98-137Council File # R 8- 13�
Green Sheet # � �j \ \ 8
PrasenteJ by
Referred To
C.ommittee Date
1. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Authorit}�� has given its approval to the issuance of its
$2,350,000 Industrial Development Revenue Note (3N Properties Project) (the "Taac-Exempt Note'� and $650,000 Taxable Industrial
Development Revenue Note (3N Praperties Project) (the "Ta�cable Note" and, together with the Ta�c-Exempt Note, the `23otes") to
finance the costs to be incurred in connection with the acquisition, construction and equipping of a manufacturing, warehouse and
office facility located at 240 Arlington Avenue within the City of Saint Paul (the "ProjecP') to be owned by 3N Properties and leased
to Addco, Inc.; and
2. Approval of the issuance of the proposed Notes by the "applicable elected representarive" of the geographic azea in
which the proposed Project is located is required by Secfion 147(� of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Port
Authority has therefore requested that ffie Ciry CouncIl gives its requisite approval pursuant to said requiremenu to facilitate the
issuance oIthe proposed Notes by the Port Authority, subject to final approval of the details of said Notes by We Port Authority; and
NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that, in accordance with the requirements
of Secrion 147(fl of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the City Council hereby approves the issuance of the aforesaid
Notes by the Port Authority for the purposes described in the Port Authority resolurion adopted Febmary 24, 1998, the exact details of
which, including but not limited to, provisions relating to maturity, interest rate, discount, prepayment, and the issuance of addirional
bonds are to be determined by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds
(including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority found by the Port Authority to be necessary for carrying out the purposes for wluch
the aforedescribed Notes are issued.
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Adopted by CouncIl: Date � ssc .�-� ���p
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Req d by Departm nt of•
���isvt'`"�� CN 'v��'�J�t''"�"�"
B�f: �/ f!
Form Approved by City Attomey
s ��..�..� j _ G .-_.' �
a���- ��-
Approved by a o for Submission t ci
98 •��'�
S Paul Port Authority
Peter M. Klein
N° _13118
Approval of the issuance of approximately $3,000,000 of tax exempt and taxable notes
to 3N Properties (ADDCO, Inc.) for the construction of a new office and production
facility of approximately 77,000 square feet in Arlington Business Center.
RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) rn Rajec
__ q6 CAMMITTEE A • ,
__ STAFF _ ,
1. Has this personhrm ever worked under a contract for this department?
2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee?
3, �oes this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally pos5essetl by any cutrent city employee?
Explain ali yes answsrs on separete sheet ana attach to green sheet
The issuance of a bond issue will aliow the construction ofi a new office and production
facility in Arlington Business Center.
As a result of the new office and production facility, it is anticipated that 34
new jobs will be created in the first two years of operations.
�?l!??ull ^��0�°:� vL?'t'i�t
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he new jobs created by this new facility will not be created.
�c sauece Port AuthoritY tax exempt and ACTIVITYNUMBER
\LINFORMATION.(EXPLAIN) taxable conduit notes
� �irr ���-�--
FAX (612) 223-5198
TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417
��.,,, „ti.��.�ARKTOWERS • 345 ST. PFfER STREET • ST. PAUL MN 55102-16b1 • PHONE (612) 224-5b86
February 18, 1998
Ms. Pam Wheelock, Director
Planning & Economic Development Department
1300 City Hait Annex
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
DearMs. eelv6�:�''
We submit for your review and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council, and City
Attorney's office, details pertaining to the issuance of tax-exempt and taacable conduit notes
in the approximate amount of $3,000,000 to finance the construction of a new office and
production facility of approximately 77,000 square feet in the Arlington Susiness Center, St.
Paul, Minnesota.
The Port Authority has received an industrial revenue bond allocation from the State of
Minnesota Small Issue Pool, as the project is manufacturing. The City of Saint Paui's
entitlement allocation will not be affected by this application.
!n addition to the staff memorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City
Council Resolution and a copy of the Resolution conducting the required public hearing and
authorizing the saie of the revenue bond issue in the amount of $3,000,000 that will be
considered by the Port Authority's Board on February 24, 1998. City Council action will be
required after the Port Authority's Board meeting of February 24, 1998.
Your expeditious handiing of this matter wifi be appreciated.
Kenneth R. Johnson
cc: Mayor Coleman
� .•� • ►
TO: Credit Committee
(February 17, 1998 Regular Meeting)
FROM: Peter M. Klein �
Lorrie J. Louder
Kenneth R. Johnson
DATE: Feb.10, 1998
SUBJECT: 3M PROPERTfES (ADDCO, INC.) - Authorization for the tssuance of
Approximately $3,000,000 of Ta�c Exempt and Taxable Notes
��I«1di � : � �
�18 • ��'�
Approval of final resofution authorizing the issuance of an approximate $3,000,000
conduit note issue to 3N Properties (ADDCO, tnc.).
Estimated Amount:
Piacement Agent:
Borrowers Counsel:
Bond Counsel:
$3,000,000 - Series 1 - $2,350,000 Tax Exempt
- Series 2 - $650,000 Taxable
Fixed Rate )ndustrial Development Revenue Notes
10 Years with a 28-year amortization
Port Authority of tfie City of Sair�t Paul
3N Properties (ADDCO, Inc.)
Eberhardt Company
UNUM Life lnsurance Company and an affiliated ent+ty
Piper Jaffray, Inc.
Rider Bennett Law Firm
Leonard, Street & Deinard
I'he Borrower.
3N Properties has purchased a site in the Adington Business Center for the construction of a
new facility of approximately 77,000 square feet. 3N Properties is the real estate holding
entity for ADDCO, inc., and is currentiy located at 69 Empire Drive in Saint Paul in a 24,000
square foot buiiding. ADDCO was formed in 1953. Their business is manufacturing trailer-
mounted programmable message signs and hand electrical controls for industrial machines.
They also customize diesei and gasoline engines for the indusirial trade.
February 10, 1998
Page -2-
The Nates:
The Notes wiil b�
interest at a faed
10 years.
r- �,$' •l��
issued in the approximate principai amount of $3,000,000 and wiU bear
rate of 5.84°k for the tax-exempt notes and 7.30% for the taxable notes for
The Project:
The proceeds of the Notes will be loaned to the Borrower, and used to construct a new
approximate 77,000 square foot office and production facility in the Sairrt Paui Port Authority's
Arlington Business Center. The availabiliiy of th+s financing will enable ADDCO to expand its
present production capacity. As a resuR, new jobs will also be created to support the revenue
and production increases.
In addition to this facility financing, there is $250,000 of equipment that will be financed on a
tax-exempt basis through another lender. This wil{ {ikely be brought before the Credit
Committee and Board of Gommissioners neact month.
Em�lo.yment Im�act:
This project is important because it retains the company and its jobs in Saint Paul as well as
adds fufl-time positions. Under the Port Authority's Worfcforce and Employment Agreement
ADDCO, Inc. witl trarisfer its curcent 91 full-t+me employees to the Arlington Business Center
facility and add an additional 25 futl 4ime positions within three years. The company now
anticipates creating 34 additional jobs in the first finro years of operations at the new faciiity.
