98-1066 I
Council File # 9� /��
Green Sheet # �o a� �
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
2 WIIEREAS, under the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.409 and Minn.
3 Stat. § 462357, Don Frable and Steven Winover peritioned to rezoning properry commonly
4 known as 1488 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota from RM-2 to B2-C for the purpose of
5 permitting reuse of the properiy as a commercial property. The said petition was certified by the
6 planning division on August 3, 1998, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the
7 owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fiuther hauing been consented to by at least
8 67% of the owners of the properties situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property
9 within one yeaz preceding the date of the petition; and
WHEREAS, on September 3, 1998, the zoning committee of the Saint Paul Planning
Commission conducted a public heazing far the purpose of considering the rezoning petition
pursuant to the requirements of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64300 and Administrative Code §
107.03. All persons present were given an opportunity to be heard. At the conclusion of the
hearing, the zoning committee moved to deny the petition and submitted its recommendation to
the 5aint Paul P12miiug Commission; and
VJHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its
meeting held on September I 1, 1998. The Planning Commission recommended to the City
Council that the petition be denied for the following reasons:
The applicants have owned this residential property since September 1997. Currently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the property to Mr. John Becker contingent upon
rezoning the properiy from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the lst floor of this
residenrial structure as an office far his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
will be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Ir, addition to Mr. Becker, two other full time
employees will work in the office.
2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendafion: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to areas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the properiy from
residential(RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
The 1983 Crrand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendarions; " Provide opportunity for commercial growth in the
commercial cluster areas on Grand Avenue West: (i) The Cleveland commercial corner
oR���NA� ��,d��
2 and the north side of the block west of Cieveland; (2) the Grand Village area, from
3 Macalester to the Fairview commercial corner and the south side of the block west of
4 Fauview; and (3) the Hamline/Syndicate commercial azea."(p.4) "Ensure that the areas
5 on Grand Avenue West that aze currently doininated by residential land use remain so;
6 these azeas aze...(3) the area between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial corner."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendations.
3. The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the azea has developed and
rezoning the property will have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residential in nature. Across the street to the north the entire
block face consists of residenrial uses. The block face, on which this property is located,
is entirely residential with the exception of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
three parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned anrique store located on the eastern corner of the
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning this parcel
in the middle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would
undermine the residential chazacter of this area.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive areas of
multiple-fanuly residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
extensive sites. The RM-2 district is fiirther pxovided to permit comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities."
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of
businesses which do not generate lazge amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain
the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is fitrther the intent
of this district to provide paxking for employees who work in buildings which are
converted from residential to business use.
The applicant submitted a sufficient perition of two-thirds of the properiy owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the properry stating support far the rezoning (17 pazcels
eligible, 12 pazcels required, and 13 parcels signed).
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the Councii of the City of Saint Paul
concerning the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on
September 23, 1998, and notices were mailed to each owner of affected properry and property
situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and
WI�EREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October
14, 1998, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and
recommendations concerning_the petition resolved to deny the application to rezone the subject
property and in doing so moved to adopt as its own the findings of the 5aint Paul Planning
Commission as stated herein; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby deny the
application of Don Frable and Steven Winover to rezone property at 1488 Grand Avenue, more
WI�REAS, under the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.409 and Minn.
Stat. § 462.357, Don Frable and Steven Winover petitioned to rezoning properiy commonly
lrnown as 1488 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, Mimiesota from RM-2 to B2-C for the purpose of
pernut6ng reuse of the properry as a commercial property. The said petition was certified by the
pianning division on August 3, 1998, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the
owners of tYte area of the properiy to be rezoned, and fiirther ha�ing been consented to by at least
67% of the owners of the properties situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property
within one year preceding the date of the perition; and
WI�REAS, on September 3, 1998, the zoning committee of the Saint Paul Planniiig
Conunission conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning perition
pursuant to the requirements of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64300 and Administrative Code §
107.03. All persons present were given an oppornuuty to be heazd. At the conclusion of the
hearing, the zoning committee moved to deny the petition and submitted its recommendation to
the Saint Paul Pianning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its
meeting held on September 11, 1998. The Planning Commission recommended to the City
Council that the petition be denied for the following reasons:
The applicants haue owned this residential property since September 1997. Cunently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the property to Mr. John Becker confingent upon
rezoning the property from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the 1 st floor of this
residential structure as an office for his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
wiil be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Priday. In addition to Mr. Becker, two other full fime
employees will work in the office.
2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendation: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to azeas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the properiy from
residenfial (RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
The 1983 Grand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendations; " Provide opportunity for commercial growth in the
commercial cluster azeas on Grand Avenue West: (1) The Cleveland commercial corner
and the north side of the block west of Cleveland; (Z) the Grand Village area, from
Macalester to the Fairview commercial corner and the south side of the block west of
Fairview; and (3) the Hamline/Syndicate commercial azea."(p.4) `Bnsure that the areas
on Grand Avenue West that are currently dominated by residential land use remain so;
these areas are...(3) the area between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial corner."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendafions.
The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the azea has developed and
rezoning the properiy will have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residential in nature. Across the street to the north the entire
block face consists of residential uses. The block face, on which this property is located,
is entirely residenfial with the exceprion of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
three parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned antique store located on the eastern corner of the
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning this pazcel
in the xniddle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would
undemiiue the residential character of this area.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: °to provide for mare extensive azeas of
multiple-family residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
ea�tensive sites. The RM-2 district is furtlier provided to permit comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities."
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of
businesses wluch do not generate lazge amounts of traffic and at the same tune will retain
the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is further the intent
of ttus district to provide parking for employees who work in buildings which are
converted from residential to business use.
5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (17 parcels
eligible, 12 parcels required, and 13 pazcels signed).
VJHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the Council of the City of Saint Paul
concerning the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on
September 23, 1998, and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property and property
situated wholly ar partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October
14, 1998, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered ali the facts and
recommendations conceming the petition resolved to deny the application to rezone the subject
properry and in doing so moved to adopt as its own the findings of the Saint Paul Planning
Commission as stated herein; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby deny the
application of Don Frable and Steven Winover to rezone property at 1488 Grand Avenue, more
particularly described as Lot 4, Biock 4, SutYUnit V iew from a RM-2 zoning classification to a
B2-C zoning classification for the general reason that the application is not consistent with the
comprehensive plan for the City and for the reasons articulated by the Saint Paul Planning
1 OR1GlNAL ��,d��
2 particulazly described as Lot 4, Block 4, Sununit View from a RM-2 zoning classification to a
3 B2-C zoning classification for the general reason that the application is not consistent with the
4 comprehensive plan for the City and for the reasons articulated by the Saint Paul Planniug
5 Commission which are incorporated herein by reference and adopted by the Council of the City
6 of Saint Paul as its own; AND, BE IT,
8 FUR'I'HER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shail be sent to the applicants, the
9 Planniug Adiniuistrator, the Zoning Aduiinistrator, and the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission.
Requested by Department of:
Form Appr d by City Attorney
$Y � L✓�i►�. /�- �Y-'1�
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: � � gy
Approved by May i.; ate t �•
Adopted by Council: Date � \ �0
Coxnmission which are incorporated herein by reference and adopted by the Council of the City
of Saint Paul as its own; AND, BE IT,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the applicants, the
Plauniug Admiiristrator, the Zoning Admiiustrator, and the Saint Paul Plamiiug Commission.
Harris 266-8630
Nov. 23, 1998
�� =�d�
No 62295
❑ FI1sMCI0.1.iERNCFidR ❑ sILYM'J�LfERV��eCl6
Finalizing City Council action taken October 14, 1998 denying the application of Donald
Frable and Steven Winover to rezone property from RM-2 (residential multiple-family) to
B2-C (Community Business Converted) to allow conversion of a single family house to an
insurance office use at 1488 Grand Avenue.
Has fhis perso�rm ever w0�lced under e confraCt for this tleparlment'7
Has thie peraonlfirtn ever heen a cfly empbyeeT
DoeB this person/firtn po88e55 a sldll not nwmaltypo6sessetl by eiry curteM Cily empbyee7
Is Mie per�rm a targeted vendoYl
YES h0
ClaytanM Robinson, Jr., CiryAttorney �J'—/�66
Norm Colemm�, Mayor
400 City Hall
IS West Kellogg Blvd
Saint PauI, Minnesot¢ 55102
Telephone: 651266-8710
Facsimile: 651298-5619
November 20, 1998
Nancy Anderson
Council Secretary
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: Petition to Rezone Property at 1488 Grand Avenue
City Council Action Date: October 14, 1998
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Attached please find a signed copy of a resolution memarializing the decision of the Saint Paul
City Council to deny the application to rezone the property above stated. Would you please have
this resolution placed on the Council's Consent Agenda at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
V ery truly yours,
� �� u�yt/!'�L-.
eter W. Wasner
Assistant City Attorney
ca James Zdon
9� f �
Norm Colemarz, Mayor
September 17, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Division of P(anrdng
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paui, MN SSIO2
Te[ephone: 612-2666565
Facsimile: 6S 2-228-3314
�?L��^x3 ,�`'s��a�.,s � """ .;�vf
��� : � �S��v
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday
Octoberl4, 1998 for the following zoning case:
File Number:
Frabte, Donald C.1Winover, Steven
# 98-205
Rezone property from RM-2 ( residential multiple-family) to B2-C ( Community
Business Converted) to allow conversion of a single family house to an insurance
office use.
1488 Grand
Legal Description
of Property: Lot 4, Block 4 Summit View
Previous Action:
Planning Commission Recommendation: Denial, vote: unanimous, September 11, 1998
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Denial, vote: 8-0, September 3, 1998
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda far the October 14, 1998
City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Lega] Ledger.
Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions.
Jam�es � o��
� �
City Planner
•Frasrxtm• - -
xaric� oF roaue �nxnvc
The Saint Paul City Council will-conduct a public heazing on Wednesday, Oct6ber
cc: File # 98-205 14. 1995 at 5[30 p in the GYty Council Chambers. Third Floor City Hall-Court
P2u1 Dubnti0l - House, to_ consider the applicaUOn of FYable, Donald C./Winover. Staven�to rezone
property from RM-2 (residential mulHple-faznily) to B2-C (Community "Business
GEt1"y $OyCI Converted)�to allow conversion of a single famity house to an insurance office use�at
1485 GYand Avenue. - - -
Dated: September 21. -1998 � . ' ' � �
NANCY AN�ERSON � � : - - -
Aseistant �ty Cou'ncll Sectetary . ,
- - _ (Septemba 23, 1998)_ _—
q�- id��
Norm Coleman, Mayor
Division of P[annirzg
25 West Founh Street
Saira Paul, MN 55102
Telephan e: 6I Z-266-6565
Facsimi[e: 612-228-3314
October 1, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the City Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Pauf, Minnesota 55102
RE: Zoning File # 98-205 Frable, Donald C./ Winover, Steve
City Council Hearing: October 14, 1998, 530p.m. to 6:30 p.m., City Council Chambers
PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property at 1488 Grand Avenue from RM-2 (residential multiple-
family) to B2-C (Business Community Converted) to allow conversion of a single family house to an
insurance office use.
SUPPORT: No one spoke. The Macalester Groveland Community Council did not take a position.
OPPOSITION: One resident. Staff received seven letters in opposition.
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Mr. Frable and Mr. Winover submitted a petition to rezone property at 1488 Grand Avenue. The Zoning
Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on September 3,
1998. The applicants failed to appear at the public hearing. At the close of the public hearing, the
committee voted 8-0 to recommend denial of the rezoning. The Planning Commissio;n, on September 11,
1998, unanimously upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial.
This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on October 14, 1998. Please notify
me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazine.
� � �o�n.
James Z n
City P ner
cc: City Council members
� Attachments
9� i��
� city of saint pau{
pianning commission resolution
file number 98-62
�te, Seotember 11. 1998
WHEREAS, Don Frable/Steven Winover, have applied under the provisions of Section 66.409
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of rezoning property located at 1488 Grand
Avenue from RM-2 to B2-C, legally described as (see file).
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 9/03/98, held a public
hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
� 1. The applicants have owned this residential property since September 1997. Currently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the properiy to Mr. John Becker contingent upon
rezoning the properiy from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the lst floor of tlus
residential structure as an office for his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
will be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. In addition to Mr. Becker, two other full time
employees will work in the office.
2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The I?istrict 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendation: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to areas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the property from
residential (RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
The 1983 Grand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendations; " Provide opporiunity for commercial growth in the
commercial cluster azeas on C�rand Avenue West: (1) The Cleveland commercial corner
and the north side of the biock west of Cleveland; (2) the Grand Village azea, from
moved by Wencl
� seconded by
i n favor Unanimous
Macalester to the Fairview commercial comer and the south side of the block west of �
Fairview; and (3) the Hamline/Syndicate commercial area."(p.4) "Ensure that the azeas
on Grand Avenue West that aze currendy dominated by residential land use remain so;
these azeas aze...(3) the azea between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial comer."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendations.
3. The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the azea has developed and
rezoning the properiy will have an adverse unpact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residentiai in nature. Across the street to the north the enTire
block face consists of residential uses. The block face, on which this properry is located,
is entirety residential with the exception of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
three parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned antique store located on the eastem corner of the
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning tfiis parcel
in the middle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would
undermine the residential chazacter of this azea.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive azeas of
multiple-family residential development as weil as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
extensive sites. The RM-2 district is further provided to pernut comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population �
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities."
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial areas, which �yill permit the operation of
businesses which do not generate lazge amounts of tr�c and at the same time will retain
the visual chazacter of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is further the intent
of this district to provide pazking for employees who work in buildings which aze
converted from residential to business use.
�. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (17 pazcels
eligible, 12 pazcels required, and 13 parcels signed).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the
petition of Don Frable/Steven Winover to rezone property at 1488 Grand, more particulazly
described as Lot 4, Block 4, Summit View, from a RM-2 zoning classiftcation to a B2-C zoning
classification is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that property located at 1488 Grand not be
rezoned from RM-2 toB2-C in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saini �
Paul Planning Division.
� Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, September 1 I, 1998, at
8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wenci and
Present: Messrs. Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, Marguties, McDonell, Nowlin and
V aught.
Commissioners Mmes. *Engh and Messrs. *Field, Kong, *Mardell, and *Sharpe
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator, Jean Birkholz, Tom Harren, Larry Soderholm,
and Jim Zdon, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Tom
Beach from the Department of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection.
I. Chair's A�nouncements
� Chair Morton had no announcements.
II. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Mr. Ford announced that the City Council did approve the plat for William's Hill and the pawn shop
moratorium resolution is in effect.
Chair MoRon pointed out the revised agenda.
III. ���� ��1„�Il`i�: Gerald Trooien for Alexandra & Associates LLC, River Corridor
Modification, Setback Variance and Site Plan Review (Tom Beach, LIEP)
Chair Morton read the rules and procedures for public hearings.
