98-133Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: �� -_1_�3 61138 � Referred To: Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t3 14 'IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WHEREAS, a group of Minnesota investors was awarded an NHL expansion team by the Nationai Hockey League Board of Govemors on June Z5, 1997; a�d WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, the Civic Center Authority and the Minnesota Hockey Ventures Group have executed a binding agreemenf whereby the City has agreed to allow the Team to demolish the existing arena, to design and construct a new arena, and to lease the arena; and WHEREAS, a�w arena will benefd the City and its citizens by providing the dovmtown with an arena which will be competitive with other state-of-the-art arenas; provide current tenants of the Civic Center with an updated facility in which to bring their events and progrems; and will attract additional non-hockey events to downtown Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the new arena wiil provide the highest quaiiTy fsalfties for the Minnesota State High School Toumaments which have a long tradition of playing in the Saint Paul Civic CenterArena; and will improve the experience of the many thousands of Minnesotans who attend the toumaments each year, and WHEREAS, the City is conVibuting $30 million, plus debt issuance costs, to the project budget of $130 million; and WHEREAS, the City's contribution will be financed with short tertn debt while the are�a is under construction, with longer term bonds issued when the arena is completed; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that a capital project be established to account for the City's contribution to construction of a new Saint Paul RiverCentre arena; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Council of the City oF Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committe'�, that t� 19 6 Ca tal Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended, is hereby fuAher amended as fofl�: �, a � Cunent Amend Financinq o� ry Budget Change Budgf Saint Paul RiverCentre Fue�a � R' � C98-SR001 .. � , Commercial paper note (note issuance - 620�, � `tl� � 0 33,500,000 33,50Q Interestonlnvestments r" 0 1,918000 1918 � �•i � 0 35,418,000 35,418, a r Soendina rn '� Saint Paul RiverCentre Arena m� C98-SR001 a � s $' Design o' � 0 4,750,000 4,750, Constructioo Management "'� � 0 1,500,000 1,500, Construdion q o/a � 0 23,750,000 23,750, Short term debt interest (0612) �+ � �; D 5,d18,000 5,418. 4pproved by Mayor. Dat� ! d '� � . �s t°�`l8' �ernx�rrrrott���co�nvca na�wmn�o Q � �13 � s�ntPa��vercentreAuttiorit 02/11/98 GREEN SHEET NO. 61138 4 CAMAC]'POtSON&PHpNE O DEPAR'IMEN]'D➢tECNA O4 CIIVCOUNC�. ChrisHansen,2247361 ,,,,,,�� 2❑ rnvarrowv�s� � crtvn�F MUST9EONfpUNCp,AGIIJDAHY(DA'lE) � lO BUDG6TDIREClOR SO FfN.ffiMGT.SERVICESDIR ASAP � 3❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTeN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) cnox�uFSho Request approval w amend fhe 1998 Capital Impzovement Budget I RECOI.Aff2.DAlIONS:Approve(.UaP.ejx[(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERIHEFOLIAWINGQiJ&STf� NS: PCATRIQiGCOT9NI55iON _ClV➢.SERVIC6COAfM19S90HI 1.FIHSt}ti5pel5pn/StmEYeiWmk¢dUndeTacOn4aC[FmthiSdejRrtIDEllt? X cmcUMt9'rteE _ YES NO 5rn� _ 2. Has tUis persoWSm eva been a citY emPloyee? DLlTRICfCOI]RT _ YES NO SUCeOR'rs w�uc�tmUNCaoslECrNe? 3. Dces this oersodfirm possess x s!dl! cci nolmally possessed by aay cuacnt city employee? YES NO (Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet) IM'MI7NGPROBLQrt, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'IY (tVho, Whaz, HRieq Where, Why). The Ciry Council has already approved the arena replacement project, as well as financing for the City's $30 million shaze of the $130 million conshuction wsts for the facility. This resolurion would establish a budget for the CiTy's share of the financing to pay for the Ciry's share of design, engineering and construc[ion costs for the project. ADVANLAGESIFAPPRpVID. The City will meet its responsibilities W conshvct and complete a new azena in time for the 2000-2001 NHL season. Cflu�ui! �e;e�r�� ���Fer ��cE�vEO FE� 1 � 1�9� °'S^°"",�^`��,�PR°"� MAR 0 4 1998 None. Conshuction financing is committed to this project from all so��.