98-135., coun��� File � q g- 1�5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 AS 46 47 48 49 50 51 ORIGlNAL Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has, over the past 6 months, contracted with the Saint Paul Water Utility to inspect residential Water Utility Permits which has increased the Plumbing Inspector's workload substantially justifying the hiring of an additional Plumbing Inspector; and WHEREAS, funding for this new position will come ftom pernit fees which have increased due to additional permit fees and recotd construction activity; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 0£ the City Chartex, does certify that there are available £or appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 Building Inspection and Design Fund; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: Current ud et FINANCING PI.AN: Department of Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection Building Inspection and Design Operations New - General GL 320-33351-2800 Permits A11 Othet Activity Revenue $2,750,000 $ 722.071 $3,472.071 Current $ll t 3PENUING PLAN: Department of Executive Administiation Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection Buildinq Inspection and Design operations New - General GL 320-33351-0117 Trades W{O City Benefits $1,550,047 GL 320-33351-0222 Telephone-NWB Monthly Charges 15,000 GL 320-33351-0223 Telephone-LOng Distance 550 GL 320-33351-0224 Telephone-Moves & Changes 1,000 GL 320-33351-0229 Other - Communications 12,000 GL 320-33351-0235 Type II - Regular ($4/Wk Day & 66,000 GL 320-33351-0242 Duplicating - A11 Processes 17,000 GL 320-33351-0256 Registxation Eees - Local 3,500 GL 320-33351-0290 Centxal Service Cost 109,058 GL 320-33351-0356 Safety Supplies 7,912 Ordinance # Green Sheet # 50476 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Chanae $69,291 0 $69,291 Chanae $40, 800 250 10 30 330 2,075 50 900 2,916 350 Revised ud et $2,819,291 $ 722 07i $3,541,362 Revised Budaet $1,590,847 15,250 560 1,030 12,330 68,075 17,050 4,A00 111,974 8.262 54 54 56 57 58 5S 60 61 62 63 � 65 66 67 67 68 69 . ORIGINAL Current Budaet GL 320-33351-0359 Other - Spec Matl 6 Supplies $ GL 320-33351-0361 OfPice Accessories GL 320-33351-0368 Office Supplies-PUrchasing Sto 6L 320-33351-0438 Fringe Benefits for Trades GL 320-33351-0439 Fringe Benefits GI, 320-33351-0815 Desk, Chairs or Tables GL 320-33351-0857 Data Processing Hardware GL 320-33351-0858 Telephone Equipment Purchases All other Activity Spending 2, 000 1, 600 5,200 242,317 610,270 0 0 1,200 5827.417 Chanae $ 50 75 50 12,220 7,335 500 1, 000 350 s o $3,472,071 $69,291 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1948 budget. 2 9 $ Revised Budaet $ 2, O50 1,675 5,250 254,537 617,605 500 i,000 1,550 S 827.417 $3,541,362 , 9FPaR /OFt]CF/COUNW. DA'IENTRATPD ExecutiveAdnilnistration-LIEP 02/02/98 GREENSHE �i� NO. 50476 q8'-�3 �NLACfPFRSONkPHONE � ➢FPAA'IT@IfDIP6CIYN[ �5 L71'4'OOUNC9. Rahert Kessler 266-9112 � ��,.� " q � rnY� MUSTB60N WUNm.AGQIDABY�A]El � �I FIItANQAL3]tV➢dt �` 1� FIIIRNOAL �tVKfSACC1V ASAP a �r���� o TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQIRb'!ID ppmval of changes to the 1998 budget to allow for the addition of one (1) Plwnbing Inspector. rtFmeaaamA'not�/,�orc<A)ar ymW PERSONALSIItVICECONTRACIBM�33bTANSPlERTHEROLiAR'INGQUESlfONS: PL1NtbNGC�h0.T65fON _Wp,3�RVi�C�A�40N 1.HasPdapemodfi�me�uwmkWmdeaawmtaclfor8usdepwmimM ��� _ YES NO n_sru'e _ 2 Ha tlns pnma/fi'm eirerbcen a cdY employee7 omwcrcam7 _ YFS NO sueeoxiswwcx muwcaoshcmer 3. Da� tltia penodS`m poasas a sk� notnomiallYP��d 6YmY cunent ciry employeeR YES NO � (E'�lain aa S� aaswers on separate s6eet and attach to grean sAee4) IMTIAl9J0 PROBIEM, 6SU� OPPORTIINIIY (WM, WWC WhC� A�hur,F'AyJ: The Office of LIEP has contracted with the Saint Paul Water Utility to inspect residential Water Utility permits which has increased the Plumbing Tnspector's workload substantially justifying the hiring of an additional Plumbing Inspector. Funding for this new position will come from additional permit fees and record construction activity. ADVATTAOCT¢ APPROl�'eD'. Adding this new position will provide needed assistance on plumbing inspections. � �cE�v�� FEB 12 199E DLSADVANTACESQ�'APPROVFD' Tncreased overall expenditures for inspection fimction. Cour�C4d ReSeaeGh C°�t°q �pYOR'� Off4CE FEB 18 19� ---- _._..�.