98-159Councii File # 9� � 5� 4RlG1NAL RESOWTION Presented bv i�' � Refened To CITY OF l� Green Sheet # ��� �� 1 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Depaztment of Transportation (MnlDOT) has recently announced plans to reconstruct 2 bridge #9330, which carries Interstate 35E across the Mississippi River, and 3 WHEREAS, MnfDOT has instituted a community stakeholder involvemenY process to receive input on bridge 4 design from affected communities, and 5 WHEREAS, MnlDOT has presented five altematives to be considered for this reconstruction project, all of which 6 would widen the bridge from its current width of 67 feet to widths ranging from 81 feet to 159 feet, and 7 WHEREAS, many pazk users and other members of Che Saint Paul community have expressed concern over possible 8 adverse impacts that a wide bridge could have on Crosbq Lake Park, which lies below the bridge, and 9 WHEREAS, the fifth and most recent alternative would increase the number of thxough travel lanes on the bridge 10 from four to six, and 11 WHEREAS, residents of many Saint Paul neighborhoods have expressed concern that a six-lane bridge may 12 fac3litate the future expansion of 35E through Saint Paul to six lanes, and 13 WIIEREAS, an agreement between MnlDOT and Residents in Protest of T-35E that was formalized through a May 14 11, 1984 United States District Court ruling ordered that "the basic design for the parkway segment of I-35E wili 15 be four througj� traffic lanes with additional lanes for signing and weaving where needed from West Seventh Street 16 to I-94 in the St. Paul Capitol area," and t7 WF�REAS, three of the five alternatives would move the bridge substantially off of lts exis6ng alignment with two t 8 of them moving the bridge upstream from its curtent location, and 9 WHEREAS, many pazk users and other members of the Saint Paul community have expressed concern over adverse 0 impacts that an upstream bridge realignment would have on Crosby Lake, which lies 200 yards upstream from the existing brldge, and WHEREAS, two of the five alternatives would allow for unused pier structures from the existing bridge to remain in the river after construction of a new bridge, and � WFiEREAS, the Saint Paul community has been engaged in developing the Saint Paul on the Mississippi River Development Framework, and WI�REAS, two of the five alternatives do not contain plans for a bike I pedestrian trail, and ��-r 5� 1 WHEI2EAS, the Saint Paul community has expressed its support for the addition of a bike ! pedestrian traii to the 2 bridge, now, therefore be it 3 RESOLVEB, that the Saint Paul City Council supports a bridge design for Mn(DOT bridge #9330 that follows the 4 following principles: 1) The bridge design shall be as narrow as possible; 7 2) The bridge design shall contain oniy four through h�avel lanes; 3) The bridge design shall call for the new bridge to be conshucted on the same alignment as the existing bridge; 10 4) The bridge design shall meet, to the greatest extent possible, the design standazds proposed by the Saint 11 Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 12 5) The bridge design shall include a bike / pedestrian trail, and be it 13 FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council requests that the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation and 14 Mn/DOT give fuil consideration to a bridge desi� that follows t6e aforementioned design principals, and be it 15 FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that the Administration work with the Saint Paul legislative 16 delegation to achieve a bridge design that follows the aforementioned design principals, and be it 17 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council request that the Departments of Public Works and Planning and 18 Economic Development and the Division of Parks and Recreafion wark with Mv/BOT off3cials to achieve a bridge 19 design that follows the aforementioned design principais. OR1G{NAL Cettified by Council Secretaty � Approved by Requested by Departrnent of: � Form Approv� ity Attom „ n �!