98-209ORIGINA Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Council File # 9� GreenSheet# (�py-t5 20 Commit#ee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Sain# Paui Police Department has received a b ant from the iblinnesota Department 2 of Public Safety, for approsimately 52,240, for traffic enforcement (Operalion Nightcap? 3 4 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 as 29 30 31 32 33 T�'fiEREAS, the Department of Public Safety requests a desi�ated authority for the eaecution of ab eements, and RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepE this grant award for approximately �2,240 for the Operation Nightcap program and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety . !� Q by Department of: n_i• By: �PProved by May,o�i: D . .�� -- By: ) , � � (2 � Nightczp I� ppr by NIayor o S bmiss'o o Cou cil: S By. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � Chief Finney A.S.A.P. M0.rc�1 �g,1Qq8' TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �� uE...,�nww.oa �' L 98 No 60475 � ancawca � � OIYATiGYEY ^^^�� OlYpiiK _ � wwncw�amvcrson.� ❑ w�xo��aeawKCro 1'Ilwvoalort�saccurtl � ❑ "1.. (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Accept grant of approximately $2,240.00 from the State of Minnesota, Departrnent of Public Safety £or overtime tra£fic enforcement on or about March 17th, St. Patrick's Day,-and early May, Cinco DeMayo week. The grant is known as Operation Nightcap. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE CAMM{S: RSONAL SERViCE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLAWING QUESTIONSs fiss mis x'�Mrm everwoncea unaer a coneact r« n�ie aepammenn YES NO Has this P�Rrtn ever been a citY empbyee9 YES NO Does this Pa�R�m P� a sldN not rwrtnal�YP��� M anY curteiR cilY emdoyee7 YES NO Is ihis pe�saJfirm a tarpeted vendoYl VES NO Law enforcement cannot keep up with the large number of drunk drivers. Operation Nightcap provides funds for overtime enforcement during events known to have excess drinking. No cost added police presence at two major festivals with a concentration on drunk driving enforcement. None IF `'`�e eN�O�cew.eall AtAOUNTOFTRAN3ACTIONt estimated $2,240.00 1630URCE � � I �'( V�/° fL MFORMATION (EXPWlp YES NO Gour�il r�esearrh �sn;er �� 1 : l,l� t COSTrttEVENUE BUDOETED (qRCLE ON� ACTIVI7Y NUMBER .� �� . 9�-ZOy Project Title: Safe & Sober NightCAP Project Number: 98-14-08 I. PROBLEM STATEMENT: Safe & Sober NightCAP is a new alcohol saturation program that is required by the guidelines of the 410 Alcohol Incentive funds. It will require monthly impaired driving saturation efforts that will be conducted throughout the state. These saturations must be coordinated by staff in each of the Minnesota State Patrol distdcts and include participation by county and local enforcement agencies in each sahuation thaz is run. Public information and media efforts must be a part of each saturation as well. Grant agreements must be executed with each participating agency and enforcement data must be tracked. II. PROBLEM SOLUTION: The Minnesota State Patrol will coordinate impaired driving saturarion events throughout the state with a coordinator appointed in each district. 5aturations will take place at least monthly in the two metro districts; MSP districts outside of the metro azea will submit plans identifying specific community events during which saturation efforts will take place. Coordinators will be responsible for scheduling saturations and ensuring that MSP supervision is present at each enforcement event. MSP is also responsible for negotiating grant agreements with each participating county and local agency; maintenance of appropriate fiscal and enforcement data will be expected as well. District NightCAP coordinators will identify qualified (i.e., SFST trained) MSP, county, and locat law enforcement partners to be involved in each saturation. Coordinators must select officers and agencies who haue a demonstrated proficiency and interest in arresting impaired drivers. Because there aze no "contacts per hour" requirements in this project, NightCAP coordinators must require demonstrated work efficiency by those working the saturations; officers unwilling or unable to diligently pursue impaired drivers cannot be allowed to work subsequent saturation events. To aid in the management of Safe & Sober NightCAP, tlus project will fund one full time support posifion in the Minnesota State Patrol to assist district coordinators with grant agreements and fiscal claims. Tlus position will also be available to assist the MSP in the prepararion of other federal traffic safety project ciaims and related duties as necessary. Through other OTS traffic safety projects, the MSP NightCAP coordinators will have available the part-rime services of a retired law enforcement officer who will function as an OTS field staff and liaison to assist and facilitate the planning, promotion, and , ,'�. �� execution of the Safe & Sober NightCAP impaired driving saturation progtam. Assistance with media/public information needs will be provided by the Safe & Sober media relations contractor to help promote public awazeness of ttris program. Saturation events will begin in January, 1998; with a goal of 180 DWI arrests made by September 30, 1998. III. EVALUATION: /� .