__ ... .. ��,��.s���'�` D6ADVANTAGFSOFNOSAPPROVED: " , y _ , ��. The Ciry would have a difticult time keeping up with the record workload. � �� i����5 � ° - � •� , � �a � ��aa� €3 6 ����� � a `� � TOTALAMO[IMOF]1WNSACfION_ �69291.00 cosnaavem�eswcar��cmcceoNe� � No Furmir+csovxce PemlitFees ncmarrvu�m� 320-33351-2800 t'wnrvcucuuonnfnnoN: �uw� SaitPS60utl9M0AkelF:\1113Lesdlssmsu.WK61 aas-a K� •1�5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM January 26, 1998 To: Joe Reid, Budget Director Bruce Engelbrekt, Budget Analyst Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director � Re: Adding a Plumbing Inspector As you know, the Plumber's Union and plumbing inspection staff have repeatedly requested the addition of a plumbing inspector since 1995 when LIEP contracted with West Saint Paul to do their plumbing inspection and permit work. LIEP recommended against the additional stafF position in 1995, 1996, and 1997 because the increase in work load did not justify hiring an additional staff person. The situation began to change in 1997 when LIEP contracted with the Water Departrnent for a six-month period to inspect residentiai Water Department permits (commercial plumbing inspections remain sepazate). The objective of the six-month experiment was to determine whether it would be feasible to do the residential inspection work for the Water Department on a ongoing basis. In addition, LIfiP wanted to determine what the extent of the work load would be for the "Water Department" inspections. As you know, LIEP has traditionaily inspected only the vent, waste and drain work on piumbing jobs while the Water Department has inspected the supply piping, water mains, etc. During the past yeaz we held a number of ineetings with staff from the Water Department, LIEP, and the Plumber's Union before, during, and after the experiment period to plan and analyze the results of the combined inspection work. I am pleased to report that the experiment is considered a success by all involved and that it makes sense for LIEP to continue to issue the permits and perform combined plumbing inspecfions for residential renovation projects. Bernie Bullert's staff is prepazing a contract to formally implement the inspection program beginning in February. In order for LIEP to keep up with the workioad from the Water Department contract, in addition to the ever increasing normal warkload, LIEP is proposing to amend the 1998 Budget to recognize additional revenues sufficient to add another full-time plumbing inspection position. According to the attached inforxnation, overall plumbing permits have increased by 34% since 1994, but most importantly, the number of major construction projects requiring multiple inspections visits over the duration of the construction period has increased substantially as well. Joe Reid, Bruce Engelbrekt, and Dede Demko 7anuary 26, 1998 PageTwo These factors, increased number of pemvts, and increased number of Iazge projects combines to justify the addition of the inspectional position. The number of permits in 1994 was 1531, in 1995 it was 1808, in I996 the figure was 2130, and in 1998 LIEP projects the number of pernuts, including the Water Department permits, to be 2650. Revenue produced from West Saint Paul and the Water Department should cover the costs of the additional inspection position which is estimated to be approximately $60,200 including fringes. Annual revenues from the Water Department permits alone aze expected to be at least $38,000. Moreover, overai2 permit revenues have exceeded projections for the 4th straight yeaz, and we anticipate 1998 to be another record construction yeat where total construction revenues will exceed the amount budgeted. Thank you for your consideration of this request. As yau know LIEP bas reduced the overall number of FTE's substantially in the Iast four yeats and we have added only one stafFposition since 1494, the cross-trained combined building/plaster/lather inspector. We make this request only because we believe the addifional workioad and revenue generated justifies the addition. Please let me know if you have any questions about Yhis proposal. If approved, LIEP will prepare an appropriate resolution for Mayoral and City Council approval post haste. cc: Bernie Bullert, General Manager, Water Department Crayle Meyer, Water Department Dick Owen, Acting Depury Director Frank Berg, Acting Building Code Officer Tom LeClair, Senior Plumbing Inspector Bob Schwartzbauer, Plumber's Local # 34 Doug Gayle, Plumber's Local # 34 Janet Odalen, LIEP Lori Lee, Accounting Joe Reid, Bruce Engelbrekt, and Dede Demko January 26, 1998 PageTwo �i� - 135 These factors, increased nutnber of pernuts, and increased number of lazge projects combines to justify the addition of the inspectional position. The number of permits in 1994 was 1531, in 1995 it was 1808, in 1996 the figure was 2130, and in 1998 LIEP projects the number of permits, including the Water Department permits, to be 2650. Revenue produced from West Saint Paul and the Water Department should cover the costs of the additional inspection position