As a result of the construction of this new officelproduction facility, ADDCO has estimated that
there will be an annual payrotf increase ofi $1,031,680 per year when fully operational. Most of
the jobs will likely be professional positions paying an average of $15.00 per hour.
The Lender.
The lender will be UNUM Lffe Insurance Company for the taxable note and a UNUM aff+liate
for the tax-exempt note.
� -. . . - . .
Sources of Funds:
Note Proceeds
Estimated Borrower Funds
Total Sources of Funds
tZses of Funds:
Building Construction
Estimated Costs of Issuance
Total Uses of Funds
�i� ���
. � .��
. � ���
February 10, 1998
Page -3-
°ig -�3'1
Cgnduit Financina:
The notes wifl be conduit financing of the Authority and wilf not constitute or give rise to a
liability of the Aufhority, the C+ty of Saint Paul or the State of Minnesota or a charge against
their general credit or tvcing powers. The note holder will not have the right to demand
paymenf of the notes out of any funds to be raised from taxation or from any revenue sources
ofher than those expressly pledged to payment of the notes pursuant to the loan agreement.
The Port Authority wi11 receive fees in tfie amount of 1/8th of a point ($3,750.00) at inception
and 1/8th of a point on the outstanding balance, annually, for the life of the notes.
Loan Agreement:
The Authority has pledged its interest in the loan agreement to UNUM to secure the notes.
Port Authority Commissioners, by S.E.C. rules, are obligated to disclose any risks or facts
you may be aware of that would affect the probability of repayment of these notes.
• ll 1 • •
Recommend approval of authorizing issuance of the approximate $3,000,000 conduit
notes issued on behalfi of 3N Properties (ADDCO, fnc.).
°I� -��'1
Resoiution No.
WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the Port Authoriry of the City of Saint Paui (the "Port
Authority'� issue its Industriat Deveiopment Revenue Note (3N Properties Project) (the "Tax-
Esempt Note'� and Taxable Industrial Developmeat Revenue Note (3N Properties Project) (the
"Taxable 23ote" and, togeiher with the Tax-Fxempt I3ote, the "Notes'� in an aggregate principal
amount not to exceed $3,000,000 and that the procezds of such Notes be loaned to 3N Properiies, a
Minnesota general partnership (the "Borrawei'� to finance the acquisirion, construction and
equipping of a manufacturing, warehouse and office facility (the "Project'� in the City of 5aint
Paul, Minnesota {the "City'�, to be owned by the Borrower and leased to Addco, Inc.
WHEREAS, proceeds of the Taac-Exempt Note will be loaned to the Boaower pursuant
to a Loan Agreement (the "Tas-Exempt Loan Agreemern'� to be entered into between the Port
Authority and the Borrower; and
VTHEREAS, proceeds of the Taxable Note will be loaned to the Borrower pursuant to a
Loan Agreement (the "Taxable Loan Agreement'� to be entered into between the Port Authority
and the Bonower; and
�Vf�EREAS, the Tax-Exempt Note will be purchased by NY Holdings 1994-1 ("NY
Holdings"�, and the Taxable Note will be purchased by Unum Life Insurance Company of
America ("iJnum'�; and
WI�REAS, the payment of the Tax-Exempt Note will be secured by a fully recourse
Mortgage and Security Agreament and Fixt�ue Financing Statement from the Borrower in favor
of NY Holdings {the "l�tY Hoidings Mortgage"); and
WHEREAS, the payment of the Taxable Note will be secured by a fully recourse
Mortgage and Security Agreament and Fi�.ure Financing Statement from tYie Bonower in favor
of Unum (the "Unum Mortgage"); and
VJI-IEREAS, the Port Authority has received an ailocation of bonding authority far the
Projeci from the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Developmeut as required by the
Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and Minn. Stat Ch. 474A; and
W�REA5, the Port Authority's Credit Committee and Boazd have previously adopted
their Resolution Nos. 30 and 3632, respectively, giving prelim.inary approval to the proposed
issuance of revenue bonds for the Project; and
WHEREAS, Port Authority staff has reviewed this proposat with the Credit Committee,
all as more specifically set forth in the staff memoraudum on file, and the Credit Committee
°Ig -ta�t
recommends approval of this Resolution; the issuance of the I3otes; and the execution of all
documents ouflined herein and in the staff memorandum, or otherwise necessary to the
consummation of these tr-<msactions; and
WfiEREAS, the Port Authority, pursuant ta Section 147(fl of the Code, pubiished a
notice, a copy of which with proof of publication is on file in the office of the Port Authority, of
a public hearing on the proposal to issue the Notes to finan.ce the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Port Authority conducied a public hearing on the date hereof pursuant to
said notice, at which hearing the recommendations contained in the Port Authority's staff
memoraudum to the Board of Commissioners were reviewerl, and all persans who appeared at
the hearing were given an opportunity to ezcgress their views with respect to the proposal; and
NOW TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Boazd of Commissioners of ttie Port
Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 as follows:
1. The issuance of the Notes ia an amount not to exceed $3,000,000, is hereby
approved, subject to the Project and its financing receiving approval from the Degartment of
Trade and Economic Development and the issuance of the Notes being approved by the Ciry
Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City'�, as described in paragraph 9, below.
2. Neither the Notes, nor the interest therean, shall constitute indebtedness of the
Port Authority or ffie City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation;
nor shall they constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the City or the Port Authority or a
chazge against their general taxing powers and neither the full faith and credit nor the general
taxing powers of the City or the Port Authority is pledged to the payment of the Notes or interest
3. Forms of the following documents have been submitted to the Port Authority for
review and/or approval in connection with the sale, issuance and deiivery of the Notes:
(a) the Tax-Exempt Note;
(b) the TaYable Note
(c) the Tas-Bxempt Loan Agreement;
(d) the Taa�able Loan Agreement;
(e) the NY Holdings Mortgage;
(fl the Unum Mortgage;
(g) the Pledge of Loan Agreement, to be dated as of Mazch i, 199$ by and
between the Port Authority and NY Holdings; and
1634553.01 2
°l$ -��'1
(h) the Pledge of Loan Agreement, to be dated as of March 1, 1998 by and
between the Port Authority and Unum
(collectively the "Documents'�.
