98-153Council File# 9�'_ /�3 Ordinance # V i � G 1 N A L RESOLUTION Presented By Green Sheet # LP60005 2� Referred To Committee: Date RBSQLV8D: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 That application (ID #19970000192) for a Liquor On Sale - 100 seats or less (C) License(s) by CALVIN'S INC DBA CALVIN'S at 244 7TH ST w be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. OWNER NNST HAVE AN APPROVED SZTE PLAN AND FACILITY MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY A ENVIRONMEL3TAL AEALTH SPECIALIST PRIOR TO OPENING. 2. OWNER MUST OBTAIN DRAM SHOP PRIOR TO OPENING. 3. ZONING APPROVAL REQUIRED FOR SITE PLAN BEFORE USE MAY BH ESTABLISHED. 4. LICENSEE MUST COMPLY WITH ZONING REQUIREMENTS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING. 4. Yeas o emC ari — arris toptad by Council : � Date �,�,d �� /gy� option Certified by Council Secretazy x Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspeations and Environmental Protection a 1` A.�.�?!! - Form Approved by City Attorney s �� ����t�- 2"!3-r'i8� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council :� � d � r: DEPAR7MENT10FFlCEICOUNCIL Da'iE MmATeD / , � ' � - UEP�Licensing GREEN SHEET No s000s ONTACT PERSON & PHONE butiaVDafe InitiaVDate ECHMANN GARY (612)2669736 � C — UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � 2/25+86 �� 2� Council Reswroh ROUTHG , ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR StGNATUR� - ACTION REQUESTED: Counal approval of the fdlowing �icense appl'xation: L�cense # 199700W192, fw CALNN'S INC, Dang Business As CALVIMS, at 2447TH ST W, arM type of business(es): Liquor On Sale - 700 s�ts or IesS (C). RECOMMENDATIONS: AppfOVe(A) RGj2Ct(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TF1E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. HesMisparso�tmevervvrketluMera coMreciforMisdepaArtreM? PLANNING COMMISSION yES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2, HasihispersoMrtnever4eec+acilyemployee4 CML SVC CINN, � No 3. Does ihis perso�rm possess a sldll rwt normaily qossessed by arry wmeM city employee? YES NO -- 4. Is �his perso�rtn a targe�ed vendon YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requestilg Couneil fw a Liquor On-Sale License Ta Calvin's, Inc. D8A Calvin's, lu. at 244 7th Street W. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Cal�rlr�6 [:Ai�kCv.? C ��� � � ��� DISADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: DISADVAN7AGES IF NOT APPROVED: TO7ALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCWL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9�' �s.3 i 7�z � l cLASS Izr LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICA??ON IS SL�JECT � 0 REV�W BY TI�?u�LIC PLEASE TYZ'E OR PRINT Iti INK Ttpe of License(s) being appli� for: �� i��G.A�� (�% (i G�C j� �c�() I� 7} Cu-�zr.} i�ame: Co�oration / PaMazhip � Solc Proprictocship CITY OF S �INT PAUZ �« ort;:�-_ . ;�s�<r.;o:u zna E^�;ru1^:: _i i roleC.�on ;c. sc 7: = s: sc�_ J] si : p:.i sL^.s.• •s� a� (5!])'i.S�?0 L�::`7"a6"`:" S �<� /GC = �' U If business is incorporated, gi� e datz of incorporation: �`� Dci.g B2 ine�s As Bus'vzess Add�ess: BusinessPhone: a�a��'�3J 5' a u� W . � �' .St• S� � /�i4u� /�') /V SSIO,� Strcct Address 6rv si,r� T,. B2Rl'ECI7 µ']7dI CrO� �TC u F}[eIIllSCS R ;�4ai! To Address. Apalicant Information: Nz-neandTitle: �/aU'6� I,IJARRe.�I 1 /�O('yjPSO� � S First 1 ?�1iddle (M1iaidcn) Last Title Horie Add; ess: 3�� C� SGC{'Vl �M Vl � U'2 ${- • rrQ LA� � `J�SC 4`.Z, SACCt Address � City Stalc Zip �a�z or s�n: ��/y- 9� Place of Bi-th: }� 4,1).!)