Mr. Beach gave a short slide presentation and read the staff reports. He stated that Gerald Trooien is
proposing to build a 4-level parking ramp with 996 parking spaces. The ramp will be located west of
Davern and nodh of Shepard Road in the packing lot of the oid Unisys Building, Mr. Trooien has
renovated the old Unisys Building and U.S. Bank is in the process of moving into the building. Some of
the spaces in the ramp would be used by U.S. Bank employees; the rest would be used for airport
parking. To build the ramp, Mr. Trooien needs approval from the Planning Commission on three items:
1) a rivet corridor modification - the ramp will be 42.5 feet tall (the maximum height is 40 feet in a river
corridor); 2) a setback variance is needed - the ramp is proposed to be setback 15 feet from the north
� property line (the required setback in I-1 districts, residential property, is 1'/z times the height of the
building or 65 feet, in this case); the requested variance is 50 feet; 3) a site plan review, required for any
parking facility.
Commissioner Nordin asked how many parking spaces are required by the zoning ordinance for
meeting on Thursday, September 17, 1998. �
#98-205 Donald C. Frable / Steven Winover - Rezone property from MR-2 (medium-density;
low-rise multiple-family residentiai district) to B2-C (community business-converted district) at
1488 Grand Avenue (Jim Zdon, 266-6559).
MOTION: Commissioner Wencl moved to deny the requested rezoning ofproperty from
MR-2 (medium-density; !ow-rise multiple family residential district) to B2-C (communiry
business-converted district) at I488 GrandAvenue, which carried unanimously on a voice
Commissioner Wenc! read the agenda for t11e next Zoning Committee meeting, September 17,
V. Guest Presentation Plans for Ramsey County Facilities in Saint Paul, Julio Mangine, Director
of Property Management for Ramsey County.
Chair Morton announced that Mr. Julio Mangine would not make the presentation today because
his son was inyolved in a printing press accident last evening. While another person is here to
make the report, this item will be rescheduled because there is not enough time remaining this
VI. Comprehensive Planning Committee
No report.
VII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee
No report.
VIII. Communications Committee
No report.
IX. Task Force Reports
Commissioner Gordon announced that the Ayd Mill Draft EIS is out and commissioners will see
it soon.
X. Old Business
XI. New Business
XII. Adjournment
�� � iot� l�
Thursday, September 3, 1998 - 3:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor
City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg Boutevard
Gervais, Gordon, Faricy, Field, Kramer, Morton, Vaught and Wencl
Peter Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Martha Faust, Larry Soderholm,
A�fan Torstenson and Jim Zdon of PED
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fie�d.
DON FRABLE/STEVEN WINOVER - Zaning Fiie 98 -205 - Rezone property from RM-2 (Medium-
density; Low-Rise Multiple-Family Residential District) to 62-C (Community Business - Converted
Jim Zdon, PED, gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. Mr. Zdon stated staff
recommended denial of the rezoning.
The applicants, nor any representative, appeared on their behalf.
Upon question of Commissioner Faricy, Mr. Zdon stated that a copy of the report was sent to the
applicants. Mr. Zdon further stated that he spoke to the applicant previously and expressed to him
the impo�tance of appearing at the hearing. Mr. Frable stated that he would possibly be on vacation,
and if so, his partner would be here. <<
Art Punko, 1463 Grand Avenue, appeared in opposition of the rezoning. Mr. Punko explained that
a neighborhood meeting was held regarding this issue, and approximately 15 people showed up.
He further stated that the majority of the people were in opposition of this rezoning. Mr. Punko
expiained his reasons for the oppositions were a"spot" rezone is not consistent with the Grand
Avenue plan, concern for future tenants, and having a business in the center of the residential block
could set a precedent for other businesses. Mr. Punko further expressed that of the people who
attended the community meeting, there is a strong commitment to preserving the character of the
No one else spoke.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Vaught moved the staff recommendation with the following addition, that by the date
of the next Planning Commission meeting, tttere would be a folfow-up on the names of people who
claim to have withdrawn their consent, or did not in fact sign the petition. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Kramer.
Commissioner Gordon suggested that if the informatiDn is found to be accurate, possible crimina�
action should be iaken.
Zoning CommilYee Minutes
September 3, 1998
Don Frable/Steven Winover (98-205)
Page 2
There was no further discussion, and the motion was cailed recommending denial of the rezoning.
Drafted by:
�� ��
Geri Boyd
Recording Secretary
Yeas - 8 Nays - 0
Submitted by:
� �
� m Zdor�
Southw� Team
Approved by:
Litton Field
9t� io�/
Stephen J. Bubul and Lee S. Lewis
1493 Lincoln Avenue
3L Paul, Minnesota 55105
September 1, 1998
Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
I 100 City Hall Annex
St. Paul, MN 55102
RE: Zoning File No. 98-20�
Rezonin� of 1488 Grand Avenue
Dear Committee Members:
We own and occupy the house at 1493 Lincoln Avenue, almost immediately across the
alley south of 1488 Grand Avenue. We understand that the applicant has requested
rezoning of that property from RM-2 to B2-C. Neither of us is able to attend the public
hearino on this rezoning on September 3, 1998, bui would like to submit these comments
for the Committee's consideration.
� While each of us signed the applicanYs petition (as property owners within 100 feet of
the property), we have had time to consider the issue and have concluded that we oppose
the rezoning.
Our primary concern is that rezoning to allow commercial uses in the middle of the block
will disturb the balance between residential and commercial uses in the neighborhood.
One of the major attractions of living in St. Paul, and this area in particulaz, is the
presence of strong residential communities with commercial amenities neazby. Indeed,
our property is just one block away from the commercial node at the intersection of
Grand and Snelling. Most residents in the azea, we think, enjoy having retail and services
within walking disiance, and understand tha± Grand Avemae is a comsnercial/residential
At the same time, though, the character of the area is a balancing act. If commercial uses
spread east from Snelling, the "node" will become a strip. Parking, which is not yet a
problem, will become scarcer, and the residential appeal in the vicinity of Grand will
diminish. Once the middle of the block is rezoned, there will be little reason to deny any
subsequent applicant. It is therefore easy to imagine that the block will drift toward the
predominantly commercial pattem found elsewhere on Grand Avenue.
As residents who shaze the alley with this property, we also worry that the change will
� reduce neighborhood safety. The concern is not that commercial uses will bring crime,
but that fewer people will be present around the clock. Our block, which has been
relatively free of problems until recently, has had three incidents this summer. It cannot .
help matters to reduce the number of people living on and using the alley.
Further, we think it is important to maintain a mix of housing types for a variety of
income levels. (That's another reason we like to live here.) The proposed rezoning will
remove another unit of modest, affordable housing from the local housing stock, at a time
when affordable housing is in critically short supply. We recognize that the applicant
intends to rent the upstairs unit for residential purposes, but the downstairs unit is most
likeIy lost for housing purposes. And, there is no guazantee that the upstairs unit wiil
remain residential over time.
Finally, while the applicant's proposed use (an insurance office) is not objectionable by
itseif, we hope the committee focuses on the broader land use question: should this block
move toward commercial uses? Many other uses are of course possible in the B2-C
district, including retail sales and contractors. (As the committee will no doubt heaz from
other neighborhood residents, a contractor who occupied property just a few houses away
created significant conflicts.) The issue is not this applicant; it is the proper zoning for
this property, in this block, in this neighborhood.
For these reasons, we urge the committee to maintain the RM-2 classification. Thank
you for the opportunity to voice our concerns, and we hope you will make a decision that
puts the lona-term interests of the neighborhood first. Tf committee members or staff
have questions of us, we can be reached at 699-1330. �
y Yours,
�.� h-/ �"�
. Bubul
Lee S. Lewis
�?7 `��l°y°
03i0'>i199d 14:58 FkOM M.P. DRNIELSt7h1 tiDVERTISING T�J 6383465,_ _ .__ P.01
Michael Da.v.eL4on & Diana Dan.ielaon
1464 Summit 7+venue
Sdint Paul, 1�N 55105
� aze a�osed to the rezoning of the 1488 �rand a�,n� P�..yty tp
a 52�. 2Ysre is alzea3y way to inxt� traffic a� �jesti� tysiig
p�scal as a crossoc�s. Vety da�as� for our c^�� 1.t,�r. y7e lived k�e�e
for 11 years ard wa„zt to rt�lce this d fani2y r�ea,ghborYa�od_
��� ��s�
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niac,a oanielson
September l, 1998
Mr. Jim Zdon,
Zoning Office
25 West Fourth Street
I100 City Hall Annex
St. Paul, MN 55102
Mr. Zdon:
We attended a neighborhood meeting on Monday, August 31, 1998 at 1463 Grand Avenue regarding the
re-zoning of 1488 Grand Avenue which is located next door to us. We are a[ 1492-1494 Grand Avenue.
The attached petition was passed around and our forged signatures were on it. We are against the re-
zoning and did not sign a petition to support it.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. We can be reached at 690-5839 or 699-6863 if you have �
qaestions or concems.
Joseph Urbanski Sr., Kathy Urbanski, and Joseph Urbanski Jr.
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FROH :CGRP GROUFS 612-667-2455 1999.09-0'_ 10:10 SS» P.02/�2
September 1, 1998
Re: Re-Zoning of Property x.ocated at 1488 Grand Avenue, St. Paul
O�vned by Donald Frable and Steven Winover
Mecting to be held September 3,1998
Deaz Mr. Zdon:
I live within 100 feet of fl1e properry locatcd at 14SS Grand Avenue, St, Paul.
I previously had signed a petition in favor of allowing commercial re-zoning at the above
referenced property. I signed this petition aFter receiving extremely limited, and I now
belie�e, misleading information.
I was approached to sign only one day prior to the deadline for sianatures, and it �vas
implied that all the other residents had approved, lt w�u also stated that the potcntia!
purchsuer was nitending on tiving at the residence while operating lhe insursnce agency.
tt was represrnted thxt the re-zoning need was only necessary tn allow an owner/operafor
residence situation. I misunderstood that once d�e k�roperty was re-zoned, altowing die
insurazice agency to operate, it was permanently available for any type of commercifil
busine�s in the future.
I am noW aware of the immediate and potential future impact of this re-zoning and would
like to withdmw m a roval. Please feel free to contact me, or my wife,lonel(e Branca,
if you would like to discuss dzis furcher.
�lLcri� �j''i�n�
Louis J. Branca
1499 Gnnd Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105
612-690-2832 home
612-951-5225 officc
Jonelle Branca
612-687-2664 office
S�P 03 'S8 11�47 MN SENT 6l COMfi
September 3, 1998
Deaz Mr. .Zdon:
�'�-ia �
I am writing regarding the proposed rezoning of 1488 Grand Avenue (File Number. 98-205).
My wife Cazol and I have owned our hnme at I515 Lincoln Avenue since 1985. We aze opposed
to this change for two reasons. One is the continuing increase in trafFic in our neighborhood
resul[ing from added businesses in general. During the time we have lived here, business has
expanded dramatically at the comer of Snelling and Crrand. 'While this development is of some
ben�t, it has a2so increased traffic congestion si�nificantly. Cazs are now sometimes backed up
for two blocks from Sneliing to Pascal. That is a problem in terms of its impact on ihe character
of the area and additional noise and exhaust fumes, but also an increasing number of drivers now
seek to circumvent this bottleneck by driving down Lincoin Ave. They do so at a high rate of
speed, creating heavier, noisy traffic on our street and a very reaI danger to children. Similazly,
there is increased traffic down Sazatoga from drivers turnin� ofFof Grand to avoid a left turn at
the Crrand/$nelling intersection; these drivers too drive faster than the speed limit, and very few
observe the posted stop sign at Lincoln. Aside from the unpleasant increase in traffic, clearly,
this is a very dangerous development. We have observed innumerable near-mishaps of aIl sorts
from the diverted traffic.
� Another reason we oppose the rezoning is ihe change in character of the neighborhood --- from
simply the presence of another business property. Grand Avenue is, as we understand, a mix of
residential and canunercial properties. Again, as residents we appreciate the unique chatacter of
the azea resulting from such zoning. But adding a business at 1488 would czeate problems: the
additional on-street pazking causes inconvenience for the neazby residents, and the required off-
street parking creates an eyesore for those who wish to live in a neighborhood with a residenria]
atmospheze. That residenlial character is certainiy what we ourselves chose in purchasing our
home heze, and we do not want that to change, --- both for maintaining the atmosphere and for
protecting the value of our hame.
In summary, despite the benefits, there is a poinY at which the residential properties suffer from
added businesses, and we feel that we are at thai point in our neighborhood. The impact of the
development at Grand and Snelling is already quite noticeable terms of quality of life, and as a
result the problems from adding yet another business at the 1488 site seem � amplified. We
consider this change ill-advised and contraindicated and we request that you deny the request to
Thank you for your consideration of our concerns. T may be reached at home at 698-8792 or at
work at 282-6286.
/ l
S� n K. Schete
FILE # 98-205
LOCATION: 1488 Grand Avenue
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4 Block 4 Summit View
PURPOSE: Application to rezone from RM-2 to B2-C
PARCEL SIZE: The pazcel is 50' X 150' for a total of 7500 squaze feet.
EXISTING LAND USE: Single famiiy residential structure in a RM-2 zoning dishict.
North: Single family residential structure in a RM-2 zoning district
East: Triplex residential structure in a RM-2 zoning district.
South: Single fanuly residential structure in a R-4 zoning disirict
West: Duplex residential structure in a RM-2 zoning district.
E. ZOIVING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from
time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations
herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota
Statutes SecTion 462357 and amendments thereto as may be make from time to time.
The planning commission may from tnne to time, review district boundary lines to
determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed.
� Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning cade may be initiated
by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67)
percent of the area of the property to be rezoned."
G DISTRICT COtJNCIL RECOMMENDATION: Because the Macalester-Groveland
Community Council does not have a scheduled boazd meeting until after the 9f3l98
public hearing, the Macalester-Crroveland Community Council has not taken a position
on the rezoning application.
The applicants have owned this residential property since September 1998. Cunently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the property to Mr. John Becker contingent upon
rezoning the property from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the 1 st floor of this
residential structure as an office for his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
will be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. In addition to Mr. Becker, two other full time
employees will work in the office.
� 2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendation: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to areas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the property from
residential (RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
recommendation. .
The 1983 Grand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendations; " Provide opportunity for commercial growth in the
commercial ciuster areas on Grand Avenue West: (1) The Cleveland commercial corner
and the north side of the block west of Cleveland; (2) the Grand Village azea, from
Macalester to the Fairview commercial corner and the south side of the block west of
Fairview; and (3) the HamlinelSyndicate commercial area."(p.4) "Ensure that the azeas
on Grand Avenue West that are currently dominated by residential land use remain so;
these azeas are...(3) the area between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial corner."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendations.
3. The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the area has developed and
rezoning the property will have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residential in nature. Across the street to the north the entire
block face consists of residential uses. The block face, on which this property is located,
� is entirely residential with the exception of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
tluee parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned antique store located on the eastem comer ofthe
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning this parcel
in the middle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would �
undermine the residential chazacter of this azea.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive areas of
multiple-family residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
extensive sites. The RM-2 district is fiirther provided to permit comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities"
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial azeas, which will permit the operation of
businesses which do not generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain
the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residenrial uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yazds. It is further the intent
of this district to provide parking for employees who work in buiidings which aze
converted froFn residential to business use.
