98-1048B�RIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paut City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the s MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMbII1TEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. 4 5 6 � s 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 RACHEL WILCOX sha11 serve the remainder of Lynne Megan's unexpired term. 'j�' jl?isi �wM.✓:°y°Yd,.�.. �y �XF �7����;�►����','�% LAUREL �ROST shall serve the remainder of Betty Copeland's unexpired term. DAVID TARNOWSHI shall serve the remainder of Nikita Goddette's une�ired term. 18 19 20 21 Requeeted by Department of: Byz Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz By: Council File # 98 -10 4 g� Green Sheet # � � � � 3 RE.SOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3 Form Approved by City Attorney By: C�.i��/�'/ /�( by Mayor for Submission to Adopted by Council: Date 'iJ c.� .a ,� �[ �� 9 8 - �°'�8'� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCIL DATE1Nrt1A7ED rra No� Coleman's Office ��-�s-9s GREEN SHEET No 62'703 CONTACT PERSON & PFpNE Inxlatlmte u��e Alberto Quintela 266-8529 uFr.mrarowFCrort 3 ancwncz MUST BE ON CIX1NCIl AGENLI4 BY (DATt7 ASSIGN NUMBQtFOR 2 an�TioR1EY tlnetFRK RO{1TIIlG � RYMCYLtERVCEfOR i1L1YYlEEANLLYiG �YYOR(OR�iA1If) ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTFD Approval of the appointments of Rachel Wilcox, Laurel Frost and David Tarnowski to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Coffiittee for People with Disabilities. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONALSERVICE CANTRACiS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES7ION5: 7. HasthispersoNfirmevetvrorketluntleracontractPorMistlepaNnent? PLANNINGCOMMISSION vES nlo CIB CAMMITfEE 2. Has Nie persoNfirtn ever been a ciry empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces Nis persoNfirtn possess a skill no[ nortnallypossessetl by any curtent cRy employee? VES NO 4. Is Mis persoNfirm a farge[etl venrloR YES NO F�lain all yes answers on uparate sheet antl attach M green sheet INITIA7ING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Wfa, What, When, Where, Why) °i' P' ^' �� ^4 ���� ���ti��� � ����� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED 70TAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S �ST/REVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUAIBER FIWWCWL INFORM4TON (E%PWN) � RECEIVED DEC ° 4 1998 �IAYOR'S OFFlCE alp-lo��'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norw Cokwmr, MsSe+ 39B CYq Ht8 15 Wat Sdfoga Borlew+d SistPad,bfienaaln SSIB2 TO: G!'nt� PaL1 Citv GouncLembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey t�7s��)uA Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember M'ichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Aiberto Quinteta Assistant to the Mayor � DATE: November 18, 1998 RE: Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Tekplroae: (612) 266-8510 PaesGnile: (612) 266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following individuals to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. Rachel W ilcoz will serve the remainder of Lynne Megan's unexpired term. This term will e�cpire on 7une 30, 1999. Laurel Frost will serve the remainder of Betty Copeland's unexpired term. This term will expire on June 30, 2000. David Tarnowski will serve the remainder of N�ldta Goddette's unexpired term. This term will eacpire on 7une 30, 2000. Attached is a copy of the resolution appointing these individuals; copies of their applications and an applicarn report listing applicants on file since January, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you haue any quesrions. AQ:drm Attachments c: 13ancy Anderson, Council Research Roger 5chwagneyer, Risk Management SEP.18.19y� 3�54PM MTS & Mii VOICE # 64107�9 ��^� r/r'�,„�/ OFFICE OF THE MA.YOR ' 1 z�X'�`�` 390 CITY AAT,T" SAINT PALTI., MTNNESOTA 55102 Phone: 2G6-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name: __L.L ����- ' "—� ` � Home ABdress: �� 5treet Telephone Number: Planning D;strict Council: preferred Mailing Address: What is your accunation? Ptace of �mployment: Committee(s) Applied For: City � City Councit Ward: '� �G, T d 2. TL�icJ t�l � i/ �� C� What sl:ills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for whicli you seek �!� `;� �,c� `�.r;�—m12��0 .c� . `t�'�.e__ �� �P�� �/J ,l a ,. a 0 A, � r� Zip Z CE�� G.��! The information induded in Yhis applicaeion is considered private data according to the M! Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general N0.615 P. �d - t � {OVEIi} Red�. 8-5-9 i , ., SEP.18.1998 3�54PM MTS 8 MTI�VOZCE # 6410709 N0.615 P.2/3 P�RSONAL FFFREN�S q $ '0�.� PJ Name: /L� ��C� � aaar�: (a � �NSQ � � /. GI.uC1 SS//,( f _ Phone: �Ffomel �a 9�0 — �9 � / rw,,.tii //1 � ,� '"7� � � Name: Address: Phone: � J �� '__. � I�iame: �ddress: Phone_ " 1a :k � Reasons £or your interest in this particutar committee: � � y� Have you $ad previous coaYact with the committee for which yo� are making applicaYion? If so, aad thP circumstances? Tn an atiempt to ensure that committee represenYation reflects the makeup of ovr community, check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly votuutary. � White (Caucasian) �Hispanic Btack (African Aaterican) As;an or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male ^ Fema3e Date of Birth: ! % r 7� Aisabled: Yes No 7� If specia( accommodations are needed, please specify_ �^ e How did you hear about this opeoing? 3 t �� ��rW�v��` (� � � ��cEfv�G ' � t�z=e: . Q� � �! � / . / �/ �E� 1$ 1998 ��_�� _ J ua � �r�i� Ho_e ?ddress: �`/v �/�//� T/"//��Q � / �/� �/ � I �C.l / I�,{aYQR�S ;��� j �G� ''� ' / St=eet . CitS Z�� Telephor.e tu�.ber: (noae) �(� I�y/�/ (Aor�:) h��7 =�Sj� -(�?�)777 �'`%�. ?la.� i*ig District Coi^ci1: .1 City CoL.ci1 �zrc• �_ ?re£erred �:1iag Address: JQ�(� `�-S ��C�G� -�j��. T,'aat is your occnpatioa? ('/ �� ' ;� � . � ( /� Place of L-.o1o�...z�t: i��i2�,��2i�i'1�QC7/1. �'��/%7�✓`YJ ���/r1/C�r r' �- � ' � / � ;� l � , � r� �� f C' ��1�� Co���tee(s) Appiied For. l��/ Z [�L117lGi.�{Z(f�/j G(GcLF O'll �l \) / I /' l n � -- ___ �/��'�i/L'TS ,'`1�ItJiSG-:y `er;7ra�(�e r.��7�t L-/lSc2Y��l(�/lE'S .��� �,. -- :. 3°0 CIiY 'r.�'�i,L SAZ2�I`i P.�.IIL, 2�Ih''iESOTA 55102 , _ 2�525_. F?.X: 266 knat s1:i11s/tzaining or es�erience do you possess �or the co�ittee(s) 20L YR1CP you se_'.: appoin�ent? 1 ) /"ly tL?J�('��( L2S 2 C(� fJ(D,�ilTe� C'GY?�tE'7ti1�1/ �it�lY(Y'�Il?L�ClF�S 77� F=�/Q�L(/i7`�' CZ � �sn��� ���-��� ��c�. 1 • , � n ticv ���r.r�<<n�1 �. iU� �; �5S G G, lQ c'r1<<�' C �' � �l i�L�a7 �P 6C � T � � ��C'.�"'Ntil� SC'ti' �r �tF�`vZ � �tic��c�c� r r,aac,r����i���c�s �- ti�i�cca�-:r������� � c, � � .,--�. _�� ; �:. -� ��., '_:�e zn_ _nclucec i. t..is zpplica�icn is co,sicerzc ?= ca�2�z„�'o,ev� to �:'z Y�� =sota Gocer-er.t Dau =ractices �,ct. P_s a resLlt, this i^.�o—a�:oy ;�i,s �r �o ti:° general public. '-' - ( O�it ) ___.. 2%Zc/So PE.RSONAL REFt.RENCES Name : _ / (VI/1 � ) .�i Address Phone: Home Aork � —� S Naae: Address Phone• CHo�e) CAork) �/-y'�SQ(J Name: 4ddress: Phone: (Hoae) CAork) �J � ` Z �j Reasons £o= your interest in this particular co�aittee:_SE?C; L7Z��(' SIC'L, Have you had previous contact vith the coc�ittee £or vhich you are �aking application. I£ so, vhen, and circvastances7 . In an attempt to ensure that coaaittee representation reflects the �Y.eup o£ our co�cunity, please check the line applicable to you. This inforcation is strictly voluntary. _� Gnite (Caucasian) Black (African Aaerican) Araerican Indian or AlasYan Eskiao � Nale Fenale Disabled Yes � fio i\ Date of Birth: If special acco�odations are needed, please specify _ r/ ; � � Eov did pou hear about this opening7�i:'��/'� N �% Hispanic Asian or paci�ic Islander l���ii ' �'/.'' J `-%/ .' / ' l r Name: Home. Street S OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ��E1VF� � 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �qR p 9 1998� _�.(�� Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 � . !, Q ±i�HY0�2'� Or��l.� / , � � � / �� � � cr.c, � .5 S G I City Zip fFlomgl � �� �/� �j (FAX) o��� /�`7 --� � �� / City Council �Vard: y-" � _ _ �-nn �,_ _- �_ Q.� , . �o Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: `Vhat is your occupation? Place of Employment: C Commitfee(s) App�ied For: t��g �/'� /���.cTi d•'�c_l �h����Tc.�6v. lLJuhS�l / �G��4-,-5 �M/J /� G, .r2-�1,1 �N Y-�-l/� r� . i i . i ,� � � v� b� Y' S I/.+ � d r�, ¢vL !, ,L� � �i � J�i S�cb/ /� �i�e S training o experience do you possess far the P�"f � e s — e. /�i. ��� � _ �l7 _ I. r � l `L for which you seek appointment? Y� VJ �h.S�' /� c � (.�,rc�- a p i , �� Y i� 6 � �v�.�I� 'YL � �L2.I �� L � � i� l 2.YY�- S E',l� J 2�,G� � /'�G 2r=� i�/ T�� r^ i �- �C E � n The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public_ (O VER) Rev. 8-�-97 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: �Iome) � f `Zi oZ ` � -�- �'eeon ^�'r ���.�,� Reasons for your interest in this � � _- 5 i ��� Have you had previous coniact with the committee for which you are mal:ing application? If so, when, and the circumstances? , /� /1/1 In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Y White (Caacasian) Hispanic Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo biale � FemaSe Disabled: Yes (/ No If sgeciat accommodations are needed, ptease /� I ( _ /1!1 .. / i How d'rd you hear about this opening? � Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: _��' i � 11� /J- /'�.� /r � iJj .