98-157ORIGINAL � �... f'�3-t�itSSC.'. Council File # q� � � Green Sheet # 5220� Committee Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the 2 Rate of Pay for the "Benefits SpecialisY' position. 3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification entitled `Benefits Specialist" shall 4 be established at Grade 33C of the Salary Index for the Classified Confidential (Cierical) Bargaining Unit, 5 Bargairring Unit 81, and be it 6 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 7 following passage and approval. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey ✓ Bos4om f Coleman ,�- Hazris ,� Lantry � Reiter � RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � by Departrnent of: Office of Human Resources By: � v� � �ry7►�Yg� fbrm Approve�Att� �-�/ c By: Adopted by Council: Date `� �T� � � ��- �� DEPARTMENT/OPF7CFICOUNCII,: DA � ��$ GREEN SHEET No.: 5220� Human Resources WNTACf PERSON & PHONE: �Q� � q �7'nn7/nnTE 7Nmn7/nnTE Mark Robertso 266-6471 """ �' ASSIGN 1_DEPARTMENT D � 30 5_ CITY CAUNCIL Michael F. Foley, 266-6484 �� rnm�sR 2_CITY ATTORNEY 6_ crrr c��c FOR 3_ BUDGET DII2. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D MUST BE ON COUtiCII, AGENDA BY (DATL� ROU'I'ITiG 4_MAYOR (OR ASST_) CNII, SERVICE COMIvIISSI ORDER TOrI"AL M OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) nrrcoN �vssrEn: Approve the salasy rate for the proposed new positian enritled "Benefits SpecialisY'. RECOMMENDAISONS:Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONAI.SERVICECONTRACTSMUS7ANSWERTFIEFOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Hu Uils person/fvm ever wotked under a contrazY for tttis deparvnent? �CIB COMMTII'EE Yes No _STAF'F _ 2. Hasthis persoNSrtn evet been a city employee? DISTRICT COURT Yes No SWPORTSWHiCHCOUNCILOB7ECTIVE? 3. DoesUuspersodfumpossessaskillnrnnmmailypossessedbyasycurtemrity employee? Ya No E:plain a� yes answers on separete sheet and atfach to green aheet INTTIATING PROBLEM� 1SSIlE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq What, When, Where, wny>: The work of the benefits section, pRR Of i�1C R1S�C Management Division, has become increasingly complex over the past few years. The comple�city is due to fr��uent changes in federal ]aw, changes in the provider, and the need to coordinate the benefits contract with labor contracts. As a result this position has had to assume increased responsibility and take actions more independently than in the past. nnv,vvTncss iF nrrxovEn: Approval will ensure that the position is propedy compensated for the work performed. nisnnvnNTnces � nrrxovEn: None known except for a slight increase in salary costs. visnvvnxTncES iF xor arrxovEn: The position will have to be restructured and the duties spread out which wiil seriously hinder the efficiency of the section and its ability to provide information to employees. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ 4,200 8ililll3l�y COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes � e c.s�sk=..` 3^:fi_i��a? ;�"' :,; ;�2+, � FIJNDING SOURCE: 001 General Fund ACTIVI7'Y Ni3MBER: 01370 FINANCLILINFORMATION:(EXPLAIl� ��� � � ��� : � . _.,,,, -�, �����{�D - . . .-. �� EES 18 1998 ��`� v � rv�� F.wsEastEnnia�cuss�r�s�o�cas�tueRm.wao � � --- ---.-.. ... . . _ _ . --. r. _- �-, 8 �1RYOR'S OFFI�E ' � � � _ _ � --�'�-:`� �,' CODE: 402A BU: 81 EFFECTIVE: ��—��� PRQPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BENEFITS SFECIALIST DESCRZPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical and parapro£essional work in bene£its administration and performs related duties as required. Suvervision Received; Works under moderate supervision of a senior technician, professional, or manager. Supervision Exercised: Acts as pxoject leader as appropriate. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Provides employees and retirees with detailed explanation of bene£its and assists them in completing the necessary forms to enroll or make changes. Determines if requests £or enrollment or changes meet legal requirements. Informs employees and retirees of eligible and aliowahle expenses, and assists them with changes, corrrections, and appeals. Resolves complex issues, usually without consultation with a supervisor. Acts as liaison between employees and third party administrator to ensure proper claim service and proper payment. Assists in implementing changes and coordinating compliance with State and Federally mandated legislation and communicates these changes to employees as appropriate. Audits various billings for accuracy, researches and reconcilas errors, and forwards for payment. Reviews labor contracts, etc. and advises of developments which might impact the benefits programs, costs, eligibility, etc. based on experience at the operational level. Reviews reports and records from the City, provider, insurer, and third party administrator. Researches and reconciles any discrepancies. Processes death and disability claims. Coordinates open enrollment periods including review and verification of (continued on reverse side) BENEFITS SPECIALIST Page 2��f—\�, PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BENEFITS SPECIALZST plan materials, ensuring adequate noti£ication and scheduling o£ employees, • providers, and others; and arranges facilities. Informs employees of benefits that are available at new employee orientation programs and inperson. Provides statistical data and trend analysis as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AEILITIES AND COMPETENCZES Working knowledge of the principles and practices of bene£its administration. Working knowledge of the laws governing data privacy. Some knowledge o£ computer based human resource information systems. Some knowledge of the use of standard software packages amd the generation of standardized computer reports. Considerable ability to explain various benefits information to City employees, retirees, and dependent. Considerable ability to make arithmetic calculations with speed and accuracy. Considezable ability to determine priorities, plan, organize, and carry out work programs. Working ability to interpret law related to benefits. Working ability to communicate ef£ectively, both orally and in writing. Working ability to perform research, prepare reports, and maintain records. Working ability to review and understand labor contracts and to understand the relationship between these contracts and the benefit plans. Working ability to advise management on the possihle impact of changes in the labor contxacts on the benefit costs and service levels, drawin$ £rom experience at the operational level. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years experience in benefits administration involving coordination and explanation of benefit programs, procedures, and eligibility criteria; some interpretation of £ederal and state laws, and labor contracts; and some experience with human resources and/or benefits software packages. (One year of directly relevant college coursework may be substituted for ane year of experience; no substitution for three years of the above experience.) BENEFITS SPECIALIST c t�-�S - � Summary of Study for Benefits Specialist 7anuary 23, 1998 Background The Risk unit has been reorganized and has experienced a major shift in staff with more experienced peopie moving to other work units. This has meant that those remaining in the unit have had to assume some of the responsibiliries of those who have left. Even though some new "professionals" have been hired these have had to receive some training from those who have experience. Due to increasing workload the positions have not lost all of those responsibiliries even as staff has been replaced. Studv Methodalogy Interview Risk mana$ement officials. Prepare class specification. Compare to existing class specifications. Compare to existing positions. QES evaluation and analysis. Comt�arison to Class Snecifications The duties being perfottned by the position in question were compared to the class specifications for Clerk IV, Building Permit Clerk, Accounting Clerk T and II, Citizen Service Analyst and Citizen Service senior Analyst, Zoning Aide, Management Assistant I and II, Senior Customer Service Representative, Human Resources Technician III, and Auman Resources records Clerk. None of the class specifications adequately described the responsibilities assigned to the positio» in question. Comparison to Existing Positionc The duties being performed by the position in question were campared to studies done on positions in the classificatians listed above. It was found that none of the positions were assigned duties that were similar to those being performed by the position in question. Q E S Evaluation and