98-1152/7/Y/� yrD��7 CouncilFile# 98-ii�_ Green Sheet # ���OIJ Presented Referred 5 Committee Date i WHEREAS, the City Council is being asked to approve the First Amendment to the Arena Lease, First 2 Amendment to Hockey Playing Agreement and the State Loan Agreement; and 3 WHEREAS, the City Council is being asked to approve the Financing Plan associated with these agreements; 4 and 5 WHEREAS, full understanding of all of the implications of these agreements and financing plan requires 6 specializad knowledge and expertise; and 7 WHEREAS, City Council wishes to haue the benefit of expert advice prior to approving the proposed 8 resolutions;and 9 WHEREAS, Conventions, Sports & Leisure International (CSL) is a nationally recognized expert in these 10 matters; now, therefore, be it to amend the existin lease 11 RESOLVED, the Director of Council Research is to enter into a profes ional services agreement with CSL to 12 provide advice to the City Council regarding the proposed agreements and financing plan and is authorized to 13 expend up to $7,500 from budget activity 00001 far this purpose. CSL is to consult with appropriate City staff 14 and City bond counsel in conducting its analysis. Consultant findings and recommendations are to be 15 presented to the1 ity Council by January 13, 1999. 16 and other Requested by Department of: Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Harris � Lantry ,� Reiter Adopted by Co i: � Date Adoptio�rCertified by Counc J n By: / � Approved b�Nl�y,dr: Date RESOLUTION � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �.''� �a�l+{i�l�"�'a3jilu� — � 9� iis� DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL nATE1NrtuTEo c�t coun��� 12-23-98 GREEN SHEET No 63500 CONTACT PERSON & PIiONE In10aW#e Initlailoate Councilmember Benanav �, �.� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNOA BY (OAT� /�451GN December 23, 1998 �� cn•n,aEr wna.enrz rtovrxw � FMawcYLLaFnvcFSOn ww�uaLaEav�uttc ❑ YYORMM11Y44fA1Ii) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTm Requesting the Council Research Director to enter into a professional services agreement with Conventions, Sports & Leisure International (CSL) to provide advice to the City Council regatding the proposed agxeements to amend the existing Arena lease and financing plan. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or RejeM (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGfS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirtn eHerworketl under a wntract fw Mis tlepartmeM? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. FWsthis peisoruhrm ever been a city empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3. Does ihis persoNfirm possess a skill not normalrypossessetl by any curteM city emploY�? VES NO 4. Is Mis person/firm a targeted vendoR YES NO F�plain all yes answets on sepa�ate shee[ a�M attach to O�n sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE. OPPOR'NNITV (Who, Wlret, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED 70TAL AMOUN7 OP TRANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIFL INFORMATON (IXPWNj ��; Memorandum To: �' Sh�at�nan FYom: David Welle � Date: ��r 21, 1998 �f�/isa- Snbject: CSL Experience �Y, Thank you very much for }rour call. I thought it might be heipful to send a little more infom�ation on CSL and my personal pcperience. I've sicached some general informarion. I look forward to hearing from you on Wednesday. �.ti� Conventiau, $poru & Ltisun /ntunarione! 3l10 Hmbw Lane. Suite 223 • Mumapdis, MN 536d� • Tefephox 61 1.553.9?q0 • Faesimile 6J7.553.9709 ��/i/�� CSL Internationsl Conventions, Sports & Leisure Intetnational (CSL) is a leading advisory and planning fum specializing in providing consulting services to the sports, convention, and leisure industries. CSL was estab]ished for the specific piupose of providing a source of focused research and expertise in these indusuies. Our consultanu provide in-depth information, creative solutions to underlying issues, a thorough analysis of financial impiications, and various measuremenu of risk surrounding alternative courses of action. CSL provides decision-makers with the informauon needed to make infoimed decisions