98-1113Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall �RIGINA� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preseuted By Referred To Committee: Date �:J WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works intends to constnxct sanitar}� sewers in the South Highwood area (bounded by Highwood Avenue, McKnight Road, Trunk Aighway 61 and the south City limits); and WIiEREAS, The properry will be assessed for the benefit of the sanitary sewer at the tnne the properiy owner applies for a pernut to coanect to the sanitary sewer; and WHEREAS, The assessment rate for projects constructed during the 1999 construction season is $50.00 per assessable foot; and io i� WHEREAS, It is anticipated that future construction costs wili increase similar to the Minneapolis- iz Saint Paul Consumer Price Index and that the assessment rate should be increased accordingly; now is therefore be it ia is RESOLVED, The assessment rate for the South Highwood Sanitary Sewer Projects for 200Q and i6 subsequent years be adjusted each yeaz based upon the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Semi-Annual Conswner �7 Price Index - Urban, after the first half figures are published (usually in August). Council File # �•1\\'.� Green Sheet # G 3 O@'9 T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION 'ontact Person and Phone NumMer: Wlute be on Cooncil Agenda 6y: be in CouncO Research Offim 266-8853 Date: 1212/98 2 EPARTMENTDI 1 ATTORNEY Green Sheet Number: 63089 AIRECfOR 3 cooxcn, ('LERK 3c MGT. SVC. DIIt vCII.BESEnRCH TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) TION REQITESTED: Setting up a program to construct sanitary sewers in the South Highwood area that ws property owners to be assessed for the benefit of the sanitary sewer at the time the properly connects to sanitary sewer. PLANNING COMNIISSION CIVII, SEItVICE COMAllSSION CBCOhRII'1TEE rts whicL Council ODjective Has this persou/firm ever been a City employee? Does this persoo/Srm possess a skill noi normally possessed by any current City employee? Explain alt 1'ES answers on a separate sheet and attach. RECEIVED YES NO YES NO YES NO �TING PRQBLEM, ISSUE� QPPORT[INI'I'Y (FVho, Whay When, Where, Why?): South Highwood area is not currently served by a sanitary sewe����'����ty has received some iests to construct sanitary sewers in some streets in the area because o£ problem septic systems. IF APPROVED: would allow the City to build a sanitary sewer system in the South Highwood area. The property owners failing septic systems could connect as soon as possible. Other property owners could connect to the ary sewer at their discretion. IF APPROVED: property owners oppose the sewer program. �� �� �JVV ., WANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: _ �, � :���. `�. _ ``c;.- ��z:� ==� _'� °' property owners with failing septic systems would need to find an alternate so]ution to their problem. AMOUNT OF'PRAN5ACiTON: COST/REVENiJE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO F'UNDINGSOURCE: A SSCS3ll10IIt9 ACl'IVTI'YNi)MBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� �i4Le?Gi3 �?c°��..°��°�.'° ` �,i.:.u'i A STAFF II. Has the persodfirm ever worked under a conhact for this department'? �-�._.: . , ...�. Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall �RIGINA� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preseuted By Referred To Committee: Date �:J WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works intends to constnxct sanitar}� sewers in the South Highwood area (bounded by Highwood Avenue, McKnight Road, Trunk Aighway 61 and the south City limits); and WIiEREAS, The properry will be assessed for the benefit of the sanitary sewer at the tnne the properiy owner applies for a pernut to coanect to the sanitary sewer; and WHEREAS, The assessment rate for projects constructed during the 1999 construction season is $50.00 per assessable foot; and io i� WHEREAS, It is anticipated that future construction costs wili increase similar to the Minneapolis- iz Saint Paul Consumer Price Index and that the assessment rate should be increased accordingly; now is therefore be it ia is RESOLVED, The assessment rate for the South Highwood Sanitary Sewer Projects for 200Q and i6 subsequent years be adjusted each yeaz based upon the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Semi-Annual Conswner �7 Price Index - Urban, after the first half figures are published (usually in August). Council File # �•1\\'.