��TI��d�as been approved and.will.hecome tenants ofiUis.faciliry once built. DISADVAN]'AGES&NOTAPPROVEU The Ciry wil( noY meet its respo�sibilities to construct and complete a new azena in time for the 2000-2001 NFII, season. xor,wnn2o�erroFranns�cnon $35 418 �00 cosrlaeve�vueswczceo<cmcceowe� O no r�mnwcsomc Commercial �aper note investment interest arnv,rrnuMe� C98-8R001 ewaNCw, uvFOxnanoH� csxr'amq OlfiwofFinantlal5ervices-BUEge[SacGOn H:WSERS�BUDGETDEPTS�CIVGTR\t23\GS_ARENAWK4 02/tt . Saint Paui RiverCentre Arena Proposed Construction Budget FINANCING City of Saint Paul Ticket Surcharge Marquee 40% of Half Cent Sales Tax Owner Participation State of Minnesota SPENDING Predesign Design Construction Management Construction Site and Building Preparation Hazardous Materials Abatement Demolition Construction Contingency Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment Other 30,000,000 35,000,000 65,000,000 130,000,000 400,000 9,100,000 3,000,000 5,500,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 87,500,OOD 3,000,000 18,000,000 0 130,000,000 98'- 133 Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: �� -_1_�3 61138 � Referred To: Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t3 14 'IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WHEREAS, a group of Minnesota investors was awarded an NHL expansion team by the Nationai Hockey League Board of Govemors on June Z5, 1997; a�d WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, the Civic Center Authority and the Minnesota Hockey Ventures Group have executed a binding agreemenf whereby the City has agreed to allow the Team to demolish the existing arena, to design and construct a new arena, and to lease the arena; and WHEREAS, a�w arena will benefd the City and its citizens by providing the dovmtown with an arena which will be competitive with other state-of-the-art arenas; provide current tenants of the Civic Center with an updated facility in which to bring their events and progrems; and will attract additional non-hockey events to downtown Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the new arena wiil provide the highest quaiiTy fsalfties for the Minnesota State High School Toumaments which have a long tradition of playing in the Saint Paul Civic CenterArena; and will improve the experience of the many thousands of Minnesotans who attend the toumaments each year, and WHEREAS, the City is conVibuting $30 million, plus debt issuance costs, to the project budget of $130 million; and WHEREAS, the City's contribution will be financed with short tertn debt while the are�a is under construction, with longer term bonds issued when the arena is completed; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that a capital project be established to account for the City's contribution to construction of a new Saint Paul RiverCentre arena; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Council of the City oF Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committe'�, that t� 19 6 Ca tal Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended, is hereby fuAher amended as fofl�: �, a � Cunent Amend Financinq o� ry Budget Change Budgf Saint Paul RiverCentre Fue�a � R' � C98-SR001 .. � , Commercial paper note (note issuance - 620�, � `tl� � 0 33,500,000 33,50Q Interestonlnvestments r" 0 1,918000 1918 � �•i � 0 35,418,000 35,418, a r Soendina rn '� Saint Paul RiverCentre Arena m� C98-SR001 a � s $' Design o' � 0 4,750,000 4,750, Constructioo Management "'� � 0 1,500,000 1,500, Construdion q o/a � 0 23,750,000 23,750, Short term debt interest (0612) �+ � �; D 5,d18,000 5,418. 