98-1095ORlGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �a i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, z made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the NEW AMERICANS ADVISORY s COMII�IITTEE. 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 ii iz 13 ia is 16 17 18 19 Ms. J. Mignon Bergs shall serve the remainder of Linda Iames' unexpired tenn. Her tetm shall expire on May 1, 2000. Nigatu Tadesse shall serve the remait�der of Hoa Thi Thu Bury's une�ired term. This term shall expire on May i, 1999. Bee Vang shall serve the remainder of Xai Yang's une�cpired term. This term expires on May 1, 1999. Tzy Lee Ya shall serve the refr�ainder of Pao Choua Van�'s unexpired term. This term shall expire an Map 1, 1999. � Sirad Osman shall serve a two-year term which will eacpire on May 1, 2000. 20 21 2 2 Requested by Department oE: By: Adoption Certified by Cauncil Secretary By: � . 1� Approved by Mayo • ate Z�P � By: Council File # 1 � � qs Green Sheet # � �� RESOLUT`ION CITY OF SAINI' PAUL, NIINNFSOTA Adopted by Council: Date R�, \(. �q Form Approved by City Attorney By: � '�—�/S 9g - taqs GREEN SHEET Alberto Quintela (266-8529) TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Approval o£ the appointments of 3. Mignon Bergs, Nigatu Tadesse, Bee Vang, Tzy Lee Ya and Sirad Osman. to serve on the New Americans Advisory Committee. w PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION oa�..�s micc�o. � anwnoxitv ❑ anaFaK ❑ Ai01iC1�19ER10Ef 00L ❑ RILIiCiRLlF.R1I/AGCIC � WvatlatwmAxry ❑ {CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has this person/firm ever xrorked under a conhad for this deparGnent� YES NO Hes this peison/Artn ever been a city employee? YES NO Dces Mis persoNfirm possess a sltill not nortnallypossesseU by any curzent city employee? YES NO Is tliis persoNfirm a tarD� �ndoR YES NO �lain all ves answeis on sena2te sheet and attach to nreen sheet n,o 62707 ntvwuxcz � ����� ���������� Q.ti° �. � � AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRGLE ON� YES NO ACTNITY NUlIBER (ocPwM ��- loqs Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav CounciUnember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Counciimember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter _ FROM: DATE: RE: Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor December 4, 1998 New Americans Advisory Committee � ��coX ����"� ���~{ F � ,�'� � `���$ � �� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appoitrtments of the following individuals to serve on the New Americans Advisory Committee. J. Mignon Bergs Tzy Lee Ya Nigatu Tadesse Sirad Osman Bee Vang Attached is a copy of the resolution, copies of their applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 1994. Feel free to contact to me at 266-8529 if you wish to discuss these appointments. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson Hoa Young H1USERSWIORR0IMW PFILESWAAC.CNC EXPO II Fax�6122935465� Sep 21 '98 3� l S OFFICE OF'THE MAYOR C/� 390 CTIY HALL � SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 2bb-8513 Name: HomeA Tzlephone Number. Planning District Council: Preferred Maiting Address What is your oecupation? Piace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: 12�11 P.02 a�s• 1�g5 -' t _ � _� • , I: �u , ,� 1 \a � .:� 1 Ciry Council Ward: �'(A rn2 CJ S a�o�Ue �, �'v L� EYr� �tS� nc a�LarYl L0.�iUL?SP r�4��� 1 What skills, training or ezperience do you possess for the committee(5) for which you seek appointment? � (OVER) Rev. 8-5-9 i Street City Zip The information included in this applicat+on is considered private data actording to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resutt, this informntion is not released to the generai public. EXPO IZ �1ame: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Fhone: Fax�6122935465 Sep 21 '98 12�12 : �►: : 7 : ► � ���r �. Address: �o � 1 V . l`t Phone: �yme'� 4 ��a�{- I�r i✓�G;,/�2-1 �� , �cu� l �.,1 ! lLVnrkl I �GSr� ]�.q � 0 P.03 � q� -�OgS .� � �� ) \ Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: tf� QXL L.�7 �'�'QVY I� �-u- In an attempt to ensure that committee represen[ation reflects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicabte to you. This information is strictly voluotary. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or PaciGc Islander American Indian or Alaskan E9Ecimo Male � Female Date of Birth: �� � � �v — i0 b — Disab]ed: Yes No � If spetiat accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? �r � vu i U ��� ur i�-�. ��--- 9 -t9-9g Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making applitaYion? If so, when, and the circumstances� ���1� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 ,�� `��'• t°gr OCT 2 2 i998 �lAYOR'� O�flCi Name: �12A� (�SM�Hv HomeAddress: 1 Foa�7 P�t21cG�lA�y ST. PAuL. S$7/6 Street City Zip TelephoneNumber: (Fiomel 699-93 (Work) g�ts'-2�2`J (FAX) 22�-734-5 Planning District Council: 6H��✓� �15T2 /cT CouNyL City Council �Vard: 3 PreferredMailingAddress: �7SL� �k.D �q�2k'tdAfi� S? OA'uL�� M.i� S,S�//� What is your occupation? Place of Employme�t: Committee(s) Applied For: En�i OLo y�ciea� C'�u,rsE/�2 Ml,vnEkVoLif y�✓p S%. O.truL Me�w •�n /+.DVisa2y GpMn�,� j T'�E C�r� Ac l What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 1• il-l31LiTy �o A5515T NE1.0 IMn�i6R.aMTS !N ST. (�quL a-xd MIWNEA�PoCES n BEC�r..te E g l PQOVlDIN(q VOGqTldNRL MS£SSM�N% A7✓D C-91.cNSEL�NC�� 12 JN Nl 1PC7 n. � CS D£vEGopn1ENT �.D Pl.t+�E-n-aE�vT. Z. (,� v�-KED F�IZ l.t�Vi iF MATtos'S FN6l� Cor�n�lSS[ON Fo�2 R.�Fur'iE�? �Gl.VEJG,Q) i,v R.EFu4r'� Csh,apr {H'�! (-�'DCGJES 5�I/L�A�- ���F�rA'�S ryGFu�IEES �KBYN DIF�E�EN� G�NT2(�llN q�/L(Lf�. 3. ,Mgru� aa�A Ex/�E2rE�vGE t�o2k.r�✓C� Gv�TH .D�SO�•�b �GCt lia�yy �/�toub✓J l2s�+'IiTioaRL P�oD sFBELoc�?�o�v�tav� fLgS�T%LEn-rE�✓l. l( �. —[.vEGL o2G.�ivtZ£ qd3lL/� To Da.loQiTtZE —�Enw� OLsyyER D2 sts3LE i wo2sc l — (�-oNEST� GJ�'PEP/DrrliLE� Nxs.� Lu6�'�H4 — F►" � Y !o W9p-k (.st� D fVE - lGSE �o — SEKl/ f/UE !'o PEn j�LEl' NE£�S� �GT� UE LtSTHECZ , The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the genera! public. ����, (O VER) Rev. 8-5-97 PETiSONAL REFERENCE4 Name: �� t- M• M,qR.TI aSa� i 6. S• t� . Address: _ W ES i SCvEnrt H C'�-�v� �'1 G��Eft- /NG l3a� w. H�tY�d Oz�� Phone: Name: (Hom) 4SS-$1`l0 (�o� �9p _ Sonr,D2,a �, �Yl-u22 Address: /� S W "�,�o42rtY•��V}.,VIUG`f�.d/TY B'F /i?/ivNESo%A� 26S �ivE/,Dst S%' Si Osrc.L Phone: jHomel 6�19- �.S�2q ork) 2`l �- S�t 9 3 Name: (�t2S C�oL R�}-�a.ul , P/�G.e�tr,� �'�a2Dl�VR?LA¢ f�7�.D Address: IZ A'Y�; N._ ��NNER�OL(f� /LtN_,S,I"L�(� ____ _ Phone: (H°me�6/z ) S3 3-S3 �t{- �Work�(6'! Z) ,S'29- 33't2 Reasons foryour interest in this particular committee•Ctf /C� �^^PL°y^'�^iT Cvun�SELoK Wm�k*NG W�"Ri NEks FM�tE21G�iv �oPuLATtoN lnf Jo6 .DEvELoN�tE.v% JD/,S �Gs�cE'n-rE'ti?� Govs,�rse-UNy ,a-►r.c A�v�cE' �a e.r-2Eez. De�EGooiuc 1 CoucD �3e tcfE'{uG io I H'E Q-O[-� 9(-' e ffE /�itA C.(2) R-! iff�' Goi+�r�vr�TiEE /s �,Q,C�vTLy ST�cvyinrC� 11 Son�a+-i C�OMM�tiNI�I�j - Lt1YD RS R .S�n.,a�,, . 1 n����T a�.�o c�,,, �2I�Te Ta 1is Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? ��T— o�✓ � �t �b'�` ia-; l�aas (�.E�c-� d�.c.rN� Dcsc�.�ss�o�,. en. cssc� Rt3BUT .So/Yts� lntin.alG.e.�'i �N /Hi.velojq. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeap of our community; ptease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Whife (Caucasian) _� Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _�G Male Disabled: Yes Female No ✓ If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander � Date of Birth: � � • ( �' � How did you hear aboat this opening? 1 t c'� F'YtA'� MS {-�oR `'l oN< < ,�Y4S�ST�' I i 1�E'E MPt+�fl2 . NUV 1J�b/ ���g. � n -��� Vv 4� �O�+N / �' � wch3 Q-�- Ciry Counc;l Ward: Name_ ��"" °-�"� C�osS�e �� NtRTU J UCrtl,t � k[omeAddress: I�0\' ��ucweod T�I #1�8 �uq�h I�t�l SS'la3 � Street City _ z�p Telephone Number, Planning D;strict Council: Preferred Mail;ng Address: 'W hat is your occupation? Place oC Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: U UF �N Ht5 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 39U CITY AALL SAINT pAUL, MINN�S�TA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 2GG-8513 � �� � IAome) 6a I f`�pU rwork� bsi-�-a3-a�r� fFAX) bil x.13 iY5) ��� �Xle�is�on 0124231491 P.02ia3� RECEiVfD q � , Nav i s �sss 4`.s 0. l o y Q, �dw Ca�O r' �X+�e�sco� �� f c What skills, training or expatience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appo;ntroent? '= �`� ��+e�nn{eo.+a� a..d M.�ckbte�4Zfurc.( eX c�i NG�S. �TGtSL o��e e c � ��. �t� ! `+ f C �b.,op�ea� �Ccnya A�l �aµdq,} �ek Go e'�.c�. 1Y,� �s � wmt bor..� 4 d ra' S� �li. E'l-�,...ep y worKect �or �c �ea� Iw �rk: Cp awc� r��o Qb�a � 1�..1 � w�.-3�. 1 a..! S�Qat�. k M�x��o.,s. Cv2.� �e , w e`ra� ��rl�„ 1�wko�a L � � (�jQ.'} l N ��(g `C�..�v,tivr.. �w i p , � +�a.A d�Po�-'e.�,.F 2(,� . 4`"l l.0 (� �'�aofi�ewf . '/ '�P. �rv�c wo rk� no W.{'b I..+�m�o/t =�t<«, I�Nf u :tk.�OR �Q vf l.VV+�w�vM� _ V ✓t �a -� f 0+w Q l l S� �X ��Ls �'S S O �. lc l'F�C,. -� '�o . � L� t"�$ D L, q{�O /\ W Cio �1 2 In t u v �LIti E Lj C� ,� 6 �i � � �ou< <v, �� C A-e.1I� �, ed_v �w.. 2�ic..f� eti�-� �v A,..� �S� o vk � L�vW u� � _ _ � y ^ �-2 i H, h_ .1 1� �� 1� � . 7 � 1 � t- � .TUR �rrc,,.(R-- C w.....�c�.... R.4 I�.kFf�S�o� Get..e.Cri S '4" I.�.,,,. , C�,..re �f c«.e�( r � d The information included in tl�is flpplication is considered privatc data according to tfie Minnesot� Govcrnmeot Data Practices Act_ As a result, this information is not released to the general public. C.o w�.vn (OVER) Rev. 8-5-9- Nu� ����r u ur �N He5 6124231451 P.03iO3 Yame: I d�; � � �. ► �- - Address: z�� �fT�l� I`�afl � Fcx�es J`tVe S�' 1'���tJ -�(D� Yhone_ LFlomel ork 6 t a— 6�S — 32 � 2_ Name: JuA�n C . �oY'�no Address: �`I Ce��'�<<-t � a ll I'��O ���c�es f�vo . S� `�t�. nn,t�1 S'S(0�( Phone: (Fiomel ork) Name: AddreSS: Phone: fPfonnel (�Vork) ns for your interest in tl�is particular committee: � w�o�- /�(Vv t� R: C c.< < S�-�v ( � Cl ( S�4rf.. L�e�S' 2.Y er ,e nc'�, f._>S i vw :`p- � l O✓1 U� \ rw� vn.` q n rS '-tq , �1.�.� �..a �. , � �'f- �-��,.��- 41 �c.K�.