� The evaluation of flris pmject will be administrative in nature, and will compaze the number of sahuations conducted, the degree of cooperation by county and local law enforcement agencies , and the number of impaired drivers arrested against the projecYs stated goals. 9�-209 STATE OF NIINNESOTA GRANT CONTRACT Accountina Information: Agency: P07 Fiscal Yeaz: 1998 Vendor Number: 066790002 00 Total Amount of Conlract: 2.2 Amount of Contract First FY: $2,240.00 „� CommodiTy Code: ,� Commodity Code: Commodity Code: Object Code: � Object Code: Object Code: �' Accounting Distribution 1: Accounting Distribution 2: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: 300 Fund: Appr: 538 Appr: _ Org/Sub: 5153 Org/Sub: Rept Cat: ] A08 Rept Cat: Amount: $2.240.00 Amount: , Processin� Information: (some entries may not apply) Requisition: number/ date /enhy initials Solicitation: Fund: Appr: _ Org/Sub: Rept Cat: Amount: number / date /entry initials Contract: number / date /entry initials Orders: / / number l date lentry inirials (Individual signing certifzes that funds have been encumbered as required by MS § 16A15) NOTICE TO GRANTEE: You are requ'ued by Minnesota Statutes, section 270.66 to provide your social security number or federal employee identification number and Minnesota tax identification number if you do business�with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. S ing;�these numbers could result in action to require you to file state tas returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilit rant �ontract will not be ap�roved unless these nuxnbers are provided. These numbers will be available to fe state taz authorities and state personnel involved in approving the grant contract and the payment of state obl� on /3 °` Grantee Name and Address: 100 llth Street Bast °� St. Paul. MN 55101 Social Security or Federal Employer I.D. No. Minnesota Tax LD. No. (if applicable) THIS PAGE OF THE GRANT CONTRACT CONTAINS PRIVATE INFORMATION. EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED EXTERNALLY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE GRANTEE. If you circulate this grant contract internally, only offices that require access to the tax identification number AND all individuals/offices signing this grant contract should have access to this page. i� �. THIS GRANT CONTRACT, and amendments and supplements thereto, is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its De�artment of Public Safetv. State Patrol Division (hereinafter "STATB") and Citv of St. Paul. Police Department, address 100 1 lth Street East St. PauL MN 55101 (hereinafter "GRANTEE"), witnessetJy,tt��qt: _ ATE, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 4.075 is empowered to act as the of the National Highway Safetv Act of 1966 and anv amendments or retulations thereto to the end that available federal money and other benefits for such pur�oses mav be obtained; and WHEREAS, the STATE is in need of countv and local law enforcement agencies' participation in an alcohol saturation program designed to arrest im�aired drivers (,O�eration NightCAPI; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: I. GRANTEE'S DUTIES GRANTEE shall: A. Coordinate alcohol saturation events with the STATE's district authorized representative (see Clause VI ofthis grant contract) during the period January 1, 1998 through September 30 1998. Saturation events shall include, but are not limited to: 1. St. Patrick's Day Saturation on March 17, 1998, providing three (3) officers. 2. Cinco De Mayo Saturation on May 5, 1998, providing three (3) officers. B. Assist the STATE's district authorized representative in identify� g qualified law enforcement officers within GRANTEE's agency who hav onstrated proficiency and interest in arresting impaired drivers, and who will b arncipants in this program. All law enforcement officers participating in this pro s e-licensed as provided by law. C. Provide a list of eligible law enforcement office`�io may participate in this program with their overtime rate of pay, including fringe benefits, on "Personnel Roster" labeled Attachment A of this grant contract, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant contract. Reimbursement will be made only for hours warked above and