98-193Council File# �1$ -153 ordinance # ORIGlNA� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAU6. MINNESOTA Green Sheet # LP60017 �3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVSD: 1 That application (ID �19970000193) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) 2 by A^Z ALL AUTO REPAIR AND BODY INC DBA A-Z ALL AUTO REPAIR AND 3 BODY at 411 WABASHA ST S be and the same is hereby approved with 4 the following conditions: 5 1. Vehicles will be parked on the lot as indicated on the approved 6 site plan file with LIEP. The lot should be striped as ahown 7 on this plan and the handicapped parking space appropriately marked. 8 2. A post and chain or guardrail shall be installed along the 9 property line at Wabasha Street to prevent vehicle parking over 10 the public sidewalk. 11 3. The exterior parking area can accommodate only seven cars. 12 The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer 13 vehicles to that which may be reasonably repaired and returned 14 to their owners in the shorteat period. There ahall be no long _, 15 term storage of vehicles on the lot. 16 4. All vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must appear to be 17 completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage 18 is not permitted. 19 5. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similar items will not be stored 20 outdoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster. Yeas Navs Absent � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date a.._1n\��1Q�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Form Approved b ity Attorney B Z �y" � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Approved by f'�,�� Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: 1��In�� � ���EJ�-- E• 3 T� � p a� '� l�.! I i ��: DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DA7E INITWTED Cl G_1 c� 3 l0 s LIEP/Lieensing GREEN SHEET - No. �soo�� ONTACT PERSON & PHONE M �� ^�� - ROZEKCHRISTINE (612)26G9106 � C � A ��� UST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) A�q7 �. 3� � �, �roe �z c«,�w R�, RWITQ�G ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Couneii approvai of tlie fdlowing ficense application: lieense # 19970000193, for A-2 ALL AUTO REPAIR AND BODY INC, Doing Business As Ad ALL AUTO REPAIR AND BODY, at 471 WABASHA ST S, including the foilowing business type(s): Auto Repair Garage. RECOMMENDATIONS: AppfoV¢(A) Rejeet(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis perso�rm everv.orked under a coMrecl fw Nis depattrnenl7 PL4NNING COMMISSION yEg Np _ CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persa�rm erer been a ciry employee4 CIVILSVCCINN, vES NO 3. Does ihis pe�rtn possess a sidll rwt normaly possessed by airy wrteM ciy empioyee? VES NO 4. Is this perso�rm a targeted vendoR - YES NO ExpWin all yes answers on separate s�eet aM attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesting Council approval fa AZ AI! Auto Repair 8 Body inc. DBA A-Z All Auto Repair & Body for an Auto Repair Garege License at 471 Wabasha St S. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAIAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED {CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION: �,,, „t., ��,.;,;,; (EXPLAIN) �:i.�..,-,t !'i:�...�.._ _ � : .Y. ,a S.� � �� � E`�L�� �. -- tv.'sk 'E .� ' �' r [ � t k� `( Y � \ ( J� n�: . �T� CLAS S III J IC�NSL AI'PLICATIO� ir;rsa?rL�c,a�?o�:�ssu,�TCrro�r-.vi� ;�a3Yi�ru�?._c PLEa S� i YPE Cc2 PR?NT N i\ � � _��,����!a� T; re of L:cerse(s) �zing zpplied fer: �`� (� 1�h�t'!� � � �� P n d ' - - - � c�;;.pu�5 ?. If business is incc� i Do;, g Buciness .� 2- F�+-.t- f�f� Cc. / Fz �Aslup / t�d, g:� e ds+.e of inco sus�:.�ss Aadrz�s: - 4 l l (,c7ci. �ict�t ` s���c .�ad �u Bet�ceen ��hat cress straets is the btisi,.ess located? Are the premises no�v :�ai1 To Address: ( Which side of Lhe strzet? Street Addr_-ss ` Ciry Sizte Zip � Applicant I�formation: � EC ��� :`�asne and Title: �� �"lFdPz-d � I�Z � �� i � � '�"�— F'ust p ]fiddle � j,, 1 � (�Saidrn) , J Lzst Titie Home Address: 22 � 'V 1.