An�sis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocarion to grade 33 in the Classified Confidentia] (Clericai) Bargaining Unit (Bargaining Unit 81). �`s-�5`l Recommendation It is recommended that a new ciass entitled "Benefits Speclalist" be established and that it be compensated as described above. (Proposed class spec attached.) Study Prepared by: Michael F. Foley �j' �"1' Office ofHuman Resources Date: 7anuary 23, 1998 Of�ce of Human Resources Management Approval: � r Bate: ���— ��� Pay far the Proposed Title of Bene�ts Technician (Note: These duties have gradually been assigned to one person and that individual is actually perfomvng as described in the class spec. These are the estimated costs. We are using the "5 Yea�' step [which is the "G' or "7" step for cost comparison] which is our standard way of comparing costs.) Current Pay Rate: Class. Conf. Cler. ($1) Grade 29C Step 6 $ 1334.98 Proposed Pay Rate: Class. Conf: Cler. (81) Grade 33C Step 6 $ 1489.86 Difference: $ 154.88 per bi-week $ 4,200 per year C1TY OF SAINf FAUL Norm Cokman, Mayor January 23, 1998 Classified Confidentiai Eric Willems, President City Hall, Room 240 Saint Paui. MN 55102 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Benefits Specialist OFFfCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES lohn Hami4on, Directo� 400 GFry Ha1[ Atute.t Telephnne: 25 West Fowih SYreet 7DDlITY.' Saint Paul, Minnesam SS102-Z631 JobGne: Facsiraile: �� �S 612-266-6500 612-266-6501 612-?666502 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification ofBenefits Specialist should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Benefits Specialist, in Grade 33 ofthe sa(ary index ofthe Classified Confidential Bargaining Unit (unit 81). Thank you. � ����� Mi hae� I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating t4ris title and class specification. �—Z� -'�� Date a' �l�—\S� OEFiCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamil(on, Dire<tor C�Y �F S�r PA� 400 Gry Ha11 Annu Telephane: 612-266G500 Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 Wes Fourth Street 7DDI77Y: 612-266-6501 S¢int P¢u[, Miru�esoza 55102-l63! Jobline: 612-2666502 Facsimik: 6I2-292-7656 TO: Peter Hames, Director Department of Technology and Management Services FROM: Michael Foley y i� ' 'l ,��� DATE_ January 23, 1998 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Benefits Specialist It has been determined that the title and class specification ofBenefits Specialist should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. lf I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Benefits .,.. Specialist in Grade 33 of the saiary index of the Classified Confidential Clerical [�it ��' 3--a (Bargaining Unit 81). x�-r�a � ��r*t z �-7,`•„ iv m:x •- -.� c" q. . p CT,:": �Z' .y� `� �] C.: i*1r � � I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �iG� d��Z�y � 2 S `j�" Name ate cc: Ron Guilfoile ORIGINAL � �... f'�3-t�itSSC.'. Council File # q� � � Green Sheet # 5220� Committee Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the 2 Rate of Pay for the "Benefits SpecialisY' position. 3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification entitled `Benefits Specialist" shall 4 be established at Grade 33C of the Salary Index for the Classified Confidential (Cierical) Bargaining Unit, 5 Bargairring Unit 81, and be it 6 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 7 following passage and approval. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey ✓ Bos4om f Coleman ,�- Hazris ,� Lantry � Reiter � RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � by Departrnent of: Office of Human Resources By: � v� � �ry7►�Yg� fbrm Approve�Att� �-�/ c By: Adopted by Council: Date `� �T� � � ��- �� DEPARTMENT/OPF7CFICOUNCII,: DA � ��$ GREEN SHEET No.: 5220� Human Resources WNTACf PERSON & PHONE: �Q� � q �7'nn7/nnTE 7Nmn7/nnTE Mark Robertso 266-6471 """ �' ASSIGN 1_DEPARTMENT D � 30 5_ CITY CAUNCIL Michael F. Foley, 266-6484 �� rnm�sR 2_CITY ATTORNEY 6_ crrr c��c FOR 3_ BUDGET DII2. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D MUST BE ON COUtiCII, AGENDA BY (DATL� ROU'I'ITiG 4_MAYOR (OR ASST_) CNII, SERVICE COMIvIISSI ORDER TOrI"AL M OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) nrrcoN �vssrEn: Approve the salasy rate for the proposed new positian enritled "Benefits SpecialisY'. RECOMMENDAISONS:Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONAI.SERVICECONTRACTSMUS7ANSWERTFIEFOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Hu Uils person/fvm ever wotked under a contrazY for tttis deparvnent? �CIB COMMTII'EE Yes No _STAF'F _ 2. Hasthis persoNSrtn evet been a city employee? DISTRICT COURT Yes No SWPORTSWHiCHCOUNCILOB7ECTIVE? 3. DoesUuspersodfumpossessaskillnrnnmmailypossessedbyasycurtemrity employee? Ya No E:plain a� yes answers on separete sheet and atfach to green aheet INTTIATING PROBLEM� 1SSIlE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq What, When, Where, wny>: The work of the benefits section, pRR Of i�1C R1S�C Management Division, has become increasingly complex over the past few years. The comple�city is due to fr��uent changes in federal ]aw, changes in the provider, and the need to coordinate the benefits contract with labor contracts. As a result this position has had to assume increased responsibility and take actions more independently than in the past. nnv,vvTncss iF nrrxovEn: Approval will ensure that the position is propedy compensated for the work performed. nisnnvnNTnces � nrrxovEn: None known except for a slight increase in salary costs. visnvvnxTncES iF xor arrxovEn: The position will have to be restructured and the duties spread out which wiil seriously hinder the efficiency of the section and its ability to provide information to employees. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ 4,200 8ililll3l�y COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes � e c.s�sk=..` 3^:fi_i��a? ;�"' :,; ;�2+, � FIJNDING SOURCE: 001 General Fund ACTIVI7'Y Ni3MBER: 01370 FINANCLILINFORMATION:(EXPLAIl� ��� � � ��� : � . _.,,,, -�, �����{�D - . . .-. �� EES 18 1998 ��`� v � rv�� F.wsEastEnnia�cuss�r�s�o�cas�tueRm.wao � � --- ---.-.. ... . . _ _ . --. r. _- �-, 8 �1RYOR'S OFFI�E ' � � � _ _ � --�'�-:`� �,' CODE: 402A BU: 81 EFFECTIVE: ��—��� PRQPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BENEFITS SFECIALIST DESCRZPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical and parapro£essional work in bene£its administration and performs related duties as required. Suvervision Received; Works under moderate supervision of a senior technician, professional, or manager. Supervision Exercised: Acts as pxoject leader as appropriate. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Provides employees and retirees with detailed explanation of bene£its and assists them in completing the necessary forms to enroll or make changes. Determines if requests £or enrollment or changes meet legal requirements. Informs employees and retirees of eligible and aliowahle expenses, and assists them with changes, corrrections, and appeals. Resolves complex issues, usually without consultation with a supervisor. Acts as liaison between employees and third party administrator to ensure proper claim service and proper payment. Assists in implementing changes and coordinating compliance with State and Federally mandated legislation and communicates these changes to employees as appropriate. Audits various billings for accuracy, researches and reconcilas errors, and forwards for payment. Reviews labor contracts, etc. and advises of developments which might impact the benefits programs, costs, eligibility, etc. based on experience at the operational level. Reviews reports and records from the City, provider, insurer, and third party administrator. Researches and reconciles any discrepancies. Processes death and disability claims. Coordinates open enrollment periods including review and verification of (continued on reverse side) BENEFITS SPECIALIST Page 2��f—\�, PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BENEFITS SPECIALZST plan materials, ensuring adequate noti£ication and scheduling o£ employees, • providers, and others; and arranges facilities. Informs employees of benefits that are available at new employee orientation programs and inperson. Provides statistical data and trend analysis as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AEILITIES AND COMPETENCZES Working knowledge of the principles and practices of bene£its administration. Working knowledge of the laws governing data privacy. Some knowledge o£ computer based human resource information systems. Some knowledge of the use of standard software packages amd the generation of standardized computer