beyond regular duty shifts. D. Review GRANTEE's Officer Activity Reports and Daily Activity Logs (samples attached) to verify work efficiency by those officers working the saturations; officers unwilling or unable to diligently pursue impaired drivers cannot be allowed to work subsequent saturation events and GRANTEE will work with the STATE's district autharized representative to replace such officers with qualified officers. Minnesota Department of Public Safety, State Patrol Division - Operation NightCAP Grant Contract Page 7 i � I � � E. Complete and submit all required paperwork following each saturation event including, but not limited to, Officer Activity Repor[s and Invoices to the STATE's district authorized representative witk�in seven (7) working days following each saturation event. F. Coordina�� �cipate in public information and media efforts with the STATE's dish auth� resentative as a part of each saturation event. G. �1TEE acknowledges that all law enforcement officers participating in this program aze Staridazd Field SobrieTy Testing (SFST) irained. GRANTEE must provide proof of training for each officer not currently qualified before such officer(s) will be allowed to participate in the program. H. GRANTEE shall provide for all operating costs including, but not limited to, maintenance and repairs of squad cars used in performance of thYS grant contract and shall provide all necessary insurance for them. I. GRANTEE law enforcement officers, while on duty under this grant contract, are employees of the GRANTEE and not employees of the STATE or Federal government. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT A. Consideration for all services performed by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant contract shall be reimbursed by the STATE as follows: 1. Reimbursement shall be made to GRANTEE for officer overtime rates, including £ringe benefits, incurred in providing services pursuant to Clause I of this grant contract. This reimbursement shall be at the overtime rate stated for each officer as stated on Attachment A of this grant contract, and shall not exceed the total amount of this grant contract. 2. Reimbursement will be made only far hours worked over an�ove regular duty shifts. 3. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses ac a necessazily incurred by GRANTEE in performance of this grant contract i,�s� unt not to exceed Zero Dollars ($0.00); provided, that GRANTEE shall be re" � or travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no great t than provided in the current "Non- managerial Unrepresented Employees Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred outside the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such out of state travel from the STATE. No reimbursement shall be made for salary costs incurred in traveling to and from saturation events. The total obligation of the STATE for all reimbursements to GRANTEE for participation in this program shall not exceed Two Thousand Two Hundred Fortr pollars ($2 240.00). Minnesota Department of Public Safety, State Patrol Division - Operetion NightCAP Grant Contract Page 2 ORIGINA Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Council File # 9� GreenSheet# (�py-t5 20 Commit#ee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Sain# Paui Police Department has received a b ant from the iblinnesota Department 2 of Public Safety, for approsimately 52,240, for traffic enforcement (Operalion Nightcap? 3 4 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 as 29 30 31 32 33 T�'fiEREAS, the Department of Public Safety requests a desi�ated authority for the eaecution of ab eements, and RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepE this grant award for approximately �2,240 for the Operation Nightcap program and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety . !� Q by Department of: n_i• By: �PProved by May,o�i: D . .�� -- By: ) , � � (2 � Nightczp I� ppr by NIayor o S bmiss'o o Cou cil: S By. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � Chief Finney A.S.A.P. M0.rc�1 �g,1Qq8' TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �� uE...,�nww.oa �' L 98 No 60475 � ancawca � � OIYATiGYEY ^^^�� OlYpiiK _ � wwncw�amvcrson.� ❑ w�xo��aeawKCro 1'Ilwvoalort�saccurtl � ❑ "1.. (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Accept grant of approximately $2,240.00 from the State of Minnesota, Departrnent of Public Safety £or overtime tra£fic enforcement on or about March 17th, St. Patrick's Day,-and early May, Cinco DeMayo week. The grant is known as Operation Nightcap. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE CAMM{S: RSONAL SERViCE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLAWING QUESTIONSs fiss mis x'�Mrm everwoncea unaer a coneact r« n�ie aepammenn YES NO Has this P�Rrtn ever been a citY empbyee9 YES NO Does this Pa�R�m P� a sldN not rwrtnal�YP��� M anY curteiR cilY emdoyee7 YES NO Is ihis pe�saJfirm a tarpeted vendoYl VES NO Law enforcement cannot keep up with the large number of drunk drivers. Operation Nightcap provides funds for overtime enforcement during events known to have excess drinking. No cost added police presence at two major festivals with a concentration on drunk driving enforcement. None IF `'`�e eN�O�cew.eall AtAOUNTOFTRAN3ACTIONt estimated $2,240.00 1630URCE � � I �'( V�/° fL MFORMATION (EXPWlp YES NO Gour�il r�esearrh �sn;er �� 1 : l,l� t COSTrttEVENUE BUDOETED (qRCLE ON� ACTIVI7Y NUMBER .� �� . 9�-ZOy Project Title: Safe & Sober NightCAP Project Number: 98-14-08 I. PROBLEM STATEMENT: Safe & Sober NightCAP is a new alcohol saturation program that is required by the guidelines of the 410 Alcohol Incentive funds. It will require monthly impaired driving saturation efforts that will be conducted throughout the state. These saturations must be coordinated by staff in each of the Minnesota State Patrol distdcts and include participation by county and local enforcement agencies in each sahuation thaz is run. Public information and media efforts must be a part of each saturation as well. Grant agreements must be executed with each participating agency and enforcement data must be tracked. II. PROBLEM SOLUTION: The Minnesota State Patrol will coordinate impaired driving saturarion events throughout the state with a coordinator appointed in each district. 5aturations will take place at least monthly in the two metro districts; MSP districts outside of the metro azea will submit plans identifying specific community events during which saturation efforts will take place. Coordinators will be responsible for scheduling saturations and ensuring that MSP supervision is present at each enforcement event. MSP is also responsible for negotiating grant agreements with each participating county and local agency; maintenance of appropriate fiscal and enforcement data will be expected as well. District NightCAP coordinators will identify qualified (i.e., SFST trained) MSP, county, and locat law enforcement partners to be involved in each saturation. Coordinators must select officers and agencies who haue a demonstrated proficiency and interest in arresting impaired drivers. Because there aze no "contacts per hour" requirements in this project, NightCAP coordinators must require demonstrated work efficiency by those working the saturations; officers unwilling or unable to diligently pursue impaired drivers cannot be allowed to work subsequent saturation events. To aid in the management of Safe & Sober NightCAP, tlus project will fund one full time support posifion in the Minnesota State Patrol to assist district coordinators with grant agreements and fiscal claims. Tlus position will also be available to assist the MSP in the prepararion of other federal traffic safety project ciaims and related duties as necessary. Through other OTS traffic safety projects, the MSP NightCAP coordinators will have available the part-rime services of a retired law enforcement officer who will function as an OTS field staff and liaison to assist and facilitate the planning, promotion, and , ,'�. �� execution of the Safe & Sober NightCAP impaired driving saturation progtam. Assistance with media/public information needs will be provided by the Safe & Sober media relations contractor to help promote public awazeness of ttris program. Saturation events will begin in January, 1998; with a goal of 180 DWI arrests made by September 30, 1998. III. EVALUATION: /� .� The evaluation of flris pmject will be administrative in nature, and will compaze the number of sahuations conducted, the degree of cooperation by county and local law enforcement agencies , and the number of impaired drivers arrested against the projecYs stated goals. 9�-209 STATE OF NIINNESOTA GRANT CONTRACT Accountina Information: Agency: P07 Fiscal Yeaz: 1998 Vendor Number: 066790002 00 Total Amount of Conlract: 2.2 Amount of Contract First FY: $2,240.00 „� CommodiTy Code: ,� Commodity Code: Commodity Code: Object Code: � Object Code: Object Code: �' Accounting Distribution 1: Accounting Distribution 2: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: 300 Fund: Appr: 538 Appr: _ Org/Sub: 5153 Org/Sub: Rept Cat: ] A08 Rept Cat: Amount: $2.240.00 Amount: , Processin� Information: (some entries may not apply) Requisition: number/ date /enhy initials Solicitation: Fund: Appr: _ Org/Sub: Rept Cat: Amount: number / date /entry initials Contract: number / date /entry initials Orders: / / number l date lentry inirials (Individual signing certifzes that funds have been encumbered as required by MS § 16A15) NOTICE