98-156Council File # �S6"�� OR1�1�AL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA rre�encea by Referted To Green S6eet # 52205 Committee Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Administrative Resolution establishing a Rate of Pay for the "Workers Compensation Claims Administrato�" 0 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Workers Compensation Claims Administrator" shall be established at Grade 19R as set forth in the salary schedule for Bargaining Unit 83, Classified Confidential Professional, and be it FINALLY KESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. YL-- Requested by Deparlment of. Auman Resources Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary �.: a , Approved by Ma a � �0 B Adopted by Council: Date � � },� � ` ��� � By: � �, � �1 ' " ✓ G�-�S� � �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUPiC1I.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET 1\'0: 52205 Human Resources ' CONTAtT PERSON & PHOI�'E: q �+ �A'� Ivfichael Foley 266-6484�� �I�N �DEp� Du� l /a r� Mazk Robertson 266-6471 xmKe�z CITY AITORNEY 6 CITY CLERK gpg 3_ Bi3DCETDIR ^ �_ FW.BCMGI.SERVICEDIR MUSfBEONCOI3I�CII.AGEt3UA BY(DATE) ROUTING 4_MAYOR(ORASST.) CIVII.SERVICECAMMISSIOA* ORDER TOTAL # OF SICNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnox �uesrsu: Establish the pay rate for a new position in the new class of "Workers Compensation Claims Administrato�". RECOMMENDA770NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CON7'RACTS MUSf ANSNER THE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION ,CMLSERVSCE CAMMISSION I. Hasiiilsyersonlfvmsverwrnicedundetacontrac[for4usdepaz4nrni? C(B COMMITTEE Yes Mu STAFF , 2. Haz Uils persodfirtn eva been a city employee? DISTRICTCOURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHILH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does this persaJfvm possess a skill notnormaliy possessed by a�ry wrtrnt ciTy eaqaloyee? Ya No � Ezpla6� ail yes fnawers on separate sheet and atlach to green sheet TMTIATINC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTfY (Who, wneS wne.�, wne�, wb At the request of Risk Management, the Office of Human Resources conducted a study of the workers compensation ciaims management function. The function is being transferred from the City Attorney's Office as the result of a strategic planning decision to focus that Office on litigation, and this is administrative work related to the functions already managed by 12isk. ADVAN'1'AGES IF APPROVED: If 3}S}�TOVBd the claims management function will be centralized under one manager in Risk. The City should gain some administrative efficiencies as a result of this reorganization. In addition, since that position will then receive closer policy level svpervision, the responsibility will be reduced and the salary can be lower, n[snvvnxraces iF nrrROVeo: There are no known disadvantages at this time. uisnnv,wracES iF xoT arrxovEU: The administrative efficiencies and cost reductions anticipated by this action will not be realized. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION: S COSC/I2EVENUE BUDGETED: Yes FUNDING SOURCE: Genenl Fund - GL - 001 AGTIVI7'1' NUMBER: D 1370 .___,_, FINANCUV, iNFORIvIAT10N: (EXPLAI7�� R ����� a i ` �� p� � a L nfiz:" " VV�.�a��� �C.� v�+.,.. F.\USERSTEAM3�CLAfMSGREENFRM WPD �'' �� �'��$ � 5D ����f � . _ u v � ������ ���� �� Summary of Study for Workers Compensation Claims Administrator December 29, 1997 Bac ound Due to a strategic planning decision to focus management, the City Attorney's Office decided to concentrate upon litigation and transfer those functions more concerned with administration to other units. The workers compensation claims function is more administrative than litigation and this was transferred to Risk Management which already manages related functions. This led to the need for a new administrative position which will work for the Claims Manager. Study Methodology Interview Claims Manager. Prepare class specifications. Compare to existing class specifications. Compaze to existing positions. QES evaluation and ana(ysis Comparison to Class SQecifications The proposed duties for Workers Compensation Claims Administrator were compared to the class specifications for the titles of Claims manager, the Legal Assistant series, the management Analysis series, in the Environmental Health series, Research Analyst series, Management Analyst, and Human Resources Specialist IV. None ofthese e�cisting specs described the duties accurately. Comparison to Existing Positions The proposed duties were compared to the duties of the positions actually assigned to the classes listed above. None were found to perform this particular mix of duties. Q. E. S. Evaluation and Analysis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocation to grade 19R in the Classified Confidential Employees Professional unit. G� �5� i's���„�,�_, �� It is recommended that the position be allocated to the proposed new tifle of Workers Compensation Claims Manager in grade 19R of the Classified Confidential Employees Professional unit. (Draft of proposed class spec is attached.) Study Prepared By: IvTichael F. Foley �I� Office of Human Resources (266-6484) Date: December 29, 1997 Office of Human Resources Management Approval•�a����� Date: CODE: 