D00623_ *� � . - � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATLVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: 17 OOG�� � Date: g � 2I —� J� Gs #: 26055 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority grarted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Director ot the Department of P�hlir, Works to amend the t9 95 L•udget oS the SVeet Repair and Cleaning turd, the Director of the Departmerrt of Finance arxJ Managemerrt Services is authorized to amend said budget in the fotlowing manner: Current @xJ�et 1 2 3 4 5 • Charge ($6,463.00) (51,745.00) $500.00 $7,708.00 $0.00 $0.00 Arrended Budget 5441,700.Q0 �128,288.00 $500.00 $7,708.00 $14,546,302.00 $15,12§,49S.D0 Y�Y'� ^ Approvatl y 7ayor S'�l� Date 225 - 42310 - 011l 225 - 42310 - 0439 225 - 42376 - 0856 225 - 42316 - 0857 225 - 42316 - OXXX Full Time Peamaciene Fringe Benefits Data Processing Softwaze Data Ptocessing Hazdwaze All other spending Totals $445,163.�0 $130,033.00 �D.00 £0.00 $14,546,302.00 $15,124,498.00 Pt!blic Works C�' :qYT:�Ci PERSON & PHONE Gazy L. Erichson 266-6229 6rzor9s GREEN SHEET INITIAUDATE - �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR �G'� �e e �„e n cin nrronNer _ #OF SIGNATURE PAGES q (CLIP ALL LOCAiIONS FOR SIGNATURE) '1� oo� a3 N o . 26055 CITYCOUNGII CffYCLERK � o�nanuErrr Adjust the budget of the Sucet Repair and Cleaning activities 42310 and 42316. FECOMMENDATIONSApprwa (A) or Rejad (fl) __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL' GIB COMMRTEE ,_ _ A STAFF __ DISTR7CTCAUNCIL _ _ Sl1PPORiS WHICH CAUNCILOBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SEqVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TYiE FOLLOWiNG WESTIONS: t. Hastt�isper�nlfirmeverwoACetlunderaconvact(or[histlepartmettt? VES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persorvfirm possess a sWll no[ normally possessetl by any current ciry employee? YES NO Ezpfain alt yes answers on separete sheet am! attach to grcen sheat INITIATING PROgLEAE, W�'SUE, �PPORTUNIN (WHO. WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY}: M opportunity to p�rchase updated computer hardware and software presented itseff ihrough the refirement of a Public Works employee. The resulpng savings in salary and fringe benefit can be used [o replace equipment that is five going on six years old. The newer software and hazdware being used by others in the depazunent is affecting the abiliry of street maintenance and the accounting staff to provide services to their customers. Additionally, [hese old computers aze not going to be supported by the Public Works Computer Services next year. ADVAN7AGESIF qPPROVED: The staff will have computer equipment which integrates with the departrnenYs equipment and is supported by the Pubiic Works Computer aServices uniG RECEIVED OISADV0.NTAGES IF APPRpVED: None A�� i 3995 s u���i oFFicE RECEI OISpDVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Staff faces increasing dif�culfles in providing service. CfTY �LER�{ COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) �NDING SOURCE FINANCIAI INFORMATION: (EXPlA1N) ACTIVITYNUMBER 42310 YES ) No u V'