z�y � c��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCIL: DATE INl"fIATED GREEN SHEET NO.' 4OI�IS Human Resources 2/24/98 ' CONTACT PERSOtV & PFIONE: � u�777nvllwlE u�7'nnLDATE Karen Sanchez, x66483 ,,,�`, ! M n�� ASS[GN I DEPARTMEN7� DI��'S CIIY COUNC[L ____ Mark Robertson, x66471 l`°" ` NUhfBER Z CITY ATTOR�IEY 6 CITY CLERK FOR 3 FMANCIAL SERV D[R TECH & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MUSI'BEORCOUNCILAGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING 4 MAYOR(ORASST.� CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION ORDER �" TOTAL # OF 5IGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) wcr�orv uEQUesrev: Approval of the resolution revising the Engineering Aide I& II class speci8ications as required by Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. RECAMMENDATIONS:P.ppro�e(A}orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICCCONT[L�CTSMUSfANS\VERTHEEOL40W[NG QUGSfIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SCRVIC�� COMMISSION 1. Haa this person/fimi ever wurked undcr a contran for thrs department? C[I3 COMMITI'E8 Yu No S'fAF1' _ __ _. __ ___ ___ 2. Has this penoNfinn evcr been a city empioyee? DIS"I'RICf COURT Yes No SUPPOR'fS WHICIi COUNCIL OI31L'C"PIVL"> 3. Docs Ous penoid�mi pos4�ss a skill noi nummlly possecved hy any wrrent city employee? Y�s No Explain all yes answcrs on scpante sheet and attach ro green s6cci INITIATINC PRORLLM, [S5UE, OPI'OR'PUN17'Y (�Wn, What. �\9ia�, w9iere. �Vhy). � RE�E9�� See Attachment to Green Sheet �IAR 0 6 199� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: r The class�`p.�cifications will reflect the appropriate duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required and minimum qualificai�ci�'s for the Engineering Aide I and II classes. �::i:,= [:.:�r, DtSAD�A�S IT AP,1'IiOVLD. �� ��" � K ` :'` �'� ~ , ��;� t�st�'-' z_ 3'aa:Lr'_: � ti .a, ..� ��� __ None. . s-� ,_ � �1AR � � 1�98 ��- � - =�":: r��k",���� D15ADVANTAGLS 1P NO'C APPROVEll: The class specifications will not reflect the appropriate duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required and minimum qualifications for the Engineering Aide I and II. TOTAL AMOIINT OF TRANSAGTION: S WST/REV ENUE 6UDGETED: FUNllINGSOURCE: AC7'IVITYNUMBER: ,�j3.'�,'„ �.;,�^!-,:�..,.- 3'i::�......�..._ _,u. _... PINANCIAL IM'ORD1A'i'ION: (lXI'LAIN) �iAR � 9 i�� r wserzs'rennaz�NOiaz.cs 98-z � 5� Attachment to Green Sheet Initiatin�Problem. I ssue. Opportunitv: The AFSCME Technical Bargaining Unit has objected to the proposed minimum qualifications for the Engineering Aide I and II. Specifically, the union is objecting to the driver's license and technical college trainin� requirements. The union objects to the driver's license requirement because it contends that the driver's license would most likely be used to support the Mayor's Executive Order establishing administrative procedures to be followed when City employees lose their driving privileges and because a driver's license requirement is a term and condition of employment which must be negotiated. The union objects to the reliance on technical college training because it has not accepted that formal training is more valuable than appropriate experience. (See attached AFSCME memo) The DepaRment ofPublic Works and Water Utility, the affected departments, have weighed the union's objections against the requirements of the job. Both departments agree that the proposed minimum qualifications are appropriate and that the driver's license and technical college training must be included in the minimum qualifications. (See attached Twenty Day Notice) Prior to the twenty day notice, the Office of Human Resources met with the department and union representatives several times to work out the c]ass specification revisions and to try to resolve the issues raised by the union in this matter. In response to the union's objections, the two-year suspension or revocation standard clause was deleted from the driver's license requirement. The union did not sign off on the twenty day notice. Consequently, we are requesting approval of the proposed minimum qualifications under Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. The Office of Human Resources studied the class specification revisions and have determined that the proposed minimum qualifications are appropriate. (See attached Office of Human Resources' Report and Civii Service Rules 32) Attachments: 1. Twenty Day Notice 2. Current and Proposed Class Specifications 3. AFSCME Memo 4. Mayor's Executive Order 5. Civil Service Rule 32 6. Office of Human Resources' Report F'\lSSERS\TEAM?'v�"7TACHGS t I 1_<.'