4. It is hereby found, detemuned and deciared that:
(a) The issuance and sale of the Notes, the execution and delivery by the Port
Authority of the Documents, as applicable, and the performance of all covenants and
agreements of the Port Authority contained in the Documents, and of all other acts and
things required under the Constirirtion and laws of the State of Minnesota to make the
Documeats and the Notes vaiid and binding obligations of the Port Authority in
accordance with their terms, aze authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Seotions 469.048
through 464.068 and 469.152 through 469.1651, as amended (the "Act");
(b) It is desirable that the Notes be issued by the Port Autliority upon the
generai terms set forth in tlie Documents, as applicable;
(c) Under the provisions of and as provided in the Documents, the Notes aze
not to be payable from or a charge upon any funds other than the revenues pledged to the
payment thereof; no holder of the Notes shall ever have the right to compei any exercise
by the City or the Port Autharity of its ta�cing powezs to pay the Notes or the interest or
premium thereon, or to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City or the
Port Authority except the interests of the Port Authority wluch have been assigned to NY
Holdings and Unum, the Notes s$ali not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or
equitable, upon any property of the City or the Port Authority except the interests of the
Port Authority which have been assigned to NY Holdings and Unum; the Notes shail
recite that they are issued without moral obligation on the part of the State or its political
subdivisions, and that the Notes, including interest thereon, aze payable solely from the
revenues pledged to the payment thereof; and the Notes shali not constitute debt of the
City or the Port Authoriiy within the meaning of any constitutionai or statutory
5. The forms of the Documents and e�ibits thereto are approved substantially in the
forms submitted and on file in the offices of the Port Authority, with such subsequent changes as
may be approved by the Port Authority staff, counsei and Bond Counsel as contemplated by
pazagraph 7. The Chair and Secretary of the Port Authority, or such other officers as may be
appropriate in the absence of either the Chair or Secretary, are hereby authorized and directed to
exeoute the Documents (to the extent the Port Authority is a party thereto) in substantially the
fornis submitted, as modified pursvant to paragraph 7, and any other doeuments and certificates
which in the opinion of Port Authority staff, counsel and Bond Counsei aze necessary to the
transactions herein described. The execution of any insh�ument by the appropriate officer or
officers of the Port Authority herein authorized shall be conciusive evidence of the approval of
1634553.01 3
such documents in accordance with the terms hereof. Copies of all the documents necessary to
the transaction described shall be delivered, filed and recorded as provided herein.
6. The President and other officers of the Port Authority are authorized and directed
to prepaze and fumish to NY Holdings, Unum and Bond Counsel certified capies of proceedings
and records of the Port Authority relating to the issuauce of the Notes and other trausactions
herein contemplaYed, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the
facrs relating to the legality of the Notes and the other transaciions herein contemplated as such
facts appear from the books and records in the o�cers' custody and control or as otherwise
lmown to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore
furnished, shali constitute representations of the Port Authority as to the truth of ali statements
contained therein.
7. The approval hereby given to the various Documents referred to above inciudes
approval of such additional details therein as may be necessazy and appropriate, and such
modifications thereof, deletions therefrom and additions tiiereta as may be necessazy and
appropriate and approved by the Port Authority's President and Chief Financiai Officer; and
inciudes approval of, among other things:
(a) establishment of the final principal amount of the Notes and the interest
rates to be borne thereby; �rovided that the maximum principai amount of the Tas-
Exempt Note shall not exceed $2,600,000, and the maxunum aggregate auaount of both
the Taac-Exempt Note and the TaYable Note together shall not exceed $3,000,000; and
nro, vided fi�h� that the maximum interest rate on the T�-Exempt Note shall not excead
^% per annum, and the maximum interest rate on the Tasable Note shall not exceed
_% per annum;
(b) the establishment of the maturity schednle and caii provisions to be
applicable to the Notes; and
(c) such related insmzments as may be required to satisfy the conditions of
1�II' Holdings and Unum.
8. The proposal of NY Hoidings and Unum to purchase the �iotes upon the terms
and conditions set forth in the Documents and other materiais submitted by NY Holdings and
Unum to the Port Awthority are hereby found and determined to be reasonable and aze hereby
9. The staff of the Port Authority is authorized to (a) submit the application for
approvat of the Project by the Department of Trade and Ecanomic Development of the State of
Minnesota as required by Minn. Stat. Sections 469.152 through 469.1651, and (b) take the steps
necessary to obtain the approval of the issuance of the i�iotes by the Ciry Council of the City as
required by Section 147{fl of the Internal Revenue Code of 198b, as amended.
1634553.01 4
°Ig -�3'1
10. The authority to approve, �ecute and deliver future amendments to financing
documents entered into by the Port Authority in connection with the issuance of the Notes and
the other transactions hereia contemplated, is hereby delegated to the President of the Port
Authority, subjeci to ihe following conditions: (a) such amendments do not materially adversely
affect the interests of the Port Authority as the issuer of the Notes; (b) such amendments do not
contravene or violate any policy of the Port Authority; (c) such amendments are acceptable in
form and substance to Bond Counsei; and (d) the Port Authority has received an opinion of Bond
Counsei to the e$ect that the amendments will not adversely affect the tax-exempt character of
interest on the T�-Exempt Note. The execution of any instrument by the President of the Port
Anthority shail be conclusive evidence of the approval of such instrumenu in accort3ance with
the terms hereof.
11. No covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement contained herein or in the
Documents shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipuiation, obligation or agreement of any
member of the Boazd of Commissioners of the Port Authority, or any officer, agent or employee
of the Port Authority in that persons individuai �apacity, and neitlier the Boazd of Commissioners
nor any officer executing the Notes shail be liable personally on the Notes or be subject to any
personal liabiliry or accountability by reason of the issuance thereof.
Adopted: February 24, 1998.
Its Secretaty
Its Chair
Council File # R 8- 13�
Green Sheet # � �j \ \ 8
PrasenteJ by
Referred To
C.ommittee Date
1. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Authorit}�� has given its approval to the issuance of its
$2,350,000 Industrial Development Revenue Note (3N Properties Project) (the "Taac-Exempt Note'� and $650,000 Taxable Industrial
Development Revenue Note (3N Praperties Project) (the "Ta�cable Note" and, together with the Ta�c-Exempt Note, the `23otes") to
finance the costs to be incurred in connection with the acquisition, construction and equipping of a manufacturing, warehouse and
office facility located at 240 Arlington Avenue within the City of Saint Paul (the "ProjecP') to be owned by 3N Properties and leased
to Addco, Inc.; and
2. Approval of the issuance of the proposed Notes by the "applicable elected representarive" of the geographic azea in
which the proposed Project is located is required by Secfion 147(� of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Port
Authority has therefore requested that ffie Ciry CouncIl gives its requisite approval pursuant to said requiremenu to facilitate the
issuance oIthe proposed Notes by the Port Authority, subject to final approval of the details of said Notes by We Port Authority; and
NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that, in accordance with the requirements
of Secrion 147(fl of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the City Council hereby approves the issuance of the aforesaid
Notes by the Port Authority for the purposes described in the Port Authority resolurion adopted Febmary 24, 1998, the exact details of
which, including but not limited to, provisions relating to maturity, interest rate, discount, prepayment, and the issuance of addirional
bonds are to be determined by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds
(including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority found by the Port Authority to be necessary for carrying out the purposes for wluch
the aforedescribed Notes are issued.
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�TI � 11 � 1
• ��__ ',I .
� \I . � � �
. ���__I
Adopted by CouncIl: Date � ssc .�-� ���p
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Req d by Departm nt of•
���isvt'`"�� CN 'v��'�J�t''"�"�"
B�f: �/ f!
Form Approved by City Attomey
s ��..�..� j _ G .-_.' �
a���- ��-
Approved by a o for Submission t ci
98 •��'�
S Paul Port Authority
Peter M. Klein
N° _13118
Approval of the issuance of approximately $3,000,000 of tax exempt and taxable notes
to 3N Properties (ADDCO, Inc.) for the construction of a new office and production
facility of approximately 77,000 square feet in Arlington Business Center.
RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) rn Rajec
__ q6 CAMMITTEE A • ,
__ STAFF _ ,
1. Has this personhrm ever worked under a contract for this department?
2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee?
3, �oes this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally pos5essetl by any cutrent city employee?
