98-1097oR���NAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1� i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councii consents to and approves of the z reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the 5AINT PAi7L a CULTURAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM. 4 s Member Rep�esentine 6 7 Lois West Du�y Saint Paut Business Community s 9 � Sarah S. Lutman Samuel O. Verdeja Council File # �g � �Qq� Green Sheet # �aR° �. RE.SOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'f PAUL, NIINNFSOTA Philanthropic Organization At-Large Representative Term Ex�iration December 31, 2001 December 31, 2000 December 31, 2001 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 Requeated by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved 2- � Form Approved by City Attorney • g�•e � �- �!�%gYYC��- Approved by Mayor fo Submission to Council / � A r /( w By: Adopted by Council: Date Q� \� 1°�`�� Coleman's Office Quintela 266-8529 11-30-98 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET ce..R,rB�r oaEeroie dl�- �o �,'� r,o 62704 ?�.z= _;"_, o�..�, ❑�.�_ ❑.,�,�� ❑��,.�a o W���.,��, ❑ (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the reappointments of Lois West Duffy, Sarah Lutman and Samuel Vexdeja to serve on the Saint Paul �ultural Capital Investment Program. �.:� PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED Ad10UNT OF TRANSACTIQE( S SOURCE (EXPWN) Has this pe�w��m ever w+orked under a caMraG far this depaRment7 VES NO Hss tnis o��rm ever teen a cdv emwovee9 YES NO Dces Nis persaNfirm possess a skill not nwmaltyposaessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO Is Mis persoNfirm a targeted ventloYt YES NO CAST/REVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTMTY NUAIBER ��d��'si F�¢�e��mh C;�r::Qr f �,�' �� :.i �l�' Interdepartmental Memorandum C1TY OF SAINT PAUL TO: S int PaLI Gitv GoLUCimem�ers Council Preside�rt Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Cluis Coleman Councilmember Milce Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter . FROM: Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor � DATE: December i, 1998 RE: Saint Paul Cultural Capital Investment Program (CIP) Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be reappointed to serve on the Saint Paul Culturat Capital Investment Program (CIl'). Lois West Duffy Saral► S. Lutman Samuei Verdeja Attached is a copy of the resoludon and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary, 1994. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8529. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Martha Faust, PED Bob Hammer, PED A1 Lovejoy, PED IvTichelle Swanson, PED H:IUSERSV.pRROYNWPFILESKMP*EM.fXJC 9 f�-tio°�'l 11-30-98 C019iZTTEE APPLZCAN'l5 REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : CIP Capital Investment Frograva FOR APPLICATIONS DATBD AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCAtiT / REFERENCB OOMMENTS 003241 Beverage, Bob 1846 Summit Aoenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Some - 690-1324 Theatre Artiat WARD PLANNING SENATB APP DATE fiTH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHBR COMMITTBES SERVING ON) �--- ----�--� ------�� -------- --- --- --- 4 14 il/19/96 W M Ian Gallandr 698 Dayton Avenue, 5510d h) 228-9391 w) 341-0882 Eilene Wianiewski 624 Dayton Avenue, #1, 55104 h) 290-2702 w) 224-1193 Ron Peluso 4207 Cedar Lake Road St. Louis Park, MN 55416 h) 922-8331 w) 292-4325 0034T5 Contreras, isaac F. 365 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Aome - (651) 224-4274 Fiaancial Advisor 2 3 09f15f98 H M Capital Budget Committee 9-15-98 Capital Cultural Coamittee Rick Aguilar 602 Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 (w) (651) 292-9574 Ger Vang 1073 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 (w) (651) 771-1773 Lupe Serrano 221 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MTt 55107 (h) (651) 22']-7150 003104 Jerbi, Scott #108 1980 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 659-6034 Program CoordinatorJWilder 2 9 12/O1/95 W M at g -l�q'� 11-30-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 2 COMHITT&E : CTP Capital