�Pf� 0/'J �.L S Home Phone: e�� �'�� �.3 Ha�•e ��on e� er been com•icted of any felony, crime or violation of any citp ordinance other than traffic? YES , ATO X Date of arrest: Cha*ge: _ Comiction: Where? Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral chuacter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, noi rela::d to the applic«t or financiall} interested in the premises or business, u ho ma}' be referred to as to the applicant's character: , i�'AME ADDRESS P?-?ONE l�(9GGL�1C NuLTZ �}�I� fliLLcwc�� TQ Yr�w.VeApa«c, mNSSyy3 ��� m5�o Hz�•e any of the above named licenses e�•er bzen revoked? YES NO If yzs, list the dates and reasons for re�•ocation: 2/1 S/97 s,�c aaa� c�N s� zsp List licznses .chich }'ou currendy hold, formaly held, or ma}' hzae an interest in: NoNC� Are you going to operaiz this buiness pzrsonzlly? x 1''ES First \amc Home AEL-eu: Sl*eet \amc \5iddlc Ini:izl (�;zidrn) Cin Are}ougoir.stoha��eamznzg�o;zsstu:t�th:.sb_>_^ess? !� YES pleasz comple:z thz ioilo«'ing v�Sornzuoa: F�z: ��< Honc.4aQras: St�ct\c�ac �liddlc Lu:i_I (�L=idrnj Cia' Plezce list } ou r.nplo}ment historc for the pre��ioLS :� e(5) czzr period: NO If not, ., ho n'ill opzrate it'? *°a Sutc �a= �r.3 Dat< of Bir*. Za Phone \t�aber \0 if the mz�zee; ;; ^c: uSz s�. zs Lhe op`*ztc-. =�st $tzte Zip DE(� Oi SL�:� Pho�c \uabc Business/Emnlo�inent Address V1Nf p/�RK l�R��JPRy ,��a ul �� s+. t.P�aH� �✓YlN SS e02 List x!1 other o:iicers of the coiporztion: OFFICER TITLE HO�,-` \AME (Office Held) P,DDRESS HOME BUSII�ESS PHO:�iE PHO\'E: If bisiness is a partnership, ple2se include the follo�ii::e irli`o:mzlion for ezch partner (use additional pages ii neczssa*}�): Fiac �m� Homc Add�rss: Strcct \ac�c Fint�amc HomcAddlcss: SVect?:amc (?.leiden) Cirv CiTy Lsst $ts[c Zip I,ast Stntc Zip D.ATE OF 3IRTH Detc of Bir�h Phanc \umbcr Datc ofBirth Phaac \umba 2vIINNESOTA TAX IDEiQ"I'IFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, ] 984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Secuon 2(270J2) (Tae Clearance; Issuance of Licenses),licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, thz Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security numbzr of each license applicant. Under the Minnesoffi Govemment Data Praclices Act and the Federal Pri��acy Act of 19 i4, we aze required to ad�rise you of the follou•ine reearding the ue of the Minnesota Tax Idrntification humber: - This infotmation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event }'ou o�ce Minnesota sales, employer's �a�thholding or motor vehicle excise ta�es; - Upon receieing this informatioq the licensi�g authoriry u�ill supply it only to the Minnesota Departmznt of Rz� enue. Howe� er, under the Federal Exchange of Information Aereement, the Depar[ment of Re��enue may supply this infoRnation to tt�e Intzrnz! Revenue Sen�ice. Minnesota Ta� Ideniification 2�TUmbers (Sales & Use Ta� Nutnber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, ] 0 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Securih� Number: '7 ��O" y(�" Q S�{�/ Minnesota Ta� Identificat�on Number: _ If a lv`.innesota Tax Ident�cation Number is not required for the business being opzrated, indicate so b�- placing an"X" m the bos. \tiddlc Initiel .'vliddlc Initiel 2i I S.'97 9y� �.s.3 CERTffICATION OF WORKERS' COD/Pi ENSATSOti CO\ �=RAGE PliRSt3A\ ?0 ���SOTA STATliTE I i6.182 I hereb}' �eRif}" Lhzt I, or m}� eompaay, am jn complianez ��ith thz ���orl;ers' eompensa�on Lsurance co. requi� e�ents of Nu. Statu*,e 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I xlso undenta,nd that p, of fals° i: in �his ceru:;ez[io. constiNtes st!r;cic,�? �ov�ds for ad�'e; se actioa zgzinst a111icznses h°_ld, v�clud;n� reeecatian and suspznsion oi said licenses. \`ame of Ir,swznce Co:np��a Po!iryNumbe;: Co��.aezfrom :o I ha��z no emplo� co�'zred under «�orkers' compeasz?ien ias:. �(I\i7L4I.S) ,41Y FALSIFICATIO\ OF A_�SWERS GIV'E\ OR 11ATERLAL SliB1FfITTED WII.L REStiLT LN DENIAL OF TFIIS APPLICATIO\ I hereby state that I hz�'e ans« ered all of the preceding que�tions, 2nd ihzt the info�ation contzined herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beiief. I hzreby state fiuther that I ha��e reczi��ed no money or ou`�zr consideratioq b}� «2}� of loan, ei,R, contribution, or othernise, otha than ahzad�• dixx,lo� in the application a'hich I hr, �uith submitted. I elco under;tand ttis premise may be inspected b}' police, _*"ue, he2lth and other cit}� o�cizis at any and z11 times «hen rhe business is in operaton / Signature (REQLiIRED for ali applications) Date We Rill accept pa� b�� cash, check (made payable to Cit}� of Saint PauI) or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFP. � MasterCard ❑ Visa EXPIf2ATI0N DATE: ACCOU NUMBER: ❑C1/C7❑ � ❑C70❑ ❑00❑ ❑00❑ ❑C70❑ of Car�older of Card Holder(required for all *"Notr. If this applicalion is Food/I.iquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re��e�v plans. If any substzntial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-9007 to apply for building permiu. Ifthere are any changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paui Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications require the folloRing documents. Please attach these documents when submitting your application: I. A detailed description of the design, location and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The foliowing data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 I/2" x 14" paper): -1�Tame, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated to�card the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the intetior of the licensed facility such as seating arzas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed faciliry, indicate both the current area and the proposed expansion. 2. A cop}' of your lease affeement or proof of ownership of the propert}. SPECIFIC LICE2\'SE APPLICATFONS REQUII2E ADDTTIONAL L\'FOF2MATIO:V. PLEASE SEE REVERSE ROR DETAILS >>>> i� �; � R�47 Council File# 9�'_ /�3 Ordinance # V i � G 1 N A L RESOLUTION Presented By Green Sheet # LP60005 2� Referred To Committee: Date RBSQLV8D: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 That application (ID #19970000192) for a Liquor On Sale - 100 seats or less (C) License(s) by CALVIN'S INC DBA CALVIN'S at 244 7TH ST w be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. OWNER NNST HAVE AN APPROVED SZTE PLAN AND FACILITY MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY A ENVIRONMEL3TAL AEALTH SPECIALIST PRIOR TO OPENING. 2. OWNER MUST OBTAIN DRAM SHOP PRIOR TO OPENING. 3. ZONING APPROVAL REQUIRED FOR SITE PLAN BEFORE USE MAY BH ESTABLISHED. 4. LICENSEE MUST COMPLY WITH ZONING REQUIREMENTS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING. 4. Yeas o emC ari — arris toptad by Council : � Date �,�,d �� /gy� option Certified by Council Secretazy x Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspeations and Environmental Protection a 1` A.�.