98-130't - ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Committee: Date � O � 1 � �v f� RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby consent to and approve of the appointment by the Mayor of Christopher Longley as Assistant to the Mayor, effective February 18, 1998. � l� � � S'� ctr� .r� O�V�`t�v.c,�. S 4�cr v� b� tJ' ( S� g� l�' .O O Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��, �5 r --- Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: Appr By: � I �S � cF � Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney c 3y: - ,pproved by Mayor fo Submis ion to :ouncil / . � / By: Requested by Department of: DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 32642 q8 - l30 MAYOR'S OFFICE 2/17/98 COhTACf PERSON & PHONE: ATTIaUDA1"E II�7WLIlA'fE Lisa Nasseff, 266-8527 � _DEPARTMEN'C DIR 3 CITY COUSiCII. ASSICN ? CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK hiUST BE ON CO[1NCII. AGENDA BY (DAT� NUMBER �qNCIAL SERV DIR. ,_ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG '4.SAp � IMAYOR(ORASST.) _CIVILSERVICECOMr�IISSION ROUTIIVG ORpER TOTAL#OFSIGI\ATLIREPAGES _1_(CLIPALLLOCATIO2aSFORSIGNATURE) acno� uEQUesrsn: Sign attached resolution for appointment of Christopher Longley as Assistant to the Mayor RECOAIMENDA710NS: Approve (A) ar Rejea (R) pERSONAL SERVICE COIVTRACI'S MUSf AI�SRBR THE FOLLONING QUESTIONS: 1. Haz Uus persoNfvm ever worked under a conUact for lhis depnrtmrnt? PL/u'VNINGCOMMISSiON Yes No CIB COMI.IITT'EE 2. Has this persorJfimi ever bcen a city nnployee? CIVILSER\7CECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Does this person/fimi possess a ski11 not norma{{y possessed by any w�rmt city emp{oyee? Yes No Eaplain all yes ansx�ers on separafe shee[ and attach to green sheet 111TIATINC: PROBLEM ISSUE� OPPORTUNTTY (V�'ho, �Vhak «`hen, ��fiere, N'hy): As a result of Peter Hames' transfer to the position of Director of Technology and Management Services, a vacancy has occurred for the position of Assistant to the Mayor. With the Counci]'s approvai, Christopher Longley will be appointed to fil] that position. AD\%A\TAGES IF APPROVED: �ECEEYECI Christopher Longley will be appointed Assistant to the Mayor. MAR 0 4 1998 s��YO�'S OfEICE DISAD�'.u\TAGESIFAPPROVED: p�[9STG;I RP,S��iCET v�e f;; None ��� � � �� DISADVAPITAGES iF NOT APPROVED: 70TAI. AM1fOUNT OF TRANSAC.TION: S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FLI�DIVG SOURCE: A(.TI�'ITS' �llniBER: FI\a\CI.4L ITFOR�M1ATION: (EXPLAi�� H.�FURAfS�.GRNSHTFRM 't - ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Committee: Date � O � 1 � �v f� RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby consent to and approve of the appointment by the Mayor of Christopher Longley as Assistant to the Mayor, effective February 18, 1998. � l� � � S'� ctr� .r� O�V�`t�v.c,�. S 4�cr v� b� tJ' ( S� g� l�' .O O Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��, �5 r --- Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: Appr By: � I �S � cF � Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney c 3y: - ,pproved by Mayor fo Submis ion to :ouncil / . � / By: Requested by Department of: DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 32642 q8 - l30 MAYOR'S OFFICE 2/17/98 COhTACf PERSON & PHONE: ATTIaUDA1"E II�7WLIlA'fE Lisa Nasseff, 266-8527 � _DEPARTMEN'C DIR 3 CITY COUSiCII. ASSICN ? CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK hiUST BE ON CO[1NCII. AGENDA BY (DAT� NUMBER �qNCIAL SERV DIR. ,_ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG '4.SAp � IMAYOR(ORASST.) _CIVILSERVICECOMr�IISSION ROUTIIVG ORpER TOTAL#OFSIGI\ATLIREPAGES _1_(CLIPALLLOCATIO2aSFORSIGNATURE) acno� uEQUesrsn: Sign attached resolution for appointment of Christopher Longley as Assistant to the