Swanson LAW OFFICES RONALD I.MESHBESHER M E S H B E S H E R & S P E N C E, LT D. PAMELA J.SPAULD[NG MICHAEL C.SNYDER ANDREW DAVICK MARK D.STREED 1616 PARK AVENUE ZACHARY C.BAUER DANIEL C.GUERRERO JAMES B.SHEEHY JEFFREY P.OISTAD MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 55404 RACHEL N.SIMPSON ANTHONY J.NEMO (612)339-9121 KONSTANDINOS NICKLOW OF COUNSEL FAX(612)339-9188 KENNETH MESHBESHER www.meshbesher.com REPLY TO MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE August 9, 2013 NOTICE OF CLAIM City of St. Paul ' c/o Chris Coleman, Mayor St. Pa�?Ci��Hall, Room 390 15 Kellogg West St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Our Client: Sheryl Swanson Date of Accident: May 30, 2013 Mayor Coleman: Please be advised that we represent Sheryl Swanson for injuries sustained when she tripped and fell on a faulty sidewalk in front of the US Bank Center, 101 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55101. Enclosed is our Notice of Claim regarding this incident which is served pursuant to Minn. Stat. �549.09. Please submit this letter to your insurance company to alert them of our client's claim. All future communications concerning this matter should be directed through this office. Very truly yours, Konstandinos Nicklow KN/jlw Enclosure MINNEAPOLIS,WOODBURY,ST.CLOUD&ROCHESTER NOTICE OF CLAIM TO: CITY OF ST. PAUL, C/O, CHRIS COLEMAN, MAYOR, ST. PAUL CITY HALL, ROOM 390, 15 KELLOGG BOULEVARD WEST, ST. PAUL, MN 55102 YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Sheryl Swanson has been damaged and injured due to the negligence of the City�f Minneapolis. T'hat due to the negligence of the City of Minneapolis, Sheryl Swanson was injured as a result of tripping and falling on a faulty sidewalk in front of the US Bank Center at 101 East Fifth Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 on May 30, 2013, causing injuries, the full extent of which are not yet determined. That this matter has been placed in the hands of Meshbesher &Spence, Ltd., who are representing Sheryl Swanson to enforce her claim against the City of St. Paul. This notice of claim is served pursuant to Minn. Stat. �� 549.09. MESHBESHER &SPENCE, LTD. Dated: �' � � �By� I onstandinos Nicklow, #225526 Attorneys for Claimant 1616 Park Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 (612) 339-9121 .