98-136Council File # � � 3�i oR�G��A� Presented by Referred To Cummittrx Datc An Adminisuative Resolution establishing a Rate of Pay for the "Fleet Services Coordinato�" 0 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green 5heet # �(}1� �� RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Fleet Services Coordinator" shall be established at Grade 15, as set forth in the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges 7 in the Sa1a[y Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, 8 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay 9 period following passage and approval. r.� Reques[ed by Depattrnent of. Benanav l / Blakey ,/' Bostrom ,/ Coleman ,/ Harris Lantry ,/' AdoptedbyCouncil: Date ��� c�..5 ��,`� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� Approved by May : D te � $Y , Human Resources BY� Form Approved by City Attomey �: ���(� ✓ q8 -l3� DEPARTMENTlOFFICFlCOUNC[L: Human Resources CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: Michael F. Foley 266-6484�'1 Mazk Roberkson 266-6471 1'"`'� MUST SE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QVESrEn: Approve the salary for the proposed new title of "Fleet Services Coordinator". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNINGCOMMISSION CIV[LSEAVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE STAFF DISTAICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OSIBCTIVE? PERSONAL SEAVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSH'ERTHE FOLLOWINC QUESTIONS: _. '_�._..._"'_.".. __'________- 1. Has �us persodlum evcr worked undrr a contract For Ihis depanment? Yes No 2. Has ihis person/firtn e�cr bcm a city employeel Yes 1Jo 3. Does this persaJfirtn possess a skiVl not `wm�ally possessed by any curtrnt city employee? Yu No Ezp{ain all yes wuwers on separate sheet and attach io green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq What, When, wnere,w�,yy The project of consolidating several City vehicle maintenance garages is underway. Tlais has impacted the management needs and [he organizationai structure of gazage management. A position with management ability is required to assist the garage consolidation project manager and to deal with budgets, vehicle specifications, computer related issues, statisticatly-oriented studies, and contracts. This position is recommended by the project manager and by the Vehicle Fieet Board. � pnvwvTncES tF arrxovEn: If approved, this wili provide a position which will have the capability to provide the necessary combination of skills required to assist the consolidation project manager through the transition to complete integration of centralized vehicle fleet maintenance services. n�sAnvaw�rwcES xa arruovnn: There wi11 be an increase in salazy costs that will be offset by incceased efficiency in niananement. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TIIC g8t2ge COIISOLdB[(0[f j)IO)CCC W1II I�E HCf or may not proceed as efficie�tly and effectively without the expertise that will be provided by this position� Eg � 2�ga �flAYfl�'� OfFf�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACCION: $ 5,7�0.00 FUNDING SOURCE: CL Fund 250 FInTANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIlV� DATE INTTiATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 4OIZZ 01/23/98 � INiC41IlDATE WLCIALDATE ASSIGN 1_DEPARTMEN7' DIA�� 5_ CITY COUNCIL NUMEER 2 C� ATr��EY 6_ CITY CLERI: FOR 3 BUM'ET DIR- __ ,��R�S — FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR, AOUTING 4_MAYOR(ORASST. CIVll,SERVICECOMMISS[ON ORDER COST/REVENUE BUDGETED:YeS ACTIVITY AiUMBER: V 2202 COUncii Research ��nfe� � �� ,} �� .� ?��Id �� epp � �`�90 ���� ��������� , , �g-t3�►- Summary af Study for Fleet Services Manager January 15, 149 Back�round The Municipal Garage originally served primarily Public Works vehicles. A consolidation is in process to centralize vehicle maintenance functions and this involves Public Works, Pazks, Water, Police, and Fire. In the process of consolidation the need for more formal management methods and much more detailed use of vehicle performance and cost figures has become essential. In addition, one position is needed to assist with the budget, information systems, and vehicle specifications as well as to assist management in other ways. The position in question has graduaily assumed these duties as the process has gone on. Study Methodology Interview vehicle management officials. Prepare class specification. Compare to existing class specifications. Compare to existing positions. QES evaluation and analysis. Comparison to Class Specifications The duties being performed by the position in question were compared to the class specifications for Municipal Equipment Coordinator, Research Analyst II, other titles in the Research Analyst series, Management Assistant III, Management Analyst, and Program Coordinator. None of these e�sting class specs adequately described the level of responsibility nor the