Referred To
Council File # ��
Green Sheet # 62199
Comuuttee Date
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the February 3,
1998 decision of the Legislative Aearing Officer:
Pro ep rtv Ap ealed
4 1865 Wilson Avenue #305 Fioyd & Kira Fairow
5 (Laid over from November 4, 1997)
6 Decision: Laid over to August 4, 1998. t—e��sl �:, �, E-l�..; r�
7 635 Prior Avenue North Dan Aartnett
8 Decision: One year extension granted.
9 708 Ha2ue Avenue Vernon Harms
10 Decision: Variance granted for vacant building fee until Apri17, 1998.
ll 649 Grand Avenue John and DeVonna Murrin
12 Decision: Variance granted with respect to all doors based on the owner's representation that they are all solid
13 oak. Appellant has until the next compliance inspection in December of 1999 to install a hard wire smoke
14 detector system.
15 203 Forbes Avenue
16 Decision: Grant final waiver of April 22, 1998.
Clodetta Pratt
17 16,17, 22, 23, 26, 27, 32, 33, 50, 56, 60, 61, 65 Inner Drive; 2Q75, 2Q81 Villa�e Lane; 811, &13, 815, 817,
18 867, 869. 871, 873, 881 Cleveland Avenue South R. E. Otness.
14 Decision: Variance granted.
20 36. 37. 46, 47, 57. 64 Inner Drive: 885 Cleveland Avenue South; 2099, 2105 ViIla�e Drive
21 R. E. Otness
22 Decision: Variance granted.
23 577 St. Clair Avenue
24 Decision: Deny appeal.
Susan and Richard Moore
25 195 Exchan2e Street James Killian, Attorney for PZA, LLC
26 Decision: Laid over to August 4, 1998. 1-. �� 5 �-�; v � ��,.� �
Requested by Depaztment of:
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: � _ � y:
Approved by Ma o: Date �{� ��
Adopted 6y Council: Date � e� \\ ����
Citv Council Offices
Gerry Strathman, 266-8575
February 11, 1498 Public
Approving the decisions on 2-3-1998 of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code
Enforcement Appeals for property la¢ated at the following addresses: 1865 Wilson Avenue 4/
635 Prior Avenue North; 708 Hague Avenue; 649 Grant Avenue; 203 Forbes Avenue; the Village
Apartments at various addresses on Inner Drive, Village Lane and Cleveland Avenue South;
577 St. Clair Avenue; 195 Exchange StreeY.
�.�al. � ' �=—a.-��L•:_�
❑ on.lnoWFY ❑ pnCtFRK �
� wuwcwta[rtxcFSmc ❑ nuxcw.min�ccro
❑r�rortfaR�smT4rt1 ❑
H8S thls pCfSOMI!!11 eV2f Ntlriced UntlM 8 CMIt1aCf faf MIi6 dEPaltmeM?
Haa this PN�Mrm e� been a cilY empbyee7
Dces thie persoNBim possess a s1a71 not nortnalypossessed Dy arry curceM city emP�M'ee7
Isthia personlfiimafsrpetedvendoYt
No 62199
q�-►�0 30
February 3, 1998
Room 330, City Hall
Geiry Strathman, I.egislative Hearing Officer
Staff Present: Pat Fish, Fire Prevention; Kazl Johnson, Public Works; Steve Magner, Public
Health; Phillip Owens, Fize Prevention; Maynard Vinge, Public Health; Steve Zaccard, Fire
Geiry Strathman called the meeting to order at 130 p.m. (The meeting was called to order at
3:30 p.m. for 195 Exchange Street.)
635 Prior Avenue North
Dan Hartnett, owner, appeued and presented a letter to Gerry Strathman. This is a sewer
separation problem on an 800 foot long building. It is set down below the Prior Avenue grade.
The storm and sanitary sewers weze connected when the bullding was constructed. After seven
years of trying to solve the issue, the City agreed to construct a sewer line from Prior Avenue
further down where the elevation is lower than 635 Prior. This was done last fall and gave some
more depth. Mr. HartnetYs sewer contractor then ran a line 520 feet north from there. That
contractor cheated a little bit on the siope of the line to get it 520 feet north of the line which is
all he could get out of it. Another 200 feet is needed to get to the northern drain, which they
don't have.
Mr. Hartnett has 12,000 feet of roof with two roof drains on it. Knox Lumber surrounds two
sides of the building, the Minnesota Railraad is on one side, and there is a slope on the 4"` side.
Mr. Hartnett needs to somehow get the water off the roof and into a storm sewer and he does not
know how to do it. He spent close to $70,000 on this project last year. A loan was taken out.
Mr. Hartnett was at the property with a pick axe and an ice chopper just to a11ow water that gets
dumped on the driveway from the roof to go to the catch basin. Also, $9,000 is needed for heat
for the sewer so it won't freeze. The only solution that makes sense is to run the water into Knox
Lumber's yard. Mr. Hartnett has asked Knox Lumber and the railroad to accept the water and
both refused.
Gerry Strathman asked when a connecfion was made to the storm sewer, why all the water could
not be draaned into that sewer. Dan Harinett responded the building is 800 feet long running
north and south. Where the sewer line comes into his property is 5 feet below grade. The
contractor was abie to bring that back 520 feet to the north to end up one foot below the service
in order to get the necessary grade. There should be 200 more feet to get to where the roof drains
are. What Mr. Hartnett is suppose to do is drop the water out of the building and have it stand in
the level driveway and expect it to nxn 240 feet to the catch basin and uphill.
Gerry Strathman asked why the water cannot run from the roof to the other end and then down
the drain. Dan Harinett responded if the roof was rebuilt, it could possibly be done. This project
is being paid £or now and there is only so much income this building generates. If the roof was
reconstructed, the plumbing lines and the roof drains would have to be redone to accept that
additional body of water. The cost of that is unknown.
