98-1084ORCGiNAL Presented By: Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �. Referred To: Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the Mayor has proposed budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1999, fn accordance with z the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administretive Code; and 3 a WHEREAS, the City Council, after publication ot the notice in the newspaper on December 1, 1998, held a public hearing on s December 8, 1998, on the Mayor's Proposed 1999 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and federal laws; and 6 z WHEREAS, the Council has revised the Mayor's proposed budgets as herein set forf.h; now therefore be it e s RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto, �o the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 1999 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, �� and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resolution; and be it iz �a FUR7HER RESOLVED, that ihe expenditures in dotlars as may be made by the several offices, departme�ts, bureaus, and agencies of �a city government during the fiscal year 1999 shall be, and are hereby approved, and adoption of these budgets shall constitute �s appropriations of the money amounts as set at the department budget total in the General Fund budget, the project total in the Capital �s Improvements budget, and the fund budget total in ail other cases. �� �a FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated financing set forth in the 1999 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it as zo FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 1999 budget for the Community Development Block Grant Fund (100) and Governmental z� Employment and Training Program Fund (345) are multi-year budgets based on estimates for grants which have fiscal periods which 22 differ from the City's normal bUdget year (January 1 through December 31); the authority to implement these adopted multi-year budgets za commences only at the beginning of the grant period and shall extend beyond December 31, 1999, through the end of the grant period 2a and; during the year when each individual grant is accepted by the City Gouncil, the budget wdl be amended to match the actual grant 2s amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it zs z� FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to pubtish ihe'1999 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 2e 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor; and be it 29 ao FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Director of Financial Services be and is hereby authorized to prepare the final 1999 Budgets in accordance s� with ihe actions taken herein and to equalize, balance or set the final department revenue sources and deparf.ment appropriations as a2 necessary. Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by Mayor: ate I _+ By: Requested by Department of: Executive Administration Sy: Approval Recommended by Director of Financiai Services o... ����� ��-fO�y �aro � � Adopted by Council: Date � a _ �j `�°���' Prepar¢d byt�e SaiM Paul Butlget �ce ( H\USERS�B��GET123\VR�%31COUNCILViE5Bt1� VJK4 1&02/98 ) n���,�,o�,���o��� DAPEW1TfAM1ED a �-� a �� OfficeofFinaucialServices 12/02/98 GREEN SHEET NO. 32621 CONTACI'PERSONRPHONE O DEPARiMINIDlltECCOR 4� CI]YCAUNCll. IosephReid �°�" ,� z� crrvwrrou�v s� crrr PRK MUSiBEONCOUNCO,AGpVDABY(DAiE) � Ol BUpGETDptECI'OR � FN`.&MGi.SERVICESDIR 12f09198 Q Mnvorztoxnsse;'cur� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONRFLjUES1EU Approval of Council Resolurion adopting the 1999 annual budgets rzecoM�uwnoNS: a�o�e(n� o�rs�«i �e) PERSONAL SERVICE CONA'RACTS MUST ANSR'ER 1'HE FOLLOWIlVG QUE57TON5: euw+utc Cot.uAissiOx _crvu.ssnviceCOm�fcssww 1. Has chis pecsonlfum evec wo:ked u¢du a wnhacc for this depaztment? cm cohutrrrEe YES NO s'ratt� _ 2. Has [lus persodfilm everbeen a city employee? OISiRICf CO[IRT YES NO suePOR'ts WtuCx coOwC¢ oB.�CnvE+ 3. Does this per5odfum possess a sldil not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) INITW'[ING PROHLEM,ISSUE.OYPORTUNRY (Whq vfiar, Whea Where, P'hy) The City Charter requires that an annual balanced budget be adopted. Timelines aze set by State Statute and City Ordinance. The City Council's Committee of the Whole has completed its review of the budgets, and l�as passad out its recommended changes to the City Council for adoption. Legally, the resolution adopting the 1999 City Budget should be considered after the resolution adopting the Payable 1999 tas levy. ADVANTAGESQ�'APPAOVED: The City will be in compliance wiffi City Charter and State law. D]$ADVANfAGESIF APPROVED N/A DISADVANTAGESOPNOTAPPROVED The City will be without an adopted budget for 1999. In accordance with the City Charter, the service priorities, financing estimates and spending appcopriations for 1998 would be earried forth into 1999 and become the 1999 budget. TOTAL AMOU[ii OF TRANSACiION R COSTAtEVEM1E BUDGETEO (CIACLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUItCE � ACTIVIiYNUMBER PWANLIAL AI£ORh5AT10N: (EXPLAA� PrepamtlbyNeSamtPaulBUtlgetpifce(Renshaw F:WSERS\BU�GET1231VR1999\C/JUNGL\6S89BDGT4VK4 12/02I98) c�-lo�`I Addendum supplied at Council Meeting: Following completion of the 1999 budget at the Council Budget Committee Meeting the morning of December 9th, Budget Office Spreadsheets will detail Council changes to the Mayor's proposed budget and will be distributed at the December 9, 1998 Council Meeting. t 9999 Budget Process 12/9/9B 3:30 oiUf Description A�rmative Acfion No Change to Mayor's Proposed Bud9et � Attornev No Change to MayoPS Proposed Budget Citizen Services CSO - cost of telephone lines for inspectors Greffitl Abatement Q%h/ QOUOCII No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget O�ce of Financial Services No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Fire and Safety Services Fire PERA Pension UAAL Fringes Housinp and /nformation O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Human Resources No Change W Mayor's Proposed Budget Human Riahts RedUCe funding related to Human Rights Specialist Restore funding related to Clerk Typist III Restore (unding related to 2 Human Rights Specialists Reduce funding related to Intern Laboi Relation No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budqet Libraries AddPl funding for Sunday Hours @ Rrverview & St. Mthony City Contribution to one-time grant from the Friends of the SPPLS for materials Move funding related to Lib IS to Technology IS Division AddYl funding related to Technology Training Specialist AddPl funding related to Sci and Technology Speaalist Addi'I funding related to Gommunity Outreach Staffing Source of Recommendation Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comfeof-the-Whole (11@5) Comte-of-the-Whole (17/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Gomte-of-the-Whole (17/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Gomte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Gomte-of-the-Whole (17/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) License Inspg�fion and Envi�onmental Protection AddPl funding related to Animal Control Officer Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Dangerous Dog License Fee Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Sewer Fund Transfer Comterof-the-Whole (72/2) Eliminate Proposed Dog License fee Increase Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Heritage Preservation Foundation -final year funding Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z2) Mayor's O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposed 8udget q$` - 1� �``t Council's Fiscal Changes Genera! Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayofs - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing oo2ss-o2zz aozsa-0iai 0025a-0761 00258-0259 0�258-0283 00258-0374 00258-0439 Vanous oot52 00752 oots2 00752 osaoz 03401-0381 o3aoi o3aoi 03402 03402 00177 oom a0777 oom OOt78-O558 12.800 21.921 904 125 3.500 1,500 2,050 100,000 (46,774) 42,791 14,592 (9,750) 46,032 100,000 �a2,�3�) 50,504 25,252 A5,470 40.118 42,190 22,300 20.000 (18,205) 100,000 J 1999 Budget Process IZ/9/98 3:3D PM Description Source of Recommendation Parks and Recreation Restore funding for reaeation centedplayfield maintenance Restore funding for recreation center/playfield maintenance Restore tunding for reaeaGOn centerlplayfield mai�tenance Provide additional funding for rec center/playfield maint. New P&R Superintendent - Hiring delay Soccer field Iocation study w/Ramsey County one-[ime Tundii Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center fram PW Add Design Center from PW Add Desig� Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Centerfrom PW Planning 8 Economic Develo�t 6% Increase for District Council's Citizen Participation 6 7 Increase for Crime Prevention Program Police DepaRment 1999 One time only - Mti-gun Violence Program Funding related to Traffic Enf - Salaries & fringes (2/3rds) Funding related to Traffic Enf - Overtime & Fringes (2/3rds) 1999 One Gme funding related to Tra(fic Enf - Squads or Mot Funding related to Traffic Enf - Fue{, repairs, & Uniforms (10( 1999 one time funding related to Treffic Enf - Radios, Radar Revenues related to 7raffic EnforcemeM (213rds) Match ConGngency - related to ISD 625 funding DARE/SLO Comte-0f-the-Whole (12/2) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comteaf-the-Whole (t2/2) Comteof-the-Whale (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whote (12/2) Comterof-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (1212) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2J2) Camteof-the-Whole ('12/2) Comte-oRthe-Whole i�v2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comteof-the-Whole (11/25) Comfeof-the-Whole (1212) Comte-of-Ne-Whole (71/25) Comte-of-ihe-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l2) Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12(2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Public Works Design Center (shift to Parks) Comteof-the-Whole (72/2) Reduce Gen Fund contribution and substitute winter street Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) mamtenance fund balance for winter street maintenance Techno/ogy & Management Services �999 One time only - Y2K Projed Management Move funding related to Lib IS to Technology IS Division General Government Accounts General Contingency Specified Contingency Job training - to leverage private sector funding Technolagy for Housing Inspectors Fire Pension Amortizatlon Aid Police Pension Aid Funding for MetroTransit's Metropass Program (Employee benefit to be bargained) Proposed Employee Contribufion to Metro Pass Parking and Transit Fund T2nsfer to Metro Pass Amounts to be Spread to Various departments ProQ�rtKTax Lev� Financino No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Other Finartcing Loral Governmen[ Aid Hotel Motel tax Interest Earnin9s estimate Fees and Fines estimate Franchise Fees estimate City Council (12/9) Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z2) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/9) Gomte-of-the-Whole (72/9) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/3� Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Gomte-of-Ne-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (1 V25) Comte-of-the-Whoie (71/25) Comte-of-the-Whole {17J2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-ihe-Whofe (11125) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (7212) ° 1�$ - ���'�t Council's Fiscal Changes General Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing 03132 03777 03172 03732/3?172 03500 03100 03134-025t 03134-0252 03134-0253 03734-0256 03134-0299 03134A359 03734-0362 03134A365 03734A369 03134-0381 06110A547 osooa-osa� aaoao oaioo 04100 oaioo oaiao oaioa aatoo oaom Various 02277-0558 o16ot 07115 09060 osasi 09061 09017 o9ota 09948-0299 o99as-ao9s o9saa-�aos 00000-aaai 00000-iaoa 00000$602 000003705 00000-1399 26,583 26,017 26,017 101,383 (33,845) 8,000 2,800 700 1,500 500 242,000 1,500 250 150 300 300 34,327 8,250 50,490 i75,337 6,667 98,000 11.012 45,400 232,668 47,597 (250,000) (50,000) 65,000 / 42.737 (75,000) 75,000 150,000 100,000 (280,000j 189,500 715,000 74,500 373,022 66.122 425,000 (300,000) (47,355) 1999 Budget Process 12/9/98 3; 30 PM ��e��� �� 1��q� °1�- ���-� Council's Fiscal Changes Genera/ Fund and Debt Funds Ghange from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing Fund Balance � Use of Fund Balance to Balance Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z2) 00000-ssso 739,404 Balancing entry by FSO Total, Council's Changes 1.547.708 7,547,708 Mayor's Proposed Genera/ Fund Budget 158,427,973 758,427,973 Council's Preliminary Genera/ Fund Budgei 159.975,681 '159,975,681 Balance l�dicafor Curient Status: Baianced Budoet 0 General Debt Increase H/M tax to escrow account Debt service for additional $1.375 million in CIB bonding Transfer from Cap. Projec4s (bond fund interest earnings) Total, Council's CBanges Mayor's Proposed Debt BudgeT Council's Preliminary De6t Budget BalanCe /ndicator Current Status: Balanced Bud�et sso-asssa-�aoa 96a-a99ss-osta 960-89999-7306 24,840 0 za.8ao 175,��� 775,000 199,840 199,840 5Q254,509 5Q254,509 50,454,3A9 50,454,349 0 y 1999 Budgef Process 12/9/98 3:30 P.N Description Cifv Attornev No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget Citv Council No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget Source of Recommendation Financial Services Change H1M tanes to $2,500,000 and resu4ting disbursemer Comfeof-the-Whole (12/2) Techniwl Change Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/2) Place Capitat City partnership in Council Contingency Comte-of-the-Whole (12/9) Place Capital City partnership in Council Contingency Comteof-the-Whole (12/9) Fire and Safe(y_Services No Change to Mayoc's Proposed Budget Housing (nformation O�ce Move SPARL Contract From Contingency Move SPARL Contract From Confingency Human Riqhts Fair HouSing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights - CDBG Libreries Match to Materials GF AppfopriaGon - Friends of SPPL Match to Materials GF Appropriation - Friends of SPPL Licen�e lnspeciion and Environmental Protection Heritage Preservation Foundation - 6nal year funding Heritage Preservation Foundation - final year funding Parks and Rec�eation No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Plannino & Economic Develooment Funding for MetroTransiYs Metropass Program Fu�ding for MetmTransd's Metropass Program Place Capitai City paRnership in Council Contingency Place Capital City partnership in Council Contingency Police DeQartment DARE/SLO Adjustment condiGoned on School Participation Funding related to DARE/SLO - ISD 625 Financing (Grants & match) Funding related to DAREISLO - Ciry match (contingency) Fundmg related to DARE/SLO - Salaries & Fringes (6/12ths; Funding related to DARE/SLO - Uniform (100%) 1999 One time fundmg related to DARFISLO - Two Squads Funding related to DARE/SLO - Fuel and Repairs (100%) 1999 One 6me funding related to DARE/SL0 - Guns (100°l0) 7999 One tlme Mti-gun Violence Program Accounting Change - LLEBG III Public Health No Change to Mayofs Proposed Budget Pubfic Works Change finanang Wntr Street from Trensfer In to use of F8 Change financing Wntr Street to u5e of FB from Transfer In Sewer funding for Rats- trsfr to GF Sewer funding for Rats- Payment to MCES Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whale (12/2) Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-the-Whoie �1212) Comterof-the-Whole (72/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-the-Whole {1y2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12f9) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/9) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole ('1212) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2i2) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/2) Comte-oP-the-Whole (1Z2) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/2) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-Ne-Whole (12/2) 0.