�7�� Y'( P�/` � (`�'� Iv�v�Qsz.�Jc.� �� � S �,� . Street Add*ess Ci:y Sttte Zip C/ DzteofBirth: ����' PlaceofBinh: �l�kll HomePhone: 6 t 2- ��^� L T � Ha� e}ou e� er been com'icted of zny felony, crime or � iolalion of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES NO � Date of urest: VJhere? Charez: Conviction: Sentence: Listthe names and re�idences of three persons of good morzl character, living withia the T�� in Cities Metro Area, not related to thz appJicant or financially interested in L'�e premises or business, i�ho may be referred to as to the applicant's char2cter: NAtv1E ADDRESS_ Pun�.� t� LiM licenses uh;c }'ou curre y hold, formeri}° held, or may hace zn interest in: � �'�� Ha��e any of the abo�•e narned licenses ecer been revoked? CITY OF SAl\T PAtiL O;'ice c: Li:r.-se ;^ ,.eas �� Er,, i: o:: ::sl P" .�rica =�,s: �:.-s: �_,.__, ��:'.''�: :;�.:_i:2" _ � _� ...-� �"\: i ..�_r a S � i d �-- $ $ Sus;ness Phone: e��7 �v U�� �� at,� ss/G � City Stete Zip YES ,� NO If }'es, list the dates and rezsons for re��ocetioa: 2� i 8;97 �� r� 1' �•. c i p 7] )�\':, i: i .,� \� —, `J Are }�ou go;ng to �rerz.� t,ns t �.iue_s }ers na. �'. L� AO i r.et, �� :o ��ill operz:e n. FintSz-ro \Sicic?� ;iz] �?'zicc) Lazt D'_'cof&.^.S i:en,c qed:css: �ar_t \�,e Ci:y S_= e 7_[� ...�ne \a-Sa .�e}eusera;ohz�ea�rz�z�; O:cSCeSiciiilIlL�_S�JCCinCSS� �'i'S ��U il��Ci'.�:EE2Si:^CiL.LC2TCcS11iCO�CL'c:Or, _J�c'25�CC7' :1:0�'PchOl: . Fi�t \_ e 'r'ome :dd�ess: Strect�zse \Ldd':e L'titi2l p=sEc_n) C:ty Please list }�o;r r�ple}me, t histe}� `or L':z precioas r��'e (�) }�zar perod: � Izst S:z:c L`'_:c c: �3ii 1 Zip F-cne�c:ber =�4.�...6 SSt�`i List all oLher o8ice; s ef the corporation: OrFICER TITLE NOV:E HO:� BUSI�ESS DATF_OF \TA_VIE (OBice Hzld) ADDRESS PHO\'E PHONE BIRIH ��o�i �t�yy�t2 Q�6� 221 fl �o��s-�v�£r ��' I�• � , �1 Q�S . �`�t`b �°'a��nz.y ' `�"3t– I£brsiness is a pzr'�*ersnip, plezse include thz follou�ing infe�ztion for each parh�er (use additional pages �f aecesszn�): First \ame Home Add�ess: Street \z�ne Fust \eoe HosneAddr:ss: Ste_l\ame `.liddle \liddle Snitisl Ci:y (.V.aiden) L st State Zip I,aR SL=te Zip Dete of Birth Phone \�..�--r Da:e of Birth Phone \umber MIItQI3ESOTA TAX IDENI IFICATION NITUBER - Pursuant to the La��.�s of Nunnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, AYicle 8, Section 2(270.72) (Ta�t Clearznce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing zuthorities zre required to provide to the State of Minnesota Conunissioner of Re��enue, the Mumesota business tax identification number znd the social securiry numbzr of each license zpplicant. Under the I�iinnesota Govemment D2ta Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required ,o ad��ise you of the following regarding ihe usz of the Minnesota Tar ldentification i�TUmber: - This information may be used to deny the issuance or rcnet��al of your license in the event ; ou o��e Mumesota sales, employer's �vithholding or motor � ehscle escise taxes; - Upon rzceiv;ng this informztion, the licensing authority �i•ill supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Rerenue. Ho«�ever, under the Federal Esch2n2e of L Agreement, the Department of Reaenue may supply this infornstion to the Intemal Re�•eaue Sen�ice. i�finnesota Ta�c Identificauon Numbc3� (Szles & Use TaY Numbzr) may be obiained from the State of Mimiesota, Business Records Depanment, 10 River Pazk Piaza (612-296-6181). Social Seeunty Nt:mber: �� ° 1 :vSinnesota Tax Ideatification Ni:mber: I� � 9fl � , If a Minnesota Tax Identification IQumber is not requszd for the business being operated, indicate so Uy plzcing an"X" i�i the bot. � 2;18.'97 �[� —1�� CLR111=ICATiON OF R-ORrCL-RS' CO'�:T'E�SA"IiO,I COVEi2AGE PURSU�?\T TO.Uiilv\TS01�1 Sl'ATliTr 1i6.1�2 I hz;eL�� a.°ru:}' il�zt I, or s}' w;r,�p�zv, �;n �: co �1U�lEP.G; P.'Lil L�:� `.