duties of the position in question. Comparison to Existing Positions The duties being performed by the position in question were compared to studies done on positions in the classifications listed above. It was found that none of the people assigned to these ciasses were perfornung duties that were sufficiently similar to the position in question. O.E.S. Evaluation and Anai,�sis The Q.E. S. analysis supports allocation to grade I S in the PEA umt. q�-1�� Recommendation It is recommended that a new class entitled "Fleet Services Coordinator" be established and that it be compensated as described above. (Proposed class spec attached.) Study Prepared by: Michael F. Foley �Yj%� Office of Human Resources Date: January 15, 1948 t � Office of Human Resources Management Approval: � Date: �t8 -t�1� C1TY OF SAINr PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor OFF[CE OF HUMAN RESOURCFS John HamiSOn, Directos 4W GFty Hall Mnex Ze[ephane: 25 West Fourth Street IDD?LY.� Sain[ Paul, Mimesot¢ SSIO2-I631 Jabline: Fatsinule: 612-266-65Q0 6Z2-266-650Z 6Z2-2666502 612-292-7656 January 2, 1998 Steve Roy, President Professional Employees Association LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Bldg-: 350 St. Peter St. Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE; Twenty Day 23otice - Fleet Services Coordinator - 5econd Draft It has been determined that the title and class speci6cation of Fleet Services Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. T wili also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Fleet Services in Grade 15, Section ID3, of the Professional Empioyees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. �d� ��� ���� Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this ZO day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name //t/te Date o�g -{36 0 JAN 0 5199� U OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hmnilron, Direcmr CTTY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Co7eman, Mayor T�: FROM: DATE: RE: St1C}' BECICC7, �tiCCYOi , Department of Public Works Michael F. Foley �� January 2, 1998 400 6ry Rall A�v+ee Telephone: 612-266-6500 25 Wen Fourth Street 7DDfIlY: 612-26G6501 Saint Paut, Mi,wesom 55102-I63I Jobline: 6I2-266-6502 Facsimik: 612-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Fleet Services Coordinator - Second Draft It has been determined that the title and class specification of Fleet Services Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the ritle of Fleet Services Coordinator in Grade 15, Section ID3, of the Professional Employees Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation. cc: Robert Sandquist Bob Horrisberger I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �' � :•. Name 1S � D te 53��(1QS3� N�iF1RN ?('.�:{ 't � �t� l ?w�lii..aui aS-��� Pay 1'or the Proposed Title of Fleet Services Coordinator (Note: These duties have gradually been assigned to one person and that individuai is actually perfornring as described in the class spec. These are the estimated costs. We are using the "5 Year" step jwhich is the "G" or "7" step for cost comparison] which is our standard way of comparing costs.) Current Pay Rate: Proposed Pay Rate: Difference: PEA Crrade 10 $ PEA Grade 15 $ $ $ 1721.56 per bi-week 1936.89 per bi-week 215.33 per bi-week 5,'T00 per year Council File # � � 3�i oR�G��A� Presented by Referred To Cummittrx Datc An Adminisuative Resolution establishing a Rate of Pay for the "Fleet Services Coordinato�" 0 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green 5heet # �(}1� �� RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Fleet Services Coordinator" shall be established at Grade 15, as set forth in the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges 7 in the Sa1a[y Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, 8 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay 9 period following passage and approval. r.� Reques[ed by Depattrnent of. Benanav l / Blakey ,/' Bostrom ,/ Coleman ,/ Harris Lantry ,/' AdoptedbyCouncil: Date ��� c�..5 ��,`� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� Approved by May : D te � $Y , Human Resources BY� Form Approved by City Attomey �: ���(� ✓ q8 -l3� DEPARTMENTlOFFICFlCOUNC[L: Human Resources CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: Michael F. Foley 266-6484�'1 Mazk Roberkson 266-6471 1'"`'� MUST SE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QVESrEn: Approve the salary for the proposed new title of "Fleet Services Coordinator". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNINGCOMMISSION CIV[LSEAVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE STAFF DISTAICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OSIBCTIVE? PERSONAL SEAVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSH'ERTHE FOLLOWINC QUESTIONS: _. '_�._..._"'_.".. __'________- 1. Has �us persodlum evcr worked undrr a contract For Ihis depanment? Yes No 2. Has ihis person/firtn e�cr bcm a city employeel Yes 1Jo 3. Does this persaJfirtn possess a skiVl not `wm�ally possessed by any curtrnt city employee? Yu No Ezp{ain all yes wuwers on separate sheet and attach io green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq What, When, wnere,w�,yy The project of consolidating several City vehicle maintenance garages is underway. Tlais has impacted the management needs and [he organizationai structure of gazage management. A position with management ability is required to assist the garage consolidation project manager and to deal with budgets, vehicle specifications, computer related issues, statisticatly-oriented studies, and contracts. This position is recommended by the project manager and by the Vehicle Fieet Board. � pnvwvTncES tF arrxovEn: If approved, this wili provide a position which will have the capability to provide the necessary combination of skills required to assist the consolidation project manager through the transition to complete integration of centralized vehicle fleet maintenance services. n�sAnvaw�rwcES xa arruovnn: There wi11 be an increase in salazy costs that will be offset by incceased efficiency in niananement. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TIIC g8t2ge COIISOLdB[(0[f j)IO)CCC W1II I�E HCf or may not proceed as efficie�tly and effectively without the expertise that will be provided by this position� Eg � 2�ga �flAYfl�'� OfFf�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACCION: $ 5,7�0.00 FUNDING SOURCE: CL Fund 250 FInTANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIlV� DATE INTTiATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 4OIZZ 01/23/98 � INiC41IlDATE WLCIALDATE ASSIGN 1_DEPARTMEN7' DIA�� 5_ CITY COUNCIL NUMEER 2 C� ATr��EY 6_ CITY CLERI: FOR 3 BUM'ET DIR- __ ,��R�S — FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR, AOUTING 4_MAYOR(ORASST. CIVll,SERVICECOMMISS[ON ORDER COST/REVENUE BUDGETED:YeS ACTIVITY AiUMBER: V 2202 COUncii Research ��nfe� � �� ,} �� .� ?��Id �� epp � �`�90 ���� ��������� , , �g-t3�►- Summary af Study for Fleet Services Manager January 15, 149 Back�round The Municipal Garage originally served primarily Public Works vehicles. A consolidation is in process to centralize vehicle maintenance functions and this involves Public Works, Pazks, Water, Police, and Fire. In the process of consolidation the need for more formal management methods and much more detailed use of vehicle performance and cost figures has become essential. In addition, one position is needed to assist with the budget, information systems, and vehicle specifications as well as to assist management in other ways. The position in question has graduaily assumed these duties as the process has gone on. Study Methodology Interview vehicle management officials. Prepare class specification. Compare to existing class specifications. Compare to existing positions. QES evaluation and analysis. Comparison to Class Specifications The duties being performed by the position in question were compared to the class specifications for Municipal Equipment Coordinator, Research Analyst II, other titles in the Research Analyst series, Management Assistant III, Management Analyst, and Program Coordinator. None of these e�sting class specs adequately described the level of responsibility nor the duties of the position in question. Comparison to Existing Positions The duties being performed by the position in question were compared to studies done on positions in the classifications listed above. It was found that none of the people assigned to these ciasses were perfornung duties that were sufficiently similar to the position in question. O.E.S. Evaluation and Anai,�sis The Q.E. S. analysis supports allocation to grade I S in the PEA umt. q�-1�� Recommendation It is recommended that a new class entitled "Fleet Services Coordinator" be established and that it be compensated as described above. (Proposed class spec attached.) Study Prepared by: Michael F. Foley �Yj%� Office of Human Resources Date: January 15, 1948 t � Office of Human Resources Management Approval: � Date: �t8 -t�1� C1TY OF SAINr PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor OFF[CE OF HUMAN RESOURCFS John HamiSOn, Directos 4W GFty Hall Mnex Ze[ephane: 25 West Fourth Street IDD?LY.� Sain[ Paul, Mimesot¢ SSIO2-I631 Jabline: Fatsinule: 612-266-65Q0 6Z2-266-650Z 6Z2-2666502 612-292-7656 January 2, 1998 Steve Roy, President Professional Employees Association LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Bldg-: 350 St. Peter St. Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE; Twenty Day 23otice - Fleet Services Coordinator - 5econd Draft It has been determined that the title and class speci6cation of Fleet Services Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. T wili also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Fleet Services in Grade 15, Section ID3, of the Professional Empioyees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. �d� ��� ���� Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this ZO day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name //t/te Date o�g -{36 0 JAN 0 5199� U OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hmnilron, Direcmr CTTY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Co7eman, Mayor T�: FROM: DATE: RE: St1C}' BECICC7, �tiCCYOi , Department of Public Works Michael F. Foley �� January 2, 1998 400 6ry Rall A�v+ee Telephone: 612-266-6500 25 Wen Fourth Street 7DDfIlY: 612-26G6501 Saint Paut, Mi,wesom 55102-I63I Jobline: 6I2-266-6502 Facsimik: 612-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Fleet Services Coordinator - Second Draft It has been determined that the title and class specification of Fleet Services Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the ritle of Fleet Services Coordinator in Grade 15, Section ID3, of the Professional Employees Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation. cc: Robert Sandquist Bob Horrisberger I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �' � :•. Name 1S � D te 53��(1QS3� N�iF1RN ?('.�:{ 't � �t� l ?w�lii..aui aS-��� Pay 1'or the Proposed Title of Fleet Services Coordinator (Note: These duties have gradually been assigned to one person and that individuai is actually perfornring as described in the class spec. These are the estimated costs. We are using the "5 Year" step jwhich is the "G" or "7" step for cost comparison] which is our standard way of comparing costs.) Current Pay Rate: Proposed Pay Rate: Difference: PEA Crrade 10 $ PEA Grade 15 $ $ $ 1721.56 per bi-week 1936.89 per bi-week 215.33 per bi-week 5,'T00 per year Council File # � � 3�i oR�G��A� Presented by Referred To Cummittrx Datc An Adminisuative Resolution establishing a Rate of Pay for the "Fleet Services Coordinato�" 0 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green 5heet # �(}1� �� RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled "Fleet Services Coordinator" shall be established at Grade 15, as set forth in the Professional Employees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges 7 in the Sa1a[y Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, 8 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay 9 period following passage and approval. r.� Reques[ed by Depattrnent of. Benanav l / Blakey ,/' Bostrom ,/ Coleman ,/ Harris Lantry ,/' AdoptedbyCouncil: Date ��� c�..5 ��,`� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� Approved by May : D te � $Y , Human Resources BY� Form Approved by City Attomey �: ���(� ✓ q8 -l3� DEPARTMENTlOFFICFlCOUNC[L: Human Resources CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: Michael F. Foley 266-6484�'1 Mazk Roberkson 266-6471 1'"`'� MUST SE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN �QVESrEn: Approve the salary for the proposed new title of "Fleet Services Coordinator". RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNINGCOMMISSION CIV[LSEAVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE STAFF DISTAICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OSIBCTIVE? PERSONAL SEAVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSH'ERTHE FOLLOWINC QUESTIONS: _. '_�._..._"'_.".. __'________- 1. Has �us persodlum evcr worked undrr a contract For Ihis depanment? Yes No 2. Has ihis person/firtn e�cr bcm a city employeel Yes 1Jo 3. Does this persaJfirtn possess a skiVl not `wm�ally possessed by any curtrnt city employee? Yu No Ezp{ain all yes wuwers on separate sheet and attach io green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq What, When, wnere,w�,yy The project of consolidating several City vehicle maintenance garages is underway. Tlais has impacted the management needs and [he organizationai structure of gazage management. A position with management ability is required to assist the garage consolidation project manager and to deal with budgets, vehicle specifications, computer related issues, statisticatly-oriented studies, and contracts. This position is recommended by the project manager and by the Vehicle Fieet Board. � pnvwvTncES tF arrxovEn: If approved, this wili provide a position which will have the capability to provide the necessary combination of skills required to assist the consolidation project manager through the transition to complete integration of centralized vehicle fleet maintenance services. n�sAnvaw�rwcES xa arruovnn: There wi11 be an increase in salazy costs that will be offset by incceased efficiency in niananement. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TIIC g8t2ge COIISOLdB[(0[f j)IO)CCC W1II I�E HCf or may not proceed as efficie�tly and effectively without the expertise that will be provided by this position� Eg � 2�ga �flAYfl�'� OfFf�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACCION: $ 5,7�0.00 FUNDING SOURCE: CL Fund 250 FInTANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIlV� DATE INTTiATED GREEN SHEET NO.: 4OIZZ 01/23/98 � INiC41IlDATE WLCIALDATE ASSIGN 1_DEPARTMEN7' DIA�� 5_ CITY COUNCIL NUMEER 2 C� ATr��EY 6_ CITY CLERI: FOR 3 BUM'ET DIR- __ ,��R�S — FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR, AOUTING 4_MAYOR(ORASST. CIVll,SERVICECOMMISS[ON ORDER COST/REVENUE BUDGETED:YeS ACTIVITY AiUMBER: V 2202 COUncii Research ��nfe� � �� ,} �� .