569Y BU: 83�� \ C� EFFECTZVE: ��Q PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR DESCRIPTZON OF WORK General Statement o£ Duties Performs responsible administrative work processing and managing all workers compensation claims filed against the City; develops information and management procedures and suggests policies; and perfoxms related duties as required. Sunervision Received; Works under the general supervision of the City Claims Manager. Sunervision Exercised: Provides technical supervision and guidance to staff assigned to the Workers Compensation unit and for vendors hired by the program such as Qualified Rehabilitation Counselors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Manages the workers compensation program £or the City under the dixection of tha City Claims Manager ensuring that all administrative routine is accomplished in a timely manner according to law and City procedures. Obtains and evaluates information related to claims files from physicians, attorneys, and claimants and oversees this process for staff assigned to the unit. Determines City liability. Prepares and submits all necessary workers compensation forms including calculating necessary benefit totals within mandatory time limits and ovexsees this process for the assigned staff. Establishes legitimate claims in information systems, estimates City liability and establishes claims reserves as appropriate. Corrresponds with and oversees correspondence with attorneys, physicians, Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRCs), and claimants regarding claimants' wage losses, history of injuxy, denial of liability, and other issues. Coordinates and conducts negotiations regarding compromise settlements. under the guidance of the City Claims Manager. Selects Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRCs) to assist the City (continued on reverse side) WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ��,/ ` St WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR b �fl with this program. Assigns cases to Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRCs) as required by statutory guidelines and provides information to relevant parties to assist QRCs in managing medical treatment and/or £inding appropriate work assignments for claimants to facilitate return to work. Authorizes payments of claims up to the amount established by law and prepares payment docvments and oversees completion of claims payment. Assists in the development and implementation of City-wide programs to reduce costs and speed up return-to-work. Assists with the management of the Modified Duty Worker cost allocation and incentive programs. Designs and oversees the effective and efficient functioning of reliable and legally sound records management systems and information systems to manage claims. Under the policy direction of the City Claims manager, establishes and implements guidelines and procedures for handling claims including standardized files, reports, foxms, etc. KNOWLEDGE, SKILL5, ABILITIES AND COMPETENGIES Considerable knowledge of the laws, regulations and policies affecting wozkers compensation. Considerable knowledge of insurance principles as applied to workers compensation issues including loss control principles. Working knowledge of the principles of risk and insurance management as they relate to wozkers compensation. Some knowledge of the fundamental principles of industrial safety practices and procedures. Considerable ability to maintain effective working relationships with managers and employees at all levels, elected officials, the general public, attorneys, and legal and medical professionals, insurance company representatives, union officials, and officials in other agencies. Thorough ability to compile and analyze facts and evidence and make sound recommendations Yegarding workers compensation claims. Thorough ability to analyze accident reports and claims. Considerable ability to function effectively in stressful situations. Considerable ability to effectively administer a workload with frequently changing priorities. WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMZNISTRATOR �� �S � Considerable ability to accurately express legal and other issues to claimants, members of the legal profession, members of the medical pYOfession, lawyers, and laypersons. Considerable ability to work with vocational rehabilitation counselors. Ability to assist in devising return to work programs. Ability to coordinate with safety personnel, risk analysts, Human Resources and Labor Relations to develop programs to reduce the costs of workers compensation. Ability to use computer systems to manage claims and analyze trends. MINIMUM QUALIFICATZONS Bachelor's degree in public administration, political science or a related field and four years of experience in workers compensation including two years with responsibility for final determination on complex workers compensation claims. WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTLtATOR ` � ' � ��'G—\ Sl.o C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor December 18, 1997 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamiltan, Director 400 (Sry Hatt A�er Tekphane: 612-26Cr6500 25 West Fou'th Street IDD!lIY.' 612-2666507 Saint Pau1, Mt,v+esata SS102-163I Jobline: 