98-1104Council File k - 1g� , l�� ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To VJHEAEAS, in an effort to close wt prior yeaz Capital Project accounts (Other than CS5P), there is a need for technical adjustments, and a! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 WHEHEAS, these adjustments consist of additional revenues not included in the original budget as well as some revenue sources that came in lower than anticipated at time of adoption, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is recommending the following changes to resolve these conditions and to allow for close of Capital Projects, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the CouncH of the City of Saint Passl, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in the follo�ving particulaz: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Snelling/Marshall Sig RE�vision CSS-2M004 MSA PIA SPENDING PLAN SnellingJMarshall Sig Revision CSS-2M004 Construction FINANCING PLAN I35E Pkwy Signals CS8-2R005 RESOLUTION Green Sheet � _�a��7 F SAlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Com�ittee: D�te 0.00 3,752.67 3,752.67 7,165.90 7,165.90 7,165.90 3,752.67 10,915.57 7,165.90 3,i52.67 10,915.57 7,165.90 3,752.67 10,918.57 NLSA 144,677.94 -4.5,506.96 98,570.98 MiiDOT 0.00 45,806.96 45,806.96 CIB 63,990.00 63,990.00 208,667.94 0.�0 205,667.94 SPENDING PLAN I35E Pkwy Sianals C88-2R005 Construction 2A8,667.94 0.00 208,667.94 205,667.94 0.00 208,667.94 Gt�-IIa`� � 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 sa 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO 81 S2 &3 84 S5 86 87 SS 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 FINANCING PLAN Snelling-Selby-Hewitt C91-2K006 MnDOT �.00 13,463.59 13,463.59 PIA 40,752.15 -13,463.89 27,31826 CIB 2,236.59 2,236.59 43,018.74 0.00 43,018.74 SPENDING PLAN Snelling-Selby-Hewitt C91-2K006 Construction 43,018.74 0.00 43,018.74 43,O18.i4 0.00 43,018.74 FINANCING PLAN MazioniWestern Brg Railings C91-2S205 CIB 91 80,000.00 -35,442.57 44,b57.43 80,000.00 -35,A42.57 44,557.43 SPENDING PLAN Marion/4Vestern Brg Railings C91-25205 Construction 80,000.00 -35,442.57 44,557.43 50,000.00 -35,442.57 44,557.43 FINANCING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2T803 M5A MN(DOT 100,549.18 -11,382.53 89,166.35 44,655.Q0 11,3S2.S3 56,�37.83 145,204.18 0.00 145,204.18 SPENDING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2TS03 Construction 145,204.18 0.00 145,204.18 145,204.18 0.00 145,204.15 FINANCING PLAN Dale St Acquisition C92-2G006 CA MSA 0.00 1,15022 1,15022 276,389.22 276,38922 276,38922 1,15Q.22 277,539.44 2 °� $- l��'� 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 14S 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 SPENDING PLAN Dale St Acquisition C92-2G006 Construction 276,35922 1,150.22 277,539.44 276,38922 1,15022 277,539.44 FINANCING PLAN 4Vhite Beaz Td Improv C93-2A009 MSA 46,000.00 -1,000.00 45,000.00 CA 507,960.96 507,96Q.96 PIA 3Q206.07 30,206.07 584,167.03 -1,000.00 583,167.03 SPENDING PLAN White Bear Trf Improv C93-2A009 Construction 584,167.03 -1,000.00 553,167.03 554,167.03 -1,000.00 583,167.03 FINANCING PLAN Hoyt Reeonstrnction C94-2J005 MSA Other Financing Sources 1,223,25423 -15,77116 1,207,453.07 67,147.11 67,147.11 1,290,401.34 -15,771.16 1,274,630.18 SPENDING PLAN Hoyt fteconstruction C94-ZJ005 Construction 1,290,4D1.34 -15,771.16 1,274,630.18 1,290,401.34 -15,771.16 1,274,630.18 FINANCING PLAN Hamline Rec/Ltg C94-2P004 MSA 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 SPENDING PLAN Hamline Rzr/Ltg C94-2P004 Construetion 