Karl Johnson stated there is the option of the roof in question being run througJ� the rest of the
building with the elevation working out. Pipes being lower would cause problems with the
Dan Hartnett stated that was done with one drain. The northem most drain that is now part of
this new program was run 120 feet through the building and hooked up with the one just south of
it. There is another 240 feet to get to the next one in order to have the slope for the water to
drain. The only thing that makes sense is to force Knox Lumber to accept 12,000 feet of drain
water. They have a big yard and it should be a negligible amount compared to what already falls
there. Mr. Hartnett would be willing to build the lines to take the water out there.
Gerry Strathman stated the options aze limited under the federal permit. Everything has to be
disconnected. Mr. Strathman asked what wlll happen in five years--which is the extension Dan
Hartnett asked for--that will not happen in one yeaz. Mr. Hartnett responded someone may come
up with a solution. Over $100,000 has been invested so far. That loan would have to be paid off
before addifional expenses can be incuned.
Karl Johnson reported Saint Paul has four more years before the federal permit expires. Saint
Paul has incurred approximately $80,000 in expenses to construct a line and purchase an
easement. The concern is Public Works cannot deternune what is going on with the sanitary
sewer that the property has been connected to. It still causes fluctuation in flows during rain
storms. The sanitary sewer upstream of this property is about 20 miles.
Gerry Strathman granted a one year extension that the Public Works Department has proposed.
Dan Hartnett asked could the storm water treahnent fees be waived because he has made every
effort to solve this problem. Gerry Strathman responded he cannot do that, but Mr. Hartnett
could talk to the City Council on February 11. The fees are not a penalty, but a cost the City pays
to the Metropolitan Council for processing the water through the Pigs Eye plant. All of the
sanitary water flows axe metered to the Pigs Eye Plant and Saint Paul is billed based on the
volume of flow. The storm water from this building is adding to the cost.
Dan Hartnett asked if the City had constructed the sewer 8 feet instead of five, the building's line
couid presumably run the line the entire length of the building. Karl7ohnson responded five feet
is the minimum depth the City provides to every property owner. Tn arder to go deeper, Public
Works would have had to run the sewer line down to iJniversity Avenue and the cost to the City
would have been exorbitant. Even moving 20 feet further down the street, the sewer line in Prior
Avenue is so flat, the difference would have been negligible. Mr. Hartnett stated he thinks the
cost to him is exorbitant because the City did not want to incur an exorbitant cost. Mr. Johnson
stated there was a settlement through the court system that precipitated all of this. There may be
. `
some legal issues here that may be comprised after the fact. The one year extension was a gift;
the agreement indicated the work should be done immediately.
Gerry Strathman reiterated his decision of a one yeaz extension.
708 Ha�ue Avenue
Vemon Hat�ns stated this was purchased in August of 1997. It was a fourplex. The financing is
in place for the rehabilitation in October. Mr. Hanns is surprised about the vacant building fee.
The intent is to have families moving into the building around the first of April.
The inspector reported the building fee was due January 7, 1998. Normally, 60 days is given
without pursuing the fee, but Vernon Harms is indicating he needs more time.
Gerry Strathman stated the purpose of the vacant building fee is because the City incurs costs in
monitoring vacant buildings, but because this building is actively involved in a rehabilitation, the
variance is granted with respect to the vacant building fee until April 7, 1998.
649 Grand Avenue
John Murrin, owner, appeared and presented pictures to Gerry Strathman. Mr. Murrin stated this
is a historical building. He operates a law office on the first floor. He does not want to change
the doors on the building because they are original.
Phillip Owens stated at least three of the doors are, if not original to the building, contemparary
with iYs construction. However, Mr. Owens does not think the doors in the rear are original or
contemporary with iYs construction. They are thin paneled. Mr. Owens recommends the three
rear doors be replaced with upgraded doors. In exchange for the doors in the front being left the
same, he suggested a hazd wire smoke detector system be placed at the top of the front stairwell,
one at the top of the rear, and one in the basement.
John Murrin stated this solution was never discussed with him. The rafional is a one hour fire
burning time period to allow people upstairs to get out of the building. The upstairs people have
thick, one inch oak doors. There is a downstairs door that is thinner and no fire marshal has
indicated that was a problem. There aze battery operated smoke detectors in the units. This is a
simple building and would take little time to get out.
Gerry Strathman stated it is not unusual for a building to pass a series of code compliance
inspections and then for a deficiency to be found. The fire mazshals use a step process to bring a
building into compliance. As the urgent deficiencies are fixed, they strive to get others resolved.
Mr. Strathman is willing to give a variance on the doors based on John Murrin's representation,
but adding smoke detectors is reasonable.
7ohn Murtin stated the building is at it's masimum electricai use. He is already having
blackouts. Sometimes waivers aze necessary and this seems to be one.
Phillip Owens stated the Fire Department is basically giving the owners the doors. Mr. Owens
was not able to deternune the white pane doors were solid. The alarm system is a required
system on this building regazdless of the condition of the doors. One detector sounds an alarm at
all locations.
Gerry Strathman asked about #12 in the Deficiency/Correction List which reads as follows:
Submit a completed and signed smoke detector �davit to this offlce. Phillip Owens explained
that is a document provided with the property owner in which he tests the smoke detectors in
each unit and signs the document saying they aze operational. Mr. Strathman asked were the
hud wire smoke detectors on the coirection list. Mr. awens responded no.
Gerry Suathman granted the variance with respect to all doors based on the representation that
they are all solid oak. Appellant has until the next compliance inspection in December of 1999
to install a hard wire smoke detector system.
203 Forbes Avenue
Clodette Pratt, owner, asked that she receive a 6 month extension on the vacant building fee
because the work will be completed by then.
Steve Magner stated he cannot testify to how much work is completed because he has not been
Gerry Strathman asked why Steve Magner is actively involved in this property. Mr. Magner
responded this property has had problems in the past. His concern is that this matter will not be
done in a timely fashion and wanted the vacant building fee paid at this time. There was a matter
of occupancy in the dwelling where the previous owner--Clodette's father--was found guilty of
allowing occupancy.