/ // .E ���7Gt BY: 6L—� 3 Approv � or for 'ssio to C uncil By: J � Adopted by Council: Date ���\-��r`�-'--}��—� crrY Counci]member Mike Hartis 6-863D OATEINRWTED r ci+�.+�� IN1�IB92 GOR ROIITIHfi ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oEn�rt�rmrcra�e �J� /a 9 No �OS"�$ a� anta�xa ❑ 41YAitOR1EY ❑ QIYCi�1t ❑ i�NMML3ERMC0➢R ❑ RIYtyN.iFR'HAai6 ❑ WYOR(ORAqSTNRI ❑ {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A resolufion declaring the City of Saint Paul's posifion on the design of the proposed Teconshuction of the I-35E Bridge over the Mississippi River. PLP.NNING COMMISSION CIB COMMI7'TEE GVIL SERVICE COMMISSfON Has this pef�rm euer xarketl under a� farthie depaM1merrt7 YES Plo Has thin PeroaMrm ever been a ertY empbyee9 YE5 NO ocesthis persoMnn v�s a sidll not no'mallvp�d M�+Y curtent utY �DbYee4 YES NO ta tlua P�soMnm a taro�etl vendoll YES NO Mn1DOT has presented five akernatives for design of the proposed reconstrucfion. Many Saint Paul residents have expressed concerns about how these alternauves would affect Crosby Lake Pazk, Crosby Lake, and the I-35E Pazkway between Highway 5 and downtown. r� .• T.R;�.� Mn1DOT will be awaze of the Ciry's posiflon. Mn/UOT will not be awaze of the City's posiflon. fOT3LL ANpUNT OF TRANSACTlON NNDIN6 SOURCE COS7/ftEVENUE BUOGETED (CIRGLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO Iwwcwt utFOw,wTwu fE1IPwe1) _. ,...��.an. NpFFMiiH j,RW IJTN 612 B?6 3SS4 02.38.1998 12sl0 UI,tY'pED BTArfg DISTRTCT COURT rTSfiRICT OF MINNESOTA THIRD ,DIVTSION �..--..-------- ...._�_.....,___ � V + _ ' a�siaF��rs ----___ *innesota nnnPROrEST - I- 35E, a STATE'OF kit!NFSOTA�bCOrpOlatiOnf PROTES.T - r-35E: kgST R�STDENT$ jN RCkII fEPERATION• fi ���NTHfFORT b Y ��£ST SEVEA'TK' STATE OF MINNESOTA St]MMZT NI�,L ��FOFT gOAD FEDERATIONJ M2A*I�ESOTA byASUMt4TT�20A�� ' gS��+� DF and. RSCHARD F, COATE£2L� ASSpCIArIpN� COATES, ROS£RT KUEHN � ����D��YN �• G�'OR�E pICRA, BLANCN� �pAL XUEHNi R�PttF, JR.. ?fICNELE fi pICKAr CKARLES �., 1400D, DSAA'E p�pOD E�x£, RAY19pND PAT$Y TUYPER� �TA�+ r R�EI21 j,, HpkARD� �%� TODORA., KARpp LEAVRLOZ�DORA� ANN CHAFI:ES H. LOCXS �� + CIADY LOLISp A. KLAS ` WZLi2AM L. KLAg� LCt;I5E kLAS ' DAAIEL A. KLRS, M,ARY F�IDER, D. SvARD F ��'DER, J£ANNg Jt�H1.FGN, DAV7D ��'HNSOi��, CHARLO2TE Q��Y� THON,OND R. OIpRZENP�FRIN Q. i Qdivf�ua23 d �� �, � ALVI�A t�. Y and on gUPp` each statr of D;ir,nesota� behalf of the f . , `'r , . . P leint2#fs, Y� £L:ZABE;g DOLE, �ecretary pt the United .=tates �epart�,ent of Tap��ikrtsiion, in her offsc,�$� 'e�eral EAR,aI?ART, Adr,,ini&tiretor, is officiaa pd �'� n �'�raticn, �� onnissioner ogFth�tY; RICfiAp,D B�AL'2;, ° gartment of TrAns Plinnesota odividually and POrt � t xon; Pac3tY: Lhe N � a its m=frrezt, indxviduai����C2L e3r offlcial c�pacitYi the Cp "`'T PAULt tnd th� 5�+. PRUL CITY �' COr:�;ISSI�N � �ts members ividU�i1 a nclty, �n their offlcial � �tfende .'..----- .������ Civ. 3-83-346 DRDER �8-�5� F. z a ��� � j f � ; , ��-i5� "! FFGM LARI:IN, NOFFMQN �QW 1TTH 632 696 3554 82.18.1996 12+11 p, 3 �. . .� The abevc-e»titled rr.atter came on beiore the undersiqned an the Joint t+otian of a�l parties ceguestinq that certaia tpecific findings of fact and concluaions of laW be.incorporatad in tbe Court's M,emorand�sm order ot February 10� 1984, that the Memorandum Order of the Court be reaffirme0 in all other zespects, thnt Lhe 6atLlsment r t,greement entered into batWeen the parties be approved, thdt th� 8ost Tc3a1 Motion af the Piaint�ffs be Oismiaee0, and that all pa�rti�c be ordereC to beaz their own costs and expenses. Upon consideretion oE tbe Joir,t Motion submitted by the parties, the Settlement Agreement entered into baiwten the parties, ar,d baaed upon all of the files, recorda, and