Explain ali yes answsrs on separete sheet ana attach to green sheet
The issuance of a bond issue will aliow the construction ofi a new office and production
facility in Arlington Business Center.
As a result of the new office and production facility, it is anticipated that 34
new jobs will be created in the first two years of operations.
�?l!??ull ^��0�°:� vL?'t'i�t
. s:��
' : ' c
he new jobs created by this new facility will not be created.
�c sauece Port AuthoritY tax exempt and ACTIVITYNUMBER
\LINFORMATION.(EXPLAIN) taxable conduit notes
� �irr ���-�--
FAX (612) 223-5198
TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417
��.,,, „ti.��.�ARKTOWERS • 345 ST. PFfER STREET • ST. PAUL MN 55102-16b1 • PHONE (612) 224-5b86
February 18, 1998
Ms. Pam Wheelock, Director
Planning & Economic Development Department
1300 City Hait Annex
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
DearMs. eelv6�:�''
We submit for your review and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council, and City
Attorney's office, details pertaining to the issuance of tax-exempt and taacable conduit notes
in the approximate amount of $3,000,000 to finance the construction of a new office and
production facility of approximately 77,000 square feet in the Arlington Susiness Center, St.
Paul, Minnesota.
The Port Authority has received an industrial revenue bond allocation from the State of
Minnesota Small Issue Pool, as the project is manufacturing. The City of Saint Paui's
entitlement allocation will not be affected by this application.
!n addition to the staff memorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City
Council Resolution and a copy of the Resolution conducting the required public hearing and
authorizing the saie of the revenue bond issue in the amount of $3,000,000 that will be
considered by the Port Authority's Board on February 24, 1998. City Council action will be
required after the Port Authority's Board meeting of February 24, 1998.
Your expeditious handiing of this matter wifi be appreciated.
Kenneth R. Johnson
cc: Mayor Coleman
� .•� • ►
TO: Credit Committee
(February 17, 1998 Regular Meeting)
FROM: Peter M. Klein �
Lorrie J. Louder
Kenneth R. Johnson
DATE: Feb.10, 1998
SUBJECT: 3M PROPERTfES (ADDCO, INC.) - Authorization for the tssuance of
Approximately $3,000,000 of Ta�c Exempt and Taxable Notes
��I«1di � : � �
�18 • ��'�
Approval of final resofution authorizing the issuance of an approximate $3,000,000
conduit note issue to 3N Properties (ADDCO, tnc.).
Estimated Amount:
Piacement Agent:
Borrowers Counsel:
Bond Counsel:
$3,000,000 - Series 1 - $2,350,000 Tax Exempt
- Series 2 - $650,000 Taxable
Fixed Rate )ndustrial Development Revenue Notes
10 Years with a 28-year amortization
Port Authority of tfie City of Sair�t Paul
3N Properties (ADDCO, Inc.)
Eberhardt Company
UNUM Life lnsurance Company and an affiliated ent+ty
Piper Jaffray, Inc.
Rider Bennett Law Firm
Leonard, Street & Deinard
I'he Borrower.
3N Properties has purchased a site in the Adington Business Center for the construction of a
new facility of approximately 77,000 square feet. 3N Properties is the real estate holding
entity for ADDCO, inc., and is currentiy located at 69 Empire Drive in Saint Paul in a 24,000
square foot buiiding. ADDCO was formed in 1953. Their business is manufacturing trailer-
mounted programmable message signs and hand electrical controls for industrial machines.
They also customize diesei and gasoline engines for the indusirial trade.
February 10, 1998
Page -2-
The Nates:
The Notes wiil b�
interest at a faed
10 years.
r- �,$' •l��
issued in the approximate principai amount of $3,000,000 and wiU bear
rate of 5.84°k for the tax-exempt notes and 7.30% for the taxable notes for
The Project:
The proceeds of the Notes will be loaned to the Borrower, and used to construct a new
approximate 77,000 square foot office and production facility in the Sairrt Paui Port Authority's
Arlington Business Center. The availabiliiy of th+s financing will enable ADDCO to expand its
present production capacity. As a resuR, new jobs will also be created to support the revenue
and production increases.
In addition to this facility financing, there is $250,000 of equipment that will be financed on a
tax-exempt basis through another lender. This wil{ {ikely be brought before the Credit
Committee and Board of Gommissioners neact month.
Em�lo.yment Im�act:
This project is important because it retains the company and its jobs in Saint Paul as well as
adds fufl-time positions. Under the Port Authority's Worfcforce and Employment Agreement
ADDCO, Inc. witl trarisfer its curcent 91 full-t+me employees to the Arlington Business Center
facility and add an additional 25 futl 4ime positions within three years. The company now
anticipates creating 34 additional jobs in the first finro years of operations at the new faciiity.
As a result of the construction of this new officelproduction facility, ADDCO has estimated that
there will be an annual payrotf increase ofi $1,031,680 per year when fully operational. Most of
the jobs will likely be professional positions paying an average of $15.00 per hour.
The Lender.
The lender will be UNUM Lffe Insurance Company for the taxable note and a UNUM aff+liate
for the tax-exempt note.
� -. . . - . .
Sources of Funds:
Note Proceeds
Estimated Borrower Funds
Total Sources of Funds
tZses of Funds:
Building Construction
Estimated Costs of Issuance
Total Uses of Funds
�i� ���
. � .��
. � ���
February 10, 1998
Page -3-
°ig -�3'1
Cgnduit Financina:
The notes wifl be conduit financing of the Authority and wilf not constitute or give rise to a
liability of the Aufhority, the C+ty of Saint Paul or the State of Minnesota or a charge against
their general credit or tvcing powers. The note holder will not have the right to demand
paymenf of the notes out of any funds to be raised from taxation or from any revenue sources
ofher than those expressly pledged to payment of the notes pursuant to the loan agreement.
The Port Authority wi11 receive fees in tfie amount of 1/8th of a point ($3,750.00) at inception
and 1/8th of a point on the outstanding balance, annually, for the life of the notes.
Loan Agreement:
The Authority has pledged its interest in the loan agreement to UNUM to secure the notes.
Port Authority Commissioners, by S.E.C. rules, are obligated to disclose any risks or facts
you may be aware of that would affect the probability of repayment of these notes.
• ll 1 • •
Recommend approval of authorizing issuance of the approximate $3,000,000 conduit
notes issued on behalfi of 3N Properties (ADDCO, fnc.).
°I� -��'1
Resoiution No.
WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the Port Authoriry of the City of Saint Paui (the "Port
Authority'� issue its Industriat Deveiopment Revenue Note (3N Properties Project) (the "Tax-
Esempt Note'� and Taxable Industrial Developmeat Revenue Note (3N Properties Project) (the
"Taxable 23ote" and, togeiher with the Tax-Fxempt I3ote, the "Notes'� in an aggregate principal
amount not to exceed $3,000,000 and that the procezds of such Notes be loaned to 3N Properiies, a
Minnesota general partnership (the "Borrawei'� to finance the acquisirion, construction and
equipping of a manufacturing, warehouse and office facility (the "Project'� in the City of 5aint
Paul, Minnesota {the "City'�, to be owned by the Borrower and leased to Addco, Inc.