�?!! - Form Approved by City Attorney s �� ����t�- 2"!3-r'i8� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council :� � d � r: DEPAR7MENT10FFlCEICOUNCIL Da'iE MmATeD / , � ' � - UEP�Licensing GREEN SHEET No s000s ONTACT PERSON & PHONE butiaVDafe InitiaVDate ECHMANN GARY (612)2669736 � C — UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � 2/25+86 �� 2� Council Reswroh ROUTHG , ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR StGNATUR� - ACTION REQUESTED: Counal approval of the fdlowing �icense appl'xation: L�cense # 199700W192, fw CALNN'S INC, Dang Business As CALVIMS, at 2447TH ST W, arM type of business(es): Liquor On Sale - 700 s�ts or IesS (C). RECOMMENDATIONS: AppfOVe(A) RGj2Ct(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TF1E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. HesMisparso�tmevervvrketluMera coMreciforMisdepaArtreM? PLANNING COMMISSION yES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2, HasihispersoMrtnever4eec+acilyemployee4 CML SVC CINN, � No 3. Does ihis perso�rm possess a sldll rwt normaily qossessed by arry wmeM city employee? YES NO -- 4. Is �his perso�rtn a targe�ed vendon YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requestilg Couneil fw a Liquor On-Sale License Ta Calvin's, Inc. D8A Calvin's, lu. at 244 7th Street W. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Cal�rlr�6 [:Ai�kCv.? C ��� � � ��� DISADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: DISADVAN7AGES IF NOT APPROVED: TO7ALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCWL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9�' �s.3 i 7�z � l cLASS Izr LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICA??ON IS SL�JECT � 0 REV�W BY TI�?u�LIC PLEASE TYZ'E OR PRINT Iti INK Ttpe of License(s) being appli� for: �� i��G.A�� (�% (i G�C j� �c�() I� 7} Cu-�zr.} i�ame: Co�oration / PaMazhip � Solc Proprictocship CITY OF S �INT PAUZ �« ort;:�-_ . ;�s�<r.;o:u zna E^�;ru1^:: _i i roleC.�on ;c. sc 7: = s: sc�_ J] si : p:.i sL^.s.• •s� a� (5!])'i.S�?0 L�::`7"a6"`:" S �<� /GC = �' U If business is incorporated, gi� e datz of incorporation: �`� Dci.g B2 ine�s As Bus'vzess Add�ess: BusinessPhone: a�a��'�3J 5' a u� W . � �' .St• S� � /�i4u� /�') /V SSIO,� Strcct Address 6rv si,r� T,. B2Rl'ECI7 µ']7dI CrO� �TC u F}[eIIllSCS R ;�4ai! To Address. Apalicant Information: Nz-neandTitle: �/aU'6� I,IJARRe.�I 1 /�O('yjPSO� � S First 1 ?�1iddle (M1iaidcn) Last Title Horie Add; ess: 3�� C� SGC{'Vl �M Vl � U'2 ${- • rrQ LA� � `J�SC 4`.Z, SACCt Address � City Stalc Zip �a�z or s�n: ��/y- 9� Place of Bi-th: }� 4,1).!)�Pf� 0/'J �.L S Home Phone: e�� �'�� �.3 Ha�•e ��on e� er been com•icted of any felony, crime or violation of any citp ordinance other than traffic? YES , ATO X Date of arrest: Cha*ge: _ Comiction: Where? Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral chuacter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, noi rela::d to the applic«t or financiall} interested in the premises or business, u ho ma}' be referred to as to the applicant's character: , i�'AME ADDRESS P?-?ONE l�(9GGL�1C NuLTZ �}�I� fliLLcwc�� TQ Yr�w.VeApa«c, mNSSyy3 ��� m5�o Hz�•e any of the above named licenses e�•er bzen revoked? YES NO If yzs, list the dates and reasons for re�•ocation: 2/1 S/97 s,�c aaa� c�N s� zsp List licznses .chich }'ou currendy hold, formaly held, or ma}' hzae an interest in: NoNC� Are you going to operaiz this buiness pzrsonzlly? x 1''ES First \amc Home AEL-eu: Sl*eet \amc \5iddlc Ini:izl (�;zidrn) Cin Are}ougoir.stoha��eamznzg�o;zsstu:t�th:.sb_>_^ess? !