✓����� i �i� � � �J�I;J ;,� �1s `" ;��, � ����� EC . � OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOU$¢5 „ G � � lohn Hami/ton, Director �'%�, �'����,� �a� �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narni Co[ci�tan, Mayor TO: FROM: Stacy Beckcr, Dircctor Public Works Bemie Bullert, Gcneral Manager Water Utility Karen Sanchez 11.J t Core Consulting Services DATE: January 6, 1998 RE: Twcnty Day Notice 230 Ciry Xall Annec 25 Wcst Foursh S+rec� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1631 Tclephone: 6! 2-26b6500 7DDlT7Y.� 612-266-650! Jobfine: 672-266-6502 Facsin�i[e: 612-292-7656 It lias bccn dctcrmincd that Uic class spccifications for Enginccring Aidc I �ud II should bc rcviscd lo re(icct clia��ges in U�c duties, knowledgc, skills and abilitics, and minimum qualifications. I havc attadied for your review a copy of the class specifications. Please notify mc within twcnty days of receipt of ihis memo ifyon wish to discuss this action. If I do not hcar from you within [hat [imc framc, I will assumc agreement atyd will proceed witli the process. I l�ercby waive tl�e timc remaining on this 20-day nolicc for tlie purpase of revising tlic class specifica� �on. G-�,��u., �-, y- 9 X Namc �� Da[c 9�-ziy .� OFFICE OF HUMAN RFSOURCES Jahn Hamilmn. Directo� CTTY OF SAINI' PpLJL Norm Ca(emnn, Mayor TO: FROM: Stacy Becker, Director Public Works Bernic Bullert, General Manager Water Utility Karen Sancl�ez TIJ IV� Core Consulting Services DATE: January 6, 1998 RE: Twenty Day Noticc 230 CFry Ha(l Anner Telephon<: 25 West FourTh Streei 7DD/j7'g• Saini Paul, Minnesota 55702-1631 Joblrne: Facsimile: D [sC�C��t�l�[s., _ ��JAN 0 8 1998 l D 612-2666500 612-266-6501 612-2666502 672-292-7656 It has becn dctcrmined A�at thc dass speciticntions for Enginecring Aidc I ond 1[ should bc rcvised to rcllcet chmigcs in dic dutics, knowlcdgc, skills And nbilitics, �ud minimum qualifications. I hnvc Attached for your rcvicw n copy of Ihc cl�ss spccifications. Plcasc notify mc within hvcnty days of rcccipt of lhis mcmo if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hcar from you within that timc framc, I will ttssumc ngrccmcnl nnd will procccd with thc prcecss. I hereby aive the time remai ng on this 20-day notice for the purpose of revising the class speci ati ��Ly��Y Name Date �o��:: ��� 9�—zl � �U: oz EFPliCTIVE: PROPOSED TZTLE OP CIASS: ENGINEERZNG AZDE I DESGRIPTZON OF WORK General StaLement of Duties: Performs routine field and/or office engineering work such as drafting. inspection, and surveying; and performs related duties as assigned. Sunervision Received: Works under the close and technical supervision of a hi�her level technician or engineer. Supervision Exercised: None. TYPTGAL DUTIES PL•RPORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Prepares simple ink or computer-generated drawin�s from infonnation provided by others. Prepares simple drafting such as correcting, updatin&, and editing maps. Assists in design work using data provided by more experienced employees. Performs simple constxuction inspection and assists higher-level employees in inspection; observes construction, tabulates materials used, performs simple materials tests, and takes field notes. Assists with field counts and observations; places and maintains traffic counting devices, downloads raw data from a collection device to a computer system, and prepares basic reports. Assists in field surveying; holds a leveling or alignment rod, measures distances, carries instruments, places stakes, markers, and monwnents as directed; prepares areas for accurate surveys by removing brush and performing similar tasks; records and reduces field notes. Answers the telephone and greets customers; provides routine information orally or by letter regarding administrative procedures and locations of facilities such as sewel and water. Issues permits which may include reviewing simple site plans and routes appropriate information to other offices; refers more comples questions to higher-level employees. (continued on revexse side) ENGINEERING ATDE I Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE I Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform routine calculations using algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative pzocedures. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Ability to use computer for basic data entry, drawing, graphics, and retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and instruments. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Ability to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Ability to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry and high school or post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE I 9�' -ziy Page 2 PROPOSED TZTLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE I Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. . KNOWI.EDGE, SKZLLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform routine calculations using algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative procedures. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Ability to use computer for basic data entry, drawing, graphics, and retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and instruments. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Ability to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Ability to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algrebra, geometry, and trigonometry and high school or post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE I � • _ - _ _ � --�.°^„� ��������� ���� TITLE OF CIASS: i,N� 3NF::RING AIDE I DESCRIPTION OF WORK CODE: 167 98 -a�� BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: 07/02/66 �eneral Statement of Duties: Undez suparvision, to perform the routine tasks involved in surveying, traffic surveys, inspection, drafting, or engineering of£ice work; and to perform related vork as assigned. TYPICAL DUTZES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. To hold a level or a atadia rod and give a sezies of rod readings on a line of levels. � To measure distances. To carry instruments. To place stakes, markers and monuments as directed. To clear brush in the line of survey. To assist inspectozs on simple routine projects or at concrete plants. To conduct zoutine traffic surveys. To place and maintain automatic traf:ic counting devices. In the office-- To give routine information to the puolic st the counter rsgazding assessments, house numbers, etc. To issue house numbezs. T9 keep records and ind:=xes. To make tracings of drawings prepazed by others. To file, reeord and index dravings, tracings, plans and other records. kIINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High�school graduation with courses in mathematics. ENGINEERING AIDE I GODE: 168 9 � - Zy� BU: 02 EFFEGTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II DESCRZPTZON OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs routine £ield andfor office engineering work such as drafting, inspection, and surveying; and performs related duties as assigned. Suvervision Received: Works under the close and technical supervision of a higher-level technician or engineer. Suuervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by a11 positions in this class. Prepares simple ink or computer-generated drawings Erom information provided by others. Prepares routine drafting such as correcting, updating, and editing maps. Assists in design work using data provided by more experienced employees. Assists in development of construction plans and inspection checklists including simple calculations and gathering of basic information. Performs routine construction inspection and assists higher-level employees in inspection and testing; observes construction, tabulates materials used, per£orms simple materials tests, and takes field notes. Assists with field counts and observations; places and maintains traffic counting devices, downloads raw data from a collection device to a computer system, and completes basic reports. Assists in field surveying; holds a leveling or alignment rod, measures distances, carries instruments,.rPlaces stakes, markezs, and monuments as directed; prepares areas for surveys by removing brush and performing similar tasks; records and reduces £ield notes. Answers the telephone and greets customers; provides routine information orally ox' by letter regarding administrative procedures and location of facilities such as sewer and water. (continued on reverse side) ENGINEERING AIDE II PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II Page 2 Issues permits which may include reviewing simple site plans and routes appropriate information to other offices; refers more complex questions to higher-level employees. Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. Utilizes computers including data bases. Performs routine facility location. Assists in leak detection. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform calculations using algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of inspection and field survey techniques. Some knowledge of computer-aided drafting. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative procedures. Ability to use the compc�ter for basic data entry, drawing, graphies, and retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and equipment. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Abzlity to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Abi,lity to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must possess a two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one year of undergraduate development certificate in engineering and science from the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or two years of experience as an Engineering Aide I or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE II 9�-z�y Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II Issues permits which may include reviewing simple site plans and routes � appropriate information to other offices; refers more complex questions to higher-level employees. Maintains and indexes manual or computerized engineering files including contracts, drawings, field books, and tracings. Utilizes computers including data bases. Performs routine £acility location. Assists in leak detection. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Working knowledge of mathematics with the ability to perform calculations using algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Some knowledge of inspection and field survey techniques. Some knowledge of computer-aided drafting. Some knowledge of office and engineering records and administrative procedures. Ability to use the computer for basic data entry, drawing, graphics, and � retrieval of information. Ability to use basic drafting, inspection, and surveying tools and equipment. Ability to follow oral and written instructions. Some ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to deal effectively with the staff, customers, and the public. Ability to perform manual tasks such as inspection and surveying. Ability to operate a motor vehicle to and from job sites. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Must possess a two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one year o£ undergraduate development certificate in engineering and science from the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or two years of experience as an Engineering Aide I or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. . ENGINEERING AIDE II 9�-2iy � ' °� � _� � >�,�. �("'; �.t�r�„��� � ��C��,r CODE: 168 BU: 02 EFFECTIVE: 03/17/79 TZTLE OF CIASS: ENGINEERING AIDE II DESCRIPTION OF WORK ('eneral S[atement of Duties: Under supervision, to perform routine field survey or draf[ing room work, or to do inspection work on minor local improvement projects; and to per£orm related work as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties per£ormed by all positions in this class. To sight iods, dig for and set monuments. To use tapes, chains, and hand levels. To record and reduce field notes. To make £ield sketches and glot field notes. To assist the chief of party in the operation and care of the surveying instruments. To make ink tracings. To check and change assessment records. To give information to the public concerning assessment and engineering records. To inspect, investigate and report upon minor improvement projects 3n order to determine the conformity of materials and methods of construction with authorized plans and specifications and departmental regulations. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation with major courses in mathematics, and one year's experience as an Engineering Aide I, Valuation and Assessment Aide I, or equivalent; or high school gtaduation and one year's vocational training in drafting; or one year of college training in engineering. ENGINEERING AIDE II � --�� -- ��x� � � ..�,s F'� _�'i - ' . L - a t'-� Z C} 2 � Q 2 � Memo To: Karen Sanchez From: Jerry Sertling cc Linda Cobb Mary Hiber, Robin Madsen Bill McDonald and Dick Rohland Date: January 26,1998 Re: Proposed Engineering Aide I&II Speci�ications The Union objects to the pmposed minimum qualifications for the above fitles. The objections are: 1. The Drivers License reqirire�nt would most l�ely be used to support the Mayor's Execntive Order regarding `�driving priveleges". AFSCME has repeatedly mformed the City that such Eaecutive Orders affect term� and conditions of employmen� In the past the City has accommodated employees who lose their driver's license without discharging them Modification of a term and condition of employureut must be negotiated, therefore the Order does not apply to AFSCME represented emplayees. 2. The Union also objects to the reliance on Technical College traiving The U�on has not accepted that forIIral trainmg is more valuable than appropriate ezperience. If you wish to discuss these objections, please call to schednle an appointment • Page 1 9�-2i� T ��Y , � 7 ,, � - 53 9 g" Z �y City of Saint Paul Employee Loss of Driving Privileges Administrative Procedure In the interest of preserving, for a limited rime, an employee's job when the employee hu a drivei 5 license of any type suspended, revoked or canceled, and to estabiish uniformity in addressing such a situatior� all City employees, with the possible exception of those employees with a bonafide medical condiaon which may be grounds for an exemption, will be subject to the following: If an employee loses driving privileges and possession of a license is a minimum requirement of the employee's job classi5cation, the City will insist that the emp]oyee comp]y with the job requirement. 