WHEREAS, proceeds of the Taac-Exempt Note will be loaned to the Boaower pursuant
to a Loan Agreement (the "Tas-Exempt Loan Agreemern'� to be entered into between the Port
Authority and the Borrower; and
VTHEREAS, proceeds of the Taxable Note will be loaned to the Borrower pursuant to a
Loan Agreement (the "Taxable Loan Agreement'� to be entered into between the Port Authority
and the Bonower; and
�Vf�EREAS, the Tax-Exempt Note will be purchased by NY Holdings 1994-1 ("NY
Holdings"�, and the Taxable Note will be purchased by Unum Life Insurance Company of
America ("iJnum'�; and
WI�REAS, the payment of the Tax-Exempt Note will be secured by a fully recourse
Mortgage and Security Agreament and Fixt�ue Financing Statement from the Borrower in favor
of NY Holdings {the "l�tY Hoidings Mortgage"); and
WHEREAS, the payment of the Taxable Note will be secured by a fully recourse
Mortgage and Security Agreament and Fi�.ure Financing Statement from tYie Bonower in favor
of Unum (the "Unum Mortgage"); and
VJI-IEREAS, the Port Authority has received an ailocation of bonding authority far the
Projeci from the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Developmeut as required by the
Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and Minn. Stat Ch. 474A; and
W�REA5, the Port Authority's Credit Committee and Boazd have previously adopted
their Resolution Nos. 30 and 3632, respectively, giving prelim.inary approval to the proposed
issuance of revenue bonds for the Project; and
WHEREAS, Port Authority staff has reviewed this proposat with the Credit Committee,
all as more specifically set forth in the staff memoraudum on file, and the Credit Committee
°Ig -ta�t
recommends approval of this Resolution; the issuance of the I3otes; and the execution of all
documents ouflined herein and in the staff memorandum, or otherwise necessary to the
consummation of these tr-<msactions; and
WfiEREAS, the Port Authority, pursuant ta Section 147(fl of the Code, pubiished a
notice, a copy of which with proof of publication is on file in the office of the Port Authority, of
a public hearing on the proposal to issue the Notes to finan.ce the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Port Authority conducied a public hearing on the date hereof pursuant to
said notice, at which hearing the recommendations contained in the Port Authority's staff
memoraudum to the Board of Commissioners were reviewerl, and all persans who appeared at
the hearing were given an opportunity to ezcgress their views with respect to the proposal; and
NOW TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Boazd of Commissioners of ttie Port
Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 as follows:
1. The issuance of the Notes ia an amount not to exceed $3,000,000, is hereby
approved, subject to the Project and its financing receiving approval from the Degartment of
Trade and Economic Development and the issuance of the Notes being approved by the Ciry
Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City'�, as described in paragraph 9, below.
2. Neither the Notes, nor the interest therean, shall constitute indebtedness of the
Port Authority or ffie City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation;
nor shall they constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the City or the Port Authority or a
chazge against their general taxing powers and neither the full faith and credit nor the general
taxing powers of the City or the Port Authority is pledged to the payment of the Notes or interest
3. Forms of the following documents have been submitted to the Port Authority for
review and/or approval in connection with the sale, issuance and deiivery of the Notes:
(a) the Tax-Exempt Note;
(b) the TaYable Note
(c) the Tas-Bxempt Loan Agreement;
(d) the Taa�able Loan Agreement;
(e) the NY Holdings Mortgage;
(fl the Unum Mortgage;
(g) the Pledge of Loan Agreement, to be dated as of Mazch i, 199$ by and
between the Port Authority and NY Holdings; and
1634553.01 2
°l$ -��'1
(h) the Pledge of Loan Agreement, to be dated as of March 1, 1998 by and
between the Port Authority and Unum
(collectively the "Documents'�.
4. It is hereby found, detemuned and deciared that:
(a) The issuance and sale of the Notes, the execution and delivery by the Port
Authority of the Documents, as applicable, and the performance of all covenants and
agreements of the Port Authority contained in the Documents, and of all other acts and
things required under the Constirirtion and laws of the State of Minnesota to make the
Documeats and the Notes vaiid and binding obligations of the Port Authority in
accordance with their terms, aze authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Seotions 469.048
through 464.068 and 469.152 through 469.1651, as amended (the "Act");
(b) It is desirable that the Notes be issued by the Port Autliority upon the
generai terms set forth in tlie Documents, as applicable;
(c) Under the provisions of and as provided in the Documents, the Notes aze
not to be payable from or a charge upon any funds other than the revenues pledged to the
payment thereof; no holder of the Notes shall ever have the right to compei any exercise
by the City or the Port Autharity of its ta�cing powezs to pay the Notes or the interest or
premium thereon, or to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City or the
Port Authority except the interests of the Port Authority wluch have been assigned to NY
Holdings and Unum, the Notes s$ali not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or
equitable, upon any property of the City or the Port Authority except the interests of the
Port Authority which have been assigned to NY Holdings and Unum; the Notes shail
recite that they are issued without moral obligation on the part of the State or its political
subdivisions, and that the Notes, including interest thereon, aze payable solely from the
revenues pledged to the payment thereof; and the Notes shali not constitute debt of the
City or the Port Authoriiy within the meaning of any constitutionai or statutory
5. The forms of the Documents and e�ibits thereto are approved substantially in the
forms submitted and on file in the offices of the Port Authority, with such subsequent changes as
may be approved by the Port Authority staff, counsei and Bond Counsel as contemplated by
pazagraph 7. The Chair and Secretary of the Port Authority, or such other officers as may be
appropriate in the absence of either the Chair or Secretary, are hereby authorized and directed to
exeoute the Documents (to the extent the Port Authority is a party thereto) in substantially the
fornis submitted, as modified pursvant to paragraph 7, and any other doeuments and certificates
which in the opinion of Port Authority staff, counsel and Bond Counsei aze necessary to the
transactions herein described. The execution of any insh�ument by the appropriate officer or
officers of the Port Authority herein authorized shall be conciusive evidence of the approval of
1634553.01 3
such documents in accordance with the terms hereof. Copies of all the documents necessary to
the transaction described shall be delivered, filed and recorded as provided herein.
6. The President and other officers of the Port Authority are authorized and directed
to prepaze and fumish to NY Holdings, Unum and Bond Counsel certified capies of proceedings
and records of the Port Authority relating to the issuauce of the Notes and other trausactions
herein contemplaYed, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the
facrs relating to the legality of the Notes and the other transaciions herein contemplated as such
facts appear from the books and records in the o�cers' custody and control or as otherwise
lmown to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore
furnished, shali constitute representations of the Port Authority as to the truth of ali statements
contained therein.
7. The approval hereby given to the various Documents referred to above inciudes
approval of such additional details therein as may be necessazy and appropriate, and such
modifications thereof, deletions therefrom and additions tiiereta as may be necessazy and
appropriate and approved by the Port Authority's President and Chief Financiai Officer; and
inciudes approval of, among other things:
(a) establishment of the final principal amount of the Notes and the interest
rates to be borne thereby; �rovided that the maximum principai amount of the Tas-
Exempt Note shall not exceed $2,600,000, and the maxunum aggregate auaount of both
the Taac-Exempt Note and the TaYable Note together shall not exceed $3,000,000; and
nro, vided fi�h� that the maximum interest rate on the T�-Exempt Note shall not excead
^% per annum, and the maximum interest rate on the Tasable Note shall not exceed
_% per annum;
(b) the establishment of the maturity schednle and caii provisions to be
applicable to the Notes; and
(c) such related insmzments as may be required to satisfy the conditions of
1�II' Holdings and Unum.