� YES pleasz comple:z thz ioilo«'ing v�Sornzuoa: F�z: ��< Honc.4aQras: St�ct\c�ac �liddlc Lu:i_I (�L=idrnj Cia' Plezce list } ou r.nplo}ment historc for the pre��ioLS :� e(5) czzr period: NO If not, ., ho n'ill opzrate it'? *°a Sutc �a= �r.3 Dat< of Bir*. Za Phone \t�aber \0 if the mz�zee; ;; ^c: uSz s�. zs Lhe op`*ztc-. =�st $tzte Zip DE(� Oi SL�:� Pho�c \uabc Business/Emnlo�inent Address V1Nf p/�RK l�R��JPRy ,��a ul �� s+. t.P�aH� �✓YlN SS e02 List x!1 other o:iicers of the coiporztion: OFFICER TITLE HO�,-` \AME (Office Held) P,DDRESS HOME BUSII�ESS PHO:�iE PHO\'E: If bisiness is a partnership, ple2se include the follo�ii::e irli`o:mzlion for ezch partner (use additional pages ii neczssa*}�): Fiac �m� Homc Add�rss: Strcct \ac�c Fint�amc HomcAddlcss: SVect?:amc (?.leiden) Cirv CiTy Lsst $ts[c Zip I,ast Stntc Zip D.ATE OF 3IRTH Detc of Bir�h Phanc \umbcr Datc ofBirth Phaac \umba 2vIINNESOTA TAX IDEiQ"I'IFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, ] 984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Secuon 2(270J2) (Tae Clearance; Issuance of Licenses),licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, thz Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security numbzr of each license applicant. Under the Minnesoffi Govemment Data Praclices Act and the Federal Pri��acy Act of 19 i4, we aze required to ad�rise you of the follou•ine reearding the ue of the Minnesota Tax Idrntification humber: - This infotmation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event }'ou o�ce Minnesota sales, employer's �a�thholding or motor vehicle excise ta�es; - Upon receieing this informatioq the licensi�g authoriry u�ill supply it only to the Minnesota Departmznt of Rz� enue. Howe� er, under the Federal Exchange of Information Aereement, the Depar[ment of Re��enue may supply this infoRnation to tt�e Intzrnz! Revenue Sen�ice. Minnesota Ta� Ideniification 2�TUmbers (Sales & Use Ta� Nutnber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, ] 0 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Securih� Number: '7 ��O" y(�" Q S�{�/ Minnesota Ta� Identificat�on Number: _ If a lv`.innesota Tax Ident�cation Number is not required for the business being opzrated, indicate so b�- placing an"X" m the bos. \tiddlc Initiel .'vliddlc Initiel 2i I S.'97 9y� �.s.3 CERTffICATION OF WORKERS' COD/Pi ENSATSOti CO\ �=RAGE PliRSt3A\ ?0 ���SOTA STATliTE I i6.182 I hereb}' �eRif}" Lhzt I, or m}� eompaay, am jn complianez ��ith thz ���orl;ers' eompensa�on Lsurance co. requi� e�ents of Nu. Statu*,e 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I xlso undenta,nd that p, of fals° i: in �his ceru:;ez[io. constiNtes st!r;cic,�? �ov�ds for ad�'e; se actioa zgzinst a111icznses h°_ld, v�clud;n� reeecatian and suspznsion oi said licenses. \`ame of Ir,swznce Co:np��a Po!iryNumbe;: Co��.aezfrom :o I ha��z no emplo� co�'zred under «�orkers' compeasz?ien ias:. �(I\i7L4I.S) ,41Y FALSIFICATIO\ OF A_�SWERS GIV'E\ OR 11ATERLAL SliB1FfITTED WII.L REStiLT LN DENIAL OF TFIIS APPLICATIO\ I hereby state that I hz�'e ans« ered all of the preceding que�tions, 2nd ihzt the info�ation contzined herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beiief. I hzreby state fiuther that I ha��e reczi��ed no money or ou`�zr consideratioq b}� «2}� of loan, ei,R, contribution, or othernise, otha than ahzad�• dixx,lo� in the application a'hich I hr, �uith submitted. I elco under;tand ttis premise may be inspected b}' police, _*"ue, he2lth and other cit}� o�cizis at any and z11 times «hen rhe business is in operaton / Signature (REQLiIRED for ali applications) Date We Rill accept pa� b�� cash, check (made payable to Cit}� of Saint PauI) or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFP. � MasterCard ❑ Visa EXPIf2ATI0N DATE: ACCOU NUMBER: ❑C1/C7❑ � ❑C70❑ ❑00❑ ❑00❑ ❑C70❑ of Car�older of Card Holder(required