� OTi:21"� ce;i,pe�salio� ;: co��erage re�,u. ei S; ;�zseta Stztc:e 1%6182, ��6dir;sic� 2. I uso u:�d�-�«:d :; �t p:c��son oi fai�: -�onnzto;i i,i t':s cei �ilicztica coastib!tes su'.;7ci� ;t � c��n�s :��r z���c,;c zc:icn ��zinst z;l !ice .ses I:z!d, inc;ading rz��ecet_ca zr.d svspen�ic:: ef said l;ceacc,. Vz.,e ef?, s�r�,�cz Cc.-.pzav: Pdicy\w-�cer: Cecers�zi�o::i to I'r,zienoe�z�lo}e�sco��:zdt"der�;erti�;s'co :�zr__�tion =s�.*Gnce (?\I1La1.S) .�'tY FALSLziC3Ti0� CF.�tiS�=1ERS GiVE� Oi2 \i41ER7AL SIiB �-iIFTEI'i �E'ILL REStiLT L\ DElZ4L QF TIIFS APPLICATFOti I hereSy state that I ha��e ��s�i ered z!1 of the precedi�g quzs::o, s, and that the n`orr?atioa contaiazd he*ei� is tn:z zr!d cerrect to fl;z best of n:y knotiled3e and be!izf. I herzby stzte �r�her v'�at I hace reczived r.o moaey or e�her co�siderytien, by «zy oi loan, e;i3, ce:;+sibution, or e:h��ise, other than u disclos: d;n Lhe applice�oa which I here��i'�h s�bmitted. I 2iso understand li'vs prznvice may be incpcctzd by pelice, f� e, health end other cin� off:cials zt any �.d a11 times �rhen �':e bus;ness is in opzration. Signature (REQL'IRED foc all appllcations) Date V.'e aill accept pa}�ment by ezsh, check (made pa} to City of Saiot Paul) or credit card (S£/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOIvSPLETETHEFOLLOGf'Ie'�'G7IVFORM1�4TION: � MasterCzrd � Visa EXPLRATION DATE: ACCOUNT ?�ti�'vIDER: ❑0/f�❑ ❑0�❑ ❑C7�❑ ❑[�[�❑ ❑C7C1❑ of of C2rd Holder(required for all charQes) Date *•Note: 1f this application is Food/Liquor rzlated, please coatact a City of Saint Paul Hzzlth Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review p]ans. If any substantial chanaes to structure aze anticipated, please contzct a City of Saint Paul Plan Eazminer at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. Ifthere aze any changzs to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Pzul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Ail apptications require t6e following documents. Please attach these documents n�hen submitting }'our application: I. A detailed description of the design, location and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The following data should be on the site plz� (preferahly en an 8 172" x 11" or 3 1!2" x 14" paper): -1�TZme, address, snd phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N shauld bz indicated towazd the top. - Placemeni of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed faci3ity such as seating areas, kitchens, o�ces, repzir azea, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed :acility, indicate both the cuirent uea and the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lease agrezment or proof of oµ'nership of the property. SPECIFIC LICE�'SE APPLICATIOtiS REQUIf2E ADAI"I'IO\'AL L\'FOR11fATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> 1 Z�� --�'�... :- :: z,�si9� Council File# �1$ -153 ordinance # ORIGlNA� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAU6. MINNESOTA Green Sheet # LP60017 �3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVSD: 1 That application (ID �19970000193) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) 2 by A^Z ALL AUTO REPAIR AND BODY INC DBA A-Z ALL AUTO REPAIR AND 3 BODY at 411 WABASHA ST S be and the same is hereby approved with 4 the following conditions: 5 1. Vehicles will be parked on the lot as indicated on the approved 6 site plan file with LIEP. The lot should be striped as ahown 7 on this plan and the handicapped parking space appropriately marked. 8 2. A post and chain or guardrail shall be installed along the 9 property line at Wabasha Street to prevent vehicle parking over 10 the public sidewalk. 11 3. The exterior parking area can accommodate only seven cars. 12 The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer 13 vehicles to that which may be reasonably repaired and returned 14 to their owners in the shorteat period. There ahall be no long _, 15 term storage of vehicles on the lot. 16 4. All vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must appear to be 17 completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage 18 is not permitted. 19 5. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similar items will not be stored 20 outdoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster. Yeas Navs Absent � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date a.._1n\��1Q�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Form Approved b ity Attorney B Z �y" � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Approved by f'�,�� Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: 1��In�� � ���EJ�-- E• 3 T� � p a� '� l�.! I i ��: DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DA7E INITWTED Cl G_1 c� 3 l0 s LIEP/Lieensing GREEN SHEET - No. �soo�� ONTACT PERSON & PHONE M �� ^�� - ROZEKCHRISTINE (612)26G9106 � C � A ��� UST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) A�q7 �. 3� � �, �roe �z c«,�w R�, RWITQ�G ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Couneii approvai of tlie fdlowing ficense application: lieense # 19970000193, for A-2 ALL AUTO REPAIR AND BODY INC, Doing Business As Ad ALL AUTO REPAIR AND BODY, at 471 WABASHA ST S, including the foilowing business type(s): Auto Repair Garage. RECOMMENDATIONS: AppfoV¢(A) Rejeet(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis perso�rm everv.orked under a coMrecl fw Nis depattrnenl7 PL4NNING COMMISSION yEg Np _ CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persa�rm erer been a ciry employee4 CIVILSVCCINN, vES NO 3. Does ihis pe�rtn possess a sidll rwt normaly possessed by airy wrteM ciy empioyee? VES NO 4. Is this perso�rm a targeted vendoR - YES NO ExpWin all yes answers on separate s�eet aM attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesting Council approval fa AZ AI! Auto Repair 8 Body inc. DBA A-Z All Auto Repair & Body for an Auto Repair Garege License at 471 Wabasha St S. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAIAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED {CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION: �,,, „t., ��,.;,;,; (EXPLAIN) �:i.�..,-,t !'i:�...�.._ _ � : .Y. ,a S.� � �� � E`�L�� �. -- tv.'sk 'E .� ' �' r [ � t k� `( Y � \ ( J� n�: . �T� CLAS S III J IC�NSL AI'PLICATIO� ir;rsa?rL�c,a�?o�:�ssu,�TCrro�r-.vi� ;�a3Yi�ru�?._c PLEa S� i YPE Cc2 PR?NT N i\ � � _��,����!a� T; re of L:cerse(s) �zing zpplied fer: �`� (� 1�h�t'!� � � �� P n d ' - - - � c�;;.pu�5 ?. If business is incc� i Do;, g Buciness .� 2- F�+-.t- f�f� Cc. / Fz �Aslup / t�d, g:� e ds+.e of inco sus�:.�ss Aadrz�s: - 4 l l (,c7ci. �ict�t ` s���c .�ad �u Bet�ceen ��hat cress straets is the btisi,.ess located? Are the premises no�v :�ai1 To Address: ( Which side of Lhe strzet? Street Addr_-ss ` Ciry Sizte Zip � Applicant I�formation: � EC ��� :`�asne and Title: �� �"lFdPz-d � I�Z � �� i � � '�"�— F'ust p ]fiddle � j,, 1 � (�Saidrn) , J Lzst Titie Home Address: 22 � 'V 1.�7�� Y'( P�/` � (`�'� Iv�v�Qsz.�Jc.� �� � S �,� . Street Add*ess Ci:y Sttte Zip C/ DzteofBirth: ����' PlaceofBinh: �l�kll HomePhone: 6 t 2- ��^� L T � Ha� e}ou e� er been com'icted of zny felony, crime or � iolalion of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES NO � Date of urest: VJhere? Charez: Conviction: Sentence: Listthe names and re�idences of three persons of good morzl character, living withia the T�� in Cities Metro Area, not related to thz appJicant or financially interested in L'�e premises or business, i�ho may be referred to as to the applicant's char2cter: NAtv1E ADDRESS_ Pun�.� t� LiM licenses uh;c }'ou curre y hold, formeri}° held, or may hace zn interest in: � �'�� Ha��e any of the abo�•e narned licenses ecer been revoked? CITY OF SAl\T PAtiL O;'ice c: Li:r.-se ;^ ,.eas �� Er,, i: o:: ::sl P" .�rica =�,s: �:.-s: �_,.__, ��:'.''�: :;�.:_i:2" _ � _� ...-� �"\: i ..�_r a S � i d �-- $ $ Sus;ness Phone: e��7 �v U�� �� at,� ss/G � City Stete Zip YES ,� NO If }'es, list the dates and rezsons for re��ocetioa: 2� i 8;97 �� r� 1' �•. c i p 7] )�\':, i: i .,� \� —, `J Are }�ou go;ng to �rerz.� t,ns t �.iue_s }ers na. �'. L� AO i r.et, �� :o ��ill operz:e n. FintSz-ro \Sicic?� ;iz] �?'zicc) Lazt D'_'cof&.^.S i:en,c qed:css: �ar_t \�,e Ci:y S_= e 7_[� ...