proceQdings herein, IT IS ORPEP.ED: 1. Thnt the folloNing specifie findings of feet and eonclusion of �aw be and hereby ate incorparated in the M,emosandnm Order of the Court entered on February 10, 1964: A. The FEIS pregared an6 dpproved by the defendants makes the corrmitment tot noise abatement that trucks (commerciai vehicles over 9,00� paun8s iicensed grosa weiqh�, kith certain exceptions such es busea, maintenance, and emerqency vehic2es) wili be prahibted by Mn/DOT, with the epproval of the FHh'A, on the parkaay segment of T-35E between Svest Seveth Stzeet and I-9A. FEIS at 93. The termini of the parkway aeqment nre as de£ir,e6 its N,inn. &tat. Sc 161.117(2) an8 151.12Q5, Subd. 2(19B3J. 8. The FEIS m�kes the additionnl commitmsni for naiee abatemsnt or mitiqetion that a reducad spQeQ :imit, 45 miles an hour. �+ould be implemeated for the perkwey seqment o! f-35E between heat 6evanth Street and i-99. FEIS at 83. C• The commitments identifie8 in Paragzaphe }� and ��.have been reviewed and acaepted by all of the defendants in the EIS prozesr, as reflecCed in the Record of becSsion. The Commissfonez af the Minnesoia IIspattmerst ef TranrpoiLation, Richard Eraun, in his testimony before the Coure cpecitically acknowledged tihese tWO FBIS commitmtnts and tbe patkWay concaFt of this segment of I-35E. 2. :� � � ""'^^^ �AW 1?TM E12 846 3334 e 82.f6.1998 12:11 q �- l5� P. < �• The basic A¢riga [p= the pnrkway seqment of I-35E �� will be #our through-tceffic lenes with auxilery �; lrnes. for signfnq and weev;ng KhQ=e neede3 fzom • t�test Seventh Stceet to I-94 in the Bt. Paul Capitol . acee, E. The Court�e COnC�uaiar,�thnt the I-35E E»vizonment�2 impact statement p=eparad by Defe»dants compiies with a21 Federal and State laws ia based on all of the evidtnee r4aeived by the Court at the trial of thia matter, inciudiag the commitments end assnrancsc, end the deaSgn of tha fncility, set forth i» Paragraphs A-D above. 2 . 3. That tt�e lsemorandum�Ozder of the Court enteree February 10, 1984� be aad bereby is in all other respects rseffi=med. Tbot the £ettlesnent Agreorant enL•ered iato b�tween the parties in the form etteched as Exhibit A to the MemotenQum of the parties in suppert af this Motion be and hertby is aAProvld. • 4. Shat tha Plainkiffs' Poet Triel Motion for Amendment or Rddition of Findings and Judqment or For a Hew Tzial be end hcreby is dismiesed Hitb prejudice pur�uant to the cequest of the pasties, 5• That a12 pazties in this snetter shail bear tbeir own costs end expenses. EY Cated: ���,, /� / jrS' ff l� 3. =a�+ A• r;aqnuson United 8tates Di rict Sudge k '� t Councii File # 9� � 5� 4RlG1NAL RESOWTION Presented bv i�' � Refened To CITY OF l� Green Sheet # ��� �� 1 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Depaztment of Transportation (MnlDOT) has recently announced plans to reconstruct 2 bridge #9330, which carries Interstate 35E across the Mississippi River, and 3 WHEREAS, MnfDOT has instituted a community stakeholder involvemenY process to receive input on bridge 4 design from affected communities, and 5 WHEREAS, MnlDOT has presented five altematives to be considered for this reconstruction project, all of which 6 would widen the bridge from its current width of 67 feet to widths ranging from 81 feet to 159 feet, and 7 WHEREAS, many pazk users and other members of Che Saint Paul community have expressed concern over possible 8 adverse impacts that a wide bridge could have on Crosbq Lake Park, which lies below the bridge, and 9 WHEREAS, the fifth and most recent alternative would increase the number of thxough travel lanes on the bridge 10 from four to six, and 11 WHEREAS, residents of many Saint Paul neighborhoods have expressed concern that a six-lane bridge may 12 fac3litate the future expansion of 35E through Saint Paul to six lanes, and 13 WIIEREAS, an agreement between MnlDOT and Residents in Protest of T-35E that was