TO GRANTEE: You are requ'ued by Minnesota Statutes, section 270.66 to provide your social security number or federal employee identification number and Minnesota tax identification number if you do business�with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. S ing;�these numbers could result in action to require you to file state tas returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilit rant �ontract will not be ap�roved unless these nuxnbers are provided. These numbers will be available to fe state taz authorities and state personnel involved in approving the grant contract and the payment of state obl� on /3 °` Grantee Name and Address: 100 llth Street Bast °� St. Paul. MN 55101 Social Security or Federal Employer I.D. No. Minnesota Tax LD. No. (if applicable) THIS PAGE OF THE GRANT CONTRACT CONTAINS PRIVATE INFORMATION. EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED EXTERNALLY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE GRANTEE. If you circulate this grant contract internally, only offices that require access to the tax identification number AND all individuals/offices signing this grant contract should have access to this page. i� �. THIS GRANT CONTRACT, and amendments and supplements thereto, is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its De�artment of Public Safetv. State Patrol Division (hereinafter "STATB") and Citv of St. Paul. Police Department, address 100 1 lth Street East St. PauL MN 55101 (hereinafter "GRANTEE"), witnessetJy,tt��qt: _ ATE, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 4.075 is empowered to act as the of the National Highway Safetv Act of 1966 and anv amendments or retulations thereto to the end that available federal money and other benefits for such pur�oses mav be obtained; and WHEREAS, the STATE is in need of countv and local law enforcement agencies' participation in an alcohol saturation program designed to arrest im�aired drivers (,O�eration NightCAPI; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: I. GRANTEE'S DUTIES GRANTEE shall: A. Coordinate alcohol saturation events with the STATE's district authorized representative (see Clause VI ofthis grant contract) during the period January 1, 1998 through September 30 1998. Saturation events shall include, but are not limited to: 1. St. Patrick's Day Saturation on March 17, 1998, providing three (3) officers. 2. Cinco De Mayo Saturation on May 5, 1998, providing three (3) officers. B. Assist the STATE's district authorized representative in identify� g qualified law enforcement officers within GRANTEE's agency who hav onstrated proficiency and interest in arresting impaired drivers, and who will b arncipants in this program. All law enforcement officers participating in this pro s e-licensed as provided by law. C. Provide a list of eligible law enforcement office`�io may participate in this program with their overtime rate of pay, including fringe benefits, on "Personnel Roster" labeled Attachment A of this grant contract, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant contract. Reimbursement will be made only for hours warked above and beyond regular duty shifts. D. Review GRANTEE's Officer Activity Reports and Daily Activity Logs (samples attached) to verify work efficiency by those officers working the saturations; officers unwilling or unable to diligently pursue impaired drivers cannot be allowed to work subsequent saturation events and GRANTEE will work with the STATE's district autharized representative to replace such officers with qualified officers. Minnesota Department of Public Safety, State Patrol Division - Operation NightCAP Grant Contract Page 7 i � I � � E. Complete and submit all required paperwork following each saturation event including, but not limited to, Officer Activity Repor[s and Invoices to the STATE's district authorized representative witk�in seven (7) working days following each saturation event. F. Coordina�� �cipate in public information and media efforts with the STATE's dish auth� resentative as a part of each saturation event. G. �1TEE acknowledges that all law enforcement officers participating in this program aze Staridazd Field SobrieTy Testing (SFST) irained. GRANTEE must provide proof of training for each officer not currently qualified before such officer(s) will be allowed to participate in the program. H. GRANTEE shall provide for all operating costs including, but not limited to, maintenance and repairs of squad cars used in performance of thYS grant contract and shall provide all necessary insurance for them. I. GRANTEE law enforcement officers, while on duty under this grant contract, are employees of the GRANTEE and not employees of the STATE or Federal government. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT A. Consideration for all services performed by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant contract shall be reimbursed by the STATE as follows: 1. Reimbursement shall be made to GRANTEE for officer overtime rates, including £ringe benefits, incurred in providing services pursuant to Clause I of this grant contract. This reimbursement shall be at the overtime rate stated for each officer as stated on Attachment A of this grant contract, and shall not exceed the total amount of this grant contract. 2. Reimbursement will be made only far hours worked over an�ove regular duty shifts. 3. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses ac a necessazily incurred by GRANTEE in performance of this grant contract i,�s� unt not to exceed Zero Dollars ($0.00); provided, that GRANTEE shall be re" � or travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no great t than provided in the current "Non- managerial Unrepresented Employees Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred outside the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such out of state travel from the STATE. No reimbursement shall be made for salary costs incurred in traveling to and from saturation events. The total obligation of the STATE for all reimbursements to GRANTEE for participation in this program shall not exceed Two Thousand Two Hundred Fortr pollars ($2 240.00). Minnesota Department of Public Safety, State Patrol Division - Operetion NightCAP Grant Contract Page 2 ORIGINA Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Council File # 9� GreenSheet# (�py-t5 20 Commit#ee:Date: 1 WHEREAS, the Sain# Paui Police Department has received a b ant from the iblinnesota Department 2 of Public Safety, for approsimately 52,240, for traffic enforcement (Operalion Nightcap? 3 4 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 as 29 30 31 32 33 T�'fiEREAS, the Department of Public Safety requests a desi�ated authority for the eaecution of ab eements, and RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepE this grant award for approximately �2,240 for the Operation Nightcap program and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Safety . !� Q by Department of: n_i• By: �PProved by May,o�i: D . .�� -- By: ) , � � (2 � Nightczp I� ppr by NIayor o S bmiss'o o Cou cil: S By. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � Chief Finney A.S.A.P. M0.rc�1 �g,1Qq8' TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET �� uE...,�nww.oa �' L 98 No 60475 � ancawca � � OIYATiGYEY ^^^�� OlYpiiK _ � wwncw�amvcrson.� ❑ w�xo��aeawKCro 1'Ilwvoalort�saccurtl � ❑ "1.. (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Accept grant of approximately $2,240.00 from the State of Minnesota, Departrnent of Public Safety £or overtime tra£fic enforcement on or about March 17th, St. Patrick's Day,-and early May, Cinco DeMayo week. The grant is known as Operation Nightcap. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE CAMM{S: RSONAL SERViCE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLAWING QUESTIONSs fiss mis x'�Mrm everwoncea unaer a coneact r« n�ie aepammenn YES NO Has this P�Rrtn ever been a citY empbyee9 YES NO Does this Pa�R�m P� a sldN not rwrtnal�YP��� M anY curteiR cilY emdoyee7 YES NO Is ihis pe�saJfirm a tarpeted vendoYl VES NO Law enforcement cannot keep up with the large number of drunk drivers. Operation Nightcap provides funds for overtime enforcement during events known to have excess drinking. No cost added police presence at two major festivals with a concentration on drunk driving enforcement. None IF `'`�e eN�O�cew.eall AtAOUNTOFTRAN3ACTIONt estimated $2,240.00 1630URCE � � I �'( V�/° fL MFORMATION (EXPWlp YES NO Gour�il r�esearrh �sn;er �� 1 : l,l� t COSTrttEVENUE BUDOETED (qRCLE ON� ACTIVI7Y NUMBER .� �� . 9�-ZOy Project Title: Safe & Sober NightCAP Project Number: 98-14-08 I. PROBLEM STATEMENT: Safe & Sober NightCAP is a new alcohol saturation program that is required by the guidelines of the 410 Alcohol Incentive funds. It will require monthly impaired driving saturation efforts that will be conducted throughout the state. These saturations must be coordinated by staff in each of the Minnesota State Patrol distdcts and include participation by county and local enforcement agencies in each sahuation thaz is run. Public information and media efforts must be a part of each saturation as well. Grant agreements must be executed with each participating agency and enforcement data must be tracked. II. PROBLEM SOLUTION: The Minnesota State Patrol will coordinate impaired driving saturarion events throughout the state with a coordinator appointed in each district. 