for all *"Notr. If this applicalion is Food/I.iquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re��e�v plans. If any substzntial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-9007 to apply for building permiu. Ifthere are any changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paui Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications require the folloRing documents. Please attach these documents when submitting your application: I. A detailed description of the design, location and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The foliowing data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 I/2" x 14" paper): -1�Tame, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated to�card the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the intetior of the licensed facility such as seating arzas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed faciliry, indicate both the current area and the proposed expansion. 2. A cop}' of your lease affeement or proof of ownership of the propert}. SPECIFIC LICE2\'SE APPLICATFONS REQUII2E ADDTTIONAL L\'FOF2MATIO:V. PLEASE SEE REVERSE ROR DETAILS >>>> i� �; � R�47 Council File# 9�'_ /�3 Ordinance # V i � G 1 N A L RESOLUTION Presented By Green Sheet # LP60005 2� Referred To Committee: Date RBSQLV8D: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 That application (ID #19970000192) for a Liquor On Sale - 100 seats or less (C) License(s) by CALVIN'S INC DBA CALVIN'S at 244 7TH ST w be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. OWNER NNST HAVE AN APPROVED SZTE PLAN AND FACILITY MUST BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY A ENVIRONMEL3TAL AEALTH SPECIALIST PRIOR TO OPENING. 2. OWNER MUST OBTAIN DRAM SHOP PRIOR TO OPENING. 3. ZONING APPROVAL REQUIRED FOR SITE PLAN BEFORE USE MAY BH ESTABLISHED. 4. LICENSEE MUST COMPLY WITH ZONING REQUIREMENTS FOR OFF-STREET PARKING. 4. Yeas o emC ari — arris toptad by Council : � Date �,�,d �� /gy� option Certified by Council Secretazy x Requested by Department of: Office of License, Inspeations and Environmental Protection a 1` A.�.�?!! - Form Approved by City Attorney s �� ����t�- 2"!3-r'i8� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council :� � d � r: DEPAR7MENT10FFlCEICOUNCIL Da'iE MmATeD / , � ' � - UEP�Licensing GREEN SHEET No s000s ONTACT PERSON & PHONE butiaVDafe InitiaVDate ECHMANN GARY (612)2669736 � C — UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � 2/25+86 �� 2� Council Reswroh ROUTHG , ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR StGNATUR� - ACTION REQUESTED: Counal approval of the fdlowing �icense appl'xation: L�cense # 199700W192, fw CALNN'S INC, Dang Business As CALVIMS, at 2447TH ST W, arM type of business(es): Liquor On Sale - 700 s�ts or IesS (C). RECOMMENDATIONS: AppfOVe(A) RGj2Ct(R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TF1E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. HesMisparso�tmevervvrketluMera coMreciforMisdepaArtreM? PLANNING COMMISSION yES NO CIBCOMMITTEE 2, HasihispersoMrtnever4eec+acilyemployee4 CML SVC CINN, � No 3. Does ihis perso�rm possess a sldll rwt normaily qossessed by arry wmeM city employee? YES NO -- 4. Is �his perso�rtn a targe�ed vendon YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Requestilg Couneil fw a Liquor On-Sale License Ta Calvin's, Inc. D8A Calvin's, lu. at 244 7th Street W. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Cal�rlr�6 [:Ai�kCv.? C ��� � � ��� DISADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: DISADVAN7AGES IF NOT APPROVED: TO7ALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCWL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 9�' �s.3 i 7�z � l cLASS Izr LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICA??ON IS SL�JECT � 0 REV�W BY TI�?u�LIC PLEASE TYZ'E OR PRINT Iti INK Ttpe of License(s) being appli� for: �� i��G.A�� (�% (i G�C j� �c�() I� 7} Cu-�zr.} i�ame: Co�oration / PaMazhip � Solc Proprictocship CITY OF S �INT PAUZ �« ort;:�-_ . ;�s�<r.;o:u zna E^�;ru1^:: _i i roleC.�on ;c. sc 7: = s: sc�_ J] si : p:.i sL^.s.• •s� a� (5!])'i.S�?0 L�::`7"a6"`:" S �<� /GC = �' U If business is incorporated, gi� e datz of incorporation: �`� Dci.g B2 ine�s As Bus'vzess Add�ess: BusinessPhone: a�a��'�3J 5' a u� W . � �' .St• S� � /�i4u� /�') /V SSIO,� Strcct Address 6rv si,r� T,. B2Rl'ECI7 µ']7dI CrO� �TC u F}[eIIllSCS R ;�4ai! To Address. Apalicant Information: Nz-neandTitle: �/aU'6� I,IJARRe.�I 1 /�O('yjPSO� � S First 1 ?�1iddle (M1iaidcn) Last Title Horie Add; ess: 3�� C� SGC{'Vl �M Vl � U'2 ${- • rrQ LA� � `J�SC 4`.Z, SACCt Address � City Stalc Zip �a�z or s�n: ��/y- 9� Place of Bi-th: }� 4,1).!)�Pf� 0/'J �.L S Home Phone: e�� �'�� �.3 Ha�•e ��on e� er been com•icted of any felony, crime or violation of any citp ordinance other than traffic? YES , ATO X Date of arrest: Cha*ge: _ Comiction: Where? Sentence: List the names and residences of three persons of good moral chuacter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, noi rela::d to the applic«t or financiall} interested in the premises or business, u ho ma}' be referred to as to the applicant's character: , i�'AME ADDRESS P?-?ONE l�(9GGL�1C NuLTZ �}�I� fliLLcwc�� TQ Yr�w.VeApa«c, mNSSyy3 ��� m5�o Hz�•e any of the above named licenses e�•er bzen revoked? YES NO If yzs, list the dates and reasons for re�•ocation: 2/1 S/97 s,�c aaa� c�N s� zsp List licznses .chich }'ou currendy hold, formaly held, or ma}' hzae an interest in: NoNC� Are you going to operaiz this buiness pzrsonzlly? x 1''ES First \amc Home AEL-eu: Sl*eet \amc \5iddlc Ini:izl (�;zidrn) Cin Are}ougoir.stoha��eamznzg�o;zsstu:t�th:.sb_>_^ess? !� YES pleasz comple:z thz ioilo«'ing v�Sornzuoa: F�z: ��< Honc.4aQras: St�ct\c�ac �liddlc Lu:i_I (�L=idrnj Cia' Plezce list } ou r.nplo}ment historc for the pre��ioLS :� e(5) czzr period: NO If not, ., ho n'ill opzrate it'? *°a Sutc �a= �r.3 Dat< of Bir*. Za Phone \t�aber \0 if the mz�zee; ;; ^c: uSz s�. zs Lhe op`*ztc-. =�st $tzte Zip DE(� Oi SL�:� Pho�c \uabc Business/Emnlo�inent Address V1Nf p/�RK l�R��JPRy ,��a ul �� s+. t.P�aH� �✓YlN SS e02 List x!1 other o:iicers of the coiporztion: OFFICER TITLE HO�,-` \AME (Office Held) P,DDRESS HOME BUSII�ESS PHO:�iE PHO\'E: If bisiness is a partnership, ple2se include the follo�ii::e irli`o:mzlion for ezch partner (use additional pages ii neczssa*}�): Fiac �m� Homc Add�rss: Strcct \ac�c Fint�amc HomcAddlcss: SVect?:amc (?.leiden) Cirv CiTy Lsst $ts[c Zip I,ast Stntc Zip D.ATE OF 3IRTH Detc of Bir�h Phanc \umbcr Datc ofBirth Phaac \umba 2vIINNESOTA TAX IDEiQ"I'IFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, ] 984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Secuon 2(270J2) (Tae Clearance; Issuance of Licenses),licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, thz Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security numbzr of each license applicant. Under the Minnesoffi Govemment Data Praclices Act and the Federal Pri��acy Act of 19 i4, we aze required to ad�rise you of the follou•ine reearding the ue of the Minnesota Tax Idrntification humber: - This infotmation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event }'ou