98-1122o�1��NA Presented Sy: Cauncil File # — `p ���p� Green Sheet # 32625 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To: Committee Date: t WHEREAS, The 7998 Gene21 Fund and special funtls are projected to he out of baiance; and z a WHEREAS, The Mayoy accOrding to City Charter, Sec.'10.07.3, must recommend adjustrnents to hring the budget into balance; and 4 s WHEREAS, the departrnents and o�ces of the City have recommended the follow7ng activities and objeM codes be adjusted; and 6 v WHEREAS, Ne Mayoy in accordance with SeMion'10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter, recommends the fotiowing atljustments for'f998: s a �o �� GENERAL FUND CURREN7 AMENDED q2 BUDGET CHANGES HUDGET �t3 FINAliCING 1y Fund Activ'N �hiect DeStr tion 1s 007 - 00120 • 14U1 HotellMotel tazes 532,650 30,OU0 562,650 1s Use of General Fund Fund Balance W finance various spending increases 1z OU7 • UUUOU - 983U Use of Fund Bala�ce 0 1,241,150 1,?A1,150 ta �a AliOtherFinancing 164,'120,431 0 164,12Q437 zo 2a GENERAL FUND FINANqNG TOTAL 164.120,431 724L750 765.361,581 z2 z9 SPENDING 2d 2s GeneralGovernmentAecounts 2e 007 - 09070 - 0517 Tort Liability - Lexington University Parkway 340,000 480,000 820,000 z� 007 - 09073 - 0218 Ou[side Counsel • Fees-AHorneys 161,000 720,000 281,000 ze 001 • 09081 - OS'17 Tort Claims - Settiements 343,800 50,000 393,800 is 3o Parks & Rec at' n at Parks & Recreation Administration az 001 • 03100 - 0565 TrenstertoCapitalprojectsfuntls 100,000 530,000 630,000 33 aa F�re and Safery Services . ss FireAdministration ss 001 - 05001 - 0518 Mayor's Contingency 0 31,150 37,150 3] 38 Gtizen Service Office as MarkeUng antl Promotions ao 001 - 00252 - 0219 Cit.Sec-Marketing-Services 276,505 30,000 246,505 a� u AIIOtherSpending 152,54q247 0 t52,540,247 aa aa GENERAL FUN� SPENDING TOTAL 153.701,552 1,24t,150 t54.9427�2 12116�98 03:03 PM 1 of 2 OR{G�NAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �� ``�� Green Sheet# 32625 Presented By: Referted To: Committee Date: as SPECIAL FUNDS CURRENT q 5 BUDGEf e� RiverCentre ae Budget for the lease-purchase agreement to purchase operating equipment atthe RiverCentre. aa FINANCMG so 900 - 2070'I - 6205 CapiWlLease 0 st 900 - - AIl Other Financing 7,173,865 52 AMEN�ED CHANGES BUDGET 2,340,000 2,340,000 7,173,865 Sy FUNDFINANCINGTOTAL 7.�73,865 2340,000 9.573,865 sy SPENOING ss 900 • 20701 - 0848 Other-SpeciallizedEquipment 0 2,340,000 2,340,000 ss 900 AIl OtherSpending 7,�73,865 7,173,865 ST 5g FUND SPENDING TOTAL 7,173,865 2 340.000 9,573.865 59 so CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 61 sz FINANCING ea Parks 8 Recreation - Pig's Eye Land Acquisition aa C98 3A020 7306 T2nsfer from capital projects funds 100,000 ss C98 3A020 7299 Transferfmm Generel Fund 0 86 0 100,000 530,000 53�,000 s� FUND FINANCING TOTAL 100,000 530.000 630,000 68 SPENDING sa Parks & Recreation - Pig's Eye Land Acquisition �a C98 3A020 0881 Acquisition of Land 100,000 530,000 630,000 �t n FUND SPENDING TOTAL 100.000 530,000 630,000 ]3 !4 ]5 �s Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Cky Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above. Executive Administration ONTACT PERSON & PHONE Joe Reid 266-8543 BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) 23, 1998 AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR Approval of the attached 1998 year-end budget adjustment resolution. �� -��aa_ NO. 32625 � CITYCOUNc � CTfYCLF.RR � FIN. & MGT. ❑5 CH7FF ACCC itECOtv�ID�DA'l'tOlus.Appm�e(w)orr.e�«c�R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWER'17�FOLLOWA'GQUESTIONS: (EzQlain all yes answers on sepazate sheet and attach io green sheet) ^ ri.q�.m�mrccoAa.uss[ox _Crvn.s&evtCa mna�mssloa I. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contract for this departmrnt? cm conu.nrrse YES NO ,w_sTnFe _ 2. Has this pecsonlFicm ever been a city employee? �rs[aic7 covtc7 YES NO iUPPOR'fS WEIICH COUNCQ.OBIECI'IVE'+ 3. Does i3tis personlFum possess a skiil not normally possessed by any ciurem ciry employee? YES NO ¢JTCL4TIVE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UN11Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. IF APPROVED: The 1995 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. IF APPROVED: None IF NOT APPROVED: The 1998 budget will not balance. ITOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON $ 1.241.'I50 GF $2 340 000 SF $ 530 000 CAPI7AL F�*nsre souxcE 1998 General Fund budget 1998 Special Funds budget 1 998 Capital Projects budget INITTATED GREEN SHEET � DEPARTNIENI'DII2ECTOR �a �2 CITYA170RNEY �� �"� ❑1 BUDGET DIlLECl'OR aw�a ❑3 MAYOR(ORASSLSTANI) COSTIAEVENUE BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) '�ES � NO AC'TIVITY NUMBER V8f10US o�1��NA Presented Sy: Cauncil File # — `p ���p� Green Sheet # 32625 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To: Committee Date: t WHEREAS, The 7998 Gene21 Fund and special funtls are projected to he out of baiance; and z a WHEREAS, The Mayoy accOrding to City Charter, Sec.'10.07.3, must recommend adjustrnents to hring the budget into balance; and 4 s WHEREAS, the departrnents and o�ces of the City have recommended the follow7ng activities and objeM codes be adjusted; and 6 v WHEREAS, Ne Mayoy in accordance with SeMion'10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter, recommends the fotiowing atljustments for'f998: s a �o �� GENERAL FUND CURREN7 AMENDED q2 BUDGET CHANGES HUDGET �t3 FINAliCING 1y Fund Activ'N �hiect DeStr tion 1s 007 - 00120 • 14U1 HotellMotel tazes 532,650 30,OU0 562,650 1s Use of General Fund Fund Balance W finance various spending increases 1z OU7 • UUUOU - 983U Use of Fund Bala�ce 0 1,241,150 1,?A1,150 ta �a AliOtherFinancing 164,'120,431 0 164,12Q437 zo 2a GENERAL FUND FINANqNG TOTAL 164.120,431 724L750 765.361,581 z2 z9 SPENDING 2d 2s GeneralGovernmentAecounts 2e 007 - 09070 - 0517 Tort Liability - Lexington University Parkway 340,000 480,000 820,000 z� 007 - 09073 - 0218 Ou[side Counsel • Fees-AHorneys 161,000 720,000 281,000 ze 001 • 09081 - OS'17 Tort Claims - Settiements 343,800 50,000 393,800 is 3o Parks & Rec at' n at Parks & Recreation Administration az 001 • 03100 - 0565 TrenstertoCapitalprojectsfuntls 100,000 530,000 630,000 33 aa F�re and Safery Services . ss FireAdministration ss 001 - 05001 - 0518 Mayor's Contingency 0 31,150 37,150 3] 38 Gtizen Service Office as MarkeUng antl Promotions ao 001 - 00252 - 0219 Cit.Sec-Marketing-Services 276,505 30,000 246,505 a� u AIIOtherSpending 152,54q247 0 t52,540,247 aa aa GENERAL FUN� SPENDING TOTAL 153.701,552 1,24t,150 t54.9427�2 12116�98 03:03 PM 1 of 2 OR{G�NAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �� ``�� Green Sheet# 32625 Presented By: Referted To: Committee Date: as SPECIAL FUNDS CURRENT q 5 BUDGEf e� RiverCentre ae Budget for the lease-purchase agreement to purchase operating equipment atthe RiverCentre. aa FINANCMG so 900 - 2070'I - 6205 CapiWlLease 0 st 900 - - AIl Other Financing 7,173,865 52 AMEN�ED CHANGES BUDGET 2,340,000 2,340,000 7,173,865 Sy FUNDFINANCINGTOTAL 7.