672-266�6502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 Eric Willems, President Saint Paul Classified Confidential Employees Association 240 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Workers Compensation Claims Administrator It has been determined that the title and class specification of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator should be created, I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. P3ease notify me within twenty days of receipt of ttiis memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator in Grade 19R, Section ID3, of the Professionai Employees Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. i�����%/"���' Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class sqecification. Name ! / � �J Date ,, �.., ��S \S � OFFICE OF IiUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hamilton, Direcmr CTI'I' OF SAINT PAUL qpp �ry Hall Annei Narm Coteman, Mayor zS SYest Fourth Sneet Saint Pau1, Mirvtesom 55702-1637 TO: Cindy Mullan, Acting Director Department of Technoloigy and Management Services FROM: DATE: � Michael Fole��� December 18, 1997 Tekphanc: 612-266-6500 7DD717Y.� 612-266-6501 lobGne: 612-266-6502 Facsimi[e: 6I2-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Workets Compensation Ciaims Administrator It has been determined that the title and ciass specification of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, ifyou wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wii] assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I wiil also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator in Grade 19R, Section ID3, of the Professional Empioyees Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �—�. Q �i`�i�l!-�1�-- Name i�2�99 Date Council File # �S6"�� OR1�1�AL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA rre�encea by Referted To Green S6eet # 52205 Committee Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Administrative Resolution establishing a Rate of Pay for the "Workers Compensation Claims Administrato�" 0 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Workers Compensation Claims Administrator" shall be established at Grade 19R as set forth in the salary schedule for Bargaining Unit 83, Classified Confidential Professional, and be it FINALLY KESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. YL-- Requested by Deparlment of. Auman Resources Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary �.: a , Approved by Ma a � �0 B Adopted by Council: Date � � },� � ` ��� � By: � �, � �1 ' " ✓ G�-�S� � �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUPiC1I.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET 1\'0: 52205 Human Resources ' CONTAtT PERSON & PHOI�'E: q �+ �A'� Ivfichael Foley 266-6484�� �I�N �DEp� Du� l /a r� Mazk Robertson 266-6471 xmKe�z CITY AITORNEY 6 CITY CLERK gpg 3_ Bi3DCETDIR ^ �_ FW.BCMGI.SERVICEDIR MUSfBEONCOI3I�CII.AGEt3UA BY(DATE) ROUTING 4_MAYOR(ORASST.) CIVII.SERVICECAMMISSIOA* ORDER TOTAL # OF SICNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnox �uesrsu: Establish the pay rate for a new position in the new class of "Workers Compensation Claims Administrato�". RECOMMENDA770NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CON7'RACTS MUSf ANSNER THE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION ,CMLSERVSCE CAMMISSION I. Hasiiilsyersonlfvmsverwrnicedundetacontrac[for4usdepaz4nrni? C(B COMMITTEE Yes Mu STAFF , 2. Haz Uils persodfirtn eva been a city employee? DISTRICTCOURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHILH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does this persaJfvm possess a skill notnormaliy possessed by a�ry wrtrnt ciTy eaqaloyee? Ya No � Ezpla6� ail yes fnawers on separate sheet and atlach to green sheet TMTIATINC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTfY (Who, wneS wne.�, wne�, wb At the request of Risk Management, the Office of Human Resources conducted a study of the workers compensation ciaims management function. The function is being transferred from the City Attorney's Office as the result of a strategic planning decision to focus that Office on litigation, and this is administrative work related to the functions already managed by 12isk. ADVAN'1'AGES IF APPROVED: If 3}S}�TOVBd the claims management function will be centralized under one manager in Risk. The City should gain some administrative efficiencies as a result of this reorganization. In addition, since that position will then receive closer policy level svpervision, the responsibility will be reduced and the salary can be lower, n[snvvnxraces iF nrrROVeo: There are no known disadvantages at this time. uisnnv,wracES iF xoT arrxovEU: The administrative efficiencies and cost reductions anticipated by this action will not be realized. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION: S COSC/I2EVENUE BUDGETED: Yes FUNDING SOURCE: Genenl Fund - GL - 001 AGTIVI7'1' NUMBER: D 1370 .___,_, FINANCUV, iNFORIvIAT10N: (EXPLAI7�� R ����� a i ` �� p� � a L nfiz:" " VV�.�a��� �C.� v�+.,.. F.