98-164����� F��� °i Y��b`� �Rl�1�A�. � Presented By � Ir Referred To RE50LUT10N C{TY OF SAI[RT PAIiL, MINNE5t3TA . rna�nance # 6reea Sheet # LP60013 Z� Cou�ittee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 RE50L9ED: That appiication (ID #19976�Q0197) for a Reatausant (B) - more than 12 seata, Liquor On Sale - Sunday, Liquor On Sale - Over 200 seats (B}, Gambliag i.ocation (Class B), Sntertainment (A) License(s) by SOVIS INC DBA TIN CUFS at 1220 RICE ST be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas Navs Absent R�eated by Department of: Office of i.icense, Insvections an@ snvironmental Protsction Bye ``��� � ��J - s�: app� By: Form AppYOVed by ty Attorney g � Y/' ,► /• ZEi�/ Approved by Mayor £or Submiasion to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date �(�(�Qti�� �-1 �� � Adoption Certi£ied by Conncil Secretary ..� BE Ots COUNGL AGENnA B7 (DA'FEI � ASSIGii :�•: GR�EN SHE�"f ASO. LPS9013 7� CdyAffaa�e5' ❑2 Cota�cdReseerd� ALL L9CASiOtiS F4R SSGHilSi3RE? �� � �� tim: licetse3199700DD797, farSOVi51TtC. Ddng Btisina6As TIN CUPS, � 1220 RlCE ST, 7ndud� rrae ma�,12 sea�.l7quor a� sate- Swbar. l.iquaon sa�e- o�w aoo s�s (8}, can,aing Locati�n (class RECOArtl�tENBA170NS: Approve(Aj Reject(R} 1. FleslliispersaNfirmeverwdiredtmtlera conUaettorlltisdaPOrtmeM7 , PUNNMG COMMlSS10N y� �,�p ,CISCOtMJi1TFEE 2 HasriuspaisuJFrmeNer6eerracdyemPUyee? CtVILSVCCtNN, YF.S N� _ . meethisyersoMm�possessaslcunat�meLLYP�bYanYwrta�rte�jemplayee? YES TX} . ls ihis parmMum a tagatai vendafl " YES NQ E�Lin a71 ses amwus on seaa�rte rM� and aUeeh to araa� sheet Counat approva! forSovis Inc. DBA T�n Cups ta a Restaward (B}� EMeKafnmmt (A), liqoor On-Sale SiardaY, GamEGnH �ncation (B). Liqua oo-Safe s) at 172o Rice stseet � NOT APPROVED: �au+ss oF �taxsno'no� s SOURC ,�t'� R?s��s�t ��7�' ��� Q � � ..__ .._._... . . .� C95t1REVENUE BUDGETED tC7RGCE ONEj YES NO AGTIVRY NiJMBER � f�i�BP,�!G i ��i?.SP c�Z ��a� ' GZASS IIT CITY OfiSA NT PAiJI� o���tU��;� LICENSE APPLiCATi�iT �r �„�,„;�,�;,� 3soaraascsm�aoo Ss"a¢+m'.L�pg �5F@ (61n2669Q99 5z(6Syy16F9II6 'fHIS APPLICAI'i�hT IS Si7IiJFCT TO RFVIEW BY TI � pF�� PLEAS& TYPE fJR PILn`!' IN INK TygeofLicense(s)beingapptiedfor: TM` '�-� � ^ �� 4 ) r"Y'<e-! . T � a i �, v `,t r.<: �t: .- C��, ��,1 � `_�urv;�;i.:.� -- ; j<ir:✓,"3 � t � Cs �.G i% Covnp�y Name: � CotpocsRpalPaatnt�shig / Sole 4SOprietprslup r � L� g �Y;-: J . S ��,� `=• " i� ' S '� <-'L , � �� � j�r; _ i'L s_ ,-�; C=.% . Q .��5= d If business is incorporated, give 8ate of incorporation: il � 1�' �'f ? DoingBusinessAs: T GUP� __ � BusinessPhone: y�y'7�gS SusinessAcldress: _ _ Ic�o�O t�JGC $/ Sl }�i4UL /y1N SS// 7 s4ett nda,nss ciri stato Z;p $etween what cross screets is the business fxated? �1 L.� S j' /13l/�Q�(,bwtt� W��y side ofihe street7 �AS% Are ihe premises now occupied?� X 1I� u ; What Type af $usiness? I�tS 7R t+RAwT 1 DUn161:' MaiiToAddress: - --_16d! LTNI3AL� XU& �o• the�ie �,,.� eo�i.,4 s�o� aad�� AppIicaat Tnformation: Neme and Tide: � c� StaSe Zip Fusf Middk (N.e's2en) S,e�t Title Ho�ea.det�ess: _ `I6o2/ GYN�ot�' ,ru� S6 �pzs' h�.