Clodette Pratt stated she had worked very hazd, has all permits, but is nof done yet.
Gerry Strathman granted a final waiver of April 22, 1998.
16.17, 22, 23. 26, 27. 32, 33, 50. 56. 60, 61. 65 Inner Drive; 2075, 2081 Villa�e Lane; 811,
813, 815, 817, 867. 869. 871. 873. 881 Cieveland Avenue South
36. 37, 46, 47, 57, 64 Inner Drive; 885 Cleveland Avenue South; 2099, 2105 Villase Drive
R. E. Otness, owner, appeazed and stated this is regarding replacement of the glass adjacent to the
fire escapes. This can be very expensive.
Pat Fish stated the Fire Department is not opposed.
Gerry Strathman granted a variance.
1865 Wilson Avenue #305
(Laid over from November 4, 1997)
Pat Fish reported the tenants are stiil in there. It was laid over with the condition that one of the
parties would not be in the unit. There have been some allegations that the parry is sull there.
Laura Jelinek, attomey, appeazed and stated the spouses aze sepazated, therefore the occupancy is
less. Ms. Fairow has four children and is asking for a variance of occupancy. It is difficult to
find apartments this time of yeat. ff the variance is not granted, Ms. Jelinek would ask for an
extension of time of six months. Also, this may be a form of retaliation by the landlord.
Pat Fish reported there were some allegations that the apgellant was occupying the unit. If the
facts are true, it is an overcrowded unit by one person. The issue is not a serious overcrowding
problem. Gerry Strathman asked was there any other reason to believe this is a dangerous or
hazardous situation. Pat Fish responded no.
Gerry Strathman laid over this item to August 4, 1998. Mr. 5trathman suggested he be notified
when Kira Fairow finds a place to live.
577 St. Clair Avenue
No one appeared.
Maynard Vinge reported the water has been shut off and the building is condemned.
Gerry Strathman denied the appeal.
The meering was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.
195 Exchanae Street
James Killian of Maslon, Edelman, Borman and Brand, Attorney for PZA, LLC, appeared and
stated PZA owns land at 195 Exchange. He submitted an affidavit from William Brown,
licensed surveyor. The wall PZA has been cited for is not on their property. Sections of the wall
are falling onto the property, which is a trespass.
Gerry Strathman stated the deficiency notices are from a survey conducted August 1997
indicating shazed responsibility and ownership. James Killian responded he has requested a copy
of the survey, but has not seen it. Over time, a common wall agteement has been formed. The
two adjacent properly owners have essentially agreed to commonly maintain the wall. In order to
haue a common wall agreement, it has to be in writing. No such agreement eacists. Mr.
Strathman stated it is odd a surveyor would offer an opinion like that. Mr. Killian agreed and his
submitted survey cleazly shows the wall is not on Cossetta's property.
Steve Zaccard reported the owners of the adjacent property were originally cited. A correction
order was issued in 3uly. In August, the neighbor had a reasonable time to comply. When he
hadn't made repairs, he was tagged. The neighbor had a survey done which was submitted to the
senior building inspector John Conway of LIEP. Their vaew and Steve Christie's view was that
the wall is partly on 195 Exchange. Mr. Christie had the court dismiss the tag against the
neighbor Mr. Walsh. In order to address this matter legally, conection orders have to be issued
to the neighbor and Cossetta's.
Mr. Connor appeared and stated everything Steve Zaccard says is true. The City was not
provided with the survey. Mr. Walsh paid for it.
Gerry Strathman asked how long it would take. James Killian responded 4 to 5 months. Mr.
Killian stated he understood that Sundae did not provide a complete survey. The civil procedures
were instituted about a week ago. The only issue will be which property the wa111ies on. Mr.
Killian hoped tlae issue was held until the court could deternune who owned the wall.
Gerry Strathman asked what would be the implications of delaying action on this. Steve Zaccard
replied a correction order was issued. It was never implied the wall was half on Cossetta's
property, but a portion was on the property. There aze no plans for enforcement at this time. The
wall is not dangerous and is not near any pedestrians.
Gerry Strathman laid over this item to August 4, 1948.
The meeting with adjoumed at 3:41 p.m.
Referred To
Council File # ��
Green Sheet # 62199
Comuuttee Date
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the February 3,
1998 decision of the Legislative Aearing Officer:
Pro ep rtv Ap ealed
4 1865 Wilson Avenue #305 Fioyd & Kira Fairow
5 (Laid over from November 4, 1997)
6 Decision: Laid over to August 4, 1998. t—e��sl �:, �, E-l�..; r�
7 635 Prior Avenue North Dan Aartnett
8 Decision: One year extension granted.
9 708 Ha2ue Avenue Vernon Harms
10 Decision: Variance granted for vacant building fee until Apri17, 1998.
ll 649 Grand Avenue John and DeVonna Murrin
12 Decision: Variance granted with respect to all doors based on the owner's representation that they are all solid
13 oak. Appellant has until the next compliance inspection in December of 1999 to install a hard wire smoke
14 detector system.
15 203 Forbes Avenue
16 Decision: Grant final waiver of April 22, 1998.
Clodetta Pratt
17 16,17, 22, 23, 26, 27, 32, 33, 50, 56, 60, 61, 65 Inner Drive; 2Q75, 2Q81 Villa�e Lane; 811, &13, 815, 817,
18 867, 869. 871, 873, 881 Cleveland Avenue South R. E. Otness.