formalized through a May 14 11, 1984 United States District Court ruling ordered that "the basic design for the parkway segment of I-35E wili 15 be four througj� traffic lanes with additional lanes for signing and weaving where needed from West Seventh Street 16 to I-94 in the St. Paul Capitol area," and t7 WF�REAS, three of the five alternatives would move the bridge substantially off of lts exis6ng alignment with two t 8 of them moving the bridge upstream from its curtent location, and 9 WHEREAS, many pazk users and other members of the Saint Paul community have expressed concern over adverse 0 impacts that an upstream bridge realignment would have on Crosby Lake, which lies 200 yards upstream from the existing brldge, and WHEREAS, two of the five alternatives would allow for unused pier structures from the existing bridge to remain in the river after construction of a new bridge, and � WFiEREAS, the Saint Paul community has been engaged in developing the Saint Paul on the Mississippi River Development Framework, and WI�REAS, two of the five alternatives do not contain plans for a bike I pedestrian trail, and ��-r 5� 1 WHEI2EAS, the Saint Paul community has expressed its support for the addition of a bike ! pedestrian traii to the 2 bridge, now, therefore be it 3 RESOLVEB, that the Saint Paul City Council supports a bridge design for Mn(DOT bridge #9330 that follows the 4 following principles: 1) The bridge design shall be as narrow as possible; 7 2) The bridge design shall contain oniy four through h�avel lanes; 3) The bridge design shall call for the new bridge to be conshucted on the same alignment as the existing bridge; 10 4) The bridge design shall meet, to the greatest extent possible, the design standazds proposed by the Saint 11 Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 12 5) The bridge design shall include a bike / pedestrian trail, and be it 13 FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council requests that the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation and 14 Mn/DOT give fuil consideration to a bridge desi� that follows t6e aforementioned design principals, and be it 15 FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that the Administration work with the Saint Paul legislative 16 delegation to achieve a bridge design that follows the aforementioned design principals, and be it 17 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council request that the Departments of Public Works and Planning and 18 Economic Development and the Division of Parks and Recreafion wark with Mv/BOT off3cials to achieve a bridge 19 design that follows the aforementioned design principais. OR1G{NAL Cettified by Council Secretaty � Approved by Requested by Departrnent of: � Form Approv� ity Attom „ n �!/ // .E ���7Gt BY: 6L—� 3 Approv � or for 'ssio to C uncil By: J � Adopted by Council: Date ���\-��r`�-'--}��—� crrY Counci]member Mike Hartis 6-863D OATEINRWTED r ci+�.+�� IN1�IB92 GOR ROIITIHfi ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oEn�rt�rmrcra�e �J� /a 9 No �OS"�$ a� anta�xa ❑ 41YAitOR1EY ❑ QIYCi�1t ❑ i�NMML3ERMC0➢R ❑ RIYtyN.iFR'HAai6 ❑ WYOR(ORAqSTNRI ❑ {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A resolufion declaring the City of Saint Paul's posifion on the design of the proposed Teconshuction of the I-35E Bridge over the Mississippi River. PLP.NNING COMMISSION CIB COMMI7'TEE GVIL SERVICE COMMISSfON Has this pef�rm euer xarketl under a� farthie depaM1merrt7 YES Plo Has thin PeroaMrm ever been a ertY empbyee9 YE5 NO ocesthis persoMnn v�s a sidll not no'mallvp�d M�+Y curtent utY �DbYee4 YES NO ta tlua P�soMnm a taro�etl vendoll YES NO Mn1DOT has presented five akernatives for design of the proposed reconstrucfion. Many Saint Paul residents have expressed concerns about how these alternauves would affect Crosby Lake Pazk, Crosby Lake, and the I-35E Pazkway between Highway 5 and downtown. r� .