which is estimated to be approximately $60,200 including fringes. Annual revenues from the Water Depar[ment permits alone aze expected to be at least $38,000. Moreover, overail permit revenues have exceeded projections for the 4th straight yeaz, and we anticipate 1998 to be another record construction yeaz where total construction revenues wili exceed the amount budgeted. Thank you for your consideration of this request. As you know LIEP has reduced the overall number of FTE's substantially in the last four years and we have added only one staff position since 1994, the cross-trained combined building(plaster/lather inspector. We make this request only because we believe the additional workload and revenue generated justifies the addition. Please ]et me know if you have any questions about this proposal. Tf approved, LIEP wiil prepare an appropriate resolution for Mayoral and City Council approval post haste. cc: Bernie Bullert, General Manager, Water Department Gayle Meyer, Water Department Dick Owen, Acting Deputy Director Frank Berg, Acting Building Code Officer Tom LeClair, Senior Plumbing Inspector Bob Schwartzbauer, Plumber's Local # 34 Doug Gayle, Plumber's Local # 34 Janet Odalen, LIEP Lori Lee, Accounting 9p-t�s Run Date: O1/08/98 City of Saint Paul Page No. 1 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Water Utility Permit Summary for 1997 for the City and West Saint Paul City of St. Paul West Saint Paul No. of Permits Valuation 295 $2,151,603.00 No. of Permits Valuation 18 $274,561.00 Permit Fee $13,281.00 Permit Fee $1,203.00 ------- ---------------- ------ — -------- Total Water Utility Permits-1997 313 $2,426,164.00 $14,484.00 Run Date: O1/08/98 City of Saint Paul Page No. 1 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Plumbing Permit Summary for 1997 for the City and West Saint Paul City of St. Paul West Saint Paul No. of Permits Valuation 1874 $11,011,204.47 No. of Permits Valuation 113 $684,456.50 Permit Fee $288,731.70 Permit Fee $20,367.00 ---- -- - ---------- — -- ---------- — ---- Total of Plumbing Permits-1997 1987 $11,695,660.97 $309,098.70 q��13� Run Date: 01/08/98 City of Saint Paul Page No. 1 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Plumbing Permit Summary for 1997 for the City and West Saint Pau1 City of St. Paul West Saint Paul No. of Permits Valuation 1874 $11,011,204.47 No. of Permits Valuation 113 $684,456.50 Permit Fee $288,731.70 Permit Fee $20,367.00 ------- ---------------- -- — — ---------- Total of Plumbing Permits-1997 1987 $11,695,660.9'7 $309,098.70 I J tl1�'� A�N N� m N Ol O� c� � I� N O O � W I �� tb ip � N N tD N iD �p 1� � t0 l0 � Q Q: °''m w�n � �o `mo�mo �?Q om �n m' { rnoNY m �.-o � H� '� � ���� � � � � O �' i �� I (=' 4 tn � ' < tq' , w � W� � I � : W � n � m � F a O 0 4 O O o O O O o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O G O O O O O O O O O O O�� O O O O O O O O O O f� O n'J N�� 1� � H O O tD G� O N N A tA � t9 ? 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N N w O�i N N m O 4 � �' N N r ' � 2 0 z y N y O C� � y N C W� W Ur 1- Z �og�?�i�..�z� � � �6 y �nm mw�� aZ � jKCLQ l�g J W�1"� !�1 fl ll /� H fA N N N � N w Of O M O � w � N c O O n N w H n 0 N m e f O LL � w Z } S y �5 ., coun��� File � q g- 1�5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 AS 46 47 48 49 50 51 ORIGlNAL Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has, over the past 6 months, contracted with the Saint Paul Water Utility to inspect residential Water Utility Permits which has increased the Plumbing Inspector's workload substantially justifying the hiring of an additional Plumbing Inspector; and WHEREAS, funding for this new position will come ftom pernit fees which have increased due to additional permit fees and recotd construction activity; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 0£ the City Chartex, does certify that there are available £or appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 Building Inspection and Design Fund; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: Current ud et FINANCING PI.AN: Department of Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection Building Inspection and Design Operations New - General GL 320-33351-2800 Permits A11 Othet Activity Revenue $2,750,000 $ 722.071 $3,472.071 Current $ll t 3PENUING PLAN: Department of Executive Administiation Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection Buildinq Inspection and Design operations New - General GL 320-33351-0117 Trades W{O City Benefits $1,550,047 GL 320-33351-0222 Telephone-NWB Monthly Charges 15,000 GL 320-33351-0223 Telephone-LOng Distance 550 GL 320-33351-0224 Telephone-Moves & Changes 1,000 GL 320-33351-0229 Other - Communications 12,000 GL 320-33351-0235 