� �r w . � � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? xf so, when, and the circumstances? ^,� t\OH-e In an attempt to ensure that cammittee representation reflecis the makeup o(oar community, please check ihe line applicable to you. This information is strictly votuntary. White (Caucasian) _� Black (African American) American Indian orAJaskan Eskimo � ltiSale Disab?ed: Yes Female No �_ Tfspecial accommodations are needed, ptease speciCy: � v, eSS aµ.� v� s � o.-, s s- k.os� 74oc.e � t wi..�....�.� r -ia .�. l�o Hispanic . Asian or Pscific Islander _ Date of Sirth: �� a �� �\ b � How did you hear about iliis opening? l���Q "C�'""'� S"� , �"'"—Q r`'`°�-�-(w �,`� e• J Tt�TAL P.05 °� �' • \09 S �-a-� P +� L�. a � c TOTRL P.03 , � fVUV-1G 11 • JJ Nsyn� � Haae Address: . � ?� Strcet vc000.�i.� r.e+c O1G GOb vD1J t'. b7/t�y q� - Io95 /Y!/V Zip �•••�, b 1'11yTVK J Wr1C.0 '•J OFFICE dF THE MAYOR 390 C1TY HALL S.AIPIT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55IO2 Phane: 266-8SZ5 FAX: 2b6-8513 e City Tetepbone Number. (Home1 �a�l �v5'3 �3 tWork) �/ `���3( ( tFA.XI � :�� f�2,' Planaing Distrsci Council: C�ty Council Ward: �LlIYI,Q�I,a.� Preferred M98iag Address: �� �/�� t�v` ' What ic pour occupation? �"'�''� ��� Place of Employmeat: Committee(s) Applied Fo�: �7 > _7 What skills, training or e=perieace do yoa poss�s for the COmmittee{s) for which you seek nppoiwtment' �-i-��Jo,r:� u�fonr. Do v�n�✓ri 0• ht, - da�,(if u,t-�,c�Q _,�,t �i ,,,��r,c c�.r�t,L� ti,tr� � {OYER) i2ev. 8-�-4; T'�TAL P.09 TOTRL P.02 The entormatioa included ia this application is considered private data accordiag to ihe Minnesota Governmeat Data Practices Act As x result, tAis information is not released to the genera2 public. NOV 20 '98 13�z4 FRMILY SERVICE INC. x�m�: l � 1/, . //I.ee. c� Add�: • i Yhoue: {Hl�ms�) �2, - �i ,� i Namt: � l I.f1/. A� �Addresa• L�L Phoae: • �ft�� �57- �.,2- ,l�tante: ��/?. � � /' ,Adtlress• _ �� �a �� /'.�/I.GC �Phonc: • [�La�e1_ �OcS� �.�c� Bc9sans for yotir Fntcrest in this i �rrie=: � �� DLG Gbo tl71J� z�. q�'-lo�, r��_ 0 �-- and -�icu� �cd �h2e. �o /,tc�b ruy6l� � Ia an attempt to eusure that committcs rcp�pe c8eck the iine apyltcabie to yaa. T6is InPoayy Whitn (Cancssixn) Black (Airirau American) Amerieaa Fndiaa oe Alttkan Eakin� Mate �,� F'emale Disabkd: Yca No � �f apecial acwmmodatlons are needed, plea� Bow did you hear about thic npening? tYN you4 /, 90, ia reflecfs t6e makeap of our como�unity, atrictty voluntacy. Hiapauic .�,,. Asian or Pa�e Ialander . Date of Birth: '�ll ��'��� ' 1 l.e l� YLf.Q, f.C�LGE�' �' d �• '�,Y G���L�r /� J I " TQTt� ,l � � 11!06i98 10�01 MCDON MGMT � 92668513 OCT-28-1998 10=26 ST PRUL MRYOR'S OFFICE ��l� � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SATNT PATJi,, MINNESOTA SS102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266•8513 9�- ioqs Name: Bee Vana " HomeAddress: 5_151 Nnrth 6uPRn noA,,,,A MinnPa n��,� Nrv 55aan Street City Zip Tetephone DTumber: Planning Disirict Council: Preferred Mailing Addresa: [gomel (612) 28 558-2299 j��(,�1} 5 5R-21 - City Council Ward: W6atisyauroccupatioa? Aseietant Manaaer P.H�M. place af Employmtnt: Committcc(s) Apptied For: � �_ St_ Paul Public Hou New Americane Commit What skills, training or e:perience do you pussess for the eommittee(s} for which you �eek appaintment? Graduated W1t1'! a Master O A1' s D q3ot� i n f7rhatl Ctyy�_s Snaak anR c r{ tp_ Enqlish Hmana Lao and �TfVPraan+ m�+ wnrti�� wir� m�S, � nm ; The information inetuded in t6is application is considered private dsta according to the Mi»neeota Government Data Pr�ctices Act. As a resuly this inPormation ia not released ta the general public. � N0.644 G�2 612 266 8513 P.05i06 {OVER) Rev. $-5-97 11i66/98 10�BL MCDON M6MT � 92668513 N0.644 D�3 OCT-28-1998 10�26 ST PRI� MAYOR'S OEFICE 612 266 0513 P.96i06 PERSONA,j�„j�;FERENCES lV `� Nam¢: .__ Patti Morano-Section 8 Proaram Manacfer Address: _� T02 E. �az,kson St,�Mankai-n. �iN SFnn�_z�Fq Phone: (Fiome) .� _' __�_ _ �1Vark1 (303) 387-8623 NAme: Rita Ander-Section 8 Proqram Manacrer Address: 480 Cedar St., Suite 300, St. Paul, MN 55201 Phone: Name: [Home) (W4rk,,(651) 298-5727 ext 3116 Joshoua Xlong-Pro�ram Manacier '�� � ' Y 11's!• Y1 '�• Phone: i�4mt) CWn�� (617) 721-oi22 Rensons for your interest in this paniculnr committee:.._gP i n rr e h 1 a t n ��n i rP i c c n e c rEa 1 a r°,� new Americans. Have you h�d previons contact w9th the committee for whicb you are making application? If so, when, and the circumata»ces? No In an attempt to ensure that eommitiea representatian reElects the makenp of oar community, please check the line appiicable ta you. This inPormation ie strictlr voluntary. White (Caucasian) Biack (African Americsn) Ameriu+n Indiaa ar Alaskan E�kimo _� Mnle Disabled: Yea Femalt No ,�_ If special necummodations nre needed, pleaSe spetify: Hispaaic xx Asian or Pacific Islander -''� •,- pate of BiTth: 11- 0 4- 6 6 How did you 1►eac xbout this opening? Hoa Yana contact�d me a t my i ob. TpTAL P.Oo 11i06i96 10:01 MCDON MGM7 � 92668513 BEE VANG N0.644 Ga4 1� ' ��q S � 151 North Queen Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55430 Phone: Work (651� 558-2179 Hame (612) 28?-9g68 EDUCATION Mankato State Univc�rsiry, Mankato, Minncsota Master of Arts Degree in Urban And Regiooal Studies; graduated 7une 1997 Northland College, As]iland, Wisconsin Bachetor of Arts D�gee in Business Administration; graduatecl December 1990 WORK EXPERIENCE Assistant Manager iII, P.H.M, McDonough Homes, St. Paul Public Housing, St. Paul, Minnesota September 1997 - present • Reduced rent,�l loss and maximized occupancy by renring vacant uniu as quickly as possible. ! Manag�d family devetopments and scattered site properties to maximize occupancy rates and tenant satis£action and W controlexpenses. 1 Maximized resident awareness of and compliance witii regulatione,lease obligations,rules and procedures; maximiz�d safety and secnrity, resident satisfsctinn and qualiry of life issues. ♦ Motivsted residents townrd sel£-sufficiency. Worked with Itesident Lutiativee and Service Coordinator Grant staff to provide infortnation for grant applioations and to accommodate programs and opportunities that promote self-sufficiency. ♦ Enforced Icx�e provisioiu and tules fairly and uniFormly; initiate legal ac�ioi� to remove residents who do not pay rent or compty wilh lease and rules or take othec aeaon to obcain compliance wirl� lease and rules. ♦ Coordinated and worked with other divisions within Resident Services and all other deparanents within the PHA to achieve PHA goals and PHMAP standards. a Warked with agencies, organizadons, neighborhood groups, 2dvocates and community issues ouuide of the PHA. ♦ Maximized PHA operating income through callection efforts and appropriate implementation of HUD regulation� regarding rent and other chazges. 11!06�98 10:01 MCDON MGMT � 92668513 N0.644 Ge5 �Q'� � Section 8- I�m, St. Paul Public Housing, St. Pau1, Minnesota May 199� - September 1H97 Conducted utility allowances survey. Interpreted for the Moving Forwazd Pragram and Section 8 iniake. Worked on revenue recapture. Regional Planning Iittem, Rogion Nine Developmeat Commiseion, Mankato, Minnesota September 1996 - May 1997 t Worked with Region Nine Developmcnt Comsnission scaff to conduct economic development projects survey. ♦ Cnnducted Regional Housing suney. t Conductedtenanu survey. Administrative intern, Mankato City Hall, Mankato, Minnesota Septemher 1995 - August 1996 + Conducted Fair Mazket Rent Execption Report. ♦ Revised the 1995 Annual Report and 1996 Actinn Plan. i Participated in the devcJopment of housing siudy. ♦ Conducted reseazch for the Community Development Specialist. Director of Hmang Cnitura] Center, Mount Senario College, Lsdysmith, Wisconsin August 1994 - July 1995 � Coordinated tectures on the Hmong culture to local schaols and conum�nities. ♦ Organized culmral events at Mount Senazio College. ♦ Assisted Southeast Asian students appli�d for Financial Aid. Naturalist 1 Program Aseistant II, Deparsment of Natural Resources, Wausau, Wiscansin May 1993 - Rngust 1994 ♦ Coordinated muld-cultural programs for Rih Moumain State Park in both Hmong and En�lish. • Made contact with the Wausau minoriry Qopulation. ♦ Presented interpretive programs in both Engtish and Hmon�. • Ptovided tour for the vnsitws. 1L06/98 10�01 �CDON MGMT � 92668513 N0.644 G2� ��• loqS School Liaison, Waussu Scbool Aistrict, Waasau, Wisconsin Au�ust 1941- May 1993 ! Promoted e�ctive tommunication and understanding among Southeast Asiaiis students and teachers. i TnterpTeted for Southeast Asiaits parenu at school conferences. • Tau�t Hmong to the Hnwthom Hills Elementary School staff. ♦ Assisted school staff in pmviding services to Southeast Asian atudanu. COMPLITER SKILLS ♦ Microsoft Windows 3.11/95, MS-DOS, WordPerfect 5.2, 6.0, 7.0, WordPerfect Mainstreet, Microsoft Word 6.0, �.0, Lotus 1-2-3, and Intemct (FiTML). VdLUNTEER EXPERIENCE ♦ Coached Boys U12 Mankato Youth Socccr Club. ♦ Assistant Yolleyball Co�ch, Mouat Senario Coltege. 6XTRA-CURRiCiJLAR 1 CO-Founder of Mount Senario Soccer Club. ACTIVTTIES ♦ Founder and President af Northla�id College Hmong Student Club. ♦ St. Paul Pvblic Housing Diversiry Commlttee. AWARDS RECEIVEB ♦ Recigient of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) uaineeship (1995-1997). • Who's Who Among Sh�dents in American University and Coileges (1990). PROFESStUNAL ♦ Am�rican Planning Association (APA). MEMHERSHIPS t American Society for Public Administration {ASPA). 