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 3 q� ��°`� 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 1S2 183 184 1S5 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 FINANCING PI.AN Snelling Left 11im. Arrow C94-2K008 MSA Mn/DOT PIA CIB SPENDING PLAN Snelling Left Tnrn Arrow C94-2KOOS Construction EINANCING PLAN Prosperity Ave Realignment C94-2B019 M5A CIB CA CDBG SPENDING PLAN Prosperity Ave Realignment C94-2B019 Construction FINANCING PLAN PIA Contingency C94-2T050 PIA - Restore F�nding PIA SPENDING PLAN PIA Contingency C94-2T050 Construetion FINANCTNG PLAN Alley Contracts C94-2T436 PIA Asmt 17,228.00 -490.05 16,737.95 24,624.00 3,486.46 25,110.46 3,000.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 59,852.00 2,996.41 62,848.41 59,852.00 2,996.41 62,848.41 59,S52.D0 2,996.41 62,845.41 715,000.00 715,000.00 0.00 75.36 75.36 355,115.58 355,115.58 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 1,125,118.58 -24,924.64 1,100,193.94 1,125,115.58 -24,924.64 1,100,193.94 1,125,118.58 -24,924.64 1,100,193.94 0.00 9,23494 9,234.74 Q.00 13,519.80 13,519.80 0.00 22,754.54 22,754.54 0.00 22,754.54 22,754.54 0.00 22,754.54 22,754.54 7,276.55 -55.91 7,220.94 18,842.56 55.91 18,898.47 26,119.41 0.00 26,119.41 � �`�- «o� 215 SPENDING PLAN 216 Alley Contracts 217 C94-2T436 218 219 Construction 220 221 222 FINANCING PLAN 223 Mounds Blvd-Plum-Eazl 224 C95-2D010 225 226 M5A 95 227 CIB 95 228 229 230 SPENDING PLAN 231 Mounds Blvd-Plum-Eazl 232 C95-2D010 233 234 Construction 235 236 FINANCING PLAN 237 Annapolis-Robtto Kansas 238 C95-2C016 239 240 MSA 95 241 Asmt 242 243 SPENDING PLAN 244 Annapolis-R.obt to Kansas 245 C95-2C016 246 249 Construction 24S 249 250 FINANCING PI.AN 251 Rice & Nebraska 252 C96-2F018 253 254 MSA 255 St Paul Public Schools 256 Spee. Bonds 257 258 259 5PENDING PLAN 260 Rice & Nebraska 261 C96-2F018 262 263 Construction 264 26,119.41 0.00 26,119.41 26,119.41 0.00 26,119.41 63,72527 -63,725.27 0.00 50,000.00 -50,000.00 0.00 113,72527 -113,72527 0.00 113,72527 -113,72527 0.00 113,72527 -113,72527 0.00 115,783.74 -46,292.70 69,491.04 12,000.00 9,11628 21,11628 127,753.74 -37,176.�2 90,607.32 127,753.74 -37,176.42 90,607.32 127,783.74 -37,176.42 90,607.32 34,000.00 313.18 34,373.18 75,500.00 75,500.00 49,100.00 -3,956.69 45,143.31 158,600.00 -3,583.51 155,016.49 158,600.00 -3,583.51 155,016.49 155,600.00 -3,583.51 155,016.49 5 �g_ y�a� 265 266 267 268 269 27Q 271 272 273 274 275 276 217 278 279 28Q 281 282 2S3 284 285 286 2S1 288 2S9 290 291 292 F'INANCING PLAN County Aid Paztia-96 C96-2T480 County Aid SPENDING PLAN County Aid Partic: 96 C96-2T4S0 Construction FINANCING PLAN MSA Contingency C98-2T060 MSA SPENDING PLAN MSA Contingeney C98-2T060 Construction 10,361.54 -1,15022 9,211.32 10,361.54 -1,15022 9,211.32 10,361.54 -1,150.22 9,211.32 10,361.54 -1,15022 9,211.32 192,605.24 269,554.67 462,159.91 192,60524 269,554.67 462,159.91 192,60524 269,554.67 462,159.91 192,60524 269,554.67 462,159.91 ti �1�6 - ��° `� OR��I�UAL 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 FINANCING PLAN CIB Contingeney CIB SPENDING PLAN CIB Contingency Construction 0.00 85,36721 85,367.21 0.00 55,36721 55,36721 0.00 85,367.21 55,36721 0.00 55,36721 55,36721 1'he St. Faul I,cng - Aanqs CapifaI Impzoverta°�t 6edget i or.ir,zit,ea xec�ived this r=a,uest on �date) �� , ,_ and zecom�tin�'� Sign�d: Lls�e �1/,H.___ -----.-._. .., .