Type II - Regular ($4/Wk Day & 66,000 GL 320-33351-0242 Duplicating - A11 Processes 17,000 GL 320-33351-0256 Registxation Eees - Local 3,500 GL 320-33351-0290 Centxal Service Cost 109,058 GL 320-33351-0356 Safety Supplies 7,912 Ordinance # Green Sheet # 50476 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Chanae $69,291 0 $69,291 Chanae $40, 800 250 10 30 330 2,075 50 900 2,916 350 Revised ud et $2,819,291 $ 722 07i $3,541,362 Revised Budaet $1,590,847 15,250 560 1,030 12,330 68,075 17,050 4,A00 111,974 8.262 54 54 56 57 58 5S 60 61 62 63 � 65 66 67 67 68 69 . ORIGINAL Current Budaet GL 320-33351-0359 Other - Spec Matl 6 Supplies $ GL 320-33351-0361 OfPice Accessories GL 320-33351-0368 Office Supplies-PUrchasing Sto 6L 320-33351-0438 Fringe Benefits for Trades GL 320-33351-0439 Fringe Benefits GI, 320-33351-0815 Desk, Chairs or Tables GL 320-33351-0857 Data Processing Hardware GL 320-33351-0858 Telephone Equipment Purchases All other Activity Spending 2, 000 1, 600 5,200 242,317 610,270 0 0 1,200 5827.417 Chanae $ 50 75 50 12,220 7,335 500 1, 000 350 s o $3,472,071 $69,291 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1948 budget. 2 9 $ Revised Budaet $ 2, O50 1,675 5,250 254,537 617,605 500 i,000 1,550 S 827.417 $3,541,362 , 9FPaR /OFt]CF/COUNW. DA'IENTRATPD ExecutiveAdnilnistration-LIEP 02/02/98 GREENSHE �i� NO. 50476 q8'-�3 �NLACfPFRSONkPHONE � ➢FPAA'IT@IfDIP6CIYN[ �5 L71'4'OOUNC9. Rahert Kessler 266-9112 � ��,.� " q � rnY� MUSTB60N WUNm.AGQIDABY�A]El � �I FIItANQAL3]tV➢dt �` 1� FIIIRNOAL �tVKfSACC1V ASAP a �r���� o TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQIRb'!ID ppmval of changes to the 1998 budget to allow for the addition of one (1) Plwnbing Inspector. rtFmeaaamA'not�/,�orc<A)ar ymW PERSONALSIItVICECONTRACIBM�33bTANSPlERTHEROLiAR'INGQUESlfONS: PL1NtbNGC�h0.T65fON _Wp,3�RVi�C�A�40N 1.HasPdapemodfi�me�uwmkWmdeaawmtaclfor8usdepwmimM ��� _ YES NO n_sru'e _ 2 Ha tlns pnma/fi'm eirerbcen a cdY employee7 omwcrcam7 _ YFS NO sueeoxiswwcx muwcaoshcmer 3. Da� tltia penodS`m poasas a sk� notnomiallYP��d 6YmY cunent ciry employeeR YES NO � (E'�lain aa S� aaswers on separate s6eet and attach to grean sAee4) IMTIAl9J0 PROBIEM, 6SU� OPPORTIINIIY (WM, WWC WhC� A�hur,F'AyJ: The Office of LIEP has contracted with the Saint Paul Water Utility to inspect residential Water Utility permits which has increased the Plumbing Tnspector's workload substantially justifying the hiring of an additional Plumbing Inspector. Funding for this new position will come from additional permit fees and record construction activity. ADVATTAOCT¢ APPROl�'eD'. Adding this new position will provide needed assistance on plumbing inspections. � �cE�v�� FEB 12 199E DLSADVANTACESQ�'APPROVFD' Tncreased overall expenditures for inspection fimction. Cour�C4d ReSeaeGh C°�t°q �pYOR'� Off4CE FEB 18 19� ---- _._..�.__ ... .. ��,��.s���'�` D6ADVANTAGFSOFNOSAPPROVED: " , y _ , ��. The Ciry would have a difticult time keeping up with the record workload. � �� i����5 � ° - � •� , � �a � ��aa� €3 6 ����� � a `� � TOTALAMO[IMOF]1WNSACfION_ �69291.00 cosnaavem�eswcar��cmcceoNe� � No Furmir+csovxce PemlitFees ncmarrvu�m� 320-33351-2800 t'wnrvcucuuonnfnnoN: �uw� SaitPS60utl9M0AkelF:\1113Lesdlssmsu.WK61 aas-a K� •1�5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM January 26, 1998 To: Joe Reid, Budget Director Bruce Engelbrekt, Budget Analyst Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director � Re: Adding a Plumbing Inspector As you know, the Plumber's Union and plumbing inspection staff have repeatedly requested the addition of a plumbing inspector since 1995 when LIEP contracted with West Saint Paul to do their plumbing inspection and permit work. LIEP recommended against the additional stafF position in 1995, 1996, and 1997 because the increase in work load did not justify hiring an additional staff person. The situation began to change in 1997 when LIEP contracted with the Water Departrnent for a six-month period to inspect residentiai Water Department permits (commercial plumbing inspections remain sepazate). The objective of the six-month experiment was to determine whether it would be feasible to do the residential inspection work for the Water Department on a ongoing basis. In addition, LIfiP wanted to determine what the extent of the work load would be for the "Water Department" inspections. As you know, LIEP has traditionaily inspected only the vent, waste and drain work on piumbing jobs while the Water Department has inspected the supply piping, water mains, etc. During the past yeaz we held a number of ineetings with staff from the Water Department, LIEP, and the Plumber's Union before, during, and after the experiment period to plan and analyze the results of the combined