4 Internationtil City / County Managers Eissociation (ICMA). ♦ Minnesota Association of Urban Management Assistants (MAUMA). SPECIAL TALENTS Speak and write Hmong, Lao, English and conversant Thai, REFERENCES Available upon request. S `t�- l�q S 12-03-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americana Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED A£TER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COHMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETfi GEN AIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTAER COMlfITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -----�-- -------- -------- --� --- --- 003370 Baqlino, liichael 2 16 02/24/98 W M Apt. 24 215 South Dunlap St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 225-8988 college Teacher/Globe College Diane Stranslaski 7166 lOth St. N. Oakdale, 55128 w) 731-5000 Andrew Poqolor 4328 Dupont S. Minneapolis h) 822-4856 Diane Chambers 12091 Upton Ave. S. Burnsville h) 894-3009 002972 Baribeau, Pam 1561 Leone Ave. St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-5845 Regiatered Nurse Plumba Walker H) 778-8226 Suzanne Guimby H) 484-1632 003495 Bergs, J. Mignon 534-2 Love11 Avenue Roaeville, HN 55113 Home - (651) 482-1505 Teacher 9-21-98 New Americana Advisory Committee 04/06/95 W F 09/21/98 W F Ray Arndt, Principal Johnson Sr. High q8 - IOqS 12-03-98 CAMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 CO2MITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH 6EN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) 1349 Arcade Street St. Paul, MN 55106 w) (651) 293-8890 Viki liille Independent Beauty Conaultant 2425 W. Cty. Road C2 #318 Roseville� MN 55113 h) (651) 697-9192 w) Same as above Patrick Coyne Assiatant PrinCipal 631 N. Albert Street St. Paul, MN 55104 w) (651) 293-5970 002928 Engelhart, James Engelhart & Swanson 46 E. Fourth St., 12th Floor St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 224-3000 CPA David Dorle Tim Lippert John Rupp 003449 Griffin, Ryan 448 E. Nebraska Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 771-3980 Waiter/Hotel St. Paul 3-23-98 FIRC; Llew Americana & Neighborhood Net{work: Dion Longtin 995 Burna Avenue, 55106 h) 774-7155 w) 228-3855 Joseph Peschek 1536 Hewitt Ave., 55104 w0 523-2260 06/12/95 W M 03J23j96 W M Kevin Knight qg - togs 12-03-98 APPLTCANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMZTTEE : LtAAC ttew Americana Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMFfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --" --- 131 Maplewood Drive Bloomington, MN 55420 h) 888-7586 w) 296-4218 003156 Harrison, James M. 969 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 224-0549 Publ Aff Dir & River Mgt Coord Rev. Robert Burmeister North Hqts. Lutheran Church 2701 N. Rice St. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-2049 w) 484-2049 Dat Huynh or Lang Tran 4131 131at Savage, MN 55378 w) 890-6740 2 16 Howard or Joanne Melrose 3272 New Brighton Rd. Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 ----------------------"----------------------{- 4-16-97 Riverfront corporation & Parka-Rec Commiseion M. Howard & JoAnn Melroae 3272 New Brighton Road Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 Rev. Robert Burmeieter North Heiqhts Lutheran Church Roseville, MN h) 483-4644 w) 484-2049 Judy Dutfey 806 Linwood, /4 St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 290-0568 03/25/96 W M 003514 Osman, Sirad 3 15 10/22/98 B M 1754 Ford Parkway St. Paul, M27 55116 Home - 699-9365 q� - toq5 12-03-98 COHHITTEE APPLICANT3 REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 CA?MITTEPs : NAAC New Americane Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTfiR O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCfi COMt�NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTfiER COMHITTEES SfiRVZNG ON) -°- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Smployment Counae2or 10-22-98 New Americane Advisory Co�ittee Gail M. Martinaon, B.S.W. Weet Seventh Community Center, Inc. 1307 W. Maynard Drive, #19 h) 455-8170 w0 690-3603 Sondra D. Fruzzetti MSW Program/univeraity of MN 265 oneida Street St. Paul, MN h) 699-6529 w) 298-5493 Mrs. Carol Attaroni Program Coordinator HIRED 1200 Plymouth Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 h) {612) 533-5364 w) (612) 529-3342 003113 Rashid, Sardar Abdur 332 Charles Avenue St. Paul� MN 55103 Home - 222-0791 Auditor/State of MN 12/08/95 AP M Bill Wilson Former City Council President Professor Gary McLean College of Education St. Paul Campus U of M professor Frederick Jacobs Director, MBT Program U of M Mpls., MN 55455 003398 Santer, Pamela 5. 1355 Portland Avenue St. Pau1� HN 55104 Home - 917-7792 Attorney 4 13 03/04/98 W F � � � IOgS 12-03-98 CO?MITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 5 COMHITTSE : NAAC New Americans Advieory Co. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMl�NTS WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ------�- --- --- --- Patrick Menke Ex. Director of MN Non Public Schoo2a Accredi{tition Asan. 102 Western Ave. N. w) 227-8777 h) 227-6749 Relly McGrath Group and corporate salea Mgr. Ordway Theater 1698 Race St. h) 690-3114 w) 252-3113 Kathlyn Noecker Bttorney Faegre & Benson 1680 Highland Pkwy. h) 699-3805 w) 336-3354 003518 Tadesse, Nigatu �128 1105 Duckwood Trail Eagan, MN 55123 Home - (651) 452-9200 Extension Educator/U of M 11-16-98 New Americana Advisory Committee Sheila Barbetta 260 Coffey Aall 1420 Ecklea Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 w) (612) 625-3182 7uan C. Moreno 240 Coffey Hall 1420 Ecklea Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Warren Sifferaty 15325 Babcock Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 11/16/98 B M 003516 Vang, Bee 11/06/98 AP M 5151 North Queen Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55430 �t 8'- loqs 12-03-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COt�4fITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO2MENTS Home - (612) 28'7-9965 Aesistant Mgr./PUblic Aouaing PAGE 6 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAHHITTEES SERVING ON) 11-6-98 New Americans Advisory Patti Morano, Section 8 Program Manager 202 E. Jackson Street Hankaot, MN 56002-3368 w) (507) 387-8623 Rita Ander, Section 8 Program Manager Public Houeing Agency Suite 300 480 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) (651) 298-571'7, Ext. 3116 Joshoua Xiong Program Manager 3702 E. Lake Street Minneapolie, MN 55406 w) (612) 721-0122 003160 Vang, J. Kou 6280 36th St. N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Home - 777-2062 Financial/Small Bus. Mgt. Lee Pao Xiong Executive DireCtor/Asian Pacific Council 200 University Ave., Ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 296-0571 Yeeleng Hang Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave., 55105 h) 696-6311 Judy Miller J.B. Realty 1885 Univeraity Avenue, 55104 h) 645-5500 04/30/96 AP M 003520 Ya, Tzy Lee 11/19/98 AP F 5350 Otter Lake Road `f8'- loqs 12-03-98 COMMiTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE � COtIliITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER 01/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENGE COHI�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETIi GEN DZS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -�--^--- -------- -------- --- --- --- White Bear Lake, HN 55210 Home - 653-3293 Case Mqr./Family Service inc. 11-20-98 New Americans Advisory Committee Lee Pao Xionq 2208 Edgebrook w) 641-8279 Pat Teiken 1794 Englewood Avenue h) 642-9050 w) 917-6233 Bob Bergetrom 5666 Chatsworth h) 415-0860 w) 293-8900 ORlGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �a i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, z made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the NEW AMERICANS ADVISORY s COMII�IITTEE. 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 ii iz 13 ia is 16 17 18 19 Ms. J. Mignon Bergs shall serve the remainder of Linda Iames' unexpired tenn. Her tetm shall expire on May 1, 2000. Nigatu Tadesse shall serve the remait�der of Hoa Thi Thu Bury's une�ired term. This term shall expire on May i, 1999. Bee Vang shall serve the remainder of Xai Yang's une�cpired term. This term expires on May 1, 1999. Tzy Lee Ya shall serve the refr�ainder of Pao Choua Van�'s unexpired term. This term shall expire an Map 1, 1999. � Sirad Osman shall serve a two-year term which will eacpire on May 1, 2000. 20 21 2 2 Requested by Department oE: By: Adoption Certified by Cauncil Secretary By: � . 1� Approved by Mayo • ate Z�P � By: Council File # 1 � � qs Green Sheet # � �� RESOLUT`ION CITY OF SAINI' PAUL, NIINNFSOTA Adopted by Council: Date R�, \(. �q Form Approved by City Attorney By: � '�—�/S 9g - taqs GREEN SHEET Alberto Quintela (266-8529) TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Approval o£ the appointments of 3. Mignon Bergs, Nigatu Tadesse, Bee Vang, Tzy Lee Ya and Sirad Osman. to serve on the New Americans Advisory Committee. w PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION oa�..�s micc�o. � anwnoxitv ❑ anaFaK ❑ Ai01iC1�19ER10Ef 00L ❑ RILIiCiRLlF.R1I/AGCIC � WvatlatwmAxry ❑ {CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has this person/firm ever xrorked under a conhad for this deparGnent� YES NO Hes this peison/Artn ever been a city employee? YES NO Dces Mis persoNfirm possess a sltill not nortnallypossesseU by any curzent city employee? YES NO Is tliis persoNfirm a tarD� �ndoR YES NO �lain all ves answeis on sena2te sheet and attach to nreen sheet n,o 62707 ntvwuxcz � ����� ���������� Q.ti° �. � � AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRGLE ON� YES NO ACTNITY NUlIBER (ocPwM ��- loqs Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav CounciUnember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Counciimember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter _ FROM: DATE: RE: Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor December 4, 1998 New Americans Advisory Committee � ��coX ����"� ���~{ F � ,�'� � `���$ � �� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appoitrtments of the following individuals to serve on the New Americans Advisory Committee. J. Mignon Bergs Tzy Lee Ya Nigatu Tadesse Sirad Osman Bee Vang Attached is a copy of the resolution, copies of their applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 1994. Feel free to contact to me at 266-8529 if you wish to discuss these appointments. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson Hoa Young H1USERSWIORR0IMW PFILESWAAC.CNC EXPO II Fax�6122935465� Sep 21 '98 3� l S OFFICE OF'THE MAYOR C/� 390 CTIY HALL � SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 2bb-8513 Name: HomeA Tzlephone Number. Planning District Council: Preferred Maiting Address What is your oecupation? Piace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: 12�11 P.02 a�s• 1�g5 -' t _ � _� • , I: �u , ,� 1 \a � .:� 1 Ciry Council Ward: �'(A rn2 CJ S a�o�Ue �, �'v L� EYr� �tS� nc a�LarYl L0.