� ct� nsnc��ri r nt+r.mrir..xrr.r. c+ {. > 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT ar_�o4�'� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 - APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMt4ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS 003286 Anderson, Lynda Lahti 265 Nugent Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 224-9149 Grad Student/Research Asst. Bob Prooty 210 Pattee Hall U of M w) 626-2020 Marilyn Anderson 1315 Crestridge Lane Eagan, MN h) 452-9817 Melissa Beckmann Apt. S-209 2438 18 1/2 Ave. N.W. Rochester, MN (507) 288-7282 003176 Anderson, Steve G. Apt. A 1160 Grand Avenue St. Paul� MN 55105 Aome - 225-8613 Actor/Educator Peg Endres Suite 220 500 N. Robert St. St. Paul, 55101 w) 227-9660 Kristi Sorbello 3404 Colfax Ave. So. Minneapolis, 55408 ` h) 825-4597 Staci Banks apt. 126 4501 Park Glen Road St. Louis Park, MN 55416 h) 928-7165 003170 Andrews, Marsha Lea DZSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- "-- --- 2 9 04f03/47 W F 2 16 7 1 06/10/96 W M Y 06/03/96 W F 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO2�NTS 2214 Caswell Lane Metarie, LA 70001-1720 Home - 774-0438 Assistant Buyer Mrs. June Fremont 1754 E. 4th St. St. Paul, 55106 h) 776-5512 Danette swanson 396 E. Viking Dr. Maplewood, 55117 h) 772-4404 w) 851-1910 Bob Slagter 9197 Andrea Dr. Woodbury, 55125 h) 739-1120 w) 739-9383 001165 Auge, Gregory J. 981 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-6736 Stocker Neil Grass 1547 Leone 7�4-0463 or 626-0048 James Pack 1081 Reaney Avenue 771-5770 Kathy Thomas 1248 Margaret Avenue 771-3100 2-2-95 MACHP Father John Dombrowski 840 East 6th Street (h) 776-7681 (w) 776-2741 Sue O'DOnnell same address as Father John (h) 731-3732 PAGE 2 qY' � o� Y,Q� WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 7 4 67 02/02/98 W M 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS. RPT �� - �� p� (J, 0 d.> COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRSCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- (w) 776-2741 003117 Baker, Mae M. Saker Space Design 46 E. 4th Street, Ste. 1108 St. Pau1, MN 55101 Work - 227-6771 FAX 2270272 commercial Interior Designer 12/26/95 W F Dipankar Sanyal, AZA h) 338-0951 (w) same as home Leslie Johnson (best friend who has MS) Resides in California (510) 462-6578 Raynard Kearbey, AIA Southwestern Bell Telephone Three Bell Plaza, Room 1800 Dallas, TX 75202 (w) 214 464-3701 003341 Benjamin, Timothy L. Apt. 204 619 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55101-4443 Home - 772-6591 Student 6 5 09/08/97 U M Y Bill and Joan Overby 768 Montana St. Paul, MN 55117 h) 489-0842 Rev. Father George Welzbacher P.O. Box 9 51 Church Street New Market, MIS 55054 h) 461-2403 w) same Susan Ha11/Evie Meyer w) 266-3654 003448 Bergman, Michelle 1379 Margaret Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-0595 Visitor Assistant 03/23/98 W F 10-OS-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayora Advisory Committee �� +�� �� FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFSER O1/O1/94 APPLICAI3T / REFERENCE CONASP,NTS WARD PLAt3NING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DZSTRIC2 DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 3-23-98 Mayor's Advisory Committee People wfD{isabilities; Carol Wedel Gillette Children's Hospital w) 291-2848 Renee Rude Science Museum of MN w) 221-9456 Dr. Tom Hedin S.F.A., U of MN, Duluth (218) 726-7243 001033 Blick, Beth 1 8 02/20/98 W F 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Aome - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 5-30-90 apps. fot PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 10-OS-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT �� - '�G�Q � ��J COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CANA�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---------------------------------------------{--------------- 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, RiverfYOnt Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advieory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. ------------------------------------ 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, 2o(ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003435 Burkhardt, Doug 5285 Audubon Avenue �206 Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077 Home - 450-5630 Welder 3-12-98 MACHP Ralph Linville 11975 Portland Avenue S #138 Burnsville, MN 55337 Don Ainsworth 6419 Toledo Avenue North Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 (h) 537-9434 03/11/98 W M Y 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 APPLZCANTS.RPT ��. ��� COMMITTEE : MACtiP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT J REFERENCE COM21ENT5 WARD YLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) -----------------------------'------ ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003188 Carlson, Erland E. 1923 Crown Point Drive Mendota Hghts., MN 551184206 Home - 452-2800 Retired Lutheran Pastor Rev. Dick and Betty Borgstrom 6791 Jenny Lane Woodbury h) 735-1925 Rev. David Hughes 6730 Clinton Ave. So. h) 866-7830 Clarence Magnuson 13963 Tomahawk Drive Afton, MN h) 436-5578 w) 724-3691 Eldon Brustuen 2935 Galtier St. Roseville h) 483-4047 06(11/96 W M Y 003300 Carroll, Barbara 2 14 04/23/97 W F 1242 Stanford Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-9422 Legal Assistant Susan Schmidt 1649 Pullman Avenue St. Paul Park, MN 55071 h) 459-8173 w) 351-0190 or 459-2038 Dr. Collen Wieck 300 Centennial Office Suilding 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, 55155 Jacki McCormack 425 Etna Stzeet St. Paul, 55106 w) 778-1414 10-OS-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 7 o ,g -�oyB.D COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayora Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COD4�NT5 003178 Frost, Laurel $11 436 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 225-4451 Dir/Program Support Services Kathleen LeMay 1681 So. Victoria Rd. Mendota Hgts., MN h) 452-6311 w) 450-7009 Marianne O'Brien Lanick 442 5ummit h) 222-7585 w) 290-8365 3udy McLaughlin 275 Summit Avenue h) 228-9111 w) 228-9111 9-18-98 MACHP Dan Reed 2262A Benson St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 696-1971 w) 603-0707 Carol Clark 415 Summit Avenue, 55102 h) 295-0838 w) 725-3861 Mary Lynn Murphy 609 Montcalm Place h) 698-8593 002965 Golant, Michael 15 E. Grant St., #922 Mpls., MN 55403 Home - 871-3350 Customer Service Rep. Richard Kulicheu 5324 Park Ave. Mpls. H) 822-7607 Doug Sweet 2201 15th Street WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- �------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 09/18/98 W F 03/29/95 W M Y � 10-08-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE AYPLICANTS REPORT PAGE S �t$' �°`�� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM24ENT5 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------°-------------- ---- -------- -------- --�----- --- --- --- Mpls. H) 827-1393 Victoria Drabkins 1350 Nicollet Mall, #146 H) 871-4510 003047 Grannes, Melissa 1958 Brewster St., #304 St. aul, MN 55108 Home - 644-0593 Human Resources Rep Don and Judy Haukeness P.O. BOx 185 Strum, WJ 54770 H) 715-695-3295 Junco Fang 1933 Brewster, �305 St. Pau1, MN 55105 H) 376-0804 Roger Fornester U of M 319 15th Avenue SE Mpls, MPI 55435 W) 624-7006 003434 Haven, Robert L. 2142 Roblyn Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 647-0931 Administrator 4 13 3-12-98 P.C. Rick Beeson President St. Anthony Park Bank 2265 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 (h) 696-1996 (w) 647-0131 Susan Haigh 910 Fairmont Avenue 09/OS/95 W F 03/11/98 W M 10-�8-98 CAMMITTEE APPLICPIQTS REPQRT PAGE 9 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayore Advisory Committee ��- /��� FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO24SENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) -------------�--------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55105 (h) 224-3178 (w) 266-8364 Ellen Watters Executive Director Midway Chamber o£ Commerce Spruce Tree Center #4 1600 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 (h) 646-SO11 (w) 646-2636 002537 Hein1, Thomas 1 456 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 489-8609 Znformation Specialist Helen Heinl 456 B1air Ave. W) 488-9986 Mark Heinl 487 Lafond Avenue Godfrey Rawlings 224-0978 8-11-97 MACHP Mary Weber Ramsey County Records & Revenue 720 RCGCW, 55102 (w) 266-2122 7 003250 Hugley, Caro1 3 15 1180 Norbert Lane St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-3152 Homemaker/volunteer Mattie Yamcuchi 2034 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 698-9503 w) 690-1645 Joanne Overton 02/11/98 W M Y 11/18/96 W F 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 10 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Cocamittee ad'-10�.8'.f� FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COZ4�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 30 E. Baker St. Paul, MN 55107 w) 293-8600 Mary McCarte 1247 St. Paul Avenue, 55116 h) 699-4568 002545 Kessler, Dennis C. 760 DeSoto Street St. Paul, MN 55101 6 6 03/10/95 W M Home - 771-6150 Fire Captain William Peterson 525 Park Street St. Paul, MN 55101 W) 227-7647 Debbie Montgomery 445 Minnesota St., 1000 St. Paul, MN 55101 W)296-6442 William Finney 949 Pinewood Ct. St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 731-3792 W) 291-1111 003344 Landrum, Lynette 5 6 #309 180 Wayzata Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-0100 Home Health Aide/NUrsing Asst. Terry and Bill Skalley 1215 Highland Pkwy., 55116 h) 690-0341 w) 298-1188 Greg Brooks h) 228-0565 w) 224-0880 Thomas Weidner (disabled client) 1S0 Wayzata Street 09/12/97 B F 10-08-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CODMENTS h) 488-0010 001987 Lawrence, Kenneth A. P.O. Box 1946 St. Paul, MN 55101 ConaultantfCOmmunity Developmt Raren Heeney 2025 Nicollet Ave. S., #250 Minneapolis w) 870-7773 Bob Tracey 250 E. 5th St., #301, 55101 h) 290-0592 Russ Wigfield 1885 serkeley, 55105 h) 698-8073 PAGE 11 G$- ro�1.�B WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ---�---- --- --- --- 7 4 12/18/95 B M Y Advisory Committee on Aging May 11, 1992 Riverfront; Affirmative Action &( Public Aousing: Same references as above, with addition of Lynette Fields 2400 World Trade Center 30 E. 7th St., 55101 w) 229-6055 Sf31/94 Public Safety Advisory Committee Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 698-8073 Lynette Fields Shoreview h) 484-1230 3an Morlock ESNDC w) 771-1152 ---------------------------------------------{--------- 12-18-95 ACOA; Family Housing Fund Board Mp1s{./St. Paul; Disabilities: Lora Me1by a 10-OS-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 12 °Ig' �04,8� CO2iMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM2�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) 451 Centennial Dr. Roseville, MN h) 484-3147 Rusa Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 698-8073 Carol Carey 635 Bates h) 774-0218 w) 771-2659 003430 Morphew, Carol Ramsey Co. Property Management 660 Ramsey Co. Govt. Ctr. W. 50 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul� MN 55102 Work - 266-2763 Facility Improvement Coord. 