14 Decision: Variance granted.
20 36. 37. 46, 47, 57. 64 Inner Drive: 885 Cleveland Avenue South; 2099, 2105 ViIla�e Drive
21 R. E. Otness
22 Decision: Variance granted.
23 577 St. Clair Avenue
24 Decision: Deny appeal.
Susan and Richard Moore
25 195 Exchan2e Street James Killian, Attorney for PZA, LLC
26 Decision: Laid over to August 4, 1998. 1-. �� 5 �-�; v � ��,.� �
Requested by Depaztment of:
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: � _ � y:
Approved by Ma o: Date �{� ��
Adopted 6y Council: Date � e� \\ ����
Citv Council Offices
Gerry Strathman, 266-8575
February 11, 1498 Public
Approving the decisions on 2-3-1998 of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code
Enforcement Appeals for property la¢ated at the following addresses: 1865 Wilson Avenue 4/
635 Prior Avenue North; 708 Hague Avenue; 649 Grant Avenue; 203 Forbes Avenue; the Village
Apartments at various addresses on Inner Drive, Village Lane and Cleveland Avenue South;
577 St. Clair Avenue; 195 Exchange StreeY.
�.�al. � ' �=—a.-��L•:_�
❑ on.lnoWFY ❑ pnCtFRK �
� wuwcwta[rtxcFSmc ❑ nuxcw.min�ccro
❑r�rortfaR�smT4rt1 ❑
H8S thls pCfSOMI!!11 eV2f Ntlriced UntlM 8 CMIt1aCf faf MIi6 dEPaltmeM?
Haa this PN�Mrm e� been a cilY empbyee7
Dces thie persoNBim possess a s1a71 not nortnalypossessed Dy arry curceM city emP�M'ee7
Isthia personlfiimafsrpetedvendoYt
No 62199
q�-►�0 30
February 3, 1998
Room 330, City Hall
Geiry Strathman, I.egislative Hearing Officer
Staff Present: Pat Fish, Fire Prevention; Kazl Johnson, Public Works; Steve Magner, Public
Health; Phillip Owens, Fize Prevention; Maynard Vinge, Public Health; Steve Zaccard, Fire
Geiry Strathman called the meeting to order at 130 p.m. (The meeting was called to order at
3:30 p.m. for 195 Exchange Street.)
635 Prior Avenue North
Dan Hartnett, owner, appeued and presented a letter to Gerry Strathman. This is a sewer
separation problem on an 800 foot long building. It is set down below the Prior Avenue grade.
The storm and sanitary sewers weze connected when the bullding was constructed. After seven
years of trying to solve the issue, the City agreed to construct a sewer line from Prior Avenue
further down where the elevation is lower than 635 Prior. This was done last fall and gave some
more depth. Mr. HartnetYs sewer contractor then ran a line 520 feet north from there. That
contractor cheated a little bit on the siope of the line to get it 520 feet north of the line which is
all he could get out of it. Another 200 feet is needed to get to the northern drain, which they
don't have.
Mr. Hartnett has 12,000 feet of roof with two roof drains on it. Knox Lumber surrounds two
sides of the building, the Minnesota Railraad is on one side, and there is a slope on the 4"` side.
Mr. Hartnett needs to somehow get the water off the roof and into a storm sewer and he does not
know how to do it. He spent close to $70,000 on this project last year. A loan was taken out.
Mr. Hartnett was at the property with a pick axe and an ice chopper just to a11ow water that gets
dumped on the driveway from the roof to go to the catch basin. Also, $9,000 is needed for heat
for the sewer so it won't freeze. The only solution that makes sense is to run the water into Knox
Lumber's yard. Mr. Hartnett has asked Knox Lumber and the railroad to accept the water and
both refused.
Gerry Strathman asked when a connecfion was made to the storm sewer, why all the water could
not be draaned into that sewer. Dan Harinett responded the building is 800 feet long running
north and south. Where the sewer line comes into his property is 5 feet below grade. The
contractor was abie to bring that back 520 feet to the north to end up one foot below the service
in order to get the necessary grade. There should be 200 more feet to get to where the roof drains
are. What Mr. Hartnett is suppose to do is drop the water out of the building and have it stand in
the level driveway and expect it to nxn 240 feet to the catch basin and uphill.
Gerry Strathman asked why the water cannot run from the roof to the other end and then down
the drain. Dan Harinett responded if the roof was rebuilt, it could possibly be done. This project
is being paid £or now and there is only so much income this building generates. If the roof was
reconstructed, the plumbing lines and the roof drains would have to be redone to accept that
additional body of water. The cost of that is unknown.
Karl Johnson stated there is the option of the roof in question being run througJ� the rest of the
building with the elevation working out. Pipes being lower would cause problems with the
Dan Hartnett stated that was done with one drain. The northem most drain that is now part of
this new program was run 120 feet through the building and hooked up with the one just south of
it. There is another 240 feet to get to the next one in order to have the slope for the water to
drain. The only thing that makes sense is to force Knox Lumber to accept 12,000 feet of drain
water. They have a big yard and it should be a negligible amount compared to what already falls
there. Mr. Hartnett would be willing to build the lines to take the water out there.
Gerry Strathman stated the options aze limited under the federal permit. Everything has to be
disconnected. Mr. Strathman asked what wlll happen in five years--which is the extension Dan
Hartnett asked for--that will not happen in one yeaz. Mr. Hartnett responded someone may come
up with a solution. Over $100,000 has been invested so far. That loan would have to be paid off
before addifional expenses can be incuned.
Karl Johnson reported Saint Paul has four more years before the federal permit expires. Saint
Paul has incurred approximately $80,000 in expenses to construct a line and purchase an
easement. The concern is Public Works cannot deternune what is going on with the sanitary
sewer that the property has been connected to. It still causes fluctuation in flows during rain
storms. The sanitary sewer upstream of this property is about 20 miles.
Gerry Strathman granted a one year extension that the Public Works Department has proposed.
Dan Hartnett asked could the storm water treahnent fees be waived because he has made every
effort to solve this problem. Gerry Strathman responded he cannot do that, but Mr. Hartnett
could talk to the City Council on February 11. The fees are not a penalty, but a cost the City pays
to the Metropolitan Council for processing the water through the Pigs Eye plant. All of the
sanitary water flows axe metered to the Pigs Eye Plant and Saint Paul is billed based on the
volume of flow. The storm water from this building is adding to the cost.