4pproved by Mayor. Dat� ! d '� � . �s t°�`l8' �ernx�rrrrott���co�nvca na�wmn�o Q � �13 � s�ntPa��vercentreAuttiorit 02/11/98 GREEN SHEET NO. 61138 4 CAMAC]'POtSON&PHpNE O DEPAR'IMEN]'D➢tECNA O4 CIIVCOUNC�. ChrisHansen,2247361 ,,,,,,�� 2❑ rnvarrowv�s� � crtvn�F MUST9EONfpUNCp,AGIIJDAHY(DA'lE) � lO BUDG6TDIREClOR SO FfN.ffiMGT.SERVICESDIR ASAP � 3❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTeN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) cnox�uFSho Request approval w amend fhe 1998 Capital Impzovement Budget I RECOI.Aff2.DAlIONS:Approve(.UaP.ejx[(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERIHEFOLIAWINGQiJ&STf� NS: PCATRIQiGCOT9NI55iON _ClV➢.SERVIC6COAfM19S90HI 1.FIHSt}ti5pel5pn/StmEYeiWmk¢dUndeTacOn4aC[FmthiSdejRrtIDEllt? X cmcUMt9'rteE _ YES NO 5rn� _ 2. Has tUis persoWSm eva been a citY emPloyee? DLlTRICfCOI]RT _ YES NO SUCeOR'rs w�uc�tmUNCaoslECrNe? 3. Dces this oersodfirm possess x s!dl! cci nolmally possessed by aay cuacnt city employee? YES NO (Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet) IM'MI7NGPROBLQrt, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'IY (tVho, Whaz, HRieq Where, Why). The Ciry Council has already approved the arena replacement project, as well as financing for the City's $30 million shaze of the $130 million conshuction wsts for the facility. This resolurion would establish a budget for the CiTy's share of the financing to pay for the Ciry's share of design, engineering and construc[ion costs for the project. ADVANLAGESIFAPPRpVID. The City will meet its responsibilities W conshvct and complete a new azena in time for the 2000-2001 NHL season. Cflu�ui! �e;e�r�� ���Fer ��cE�vEO FE� 1 � 1�9� °'S^°"",�^`��,�PR°"� MAR 0 4 1998 None. Conshuction financing is committed to this project from all so��.��TI��d�as been approved and.will.hecome tenants ofiUis.faciliry once built. DISADVAN]'AGES&NOTAPPROVEU The Ciry wil( noY meet its respo�sibilities to construct and complete a new azena in time for the 2000-2001 NFII, season. xor,wnn2o�erroFranns�cnon $35 418 �00 cosrlaeve�vueswczceo<cmcceowe� O no r�mnwcsomc Commercial �aper note investment interest arnv,rrnuMe� C98-8R001 ewaNCw, uvFOxnanoH� csxr'amq OlfiwofFinantlal5ervices-BUEge[SacGOn H:WSERS�BUDGETDEPTS�CIVGTR\t23\GS_ARENAWK4 02/tt . Saint Paui RiverCentre Arena Proposed Construction Budget FINANCING City of Saint Paul Ticket Surcharge Marquee 40% of Half Cent Sales Tax Owner Participation State of Minnesota SPENDING Predesign Design Construction Management Construction Site and Building Preparation Hazardous Materials Abatement Demolition Construction Contingency Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment Other 30,000,000 35,000,000 65,000,000 130,000,000 400,000 9,100,000 3,000,000 5,500,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 87,500,OOD 3,000,000 18,000,000 0 130,000,000 98'- 133 Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: �� -_1_�3 61138 � Referred To: Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 t3 14 'IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 WHEREAS, a group of Minnesota investors was awarded an NHL expansion team by the Nationai Hockey League Board of Govemors on June Z5, 1997; a�d WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, the Civic Center Authority and the Minnesota Hockey Ventures Group have executed a binding agreemenf whereby the City has agreed to allow the Team to demolish the existing arena, to design and construct a new arena, and to lease the arena; and WHEREAS, a�w arena will benefd the City and its citizens by providing the dovmtown with an arena which will be competitive with other state-of-the-art arenas; provide current tenants of the Civic Center with an updated facility in which to bring their events and progrems; and will attract additional non-hockey events to downtown Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the new arena wiil provide the highest quaiiTy fsalfties for the Minnesota State High School Toumaments which have a long tradition of playing in the Saint Paul Civic CenterArena; and will improve the experience of the many thousands of Minnesotans who attend the toumaments each year, and WHEREAS, the