The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the properry staring support for the rezoning (17 parcels
eligible, 12 parcels required, and 13 pazcels signed).
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 2 and 3, staff recommends denial a
of the application to rezone the properiy at 1488 Grand from RM-Z to B2-C.
Depart�nent ajPlanning and Ecor.omic Developrner.t
Zoning Secfion
II00 CiIY I�all AnnPx
25 T3'est Fourt/t Street
Saini Pnui, MN 55701
Property Owner��ti.v �z � • r>� �.� � Sf-�„ �ti K� � -
CityS7'. s�' / St��"L iof Daytime
e ,� 3 S - �S� �
Contact person (if different)
G�',a.- ; /�
Legal description L v-h �/ ��`"" �/ S� M �,�- �. �
(attach additional sheet if necessary)
Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of
Minnesota Statu=s, , the owner of ail the land proposed
for rezon:ng, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a.
�M - a- zoning district to a j�-- J- � zoning distric�, for the purpose of:
G ��� ��
(a!tzch addrtional sheet(s) i° necessa.ry) 1 �
Attachments Required site plan ❑ Consen; petition LJ Affidavit �
Subscribed and sworn to � �� �
b=fore me this �� n day By: d ,, �
of � g"{� Fee owner oi propery
� 1 ( - r�tiA:
Page 1 of
'�,: ��„��Q���'�I.4tYPU��C�diNNESOTA
RAMS E�peoun�v
nhy Commis:�cg,e ���°s d:r. 7.....
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i e �
St Paul, NIN 55105
612242.8Q96 phone
612.2920138 fa<
July L0, 1998
Dear Neighbor:
stopped by today seeking signauues for �pioposedRe-Zoning of 1488 Gtand Avenue. T[tis
xfsed Re-Zoning would convert the cuirentRM-2 �vfulti-Family) designation of 1488 Grand
riue to a B-2C {Community Busin�ss Converte� d�signation.
the Re-Zo effort is to make the progerty usable as a new office for the State Farm
ency of John-B€�kc�-soupled wiik a-�.�k�ing unit on thg secan�-IIoor of the
� State Fatm affueiscuxrently Icic�ted �1A32 Crra�id Avenue, arith-busiziess hnurs of
i:00 p.m. A4aad�y-threugh-Frida� 'I11ese keursweuld remain cons[ant-a�ith JoLn's
dd the veGy_lonc.nvmt�eLOf walk-iu_clientsrmost of Jolw's businessisconduded by
��r}�ua��ooldng forn�azdtaa-mauaxa1488 L'uaud-Auenue,and is dedicated.tn-the presenzation-0f the
S1kI8I�, II0lghborhOOd Peoh.,_na_hr nirt_ �tiv en}O}'S�C*ranri AvrmiP' He iS 215QSCtgexCltedBbnut th2
prospec[ of locating hisagencg i�a §am� whisl�-fi�sU�eem�unity values e€bstl�-lusagencgasd his
Ifyou have any questiensabea�tkisgregosa�-pleas�f�l-�te-sall JoLnBecke�at-242-5(14�, or
contact ihe cuxrent owner of 1488 Gtand Avenue, Donald Frnble, at 225-3988. If we did not kiave the
opportunity to meet yo�to�a}�,- w�will-s[op h3�agauE-soeata-a�swer any qu�stiens-as sance�nsyou
may t�ave.
Thank yo
John Becker
Donald Frable
� �o��
� August 24, 1998
Zoning Committee
25 West�th Street
1100 City Hall Annex
St. Paul, M:.. 55102
To the Committee:
We have received notice of a request for rezoning of 1488
Grand. Zone fine number 98-205.
I have one auestion and one concern.
Question: Is there another way for Mr. Frable aad Mr. Winover
to meet their current business objectives without
rezoaing? What do they really want here?
Our concern is not for any "now" request for a business.
Our concern with rezoning is that the business strategy of
any hot shot buyers will be to resell in five years to a
congolmerate or corporation who wants to bu:ld a huge
hignrise on Grand or do a shopping mall.
� Saying that this is not the intention will not help five
years from now. Enough rezoned properties in one block can
make it happen because they will be privately owned an3 open
to sale. Rezoning one property may be your intention not the
intention of the those requesting the rezoning.
It was not the intention of whoever passed the benign ordin-
ance regarding the right to "small business" in people's
houses of adversly affect the neighborhood. On the corner of
Pascal and Osceola one guy is running a lawn service/snow
nlowing business with multiple trucks, equipment and
manpower choxing the street. That wasn't intendeci either.
The benign ordinance was not written with his intentions or
plans in mind. Now the entire neighborhood has to live with
A change without safeguards is a set-up for someone who has
a lot more ioresight to his own profit than he is going to
tel: you aboui.
We do not want the "converted district" part of this. What
are they planning 'to convert it to? Another housing unit for
college students?
This is too general a request. Tt is for personal profit at
� everyone else's expense. Us today, you tomorrow.
Thank you for your time. �� g���_����
Jim & Sharon Lethert
1492 Li�coln
St. Paul, MN 55105
Post-it° Fa�c Note
Phane #
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JA.a.-e Mc.3r•'�.�
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�p6�PfiL� '�jE /y}f}N�1
�Ve, ilie undersi�ned, otvnets of the property tivithin 100 feei of tlie total contiguous description of real estate
o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PET[TIONE2 within one year preceding the date of this petition
ackno�vledoe that tive have been presented with ihe Followino:
I. A copy of tlie petition of Donald C. Frable and Steven D. Winover
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at i 4ft� �.,,,,� evAnuP St�u7�`�.Y SS? n� ,
from a RM_? Z.ot]iRo �istricf to a R_?(: 2onin� district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 571 tlirouah 60. 575 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that �ve are aware of alt of the uses permitted in aB-2C zonina district and �ve are
aware that any of these uses can be establislted upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We herehy
consent to the rezonina of the property in the petition of;
Donald C. Frahla and StevPn D. WinovPr to� �- zoningdist�ict.
(Name of petitioner)
�Ve consent to the approval of this rezoning �s it w.►s explained t� us by the
�PP��cnnt or his/her representative.
lvg3 �� .�.� �.
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�g�� Date pages�
�,. .-�QC From �d
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Phone #
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NOTE; This petition shalf not be coasidered as officially'fcl�duntil the lapse of seven (7) working
days after it is received by tiie Planning Division. Any siguator of this petition may withdraw his/l�er
name tl�erefrom by ��Titten request within that time.
9� io�l
We, [he undersi�ned, owners of the property within ] 00 feet of the rotal contiguous description of real estate
o�vneci, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONE2 within one year precedina the date of Ihis petition
ncknowledoe that we have been presented tvith the foliowin�:
A copy of tl�e petition of Donald C. Frable and Steven D. Winover
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at i kftft l7y�anA �yanna St,, pa»> � SSl (1�
from a RM-7 zoning district [o a g_�� zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 571 dvouoi� 60. 575 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowled�e that we are aware of all of [he uses permitted in aB-2C zonino dis[rict and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We fiereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in t}:e petition oF,
nona� d C. Frabl P and St.P=ren D. Wi nover to a � zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
"4Ve consent to the �pprov�l of this rezoninb �s it was exPlained .to us Uy the
�pplic.int or l�islher represent:�tive.
NOTE: Tlus petition shall not be considered as officially fited unti( the lapse of seven (7) �vorkina
days aRer it is received by tlie Pllnning Division. Any signator of this petition may widldraw his/her
name therefrom Uy written request within tha�t Cime.
We, the undersianed, o�vners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PET[TIONER within one year preceding the date of [his petition
�cknowledge that we have been presented tvith the follo�vino:
A copy of tlie petition of Donald C. Frab2e and Steven D. Winover
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at i 1�RA r.,-A.,.� n S{� Pfli� MN �Sl (15
from a RM_? zoning district to a n_2r zonine district.
2. A copy o(sections 60. 571 tlirough 60. 575 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowled�e that we are aware of ali of [he uses permitted in aB-2C zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be establislied i+pon City Council approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereUy
consent [o the rezonino oPthe property in the petition of;
Tk�nal d C. Frabl e and Steven D. Winover to a R-2C ZOnin� dist[ict.
(Name of peti[ioner)
We consent to the approval of Yhis rezoning as it �v�s exp]ained.Yo us by fhc
�nnlirant m- hic/hrr renrrcrntntive. �
NOTr: This petition sha(I not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working
days 1Cter it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator oEthis petition may widldraw his/her
name ihcrcfrom Uy written request within th:�t time.
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Council File # 9� /��
Green Sheet # �o a� �
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
2 WIIEREAS, under the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.409 and Minn.
3 Stat. § 462357, Don Frable and Steven Winover peritioned to rezoning properry commonly
4 known as 1488 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota from RM-2 to B2-C for the purpose of
5 permitting reuse of the properiy as a commercial property. The said petition was certified by the
6 planning division on August 3, 1998, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the
7 owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fiuther hauing been consented to by at least
8 67% of the owners of the properties situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property
9 within one yeaz preceding the date of the petition; and
WHEREAS, on September 3, 1998, the zoning committee of the Saint Paul Planning
Commission conducted a public heazing far the purpose of considering the rezoning petition
pursuant to the requirements of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64300 and Administrative Code §
107.03. All persons present were given an opportunity to be heard. At the conclusion of the
hearing, the zoning committee moved to deny the petition and submitted its recommendation to
the 5aint Paul P12miiug Commission; and
VJHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its
meeting held on September I 1, 1998. The Planning Commission recommended to the City
Council that the petition be denied for the following reasons:
The applicants have owned this residential property since September 1997. Currently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the property to Mr. John Becker contingent upon
rezoning the properiy from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the lst floor of this
residenrial structure as an office far his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
will be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Ir, addition to Mr. Becker, two other full time
employees will work in the office.
2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendafion: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to areas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the properiy from
residential(RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
The 1983 Crrand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendarions; " Provide opportunity for commercial growth in the
commercial cluster areas on Grand Avenue West: (i) The Cleveland commercial corner
oR���NA� ��,d��
2 and the north side of the block west of Cieveland; (2) the Grand Village area, from
3 Macalester to the Fairview commercial corner and the south side of the block west of
4 Fauview; and (3) the Hamline/Syndicate commercial azea."(p.4) "Ensure that the areas
5 on Grand Avenue West that aze currently doininated by residential land use remain so;
6 these azeas aze...(3) the area between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial corner."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendations.
3. The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the azea has developed and
rezoning the property will have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residential in nature. Across the street to the north the entire
block face consists of residenrial uses. The block face, on which this property is located,
is entirely residential with the exception of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
three parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned anrique store located on the eastern corner of the
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning this parcel
in the middle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would
undermine the residential chazacter of this area.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive areas of
multiple-fanuly residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
extensive sites. The RM-2 district is fiirther pxovided to permit comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities."
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of
businesses which do not generate lazge amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain
the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is fitrther the intent
of this district to provide paxking for employees who work in buildings which are
converted from residential to business use.
The applicant submitted a sufficient perition of two-thirds of the properiy owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the properry stating support far the rezoning (17 pazcels
eligible, 12 pazcels required, and 13 parcels signed).
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the Councii of the City of Saint Paul
concerning the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on
September 23, 1998, and notices were mailed to each owner of affected properry and property
situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and
WI�EREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October
14, 1998, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and
recommendations concerning_the petition resolved to deny the application to rezone the subject
property and in doing so moved to adopt as its own the findings of the 5aint Paul Planning
Commission as stated herein; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby deny the
application of Don Frable and Steven Winover to rezone property at 1488 Grand Avenue, more
WI�REAS, under the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.409 and Minn.
Stat. § 462.357, Don Frable and Steven Winover petitioned to rezoning properiy commonly
lrnown as 1488 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, Mimiesota from RM-2 to B2-C for the purpose of
pernut6ng reuse of the properry as a commercial property. The said petition was certified by the
pianning division on August 3, 1998, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the
owners of tYte area of the properiy to be rezoned, and fiirther ha�ing been consented to by at least
67% of the owners of the properties situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property
within one year preceding the date of the perition; and
WI�REAS, on September 3, 1998, the zoning committee of the Saint Paul Planniiig
Conunission conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning perition
pursuant to the requirements of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64300 and Administrative Code §
107.03. All persons present were given an oppornuuty to be heazd. At the conclusion of the
hearing, the zoning committee moved to deny the petition and submitted its recommendation to
the Saint Paul Pianning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its
meeting held on September 11, 1998. The Planning Commission recommended to the City
Council that the petition be denied for the following reasons:
The applicants haue owned this residential property since September 1997. Cunently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the property to Mr. John Becker confingent upon
rezoning the property from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the 1 st floor of this
residential structure as an office for his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
wiil be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Priday. In addition to Mr. Becker, two other full fime
employees will work in the office.
2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendation: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to azeas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the properiy from
residenfial (RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
The 1983 Grand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendations; " Provide opportunity for commercial growth in the
commercial cluster azeas on Grand Avenue West: (1) The Cleveland commercial corner
and the north side of the block west of Cleveland; (Z) the Grand Village area, from
Macalester to the Fairview commercial corner and the south side of the block west of
Fairview; and (3) the Hamline/Syndicate commercial azea."(p.4) `Bnsure that the areas
on Grand Avenue West that are currently dominated by residential land use remain so;
these areas are...(3) the area between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial corner."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendafions.
The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the azea has developed and
rezoning the properiy will have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residential in nature. Across the street to the north the entire
block face consists of residential uses. The block face, on which this property is located,
is entirely residenfial with the exceprion of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
three parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned antique store located on the eastern corner of the
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning this pazcel
in the xniddle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would
undemiiue the residential character of this area.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: °to provide for mare extensive azeas of
multiple-family residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
ea�tensive sites. The RM-2 district is furtlier provided to permit comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities."
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of
businesses wluch do not generate lazge amounts of traffic and at the same tune will retain
the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is further the intent
of ttus district to provide parking for employees who work in buildings which are
converted from residential to business use.
5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (17 parcels
eligible, 12 parcels required, and 13 pazcels signed).
VJHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the Council of the City of Saint Paul
concerning the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on
September 23, 1998, and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property and property
situated wholly ar partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October
14, 1998, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered ali the facts and
recommendations conceming the petition resolved to deny the application to rezone the subject
properry and in doing so moved to adopt as its own the findings of the Saint Paul Planning
Commission as stated herein; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby deny the
application of Don Frable and Steven Winover to rezone property at 1488 Grand Avenue, more
particularly described as Lot 4, Biock 4, SutYUnit V iew from a RM-2 zoning classification to a
B2-C zoning classification for the general reason that the application is not consistent with the
comprehensive plan for the City and for the reasons articulated by the Saint Paul Planning
1 OR1GlNAL ��,d��
2 particulazly described as Lot 4, Block 4, Sununit View from a RM-2 zoning classification to a
3 B2-C zoning classification for the general reason that the application is not consistent with the
4 comprehensive plan for the City and for the reasons articulated by the Saint Paul Planniug
5 Commission which are incorporated herein by reference and adopted by the Council of the City
6 of Saint Paul as its own; AND, BE IT,
8 FUR'I'HER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shail be sent to the applicants, the
9 Planniug Adiniuistrator, the Zoning Aduiinistrator, and the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission.