8. The proposal of NY Hoidings and Unum to purchase the �iotes upon the terms
and conditions set forth in the Documents and other materiais submitted by NY Holdings and
Unum to the Port Awthority are hereby found and determined to be reasonable and aze hereby
9. The staff of the Port Authority is authorized to (a) submit the application for
approvat of the Project by the Department of Trade and Ecanomic Development of the State of
Minnesota as required by Minn. Stat. Sections 469.152 through 469.1651, and (b) take the steps
necessary to obtain the approval of the issuance of the i�iotes by the Ciry Council of the City as
required by Section 147{fl of the Internal Revenue Code of 198b, as amended.
1634553.01 4
°Ig -�3'1
10. The authority to approve, �ecute and deliver future amendments to financing
documents entered into by the Port Authority in connection with the issuance of the Notes and
the other transactions hereia contemplated, is hereby delegated to the President of the Port
Authority, subjeci to ihe following conditions: (a) such amendments do not materially adversely
affect the interests of the Port Authority as the issuer of the Notes; (b) such amendments do not
contravene or violate any policy of the Port Authority; (c) such amendments are acceptable in
form and substance to Bond Counsei; and (d) the Port Authority has received an opinion of Bond
Counsei to the e$ect that the amendments will not adversely affect the tax-exempt character of
interest on the T�-Exempt Note. The execution of any instrument by the President of the Port
Anthority shail be conclusive evidence of the approval of such instrumenu in accort3ance with
the terms hereof.
11. No covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement contained herein or in the
Documents shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipuiation, obligation or agreement of any
member of the Boazd of Commissioners of the Port Authority, or any officer, agent or employee
of the Port Authority in that persons individuai �apacity, and neitlier the Boazd of Commissioners
nor any officer executing the Notes shail be liable personally on the Notes or be subject to any
personal liabiliry or accountability by reason of the issuance thereof.
Adopted: February 24, 1998.
Its Secretaty
Its Chair
Council File # R 8- 13�
Green Sheet # � �j \ \ 8
PrasenteJ by
Referred To
C.ommittee Date
1. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul (the "Authorit}�� has given its approval to the issuance of its
$2,350,000 Industrial Development Revenue Note (3N Properties Project) (the "Taac-Exempt Note'� and $650,000 Taxable Industrial
Development Revenue Note (3N Praperties Project) (the "Ta�cable Note" and, together with the Ta�c-Exempt Note, the `23otes") to
finance the costs to be incurred in connection with the acquisition, construction and equipping of a manufacturing, warehouse and
office facility located at 240 Arlington Avenue within the City of Saint Paul (the "ProjecP') to be owned by 3N Properties and leased
to Addco, Inc.; and
2. Approval of the issuance of the proposed Notes by the "applicable elected representarive" of the geographic azea in
which the proposed Project is located is required by Secfion 147(� of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Port
Authority has therefore requested that ffie Ciry CouncIl gives its requisite approval pursuant to said requiremenu to facilitate the
issuance oIthe proposed Notes by the Port Authority, subject to final approval of the details of said Notes by We Port Authority; and
NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that, in accordance with the requirements
of Secrion 147(fl of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the City Council hereby approves the issuance of the aforesaid
Notes by the Port Authority for the purposes described in the Port Authority resolurion adopted Febmary 24, 1998, the exact details of
which, including but not limited to, provisions relating to maturity, interest rate, discount, prepayment, and the issuance of addirional
bonds are to be determined by the Port Authority, and the City Council hereby authorizes the issuance of any additional bonds
(including refunding bonds) by the Port Authority found by the Port Authority to be necessary for carrying out the purposes for wluch
the aforedescribed Notes are issued.
'�,-: ,... ���!
�TI � 11 � 1
• ��__ ',I .
� \I . � � �
. ���__I
Adopted by CouncIl: Date � ssc .�-� ���p
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Req d by Departm nt of•
���isvt'`"�� CN 'v��'�J�t''"�"�"
B�f: �/ f!
Form Approved by City Attomey
s ��..�..� j _ G .-_.' �
a���- ��-
Approved by a o for Submission t ci
98 •��'�
S Paul Port Authority
Peter M. Klein
N° _13118
Approval of the issuance of approximately $3,000,000 of tax exempt and taxable notes
to 3N Properties (ADDCO, Inc.) for the construction of a new office and production
facility of approximately 77,000 square feet in Arlington Business Center.
RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) rn Rajec
__ q6 CAMMITTEE A • ,
__ STAFF _ ,
1. Has this personhrm ever worked under a contract for this department?
2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee?
3, �oes this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally pos5essetl by any cutrent city employee?
Explain ali yes answsrs on separete sheet ana attach to green sheet
The issuance of a bond issue will aliow the construction ofi a new office and production
facility in Arlington Business Center.
As a result of the new office and production facility, it is anticipated that 34
new jobs will be created in the first two years of operations.
�?l!??ull ^��0�°:� vL?'t'i�t
. s:��
' : ' c
he new jobs created by this new facility will not be created.
�c sauece Port AuthoritY tax exempt and ACTIVITYNUMBER
\LINFORMATION.(EXPLAIN) taxable conduit notes
� �irr ���-�--
FAX (612) 223-5198
TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417
��.,,, „ti.��.�ARKTOWERS • 345 ST. PFfER STREET • ST. PAUL MN 55102-16b1 • PHONE (612) 224-5b86
February 18, 1998
Ms. Pam Wheelock, Director
Planning & Economic Development Department
1300 City Hait Annex
25 West Fourth Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
DearMs. eelv6�:�''
We submit for your review and referral to the office of the Mayor, City Council, and City
Attorney's office, details pertaining to the issuance of tax-exempt and taacable conduit notes
in the approximate amount of $3,000,000 to finance the construction of a new office and
production facility of approximately 77,000 square feet in the Arlington Susiness Center, St.
Paul, Minnesota.
The Port Authority has received an industrial revenue bond allocation from the State of
Minnesota Small Issue Pool, as the project is manufacturing. The City of Saint Paui's
entitlement allocation will not be affected by this application.
!n addition to the staff memorandum, we are attaching a draft copy of the proposed City
Council Resolution and a copy of the Resolution conducting the required public hearing and
authorizing the saie of the revenue bond issue in the amount of $3,000,000 that will be
considered by the Port Authority's Board on February 24, 1998. City Council action will be
required after the Port Authority's Board meeting of February 24, 1998.
Your expeditious handiing of this matter wifi be appreciated.
Kenneth R. Johnson
cc: Mayor Coleman
� .•� • ►
TO: Credit Committee
(February 17, 1998 Regular Meeting)
FROM: Peter M. Klein �
Lorrie J. Louder
Kenneth R. Johnson
DATE: Feb.10, 1998
SUBJECT: 3M PROPERTfES (ADDCO, INC.) - Authorization for the tssuance of
Approximately $3,000,000 of Ta�c Exempt and Taxable Notes
��I«1di � : � �
�18 • ��'�
Approval of final resofution authorizing the issuance of an approximate $3,000,000
conduit note issue to 3N Properties (ADDCO, tnc.).