City is conVibuting $30 million, plus debt issuance costs, to the project budget of $130 million; and WHEREAS, the City's contribution will be financed with short tertn debt while the are�a is under construction, with longer term bonds issued when the arena is completed; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that a capital project be established to account for the City's contribution to construction of a new Saint Paul RiverCentre arena; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Council of the City oF Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committe'�, that t� 19 6 Ca tal Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended, is hereby fuAher amended as fofl�: �, a � Cunent Amend Financinq o� ry Budget Change Budgf Saint Paul RiverCentre Fue�a � R' � C98-SR001 .. � , Commercial paper note (note issuance - 620�, � `tl� � 0 33,500,000 33,50Q Interestonlnvestments r" 0 1,918000 1918 � �•i � 0 35,418,000 35,418, a r Soendina rn '� Saint Paul RiverCentre Arena m� C98-SR001 a � s $' Design o' � 0 4,750,000 4,750, Constructioo Management "'� � 0 1,500,000 1,500, Construdion q o/a � 0 23,750,000 23,750, Short term debt interest (0612) �+ � �; D 5,d18,000 5,418. 4pproved by Mayor. Dat� ! d '� � . �s t°�`l8' �ernx�rrrrott���co�nvca na�wmn�o Q � �13 � s�ntPa��vercentreAuttiorit 02/11/98 GREEN SHEET NO. 61138 4 CAMAC]'POtSON&PHpNE O DEPAR'IMEN]'D➢tECNA O4 CIIVCOUNC�. ChrisHansen,2247361 ,,,,,,�� 2❑ rnvarrowv�s� � crtvn�F MUST9EONfpUNCp,AGIIJDAHY(DA'lE) � lO BUDG6TDIREClOR SO FfN.ffiMGT.SERVICESDIR ASAP � 3❑ MAYOR(ORASSISTeN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAI'URE) cnox�uFSho Request approval w amend fhe 1998 Capital Impzovement Budget I RECOI.Aff2.DAlIONS:Approve(.UaP.ejx[(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERIHEFOLIAWINGQiJ&STf� NS: PCATRIQiGCOT9NI55iON _ClV➢.SERVIC6COAfM19S90HI 1.FIHSt}ti5pel5pn/StmEYeiWmk¢dUndeTacOn4aC[FmthiSdejRrtIDEllt? X cmcUMt9'rteE _ YES NO 5rn� _ 2. Has tUis persoWSm eva been a citY emPloyee? DLlTRICfCOI]RT _ YES NO SUCeOR'rs w�uc�tmUNCaoslECrNe? 3. Dces this oersodfirm possess x s!dl! cci nolmally possessed by aay cuacnt city employee? YES NO (Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet) IM'MI7NGPROBLQrt, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'IY (tVho, Whaz, HRieq Where, Why). The Ciry Council has already approved the arena replacement project, as well as financing for the City's $30 million shaze of the $130 million conshuction wsts for the facility. This resolurion would establish a budget for the CiTy's share of the financing to pay for the Ciry's share of design, engineering and construc[ion costs for the project. ADVANLAGESIFAPPRpVID. The City will meet its responsibilities W conshvct and complete a new azena in time for the 2000-2001 NHL season. Cflu�ui! �e;e�r�� ���Fer ��cE�vEO FE� 1 � 1�9� °'S^°"",�^`��,�PR°"� MAR 0 4 1998 None. Conshuction financing is committed to this project from all so��.��TI��d�as been approved and.will.hecome tenants ofiUis.faciliry once built. DISADVAN]'AGES&NOTAPPROVEU The Ciry wil( noY meet its respo�sibilities to construct and complete a new azena in time for the 2000-2001 NFII, season. xor,wnn2o�erroFranns�cnon $35 418 �00 cosrlaeve�vueswczceo<cmcceowe� O no r�mnwcsomc Commercial �aper note investment interest arnv,rrnuMe� C98-8R001 ewaNCw, uvFOxnanoH� csxr'amq OlfiwofFinantlal5ervices-BUEge[SacGOn H:WSERS�BUDGETDEPTS�CIVGTR\t23\GS_ARENAWK4 02/tt . Saint Paui RiverCentre Arena Proposed Construction Budget FINANCING City of Saint Paul Ticket Surcharge Marquee 40% of Half Cent Sales Tax Owner Participation State of Minnesota SPENDING Predesign Design Construction Management Construction Site and Building Preparation Hazardous Materials Abatement Demolition Construction Contingency Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment Other 30,000,000 35,000,000 65,000,000 130,000,000 400,000 9,100,000 3,000,000 5,500,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 87,500,OOD 3,000,000 18,000,000 0 130,000,000 98'- 133