Requested by Department of:
Form Appr d by City Attorney
$Y � L✓�i►�. /�- �Y-'1�
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: � � gy
Approved by May i.; ate t �•
Adopted by Council: Date � \ �0
Coxnmission which are incorporated herein by reference and adopted by the Council of the City
of Saint Paul as its own; AND, BE IT,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the applicants, the
Plauniug Admiiristrator, the Zoning Admiiustrator, and the Saint Paul Plamiiug Commission.
Harris 266-8630
Nov. 23, 1998
�� =�d�
No 62295
❑ FI1sMCI0.1.iERNCFidR ❑ sILYM'J�LfERV��eCl6
Finalizing City Council action taken October 14, 1998 denying the application of Donald
Frable and Steven Winover to rezone property from RM-2 (residential multiple-family) to
B2-C (Community Business Converted) to allow conversion of a single family house to an
insurance office use at 1488 Grand Avenue.
Has fhis perso�rm ever w0�lced under e confraCt for this tleparlment'7
Has thie peraonlfirtn ever heen a cfly empbyeeT
DoeB this person/firtn po88e55 a sldll not nwmaltypo6sessetl by eiry curteM Cily empbyee7
Is Mie per�rm a targeted vendoYl
YES h0
ClaytanM Robinson, Jr., CiryAttorney �J'—/�66
Norm Colemm�, Mayor
400 City Hall
IS West Kellogg Blvd
Saint PauI, Minnesot¢ 55102
Telephone: 651266-8710
Facsimile: 651298-5619
November 20, 1998
Nancy Anderson
Council Secretary
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: Petition to Rezone Property at 1488 Grand Avenue
City Council Action Date: October 14, 1998
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Attached please find a signed copy of a resolution memarializing the decision of the Saint Paul
City Council to deny the application to rezone the property above stated. Would you please have
this resolution placed on the Council's Consent Agenda at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
V ery truly yours,
� �� u�yt/!'�L-.
eter W. Wasner
Assistant City Attorney
ca James Zdon
9� f �
Norm Colemarz, Mayor
September 17, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Division of P(anrdng
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paui, MN SSIO2
Te[ephone: 612-2666565
Facsimile: 6S 2-228-3314
�?L��^x3 ,�`'s��a�.,s � """ .;�vf
��� : � �S��v
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday
Octoberl4, 1998 for the following zoning case:
File Number:
Frabte, Donald C.1Winover, Steven
# 98-205
Rezone property from RM-2 ( residential multiple-family) to B2-C ( Community
Business Converted) to allow conversion of a single family house to an insurance
office use.
1488 Grand
Legal Description
of Property: Lot 4, Block 4 Summit View
Previous Action:
Planning Commission Recommendation: Denial, vote: unanimous, September 11, 1998
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Denial, vote: 8-0, September 3, 1998
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda far the October 14, 1998
City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Lega] Ledger.
Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions.
Jam�es � o��
� �
City Planner
•Frasrxtm• - -
xaric� oF roaue �nxnvc
The Saint Paul City Council will-conduct a public heazing on Wednesday, Oct6ber
cc: File # 98-205 14. 1995 at 5[30 p in the GYty Council Chambers. Third Floor City Hall-Court
P2u1 Dubnti0l - House, to_ consider the applicaUOn of FYable, Donald C./Winover. Staven�to rezone
property from RM-2 (residential mulHple-faznily) to B2-C (Community "Business
GEt1"y $OyCI Converted)�to allow conversion of a single famity house to an insurance office use�at
1485 GYand Avenue. - - -
Dated: September 21. -1998 � . ' ' � �
NANCY AN�ERSON � � : - - -
Aseistant �ty Cou'ncll Sectetary . ,
- - _ (Septemba 23, 1998)_ _—
q�- id��
Norm Coleman, Mayor
Division of P[annirzg
25 West Founh Street
Saira Paul, MN 55102
Telephan e: 6I Z-266-6565
Facsimi[e: 612-228-3314
October 1, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the City Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Pauf, Minnesota 55102
RE: Zoning File # 98-205 Frable, Donald C./ Winover, Steve
City Council Hearing: October 14, 1998, 530p.m. to 6:30 p.m., City Council Chambers
PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property at 1488 Grand Avenue from RM-2 (residential multiple-
family) to B2-C (Business Community Converted) to allow conversion of a single family house to an
insurance office use.
SUPPORT: No one spoke. The Macalester Groveland Community Council did not take a position.
OPPOSITION: One resident. Staff received seven letters in opposition.
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Mr. Frable and Mr. Winover submitted a petition to rezone property at 1488 Grand Avenue. The Zoning
Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on September 3,
1998. The applicants failed to appear at the public hearing. At the close of the public hearing, the
committee voted 8-0 to recommend denial of the rezoning. The Planning Commissio;n, on September 11,
1998, unanimously upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial.
This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on October 14, 1998. Please notify
me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazine.
� � �o�n.
James Z n
City P ner
cc: City Council members
� Attachments
9� i��
� city of saint pau{
pianning commission resolution
file number 98-62
�te, Seotember 11. 1998
WHEREAS, Don Frable/Steven Winover, have applied under the provisions of Section 66.409
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of rezoning property located at 1488 Grand
Avenue from RM-2 to B2-C, legally described as (see file).
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 9/03/98, held a public
hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
� 1. The applicants have owned this residential property since September 1997. Currently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the properiy to Mr. John Becker contingent upon
rezoning the properiy from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the lst floor of tlus
residential structure as an office for his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
will be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. In addition to Mr. Becker, two other full time
employees will work in the office.
2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The I?istrict 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendation: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to areas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the property from
residential (RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
The 1983 Grand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendations; " Provide opporiunity for commercial growth in the
commercial cluster azeas on C�rand Avenue West: (1) The Cleveland commercial corner
and the north side of the biock west of Cleveland; (2) the Grand Village azea, from
moved by Wencl
� seconded by
i n favor Unanimous
Macalester to the Fairview commercial comer and the south side of the block west of �
Fairview; and (3) the Hamline/Syndicate commercial area."(p.4) "Ensure that the azeas
on Grand Avenue West that aze currendy dominated by residential land use remain so;
these azeas aze...(3) the azea between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial comer."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendations.
3. The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the azea has developed and
rezoning the properiy will have an adverse unpact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residentiai in nature. Across the street to the north the enTire
block face consists of residential uses. The block face, on which this properry is located,
is entirety residential with the exception of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
three parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned antique store located on the eastem corner of the
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning tfiis parcel
in the middle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would
undermine the residential chazacter of this azea.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive azeas of
multiple-family residential development as weil as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
extensive sites. The RM-2 district is further provided to pernut comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population �
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities."
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial areas, which �yill permit the operation of
businesses which do not generate lazge amounts of tr�c and at the same time will retain
the visual chazacter of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is further the intent
of this district to provide pazking for employees who work in buildings which aze
converted from residential to business use.
�. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (17 pazcels
eligible, 12 pazcels required, and 13 parcels signed).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the
petition of Don Frable/Steven Winover to rezone property at 1488 Grand, more particulazly
described as Lot 4, Block 4, Summit View, from a RM-2 zoning classiftcation to a B2-C zoning
classification is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that property located at 1488 Grand not be
rezoned from RM-2 toB2-C in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saini �
Paul Planning Division.
� Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, September 1 I, 1998, at
8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wenci and
Present: Messrs. Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, Marguties, McDonell, Nowlin and
V aught.
Commissioners Mmes. *Engh and Messrs. *Field, Kong, *Mardell, and *Sharpe
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator, Jean Birkholz, Tom Harren, Larry Soderholm,
and Jim Zdon, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Tom
Beach from the Department of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection.
I. Chair's A�nouncements
� Chair Morton had no announcements.
II. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Mr. Ford announced that the City Council did approve the plat for William's Hill and the pawn shop
moratorium resolution is in effect.
Chair MoRon pointed out the revised agenda.
III. ���� ��1„�Il`i�: Gerald Trooien for Alexandra & Associates LLC, River Corridor
Modification, Setback Variance and Site Plan Review (Tom Beach, LIEP)
Chair Morton read the rules and procedures for public hearings.
Mr. Beach gave a short slide presentation and read the staff reports. He stated that Gerald Trooien is
proposing to build a 4-level parking ramp with 996 parking spaces. The ramp will be located west of
Davern and nodh of Shepard Road in the packing lot of the oid Unisys Building, Mr. Trooien has
renovated the old Unisys Building and U.S. Bank is in the process of moving into the building. Some of
the spaces in the ramp would be used by U.S. Bank employees; the rest would be used for airport
parking. To build the ramp, Mr. Trooien needs approval from the Planning Commission on three items:
1) a rivet corridor modification - the ramp will be 42.5 feet tall (the maximum height is 40 feet in a river
corridor); 2) a setback variance is needed - the ramp is proposed to be setback 15 feet from the north
� property line (the required setback in I-1 districts, residential property, is 1'/z times the height of the
building or 65 feet, in this case); the requested variance is 50 feet; 3) a site plan review, required for any
parking facility.
Commissioner Nordin asked how many parking spaces are required by the zoning ordinance for
meeting on Thursday, September 17, 1998. �
#98-205 Donald C. Frable / Steven Winover - Rezone property from MR-2 (medium-density;
low-rise multiple-family residentiai district) to B2-C (community business-converted district) at
1488 Grand Avenue (Jim Zdon, 266-6559).
MOTION: Commissioner Wencl moved to deny the requested rezoning ofproperty from
MR-2 (medium-density; !ow-rise multiple family residential district) to B2-C (communiry
business-converted district) at I488 GrandAvenue, which carried unanimously on a voice
Commissioner Wenc! read the agenda for t11e next Zoning Committee meeting, September 17,
V. Guest Presentation Plans for Ramsey County Facilities in Saint Paul, Julio Mangine, Director
of Property Management for Ramsey County.
Chair Morton announced that Mr. Julio Mangine would not make the presentation today because
his son was inyolved in a printing press accident last evening. While another person is here to
make the report, this item will be rescheduled because there is not enough time remaining this
VI. Comprehensive Planning Committee
No report.
VII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee
No report.
VIII. Communications Committee
No report.
IX. Task Force Reports
Commissioner Gordon announced that the Ayd Mill Draft EIS is out and commissioners will see
it soon.
X. Old Business
XI. New Business
XII. Adjournment
�� � iot� l�
Thursday, September 3, 1998 - 3:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor
City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg Boutevard
Gervais, Gordon, Faricy, Field, Kramer, Morton, Vaught and Wencl
Peter Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Martha Faust, Larry Soderholm,
A�fan Torstenson and Jim Zdon of PED
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fie�d.
DON FRABLE/STEVEN WINOVER - Zaning Fiie 98 -205 - Rezone property from RM-2 (Medium-
density; Low-Rise Multiple-Family Residential District) to 62-C (Community Business - Converted
Jim Zdon, PED, gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. Mr. Zdon stated staff
recommended denial of the rezoning.
The applicants, nor any representative, appeared on their behalf.
Upon question of Commissioner Faricy, Mr. Zdon stated that a copy of the report was sent to the
applicants. Mr. Zdon further stated that he spoke to the applicant previously and expressed to him
the impo�tance of appearing at the hearing. Mr. Frable stated that he would possibly be on vacation,
and if so, his partner would be here. <<
Art Punko, 1463 Grand Avenue, appeared in opposition of the rezoning. Mr. Punko explained that
a neighborhood meeting was held regarding this issue, and approximately 15 people showed up.
He further stated that the majority of the people were in opposition of this rezoning. Mr. Punko
expiained his reasons for the oppositions were a"spot" rezone is not consistent with the Grand
Avenue plan, concern for future tenants, and having a business in the center of the residential block
could set a precedent for other businesses. Mr. Punko further expressed that of the people who
attended the community meeting, there is a strong commitment to preserving the character of the
No one else spoke.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Vaught moved the staff recommendation with the following addition, that by the date
of the next Planning Commission meeting, tttere would be a folfow-up on the names of people who
claim to have withdrawn their consent, or did not in fact sign the petition. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Kramer.
Commissioner Gordon suggested that if the informatiDn is found to be accurate, possible crimina�
action should be iaken.
Zoning CommilYee Minutes
September 3, 1998
Don Frable/Steven Winover (98-205)
Page 2
There was no further discussion, and the motion was cailed recommending denial of the rezoning.
Drafted by:
�� ��
Geri Boyd
Recording Secretary
Yeas - 8 Nays - 0
Submitted by:
� �
� m Zdor�
Southw� Team
Approved by:
Litton Field
9t� io�/
Stephen J. Bubul and Lee S. Lewis
1493 Lincoln Avenue
3L Paul, Minnesota 55105
September 1, 1998
Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
I 100 City Hall Annex
St. Paul, MN 55102
RE: Zoning File No. 98-20�
Rezonin� of 1488 Grand Avenue
Dear Committee Members:
We own and occupy the house at 1493 Lincoln Avenue, almost immediately across the
alley south of 1488 Grand Avenue. We understand that the applicant has requested
rezoning of that property from RM-2 to B2-C. Neither of us is able to attend the public
hearino on this rezoning on September 3, 1998, bui would like to submit these comments
for the Committee's consideration.
� While each of us signed the applicanYs petition (as property owners within 100 feet of
the property), we have had time to consider the issue and have concluded that we oppose
the rezoning.
Our primary concern is that rezoning to allow commercial uses in the middle of the block
will disturb the balance between residential and commercial uses in the neighborhood.
One of the major attractions of living in St. Paul, and this area in particulaz, is the
presence of strong residential communities with commercial amenities neazby. Indeed,
our property is just one block away from the commercial node at the intersection of
Grand and Snelling. Most residents in the azea, we think, enjoy having retail and services
within walking disiance, and understand tha± Grand Avemae is a comsnercial/residential
At the same time, though, the character of the area is a balancing act. If commercial uses
spread east from Snelling, the "node" will become a strip. Parking, which is not yet a
problem, will become scarcer, and the residential appeal in the vicinity of Grand will
diminish. Once the middle of the block is rezoned, there will be little reason to deny any
subsequent applicant. It is therefore easy to imagine that the block will drift toward the
predominantly commercial pattem found elsewhere on Grand Avenue.
As residents who shaze the alley with this property, we also worry that the change will
� reduce neighborhood safety. The concern is not that commercial uses will bring crime,
but that fewer people will be present around the clock. Our block, which has been
relatively free of problems until recently, has had three incidents this summer. It cannot .
help matters to reduce the number of people living on and using the alley.