� - � �� Council's Fiscal Changes Special Funds Change from Mayors - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing 05a-sat08-osa5 75,359 75,359 050-30108-OZ�c 1,000 1.000 050-30108-0279 (150,000� 050 - aotaa - osa8 150.000 Ofi530'133-0548 (2�,0�0� 065-30733-0545 20.000 26250 26,250 35033422-0381 35033422-6905 32033353-0545 32033353-1299 73036127-0557 1 30 361 21-9 8 39 t3036t00-0558 730-36100-0548 fund 436 50.000 50,000 �00,000 100,000 74,500 T4,500 (100.000) tOQ000 83,193 47,597 funtl 436 Funtl 436 funtl 436 Pund 436 fund 436 iund 436 fund 436 34t39 to 34t44 a233o-7299 d2330-9830 22200-0557 22200-054a 49,737 753 67,700 4,000 2,600 50,490 0 20,000 (20,000) 50,490 0 (50,000) 50,000 ��-10��{ 1399 Budgef Process 12/9/9B 3:30 PM Council's Fisca! Ghanges Specia/ Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing RiverCenfre lncreased HoteVMOteI Taz receipt estimates Comteof-the-Whole (1?J02) so0-2oioi-sa3i (3,679) Inueased HoteVMOteI Tax receipt estimates Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/02) 9oo-zo5oa-taol 3,679 Technology 8 Management Services No Change to Mayor's Pcoposed Budget Various Deoartments Wate� Utilitv Adjust spending and financing per TechTrkr Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z02) vanous 255,480 255,480 Total, Council's Changes 757,869 757,869 Mayar's Proposed Special Funds Budget 213.685,845 273,685,845 Council's Preliminary Special Funds Budget 274,443,714 214,443,714 Ba/ance Indicator Current Status: Balanced Budaet � ��-- �08L1 9999 Budgef Process 12/9/9B 3:30 PiN Council's Fiscal Ghanges Capital lmprovement Budget Change 6om Mayor's - Adopted by Council Financing Description Source of RerAmmendation Log No. Spending Financing Source Public Warks WabashaWestSVeetRedesign Comte�of-Ne-�Nhole(72/02) SU-7797059 (940,000) (340 000) MSA (600,000) AST Note: ToWI pmject cost 0 TIF for 1999 reduced from 0 CIB $3 64 miltion in Mayofs Proposed to $2.7 million. Residential Street Vitality Prog2m (RSVP) Comte�of-the-Whole (17J09) SU-6697078 2,500,000 1,375,000 CIB Bonds 625,000 CIB Intrst 340,000 CB Cntgcy 160,000 Pryr CIB 838,000 638,000 Sp Ast Bds 7ota/, Council'S Changes 2,398,000 2.398,000 Mayor's Proposed C18 83,108,000 63.10a,0o0 Council's Preliminary C/B 65,506,000 65,506,000 Balance Mdicator Cmrent Slatus: Balanced Budoet � 9999 �udgef Process IZ/9/9B 3:30 P�t1 Description Fand Balance Use of Fund Balance to Balance Total, Council's Changes Mayor's Proposed General Fund Budget Council's Preliminary Genera/ Fund Budget Balance Indicator Current Status: General De6f Increase H/M taz to escrow acwunt Debt service for addi6onai $� $75 milfion in C18 bonding Transfer 6om Cap. Projects (bond fund interest eamings) Tofal, Counci!'s Changes Mayor's Proposed Debt Budget Council's Preliminary Debt Budget / Balance lndicator Current Sfatus: Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Baiancing entry by FSO Balanced Budaet Balanced Budoet ��� �o�� Council's Fiscal Changes General Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayo�s - Adopted by Council Line ttem Spending � Financing 00000-ss30 739,404 960-896641404 960-89999A654 960-89999-7306 1.547.708 158,427,973 159,975,681 av sK� 34;488-� 175,000 199,480 50,254,509 50,453.989 1,547.708 158.427.973 159,975,657 0 0 4d;488' a 17$,000 199,480 50,254,509 50,453,989 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor OFFICE OF THE MA'YOR �0 v���� OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES, Budget Section Joaeph Reid, D"ueaor of Financial Services 240 Ciry Hal[ TeZephane: (657J 26(r8543 IS West Kel[ogg Bou[evard Facsimile: (65IJ 2668541 Saznt Paui, Minnesoia 55102-I631 MEMORANDUM To: Nancy Anderson From: Ron Kline� RE: replacement attachment page CF 98-1804 Date: December 10, 1998 At yesterday's City Council meeting, Joe Reid described a transposition error on one of the attachment pages for CF 98-7804, the resolution adopting the 1999 budget. The version with the error listed the figure $24,480 under the label "Increase H/M tax to escrow account" in the General Debt section on page Yhree of Joe's Council Fiscal Changes document. The correct amount is $24,840. Joe promised to make sure a replacement page was delivered to the council secretary. I am following through on that promise, and have attached the replacement page to this memo. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8548, or send me an email. Thanks. ORCGiNAL Presented By: Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �. Referred To: Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the Mayor has proposed budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1999, fn accordance with z the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administretive Code; and 3 a WHEREAS, the City Council, after publication ot the notice in the newspaper on December 1, 1998, held a public hearing on s December 8, 1998, on the Mayor's Proposed 1999 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and federal laws; and 6 z WHEREAS, the Council has revised the Mayor's proposed budgets as herein set forf.h; now therefore be it e s RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto, �o the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 1999 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, �� and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resolution; and be it iz �a FUR7HER RESOLVED, that ihe expenditures in dotlars as may be made by the several offices, departme�ts, bureaus, and agencies of �a city government during the fiscal year 1999 shall be, and are hereby approved, and adoption of these budgets shall constitute �s appropriations of the money amounts as set at the department budget total in the General Fund budget, the project total in the Capital �s Improvements budget, and the fund budget total in ail other cases. �� �a FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated financing set forth in the 1999 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it as zo FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 1999 budget for the Community Development Block Grant Fund (100) and Governmental z� Employment and Training Program Fund (345) are multi-year budgets based on estimates for grants which have fiscal periods which 22 differ from the City's normal bUdget year (January 1 through December 31); the authority to implement these adopted multi-year budgets za commences only at the beginning of the grant period and shall extend beyond December 31, 1999, through the end of the grant period 2a and; during the year when each individual grant is accepted by the City Gouncil, the budget wdl be amended to match the actual grant 2s amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it zs z� FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to pubtish ihe'1999 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 2e 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor; and be it 29 ao FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Director of Financial Services be and is hereby authorized to prepare the final 1999 Budgets in accordance s� with ihe actions taken herein and to equalize, balance or set the final department revenue sources and deparf.ment appropriations as a2 necessary. Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by Mayor: ate I _+ By: Requested by Department of: Executive Administration Sy: Approval Recommended by Director of Financiai Services o... ����� ��-fO�y �aro � � Adopted by Council: Date � a _ �j `�°���' Prepar¢d byt�e SaiM Paul Butlget �ce ( H\USERS�B��GET123\VR�%31COUNCILViE5Bt1� VJK4 1&02/98 ) n���,�,o�,���o��� DAPEW1TfAM1ED a �-� a �� OfficeofFinaucialServices 12/02/98 GREEN SHEET NO. 32621 CONTACI'PERSONRPHONE O DEPARiMINIDlltECCOR 4� CI]YCAUNCll. IosephReid �°�" ,� z� crrvwrrou�v s� crrr PRK MUSiBEONCOUNCO,AGpVDABY(DAiE) � Ol BUpGETDptECI'OR � FN`.&MGi.SERVICESDIR 12f09198 Q Mnvorztoxnsse;'cur� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONRFLjUES1EU Approval of Council Resolurion adopting the 1999 annual budgets rzecoM�uwnoNS: a�o�e(n� o�rs�«i �e) PERSONAL SERVICE CONA'RACTS MUST ANSR'ER 1'HE FOLLOWIlVG QUE57TON5: euw+utc Cot.uAissiOx _crvu.ssnviceCOm�fcssww 1. Has chis pecsonlfum evec wo:ked u¢du a wnhacc for this depaztment? cm cohutrrrEe YES NO s'ratt� _ 2. Has [lus persodfilm everbeen a city employee? OISiRICf CO[IRT YES NO suePOR'ts WtuCx coOwC¢ oB.�CnvE+ 3. Does this per5odfum possess a sldil not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) INITW'[ING PROHLEM,ISSUE.OYPORTUNRY (Whq vfiar, Whea Where, P'hy) The City Charter requires that an annual balanced budget be adopted. Timelines aze set by State Statute and City Ordinance. The City Council's Committee of the Whole has completed its review of the budgets, and l�as passad out its recommended changes to the City Council for adoption. Legally, the resolution adopting the 1999 City Budget should be considered after the resolution adopting the Payable 1999 tas levy. ADVANTAGESQ�'APPAOVED: The City will be in compliance wiffi City Charter and State law. D]$ADVANfAGESIF APPROVED N/A DISADVANTAGESOPNOTAPPROVED The City will be without an adopted budget for 1999. In accordance with the City Charter, the service priorities, financing estimates and spending appcopriations for 1998 would be earried forth into 1999 and become the 1999 budget. TOTAL AMOU[ii OF TRANSACiION R COSTAtEVEM1E BUDGETEO (CIACLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUItCE � ACTIVIiYNUMBER PWANLIAL AI£ORh5AT10N: (EXPLAA� PrepamtlbyNeSamtPaulBUtlgetpifce(Renshaw F:WSERS\BU�GET1231VR1999\C/JUNGL\6S89BDGT4VK4 12/02I98) c�-lo�`I Addendum supplied at Council Meeting: Following completion of the 1999 budget at the Council Budget Committee Meeting the morning of December 9th, Budget Office Spreadsheets will detail Council changes to the Mayor's proposed budget and will be distributed at the December 9, 1998 Council Meeting. t 9999 Budget Process 12/9/9B 3:30 oiUf Description A�rmative Acfion No Change to Mayor's Proposed Bud9et � Attornev No Change to MayoPS Proposed Budget Citizen Services CSO - cost of telephone lines for inspectors Greffitl Abatement Q%h/ QOUOCII No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget O�ce of Financial Services No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Fire and Safety Services Fire PERA Pension UAAL Fringes Housinp and /nformation O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Human Resources No Change W Mayor's Proposed Budget Human Riahts RedUCe funding related to Human Rights Specialist Restore funding related to Clerk Typist III Restore (unding related to 2 Human Rights Specialists Reduce funding related to Intern Laboi Relation No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budqet Libraries AddPl funding for Sunday Hours @ Rrverview & St. Mthony City Contribution to one-time grant from the Friends of the SPPLS for materials Move funding related to Lib IS to Technology IS Division AddYl funding related to Technology Training Specialist AddPl funding related to Sci and Technology Speaalist Addi'I funding related to Gommunity Outreach Staffing Source of Recommendation Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comfeof-the-Whole (11@5) Comte-of-the-Whole (17/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Gomte-of-the-Whole (17/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Gomte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Gomte-of-the-Whole (17/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) License Inspg�fion and Envi�onmental Protection AddPl funding related to Animal Control Officer Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Dangerous Dog License Fee Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Sewer Fund Transfer Comterof-the-Whole (72/2) Eliminate Proposed Dog License fee Increase Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Heritage Preservation Foundation -final year funding Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z2) Mayor's O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposed 8udget q$` - 1� �``t Council's Fiscal Changes Genera! Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayofs - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing oo2ss-o2zz aozsa-0iai 0025a-0761 00258-0259 0�258-0283 00258-0374 00258-0439 Vanous oot52 00752 oots2 00752 osaoz 03401-0381 o3aoi o3aoi 03402 03402 00177 oom a0777 oom OOt78-O558 12.800 21.921 904 125 3.500 1,500 2,050 100,000 (46,774) 42,791 14,592 (9,750) 46,032 100,000 �a2,�3�) 50,504 25,252 A5,470 40.118 42,190 22,300 20.000 (18,205) 100,000 J 1999 Budget Process IZ/9/98 3:3D PM Description Source of Recommendation Parks and Recreation Restore funding for reaeation centedplayfield maintenance Restore funding for recreation center/playfield maintenance Restore tunding for reaeaGOn centerlplayfield mai�tenance Provide additional funding for rec center/playfield maint. New P&R Superintendent - Hiring delay Soccer field Iocation study w/Ramsey County one-[ime Tundii Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center fram PW Add Design Center from PW Add Desig� Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Centerfrom PW Planning 8 Economic Develo�t 6% Increase for District Council's Citizen Participation 6 7 Increase for Crime Prevention Program Police DepaRment 1999 One time only - Mti-gun Violence Program Funding related to Traffic Enf - Salaries & fringes (2/3rds) Funding related to Traffic Enf - Overtime & Fringes (2/3rds) 1999 One Gme funding related to Tra(fic Enf - Squads or Mot Funding related to Traffic Enf - Fue{, repairs, & Uniforms (10( 1999 one time funding related to Treffic Enf - Radios, Radar Revenues related to 7raffic EnforcemeM (213rds) Match ConGngency - related to ISD 625 funding DARE/SLO Comte-0f-the-Whole (12/2) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comteaf-the-Whole (t2/2) Comteof-the-Whale (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whote (12/2) Comterof-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (1212) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2J2) Camteof-the-Whole ('12/2) Comte-oRthe-Whole i�v2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comteof-the-Whole (11/25) Comfeof-the-Whole (1212) Comte-of-Ne-Whole (71/25) Comte-of-ihe-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l2) Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12(2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Public Works Design Center (shift to Parks) Comteof-the-Whole (72/2) Reduce Gen Fund contribution and substitute winter street Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) mamtenance fund balance