Estimated Amount:
Piacement Agent:
Borrowers Counsel:
Bond Counsel:
$3,000,000 - Series 1 - $2,350,000 Tax Exempt
- Series 2 - $650,000 Taxable
Fixed Rate )ndustrial Development Revenue Notes
10 Years with a 28-year amortization
Port Authority of tfie City of Sair�t Paul
3N Properties (ADDCO, Inc.)
Eberhardt Company
UNUM Life lnsurance Company and an affiliated ent+ty
Piper Jaffray, Inc.
Rider Bennett Law Firm
Leonard, Street & Deinard
I'he Borrower.
3N Properties has purchased a site in the Adington Business Center for the construction of a
new facility of approximately 77,000 square feet. 3N Properties is the real estate holding
entity for ADDCO, inc., and is currentiy located at 69 Empire Drive in Saint Paul in a 24,000
square foot buiiding. ADDCO was formed in 1953. Their business is manufacturing trailer-
mounted programmable message signs and hand electrical controls for industrial machines.
They also customize diesei and gasoline engines for the indusirial trade.
February 10, 1998
Page -2-
The Nates:
The Notes wiil b�
interest at a faed
10 years.
r- �,$' •l��
issued in the approximate principai amount of $3,000,000 and wiU bear
rate of 5.84°k for the tax-exempt notes and 7.30% for the taxable notes for
The Project:
The proceeds of the Notes will be loaned to the Borrower, and used to construct a new
approximate 77,000 square foot office and production facility in the Sairrt Paui Port Authority's
Arlington Business Center. The availabiliiy of th+s financing will enable ADDCO to expand its
present production capacity. As a resuR, new jobs will also be created to support the revenue
and production increases.
In addition to this facility financing, there is $250,000 of equipment that will be financed on a
tax-exempt basis through another lender. This wil{ {ikely be brought before the Credit
Committee and Board of Gommissioners neact month.
Em�lo.yment Im�act:
This project is important because it retains the company and its jobs in Saint Paul as well as
adds fufl-time positions. Under the Port Authority's Worfcforce and Employment Agreement
ADDCO, Inc. witl trarisfer its curcent 91 full-t+me employees to the Arlington Business Center
facility and add an additional 25 futl 4ime positions within three years. The company now
anticipates creating 34 additional jobs in the first finro years of operations at the new faciiity.
As a result of the construction of this new officelproduction facility, ADDCO has estimated that
there will be an annual payrotf increase ofi $1,031,680 per year when fully operational. Most of
the jobs will likely be professional positions paying an average of $15.00 per hour.
The Lender.
The lender will be UNUM Lffe Insurance Company for the taxable note and a UNUM aff+liate
for the tax-exempt note.
� -. . . - . .
Sources of Funds:
Note Proceeds
Estimated Borrower Funds
Total Sources of Funds
tZses of Funds:
Building Construction
Estimated Costs of Issuance
Total Uses of Funds
�i� ���
. � .��
. � ���
February 10, 1998
Page -3-
°ig -�3'1
Cgnduit Financina:
The notes wifl be conduit financing of the Authority and wilf not constitute or give rise to a
liability of the Aufhority, the C+ty of Saint Paul or the State of Minnesota or a charge against
their general credit or tvcing powers. The note holder will not have the right to demand
paymenf of the notes out of any funds to be raised from taxation or from any revenue sources
ofher than those expressly pledged to payment of the notes pursuant to the loan agreement.
The Port Authority wi11 receive fees in tfie amount of 1/8th of a point ($3,750.00) at inception
and 1/8th of a point on the outstanding balance, annually, for the life of the notes.
Loan Agreement:
The Authority has pledged its interest in the loan agreement to UNUM to secure the notes.
Port Authority Commissioners, by S.E.C. rules, are obligated to disclose any risks or facts
you may be aware of that would affect the probability of repayment of these notes.
• ll 1 • •
Recommend approval of authorizing issuance of the approximate $3,000,000 conduit
notes issued on behalfi of 3N Properties (ADDCO, fnc.).
°I� -��'1
Resoiution No.
WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the Port Authoriry of the City of Saint Paui (the "Port
Authority'� issue its Industriat Deveiopment Revenue Note (3N Properties Project) (the "Tax-
Esempt Note'� and Taxable Industrial Developmeat Revenue Note (3N Properties Project) (the
"Taxable 23ote" and, togeiher with the Tax-Fxempt I3ote, the "Notes'� in an aggregate principal
amount not to exceed $3,000,000 and that the procezds of such Notes be loaned to 3N Properiies, a
Minnesota general partnership (the "Borrawei'� to finance the acquisirion, construction and
equipping of a manufacturing, warehouse and office facility (the "Project'� in the City of 5aint
Paul, Minnesota {the "City'�, to be owned by the Borrower and leased to Addco, Inc.
WHEREAS, proceeds of the Taac-Exempt Note will be loaned to the Boaower pursuant
to a Loan Agreement (the "Tas-Exempt Loan Agreemern'� to be entered into between the Port
Authority and the Borrower; and
VTHEREAS, proceeds of the Taxable Note will be loaned to the Borrower pursuant to a
Loan Agreement (the "Taxable Loan Agreement'� to be entered into between the Port Authority
and the Bonower; and
�Vf�EREAS, the Tax-Exempt Note will be purchased by NY Holdings 1994-1 ("NY
Holdings"�, and the Taxable Note will be purchased by Unum Life Insurance Company of
America ("iJnum'�; and
WI�REAS, the payment of the Tax-Exempt Note will be secured by a fully recourse
Mortgage and Security Agreament and Fixt�ue Financing Statement from the Borrower in favor
of NY Holdings {the "l�tY Hoidings Mortgage"); and
WHEREAS, the payment of the Taxable Note will be secured by a fully recourse
Mortgage and Security Agreament and Fi�.ure Financing Statement from tYie Bonower in favor
of Unum (the "Unum Mortgage"); and
VJI-IEREAS, the Port Authority has received an ailocation of bonding authority far the
Projeci from the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Developmeut as required by the
Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and Minn. Stat Ch. 474A; and
W�REA5, the Port Authority's Credit Committee and Boazd have previously adopted
their Resolution Nos. 30 and 3632, respectively, giving prelim.inary approval to the proposed
issuance of revenue bonds for the Project; and
WHEREAS, Port Authority staff has reviewed this proposat with the Credit Committee,
all as more specifically set forth in the staff memoraudum on file, and the Credit Committee
°Ig -ta�t
recommends approval of this Resolution; the issuance of the I3otes; and the execution of all
documents ouflined herein and in the staff memorandum, or otherwise necessary to the
consummation of these tr-<msactions; and
WfiEREAS, the Port Authority, pursuant ta Section 147(fl of the Code, pubiished a
notice, a copy of which with proof of publication is on file in the office of the Port Authority, of
a public hearing on the proposal to issue the Notes to finan.ce the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Port Authority conducied a public hearing on the date hereof pursuant to
said notice, at which hearing the recommendations contained in the Port Authority's staff
memoraudum to the Board of Commissioners were reviewerl, and all persans who appeared at
the hearing were given an opportunity to ezcgress their views with respect to the proposal; and
NOW TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Boazd of Commissioners of ttie Port
Authority of the City of Saint Pau1 as follows:
1. The issuance of the Notes ia an amount not to exceed $3,000,000, is hereby
approved, subject to the Project and its financing receiving approval from the Degartment of
Trade and Economic Development and the issuance of the Notes being approved by the Ciry
Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City'�, as described in paragraph 9, below.