2. It is the employee's responsibility to immediately norify their supervisor of the loss of driving privileges. If an employee fails to norify theit supervisor they will be subject to disciplinary action. If an employee drives a City vehicle without a valid driver's license, they will be subject to immediate terminarion from Ciry employment. Such termination will also apply to any Ciry employee who drives a personal vehicle without a valid driver's license in the performance of their Cityjob duties. It is the employee's responsibility for regaining the license and not the City's. Therefore, the employee must, at the employee's expense and on persona! rime, resolve the issue with the Disrrict Court or Department of Public Safety. Obtaining a permit to drive for work purposes only, in the driver's license class reqwred by the minimum qualiScations of the employee's job classificarion, qualifies as meering those minimum requiremenu. 4. Management, upon being made awaze of the loss of an employee's license, shall send the employee a letter stating that the employee will be put on leave status for a period, not to exceed, 120 calendaz days. The 120 day calendar period shall begin as of the date on which the state cancels, suspends, or revokes the employee's license. The employee's union representative will be sent a copy of the letter. During the 120-day period no accrued sick ]eave may be used. However, accrued vacation and/or compensatory rime may be used Once such time is eahausted, the employee will be placed on a leave without pay status. L`the employee's driving privileges are restored within the 120 calendaz day period, the employee may retum to work w�th full pay effective the date of such retum suoject to layoffs or � other staffino reductions. 6. If the employee cannot resolve the license problem within the 120 calendaz day period, the employee wili be terminated from City employment. Extensions may only be granted at the discretion of the department involved for reasons beyond the emp(oyee's controL The reazons shall be limited to delays caused by State adminisuative procedures or the court system. V oluntary reducrion to a position in a lower classification with minimum qualifications not requinne a driver's license, is at management's discretion under the Civil Service rules. This is an oprion tnat may be discussed with the department involved. However, such a reduction ml:s, bz to a��acant posirion and cannot result in tne displacement of another empioyee r�cusno�r.ncv:rouc cHc � � � , City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor � No: E - 5_� Date: � l% ' 3 ( " `1 I EXECUTIVE ORDER EXECUTNE O12DER, Pursuant to Chapter 3 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, this Executive Order esiablishes administrative proceduru fo be foJlowed when City emp]oyees lose their driving privileges and a valid driver's license is a minimum qualification of their job classification. �t'F�REAS, many City job classes require that employees possess a valid driver's license in a specific State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety Driver's License Classification; and WHEREAS, the driving privileges of some City employees are sometimes suspended, revoked or canceled because of the employees' convictions of or guilty pleas to various driving offenses; and WI�AS, the result of such situations is that such employees can no longer drive while employed by the City and consequently do not meei the minimum requiremenis of iheir job; now therefore be it ORDE�D, thzt the Cirv of Saint Paul hereby establishes the attached administrative procedures reeardin� iob re:ainmenc in the event a City employee has drivine privile¢es suspended, revoked or canceled and possession of a valid dri��er's license is z min'unum qua�cation of the employee's job ciassincatiou. APPRO�'ED wS TO FORRZ ; '—; � ; - � , � �✓�-� i�`� ��. Assistant Ciry At'torney r I ✓ Date ` ( ��� , ,.��.L' ! l �����J� �'�L. Mayor � � � J { J City of Saint Paul Office of the Mayor �B�Z/ � � Na: E - �3 Date: �l� " 31"`1� EXECUTIVE ORDER EaECUTIVE ORDE� Pursuant to Chapter 3 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, this Executive Order establishes administrative procedures to be followed when Ciry employees Jose their driving privileges and a valid driver's license is a minimum qualification of their job classification. �'F-�REAS, many City job classes require that employees possess a valid driver's license in a specific State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety Drives's License Classification; and W'I-IEREAS, the driving privileges of some Ciry employees are sometimes suspended, revoked or canceled because of the employees' convictions of or guilty pleas to various driving offenses; and WI-�E.REAS, the result of svch situations is that such employees can no longer drive while cmployed by the City and consequently do not meet the minimum requirements of their job; now thcrefore be it ORDL•.T'WD, that the Ci;�� of Saint Paul hereby establishes ihe attached administrative procedures regarding job rc:ainmenc in the event a City emplo}�ee has drivin¢ privileges suspended, revoked or canceled and possession of a valid driver's license is z min'unum qua'.ification of the employee's job ciassi3catio�:. APPRO�'ED AS TO FORI�i ;'-, -. _` /�i5, •,� �; ..