reports. Considerable ability to explain various benefits information to City employees, retirees, and dependent. Considerable ability to make arithmetic calculations with speed and accuracy. Considezable ability to determine priorities, plan, organize, and carry out work programs. Working ability to interpret law related to benefits. Working ability to communicate ef£ectively, both orally and in writing. Working ability to perform research, prepare reports, and maintain records. Working ability to review and understand labor contracts and to understand the relationship between these contracts and the benefit plans. Working ability to advise management on the possihle impact of changes in the labor contxacts on the benefit costs and service levels, drawin$ £rom experience at the operational level. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years experience in benefits administration involving coordination and explanation of benefit programs, procedures, and eligibility criteria; some interpretation of £ederal and state laws, and labor contracts; and some experience with human resources and/or benefits software packages. (One year of directly relevant college coursework may be substituted for ane year of experience; no substitution for three years of the above experience.) BENEFITS SPECIALIST c t�-�S - � Summary of Study for Benefits Specialist 7anuary 23, 1998 Background The Risk unit has been reorganized and has experienced a major shift in staff with more experienced peopie moving to other work units. This has meant that those remaining in the unit have had to assume some of the responsibiliries of those who have left. Even though some new "professionals" have been hired these have had to receive some training from those who have experience. Due to increasing workload the positions have not lost all of those responsibiliries even as staff has been replaced. Studv Methodalogy Interview Risk mana$ement officials. Prepare class specification. Compare to existing class specifications. Compare to existing positions. QES evaluation and analysis. Comt�arison to Class Snecifications The duties being perfottned by the position in question were compared to the class specifications for Clerk IV, Building Permit Clerk, Accounting Clerk T and II, Citizen Service Analyst and Citizen Service senior Analyst, Zoning Aide, Management Assistant I and II, Senior Customer Service Representative, Human Resources Technician III, and Auman Resources records Clerk. None of the class specifications adequately described the responsibilities assigned to the positio» in question. Comparison to Existing Positionc The duties being performed by the position in question were campared to studies done on positions in the classificatians listed above. It was found that none of the positions were assigned duties that were similar to those being performed by the position in question. Q E S Evaluation and An�sis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocarion to grade 33 in the Classified Confidentia] (Clericai) Bargaining Unit (Bargaining Unit 81). �`s-�5`l Recommendation It is recommended that a new ciass entitled "Benefits Speclalist" be established and that it be compensated as described above. (Proposed class spec attached.) Study Prepared by: Michael F. Foley �j' �"1' Office ofHuman Resources Date: 7anuary 23, 1998 Of�ce of Human Resources Management Approval: � r Bate: ���— ��� Pay far the Proposed Title of Bene�ts Technician (Note: These duties have gradually been assigned to one person and that individual is actually perfomvng as described in the class spec. These are the estimated costs. We are using the "5 Yea�' step [which is the "G' or "7" step for cost comparison] which is our standard way of comparing costs.) Current Pay Rate: Class. Conf. Cler. ($1) Grade 29C Step 6 $ 1334.98 Proposed Pay Rate: Class. Conf: Cler. (81) Grade 33C Step 6 $ 1489.86 Difference: $ 154.88 per bi-week $ 4,200 per year C1TY OF SAINf FAUL Norm Cokman, Mayor January 23, 1998 Classified Confidentiai Eric Willems, President City Hall, Room 240 Saint Paui. MN 55102 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Benefits Specialist OFFfCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES lohn Hami4on, Directo� 400 GFry Ha1[ Atute.t Telephnne: 25 West Fowih SYreet 7DDlITY.' Saint Paul, Minnesam SS102-Z631 JobGne: Facsiraile: �� �S 612-266-6500 