inspection work. I am pleased to report that the experiment is considered a success by all involved and that it makes sense for LIEP to continue to issue the permits and perform combined plumbing inspecfions for residential renovation projects. Bernie Bullert's staff is prepazing a contract to formally implement the inspection program beginning in February. In order for LIEP to keep up with the workioad from the Water Department contract, in addition to the ever increasing normal warkload, LIEP is proposing to amend the 1998 Budget to recognize additional revenues sufficient to add another full-time plumbing inspection position. According to the attached inforxnation, overall plumbing permits have increased by 34% since 1994, but most importantly, the number of major construction projects requiring multiple inspections visits over the duration of the construction period has increased substantially as well. Joe Reid, Bruce Engelbrekt, and Dede Demko 7anuary 26, 1998 PageTwo These factors, increased number of pemvts, and increased number of Iazge projects combines to justify the addition of the inspectional position. The number of permits in 1994 was 1531, in 1995 it was 1808, in I996 the figure was 2130, and in 1998 LIEP projects the number of pernuts, including the Water Department permits, to be 2650. Revenue produced from West Saint Paul and the Water Department should cover the costs of the additional inspection position which is estimated to be approximately $60,200 including fringes. Annual revenues from the Water Department permits alone aze expected to be at least $38,000. Moreover, overai2 permit revenues have exceeded projections for the 4th straight yeaz, and we anticipate 1998 to be another record construction yeat where total construction revenues will exceed the amount budgeted. Thank you for your consideration of this request. As yau know LIEP bas reduced the overall number of FTE's substantially in the Iast four yeats and we have added only one stafFposition since 1494, the cross-trained combined building/plaster/lather inspector. We make this request only because we believe the addifional workioad and revenue generated justifies the addition. Please let me know if you have any questions about Yhis proposal. If approved, LIEP will prepare an appropriate resolution for Mayoral and City Council approval post haste. cc: Bernie Bullert, General Manager, Water Department Crayle Meyer, Water Department Dick Owen, Acting Depury Director Frank Berg, Acting Building Code Officer Tom LeClair, Senior Plumbing Inspector Bob Schwartzbauer, Plumber's Local # 34 Doug Gayle, Plumber's Local # 34 Janet Odalen, LIEP Lori Lee, Accounting Joe Reid, Bruce Engelbrekt, and Dede Demko January 26, 1998 PageTwo �i� - 135 These factors, increased nutnber of pernuts, and increased number of lazge projects combines to justify the addition of the inspectional position. The number of permits in 1994 was 1531, in 1995 it was 1808, in 1996 the figure was 2130, and in 1998 LIEP projects the number of permits, including the Water Department permits, to be 2650. Revenue produced from West Saint Paul and the Water Department should cover the costs of the additional inspection position which is estimated to be approximately $60,200 including fringes. Annual revenues from the Water Depar[ment permits alone aze expected to be at least $38,000. Moreover, overail permit revenues have exceeded projections for the 4th straight yeaz, and we anticipate 1998 to be another record construction yeaz where total construction revenues wili exceed the amount budgeted. Thank you for your consideration of this request. As you know LIEP has reduced the overall number of FTE's substantially in the last four years and we have added only one staff position since 1994, the cross-trained combined building(plaster/lather inspector. We make this request only because we believe the additional workload and revenue generated justifies the addition. Please ]et me know if you have any questions about this proposal. Tf approved, LIEP wiil prepare an appropriate resolution for Mayoral and City Council approval post haste. cc: Bernie Bullert, General Manager, Water Department Gayle Meyer, Water Department Dick Owen, Acting Deputy Director Frank Berg, Acting Building Code Officer Tom LeClair, Senior Plumbing Inspector Bob Schwartzbauer, Plumber's Local # 34 Doug Gayle, Plumber's Local # 34 Janet Odalen, LIEP Lori Lee, Accounting 9p-t�s Run Date: O1/08/98 City of Saint Paul Page No. 1 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Water Utility Permit Summary for 1997 for the City and West Saint Paul City of St. Paul West Saint Paul No. of Permits Valuation 295 $2,151,603.00 No. of Permits Valuation 18 $274,561.00 