Investment Program FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTSR O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFEREtiCE COtR�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATS AYP DATE ETA GELI DIS DZSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTS85 SERVING ON) �___ __-�____ ________ ________ ___ ___ __� Don Luna 599 Gorman Avenue h) 228-9743 w) 641-8748 Toufong Vanq 120 Zowa Ave. W., #11 St. Paul, 55117 h) 489-2843 w) 229-1900 Sa11y Brown 911 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) b44-9$62 w) 642-4091 003103 Lydon, Mary M. 1857 Fairn+ont Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-4918 Riohard Parnel c/o Firetar Bank 386 N. Wabasha. St. 100, 55101 h) 646-3235 w) 224-2423 Malcolm McDonald c/o Space Center 451 &. Induatrial Blvd., 55413 w) 362-4202 Lauren Seqal president united Way of St. Paul Area 166 8. 4th St., Ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-8383 003093 Pilko, Victoria #302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Aome - 844-8468 Realtor 12/O1/95 W F 11(27/95 W F Kathy Phillipa V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 698-2431 °tsr- lo°�'� 11-30-95 COMlfITTEE APPLICANTS RSPORT PAGE 3 APPLICAHTS.RPT COHMITTEE : CIP Capital inveatment Program FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT J REFER8NC8 CO24�NTS WARD PLANNIN6 SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTAER COMI4ITT&SS SBRVINC ON) --------°--------------------��--- ---- °------ -------- ��------ --- --- --- Georgia Anderaon 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 698-8298 q� 11-30-98 C0t4i2TT8E APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COtIIdITTEE : D�C District Bnergy FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT / RBFSRENCE CO244,NTS 003515 Crepeau, Henry J. Merrill Lynch 3400 tmi Wor1d Trade Center 30 $ast 7th Street St. Paul, HIN 551D1 Work - 298-1770 Financial Coneultant WARD PLANNIN6 SENATS APY DATE ETH GEN DZS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMHITTfiES SERVING ON) -°- ---�---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 09/18/98 U M 9-18-98 Dietrict Energy St. Paul, Inc. Marcia Fink V.P.-Education-St. Paul Chamber Ste. N-205 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 223-SQQO Gene Rancone 1021 Sibley Memorial Hwy., #208 h) 687-9185 8.0. Hart 2289 Lilac Lane White Bear Lake, MN h) 429-2803 w) 338-0015 003517 Fremder, Georqe Minnesota Life 400 N. Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 665-3545 2nd V.P., Minnesota Life 9-18-98 Diatrict Energy Robert L. Senkler 400 Robert Street N. St. Paul, MN 55101-2098 h) 483-7748 w) 665-3455 Dick Zehring 744 Osceola Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105-3326 09f18/98 W M Bill Buth W-2950 First National Bank Building St. Paul, MN 55101-1379 oR���NAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1� i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councii consents to and approves of the z reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the 5AINT PAi7L a CULTURAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM. 4 s Member Rep�esentine 6 7 Lois West Du�y Saint Paut Business Community s 9 � Sarah S. Lutman Samuel O. Verdeja Council File # �g � �Qq� Green Sheet # �aR° �. RE.SOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'f PAUL, NIINNFSOTA Philanthropic Organization At-Large Representative Term Ex�iration December 31, 2001 December 31, 2000 December 31, 2001 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 Requeated by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved 2- � Form Approved by City Attorney • g�•e � �- �!�%gYYC��- Approved by Mayor fo Submission to Council / � A r /( w By: Adopted by Council: Date Q� \� 1°�`�� Coleman's Office Quintela 266-8529 11-30-98 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET ce..R,rB�r oaEeroie dl�- �o �,'� r,o 62704 ?�.z= _;"_, o�..�, ❑�.�_ ❑.,�,�� ❑��,.