for winter street maintenance Techno/ogy & Management Services �999 One time only - Y2K Projed Management Move funding related to Lib IS to Technology IS Division General Government Accounts General Contingency Specified Contingency Job training - to leverage private sector funding Technolagy for Housing Inspectors Fire Pension Amortizatlon Aid Police Pension Aid Funding for MetroTransit's Metropass Program (Employee benefit to be bargained) Proposed Employee Contribufion to Metro Pass Parking and Transit Fund T2nsfer to Metro Pass Amounts to be Spread to Various departments ProQ�rtKTax Lev� Financino No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Other Finartcing Loral Governmen[ Aid Hotel Motel tax Interest Earnin9s estimate Fees and Fines estimate Franchise Fees estimate City Council (12/9) Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z2) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/9) Gomte-of-the-Whole (72/9) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/3� Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Gomte-of-Ne-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (1 V25) Comte-of-the-Whoie (71/25) Comte-of-the-Whole {17J2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-ihe-Whofe (11125) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (7212) ° 1�$ - ���'�t Council's Fiscal Changes General Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing 03132 03777 03172 03732/3?172 03500 03100 03134-025t 03134-0252 03134-0253 03734-0256 03134-0299 03134A359 03734-0362 03134A365 03734A369 03134-0381 06110A547 osooa-osa� aaoao oaioo 04100 oaioo oaiao oaioa aatoo oaom Various 02277-0558 o16ot 07115 09060 osasi 09061 09017 o9ota 09948-0299 o99as-ao9s o9saa-�aos 00000-aaai 00000-iaoa 00000$602 000003705 00000-1399 26,583 26,017 26,017 101,383 (33,845) 8,000 2,800 700 1,500 500 242,000 1,500 250 150 300 300 34,327 8,250 50,490 i75,337 6,667 98,000 11.012 45,400 232,668 47,597 (250,000) (50,000) 65,000 / 42.737 (75,000) 75,000 150,000 100,000 (280,000j 189,500 715,000 74,500 373,022 66.122 425,000 (300,000) (47,355) 1999 Budget Process 12/9/98 3; 30 PM ��e��� �� 1��q� °1�- ���-� Council's Fiscal Changes Genera/ Fund and Debt Funds Ghange from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing Fund Balance � Use of Fund Balance to Balance Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z2) 00000-ssso 739,404 Balancing entry by FSO Total, Council's Changes 1.547.708 7,547,708 Mayor's Proposed Genera/ Fund Budget 158,427,973 758,427,973 Council's Preliminary Genera/ Fund Budgei 159.975,681 '159,975,681 Balance l�dicafor Curient Status: Baianced Budoet 0 General Debt Increase H/M tax to escrow account Debt service for additional $1.375 million in CIB bonding Transfer from Cap. Projec4s (bond fund interest earnings) Total, Council's CBanges Mayor's Proposed Debt BudgeT Council's Preliminary De6t Budget BalanCe /ndicator Current Status: Balanced Bud�et sso-asssa-�aoa 96a-a99ss-osta 960-89999-7306 24,840 0 za.8ao 175,��� 775,000 199,840 199,840 5Q254,509 5Q254,509 50,454,3A9 50,454,349 0 y 1999 Budgef Process 12/9/98 3:30 P.N Description Cifv Attornev No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget Citv Council No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget Source of Recommendation Financial Services Change H1M tanes to $2,500,000 and resu4ting disbursemer Comfeof-the-Whole (12/2) Techniwl Change Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/2) Place Capitat City partnership in Council Contingency Comte-of-the-Whole (12/9) Place Capital City partnership in Council Contingency Comteof-the-Whole (12/9) Fire and Safe(y_Services No Change to Mayoc's Proposed Budget Housing (nformation O�ce Move SPARL Contract From Contingency Move SPARL Contract From Confingency Human Riqhts Fair HouSing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights - CDBG Libreries Match to Materials GF AppfopriaGon - Friends of SPPL Match to Materials GF Appropriation - Friends of SPPL Licen�e lnspeciion and Environmental Protection Heritage Preservation Foundation - 6nal year funding Heritage Preservation Foundation - final year funding Parks and Rec�eation No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Plannino & Economic Develooment Funding for MetroTransiYs Metropass Program Fu�ding for MetmTransd's Metropass Program Place Capitai City paRnership in Council Contingency Place Capital City partnership in Council Contingency Police DeQartment DARE/SLO Adjustment condiGoned on School Participation Funding related to DARE/SLO - ISD 625 Financing (Grants & match) Funding related to DAREISLO - Ciry match (contingency) Fundmg related to DARE/SLO - Salaries & Fringes (6/12ths; Funding related to DARE/SLO - Uniform (100%) 1999 One time fundmg related to DARFISLO - Two Squads Funding related to DARE/SLO - Fuel and Repairs (100%) 1999 One 6me funding related to DARE/SL0 - Guns (100°l0) 7999 One tlme Mti-gun Violence Program Accounting Change - LLEBG III Public Health No Change to Mayofs Proposed Budget Pubfic Works Change finanang Wntr Street from Trensfer In to use of F8 Change financing Wntr Street to u5e of FB from Transfer In Sewer funding for Rats- trsfr to GF Sewer funding for Rats- Payment to MCES Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whale (12/2) Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-the-Whoie �1212) Comterof-the-Whole (72/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-the-Whole {1y2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12f9) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/9) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole ('1212) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2i2) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/2) Comte-oP-the-Whole (1Z2) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/2) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-Ne-Whole (12/2) 0.� - � �� Council's Fiscal Changes Special Funds Change from Mayors - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing 05a-sat08-osa5 75,359 75,359 050-30108-OZ�c 1,000 1.000 050-30108-0279 (150,000� 050 - aotaa - osa8 150.000 Ofi530'133-0548 (2�,0�0� 065-30733-0545 20.000 26250 26,250 35033422-0381 35033422-6905 32033353-0545 32033353-1299 73036127-0557 1 30 361 21-9 8 39 t3036t00-0558 730-36100-0548 fund 436 50.000 50,000 �00,000 100,000 74,500 T4,500 (100.000) tOQ000 83,193 47,597 funtl 436 Funtl 436 funtl 436 Pund 436 fund 436 iund 436 fund 436 34t39 to 34t44 a233o-7299 d2330-9830 22200-0557 22200-054a 49,737 753 67,700 4,000 2,600 50,490 0 20,000 (20,000) 50,490 0 (50,000) 50,000 ��-10��{ 1399 Budgef Process 12/9/9B 3:30 PM Council's Fisca! Ghanges Specia/ Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing RiverCenfre lncreased HoteVMOteI Taz receipt estimates Comteof-the-Whole (1?J02) so0-2oioi-sa3i (3,679) Inueased HoteVMOteI Tax receipt estimates Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/02) 9oo-zo5oa-taol 3,679 Technology 8 Management Services No Change to Mayor's Pcoposed Budget Various Deoartments Wate� Utilitv Adjust spending and financing per TechTrkr Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z02) vanous 255,480 255,480 Total, Council's Changes 757,869 757,869 Mayar's Proposed Special Funds Budget 213.685,845 273,685,845 Council's Preliminary Special Funds Budget 274,443,714 214,443,714 Ba/ance Indicator Current Status: Balanced Budaet � ��-- �08L1 9999 Budgef Process 12/9/9B 3:30 PiN Council's Fiscal Ghanges Capital lmprovement Budget Change 6om Mayor's - Adopted by Council Financing Description Source of RerAmmendation Log No. Spending Financing Source Public Warks WabashaWestSVeetRedesign Comte�of-Ne-�Nhole(72/02) SU-7797059 (940,000) (340 000) MSA (600,000) AST Note: ToWI pmject cost 0 TIF for 1999 reduced from 0 CIB $3 64 miltion in Mayofs Proposed to $2.7 million. Residential Street Vitality Prog2m (RSVP) Comte�of-the-Whole (17J09) SU-6697078 2,500,000 1,375,000 CIB Bonds 625,000 CIB Intrst 340,000 CB Cntgcy 160,000 Pryr CIB 838,000 638,000 Sp Ast Bds 7ota/, Council'S Changes 2,398,000 2.398,000 Mayor's Proposed C18 83,108,000 63.10a,0o0 Council's Preliminary C/B 65,506,000 65,506,000 Balance Mdicator Cmrent Slatus: Balanced Budoet � 9999 �udgef Process IZ/9/9B 3:30 P�t1 Description Fand Balance Use of Fund Balance to Balance Total, Council's Changes Mayor's Proposed General Fund Budget Council's Preliminary Genera/ Fund Budget Balance Indicator Current Status: General De6f Increase H/M taz to escrow acwunt Debt service for addi6onai $� $75 milfion in C18 bonding Transfer 6om Cap. Projects (bond fund interest eamings) Tofal, Counci!'s Changes Mayor's Proposed Debt Budget Council's Preliminary Debt Budget / Balance lndicator Current Sfatus: Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Baiancing entry by FSO Balanced Budaet Balanced Budoet ��� �o�� Council's Fiscal Changes General Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayo�s - Adopted by Council Line ttem Spending � Financing 00000-ss30 739,404 960-896641404 960-89999A654 960-89999-7306 1.547.708 158,427,973 159,975,681 av sK� 34;488-� 175,000 199,480 50,254,509 50,453.989 1,547.708 158.427.973 159,975,657 0 0 4d;488' a 17$,000 199,480 50,254,509 50,453,989 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor OFFICE OF THE MA'YOR �0 v���� OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES, Budget Section Joaeph Reid, D"ueaor of Financial Services 240 Ciry Hal[ TeZephane: (657J 26(r8543 IS West Kel[ogg Bou[evard Facsimile: (65IJ 2668541 Saznt Paui, Minnesoia 55102-I631 MEMORANDUM To: Nancy Anderson From: Ron Kline� RE: replacement attachment page CF 98-1804 Date: December 10, 1998 At yesterday's City Council meeting, Joe Reid described a transposition error on one of the attachment pages for CF 98-7804, the resolution adopting the 1999 budget. The version with the error listed the figure $24,480 under the label "Increase H/M tax to escrow account" in the General Debt section on page Yhree of Joe's Council Fiscal Changes document. The correct amount is $24,840. Joe promised to make sure a replacement page was delivered to the council secretary. I am following through on that promise, and have attached the replacement page to this memo. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8548, or send me an email. Thanks. ORCGiNAL Presented By: Council File # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �. Referred To: Committee: Date � WHEREAS, the Mayor has proposed budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1999, fn accordance with z the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administretive Code; and 3 a WHEREAS, the City Council, after publication ot the notice in the newspaper on December 1, 1998, held a public hearing on s December 8, 1998, on the Mayor's Proposed 1999 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and federal laws; and 6 z WHEREAS, the Council has revised the Mayor's proposed budgets as herein set forf.h; now therefore be it e s RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto, �o the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 1999 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, additions, �� and deletions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resolution; and be it iz �a FUR7HER RESOLVED, that ihe expenditures in dotlars as may be made by the several offices, departme�ts, bureaus, and agencies of �a city government during the fiscal year 1999 shall be, and are hereby approved, and adoption of these budgets shall constitute �s appropriations of the money amounts as set at the department budget total in the General Fund budget, the project total in the Capital �s Improvements budget, and the fund budget total in ail other cases. �� �a FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated financing set forth in the 1999 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it as zo FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 1999 budget for the Community Development Block Grant Fund (100) and Governmental z� Employment and Training Program Fund (345) are multi-year budgets based on estimates for grants which have fiscal periods which 22 differ from the City's normal bUdget year (January 1 through December 31); the authority to implement these adopted multi-year budgets za commences only at the beginning of the grant period and shall extend beyond December 31, 1999, through the end of the grant period 2a and; during the year when each individual grant is accepted by the City Gouncil, the budget wdl be amended to match the actual grant 2s amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it zs z� FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to pubtish ihe'1999 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 2e 471.6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor; and be it 29 ao FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Director of Financial Services be and is hereby authorized to prepare the final 1999 Budgets in accordance s� with ihe actions taken herein and to equalize, balance or set the final department revenue sources and deparf.ment appropriations as a2 necessary. Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by Mayor: ate I _+ By: Requested by Department of: Executive Administration Sy: Approval Recommended by Director of Financiai Services o... ����� ��-fO�y �aro � � Adopted by Council: Date � a _ �j `�°���' Prepar¢d byt�e SaiM Paul Butlget �ce ( H\USERS�B��GET123\VR�%31COUNCILViE5Bt1� VJK4 1&02/98 ) n���,�,o�,���o��� DAPEW1TfAM1ED a �-� a �� OfficeofFinaucialServices 12/02/98 GREEN SHEET NO. 32621 CONTACI'PERSONRPHONE O DEPARiMINIDlltECCOR 4� CI]YCAUNCll. IosephReid �°�" ,� z� crrvwrrou�v s� crrr PRK MUSiBEONCOUNCO,AGpVDABY(DAiE) � Ol BUpGETDptECI'OR � FN`.&MGi.SERVICESDIR 12f09198 Q Mnvorztoxnsse;'cur� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONRFLjUES1EU Approval of Council Resolurion adopting the 1999 annual budgets rzecoM�uwnoNS: a�o�e(n� o�rs�«i �e) PERSONAL SERVICE CONA'RACTS MUST ANSR'ER 1'HE FOLLOWIlVG QUE57TON5: euw+utc Cot.uAissiOx _crvu.ssnviceCOm�fcssww 1. Has chis pecsonlfum evec wo:ked u¢du a wnhacc for this depaztment? cm cohutrrrEe YES NO s'ratt� _ 2. Has [lus persodfilm everbeen a city employee? OISiRICf CO[IRT YES NO suePOR'ts WtuCx coOwC¢ oB.