Further, we think it is important to maintain a mix of housing types for a variety of
income levels. (That's another reason we like to live here.) The proposed rezoning will
remove another unit of modest, affordable housing from the local housing stock, at a time
when affordable housing is in critically short supply. We recognize that the applicant
intends to rent the upstairs unit for residential purposes, but the downstairs unit is most
likeIy lost for housing purposes. And, there is no guazantee that the upstairs unit wiil
remain residential over time.
Finally, while the applicant's proposed use (an insurance office) is not objectionable by
itseif, we hope the committee focuses on the broader land use question: should this block
move toward commercial uses? Many other uses are of course possible in the B2-C
district, including retail sales and contractors. (As the committee will no doubt heaz from
other neighborhood residents, a contractor who occupied property just a few houses away
created significant conflicts.) The issue is not this applicant; it is the proper zoning for
this property, in this block, in this neighborhood.
For these reasons, we urge the committee to maintain the RM-2 classification. Thank
you for the opportunity to voice our concerns, and we hope you will make a decision that
puts the lona-term interests of the neighborhood first. Tf committee members or staff
have questions of us, we can be reached at 699-1330. �
y Yours,
�.� h-/ �"�
. Bubul
Lee S. Lewis
�?7 `��l°y°
03i0'>i199d 14:58 FkOM M.P. DRNIELSt7h1 tiDVERTISING T�J 6383465,_ _ .__ P.01
Michael Da.v.eL4on & Diana Dan.ielaon
1464 Summit 7+venue
Sdint Paul, 1�N 55105
� aze a�osed to the rezoning of the 1488 �rand a�,n� P�..yty tp
a 52�. 2Ysre is alzea3y way to inxt� traffic a� �jesti� tysiig
p�scal as a crossoc�s. Vety da�as� for our c^�� 1.t,�r. y7e lived k�e�e
for 11 years ard wa„zt to rt�lce this d fani2y r�ea,ghborYa�od_
��� ��s�
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niac,a oanielson
September l, 1998
Mr. Jim Zdon,
Zoning Office
25 West Fourth Street
I100 City Hall Annex
St. Paul, MN 55102
Mr. Zdon:
We attended a neighborhood meeting on Monday, August 31, 1998 at 1463 Grand Avenue regarding the
re-zoning of 1488 Grand Avenue which is located next door to us. We are a[ 1492-1494 Grand Avenue.
The attached petition was passed around and our forged signatures were on it. We are against the re-
zoning and did not sign a petition to support it.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. We can be reached at 690-5839 or 699-6863 if you have �
qaestions or concems.
Joseph Urbanski Sr., Kathy Urbanski, and Joseph Urbanski Jr.
t!� � I�:.�tn�c.� � _
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FROH :CGRP GROUFS 612-667-2455 1999.09-0'_ 10:10 SS» P.02/�2
September 1, 1998
Re: Re-Zoning of Property x.ocated at 1488 Grand Avenue, St. Paul
O�vned by Donald Frable and Steven Winover
Mecting to be held September 3,1998
Deaz Mr. Zdon:
I live within 100 feet of fl1e properry locatcd at 14SS Grand Avenue, St, Paul.
I previously had signed a petition in favor of allowing commercial re-zoning at the above
referenced property. I signed this petition aFter receiving extremely limited, and I now
belie�e, misleading information.
I was approached to sign only one day prior to the deadline for sianatures, and it �vas
implied that all the other residents had approved, lt w�u also stated that the potcntia!
purchsuer was nitending on tiving at the residence while operating lhe insursnce agency.
tt was represrnted thxt the re-zoning need was only necessary tn allow an owner/operafor
residence situation. I misunderstood that once d�e k�roperty was re-zoned, altowing die
insurazice agency to operate, it was permanently available for any type of commercifil
busine�s in the future.
I am noW aware of the immediate and potential future impact of this re-zoning and would
like to withdmw m a roval. Please feel free to contact me, or my wife,lonel(e Branca,
if you would like to discuss dzis furcher.
�lLcri� �j''i�n�
Louis J. Branca
1499 Gnnd Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105
612-690-2832 home
612-951-5225 officc
Jonelle Branca
612-687-2664 office
S�P 03 'S8 11�47 MN SENT 6l COMfi
September 3, 1998
Deaz Mr. .Zdon:
�'�-ia �
I am writing regarding the proposed rezoning of 1488 Grand Avenue (File Number. 98-205).
My wife Cazol and I have owned our hnme at I515 Lincoln Avenue since 1985. We aze opposed
to this change for two reasons. One is the continuing increase in trafFic in our neighborhood
resul[ing from added businesses in general. During the time we have lived here, business has
expanded dramatically at the comer of Snelling and Crrand. 'While this development is of some
ben�t, it has a2so increased traffic congestion si�nificantly. Cazs are now sometimes backed up
for two blocks from Sneliing to Pascal. That is a problem in terms of its impact on ihe character
of the area and additional noise and exhaust fumes, but also an increasing number of drivers now
seek to circumvent this bottleneck by driving down Lincoin Ave. They do so at a high rate of
speed, creating heavier, noisy traffic on our street and a very reaI danger to children. Similazly,
there is increased traffic down Sazatoga from drivers turnin� ofFof Grand to avoid a left turn at
the Crrand/$nelling intersection; these drivers too drive faster than the speed limit, and very few
observe the posted stop sign at Lincoln. Aside from the unpleasant increase in traffic, clearly,
this is a very dangerous development. We have observed innumerable near-mishaps of aIl sorts
from the diverted traffic.
� Another reason we oppose the rezoning is ihe change in character of the neighborhood --- from
simply the presence of another business property. Grand Avenue is, as we understand, a mix of
residential and canunercial properties. Again, as residents we appreciate the unique chatacter of
the azea resulting from such zoning. But adding a business at 1488 would czeate problems: the
additional on-street pazking causes inconvenience for the neazby residents, and the required off-
street parking creates an eyesore for those who wish to live in a neighborhood with a residenria]
atmospheze. That residenlial character is certainiy what we ourselves chose in purchasing our
home heze, and we do not want that to change, --- both for maintaining the atmosphere and for
protecting the value of our hame.
In summary, despite the benefits, there is a poinY at which the residential properties suffer from
added businesses, and we feel that we are at thai point in our neighborhood. The impact of the
development at Grand and Snelling is already quite noticeable terms of quality of life, and as a
result the problems from adding yet another business at the 1488 site seem � amplified. We
consider this change ill-advised and contraindicated and we request that you deny the request to
Thank you for your consideration of our concerns. T may be reached at home at 698-8792 or at
work at 282-6286.
/ l
S� n K. Schete
FILE # 98-205
LOCATION: 1488 Grand Avenue
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4 Block 4 Summit View
PURPOSE: Application to rezone from RM-2 to B2-C
PARCEL SIZE: The pazcel is 50' X 150' for a total of 7500 squaze feet.
EXISTING LAND USE: Single famiiy residential structure in a RM-2 zoning dishict.
North: Single family residential structure in a RM-2 zoning district
East: Triplex residential structure in a RM-2 zoning district.
South: Single fanuly residential structure in a R-4 zoning disirict
West: Duplex residential structure in a RM-2 zoning district.
E. ZOIVING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from
time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations
herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota
Statutes SecTion 462357 and amendments thereto as may be make from time to time.
The planning commission may from tnne to time, review district boundary lines to
determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed.
� Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning cade may be initiated
by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67)
percent of the area of the property to be rezoned."
G DISTRICT COtJNCIL RECOMMENDATION: Because the Macalester-Groveland
Community Council does not have a scheduled boazd meeting until after the 9f3l98
public hearing, the Macalester-Crroveland Community Council has not taken a position
on the rezoning application.
The applicants have owned this residential property since September 1998. Cunently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the property to Mr. John Becker contingent upon
rezoning the property from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the 1 st floor of this
residential structure as an office for his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
will be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. In addition to Mr. Becker, two other full time
employees will work in the office.
� 2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendation: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to areas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the property from
residential (RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
recommendation. .
The 1983 Grand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendations; " Provide opportunity for commercial growth in the
commercial ciuster areas on Grand Avenue West: (1) The Cleveland commercial corner
and the north side of the block west of Cleveland; (2) the Grand Village azea, from
Macalester to the Fairview commercial corner and the south side of the block west of
Fairview; and (3) the HamlinelSyndicate commercial area."(p.4) "Ensure that the azeas
on Grand Avenue West that are currently dominated by residential land use remain so;
these azeas are...(3) the area between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial corner."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendations.
3. The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the area has developed and
rezoning the property will have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residential in nature. Across the street to the north the entire
block face consists of residential uses. The block face, on which this property is located,
� is entirely residential with the exception of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
tluee parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned antique store located on the eastem comer ofthe
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning this parcel
in the middle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would �
undermine the residential chazacter of this azea.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive areas of
multiple-family residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
extensive sites. The RM-2 district is fiirther provided to permit comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities"
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial azeas, which will permit the operation of
businesses which do not generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain
the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residenrial uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yazds. It is further the intent
of this district to provide parking for employees who work in buiidings which aze
converted froFn residential to business use.
The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the properry staring support for the rezoning (17 parcels
eligible, 12 parcels required, and 13 pazcels signed).
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 2 and 3, staff recommends denial a
of the application to rezone the properiy at 1488 Grand from RM-Z to B2-C.
Depart�nent ajPlanning and Ecor.omic Developrner.t
Zoning Secfion
II00 CiIY I�all AnnPx
25 T3'est Fourt/t Street
Saini Pnui, MN 55701
Property Owner��ti.v �z � • r>� �.� � Sf-�„ �ti K� � -
CityS7'. s�' / St��"L iof Daytime
e ,� 3 S - �S� �
Contact person (if different)
G�',a.- ; /�
Legal description L v-h �/ ��`"" �/ S� M �,�- �. �
(attach additional sheet if necessary)
Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of
Minnesota Statu=s, , the owner of ail the land proposed
for rezon:ng, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a.
�M - a- zoning district to a j�-- J- � zoning distric�, for the purpose of:
G ��� ��
(a!tzch addrtional sheet(s) i° necessa.ry) 1 �
Attachments Required site plan ❑ Consen; petition LJ Affidavit �
Subscribed and sworn to � �� �
b=fore me this �� n day By: d ,, �
of � g"{� Fee owner oi propery
� 1 ( - r�tiA:
Page 1 of
'�,: ��„��Q���'�I.4tYPU��C�diNNESOTA
RAMS E�peoun�v
nhy Commis:�cg,e ���°s d:r. 7.....
"" ", �-r+a^;�.y'r . _� , . �
0 �
,...f...<_..:a3Y:.... '
. 3
i e �
St Paul, NIN 55105
612242.8Q96 phone
612.2920138 fa<
July L0, 1998
Dear Neighbor:
stopped by today seeking signauues for �pioposedRe-Zoning of 1488 Gtand Avenue. T[tis
xfsed Re-Zoning would convert the cuirentRM-2 �vfulti-Family) designation of 1488 Grand
riue to a B-2C {Community Busin�ss Converte� d�signation.
the Re-Zo effort is to make the progerty usable as a new office for the State Farm
ency of John-B€�kc�-soupled wiik a-�.�k�ing unit on thg secan�-IIoor of the
� State Fatm affueiscuxrently Icic�ted �1A32 Crra�id Avenue, arith-busiziess hnurs of
i:00 p.m. A4aad�y-threugh-Frida� 'I11ese keursweuld remain cons[ant-a�ith JoLn's
dd the veGy_lonc.nvmt�eLOf walk-iu_clientsrmost of Jolw's businessisconduded by
��r}�ua��ooldng forn�azdtaa-mauaxa1488 L'uaud-Auenue,and is dedicated.tn-the presenzation-0f the
S1kI8I�, II0lghborhOOd Peoh.,_na_hr nirt_ �tiv en}O}'S�C*ranri AvrmiP' He iS 215QSCtgexCltedBbnut th2
prospec[ of locating hisagencg i�a §am� whisl�-fi�sU�eem�unity values e€bstl�-lusagencgasd his
Ifyou have any questiensabea�tkisgregosa�-pleas�f�l-�te-sall JoLnBecke�at-242-5(14�, or
contact ihe cuxrent owner of 1488 Gtand Avenue, Donald Frnble, at 225-3988. If we did not kiave the
opportunity to meet yo�to�a}�,- w�will-s[op h3�agauE-soeata-a�swer any qu�stiens-as sance�nsyou
may t�ave.
Thank yo
John Becker
Donald Frable
� �o��
� August 24, 1998
Zoning Committee
25 West�th Street
1100 City Hall Annex
St. Paul, M:.. 55102
To the Committee:
We have received notice of a request for rezoning of 1488
Grand. Zone fine number 98-205.
I have one auestion and one concern.
Question: Is there another way for Mr. Frable aad Mr. Winover
to meet their current business objectives without
rezoaing? What do they really want here?
Our concern is not for any "now" request for a business.
Our concern with rezoning is that the business strategy of
any hot shot buyers will be to resell in five years to a
congolmerate or corporation who wants to bu:ld a huge
hignrise on Grand or do a shopping mall.
� Saying that this is not the intention will not help five
years from now. Enough rezoned properties in one block can
make it happen because they will be privately owned an3 open
to sale. Rezoning one property may be your intention not the
intention of the those requesting the rezoning.
It was not the intention of whoever passed the benign ordin-
ance regarding the right to "small business" in people's
houses of adversly affect the neighborhood. On the corner of
Pascal and Osceola one guy is running a lawn service/snow
nlowing business with multiple trucks, equipment and
manpower choxing the street. That wasn't intendeci either.
The benign ordinance was not written with his intentions or
plans in mind. Now the entire neighborhood has to live with
A change without safeguards is a set-up for someone who has
a lot more ioresight to his own profit than he is going to
tel: you aboui.
We do not want the "converted district" part of this. What
are they planning 'to convert it to? Another housing unit for
college students?
This is too general a request. Tt is for personal profit at
� everyone else's expense. Us today, you tomorrow.
Thank you for your time. �� g���_����
Jim & Sharon Lethert
1492 Li�coln
St. Paul, MN 55105
Post-it° Fa�c Note
Phane #
S / i'/�}. `tnE. a /', d'e..
JA.a.-e Mc.3r•'�.�
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�p6�PfiL� '�jE /y}f}N�1
�Ve, ilie undersi�ned, otvnets of the property tivithin 100 feei of tlie total contiguous description of real estate
o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PET[TIONE2 within one year preceding the date of this petition
ackno�vledoe that tive have been presented with ihe Followino:
I. A copy of tlie petition of Donald C. Frable and Steven D. Winover
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at i 4ft� �.,,,,� evAnuP St�u7�`�.Y SS? n� ,
from a RM_? Z.ot]iRo �istricf to a R_?(: 2onin� district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 571 tlirouah 60. 575 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that �ve are aware of alt of the uses permitted in aB-2C zonina district and �ve are
aware that any of these uses can be establislted upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We herehy
consent to the rezonina of the property in the petition of;
Donald C. Frahla and StevPn D. WinovPr to� �- zoningdist�ict.