\USERSTEAM3�CLAfMSGREENFRM WPD �'' �� �'��$ � 5D ����f � . _ u v � ������ ���� �� Summary of Study for Workers Compensation Claims Administrator December 29, 1997 Bac ound Due to a strategic planning decision to focus management, the City Attorney's Office decided to concentrate upon litigation and transfer those functions more concerned with administration to other units. The workers compensation claims function is more administrative than litigation and this was transferred to Risk Management which already manages related functions. This led to the need for a new administrative position which will work for the Claims Manager. Study Methodology Interview Claims Manager. Prepare class specifications. Compare to existing class specifications. Compaze to existing positions. QES evaluation and ana(ysis Comparison to Class SQecifications The proposed duties for Workers Compensation Claims Administrator were compared to the class specifications for the titles of Claims manager, the Legal Assistant series, the management Analysis series, in the Environmental Health series, Research Analyst series, Management Analyst, and Human Resources Specialist IV. None ofthese e�cisting specs described the duties accurately. Comparison to Existing Positions The proposed duties were compared to the duties of the positions actually assigned to the classes listed above. None were found to perform this particular mix of duties. Q. E. S. Evaluation and Analysis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocation to grade 19R in the Classified Confidential Employees Professional unit. G� �5� i's���„�,�_, �� It is recommended that the position be allocated to the proposed new tifle of Workers Compensation Claims Manager in grade 19R of the Classified Confidential Employees Professional unit. (Draft of proposed class spec is attached.) Study Prepared By: IvTichael F. Foley �I� Office of Human Resources (266-6484) Date: December 29, 1997 Office of Human Resources Management Approval•�a����� Date: CODE: 569Y BU: 83�� \ C� EFFECTZVE: ��Q PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR DESCRIPTZON OF WORK General Statement o£ Duties Performs responsible administrative work processing and managing all workers compensation claims filed against the City; develops information and management procedures and suggests policies; and perfoxms related duties as required. Sunervision Received; Works under the general supervision of the City Claims Manager. Sunervision Exercised: Provides technical supervision and guidance to staff assigned to the Workers Compensation unit and for vendors hired by the program such as Qualified Rehabilitation Counselors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Manages the workers compensation program £or the City under the dixection of tha City Claims Manager ensuring that all administrative routine is accomplished in a timely manner according to law and City procedures. Obtains and evaluates information related to claims files from physicians, attorneys, and claimants and oversees this process for staff assigned to the unit. Determines City liability. Prepares and submits all necessary workers compensation forms including calculating necessary benefit totals within mandatory time limits and ovexsees this process for the assigned staff. Establishes legitimate claims in information systems, estimates City liability and establishes claims reserves as appropriate. Corrresponds with and oversees correspondence with attorneys, physicians, Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRCs), and claimants regarding claimants' wage losses, history of injuxy, denial of liability, and other issues. Coordinates and conducts negotiations regarding compromise settlements. under the guidance of the City Claims Manager. Selects Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRCs) to assist the City (continued on reverse side) WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ��,/ ` St WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR b �fl with this program. Assigns cases to Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRCs) as required by statutory guidelines and provides information to relevant parties to assist QRCs in managing medical treatment and/or £inding appropriate work assignments for claimants to facilitate return to work. Authorizes payments of claims up to the amount established by law and prepares payment docvments and oversees completion of claims payment. Assists in the development and implementation of City-wide programs to reduce costs and speed up return-to-work. Assists with the management of the Modified Duty Worker cost allocation and incentive programs. Designs and oversees the effective and efficient functioning of reliable and legally sound records management systems and information systems to manage claims. Under the policy direction of the City Claims manager, establishes and implements guidelines and procedures for handling claims including standardized files, reports, foxms, etc. KNOWLEDGE, SKILL5, ABILITIES AND COMPETENGIES Considerable knowledge of the laws, regulations and policies affecting wozkers compensation. Considerable knowledge of insurance principles as applied to workers compensation issues including loss control principles. Working knowledge of the principles of risk and insurance management as they relate to wozkers compensation. Some knowledge of the fundamental principles of industrial safety practices and procedures. Considerable ability to maintain effective working relationships with managers and employees at all