•3 SSY�9 s�cnaar� c;Ty sr� z;P Date of Bisth: ` �'/II' SoZ Place of I3irih: _/�31�� .et 1V . FIome PLone: 6la. ��e Y�a 8.0 Haveyou ever been convicted of azry felony, crime ar violafion of any city ordinance oth� than fra�c? YSS ______ NO � Date of arrest: �re� Chazge: Coavictioa; _ Sentence: Iast tfie names and residences ofthree persons of goa2 moral character, tiving �3ithin the Twin Cities Metro Arza, not relafed to ttie applicaat orfinxnciaIly interested in Yi�.e gretnises or business, who may be referrecl to as to the spplieaaYs characTer: NAME ADDRESS PI-f�NE ��az.t� 1�. ��w�co�.) oZS'�&' fiuo.J Ae fiav�.o � r.v S'7a�aFsS� R�c.t�r��..n 6$�arue,.� aoo c.u���E nv�So. .�Pzs.,+�a. �s����sg List licenses which you eurrentty hold, formerty held, or may have an intaest in: Have any of the above named li�znses ever be� revoked? YES NO Ifyes, iist the dates and reasons for revxatiou: 211814? Are you goirg to operate tbis business perso:ialt5/T 3/ Y�S NO I�`aoi, who w�l operafe it7 �b F'ust i�'eoc Vf:ddlc Ini[iat C-''�mdc) Ls2 Dat� ofSixlh HomcA.d2snc Strat',Naae C.Y t Sta4 Tig Phonetd�6a ?aeyou going to have a m..anaear or asis[�t in ifiis buiness? YES __}l __ NO If ihe m2nager is uot the same s, thc opetator, please comnlete the follo*xing i*ifoanauon Ficst\eme ?didd(eInitisi {±vSeid�) I.ast DazeafBirth iFomeAW'.'etr SheetVnmc Csc7 Stam Zip Ynoar.Nmnb.z PIease list yoia empto}�nent history for the grevious five (5} year periad: Busines.st�molovmeot p �� �lJGtl.tJl� IlyY " 6�a � y�a3asa ss.�ay GhJPL?Yr7] ��S GLUB l'h�n}N6 `P Nt�,Q1L /r /�1f�$� No++L�3e7�2G�`�llylq}7 Lsst all other o8'icers of Ehe corporation: OFFiCEF TITLE � HOME NAIvIE (Office Heid) ADDRESS HOME BTJSINESS PF10NE PHONE Sf busmess is a partnership, please iaclude the following informarion for each partner (use additional pages ifnecessary): r� �dai��wi (MsidmJ L.est DATE OF BIl2TIi DauafBirth HomeAddresa: ShectNeme Cit}� State Zip YhoneN+vn&r FirANmne Middtelniteat (Maidcn) Lmt UnteoFBiASt Home+�dd�css: SbectlJamo CIIY Sram Zip YhonaNum6s MINNSSOTA TAX IDE131'IFICATION NUM$ER - Pursuynt fo the Laws oYMamesota, I4&1, Chapt�r SOZ, Aztiele $, Section 2(270.72) {TaK Clearance; �ssnence of iacenses), licensing avthorities are reqnired to provide to the State of Micsscesota Coaunissianer c+£Rcveaue, the tvFinnesaffi husiness tax identification number arnI the soeial security nurnber of each license applicant. tTndet the Minnesota GovemmenE Data Piaerices Act and the Federal P[ivacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of L3a foIlowing regazding the use of the MinnesoYa Tax Identification Number: - This infom:atian may be used to deiry ihe issuance or renewat of yois Iicense ia flie event you owe Minnesota ss[zs, eiupIaye�s wiff�Ycolding or motor vehiele escise caxes; - Upon recciving this information, the ticensing authoriry wi11 supply it only to ihe Minnesota Depazime-nt ofReven�e. However, under the I'ederal E�change of infoanation Ageecaent, the ])eparUnent oS Recrnue may supply this informatian to fihe ?atemal Revenue 3ervice. Mu�nesota Tati Identi5cationN�unbers (Saies & U� TaY h�umber) may