in a timely manner. Our firm is able to provide these services by drawing upon the years of experience of its professional staf�: Beiug consistently involved in many major uansactions throughout the cowtry al)ows our professionals to obtain lcnowledge of both tangible and intangible components of completed transactions, the reasons for failed efforts, and changes ia the mazketplace affecting revenue streams of a variety of types of sports and event facilities. The CSL team brings to each project a peispec6ve gained thmugh more than 50 years of coliective experience in consulting. Members of our firm have been involved in over 400 projects throughout the United States end abroad. The viability of public assembly facitities is dependent on the decisions made early in the pianning process. CSL uoderstands the unique issues associated with plaaning, buiJdinB, ienovating, and operating multi-Piupose facilities and stands ready to provide our clients with ideas and strategies based on the most recent nansactions aad activities ia the marketplace. ! ; ��//S-Z CSL Intemationa! and membas of our staff have assisud numerous profasional sporu franchises and public ucror clienu with respect w the developmrnt and opecation of sports feciluia, the aequisition of fianchisa and negotiation assistaace rcktive to faciiity leases and market relocations. A listing of the major league prof�ssional sports fronchises usociated with pmjecu which membecs of o�¢ staffhave assisud wit6 follows. :Gatrona! Bes�etbatl .-2ssoriation yBoston Celdcs iCharbue Homeu DChicago Bulls YCleveland Cavaliers YDallas Mavericks Y Denver Nuggets yGolden Statc Wartiors iHouston Rockeu iLos Mge1a CGppus : Los Angeles Lakers iMiami Hwt YMilwaukee Bucics Y Minnesota ?ifnberwotves ➢New York Knicks YOrlando Magic YPhilsdelplua 76'ers YPhoenix Suns YPatland Trail Slaras YSacrame�o Kmgs YSan Aatoaio Spurs >rorwrto Rapwrs YUtah Jaa DWaShingtpn Wiards National Xoc&ey Leagae DBoston Bniins DBuffalo Snbres DC6icago Blackhawks DColocado Avalan¢he DDallas Stass DEdmoamn Oi1crs ➢Florida Panthers DLos Angela 1Ca�gs DMontreal Canadiens ➢New ]ersey Devils DNew York Rangm Dphiledelphia Ftyets DPittsburgh pecguuu DQuebee Nordiques DTamps Bay Lighming 9St. Lwtis Blues D Vaxouva Gputks >Wathuigton GpiWa >wam;peg �eu A'ationa! Footbali League DArimne Cardinals aCleveland Browps DDallas Cowboys DDrnver Broncos ➢Detroit Lions DGran Bay Packezs ➢Housron Oilers Dlndianapolis Colu D)acksonviiie ]aguazs ➢Miami Dolphins DMinnesou Viking YNew England PaViots DOakland Raiders DSc Louis Rams DSeattk Seahawks YTampa Bay Buaaneers i Waihington Redslcins Major League Baseba!! YAruona Diamondbaeks YBoswn Rsd Sox DChicago White Sox DCleveland lndians ➢Detroit Tigers D Kansas City Royals YMilwaukee Brewers YMinnesota Twins YNew York Mets 1New York Yankees YOaklend A's 1 Pittsburgh Piraus YSeattle Marmers YSan franciuo Giants YTexas Rnngers sToronto stue lays In addition to tbe engagemmts noud above, CSL a� maabas of our stafr' have assisted numemus cliaus with regards to pocentiaS SaucEius in various marksu inNuding Tmomo. Lot Angela, Hartford. Portiand. Si. Paul, Kar�ms Ciry and Memphis. 12ESl�i\-1 ES � ����� �o ����1L'e ��°Il�IItCIl�9�.� Mr. WeAe l�as ova seventan years of wcperirna m providin� consulting servieas, ineluding ovv 250 assignmrnts involving p�cblic uumbly ficiliry planning. A majority of theu assignments have invoivcd serategic plaaning and �termmaGon of prajea feasbilisy. Mr. Weile's experiena ineludes mgagemmts in ihiny stata snd five eounvies. David's funetional responsibilitia have ixiuded development of straugie pians for prcmium se�ing programs, eomprehmsive fmancial planning models, conaact negotinrions, fmancial strueauing, publio-private venwrc fom�ulation, market anatyus, expen wimess services, ead analytical review assistance. He has repraented both pubiic and privau sxtor cGrnu. David is a frequmt spenker at convrnvons aad forums on topics wnceming public auembly facility ptanning and operations. Mr. Welle holds an M.B.A. from the University of Denver and a BA. in Aceo�mting from Moorhead Staze Uaivasiry. A sample of specific experimee nlated to sporss uams' facility deve►opment and