Hannig i
AUG 12 2013 ;
NOTICE t)F CLAIlUI F�RNI to the City of Saint Paul, llrlinn ota
iafi�anesvi�r Srutr Snarstz�1b�.�swtes titat "...PAE�'L'�7EPS01S...q'IlV CIQf)AS LI(tJ9q�QCS�PU(A AL')!ltYtltCl�IfJIJi}.._SJ1tIlr C!/M.S01Q bl PY2SCl7t'lI IO tIf@ i
�AVt/fIl/F$b(YIf O�fitE'lRY73FC7fXtllty Wttlll7l IHUfI[!yS ti�tFT tI4!(YII2�QlI JOSS OP JIIjLlS IS tIfSC01'YlYfI11 7lPUlt.4RTlt/Js fJ1C t7/$.C,ptarr,vhd i
rircumstirr.ces rfierre�:ard rhr amouni o/'corapenurrinn or olher rrlief rle�sarcfsd."
Pkase comptete tt�s forru in iis entirety by cieazly tt'p�ng+or pt�nting yaur aus�er to each t�es#ion. If��ore sju►re is
needcd,attach aciclletonat sheets. Ples�se note t�at}au��i�t be contaeted by tetephone ta clarifj sutscrers,so pro�ide as
nwch inforrnatfon as c�eeessary to explatn}vur�clain►.s�d t}�e arnnurK of ccxnpensatk�n bdn�reqaested. 1'ou aiU receii•e a ;
tiYritten�Ecno�ier�bernent once yaur fonn!s recetved. The proeess c�ta1;e c�ta t�weeks or Ianger de�ending cx�the j
r�tnre nf yoar clnfm. ?his facm must be si�eii,and both pages crnuptet«3. ff�omething cbes not aPP�S��'rlte°N/A'. _
15�'EST�ELL�+GG BLVI), 31i� +CITY HALL,SAINT PAUL, hIN 55102 �
First Name �-�e�1� I1Fiic�dte Initial �La�t Na�t�e ��'�r�:
Company ar Bua�ne�Narr� ` 1 �� t� s i
Are Ycx�an Fnsurdnce Cun�pany'? Yes N Ifi Yes_CJxin�Nunfier?
Street Addr�s �—1 � . ��� -
CiC}� �_ f-�z.�\ Stat� t—'I r.l Zip Code �5 I�n
Daytime Phone(�}�5��.Cell Phone{1cS 1'}�I$�l�f�/�O.Evening Tel��hone�g c6/�'3 1 O�o� i
Date of Accidznd In}ury or Date Disc:overed f� Time an�i pm ;
PEe��sz stace,in detail,what occurred {happened),and cvhy you are submittin�actain�.Plea�indicate why or haw;�cau _
fe th City ot Saint P�uf or its ei�ploye�s• e invo v d and/or nsib for 4�o r darn��es. � �
; re r��►�� �
� _Q Q -
; � =
�r � � `
Plea�check the box{es)that�nb�t clo�Ey represent the reason fvr comj�letiE�g this form: '
�My.�ehicie�vtu c[arr�ed in an accident ❑M} vahicte�vas dartuiged durin�a tow �
�t�+Iy vehicle�^as dan��d by a poth�le orcondition of the street D My vehiele wa�dama�ed 6y a plow
❑ y vehicl�was w�rongfully towed andlor ticketed �I was' jur�d on C'tY property ;_
Chher typc Uf property darnage—plea:;e���� a 0 v1 Q� �
+Chher type of injury—plea.�specify_ � Y1 C. ql� 1 ;
In order ta process your claim�°oo need to imdnde copies of a!t ap�Iicable tlacuments. r_
Foc the claims types tisted beloar,plea�e b��ure ro inciude the dc�eurr�eits iadi��ed or it will delay the handlin�of �
yourclaim. Docurr�nta WrL.L NOT be rectarned and becorne tt�e property of the City. S'ou ar�encaurage�to ke��a i
copy fac pjxics�lfbeFote submitting yourclain�form.