Dan Hartnett asked if the City had constructed the sewer 8 feet instead of five, the building's line
couid presumably run the line the entire length of the building. Karl7ohnson responded five feet
is the minimum depth the City provides to every property owner. Tn arder to go deeper, Public
Works would have had to run the sewer line down to iJniversity Avenue and the cost to the City
would have been exorbitant. Even moving 20 feet further down the street, the sewer line in Prior
Avenue is so flat, the difference would have been negligible. Mr. Hartnett stated he thinks the
cost to him is exorbitant because the City did not want to incur an exorbitant cost. Mr. Johnson
stated there was a settlement through the court system that precipitated all of this. There may be
. `
some legal issues here that may be comprised after the fact. The one year extension was a gift;
the agreement indicated the work should be done immediately.
Gerry Strathman reiterated his decision of a one yeaz extension.
708 Ha�ue Avenue
Vemon Hat�ns stated this was purchased in August of 1997. It was a fourplex. The financing is
in place for the rehabilitation in October. Mr. Hanns is surprised about the vacant building fee.
The intent is to have families moving into the building around the first of April.
The inspector reported the building fee was due January 7, 1998. Normally, 60 days is given
without pursuing the fee, but Vernon Harms is indicating he needs more time.
Gerry Strathman stated the purpose of the vacant building fee is because the City incurs costs in
monitoring vacant buildings, but because this building is actively involved in a rehabilitation, the
variance is granted with respect to the vacant building fee until April 7, 1998.
649 Grand Avenue
John Murrin, owner, appeared and presented pictures to Gerry Strathman. Mr. Murrin stated this
is a historical building. He operates a law office on the first floor. He does not want to change
the doors on the building because they are original.
Phillip Owens stated at least three of the doors are, if not original to the building, contemparary
with iYs construction. However, Mr. Owens does not think the doors in the rear are original or
contemporary with iYs construction. They are thin paneled. Mr. Owens recommends the three
rear doors be replaced with upgraded doors. In exchange for the doors in the front being left the
same, he suggested a hazd wire smoke detector system be placed at the top of the front stairwell,
one at the top of the rear, and one in the basement.
John Murrin stated this solution was never discussed with him. The rafional is a one hour fire
burning time period to allow people upstairs to get out of the building. The upstairs people have
thick, one inch oak doors. There is a downstairs door that is thinner and no fire marshal has
indicated that was a problem. There aze battery operated smoke detectors in the units. This is a
simple building and would take little time to get out.
Gerry Strathman stated it is not unusual for a building to pass a series of code compliance
inspections and then for a deficiency to be found. The fire mazshals use a step process to bring a
building into compliance. As the urgent deficiencies are fixed, they strive to get others resolved.
Mr. Strathman is willing to give a variance on the doors based on John Murrin's representation,
but adding smoke detectors is reasonable.
7ohn Murtin stated the building is at it's masimum electricai use. He is already having
blackouts. Sometimes waivers aze necessary and this seems to be one.
Phillip Owens stated the Fire Department is basically giving the owners the doors. Mr. Owens
was not able to deternune the white pane doors were solid. The alarm system is a required
system on this building regazdless of the condition of the doors. One detector sounds an alarm at
all locations.
Gerry Strathman asked about #12 in the Deficiency/Correction List which reads as follows:
Submit a completed and signed smoke detector �davit to this offlce. Phillip Owens explained
that is a document provided with the property owner in which he tests the smoke detectors in
each unit and signs the document saying they aze operational. Mr. Strathman asked were the
hud wire smoke detectors on the coirection list. Mr. awens responded no.
Gerry Suathman granted the variance with respect to all doors based on the representation that
they are all solid oak. Appellant has until the next compliance inspection in December of 1999
to install a hard wire smoke detector system.
203 Forbes Avenue
Clodette Pratt, owner, asked that she receive a 6 month extension on the vacant building fee
because the work will be completed by then.
Steve Magner stated he cannot testify to how much work is completed because he has not been
Gerry Strathman asked why Steve Magner is actively involved in this property. Mr. Magner
responded this property has had problems in the past. His concern is that this matter will not be
done in a timely fashion and wanted the vacant building fee paid at this time. There was a matter
of occupancy in the dwelling where the previous owner--Clodette's father--was found guilty of
allowing occupancy.
Clodette Pratt stated she had worked very hazd, has all permits, but is nof done yet.
Gerry Strathman granted a final waiver of April 22, 1998.
16.17, 22, 23. 26, 27. 32, 33, 50. 56. 60, 61. 65 Inner Drive; 2075, 2081 Villa�e Lane; 811,
813, 815, 817, 867. 869. 871. 873. 881 Cieveland Avenue South
36. 37, 46, 47, 57, 64 Inner Drive; 885 Cleveland Avenue South; 2099, 2105 Villase Drive
R. E. Otness, owner, appeazed and stated this is regarding replacement of the glass adjacent to the
fire escapes. This can be very expensive.
Pat Fish stated the Fire Department is not opposed.
Gerry Strathman granted a variance.
1865 Wilson Avenue #305
(Laid over from November 4, 1997)
Pat Fish reported the tenants are stiil in there. It was laid over with the condition that one of the
parties would not be in the unit. There have been some allegations that the parry is sull there.
Laura Jelinek, attomey, appeazed and stated the spouses aze sepazated, therefore the occupancy is
less. Ms. Fairow has four children and is asking for a variance of occupancy. It is difficult to
find apartments this time of yeat. ff the variance is not granted, Ms. Jelinek would ask for an
extension of time of six months. Also, this may be a form of retaliation by the landlord.
Pat Fish reported there were some allegations that the apgellant was occupying the unit. If the
facts are true, it is an overcrowded unit by one person. The issue is not a serious overcrowding
problem. Gerry Strathman asked was there any other reason to believe this is a dangerous or
hazardous situation. Pat Fish responded no.
Gerry Strathman laid over this item to August 4, 1998. Mr. 5trathman suggested he be notified
when Kira Fairow finds a place to live.
577 St. Clair Avenue
No one appeared.