�iUL?SP r�4��� 1 What skills, training or ezperience do you possess for the committee(5) for which you seek appointment? � (OVER) Rev. 8-5-9 i Street City Zip The information included in this applicat+on is considered private data actording to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resutt, this informntion is not released to the generai public. EXPO IZ �1ame: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Fhone: Fax�6122935465 Sep 21 '98 12�12 : �►: : 7 : ► � ���r �. Address: �o � 1 V . l`t Phone: �yme'� 4 ��a�{- I�r i✓�G;,/�2-1 �� , �cu� l �.,1 ! lLVnrkl I �GSr� ]�.q � 0 P.03 � q� -�OgS .� � �� ) \ Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: tf� QXL L.�7 �'�'QVY I� �-u- In an attempt to ensure that committee represen[ation reflects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicabte to you. This information is strictly voluotary. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or PaciGc Islander American Indian or Alaskan E9Ecimo Male � Female Date of Birth: �� � � �v — i0 b — Disab]ed: Yes No � If spetiat accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? �r � vu i U ��� ur i�-�. ��--- 9 -t9-9g Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making applitaYion? If so, when, and the circumstances� ���1� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 ,�� `��'• t°gr OCT 2 2 i998 �lAYOR'� O�flCi Name: �12A� (�SM�Hv HomeAddress: 1 Foa�7 P�t21cG�lA�y ST. PAuL. S$7/6 Street City Zip TelephoneNumber: (Fiomel 699-93 (Work) g�ts'-2�2`J (FAX) 22�-734-5 Planning District Council: 6H��✓� �15T2 /cT CouNyL City Council �Vard: 3 PreferredMailingAddress: �7SL� �k.D �q�2k'tdAfi� S? OA'uL�� M.i� S,S�//� What is your occupation? Place of Employme�t: Committee(s) Applied For: En�i OLo y�ciea� C'�u,rsE/�2 Ml,vnEkVoLif y�✓p S%. O.truL Me�w •�n /+.DVisa2y GpMn�,� j T'�E C�r� Ac l What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 1• il-l31LiTy �o A5515T NE1.0 IMn�i6R.aMTS !N ST. (�quL a-xd MIWNEA�PoCES n BEC�r..te E g l PQOVlDIN(q VOGqTldNRL MS£SSM�N% A7✓D C-91.cNSEL�NC�� 12 JN Nl 1PC7 n. � CS D£vEGopn1ENT �.D Pl.t+�E-n-aE�vT. Z. (,� v�-KED F�IZ l.t�Vi iF MATtos'S FN6l� Cor�n�lSS[ON Fo�2 R.�Fur'iE�? �Gl.VEJG,Q) i,v R.EFu4r'� Csh,apr {H'�! (-�'DCGJES 5�I/L�A�- ���F�rA'�S ryGFu�IEES �KBYN DIF�E�EN� G�NT2(�llN q�/L(Lf�. 3. ,Mgru� aa�A Ex/�E2rE�vGE t�o2k.r�✓C� Gv�TH .D�SO�•�b �GCt lia�yy �/�toub✓J l2s�+'IiTioaRL P�oD sFBELoc�?�o�v�tav� fLgS�T%LEn-rE�✓l. l( �. —[.vEGL o2G.�ivtZ£ qd3lL/� To Da.loQiTtZE —�Enw� OLsyyER D2 sts3LE i wo2sc l — (�-oNEST� GJ�'PEP/DrrliLE� Nxs.� Lu6�'�H4 — F►" � Y !o W9p-k (.st� D fVE - lGSE �o — SEKl/ f/UE !'o PEn j�LEl' NE£�S� �GT� UE LtSTHECZ , The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the genera! public. ����, (O VER) Rev. 8-5-97 PETiSONAL REFERENCE4 Name: �� t- M• M,qR.TI aSa� i 6. S• t� . Address: _ W ES i SCvEnrt H C'�-�v� �'1 G��Eft- /NG l3a� w. H�tY�d Oz�� Phone: Name: (Hom) 4SS-$1`l0 (�o� �9p _ Sonr,D2,a �, �Yl-u22 Address: /� S W "�,�o42rtY•��V}.,VIUG`f�.d/TY B'F /i?/ivNESo%A� 26S �ivE/,Dst S%' Si Osrc.L Phone: jHomel 6�19- �.S�2q ork) 2`l �- S�t 9 3 Name: (�t2S C�oL R�}-�a.ul , P/�G.e�tr,� �'�a2Dl�VR?LA¢ f�7�.D Address: IZ A'Y�; N._ ��NNER�OL(f� /LtN_,S,I"L�(� ____ _ Phone: (H°me�6/z ) S3 3-S3 �t{- �Work�(6'! Z) ,S'29- 33't2 Reasons foryour interest in this particular committee•Ctf /C� �^^PL°y^'�^iT Cvun�SELoK Wm�k*NG W�"Ri NEks FM�tE21G�iv �oPuLATtoN lnf Jo6 .DEvELoN�tE.v% JD/,S �Gs�cE'n-rE'ti?� Govs,�rse-UNy ,a-►r.c A�v�cE' �a e.r-2Eez. De�EGooiuc 1 CoucD �3e tcfE'{uG io I H'E Q-O[-� 9(-' e ffE /�itA C.(2) R-! iff�' Goi+�r�vr�TiEE /s �,Q,C�vTLy ST�cvyinrC� 11 Son�a+-i C�OMM�tiNI�I�j - Lt1YD RS R .S�n.,a�,, . 1 n����T a�.�o c�,,, �2I�Te Ta 1is Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? ��T— o�✓ � �t �b'�` ia-; l�aas (�.E�c-� d�.c.rN� Dcsc�.�ss�o�,. en. cssc� Rt3BUT .So/Yts� lntin.alG.e.�'i �N /Hi.velojq. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeap of our community; ptease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Whife (Caucasian) _� Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _�G Male Disabled: Yes Female No ✓ If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander � Date of Birth: � � • ( �' � How did you hear aboat this opening? 1 t c'� F'YtA'� MS {-�oR `'l oN< < ,�Y4S�ST�' I i 1�E'E MPt+�fl2 . NUV 1J�b/ ���g. � n -��� Vv 4� �O�+N / �' � wch3 Q-�- Ciry Counc;l Ward: Name_ ��"" °-�"� C�osS�e �� NtRTU J UCrtl,t � k[omeAddress: I�0\' ��ucweod T�I #1�8 �uq�h I�t�l SS'la3 � Street City _ z�p Telephone Number, Planning D;strict Council: Preferred Mail;ng Address: 'W hat is your occupation? Place oC Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: U UF �N Ht5 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 39U CITY AALL SAINT pAUL, MINN�S�TA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 2GG-8513 � �� � IAome) 6a I f`�pU rwork� bsi-�-a3-a�r� fFAX) bil x.13 iY5) ��� �Xle�is�on 0124231491 P.02ia3� RECEiVfD q � , Nav i s �sss 4`.s 0. l o y Q, �dw Ca�O r' �X+�e�sco� �� f c What skills, training or expatience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appo;ntroent? '= �`� ��+e�nn{eo.+a� a..d M.�ckbte�4Zfurc.( eX c�i NG�S. �TGtSL o��e e c � ��. �t� ! `+ f C �b.,op�ea� �Ccnya A�l �aµdq,} �ek Go e'�.c�. 1Y,� �s � wmt bor..� 4 d ra' S� �li. E'l-�,...ep y worKect �or �c �ea� Iw �rk: Cp awc� r��o Qb�a � 1�..1 � w�.-3�. 1 a..! S�Qat�. k M�x��o.,s. Cv2.� �e , w e`ra� ��rl�„ 1�wko�a L � � (�jQ.'} l N ��(g `C�..�v,tivr.. �w i p , � +�a.A d�Po�-'e.�,.F 2(,� . 4`"l l.0 (� �'�aofi�ewf . '/ '�P. �rv�c wo rk� no W.{'b I..+�m�o/t =�t<«, I�Nf u :tk.�OR �Q vf l.VV+�w�vM� _ V ✓t �a -� f 0+w Q l l S� �X ��Ls �'S S O �. lc l'F�C,. -� '�o . � L� t"�$ D L, q{�O /\ W Cio �1 2 In t u v �LIti E Lj C� ,� 6 �i � � �ou< <v, �� C A-e.1I� �, ed_v �w.. 2�ic..f� eti�-� �v A,..� �S� o vk � L�vW u� � _ _ � y ^ �-2 i H, h_ .1 1� �� 1� � . 7 � 1 � t- � .TUR �rrc,,.(R-- C w.....�c�.... R.4 I�.kFf�S�o� Get..e.Cri S '4" I.�.,,,. , C�,..re �f c«.e�( r � d The information included in tl�is flpplication is considered privatc data according to tfie Minnesot� Govcrnmeot Data Practices Act_ As a result, this information is not released to the general public. C.o w�.vn (OVER) Rev. 8-5-9- Nu� ����r u ur �N He5 6124231451 P.03iO3 Yame: I d�; � � �. ► �- - Address: z�� �fT�l� I`�afl � Fcx�es J`tVe S�' 1'���tJ -�(D� Yhone_ LFlomel ork 6 t a— 6�S — 32 � 2_ Name: JuA�n C . �oY'�no Address: �`I Ce��'�<<-t � a ll I'��O ���c�es f�vo . S� `�t�. nn,t�1 S'S(0�( Phone: (Fiomel ork) Name: AddreSS: Phone: fPfonnel (�Vork) ns for your interest in tl�is particular committee: � w�o�- /�(Vv t� R: C c.< < S�-�v ( � Cl ( S�4rf.. L�e�S' 2.Y er ,e nc'�, f._>S i vw :`p- � l O✓1 U� \ rw� vn.` q n rS '-tq , �1.�.� �..a �. , � �'f- �-��,.��- 41 �c.K�.� �r w . � � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? xf so, when, and the circumstances? ^,� t\OH-e In an attempt to ensure that cammittee representation reflecis the makeup o(oar community, please check ihe line applicable to you. This information is strictly votuntary. White (Caucasian) _� Black (African American) American Indian orAJaskan Eskimo � ltiSale Disab?ed: Yes Female No �_ Tfspecial accommodations are needed, ptease speciCy: � v, eSS aµ.� v� s � o.-, s s- k.os� 74oc.e � t wi..�....�.� r -ia .�. l�o Hispanic . Asian or Pscific Islander _ Date of Sirth: �� a �� �\ b � How did you hear about iliis opening? l���Q "C�'""'� S"� , �"'"—Q r`'`°�-�-(w �,`� e• J Tt�TAL P.05 °� �' • \09 S �-a-� P +� L�. a � c TOTRL P.03 , � fVUV-1G 11 • JJ Nsyn� � Haae Address: . � ?� Strcet vc000.�i.� r.e+c O1G GOb vD1J t'. b7/t�y q� - Io95 /Y!/V Zip �•••�, b 1'11yTVK J Wr1C.0 '•J OFFICE dF THE MAYOR 390 C1TY HALL S.AIPIT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55IO2 Phane: 266-8SZ5 FAX: 2b6-8513 e City Tetepbone Number. (Home1 �a�l �v5'3 �3 tWork) �/ `���3( ( tFA.XI � :�� f�2,' Planaing Distrsci Council: C�ty Council Ward: �LlIYI,Q�I,a.� Preferred M98iag Address: �� �/�� t�v` ' What ic pour occupation? �"'�''� ��� Place of Employmeat: Committee(s) Applied Fo�: �7 > _7 What skills, training or e=perieace do yoa poss�s for the COmmittee{s) for which you seek nppoiwtment' �-i-��Jo,r:� u�fonr. Do v�n�✓ri 0• ht, - da�,(if u,t-�,c�Q _,�,t �i ,,,��r,c c�.r�t,L� ti,tr� � {OYER) i2ev. 8-�-4; T'�TAL P.09 TOTRL P.02 The entormatioa included ia this application is considered private data accordiag to ihe Minnesota Governmeat Data Practices Act As x result, tAis information is not released to the genera2 public. NOV 20 '98 13�z4 FRMILY SERVICE INC. x�m�: l � 1/, . //I.ee. c� Add�: • i Yhoue: {Hl�ms�) �2, - �i ,� i Namt: � l I.f1/. A� �Addresa• L�L Phoae: • �ft�� �57- �.,2- ,l�tante: ��/?. � � /' ,Adtlress• _ �� �a �� /'.�/I.GC �Phonc: • [�La�e1_ �OcS� �.�c� Bc9sans for yotir Fntcrest in this i �rrie=: � �� DLG Gbo tl71J� z�. q�'-lo�, r��_ 0 �-- and -�icu� �cd �h2e. �o /,tc�b ruy6l� � Ia an attempt to eusure that committcs rcp�pe c8eck the iine apyltcabie to yaa. T6is InPoayy Whitn (Cancssixn) Black (Airirau American) Amerieaa Fndiaa oe Alttkan Eakin� Mate �,� F'emale Disabkd: Yca No � �f apecial acwmmodatlons are needed, plea� Bow did you hear about thic npening? tYN you4 /, 90, ia reflecfs t6e makeap of our como�unity, atrictty voluntacy. Hiapauic .�,,. Asian or Pa�e Ialander . Date of Birth: '�ll ��'��� ' 1 l.e l� YLf.Q, f.C�LGE�' �' d �• '�,Y G���L�r /� J I " TQTt� ,l � � 11!06i98 10�01 MCDON MGMT � 92668513 OCT-28-1998 10=26 ST PRUL MRYOR'S OFFICE ��l� � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SATNT PATJi,, MINNESOTA SS102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266•8513 9�- ioqs Name: Bee Vana " HomeAddress: 5_151 Nnrth 6uPRn noA,,,,A MinnPa n��,� Nrv 55aan Street City Zip Tetephone DTumber: Planning Disirict Council: Preferred Mailing Addresa: [gomel (612) 28 558-2299 j��(,�1} 5 5R-21 - City Council Ward: W6atisyauroccupatioa? Aseietant Manaaer P.H�M. place af Employmtnt: Committcc(s) Apptied For: � �_ St_ Paul Public Hou New Americane Commit What skills, training or e:perience do you pussess for the eommittee(s} for which you �eek appaintment? Graduated W1t1'! a Master O A1' s D q3ot� i n f7rhatl Ctyy�_s Snaak anR c r{ tp_ Enqlish Hmana Lao and �TfVPraan+ m�+ wnrti�� wir� m�S, � nm ; The information inetuded in t6is application is considered private dsta according to the Mi»neeota Government Data Pr�ctices Act. As a resuly this inPormation ia not released ta the general public. � N0.644 G�2 612 266 8513 P.05i06 {OVER) Rev. $-5-97 11i66/98 10�BL MCDON M6MT � 92668513 N0.644 D�3 OCT-28-1998 10�26 ST PRI� MAYOR'S OEFICE 612 266 0513 P.96i06 PERSONA,j�„j�;FERENCES lV `� Nam¢: .