2. Neither the Notes, nor the interest therean, shall constitute indebtedness of the
Port Authority or ffie City within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation;
nor shall they constitute or give rise to a pecuniary liability of the City or the Port Authority or a
chazge against their general taxing powers and neither the full faith and credit nor the general
taxing powers of the City or the Port Authority is pledged to the payment of the Notes or interest
3. Forms of the following documents have been submitted to the Port Authority for
review and/or approval in connection with the sale, issuance and deiivery of the Notes:
(a) the Tax-Exempt Note;
(b) the TaYable Note
(c) the Tas-Bxempt Loan Agreement;
(d) the Taa�able Loan Agreement;
(e) the NY Holdings Mortgage;
(fl the Unum Mortgage;
(g) the Pledge of Loan Agreement, to be dated as of Mazch i, 199$ by and
between the Port Authority and NY Holdings; and
1634553.01 2
°l$ -��'1
(h) the Pledge of Loan Agreement, to be dated as of March 1, 1998 by and
between the Port Authority and Unum
(collectively the "Documents'�.
4. It is hereby found, detemuned and deciared that:
(a) The issuance and sale of the Notes, the execution and delivery by the Port
Authority of the Documents, as applicable, and the performance of all covenants and
agreements of the Port Authority contained in the Documents, and of all other acts and
things required under the Constirirtion and laws of the State of Minnesota to make the
Documeats and the Notes vaiid and binding obligations of the Port Authority in
accordance with their terms, aze authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Seotions 469.048
through 464.068 and 469.152 through 469.1651, as amended (the "Act");
(b) It is desirable that the Notes be issued by the Port Autliority upon the
generai terms set forth in tlie Documents, as applicable;
(c) Under the provisions of and as provided in the Documents, the Notes aze
not to be payable from or a charge upon any funds other than the revenues pledged to the
payment thereof; no holder of the Notes shall ever have the right to compei any exercise
by the City or the Port Autharity of its ta�cing powezs to pay the Notes or the interest or
premium thereon, or to enforce payment thereof against any property of the City or the
Port Authority except the interests of the Port Authority wluch have been assigned to NY
Holdings and Unum, the Notes s$ali not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or
equitable, upon any property of the City or the Port Authority except the interests of the
Port Authority which have been assigned to NY Holdings and Unum; the Notes shail
recite that they are issued without moral obligation on the part of the State or its political
subdivisions, and that the Notes, including interest thereon, aze payable solely from the
revenues pledged to the payment thereof; and the Notes shali not constitute debt of the
City or the Port Authoriiy within the meaning of any constitutionai or statutory
5. The forms of the Documents and e�ibits thereto are approved substantially in the
forms submitted and on file in the offices of the Port Authority, with such subsequent changes as
may be approved by the Port Authority staff, counsei and Bond Counsel as contemplated by
pazagraph 7. The Chair and Secretary of the Port Authority, or such other officers as may be
appropriate in the absence of either the Chair or Secretary, are hereby authorized and directed to
exeoute the Documents (to the extent the Port Authority is a party thereto) in substantially the
fornis submitted, as modified pursvant to paragraph 7, and any other doeuments and certificates
which in the opinion of Port Authority staff, counsel and Bond Counsei aze necessary to the
transactions herein described. The execution of any insh�ument by the appropriate officer or
officers of the Port Authority herein authorized shall be conciusive evidence of the approval of
1634553.01 3
such documents in accordance with the terms hereof. Copies of all the documents necessary to
the transaction described shall be delivered, filed and recorded as provided herein.
6. The President and other officers of the Port Authority are authorized and directed
to prepaze and fumish to NY Holdings, Unum and Bond Counsel certified capies of proceedings
and records of the Port Authority relating to the issuauce of the Notes and other trausactions
herein contemplaYed, and such other affidavits and certificates as may be required to show the
facrs relating to the legality of the Notes and the other transaciions herein contemplated as such
facts appear from the books and records in the o�cers' custody and control or as otherwise
lmown to them; and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore
furnished, shali constitute representations of the Port Authority as to the truth of ali statements
contained therein.
7. The approval hereby given to the various Documents referred to above inciudes
approval of such additional details therein as may be necessazy and appropriate, and such
modifications thereof, deletions therefrom and additions tiiereta as may be necessazy and
appropriate and approved by the Port Authority's President and Chief Financiai Officer; and
inciudes approval of, among other things:
(a) establishment of the final principal amount of the Notes and the interest
rates to be borne thereby; �rovided that the maximum principai amount of the Tas-
Exempt Note shall not exceed $2,600,000, and the maxunum aggregate auaount of both
the Taac-Exempt Note and the TaYable Note together shall not exceed $3,000,000; and
nro, vided fi�h� that the maximum interest rate on the T�-Exempt Note shall not excead
^% per annum, and the maximum interest rate on the Tasable Note shall not exceed
_% per annum;
(b) the establishment of the maturity schednle and caii provisions to be
applicable to the Notes; and
(c) such related insmzments as may be required to satisfy the conditions of
1�II' Holdings and Unum.
8. The proposal of NY Hoidings and Unum to purchase the �iotes upon the terms
and conditions set forth in the Documents and other materiais submitted by NY Holdings and
Unum to the Port Awthority are hereby found and determined to be reasonable and aze hereby
9. The staff of the Port Authority is authorized to (a) submit the application for
approvat of the Project by the Department of Trade and Ecanomic Development of the State of
Minnesota as required by Minn. Stat. Sections 469.152 through 469.1651, and (b) take the steps
necessary to obtain the approval of the issuance of the i�iotes by the Ciry Council of the City as
required by Section 147{fl of the Internal Revenue Code of 198b, as amended.
1634553.01 4
°Ig -�3'1
10. The authority to approve, �ecute and deliver future amendments to financing
documents entered into by the Port Authority in connection with the issuance of the Notes and
the other transactions hereia contemplated, is hereby delegated to the President of the Port
Authority, subjeci to ihe following conditions: (a) such amendments do not materially adversely
affect the interests of the Port Authority as the issuer of the Notes; (b) such amendments do not
contravene or violate any policy of the Port Authority; (c) such amendments are acceptable in
form and substance to Bond Counsei; and (d) the Port Authority has received an opinion of Bond
Counsei to the e$ect that the amendments will not adversely affect the tax-exempt character of
interest on the T�-Exempt Note. The execution of any instrument by the President of the Port
Anthority shail be conclusive evidence of the approval of such instrumenu in accort3ance with
the terms hereof.
11. No covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement contained herein or in the
Documents shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipuiation, obligation or agreement of any
member of the Boazd of Commissioners of the Port Authority, or any officer, agent or employee
of the Port Authority in that persons individuai �apacity, and neitlier the Boazd of Commissioners
nor any officer executing the Notes shail be liable personally on the Notes or be subject to any
personal liabiliry or accountability by reason of the issuance thereof.
Adopted: February 24, 1998.
Its Secretaty
Its Chair