opaations iocludes t6e following: ■ Arizona D'mmondbacks Bank O�re Basebvll Stadium ■ ■ BMWO BNYIS/ClIfICS Basron Garden ■ BuHNo Ssbres Bujj'alo Memorial Andrtorimx Califoraia State University, Fraoo New.lrena Cedar Rapids Kenek (Clrss A) Stadium Developme¢t Cadm Ropids. /own ■ Charktte Horaets Charlone Coliraun ■ Chicago Mieor Leaene Mena Chicago, /1linois ■ Ckveland Caraliers c�� � DaLu Mavericics NewDe�uon Coinny Armo ■ Dwvw N�ets Nsrv.lripw ■ Detroft Lions New Dow�town Studirm • Detrok Red WiaPs Dtdott A1h[uic Facftities ■ Detroit 7'i�ea NewSfadiwrr ■ Divisioa I Brskeibatl Cougarpome, Comocation Center • Divbion i Basketbali, Minor t.ea�ue Hockey Green Bay A,ena • F7orida Panthers Broward Counry Arena ■ Frontier Field (Clsss AM) Roehester, New Ywk ■ Grsen Bay Civie Center Green Bay, Wisconsin ■ GoWen Stste Warriors New Arerto • HousWnRockets New Hoxcton Arena ■ la Venmra New Ari„o. Leag�re Arena - Chicago Ana I.A. Kin�s, l.�lcers New l.A. Arsnn LoaisrHk Sports Faetlitia LwrisviUe, Kauaeky ■ Memphic Sqte BaskubaU Bfemphis Py►antid ■ Miami Hest New Mimne Arera ��: a �_��a �j f :�r. '� sr:•t:is[� C�� �.,_,��.�..� � '� uES���ir.s ����� � o ����� ■ Minnesota NortLstars A!a Cente� • Mimnou 7'.rins, V�ngs Meaudonee ■ Mmnaota Tisberw�oiva Targu Couo ■ Minor l.esgae B�sebail Facitity Pima Cmertry Spau Autho�iry • Msssissau�a Arena New Mino� Leagae Hocluy.lrana • Moctreal Guadians Monbeal Fwum • New� Sports and Wetinas Facility UnfMtrsiry oJDemer • New Yorlc Kaicks, Raa�en Madison Sgrrare Ga.den ■ NortA Dakota Stah Football Fmgodome ■ Old Dominfon Uaiversity New Arena ■ Ontario Minor l.eague Areaa OMm�io, Cdijornia ■ Phoenix Suns Amaicc iYesr Arena • Porttand Tnil Blsasrs Rose Gtaden ■ PortLnd Trail Biazers, WHL Wiour Hawfcs Porttmd MemorialColisemn ■ Potentfal Nu6viile Franehise Ncw,lnma f Pountirl Kaans City F'ta�chbe Ntw Arena/fimuheu AaqrsBltiar • Propoxd IVldbourne SLdium Mdbavnti .tystratia ■ Propmed Olympk Shdinm S�lney..lrcttralia ■ Sxramawto KiaPs ARCO Arena ■ Sao Fnncisco Giants Cmtdlutick Sradium ■ SL Louls Blaes Kie/ Caner ■ St Paul Civic Center St Paul, Mixrrrsota ■ Selland Arens Fnsno, Cdifwnia ■ Spring Tniniag & Micor l.eague Bueball Stsdium 7Lcron, Arizona • Te�s Tah University Jones Seadium ■ University of Califomu, Los �� Pauley Pwifion � Uaiversily of Mamchusetts, Lowell Hockey Team Lowr!/ Arena • University of Mmnesota Basketball Tam Williams Arena ■ Univenity of MiaoaoU Hockey Term Mariuccr Arenu ■ Universiry of Minaesote Spo�u Pavi/ion ■ Uaiversiry of M'ssouri New Arena � VancooverCanaclu CMPi�e t War Memorial Areaa Ralrsta. New Yak s WssWngton WiardrdGptWs USAv Arsna s West Vslley Gty Events Cmter Wut Ydley Ciy, Utalr • Wkhib SLte Univenify Footbalf Smdirem • Xaviv Division I 8asketb:l! Xavier UnNersiryArena .; •v�.i�a� �. C V� � ,, ��, �, /7/Y/� yrD��7 CouncilFile# 98-ii�_ Green Sheet # ���OIJ Presented Referred 5 Committee Date i WHEREAS, the City Council is being asked to approve the First Amendment to the Arena Lease, First 2 Amendment to Hockey Playing Agreement and the State Loan Agreement; and 3 WHEREAS, the City Council is being asked to approve the Financing Plan associated with these agreements; 4 and 5 WHEREAS, full understanding of all of the implications of these agreements and financing plan requires 6 specializad knowledge and expertise; and 7 WHEREAS, City Council wishes to haue the benefit of expert advice prior to approving the proposed 8 resolutions;and 9 WHEREAS, Conventions, Sports & Leisure International (CSL) is a nationally recognized expert in these 10 matters; now, therefore, be it to amend the existin lease 11 RESOLVED, the Director of Council Research is to enter into a profes ional services agreement with CSL to 12 provide advice to the City Council regarding the proposed agreements and financing plan and is authorized to 13 expend up to $7,500 from budget activity 00001 far this purpose. CSL is to consult with appropriate City staff 14 and City bond counsel in conducting its analysis. Consultant findings and recommendations are to be 15 presented to the1 ity Council by January 13, 1999. 