�ne \a-Sa .�e}eusera;ohz�ea�rz�z�; O:cSCeSiciiilIlL�_S�JCCinCSS� �'i'S ��U il��Ci'.�:EE2Si:^CiL.LC2TCcS11iCO�CL'c:Or, _J�c'25�CC7' :1:0�'PchOl: . Fi�t \_ e 'r'ome :dd�ess: Strect�zse \Ldd':e L'titi2l p=sEc_n) C:ty Please list }�o;r r�ple}me, t histe}� `or L':z precioas r��'e (�) }�zar perod: � Izst S:z:c L`'_:c c: �3ii 1 Zip F-cne�c:ber =�4.�...6 SSt�`i List all oLher o8ice; s ef the corporation: OrFICER TITLE NOV:E HO:� BUSI�ESS DATF_OF \TA_VIE (OBice Hzld) ADDRESS PHO\'E PHONE BIRIH ��o�i �t�yy�t2 Q�6� 221 fl �o��s-�v�£r ��' I�• � , �1 Q�S . �`�t`b �°'a��nz.y ' `�"3t– I£brsiness is a pzr'�*ersnip, plezse include thz follou�ing infe�ztion for each parh�er (use additional pages �f aecesszn�): First \ame Home Add�ess: Street \z�ne Fust \eoe HosneAddr:ss: Ste_l\ame `.liddle \liddle Snitisl Ci:y (.V.aiden) L st State Zip I,aR SL=te Zip Dete of Birth Phone \�..�--r Da:e of Birth Phone \umber MIItQI3ESOTA TAX IDENI IFICATION NITUBER - Pursuant to the La��.�s of Nunnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, AYicle 8, Section 2(270.72) (Ta�t Clearznce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing zuthorities zre required to provide to the State of Minnesota Conunissioner of Re��enue, the Mumesota business tax identification number znd the social securiry numbzr of each license zpplicant. Under the I�iinnesota Govemment D2ta Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required ,o ad��ise you of the following regarding ihe usz of the Minnesota Tar ldentification i�TUmber: - This information may be used to deny the issuance or rcnet��al of your license in the event ; ou o��e Mumesota sales, employer's �vithholding or motor � ehscle escise taxes; - Upon rzceiv;ng this informztion, the licensing authority �i•ill supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Rerenue. Ho«�ever, under the Federal Esch2n2e of L Agreement, the Department of Reaenue may supply this infornstion to the Intemal Re�•eaue Sen�ice. i�finnesota Ta�c Identificauon Numbc3� (Szles & Use TaY Numbzr) may be obiained from the State of Mimiesota, Business Records Depanment, 10 River Pazk Piaza (612-296-6181). Social Seeunty Nt:mber: �� ° 1 :vSinnesota Tax Ideatification Ni:mber: I� � 9fl � , If a Minnesota Tax Identification IQumber is not requszd for the business being operated, indicate so Uy plzcing an"X" i�i the bot. � 2;18.'97 �[� —1�� CLR111=ICATiON OF R-ORrCL-RS' CO'�:T'E�SA"IiO,I COVEi2AGE PURSU�?\T TO.Uiilv\TS01�1 Sl'ATliTr 1i6.1�2 I hz;eL�� a.°ru:}' il�zt I, or s}' w;r,�p�zv, �;n �: co �1U�lEP.G; P.'Lil L�:� `.� OTi:21"� ce;i,pe�salio� ;: co��erage re�,u. ei S; ;�zseta Stztc:e 1%6182, ��6dir;sic� 2. I uso u:�d�-�«:d :; �t p:c��son oi fai�: -�onnzto;i i,i t':s cei �ilicztica coastib!tes su'.;7ci� ;t � c��n�s :��r z���c,;c zc:icn ��zinst z;l !ice .ses I:z!d, inc;ading rz��ecet_ca zr.d svspen�ic:: ef said l;ceacc,. Vz.,e ef?, s�r�,�cz Cc.-.pzav: Pdicy\w-�cer: Cecers�zi�o::i to I'r,zienoe�z�lo}e�sco��:zdt"der�;erti�;s'co :�zr__�tion =s�.*Gnce (?\I1La1.S) .�'tY FALSLziC3Ti0� CF.�tiS�=1ERS GiVE� Oi2 \i41ER7AL SIiB �-iIFTEI'i �E'ILL REStiLT L\ DElZ4L QF TIIFS APPLICATFOti I hereSy state that I ha��e ��s�i ered z!1 of the precedi�g quzs::o, s, and that the n`orr?atioa contaiazd he*ei� is tn:z zr!d cerrect to fl;z best of n:y knotiled3e and be!izf. I herzby stzte �r�her v'�at I hace reczived r.o moaey or e�her co�siderytien, by «zy oi loan, e;i3, ce:;+sibution, or e:h��ise, other than u disclos: d;n Lhe applice�oa which I here��i'�h s�bmitted. I 2iso understand li'vs prznvice may be incpcctzd by pelice, f� e, health end other cin� off:cials zt any �.d a11 times �rhen �':e bus;ness is in opzration. Signature (REQL'IRED foc all appllcations) Date V.'e aill accept pa}�ment by ezsh, check (made pa} to City of Saiot Paul) or credit card (S£/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOIvSPLETETHEFOLLOGf'Ie'�'G7IVFORM1�4TION: � MasterCzrd � Visa EXPLRATION DATE: ACCOUNT ?