• T.R;�.� Mn1DOT will be awaze of the Ciry's posiflon. Mn/UOT will not be awaze of the City's posiflon. fOT3LL ANpUNT OF TRANSACTlON NNDIN6 SOURCE COS7/ftEVENUE BUOGETED (CIRGLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO Iwwcwt utFOw,wTwu fE1IPwe1) _. ,...��.an. NpFFMiiH j,RW IJTN 612 B?6 3SS4 02.38.1998 12sl0 UI,tY'pED BTArfg DISTRTCT COURT rTSfiRICT OF MINNESOTA THIRD ,DIVTSION �..--..-------- ...._�_.....,___ � V + _ ' a�siaF��rs ----___ *innesota nnnPROrEST - I- 35E, a STATE'OF kit!NFSOTA�bCOrpOlatiOnf PROTES.T - r-35E: kgST R�STDENT$ jN RCkII fEPERATION• fi ���NTHfFORT b Y ��£ST SEVEA'TK' STATE OF MINNESOTA St]MMZT NI�,L ��FOFT gOAD FEDERATIONJ M2A*I�ESOTA byASUMt4TT�20A�� ' gS��+� DF and. RSCHARD F, COATE£2L� ASSpCIArIpN� COATES, ROS£RT KUEHN � ����D��YN �• G�'OR�E pICRA, BLANCN� �pAL XUEHNi R�PttF, JR.. ?fICNELE fi pICKAr CKARLES �., 1400D, DSAA'E p�pOD E�x£, RAY19pND PAT$Y TUYPER� �TA�+ r R�EI21 j,, HpkARD� �%� TODORA., KARpp LEAVRLOZ�DORA� ANN CHAFI:ES H. LOCXS �� + CIADY LOLISp A. KLAS ` WZLi2AM L. KLAg� LCt;I5E kLAS ' DAAIEL A. KLRS, M,ARY F�IDER, D. SvARD F ��'DER, J£ANNg Jt�H1.FGN, DAV7D ��'HNSOi��, CHARLO2TE Q��Y� THON,OND R. OIpRZENP�FRIN Q. i Qdivf�ua23 d �� �, � ALVI�A t�. Y and on gUPp` each statr of D;ir,nesota� behalf of the f . , `'r , . . P leint2#fs, Y� £L:ZABE;g DOLE, �ecretary pt the United .=tates �epart�,ent of Tap��ikrtsiion, in her offsc,�$� 'e�eral EAR,aI?ART, Adr,,ini&tiretor, is officiaa pd �'� n �'�raticn, �� onnissioner ogFth�tY; RICfiAp,D B�AL'2;, ° gartment of TrAns Plinnesota odividually and POrt � t xon; Pac3tY: Lhe N � a its m=frrezt, indxviduai����C2L e3r offlcial c�pacitYi the Cp "`'T PAULt tnd th� 5�+. PRUL CITY �' COr:�;ISSI�N � �ts members ividU�i1 a nclty, �n their offlcial � �tfende .'..----- .������ Civ. 3-83-346 DRDER �8-�5� F. z a ��� � j f � ; , ��-i5� "! FFGM LARI:IN, NOFFMQN �QW 1TTH 632 696 3554 82.18.1996 12+11 p, 3 �. . .� The abevc-e»titled rr.atter came on beiore the undersiqned an the Joint t+otian of a�l parties ceguestinq that certaia tpecific findings of fact and concluaions of laW be.incorporatad in tbe Court's M,emorand�sm order ot February 10� 1984, that the Memorandum Order of the Court be reaffirme0 in all other zespects, thnt Lhe 6atLlsment r t,greement entered into batWeen the parties be approved, thdt th� 8ost Tc3a1 Motion af the Piaint�ffs be Oismiaee0, and that all pa�rti�c be ordereC to beaz their own costs and expenses. Upon consideretion oE tbe Joir,t Motion submitted by the parties, the Settlement Agreement entered into baiwten the parties, ar,d baaed upon all of the files, recorda, and proceQdings herein, IT IS ORPEP.ED: 1. Thnt the folloNing specifie findings of feet and eonclusion of �aw be and hereby ate incorparated in the M,emosandnm Order of the Court entered on February 10, 1964: A. The FEIS pregared an6 dpproved by the defendants makes the corrmitment tot noise abatement that trucks (commerciai vehicles over 9,00� paun8s iicensed grosa weiqh�, kith certain exceptions such es busea, maintenance, and emerqency vehic2es) wili be prahibted by Mn/DOT, with the epproval of the FHh'A, on the parkaay segment of T-35E between Svest Seveth Stzeet and I-9A. FEIS at 93. The termini of the parkway aeqment nre as de£ir,e6 its N,inn. &tat. Sc 161.117(2) an8 151.12Q5, Subd. 2(19B3J. 8. The FEIS m�kes the additionnl commitmsni for naiee abatemsnt or mitiqetion that a reducad spQeQ :imit, 45 miles an hour. �+ould be implemeated for the perkwey seqment o! f-35E between heat 6evanth Street and i-99. FEIS at 83. C• The commitments identifie8 in Paragzaphe }� and ��.have been reviewed and acaepted by all of the defendants in the EIS prozesr, as reflecCed in the Record of becSsion. The Commissfonez af the Minnesoia IIspattmerst ef TranrpoiLation, Richard Eraun, in his testimony before the Coure cpecitically acknowledged tihese tWO FBIS commitmtnts and tbe patkWay concaFt of this