16 and other Requested by Department of: Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Harris � Lantry ,� Reiter Adopted by Co i: � Date Adoptio�rCertified by Counc J n By: / � Approved b�Nl�y,dr: Date RESOLUTION � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �.''� �a�l+{i�l�"�'a3jilu� — � 9� iis� DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL nATE1NrtuTEo c�t coun��� 12-23-98 GREEN SHEET No 63500 CONTACT PERSON & PIiONE In10aW#e Initlailoate Councilmember Benanav �, �.� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNOA BY (OAT� /�451GN December 23, 1998 �� cn•n,aEr wna.enrz rtovrxw � FMawcYLLaFnvcFSOn ww�uaLaEav�uttc ❑ YYORMM11Y44fA1Ii) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTm Requesting the Council Research Director to enter into a professional services agreement with Conventions, Sports & Leisure International (CSL) to provide advice to the City Council regatding the proposed agxeements to amend the existing Arena lease and financing plan. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or RejeM (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGfS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirtn eHerworketl under a wntract fw Mis tlepartmeM? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. FWsthis peisoruhrm ever been a city empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3. Does ihis persoNfirm possess a skill not normalrypossessetl by any curteM city emploY�? VES NO 4. Is Mis person/firm a targeted vendoR YES NO F�plain all yes answets on sepa�ate shee[ a�M attach to O�n sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE. OPPOR'NNITV (Who, Wlret, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED 70TAL AMOUN7 OP TRANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIFL INFORMATON (IXPWNj ��; Memorandum To: �' Sh�at�nan FYom: David Welle � Date: ��r 21, 1998 �f�/isa- Snbject: CSL Experience �Y, Thank you very much for }rour call. I thought it might be heipful to send a little more infom�ation on CSL and my personal pcperience. I've sicached some general informarion. I look forward to hearing from you on Wednesday. �.ti� Conventiau, $poru & Ltisun /ntunarione! 3l10 Hmbw Lane. Suite 223 • Mumapdis, MN 536d� • Tefephox 61 1.553.9?q0 • Faesimile 6J7.553.9709 ��/i/�� CSL Internationsl Conventions, Sports & Leisure Intetnational (CSL) is a leading advisory and planning fum specializing in providing consulting services to the sports, convention, and leisure industries. CSL was estab]ished for the specific piupose of providing a source of focused research and expertise in these indusuies. Our consultanu provide in-depth information, creative solutions to underlying issues, a thorough analysis of financial impiications, and various measuremenu of risk surrounding alternative courses of action. CSL provides decision-makers with the informauon needed to make infoimed decisions in a timely manner. Our firm is able to provide these services by drawing upon the years of experience of its professional staf�: Beiug consistently involved in many major uansactions throughout the cowtry al)ows our professionals to obtain lcnowledge of both tangible and intangible components of completed transactions, the reasons for failed efforts, and changes ia the mazketplace affecting revenue streams of a variety of types of sports and event facilities. The CSL team brings to each project a peispec6ve gained thmugh more than 50 years of coliective experience in consulting. Members of our firm have been involved in over 400 projects throughout the United States end abroad. The viability of public assembly facitities is dependent on the decisions made early in the pianning process. CSL uoderstands the unique issues associated with plaaning, buiJdinB, ienovating, and operating multi-Piupose facilities and stands ready to provide our clients with ideas and strategies based on the most recent nansactions aad activities ia the marketplace. ! ; ��//S-Z CSL Intemationa! and membas of our staff have assisud numerous profasional sporu franchises and public ucror clienu with respect w the developmrnt and opecation of sports feciluia, the aequisition of fianchisa and negotiation assistaace rcktive to faciiity leases and market relocations. A listing of the major league prof�ssional sports fronchises usociated with pmjecu which membecs of o�¢ staffhave assisud wit6 follows. :Gatrona! Bes�etbatl .