-K . _ Approved by: h m � " `�` ' ector of �Ynancial Services Requested by Department of: E.7W/jab public Works 9- 28-98 By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Angroved ♦ f j� ! f ' Approved �y,Mayor fq�r Submission to Cour.cil By: Adopted by Council: Date �� « ��`t� � DEPAHTMENT/OFFICHCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET r,o. 32367 Public Works 9-21-98 IM(aVDaze IniliaVDa[e Ed Warn 266-6142 MUST 9E ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DAiE) OEPAqTMENi OIRECTOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES COVNCIL ASSIGN � !11•I.��Q ❑CffYCLFAK ��_�� CITV AiTOFNEY NU616ER FOfl ROVTING ❑FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. ❑FINAHCIALSEflYfACCiG ❑ MAYORIOR ASSISTAk'() -i–�— ❑ Etl Warn � � -z�-9d' (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED Approval of attached Council Resolution amending andlor closing the spending and financing plans of various capital project ,�'. � RECOMMENDATIONS.Approve (A) or Re�ea (R) � PIANNINGCOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING t Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contr2ct for this departmen[? YES NO 2. Has this personl4mi ever been a ary employee? YES NO 3. Does th�s personlfirm possess a skill not �o�mally passessed 6y any current city employee? YES NO INRIATINGPROHLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(WHD,WHAT,WHEN.WNERE,WH�. rea rv� In a continued effort by Public Works to close out prior year capital projects, this resolnlion closes out those 1988-1996 capital projecu where work has been completed and final costs aze known. Public Works is recommending transfer of resulting surpluses to MSA and CIB Contingency accounts. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. These prior yeaz accounts can be closed out and resulting surpluses transferred to MSA & CIB contingencies to be used on other projects. The Public Works capital projects will be more current and the number of open projecis will be reduced. -. . . - � � - ., . . . _ _. .,: �ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. ��':1 DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The prior yeaz capital pro}ect accounu will remain on the books and surpluses andlor deficits will not be realized or brought forwud. 'OTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ fiO.R�fi.80 C0.Si/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No °UNDiNC SoURCe CIB.PIA. MSA. County Aid nC7iV�TV NUmBeR Various CPL Aetivlties iNANCIALINFORMAT10NI�aIN) ����a:3 { yi`;,u';'��i',�; i.,���_ �,a� a�� a 2 �9�� RECEIVED o�c -1 �s5s � ;� . MAYOR nFEir.F Council File k - 1g� , l�� ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To VJHEAEAS, in an effort to close wt prior yeaz Capital Project accounts (Other than CS5P), there is a need for technical adjustments, and a! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 WHEHEAS, these adjustments consist of additional revenues not included in the original budget as well as some revenue sources that came in lower than anticipated at time of adoption, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is recommending the following changes to resolve these conditions and to allow for close of Capital Projects, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the CouncH of the City of Saint Passl, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in the follo�ving particulaz: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Snelling/Marshall Sig RE�vision CSS-2M004 MSA PIA SPENDING PLAN SnellingJMarshall Sig Revision CSS-2M004 Construction FINANCING PLAN I35E Pkwy Signals CS8-2R005 RESOLUTION Green Sheet � _�a��7 F SAlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Com�ittee: D�te 0.00 3,752.67 3,752.67 7,165.90 7,165.90 7,165.90 3,752.67 10,915.57 7,165.90 3,i52.67 10,915.57 7,165.90 3,752.67 10,918.57 NLSA 144,677.94 -4.5,506.96 98,570.98 MiiDOT 0.00 45,806.96 45,806.96 CIB 63,990.00 63,990.00 208,667.94 0.