__ Patti Morano-Section 8 Proaram Manacfer Address: _� T02 E. �az,kson St,�Mankai-n. �iN SFnn�_z�Fq Phone: (Fiome) .� _' __�_ _ �1Vark1 (303) 387-8623 NAme: Rita Ander-Section 8 Proqram Manacrer Address: 480 Cedar St., Suite 300, St. Paul, MN 55201 Phone: Name: [Home) (W4rk,,(651) 298-5727 ext 3116 Joshoua Xlong-Pro�ram Manacier '�� � ' Y 11's!• Y1 '�• Phone: i�4mt) CWn�� (617) 721-oi22 Rensons for your interest in this paniculnr committee:.._gP i n rr e h 1 a t n ��n i rP i c c n e c rEa 1 a r°,� new Americans. Have you h�d previons contact w9th the committee for whicb you are making application? If so, when, and the circumata»ces? No In an attempt to ensure that eommitiea representatian reElects the makenp of oar community, please check the line appiicable ta you. This inPormation ie strictlr voluntary. White (Caucasian) Biack (African Americsn) Ameriu+n Indiaa ar Alaskan E�kimo _� Mnle Disabled: Yea Femalt No ,�_ If special necummodations nre needed, pleaSe spetify: Hispaaic xx Asian or Pacific Islander -''� •,- pate of BiTth: 11- 0 4- 6 6 How did you 1►eac xbout this opening? Hoa Yana contact�d me a t my i ob. TpTAL P.Oo 11i06i96 10:01 MCDON MGM7 � 92668513 BEE VANG N0.644 Ga4 1� ' ��q S � 151 North Queen Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55430 Phone: Work (651� 558-2179 Hame (612) 28?-9g68 EDUCATION Mankato State Univc�rsiry, Mankato, Minncsota Master of Arts Degree in Urban And Regiooal Studies; graduated 7une 1997 Northland College, As]iland, Wisconsin Bachetor of Arts D�gee in Business Administration; graduatecl December 1990 WORK EXPERIENCE Assistant Manager iII, P.H.M, McDonough Homes, St. Paul Public Housing, St. Paul, Minnesota September 1997 - present • Reduced rent,�l loss and maximized occupancy by renring vacant uniu as quickly as possible. ! Manag�d family devetopments and scattered site properties to maximize occupancy rates and tenant satis£action and W controlexpenses. 1 Maximized resident awareness of and compliance witii regulatione,lease obligations,rules and procedures; maximiz�d safety and secnrity, resident satisfsctinn and qualiry of life issues. ♦ Motivsted residents townrd sel£-sufficiency. Worked with Itesident Lutiativee and Service Coordinator Grant staff to provide infortnation for grant applioations and to accommodate programs and opportunities that promote self-sufficiency. ♦ Enforced Icx�e provisioiu and tules fairly and uniFormly; initiate legal ac�ioi� to remove residents who do not pay rent or compty wilh lease and rules or take othec aeaon to obcain compliance wirl� lease and rules. ♦ Coordinated and worked with other divisions within Resident Services and all other deparanents within the PHA to achieve PHA goals and PHMAP standards. a Warked with agencies, organizadons, neighborhood groups, 2dvocates and community issues ouuide of the PHA. ♦ Maximized PHA operating income through callection efforts and appropriate implementation of HUD regulation� regarding rent and other chazges. 11!06�98 10:01 MCDON MGMT � 92668513 N0.644 Ge5 �Q'� � Section 8- I�m, St. Paul Public Housing, St. Pau1, Minnesota May 199� - September 1H97 Conducted utility allowances survey. Interpreted for the Moving Forwazd Pragram and Section 8 iniake. Worked on revenue recapture. Regional Planning Iittem, Rogion Nine Developmeat Commiseion, Mankato, Minnesota September 1996 - May 1997 t Worked with Region Nine Developmcnt Comsnission scaff to conduct economic development projects survey. ♦ Cnnducted Regional Housing suney. t Conductedtenanu survey. Administrative intern, Mankato City Hall, Mankato, Minnesota Septemher 1995 - August 1996 + Conducted Fair Mazket Rent Execption Report. ♦ Revised the 1995 Annual Report and 1996 Actinn Plan. i Participated in the devcJopment of housing siudy. ♦ Conducted reseazch for the Community Development Specialist. Director of Hmang Cnitura] Center, Mount Senario College, Lsdysmith, Wisconsin August 1994 - July 1995 � Coordinated tectures on the Hmong culture to local schaols and conum�nities. ♦ Organized culmral events at Mount Senazio College. ♦ Assisted Southeast Asian students appli�d for Financial Aid. Naturalist 1 Program Aseistant II, Deparsment of Natural Resources, Wausau, Wiscansin May 1993 - Rngust 1994 ♦ Coordinated muld-cultural programs for Rih Moumain State Park in both Hmong and En�lish. • Made contact with the Wausau minoriry Qopulation. ♦ Presented interpretive programs in both Engtish and Hmon�. • Ptovided tour for the vnsitws. 1L06/98 10�01 �CDON MGMT � 92668513 N0.644 G2� ��• loqS School Liaison, Waussu Scbool Aistrict, Waasau, Wisconsin Au�ust 1941- May 1993 ! Promoted e�ctive tommunication and understanding among Southeast Asiaiis students and teachers. i TnterpTeted for Southeast Asiaits parenu at school conferences. • Tau�t Hmong to the Hnwthom Hills Elementary School staff. ♦ Assisted school staff in pmviding services to Southeast Asian atudanu. COMPLITER SKILLS ♦ Microsoft Windows 3.11/95, MS-DOS, WordPerfect 5.2, 6.0, 7.0, WordPerfect Mainstreet, Microsoft Word 6.0, �.0, Lotus 1-2-3, and Intemct (FiTML). VdLUNTEER EXPERIENCE ♦ Coached Boys U12 Mankato Youth Socccr Club. ♦ Assistant Yolleyball Co�ch, Mouat Senario Coltege. 6XTRA-CURRiCiJLAR 1 CO-Founder of Mount Senario Soccer Club. ACTIVTTIES ♦ Founder and President af Northla�id College Hmong Student Club. ♦ St. Paul Pvblic Housing Diversiry Commlttee. AWARDS RECEIVEB ♦ Recigient of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) uaineeship (1995-1997). • Who's Who Among Sh�dents in American University and Coileges (1990). PROFESStUNAL ♦ Am�rican Planning Association (APA). MEMHERSHIPS t American Society for Public Administration {ASPA). 4 Internationtil City / County Managers Eissociation (ICMA). ♦ Minnesota Association of Urban Management Assistants (MAUMA). SPECIAL TALENTS Speak and write Hmong, Lao, English and conversant Thai, REFERENCES Available upon request. S `t�- l�q S 12-03-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americana Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED A£TER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COHMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETfi GEN AIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTAER COMlfITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -----�-- -------- -------- --� --- --- 003370 Baqlino, liichael 2 16 02/24/98 W M Apt. 24 215 South Dunlap St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 225-8988 college Teacher/Globe College Diane Stranslaski 7166 lOth St. N. Oakdale, 55128 w) 731-5000 Andrew Poqolor 4328 Dupont S. Minneapolis h) 822-4856 Diane Chambers 12091 Upton Ave. S. Burnsville h) 894-3009 002972 Baribeau, Pam 1561 Leone Ave. St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-5845 Regiatered Nurse Plumba Walker H) 778-8226 Suzanne Guimby H) 484-1632 003495 Bergs, J. Mignon 534-2 Love11 Avenue Roaeville, HN 55113 Home - (651) 482-1505 Teacher 9-21-98 New Americana Advisory Committee 04/06/95 W F 09/21/98 W F Ray Arndt, Principal Johnson Sr. High q8 - IOqS 12-03-98 CAMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 CO2MITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH 6EN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) 1349 Arcade Street St. Paul, MN 55106 w) (651) 293-8890 Viki liille Independent Beauty Conaultant 2425 W. Cty. Road C2 #318 Roseville� MN 55113 h) (651) 697-9192 w) Same as above Patrick Coyne Assiatant PrinCipal 631 N. Albert Street St. Paul, MN 55104 w) (651) 293-5970 002928 Engelhart, James Engelhart & Swanson 46 E. Fourth St., 12th Floor St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 224-3000 CPA David Dorle Tim Lippert John Rupp 003449 Griffin, Ryan 448 E. Nebraska Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 771-3980 Waiter/Hotel St. Paul 3-23-98 FIRC; Llew Americana & Neighborhood Net{work: Dion Longtin 995 Burna Avenue, 55106 h) 774-7155 w) 228-3855 Joseph Peschek 1536 Hewitt Ave., 55104 w0 523-2260 06/12/95 W M 03J23j96 W M Kevin Knight qg - togs 12-03-98 APPLTCANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMZTTEE : LtAAC ttew Americana Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMFfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --" --- 131 Maplewood Drive Bloomington, MN 55420 h) 888-7586 w) 296-4218 003156 Harrison, James M. 969 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 224-0549 Publ Aff Dir & River Mgt Coord Rev. Robert Burmeister North Hqts. Lutheran Church 2701 N. Rice St. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-2049 w) 484-2049 Dat Huynh or Lang Tran 4131 131at Savage, MN 55378 w) 890-6740 2 16 Howard or Joanne Melrose 3272 New Brighton Rd. Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 ----------------------"----------------------{- 4-16-97 Riverfront corporation & Parka-Rec Commiseion M. Howard & JoAnn Melroae 3272 New Brighton Road Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 Rev. Robert Burmeieter North Heiqhts Lutheran Church Roseville, MN h) 483-4644 w) 484-2049 Judy Dutfey 806 Linwood, /4 St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 290-0568 03/25/96 W M 003514 Osman, Sirad 3 15 10/22/98 B M 1754 Ford Parkway St. Paul, M27 55116 Home - 699-9365 q� - toq5 12-03-98 COHHITTEE APPLICANT3 REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 CA?MITTEPs : NAAC New Americane Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTfiR O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCfi COMt�NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTfiER COMHITTEES SfiRVZNG ON) -°- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Smployment Counae2or 10-22-98 New Americane Advisory Co�ittee Gail M. Martinaon, B.S.W. Weet Seventh Community Center, Inc. 1307 W. Maynard Drive, #19 h) 455-8170 w0 690-3603 Sondra D. Fruzzetti MSW Program/univeraity of MN 265 oneida Street St. Paul, MN h) 699-6529 w) 298-5493 Mrs. Carol Attaroni Program Coordinator HIRED 1200 Plymouth Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 h) {612) 533-5364 w) (612) 529-3342 003113 Rashid, Sardar Abdur 332 Charles Avenue St. Paul� MN 55103 Home - 222-0791 Auditor/State of MN 12/08/95 AP M Bill Wilson Former City Council President Professor Gary McLean College of Education St. Paul Campus U of M professor Frederick Jacobs Director, MBT Program U of M Mpls., MN 55455 003398 Santer, Pamela 5. 