�a o W���.,��, ❑ (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the reappointments of Lois West Duffy, Sarah Lutman and Samuel Vexdeja to serve on the Saint Paul �ultural Capital Investment Program. �.:� PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED Ad10UNT OF TRANSACTIQE( S SOURCE (EXPWN) Has this pe�w��m ever w+orked under a caMraG far this depaRment7 VES NO Hss tnis o��rm ever teen a cdv emwovee9 YES NO Dces Nis persaNfirm possess a skill not nwmaltyposaessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO Is Mis persoNfirm a targeted ventloYt YES NO CAST/REVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTMTY NUAIBER ��d��'si F�¢�e��mh C;�r::Qr f �,�' �� :.i �l�' Interdepartmental Memorandum C1TY OF SAINT PAUL TO: S int PaLI Gitv GoLUCimem�ers Council Preside�rt Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Cluis Coleman Councilmember Milce Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter . FROM: Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor � DATE: December i, 1998 RE: Saint Paul Cultural Capital Investment Program (CIP) Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be reappointed to serve on the Saint Paul Culturat Capital Investment Program (CIl'). Lois West Duffy Saral► S. Lutman Samuei Verdeja Attached is a copy of the resoludon and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary, 1994. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8529. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Martha Faust, PED Bob Hammer, PED A1 Lovejoy, PED IvTichelle Swanson, PED H:IUSERSV.pRROYNWPFILESKMP*EM.fXJC 9 f�-tio°�'l 11-30-98 C019iZTTEE APPLZCAN'l5 REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : CIP Capital Investment Frograva FOR APPLICATIONS DATBD AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCAtiT / REFERENCB OOMMENTS 003241 Beverage, Bob 1846 Summit Aoenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Some - 690-1324 Theatre Artiat WARD PLANNING SENATB APP DATE fiTH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHBR COMMITTBES SERVING ON) �--- ----�--� ------�� -------- --- --- --- 4 14 il/19/96 W M Ian Gallandr 698 Dayton Avenue, 5510d h) 228-9391 w) 341-0882 Eilene Wianiewski 624 Dayton Avenue, #1, 55104 h) 290-2702 w) 224-1193 Ron Peluso 4207 Cedar Lake Road St. Louis Park, MN 55416 h) 922-8331 w) 292-4325 0034T5 Contreras, isaac F. 365 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Aome - (651) 224-4274 Fiaancial Advisor 2 3 09f15f98 H M Capital Budget Committee 9-15-98 Capital Cultural Coamittee Rick Aguilar 602 Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 (w) (651) 292-9574 Ger Vang 1073 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 (w) (651) 771-1773 Lupe Serrano 221 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MTt 55107 (h) (651) 22']-7150 003104 Jerbi, Scott #108 1980 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 659-6034 Program CoordinatorJWilder 2 9 12/O1/95 W M at g -l�q'� 11-30-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 2 COMHITT&E : CTP Capital Investment Program FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTSR O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFEREtiCE COtR�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATS AYP DATE ETA GELI DIS DZSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTS85 SERVING ON) �___ __-�____ ________ ________ ___ ___ __� Don Luna 599 Gorman Avenue h) 228-9743 w) 641-8748 Toufong Vanq 120 Zowa Ave. W., #11 St. Paul, 55117 h) 489-2843 w) 229-1900 Sa11y Brown 911 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) b44-9$62 w) 642-4091 003103 Lydon, Mary M. 1857 Fairn+ont Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-4918 Riohard Parnel c/o Firetar Bank 386 N. Wabasha. St. 100, 55101 h) 646-3235 w) 224-2423 Malcolm McDonald c/o Space Center 451 &. Induatrial Blvd., 55413 w) 362-4202 Lauren Seqal president united Way of St. Paul Area 166 8. 