98-1098Council File # Q � q� Green Sheet 32620 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date �5 � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has received a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Bureau o` Justice 2 Administration (BJA) in the amount of $676,894; and 3 WHEREAS, the amount awarded to the City Attorney's Office is $214,200 (not including the grant match), to be a spent in fiscal year November 1, 1998, through October 31, 1999; and 5 WHEREAS, a match of $23,800 is required for the City Attorney's portion of the grant; and s WHEREAS, the City Attorney's Office has unspent 1998 salary money availabie from the deiay in hiring for vacancies 7 to cover the required grant match; and a WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter does certify that there are available for s appropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and �o WNEREAS, pursuant to Sections 10.07.3 and 1 �.�7.4 of the City Charter, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: �t FINANCING PLAN: t2 GL 001 General Fund �a 00208 City Attorney Criminal Block Grant ta 3101 Law Enforcement Asst. Justice �5 All Other Financing ts Total Activity Financing t7 GL 025 Gity Attorney Outside Services Fund �s 10202 City Attorney Federal Grants ts 7305 Transfer from Special Revenue Fund 20 7299 Transfer from General Fund 2� All Other Financing z2 Totaf Activity Financing SPENDING PLAN: z3 GL 001 General Fund za 00200 City Attorney-General Operations zs 0161 Salary Needs zs 0567 Transfer to Inter�al Service Fund 2� All Other Aclivity Spending zs Total Activiry Spending CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CF{ANGES BUDGET 206,232 (144,598) 61,634 0 0 0 206,232 (144,598) 61,634 0 � 0 116,592 0 3,646,172 3,762,764 zs 00208 City Attorney Criminal Block Grant ao 02'f 9 Fees - Other a� 0557 Transfer to General Fund 3z 0856 Data Processing Software 33 0857 Data Processing Hardware 34 All Other Activity Spending ss Total Activity Spending 25,000 30,000 10,000 79,235 61,634 205,869 0 137,864 23,800 � 161,664 (23,800) 23,800 0 0 (25,000) (30,000) (10,000) (79,235} 0 (144,235) 0 137,864 23,800 0 161,664 92,792 23,800 3,646,172 3,762,764 0 61.634 61,634 City Attomey 1998 Grant Resolution, Page 2 CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES 3s GL 025 City Attorney Outside Services Fund 37 10202 City Attorney Federal Grants 3a 0114 Full-Time Appointed 3s 0439 Fringe Benefits co 0219 Fees - Other a� 0558 Transfer to Special Revenue Fund az 0856 Data Processing Software a3 0857 Data Processing Hardware qa All Other Activity Spending as Total Activity 102�2 Spending � as RESOLVED, that the City Councii approves these changes to the 1995 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris f Lantry Reiter a Adopted by Gouncil: Date �,,,� \( �qq�' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By. � _ � Approved by Mayor; D BY: �I N , � n 0 0 0 0 18,415 5,214 25,000 23,800 10,000 79,235 0 161,664 Requested by Department of: ° AMENDED BUDGET 18,415 5,214 25,000 23,800 10,000 79,235 0 161,664 Executive Administrati n B �- • - L'_' ` � . Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: By �o,.e�'�. �*--� — -� Form Approved by City Atto�ney: � Paul to DEPARTMEN'f/OFFICECOUNCd DAiEQ�ITfATED C • ` � �Y-l� ciryp.ttoine 11-23-98 GREEN SHEET NO. 32620 �al / �ate InNal / Date COMACLPERSON@PHDNE �t DEPARTMENfDREC't'OR � �5 Cff'YCAUNQI. ClaytonRobinson 266-8710 ,"�„�,; "� � crrYarroar� �— � crnccEiuc MUS'fBE0NC0[1NCdAGENDABY(DATE) � �2 FINANCIALSERVICESUIR � flN.&MGf.SIItVICESDIR � MAYOR(ORASSISi - � CtIIEFACCOUYfANT TOTAL # OF SIGNATL7RE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATiJRE) ACI'IONRF12UES"fED Approval of resolution amending the 1998 budget of City Attomey's Office to utilize grant funds to continue the Domestic Assault Video Squad and the Criminal Case Tracking System. RECOMI.fENDATTONS: Apprave (A) or R9a[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MI1ST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNWGCOMSUSSION 1. Has this person/finn ever worked under a contract for this departrnenY? cm cohmarrEe YES NO C[vII. SeRViCe coNmnss[oN 2. Ha5 this person/fivn ever been a ciTy employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a slall not nomtally possessed by any curreni city employee? yES NO 4. Is this person / firm a targeted vendor? YFS NO (Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) INI'LIATING YROBLEM,15S[JE, OYPORTIRJl]'Y (Who, Whaz. NM1�rn. Whe*S �y) - There will not be sufficient budget authority to pay salaries of employees whose salaries are paid with Jusrice Department Grant funds for the Domestic Abuse Video program. -The 1999 budget for these Domesric Assault V ideo Program and the Crinrinal Case Tracking System is budgeted in special fund Activity #10202. For 1998, ffie same programs aze budgeted in General Fund Acriviry #00208. This budget amendment will make them consistent by zeroing out the 1998 balance in Activity #00208, and moving The spending/financing to Acrivity #10202. - The resolution pxovides the grant match needed to comply with Federal requirements. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Sufficient budget authoriry will be provided to pay for 1998 salaries of City Attomey giant-financed employees. There will be consistency between the 1998 and 1999 budget acriviries. The required grant match will be provided. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE6. None lrnown. DISADVANTAGESOFNOTAPPROVED. There will not be sufficient salary budget foi gant ac6viries financed with Federal funds. � �; ��� ��^ ;"�„r, ;-;;� as�Y : The grant match would have to be provided in the 1999 budget. oFc � � ��v� iOTALAMOUNfOFiRANSACLION _ 161 664 COS'�'1RE�'ENOESUDG};iID(CIIiCLEONEJ YES 130 mnwwcso,mc�e Federal Grant ncnvrrrmmmEx GL - 001 - 00200 - CAO General Operat. FINaNCVa.m�o�nnoN: �xru,w� GL - 001 - �0208 - CAO Crim. BIoCk Grant GL - 025 - 10202 - CAO Federal Grants ��� SalMPaulButlgetOiFlCe (h:WSers\butlgefl123vesolutT1998�wo-g'�t Council File # Q � q� Green Sheet 32620 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date �5 � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has received a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Bureau o` Justice 2 Administration (BJA) in the amount of $676,894; and 3 WHEREAS, the amount awarded to the City Attorney's Office is $214,200 (not including the grant match), to be a spent in fiscal year November 1, 1998, through October 31, 1999; and 5 WHEREAS, a match of $23,800 is required for the City Attorney's portion of the grant; and s WHEREAS, the City Attorney's Office has unspent 1998 salary money availabie from the deiay in hiring for vacancies 7 to cover the required grant match; and a WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter does certify that there are available for s appropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and �o WNEREAS, pursuant to Sections 10.07.3 and 1 �.�7.4 of the City Charter, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: �t FINANCING PLAN: t2 GL 001 General Fund �a 00208 City Attorney Criminal Block Grant ta 3101 Law Enforcement Asst. Justice �5 All Other Financing ts Total Activity Financing t7 GL 025 Gity Attorney Outside Services Fund �s 10202 City Attorney Federal Grants ts 7305 Transfer from Special Revenue Fund 20 7299 Transfer from General Fund 2� All Other Financing z2 Totaf Activity Financing SPENDING PLAN: z3 GL 001 General Fund za 00200 City Attorney-General Operations zs 0161 Salary Needs zs 0567 Transfer to Inter�al Service Fund 2� All Other Aclivity Spending zs Total Activiry Spending CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CF{ANGES BUDGET 206,232 (144,598) 61,634 0 0 0 206,232 (144,598) 61,634 0 � 0 116,592 0 3,646,172 3,762,764 zs 00208 City Attorney Criminal Block Grant ao 02'f 9 Fees - Other a� 0557 Transfer to General Fund 3z 0856 Data Processing Software 33 0857 Data Processing Hardware 34 All Other Activity Spending ss Total Activity Spending 25,000 30,000 10,000 79,235 61,634 205,869 0 137,864 23,800 � 161,664 (23,800) 23,800 0 0 (25,000) (30,000) (10,000) (79,235} 0 (144,235) 0 137,864 23,800 0 161,664 92,792 23,800 3,646,172 3,762,764 0 61.634 61,634 City Attomey 1998 Grant Resolution, Page 2 CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES 3s GL 025 City Attorney Outside Services Fund 37 10202 City Attorney Federal Grants 3a 0114 Full-Time Appointed 3s 0439 Fringe Benefits co 0219 Fees - Other a� 0558 Transfer to Special Revenue Fund az 0856 Data Processing Software a3 0857 Data Processing Hardware qa All Other Activity Spending as Total Activity 102�2 Spending � as RESOLVED, that the City Councii approves these changes to the 1995 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris f Lantry Reiter a Adopted by Gouncil: Date �,,,� \( �qq�' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By. � _ � Approved by Mayor; D BY: �I N , � n 0 0 0 0 18,415 5,214 25,000 23,800 10,000 79,235 0 161,664 Requested by Department of: ° AMENDED BUDGET 18,415 5,214 25,000 23,800 10,000 79,235 0 161,664 Executive Administrati n B �- • - L'_' ` � . Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: By �o,.e�'�. �*--� — -� Form Approved by City Atto�ney: � Paul to DEPARTMEN'f/OFFICECOUNCd DAiEQ�ITfATED C • ` � �Y-l� ciryp.ttoine 11-23-98 GREEN SHEET NO. 32620 �al / �ate InNal / Date COMACLPERSON@PHDNE �t DEPARTMENfDREC't'OR � �5 Cff'YCAUNQI. ClaytonRobinson 266-8710 ,"�„�,; "� � crrYarroar� �— � crnccEiuc MUS'fBE0NC0[1NCdAGENDABY(DATE) � �2 FINANCIALSERVICESUIR � flN.&MGf.SIItVICESDIR � MAYOR(ORASSISi - � CtIIEFACCOUYfANT TOTAL # OF SIGNATL7RE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATiJRE) ACI'IONRF12UES"fED Approval of resolution amending the 1998 budget of City Attomey's Office to utilize grant funds to continue the Domestic Assault Video Squad and the Criminal Case Tracking System. RECOMI.fENDATTONS: Apprave (A) or R9a[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MI1ST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNWGCOMSUSSION 1. Has this person/finn ever worked under a contract for this departrnenY? cm cohmarrEe YES NO C[vII. SeRViCe coNmnss[oN 2. Ha5 this person/fivn ever been a ciTy employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a slall not nomtally possessed by any curreni city employee? yES NO 4. Is this person / firm a targeted vendor? YFS NO (Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) INI'LIATING YROBLEM,15S[JE, OYPORTIRJl]'Y (Who, Whaz. NM1�rn. Whe*S �y) - There will not be sufficient budget authority to pay salaries of employees whose salaries are paid with Jusrice Department Grant funds for the Domestic Abuse Video program. -The 1999 budget for these Domesric Assault V ideo Program and the Crinrinal Case Tracking System is budgeted in special fund Activity #10202. For 1998, ffie same programs aze budgeted in General Fund Acriviry #00208. This budget amendment will make them consistent by zeroing out the 1998 balance in Activity #00208, and moving The spending/financing to Acrivity #10202. - The resolution pxovides the grant match needed to comply with Federal requirements. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Sufficient budget authoriry will be provided to pay for 1998 salaries of City Attomey giant-financed employees. There will be consistency between the 1998 and 1999 budget acriviries. The required grant match will be provided. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE6. None lrnown. DISADVANTAGESOFNOTAPPROVED. There will not be sufficient salary budget foi gant ac6viries financed with Federal funds. � �; ��� ��^ ;"�„r, ;-;;� as�Y : The grant match would have to be provided in the 1999 budget. oFc � � ��v� iOTALAMOUNfOFiRANSACLION _ 161 664 COS'�'1RE�'ENOESUDG};iID(CIIiCLEONEJ YES 130 mnwwcso,mc�e Federal Grant ncnvrrrmmmEx GL - 001 - 00200 - CAO General Operat. FINaNCVa.m�o�nnoN: �xru,w� GL - 001 - �0208 - CAO Crim. BIoCk Grant GL - 025 - 10202 - CAO Federal Grants ��� SalMPaulButlgetOiFlCe (h:WSers\butlgefl123vesolutT1998�wo-g'�t Council File # Q � q� Green Sheet 32620 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date �5 � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has received a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant from the Bureau o` Justice 2 Administration (BJA) in the amount of $676,894; and 3 WHEREAS, the amount awarded to the City Attorney's Office is $214,200 (not including the grant match), to be a spent in fiscal year November 1, 1998, through October 31, 1999; and 5 WHEREAS, a match of $23,800 is required for the City Attorney's portion of the grant; and s WHEREAS, the City Attorney's Office has unspent 1998 salary money availabie from the deiay in hiring for vacancies 7 to cover the required grant match; and a WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter does certify that there are available for s appropriation, revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and �o WNEREAS, pursuant to Sections 10.07.3 and 1 �.