O Property damage ctaim�to a vehi�le:two zstirn�tes for fhe rep�tirs io your vehicte if fhe darrrage exczeds �
�SOU.00; or the�cxua!bilis and/or receipts for the.repairs �
O 3'owin�claints:le�ibt�sopie�of any ticket ia.eu�d and a capy of the intpvund toi receipt ! I
�O�ther propertv damage c.laims:twa re���ir estinratzs if the dama�exceeds��i1U.00_or the actua!bill�
-andfor receipts for the repairs:detai(ed list af darrt�ged itenb
O tnjury claims: n�edicai bitis,receipis
O Photagraphs a��tlw�apa wefconre to documene and wpporc your ctaim but�a•ilt not be�turned. -
PagQ i of 2—Please comptete an�t return both pages oP t7aim Form ;
FaBure ta complete and return bot�f�pa�es r��ll result in delay in the handltt�oi y�ir ctsixn,
�1!Claims- ►Liease compleie this section
1�fe�ther�witnes�s to the ittcident'? Yes� Ng� Uakn�wn (circle) t� (��
Pr�vi � eir name�,a re.,�s and et pha«e nurr��rs: kJ� V'i�h - 7� - � I � t,� -�IGI��
c� ���r��o�.�P....�-� C �a�� A �! '
�h��re ihe pc>#ice or Ia�W enfarce�nent c�lled? �es No Unknowe� {citcle) i
If ves,�YhaF rl�p�i�tment or��ncy? �Fne�or repoi�t# �
1L�fie��id tt�aa:idec�t c�r injnry tat:z piace' Pro4ide str�t addreas,cro:s stre�i,interrectio . ame tvf pa �cif't. ;_
efosest t�ndmatk,etc. Please a�c�e iie s �ibte. If n ssary, ft��h�dia ram. d^� ����-��b� �
g � 1����►h � e ;
Please indieatz the a�naunt y are ac�t�it�in�oxn ei�s�f io or wh t you��ocild ti re a C�ty to a tu resolve tbi<clairn
t yt�ur s�€isfac:tion_ � ✓C�i C. S
N l i I
1�'ehi�e t7a - Iease cont ete thfs seet�oA C3 cheak box if this section does not a iv
Yo��r Vehis{e: Y�r 11�1ake 14Inr1eS
L.ic:ense Plate Nun�ber SYaEe Color �
Reaist�red O�y ner _
Dri�•er aF1�el�icle
Area 1?�anr��ed
Cicv�'ehicle: Y�ar i�lake Modaf
Licen�P.t�etz Number State Cc�ior
Drivecc�t'�ehicle(City Empioyee'sName) -
Area�D�arrraged �
IMurs Clalms-ulease compJete this sectfon �check box if this�ectian da�not applv - .
H4LV lk'Cf�}OU IC1JUtC{���
tiVhat part{sj oFyoi�r h��iy w�re injured?
Have yvu sauabt tr�dic:�f tr�atmens'? Yes Na Pt��ning ro Sc�k Tcea�tme�t{ci�cl�}
ti�hen did you receive c�atrnent'? (provide date(�)) -
Nar�t�uf I�Ieilicxl Prov'scler(sj:
�d���, Telep#�ane_ �...,
Uid you miss�rUrk�.a re�;ft of vour injury' Yes Na _
bVhen ditl you mi�s work'? � {Pro�1ide d�te(s})
Name of yc�urEmplayer: �
Addre.� Tetephon$ :
4 .,_
�heck here if f ou�re attachl�i�more pages to thLs el�im f�rm. Number of addlttona! pag+¢��.. --
$y sign.ireg this fnrm,you ar�s1a#ing t1�at all infonnatiu�s you J�av�prr3vitlec�is tr�e and corrert ta t�:e Best
fl#'yaur kraQwt�dge. L>Trrsi�r��d fornrs svill nvthe�roc�sserl. _
Suhtnitting tz fnlse tlaim�r�n resr�lt itt prvsecutinn. Date form�cas comgleted � � l�
Print the Natu�af the Persan�rho Com this For.w: S � � Q11 V��
_ $^ �
S}�ture tifPers�n l�iak3ng the Claim: �
Restised Fe�xu�rtl'�1 1 -
� C, e� �w owk i v��a� �a� l
l ►�� a �
� y P
��oF��s Restoration Professionals
505 Minnehaha Ave.W.
Saint Paul,MN 55103
1. Emergency service call-during business 1.00 EA 0.00 126.91 126.91
2. Water extraction from hard surface floor 200.00 SF 0.00 0.22 44.00
3. Clean floor 200.00 SF 0.00 0.30 60.00
4. Apply anti-microbiat agent 200.00 SF 0.00 0.18 36.00
5. Dehumidifier(per 24 hour period)- 12.00 EA 0.00 101.25 1,215.00
XLarge-No monitoring
Two extra large dehumifiers for six days to dry Class 4 materials(plaster)
6. Air mover(per 24 hour period)-No 12.00 EA 0.00 25.00 300.00
Two air movers for six days to dry class 4 materials(plaster)
7. Equipment setup,take down,and 10.00 HR 0.00 44.29 442.90
monitoring(hourly charge)
Total: SPRINGER# 2,224.81
Line Item Totals:SPRINGER# 2,224.81
SPRINGER# 'I/18/2013 Page:2
�ESr�I Restoration Professionals
505 Minnehaha Ave.W.
Saint Paul,MN 55103
Line Item Total 2,224.81
Cleaning Sales Tax @ 7.625% 169.66
Replacement Cost Value $2,394.47
Net Claim $2,394.47
Rich Hilmanowski
SPRINGER# 7/18/2013 Page:3
. ����'- 1 y �(�
� � I
Date 7/'17N3
�g�a on:$78 e�st 7'"street ST. Paul MN.55106 '
,C�.Springer collec�ions `
Bid Sammary: _
-Repair walls and csitings in basement
-Replace Z new bath veMs in bathrooms.
-Re�saith+epiace tile irt hallwar ?
-ln�a!!new vanity in me�s bathroom
-Paint haliway and bathrooms
• rotei $�s,�ao �
�8,2so�own$825o due open completion
Prics inciudes mateNal and labor '
All materlal ar�d labor is wamnted tu manufacture specffications:
Autho�ed signature of Acceptance: Da#e;
C�tom Cuts ConstruGtioe�: Dat�e:
Joe HoMrard 659-2l0-0183 Kelly Naugle 612-F,88-+1558
08108/2013 1@:53 6517973416 LUX Y REMODELING PAGE 01/01
�c Vl i h SiC� �U�SS
��0 � � ����q s � � �
�� �,j 1!. -1t'.� �� i S VVlai �,v� ��c�v'esS
� � .Luxuty Bath of the �vin eities .
������ 245 Roselawn Ave#35
Maplewood, NIN 55117 �
������z-��� � ��'�'�� 651-334-6414 fax 651-797-3416
Invoice � '
Name Springer Collec6ons(Steve Hannig) pate 817J20'!3
Address 878 7th St E Room#
Ciry St Paul Stats MN ZIP 55'106 Rep Ken Audetbe �
Phone FOB —._..� _......
Desc " 'on Unit Pricw _ TQTAL
1 B riemo and BrsposaJ of existing walJs and ffoor $95.04 $1,5�p.0�
18 Framing new walls(indudes prep,plumblrtg, etecfrical} $95 44 $1,7'!0.00
9TQ sq ff dryw�ll, mud� #ape, sand{tnaterla!end Labor} $24_AD $4,08Q.00 �
l81 Sq f�new tile floor(material allawance$4✓sq tt) $220fl 53,982.00
170 sq fr paint(prime and pairtt spaceJ $5.85 $894.50
100 knock down mafer/af on waNs $14.50 $1,450A0
2 24"Vanify wiffr 1op and fau�ets{moen branciford ahrome) $560.00 $i,120.00
I 2 repairc�utside wa1ls on faunda�on $675.00 �1,350.00
. � . � ' .
I �
� � �
; � �
' I
� . �!
� �
� � I
� SubTotai $1fi,208.60� f
� Payment DetaEls Shlpping&Handling $0.00
� Q Gash � - Taxes � Sfate -
�p chec�c � _y � .
Q Credit Card TOTAL. $i6 206.50. �II
CC#..�..�.�. .....,__�.
� Expires