3-9-98 Mayor's Advisory Committee Jolly Mangine, Manager Ramsey Co. Property Mgt. 660 Ramsey Co. Govt. Ctr. W. w) 266-2261 Roger Schwagmeyer Safety/ADA Coordinator City of St. Paul 150 City Ha11 w) 266-8891 Bernard Jacob Architect, former employer Sernard Jacob Architects, Ltd. 1106 Foshay Tower Mpls., 55402 w) 332-5517 003468 Moy, Doris A. # 549 401 Sibley Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 03/09/98 W F 08/14/98 W F 10-OS-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 13 d�$ - lOyp�' COHIiITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advieory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMb�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Home - (651)290-0957 Retired-FOrmerly Records Clerk Ellen Morrow Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha 5treet Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Frank Alden Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Dave Jacobson Metro Mobility W) 602-1653 or 636-5000 003319 Niefeld, 5usan Ann 5809 Halifax Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55424 Fiome - 925-6912 Ex Srch Consultant Samuel Kaplan, Esq. 5500 Norwest Center Minneapolis, 55402 w) 375-1135 Donald G. Peder5on Bank Windsor 121 So. 8th Street Minneapolis, 55402 w) 338-2150 Christopher Colestock State Services for the Blind 2200 University Ave. W. St. Paul, MN 55114 w) 642-OS81 003408 Perryman, Lory 945 Carroll Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 645-3141 Program Associate [: 08/07/97 W F 03/OS/98 W F 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 14 APPLICANTS. RPT ���� COMMITTEE : MACAP Mayora Advisory Committee � • FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMSTTEES SERVING ON) ________________________________^__ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 3-5-98 MACHP Joyce Lang 3425 Golfview Dr., #`221 Eagan, 55123 h) 452-2951 w) 215-6242 Craig LeSeur Harvest Prep and Seed Academy 1300 Olson Memorial Hwy. Minneapolis, MN 55411 w) 381-9743 Claire Tschida 1888 w. Co. Rd. c2 Roseville, MN 55113 w) 636-1966 Pager: 661-3303 003288 Pipitone, Mary Josephine 1855 Walter Street Maplewood, MN 55109 Home - 776-3447 Retired/worked w/disabled Pastor Gary Fry 1555 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN 55117 w) 489-8183 Mrs. Kitty Herbt (RTCE Director) 1517 winchell Street St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 776-8092 Mrs. Pat Robb Apt. 604 1300 Wilson St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 778-1563 003076 Redmond, Thomas P. 838 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 646-5786 4 11 04/21J97 W F 10/10/95 W M Jan Sparkman 866 N. Wheeler S 10-08-98 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 15 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee •` -�� �� FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMIHENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 646-1630 Artis McAthre 1610 Edmund h) 644-5218 Mabel Anderson 1610 Taylor h) 644-6158 003321 Robbins, Geri 1477 Birmingham Street St. Pau1, MN 55106 Home - 771-2425 Homemaker E11en morrow Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street, 55107 h) 224-7224 w) 2247662 Betty Skogsberg 1470 Etna St., 55106 h) 771-9422 w) 771-9422 Connie Chrissis 3510 Centerville Rd. Vadnais Hgts., MN 55127 h) 486-8218 003393 Rodgers, Eddie 2820 Snelling Ave. N. Roseville, MN 55113 Home - 633-7358 TV Talk Show Producer 3-3-98 Disability William Cartwright �29 Dwane St. So. St. Paul, MN 55072 h) 451-2095 w) 627-5799 Dave Philips 3915 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, 55422 w) 520-0242 Elaine Nelson 6 08/25/97 W F Y 03/03/98 B M Y 10-OS-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 16 qg -�oyY� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayora Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 2708 Pahl Ave. St. Anthony, MN h) 781-8743 w) 621-3490 003172 Sanders, Harold (Hal) 825 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 281-0297 Florist/Unemployed Caro1 Andrews 249 S. Hamline Ave., 55105 h) 698-4158 w) 296-9711 Timoth Pau1 Olson 560-9442 Bob and Betty Jo Ambler h) 729-6068 003340 Siegel, Mark C. 1400 2nd Street S. Minneapolis, MN 55454 Home - 305-0972 Law Student/U of M Luthor Grandquist Managing Attorney MN Disability Law Center 430 lst Avenue, Ste. 300 Minneapolis w) 332-1441 Susan Wolf Law Professor, U of M 229 19th Ave. S. w) 625-3406 003484 Tarnowski, David J. 6S3 Winthrop Street, N. St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 739-4717 CPA 9-18-98 CIB & MACHP Tim Smith (677-5115) Dean Portner (844-2500) WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTE3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 7 1 67A 06/07/96 W . M Y 09/10/97 W M Y 09/18/98 W M � 10-08-98 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 17 APPLICANTS. RPT ' Y 'fl� qp _ �. COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMPfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------------------°--- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Sandy Howe (831-2350) 003378 Wegener, Arlene G. ,¢222 401 Sibley 5t. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 224-8793 Human Services Advocacy 2 17 02/27/98 W F Bill Wyss 1895 Park Ridge Court St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 730-6852 w) 215-1331 Pat Afwerke 759 W. County Rd. B. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 489-4849 w) 296-4145 Pat Kuehl Route 4 Box 64A St. Peter, MN 56082 h) (507) 931-2249 (w) (507) 931-7669 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. 2 17 �1910 66 E. 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-6349 Retired Vocational Counselor Mary Lynn Sabo Citi Walk 66 E. 9th St., 55101 w) 221-0298 Rich Detmers 701 Dorland Rd. Maplewood, MN 55119 h) 578-9067 Sheryl Lee 1344 Colby Ave., 55116 h) 699-4325 3-9-98 N,ACHP 09/30/98 W F Y � 10-08-98 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 18 APPLZCANTS.RPT ��yr� D. ql -� r�� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CO24�NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Richard Carter 1957 Larpenteur Ave. W. Falcon Hgts., MN 55113 h) 647-9517 Rhonda Thai 5350 Greystone Drive, #103 Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h) 455-2569 Sharon Powell 437 W. Co. Rd. C. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 482-1773 w) 449-2260 003292 Williams, Mike Apt. 10 7602 Hinton Ave. So. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Home - 459-7176 Quality Con. Worker/Inspector Brad Hanson Owobopte 2nd w) 686-0405 Carolyn Dobis w) 686-0405 Teny Wallis (ICi) or Brad Avery--Chairperson w) 626-7220 003116 Williams, Nancy 2184 Floral Drive White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Home - 426-0405 Credit Consultant Pete Budner 70 W. 4th St. St. Paul, 55102 w) 221-5096 04/16/97 W M Y 12/20/95 W F Y 10-08-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 19 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisozy Committee �� - � D �� FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAM2�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) Barb Rappers 70 W. 4th St. St. Paul, 55102 h) 447-4598 w) 229-7371 Deb Syvertsen 70 W. 4th St. w) 229-7620 �RIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paut City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the s MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMbII1TEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. 4 5 6 � s 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 RACHEL WILCOX sha11 serve the remainder of Lynne Megan's unexpired term. 'j�' jl?isi �wM.✓:°y°Yd,.�.. �y �XF �7����;�►����','�% LAUREL �ROST shall serve the remainder of Betty Copeland's unexpired term. DAVID TARNOWSHI shall serve the remainder of Nikita Goddette's une�ired term. 18 19 20 21 Requeeted by Department of: Byz Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz By: Council File # 98 -10 4 g� Green Sheet # � � � � 3 RE.SOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3 Form Approved by City Attorney By: C�.i��/�'/ /�( by Mayor for Submission to Adopted by Council: Date 'iJ c.� .a ,� �[ �� 9 8 - �°'�8'� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCIL DATE1Nrt1A7ED rra No� Coleman's Office ��-�s-9s GREEN SHEET No 62'703 CONTACT PERSON & PFpNE Inxlatlmte u��e Alberto Quintela 266-8529 uFr.mrarowFCrort 3 ancwncz MUST BE ON CIX1NCIl AGENLI4 BY (DATt7 ASSIGN NUMBQtFOR 2 an�TioR1EY tlnetFRK RO{1TIIlG � RYMCYLtERVCEfOR i1L1YYlEEANLLYiG �YYOR(OR�iA1If) ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTFD Approval of the appointments of Rachel Wilcox, Laurel Frost and David Tarnowski to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Coffiittee for People with Disabilities. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONALSERVICE CANTRACiS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES7ION5: 7. HasthispersoNfirmevetvrorketluntleracontractPorMistlepaNnent? PLANNINGCOMMISSION vES nlo CIB CAMMITfEE 2. Has Nie persoNfirtn ever been a ciry empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces Nis persoNfirtn possess a skill no[ nortnallypossessetl by any curtent cRy employee? VES NO 4. Is Mis persoNfirm a farge[etl venrloR YES NO F�lain all yes answers on uparate sheet antl attach M green sheet INITIA7ING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Wfa, What, When, Where, Why) °i' P' ^' �� ^4 ���� ���ti��� � ����� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED 70TAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S �ST/REVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUAIBER FIWWCWL INFORM4TON (E%PWN) � RECEIVED DEC ° 4 1998 �IAYOR'S OFFlCE alp-lo��'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norw Cokwmr, MsSe+ 39B CYq Ht8 15 Wat Sdfoga Borlew+d SistPad,bfienaaln SSIB2 TO: G!'nt� PaL1 Citv GouncLembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey t�7s��)uA Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember M'ichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Aiberto Quinteta Assistant to the Mayor � DATE: November 18, 1998 RE: Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Tekplroae: (612) 266-8510 PaesGnile: (612) 266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following individuals to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. Rachel W ilcoz will serve the remainder of Lynne Megan's unexpired term. This term will e�cpire on 7une 30, 1999. Laurel Frost will serve the remainder of Betty Copeland's unexpired term. This term will expire on June 30, 2000. David Tarnowski will serve the remainder of N�ldta Goddette's unexpired term. This term will eacpire on 7une 30, 2000. Attached is a copy of the resolution appointing these individuals; copies of their applications and an applicarn report listing applicants on file since January, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you haue any quesrions. AQ:drm Attachments c: 13ancy Anderson, Council Research Roger 5chwagneyer, Risk Management SEP.18.19y� 3�54PM MTS & Mii VOICE # 64107�9 ��^� r/r'�,„�/ OFFICE OF THE MA.YOR ' 1 z�X'�`�` 390 CITY AAT,T" SAINT PALTI., MTNNESOTA 55102 Phone: 2G6-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name: __L.L ����- ' "—� ` � Home ABdress: �� 5treet Telephone Number: Planning D;strict Council: preferred Mailing Address: What is your accunation? Ptace of �mployment: Committee(s) Applied For: City � City Councit Ward: '� �G, T d 2. TL�icJ t�l � i/ �� C� What sl:ills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for whicli you seek �!� `;� �,c� `�.r;�—m12��0 .c� . `t�'�.e__ �� �P�� �/J ,l a ,. a 0 A, � r� Zip Z CE�� � The information induded in Yhis applicaeion is considered private data according to the M! Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general N0.615 P. �d - t � {OVEIi} Red�. 8-5-9 i , ., SEP.18.1998 3�54PM MTS 8 MTI�VOZCE # 6410709 N0.615 P.2/3 P�RSONAL FFFREN�S q $ '0�.� PJ Name: /L� ��C� � aaar�: (a � �NSQ � � /. GI.uC1 SS//,( f _ Phone: �Ffomel �a 9�0 — �9 � / rw,,.tii //1 � ,� '"7� � � Name: Address: Phone: � J �� '__. � I�iame: �ddress: Phone_ " 1a :k � Reasons £or your interest in this particutar committee: � � y� Have you $ad previous coaYact with the committee for which yo� are making applicaYion? If so, aad thP circumstances? Tn an atiempt to ensure that committee represenYation reflects the makeup of ovr community, check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly votuutary. � White (Caucasian) �Hispanic Btack (African Aaterican) As;an or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male ^ Fema3e Date of Birth: ! % r 7� Aisabled: Yes No 7� If specia( accommodations are needed, please specify_ �^ e How did you hear about this opeoing? 3 t �� ��rW�v��` (� � � ��cEfv�G ' � t�z=e: . Q� � �! � / . / �/ �E� 1$ 1998 ��_�� _ J ua � �r�i� Ho_e ?ddress: �`/v �/�//� T/"//��Q � / �/� �/ � I �C.l / I�,{aYQR�S ;��� j �G� ''� ' / St=eet . CitS Z�� Telephor.e tu�.ber: (noae) �(� I�y/�/ (Aor�:) h��7 =�Sj� -(�?�)777 �'`%�. ?la.� i*ig District Coi^ci1: .1 City CoL.ci1 �zrc• �_ ?re£erred �:1iag Address: JQ�(� `�-S ��C�G� -�j��. T,'aat is your occnpatioa? ('/ �� ' ;� � . � ( /� Place of L-.o1o�...z�t: i��i2�,��2i�i'1�QC7/1. �'��/%7�✓`YJ ���/r1/C�r r' �- � ' � / � ;� l � , � r� �� f C' ��1�� Co���tee(s) Appiied For. l��/ Z [�L117lGi.�{Z(f�/j G(GcLF O'll �l \) / I /' l n � -- ___ �/��'�i/L'TS ,'`1�ItJiSG-:y `er;7ra�(�e r.��7�t L-/lSc2Y��l(�/lE'S .��� �,. -- :. 3°0 CIiY 'r.�'�i,L SAZ2�I`i P.�.IIL, 2�Ih''iESOTA 55102 , _ 2�525_. F?.X: 266 knat s1:i11s/tzaining or es�erience do you possess �or the co�ittee(s) 20L YR1CP you se_'.: appoin�ent? 1 ) /"ly tL?J�('��( L2S 2 C(� fJ(D,�ilTe� C'GY?�tE'7ti1�1/ �it�lY(Y'�Il?L�ClF�S 77� F=�/Q�L(/i7`�' CZ � �sn��� ���-��� ��c�. 1 • , � n ticv ���r.r�<<n�1 �. iU� �; �5S G G, lQ c'r1<<�' C �' � �l i�L�a7 �P 6C � T � � ��C'.�"'Ntil� SC'ti' �r �tF�`vZ � �tic��c�c� r r,aac,r����i���c�s �- ti�i�cca�-:r������� � c, � � .,--�. _�� ; �:. -� ��., '_:�e zn_ _nclucec i. t..is zpplica�icn is co,sicerzc ?= ca�2�z„�'o,ev� to �:'z Y�� =sota Gocer-er.t Dau =ractices �,ct. P_s a resLlt, this i^.�o—a�:oy ;�i,s �r �o ti:° general public. '-' - ( O�it ) ___.. 2%Zc/So PE.RSONAL REFt.RENCES Name : _ / (VI/1 � ) .�i Address Phone: Home Aork � —� S Naae: Address Phone• CHo�e) CAork) �/-y'�SQ(J Name: 4ddress: Phone: (Hoae) CAork) �J � ` Z �j Reasons £o= your interest in this particular co�aittee:_SE?C; L7Z��(' SIC'L, Have you had previous contact vith the coc�ittee £or vhich you are �aking application. I£ so, vhen, and circvastances7 . In an attempt to ensure that coaaittee representation reflects the �Y.eup o£ our co�cunity, please check the line applicable to you. This inforcation is strictly voluntary. _� Gnite (Caucasian) Black (African Aaerican) Araerican Indian or AlasYan Eskiao � Nale Fenale Disabled Yes � fio i\ Date of Birth: If special acco�odations are needed, please specify _ r/ ; � � Eov did pou hear about this opening7�i:'��/'� N �% Hispanic Asian or paci�ic Islander l���ii ' �'/.'' J `-%/ .' / ' l r Name: Home. Street S OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ��E1VF� � 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �qR p 9 1998� _�.(�� Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 � . !, Q ±i�HY0�2'� Or��l.� / , � � � / �� � � cr.c, � .5 S G I City Zip fFlomgl � �� �/� �j (FAX) o��� /�`7 --� � �� / City Council �Vard: y-" � _ _ �-nn �,_ _- �_ Q.� , . �o Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: `Vhat is your occupation? Place of Employment: C Commitfee(s) App�ied For: t��g �/'� /���.cTi d•'�c_l �h����Tc.�6v. lLJuhS�l / �G��4-,-5 �M/J /� G, .r2-�1,1 �N Y-�-l/� r� . i i . i ,� � � v� b� Y' S I/.+ � d r�, ¢vL !, ,L� � �i � J�i S�cb/ /� �i�e S training o experience do you possess far the P�"f � e s — e. /�i. ��� � _ �l7 _ I. r � l `L for which you seek appointment? Y� VJ �h.S�' /� c � (.�,rc�- a p i , �� Y i� 6 � �v�.�I� 'YL � �L2.I �� L � � i� l 2.YY�- S E',l� J 2�,G� � /'�G 2r=� i�/ T�� r^ i �- �C E � n The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public_ (O VER) Rev. 8-�-97 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: �Iome) � f `Zi oZ ` � -�- �'eeon ^�'r ���.�,� Reasons for your interest in this � � _- 5 i ��� Have you had previous coniact with the committee for which you are mal:ing application? If so, when, and the circumstances? , /� /1/1 In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Y White (Caacasian) Hispanic Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo biale � FemaSe Disabled: Yes (/ No If sgeciat accommodations are needed, ptease /� I ( _ /1!1 .. / i How d'rd you hear about this opening? � Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: _��' i � 11� /J- /'�.� /r � iJj .� ct� nsnc��ri r nt+r.mrir..xrr.r. c+ {. > 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT ar_�o4�'� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 - APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMt4ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS 003286 Anderson, Lynda Lahti 265 Nugent Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 224-9149 Grad Student/Research Asst. Bob Prooty 210 Pattee Hall U of M w) 626-2020 Marilyn Anderson 1315 Crestridge Lane Eagan, MN h) 452-9817 Melissa Beckmann Apt. S-209 2438 18 1/2 Ave. N.W. Rochester, MN (507) 288-7282 003176 Anderson, Steve G. Apt. A 1160 Grand Avenue St. Paul� MN 55105 Aome - 225-8613 Actor/Educator Peg Endres Suite 220 500 N. Robert St. St. Paul, 55101 w) 227-9660 Kristi Sorbello 3404 Colfax Ave. So. Minneapolis, 55408 ` h) 825-4597 Staci Banks apt. 126 4501 Park Glen Road St. Louis Park, MN 55416 h) 928-7165 003170 Andrews, Marsha Lea DZSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- "-- --- 2 9 04f03/47 W F 2 16 7 1 06/10/96 W M Y 06/03/96 W F 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO2�NTS 2214 Caswell Lane Metarie, LA 70001-1720 Home - 774-0438 Assistant Buyer Mrs. June Fremont 1754 E. 4th St. St. Paul, 55106 h) 776-5512 Danette swanson 396 E. Viking Dr. Maplewood, 55117 h) 772-4404 w) 851-1910 Bob Slagter 9197 Andrea Dr. Woodbury, 55125 h) 739-1120 w) 739-9383 001165 Auge, Gregory J. 981 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-6736 Stocker Neil Grass 1547 Leone 7�4-0463 or 626-0048 James Pack 1081 Reaney Avenue 771-5770 Kathy Thomas 1248 Margaret Avenue 771-3100 2-2-95 MACHP Father John Dombrowski 840 East 6th Street (h) 776-7681 (w) 776-2741 Sue O'DOnnell same address as Father John (h) 731-3732 PAGE 2 qY' � o� Y,Q� WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 7 4 67 02/02/98 W M 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS. RPT �� - �� p� (J, 0 d.> COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRSCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- (w) 776-2741 003117 Baker, Mae M. Saker Space Design 46 E. 4th Street, Ste. 1108 St. Pau1, MN 55101 Work - 227-6771 FAX 2270272 commercial Interior Designer 12/26/95 W F Dipankar Sanyal, AZA h) 338-0951 (w) same as home Leslie Johnson (best friend who has MS) Resides in California (510) 462-6578 Raynard Kearbey, AIA Southwestern Bell Telephone Three Bell Plaza, Room 1800 Dallas, TX 75202 (w) 214 464-3701 003341 Benjamin, Timothy L. Apt. 204 619 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55101-4443 Home - 772-6591 Student 6 5 09/08/97 U M Y Bill and Joan Overby 768 Montana St. Paul, MN 55117 h) 489-0842 Rev. Father George Welzbacher P.O. Box 9 51 Church Street New Market, MIS 55054 h) 461-2403 w) same Susan Ha11/Evie Meyer w) 266-3654 003448 Bergman, Michelle 1379 Margaret Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-0595 Visitor Assistant 03/23/98 W F 10-OS-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayora Advisory Committee �� +�� �� FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFSER O1/O1/94 APPLICAI3T / REFERENCE CONASP,NTS WARD PLAt3NING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DZSTRIC2 DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 3-23-98 Mayor's Advisory Committee People wfD{isabilities; Carol Wedel Gillette Children's Hospital w) 291-2848 Renee Rude Science Museum of MN w) 221-9456 Dr. Tom Hedin S.F.A., U of MN, Duluth (218) 726-7243 001033 Blick, Beth 1 8 02/20/98 W F 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Aome - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 5-30-90 apps. fot PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 10-OS-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT �� - '�G�Q � ��J COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CANA�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---------------------------------------------{--------------- 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, RiverfYOnt Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advieory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. ------------------------------------ 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, 2o(ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003435 Burkhardt, Doug 5285 Audubon Avenue �206 Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077 Home - 450-5630 Welder 3-12-98 MACHP Ralph Linville 11975 Portland Avenue S #138 Burnsville, MN 55337 Don Ainsworth 6419 Toledo Avenue North Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 (h) 537-9434 03/11/98 W M Y 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 APPLZCANTS.RPT ��. ��� COMMITTEE : MACtiP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT J REFERENCE COM21ENT5 WARD YLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) -----------------------------'------ ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003188 Carlson, Erland E. 1923 Crown Point Drive Mendota Hghts., MN 551184206 Home - 452-2800 Retired Lutheran Pastor Rev. Dick and Betty Borgstrom 6791 Jenny Lane Woodbury h) 735-1925 Rev. David Hughes 6730 Clinton Ave. So. h) 866-7830 Clarence Magnuson 13963 Tomahawk Drive Afton, MN h) 436-5578 w) 724-3691 Eldon Brustuen 2935 Galtier St. Roseville h) 483-4047 06(11/96 W M Y 003300 Carroll, Barbara 2 14 04/23/97 W F 1242 Stanford Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-9422 Legal Assistant Susan Schmidt 1649 Pullman Avenue St. Paul Park, MN 55071 h) 459-8173 w) 351-0190 or 459-2038 Dr. Collen Wieck 300 Centennial Office Suilding 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, 55155 Jacki McCormack 425 Etna Stzeet St. Paul, 55106 w) 778-1414 10-OS-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 7 o ,g -�oyB.D COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayora Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COD4�NT5 003178 Frost, Laurel $11 436 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 225-4451 Dir/Program Support Services Kathleen LeMay 1681 So. Victoria Rd. Mendota Hgts., MN h) 452-6311 w) 450-7009 Marianne O'Brien Lanick 442 5ummit h) 222-7585 w) 290-8365 3udy McLaughlin 275 Summit Avenue h) 228-9111 w) 228-9111 9-18-98 MACHP Dan Reed 2262A Benson St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 696-1971 w) 603-0707 Carol Clark 415 Summit Avenue, 55102 h) 295-0838 w) 725-3861 Mary Lynn Murphy 609 Montcalm Place h) 698-8593 002965 Golant, Michael 15 E. Grant St., #922 Mpls., MN 55403 Home - 871-3350 Customer Service Rep. Richard Kulicheu 5324 Park Ave. Mpls. H) 822-7607 Doug Sweet 2201 15th Street WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- �------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 09/18/98 W F 03/29/95 W M Y � 10-08-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE AYPLICANTS REPORT PAGE S �t$' �°`�� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM24ENT5 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------°-------------- ---- -------- -------- --�----- --- --- --- Mpls. H) 827-1393 Victoria Drabkins 1350 Nicollet Mall, #146 H) 871-4510 003047 Grannes, Melissa 1958 Brewster St., #304 St. aul, MN 55108 Home - 644-0593 Human Resources Rep Don and Judy Haukeness P.O. BOx 185 Strum, WJ 54770 H) 715-695-3295 Junco Fang 1933 Brewster, �305 St. Pau1, MN 55105 H) 376-0804 Roger Fornester U of M 319 15th Avenue SE Mpls, MPI 55435 W) 624-7006 003434 Haven, Robert L. 2142 Roblyn Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 647-0931 Administrator 4 13 3-12-98 P.C. Rick Beeson President St. Anthony Park Bank 2265 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 (h) 696-1996 (w) 647-0131 Susan Haigh 910 Fairmont Avenue 09/OS/95 W F 03/11/98 W M 10-�8-98 CAMMITTEE APPLICPIQTS REPQRT PAGE 9 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayore Advisory Committee ��- /��� FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO24SENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) -------------�--------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55105 (h) 224-3178 (w) 266-8364 Ellen Watters Executive Director Midway Chamber o£ Commerce Spruce Tree Center #4 1600 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 (h) 646-SO11 (w) 646-2636 002537 Hein1, Thomas 1 456 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 489-8609 Znformation Specialist Helen Heinl 456 B1air Ave. W) 488-9986 Mark Heinl 487 Lafond Avenue Godfrey Rawlings 224-0978 8-11-97 MACHP Mary Weber Ramsey County Records & Revenue 720 RCGCW, 55102 (w) 266-2122 7 003250 Hugley, Caro1 3 15 1180 Norbert Lane St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-3152 Homemaker/volunteer Mattie Yamcuchi 2034 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 698-9503 w) 690-1645 Joanne Overton 02/11/98 W M Y 11/18/96 W F 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 10 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Cocamittee ad'-10�.8'.f� FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COZ4�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 30 E. Baker St. Paul, MN 55107 w) 293-8600 Mary McCarte 1247 St. Paul Avenue, 55116 h) 699-4568 002545 Kessler, Dennis C. 760 DeSoto Street St. Paul, MN 55101 6 6 03/10/95 W M Home - 771-6150 Fire Captain William Peterson 525 Park Street St. Paul, MN 55101 W) 227-7647 Debbie Montgomery 445 Minnesota St., 1000 St. Paul, MN 55101 W)296-6442 William Finney 949 Pinewood Ct. St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 731-3792 W) 291-1111 003344 Landrum, Lynette 5 6 #309 180 Wayzata Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-0100 Home Health Aide/NUrsing Asst. Terry and Bill Skalley 1215 Highland Pkwy., 55116 h) 690-0341 w) 298-1188 Greg Brooks h) 228-0565 w) 224-0880 Thomas Weidner (disabled client) 1S0 Wayzata Street 09/12/97 B F 10-08-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CODMENTS h) 488-0010 001987 Lawrence, Kenneth A. P.O. Box 1946 St. Paul, MN 55101 ConaultantfCOmmunity Developmt Raren Heeney 2025 Nicollet Ave. S., #250 Minneapolis w) 870-7773 Bob Tracey 250 E. 5th St., #301, 55101 h) 290-0592 Russ Wigfield 1885 serkeley, 55105 h) 698-8073 PAGE 11 G$- ro�1.�B WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ---�---- --- --- --- 7 4 12/18/95 B M Y Advisory Committee on Aging May 11, 1992 Riverfront; Affirmative Action &( Public Aousing: Same references as above, with addition of Lynette Fields 2400 World Trade Center 30 E. 7th St., 55101 w) 229-6055 Sf31/94 Public Safety Advisory Committee Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 698-8073 Lynette Fields Shoreview h) 484-1230 3an Morlock ESNDC w) 771-1152 ---------------------------------------------{--------- 12-18-95 ACOA; Family Housing Fund Board Mp1s{./St. Paul; Disabilities: Lora Me1by a 10-OS-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 12 °Ig' �04,8� CO2iMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM2�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) 451 Centennial Dr. Roseville, MN h) 484-3147 Rusa Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 698-8073 Carol Carey 635 Bates h) 774-0218 w) 771-2659 003430 Morphew, Carol Ramsey Co. Property Management 660 Ramsey Co. Govt. Ctr. W. 50 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul� MN 55102 Work - 266-2763 Facility Improvement Coord. 3-9-98 Mayor's Advisory Committee Jolly Mangine, Manager Ramsey Co. Property Mgt. 660 Ramsey Co. Govt. Ctr. W. w) 266-2261 Roger Schwagmeyer Safety/ADA Coordinator City of St. Paul 150 City Ha11 w) 266-8891 Bernard Jacob Architect, former employer Sernard Jacob Architects, Ltd. 1106 Foshay Tower Mpls., 55402 w) 332-5517 003468 Moy, Doris A. # 549 401 Sibley Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 03/09/98 W F 08/14/98 W F 10-OS-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 13 d�$ - lOyp�' COHIiITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advieory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMb�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Home - (651)290-0957 Retired-FOrmerly Records Clerk Ellen Morrow Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha 5treet Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Frank Alden Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Dave Jacobson Metro Mobility W) 602-1653 or 636-5000 003319 Niefeld, 5usan Ann 5809 Halifax Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55424 Fiome - 925-6912 Ex Srch Consultant Samuel Kaplan, Esq. 5500 Norwest Center Minneapolis, 55402 w) 375-1135 Donald G. Peder5on Bank Windsor 121 So. 8th Street Minneapolis, 55402 w) 338-2150 Christopher Colestock State Services for the Blind 2200 University Ave. W. St. Paul, MN 55114 w) 642-OS81 003408 Perryman, Lory 945 Carroll Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 645-3141 Program Associate [: 08/07/97 W F 03/OS/98 W F 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 14 APPLICANTS. RPT ���� COMMITTEE : MACAP Mayora Advisory Committee � • FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMSTTEES SERVING ON) ________________________________^__ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 3-5-98 MACHP Joyce Lang 3425 Golfview Dr., #`221 Eagan, 55123 h) 452-2951 w) 215-6242 Craig LeSeur Harvest Prep and Seed Academy 1300 Olson Memorial Hwy. Minneapolis, MN 55411 w) 381-9743 Claire Tschida 1888 w. Co. Rd. c2 Roseville, MN 55113 w) 636-1966 Pager: 661-3303 003288 Pipitone, Mary Josephine 1855 Walter Street Maplewood, MN 55109 Home - 776-3447 Retired/worked w/disabled Pastor Gary Fry 1555 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN 55117 w) 489-8183 Mrs. Kitty Herbt (RTCE Director) 1517 winchell Street