� Green Sheet # G 3 O@'9 T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION 'ontact Person and Phone NumMer: Wlute be on Cooncil Agenda 6y: be in CouncO Research Offim 266-8853 Date: 1212/98 2 EPARTMENTDI 1 ATTORNEY Green Sheet Number: 63089 AIRECfOR 3 cooxcn, ('LERK 3c MGT. SVC. DIIt vCII.BESEnRCH TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) TION REQITESTED: Setting up a program to construct sanitary sewers in the South Highwood area that ws property owners to be assessed for the benefit of the sanitary sewer at the time the properly connects to sanitary sewer. PLANNING COMNIISSION CIVII, SEItVICE COMAllSSION CBCOhRII'1TEE rts whicL Council ODjective Has this persou/firm ever been a City employee? Does this persoo/Srm possess a skill noi normally possessed by any current City employee? Explain alt 1'ES answers on a separate sheet and attach. RECEIVED YES NO YES NO YES NO �TING PRQBLEM, ISSUE� QPPORT[INI'I'Y (FVho, Whay When, Where, Why?): South Highwood area is not currently served by a sanitary sewe����'����ty has received some iests to construct sanitary sewers in some streets in the area because o£ problem septic systems. IF APPROVED: would allow the City to build a sanitary sewer system in the South Highwood area. The property owners failing septic systems could connect as soon as possible. Other property owners could connect to the ary sewer at their discretion. IF APPROVED: property owners oppose the sewer program. �� �� �JVV ., WANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: _ �, � :���. `�. _ ``c;.- ��z:� ==� _'� °' property owners with failing septic systems would need to find an alternate so]ution to their problem. AMOUNT OF'PRAN5ACiTON: COST/REVENiJE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO F'UNDINGSOURCE: A SSCS3ll10IIt9 ACl'IVTI'YNi)MBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� �i4Le?Gi3 �?c°��..°��°�.'° ` �,i.:.u'i A STAFF II. Has the persodfirm ever worked under a conhact for this department'? �-�._.: . , ...�. Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall �RIGINA� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Preseuted By Referred To Committee: Date �:J WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works intends to constnxct sanitar}� sewers in the South Highwood area (bounded by Highwood Avenue, McKnight Road, Trunk Aighway 61 and the south City limits); and WIiEREAS, The properry will be assessed for the benefit of the sanitary sewer at the tnne the properiy owner applies for a pernut to coanect to the sanitary sewer; and WHEREAS, The assessment rate for projects constructed during the 1999 construction season is $50.00 per assessable foot; and io i� WHEREAS, It is anticipated that future construction costs wili increase similar to the Minneapolis- iz Saint Paul Consumer Price Index and that the assessment rate should be increased accordingly; now is therefore be it ia is RESOLVED, The assessment rate for the South Highwood Sanitary Sewer Projects for 200Q and i6 subsequent years be adjusted each yeaz based upon the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Semi-Annual Conswner �7 Price Index - Urban, after the first half figures are published (usually in August). Council File # �•1\\'.� Green Sheet # G 3 O@'9 T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION 'ontact Person and Phone NumMer: Wlute be on Cooncil Agenda 6y: be in CouncO Research Offim 266-8853 Date: 1212/98 2 EPARTMENTDI 1 ATTORNEY Green Sheet Number: 63089 AIRECfOR 3 cooxcn, ('LERK 3c MGT. SVC. DIIt vCII.BESEnRCH TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) TION REQITESTED: Setting up a program to construct sanitary sewers in the South Highwood area that ws property owners to be assessed for the benefit of the sanitary sewer at the time the properly connects to sanitary sewer. PLANNING COMNIISSION CIVII, SEItVICE COMAllSSION CBCOhRII'1TEE rts whicL Council ODjective Has this persou/firm ever been a City employee? Does this persoo/Srm possess a skill noi normally possessed by any current City employee? Explain alt 1'ES answers on a separate sheet and attach. RECEIVED YES NO YES NO YES NO �TING PRQBLEM, ISSUE� QPPORT[INI'I'Y (FVho, Whay When, Where, Why?): South Highwood area is not currently served by a sanitary sewe����'����ty has received some iests to construct sanitary sewers in some streets in the area because o£ problem septic systems. IF APPROVED: would allow the City to build a sanitary sewer system in the South Highwood area. The property owners failing septic systems could connect as soon as possible. Other property owners could connect to the ary sewer at their discretion. IF APPROVED: property owners oppose the sewer program. �� �� �JVV ., WANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: _ �, � :���. `�. _ ``c;.- ��z:� ==� _'� °' property owners with failing septic systems would need to find an alternate so]ution to their problem. AMOUNT OF'PRAN5ACiTON: COST/REVENiJE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO F'UNDINGSOURCE: A SSCS3ll10IIt9 ACl'IVTI'YNi)MBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAI� �i4Le?Gi3 �?c°��..°��°�.'° ` �,i.:.u'i A STAFF II. Has the persodfirm ever worked under a conhact for this department'? �-�._.: . , ...�.