levels, elected officials, the general public, attorneys, and legal and medical professionals, insurance company representatives, union officials, and officials in other agencies. Thorough ability to compile and analyze facts and evidence and make sound recommendations Yegarding workers compensation claims. Thorough ability to analyze accident reports and claims. Considerable ability to function effectively in stressful situations. Considerable ability to effectively administer a workload with frequently changing priorities. WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMZNISTRATOR �� �S � Considerable ability to accurately express legal and other issues to claimants, members of the legal profession, members of the medical pYOfession, lawyers, and laypersons. Considerable ability to work with vocational rehabilitation counselors. Ability to assist in devising return to work programs. Ability to coordinate with safety personnel, risk analysts, Human Resources and Labor Relations to develop programs to reduce the costs of workers compensation. Ability to use computer systems to manage claims and analyze trends. MINIMUM QUALIFICATZONS Bachelor's degree in public administration, political science or a related field and four years of experience in workers compensation including two years with responsibility for final determination on complex workers compensation claims. WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTLtATOR ` � ' � ��'G—\ Sl.o C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor December 18, 1997 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamiltan, Director 400 (Sry Hatt A�er Tekphane: 612-26Cr6500 25 West Fou'th Street IDD!lIY.' 612-2666507 Saint Pau1, Mt,v+esata SS102-163I Jobline: 672-266�6502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 Eric Willems, President Saint Paul Classified Confidential Employees Association 240 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Workers Compensation Claims Administrator It has been determined that the title and class specification of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator should be created, I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. P3ease notify me within twenty days of receipt of ttiis memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator in Grade 19R, Section ID3, of the Professionai Employees Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. i�����%/"���' Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class sqecification. Name ! / � �J Date ,, �.., ��S \S � OFFICE OF IiUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hamilton, Direcmr CTI'I' OF SAINT PAUL qpp �ry Hall Annei Narm Coteman, Mayor zS SYest Fourth Sneet Saint Pau1, Mirvtesom 55702-1637 TO: Cindy Mullan, Acting Director Department of Technoloigy and Management Services FROM: DATE: � Michael Fole��� December 18, 1997 Tekphanc: 612-266-6500 7DD717Y.� 612-266-6501 lobGne: 612-266-6502 Facsimi[e: 6I2-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Workets Compensation Ciaims Administrator It has been determined that the title and ciass specification of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, ifyou wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wii] assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I wiil also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator in Grade 19R, Section ID3, of the Professional Empioyees Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �—�. Q �i`�i�l!-�1�-- Name i�2�99 Date Council File # �S6"�� OR1�1�AL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA rre�encea by Referted To Green S6eet # 52205 Committee Date 2 3 4 5 6 7 An Administrative Resolution establishing a Rate of Pay for the "Workers Compensation Claims Administrato�" 0 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Workers Compensation Claims Administrator" shall be established at Grade 19R as set forth in the salary schedule for Bargaining Unit 83, Classified Confidential Professional, and be it FINALLY KESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. YL-- Requested by Deparlment of. Auman Resources Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary �.: a , Approved by Ma a � �0 B Adopted by Council: Date � � },� � ` ��� � By: � �, � �1 ' " ✓ G�-�S� � �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUPiC1I.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET 1\'0: 52205 Human Resources ' CONTAtT PERSON & PHOI�'E: q �+ �A'� Ivfichael Foley 266-6484�� �I�N �DEp� Du� l /a r� Mazk Robertson 266-6471 xmKe�z CITY AITORNEY 6 CITY CLERK gpg 3_ Bi3DCETDIR ^ �_ FW.BCMGI.SERVICEDIR MUSfBEONCOI3I�CII.AGEt3UA BY(DATE) ROUTING 4_MAYOR(ORASST.) CIVII.SERVICECAMMISSIOA* ORDER TOTAL # OF SICNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnox �uesrsu: Establish the pay rate for a new position in the new class of "Workers Compensation Claims Administrato�". RECOMMENDA770NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SERVICE CON7'RACTS MUSf ANSNER THE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION ,CMLSERVSCE CAMMISSION I. Hasiiilsyersonlfvmsverwrnicedundetacontrac[for4usdepaz4nrni? C(B COMMITTEE Yes Mu STAFF , 2. Haz Uils persodfirtn eva been a city employee? DISTRICTCOURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHILH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? 