1355 Portland Avenue St. Pau1� HN 55104 Home - 917-7792 Attorney 4 13 03/04/98 W F � � � IOgS 12-03-98 CO?MITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 5 COMHITTSE : NAAC New Americans Advieory Co. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMl�NTS WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ------�- --- --- --- Patrick Menke Ex. Director of MN Non Public Schoo2a Accredi{tition Asan. 102 Western Ave. N. w) 227-8777 h) 227-6749 Relly McGrath Group and corporate salea Mgr. Ordway Theater 1698 Race St. h) 690-3114 w) 252-3113 Kathlyn Noecker Bttorney Faegre & Benson 1680 Highland Pkwy. h) 699-3805 w) 336-3354 003518 Tadesse, Nigatu �128 1105 Duckwood Trail Eagan, MN 55123 Home - (651) 452-9200 Extension Educator/U of M 11-16-98 New Americana Advisory Committee Sheila Barbetta 260 Coffey Aall 1420 Ecklea Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 w) (612) 625-3182 7uan C. Moreno 240 Coffey Hall 1420 Ecklea Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Warren Sifferaty 15325 Babcock Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 11/16/98 B M 003516 Vang, Bee 11/06/98 AP M 5151 North Queen Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55430 �t 8'- loqs 12-03-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COt�4fITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO2MENTS Home - (612) 28'7-9965 Aesistant Mgr./PUblic Aouaing PAGE 6 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAHHITTEES SERVING ON) 11-6-98 New Americans Advisory Patti Morano, Section 8 Program Manager 202 E. Jackson Street Hankaot, MN 56002-3368 w) (507) 387-8623 Rita Ander, Section 8 Program Manager Public Houeing Agency Suite 300 480 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) (651) 298-571'7, Ext. 3116 Joshoua Xiong Program Manager 3702 E. Lake Street Minneapolie, MN 55406 w) (612) 721-0122 003160 Vang, J. Kou 6280 36th St. N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Home - 777-2062 Financial/Small Bus. Mgt. Lee Pao Xiong Executive DireCtor/Asian Pacific Council 200 University Ave., Ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 296-0571 Yeeleng Hang Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave., 55105 h) 696-6311 Judy Miller J.B. Realty 1885 Univeraity Avenue, 55104 h) 645-5500 04/30/96 AP M 003520 Ya, Tzy Lee 11/19/98 AP F 5350 Otter Lake Road `f8'- loqs 12-03-98 COMMiTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE � COtIliITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER 01/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENGE COHI�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETIi GEN DZS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -�--^--- -------- -------- --- --- --- White Bear Lake, HN 55210 Home - 653-3293 Case Mqr./Family Service inc. 11-20-98 New Americans Advisory Committee Lee Pao Xionq 2208 Edgebrook w) 641-8279 Pat Teiken 1794 Englewood Avenue h) 642-9050 w) 917-6233 Bob Bergetrom 5666 Chatsworth h) 415-0860 w) 293-8900 ORlGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �a i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, z made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the NEW AMERICANS ADVISORY s COMII�IITTEE. 4 s 6 7 s 9 10 ii iz 13 ia is 16 17 18 19 Ms. J. Mignon Bergs shall serve the remainder of Linda Iames' unexpired tenn. Her tetm shall expire on May 1, 2000. Nigatu Tadesse shall serve the remait�der of Hoa Thi Thu Bury's une�ired term. This term shall expire on May i, 1999. Bee Vang shall serve the remainder of Xai Yang's une�cpired term. This term expires on May 1, 1999. Tzy Lee Ya shall serve the refr�ainder of Pao Choua Van�'s unexpired term. This term shall expire an Map 1, 1999. � Sirad Osman shall serve a two-year term which will eacpire on May 1, 2000. 20 21 2 2 Requested by Department oE: By: Adoption Certified by Cauncil Secretary By: � . 1� Approved by Mayo • ate Z�P � By: Council File # 1 � � qs Green Sheet # � �� RESOLUT`ION CITY OF SAINI' PAUL, NIINNFSOTA Adopted by Council: Date R�, \(. �q Form Approved by City Attorney By: � '�—�/S 9g - taqs GREEN SHEET Alberto Quintela (266-8529) TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES Approval o£ the appointments of 3. Mignon Bergs, Nigatu Tadesse, Bee Vang, Tzy Lee Ya and Sirad Osman. to serve on the New Americans Advisory Committee. w PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION oa�..�s micc�o. � anwnoxitv ❑ anaFaK ❑ Ai01iC1�19ER10Ef 00L ❑ RILIiCiRLlF.R1I/AGCIC � WvatlatwmAxry ❑ {CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has this person/firm ever xrorked under a conhad for this deparGnent� YES NO Hes this peison/Artn ever been a city employee? YES NO Dces Mis persoNfirm possess a sltill not nortnallypossesseU by any curzent city employee? YES NO Is tliis persoNfirm a tarD� �ndoR YES NO �lain all ves answeis on sena2te sheet and attach to nreen sheet n,o 62707 ntvwuxcz � ����� ���������� Q.ti° �. � � AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRGLE ON� YES NO ACTNITY NUlIBER (ocPwM ��- loqs Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav CounciUnember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Counciimember lvfichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter _ FROM: DATE: RE: Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor December 4, 1998 New Americans Advisory Committee � ��coX ����"� ���~{ F � ,�'� � `���$ � �� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appoitrtments of the following individuals to serve on the New Americans Advisory Committee. J. Mignon Bergs Tzy Lee Ya Nigatu Tadesse Sirad Osman Bee Vang Attached is a copy of the resolution, copies of their applications and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January, 1994. Feel free to contact to me at 266-8529 if you wish to discuss these appointments. Attachments c: Nancy Anderson Hoa Young H1USERSWIORR0IMW PFILESWAAC.CNC EXPO II Fax�6122935465� Sep 21 '98 3� l S OFFICE OF'THE MAYOR C/� 390 CTIY HALL � SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 2bb-8513 Name: HomeA Tzlephone Number. Planning District Council: Preferred Maiting Address What is your oecupation? Piace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: 12�11 P.02 a�s• 1�g5 -' t _ � _� • , I: �u , ,� 1 \a � .:� 1 Ciry Council Ward: �'(A rn2 CJ S a�o�Ue �, �'v L� EYr� �tS� nc a�LarYl L0.�iUL?SP r�4��� 1 What skills, training or ezperience do you possess for the committee(5) for which you seek appointment? � (OVER) Rev. 8-5-9 i Street City Zip The information included in this applicat+on is considered private data actording to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a resutt, this informntion is not released to the generai public. EXPO IZ �1ame: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Fhone: Fax�6122935465 Sep 21 '98 12�12 : �►: : 7 : ► � ���r �. Address: �o � 1 V . l`t Phone: �yme'� 4 ��a�{- I�r i✓�G;,/�2-1 �� , �cu� l �.,1 ! lLVnrkl I �GSr� ]�.q � 0 P.03 � q� -�OgS .� � �� ) \ Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: tf� QXL L.�7 �'�'QVY I� �-u- In an attempt to ensure that committee represen[ation reflects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicabte to you. This information is strictly voluotary. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or PaciGc Islander American Indian or Alaskan E9Ecimo Male � Female Date of Birth: �� � � �v — i0 b — Disab]ed: Yes No � If spetiat accommodations are needed, please specify: How did you hear about this opening? �r � vu i U ��� ur i�-�. ��--- 9 -t9-9g Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making applitaYion? If so, when, and the circumstances� ���1� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 ,�� `��'• t°gr OCT 2 2 i998 �lAYOR'� O�flCi Name: �12A� (�SM�Hv HomeAddress: 1 Foa�7 P�t21cG�lA�y ST. PAuL. S$7/6 Street City Zip TelephoneNumber: (Fiomel 699-93 (Work) g�ts'-2�2`J (FAX) 22�-734-5 Planning District Council: 6H��✓� �15T2 /cT CouNyL City Council �Vard: 3 PreferredMailingAddress: �7SL� �k.D �q�2k'tdAfi� S? OA'uL�� M.i� S,S�//� What is your occupation? Place of Employme�t: Committee(s) Applied For: En�i OLo y�ciea� C'�u,rsE/�2 Ml,vnEkVoLif y�✓p S%. O.truL Me�w •�n /+.DVisa2y GpMn�,� j T'�E C�r� Ac l What skills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? 1• il-l31LiTy �o A5515T NE1.0 IMn�i6R.aMTS !N ST. (�quL a-xd MIWNEA�PoCES n BEC�r..te E g l PQOVlDIN(q VOGqTldNRL MS£SSM�N% A7✓D C-91.cNSEL�NC�� 12 JN Nl 1PC7 n. � CS D£vEGopn1ENT �.D Pl.t+�E-n-aE�vT. Z. (,� v�-KED F�IZ l.t�Vi iF MATtos'S FN6l� Cor�n�lSS[ON Fo�2 R.�Fur'iE�? �Gl.VEJG,Q) i,v R.EFu4r'� Csh,apr {H'�! (-�'DCGJES 5�I/L�A�- ���F�rA'�S ryGFu�IEES �KBYN DIF�E�EN� G�NT2(�llN q�/L(Lf�. 3. ,Mgru� aa�A Ex/�E2rE�vGE t�o2k.r�✓C� Gv�TH .D�SO�•�b �GCt lia�yy �/�toub✓J l2s�+'IiTioaRL P�oD sFBELoc�?�o�v�tav� fLgS�T%LEn-rE�✓l. l( �. —[.vEGL o2G.�ivtZ£ qd3lL/� To Da.loQiTtZE —�Enw� OLsyyER D2 sts3LE i wo2sc l — (�-oNEST� GJ�'PEP/DrrliLE� Nxs.� Lu6�'�H4 — F►" � Y !o W9p-k (.st� D fVE - lGSE �o — SEKl/ f/UE !'o PEn j�LEl' NE£�S� �GT� UE LtSTHECZ , The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the genera! public. ����, (O VER) Rev. 8-5-97 PETiSONAL REFERENCE4 Name: �� t- M• M,qR.TI aSa� i 6. S• t� . Address: _ W ES i SCvEnrt H C'�-�v� �'1 G��Eft- /NG l3a� w. H�tY�d Oz�� Phone: Name: (Hom) 4SS-$1`l0 (�o� �9p _ Sonr,D2,a �, �Yl-u22 Address: /� S W "�,�o42rtY•��V}.,VIUG`f�.d/TY B'F /i?/ivNESo%A� 26S �ivE/,Dst S%' Si Osrc.L Phone: jHomel 6�19- �.S�2q ork) 2`l �- S�t 9 3 Name: (�t2S C�oL R�}-�a.ul , P/�G.e�tr,� �'�a2Dl�VR?LA¢ f�7�.D Address: IZ A'Y�; N._ ��NNER�OL(f� /LtN_,S,I"L�(� ____ _ Phone: (H°me�6/z ) S3 3-S3 �t{- �Work�(6'! Z) ,S'29- 33't2 Reasons foryour interest in this particular committee•Ctf /C� �^^PL°y^'�^iT Cvun�SELoK Wm�k*NG W�"Ri NEks FM�tE21G�iv �oPuLATtoN lnf Jo6 .DEvELoN�tE.v% JD/,S �Gs�cE'n-rE'ti?� Govs,�rse-UNy ,a-►r.c A�v�cE' �a e.r-2Eez. De�EGooiuc 1 CoucD �3e tcfE'{uG io I H'E Q-O[-� 9(-' e ffE /�itA C.