(Name of petitioner)
�Ve consent to the approval of this rezoning �s it w.►s explained t� us by the
�PP��cnnt or his/her representative.
lvg3 �� .�.� �.
� � �l �Ec, �l/� �
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�g�� Date pages�
�,. .-�QC From �d
oo. � /�
Phone #
�/el "L7 �
� ` � 3 - `( c
'� -� ?- `� sl
� - z r�
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-R_�-k-. i�-�3-��
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NOTE; This petition shalf not be coasidered as officially'fcl�duntil the lapse of seven (7) working
days after it is received by tiie Planning Division. Any siguator of this petition may withdraw his/l�er
name tl�erefrom by ��Titten request within that time.
9� io�l
We, [he undersi�ned, owners of the property within ] 00 feet of the rotal contiguous description of real estate
o�vneci, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONE2 within one year precedina the date of Ihis petition
ncknowledoe that we have been presented tvith the foliowin�:
A copy of tl�e petition of Donald C. Frable and Steven D. Winover
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at i kftft l7y�anA �yanna St,, pa»> � SSl (1�
from a RM-7 zoning district [o a g_�� zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 571 dvouoi� 60. 575 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowled�e that we are aware of all of [he uses permitted in aB-2C zonino dis[rict and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We fiereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in t}:e petition oF,
nona� d C. Frabl P and St.P=ren D. Wi nover to a � zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
"4Ve consent to the �pprov�l of this rezoninb �s it was exPlained .to us Uy the
�pplic.int or l�islher represent:�tive.
NOTE: Tlus petition shall not be considered as officially fited unti( the lapse of seven (7) �vorkina
days aRer it is received by tlie Pllnning Division. Any signator of this petition may widldraw his/her
name therefrom Uy written request within tha�t Cime.
We, the undersianed, o�vners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PET[TIONER within one year preceding the date of [his petition
�cknowledge that we have been presented tvith the follo�vino:
A copy of tlie petition of Donald C. Frab2e and Steven D. Winover
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at i 1�RA r.,-A.,.� n S{� Pfli� MN �Sl (15
from a RM_? zoning district to a n_2r zonine district.
2. A copy o(sections 60. 571 tlirough 60. 575 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowled�e that we are aware of ali of [he uses permitted in aB-2C zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be establislied i+pon City Council approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereUy
consent [o the rezonino oPthe property in the petition of;
Tk�nal d C. Frabl e and Steven D. Winover to a R-2C ZOnin� dist[ict.
(Name of peti[ioner)
We consent to the approval of Yhis rezoning as it �v�s exp]ained.Yo us by fhc
�nnlirant m- hic/hrr renrrcrntntive. �
NOTr: This petition sha(I not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working
days 1Cter it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator oEthis petition may widldraw his/her
name ihcrcfrom Uy written request within th:�t time.
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Council File # 9� /��
Green Sheet # �o a� �
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
2 WIIEREAS, under the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.409 and Minn.
3 Stat. § 462357, Don Frable and Steven Winover peritioned to rezoning properry commonly
4 known as 1488 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota from RM-2 to B2-C for the purpose of
5 permitting reuse of the properiy as a commercial property. The said petition was certified by the
6 planning division on August 3, 1998, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the
7 owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and fiuther hauing been consented to by at least
8 67% of the owners of the properties situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property
9 within one yeaz preceding the date of the petition; and
WHEREAS, on September 3, 1998, the zoning committee of the Saint Paul Planning
Commission conducted a public heazing far the purpose of considering the rezoning petition
pursuant to the requirements of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64300 and Administrative Code §
107.03. All persons present were given an opportunity to be heard. At the conclusion of the
hearing, the zoning committee moved to deny the petition and submitted its recommendation to
the 5aint Paul P12miiug Commission; and
VJHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its
meeting held on September I 1, 1998. The Planning Commission recommended to the City
Council that the petition be denied for the following reasons:
The applicants have owned this residential property since September 1997. Currently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the property to Mr. John Becker contingent upon
rezoning the properiy from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the lst floor of this
residenrial structure as an office far his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
will be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Ir, addition to Mr. Becker, two other full time
employees will work in the office.
2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendafion: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to areas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the properiy from
residential(RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
The 1983 Crrand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendarions; " Provide opportunity for commercial growth in the
commercial cluster areas on Grand Avenue West: (i) The Cleveland commercial corner
oR���NA� ��,d��
2 and the north side of the block west of Cieveland; (2) the Grand Village area, from
3 Macalester to the Fairview commercial corner and the south side of the block west of
4 Fauview; and (3) the Hamline/Syndicate commercial azea."(p.4) "Ensure that the areas
5 on Grand Avenue West that aze currently doininated by residential land use remain so;
6 these azeas aze...(3) the area between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial corner."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendations.
3. The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the azea has developed and
rezoning the property will have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residential in nature. Across the street to the north the entire
block face consists of residenrial uses. The block face, on which this property is located,
is entirely residential with the exception of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
three parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned anrique store located on the eastern corner of the
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning this parcel
in the middle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would
undermine the residential chazacter of this area.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive areas of
multiple-fanuly residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
extensive sites. The RM-2 district is fiirther pxovided to permit comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities."
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of
businesses which do not generate lazge amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain
the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is fitrther the intent
of this district to provide paxking for employees who work in buildings which are
converted from residential to business use.
The applicant submitted a sufficient perition of two-thirds of the properiy owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the properry stating support far the rezoning (17 pazcels
eligible, 12 pazcels required, and 13 parcels signed).
WHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the Councii of the City of Saint Paul
concerning the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on
September 23, 1998, and notices were mailed to each owner of affected properry and property
situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and
WI�EREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October
14, 1998, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and
recommendations concerning_the petition resolved to deny the application to rezone the subject
property and in doing so moved to adopt as its own the findings of the 5aint Paul Planning
Commission as stated herein; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby deny the
application of Don Frable and Steven Winover to rezone property at 1488 Grand Avenue, more
WI�REAS, under the provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 66.409 and Minn.
Stat. § 462.357, Don Frable and Steven Winover petitioned to rezoning properiy commonly
lrnown as 1488 Grand Avenue, Saint Paul, Mimiesota from RM-2 to B2-C for the purpose of
pernut6ng reuse of the properry as a commercial property. The said petition was certified by the
pianning division on August 3, 1998, as having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the
owners of tYte area of the properiy to be rezoned, and fiirther ha�ing been consented to by at least
67% of the owners of the properties situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous property
within one year preceding the date of the perition; and
WI�REAS, on September 3, 1998, the zoning committee of the Saint Paul Planniiig
Conunission conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning perition
pursuant to the requirements of Saint Paul Legislative Code § 64300 and Administrative Code §
107.03. All persons present were given an oppornuuty to be heazd. At the conclusion of the
hearing, the zoning committee moved to deny the petition and submitted its recommendation to
the Saint Paul Pianning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its
meeting held on September 11, 1998. The Planning Commission recommended to the City
Council that the petition be denied for the following reasons:
The applicants haue owned this residential property since September 1997. Cunently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the property to Mr. John Becker confingent upon
rezoning the property from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the 1 st floor of this
residential structure as an office for his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
wiil be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Priday. In addition to Mr. Becker, two other full fime
employees will work in the office.
2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendation: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to azeas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the properiy from
residenfial (RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
The 1983 Grand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendations; " Provide opportunity for commercial growth in the
commercial cluster azeas on Grand Avenue West: (1) The Cleveland commercial corner
and the north side of the block west of Cleveland; (Z) the Grand Village area, from
Macalester to the Fairview commercial corner and the south side of the block west of
Fairview; and (3) the Hamline/Syndicate commercial azea."(p.4) `Bnsure that the areas
on Grand Avenue West that are currently dominated by residential land use remain so;
these areas are...(3) the area between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial corner."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendafions.
The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the azea has developed and
rezoning the properiy will have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residential in nature. Across the street to the north the entire
block face consists of residential uses. The block face, on which this property is located,
is entirely residenfial with the exceprion of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
three parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned antique store located on the eastern corner of the
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning this pazcel
in the xniddle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would
undemiiue the residential character of this area.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: °to provide for mare extensive azeas of
multiple-family residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
ea�tensive sites. The RM-2 district is furtlier provided to permit comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities."
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial areas, which will permit the operation of
businesses wluch do not generate lazge amounts of traffic and at the same tune will retain
the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is further the intent
of ttus district to provide parking for employees who work in buildings which are
converted from residential to business use.
5. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (17 parcels
eligible, 12 parcels required, and 13 pazcels signed).
VJHEREAS, notice of public hearing before the Council of the City of Saint Paul
concerning the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on
September 23, 1998, and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property and property
situated wholly ar partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council having been conducted on October
14, 1998, where all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered ali the facts and
recommendations conceming the petition resolved to deny the application to rezone the subject
properry and in doing so moved to adopt as its own the findings of the Saint Paul Planning
Commission as stated herein; NOW, THEREFORE,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby deny the
application of Don Frable and Steven Winover to rezone property at 1488 Grand Avenue, more
particularly described as Lot 4, Biock 4, SutYUnit V iew from a RM-2 zoning classification to a
B2-C zoning classification for the general reason that the application is not consistent with the
comprehensive plan for the City and for the reasons articulated by the Saint Paul Planning
1 OR1GlNAL ��,d��
2 particulazly described as Lot 4, Block 4, Sununit View from a RM-2 zoning classification to a
3 B2-C zoning classification for the general reason that the application is not consistent with the
4 comprehensive plan for the City and for the reasons articulated by the Saint Paul Planniug
5 Commission which are incorporated herein by reference and adopted by the Council of the City
6 of Saint Paul as its own; AND, BE IT,
8 FUR'I'HER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shail be sent to the applicants, the
9 Planniug Adiniuistrator, the Zoning Aduiinistrator, and the Saint Paul Plamiing Commission.
Requested by Department of:
Form Appr d by City Attorney
$Y � L✓�i►�. /�- �Y-'1�
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: � � gy
Approved by May i.; ate t �•
Adopted by Council: Date � \ �0
Coxnmission which are incorporated herein by reference and adopted by the Council of the City
of Saint Paul as its own; AND, BE IT,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the applicants, the
Plauniug Admiiristrator, the Zoning Admiiustrator, and the Saint Paul Plamiiug Commission.
Harris 266-8630
Nov. 23, 1998
�� =�d�
No 62295
❑ FI1sMCI0.1.iERNCFidR ❑ sILYM'J�LfERV��eCl6
Finalizing City Council action taken October 14, 1998 denying the application of Donald
Frable and Steven Winover to rezone property from RM-2 (residential multiple-family) to
B2-C (Community Business Converted) to allow conversion of a single family house to an
insurance office use at 1488 Grand Avenue.
Has fhis perso�rm ever w0�lced under e confraCt for this tleparlment'7
Has thie peraonlfirtn ever heen a cfly empbyeeT
DoeB this person/firtn po88e55 a sldll not nwmaltypo6sessetl by eiry curteM Cily empbyee7
Is Mie per�rm a targeted vendoYl
YES h0
ClaytanM Robinson, Jr., CiryAttorney �J'—/�66
Norm Colemm�, Mayor
400 City Hall
IS West Kellogg Blvd
Saint PauI, Minnesot¢ 55102
Telephone: 651266-8710
Facsimile: 651298-5619
November 20, 1998
Nancy Anderson
Council Secretary
310 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: Petition to Rezone Property at 1488 Grand Avenue
City Council Action Date: October 14, 1998
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Attached please find a signed copy of a resolution memarializing the decision of the Saint Paul
City Council to deny the application to rezone the property above stated. Would you please have
this resolution placed on the Council's Consent Agenda at your earliest convenience.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
V ery truly yours,
� �� u�yt/!'�L-.
eter W. Wasner
Assistant City Attorney
ca James Zdon
9� f �
Norm Colemarz, Mayor
September 17, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
City Council Research Office
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Division of P(anrdng
25 West Fourth Street
Saint Paui, MN SSIO2
Te[ephone: 612-2666565
Facsimile: 6S 2-228-3314
�?L��^x3 ,�`'s��a�.,s � """ .;�vf
��� : � �S��v
I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday
Octoberl4, 1998 for the following zoning case:
File Number:
Frabte, Donald C.1Winover, Steven
# 98-205
Rezone property from RM-2 ( residential multiple-family) to B2-C ( Community
Business Converted) to allow conversion of a single family house to an insurance
office use.
1488 Grand
Legal Description
of Property: Lot 4, Block 4 Summit View
Previous Action:
Planning Commission Recommendation: Denial, vote: unanimous, September 11, 1998
Zoning Committee Recommendation: Denial, vote: 8-0, September 3, 1998
My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda far the October 14, 1998
City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Lega] Ledger.
Please call me at 266-6559 if you have any questions.
Jam�es � o��
� �
City Planner
•Frasrxtm• - -
xaric� oF roaue �nxnvc
The Saint Paul City Council will-conduct a public heazing on Wednesday, Oct6ber
cc: File # 98-205 14. 1995 at 5[30 p in the GYty Council Chambers. Third Floor City Hall-Court
P2u1 Dubnti0l - House, to_ consider the applicaUOn of FYable, Donald C./Winover. Staven�to rezone
property from RM-2 (residential mulHple-faznily) to B2-C (Community "Business
GEt1"y $OyCI Converted)�to allow conversion of a single famity house to an insurance office use�at
1485 GYand Avenue. - - -
Dated: September 21. -1998 � . ' ' � �
NANCY AN�ERSON � � : - - -
Aseistant �ty Cou'ncll Sectetary . ,
- - _ (Septemba 23, 1998)_ _—
q�- id��
Norm Coleman, Mayor
Division of P[annirzg
25 West Founh Street
Saira Paul, MN 55102
Telephan e: 6I Z-266-6565
Facsimi[e: 612-228-3314
October 1, 1998
Ms. Nancy Anderson
Secretary to the City Council
Room 310 City Hall
Saint Pauf, Minnesota 55102
RE: Zoning File # 98-205 Frable, Donald C./ Winover, Steve
City Council Hearing: October 14, 1998, 530p.m. to 6:30 p.m., City Council Chambers
PURPOSE: To consider rezoning property at 1488 Grand Avenue from RM-2 (residential multiple-
family) to B2-C (Business Community Converted) to allow conversion of a single family house to an
insurance office use.
SUPPORT: No one spoke. The Macalester Groveland Community Council did not take a position.
OPPOSITION: One resident. Staff received seven letters in opposition.
Dear Ms. Anderson:
Mr. Frable and Mr. Winover submitted a petition to rezone property at 1488 Grand Avenue. The Zoning
Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on September 3,
1998. The applicants failed to appear at the public hearing. At the close of the public hearing, the
committee voted 8-0 to recommend denial of the rezoning. The Planning Commissio;n, on September 11,
1998, unanimously upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation for denial.
This proposed rezoning is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on October 14, 1998. Please notify
me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public heazine.
� � �o�n.