St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 776-8092 Mrs. Pat Robb Apt. 604 1300 Wilson St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 778-1563 003076 Redmond, Thomas P. 838 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 646-5786 4 11 04/21J97 W F 10/10/95 W M Jan Sparkman 866 N. Wheeler S 10-08-98 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 15 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee •` -�� �� FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMIHENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 646-1630 Artis McAthre 1610 Edmund h) 644-5218 Mabel Anderson 1610 Taylor h) 644-6158 003321 Robbins, Geri 1477 Birmingham Street St. Pau1, MN 55106 Home - 771-2425 Homemaker E11en morrow Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street, 55107 h) 224-7224 w) 2247662 Betty Skogsberg 1470 Etna St., 55106 h) 771-9422 w) 771-9422 Connie Chrissis 3510 Centerville Rd. Vadnais Hgts., MN 55127 h) 486-8218 003393 Rodgers, Eddie 2820 Snelling Ave. N. Roseville, MN 55113 Home - 633-7358 TV Talk Show Producer 3-3-98 Disability William Cartwright �29 Dwane St. So. St. Paul, MN 55072 h) 451-2095 w) 627-5799 Dave Philips 3915 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, 55422 w) 520-0242 Elaine Nelson 6 08/25/97 W F Y 03/03/98 B M Y 10-OS-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 16 qg -�oyY� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayora Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 2708 Pahl Ave. St. Anthony, MN h) 781-8743 w) 621-3490 003172 Sanders, Harold (Hal) 825 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 281-0297 Florist/Unemployed Caro1 Andrews 249 S. Hamline Ave., 55105 h) 698-4158 w) 296-9711 Timoth Pau1 Olson 560-9442 Bob and Betty Jo Ambler h) 729-6068 003340 Siegel, Mark C. 1400 2nd Street S. Minneapolis, MN 55454 Home - 305-0972 Law Student/U of M Luthor Grandquist Managing Attorney MN Disability Law Center 430 lst Avenue, Ste. 300 Minneapolis w) 332-1441 Susan Wolf Law Professor, U of M 229 19th Ave. S. w) 625-3406 003484 Tarnowski, David J. 6S3 Winthrop Street, N. St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 739-4717 CPA 9-18-98 CIB & MACHP Tim Smith (677-5115) Dean Portner (844-2500) WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTE3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 7 1 67A 06/07/96 W . M Y 09/10/97 W M Y 09/18/98 W M � 10-08-98 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 17 APPLICANTS. RPT ' Y 'fl� qp _ �. COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMPfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------------------°--- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Sandy Howe (831-2350) 003378 Wegener, Arlene G. ,¢222 401 Sibley 5t. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 224-8793 Human Services Advocacy 2 17 02/27/98 W F Bill Wyss 1895 Park Ridge Court St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 730-6852 w) 215-1331 Pat Afwerke 759 W. County Rd. B. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 489-4849 w) 296-4145 Pat Kuehl Route 4 Box 64A St. Peter, MN 56082 h) (507) 931-2249 (w) (507) 931-7669 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. 2 17 �1910 66 E. 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-6349 Retired Vocational Counselor Mary Lynn Sabo Citi Walk 66 E. 9th St., 55101 w) 221-0298 Rich Detmers 701 Dorland Rd. Maplewood, MN 55119 h) 578-9067 Sheryl Lee 1344 Colby Ave., 55116 h) 699-4325 3-9-98 N,ACHP 09/30/98 W F Y � 10-08-98 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 18 APPLZCANTS.RPT ��yr� D. ql -� r�� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CO24�NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Richard Carter 1957 Larpenteur Ave. W. Falcon Hgts., MN 55113 h) 647-9517 Rhonda Thai 5350 Greystone Drive, #103 Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h) 455-2569 Sharon Powell 437 W. Co. Rd. C. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 482-1773 w) 449-2260 003292 Williams, Mike Apt. 10 7602 Hinton Ave. So. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Home - 459-7176 Quality Con. Worker/Inspector Brad Hanson Owobopte 2nd w) 686-0405 Carolyn Dobis w) 686-0405 Teny Wallis (ICi) or Brad Avery--Chairperson w) 626-7220 003116 Williams, Nancy 2184 Floral Drive White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Home - 426-0405 Credit Consultant Pete Budner 70 W. 4th St. St. Paul, 55102 w) 221-5096 04/16/97 W M Y 12/20/95 W F Y 10-08-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 19 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisozy Committee �� - � D �� FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAM2�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) Barb Rappers 70 W. 4th St. St. Paul, 55102 h) 447-4598 w) 229-7371 Deb Syvertsen 70 W. 4th St. w) 229-7620 �RIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paut City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the s MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMbII1TEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. 4 5 6 � s 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 RACHEL WILCOX sha11 serve the remainder of Lynne Megan's unexpired term. 'j�' jl?isi �wM.✓:°y°Yd,.�.. �y �XF �7����;�►����','�% LAUREL �ROST shall serve the remainder of Betty Copeland's unexpired term. DAVID TARNOWSHI shall serve the remainder of Nikita Goddette's une�ired term. 18 19 20 21 Requeeted by Department of: Byz Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appz By: Council File # 98 -10 4 g� Green Sheet # � � � � 3 RE.SOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3 Form Approved by City Attorney By: C�.i��/�'/ /�( by Mayor for Submission to Adopted by Council: Date 'iJ c.� .a ,� �[ �� 9 8 - �°'�8'� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCIL DATE1Nrt1A7ED rra No� Coleman's Office ��-�s-9s GREEN SHEET No 62'703 CONTACT PERSON & PFpNE Inxlatlmte u��e Alberto Quintela 266-8529 uFr.mrarowFCrort 3 ancwncz MUST BE ON CIX1NCIl AGENLI4 BY (DATt7 ASSIGN NUMBQtFOR 2 an�TioR1EY tlnetFRK RO{1TIIlG � RYMCYLtERVCEfOR i1L1YYlEEANLLYiG �YYOR(OR�iA1If) ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTFD Approval of the appointments of Rachel Wilcox, Laurel Frost and David Tarnowski to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Coffiittee for People with Disabilities. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONALSERVICE CANTRACiS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES7ION5: 7. HasthispersoNfirmevetvrorketluntleracontractPorMistlepaNnent? PLANNINGCOMMISSION vES nlo CIB CAMMITfEE 2. Has Nie persoNfirtn ever been a ciry empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Dces Nis persoNfirtn possess a skill no[ nortnallypossessetl by any curtent cRy employee? VES NO 4. Is Mis persoNfirm a farge[etl venrloR YES NO F�lain all yes answers on uparate sheet antl attach M green sheet INITIA7ING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Wfa, What, When, Where, Why) °i' P' ^' �� ^4 ���� ���ti��� � ����� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED DISADVAMAGES IF NOT APPROVED 70TAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S �ST/REVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUAIBER FIWWCWL INFORM4TON (E%PWN) � RECEIVED DEC ° 4 1998 �IAYOR'S OFFlCE alp-lo��'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norw Cokwmr, MsSe+ 39B CYq Ht8 15 Wat Sdfoga Borlew+d SistPad,bfienaaln SSIB2 TO: G!'nt� PaL1 Citv GouncLembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey t�7s��)uA Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember M'ichael Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Aiberto Quinteta Assistant to the Mayor � DATE: November 18, 1998 RE: Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Tekplroae: (612) 266-8510 PaesGnile: (612) 266-8513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the following individuals to serve on the Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities. Rachel W ilcoz will serve the remainder of Lynne Megan's unexpired term. This term will e�cpire on 7une 30, 1999. Laurel Frost will serve the remainder of Betty Copeland's unexpired term. This term will expire on June 30, 2000. David Tarnowski will serve the remainder of N�ldta Goddette's unexpired term. This term will eacpire on 7une 30, 2000. Attached is a copy of the resolution appointing these individuals; copies of their applications and an applicarn report listing applicants on file since January, 1994. Feel free to call me at 266-8529 if you haue any quesrions. AQ:drm Attachments c: 13ancy Anderson, Council Research Roger 5chwagneyer, Risk Management SEP.18.19y� 3�54PM MTS & Mii VOICE # 64107�9 ��^� r/r'�,„�/ OFFICE OF THE MA.YOR ' 1 z�X'�`�` 390 CITY AAT,T" SAINT PALTI., MTNNESOTA 55102 Phone: 2G6-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name: __L.L ����- ' "—� ` � Home ABdress: �� 5treet Telephone Number: Planning D;strict Council: preferred Mailing Address: What is your accunation? Ptace of �mployment: Committee(s) Applied For: City � City Councit Ward: '� �G, T d 2. TL�icJ t�l � i/ �� C� What sl:ills, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for whicli you seek �!� `;� �,c� `�.r;�—m12��0 .c� . `t�'�.e__ �� �P�� �/J ,l a ,. a 0 A, � r� Zip Z CE�� C.��! The information induded in Yhis applicaeion is considered private data according to the M! Government Aata Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general N0.615 P. �d - t � {OVEIi} Red�. 8-5-9 i , ., SEP.18.1998 3�54PM MTS 8 MTI�VOZCE # 6410709 N0.615 P.2/3 P�RSONAL FFFREN�S q $ '0�.� PJ Name: /L� ��C� � aaar�: (a � �NSQ � � /. GI.uC1 SS//,( f _ Phone: �Ffomel �a 9�0 — �9 � / rw,,.tii //1 � ,� '"7� � � Name: Address: Phone: � J �� '__. � I�iame: �ddress: Phone_ " 1a :k � Reasons £or your interest in this particutar committee: � � y� Have you $ad previous coaYact with the committee for which yo� are making applicaYion? If so, aad thP circumstances? Tn an atiempt to ensure that committee represenYation reflects the makeup of ovr community, check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly votuutary. � White (Caucasian) �Hispanic Btack (African Aaterican) As;an or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male ^ Fema3e Date of Birth: ! % r 7� Aisabled: Yes No 7� If specia( accommodations are needed, please specify_ �^ e How did you hear about this opeoing? 