612-266-6501 612-?666502 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification ofBenefits Specialist should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Benefits Specialist, in Grade 33 ofthe sa(ary index ofthe Classified Confidential Bargaining Unit (unit 81). Thank you. � ����� Mi hae� I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating t4ris title and class specification. �—Z� -'�� Date a' �l�—\S� OEFiCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamil(on, Dire<tor C�Y �F S�r PA� 400 Gry Ha11 Annu Telephane: 612-266G500 Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 Wes Fourth Street 7DDI77Y: 612-266-6501 S¢int P¢u[, Miru�esoza 55102-l63! Jobline: 612-2666502 Facsimik: 6I2-292-7656 TO: Peter Hames, Director Department of Technology and Management Services FROM: Michael Foley y i� ' 'l ,��� DATE_ January 23, 1998 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Benefits Specialist It has been determined that the title and class specification ofBenefits Specialist should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. lf I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Benefits .,.. Specialist in Grade 33 of the saiary index of the Classified Confidential Clerical [�it ��' 3--a (Bargaining Unit 81). x�-r�a � ��r*t z �-7,`•„ iv m:x •- -.� c" q. . p CT,:": �Z' .y� `� �] C.: i*1r � � I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �iG� d��Z�y � 2 S `j�" Name ate cc: Ron Guilfoile ORIGINAL � �... f'�3-t�itSSC.'. Council File # q� � � Green Sheet # 5220� Committee Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the 2 Rate of Pay for the "Benefits SpecialisY' position. 3 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification entitled `Benefits Specialist" shall 4 be established at Grade 33C of the Salary Index for the Classified Confidential (Cierical) Bargaining Unit, 5 Bargairring Unit 81, and be it 6 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 7 following passage and approval. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey ✓ Bos4om f Coleman ,�- Hazris ,� Lantry � Reiter � RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � by Departrnent of: Office of Human Resources By: � v� � �ry7►�Yg� fbrm Approve�Att� �-�/ c By: Adopted by Council: Date `� �T� � � ��- �� DEPARTMENT/OPF7CFICOUNCII,: DA � ��$ GREEN SHEET No.: 5220� Human Resources WNTACf PERSON & PHONE: �Q� � q �7'nn7/nnTE 7Nmn7/nnTE Mark Robertso 266-6471 """ �' ASSIGN 1_DEPARTMENT D � 30 5_ CITY CAUNCIL Michael F. Foley, 266-6484 �� rnm�sR 2_CITY ATTORNEY 6_ crrr c��c FOR 3_ BUDGET DII2. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE D MUST BE ON COUtiCII, AGENDA BY (DATL� ROU'I'ITiG 4_MAYOR (OR ASST_) CNII, SERVICE COMIvIISSI ORDER TOrI"AL M OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) nrrcoN �vssrEn: Approve the salasy rate for the proposed new positian enritled "Benefits SpecialisY'. RECOMMENDAISONS:Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONAI.SERVICECONTRACTSMUS7ANSWERTFIEFOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Hu Uils person/fvm ever wotked under a contrazY for tttis deparvnent? �CIB COMMTII'EE Yes No _STAF'F _ 2. Hasthis persoNSrtn evet been a city employee? DISTRICT COURT Yes No SWPORTSWHiCHCOUNCILOB7ECTIVE? 3. DoesUuspersodfumpossessaskillnrnnmmailypossessedbyasycurtemrity employee? Ya No E:plain a� yes answers on separete sheet and atfach to green aheet INTTIATING PROBLEM� 1SSIlE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq What, When, Where, wny>: The work of the benefits section, pRR Of i�1C R1S�C Management Division, has become increasingly complex over the past few years. The comple�city is due to fr��uent changes in federal ]aw, changes in the provider, and the need to coordinate the benefits contract with labor contracts. As a result this position has had to assume increased responsibility and take actions more independently than in the past. nnv,vvTncss iF nrrxovEn: Approval will ensure that the position is propedy compensated for the work performed. nisnnvnNTnces � nrrxovEn: None known except for a slight increase in salary costs. visnvvnxTncES iF xor arrxovEn: The position will have to be restructured and the duties spread out which wiil seriously hinder the efficiency of the section and its ability to provide information to employees. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ 4,200 8ililll3l�y COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes � e c.s�sk=..` 3^:fi_i��a? ;�"' :,; ;�2+, � FIJNDING SOURCE: 001 General Fund ACTIVI7'Y Ni3MBER: 01370 FINANCLILINFORMATION:(EXPLAIl� ��� � � ��� : � . _.,,,, -�, �����{�D - . . .-. �� EES 18 1998 ��`� v � rv�� F.wsEastEnnia�cuss�r�s�o�cas�tueRm.wao � � --- ---.-.. ... . . _ _ . --. r. _- �-, 8 �1RYOR'S OFFI�E ' � � � _ _ � --�'�-:`� �,' CODE: 402A BU: 81 EFFECTIVE: ��—��� PRQPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BENEFITS SFECIALIST DESCRZPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical and parapro£essional work in bene£its administration and performs related duties as required. Suvervision Received; Works under moderate supervision of a senior technician, professional, or manager. Supervision Exercised: Acts as pxoject leader as appropriate. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Provides employees and retirees with detailed explanation of bene£its and assists them in completing the necessary forms to enroll or make changes. Determines if requests £or enrollment or changes meet legal requirements. Informs employees and retirees of eligible and aliowahle expenses, and assists them with changes, corrrections, and appeals. Resolves complex issues, usually without consultation with a supervisor. Acts as liaison between employees and third party administrator to ensure proper claim service and proper payment. Assists in implementing changes and coordinating compliance with State and Federally mandated legislation and communicates these changes to employees as appropriate. Audits various billings for accuracy, researches and reconcilas errors, and forwards for payment. Reviews labor contracts, etc. and advises of developments which might impact the benefits programs, costs, eligibility, etc. based on experience at the operational level. Reviews reports and records from the City, provider, insurer, and third party administrator. Researches and reconciles any discrepancies. Processes death and disability claims. Coordinates open enrollment periods including review and verification of (continued on reverse side) BENEFITS SPECIALIST Page 2��f—\�, PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BENEFITS SPECIALZST plan materials, ensuring adequate noti£ication and scheduling o£ employees, • providers, and others; and arranges facilities. Informs employees of benefits that are available at new employee orientation programs and inperson. Provides statistical data and trend analysis as required. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AEILITIES AND COMPETENCZES Working knowledge of the principles and practices of bene£its administration. Working knowledge of the laws governing data privacy. Some knowledge o£ computer based human resource information systems. Some knowledge of the use of standard software packages amd the generation of standardized computer reports. Considerable ability to explain various benefits information to City employees, retirees, and dependent. Considerable ability to make arithmetic calculations with speed and accuracy. Considezable ability to determine priorities, plan, organize, and carry out work programs. Working ability to interpret law related to benefits. Working ability to communicate ef£ectively, both orally and in writing. Working ability to perform research, prepare reports, and maintain records. Working ability to review and understand labor contracts and to understand the relationship between these contracts and the benefit plans. Working ability to advise management on the possihle impact of changes in the labor contxacts on the benefit costs and service levels, drawin$ £rom experience at the operational level. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Four years experience in benefits administration involving coordination and explanation of benefit programs, procedures, and eligibility criteria; some interpretation of £ederal and state laws, and labor contracts; and some experience with human resources and/or benefits software packages. (One year of directly relevant college coursework may be substituted for ane year of experience; no substitution for three years of the above experience.) BENEFITS SPECIALIST c t�-�S - � Summary of Study for Benefits Specialist 7anuary 23, 1998 Background The Risk unit has been reorganized and has experienced a major shift in staff with more experienced peopie moving to other work units. This has meant that those remaining in the unit have had to assume some of the responsibiliries of those who have left. Even though some new "professionals" have been hired these have had to receive some training from those who have experience. Due to increasing workload the positions have not lost all of those responsibiliries even as staff has been replaced. Studv Methodalogy Interview Risk mana$ement officials. Prepare class specification. Compare to existing class specifications. Compare to existing positions. QES evaluation and analysis. Comt�arison to Class Snecifications The duties being perfottned by the position in question were compared to the class specifications for Clerk IV, Building Permit Clerk, Accounting Clerk T and II, Citizen Service Analyst and Citizen Service senior Analyst, Zoning Aide, Management Assistant I and II, Senior Customer Service Representative, Human Resources Technician III, and Auman Resources records Clerk. None of the class specifications adequately described the responsibilities assigned to the positio» in question. Comparison to Existing Positionc The duties being performed by the position in question were campared to studies done on positions in the classificatians listed above. It was found that none of the positions were assigned duties that were similar to those being performed by the position in question. Q E S Evaluation and An�sis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocarion to grade 33 in the Classified Confidentia] (Clericai) Bargaining Unit (Bargaining Unit 81). �`s-�5`l Recommendation It is recommended that a new ciass entitled "Benefits Speclalist" be established and that it be compensated as described above. (Proposed class spec attached.) Study Prepared by: Michael F. Foley �j' �"1' Office ofHuman Resources Date: 7anuary 23, 1998 Of�ce of Human Resources Management Approval: � r Bate: ���— ��� Pay far the Proposed Title of Bene�ts Technician (Note: These duties have gradually been assigned to one person and that individual is actually perfomvng as described in the class spec. These are the estimated costs. We are using the "5 Yea�' step [which is the "G' or "7" step for cost comparison] which is our standard way of comparing costs.) Current Pay Rate: Class. Conf. Cler. ($1) Grade 29C Step 6 $ 1334.98 Proposed Pay Rate: Class. Conf: Cler. (81) Grade 33C Step 6 $ 1489.86 Difference: $ 154.88 per bi-week $ 4,200 per year C1TY OF SAINf FAUL Norm Cokman, Mayor January 23, 1998 Classified Confidentiai Eric Willems, President City Hall, Room 240 Saint Paui. MN 55102 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Benefits Specialist OFFfCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES lohn Hami4on, Directo� 400 GFry Ha1[ Atute.t Telephnne: 25 West Fowih SYreet 7DDlITY.' Saint Paul, Minnesam SS102-Z631 JobGne: Facsiraile: �� �S 612-266-6500 612-266-6501 612-?666502 612-292-7656 It has been determined that the title and class specification ofBenefits Specialist should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Benefits Specialist, in Grade 33 ofthe sa(ary index ofthe Classified Confidential Bargaining Unit (unit 81). Thank you. � ����� Mi hae� I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating t4ris title and class specification. �—Z� -'�� Date a' �l�—\S� OEFiCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamil(on, Dire<tor C�Y �F S�r PA� 400 Gry Ha11 Annu Telephane: 612-266G500 Norm Coleman, Mayor 25 Wes Fourth Street 7DDI77Y: 612-266-6501 S¢int P¢u[, Miru�esoza 55102-l63! Jobline: 612-2666502 Facsimik: 6I2-292-7656 TO: Peter Hames, Director Department of Technology and Management Services FROM: Michael Foley y i� ' 'l ,��� DATE_ January 23, 1998 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Benefits Specialist It has been determined that the title and class specification ofBenefits Specialist should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. lf I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Benefits .,.. Specialist in Grade 33 of the saiary index of the Classified Confidential Clerical [�it ��' 3--a (Bargaining Unit 81). x�-r�a � ��r*t z �-7,`•„ iv m:x •- -.� c" q. . p CT,:": �Z' .y� `� �] C.: i*1r � � I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �iG� d��Z�y � 2 S `j�" Name ate cc: Ron Guilfoile