James Z n
City P ner
cc: City Council members
� Attachments
9� i��
� city of saint pau{
pianning commission resolution
file number 98-62
�te, Seotember 11. 1998
WHEREAS, Don Frable/Steven Winover, have applied under the provisions of Section 66.409
of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of rezoning property located at 1488 Grand
Avenue from RM-2 to B2-C, legally described as (see file).
WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission on 9/03/98, held a public
hearing at which all persons present were given an opportunity to be heazd pursuant to said
application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code; and
WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following
findings of fact:
� 1. The applicants have owned this residential property since September 1997. Currently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the properiy to Mr. John Becker contingent upon
rezoning the properiy from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the lst floor of tlus
residential structure as an office for his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
will be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. In addition to Mr. Becker, two other full time
employees will work in the office.
2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The I?istrict 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendation: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to areas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the property from
residential (RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
The 1983 Grand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendations; " Provide opporiunity for commercial growth in the
commercial cluster azeas on C�rand Avenue West: (1) The Cleveland commercial corner
and the north side of the biock west of Cleveland; (2) the Grand Village azea, from
moved by Wencl
� seconded by
i n favor Unanimous
Macalester to the Fairview commercial comer and the south side of the block west of �
Fairview; and (3) the Hamline/Syndicate commercial area."(p.4) "Ensure that the azeas
on Grand Avenue West that aze currendy dominated by residential land use remain so;
these azeas aze...(3) the azea between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial comer."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendations.
3. The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the azea has developed and
rezoning the properiy will have an adverse unpact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residentiai in nature. Across the street to the north the enTire
block face consists of residential uses. The block face, on which this properry is located,
is entirety residential with the exception of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
three parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned antique store located on the eastem corner of the
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning tfiis parcel
in the middle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would
undermine the residential chazacter of this azea.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive azeas of
multiple-family residential development as weil as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
extensive sites. The RM-2 district is further provided to pernut comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population �
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities."
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial areas, which �yill permit the operation of
businesses which do not generate lazge amounts of tr�c and at the same time will retain
the visual chazacter of the building forms and open space associated with residential uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yards. It is further the intent
of this district to provide pazking for employees who work in buildings which aze
converted from residential to business use.
�. The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the property stating support for the rezoning (17 pazcels
eligible, 12 pazcels required, and 13 parcels signed).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Planning Commission that the
petition of Don Frable/Steven Winover to rezone property at 1488 Grand, more particulazly
described as Lot 4, Block 4, Summit View, from a RM-2 zoning classiftcation to a B2-C zoning
classification is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the Council of the City of Saint Paul that property located at 1488 Grand not be
rezoned from RM-2 toB2-C in accordance with the petition for rezoning on file with the Saini �
Paul Planning Division.
� Saint Paul Planning Commission
City Hall Conference Center
15 Kellogg Boulevard West
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held Friday, September 1 I, 1998, at
8:30 a.m. in the Conference Center of City Hall.
Commissioners Mmes. Duarte, Faricy, Geisser, Morton, Nordin, Treichel, and Wenci and
Present: Messrs. Gervais, Gordon, Johnson, Kramer, Marguties, McDonell, Nowlin and
V aught.
Commissioners Mmes. *Engh and Messrs. *Field, Kong, *Mardell, and *Sharpe
Also Present: Ken Ford, Planning Administrator, Jean Birkholz, Tom Harren, Larry Soderholm,
and Jim Zdon, Department of Planning and Economic Development staff; and Tom
Beach from the Department of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection.
I. Chair's A�nouncements
� Chair Morton had no announcements.
II. Planning Administrator's Announcements
Mr. Ford announced that the City Council did approve the plat for William's Hill and the pawn shop
moratorium resolution is in effect.
Chair MoRon pointed out the revised agenda.
III. ���� ��1„�Il`i�: Gerald Trooien for Alexandra & Associates LLC, River Corridor
Modification, Setback Variance and Site Plan Review (Tom Beach, LIEP)
Chair Morton read the rules and procedures for public hearings.
Mr. Beach gave a short slide presentation and read the staff reports. He stated that Gerald Trooien is
proposing to build a 4-level parking ramp with 996 parking spaces. The ramp will be located west of
Davern and nodh of Shepard Road in the packing lot of the oid Unisys Building, Mr. Trooien has
renovated the old Unisys Building and U.S. Bank is in the process of moving into the building. Some of
the spaces in the ramp would be used by U.S. Bank employees; the rest would be used for airport
parking. To build the ramp, Mr. Trooien needs approval from the Planning Commission on three items:
1) a rivet corridor modification - the ramp will be 42.5 feet tall (the maximum height is 40 feet in a river
corridor); 2) a setback variance is needed - the ramp is proposed to be setback 15 feet from the north
� property line (the required setback in I-1 districts, residential property, is 1'/z times the height of the
building or 65 feet, in this case); the requested variance is 50 feet; 3) a site plan review, required for any
parking facility.
Commissioner Nordin asked how many parking spaces are required by the zoning ordinance for
meeting on Thursday, September 17, 1998. �
#98-205 Donald C. Frable / Steven Winover - Rezone property from MR-2 (medium-density;
low-rise multiple-family residentiai district) to B2-C (community business-converted district) at
1488 Grand Avenue (Jim Zdon, 266-6559).
MOTION: Commissioner Wencl moved to deny the requested rezoning ofproperty from
MR-2 (medium-density; !ow-rise multiple family residential district) to B2-C (communiry
business-converted district) at I488 GrandAvenue, which carried unanimously on a voice
Commissioner Wenc! read the agenda for t11e next Zoning Committee meeting, September 17,
V. Guest Presentation Plans for Ramsey County Facilities in Saint Paul, Julio Mangine, Director
of Property Management for Ramsey County.
Chair Morton announced that Mr. Julio Mangine would not make the presentation today because
his son was inyolved in a printing press accident last evening. While another person is here to
make the report, this item will be rescheduled because there is not enough time remaining this
VI. Comprehensive Planning Committee
No report.
VII. Neighborhood and Current Planning Committee
No report.
VIII. Communications Committee
No report.
IX. Task Force Reports
Commissioner Gordon announced that the Ayd Mill Draft EIS is out and commissioners will see
it soon.
X. Old Business
XI. New Business
XII. Adjournment
�� � iot� l�
Thursday, September 3, 1998 - 3:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor
City Hall and Court House
15 West Kellogg Boutevard
Gervais, Gordon, Faricy, Field, Kramer, Morton, Vaught and Wencl
Peter Warner, Assistant City Attorney, Geri Boyd, Martha Faust, Larry Soderholm,
A�fan Torstenson and Jim Zdon of PED
The meeting was chaired by Commissioner Fie�d.
DON FRABLE/STEVEN WINOVER - Zaning Fiie 98 -205 - Rezone property from RM-2 (Medium-
density; Low-Rise Multiple-Family Residential District) to 62-C (Community Business - Converted
Jim Zdon, PED, gave a slide presentation and reviewed the staff report. Mr. Zdon stated staff
recommended denial of the rezoning.
The applicants, nor any representative, appeared on their behalf.
Upon question of Commissioner Faricy, Mr. Zdon stated that a copy of the report was sent to the
applicants. Mr. Zdon further stated that he spoke to the applicant previously and expressed to him
the impo�tance of appearing at the hearing. Mr. Frable stated that he would possibly be on vacation,
and if so, his partner would be here. <<
Art Punko, 1463 Grand Avenue, appeared in opposition of the rezoning. Mr. Punko explained that
a neighborhood meeting was held regarding this issue, and approximately 15 people showed up.
He further stated that the majority of the people were in opposition of this rezoning. Mr. Punko
expiained his reasons for the oppositions were a"spot" rezone is not consistent with the Grand
Avenue plan, concern for future tenants, and having a business in the center of the residential block
could set a precedent for other businesses. Mr. Punko further expressed that of the people who
attended the community meeting, there is a strong commitment to preserving the character of the
No one else spoke.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Vaught moved the staff recommendation with the following addition, that by the date
of the next Planning Commission meeting, tttere would be a folfow-up on the names of people who
claim to have withdrawn their consent, or did not in fact sign the petition. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Kramer.
Commissioner Gordon suggested that if the informatiDn is found to be accurate, possible crimina�
action should be iaken.
Zoning CommilYee Minutes
September 3, 1998
Don Frable/Steven Winover (98-205)
Page 2
There was no further discussion, and the motion was cailed recommending denial of the rezoning.
Drafted by:
�� ��
Geri Boyd
Recording Secretary
Yeas - 8 Nays - 0
Submitted by:
� �
� m Zdor�
Southw� Team
Approved by:
Litton Field
9t� io�/
Stephen J. Bubul and Lee S. Lewis
1493 Lincoln Avenue
3L Paul, Minnesota 55105
September 1, 1998
Zoning Committee
25 West Fourth Street
I 100 City Hall Annex
St. Paul, MN 55102
RE: Zoning File No. 98-20�
Rezonin� of 1488 Grand Avenue
Dear Committee Members:
We own and occupy the house at 1493 Lincoln Avenue, almost immediately across the
alley south of 1488 Grand Avenue. We understand that the applicant has requested
rezoning of that property from RM-2 to B2-C. Neither of us is able to attend the public
hearino on this rezoning on September 3, 1998, bui would like to submit these comments
for the Committee's consideration.
� While each of us signed the applicanYs petition (as property owners within 100 feet of
the property), we have had time to consider the issue and have concluded that we oppose
the rezoning.
Our primary concern is that rezoning to allow commercial uses in the middle of the block
will disturb the balance between residential and commercial uses in the neighborhood.
One of the major attractions of living in St. Paul, and this area in particulaz, is the
presence of strong residential communities with commercial amenities neazby. Indeed,
our property is just one block away from the commercial node at the intersection of
Grand and Snelling. Most residents in the azea, we think, enjoy having retail and services
within walking disiance, and understand tha± Grand Avemae is a comsnercial/residential
At the same time, though, the character of the area is a balancing act. If commercial uses
spread east from Snelling, the "node" will become a strip. Parking, which is not yet a
problem, will become scarcer, and the residential appeal in the vicinity of Grand will
diminish. Once the middle of the block is rezoned, there will be little reason to deny any
subsequent applicant. It is therefore easy to imagine that the block will drift toward the
predominantly commercial pattem found elsewhere on Grand Avenue.
As residents who shaze the alley with this property, we also worry that the change will
� reduce neighborhood safety. The concern is not that commercial uses will bring crime,
but that fewer people will be present around the clock. Our block, which has been
relatively free of problems until recently, has had three incidents this summer. It cannot .
help matters to reduce the number of people living on and using the alley.
Further, we think it is important to maintain a mix of housing types for a variety of
income levels. (That's another reason we like to live here.) The proposed rezoning will
remove another unit of modest, affordable housing from the local housing stock, at a time
when affordable housing is in critically short supply. We recognize that the applicant
intends to rent the upstairs unit for residential purposes, but the downstairs unit is most
likeIy lost for housing purposes. And, there is no guazantee that the upstairs unit wiil
remain residential over time.
Finally, while the applicant's proposed use (an insurance office) is not objectionable by
itseif, we hope the committee focuses on the broader land use question: should this block
move toward commercial uses? Many other uses are of course possible in the B2-C
district, including retail sales and contractors. (As the committee will no doubt heaz from
other neighborhood residents, a contractor who occupied property just a few houses away
created significant conflicts.) The issue is not this applicant; it is the proper zoning for
this property, in this block, in this neighborhood.
For these reasons, we urge the committee to maintain the RM-2 classification. Thank
you for the opportunity to voice our concerns, and we hope you will make a decision that
puts the lona-term interests of the neighborhood first. Tf committee members or staff
have questions of us, we can be reached at 699-1330. �
y Yours,
�.� h-/ �"�
. Bubul
Lee S. Lewis
�?7 `��l°y°
03i0'>i199d 14:58 FkOM M.P. DRNIELSt7h1 tiDVERTISING T�J 6383465,_ _ .__ P.01
Michael Da.v.eL4on & Diana Dan.ielaon
1464 Summit 7+venue
Sdint Paul, 1�N 55105
� aze a�osed to the rezoning of the 1488 �rand a�,n� P�..yty tp
a 52�. 2Ysre is alzea3y way to inxt� traffic a� �jesti� tysiig
p�scal as a crossoc�s. Vety da�as� for our c^�� 1.t,�r. y7e lived k�e�e
for 11 years ard wa„zt to rt�lce this d fani2y r�ea,ghborYa�od_
��� ��s�
� �������.�
niac,a oanielson
September l, 1998
Mr. Jim Zdon,
Zoning Office
25 West Fourth Street
I100 City Hall Annex
St. Paul, MN 55102
Mr. Zdon:
We attended a neighborhood meeting on Monday, August 31, 1998 at 1463 Grand Avenue regarding the
re-zoning of 1488 Grand Avenue which is located next door to us. We are a[ 1492-1494 Grand Avenue.
The attached petition was passed around and our forged signatures were on it. We are against the re-
zoning and did not sign a petition to support it.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. We can be reached at 690-5839 or 699-6863 if you have �
qaestions or concems.
Joseph Urbanski Sr., Kathy Urbanski, and Joseph Urbanski Jr.
t!� � I�:.�tn�c.� � _
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FROH :CGRP GROUFS 612-667-2455 1999.09-0'_ 10:10 SS» P.02/�2
September 1, 1998
Re: Re-Zoning of Property x.ocated at 1488 Grand Avenue, St. Paul
O�vned by Donald Frable and Steven Winover
Mecting to be held September 3,1998
Deaz Mr. Zdon:
I live within 100 feet of fl1e properry locatcd at 14SS Grand Avenue, St, Paul.
I previously had signed a petition in favor of allowing commercial re-zoning at the above
referenced property. I signed this petition aFter receiving extremely limited, and I now
belie�e, misleading information.
I was approached to sign only one day prior to the deadline for sianatures, and it �vas
implied that all the other residents had approved, lt w�u also stated that the potcntia!
purchsuer was nitending on tiving at the residence while operating lhe insursnce agency.
tt was represrnted thxt the re-zoning need was only necessary tn allow an owner/operafor
residence situation. I misunderstood that once d�e k�roperty was re-zoned, altowing die
insurazice agency to operate, it was permanently available for any type of commercifil
busine�s in the future.
I am noW aware of the immediate and potential future impact of this re-zoning and would
like to withdmw m a roval. Please feel free to contact me, or my wife,lonel(e Branca,
if you would like to discuss dzis furcher.
�lLcri� �j''i�n�
Louis J. Branca
1499 Gnnd Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105
612-690-2832 home
612-951-5225 officc
Jonelle Branca
612-687-2664 office
S�P 03 'S8 11�47 MN SENT 6l COMfi
September 3, 1998
Deaz Mr. .Zdon:
�'�-ia �
I am writing regarding the proposed rezoning of 1488 Grand Avenue (File Number. 98-205).