Permit Fee $13,281.00 Permit Fee $1,203.00 ------- ---------------- ------ — -------- Total Water Utility Permits-1997 313 $2,426,164.00 $14,484.00 Run Date: O1/08/98 City of Saint Paul Page No. 1 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Plumbing Permit Summary for 1997 for the City and West Saint Paul City of St. Paul West Saint Paul No. of Permits Valuation 1874 $11,011,204.47 No. of Permits Valuation 113 $684,456.50 Permit Fee $288,731.70 Permit Fee $20,367.00 ---- -- - ---------- — -- ---------- — ---- Total of Plumbing Permits-1997 1987 $11,695,660.97 $309,098.70 q��13� Run Date: 01/08/98 City of Saint Paul Page No. 1 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Plumbing Permit Summary for 1997 for the City and West Saint Pau1 City of St. Paul West Saint Paul No. of Permits Valuation 1874 $11,011,204.47 No. of Permits Valuation 113 $684,456.50 Permit Fee $288,731.70 Permit Fee $20,367.00 ------- ---------------- -- — — ---------- Total of Plumbing Permits-1997 1987 $11,695,660.9'7 $309,098.70 I J tl1�'� A�N N� m N Ol O� c� � I� N O O � W I �� tb ip � N N tD N iD �p 1� � t0 l0 � Q Q: °''m w�n � �o `mo�mo �?Q om �n m' { rnoNY m �.-o � H� '� � ���� � � � � O �' i �� I (=' 4 tn � ' < tq' , w � W� � I � : W � n � m � F a O 0 4 O O o O O O o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O G O O O O O O O O O O O�� O O O O O O O O O O f� O n'J N�� 1� � H O O tD G� O N N A tA � t9 ? 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N N w O�i N N m O 4 � �' N N r ' � 2 0 z y N y O C� � y N C W� W Ur 1- Z �og�?�i�..�z� � � �6 y �nm mw�� aZ � jKCLQ l�g J W�1"� !�1 fl ll /� H fA N N N � N w Of O M O � w � N c O O n N w H n 0 N m e f O LL � w Z } S y �5 ., coun��� File � q g- 1�5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 AS 46 47 48 49 50 51 ORIGlNAL Presented By Referred To Co�ittee: Date WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) has, over the past 6 months, contracted with the Saint Paul Water Utility to inspect residential Water Utility Permits which has increased the Plumbing Inspector's workload substantially justifying the hiring of an additional Plumbing Inspector; and WHEREAS, funding for this new position will come ftom pernit fees which have increased due to additional permit fees and recotd construction activity; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.01 0£ the City Chartex, does certify that there are available £or appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 Building Inspection and Design Fund; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: Current ud et FINANCING PI.AN: Department of Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection Building Inspection and Design Operations New - General GL 320-33351-2800 Permits A11 Othet Activity Revenue $2,750,000 $ 722.071 $3,472.071 Current $ll t 3PENUING PLAN: Department of Executive Administiation Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection Buildinq Inspection and Design operations New - General GL 320-33351-0117 Trades W{O City Benefits $1,550,047 GL 320-33351-0222 Telephone-NWB Monthly Charges 15,000 GL 320-33351-0223 Telephone-LOng Distance 550 GL 320-33351-0224 Telephone-Moves & Changes 1,000 GL 320-33351-0229 Other - Communications 12,000 GL 320-33351-0235 Type II - Regular ($4/Wk Day & 66,000 GL 320-33351-0242 Duplicating - A11 Processes 17,000 GL 320-33351-0256 Registxation Eees - Local 3,500 GL 320-33351-0290 Centxal Service Cost 109,058 GL 320-33351-0356 Safety Supplies 7,912 Ordinance # Green Sheet # 50476 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Chanae $69,291 0 $69,291 Chanae $40, 800 250 10 30 330 2,075 50 900 2,916 350 Revised ud et $2,819,291 $ 722 07i $3,541,362 Revised Budaet $1,590,847 15,250 560 1,030 12,330 68,075 17,050 4,A00 111,974 8.262 54 54 56 57 58 5S 60 61 62 63 � 65 66 67 67 68 69 . ORIGINAL Current Budaet GL 320-33351-0359 Other - Spec Matl 6 Supplies $ GL 320-33351-0361 OfPice Accessories GL 320-33351-0368 Office Supplies-PUrchasing Sto 6L 320-33351-0438 Fringe Benefits for Trades GL 320-33351-0439 Fringe Benefits GI, 320-33351-0815 Desk, Chairs or Tables GL 320-33351-0857 Data Processing Hardware GL 320-33351-0858 Telephone Equipment Purchases All other Activity Spending 2, 000 1, 600 5,200 242,317 610,270 0 0 1,200 5827.417 Chanae $ 50 75 50 12,220 7,335 500 1, 000 350 s o $3,472,071 $69,291 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1948 budget. 2 9 $ Revised Budaet $ 2, O50 1,675 5,250 254,537 617,605 500 i,000 1,550 S 827.417 $3,541,362 , 9FPaR /OFt]CF/COUNW. DA'IENTRATPD ExecutiveAdnilnistration-LIEP 02/02/98 GREENSHE �i� NO. 50476 q8'-�3 �NLACfPFRSONkPHONE � ➢FPAA'IT@IfDIP6CIYN[ �5 L71'4'OOUNC9. Rahert Kessler 266-9112 � ��,.