Maynard Vinge reported the water has been shut off and the building is condemned.
Gerry Strathman denied the appeal.
The meering was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.
195 Exchanae Street
James Killian of Maslon, Edelman, Borman and Brand, Attorney for PZA, LLC, appeared and
stated PZA owns land at 195 Exchange. He submitted an affidavit from William Brown,
licensed surveyor. The wall PZA has been cited for is not on their property. Sections of the wall
are falling onto the property, which is a trespass.
Gerry Strathman stated the deficiency notices are from a survey conducted August 1997
indicating shazed responsibility and ownership. James Killian responded he has requested a copy
of the survey, but has not seen it. Over time, a common wall agteement has been formed. The
two adjacent properly owners have essentially agreed to commonly maintain the wall. In order to
haue a common wall agreement, it has to be in writing. No such agreement eacists. Mr.
Strathman stated it is odd a surveyor would offer an opinion like that. Mr. Killian agreed and his
submitted survey cleazly shows the wall is not on Cossetta's property.
Steve Zaccard reported the owners of the adjacent property were originally cited. A correction
order was issued in 3uly. In August, the neighbor had a reasonable time to comply. When he
hadn't made repairs, he was tagged. The neighbor had a survey done which was submitted to the
senior building inspector John Conway of LIEP. Their vaew and Steve Christie's view was that
the wall is partly on 195 Exchange. Mr. Christie had the court dismiss the tag against the
neighbor Mr. Walsh. In order to address this matter legally, conection orders have to be issued
to the neighbor and Cossetta's.
Mr. Connor appeared and stated everything Steve Zaccard says is true. The City was not
provided with the survey. Mr. Walsh paid for it.
Gerry Strathman asked how long it would take. James Killian responded 4 to 5 months. Mr.
Killian stated he understood that Sundae did not provide a complete survey. The civil procedures
were instituted about a week ago. The only issue will be which property the wa111ies on. Mr.
Killian hoped tlae issue was held until the court could deternune who owned the wall.
Gerry Strathman asked what would be the implications of delaying action on this. Steve Zaccard
replied a correction order was issued. It was never implied the wall was half on Cossetta's
property, but a portion was on the property. There aze no plans for enforcement at this time. The
wall is not dangerous and is not near any pedestrians.
Gerry Strathman laid over this item to August 4, 1948.
The meeting with adjoumed at 3:41 p.m.
Referred To
Council File # ��
Green Sheet # 62199
Comuuttee Date
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the February 3,
1998 decision of the Legislative Aearing Officer:
Pro ep rtv Ap ealed
4 1865 Wilson Avenue #305 Fioyd & Kira Fairow
5 (Laid over from November 4, 1997)
6 Decision: Laid over to August 4, 1998. t—e��sl �:, �, E-l�..; r�
7 635 Prior Avenue North Dan Aartnett
8 Decision: One year extension granted.
9 708 Ha2ue Avenue Vernon Harms
10 Decision: Variance granted for vacant building fee until Apri17, 1998.
ll 649 Grand Avenue John and DeVonna Murrin
12 Decision: Variance granted with respect to all doors based on the owner's representation that they are all solid
13 oak. Appellant has until the next compliance inspection in December of 1999 to install a hard wire smoke
14 detector system.
15 203 Forbes Avenue
16 Decision: Grant final waiver of April 22, 1998.
Clodetta Pratt
17 16,17, 22, 23, 26, 27, 32, 33, 50, 56, 60, 61, 65 Inner Drive; 2Q75, 2Q81 Villa�e Lane; 811, &13, 815, 817,
18 867, 869. 871, 873, 881 Cleveland Avenue South R. E. Otness.
14 Decision: Variance granted.
20 36. 37. 46, 47, 57. 64 Inner Drive: 885 Cleveland Avenue South; 2099, 2105 ViIla�e Drive
21 R. E. Otness
22 Decision: Variance granted.
23 577 St. Clair Avenue
24 Decision: Deny appeal.
Susan and Richard Moore
25 195 Exchan2e Street James Killian, Attorney for PZA, LLC
26 Decision: Laid over to August 4, 1998. 1-. �� 5 �-�; v � ��,.� �
Requested by Depaztment of:
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: � _ � y:
Approved by Ma o: Date �{� ��
Adopted 6y Council: Date � e� \\ ����
Citv Council Offices
Gerry Strathman, 266-8575
February 11, 1498 Public
Approving the decisions on 2-3-1998 of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code
Enforcement Appeals for property la¢ated at the following addresses: 1865 Wilson Avenue 4/
635 Prior Avenue North; 708 Hague Avenue; 649 Grant Avenue; 203 Forbes Avenue; the Village
Apartments at various addresses on Inner Drive, Village Lane and Cleveland Avenue South;
577 St. Clair Avenue; 195 Exchange StreeY.
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Isthia personlfiimafsrpetedvendoYt
No 62199
q�-►�0 30
February 3, 1998
Room 330, City Hall
Geiry Strathman, I.egislative Hearing Officer
Staff Present: Pat Fish, Fire Prevention; Kazl Johnson, Public Works; Steve Magner, Public
Health; Phillip Owens, Fize Prevention; Maynard Vinge, Public Health; Steve Zaccard, Fire
Geiry Strathman called the meeting to order at 130 p.m. (The meeting was called to order at
3:30 p.m. for 195 Exchange Street.)
635 Prior Avenue North
Dan Hartnett, owner, appeued and presented a letter to Gerry Strathman. This is a sewer
separation problem on an 800 foot long building. It is set down below the Prior Avenue grade.
The storm and sanitary sewers weze connected when the bullding was constructed. After seven
years of trying to solve the issue, the City agreed to construct a sewer line from Prior Avenue
further down where the elevation is lower than 635 Prior. This was done last fall and gave some
more depth. Mr. HartnetYs sewer contractor then ran a line 520 feet north from there. That
contractor cheated a little bit on the siope of the line to get it 520 feet north of the line which is
all he could get out of it. Another 200 feet is needed to get to the northern drain, which they
don't have.