5aturations will take place at least monthly in the two metro districts; MSP districts outside of the metro azea will submit plans identifying specific community events during which saturation efforts will take place. Coordinators will be responsible for scheduling saturations and ensuring that MSP supervision is present at each enforcement event. MSP is also responsible for negotiating grant agreements with each participating county and local agency; maintenance of appropriate fiscal and enforcement data will be expected as well. District NightCAP coordinators will identify qualified (i.e., SFST trained) MSP, county, and locat law enforcement partners to be involved in each saturation. Coordinators must select officers and agencies who haue a demonstrated proficiency and interest in arresting impaired drivers. Because there aze no "contacts per hour" requirements in this project, NightCAP coordinators must require demonstrated work efficiency by those working the saturations; officers unwilling or unable to diligently pursue impaired drivers cannot be allowed to work subsequent saturation events. To aid in the management of Safe & Sober NightCAP, tlus project will fund one full time support posifion in the Minnesota State Patrol to assist district coordinators with grant agreements and fiscal claims. Tlus position will also be available to assist the MSP in the prepararion of other federal traffic safety project ciaims and related duties as necessary. Through other OTS traffic safety projects, the MSP NightCAP coordinators will have available the part-rime services of a retired law enforcement officer who will function as an OTS field staff and liaison to assist and facilitate the planning, promotion, and , ,'�. �� execution of the Safe & Sober NightCAP impaired driving saturation progtam. Assistance with media/public information needs will be provided by the Safe & Sober media relations contractor to help promote public awazeness of ttris program. Saturation events will begin in January, 1998; with a goal of 180 DWI arrests made by September 30, 1998. III. EVALUATION: /� .� The evaluation of flris pmject will be administrative in nature, and will compaze the number of sahuations conducted, the degree of cooperation by county and local law enforcement agencies , and the number of impaired drivers arrested against the projecYs stated goals. 9�-209 STATE OF NIINNESOTA GRANT CONTRACT Accountina Information: Agency: P07 Fiscal Yeaz: 1998 Vendor Number: 066790002 00 Total Amount of Conlract: 2.2 Amount of Contract First FY: $2,240.00 „� CommodiTy Code: ,� Commodity Code: Commodity Code: Object Code: � Object Code: Object Code: �' Accounting Distribution 1: Accounting Distribution 2: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: 300 Fund: Appr: 538 Appr: _ Org/Sub: 5153 Org/Sub: Rept Cat: ] A08 Rept Cat: Amount: $2.240.00 Amount: , Processin� Information: (some entries may not apply) Requisition: number/ date /enhy initials Solicitation: Fund: Appr: _ Org/Sub: Rept Cat: Amount: number / date /entry initials Contract: number / date /entry initials Orders: / / number l date lentry inirials (Individual signing certifzes that funds have been encumbered as required by MS § 16A15) NOTICE TO GRANTEE: You are requ'ued by Minnesota Statutes, section 270.66 to provide your social security number or federal employee identification number and Minnesota tax identification number if you do business�with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws. S ing;�these numbers could result in action to require you to file state tas returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilit rant �ontract will not be ap�roved unless these nuxnbers are provided. These numbers will be available to fe state taz authorities and state personnel involved in approving the grant contract and the payment of state obl� on /3 °` Grantee Name and Address: 100 llth Street Bast °� St. Paul. MN 55101 Social Security or Federal Employer I.D. No. Minnesota Tax LD. No. (if applicable) THIS PAGE OF THE GRANT CONTRACT CONTAINS PRIVATE INFORMATION. EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED EXTERNALLY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE GRANTEE. If you circulate this grant contract internally, only offices that require access to the tax identification number AND all individuals/offices signing this grant contract should have access to this page. i� �. THIS GRANT CONTRACT, and amendments and supplements thereto, is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its De�artment of Public Safetv. State Patrol Division (hereinafter "STATB") and Citv of St. Paul. Police Department, address 100 1 lth Street East St. PauL MN 55101 (hereinafter "GRANTEE"), witnessetJy,tt��qt: _ ATE, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 4.075 is empowered to act as the of the National Highway Safetv Act of 1966 and anv amendments or