� " q � rnY� MUSTB60N WUNm.AGQIDABY�A]El � �I FIItANQAL3]tV➢dt �` 1� FIIIRNOAL �tVKfSACC1V ASAP a �r���� o TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQIRb'!ID ppmval of changes to the 1998 budget to allow for the addition of one (1) Plwnbing Inspector. rtFmeaaamA'not�/,�orc<A)ar ymW PERSONALSIItVICECONTRACIBM�33bTANSPlERTHEROLiAR'INGQUESlfONS: PL1NtbNGC�h0.T65fON _Wp,3�RVi�C�A�40N 1.HasPdapemodfi�me�uwmkWmdeaawmtaclfor8usdepwmimM ��� _ YES NO n_sru'e _ 2 Ha tlns pnma/fi'm eirerbcen a cdY employee7 omwcrcam7 _ YFS NO sueeoxiswwcx muwcaoshcmer 3. Da� tltia penodS`m poasas a sk� notnomiallYP��d 6YmY cunent ciry employeeR YES NO � (E'�lain aa S� aaswers on separate s6eet and attach to grean sAee4) IMTIAl9J0 PROBIEM, 6SU� OPPORTIINIIY (WM, WWC WhC� A�hur,F'AyJ: The Office of LIEP has contracted with the Saint Paul Water Utility to inspect residential Water Utility permits which has increased the Plumbing Tnspector's workload substantially justifying the hiring of an additional Plumbing Inspector. Funding for this new position will come from additional permit fees and record construction activity. ADVATTAOCT¢ APPROl�'eD'. Adding this new position will provide needed assistance on plumbing inspections. � �cE�v�� FEB 12 199E DLSADVANTACESQ�'APPROVFD' Tncreased overall expenditures for inspection fimction. Cour�C4d ReSeaeGh C°�t°q �pYOR'� Off4CE FEB 18 19� ---- _._..�.__ ... .. ��,��.s���'�` D6ADVANTAGFSOFNOSAPPROVED: " , y _ , ��. The Ciry would have a difticult time keeping up with the record workload. � �� i����5 � ° - � •� , � �a � ��aa� €3 6 ����� � a `� � TOTALAMO[IMOF]1WNSACfION_ �69291.00 cosnaavem�eswcar��cmcceoNe� � No Furmir+csovxce PemlitFees ncmarrvu�m� 320-33351-2800 t'wnrvcucuuonnfnnoN: �uw� SaitPS60utl9M0AkelF:\1113Lesdlssmsu.WK61 aas-a K� •1�5 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM January 26, 1998 To: Joe Reid, Budget Director Bruce Engelbrekt, Budget Analyst Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director � Re: Adding a Plumbing Inspector As you know, the Plumber's Union and plumbing inspection staff have repeatedly requested the addition of a plumbing inspector since 1995 when LIEP contracted with West Saint Paul to do their plumbing inspection and permit work. LIEP recommended against the additional stafF position in 1995, 1996, and 1997 because the increase in work load did not justify hiring an additional staff person. The situation began to change in 1997 when LIEP contracted with the Water Departrnent for a six-month period to inspect residentiai Water Department permits (commercial plumbing inspections remain sepazate). The objective of the six-month experiment was to determine whether it would be feasible to do the residential inspection work for the Water Department on a ongoing basis. In addition, LIfiP wanted to determine what the extent of the work load would be for the "Water Department" inspections. As you know, LIEP has traditionaily inspected only the vent, waste and drain work on piumbing jobs while the Water Department has inspected the supply piping, water mains, etc. During the past yeaz we held a number of ineetings with staff from the Water Department, LIEP, and the Plumber's Union before, during, and after the experiment period to plan and analyze the results of the combined inspection work. I am pleased to report that the experiment is considered a success by all involved and that it makes sense for LIEP to continue to issue the permits and perform combined plumbing inspecfions for residential renovation projects. Bernie Bullert's staff is prepazing a contract to formally implement the inspection program beginning in February. In order for LIEP to keep up with the workioad from the Water Department contract, in addition to the ever increasing normal warkload, LIEP is proposing to amend the 1998 Budget to recognize additional revenues sufficient to add another full-time plumbing inspection position. According to the attached inforxnation, overall plumbing permits have increased by 34% since 1994, but most importantly, the number of major construction projects requiring multiple inspections visits over the duration of the construction period has increased substantially as well. Joe Reid, Bruce Engelbrekt, and Dede Demko 7anuary 26, 1998 PageTwo These factors, increased number of pemvts, and increased number of Iazge projects combines to justify the addition of the inspectional position. The number of permits in 1994 was 1531, in 1995 it was 1808, in I996 the figure was 2130, and in 1998 LIEP projects the number of pernuts, including the Water Department permits, to be 2650. Revenue produced from West Saint Paul and the Water Department should cover the costs of the additional inspection position which is estimated to be