(2) R-! iff�' Goi+�r�vr�TiEE /s �,Q,C�vTLy ST�cvyinrC� 11 Son�a+-i C�OMM�tiNI�I�j - Lt1YD RS R .S�n.,a�,, . 1 n����T a�.�o c�,,, �2I�Te Ta 1is Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstances? ��T— o�✓ � �t �b'�` ia-; l�aas (�.E�c-� d�.c.rN� Dcsc�.�ss�o�,. en. cssc� Rt3BUT .So/Yts� lntin.alG.e.�'i �N /Hi.velojq. In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeap of our community; ptease check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Whife (Caucasian) _� Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _�G Male Disabled: Yes Female No ✓ If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander � Date of Birth: � � • ( �' � How did you hear aboat this opening? 1 t c'� F'YtA'� MS {-�oR `'l oN< < ,�Y4S�ST�' I i 1�E'E MPt+�fl2 . NUV 1J�b/ ���g. � n -��� Vv 4� �O�+N / �' � wch3 Q-�- Ciry Counc;l Ward: Name_ ��"" °-�"� C�osS�e �� NtRTU J UCrtl,t � k[omeAddress: I�0\' ��ucweod T�I #1�8 �uq�h I�t�l SS'la3 � Street City _ z�p Telephone Number, Planning D;strict Council: Preferred Mail;ng Address: 'W hat is your occupation? Place oC Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: U UF �N Ht5 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 39U CITY AALL SAINT pAUL, MINN�S�TA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 2GG-8513 � �� � IAome) 6a I f`�pU rwork� bsi-�-a3-a�r� fFAX) bil x.13 iY5) ��� �Xle�is�on 0124231491 P.02ia3� RECEiVfD q � , Nav i s �sss 4`.s 0. l o y Q, �dw Ca�O r' �X+�e�sco� �� f c What skills, training or expatience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appo;ntroent? '= �`� ��+e�nn{eo.+a� a..d M.�ckbte�4Zfurc.( eX c�i NG�S. �TGtSL o��e e c � ��. �t� ! `+ f C �b.,op�ea� �Ccnya A�l �aµdq,} �ek Go e'�.c�. 1Y,� �s � wmt bor..� 4 d ra' S� �li. E'l-�,...ep y worKect �or �c �ea� Iw �rk: Cp awc� r��o Qb�a � 1�..1 � w�.-3�. 1 a..! S�Qat�. k M�x��o.,s. Cv2.� �e , w e`ra� ��rl�„ 1�wko�a L � � (�jQ.'} l N ��(g `C�..�v,tivr.. �w i p , � +�a.A d�Po�-'e.�,.F 2(,� . 4`"l l.0 (� �'�aofi�ewf . '/ '�P. �rv�c wo rk� no W.{'b I..+�m�o/t =�t<«, I�Nf u :tk.�OR �Q vf l.VV+�w�vM� _ V ✓t �a -� f 0+w Q l l S� �X ��Ls �'S S O �. lc l'F�C,. -� '�o . � L� t"�$ D L, q{�O /\ W Cio �1 2 In t u v �LIti E Lj C� ,� 6 �i � � �ou< <v, �� C A-e.1I� �, ed_v �w.. 2�ic..f� eti�-� �v A,..� �S� o vk � L�vW u� � _ _ � y ^ �-2 i H, h_ .1 1� �� 1� � . 7 � 1 � t- � .TUR �rrc,,.(R-- C w.....�c�.... R.4 I�.kFf�S�o� Get..e.Cri S '4" I.�.,,,. , C�,..re �f c«.e�( r � d The information included in tl�is flpplication is considered privatc data according to tfie Minnesot� Govcrnmeot Data Practices Act_ As a result, this information is not released to the general public. C.o w�.vn (OVER) Rev. 8-5-9- Nu� ����r u ur �N He5 6124231451 P.03iO3 Yame: I d�; � � �. ► �- - Address: z�� �fT�l� I`�afl � Fcx�es J`tVe S�' 1'���tJ -�(D� Yhone_ LFlomel ork 6 t a— 6�S — 32 � 2_ Name: JuA�n C . �oY'�no Address: �`I Ce��'�<<-t � a ll I'��O ���c�es f�vo . S� `�t�. nn,t�1 S'S(0�( Phone: (Fiomel ork) Name: AddreSS: Phone: fPfonnel (�Vork) ns for your interest in tl�is particular committee: � w�o�- /�(Vv t� R: C c.< < S�-�v ( � Cl ( S�4rf.. L�e�S' 2.Y er ,e nc'�, f._>S i vw :`p- � l O✓1 U� \ rw� vn.` q n rS '-tq , �1.�.� �..a �. , � �'f- �-��,.��- 41 �c.K�.� �r w . � � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? xf so, when, and the circumstances? ^,� t\OH-e In an attempt to ensure that cammittee representation reflecis the makeup o(oar community, please check ihe line applicable to you. This information is strictly votuntary. White (Caucasian) _� Black (African American) American Indian orAJaskan Eskimo � ltiSale Disab?ed: Yes Female No �_ Tfspecial accommodations are needed, ptease speciCy: � v, eSS aµ.� v� s � o.-, s s- k.os� 74oc.e � t wi..�....�.� r -ia .�. l�o Hispanic . Asian or Pscific Islander _ Date of Sirth: �� a �� �\ b � How did you hear about iliis opening? l���Q "C�'""'� S"� , �"'"—Q r`'`°�-�-(w �,`� e• J Tt�TAL P.05 °� �' • \09 S �-a-� P +� L�. a � c TOTRL P.03 , � fVUV-1G 11 • JJ Nsyn� � Haae Address: . � ?� Strcet vc000.�i.� r.e+c O1G GOb vD1J t'. b7/t�y q� - Io95 /Y!/V Zip �•••�, b 1'11yTVK J Wr1C.0 '•J OFFICE dF THE MAYOR 390 C1TY HALL S.AIPIT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55IO2 Phane: 266-8SZ5 FAX: 2b6-8513 e City Tetepbone Number. (Home1 �a�l �v5'3 �3 tWork) �/ `���3( ( tFA.XI � :�� f�2,' Planaing Distrsci Council: C�ty Council Ward: �LlIYI,Q�I,a.� Preferred M98iag Address: �� �/�� t�v` ' What ic pour occupation? �"'�''� ��� Place of Employmeat: Committee(s) Applied Fo�: �7 > _7 What skills, training or e=perieace do yoa poss�s for the COmmittee{s) for which you seek nppoiwtment' �-i-��Jo,r:� u�fonr. Do v�n�✓ri 0• ht, - da�,(if u,t-�,c�Q _,�,t �i ,,,��r,c c�.r�t,L� ti,tr� � {OYER) i2ev. 8-�-4; T'�TAL P.09 TOTRL P.02 The entormatioa included ia this application is considered private data accordiag to ihe Minnesota Governmeat Data Practices Act As x result, tAis information is not released to the genera2 public. NOV 20 '98 13�z4 FRMILY SERVICE INC. x�m�: l � 1/, . //I.ee. c� Add�: • i Yhoue: {Hl�ms�) �2, - �i ,� i Namt: � l I.f1/. A� �Addresa• L�L Phoae: • �ft�� �57- �.,2- ,l�tante: ��/?. � � /' ,Adtlress• _ �� �a �� /'.�/I.GC �Phonc: • [�La�e1_ �OcS� �.�c� Bc9sans for yotir Fntcrest in this i �rrie=: � �� DLG Gbo tl71J� z�. q�'-lo�, r��_ 0 �-- and -�icu� �cd �h2e. �o /,tc�b ruy6l� � Ia an attempt to eusure that committcs rcp�pe c8eck the iine apyltcabie to yaa. T6is InPoayy Whitn (Cancssixn) Black (Airirau American) Amerieaa Fndiaa oe Alttkan Eakin� Mate �,� F'emale Disabkd: Yca No � �f apecial acwmmodatlons are needed, plea� Bow did you hear about thic npening? tYN you4 /, 90, ia reflecfs t6e makeap of our como�unity, atrictty voluntacy. Hiapauic .�,,. Asian or Pa�e Ialander . Date of Birth: '�ll ��'��� ' 1 l.e l� YLf.Q, f.C�LGE�' �' d �• '�,Y G���L�r /� J I " TQTt� ,l � � 11!06i98 10�01 MCDON MGMT � 92668513 OCT-28-1998 10=26 ST PRUL MRYOR'S OFFICE ��l� � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 390 CITY HALL SATNT PATJi,, MINNESOTA SS102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266•8513 9�- ioqs Name: Bee Vana " HomeAddress: 5_151 Nnrth 6uPRn noA,,,,A MinnPa n��,� Nrv 55aan Street City Zip Tetephone DTumber: Planning Disirict Council: Preferred Mailing Addresa: [gomel (612) 28 558-2299 j��(,�1} 5 5R-21 - City Council Ward: W6atisyauroccupatioa? Aseietant Manaaer P.H�M. place af Employmtnt: Committcc(s) Apptied For: � �_ St_ Paul Public Hou New Americane Commit What skills, training or e:perience do you pussess for the eommittee(s} for which you �eek appaintment? Graduated W1t1'! a Master O A1' s D q3ot� i n f7rhatl Ctyy�_s Snaak anR c r{ tp_ Enqlish Hmana Lao and �TfVPraan+ m�+ wnrti�� wir� m�S, � nm ; The information inetuded in t6is application is considered private dsta according to the Mi»neeota Government Data Pr�ctices Act. As a resuly this inPormation ia not released ta the general public. � N0.644 G�2 612 266 8513 P.05i06 {OVER) Rev. $-5-97 11i66/98 10�BL MCDON M6MT � 92668513 N0.644 D�3 OCT-28-1998 10�26 ST PRI� MAYOR'S OEFICE 612 266 0513 P.96i06 PERSONA,j�„j�;FERENCES lV `� Nam¢: .__ Patti Morano-Section 8 Proaram Manacfer Address: _� T02 E. �az,kson St,�Mankai-n. �iN SFnn�_z�Fq Phone: (Fiome) .� _' __�_ _ �1Vark1 (303) 387-8623 NAme: Rita Ander-Section 8 Proqram Manacrer Address: 480 Cedar St., Suite 300, St. Paul, MN 55201 Phone: Name: [Home) (W4rk,,(651) 298-5727 ext 3116 Joshoua Xlong-Pro�ram Manacier '�� � ' Y 11's!• Y1 '�• Phone: i�4mt) CWn�� (617) 721-oi22 Rensons for your interest in this paniculnr committee:.._gP i n rr e h 1 a t n ��n i rP i c c n e c rEa 1 a r°,� new Americans. Have you h�d previons contact w9th the committee for whicb you are making application? If so, when, and the circumata»ces? No In an attempt to ensure that eommitiea representatian reElects the makenp of oar community, please check the line appiicable ta you. This inPormation ie strictlr voluntary. White (Caucasian) Biack (African Americsn) Ameriu+n Indiaa ar Alaskan E�kimo _� Mnle Disabled: Yea Femalt No ,�_ If special necummodations nre needed, pleaSe spetify: Hispaaic xx Asian or Pacific Islander -''� •,- pate of BiTth: 11- 0 4- 6 6 How did you 1►eac xbout this opening? Hoa Yana contact�d me a t my i ob. TpTAL P.Oo 11i06i96 10:01 MCDON MGM7 � 92668513 BEE VANG N0.644 Ga4 1� ' ��q S � 151 North Queen Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55430 Phone: Work (651� 558-2179 Hame (612) 28?-9g68 EDUCATION Mankato State Univc�rsiry, Mankato, Minncsota Master of Arts Degree in Urban And Regiooal Studies; graduated 7une 1997 Northland College, As]iland, Wisconsin Bachetor of Arts D�gee in Business Administration; graduatecl December 1990 WORK EXPERIENCE Assistant Manager iII, P.H.M, McDonough Homes, St. Paul Public Housing, St. Paul, Minnesota September 1997 - present • Reduced rent,�l loss and maximized occupancy by renring vacant uniu as quickly as possible. ! Manag�d family devetopments and scattered site properties to maximize occupancy rates and tenant satis£action and W controlexpenses. 1 Maximized resident awareness of and compliance witii regulatione,lease obligations,rules and procedures; maximiz�d safety and secnrity, resident satisfsctinn and qualiry of life issues. ♦ Motivsted residents townrd sel£-sufficiency. Worked with Itesident Lutiativee and Service Coordinator Grant staff to provide infortnation for grant applioations and to accommodate programs and opportunities that promote self-sufficiency. ♦ Enforced Icx�e provisioiu and tules fairly and uniFormly; initiate legal ac�ioi� to remove residents who do not pay rent or compty wilh lease and rules or take othec aeaon to obcain compliance wirl� lease and rules. ♦ Coordinated and worked with other divisions within Resident Services and all other deparanents within the PHA to achieve PHA goals and PHMAP standards. a Warked with agencies, organizadons, neighborhood groups, 2dvocates and community issues ouuide of the PHA. ♦ Maximized PHA operating income through callection efforts and appropriate implementation of HUD regulation� regarding rent and other chazges. 