o�ce Minnesota sales, employer's �a�thholding or motor vehicle excise ta�es; - Upon receieing this informatioq the licensi�g authoriry u�ill supply it only to the Minnesota Departmznt of Rz� enue. Howe� er, under the Federal Exchange of Information Aereement, the Depar[ment of Re��enue may supply this infoRnation to tt�e Intzrnz! Revenue Sen�ice. Minnesota Ta� Ideniification 2�TUmbers (Sales & Use Ta� Nutnber) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, ] 0 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Social Securih� Number: '7 ��O" y(�" Q S�{�/ Minnesota Ta� Identificat�on Number: _ If a lv`.innesota Tax Ident�cation Number is not required for the business being opzrated, indicate so b�- placing an"X" m the bos. \tiddlc Initiel .'vliddlc Initiel 2i I S.'97 9y� �.s.3 CERTffICATION OF WORKERS' COD/Pi ENSATSOti CO\ �=RAGE PliRSt3A\ ?0 ���SOTA STATliTE I i6.182 I hereb}' �eRif}" Lhzt I, or m}� eompaay, am jn complianez ��ith thz ���orl;ers' eompensa�on Lsurance co. requi� e�ents of Nu. Statu*,e 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I xlso undenta,nd that p, of fals° i: in �his ceru:;ez[io. constiNtes st!r;cic,�? �ov�ds for ad�'e; se actioa zgzinst a111icznses h°_ld, v�clud;n� reeecatian and suspznsion oi said licenses. \`ame of Ir,swznce Co:np��a Po!iryNumbe;: Co��.aezfrom :o I ha��z no emplo� co�'zred under «�orkers' compeasz?ien ias:. �(I\i7L4I.S) ,41Y FALSIFICATIO\ OF A_�SWERS GIV'E\ OR 11ATERLAL SliB1FfITTED WII.L REStiLT LN DENIAL OF TFIIS APPLICATIO\ I hereby state that I hz�'e ans« ered all of the preceding que�tions, 2nd ihzt the info�ation contzined herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beiief. I hzreby state fiuther that I ha��e reczi��ed no money or ou`�zr consideratioq b}� «2}� of loan, ei,R, contribution, or othernise, otha than ahzad�• dixx,lo� in the application a'hich I hr, �uith submitted. I elco under;tand ttis premise may be inspected b}' police, _*"ue, he2lth and other cit}� o�cizis at any and z11 times «hen rhe business is in operaton / Signature (REQLiIRED for ali applications) Date We Rill accept pa� b�� cash, check (made payable to Cit}� of Saint PauI) or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFP. � MasterCard ❑ Visa EXPIf2ATI0N DATE: ACCOU NUMBER: ❑C1/C7❑ � ❑C70❑ ❑00❑ ❑00❑ ❑C70❑ of Car�older of Card Holder(required for all *"Notr. If this applicalion is Food/I.iquor related, please contact a City of Saint Paul Health Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to re��e�v plans. If any substzntial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-9007 to apply for building permiu. Ifthere are any changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paui Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. All applications require the folloRing documents. Please attach these documents when submitting your application: I. A detailed description of the design, location and squaze footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The foliowing data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 11" or 8 I/2" x 14" paper): -1�Tame, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated to�card the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the intetior of the licensed facility such as seating arzas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed faciliry, indicate both the current area and the proposed expansion. 2. A cop}' of your lease affeement or proof of ownership of the propert}. SPECIFIC LICE2\'SE APPLICATFONS REQUII2E ADDTTIONAL L\'FOF2MATIO:V. PLEASE SEE REVERSE ROR DETAILS >>>> i� �; � R�47