98-206Council File # 9� Green Sheet f� 63463 / � ORlGiNAL Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did pass Ordinance No. 17321, on January 7, 1986, wherin a fund to administer and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; and WHEREAS, The Youth Programs Fund Board established by said ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached applications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached applications for funding from the following organizations for the following amounts: Asian Pacific Youth Alliance Boosters East, Inc. Conway Booster Club Dunning Boosters Eastview Booster Club Edgcumbe Community Hockey Booster C1ub Merriam Park Booster Club St. Paul Midway Little League SPPD - Explorer Post #454 $ 500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 $1,000.0� $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 i . . ORIGINAL St. Paul Science Fair Support Group St. Paul Stars St. Paul Urban Tennis Association Sports For Life Starlings volleyball Club Twin Star Baseball Club Upper East Side Football Association Wilder Youth Club Youth Express $2,000.00 $1,78600 $ 300.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 and does hereby authorize the appropriate City officials to execute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved funds. Funding Code: P-3-399-33179-545-33000 Yeas Nays Absent Blakey _ ✓ Benanav ✓ Bostram ✓ Coleman ✓ Harris ✓ Lantzy AB n,;✓r.a Reiter �/ � Adopted by Council d G Date !� /A�c/r /J� /y'18� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By •.. By: Requested by Department of: � �/!� r �,� i Form Approved by City Attorney $Y � [����,�.1' "� l� � n.,i� V� Approved Ma�or for S mis ion to / Council 0 By: �./ 9�-zo� DEPARTMENT/OFfICElCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED '� GREEN SHEET � � � NO. 63463 Parks and Recreation 2�2��98 CONTACT PEFSON AND PHONE INIiIAL/pATE INRIAUDATE Eric Thompson 1 DEPARTMENrDIRECfOR 3 CITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN y CIN ATTORNEY 4 CffY CLERK NUMBERFOP MU5T eE pN COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DATE7 qp��N� _BUDGET DIRECTOR 5 FN. fi MGT. SERVIC25 DIR. 01iDER MAY00. (OR ASSISTANn s Parks Thomoson A.S.A.P — TOTAL S OF SIGNATUflE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGMA7URE1 ACiION PE�UESTED: Disbursement of Youth Programs Funds. RECOMMENDAilONS: ADO�ove (A� or Reject (W PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOVNNG QUES710NS: _PLANNING WMMISSION CNII SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this persoNfi�m evet worketl u�der a conhatt tor Nis tlepartmenlP _ _CIB COMMITTEE A Youth Fund Board YES NO A STAFF _ 2. Nas t�is Oerson/firm ever Eeen a ciry employeeT _DISTRICT COUNCIL YES � NO — 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill no[ nortnalty possessetl Gy any curtent ciry emplOyeeP SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain ell yes answers o� aeparate sheet dnd attach to gteen sheet. INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIi1' �Who, What, When, WM1ere, Why): The fund was established to disburse proceeds from charitable gambling to eligible community based non profit orga�izations which have been screened by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: Improved programs for: Asian Pacific Youth Aliiance(personal development programl, Boosters East, Inc.(spring/summer special events), Conway Booster Club(summer ball program), Dunning Boosters(baseball programl, Eastview 600ster Club(volleyball(floor(hockeyl, Edgcumbe Community Center Hockey Booster Clubfhockey program expenses), Merriam Park Booster Ciub(volleyball/basketball/floor hockey), St. Paul Midway Little League(baseball program�, St. Paul Police Explorer Post #454(regional conference expenses), St. Paul Science Fair Support Group(travel expenses tor Intl.. competition), St. Paul Stars(synchronized swim team�, St. Paul Urban Tennis Assn.('98 tennis program), Sports For Life({eadership/peer counseling seminar),Starlings Volleyba{I Club(.fr. Olympic volleyball program�, Twin Star Baseball Club(Baseball program), Upper East Side Football Association(equipment replacement), Wilder Youth Club, Inc(youth sports and classes), Youth Express(equipment for youth bike shop). DISAOVANTAGES If APPROVED: None. ��,�l�'S�a s�c� �. �i . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' Poor quality youth programs. ��� � Z, ��� 1�9� ��� � TOTAL AMOVNT OF TRANSACTION S � 7.4HB COST/PEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIPCLE ONE� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE P-3-399-33179-545-33000 ACTNITY NUMBER 4,cflia �".i;t 5:,..bC.:i, � e:'_S,_., FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPL4IN) {��' Eii &�l' @��� ` Council File # 9� Green Sheet f� 63463 / � ORlGiNAL Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did pass Ordinance No. 17321, on January 7, 1986, wherin a fund to administer and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; and WHEREAS, The Youth Programs Fund Board established by said ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached applications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached applications for funding from the following organizations for the following amounts: Asian Pacific Youth Alliance Boosters East, Inc. Conway Booster Club Dunning Boosters Eastview Booster Club Edgcumbe Community Hockey Booster C1ub Merriam Park Booster Club St. Paul Midway Little League SPPD - Explorer Post #454 $ 500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 $1,000.0� $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 i . . ORIGINAL St. Paul Science Fair Support Group St. Paul Stars St. Paul Urban Tennis Association Sports For Life Starlings volleyball Club Twin Star Baseball Club Upper East Side Football Association Wilder Youth Club Youth Express $2,000.00 $1,78600 $ 300.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 and does hereby authorize the appropriate City officials to execute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved funds. Funding Code: P-3-399-33179-545-33000 Yeas Nays Absent Blakey _ ✓ Benanav ✓ Bostram ✓ Coleman ✓ Harris ✓ Lantzy AB n,;✓r.a Reiter �/ � Adopted by Council d G Date !� /A�c/r /J� /y'18� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By •.. By: Requested by Department of: � �/!� r �,� i Form Approved by City Attorney $Y � [����,�.1' "� l� � n.,i� V� Approved Ma�or for S mis ion to / Council 0 By: �./ 9�-zo� DEPARTMENT/OFfICElCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED '� GREEN SHEET � � � NO. 63463 Parks and Recreation 2�2��98 CONTACT PEFSON AND PHONE INIiIAL/pATE INRIAUDATE Eric Thompson 1 DEPARTMENrDIRECfOR 3 CITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN y CIN ATTORNEY 4 CffY CLERK NUMBERFOP MU5T eE pN COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DATE7 qp��N� _BUDGET DIRECTOR 5 FN. fi MGT. SERVIC25 DIR. 01iDER MAY00. (OR ASSISTANn s Parks Thomoson A.S.A.P — TOTAL S OF SIGNATUflE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGMA7URE1 ACiION PE�UESTED: Disbursement of Youth Programs Funds. RECOMMENDAilONS: ADO�ove (A� or Reject (W PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOVNNG QUES710NS: _PLANNING WMMISSION CNII SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this persoNfi�m evet worketl u�der a conhatt tor Nis tlepartmenlP _ _CIB COMMITTEE A Youth Fund Board YES NO A STAFF _ 2. Nas t�is Oerson/firm ever Eeen a ciry employeeT _DISTRICT COUNCIL YES � NO — 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill no[ nortnalty possessetl Gy any curtent ciry emplOyeeP SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain ell yes answers o� aeparate sheet dnd attach to gteen sheet. INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIi1' �Who, What, When, WM1ere, Why): The fund was established to disburse proceeds from charitable gambling to eligible community based non profit orga�izations which have been screened by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: Improved programs for: Asian Pacific Youth Aliiance(personal development programl, Boosters East, Inc.(spring/summer special events), Conway Booster Club(summer ball program), Dunning Boosters(baseball programl, Eastview 600ster Club(volleyball(floor(hockeyl, Edgcumbe Community Center Hockey Booster Clubfhockey program expenses), Merriam Park Booster Ciub(volleyball/basketball/floor hockey), St. Paul Midway Little League(baseball program�, St. Paul Police Explorer Post #454(regional conference expenses), St. Paul Science Fair Support Group(travel expenses tor Intl.. competition), St. Paul Stars(synchronized swim team�, St. Paul Urban Tennis Assn.('98 tennis program), Sports For Life({eadership/peer counseling seminar),Starlings Volleyba{I Club(.fr. Olympic volleyball program�, Twin Star Baseball Club(Baseball program), Upper East Side Football Association(equipment replacement), Wilder Youth Club, Inc(youth sports and classes), Youth Express(equipment for youth bike shop). DISAOVANTAGES If APPROVED: None. ��,�l�'S�a s�c� �. �i . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' Poor quality youth programs. ��� � Z, ��� 1�9� ��� � TOTAL AMOVNT OF TRANSACTION S � 7.4HB COST/PEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIPCLE ONE� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE P-3-399-33179-545-33000 ACTNITY NUMBER 4,cflia �".i;t 5:,..bC.:i, � e:'_S,_., FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPL4IN) {��' Eii &�l' @��� ` Council File # 9� Green Sheet f� 63463 / � ORlGiNAL Presented By Referred to RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul did pass Ordinance No. 17321, on January 7, 1986, wherin a fund to administer and distribute the proceeds contributed by charitable gambling in on-sale liquor establishments was established; and WHEREAS, The Youth Programs Fund Board established by said ordinance has reviewed and recommended for approval the attached applications for grants from the above mentioned fund; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached applications for funding from the following organizations for the following amounts: Asian Pacific Youth Alliance Boosters East, Inc. Conway Booster Club Dunning Boosters Eastview Booster Club Edgcumbe Community Hockey Booster C1ub Merriam Park Booster Club St. Paul Midway Little League SPPD - Explorer Post #454 $ 500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 $1,000.0� $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 i . . ORIGINAL St. Paul Science Fair Support Group St. Paul Stars St. Paul Urban Tennis Association Sports For Life Starlings volleyball Club Twin Star Baseball Club Upper East Side Football Association Wilder Youth Club Youth Express $2,000.00 $1,78600 $ 300.00 $ 200.00 $ 200.00 $1,000.00 $ 500.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 and does hereby authorize the appropriate City officials to execute agreements as necessary to disburse the approved funds. Funding Code: P-3-399-33179-545-33000 Yeas Nays Absent Blakey _ ✓ Benanav ✓ Bostram ✓ Coleman ✓ Harris ✓ Lantzy AB n,;✓r.a Reiter �/ � Adopted by Council d G Date !� /A�c/r /J� /y'18� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By •.. By: Requested by Department of: � �/!� r �,� i Form Approved by City Attorney $Y � [����,�.1' "� l� � n.,i� V� Approved Ma�or for S mis ion to / Council 0 By: �./ 9�-zo� DEPARTMENT/OFfICElCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED '� GREEN SHEET � � � NO. 63463 Parks and Recreation 2�2��98 CONTACT PEFSON AND PHONE INIiIAL/pATE INRIAUDATE Eric Thompson 1 DEPARTMENrDIRECfOR 3 CITYCOUNCIL ASSIGN y CIN ATTORNEY 4 CffY CLERK NUMBERFOP MU5T eE pN COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y (DATE7 qp��N� _BUDGET DIRECTOR 5 FN. fi MGT. SERVIC25 DIR. 01iDER MAY00. (OR ASSISTANn s Parks Thomoson A.S.A.P — TOTAL S OF SIGNATUflE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGMA7URE1 ACiION PE�UESTED: Disbursement of Youth Programs Funds. RECOMMENDAilONS: ADO�ove (A� or Reject (W PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOVNNG QUES710NS: _PLANNING WMMISSION CNII SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this persoNfi�m evet worketl u�der a conhatt tor Nis tlepartmenlP _ _CIB COMMITTEE A Youth Fund Board YES NO A STAFF _ 2. Nas t�is Oerson/firm ever Eeen a ciry employeeT _DISTRICT COUNCIL YES � NO — 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill no[ nortnalty possessetl Gy any curtent ciry emplOyeeP SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain ell yes answers o� aeparate sheet dnd attach to gteen sheet. INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIi1' �Who, What, When, WM1ere, Why): The fund was established to disburse proceeds from charitable gambling to eligible community based non profit orga�izations which have been screened by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: Improved programs for: Asian Pacific Youth Aliiance(personal development programl, Boosters East, Inc.(spring/summer special events), Conway Booster Club(summer ball program), Dunning Boosters(baseball programl, Eastview 600ster Club(volleyball(floor(hockeyl, Edgcumbe Community Center Hockey Booster Clubfhockey program expenses), Merriam Park Booster Ciub(volleyball/basketball/floor hockey), St. Paul Midway Little League(baseball program�, St. Paul Police Explorer Post #454(regional conference expenses), St. Paul Science Fair Support Group(travel expenses tor Intl.. competition), St. Paul Stars(synchronized swim team�, St. Paul Urban Tennis Assn.('98 tennis program), Sports For Life({eadership/peer counseling seminar),Starlings Volleyba{I Club(.fr. Olympic volleyball program�, Twin Star Baseball Club(Baseball program), Upper East Side Football Association(equipment replacement), Wilder Youth Club, Inc(youth sports and classes), Youth Express(equipment for youth bike shop). DISAOVANTAGES If APPROVED: None. ��,�l�'S�a s�c� �. �i . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' Poor quality youth programs. ��� � Z, ��� 1�9� ��� � TOTAL AMOVNT OF TRANSACTION S � 7.4HB COST/PEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIPCLE ONE� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE P-3-399-33179-545-33000 ACTNITY NUMBER 4,cflia �".i;t 5:,..bC.:i, � e:'_S,_., FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPL4IN) {��' Eii &�l' @��� `