�7.4 of the City Charter, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1998 budget: �t FINANCING PLAN: t2 GL 001 General Fund �a 00208 City Attorney Criminal Block Grant ta 3101 Law Enforcement Asst. Justice �5 All Other Financing ts Total Activity Financing t7 GL 025 Gity Attorney Outside Services Fund �s 10202 City Attorney Federal Grants ts 7305 Transfer from Special Revenue Fund 20 7299 Transfer from General Fund 2� All Other Financing z2 Totaf Activity Financing SPENDING PLAN: z3 GL 001 General Fund za 00200 City Attorney-General Operations zs 0161 Salary Needs zs 0567 Transfer to Inter�al Service Fund 2� All Other Aclivity Spending zs Total Activiry Spending CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CF{ANGES BUDGET 206,232 (144,598) 61,634 0 0 0 206,232 (144,598) 61,634 0 � 0 116,592 0 3,646,172 3,762,764 zs 00208 City Attorney Criminal Block Grant ao 02'f 9 Fees - Other a� 0557 Transfer to General Fund 3z 0856 Data Processing Software 33 0857 Data Processing Hardware 34 All Other Activity Spending ss Total Activity Spending 25,000 30,000 10,000 79,235 61,634 205,869 0 137,864 23,800 � 161,664 (23,800) 23,800 0 0 (25,000) (30,000) (10,000) (79,235} 0 (144,235) 0 137,864 23,800 0 161,664 92,792 23,800 3,646,172 3,762,764 0 61.634 61,634 City Attomey 1998 Grant Resolution, Page 2 CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES 3s GL 025 City Attorney Outside Services Fund 37 10202 City Attorney Federal Grants 3a 0114 Full-Time Appointed 3s 0439 Fringe Benefits co 0219 Fees - Other a� 0558 Transfer to Special Revenue Fund az 0856 Data Processing Software a3 0857 Data Processing Hardware qa All Other Activity Spending as Total Activity 102�2 Spending � as RESOLVED, that the City Councii approves these changes to the 1995 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Blakey Bostrom Coleman Harris f Lantry Reiter a Adopted by Gouncil: Date �,,,� \( �qq�' Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By. � _ � Approved by Mayor; D BY: �I N , � n 0 0 0 0 18,415 5,214 25,000 23,800 10,000 79,235 0 161,664 Requested by Department of: ° AMENDED BUDGET 18,415 5,214 25,000 23,800 10,000 79,235 0 161,664 Executive Administrati n B �- • - L'_' ` � . Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: By �o,.e�'�. �*--� — -� Form Approved by City Atto�ney: � Paul to DEPARTMEN'f/OFFICECOUNCd DAiEQ�ITfATED C • ` � �Y-l� ciryp.ttoine 11-23-98 GREEN SHEET NO. 32620 �al / �ate InNal / Date COMACLPERSON@PHDNE �t DEPARTMENfDREC't'OR � �5 Cff'YCAUNQI. ClaytonRobinson 266-8710 ,"�„�,; "� � crrYarroar� �— � crnccEiuc MUS'fBE0NC0[1NCdAGENDABY(DATE) � �2 FINANCIALSERVICESUIR � flN.&MGf.SIItVICESDIR � MAYOR(ORASSISi - � CtIIEFACCOUYfANT TOTAL # OF SIGNATL7RE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATiJRE) ACI'IONRF12UES"fED Approval of resolution amending the 1998 budget of City Attomey's Office to utilize grant funds to continue the Domestic Assault Video Squad and the Criminal Case Tracking System. RECOMI.fENDATTONS: Apprave (A) or R9a[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MI1ST ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNWGCOMSUSSION 1. Has this person/finn ever worked under a contract for this departrnenY? cm cohmarrEe YES NO C[vII. SeRViCe coNmnss[oN 2. Ha5 this person/fivn ever been a ciTy employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a slall not nomtally possessed by any curreni city employee? yES NO 4. Is this person / firm a targeted vendor? YFS NO (Explain aIl yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) INI'LIATING YROBLEM,15S[JE, OYPORTIRJl]'Y (Who, Whaz. NM1�rn. Whe*S �y) - There will not be sufficient budget authority to pay salaries of employees whose salaries are paid with Jusrice Department Grant funds for the Domestic Abuse Video program. -The 1999 budget for these Domesric Assault V ideo Program and the Crinrinal Case Tracking System is budgeted in special fund Activity #10202. For 1998, ffie same programs aze budgeted in General Fund Acriviry #00208. This budget amendment will make them consistent by zeroing out the 1998 balance in Activity #00208, and moving The spending/financing to Acrivity #10202. - The resolution pxovides the grant match needed to comply with Federal requirements. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Sufficient budget authoriry will be provided to pay for 1998 salaries of City Attomey giant-financed employees. There will be consistency between the 1998 and 1999 budget acriviries. The required grant match will be provided. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVE6. None lrnown. DISADVANTAGESOFNOTAPPROVED. There will not be sufficient salary budget foi gant ac6viries financed with Federal funds. � �; ��� ��^ ;"�„r, ;-;;� as�Y : The grant match would have to be provided in the 1999 budget. oFc � � ��v� iOTALAMOUNfOFiRANSACLION _ 161 664 COS'�'1RE�'ENOESUDG};iID(CIIiCLEONEJ YES 130 mnwwcso,mc�e Federal Grant ncnvrrrmmmEx GL - 001 - 00200 - CAO General Operat. FINaNCVa.m�o�nnoN: �xru,w� GL - 001 - �0208 - CAO Crim. BIoCk Grant GL - 025 - 10202 - CAO Federal Grants ��� SalMPaulButlgetOiFlCe (h:WSers\butlgefl123vesolutT1998�wo-g'�t