�ti�'vIDER: ❑0/f�❑ ❑0�❑ ❑C7�❑ ❑[�[�❑ ❑C7C1❑ of of C2rd Holder(required for all charQes) Date *•Note: 1f this application is Food/Liquor rzlated, please coatact a City of Saint Paul Hzzlth Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review p]ans. If any substantial chanaes to structure aze anticipated, please contzct a City of Saint Paul Plan Eazminer at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. Ifthere aze any changzs to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Pzul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Ail apptications require t6e following documents. Please attach these documents n�hen submitting }'our application: I. A detailed description of the design, location and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The following data should be on the site plz� (preferahly en an 8 172" x 11" or 3 1!2" x 14" paper): -1�TZme, address, snd phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N shauld bz indicated towazd the top. - Placemeni of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed faci3ity such as seating areas, kitchens, o�ces, repzir azea, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed :acility, indicate both the cuirent uea and the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lease agrezment or proof of oµ'nership of the property. SPECIFIC LICE�'SE APPLICATIOtiS REQUIf2E ADAI"I'IO\'AL L\'FOR11fATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> 1 Z�� --�'�... :- :: z,�si9� Council File# �1$ -153 ordinance # ORIGlNA� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAU6. MINNESOTA Green Sheet # LP60017 �3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVSD: 1 That application (ID �19970000193) for a Auto Repair Garage License(s) 2 by A^Z ALL AUTO REPAIR AND BODY INC DBA A-Z ALL AUTO REPAIR AND 3 BODY at 411 WABASHA ST S be and the same is hereby approved with 4 the following conditions: 5 1. Vehicles will be parked on the lot as indicated on the approved 6 site plan file with LIEP. The lot should be striped as ahown 7 on this plan and the handicapped parking space appropriately marked. 8 2. A post and chain or guardrail shall be installed along the 9 property line at Wabasha Street to prevent vehicle parking over 10 the public sidewalk. 11 3. The exterior parking area can accommodate only seven cars. 12 The licensee is responsible for managing the number of customer 13 vehicles to that which may be reasonably repaired and returned 14 to their owners in the shorteat period. There ahall be no long _, 15 term storage of vehicles on the lot. 16 4. All vehicles parked outdoors on the lot must appear to be 17 completely assembled with no parts missing. Vehicle salvage 18 is not permitted. 19 5. Vehicle parts, tires, oil or similar items will not be stored 20 outdoors. Trash will be stored in the dumpster. Yeas Navs Absent � Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date a.._1n\��1Q�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Form Approved b ity Attorney B Z �y" � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Approved by f'�,�� Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: 1��In�� � ���EJ�-- E• 3 T� � p a� '� l�.! I i ��: DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DA7E INITWTED Cl G_1 c� 3 l0 s LIEP/Lieensing GREEN SHEET - No. �soo�� ONTACT PERSON & PHONE M �� ^�� - ROZEKCHRISTINE (612)26G9106 � C � A ��� UST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) A�q7 �. 3� � �, �roe �z c«,�w R�, RWITQ�G ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Couneii approvai of tlie fdlowing ficense application: lieense # 19970000193, for A-2 ALL AUTO REPAIR AND BODY INC, Doing Business As Ad ALL AUTO REPAIR AND BODY, at 471 WABASHA ST S, including the foilowing business type(s): Auto Repair Garage. RECOMMENDATIONS: AppfoV¢(A) Rejeet(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis perso�rm everv.orked under a coMrecl fw Nis depattrnenl7 PL4NNING COMMISSION yEg Np _ CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persa�rm erer been a ciry employee4 CIVILSVCCINN, vES NO 3. Does ihis pe�rtn possess a sidll rwt normaly possessed by airy wrteM ciy empioyee? VES NO 4. Is this perso�rm a targeted vendoR - YES NO ExpWin all yes answers on separate s�eet aM attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requesting Council approval fa AZ AI! Auto Repair 8 Body inc. DBA A-Z All Auto Repair & Body for an Auto Repair Garege License at 471 Wabasha St S. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAIAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED {CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION: �,,, „t., ��,.;,;,; (EXPLAIN) �:i.�..,-,t !'i:�...�.._ _ � : .Y. ,a S.� � �� � E`�L�� �. -- tv.'sk 'E .� ' �' r [ � t k� `( Y � \ ( J� n�: . �T� CLAS S III J IC�NSL AI'PLICATIO� ir;rsa?rL�c,a�?o�:�ssu,�TCrro�r-.vi� ;�a3Yi�ru�?._c PLEa S� i YPE Cc2 PR?NT N i\ � � _��,����!a� T; re of L:cerse(s) �zing zpplied fer: �`� (� 1�h�t'!� � � �� P n d ' - - - � c�;;.pu�5 ?. If business is incc� i Do;, g Buciness .� 2- F�+-.t- f�f� Cc. / Fz �Aslup / t�d, g:� e ds+.e of inco sus�:.�ss Aadrz�s: - 4 l l (,c7ci. �ict�t ` s���c .�ad �u Bet�ceen ��hat cress straets is the btisi,.ess located? Are the premises no�v :�ai1 To Address: ( Which side of Lhe strzet? Street Addr_-ss ` Ciry Sizte Zip � Applicant I�formation: � EC ��� :`�asne and Title: �� �"lFdPz-d � I�Z � �� i � � '�"�— F'ust p ]fiddle � j,, 1 � (�Saidrn) , J Lzst Titie Home Address: 22 � 'V 1.�7�� Y'( P�/` � (`�'� Iv�v�Qsz.�Jc.� �� � S �,� . Street Add*ess Ci:y Sttte Zip C/ DzteofBirth: ����' PlaceofBinh: �l�kll HomePhone: 6 t 2- ��^� L T � Ha� e}ou e� er been com'icted of zny felony, crime or � iolalion of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES NO � Date of urest: VJhere? Charez: Conviction: Sentence: Listthe names and re�idences of three persons of good morzl character, living withia the T�� in Cities Metro Area, not related to thz appJicant or financially interested in L'�e premises or business, i�ho may be referred to as to the applicant's char2cter: NAtv1E ADDRESS_ Pun�.� t� LiM licenses uh;c }'ou curre y hold, formeri}° held, or may hace zn interest in: � �'�� Ha��e any of the abo�•e narned licenses ecer been revoked? CITY OF SAl\T PAtiL O;'ice c: Li:r.-se ;^ ,.eas �� Er,, i: o:: ::sl P" .�rica =�,s: �:.-s: �_,.__, ��:'.''�: :;�.:_i:2" _ � _� ...-� �"\: i ..�_r a S � i d �-- $ $ Sus;ness Phone: e��7 �v U�� �� at,� ss/G � City Stete Zip YES ,� NO If }'es, list the dates and rezsons for re��ocetioa: 2� i 8;97 �� r� 1' �•. c i p 7] )�\':, i: i .,� \� —, `J Are }�ou go;ng to �rerz.� t,ns t �.iue_s }ers na. �'. L� AO i r.et, �� :o ��ill operz:e n. FintSz-ro \Sicic?� ;iz] �?'zicc) Lazt D'_'cof&.^.S i:en,c qed:css: �ar_t \�,e Ci:y S_= e 7_[� ...�ne \a-Sa .�e}eusera;ohz�ea�rz�z�; O:cSCeSiciiilIlL�_S�JCCinCSS� �'i'S ��U il��Ci'.�:EE2Si:^CiL.LC2TCcS11iCO�CL'c:Or, _J�c'25�CC7' :1:0�'PchOl: . Fi�t \_ e 'r'ome :dd�ess: Strect�zse \Ldd':e L'titi2l p=sEc_n) C:ty Please list }�o;r r�ple}me, t histe}� `or L':z precioas r��'e (�) }�zar perod: � Izst S:z:c L`'_:c c: �3ii 1 Zip F-cne�c:ber =�4.�...6 SSt�`i List all oLher o8ice; s ef the corporation: OrFICER TITLE NOV:E HO:� BUSI�ESS DATF_OF \TA_VIE (OBice Hzld) ADDRESS PHO\'E PHONE BIRIH ��o�i �t�yy�t2 Q�6� 221 fl �o��s-�v�£r ��' I�• � , �1 Q�S . �`�t`b �°'a��nz.y ' `�"3t– I£brsiness is a pzr'�*ersnip, plezse include thz follou�ing infe�ztion for each parh�er (use additional pages �f aecesszn�): First \ame Home Add�ess: Street \z�ne Fust \eoe HosneAddr:ss: Ste_l\ame `.liddle \liddle Snitisl Ci:y (.V.aiden) L st State Zip I,aR SL=te Zip Dete of Birth Phone \�..�--r Da:e of Birth Phone \umber MIItQI3ESOTA TAX IDENI IFICATION NITUBER - Pursuant to the La��.