�73,865 2340,000 9.573,865 sy SPENOING ss 900 • 20701 - 0848 Other-SpeciallizedEquipment 0 2,340,000 2,340,000 ss 900 AIl OtherSpending 7,�73,865 7,173,865 ST 5g FUND SPENDING TOTAL 7,173,865 2 340.000 9,573.865 59 so CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 61 sz FINANCING ea Parks 8 Recreation - Pig's Eye Land Acquisition aa C98 3A020 7306 T2nsfer from capital projects funds 100,000 ss C98 3A020 7299 Transferfmm Generel Fund 0 86 0 100,000 530,000 53�,000 s� FUND FINANCING TOTAL 100,000 530.000 630,000 68 SPENDING sa Parks & Recreation - Pig's Eye Land Acquisition �a C98 3A020 0881 Acquisition of Land 100,000 530,000 630,000 �t n FUND SPENDING TOTAL 100.000 530,000 630,000 ]3 !4 ]5 �s Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Cky Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above. Executive Administration ONTACT PERSON & PHONE Joe Reid 266-8543 BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) 23, 1998 AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR Approval of the attached 1998 year-end budget adjustment resolution. �� -��aa_ NO. 32625 � CITYCOUNc � CTfYCLF.RR � FIN. & MGT. ❑5 CH7FF ACCC itECOtv�ID�DA'l'tOlus.Appm�e(w)orr.e�«c�R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWER'17�FOLLOWA'GQUESTIONS: (EzQlain all yes answers on sepazate sheet and attach io green sheet) ^ ri.q�.m�mrccoAa.uss[ox _Crvn.s&evtCa mna�mssloa I. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contract for this departmrnt? cm conu.nrrse YES NO ,w_sTnFe _ 2. Has this pecsonlFicm ever been a city employee? �rs[aic7 covtc7 YES NO iUPPOR'fS WEIICH COUNCQ.OBIECI'IVE'+ 3. Does i3tis personlFum possess a skiil not normally possessed by any ciurem ciry employee? YES NO ¢JTCL4TIVE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UN11Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. IF APPROVED: The 1995 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. IF APPROVED: None IF NOT APPROVED: The 1998 budget will not balance. ITOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON $ 1.241.'I50 GF $2 340 000 SF $ 530 000 CAPI7AL F�*nsre souxcE 1998 General Fund budget 1998 Special Funds budget 1 998 Capital Projects budget INITTATED GREEN SHEET � DEPARTNIENI'DII2ECTOR �a �2 CITYA170RNEY �� �"� ❑1 BUDGET DIlLECl'OR aw�a ❑3 MAYOR(ORASSLSTANI) COSTIAEVENUE BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) '�ES � NO AC'TIVITY NUMBER V8f10US o�1��NA Presented Sy: Cauncil File # — `p ���p� Green Sheet # 32625 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Referred To: Committee Date: t WHEREAS, The 7998 Gene21 Fund and special funtls are projected to he out of baiance; and z a WHEREAS, The Mayoy accOrding to City Charter, Sec.'10.07.3, must recommend adjustrnents to hring the budget into balance; and 4 s WHEREAS, the departrnents and o�ces of the City have recommended the follow7ng activities and objeM codes be adjusted; and 6 v WHEREAS, Ne Mayoy in accordance with SeMion'10.07.1 and 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter, recommends the fotiowing atljustments for'f998: s a �o �� GENERAL FUND CURREN7 AMENDED q2 BUDGET CHANGES HUDGET �t3 FINAliCING 1y Fund Activ'N �hiect DeStr tion 1s 007 - 00120 • 14U1 HotellMotel tazes 532,650 30,OU0 562,650 1s Use of General Fund Fund Balance W finance various spending increases 1z OU7 • UUUOU - 983U Use of Fund Bala�ce 0 1,241,150 1,?A1,150 ta �a AliOtherFinancing 164,'120,431 0 164,12Q437 zo 2a GENERAL FUND FINANqNG TOTAL 164.120,431 724L750 765.361,581 z2 z9 SPENDING 2d 2s GeneralGovernmentAecounts 2e 007 - 09070 - 0517 Tort Liability - Lexington University