retulations thereto to the end that available federal money and other benefits for such pur�oses mav be obtained; and WHEREAS, the STATE is in need of countv and local law enforcement agencies' participation in an alcohol saturation program designed to arrest im�aired drivers (,O�eration NightCAPI; and WHEREAS, GRANTEE represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein; NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed: I. GRANTEE'S DUTIES GRANTEE shall: A. Coordinate alcohol saturation events with the STATE's district authorized representative (see Clause VI ofthis grant contract) during the period January 1, 1998 through September 30 1998. Saturation events shall include, but are not limited to: 1. St. Patrick's Day Saturation on March 17, 1998, providing three (3) officers. 2. Cinco De Mayo Saturation on May 5, 1998, providing three (3) officers. B. Assist the STATE's district authorized representative in identify� g qualified law enforcement officers within GRANTEE's agency who hav onstrated proficiency and interest in arresting impaired drivers, and who will b arncipants in this program. All law enforcement officers participating in this pro s e-licensed as provided by law. C. Provide a list of eligible law enforcement office`�io may participate in this program with their overtime rate of pay, including fringe benefits, on "Personnel Roster" labeled Attachment A of this grant contract, which is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this grant contract. Reimbursement will be made only for hours warked above and beyond regular duty shifts. D. Review GRANTEE's Officer Activity Reports and Daily Activity Logs (samples attached) to verify work efficiency by those officers working the saturations; officers unwilling or unable to diligently pursue impaired drivers cannot be allowed to work subsequent saturation events and GRANTEE will work with the STATE's district autharized representative to replace such officers with qualified officers. Minnesota Department of Public Safety, State Patrol Division - Operation NightCAP Grant Contract Page 7 i � I � � E. Complete and submit all required paperwork following each saturation event including, but not limited to, Officer Activity Repor[s and Invoices to the STATE's district authorized representative witk�in seven (7) working days following each saturation event. F. Coordina�� �cipate in public information and media efforts with the STATE's dish auth� resentative as a part of each saturation event. G. �1TEE acknowledges that all law enforcement officers participating in this program aze Staridazd Field SobrieTy Testing (SFST) irained. GRANTEE must provide proof of training for each officer not currently qualified before such officer(s) will be allowed to participate in the program. H. GRANTEE shall provide for all operating costs including, but not limited to, maintenance and repairs of squad cars used in performance of thYS grant contract and shall provide all necessary insurance for them. I. GRANTEE law enforcement officers, while on duty under this grant contract, are employees of the GRANTEE and not employees of the STATE or Federal government. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENT A. Consideration for all services performed by GRANTEE pursuant to this grant contract shall be reimbursed by the STATE as follows: 1. Reimbursement shall be made to GRANTEE for officer overtime rates, including £ringe benefits, incurred in providing services pursuant to Clause I of this grant contract. This reimbursement shall be at the overtime rate stated for each officer as stated on Attachment A of this grant contract, and shall not exceed the total amount of this grant contract. 2. Reimbursement will be made only far hours worked over an�ove regular duty shifts. 3. Reimbursement for travel and subsistence expenses ac a necessazily incurred by GRANTEE in performance of this grant contract i,�s� unt not to exceed Zero Dollars ($0.00); provided, that GRANTEE shall be re" � or travel and subsistence expenses in the same manner and in no great t than provided in the current "Non- managerial Unrepresented Employees Plan" promulgated by the Commissioner of Employee Relations. GRANTEE shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expense incurred outside the State of Minnesota unless it has received prior written approval for such out of state travel from the STATE. No reimbursement shall be made for salary costs incurred in traveling to and from saturation events. The total obligation of the STATE for all reimbursements to GRANTEE for participation in this program shall not exceed Two Thousand Two Hundred Fortr pollars ($2 240.00). Minnesota Department of Public Safety, State Patrol Division - Operetion NightCAP Grant Contract Page 2