-2ssoriation yBoston Celdcs iCharbue Homeu DChicago Bulls YCleveland Cavaliers YDallas Mavericks Y Denver Nuggets yGolden Statc Wartiors iHouston Rockeu iLos Mge1a CGppus : Los Angeles Lakers iMiami Hwt YMilwaukee Bucics Y Minnesota ?ifnberwotves ➢New York Knicks YOrlando Magic YPhilsdelplua 76'ers YPhoenix Suns YPatland Trail Slaras YSacrame�o Kmgs YSan Aatoaio Spurs >rorwrto Rapwrs YUtah Jaa DWaShingtpn Wiards National Xoc&ey Leagae DBoston Bniins DBuffalo Snbres DC6icago Blackhawks DColocado Avalan¢he DDallas Stass DEdmoamn Oi1crs ➢Florida Panthers DLos Angela 1Ca�gs DMontreal Canadiens ➢New ]ersey Devils DNew York Rangm Dphiledelphia Ftyets DPittsburgh pecguuu DQuebee Nordiques DTamps Bay Lighming 9St. Lwtis Blues D Vaxouva Gputks >Wathuigton GpiWa >wam;peg �eu A'ationa! Footbali League DArimne Cardinals aCleveland Browps DDallas Cowboys DDrnver Broncos ➢Detroit Lions DGran Bay Packezs ➢Housron Oilers Dlndianapolis Colu D)acksonviiie ]aguazs ➢Miami Dolphins DMinnesou Viking YNew England PaViots DOakland Raiders DSc Louis Rams DSeattk Seahawks YTampa Bay Buaaneers i Waihington Redslcins Major League Baseba!! YAruona Diamondbaeks YBoswn Rsd Sox DChicago White Sox DCleveland lndians ➢Detroit Tigers D Kansas City Royals YMilwaukee Brewers YMinnesota Twins YNew York Mets 1New York Yankees YOaklend A's 1 Pittsburgh Piraus YSeattle Marmers YSan franciuo Giants YTexas Rnngers sToronto stue lays In addition to tbe engagemmts noud above, CSL a� maabas of our stafr' have assisted numemus cliaus with regards to pocentiaS SaucEius in various marksu inNuding Tmomo. Lot Angela, Hartford. Portiand. Si. Paul, Kar�ms Ciry and Memphis. 12ESl�i\-1 ES � ����� �o ����1L'e ��°Il�IItCIl�9�.� Mr. WeAe l�as ova seventan years of wcperirna m providin� consulting servieas, ineluding ovv 250 assignmrnts involving p�cblic uumbly ficiliry planning. A majority of theu assignments have invoivcd serategic plaaning and �termmaGon of prajea feasbilisy. Mr. Weile's experiena ineludes mgagemmts in ihiny stata snd five eounvies. David's funetional responsibilitia have ixiuded development of straugie pians for prcmium se�ing programs, eomprehmsive fmancial planning models, conaact negotinrions, fmancial strueauing, publio-private venwrc fom�ulation, market anatyus, expen wimess services, ead analytical review assistance. He has repraented both pubiic and privau sxtor cGrnu. David is a frequmt spenker at convrnvons aad forums on topics wnceming public auembly facility ptanning and operations. Mr. Welle holds an M.B.A. from the University of Denver and a BA. in Aceo�mting from Moorhead Staze Uaivasiry. A sample of specific experimee nlated to sporss uams' facility deve►opment and opaations iocludes t6e following: ■ Arizona D'mmondbacks Bank O�re Basebvll Stadium ■ ■ BMWO BNYIS/ClIfICS Basron Garden ■ BuHNo Ssbres Bujj'alo Memorial Andrtorimx Califoraia State University, Fraoo New.lrena Cedar Rapids Kenek (Clrss A) Stadium Developme¢t Cadm Ropids. /own ■ Charktte Horaets Charlone Coliraun ■ Chicago Mieor Leaene Mena Chicago, /1linois ■ Ckveland Caraliers c�� � DaLu Mavericics NewDe�uon Coinny Armo ■ Dwvw N�ets Nsrv.lripw ■ Detroft Lions New Dow�town Studirm • Detrok Red WiaPs Dtdott A1h[uic Facftities ■ Detroit 7'i�ea NewSfadiwrr ■ Divisioa I Brskeibatl Cougarpome, Comocation Center • Divbion i Basketbali, Minor t.ea�ue Hockey Green Bay A,ena • F7orida Panthers Broward Counry Arena ■ Frontier Field (Clsss AM) Roehester, New Ywk ■ Grsen Bay Civie Center Green Bay, Wisconsin ■ GoWen Stste Warriors New Arerto • HousWnRockets New Hoxcton Arena ■ la Venmra New Ari„o. Leag�re Arena - Chicago Ana I.A. Kin�s, l.�lcers New l.A. Arsnn LoaisrHk Sports Faetlitia LwrisviUe, Kauaeky ■ Memphic Sqte BaskubaU Bfemphis Py►antid ■ Miami Hest New Mimne Arera ��: a �_��a �j f :�r. '� sr:•t:is[� C�� �.,_,��.�..