�0 205,667.94 SPENDING PLAN I35E Pkwy Sianals C88-2R005 Construction 2A8,667.94 0.00 208,667.94 205,667.94 0.00 208,667.94 Gt�-IIa`� � 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 sa 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO 81 S2 &3 84 S5 86 87 SS 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 FINANCING PLAN Snelling-Selby-Hewitt C91-2K006 MnDOT �.00 13,463.59 13,463.59 PIA 40,752.15 -13,463.89 27,31826 CIB 2,236.59 2,236.59 43,018.74 0.00 43,018.74 SPENDING PLAN Snelling-Selby-Hewitt C91-2K006 Construction 43,018.74 0.00 43,018.74 43,O18.i4 0.00 43,018.74 FINANCING PLAN MazioniWestern Brg Railings C91-2S205 CIB 91 80,000.00 -35,442.57 44,b57.43 80,000.00 -35,A42.57 44,557.43 SPENDING PLAN Marion/4Vestern Brg Railings C91-25205 Construction 80,000.00 -35,442.57 44,557.43 50,000.00 -35,442.57 44,557.43 FINANCING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2T803 M5A MN(DOT 100,549.18 -11,382.53 89,166.35 44,655.Q0 11,3S2.S3 56,�37.83 145,204.18 0.00 145,204.18 SPENDING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2TS03 Construction 145,204.18 0.00 145,204.18 145,204.18 0.00 145,204.15 FINANCING PLAN Dale St Acquisition C92-2G006 CA MSA 0.00 1,15022 1,15022 276,389.22 276,38922 276,38922 1,15Q.22 277,539.44 2 °� $- l��'� 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 14S 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 SPENDING PLAN Dale St Acquisition C92-2G006 Construction 276,35922 1,150.22 277,539.44 276,38922 1,15022 277,539.44 FINANCING PLAN 4Vhite Beaz Td Improv C93-2A009 MSA 46,000.00 -1,000.00 45,000.00 CA 507,960.96 507,96Q.96 PIA 3Q206.07 30,206.07 584,167.03 -1,000.00 583,167.03 SPENDING PLAN White Bear Trf Improv C93-2A009 Construction 584,167.03 -1,000.00 553,167.03 554,167.03 -1,000.00 583,167.03 FINANCING PLAN Hoyt Reeonstrnction C94-2J005 MSA Other Financing Sources 1,223,25423 -15,77116 1,207,453.07 67,147.11 67,147.11 1,290,401.34 -15,771.16 1,274,630.18 SPENDING PLAN Hoyt fteconstruction C94-ZJ005 Construction 1,290,4D1.34 -15,771.16 1,274,630.18 1,290,401.34 -15,771.16 1,274,630.18 FINANCING PLAN Hamline Rec/Ltg C94-2P004 MSA 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 SPENDING PLAN Hamline Rzr/Ltg C94-2P004 Construetion 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 3 q� ��°`� 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 1S2 183 184 1S5 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 FINANCING PI.AN Snelling Left 11im. Arrow C94-2K008 MSA Mn/DOT PIA CIB SPENDING PLAN Snelling Left Tnrn Arrow C94-2KOOS Construction EINANCING PLAN Prosperity Ave Realignment C94-2B019 M5A CIB CA CDBG SPENDING PLAN Prosperity Ave Realignment C94-2B019 Construction FINANCING PLAN PIA Contingency C94-2T050 PIA - Restore F�nding PIA SPENDING PLAN PIA Contingency C94-2T050 Construetion FINANCTNG PLAN Alley Contracts C94-2T436 PIA Asmt 17,228.00 -490.05 16,737.95 24,624.00 3,486.46 25,110.46 3,000.