�CnvE+ 3. Does this per5odfum possess a sldil not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.) INITW'[ING PROHLEM,ISSUE.OYPORTUNRY (Whq vfiar, Whea Where, P'hy) The City Charter requires that an annual balanced budget be adopted. Timelines aze set by State Statute and City Ordinance. The City Council's Committee of the Whole has completed its review of the budgets, and l�as passad out its recommended changes to the City Council for adoption. Legally, the resolution adopting the 1999 City Budget should be considered after the resolution adopting the Payable 1999 tas levy. ADVANTAGESQ�'APPAOVED: The City will be in compliance wiffi City Charter and State law. D]$ADVANfAGESIF APPROVED N/A DISADVANTAGESOPNOTAPPROVED The City will be without an adopted budget for 1999. In accordance with the City Charter, the service priorities, financing estimates and spending appcopriations for 1998 would be earried forth into 1999 and become the 1999 budget. TOTAL AMOU[ii OF TRANSACiION R COSTAtEVEM1E BUDGETEO (CIACLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUItCE � ACTIVIiYNUMBER PWANLIAL AI£ORh5AT10N: (EXPLAA� PrepamtlbyNeSamtPaulBUtlgetpifce(Renshaw F:WSERS\BU�GET1231VR1999\C/JUNGL\6S89BDGT4VK4 12/02I98) c�-lo�`I Addendum supplied at Council Meeting: Following completion of the 1999 budget at the Council Budget Committee Meeting the morning of December 9th, Budget Office Spreadsheets will detail Council changes to the Mayor's proposed budget and will be distributed at the December 9, 1998 Council Meeting. t 9999 Budget Process 12/9/9B 3:30 oiUf Description A�rmative Acfion No Change to Mayor's Proposed Bud9et � Attornev No Change to MayoPS Proposed Budget Citizen Services CSO - cost of telephone lines for inspectors Greffitl Abatement Q%h/ QOUOCII No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget O�ce of Financial Services No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Fire and Safety Services Fire PERA Pension UAAL Fringes Housinp and /nformation O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Human Resources No Change W Mayor's Proposed Budget Human Riahts RedUCe funding related to Human Rights Specialist Restore funding related to Clerk Typist III Restore (unding related to 2 Human Rights Specialists Reduce funding related to Intern Laboi Relation No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budqet Libraries AddPl funding for Sunday Hours @ Rrverview & St. Mthony City Contribution to one-time grant from the Friends of the SPPLS for materials Move funding related to Lib IS to Technology IS Division AddYl funding related to Technology Training Specialist AddPl funding related to Sci and Technology Speaalist Addi'I funding related to Gommunity Outreach Staffing Source of Recommendation Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comfeof-the-Whole (11@5) Comte-of-the-Whole (17/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Gomte-of-the-Whole (17/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Gomte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Gomte-of-the-Whole (17/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) License Inspg�fion and Envi�onmental Protection AddPl funding related to Animal Control Officer Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Dangerous Dog License Fee Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Sewer Fund Transfer Comterof-the-Whole (72/2) Eliminate Proposed Dog License fee Increase Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Heritage Preservation Foundation -final year funding Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z2) Mayor's O�ce No Change to Mayor's Proposed 8udget q$` - 1� �``t Council's Fiscal Changes Genera! Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayofs - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing oo2ss-o2zz aozsa-0iai 0025a-0761 00258-0259 0�258-0283 00258-0374 00258-0439 Vanous oot52 00752 oots2 00752 osaoz 03401-0381 o3aoi o3aoi 03402 03402 00177 oom a0777 oom OOt78-O558 12.800 21.921 904 125 3.500 1,500 2,050 100,000 (46,774) 42,791 14,592 (9,750) 46,032 100,000 �a2,�3�) 50,504 25,252 A5,470 40.118 42,190 22,300 20.000 (18,205) 100,000 J 1999 Budget Process IZ/9/98 3:3D PM Description Source of Recommendation Parks and Recreation Restore funding for reaeation centedplayfield maintenance Restore funding for recreation center/playfield maintenance Restore tunding for reaeaGOn centerlplayfield mai�tenance Provide additional funding for rec center/playfield maint. New P&R Superintendent - Hiring delay Soccer field Iocation study w/Ramsey County one-[ime Tundii Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center fram PW Add Design Center from PW Add Desig� Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Center from PW Add Design Centerfrom PW Planning 8 Economic Develo�t 6% Increase for District Council's Citizen Participation 6 7 Increase for Crime Prevention Program Police DepaRment 1999 One time only - Mti-gun Violence Program Funding related to Traffic Enf - Salaries & fringes (2/3rds) Funding related to Traffic Enf - Overtime & Fringes (2/3rds) 1999 One Gme funding related to Tra(fic Enf - Squads or Mot Funding related to Traffic Enf - Fue{, repairs, & Uniforms (10( 1999 one time funding related to Treffic Enf - Radios, Radar Revenues related to 7raffic EnforcemeM (213rds) Match ConGngency - related to ISD 625 funding DARE/SLO Comte-0f-the-Whole (12/2) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comteaf-the-Whole (t2/2) Comteof-the-Whale (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whote (12/2) Comterof-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (1212) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2J2) Camteof-the-Whole ('12/2) Comte-oRthe-Whole i�v2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comteof-the-Whole (11/25) Comfeof-the-Whole (1212) Comte-of-Ne-Whole (71/25) Comte-of-ihe-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12l2) Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12(2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Public Works Design Center (shift to Parks) Comteof-the-Whole (72/2) Reduce Gen Fund contribution and substitute winter street Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) mamtenance fund balance for winter street maintenance Techno/ogy & Management Services �999 One time only - Y2K Projed Management Move funding related to Lib IS to Technology IS Division General Government Accounts General Contingency Specified Contingency Job training - to leverage private sector funding Technolagy for Housing Inspectors Fire Pension Amortizatlon Aid Police Pension Aid Funding for MetroTransit's Metropass Program (Employee benefit to be bargained) Proposed Employee Contribufion to Metro Pass Parking and Transit Fund T2nsfer to Metro Pass Amounts to be Spread to Various departments ProQ�rtKTax Lev� Financino No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Other Finartcing Loral Governmen[ Aid Hotel Motel tax Interest Earnin9s estimate Fees and Fines estimate Franchise Fees estimate City Council (12/9) Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z2) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/9) Gomte-of-the-Whole (72/9) Gomte-of-the-Whole (12/3� Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Gomte-of-Ne-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (1 V25) Comte-of-the-Whoie (71/25) Comte-of-the-Whole {17J2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-ihe-Whofe (11125) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (7212) ° 1�$ - ���'�t Council's Fiscal Changes General Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing 03132 03777 03172 03732/3?172 03500 03100 03134-025t 03134-0252 03134-0253 03734-0256 03134-0299 03134A359 03734-0362 03134A365 03734A369 03134-0381 06110A547 osooa-osa� aaoao oaioo 04100 oaioo oaiao oaioa aatoo oaom Various 02277-0558 o16ot 07115 09060 osasi 09061 09017 o9ota 09948-0299 o99as-ao9s o9saa-�aos 00000-aaai 00000-iaoa 00000$602 000003705 00000-1399 26,583 26,017 26,017 101,383 (33,845) 8,000 2,800 700 1,500 500 242,000 1,500 250 150 300 300 34,327 8,250 50,490 i75,337 6,667 98,000 11.012 45,400 232,668 47,597 (250,000) (50,000) 65,000 / 42.737 (75,000) 75,000 150,000 100,000 (280,000j 189,500 715,000 74,500 373,022 66.122 425,000 (300,000) (47,355) 1999 Budget Process 12/9/98 3; 30 PM ��e��� �� 1��q� °1�- ���-� Council's Fiscal Changes Genera/ Fund and Debt Funds Ghange from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing Fund Balance � Use of Fund Balance to Balance Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z2) 00000-ssso 739,404 Balancing entry by FSO Total, Council's Changes 1.547.708 7,547,708 Mayor's Proposed Genera/ Fund Budget 158,427,973 758,427,973 Council's Preliminary Genera/ Fund