� � '� uES���ir.s ����� � o ����� ■ Minnesota NortLstars A!a Cente� • Mimnou 7'.rins, V�ngs Meaudonee ■ Mmnaota Tisberw�oiva Targu Couo ■ Minor l.esgae B�sebail Facitity Pima Cmertry Spau Autho�iry • Msssissau�a Arena New Mino� Leagae Hocluy.lrana • Moctreal Guadians Monbeal Fwum • New� Sports and Wetinas Facility UnfMtrsiry oJDemer • New Yorlc Kaicks, Raa�en Madison Sgrrare Ga.den ■ NortA Dakota Stah Football Fmgodome ■ Old Dominfon Uaiversity New Arena ■ Ontario Minor l.eague Areaa OMm�io, Cdijornia ■ Phoenix Suns Amaicc iYesr Arena • Porttand Tnil Blsasrs Rose Gtaden ■ PortLnd Trail Biazers, WHL Wiour Hawfcs Porttmd MemorialColisemn ■ Potentfal Nu6viile Franehise Ncw,lnma f Pountirl Kaans City F'ta�chbe Ntw Arena/fimuheu AaqrsBltiar • Propoxd IVldbourne SLdium Mdbavnti .tystratia ■ Propmed Olympk Shdinm S�lney..lrcttralia ■ Sxramawto KiaPs ARCO Arena ■ Sao Fnncisco Giants Cmtdlutick Sradium ■ SL Louls Blaes Kie/ Caner ■ St Paul Civic Center St Paul, Mixrrrsota ■ Selland Arens Fnsno, Cdifwnia ■ Spring Tniniag & Micor l.eague Bueball Stsdium 7Lcron, Arizona • Te�s Tah University Jones Seadium ■ University of Califomu, Los �� Pauley Pwifion � Uaiversily of Mamchusetts, Lowell Hockey Team Lowr!/ Arena • University of Mmnesota Basketball Tam Williams Arena ■ Univenity of MiaoaoU Hockey Term Mariuccr Arenu ■ Universiry of Minaesote Spo�u Pavi/ion ■ Uaiversiry of M'ssouri New Arena � VancooverCanaclu CMPi�e t War Memorial Areaa Ralrsta. New Yak s WssWngton WiardrdGptWs USAv Arsna s West Vslley Gty Events Cmter Wut Ydley Ciy, Utalr • Wkhib SLte Univenify Footbalf Smdirem • Xaviv Division I 8asketb:l! Xavier UnNersiryArena .; •v�.i�a� �. C V� � ,, ��, �, /7/Y/� yrD��7 CouncilFile# 98-ii�_ Green Sheet # ���OIJ Presented Referred 5 Committee Date i WHEREAS, the City Council is being asked to approve the First Amendment to the Arena Lease, First 2 Amendment to Hockey Playing Agreement and the State Loan Agreement; and 3 WHEREAS, the City Council is being asked to approve the Financing Plan associated with these agreements; 4 and 5 WHEREAS, full understanding of all of the implications of these agreements and financing plan requires 6 specializad knowledge and expertise; and 7 WHEREAS, City Council wishes to haue the benefit of expert advice prior to approving the proposed 8 resolutions;and 9 WHEREAS, Conventions, Sports & Leisure International (CSL) is a nationally recognized expert in these 10 matters; now, therefore, be it to amend the existin lease 11 RESOLVED, the Director of Council Research is to enter into a profes ional services agreement with CSL to 12 provide advice to the City Council regarding the proposed agreements and financing plan and is authorized to 13 expend up to $7,500 from budget activity 00001 far this purpose. CSL is to consult with appropriate City staff 14 and City bond counsel in conducting its analysis. Consultant findings and recommendations are to be 15 presented to the1 ity Council by January 13, 1999. 16 and other Requested by Department of: Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman � Harris � Lantry ,� Reiter Adopted by Co i: � Date Adoptio�rCertified by Counc J n By: / � Approved b�Nl�y,dr: Date RESOLUTION � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �.''� �a�l+{i�l�"�'a3jilu� — � 9� iis� DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCIL nATE1NrtuTEo c�t coun��� 12-23-98 GREEN SHEET No 63500 CONTACT PERSON & PIiONE In10aW#e Initlailoate Councilmember Benanav �, �.� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGFNOA BY (OAT� /�451GN December 23, 1998 �� cn•n,aEr wna.enrz rtovrxw � FMawcYLLaFnvcFSOn ww�uaLaEav�uttc ❑ YYORMM11Y44fA1Ii) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION RE�UESTm Requesting the Council Research Director to enter into a professional services agreement with Conventions, Sports & Leisure International (CSL) to provide advice to the City Council regatding the proposed agxeements to amend the existing Arena lease and financing plan. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or RejeM (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGfS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirtn eHerworketl under a wntract fw Mis tlepartmeM? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. FWsthis peisoruhrm ever been a city empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3. Does ihis persoNfirm possess a skill not normalrypossessetl by any curteM city emploY�? VES NO 4. Is Mis person/firm a targeted vendoR YES NO F�plain all yes answets on sepa�ate shee[ a�M attach to O�n sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE. OPPOR'NNITV (Who, Wlret, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED 70TAL AMOUN7 OP TRANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIFL INFORMATON (IXPWNj ��; Memorandum To: �' Sh�at�nan FYom: David Welle � Date: ��r 21, 1998 �f�/isa- Snbject: CSL Experience �Y, Thank you very much for }rour call. I thought it might be heipful to send a little more infom�ation on CSL and my personal pcperience. I've sicached some general informarion. I look forward to hearing from you on Wednesday. �.ti� Conventiau, $poru & Ltisun /ntunarione! 3l10 Hmbw Lane. Suite 223 • Mumapdis, MN 536d� • Tefephox 61 1.553.9?q0 • Faesimile 6J7.553.9709 ��/i/�� CSL Internationsl Conventions, Sports & Leisure Intetnational (CSL) is a leading advisory and planning fum specializing in providing consulting services to the sports, convention, and leisure industries. CSL was estab]ished for the specific piupose of providing a source of focused research and expertise in these indusuies. Our consultanu provide in-depth information, creative solutions to underlying issues, a thorough analysis of financial impiications, and various measuremenu of risk surrounding alternative courses of action. CSL provides decision-makers with the informauon needed to make infoimed decisions in a timely manner. Our firm is able to provide these services by drawing upon the years of experience of its professional staf�: Beiug consistently involved in many major uansactions throughout the cowtry al)ows our professionals to obtain lcnowledge of both tangible and intangible components of completed transactions, the reasons for failed efforts, and changes ia the mazketplace affecting revenue streams of a variety of types of sports and event facilities. The CSL team brings to each project a peispec6ve gained thmugh more than 50 years of coliective experience in consulting. Members of our firm have been involved in over 400 projects throughout the United States end abroad. The viability of public assembly facitities is dependent on the decisions made early in the pianning process. CSL uoderstands the unique issues associated with plaaning, buiJdinB, ienovating, and operating multi-Piupose facilities and stands ready to provide our clients with ideas and strategies based on the most recent nansactions aad activities ia the marketplace. ! ; ��//S-Z CSL Intemationa! and membas of our staff have assisud numerous profasional sporu franchises and public ucror clienu with respect w the developmrnt and opecation of sports feciluia, the aequisition of fianchisa and negotiation assistaace rcktive to faciiity leases and market relocations. A listing of the major league prof�ssional sports fronchises usociated with pmjecu which membecs of o�¢ staffhave assisud wit6 follows. :Gatrona! Bes�etbatl .-2ssoriation yBoston Celdcs iCharbue Homeu DChicago Bulls YCleveland Cavaliers YDallas Mavericks Y Denver Nuggets yGolden Statc Wartiors iHouston Rockeu iLos Mge1a CGppus : Los Angeles Lakers iMiami Hwt YMilwaukee Bucics Y Minnesota ?ifnberwotves ➢New York Knicks YOrlando Magic YPhilsdelplua 76'ers YPhoenix Suns YPatland Trail Slaras YSacrame�o Kmgs YSan Aatoaio Spurs >rorwrto Rapwrs YUtah Jaa DWaShingtpn Wiards National Xoc&ey Leagae DBoston Bniins DBuffalo Snbres DC6icago Blackhawks DColocado Avalan¢he DDallas Stass DEdmoamn Oi1crs ➢Florida Panthers DLos Angela 1Ca�gs DMontreal Canadiens ➢New ]ersey Devils DNew York Rangm Dphiledelphia Ftyets DPittsburgh pecguuu DQuebee Nordiques DTamps Bay Lighming 9St. Lwtis Blues D Vaxouva Gputks >Wathuigton GpiWa >wam;peg �eu A'ationa! Footbali League DArimne Cardinals aCleveland Browps DDallas Cowboys DDrnver Broncos ➢Detroit Lions DGran Bay Packezs ➢Housron Oilers Dlndianapolis Colu D)acksonviiie ]aguazs ➢Miami Dolphins DMinnesou Viking YNew England PaViots DOakland Raiders DSc Louis Rams DSeattk Seahawks YTampa Bay Buaaneers i Waihington Redslcins Major League Baseba!! YAruona Diamondbaeks YBoswn Rsd Sox DChicago White Sox DCleveland lndians ➢Detroit Tigers D Kansas City Royals YMilwaukee Brewers YMinnesota Twins YNew York Mets 1New York Yankees YOaklend A's 1 Pittsburgh Piraus YSeattle Marmers YSan franciuo Giants YTexas Rnngers sToronto stue lays In addition to tbe engagemmts noud above, CSL a� maabas of our stafr' have assisted numemus cliaus with regards to pocentiaS SaucEius in various marksu inNuding Tmomo. Lot Angela, Hartford. Portiand. Si. Paul, Kar�ms Ciry and Memphis. 