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 59,852.00 2,996.41 62,848.41 59,852.00 2,996.41 62,848.41 59,S52.D0 2,996.41 62,845.41 715,000.00 715,000.00 0.00 75.36 75.36 355,115.58 355,115.58 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 1,125,118.58 -24,924.64 1,100,193.94 1,125,115.58 -24,924.64 1,100,193.94 1,125,118.58 -24,924.64 1,100,193.94 0.00 9,23494 9,234.74 Q.00 13,519.80 13,519.80 0.00 22,754.54 22,754.54 0.00 22,754.54 22,754.54 0.00 22,754.54 22,754.54 7,276.55 -55.91 7,220.94 18,842.56 55.91 18,898.47 26,119.41 0.00 26,119.41 � �`�- «o� 215 SPENDING PLAN 216 Alley Contracts 217 C94-2T436 218 219 Construction 220 221 222 FINANCING PLAN 223 Mounds Blvd-Plum-Eazl 224 C95-2D010 225 226 M5A 95 227 CIB 95 228 229 230 SPENDING PLAN 231 Mounds Blvd-Plum-Eazl 232 C95-2D010 233 234 Construction 235 236 FINANCING PLAN 237 Annapolis-Robtto Kansas 238 C95-2C016 239 240 MSA 95 241 Asmt 242 243 SPENDING PLAN 244 Annapolis-R.obt to Kansas 245 C95-2C016 246 249 Construction 24S 249 250 FINANCING PI.AN 251 Rice & Nebraska 252 C96-2F018 253 254 MSA 255 St Paul Public Schools 256 Spee. Bonds 257 258 259 5PENDING PLAN 260 Rice & Nebraska 261 C96-2F018 262 263 Construction 264 26,119.41 0.00 26,119.41 26,119.41 0.00 26,119.41 63,72527 -63,725.27 0.00 50,000.00 -50,000.00 0.00 113,72527 -113,72527 0.00 113,72527 -113,72527 0.00 113,72527 -113,72527 0.00 115,783.74 -46,292.70 69,491.04 12,000.00 9,11628 21,11628 127,753.74 -37,176.�2 90,607.32 127,753.74 -37,176.42 90,607.32 127,783.74 -37,176.42 90,607.32 34,000.00 313.18 34,373.18 75,500.00 75,500.00 49,100.00 -3,956.69 45,143.31 158,600.00 -3,583.51 155,016.49 158,600.00 -3,583.51 155,016.49 155,600.00 -3,583.51 155,016.49 5 �g_ y�a� 265 266 267 268 269 27Q 271 272 273 274 275 276 217 278 279 28Q 281 282 2S3 284 285 286 2S1 288 2S9 290 291 292 F'INANCING PLAN County Aid Paztia-96 C96-2T480 County Aid SPENDING PLAN County Aid Partic: 96 C96-2T4S0 Construction FINANCING PLAN MSA Contingency C98-2T060 MSA SPENDING PLAN MSA Contingeney C98-2T060 Construction 10,361.54 -1,15022 9,211.32 10,361.54 -1,15022 9,211.32 10,361.54 -1,150.22 9,211.32 10,361.54 -1,15022 9,211.32 192,605.24 269,554.67 462,159.91 192,60524 269,554.67 462,159.91 192,60524 269,554.67 462,159.91 192,60524 269,554.67 462,159.91 ti �1�6 - ��° `� OR��I�UAL 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 FINANCING PLAN CIB Contingeney CIB SPENDING PLAN CIB Contingency Construction 0.00 85,36721 85,367.21 0.00 55,36721 55,36721 0.00 85,367.21 55,36721 0.00 55,36721 55,36721 1'he St. Faul I,cng - Aanqs CapifaI Impzoverta°�t 6edget i or.ir,zit,ea xec�ived this r=a,uest on �date) �� , ,_ and zecom�tin�'� Sign�d: Lls�e �1/,H.___ -----.-._. .., .-K . _ Approved by: h m � " `�` ' ector of �Ynancial Services Requested by Department of: E.7W/jab public Works 9- 28-98 By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Angroved ♦ f j� ! f ' Approved �y,Mayor fq�r Submission to Cour.cil By: Adopted by Council: Date �� « ��`t� � DEPAHTMENT/OFFICHCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET r,o. 32367 Public Works 9-21-98 IM(aVDaze IniliaVDa[e Ed Warn 266-6142 MUST 9E ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DAiE) OEPAqTMENi OIRECTOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES COVNCIL ASSIGN � !11•I.��Q ❑CffYCLFAK ��_�� CITV AiTOFNEY NU616ER FOfl ROVTING ❑FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. ❑FINAHCIALSEflYfACCiG ❑ MAYORIOR ASSISTAk'() -i–�— ❑ Etl Warn � � -z�-9d' (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED Approval of attached Council Resolution amending andlor closing the spending and financing plans of various capital project ,�'. � RECOMMENDATIONS.Approve (A) or Re�ea (R) � PIANNINGCOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING t Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contr2ct for this departmen[? YES NO 2. Has this personl4mi ever been a ary employee? YES NO 3. Does th�s personlfirm possess a skill not �o�mally passessed 6y any current city employee? YES NO INRIATINGPROHLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(WHD,WHAT,WHEN.WNERE,WH�. rea rv� In a continued effort by Public Works to close out prior year capital projects, this resolnlion closes out those 1988-1996 capital projecu where work has been completed and final costs aze known. Public Works is recommending transfer of resulting surpluses to MSA and CIB Contingency accounts. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. These prior yeaz accounts can be closed out and resulting surpluses transferred to MSA & CIB contingencies to be used on other projects. The Public Works capital projects will be more current and the number of open projecis will be reduced. -. . . - � � - ., . . . _ _. .,: �ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. ��':1 DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The prior yeaz capital pro}ect accounu will remain on the books and surpluses andlor deficits will not be realized or brought forwud. 'OTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ fiO.R�fi.80 C0.Si/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No °UNDiNC SoURCe CIB.PIA. MSA. County Aid nC7iV�TV NUmBeR Various CPL Aetivlties iNANCIALINFORMAT10NI�aIN) ����a:3 { yi`;,u';'��i',�; i.,���_ �,a� a�� a 2 �9�� RECEIVED o�c -1 �s5s � ;� . MAYOR nFEir.F Council File k - 1g� , l�� ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To VJHEAEAS, in an effort to close wt prior yeaz Capital Project accounts (Other than CS5P), there is a need for technical adjustments, and a! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 WHEHEAS, these adjustments consist of additional revenues not included in the original budget as well as some revenue sources that came in lower than anticipated at time of adoption, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works is recommending the following changes to resolve these conditions and to allow for close of Capital Projects, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the CouncH of the City of Saint Passl, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in the follo�ving particulaz: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN Snelling/Marshall Sig RE�vision CSS-2M004 MSA PIA SPENDING PLAN SnellingJMarshall Sig Revision CSS-2M004 Construction FINANCING PLAN I35E Pkwy Signals CS8-2R005 RESOLUTION Green Sheet � _�a��7 F SAlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Com�ittee: D�te 0.00 3,752.67 3,752.67 7,165.90 7,165.90 7,165.90 3,752.67 10,915.57 7,165.90 3,i52.67 10,915.57 7,165.90 3,752.67 10,918.57 NLSA 144,677.94 -4.5,506.96 98,570.98 MiiDOT 0.00 45,806.96 45,806.96 CIB 63,990.00 63,990.00 208,667.94 0.�0 205,667.94 SPENDING PLAN I35E Pkwy Sianals C88-2R005 Construction 2A8,667.94 0.00 208,667.94 205,667.94 0.00 208,667.94 Gt�-IIa`� � 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 sa 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO 81 S2 &3 84 S5 86 87 SS 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 FINANCING PLAN Snelling-Selby-Hewitt C91-2K006 MnDOT �.00 13,463.59 13,463.59 PIA 40,752.15 -13,463.89 27,31826 CIB 2,236.59 2,236.59 43,018.74 0.00 43,018.74 SPENDING PLAN Snelling-Selby-Hewitt C91-2K006 Construction 43,018.74 0.00 43,018.74 43,O18.i4 0.00 43,018.74 FINANCING PLAN MazioniWestern Brg Railings C91-2S205 CIB 91 80,000.00 -35,442.57 44,b57.43 80,000.00 -35,A42.57 44,557.43 SPENDING PLAN Marion/4Vestern Brg Railings C91-25205 Construction 80,000.00 -35,442.57 44,557.43 50,000.00 -35,442.57 44,557.43 FINANCING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2T803 M5A MN(DOT 100,549.18 -11,382.53 89,166.35 44,655.Q0 11,3S2.S3 56,�37.83 145,204.18 0.00 145,204.18 SPENDING