�s of Nunnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, AYicle 8, Section 2(270.72) (Ta�t Clearznce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing zuthorities zre required to provide to the State of Minnesota Conunissioner of Re��enue, the Mumesota business tax identification number znd the social securiry numbzr of each license zpplicant. Under the I�iinnesota Govemment D2ta Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required ,o ad��ise you of the following regarding ihe usz of the Minnesota Tar ldentification i�TUmber: - This information may be used to deny the issuance or rcnet��al of your license in the event ; ou o��e Mumesota sales, employer's �vithholding or motor � ehscle escise taxes; - Upon rzceiv;ng this informztion, the licensing authority �i•ill supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Rerenue. Ho«�ever, under the Federal Esch2n2e of L Agreement, the Department of Reaenue may supply this infornstion to the Intemal Re�•eaue Sen�ice. i�finnesota Ta�c Identificauon Numbc3� (Szles & Use TaY Numbzr) may be obiained from the State of Mimiesota, Business Records Depanment, 10 River Pazk Piaza (612-296-6181). Social Seeunty Nt:mber: �� ° 1 :vSinnesota Tax Ideatification Ni:mber: I� � 9fl � , If a Minnesota Tax Identification IQumber is not requszd for the business being operated, indicate so Uy plzcing an"X" i�i the bot. � 2;18.'97 �[� —1�� CLR111=ICATiON OF R-ORrCL-RS' CO'�:T'E�SA"IiO,I COVEi2AGE PURSU�?\T TO.Uiilv\TS01�1 Sl'ATliTr 1i6.1�2 I hz;eL�� a.°ru:}' il�zt I, or s}' w;r,�p�zv, �;n �: co �1U�lEP.G; P.'Lil L�:� `.� OTi:21"� ce;i,pe�salio� ;: co��erage re�,u. ei S; ;�zseta Stztc:e 1%6182, ��6dir;sic� 2. I uso u:�d�-�«:d :; �t p:c��son oi fai�: -�onnzto;i i,i t':s cei �ilicztica coastib!tes su'.;7ci� ;t � c��n�s :��r z���c,;c zc:icn ��zinst z;l !ice .ses I:z!d, inc;ading rz��ecet_ca zr.d svspen�ic:: ef said l;ceacc,. Vz.,e ef?, s�r�,�cz Cc.-.pzav: Pdicy\w-�cer: Cecers�zi�o::i to I'r,zienoe�z�lo}e�sco��:zdt"der�;erti�;s'co :�zr__�tion =s�.*Gnce (?\I1La1.S) .�'tY FALSLziC3Ti0� CF.�tiS�=1ERS GiVE� Oi2 \i41ER7AL SIiB �-iIFTEI'i �E'ILL REStiLT L\ DElZ4L QF TIIFS APPLICATFOti I hereSy state that I ha��e ��s�i ered z!1 of the precedi�g quzs::o, s, and that the n`orr?atioa contaiazd he*ei� is tn:z zr!d cerrect to fl;z best of n:y knotiled3e and be!izf. I herzby stzte �r�her v'�at I hace reczived r.o moaey or e�her co�siderytien, by «zy oi loan, e;i3, ce:;+sibution, or e:h��ise, other than u disclos: d;n Lhe applice�oa which I here��i'�h s�bmitted. I 2iso understand li'vs prznvice may be incpcctzd by pelice, f� e, health end other cin� off:cials zt any �.d a11 times �rhen �':e bus;ness is in opzration. Signature (REQL'IRED foc all appllcations) Date V.'e aill accept pa}�ment by ezsh, check (made pa} to City of Saiot Paul) or credit card (S£/C or Visa). IFPAYINGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOIvSPLETETHEFOLLOGf'Ie'�'G7IVFORM1�4TION: � MasterCzrd � Visa EXPLRATION DATE: ACCOUNT ?�ti�'vIDER: ❑0/f�❑ ❑0�❑ ❑C7�❑ ❑[�[�❑ ❑C7C1❑ of of C2rd Holder(required for all charQes) Date *•Note: 1f this application is Food/Liquor rzlated, please coatact a City of Saint Paul Hzzlth Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to review p]ans. If any substantial chanaes to structure aze anticipated, please contzct a City of Saint Paul Plan Eazminer at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. Ifthere aze any changzs to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Pzul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Ail apptications require t6e following documents. Please attach these documents n�hen submitting }'our application: I. A detailed description of the design, location and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site pIan). The following data should be on the site plz� (preferahly en an 8 172" x 11" or 3 1!2" x 14" paper): -1�TZme, address, snd phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N shauld bz indicated towazd the top. - Placemeni of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed faci3ity such as seating areas, kitchens, o�ces, repzir azea, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed :acility, indicate both the cuirent uea and the proposed expansion. 2. A copy of your lease agrezment or proof of oµ'nership of the property. SPECIFIC LICE�'SE APPLICATIOtiS REQUIf2E ADAI"I'IO\'AL L\'FOR11fATION. PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> 1 Z�� --�'�... :- :: z,�si9