Mayor RECOAIMENDA710NS: Approve (A) ar Rejea (R) pERSONAL SERVICE COIVTRACI'S MUSf AI�SRBR THE FOLLONING QUESTIONS: 1. Haz Uus persoNfvm ever worked under a conUact for lhis depnrtmrnt? PL/u'VNINGCOMMISSiON Yes No CIB COMI.IITT'EE 2. Has this persorJfimi ever bcen a city nnployee? CIVILSER\7CECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Does this person/fimi possess a ski11 not norma{{y possessed by any w�rmt city emp{oyee? Yes No Eaplain all yes ansx�ers on separafe shee[ and attach to green sheet 111TIATINC: PROBLEM ISSUE� OPPORTUNTTY (V�'ho, �Vhak «`hen, ��fiere, N'hy): As a result of Peter Hames' transfer to the position of Director of Technology and Management Services, a vacancy has occurred for the position of Assistant to the Mayor. With the Counci]'s approvai, Christopher Longley will be appointed to fil] that position. AD\%A\TAGES IF APPROVED: �ECEEYECI Christopher Longley will be appointed Assistant to the Mayor. MAR 0 4 1998 s��YO�'S OfEICE DISAD�'.u\TAGESIFAPPROVED: p�[9STG;I RP,S��iCET v�e f;; None ��� � � �� DISADVAPITAGES iF NOT APPROVED: 70TAI. AM1fOUNT OF TRANSAC.TION: S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FLI�DIVG SOURCE: A(.TI�'ITS' �llniBER: FI\a\CI.4L ITFOR�M1ATION: (EXPLAi�� H.�FURAfS�.GRNSHTFRM 't - ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Committee: Date � O � 1 � �v f� RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby consent to and approve of the appointment by the Mayor of Christopher Longley as Assistant to the Mayor, effective February 18, 1998. � l� � � S'� ctr� .r� O�V�`t�v.c,�. S 4�cr v� b� tJ' ( S� g� l�' .O O Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date ��, �5 r --- Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: Appr By: � I �S � cF � Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Form Approved by City Attorney c 3y: - ,pproved by Mayor fo Submis ion to :ouncil / . � / By: Requested by Department of: DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 32642 q8 - l30 MAYOR'S OFFICE 2/17/98 COhTACf PERSON & PHONE: ATTIaUDA1"E II�7WLIlA'fE Lisa Nasseff, 266-8527 � _DEPARTMEN'C DIR 3 CITY COUSiCII. ASSICN ? CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK hiUST BE ON CO[1NCII. AGENDA BY (DAT� NUMBER �qNCIAL SERV DIR. ,_ FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG '4.SAp � IMAYOR(ORASST.) _CIVILSERVICECOMr�IISSION ROUTIIVG ORpER TOTAL#OFSIGI\ATLIREPAGES _1_(CLIPALLLOCATIO2aSFORSIGNATURE) acno� uEQUesrsn: Sign attached resolution for appointment of Christopher Longley as Assistant to the Mayor RECOAIMENDA710NS: Approve (A) ar Rejea (R) pERSONAL SERVICE COIVTRACI'S MUSf AI�SRBR THE FOLLONING QUESTIONS: 1. Haz Uus persoNfvm ever worked under a conUact for lhis depnrtmrnt? PL/u'VNINGCOMMISSiON Yes No CIB COMI.IITT'EE 2. Has this persorJfimi ever bcen a city nnployee? CIVILSER\7CECOMMISSION Yes No 3. Does this person/fimi possess a ski11 not norma{{y possessed by any w�rmt city emp{oyee? Yes No Eaplain all yes ansx�ers on separafe shee[ and attach to green sheet 111TIATINC: PROBLEM ISSUE� OPPORTUNTTY (V�'ho, �Vhak «`hen, ��fiere, N'hy): As a result of Peter Hames' transfer to the position of Director of Technology and Management Services, a vacancy has occurred for the position of Assistant to the Mayor. With the Counci]'s approvai, Christopher Longley will be appointed to fil] that position. AD\%A\TAGES IF APPROVED: �ECEEYECI Christopher Longley will be appointed Assistant to the Mayor. MAR 0 4 1998 s��YO�'S OfEICE DISAD�'.u\TAGESIFAPPROVED: p�[9STG;I RP,S��iCET v�e f;; None ��� � � �� DISADVAPITAGES iF NOT APPROVED: 70TAI. AM1fOUNT OF TRANSAC.TION: S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FLI�DIVG SOURCE: A(.TI�'ITS' �llniBER: FI\a\CI.4L ITFOR�M1ATION: (EXPLAi�� H.�FURAfS�.GRNSHTFRM