11!06�98 10:01 MCDON MGMT � 92668513 N0.644 Ge5 �Q'� � Section 8- I�m, St. Paul Public Housing, St. Pau1, Minnesota May 199� - September 1H97 Conducted utility allowances survey. Interpreted for the Moving Forwazd Pragram and Section 8 iniake. Worked on revenue recapture. Regional Planning Iittem, Rogion Nine Developmeat Commiseion, Mankato, Minnesota September 1996 - May 1997 t Worked with Region Nine Developmcnt Comsnission scaff to conduct economic development projects survey. ♦ Cnnducted Regional Housing suney. t Conductedtenanu survey. Administrative intern, Mankato City Hall, Mankato, Minnesota Septemher 1995 - August 1996 + Conducted Fair Mazket Rent Execption Report. ♦ Revised the 1995 Annual Report and 1996 Actinn Plan. i Participated in the devcJopment of housing siudy. ♦ Conducted reseazch for the Community Development Specialist. Director of Hmang Cnitura] Center, Mount Senario College, Lsdysmith, Wisconsin August 1994 - July 1995 � Coordinated tectures on the Hmong culture to local schaols and conum�nities. ♦ Organized culmral events at Mount Senazio College. ♦ Assisted Southeast Asian students appli�d for Financial Aid. Naturalist 1 Program Aseistant II, Deparsment of Natural Resources, Wausau, Wiscansin May 1993 - Rngust 1994 ♦ Coordinated muld-cultural programs for Rih Moumain State Park in both Hmong and En�lish. • Made contact with the Wausau minoriry Qopulation. ♦ Presented interpretive programs in both Engtish and Hmon�. • Ptovided tour for the vnsitws. 1L06/98 10�01 �CDON MGMT � 92668513 N0.644 G2� ��• loqS School Liaison, Waussu Scbool Aistrict, Waasau, Wisconsin Au�ust 1941- May 1993 ! Promoted e�ctive tommunication and understanding among Southeast Asiaiis students and teachers. i TnterpTeted for Southeast Asiaits parenu at school conferences. • Tau�t Hmong to the Hnwthom Hills Elementary School staff. ♦ Assisted school staff in pmviding services to Southeast Asian atudanu. COMPLITER SKILLS ♦ Microsoft Windows 3.11/95, MS-DOS, WordPerfect 5.2, 6.0, 7.0, WordPerfect Mainstreet, Microsoft Word 6.0, �.0, Lotus 1-2-3, and Intemct (FiTML). VdLUNTEER EXPERIENCE ♦ Coached Boys U12 Mankato Youth Socccr Club. ♦ Assistant Yolleyball Co�ch, Mouat Senario Coltege. 6XTRA-CURRiCiJLAR 1 CO-Founder of Mount Senario Soccer Club. ACTIVTTIES ♦ Founder and President af Northla�id College Hmong Student Club. ♦ St. Paul Pvblic Housing Diversiry Commlttee. AWARDS RECEIVEB ♦ Recigient of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) uaineeship (1995-1997). • Who's Who Among Sh�dents in American University and Coileges (1990). PROFESStUNAL ♦ Am�rican Planning Association (APA). MEMHERSHIPS t American Society for Public Administration {ASPA). 4 Internationtil City / County Managers Eissociation (ICMA). ♦ Minnesota Association of Urban Management Assistants (MAUMA). SPECIAL TALENTS Speak and write Hmong, Lao, English and conversant Thai, REFERENCES Available upon request. S `t�- l�q S 12-03-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : NAAC New Americana Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED A£TER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COHMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETfi GEN AIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTAER COMlfITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -----�-- -------- -------- --� --- --- 003370 Baqlino, liichael 2 16 02/24/98 W M Apt. 24 215 South Dunlap St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 225-8988 college Teacher/Globe College Diane Stranslaski 7166 lOth St. N. Oakdale, 55128 w) 731-5000 Andrew Poqolor 4328 Dupont S. Minneapolis h) 822-4856 Diane Chambers 12091 Upton Ave. S. Burnsville h) 894-3009 002972 Baribeau, Pam 1561 Leone Ave. St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-5845 Regiatered Nurse Plumba Walker H) 778-8226 Suzanne Guimby H) 484-1632 003495 Bergs, J. Mignon 534-2 Love11 Avenue Roaeville, HN 55113 Home - (651) 482-1505 Teacher 9-21-98 New Americana Advisory Committee 04/06/95 W F 09/21/98 W F Ray Arndt, Principal Johnson Sr. High q8 - IOqS 12-03-98 CAMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 2 CO2MITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH 6EN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFIER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) 1349 Arcade Street St. Paul, MN 55106 w) (651) 293-8890 Viki liille Independent Beauty Conaultant 2425 W. Cty. Road C2 #318 Roseville� MN 55113 h) (651) 697-9192 w) Same as above Patrick Coyne Assiatant PrinCipal 631 N. Albert Street St. Paul, MN 55104 w) (651) 293-5970 002928 Engelhart, James Engelhart & Swanson 46 E. Fourth St., 12th Floor St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 224-3000 CPA David Dorle Tim Lippert John Rupp 003449 Griffin, Ryan 448 E. Nebraska Avenue St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 771-3980 Waiter/Hotel St. Paul 3-23-98 FIRC; Llew Americana & Neighborhood Net{work: Dion Longtin 995 Burna Avenue, 55106 h) 774-7155 w) 228-3855 Joseph Peschek 1536 Hewitt Ave., 55104 w0 523-2260 06/12/95 W M 03J23j96 W M Kevin Knight qg - togs 12-03-98 APPLTCANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 COMMZTTEE : LtAAC ttew Americana Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMFfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --" --- 131 Maplewood Drive Bloomington, MN 55420 h) 888-7586 w) 296-4218 003156 Harrison, James M. 969 Lincoln Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 224-0549 Publ Aff Dir & River Mgt Coord Rev. Robert Burmeister North Hqts. Lutheran Church 2701 N. Rice St. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 484-2049 w) 484-2049 Dat Huynh or Lang Tran 4131 131at Savage, MN 55378 w) 890-6740 2 16 Howard or Joanne Melrose 3272 New Brighton Rd. Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 ----------------------"----------------------{- 4-16-97 Riverfront corporation & Parka-Rec Commiseion M. Howard & JoAnn Melroae 3272 New Brighton Road Arden Hills, MN 55112 h) 633-7673 Rev. Robert Burmeieter North Heiqhts Lutheran Church Roseville, MN h) 483-4644 w) 484-2049 Judy Dutfey 806 Linwood, /4 St. Paul, MN 55105 h) 290-0568 03/25/96 W M 003514 Osman, Sirad 3 15 10/22/98 B M 1754 Ford Parkway St. Paul, M27 55116 Home - 699-9365 q� - toq5 12-03-98 COHHITTEE APPLICANT3 REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 CA?MITTEPs : NAAC New Americane Advisory Co. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTfiR O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCfi COMt�NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTfiER COMHITTEES SfiRVZNG ON) -°- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Smployment Counae2or 10-22-98 New Americane Advisory Co�ittee Gail M. Martinaon, B.S.W. Weet Seventh Community Center, Inc. 1307 W. Maynard Drive, #19 h) 455-8170 w0 690-3603 Sondra D. Fruzzetti MSW Program/univeraity of MN 265 oneida Street St. Paul, MN h) 699-6529 w) 298-5493 Mrs. Carol Attaroni Program Coordinator HIRED 1200 Plymouth Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 h) {612) 533-5364 w) (612) 529-3342 003113 Rashid, Sardar Abdur 332 Charles Avenue St. Paul� MN 55103 Home - 222-0791 Auditor/State of MN 12/08/95 AP M Bill Wilson Former City Council President Professor Gary McLean College of Education St. Paul Campus U of M professor Frederick Jacobs Director, MBT Program U of M Mpls., MN 55455 003398 Santer, Pamela 5. 1355 Portland Avenue St. Pau1� HN 55104 Home - 917-7792 Attorney 4 13 03/04/98 W F � � � IOgS 12-03-98 CO?MITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 5 COMHITTSE : NAAC New Americans Advieory Co. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMl�NTS WARD PLANNING SfiNATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ------�- --- --- --- Patrick Menke Ex. Director of MN Non Public Schoo2a Accredi{tition Asan. 102 Western Ave. N. w) 227-8777 h) 227-6749 Relly McGrath Group and corporate salea Mgr. Ordway Theater 1698 Race St. h) 690-3114 w) 252-3113 Kathlyn Noecker Bttorney Faegre & Benson 1680 Highland Pkwy. h) 699-3805 w) 336-3354 003518 Tadesse, Nigatu �128 1105 Duckwood Trail Eagan, MN 55123 Home - (651) 452-9200 Extension Educator/U of M 11-16-98 New Americana Advisory Committee Sheila Barbetta 260 Coffey Aall 1420 Ecklea Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 w) (612) 625-3182 7uan C. Moreno 240 Coffey Hall 1420 Ecklea Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Warren Sifferaty 15325 Babcock Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 11/16/98 B M 003516 Vang, Bee 11/06/98 AP M 5151 North Queen Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55430 �t 8'- loqs 12-03-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COt�4fITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO2MENTS Home - (612) 28'7-9965 Aesistant Mgr./PUblic Aouaing PAGE 6 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAHHITTEES SERVING ON) 11-6-98 New Americans Advisory Patti Morano, Section 8 Program Manager 202 E. Jackson Street Hankaot, MN 56002-3368 w) (507) 387-8623 Rita Ander, Section 8 Program Manager Public Houeing Agency Suite 300 480 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) (651) 298-571'7, Ext. 3116 Joshoua Xiong Program Manager 3702 E. Lake Street Minneapolie, MN 55406 w) (612) 721-0122 003160 Vang, J. Kou 6280 36th St. N. Oakdale, MN 55128 Home - 777-2062 Financial/Small Bus. Mgt. Lee Pao Xiong Executive DireCtor/Asian Pacific Council 200 University Ave., Ste. 100 St. Paul, MN 55103 w) 296-0571 Yeeleng Hang Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave., 55105 h) 696-6311 Judy Miller J.B. Realty 1885 Univeraity Avenue, 55104 h) 645-5500 04/30/96 AP M 003520 Ya, Tzy Lee 11/19/98 AP F 5350 Otter Lake Road `f8'- loqs 12-03-98 COMMiTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE � COtIliITTEE : NAAC New Americans Advisory Co. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER 01/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENGE COHI�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETIi GEN DZS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COHMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -�--^--- -------- -------- --- --- --- White Bear Lake, HN 55210 Home - 653-3293 Case Mqr./Family Service inc. 11-20-98 New Americans Advisory Committee Lee Pao Xionq 2208 Edgebrook w) 641-8279 Pat Teiken 1794 Englewood Avenue h) 642-9050 w) 917-6233 Bob Bergetrom 5666 Chatsworth h) 415-0860 w) 293-8900