Budgei 159.975,681 '159,975,681 Balance l�dicafor Curient Status: Baianced Budoet 0 General Debt Increase H/M tax to escrow account Debt service for additional $1.375 million in CIB bonding Transfer from Cap. Projec4s (bond fund interest earnings) Total, Council's CBanges Mayor's Proposed Debt BudgeT Council's Preliminary De6t Budget BalanCe /ndicator Current Status: Balanced Bud�et sso-asssa-�aoa 96a-a99ss-osta 960-89999-7306 24,840 0 za.8ao 175,��� 775,000 199,840 199,840 5Q254,509 5Q254,509 50,454,3A9 50,454,349 0 y 1999 Budgef Process 12/9/98 3:30 P.N Description Cifv Attornev No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget Citv Council No Change to Mayors Proposed Budget Source of Recommendation Financial Services Change H1M tanes to $2,500,000 and resu4ting disbursemer Comfeof-the-Whole (12/2) Techniwl Change Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/2) Place Capitat City partnership in Council Contingency Comte-of-the-Whole (12/9) Place Capital City partnership in Council Contingency Comteof-the-Whole (12/9) Fire and Safe(y_Services No Change to Mayoc's Proposed Budget Housing (nformation O�ce Move SPARL Contract From Contingency Move SPARL Contract From Confingency Human Riqhts Fair HouSing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights Fair Housing Contract with SMRL in Hum Rights - CDBG Libreries Match to Materials GF AppfopriaGon - Friends of SPPL Match to Materials GF Appropriation - Friends of SPPL Licen�e lnspeciion and Environmental Protection Heritage Preservation Foundation - 6nal year funding Heritage Preservation Foundation - final year funding Parks and Rec�eation No Change to Mayor's Proposed Budget Plannino & Economic Develooment Funding for MetroTransiYs Metropass Program Fu�ding for MetmTransd's Metropass Program Place Capitai City paRnership in Council Contingency Place Capital City partnership in Council Contingency Police DeQartment DARE/SLO Adjustment condiGoned on School Participation Funding related to DARE/SLO - ISD 625 Financing (Grants & match) Funding related to DAREISLO - Ciry match (contingency) Fundmg related to DARE/SLO - Salaries & Fringes (6/12ths; Funding related to DARE/SLO - Uniform (100%) 1999 One time fundmg related to DARFISLO - Two Squads Funding related to DARE/SLO - Fuel and Repairs (100%) 1999 One 6me funding related to DARE/SL0 - Guns (100°l0) 7999 One tlme Mti-gun Violence Program Accounting Change - LLEBG III Public Health No Change to Mayofs Proposed Budget Pubfic Works Change finanang Wntr Street from Trensfer In to use of F8 Change financing Wntr Street to u5e of FB from Transfer In Sewer funding for Rats- trsfr to GF Sewer funding for Rats- Payment to MCES Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whale (12/2) Comte-of-Ihe-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-the-Whoie �1212) Comterof-the-Whole (72/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (11/25) Comte-of-the-Whole {1y2) Comte-of-the-Whole (12f9) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/9) Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-the-Whole ('1212) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/2) Comte-of-the-Whole (�2i2) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/2) Comte-oP-the-Whole (1Z2) Comte-of-the-Whole (72/2) Comteof-the-Whole (12/2) Comte-of-Ne-Whole (12/2) 0.� - � �� Council's Fiscal Changes Special Funds Change from Mayors - Adopted by Council Line Item Spending Financing 05a-sat08-osa5 75,359 75,359 050-30108-OZ�c 1,000 1.000 050-30108-0279 (150,000� 050 - aotaa - osa8 150.000 Ofi530'133-0548 (2�,0�0� 065-30733-0545 20.000 26250 26,250 35033422-0381 35033422-6905 32033353-0545 32033353-1299 73036127-0557 1 30 361 21-9 8 39 t3036t00-0558 730-36100-0548 fund 436 50.000 50,000 �00,000 100,000 74,500 T4,500 (100.000) tOQ000 83,193 47,597 funtl 436 Funtl 436 funtl 436 Pund 436 fund 436 iund 436 fund 436 34t39 to 34t44 a233o-7299 d2330-9830 22200-0557 22200-054a 49,737 753 67,700 4,000 2,600 50,490 0 20,000 (20,000) 50,490 0 (50,000) 50,000 ��-10��{ 1399 Budgef Process 12/9/9B 3:30 PM Council's Fisca! Ghanges Specia/ Funds Change from Mayor's - Adopted by Council Description Source of Recommendation Line Item Spending Financing RiverCenfre lncreased HoteVMOteI Taz receipt estimates Comteof-the-Whole (1?J02) so0-2oioi-sa3i (3,679) Inueased HoteVMOteI Tax receipt estimates Comte-of-the-VJhole (12/02) 9oo-zo5oa-taol 3,679 Technology 8 Management Services No Change to Mayor's Pcoposed Budget Various Deoartments Wate� Utilitv Adjust spending and financing per TechTrkr Comte-of-the-Whole (1Z02) vanous 255,480 255,480 Total, Council's Changes 757,869 757,869 Mayar's Proposed Special Funds Budget 213.685,845 273,685,845 Council's Preliminary Special Funds Budget 274,443,714 214,443,714 Ba/ance Indicator Current Status: Balanced Budaet � ��-- �08L1 9999 Budgef Process 12/9/9B 3:30 PiN Council's Fiscal Ghanges Capital lmprovement Budget Change 6om Mayor's - Adopted by Council Financing Description Source of RerAmmendation Log No. Spending Financing Source Public Warks WabashaWestSVeetRedesign Comte�of-Ne-�Nhole(72/02) SU-7797059 (940,000) (340 000) MSA (600,000) AST Note: ToWI pmject cost 0 TIF for 1999 reduced from 0 CIB $3 64 miltion in Mayofs Proposed to $2.7 million. Residential Street Vitality Prog2m (RSVP) Comte�of-the-Whole (17J09) SU-6697078 2,500,000 1,375,000 CIB Bonds 625,000 CIB Intrst 340,000 CB Cntgcy 160,000 Pryr CIB 838,000 638,000 Sp Ast Bds 7ota/, Council'S Changes 2,398,000 2.398,000 Mayor's Proposed C18 83,108,000 63.10a,0o0 Council's Preliminary C/B 65,506,000 65,506,000 Balance Mdicator Cmrent Slatus: Balanced Budoet � 9999 �udgef Process IZ/9/9B 3:30 P�t1 Description Fand Balance Use of Fund Balance to Balance Total, Council's Changes Mayor's Proposed General Fund Budget Council's Preliminary Genera/ Fund Budget Balance Indicator Current Status: General De6f Increase H/M taz to escrow acwunt Debt service for addi6onai $� $75 milfion in C18 bonding Transfer 6om Cap. Projects (bond fund interest eamings) Tofal, Counci!'s Changes Mayor's Proposed Debt Budget Council's Preliminary Debt Budget / Balance lndicator Current Sfatus: Source of Recommendation Comte-of-the-Whole (12/2) Baiancing entry by FSO Balanced Budaet Balanced Budoet ��� �o�� Council's Fiscal Changes General Fund and Debt Funds Change from Mayo�s - Adopted by Council Line ttem Spending � Financing 00000-ss30 739,404 960-896641404 960-89999A654 960-89999-7306 1.547.708 158,427,973 159,975,681 av sK� 34;488-� 175,000 199,480 50,254,509 50,453.989 1,547.708 158.427.973 159,975,657 0 0 4d;488' a 17$,000 199,480 50,254,509 50,453,989 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor OFFICE OF THE MA'YOR �0 v���� OFFICE OF FINANCIAL SERVICES, Budget Section Joaeph Reid, D"ueaor of Financial Services 240 Ciry Hal[ TeZephane: (657J 26(r8543 IS West Kel[ogg Bou[evard Facsimile: (65IJ 2668541 Saznt Paui, Minnesoia 55102-I631 MEMORANDUM To: Nancy Anderson From: Ron Kline� RE: replacement attachment page CF 98-1804 Date: December 10, 1998 At yesterday's City Council meeting, Joe Reid described a transposition error on one of the attachment pages for CF 98-7804, the resolution adopting the 1999 budget. The version with the error listed the figure $24,480 under the label "Increase H/M tax to escrow account" in the General Debt section on page Yhree of Joe's Council Fiscal Changes document. The correct amount is $24,840. Joe promised to make sure a replacement page was delivered to the council secretary. I am following through on that promise, and have attached the replacement page to this memo. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8548, or send me an email. Thanks.