PLAN CBD Signals C91-2TS03 Construction 145,204.18 0.00 145,204.18 145,204.18 0.00 145,204.15 FINANCING PLAN Dale St Acquisition C92-2G006 CA MSA 0.00 1,15022 1,15022 276,389.22 276,38922 276,38922 1,15Q.22 277,539.44 2 °� $- l��'� 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 14S 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 SPENDING PLAN Dale St Acquisition C92-2G006 Construction 276,35922 1,150.22 277,539.44 276,38922 1,15022 277,539.44 FINANCING PLAN 4Vhite Beaz Td Improv C93-2A009 MSA 46,000.00 -1,000.00 45,000.00 CA 507,960.96 507,96Q.96 PIA 3Q206.07 30,206.07 584,167.03 -1,000.00 583,167.03 SPENDING PLAN White Bear Trf Improv C93-2A009 Construction 584,167.03 -1,000.00 553,167.03 554,167.03 -1,000.00 583,167.03 FINANCING PLAN Hoyt Reeonstrnction C94-2J005 MSA Other Financing Sources 1,223,25423 -15,77116 1,207,453.07 67,147.11 67,147.11 1,290,401.34 -15,771.16 1,274,630.18 SPENDING PLAN Hoyt fteconstruction C94-ZJ005 Construction 1,290,4D1.34 -15,771.16 1,274,630.18 1,290,401.34 -15,771.16 1,274,630.18 FINANCING PLAN Hamline Rec/Ltg C94-2P004 MSA 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 SPENDING PLAN Hamline Rzr/Ltg C94-2P004 Construetion 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 91,995.13 -91,995.13 0.00 3 q� ��°`� 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 1S2 183 184 1S5 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 FINANCING PI.AN Snelling Left 11im. Arrow C94-2K008 MSA Mn/DOT PIA CIB SPENDING PLAN Snelling Left Tnrn Arrow C94-2KOOS Construction EINANCING PLAN Prosperity Ave Realignment C94-2B019 M5A CIB CA CDBG SPENDING PLAN Prosperity Ave Realignment C94-2B019 Construction FINANCING PLAN PIA Contingency C94-2T050 PIA - Restore F�nding PIA SPENDING PLAN PIA Contingency C94-2T050 Construetion FINANCTNG PLAN Alley Contracts C94-2T436 PIA Asmt 17,228.00 -490.05 16,737.95 24,624.00 3,486.46 25,110.46 3,000.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 59,852.00 2,996.41 62,848.41 59,852.00 2,996.41 62,848.41 59,S52.D0 2,996.41 62,845.41 715,000.00 715,000.00 0.00 75.36 75.36 355,115.58 355,115.58 25,000.00 -25,000.00 0.00 1,125,118.58 -24,924.64 1,100,193.94 1,125,115.58 -24,924.64 1,100,193.94 1,125,118.58 -24,924.64 1,100,193.94 0.00 9,23494 9,234.74 Q.00 13,519.80 13,519.80 0.00 22,754.54 22,754.54 0.00 22,754.54 22,754.54 0.00 22,754.54 22,754.54 7,276.55 -55.91 7,220.94 18,842.56 55.91 18,898.47 26,119.41 0.00 26,119.41 � �`�- «o� 215 SPENDING PLAN 216 Alley Contracts 217 C94-2T436 218 219 Construction 220 221 222 FINANCING PLAN 223 Mounds Blvd-Plum-Eazl 224 C95-2D010 225 226 M5A 95 227 CIB 95 228 229 230 SPENDING PLAN 231 Mounds Blvd-Plum-Eazl 232 C95-2D010 233 234 Construction 235 236 FINANCING PLAN 237 Annapolis-Robtto Kansas 238 C95-2C016 239 240 MSA 95 241 Asmt 242 243 SPENDING PLAN 244 Annapolis-R.obt to Kansas 245 C95-2C016 246 249 Construction 24S 249 250 FINANCING PI.AN 251 Rice & Nebraska 252 C96-2F018 253 254 MSA 255 St Paul Public Schools 256 Spee. Bonds 257 258 259 5PENDING PLAN 260 Rice & Nebraska 261 C96-2F018 262 263 Construction 264 26,119.41 0.00 26,119.41 26,119.41 0.00 26,119.41 63,72527 -63,725.27 0.00 50,000.00 -50,000.00 0.00 113,72527 -113,72527 0.00 113,72527 -113,72527 0.00 113,72527 -113,72527 0.00 115,783.74 -46,292.70 69,491.04 12,000.00 9,11628 21,11628 127,753.74 -37,176.