� i i - �� .,� Assiscant Ciry Atiorney ,i ✓ Date C �.L.C.r.�1, l���. Mavor � � � Sec32 Civi1 Service Rules back to Table of Contents/fndea City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Civil Service Rules 32. Class Specifications 9�-z�y Page 1 of 1 Class specifications shall not be a part ofthe Civil Setvice Rules but shall be maintained by the Human Resources Director as an administrative tool. The Human Resources D'uector may make changes in the class specifications as the I?irector sees fit. However, if a change in a class specification is challenged or protested by any individual or goup, the change must be approved by resolution of the City Council. Such rules or amendmerns which are approved by the Council shall be submitted within five days of their passage to the Civil Service Commission for their approval or rejection. Within ten business days the Civil Service Commission shall either approve and sign the measure or shall retum it to the Council with a communication in writing stating their disapprova] and the reason therefor. ff the Commission neither signs nor vetoes the measure within ten business days, it shali be deemed approved. Any such measure which is vetoed by the Civi] Service Commission may be reconsidered by the Council and shall become law if passed by an affirmative vote of at least five members of the Council within 30 days of the veto. Any such measure which has been reconsidered by the Council and repassed shall be deemed approved. back to too 11/19/97 8:45:37 AM 9�-ziy OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES' REPORT ENGINEERING AIDE I Technical Grade 22 Salary range: $24,900 to $30,500 The current Bngineering Aide I class specification is dated July 2, 1966. Current minimum qualifications: High school graduation with courses in mathematics. ♦ Proposed minimum qualifications: High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algebra, geometry, and tri�onometry and high schoo] or post-secondary coursework in computer- aided desia . Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. ENGINEERING AIDE II Technical Grade 26 Salary range: $27,400 to $33,500 The current Engineering Aide II class specification is dated March 17, 1975. Current minimum qualificntions: High school � with major courses in mathematics, and one year's experience as an Engineering Aide I, Valuation and Assessment Aide I, or equivalent; or high school graduation and one year's vocational training in drafting; or one year of college training in engineering. ♦ Proposed minimum qunlifications: Must possess a two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one-year undergrnduate development certificate in engineering and science from the the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post- secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or two years of experience as an Engineering Aide I or equivalent. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license or an equivalent out-of-state driver's license. 98-2iy AFSCME's OBJECTIONS TO THE MIl�'IMUM QUALIFICATIONS ♦ The union objects to the minimum qualifications because it contends that the driver's license requirement would most likely be used to support the Mayor's Executive Order regarding City employees' loss ofdriving privileges and because the Executive Order affects terms and conditions of employment which must be negotiated. ♦ The union objects to the reliance on technical college training because it has not accepted that formal trainin� is more valuable than appropriate experience. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS' AND WATER UTILITY'S POSITION ♦ A driver's license is required for the Engineering Aide I and II to perform the following essential functions of the positions which require a driver's license: Perform/assist in construction inspection, field counts and observations, field surveying, preliminary design work, routine facility location (Gopher State One calls), and leak detection. ♦ Technical schooling or training is required for Engineering Aide I and 11 to perform the followin� essential functions of the positions which are technica! in nature: Perform/assist in computer-generated drawin�, drafting and design work, construction inspection, and field surveying. OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES' POSITION Minimum qualifications for City classesltitles are established based on the requirements of the }ob which are determined by the duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required of the positions. The minimum qualifications information is used for recruitment purposes and in other areas of human resources such as in determinin� appropriate