D00631• � CITY OF SAII�T PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: �a Date: ' L — `'� GS �: 26054 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Direc[or of the Department of Public Works to amend the 19 95 budget of the Street Repair and Cleanin� fund, ihe Direc[or of the Departmerrt of Finance and Management Services is auihorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Curtent �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 II 12 13 • 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 - 42331 - Ol l i - 42331 - 0439 - 42332 - 0111 - 42332 - 0439 - 42333 - 011i - 42333 - 0439 - 42336 - 011l - 42336 - 0439 - 42337 - O171 - 42337 - 0439 - 42338 - 0111 - 42338 - 0439 - 42XXX- OXXX Full Time Pamanen[ Fringe Benefits Full Time Permane�C Fringe Benefits Full Time Pe=manent Fringe Benefits Full Time Pexmanent Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanen[ Fringe Eenefits Full T'une Permanent Fringe Benefits Ail other spending Totals $389,536.00 �106,734.00 $165,718.00 $45,255.00 �142,929.00 y�39,294.00 $82,036.00 $22,731.00 $158,763.00 $43,662.00 $180,565.00 $47,981.00 $13,699,294.00 $15,124,498.00 ���� ��,�� P�rad by. AGtiv� Manager ��+.t t ��---- Requesed by�eat0uector Nner�ed q� &idget ($40,000.00) $349,536.00 ($10,400.00) $96,334.00 ($30,000.00) $135,718.00 ($7,800.00) �37,455.00 ($60,000.00) 582,929.00 ($15,600.00) $23,694.00 ($15,000.00) $67,036.00 ($3,900.00) $18,831.00 ($55,000.00) $103,763.00 ($14,300.00) $29,362.00 $200,000.00 �380,565.00 $52,000.00 $99,951.00 $0.00 $13,699,294.00 $0.00 $15,124,498.00 pCPmve By naror �a 1 V�T� $ ^ 0�2 -�l' S' �W _ . __ DEF'AR M NT/OFFICE/CAUNCIL DATE INITIATED Pub�i��vo=� 6/14/95 GREEN SHEET ����,o.2sosa CANTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE MITIAt/DATE— PAATh7ENT D1REC70R � � � qlY CAUNCIL GazyL.Erichson 266•6229 ��� �cmrnnoaNer � cmaEaK MUSTBEONCqUNCILAGENOABY(OATE) RWq1iG ❑ BUDGETDIREC70R � FINANCE�ACfOUNT� (]n � !. f1 � �MA!'OR(ORASSIST ❑1 pctiiilyManager Wt lU �� TAL#OFSIGNATUREPAGES � (CLIPALLLOCA710ti4FORSIGNANR� ODFPM7MEMACWU 2i � ACTI�N REQUESTED Approve Administxauve Order adjusting the bndgets of activities 42331,42332,42333,42336,42337 and 42338 Street Repair and Cleaning Administration in the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund 225. ftECOMMFNDATIONSA�xwepy a fiejact (q) PERSONAI SERVICE COMIiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING WESTIONS: _PIANNk3GCOMMISSION_CN0.SERVICECAMIAISSION � HasthisperwNfirmeverworkedunderamntractiorthisdepartment? CiscoMMR't6E � YES NO A STAFF 2. Has 7hi5 pewoNfirm eVef been a diy employee? — — YES NO _ DiSTRiCT COUNCIL _ 3. Does ihis rson/firtn possess a skill not normal � pe ly possessed by any curtent ciry employee. SUPPOp7SWHICHCAUNCIIO&IECiNE? YES NO Expfain all yes answers on saparate sheat and attaeh to green sheet WITI0.TING PROBLEM, ISSUE. �PPORTUNIZY (Wkl�, WNAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�: The activiry 42338 Winter Sireet Maintenance required administrative orders at various times d�ing the year to correct spending deSciencies in salaries and fringe benefits. Three A.Os were prepared. It was suggested thaz these be combined inw one document. This was done. At some point one of the first A.O.s was passed tiuough the system and the budget was adjusted but not for the needed amounts. This administrative order will adjust the budget to what was intended, not adjust the budget further. ADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: Budgeis will be adjusted. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAOVANTAGES IF N07 APPROVED: RECEIVED AUG 2 � 1995 CITY CLERK � V" TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N S -0- COST/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIPCLE ONE) YES No DINGSOUpCE AC7IVRYNUMBER 42331,42332„42333,42336,42337 FINANCIA� INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) d1n