�2 90,607.32 127,753.74 -37,176.42 90,607.32 127,783.74 -37,176.42 90,607.32 34,000.00 313.18 34,373.18 75,500.00 75,500.00 49,100.00 -3,956.69 45,143.31 158,600.00 -3,583.51 155,016.49 158,600.00 -3,583.51 155,016.49 155,600.00 -3,583.51 155,016.49 5 �g_ y�a� 265 266 267 268 269 27Q 271 272 273 274 275 276 217 278 279 28Q 281 282 2S3 284 285 286 2S1 288 2S9 290 291 292 F'INANCING PLAN County Aid Paztia-96 C96-2T480 County Aid SPENDING PLAN County Aid Partic: 96 C96-2T4S0 Construction FINANCING PLAN MSA Contingency C98-2T060 MSA SPENDING PLAN MSA Contingeney C98-2T060 Construction 10,361.54 -1,15022 9,211.32 10,361.54 -1,15022 9,211.32 10,361.54 -1,150.22 9,211.32 10,361.54 -1,15022 9,211.32 192,605.24 269,554.67 462,159.91 192,60524 269,554.67 462,159.91 192,60524 269,554.67 462,159.91 192,60524 269,554.67 462,159.91 ti �1�6 - ��° `� OR��I�UAL 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 FINANCING PLAN CIB Contingeney CIB SPENDING PLAN CIB Contingency Construction 0.00 85,36721 85,367.21 0.00 55,36721 55,36721 0.00 85,367.21 55,36721 0.00 55,36721 55,36721 1'he St. Faul I,cng - Aanqs CapifaI Impzoverta°�t 6edget i or.ir,zit,ea xec�ived this r=a,uest on �date) �� , ,_ and zecom�tin�'� Sign�d: Lls�e �1/,H.___ -----.-._. .., .-K . _ Approved by: h m � " `�` ' ector of �Ynancial Services Requested by Department of: E.7W/jab public Works 9- 28-98 By: Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Angroved ♦ f j� ! f ' Approved �y,Mayor fq�r Submission to Cour.cil By: Adopted by Council: Date �� « ��`t� � DEPAHTMENT/OFFICHCOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET r,o. 32367 Public Works 9-21-98 IM(aVDaze IniliaVDa[e Ed Warn 266-6142 MUST 9E ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DAiE) OEPAqTMENi OIRECTOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES COVNCIL ASSIGN � !11•I.��Q ❑CffYCLFAK ��_�� CITV AiTOFNEY NU616ER FOfl ROVTING ❑FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. ❑FINAHCIALSEflYfACCiG ❑ MAYORIOR ASSISTAk'() -i–�— ❑ Etl Warn � � -z�-9d' (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED Approval of attached Council Resolution amending andlor closing the spending and financing plans of various capital project ,�'. � RECOMMENDATIONS.Approve (A) or Re�ea (R) � PIANNINGCOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING t Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a contr2ct for this departmen[? YES NO 2. Has this personl4mi ever been a ary employee? YES NO 3. Does th�s personlfirm possess a skill not �o�mally passessed 6y any current city employee? YES NO INRIATINGPROHLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(WHD,WHAT,WHEN.WNERE,WH�. rea rv� In a continued effort by Public Works to close out prior year capital projects, this resolnlion closes out those 1988-1996 capital projecu where work has been completed and final costs aze known. Public Works is recommending transfer of resulting surpluses to MSA and CIB Contingency accounts. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. These prior yeaz accounts can be closed out and resulting surpluses transferred to MSA & CIB contingencies to be used on other projects. The Public Works capital projects will be more current and the number of open projecis will be reduced. -. . . - � � - ., . . . _ _. .,: �ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None. ��':1 DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The prior yeaz capital pro}ect accounu will remain on the books and surpluses andlor deficits will not be realized or brought forwud. 'OTAL AMOUN70FTRANSACTION $ fiO.R�fi.80 C0.Si/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No °UNDiNC SoURCe CIB.PIA. MSA. County Aid nC7iV�TV NUmBeR Various CPL Aetivlties iNANCIALINFORMAT10NI�aIN) ����a:3 { yi`;,u';'��i',�; i.,���_ �,a� a�� a 2 �9�� RECEIVED o�c -1 �s5s � ;� . MAYOR nFEir.F