segment of I-35E. 2. :� � � ""'^^^ �AW 1?TM E12 846 3334 e 82.f6.1998 12:11 q �- l5� P. < �• The basic A¢riga [p= the pnrkway seqment of I-35E �� will be #our through-tceffic lenes with auxilery �; lrnes. for signfnq and weev;ng KhQ=e neede3 fzom • t�test Seventh Stceet to I-94 in the Bt. Paul Capitol . acee, E. The Court�e COnC�uaiar,�thnt the I-35E E»vizonment�2 impact statement p=eparad by Defe»dants compiies with a21 Federal and State laws ia based on all of the evidtnee r4aeived by the Court at the trial of thia matter, inciudiag the commitments end assnrancsc, end the deaSgn of tha fncility, set forth i» Paragraphs A-D above. 2 . 3. That tt�e lsemorandum�Ozder of the Court enteree February 10, 1984� be aad bereby is in all other respects rseffi=med. Tbot the £ettlesnent Agreorant enL•ered iato b�tween the parties in the form etteched as Exhibit A to the MemotenQum of the parties in suppert af this Motion be and hertby is aAProvld. • 4. Shat tha Plainkiffs' Poet Triel Motion for Amendment or Rddition of Findings and Judqment or For a Hew Tzial be end hcreby is dismiesed Hitb prejudice pur�uant to the cequest of the pasties, 5• That a12 pazties in this snetter shail bear tbeir own costs end expenses. EY Cated: ���,, /� / jrS' ff l� 3. =a�+ A• r;aqnuson United 8tates Di rict Sudge k '� t Councii File # 9� � 5� 4RlG1NAL RESOWTION Presented bv i�' � Refened To CITY OF l� Green Sheet # ��� �� 1 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Depaztment of Transportation (MnlDOT) has recently announced plans to reconstruct 2 bridge #9330, which carries Interstate 35E across the Mississippi River, and 3 WHEREAS, MnfDOT has instituted a community stakeholder involvemenY process to receive input on bridge 4 design from affected communities, and 5 WHEREAS, MnlDOT has presented five altematives to be considered for this reconstruction project, all of which 6 would widen the bridge from its current width of 67 feet to widths ranging from 81 feet to 159 feet, and 7 WHEREAS, many pazk users and other members of Che Saint Paul community have expressed concern over possible 8 adverse impacts that a wide bridge could have on Crosbq Lake Park, which lies below the bridge, and 9 WHEREAS, the fifth and most recent alternative would increase the number of thxough travel lanes on the bridge 10 from four to six, and 11 WHEREAS, residents of many Saint Paul neighborhoods have expressed concern that a six-lane bridge may 12 fac3litate the future expansion of 35E through Saint Paul to six lanes, and 13 WIIEREAS, an agreement between MnlDOT and Residents in Protest of T-35E that was formalized through a May 14 11, 1984 United States District Court ruling ordered that "the basic design for the parkway segment of I-35E wili 15 be four througj� traffic lanes with additional lanes for signing and weaving where needed from West Seventh Street 16 to I-94 in the St. Paul Capitol area," and t7 WF�REAS, three of the five alternatives would move the bridge substantially off of lts exis6ng alignment with two t 8 of them moving the bridge upstream from its curtent location, and 9 WHEREAS, many pazk users and other members of the Saint Paul community have expressed concern over adverse 0 impacts that an upstream bridge realignment would have on Crosby Lake, which lies 200 yards upstream from the existing brldge, and WHEREAS, two of the five alternatives would allow for unused pier structures from the existing bridge to remain in the river after construction of a new bridge, and � WFiEREAS, the Saint Paul community has been engaged in developing the Saint Paul on the Mississippi River Development Framework, and WI�REAS, two of the five alternatives do not contain plans for a bike I pedestrian trail, and ��-r 5� 1 WHEI2EAS, the Saint Paul community has expressed its support for the addition of a bike ! pedestrian traii to the 2 bridge, now, therefore be it 3 RESOLVEB, that the Saint