98-11260 R� G 11YA L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to Council File # q8-��a� Green Sheet # _62629 /`/ Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation's Municipal 5tadium has generated revenues in excess of those arrticipated by the Mayor's I 998 adopted budget; and WHEREAS, said excess revenues have reached $18,838.09 to date, and are estimated to reach $20,400.00 in total excess revenue; and WHEREAS, the Division of Recreation desires to establish a spending and financing plan for said estimated excess revenues; and WHERFJ�S, upon approval of this resolution the Division of Parks and Recreation will be in compliance with the City of St. Paul's budget levef of corrtrol policy; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.02 of the Crry charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the I 99$ budget: 12 Division of Parks and Recreation 13 Municipal Stadium 14 Financing Plan i s ------------------------------------- 16 334-33182-5199 Concessions N.O.C. 17 334-33182-5299 Fees N.O.C. 18 334-33 i 82 All Other Financing 19 ------------------------------------------ 2o TOTAL FINANCING Current Budget 55,000.00 35,000.0� 264,768.00 354,768.00 Changes • 11� �1 �1 �1 1 1 20,400.00 Amended Budget b4,000.00 46,400.00 2b5,2 I 3.00 375, I 68.00 > zl 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q e �RiG{NAL Spending Plan ---------------------------------------- 334-33 I 82-01 I I Full Time Perm. 334-33182-0299 Other Misc, Services 33433182-0439 Fringe Benefrts 334-33 I 82-0533 Materials for Resale 334-33182-0882 Improvements of Land 334-33 I 82 A0 Other Spending TOTAL SPENDING Current Budget Changes ----------- ----------- 56,234.00 14,027.00 2,542.00 34,000.00 23,627.00 3,600.00 0.00 773.00 43,109.00 (32,OOQ.�Q) 229,256.00 0.00 354,768.00 20,400.00 Amended � Budget 70,261.00 36,542.00 27,227.00 773.00 I i , ( I 09.�0 229,256.00 375, I 68.00 31 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper city officials 3 2 to enter into the necessary agreements to approve these changes to the I 998 Municipal Stadium budget. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav �/ BZakey ; i Bostrom �/ CoZeman ✓ Harris �/ Lantry _ ri Raiter ,/ � 1 Adopted by Council: Adoption ertified By �` Approved by By: / � Secretary m Requested by: Divis on of Parks ! t ~�----- I --'�—�• � syf Form Approved by City Attorney r =� � � „^ / 1 � � . DEPARTMFNT/OFFlCF/COUNpL DAiEWIMTm GREEN SHEET NO. 62629 Parks artd Recreation � 2/7 ��gg a � CONTACT PHL90N ANO PXONE IWTINAATE INRIAL/DATE Vic Wittgenstein A �� 1 O�MiIABiTDWECSGi y� dT`/C6l1Nqt lAWBEfl ��dSYATfORNEY �CfSYCLFAK MUSS BE ON COUNqL AGENDA SY (DATES oen� ? w++J+tlrasetN�g �RNANCtKSERVfACCTG 4 wuvoa aa _ TOTAL J OF SIGNA'NRE PAGES� (C{1P ALL {ACATIONS FOR 516NATU{p ACTON REQUF5fED: Approval of the attached Council Resolution which is estabGshing a spending piar� for the surplus revenue received at Midway Stadium. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appreve W a Raject WI 06iSOMAL SHMCE GON7RACTS MUST /WSWHi TNEPoLLOWIN6 W65TION8: pNINING COMMISSION ��CIVII SEM1VICE COMMISSON 7, H� tlfs pena✓f'rm wr warketl udr � eamKt fa M's 2eprlmarti qB COMMITTEE YES NO p1 SfAFF 2. Xs tFis Va��xm evn bw� � db �W�Y�T VES NO _DISTWCT cOUNCIL � 3. Daes tlis peia�rm peam a skiN roe rwrmally pwwamd by my evrent bq employee7 SUPPOqTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECDVE7 YES NO B�qtln W ya wwan m�apvah Yrat W ameh m ywn Ywc INITIATING %iOBLFM, IS$UE, OPAOqTUNITY ryVlw, Wluy Wlwb WIwe,1Mry): The Division of Parks and Recreation has received revenues in excess of the 1998 adopted budget at Midway Stadium. The Division of Parks and Recreation desires to establish a financing and spending pian for this surpius of revenue. ADVANTAGES IF MPpOVED: This surplus revenue will provide adequate spending authority for the 1998 expenditures relating to Midway Siadium. F ���� „< Yi �-, oisaovnrarncES iF aaPxoveo: �ry� � ��� �9� None. Q �� '�, �J DISADVANTAGES lF NOT APAROVFD: The Division of Parks and Recreation will not be in campliance with the City ot Saint Paul's budget level of contro4 policy. TOTAlAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N S ZO.4OO GOSTAtEVENUEBUOGEfED(pRCIEONq v� No wnowesouue334-33782-5199/5299 ncmmwwaeee 33433182 FlNANCIALINFORMATON: IEXGLNNI _ _. 'f - _ "_ 4 i.� �� EtECE1VED - -as r DEC 1 5 195� D�G 1� 1�� �„ � � :; � €, ` �� MAYOR S OFFICE �_ � e `a ¢ ��y���"��� 0 R� G 11YA L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to Council File # q8-��a� Green Sheet # _62629 /`/ Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation's Municipal 5tadium has generated revenues in excess of those arrticipated by the Mayor's I 998 adopted budget; and WHEREAS, said excess revenues have reached $18,838.09 to date, and are estimated to reach $20,400.00 in total excess revenue; and WHEREAS, the Division of Recreation desires to establish a spending and financing plan for said estimated excess revenues; and WHERFJ�S, upon approval of this resolution the Division of Parks and Recreation will be in compliance with the City of St. Paul's budget levef of corrtrol policy; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.02 of the Crry charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the I 99$ budget: 12 Division of Parks and Recreation 13 Municipal Stadium 14 Financing Plan i s ------------------------------------- 16 334-33182-5199 Concessions N.O.C. 17 334-33182-5299 Fees N.O.C. 18 334-33 i 82 All Other Financing 19 ------------------------------------------ 2o TOTAL FINANCING Current Budget 55,000.00 35,000.0� 264,768.00 354,768.00 Changes • 11� �1 �1 �1 1 1 20,400.00 Amended Budget b4,000.00 46,400.00 2b5,2 I 3.00 375, I 68.00 > zl 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q e �RiG{NAL Spending Plan ---------------------------------------- 334-33 I 82-01 I I Full Time Perm. 334-33182-0299 Other Misc, Services 33433182-0439 Fringe Benefrts 334-33 I 82-0533 Materials for Resale 334-33182-0882 Improvements of Land 334-33 I 82 A0 Other Spending TOTAL SPENDING Current Budget Changes ----------- ----------- 56,234.00 14,027.00 2,542.00 34,000.00 23,627.00 3,600.00 0.00 773.00 43,109.00 (32,OOQ.�Q) 229,256.00 0.00 354,768.00 20,400.00 Amended � Budget 70,261.00 36,542.00 27,227.00 773.00 I i , ( I 09.�0 229,256.00 375, I 68.00 31 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper city officials 3 2 to enter into the necessary agreements to approve these changes to the I 998 Municipal Stadium budget. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav �/ BZakey ; i Bostrom �/ CoZeman ✓ Harris �/ Lantry _ ri Raiter ,/ � 1 Adopted by Council: Adoption ertified By �` Approved by By: / � Secretary m Requested by: Divis on of Parks ! t ~�----- I --'�—�• � syf Form Approved by City Attorney r =� � � „^ / 1 � � . DEPARTMFNT/OFFlCF/COUNpL DAiEWIMTm GREEN SHEET NO. 62629 Parks artd Recreation � 2/7 ��gg a � CONTACT PHL90N ANO PXONE IWTINAATE INRIAL/DATE Vic Wittgenstein A �� 1 O�MiIABiTDWECSGi y� dT`/C6l1Nqt lAWBEfl ��dSYATfORNEY �CfSYCLFAK MUSS BE ON COUNqL AGENDA SY (DATES oen� ? w++J+tlrasetN�g �RNANCtKSERVfACCTG 4 wuvoa aa _ TOTAL J OF SIGNA'NRE PAGES� (C{1P ALL {ACATIONS FOR 516NATU{p ACTON REQUF5fED: Approval of the attached Council Resolution which is estabGshing a spending piar� for the surplus revenue received at Midway Stadium. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appreve W a Raject WI 06iSOMAL SHMCE GON7RACTS MUST /WSWHi TNEPoLLOWIN6 W65TION8: pNINING COMMISSION ��CIVII SEM1VICE COMMISSON 7, H� tlfs pena✓f'rm wr warketl udr � eamKt fa M's 2eprlmarti qB COMMITTEE YES NO p1 SfAFF 2. Xs tFis Va��xm evn bw� � db �W�Y�T VES NO _DISTWCT cOUNCIL � 3. Daes tlis peia�rm peam a skiN roe rwrmally pwwamd by my evrent bq employee7 SUPPOqTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECDVE7 YES NO B�qtln W ya wwan m�apvah Yrat W ameh m ywn Ywc INITIATING %iOBLFM, IS$UE, OPAOqTUNITY ryVlw, Wluy Wlwb WIwe,1Mry): The Division of Parks and Recreation has received revenues in excess of the 1998 adopted budget at Midway Stadium. The Division of Parks and Recreation desires to establish a financing and spending pian for this surpius of revenue. ADVANTAGES IF MPpOVED: This surplus revenue will provide adequate spending authority for the 1998 expenditures relating to Midway Siadium. F ���� „< Yi �-, oisaovnrarncES iF aaPxoveo: �ry� � ��� �9� None. Q �� '�, �J DISADVANTAGES lF NOT APAROVFD: The Division of Parks and Recreation will not be in campliance with the City ot Saint Paul's budget level of contro4 policy. TOTAlAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N S ZO.4OO GOSTAtEVENUEBUOGEfED(pRCIEONq v� No wnowesouue334-33782-5199/5299 ncmmwwaeee 33433182 FlNANCIALINFORMATON: IEXGLNNI _ _. 'f - _ "_ 4 i.� �� EtECE1VED - -as r DEC 1 5 195� D�G 1� 1�� �„ � � :; � €, ` �� MAYOR S OFFICE �_ � e `a ¢ ��y���"��� 0 R� G 11YA L RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to Council File # q8-��a� Green Sheet # _62629 /`/ Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo 11 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation's Municipal 5tadium has generated revenues in excess of those arrticipated by the Mayor's I 998 adopted budget; and WHEREAS, said excess revenues have reached $18,838.09 to date, and are estimated to reach $20,400.00 in total excess revenue; and WHEREAS, the Division of Recreation desires to establish a spending and financing plan for said estimated excess revenues; and WHERFJ�S, upon approval of this resolution the Division of Parks and Recreation will be in compliance with the City of St. Paul's budget levef of corrtrol policy; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.02 of the Crry charter does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the I 99$ budget: 12 Division of Parks and Recreation 13 Municipal Stadium 14 Financing Plan i s ------------------------------------- 16 334-33182-5199 Concessions N.O.C. 17 334-33182-5299 Fees N.O.C. 18 334-33 i 82 All Other Financing 19 ------------------------------------------ 2o TOTAL FINANCING Current Budget 55,000.00 35,000.0� 264,768.00 354,768.00 Changes • 11� �1 �1 �1 1 1 20,400.00 Amended Budget b4,000.00 46,400.00 2b5,2 I 3.00 375, I 68.00 > zl 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q e �RiG{NAL Spending Plan ---------------------------------------- 334-33 I 82-01 I I Full Time Perm. 334-33182-0299 Other Misc, Services 33433182-0439 Fringe Benefrts 334-33 I 82-0533 Materials for Resale 334-33182-0882 Improvements of Land 334-33 I 82 A0 Other Spending TOTAL SPENDING Current Budget Changes ----------- ----------- 56,234.00 14,027.00 2,542.00 34,000.00 23,627.00 3,600.00 0.00 773.00 43,109.00 (32,OOQ.�Q) 229,256.00 0.00 354,768.00 20,400.00 Amended � Budget 70,261.00 36,542.00 27,227.00 773.00 I i , ( I 09.�0 229,256.00 375, I 68.00 31 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes the proper city officials 3 2 to enter into the necessary agreements to approve these changes to the I 998 Municipal Stadium budget. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav �/ BZakey ; i Bostrom �/ CoZeman ✓ Harris �/ Lantry _ ri Raiter ,/ � 1 Adopted by Council: Adoption ertified By �` Approved by By: / � Secretary m Requested by: Divis on of Parks ! t ~�----- I --'�—�• � syf Form Approved by City Attorney r =� � � „^ / 1 � � . DEPARTMFNT/OFFlCF/COUNpL DAiEWIMTm GREEN SHEET NO. 62629 Parks artd Recreation � 2/7 ��gg a � CONTACT PHL90N ANO PXONE IWTINAATE INRIAL/DATE Vic Wittgenstein A �� 1 O�MiIABiTDWECSGi y� dT`/C6l1Nqt lAWBEfl ��dSYATfORNEY �CfSYCLFAK MUSS BE ON COUNqL AGENDA SY (DATES oen� ? w++J+tlrasetN�g �RNANCtKSERVfACCTG 4 wuvoa aa _ TOTAL J OF SIGNA'NRE PAGES� (C{1P ALL {ACATIONS FOR 516NATU{p ACTON REQUF5fED: Approval of the attached Council Resolution which is estabGshing a spending piar� for the surplus revenue received at Midway Stadium. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appreve W a Raject WI 06iSOMAL SHMCE GON7RACTS MUST /WSWHi TNEPoLLOWIN6 W65TION8: pNINING COMMISSION ��CIVII SEM1VICE COMMISSON 7, H� tlfs pena✓f'rm wr warketl udr � eamKt fa M's 2eprlmarti qB COMMITTEE YES NO p1 SfAFF 2. Xs tFis Va��xm evn bw� � db �W�Y�T VES NO _DISTWCT cOUNCIL � 3. Daes tlis peia�rm peam a skiN roe rwrmally pwwamd by my evrent bq employee7 SUPPOqTS WNICH COUNCIL OBJECDVE7 YES NO B�qtln W ya wwan m�apvah Yrat W ameh m ywn Ywc INITIATING %iOBLFM, IS$UE, OPAOqTUNITY ryVlw, Wluy Wlwb WIwe,1Mry): The Division of Parks and Recreation has received revenues in excess of the 1998 adopted budget at Midway Stadium. The Division of Parks and Recreation desires to establish a financing and spending pian for this surpius of revenue. ADVANTAGES IF MPpOVED: This surplus revenue will provide adequate spending authority for the 1998 expenditures relating to Midway Siadium. F ���� „< Yi �-, oisaovnrarncES iF aaPxoveo: �ry� � ��� �9� None. Q �� '�, �J DISADVANTAGES lF NOT APAROVFD: The Division of Parks and Recreation will not be in campliance with the City ot Saint Paul's budget level of contro4 policy. TOTAlAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N S ZO.4OO GOSTAtEVENUEBUOGEfED(pRCIEONq v� No wnowesouue334-33782-5199/5299 ncmmwwaeee 33433182 FlNANCIALINFORMATON: IEXGLNNI _ _. 'f - _ "_ 4 i.� �� EtECE1VED - -as r DEC 1 5 195� D�G 1� 1�� �„ � � :; � €, ` �� MAYOR S OFFICE �_ � e `a ¢ ��y���"���