employment e�mination, compensation, training, career development and promotion For this reason, it is important that appropriate minimum qualifications must be established for each City class/title. Outside or unrelated factors such as Mayor's executive orders, special considerations and/or group preferences as to what the minimum qualifications should belshould not be must not be considered. Re: Driver's license requirement A regular driver's license (Class D) is required for the Engineering Aide I and II to perform the fotlowing essential functions of the positions which require a driver's license: Perform/assist in construction inspection, field counts and observations, field surveying, preliminary design work, facility {ocation (Gopher State One calls), and leak detection. 2 �g�zly Re: Education requirement The technical colle�e training is required for the Engineering Aide II to perform the following essentiai functions of the positions which are technical in nature: Perform/assist in computer-aided drawing, drafting, preliminary design work, construction inspection, and field surveying. The technical colle�e trainin� is not an absolute requirement for the Engineering Aide I and II. The proposed minimum qualifications do not include "no substitution for education", which is a standard clause for classes in which education is an absolute requirement. Therefore, applicants for the Engineering Aide II can be eli�ible to apply by way of education, experience, or a combination thereof, as follows: ♦ two-year civil technology certificate from the Saint Paul Technical College or equivalent; or ♦ one-year undergraduate development certificate in engineering and science from the CTniversity of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or ♦ two years of experience as an Engineering Aide 1 or equivalent Additionally, the proposed education requirements are not uncommon for classes assigned to the technical bazgaining unii, particularly at the level of compensation of the Engineering Aide I and II. For example, the minimum qualifications for the other classes in the same grade as the Engineering Aide I are as follows: a) Ac�aptive Recreation Assistant - high school graduation and completion of a two-year training program in the area of the trainably mentally retarded and(or physically handicapped; or possession of a teaching certificate and at least six months of experience working with the trainably mentally retarded and/or physically handicapped; or high school Jraduation and two years of experience working with the trainably mentally retarded andlor physically handicapped ... b) Citv Planning A�de - two years of college; or completion of an approved vocational program in a related field. c) Dental Assistant - High school graduation and successful completion of a Dental Assistant course recognized by the American Dental Assisting Association and current Minnesota certification and registration as a Dental Assistant. d) Nutrition Assistanl - a bachelor's de�ree in nutrition sciences, community nutrition, clinical nutrition, dietetics, or public hea]th nutrition; or a bachelor's degree in home economics with emphasis in nutrition; or any other nutrition related bachelor's degree that is acceptable to the State WIC progam; or a registered Dietetic Technician or eligible to be registered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration. (No substitution for education) ... e) WaterLcrboratorv Arde - completion of a college coursework in inorganic chemistry, quantitative r 9�-Z,y chemistry and microbiolo�y, or graduation from an accredited chemical technology curriculum .._ Additionally, the proposed minimum qualifications are consistent with the definition of a technicai position/class under the Federal classification code for job categories, as follows: "Technicians are occupations which require a combination of basic scientific or technical knowledge and manual skill which can be obtained through specialized post-secondary school education or through equivalent on-the-job training. a) EnQineering Aide 1 pronosed mrnimum c�zralifrcations - High school graduation or equivalent with coursework in mathematics including algebra, geometry, and trigonometry and high school or post- secondary coursework in computer-aided design. b) Engrneering Aide 11 proposed minimum qualifrcations - Must possess a two-year civil technology certificnte from the S�int Paul Technical College or equivalent; or one year of undergraduate development certiFiclYe in engineering and science from the University of Minnesota or equivalent and post-secondary coursework in computer-aided design; or hvo years of experience �s an Engineer9ng Aide I or equivalent. In conclusion, based on the duties, knowledge, skills and abilities required of the positions, the proposed minimum qualifications for Engineering Aide I and II are appropriate. G