12ESl�i\-1 ES � ����� �o ����1L'e ��°Il�IItCIl�9�.� Mr. WeAe l�as ova seventan years of wcperirna m providin� consulting servieas, ineluding ovv 250 assignmrnts involving p�cblic uumbly ficiliry planning. A majority of theu assignments have invoivcd serategic plaaning and �termmaGon of prajea feasbilisy. Mr. Weile's experiena ineludes mgagemmts in ihiny stata snd five eounvies. David's funetional responsibilitia have ixiuded development of straugie pians for prcmium se�ing programs, eomprehmsive fmancial planning models, conaact negotinrions, fmancial strueauing, publio-private venwrc fom�ulation, market anatyus, expen wimess services, ead analytical review assistance. He has repraented both pubiic and privau sxtor cGrnu. David is a frequmt spenker at convrnvons aad forums on topics wnceming public auembly facility ptanning and operations. Mr. Welle holds an M.B.A. from the University of Denver and a BA. in Aceo�mting from Moorhead Staze Uaivasiry. A sample of specific experimee nlated to sporss uams' facility deve►opment and opaations iocludes t6e following: ■ Arizona D'mmondbacks Bank O�re Basebvll Stadium ■ ■ BMWO BNYIS/ClIfICS Basron Garden ■ BuHNo Ssbres Bujj'alo Memorial Andrtorimx Califoraia State University, Fraoo New.lrena Cedar Rapids Kenek (Clrss A) Stadium Developme¢t Cadm Ropids. /own ■ Charktte Horaets Charlone Coliraun ■ Chicago Mieor Leaene Mena Chicago, /1linois ■ Ckveland Caraliers c�� � DaLu Mavericics NewDe�uon Coinny Armo ■ Dwvw N�ets Nsrv.lripw ■ Detroft Lions New Dow�town Studirm • Detrok Red WiaPs Dtdott A1h[uic Facftities ■ Detroit 7'i�ea NewSfadiwrr ■ Divisioa I Brskeibatl Cougarpome, Comocation Center • Divbion i Basketbali, Minor t.ea�ue Hockey Green Bay A,ena • F7orida Panthers Broward Counry Arena ■ Frontier Field (Clsss AM) Roehester, New Ywk ■ Grsen Bay Civie Center Green Bay, Wisconsin ■ GoWen Stste Warriors New Arerto • HousWnRockets New Hoxcton Arena ■ la Venmra New Ari„o. Leag�re Arena - Chicago Ana I.A. Kin�s, l.�lcers New l.A. Arsnn LoaisrHk Sports Faetlitia LwrisviUe, Kauaeky ■ Memphic Sqte BaskubaU Bfemphis Py►antid ■ Miami Hest New Mimne Arera ��: a �_��a �j f :�r. '� sr:•t:is[� C�� �.,_,��.�..� � '� uES���ir.s ����� � o ����� ■ Minnesota NortLstars A!a Cente� • Mimnou 7'.rins, V�ngs Meaudonee ■ Mmnaota Tisberw�oiva Targu Couo ■ Minor l.esgae B�sebail Facitity Pima Cmertry Spau Autho�iry • Msssissau�a Arena New Mino� Leagae Hocluy.lrana • Moctreal Guadians Monbeal Fwum • New� Sports and Wetinas Facility UnfMtrsiry oJDemer • New Yorlc Kaicks, Raa�en Madison Sgrrare Ga.den ■ NortA Dakota Stah Football Fmgodome ■ Old Dominfon Uaiversity New Arena ■ Ontario Minor l.eague Areaa OMm�io, Cdijornia ■ Phoenix Suns Amaicc iYesr Arena • Porttand Tnil Blsasrs Rose Gtaden ■ PortLnd Trail Biazers, WHL Wiour Hawfcs Porttmd MemorialColisemn ■ Potentfal Nu6viile Franehise Ncw,lnma f Pountirl Kaans City F'ta�chbe Ntw Arena/fimuheu AaqrsBltiar • Propoxd IVldbourne SLdium Mdbavnti .tystratia ■ Propmed Olympk Shdinm S�lney..lrcttralia ■ Sxramawto KiaPs ARCO Arena ■ Sao Fnncisco Giants Cmtdlutick Sradium ■ SL Louls Blaes Kie/ Caner ■ St Paul Civic Center St Paul, Mixrrrsota ■ Selland Arens Fnsno, Cdifwnia ■ Spring Tniniag & Micor l.eague Bueball Stsdium 7Lcron, Arizona • Te�s Tah University Jones Seadium ■ University of Califomu, Los �� Pauley Pwifion � Uaiversily of Mamchusetts, Lowell Hockey Team Lowr!/ Arena • University of Mmnesota Basketball Tam Williams Arena ■ Univenity of MiaoaoU Hockey Term Mariuccr Arenu ■ Universiry of Minaesote Spo�u Pavi/ion ■ Uaiversiry of M'ssouri New Arena � VancooverCanaclu CMPi�e t War Memorial Areaa Ralrsta. New Yak s WssWngton WiardrdGptWs USAv Arsna s West Vslley Gty Events Cmter Wut Ydley Ciy, Utalr • Wkhib SLte Univenify Footbalf Smdirem • Xaviv Division I 8asketb:l! Xavier UnNersiryArena .; •v�.i�a� �. C V� � ,, ��, �,