3 t �� ��rW�v��` (� � � ��cEfv�G ' � t�z=e: . Q� � �! � / . / �/ �E� 1$ 1998 ��_�� _ J ua � �r�i� Ho_e ?ddress: �`/v �/�//� T/"//��Q � / �/� �/ � I �C.l / I�,{aYQR�S ;��� j �G� ''� ' / St=eet . CitS Z�� Telephor.e tu�.ber: (noae) �(� I�y/�/ (Aor�:) h��7 =�Sj� -(�?�)777 �'`%�. ?la.� i*ig District Coi^ci1: .1 City CoL.ci1 �zrc• �_ ?re£erred �:1iag Address: JQ�(� `�-S ��C�G� -�j��. T,'aat is your occnpatioa? ('/ �� ' ;� � . � ( /� Place of L-.o1o�...z�t: i��i2�,��2i�i'1�QC7/1. �'��/%7�✓`YJ ���/r1/C�r r' �- � ' � / � ;� l � , � r� �� f C' ��1�� Co���tee(s) Appiied For. l��/ Z [�L117lGi.�{Z(f�/j G(GcLF O'll �l \) / I /' l n � -- ___ �/��'�i/L'TS ,'`1�ItJiSG-:y `er;7ra�(�e r.��7�t L-/lSc2Y��l(�/lE'S .��� �,. -- :. 3°0 CIiY 'r.�'�i,L SAZ2�I`i P.�.IIL, 2�Ih''iESOTA 55102 , _ 2�525_. F?.X: 266 knat s1:i11s/tzaining or es�erience do you possess �or the co�ittee(s) 20L YR1CP you se_'.: appoin�ent? 1 ) /"ly tL?J�('��( L2S 2 C(� fJ(D,�ilTe� C'GY?�tE'7ti1�1/ �it�lY(Y'�Il?L�ClF�S 77� F=�/Q�L(/i7`�' CZ � �sn��� ���-��� ��c�. 1 • , � n ticv ���r.r�<<n�1 �. iU� �; �5S G G, lQ c'r1<<�' C �' � �l i�L�a7 �P 6C � T � � ��C'.�"'Ntil� SC'ti' �r �tF�`vZ � �tic��c�c� r r,aac,r����i���c�s �- ti�i�cca�-:r������� � c, � � .,--�. _�� ; �:. -� ��., '_:�e zn_ _nclucec i. t..is zpplica�icn is co,sicerzc ?= ca�2�z„�'o,ev� to �:'z Y�� =sota Gocer-er.t Dau =ractices �,ct. P_s a resLlt, this i^.�o—a�:oy ;�i,s �r �o ti:° general public. '-' - ( O�it ) ___.. 2%Zc/So PE.RSONAL REFt.RENCES Name : _ / (VI/1 � ) .�i Address Phone: Home Aork � —� S Naae: Address Phone• CHo�e) CAork) �/-y'�SQ(J Name: 4ddress: Phone: (Hoae) CAork) �J � ` Z �j Reasons £o= your interest in this particular co�aittee:_SE?C; L7Z��(' SIC'L, Have you had previous contact vith the coc�ittee £or vhich you are �aking application. I£ so, vhen, and circvastances7 . In an attempt to ensure that coaaittee representation reflects the �Y.eup o£ our co�cunity, please check the line applicable to you. This inforcation is strictly voluntary. _� Gnite (Caucasian) Black (African Aaerican) Araerican Indian or AlasYan Eskiao � Nale Fenale Disabled Yes � fio i\ Date of Birth: If special acco�odations are needed, please specify _ r/ ; � � Eov did pou hear about this opening7�i:'��/'� N �% Hispanic Asian or paci�ic Islander l���ii ' �'/.'' J `-%/ .' / ' l r Name: Home. Street S OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ��E1VF� � 390 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �qR p 9 1998� _�.(�� Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 � . !, Q ±i�HY0�2'� Or��l.� / , � � � / �� � � cr.c, � .5 S G I City Zip fFlomgl � �� �/� �j (FAX) o��� /�`7 --� � �� / City Council �Vard: y-" � _ _ �-nn �,_ _- �_ Q.� , . �o Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred Mailing Address: `Vhat is your occupation? Place of Employment: C Commitfee(s) App�ied For: t��g �/'� /���.cTi d•'�c_l �h����Tc.�6v. lLJuhS�l / �G��4-,-5 �M/J /� G, .r2-�1,1 �N Y-�-l/� r� . i i . i ,� � � v� b� Y' S I/.+ � d r�, ¢vL !, ,L� � �i � J�i S�cb/ /� �i�e S training o experience do you possess far the P�"f � e s — e. /�i. ��� � _ �l7 _ I. r � l `L for which you seek appointment? Y� VJ �h.S�' /� c � (.�,rc�- a p i , �� Y i� 6 � �v�.�I� 'YL � �L2.I �� L � � i� l 2.YY�- S E',l� J 2�,G� � /'�G 2r=� i�/ T�� r^ i �- �C E � n The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public_ (O VER) Rev. 8-�-97 Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: �Iome) � f `Zi oZ ` � -�- �'eeon ^�'r ���.�,� Reasons for your interest in this � � _- 5 i ��� Have you had previous coniact with the committee for which you are mal:ing application? If so, when, and the circumstances? , /� /1/1 In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Y White (Caacasian) Hispanic Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo biale � FemaSe Disabled: Yes (/ No If sgeciat accommodations are needed, ptease /� I ( _ /1!1 .. / i How d'rd you hear about this opening? � Asian or Pacific Islander Date of Birth: _��' i � 11� /J- /'�.� /r � iJj .� ct� nsnc��ri r nt+r.mrir..xrr.r. c+ {. > 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 1 APPLZCANTS.RPT ar_�o4�'� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 - APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMt4ENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS 003286 Anderson, Lynda Lahti 265 Nugent Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 224-9149 Grad Student/Research Asst. Bob Prooty 210 Pattee Hall U of M w) 626-2020 Marilyn Anderson 1315 Crestridge Lane Eagan, MN h) 452-9817 Melissa Beckmann Apt. S-209 2438 18 1/2 Ave. N.W. Rochester, MN (507) 288-7282 003176 Anderson, Steve G. Apt. A 1160 Grand Avenue St. Paul� MN 55105 Aome - 225-8613 Actor/Educator Peg Endres Suite 220 500 N. Robert St. St. Paul, 55101 w) 227-9660 Kristi Sorbello 3404 Colfax Ave. So. Minneapolis, 55408 ` h) 825-4597 Staci Banks apt. 126 4501 Park Glen Road St. Louis Park, MN 55416 h) 928-7165 003170 Andrews, Marsha Lea DZSTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- "-- --- 2 9 04f03/47 W F 2 16 7 1 06/10/96 W M Y 06/03/96 W F 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO2�NTS 2214 Caswell Lane Metarie, LA 70001-1720 Home - 774-0438 Assistant Buyer Mrs. June Fremont 1754 E. 4th St. St. Paul, 55106 h) 776-5512 Danette swanson 396 E. Viking Dr. Maplewood, 55117 h) 772-4404 w) 851-1910 Bob Slagter 9197 Andrea Dr. Woodbury, 55125 h) 739-1120 w) 739-9383 001165 Auge, Gregory J. 981 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 771-6736 Stocker Neil Grass 1547 Leone 7�4-0463 or 626-0048 James Pack 1081 Reaney Avenue 771-5770 Kathy Thomas 1248 Margaret Avenue 771-3100 2-2-95 MACHP Father John Dombrowski 840 East 6th Street (h) 776-7681 (w) 776-2741 Sue O'DOnnell same address as Father John (h) 731-3732 PAGE 2 qY' � o� Y,Q� WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 7 4 67 02/02/98 W M 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 3 APPLICANTS. RPT �� - �� p� (J, 0 d.> COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt��NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRSCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- (w) 776-2741 003117 Baker, Mae M. Saker Space Design 46 E. 4th Street, Ste. 1108 St. Pau1, MN 55101 Work - 227-6771 FAX 2270272 commercial Interior Designer 12/26/95 W F Dipankar Sanyal, AZA h) 338-0951 (w) same as home Leslie Johnson (best friend who has MS) Resides in California (510) 462-6578 Raynard Kearbey, AIA Southwestern Bell Telephone Three Bell Plaza, Room 1800 Dallas, TX 75202 (w) 214 464-3701 003341 Benjamin, Timothy L. Apt. 204 619 Lafayette Road N. St. Paul, MN 55101-4443 Home - 772-6591 Student 6 5 09/08/97 U M Y Bill and Joan Overby 768 Montana St. Paul, MN 55117 h) 489-0842 Rev. Father George Welzbacher P.O. Box 9 51 Church Street New Market, MIS 55054 h) 461-2403 w) same Susan Ha11/Evie Meyer w) 266-3654 003448 Bergman, Michelle 1379 Margaret Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 774-0595 Visitor Assistant 03/23/98 W F 10-OS-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 4 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayora Advisory Committee �� +�� �� FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFSER O1/O1/94 APPLICAI3T / REFERENCE CONASP,NTS WARD PLAt3NING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DZSTRIC2 DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 3-23-98 Mayor's Advisory Committee People wfD{isabilities; Carol Wedel Gillette Children's Hospital w) 291-2848 Renee Rude Science Museum of MN w) 221-9456 Dr. Tom Hedin S.F.A., U of MN, Duluth (218) 726-7243 001033 Blick, Beth 1 8 02/20/98 W F 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Aome - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 5-30-90 apps. fot PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 10-OS-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT �� - '�G�Q � ��J COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CANA�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---------------------------------------------{--------------- 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, RiverfYOnt Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advieory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. ------------------------------------ 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, 2o(ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S{ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003435 Burkhardt, Doug 5285 Audubon Avenue �206 Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077 Home - 450-5630 Welder 3-12-98 MACHP Ralph Linville 11975 Portland Avenue S #138 Burnsville, MN 55337 Don Ainsworth 6419 Toledo Avenue North Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 (h) 537-9434 03/11/98 W M Y 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 APPLZCANTS.RPT ��. ��� COMMITTEE : MACtiP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT J REFERENCE COM21ENT5 WARD YLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) -----------------------------'------ ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 003188 Carlson, Erland E. 1923 Crown Point Drive Mendota Hghts., MN 551184206 Home - 452-2800 Retired Lutheran Pastor Rev. Dick and Betty Borgstrom 6791 Jenny Lane Woodbury h) 735-1925 Rev. David Hughes 6730 Clinton Ave. So. h) 866-7830 Clarence Magnuson 13963 Tomahawk Drive Afton, MN h) 436-5578 w) 724-3691 Eldon Brustuen 2935 Galtier St. Roseville h) 483-4047 06(11/96 W M Y 003300 Carroll, Barbara 2 14 04/23/97 W F 1242 Stanford Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 698-9422 Legal Assistant Susan Schmidt 1649 Pullman Avenue St. Paul Park, MN 55071 h) 459-8173 w) 351-0190 or 459-2038 Dr. Collen Wieck 300 Centennial Office Suilding 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, 55155 Jacki McCormack 425 Etna Stzeet St. Paul, 55106 w) 778-1414 10-OS-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 7 o ,g -�oyB.D COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayora Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COD4�NT5 