4th St., Ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-8383 003093 Pilko, Victoria #302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Aome - 844-8468 Realtor 12/O1/95 W F 11(27/95 W F Kathy Phillipa V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 698-2431 °tsr- lo°�'� 11-30-95 COMlfITTEE APPLICANTS RSPORT PAGE 3 APPLICAHTS.RPT COHMITTEE : CIP Capital inveatment Program FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT J REFER8NC8 CO24�NTS WARD PLANNIN6 SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTAER COMI4ITT&SS SBRVINC ON) --------°--------------------��--- ---- °------ -------- ��------ --- --- --- Georgia Anderaon 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 698-8298 q� 11-30-98 C0t4i2TT8E APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COtIIdITTEE : D�C District Bnergy FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT / RBFSRENCE CO244,NTS 003515 Crepeau, Henry J. Merrill Lynch 3400 tmi Wor1d Trade Center 30 $ast 7th Street St. Paul, HIN 551D1 Work - 298-1770 Financial Coneultant WARD PLANNIN6 SENATS APY DATE ETH GEN DZS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMHITTfiES SERVING ON) -°- ---�---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 09/18/98 U M 9-18-98 Dietrict Energy St. Paul, Inc. Marcia Fink V.P.-Education-St. Paul Chamber Ste. N-205 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 223-SQQO Gene Rancone 1021 Sibley Memorial Hwy., #208 h) 687-9185 8.0. Hart 2289 Lilac Lane White Bear Lake, MN h) 429-2803 w) 338-0015 003517 Fremder, Georqe Minnesota Life 400 N. Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 665-3545 2nd V.P., Minnesota Life 9-18-98 Diatrict Energy Robert L. Senkler 400 Robert Street N. St. Paul, MN 55101-2098 h) 483-7748 w) 665-3455 Dick Zehring 744 Osceola Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105-3326 09f18/98 W M Bill Buth W-2950 First National Bank Building St. Paul, MN 55101-1379 oR���NAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1� i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councii consents to and approves of the z reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the 5AINT PAi7L a CULTURAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM. 4 s Member Rep�esentine 6 7 Lois West Du�y Saint Paut Business Community s 9 � Sarah S. Lutman Samuel O. Verdeja Council File # �g � �Qq� Green Sheet # �aR° �. RE.SOLUTION CITY OF SAIN'f PAUL, NIINNFSOTA Philanthropic Organization At-Large Representative Term Ex�iration December 31, 2001 December 31, 2000 December 31, 2001 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 Requeated by Department of: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved 2- � Form Approved by City Attorney • g�•e � �- �!�%gYYC��- Approved by Mayor fo Submission to Council / � A r /( w By: Adopted by Council: Date Q� \� 1°�`�� Coleman's Office Quintela 266-8529 11-30-98 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET ce..R,rB�r oaEeroie dl�- �o �,'� r,o 62704 ?�.z= _;"_, o�..�, ❑�.�_ ❑.,�,�� ❑��,.�a o W���.,��, ❑ (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the reappointments of Lois West Duffy, Sarah Lutman and Samuel Vexdeja to serve on the Saint Paul �ultural Capital Investment Program. �.:� PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED Ad10UNT OF TRANSACTIQE( S SOURCE (EXPWN) Has this pe�w��m ever w+orked under a caMraG far this depaRment7 VES NO Hss tnis o��rm ever teen a cdv emwovee9 YES NO Dces Nis persaNfirm possess a skill not nwmaltyposaessed by any curtent city employee? YES NO Is Mis persoNfirm a targeted ventloYt YES NO CAST/REVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO ACTMTY NUAIBER ��d��'si F�¢�e��mh C;�r::Qr f �,�' �� :.i �l�' Interdepartmental Memorandum C1TY OF SAINT PAUL TO: S int PaLI Gitv GoLUCimem�ers Council Preside�rt Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Cluis Coleman Councilmember Milce Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter . FROM: Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor � DATE: December i, 1998 RE: Saint Paul Cultural Capital Investment Program (CIP) Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be reappointed to serve on the Saint Paul Culturat Capital Investment Program (CIl'). Lois West Duffy Saral► S. Lutman Samuei Verdeja Attached is a copy of the resoludon and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 7anuary, 1994. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-8529. AQ:drm Attachments c: Nancy Anderson, Council Research Martha Faust, PED Bob Hammer, PED A1 Lovejoy, PED IvTichelle Swanson, PED H:IUSERSV.pRROYNWPFILESKMP*EM.fXJC 9 f�-tio°�'l 11-30-98 C019iZTTEE APPLZCAN'l5 REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : CIP Capital Investment Frograva FOR APPLICATIONS DATBD AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCAtiT / REFERENCB OOMMENTS 003241 Beverage, Bob 1846 Summit Aoenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Some - 690-1324 Theatre Artiat WARD PLANNING SENATB APP DATE fiTH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHBR COMMITTBES SERVING ON) �--- ----�--� ------�� -------- --- --- --- 4 14 il/19/96 W M Ian Gallandr 698 Dayton Avenue, 5510d h) 228-9391 w) 341-0882 Eilene Wianiewski 624 Dayton Avenue, #1, 55104 h) 290-2702 w) 224-1193 Ron Peluso 4207 Cedar Lake Road St. Louis Park, MN 55416 h) 922-8331 w) 292-4325 0034T5 Contreras, isaac F. 365 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Aome - (651) 224-4274 Fiaancial Advisor 2 3 09f15f98 H M Capital Budget Committee 9-15-98 Capital Cultural Coamittee Rick Aguilar 602 Smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 (w) (651) 292-9574 Ger Vang 1073 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 (w) (651) 771-1773 Lupe Serrano 221 E. Curtice Street St. Paul, MTt 55107 (h) (651) 22']-7150 003104 Jerbi, Scott #108 1980 W. 7th Street St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 659-6034 Program CoordinatorJWilder 2 9 12/O1/95 W M at g -l�q'� 11-30-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 2 COMHITT&E : CTP Capital Investment Program FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTSR O1/O1/94 APPLICANT J REFEREtiCE COtR�SENTS WARD PLANNING SENATS AYP DATE ETA GELI DIS DZSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTS85 SERVING ON) �___ __-�____ ________ ________ ___ ___ __� Don Luna 599 Gorman Avenue h) 228-9743 w) 641-8748 Toufong Vanq 120 Zowa Ave. W., #11 St. Paul, 55117 h) 489-2843 w) 229-1900 Sa11y Brown 911 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) b44-9$62 w) 642-4091 003103 Lydon, Mary M. 1857 Fairn+ont Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-4918 Riohard Parnel c/o Firetar Bank 386 N. Wabasha. St. 100, 55101 h) 646-3235 w) 224-2423 Malcolm McDonald c/o Space Center 451 &. Induatrial Blvd., 55413 w) 362-4202 Lauren Seqal president united Way of St. Paul Area 166 8. 4th St., Ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 291-8383 003093 Pilko, Victoria #302 421 E. Travelers Trail Burnsville, MN 55337 Aome - 844-8468 Realtor 12/O1/95 W F 11(27/95 W F Kathy Phillipa V.P., Burnet Realty 897 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 690-8595 w) 698-2431 °tsr- lo°�'� 11-30-95 COMlfITTEE APPLICANTS RSPORT PAGE 3 APPLICAHTS.RPT COHMITTEE : CIP Capital inveatment Program FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT J REFER8NC8 CO24�NTS WARD PLANNIN6 SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTAER COMI4ITT&SS SBRVINC ON) --------°--------------------��--- ---- °------ -------- ��------ --- --- --- Georgia Anderaon 984 St. Paul Ave., 55116 h) 698-8298 q� 11-30-98 C0t4i2TT8E APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COtIIdITTEE : D�C District Bnergy FOR APPLICATIONS DATSD AFTER O1fOlf94 APPLICANT / RBFSRENCE CO244,NTS 003515 Crepeau, Henry J. Merrill Lynch 3400 tmi Wor1d Trade Center 30 $ast 7th Street St. Paul, HIN 551D1 Work - 298-1770 Financial Coneultant WARD PLANNIN6 SENATS APY DATE ETH GEN DZS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMHITTfiES SERVING ON) -°- ---�---- -------- -------- --- --- --- 09/18/98 U M 9-18-98 Dietrict Energy St. Paul, Inc. Marcia Fink V.P.-Education-St. Paul Chamber Ste. N-205 St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 223-SQQO Gene Rancone 1021 Sibley Memorial Hwy., #208 h) 687-9185 8.0. Hart 2289 Lilac Lane White Bear Lake, MN h) 429-2803 w) 338-0015 003517 Fremder, Georqe Minnesota Life 400 N. Robert Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 665-3545 2nd V.P., Minnesota Life 9-18-98 Diatrict Energy Robert L. Senkler 400 Robert Street N. St. Paul, MN 55101-2098 h) 483-7748 w) 665-3455 Dick Zehring 744 Osceola Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105-3326 09f18/98 W M Bill Buth W-2950 First National Bank Building St. Paul, MN 55101-1379