be obtained fiam the State of Minnesota, Busiaess Records Depactment, 10 River Park Pla2a (612-246-6I81). Social Sec�ttity Number; y7j `S y .S � Minaesota Tax Idea�cation Number. __ � ��� J�l�/ � If a Minnesota Tae IdentificaEion Numbei is not required foi the bt7sinzss beutg operat¢d, indicaie so by placing aa ^ X" in ihe box 2J18l97 Cr,'I2TIFICATIO2Q OF WORKERS' CO�II'E1GS�ITION COV�'RAGE PURSUANT TO MINA'ESOTA STATiJTB 27 ;6 g� l � ` T he*eby cert�y that � ormy compa�; am in compIiance with ih.e wo,3cers' compassaTion insurance cocerage requirements of�nncsota Sr�,n,rP 176.182, su6division 2. i. aLsowut�standthaiprovisionoffatse information in tlas certification consiimtes sufficient goimds far adverse action agamst aII fice�es held, mcluding revocation and sv,pension of s�ai yficenses. �6�NZ— t-/ �/ Nase of7nsurance Company ���c-�L' '� .Su� I��� � C�� Jf�{�� Y WI��Nj�G, Po}icyN�ber: Coveragefrom to �"� 1�F6, F have no employees covered vnder �vorkers' coxpeesatioa insura.nce (f'�i iITLqLS} ANY FAZSTFICATION OF ANSFIERS 6IVEN OR MA3'ERFAL SiJBMIT`I'ED WII.I, RESULfi Il+T BEkYtAL OS T#IIS AFPLICATIO�T I heteby statethat I have aus�cered a1I of the preced:ng qaestions, and ihat the infom�afion contamedherein is true snd coxrect to fhe best of my knowledge and beseE I hereby state further Ihat I have received no money or other considera[ion, by way of loxn, � contn'bution, or othecwi.�,otherthazia]readydisclo�cliatheappiicationwluclilhetea+iihsubmitted IaLsaunderstandtSrispremisemaybemsiseotedbypolice fire, heatth and atiser city o�cials af atty and a71 times when the business ss ia opetation. SignaYUre {REQUIRED for all applications) Date We will aecept paymeni by cash, eck ade payable fo Cify of Saint Pa�u� ar eredit card (I4f/C or Visa). IFPAYLNGBYCREDITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLEOWINGI�VFORMATION: �MasteiCard ❑Visa ACCOUNT NUMSER: 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � t � � � � � � of �`*Nofe; .if'this app(ication is PoodlLiquar reiated, please contact a City of Saint Paul HeaIsh Inspeaor, Steve OFsan (266-9i 39}, to review plans. If any substantial changes to shuchue are anticipated, please coniaei a Ciiy of Saini Paul Plaa Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for bailding permiu. Ifthere sre arry changes to the garking iot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Panl Zoning Inspector et 2b6-90p8. All appiicafions requim fhe followiag doc�unents. Please aftach these docameats n•hen submitting your appjicafion: t. A detailed deseription of ct�e design, iocatian and squaie Yootage of the premises to be licensed (site planj. The foUowing data should be on the site plan �preferably on an 8 1!2" x i l" or 8 lf2" Y 34" paper): - Name, address, anc' phone number. - The scale shouid be stated snch as 1"=2D'. ^N should be indicated Eoward the top. � - Piaeemait of all pertiaent fzataras of the interior of the lieensed fecility such u seating ateas, lfitefiens, effices, repaif ama, partang, rest roocns, etc_ - T£a reqnest is for an addition or expansion af the Iicensed faciliry, indicaie botft tfie cvrrent area and theptoppsed cxpansipa, 2. A eopy ofyaur lease agreement or proof of ownenhip of the properiy. SPECF�ZC LTC�NSE APPi,TCATiONS REQUIItE AD➢TFIQNAL INFORriTATION PL�ASE SEE REVETtSE FE3F[ AETAILS >>>> 2nats� Tf aPPiYiae for, • "r\��`� —S , _ . „ Cabaref a�uh, Please attach written proof tfiat each empltryee is ai leas138 yeacs old Conversatinnti{ag gazior aduIt, ptease atiach writteu proof thai each empIoyae is at Zeast I8 pe�ms oId L.