Paul City Council supports a bridge design for Mn(DOT bridge #9330 that follows the 4 following principles: 1) The bridge design shall be as narrow as possible; 7 2) The bridge design shall contain oniy four through h�avel lanes; 3) The bridge design shall call for the new bridge to be conshucted on the same alignment as the existing bridge; 10 4) The bridge design shall meet, to the greatest extent possible, the design standazds proposed by the Saint 11 Paul on the Mississippi Development Framework; and 12 5) The bridge design shall include a bike / pedestrian trail, and be it 13 FiJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council requests that the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation and 14 Mn/DOT give fuil consideration to a bridge desi� that follows t6e aforementioned design principals, and be it 15 FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that the Administration work with the Saint Paul legislative 16 delegation to achieve a bridge design that follows the aforementioned design principals, and be it 17 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Council request that the Departments of Public Works and Planning and 18 Economic Development and the Division of Parks and Recreafion wark with Mv/BOT off3cials to achieve a bridge 19 design that follows the aforementioned design principais. OR1G{NAL Cettified by Council Secretaty � Approved by Requested by Departrnent of: � Form Approv� ity Attom „ n �!/ // .E ���7Gt BY: 6L—� 3 Approv � or for 'ssio to C uncil By: J � Adopted by Council: Date ���\-��r`�-'--}��—� crrY Counci]member Mike Hartis 6-863D OATEINRWTED r ci+�.+�� IN1�IB92 GOR ROIITIHfi ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oEn�rt�rmrcra�e �J� /a 9 No �OS"�$ a� anta�xa ❑ 41YAitOR1EY ❑ QIYCi�1t ❑ i�NMML3ERMC0➢R ❑ RIYtyN.iFR'HAai6 ❑ WYOR(ORAqSTNRI ❑ {CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A resolufion declaring the City of Saint Paul's posifion on the design of the proposed Teconshuction of the I-35E Bridge over the Mississippi River. PLP.NNING COMMISSION CIB COMMI7'TEE GVIL SERVICE COMMISSfON Has this pef�rm euer xarketl under a� farthie depaM1merrt7 YES Plo Has thin PeroaMrm ever been a ertY empbyee9 YE5 NO ocesthis persoMnn v�s a sidll not no'mallvp�d M�+Y curtent utY �DbYee4 YES NO ta tlua P�soMnm a taro�etl vendoll YES NO Mn1DOT has presented five akernatives for design of the proposed reconstrucfion. Many Saint Paul residents have expressed concerns about how these alternauves would affect Crosby Lake Pazk, Crosby Lake, and the I-35E Pazkway between Highway 5 and downtown. r� .• T.R;�.� Mn1DOT will be awaze of the Ciry's posiflon. Mn/UOT will not be awaze of the City's posiflon. fOT3LL ANpUNT OF TRANSACTlON NNDIN6 SOURCE COS7/ftEVENUE BUOGETED (CIRGLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO Iwwcwt utFOw,wTwu fE1IPwe1) _. ,...��.an. NpFFMiiH j,RW IJTN 612 B?6 3SS4 02.38.1998 12sl0 UI,tY'pED BTArfg DISTRTCT COURT rTSfiRICT OF MINNESOTA THIRD ,DIVTSION �..--..-------- ...._�_.....,___ � V + _ ' a�siaF��rs ----___ *innesota nnnPROrEST - I- 35E, a STATE'OF kit!NFSOTA�bCOrpOlatiOnf PROTES.T - r-35E: kgST R�STDENT$ jN RCkII fEPERATION• fi ���NTHfFORT b Y ��£ST SEVEA'TK' STATE OF MINNESOTA St]MMZT NI�,L ��FOFT gOAD FEDERATIONJ M2A*I�ESOTA byASUMt4TT�20A�� ' gS��+� DF and. RSCHARD F, COATE£2L� ASSpCIArIpN� COATES, ROS£RT KUEHN � ����D��YN �• G�'OR�E pICRA, BLANCN� �pAL XUEHNi R�PttF, JR.. ?fICNELE fi pICKAr CKARLES �., 1400D, DSAA'E p�pOD E�x£, RAY19pND PAT$Y TUYPER� �TA�+ r R�EI21 j,, HpkARD� �%� TODORA., KARpp LEAVRLOZ�DORA� ANN CHAFI:ES H. LOCXS �� + CIADY LOLISp A. KLAS ` WZLi2AM L. KLAg� LCt;I5E kLAS ' DAAIEL A. KLRS, M,ARY F�IDER, D. SvARD F ��'DER, J£ANNg Jt�H1.FGN, DAV7D ��'HNSOi��, CHARLO2TE Q��Y� THON,OND R. OIpRZENP�FRIN Q. i Qdivf�ua23 d �� �, � ALVI�A t�. Y and on gUPp` each statr of D;ir,nesota� behalf of the f . , `'r , . . P leint2#fs, Y� £L:ZABE;g DOLE, �ecretary pt the United .