Mr. Hartnett has 12,000 feet of roof with two roof drains on it. Knox Lumber surrounds two
sides of the building, the Minnesota Railraad is on one side, and there is a slope on the 4"` side.
Mr. Hartnett needs to somehow get the water off the roof and into a storm sewer and he does not
know how to do it. He spent close to $70,000 on this project last year. A loan was taken out.
Mr. Hartnett was at the property with a pick axe and an ice chopper just to a11ow water that gets
dumped on the driveway from the roof to go to the catch basin. Also, $9,000 is needed for heat
for the sewer so it won't freeze. The only solution that makes sense is to run the water into Knox
Lumber's yard. Mr. Hartnett has asked Knox Lumber and the railroad to accept the water and
both refused.
Gerry Strathman asked when a connecfion was made to the storm sewer, why all the water could
not be draaned into that sewer. Dan Harinett responded the building is 800 feet long running
north and south. Where the sewer line comes into his property is 5 feet below grade. The
contractor was abie to bring that back 520 feet to the north to end up one foot below the service
in order to get the necessary grade. There should be 200 more feet to get to where the roof drains
are. What Mr. Hartnett is suppose to do is drop the water out of the building and have it stand in
the level driveway and expect it to nxn 240 feet to the catch basin and uphill.
Gerry Strathman asked why the water cannot run from the roof to the other end and then down
the drain. Dan Harinett responded if the roof was rebuilt, it could possibly be done. This project
is being paid £or now and there is only so much income this building generates. If the roof was
reconstructed, the plumbing lines and the roof drains would have to be redone to accept that
additional body of water. The cost of that is unknown.
Karl Johnson stated there is the option of the roof in question being run througJ� the rest of the
building with the elevation working out. Pipes being lower would cause problems with the
Dan Hartnett stated that was done with one drain. The northem most drain that is now part of
this new program was run 120 feet through the building and hooked up with the one just south of
it. There is another 240 feet to get to the next one in order to have the slope for the water to
drain. The only thing that makes sense is to force Knox Lumber to accept 12,000 feet of drain
water. They have a big yard and it should be a negligible amount compared to what already falls
there. Mr. Hartnett would be willing to build the lines to take the water out there.
Gerry Strathman stated the options aze limited under the federal permit. Everything has to be
disconnected. Mr. Strathman asked what wlll happen in five years--which is the extension Dan
Hartnett asked for--that will not happen in one yeaz. Mr. Hartnett responded someone may come
up with a solution. Over $100,000 has been invested so far. That loan would have to be paid off
before addifional expenses can be incuned.
Karl Johnson reported Saint Paul has four more years before the federal permit expires. Saint
Paul has incurred approximately $80,000 in expenses to construct a line and purchase an
easement. The concern is Public Works cannot deternune what is going on with the sanitary
sewer that the property has been connected to. It still causes fluctuation in flows during rain
storms. The sanitary sewer upstream of this property is about 20 miles.
Gerry Strathman granted a one year extension that the Public Works Department has proposed.
Dan Hartnett asked could the storm water treahnent fees be waived because he has made every
effort to solve this problem. Gerry Strathman responded he cannot do that, but Mr. Hartnett
could talk to the City Council on February 11. The fees are not a penalty, but a cost the City pays
to the Metropolitan Council for processing the water through the Pigs Eye plant. All of the
sanitary water flows axe metered to the Pigs Eye Plant and Saint Paul is billed based on the
volume of flow. The storm water from this building is adding to the cost.
Dan Hartnett asked if the City had constructed the sewer 8 feet instead of five, the building's line
couid presumably run the line the entire length of the building. Karl7ohnson responded five feet
is the minimum depth the City provides to every property owner. Tn arder to go deeper, Public
Works would have had to run the sewer line down to iJniversity Avenue and the cost to the City
would have been exorbitant. Even moving 20 feet further down the street, the sewer line in Prior
Avenue is so flat, the difference would have been negligible. Mr. Hartnett stated he thinks the
cost to him is exorbitant because the City did not want to incur an exorbitant cost. Mr. Johnson
stated there was a settlement through the court system that precipitated all of this. There may be
. `
some legal issues here that may be comprised after the fact. The one year extension was a gift;
the agreement indicated the work should be done immediately.
Gerry Strathman reiterated his decision of a one yeaz extension.
708 Ha�ue Avenue
Vemon Hat�ns stated this was purchased in August of 1997. It was a fourplex. The financing is
in place for the rehabilitation in October. Mr. Hanns is surprised about the vacant building fee.
The intent is to have families moving into the building around the first of April.
The inspector reported the building fee was due January 7, 1998. Normally, 60 days is given
without pursuing the fee, but Vernon Harms is indicating he needs more time.
Gerry Strathman stated the purpose of the vacant building fee is because the City incurs costs in
monitoring vacant buildings, but because this building is actively involved in a rehabilitation, the
variance is granted with respect to the vacant building fee until April 7, 1998.
649 Grand Avenue
John Murrin, owner, appeared and presented pictures to Gerry Strathman. Mr. Murrin stated this
is a historical building. He operates a law office on the first floor. He does not want to change
the doors on the building because they are original.
Phillip Owens stated at least three of the doors are, if not original to the building, contemparary
with iYs construction. However, Mr. Owens does not think the doors in the rear are original or
contemporary with iYs construction. They are thin paneled. Mr. Owens recommends the three
rear doors be replaced with upgraded doors. In exchange for the doors in the front being left the
same, he suggested a hazd wire smoke detector system be placed at the top of the front stairwell,
one at the top of the rear, and one in the basement.
John Murrin stated this solution was never discussed with him. The rafional is a one hour fire
burning time period to allow people upstairs to get out of the building. The upstairs people have
thick, one inch oak doors. There is a downstairs door that is thinner and no fire marshal has
indicated that was a problem. There aze battery operated smoke detectors in the units. This is a
simple building and would take little time to get out.