Parkway 340,000 480,000 820,000 z� 007 - 09073 - 0218 Ou[side Counsel • Fees-AHorneys 161,000 720,000 281,000 ze 001 • 09081 - OS'17 Tort Claims - Settiements 343,800 50,000 393,800 is 3o Parks & Rec at' n at Parks & Recreation Administration az 001 • 03100 - 0565 TrenstertoCapitalprojectsfuntls 100,000 530,000 630,000 33 aa F�re and Safery Services . ss FireAdministration ss 001 - 05001 - 0518 Mayor's Contingency 0 31,150 37,150 3] 38 Gtizen Service Office as MarkeUng antl Promotions ao 001 - 00252 - 0219 Cit.Sec-Marketing-Services 276,505 30,000 246,505 a� u AIIOtherSpending 152,54q247 0 t52,540,247 aa aa GENERAL FUN� SPENDING TOTAL 153.701,552 1,24t,150 t54.9427�2 12116�98 03:03 PM 1 of 2 OR{G�NAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # �� ``�� Green Sheet# 32625 Presented By: Referted To: Committee Date: as SPECIAL FUNDS CURRENT q 5 BUDGEf e� RiverCentre ae Budget for the lease-purchase agreement to purchase operating equipment atthe RiverCentre. aa FINANCMG so 900 - 2070'I - 6205 CapiWlLease 0 st 900 - - AIl Other Financing 7,173,865 52 AMEN�ED CHANGES BUDGET 2,340,000 2,340,000 7,173,865 Sy FUNDFINANCINGTOTAL 7.�73,865 2340,000 9.573,865 sy SPENOING ss 900 • 20701 - 0848 Other-SpeciallizedEquipment 0 2,340,000 2,340,000 ss 900 AIl OtherSpending 7,�73,865 7,173,865 ST 5g FUND SPENDING TOTAL 7,173,865 2 340.000 9,573.865 59 so CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS 61 sz FINANCING ea Parks 8 Recreation - Pig's Eye Land Acquisition aa C98 3A020 7306 T2nsfer from capital projects funds 100,000 ss C98 3A020 7299 Transferfmm Generel Fund 0 86 0 100,000 530,000 53�,000 s� FUND FINANCING TOTAL 100,000 530.000 630,000 68 SPENDING sa Parks & Recreation - Pig's Eye Land Acquisition �a C98 3A020 0881 Acquisition of Land 100,000 530,000 630,000 �t n FUND SPENDING TOTAL 100.000 530,000 630,000 ]3 !4 ]5 �s Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Cky Council approves the amended budgets as indicated above. Executive Administration ONTACT PERSON & PHONE Joe Reid 266-8543 BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) 23, 1998 AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR Approval of the attached 1998 year-end budget adjustment resolution. �� -��aa_ NO. 32625 � CITYCOUNc � CTfYCLF.RR � FIN. & MGT. ❑5 CH7FF ACCC itECOtv�ID�DA'l'tOlus.Appm�e(w)orr.e�«c�R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWER'17�FOLLOWA'GQUESTIONS: (EzQlain all yes answers on sepazate sheet and attach io green sheet) ^ ri.q�.m�mrccoAa.uss[ox _Crvn.s&evtCa mna�mssloa I. Has this person/fum ever worked under a contract for this departmrnt? cm conu.nrrse YES NO ,w_sTnFe _ 2. Has this pecsonlFicm ever been a city employee? �rs[aic7 covtc7 YES NO iUPPOR'fS WEIICH COUNCQ.OBIECI'IVE'+ 3. Does i3tis personlFum possess a skiil not normally possessed by any ciurem ciry employee? YES NO ¢JTCL4TIVE PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7UN11Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. IF APPROVED: The 1995 budget for the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. IF APPROVED: None IF NOT APPROVED: The 1998 budget will not balance. ITOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON $ 1.241.'I50 GF $2 340 000 SF $ 530 000 CAPI7AL F�*nsre souxcE 1998 General Fund budget 1998 Special Funds budget 1 998 Capital Projects budget INITTATED GREEN SHEET � DEPARTNIENI'DII2ECTOR �a �2 CITYA170RNEY �� �"� ❑1 BUDGET DIlLECl'OR aw�a ❑3 MAYOR(ORASSLSTANI) COSTIAEVENUE BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) '�ES � NO AC'TIVITY NUMBER V8f10US