=tates �epart�,ent of Tap��ikrtsiion, in her offsc,�$� 'e�eral EAR,aI?ART, Adr,,ini&tiretor, is officiaa pd �'� n �'�raticn, �� onnissioner ogFth�tY; RICfiAp,D B�AL'2;, ° gartment of TrAns Plinnesota odividually and POrt � t xon; Pac3tY: Lhe N � a its m=frrezt, indxviduai����C2L e3r offlcial c�pacitYi the Cp "`'T PAULt tnd th� 5�+. PRUL CITY �' COr:�;ISSI�N � �ts members ividU�i1 a nclty, �n their offlcial � �tfende .'..----- .������ Civ. 3-83-346 DRDER �8-�5� F. z a ��� � j f � ; , ��-i5� "! FFGM LARI:IN, NOFFMQN �QW 1TTH 632 696 3554 82.18.1996 12+11 p, 3 �. . .� The abevc-e»titled rr.atter came on beiore the undersiqned an the Joint t+otian of a�l parties ceguestinq that certaia tpecific findings of fact and concluaions of laW be.incorporatad in tbe Court's M,emorand�sm order ot February 10� 1984, that the Memorandum Order of the Court be reaffirme0 in all other zespects, thnt Lhe 6atLlsment r t,greement entered into batWeen the parties be approved, thdt th� 8ost Tc3a1 Motion af the Piaint�ffs be Oismiaee0, and that all pa�rti�c be ordereC to beaz their own costs and expenses. Upon consideretion oE tbe Joir,t Motion submitted by the parties, the Settlement Agreement entered into baiwten the parties, ar,d baaed upon all of the files, recorda, and proceQdings herein, IT IS ORPEP.ED: 1. Thnt the folloNing specifie findings of feet and eonclusion of �aw be and hereby ate incorparated in the M,emosandnm Order of the Court entered on February 10, 1964: A. The FEIS pregared an6 dpproved by the defendants makes the corrmitment tot noise abatement that trucks (commerciai vehicles over 9,00� paun8s iicensed grosa weiqh�, kith certain exceptions such es busea, maintenance, and emerqency vehic2es) wili be prahibted by Mn/DOT, with the epproval of the FHh'A, on the parkaay segment of T-35E between Svest Seveth Stzeet and I-9A. FEIS at 93. The termini of the parkway aeqment nre as de£ir,e6 its N,inn. &tat. Sc 161.117(2) an8 151.12Q5, Subd. 2(19B3J. 8. The FEIS m�kes the additionnl commitmsni for naiee abatemsnt or mitiqetion that a reducad spQeQ :imit, 45 miles an hour. �+ould be implemeated for the perkwey seqment o! f-35E between heat 6evanth Street and i-99. FEIS at 83. C• The commitments identifie8 in Paragzaphe }� and ��.have been reviewed and acaepted by all of the defendants in the EIS prozesr, as reflecCed in the Record of becSsion. The Commissfonez af the Minnesoia IIspattmerst ef TranrpoiLation, Richard Eraun, in his testimony before the Coure cpecitically acknowledged tihese tWO FBIS commitmtnts and tbe patkWay concaFt of this segment of I-35E. 2. :� � � ""'^^^ �AW 1?TM E12 846 3334 e 82.f6.1998 12:11 q �- l5� P. < �• The basic A¢riga [p= the pnrkway seqment of I-35E �� will be #our through-tceffic lenes with auxilery �; lrnes. for signfnq and weev;ng KhQ=e neede3 fzom • t�test Seventh Stceet to I-94 in the Bt. Paul Capitol . acee, E. The Court�e COnC�uaiar,�thnt the I-35E E»vizonment�2 impact statement p=eparad by Defe»dants compiies with a21 Federal and State laws ia based on all of the evidtnee r4aeived by the Court at the trial of thia matter, inciudiag the commitments end assnrancsc, end the deaSgn of tha fncility, set forth i» Paragraphs A-D above. 2 . 3. That tt�e lsemorandum�Ozder of the Court enteree February 10, 1984� be aad bereby is in all other respects rseffi=med. Tbot the £ettlesnent Agreorant enL•ered iato b�tween the parties in the form etteched as Exhibit A to the MemotenQum of the parties in suppert af this Motion be and hertby is aAProvld. • 4. Shat tha Plainkiffs' Poet Triel Motion for Amendment or Rddition of Findings and Judqment or For a Hew Tzial be end hcreby is dismiesed Hitb prejudice pur�uant to the cequest of the pasties, 5• That a12 pazties in this snetter shail bear tbeir own costs end expenses. EY Cated: ���,, /� / jrS' ff l� 3. =a�+ A• r;aqnuson United 8tates Di rict Sudge k '� t