+tw+��^^�a^t,p3easespecify c�ass A, B, or C license; obzain and aFiach sigaattues of apptovsl fmm90% ufyom'neighbats vritkthm 354 feet ofthe �stablisi�ent. This liceasemustbe appliedfffi m caaPmcrion witfi a Liquar, Wme, Mait On Sale or Reafalfflance HalE Iiteose. F;mann.s,please attacic a2ehawitL the follQwing infacmation: staze if selling or ontp repauing, Federal F"ueamts License hfumber, rype of Armed Services duchazgc (Hanorable, Generat, Bad Cond¢ct, Undesaable, Di58onorabTe, ar no m�itatp service. (NO`FE: Fstab3ishment must be co�ercialty zoned) Game room, please provide thefo2Iowiag infoimatian_ n�e af mact�iae avd Iist price. (NQTE: A PoaI F7aII 3icease is reqtrired if thae are aay poot iabies in tfie estabtislimeat) HealthlSports clnb adniE, please atrack wriuen proof that each employee is at least 18 ye�s oid. Liqaor offfnn sale, refer to attached &quor appiication. I.ock opening services, Fteaseattach alis[oFafl empkoyces (withhome adc�ess and telepbone nvmber) who will be tloing the iock opening service; attach SI0,000 Surety Bond Massage center, please mYach a detailed desc.ription of the services being provided NFassage ceater adnPt, please attsch vmtten proof that each employee is aY ieast I8 yeazs o13 Massage practitioner, please submitpmofofsvc�esslalrnmpletion of wciaen and practical exams frnm the City of Saint Paui authorized exammer, insseuance cettificate showing coverage of $1,O�Q,OOO.OQ eaeh general liability and professional liabiliLy with the Citp of SaiM Paul na�d as aa additional insured, and a 30 dap notice of cmceflation; ptoof of afEliation from a licensed Ciry of S�nt Paui therapeutic massage cenier ar state liceased healtfi facility . Motorcycle dealer, please include State ofMinnesota Dealer Nmnber. New motor vehicle deaiex, please include State of ATinnesota Dealer I3umber. Parldng lot/ramp Please uich�de thenumber o£Pazking sPaces, aud ettach ptens containing a genera! descripti� of the security pmvided at the IoUiamp, a site plaa showing daveways oFthe proposerF lot and the Iegal descriptioa of fhe ProP�9 (�S requu+eme� ne�essaz9 �Y if no sife plsa is currently on Sle). Attach a cover letter desctibsag yow plaas to comply with 1he lighting and painting requirements. Pawabroker, please attach $5,000.00 Surety Bond. Second haad deaiermotor vehiclq please include State of Minnesota DealerNumber. Second hand dealer-mator vehicie parts, please attach $S,000.�0 Sureiy Bond. Steam roomt6ath hoase adult, please atiach written proof that each empioyee is at 2east T8 years otd. ?'beater adait, please attach w:itten proof t5at each employee is at least 18 years o13 2/I8l�Y7