My wife Cazol and I have owned our hnme at I515 Lincoln Avenue since 1985. We aze opposed
to this change for two reasons. One is the continuing increase in trafFic in our neighborhood
resul[ing from added businesses in general. During the time we have lived here, business has
expanded dramatically at the comer of Snelling and Crrand. 'While this development is of some
ben�t, it has a2so increased traffic congestion si�nificantly. Cazs are now sometimes backed up
for two blocks from Sneliing to Pascal. That is a problem in terms of its impact on ihe character
of the area and additional noise and exhaust fumes, but also an increasing number of drivers now
seek to circumvent this bottleneck by driving down Lincoin Ave. They do so at a high rate of
speed, creating heavier, noisy traffic on our street and a very reaI danger to children. Similazly,
there is increased traffic down Sazatoga from drivers turnin� ofFof Grand to avoid a left turn at
the Crrand/$nelling intersection; these drivers too drive faster than the speed limit, and very few
observe the posted stop sign at Lincoln. Aside from the unpleasant increase in traffic, clearly,
this is a very dangerous development. We have observed innumerable near-mishaps of aIl sorts
from the diverted traffic.
� Another reason we oppose the rezoning is ihe change in character of the neighborhood --- from
simply the presence of another business property. Grand Avenue is, as we understand, a mix of
residential and canunercial properties. Again, as residents we appreciate the unique chatacter of
the azea resulting from such zoning. But adding a business at 1488 would czeate problems: the
additional on-street pazking causes inconvenience for the neazby residents, and the required off-
street parking creates an eyesore for those who wish to live in a neighborhood with a residenria]
atmospheze. That residenlial character is certainiy what we ourselves chose in purchasing our
home heze, and we do not want that to change, --- both for maintaining the atmosphere and for
protecting the value of our hame.
In summary, despite the benefits, there is a poinY at which the residential properties suffer from
added businesses, and we feel that we are at thai point in our neighborhood. The impact of the
development at Grand and Snelling is already quite noticeable terms of quality of life, and as a
result the problems from adding yet another business at the 1488 site seem � amplified. We
consider this change ill-advised and contraindicated and we request that you deny the request to
Thank you for your consideration of our concerns. T may be reached at home at 698-8792 or at
work at 282-6286.
/ l
S� n K. Schete
FILE # 98-205
LOCATION: 1488 Grand Avenue
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4 Block 4 Summit View
PURPOSE: Application to rezone from RM-2 to B2-C
PARCEL SIZE: The pazcel is 50' X 150' for a total of 7500 squaze feet.
EXISTING LAND USE: Single famiiy residential structure in a RM-2 zoning dishict.
North: Single family residential structure in a RM-2 zoning district
East: Triplex residential structure in a RM-2 zoning district.
South: Single fanuly residential structure in a R-4 zoning disirict
West: Duplex residential structure in a RM-2 zoning district.
E. ZOIVING CODE CITATION: Section 64.400(a) states in part, "the council may from
time to time, amend, supplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations
herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota
Statutes SecTion 462357 and amendments thereto as may be make from time to time.
The planning commission may from tnne to time, review district boundary lines to
determine if, pursuant to state laws, such district boundary lines should be changed.
� Section 64.400(b) states in part that "an amendment to the zoning cade may be initiated
by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67)
percent of the area of the property to be rezoned."
G DISTRICT COtJNCIL RECOMMENDATION: Because the Macalester-Groveland
Community Council does not have a scheduled boazd meeting until after the 9f3l98
public hearing, the Macalester-Crroveland Community Council has not taken a position
on the rezoning application.
The applicants have owned this residential property since September 1998. Cunently, the
applicants have an agreement to sell the property to Mr. John Becker contingent upon
rezoning the property from RM-2 to B2-C. Mr. Becker intends to use the 1 st floor of this
residential structure as an office for his State Farm Insurance agency. The second floor
will be a residential living unit. Mr. Becker's business hours will be from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. In addition to Mr. Becker, two other full time
employees will work in the office.
� 2. The rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The District 14 Plan has the
following land use recommendation: "Limit retail, commercial and multifamily housing
expansion to areas already zoned for such use."( p.4) Rezoning the property from
residential (RM-2) to commercial (B2-C) would not be consistent with this
recommendation. .
The 1983 Grand Avenue West Task Force parking and zoning report provides the
following land use recommendations; " Provide opportunity for commercial growth in the
commercial ciuster areas on Grand Avenue West: (1) The Cleveland commercial corner
and the north side of the block west of Cleveland; (2) the Grand Village azea, from
Macalester to the Fairview commercial corner and the south side of the block west of
Fairview; and (3) the HamlinelSyndicate commercial area."(p.4) "Ensure that the azeas
on Grand Avenue West that are currently dominated by residential land use remain so;
these azeas are...(3) the area between the Snelling commercial corner and the Hamline
commercial corner."(p.5) Again, the proposed rezoning would be inconsistent with the
above two recommendations.
3. The rezoning is not consistent or compatible with the way the area has developed and
rezoning the property will have an adverse impact upon the neighborhood. This portion
of Grand Avenue is primarily residential in nature. Across the street to the north the entire
block face consists of residential uses. The block face, on which this property is located,
� is entirely residential with the exception of a nonconforming use (beauty shop) located
tluee parcels to the east and a B-1 zoned antique store located on the eastem comer ofthe
same block. The remainder of the block consists of residential uses. Rezoning this parcel
in the middle of the block to a commercial use would be spot zoning and would �
undermine the residential chazacter of this azea.
4. The intent of the RM-2 zoning district states: "to provide for more extensive areas of
multiple-family residential development as well as uses related to the multiple-family
residential districts, or uses which serve one family residential needs and require more
extensive sites. The RM-2 district is fiirther provided to permit comprehensive
development of multiple- family project so as to establish a balance of population
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit and related facilities"
The intent of the B2-C zoning district states: " to create a business district expressly for
existing residential structures in commercial azeas, which will permit the operation of
businesses which do not generate large amounts of traffic and at the same time will retain
the visual character of the building forms and open space associated with residenrial uses.
This includes a limited height on buildings and front and side yazds. It is further the intent
of this district to provide parking for employees who work in buiidings which aze
converted froFn residential to business use.
The applicant submitted a sufficient petition of two-thirds of the property owners within
one hundred (100) feet of the properry staring support for the rezoning (17 parcels
eligible, 12 parcels required, and 13 pazcels signed).
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 2 and 3, staff recommends denial a
of the application to rezone the properiy at 1488 Grand from RM-Z to B2-C.
Depart�nent ajPlanning and Ecor.omic Developrner.t
Zoning Secfion
II00 CiIY I�all AnnPx
25 T3'est Fourt/t Street
Saini Pnui, MN 55701
Property Owner��ti.v �z � • r>� �.� � Sf-�„ �ti K� � -
CityS7'. s�' / St��"L iof Daytime
e ,� 3 S - �S� �
Contact person (if different)
G�',a.- ; /�
Legal description L v-h �/ ��`"" �/ S� M �,�- �. �
(attach additional sheet if necessary)
Pursuant to Section 64.400 of the Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance and to Section 462.357(5) of
Minnesota Statu=s, , the owner of ail the land proposed
for rezon:ng, hereby petitions you to rezone the above described property from a.
�M - a- zoning district to a j�-- J- � zoning distric�, for the purpose of:
G ��� ��
(a!tzch addrtional sheet(s) i° necessa.ry) 1 �
Attachments Required site plan ❑ Consen; petition LJ Affidavit �
Subscribed and sworn to � �� �
b=fore me this �� n day By: d ,, �
of � g"{� Fee owner oi propery
� 1 ( - r�tiA:
Page 1 of
'�,: ��„��Q���'�I.4tYPU��C�diNNESOTA
RAMS E�peoun�v
nhy Commis:�cg,e ���°s d:r. 7.....
"" ", �-r+a^;�.y'r . _� , . �
0 �
,...f...<_..:a3Y:.... '
. 3
i e �
St Paul, NIN 55105
612242.8Q96 phone
612.2920138 fa<
July L0, 1998
Dear Neighbor:
stopped by today seeking signauues for �pioposedRe-Zoning of 1488 Gtand Avenue. T[tis
xfsed Re-Zoning would convert the cuirentRM-2 �vfulti-Family) designation of 1488 Grand
riue to a B-2C {Community Busin�ss Converte� d�signation.
the Re-Zo effort is to make the progerty usable as a new office for the State Farm
ency of John-B€�kc�-soupled wiik a-�.�k�ing unit on thg secan�-IIoor of the
� State Fatm affueiscuxrently Icic�ted �1A32 Crra�id Avenue, arith-busiziess hnurs of
i:00 p.m. A4aad�y-threugh-Frida� 'I11ese keursweuld remain cons[ant-a�ith JoLn's
dd the veGy_lonc.nvmt�eLOf walk-iu_clientsrmost of Jolw's businessisconduded by
��r}�ua��ooldng forn�azdtaa-mauaxa1488 L'uaud-Auenue,and is dedicated.tn-the presenzation-0f the
S1kI8I�, II0lghborhOOd Peoh.,_na_hr nirt_ �tiv en}O}'S�C*ranri AvrmiP' He iS 215QSCtgexCltedBbnut th2
prospec[ of locating hisagencg i�a §am� whisl�-fi�sU�eem�unity values e€bstl�-lusagencgasd his
Ifyou have any questiensabea�tkisgregosa�-pleas�f�l-�te-sall JoLnBecke�at-242-5(14�, or
contact ihe cuxrent owner of 1488 Gtand Avenue, Donald Frnble, at 225-3988. If we did not kiave the
opportunity to meet yo�to�a}�,- w�will-s[op h3�agauE-soeata-a�swer any qu�stiens-as sance�nsyou
may t�ave.
Thank yo
John Becker
Donald Frable
� �o��
� August 24, 1998
Zoning Committee
25 West�th Street
1100 City Hall Annex
St. Paul, M:.. 55102
To the Committee:
We have received notice of a request for rezoning of 1488
Grand. Zone fine number 98-205.
I have one auestion and one concern.
Question: Is there another way for Mr. Frable aad Mr. Winover
to meet their current business objectives without
rezoaing? What do they really want here?
Our concern is not for any "now" request for a business.
Our concern with rezoning is that the business strategy of
any hot shot buyers will be to resell in five years to a
congolmerate or corporation who wants to bu:ld a huge
hignrise on Grand or do a shopping mall.
� Saying that this is not the intention will not help five
years from now. Enough rezoned properties in one block can
make it happen because they will be privately owned an3 open
to sale. Rezoning one property may be your intention not the
intention of the those requesting the rezoning.
It was not the intention of whoever passed the benign ordin-
ance regarding the right to "small business" in people's
houses of adversly affect the neighborhood. On the corner of
Pascal and Osceola one guy is running a lawn service/snow
nlowing business with multiple trucks, equipment and
manpower choxing the street. That wasn't intendeci either.
The benign ordinance was not written with his intentions or
plans in mind. Now the entire neighborhood has to live with
A change without safeguards is a set-up for someone who has
a lot more ioresight to his own profit than he is going to
tel: you aboui.
We do not want the "converted district" part of this. What
are they planning 'to convert it to? Another housing unit for
college students?
This is too general a request. Tt is for personal profit at
� everyone else's expense. Us today, you tomorrow.
Thank you for your time. �� g���_����
Jim & Sharon Lethert
1492 Li�coln
St. Paul, MN 55105
Post-it° Fa�c Note
Phane #
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�p6�PfiL� '�jE /y}f}N�1
�Ve, ilie undersi�ned, otvnets of the property tivithin 100 feei of tlie total contiguous description of real estate
o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PET[TIONE2 within one year preceding the date of this petition
ackno�vledoe that tive have been presented with ihe Followino:
I. A copy of tlie petition of Donald C. Frable and Steven D. Winover
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at i 4ft� �.,,,,� evAnuP St�u7�`�.Y SS? n� ,
from a RM_? Z.ot]iRo �istricf to a R_?(: 2onin� district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 571 tlirouah 60. 575 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowledge that �ve are aware of alt of the uses permitted in aB-2C zonina district and �ve are
aware that any of these uses can be establislted upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We herehy
consent to the rezonina of the property in the petition of;
Donald C. Frahla and StevPn D. WinovPr to� �- zoningdist�ict.
(Name of petitioner)
�Ve consent to the approval of this rezoning �s it w.►s explained t� us by the
�PP��cnnt or his/her representative.
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NOTE; This petition shalf not be coasidered as officially'fcl�duntil the lapse of seven (7) working
days after it is received by tiie Planning Division. Any siguator of this petition may withdraw his/l�er
name tl�erefrom by ��Titten request within that time.
9� io�l
We, [he undersi�ned, owners of the property within ] 00 feet of the rotal contiguous description of real estate
o�vneci, purchased, or sold by THE PETITIONE2 within one year precedina the date of Ihis petition
ncknowledoe that we have been presented tvith the foliowin�:
A copy of tl�e petition of Donald C. Frable and Steven D. Winover
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at i kftft l7y�anA �yanna St,, pa»> � SSl (1�
from a RM-7 zoning district [o a g_�� zoning district.
2. A copy of sections 60. 571 dvouoi� 60. 575 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowled�e that we are aware of all of [he uses permitted in aB-2C zonino dis[rict and we are
aware that any of these uses can be established upon City Council approval of the rezoning. We fiereby
consent to the rezoning of the property in t}:e petition oF,
nona� d C. Frabl P and St.P=ren D. Wi nover to a � zoning district.
(Name of petitioner)
"4Ve consent to the �pprov�l of this rezoninb �s it was exPlained .to us Uy the
�pplic.int or l�islher represent:�tive.
NOTE: Tlus petition shall not be considered as officially fited unti( the lapse of seven (7) �vorkina
days aRer it is received by tlie Pllnning Division. Any signator of this petition may widldraw his/her
name therefrom Uy written request within tha�t Cime.
We, the undersianed, o�vners of the property within 100 feet of the total contiguous description of real estate
o�vned, purchased, or sold by THE PET[TIONER within one year preceding the date of [his petition
�cknowledge that we have been presented tvith the follo�vino:
A copy of tlie petition of Donald C. Frab2e and Steven D. Winover
(name of petitioner)
to rezone the property located at i 1�RA r.,-A.,.� n S{� Pfli� MN �Sl (15
from a RM_? zoning district to a n_2r zonine district.
2. A copy o(sections 60. 571 tlirough 60. 575 , inclusive of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; and
acknowled�e that we are aware of ali of [he uses permitted in aB-2C zoning district and we are
aware that any of these uses can be establislied i+pon City Council approval of the rezoning. \Ve hereUy
consent [o the rezonino oPthe property in the petition of;
Tk�nal d C. Frabl e and Steven D. Winover to a R-2C ZOnin� dist[ict.
(Name of peti[ioner)
We consent to the approval of Yhis rezoning as it �v�s exp]ained.Yo us by fhc
�nnlirant m- hic/hrr renrrcrntntive. �
NOTr: This petition sha(I not be considered as officially filed until the lapse of seven (7) working
days 1Cter it is received by the Planning Division. Any signator oEthis petition may widldraw his/her
name ihcrcfrom Uy written request within th:�t time.
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