Shatek � ����������s�e�� ���r F����� ��a��ce� o�� ��aE€��� �a �i�y o�€ �aE�a� �a�€� � '.:�
Minnesota State Statute 466.05 NOTICE OF CLA/M.,.(EJvery person...who claims damages from any
municipality...shall cause to be presented to the goveming body of the municipality �vithin 180 days arter the
al/eged loss or iniu�y is discove�ed a notice srating the time, place, and circumstances thereof, and the amount or
compensation or other�elief demanded.
Flease compiete this for��� in its entirety by typing or printing your answer to each questio� in
the space provided. If additional space is needed, please attach addition�l sheets.
• �YFcF
- - PLEASE RETURN l�HIS Office of City Clerlc q(/ ��FO
COMPLETED FORM T0: 170 Cit Hafl � ,3
15 W lCello Blvd,' ?�
St Paul MN 55102 ��/4�
Yo u r N a m e: �a,G��G�L��°�I.GI _ �..J r l�.t,�_---- _ -- .
--Street-Adclress: _��j�j"�(X�Ct"►`l�. y��7t��i'�L�� --- _.-- ___._ __.-- .____--- -----_____ _ __ -- -- -----. ---... __:_
� �
City: ���� ���� l State; �r� � Zip Code:
Daytime Telephone: __����) �� .�1 ����� � Evening Telephone: ( �c��v�l i�U� "��c��/
Date of Accident or Incident: �� Z � �Day of Weel<: ��IG�YIL�(,Q.t- Time; �� am r pm (circle one) ,
- . � ,
p��dSE StB�°, !(1 �°+81�, b^J�lu�t OCCUrred 8'1G' t�?° Cl�CJ�^�S?H�1CBS surrcundin� the event. Indicate how the
City of Saint Paul is involved, and why you feel the City is responsible. .
� �.;,- C r � � D •Y� �✓1 I,t S �' `1 �cz. < <n � mc�n c .z I r r�
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Vt o1��,e . Pi c�,�� vLeu.�'-�is ie '� -�a�w�c�cc.� �rea �r �11r�t �r.��ss o
9 r
Piease indicate your reason for completing t�iis form: ��;�y .��L
� � � ,.
f...l Vefiicte accident 1--7 Other property damage (please provide specifics below) ';;;il:
�i Vehicle was towed ' i�'
❑ Vehicle damaged ❑ Other injury to person (please provide specifics below) `��`
❑ Slipped and fell on City property :':���I'
�,` ;
Please provide the names and telephone numbers of any City employees involved in this � ;
incident/accident and I�ow tl�ey were involved: j
�--�, • ;�
'�- � re� wl�� ►� �,�l�i i� v��c . I : QG� � ;
� � ' ,� � �. � -
� � ' �
(over) `
E .
, ,
If your vehicle �n�as involved, please complete ihe follo�n�ing: O � � ��
1'ear, mal:e, and mooel: �,�Q.�"t� --j;'j�1C✓l}� �Llv � G� ` �5 License Plate Number.
Extent and area damaged: Qy a - :_y-� q � �ti , /��l'j
C �c� c`�� -�;Y �� -{� � i I� v�' U�� S i v�e.e � '�-�S rJ �v�� ,� ,
Was a City vehicle involved in this accident/incident? 1'es No (circle one) �wt�t !P v����(
If yes, please complete the following: Type of vehicle
Year, mal<e, and model
� Color of vehicle License Plate Number: -
Descri��tion of vel�icle
Location of accident/incident (please provide specifics sucl� as street address, intersection, cross streets,
park name, facility name; etc.):
1 . � �1 d C"c{ r l�4� `1/'t�r'1 ,�'� � cX.,�-r1� ���--Y (�`�
: � � ,
_ a��IicaUle: '
Please specify the nature and extent of tl�e compensation or other relief you are requesting. Please
attach copies of any bills, receipts, ticl<ets, or other documents to support your claim, If you are
claiming damage to a vel�icle, please submit two estimates,
� 0.i.YVl,1.� ; ,. ''Y '1 GZ - G'Y� � 1� • �l,1.,,�.G ^ l 1 , -- �
.v � L ' r.
Were there �.Nitnesses to this accident/incident? Yes No , ircle one) �Q'tC� 1GP_ ��7y
If yes, please give the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the witnesses:
�_ ,
Were the olice called. Yes No (circle one If es, what de artment or a enc ? � '
P ) Y P 9 Y• �' �� (� "' �C��Gl..�
Police report number: (�� Gj�(;) � �j�3qZ.� ,� C�I�Zi��1G�'1 Irt �i-+'Y1bCl�'' �
��.�1�-� f�u,-e��
Please print the name of ihe ,
person completing this form: , S� �/l Cl..y'���;{ .�� (;�,�� -
, �
Please sign your name: + it z'YtGt,yl'f�' l:� ���Z���� j'
Daie form signed: __��( ,-�j�� �
Risl< Mgmt Division - Revised 1-30-01 ;;�j!j,�i.',
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Saint Paul Police Impound Lot, 830 Barge Channei Rc�ad, V�ete Release FoRn
Make: 95 CHEVROLET License#: 046EKD CN: �31�� Invoice#: 145879
Date�me Released: 08/14/2013 17:05 Torr�ge: $ 54.50
Released to: TOTO j Si�rage Charge: $ 30.00
Paid by: CREDIT CARD ��arge: $ 80.00
Released by: BECKY Ta�e�7.625°/a) $ 10.26 �
I,the undersigned,have recovered thevehicle described abov�. St�fat: $ 174.76 ' `�`
x� �
1 will check the vehicle for damage or any other problems tha# 3 � �
:'f�� �+
may have occuRed while this vehicte was in the custody of the ��harge: $ 0.00 , ��,�
Saint Paul Police Department I acknewfedge 1 will report ��� �
damage and/or any other problems to the tmpound Lot staff T�{��arges: $ 174.76 �` 4 4,
on this form prior to leaving the impound lot ;� ,
Damage and/or other prob(errL "
r �
Police Report made:Yes_No IF Yes, CN . If IVCl,�Ifi}P�' �`��
Signature �'x�
„�i; .