Gerry Strathman stated it is not unusual for a building to pass a series of code compliance
inspections and then for a deficiency to be found. The fire mazshals use a step process to bring a
building into compliance. As the urgent deficiencies are fixed, they strive to get others resolved.
Mr. Strathman is willing to give a variance on the doors based on John Murrin's representation,
but adding smoke detectors is reasonable.
7ohn Murtin stated the building is at it's masimum electricai use. He is already having
blackouts. Sometimes waivers aze necessary and this seems to be one.
Phillip Owens stated the Fire Department is basically giving the owners the doors. Mr. Owens
was not able to deternune the white pane doors were solid. The alarm system is a required
system on this building regazdless of the condition of the doors. One detector sounds an alarm at
all locations.
Gerry Strathman asked about #12 in the Deficiency/Correction List which reads as follows:
Submit a completed and signed smoke detector �davit to this offlce. Phillip Owens explained
that is a document provided with the property owner in which he tests the smoke detectors in
each unit and signs the document saying they aze operational. Mr. Strathman asked were the
hud wire smoke detectors on the coirection list. Mr. awens responded no.
Gerry Suathman granted the variance with respect to all doors based on the representation that
they are all solid oak. Appellant has until the next compliance inspection in December of 1999
to install a hard wire smoke detector system.
203 Forbes Avenue
Clodette Pratt, owner, asked that she receive a 6 month extension on the vacant building fee
because the work will be completed by then.
Steve Magner stated he cannot testify to how much work is completed because he has not been
Gerry Strathman asked why Steve Magner is actively involved in this property. Mr. Magner
responded this property has had problems in the past. His concern is that this matter will not be
done in a timely fashion and wanted the vacant building fee paid at this time. There was a matter
of occupancy in the dwelling where the previous owner--Clodette's father--was found guilty of
allowing occupancy.
Clodette Pratt stated she had worked very hazd, has all permits, but is nof done yet.
Gerry Strathman granted a final waiver of April 22, 1998.
16.17, 22, 23. 26, 27. 32, 33, 50. 56. 60, 61. 65 Inner Drive; 2075, 2081 Villa�e Lane; 811,
813, 815, 817, 867. 869. 871. 873. 881 Cieveland Avenue South
36. 37, 46, 47, 57, 64 Inner Drive; 885 Cleveland Avenue South; 2099, 2105 Villase Drive
R. E. Otness, owner, appeazed and stated this is regarding replacement of the glass adjacent to the
fire escapes. This can be very expensive.
Pat Fish stated the Fire Department is not opposed.
Gerry Strathman granted a variance.
1865 Wilson Avenue #305
(Laid over from November 4, 1997)
Pat Fish reported the tenants are stiil in there. It was laid over with the condition that one of the
parties would not be in the unit. There have been some allegations that the parry is sull there.
Laura Jelinek, attomey, appeazed and stated the spouses aze sepazated, therefore the occupancy is
less. Ms. Fairow has four children and is asking for a variance of occupancy. It is difficult to
find apartments this time of yeat. ff the variance is not granted, Ms. Jelinek would ask for an
extension of time of six months. Also, this may be a form of retaliation by the landlord.
Pat Fish reported there were some allegations that the apgellant was occupying the unit. If the
facts are true, it is an overcrowded unit by one person. The issue is not a serious overcrowding
problem. Gerry Strathman asked was there any other reason to believe this is a dangerous or
hazardous situation. Pat Fish responded no.
Gerry Strathman laid over this item to August 4, 1998. Mr. 5trathman suggested he be notified
when Kira Fairow finds a place to live.
577 St. Clair Avenue
No one appeared.
Maynard Vinge reported the water has been shut off and the building is condemned.
Gerry Strathman denied the appeal.
The meering was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.
195 Exchanae Street
James Killian of Maslon, Edelman, Borman and Brand, Attorney for PZA, LLC, appeared and
stated PZA owns land at 195 Exchange. He submitted an affidavit from William Brown,
licensed surveyor. The wall PZA has been cited for is not on their property. Sections of the wall
are falling onto the property, which is a trespass.
Gerry Strathman stated the deficiency notices are from a survey conducted August 1997
indicating shazed responsibility and ownership. James Killian responded he has requested a copy
of the survey, but has not seen it. Over time, a common wall agteement has been formed. The
two adjacent properly owners have essentially agreed to commonly maintain the wall. In order to
haue a common wall agreement, it has to be in writing. No such agreement eacists. Mr.
Strathman stated it is odd a surveyor would offer an opinion like that. Mr. Killian agreed and his
submitted survey cleazly shows the wall is not on Cossetta's property.
Steve Zaccard reported the owners of the adjacent property were originally cited. A correction
order was issued in 3uly. In August, the neighbor had a reasonable time to comply. When he
hadn't made repairs, he was tagged. The neighbor had a survey done which was submitted to the
senior building inspector John Conway of LIEP. Their vaew and Steve Christie's view was that
the wall is partly on 195 Exchange. Mr. Christie had the court dismiss the tag against the
neighbor Mr. Walsh. In order to address this matter legally, conection orders have to be issued
to the neighbor and Cossetta's.
Mr. Connor appeared and stated everything Steve Zaccard says is true. The City was not
provided with the survey. Mr. Walsh paid for it.
Gerry Strathman asked how long it would take. James Killian responded 4 to 5 months. Mr.
Killian stated he understood that Sundae did not provide a complete survey. The civil procedures
were instituted about a week ago. The only issue will be which property the wa111ies on. Mr.
Killian hoped tlae issue was held until the court could deternune who owned the wall.
Gerry Strathman asked what would be the implications of delaying action on this. Steve Zaccard
replied a correction order was issued. It was never implied the wall was half on Cossetta's
property, but a portion was on the property. There aze no plans for enforcement at this time. The
wall is not dangerous and is not near any pedestrians.
Gerry Strathman laid over this item to August 4, 1948.
The meeting with adjoumed at 3:41 p.m.