approximately $60,200 including fringes. Annual revenues from the Water Department permits alone aze expected to be at least $38,000. Moreover, overai2 permit revenues have exceeded projections for the 4th straight yeaz, and we anticipate 1998 to be another record construction yeat where total construction revenues will exceed the amount budgeted. Thank you for your consideration of this request. As yau know LIEP bas reduced the overall number of FTE's substantially in the Iast four yeats and we have added only one stafFposition since 1494, the cross-trained combined building/plaster/lather inspector. We make this request only because we believe the addifional workioad and revenue generated justifies the addition. Please let me know if you have any questions about Yhis proposal. If approved, LIEP will prepare an appropriate resolution for Mayoral and City Council approval post haste. cc: Bernie Bullert, General Manager, Water Department Crayle Meyer, Water Department Dick Owen, Acting Depury Director Frank Berg, Acting Building Code Officer Tom LeClair, Senior Plumbing Inspector Bob Schwartzbauer, Plumber's Local # 34 Doug Gayle, Plumber's Local # 34 Janet Odalen, LIEP Lori Lee, Accounting Joe Reid, Bruce Engelbrekt, and Dede Demko January 26, 1998 PageTwo �i� - 135 These factors, increased nutnber of pernuts, and increased number of lazge projects combines to justify the addition of the inspectional position. The number of permits in 1994 was 1531, in 1995 it was 1808, in 1996 the figure was 2130, and in 1998 LIEP projects the number of permits, including the Water Department permits, to be 2650. Revenue produced from West Saint Paul and the Water Department should cover the costs of the additional inspection position which is estimated to be approximately $60,200 including fringes. Annual revenues from the Water Depar[ment permits alone aze expected to be at least $38,000. Moreover, overail permit revenues have exceeded projections for the 4th straight yeaz, and we anticipate 1998 to be another record construction yeaz where total construction revenues wili exceed the amount budgeted. Thank you for your consideration of this request. As you know LIEP has reduced the overall number of FTE's substantially in the last four years and we have added only one staff position since 1994, the cross-trained combined building(plaster/lather inspector. We make this request only because we believe the additional workload and revenue generated justifies the addition. Please ]et me know if you have any questions about this proposal. Tf approved, LIEP wiil prepare an appropriate resolution for Mayoral and City Council approval post haste. cc: Bernie Bullert, General Manager, Water Department Gayle Meyer, Water Department Dick Owen, Acting Deputy Director Frank Berg, Acting Building Code Officer Tom LeClair, Senior Plumbing Inspector Bob Schwartzbauer, Plumber's Local # 34 Doug Gayle, Plumber's Local # 34 Janet Odalen, LIEP Lori Lee, Accounting 9p-t�s Run Date: O1/08/98 City of Saint Paul Page No. 1 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Water Utility Permit Summary for 1997 for the City and West Saint Paul City of St. Paul West Saint Paul No. of Permits Valuation 295 $2,151,603.00 No. of Permits Valuation 18 $274,561.00 Permit Fee $13,281.00 Permit Fee $1,203.00 ------- ---------------- ------ — -------- Total Water Utility Permits-1997 313 $2,426,164.00 $14,484.00 Run Date: O1/08/98 City of Saint Paul Page No. 1 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Plumbing Permit Summary for 1997 for the City and West Saint Paul City of St. Paul West Saint Paul No. of Permits Valuation 1874 $11,011,204.47 No. of Permits Valuation 113 $684,456.50 Permit Fee $288,731.70 Permit Fee $20,367.00 ---- -- - ---------- — -- ---------- — ---- Total of Plumbing Permits-1997 1987 $11,695,660.97 $309,098.70 q��13� Run Date: 01/08/98 City of Saint Paul Page No. 1 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Plumbing Permit Summary for 1997 for the City and West Saint Pau1 City of St. Paul West Saint Paul No. of Permits Valuation 1874 $11,011,204.47 No. of Permits Valuation 113 $684,456.50 Permit Fee $288,731.70 Permit Fee $20,367.00 ------- ---------------- -- — — ---------- Total of Plumbing Permits-1997 1987 $11,695,660.9'7 $309,098.70 I J tl1�'� A�N N� m N Ol O� c� � I� N O O � W I �� tb ip � N N tD N iD �p 1� � t0 l0 � Q Q: °''m w�n � �o `mo�mo �?Q om �n m' { rnoNY m �.-o � H� '� � ���� � � � � O �' i �� I (=' 4 tn � ' < tq' , w � W� � I � : W � n � m � F a O 0 4 O O o O O O o o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O G O O O O O O O O O O O�� O O O O O O O O O O f� O n'J N�� 1� � H O O tD G� O N N A tA � t9 ? 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