3. Does this persaJfvm possess a skill notnormaliy possessed by a�ry wrtrnt ciTy eaqaloyee? Ya No � Ezpla6� ail yes fnawers on separate sheet and atlach to green sheet TMTIATINC PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTfY (Who, wneS wne.�, wne�, wb At the request of Risk Management, the Office of Human Resources conducted a study of the workers compensation ciaims management function. The function is being transferred from the City Attorney's Office as the result of a strategic planning decision to focus that Office on litigation, and this is administrative work related to the functions already managed by 12isk. ADVAN'1'AGES IF APPROVED: If 3}S}�TOVBd the claims management function will be centralized under one manager in Risk. The City should gain some administrative efficiencies as a result of this reorganization. In addition, since that position will then receive closer policy level svpervision, the responsibility will be reduced and the salary can be lower, n[snvvnxraces iF nrrROVeo: There are no known disadvantages at this time. uisnnv,wracES iF xoT arrxovEU: The administrative efficiencies and cost reductions anticipated by this action will not be realized. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION: S COSC/I2EVENUE BUDGETED: Yes FUNDING SOURCE: Genenl Fund - GL - 001 AGTIVI7'1' NUMBER: D 1370 .___,_, FINANCUV, iNFORIvIAT10N: (EXPLAI7�� R ����� a i ` �� p� � a L nfiz:" " VV�.�a��� �C.� v�+.,.. F.\USERSTEAM3�CLAfMSGREENFRM WPD �'' �� �'��$ � 5D ����f � . _ u v � ������ ���� �� Summary of Study for Workers Compensation Claims Administrator December 29, 1997 Bac ound Due to a strategic planning decision to focus management, the City Attorney's Office decided to concentrate upon litigation and transfer those functions more concerned with administration to other units. The workers compensation claims function is more administrative than litigation and this was transferred to Risk Management which already manages related functions. This led to the need for a new administrative position which will work for the Claims Manager. Study Methodology Interview Claims Manager. Prepare class specifications. Compare to existing class specifications. Compaze to existing positions. QES evaluation and ana(ysis Comparison to Class SQecifications The proposed duties for Workers Compensation Claims Administrator were compared to the class specifications for the titles of Claims manager, the Legal Assistant series, the management Analysis series, in the Environmental Health series, Research Analyst series, Management Analyst, and Human Resources Specialist IV. None ofthese e�cisting specs described the duties accurately. Comparison to Existing Positions The proposed duties were compared to the duties of the positions actually assigned to the classes listed above. None were found to perform this particular mix of duties. Q. E. S. Evaluation and Analysis The Q.E.S. analysis supports allocation to grade 19R in the Classified Confidential Employees Professional unit. G� �5� i's���„�,�_, �� It is recommended that the position be allocated to the proposed new tifle of Workers Compensation Claims Manager in grade 19R of the Classified Confidential Employees Professional unit. (Draft of proposed class spec is attached.) Study Prepared By: IvTichael F. Foley �I� Office of Human Resources (266-6484) Date: December 29, 1997 Office of Human Resources Management Approval•�a����� Date: CODE: 569Y BU: 83�� \ C� EFFECTZVE: ��Q PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR DESCRIPTZON OF WORK General Statement o£ Duties Performs responsible administrative work processing and managing all workers compensation claims filed against the City; develops information and management procedures and suggests policies; and perfoxms related duties as required. Sunervision Received; Works under the general supervision of the City Claims Manager. Sunervision Exercised: Provides technical supervision and guidance to staff assigned to the Workers Compensation unit and for vendors hired by the program such as Qualified Rehabilitation Counselors. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Manages the workers compensation program £or the City under the dixection of tha City Claims Manager ensuring that all administrative routine is accomplished in a timely manner according to law and City procedures. Obtains and evaluates information related to claims files from physicians, attorneys, and claimants and oversees this process for staff assigned to the unit. Determines City liability. Prepares and submits all necessary workers compensation forms including calculating necessary benefit totals within mandatory time limits and ovexsees this process for the assigned staff. Establishes legitimate claims in information systems, estimates City liability and establishes claims reserves as appropriate. Corrresponds with and oversees correspondence with attorneys, physicians, Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRCs), and claimants regarding claimants' wage losses, history of injuxy, denial of liability, and other issues. Coordinates and conducts negotiations regarding compromise settlements. under the guidance of the City Claims Manager. Selects Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRCs) to assist the City (continued on reverse side) WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: ��,/ ` St WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR b �fl with this program. Assigns cases to Qualified Rehabilitation Consultants (QRCs) as required by statutory guidelines and provides information to relevant parties to assist QRCs in managing medical treatment and/or £inding appropriate work assignments for claimants to facilitate return to work. Authorizes payments of claims up to the amount established by law and prepares payment docvments and oversees completion of claims payment. Assists in the development and implementation of City-wide programs to reduce costs and speed up return-to-work. Assists with the management of the Modified Duty Worker cost allocation and incentive programs. Designs and oversees the effective and efficient functioning of reliable and legally sound records management systems and information systems to manage claims. Under the policy direction of the City Claims manager, establishes and implements guidelines and procedures for handling claims including standardized files, reports, foxms, etc. KNOWLEDGE, SKILL5, ABILITIES AND COMPETENGIES Considerable knowledge of the laws, regulations and policies affecting wozkers compensation. Considerable knowledge of insurance principles as applied to workers compensation issues including loss control principles. Working knowledge of the principles of risk and insurance management as they relate to wozkers compensation. Some knowledge of the fundamental principles of industrial safety practices and procedures. Considerable ability to maintain effective working relationships with managers and employees at all levels, elected officials, the general public, attorneys, and legal and medical professionals, insurance company representatives, union officials, and officials in other agencies. Thorough ability to compile and analyze facts and evidence and make sound recommendations Yegarding workers compensation claims. Thorough ability to analyze accident reports and claims. Considerable ability to function effectively in stressful situations. Considerable ability to effectively administer a workload with frequently changing priorities. WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR Page 3 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMZNISTRATOR �� �S � Considerable ability to accurately express legal and other issues to claimants, members of the legal profession, members of the medical pYOfession, lawyers, and laypersons. Considerable ability to work with vocational rehabilitation counselors. Ability to assist in devising return to work programs. Ability to coordinate with safety personnel, risk analysts, Human Resources and Labor Relations to develop programs to reduce the costs of workers compensation. Ability to use computer systems to manage claims and analyze trends. MINIMUM QUALIFICATZONS Bachelor's degree in public administration, political science or a related field and four years of experience in workers compensation including two years with responsibility for final determination on complex workers compensation claims. WORKERS COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTLtATOR ` � ' � ��'G—\ Sl.o C1TY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Co[eman, Mayor December 18, 1997 OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamiltan, Director 400 (Sry Hatt A�er Tekphane: 612-26Cr6500 25 West Fou'th Street IDD!lIY.' 612-2666507 Saint Pau1, Mt,v+esata SS102-163I Jobline: 672-266�6502 Facsimile: 612-292-7656 Eric Willems, President Saint Paul Classified Confidential Employees Association 240 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Twenty Day Notice - Workers Compensation Claims Administrator It has been determined that the title and class specification of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator should be created, I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. P3ease notify me within twenty days of receipt of ttiis memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator in Grade 19R, Section ID3, of the Professionai Employees Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. i�����%/"���' Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class sqecification. Name ! / � �J Date ,, �.., ��S \S � OFFICE OF IiUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hamilton, Direcmr CTI'I' OF SAINT PAUL qpp �ry Hall Annei Narm Coteman, Mayor zS SYest Fourth Sneet Saint Pau1, Mirvtesom 55702-1637 TO: Cindy Mullan, Acting Director Department of Technoloigy and Management Services FROM: DATE: � Michael Fole��� December 18, 1997 Tekphanc: 612-266-6500 7DD717Y.� 612-266-6501 lobGne: 612-266-6502 Facsimi[e: 6I2-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Workets Compensation Ciaims Administrator It has been determined that the title and ciass specification of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, ifyou wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I wii] assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I wiil also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Workers Compensation Claims Administrator in Grade 19R, Section ID3, of the Professional Empioyees Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �—�. Q �i`�i�l!-�1�-- Name i�2�99 Date