� ?��Id �� epp � �`�90 ���� ��������� , , �g-t3�►- Summary af Study for Fleet Services Manager January 15, 149 Back�round The Municipal Garage originally served primarily Public Works vehicles. A consolidation is in process to centralize vehicle maintenance functions and this involves Public Works, Pazks, Water, Police, and Fire. In the process of consolidation the need for more formal management methods and much more detailed use of vehicle performance and cost figures has become essential. In addition, one position is needed to assist with the budget, information systems, and vehicle specifications as well as to assist management in other ways. The position in question has graduaily assumed these duties as the process has gone on. Study Methodology Interview vehicle management officials. Prepare class specification. Compare to existing class specifications. Compare to existing positions. QES evaluation and analysis. Comparison to Class Specifications The duties being performed by the position in question were compared to the class specifications for Municipal Equipment Coordinator, Research Analyst II, other titles in the Research Analyst series, Management Assistant III, Management Analyst, and Program Coordinator. None of these e�sting class specs adequately described the level of responsibility nor the duties of the position in question. Comparison to Existing Positions The duties being performed by the position in question were compared to studies done on positions in the classifications listed above. It was found that none of the people assigned to these ciasses were perfornung duties that were sufficiently similar to the position in question. O.E.S. Evaluation and Anai,�sis The Q.E. S. analysis supports allocation to grade I S in the PEA umt. q�-1�� Recommendation It is recommended that a new class entitled "Fleet Services Coordinator" be established and that it be compensated as described above. (Proposed class spec attached.) Study Prepared by: Michael F. Foley �Yj%� Office of Human Resources Date: January 15, 1948 t � Office of Human Resources Management Approval: � Date: �t8 -t�1� C1TY OF SAINr PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor OFF[CE OF HUMAN RESOURCFS John HamiSOn, Directos 4W GFty Hall Mnex Ze[ephane: 25 West Fourth Street IDD?LY.� Sain[ Paul, Mimesot¢ SSIO2-I631 Jabline: Fatsinule: 612-266-65Q0 6Z2-266-650Z 6Z2-2666502 612-292-7656 January 2, 1998 Steve Roy, President Professional Employees Association LIEP 300 Lowry Professional Bldg-: 350 St. Peter St. Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE; Twenty Day 23otice - Fleet Services Coordinator - 5econd Draft It has been determined that the title and class speci6cation of Fleet Services Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. T wili also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Fleet Services in Grade 15, Section ID3, of the Professional Empioyees Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Thank you. �d� ��� ���� Michael Foley I hereby waive the time remaining on this ZO day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. Name //t/te Date o�g -{36 0 JAN 0 5199� U OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Jahn Hmnilron, Direcmr CTTY OF SAINT PAUL No�m Co7eman, Mayor T�: FROM: DATE: RE: St1C}' BECICC7, �tiCCYOi , Department of Public Works Michael F. Foley �� January 2, 1998 400 6ry Rall A�v+ee Telephone: 612-266-6500 25 Wen Fourth Street 7DDfIlY: 612-26G6501 Saint Paut, Mi,wesom 55102-I63I Jobline: 6I2-266-6502 Facsimik: 612-292-7656 Twenty Day Notice - Fleet Services Coordinator - Second Draft It has been determined that the title and class specification of Fleet Services Coordinator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the ritle of Fleet Services Coordinator in Grade 15, Section ID3, of the Professional Employees Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salazy Plan and Rates of Compensation. cc: Robert Sandquist Bob Horrisberger I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �' � :•. Name 1S � D te 53��(1QS3� N�iF1RN ?('.�:{ 't � �t� l ?w�lii..aui aS-��� Pay 1'or the Proposed Title of Fleet Services Coordinator (Note: These duties have gradually been assigned to one person and that individuai is actually perfornring as described in the class spec. These are the estimated costs. We are using the "5 Year" step jwhich is the "G" or "7" step for cost comparison] which is our standard way of comparing costs.) Current Pay Rate: Proposed Pay Rate: Difference: PEA Crrade 10 $ PEA Grade 15 $ $ $ 1721.56 per bi-week 1936.89 per bi-week 215.33 per bi-week 5,'T00 per year