003178 Frost, Laurel $11 436 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 225-4451 Dir/Program Support Services Kathleen LeMay 1681 So. Victoria Rd. Mendota Hgts., MN h) 452-6311 w) 450-7009 Marianne O'Brien Lanick 442 5ummit h) 222-7585 w) 290-8365 3udy McLaughlin 275 Summit Avenue h) 228-9111 w) 228-9111 9-18-98 MACHP Dan Reed 2262A Benson St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 696-1971 w) 603-0707 Carol Clark 415 Summit Avenue, 55102 h) 295-0838 w) 725-3861 Mary Lynn Murphy 609 Montcalm Place h) 698-8593 002965 Golant, Michael 15 E. Grant St., #922 Mpls., MN 55403 Home - 871-3350 Customer Service Rep. Richard Kulicheu 5324 Park Ave. Mpls. H) 822-7607 Doug Sweet 2201 15th Street WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- �------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 09/18/98 W F 03/29/95 W M Y � 10-08-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE AYPLICANTS REPORT PAGE S �t$' �°`�� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM24ENT5 WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETA GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -------------------°-------------- ---- -------- -------- --�----- --- --- --- Mpls. H) 827-1393 Victoria Drabkins 1350 Nicollet Mall, #146 H) 871-4510 003047 Grannes, Melissa 1958 Brewster St., #304 St. aul, MN 55108 Home - 644-0593 Human Resources Rep Don and Judy Haukeness P.O. BOx 185 Strum, WJ 54770 H) 715-695-3295 Junco Fang 1933 Brewster, �305 St. Pau1, MN 55105 H) 376-0804 Roger Fornester U of M 319 15th Avenue SE Mpls, MPI 55435 W) 624-7006 003434 Haven, Robert L. 2142 Roblyn Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 647-0931 Administrator 4 13 3-12-98 P.C. Rick Beeson President St. Anthony Park Bank 2265 Como Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 (h) 696-1996 (w) 647-0131 Susan Haigh 910 Fairmont Avenue 09/OS/95 W F 03/11/98 W M 10-�8-98 CAMMITTEE APPLICPIQTS REPQRT PAGE 9 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayore Advisory Committee ��- /��� FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CO24SENT5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) -------------�--------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55105 (h) 224-3178 (w) 266-8364 Ellen Watters Executive Director Midway Chamber o£ Commerce Spruce Tree Center #4 1600 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 (h) 646-SO11 (w) 646-2636 002537 Hein1, Thomas 1 456 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 489-8609 Znformation Specialist Helen Heinl 456 B1air Ave. W) 488-9986 Mark Heinl 487 Lafond Avenue Godfrey Rawlings 224-0978 8-11-97 MACHP Mary Weber Ramsey County Records & Revenue 720 RCGCW, 55102 (w) 266-2122 7 003250 Hugley, Caro1 3 15 1180 Norbert Lane St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 698-3152 Homemaker/volunteer Mattie Yamcuchi 2034 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 698-9503 w) 690-1645 Joanne Overton 02/11/98 W M Y 11/18/96 W F 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 10 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Cocamittee ad'-10�.8'.f� FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COZ4�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 30 E. Baker St. Paul, MN 55107 w) 293-8600 Mary McCarte 1247 St. Paul Avenue, 55116 h) 699-4568 002545 Kessler, Dennis C. 760 DeSoto Street St. Paul, MN 55101 6 6 03/10/95 W M Home - 771-6150 Fire Captain William Peterson 525 Park Street St. Paul, MN 55101 W) 227-7647 Debbie Montgomery 445 Minnesota St., 1000 St. Paul, MN 55101 W)296-6442 William Finney 949 Pinewood Ct. St. Paul, MN 55119 H) 731-3792 W) 291-1111 003344 Landrum, Lynette 5 6 #309 180 Wayzata Street St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 488-0100 Home Health Aide/NUrsing Asst. Terry and Bill Skalley 1215 Highland Pkwy., 55116 h) 690-0341 w) 298-1188 Greg Brooks h) 228-0565 w) 224-0880 Thomas Weidner (disabled client) 1S0 Wayzata Street 09/12/97 B F 10-08-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 11 APPLICANTS.RPT �� _ � 0�f1 O.CJ COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CODMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- ---�---- --- --- --- h) 488-0010 001987 Lawrence, Kenneth A. P.O. Box 1946 St. Paul, MN 55101 ConaultantfCOmmunity Developmt 7 4 12/18/95 B M Y Advisory Committee on Aging Raren Heeney 2025 Nicollet Ave. S., #250 Minneapolis w) 870-7773 Bob Tracey 250 E. 5th St., #301, 55101 h) 290-0592 Russ Wigfield 1885 serkeley, 55105 h) 698-8073 May 11, 1992 Riverfront; Affirmative Action &( Public Aousing: Same references as above, with addition of Lynette Fields 2400 World Trade Center 30 E. 7th St., 55101 w) 229-6055 Sf31/94 Public Safety Advisory Committee Russ Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 698-8073 Lynette Fields Shoreview h) 484-1230 3an Morlock ESNDC w) 771-1152 ---------------------------------------------{--------- 12-18-95 ACOA; Family Housing Fund Board Mp1s{./St. Paul; Disabilities: Lora Me1by a � 10-OS-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 12 °Ig' �04,8� CO2iMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM2�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) 451 Centennial Dr. Roseville, MN h) 484-3147 Rusa Wigfield 1885 Berkely h) 698-8073 Carol Carey 635 Bates h) 774-0218 w) 771-2659 003430 Morphew, Carol Ramsey Co. Property Management 660 Ramsey Co. Govt. Ctr. W. 50 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul� MN 55102 Work - 266-2763 Facility Improvement Coord. 3-9-98 Mayor's Advisory Committee Jolly Mangine, Manager Ramsey Co. Property Mgt. 660 Ramsey Co. Govt. Ctr. W. w) 266-2261 Roger Schwagmeyer Safety/ADA Coordinator City of St. Paul 150 City Ha11 w) 266-8891 Bernard Jacob Architect, former employer Sernard Jacob Architects, Ltd. 1106 Foshay Tower Mpls., 55402 w) 332-5517 003468 Moy, Doris A. # 549 401 Sibley Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 03/09/98 W F 08/14/98 W F 10-OS-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 13 d�$ - lOyp�' COHIiITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advieory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMb�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Home - (651)290-0957 Retired-FOrmerly Records Clerk Ellen Morrow Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha 5treet Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Frank Alden Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota w) 224-7662 Dave Jacobson Metro Mobility W) 602-1653 or 636-5000 003319 Niefeld, 5usan Ann 5809 Halifax Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55424 Fiome - 925-6912 Ex Srch Consultant Samuel Kaplan, Esq. 5500 Norwest Center Minneapolis, 55402 w) 375-1135 Donald G. Peder5on Bank Windsor 121 So. 8th Street Minneapolis, 55402 w) 338-2150 Christopher Colestock State Services for the Blind 2200 University Ave. W. St. Paul, MN 55114 w) 642-OS81 003408 Perryman, Lory 945 Carroll Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Home - 645-3141 Program Associate [: 08/07/97 W F 03/OS/98 W F 10-08-98 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 14 APPLICANTS. RPT ���� COMMITTEE : MACAP Mayora Advisory Committee � • FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMSTTEES SERVING ON) ________________________________^__ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 3-5-98 MACHP Joyce Lang 3425 Golfview Dr., #`221 Eagan, 55123 h) 452-2951 w) 215-6242 Craig LeSeur Harvest Prep and Seed Academy 1300 Olson Memorial Hwy. Minneapolis, MN 55411 w) 381-9743 Claire Tschida 1888 w. Co. Rd. c2 Roseville, MN 55113 w) 636-1966 Pager: 661-3303 003288 Pipitone, Mary Josephine 1855 Walter Street Maplewood, MN 55109 Home - 776-3447 Retired/worked w/disabled Pastor Gary Fry 1555 Jackson Street St. Paul, MN 55117 w) 489-8183 Mrs. Kitty Herbt (RTCE Director) 1517 winchell Street St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 776-8092 Mrs. Pat Robb Apt. 604 1300 Wilson St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 778-1563 003076 Redmond, Thomas P. 838 Aldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 646-5786 4 11 04/21J97 W F 10/10/95 W M Jan Sparkman 866 N. Wheeler S 10-08-98 CAMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 15 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee •` -�� �� FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMIHENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- h) 646-1630 Artis McAthre 1610 Edmund h) 644-5218 Mabel Anderson 1610 Taylor h) 644-6158 003321 Robbins, Geri 1477 Birmingham Street St. Pau1, MN 55106 Home - 771-2425 Homemaker E11en morrow Vision Loss Resources 216 S. Wabasha Street, 55107 h) 224-7224 w) 2247662 Betty Skogsberg 1470 Etna St., 55106 h) 771-9422 w) 771-9422 Connie Chrissis 3510 Centerville Rd. Vadnais Hgts., MN 55127 h) 486-8218 003393 Rodgers, Eddie 2820 Snelling Ave. N. Roseville, MN 55113 Home - 633-7358 TV Talk Show Producer 3-3-98 Disability William Cartwright �29 Dwane St. So. St. Paul, MN 55072 h) 451-2095 w) 627-5799 Dave Philips 3915 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, 55422 w) 520-0242 Elaine Nelson 6 08/25/97 W F Y 03/03/98 B M Y 10-OS-98 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 16 qg -�oyY� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayora Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 2708 Pahl Ave. St. Anthony, MN h) 781-8743 w) 621-3490 003172 Sanders, Harold (Hal) 825 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 281-0297 Florist/Unemployed Caro1 Andrews 249 S. Hamline Ave., 55105 h) 698-4158 w) 296-9711 Timoth Pau1 Olson 560-9442 Bob and Betty Jo Ambler h) 729-6068 003340 Siegel, Mark C. 1400 2nd Street S. Minneapolis, MN 55454 Home - 305-0972 Law Student/U of M Luthor Grandquist Managing Attorney MN Disability Law Center 430 lst Avenue, Ste. 300 Minneapolis w) 332-1441 Susan Wolf Law Professor, U of M 229 19th Ave. S. w) 625-3406 003484 Tarnowski, David J. 6S3 Winthrop Street, N. St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 739-4717 CPA 9-18-98 CIB & MACHP Tim Smith (677-5115) Dean Portner (844-2500) WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTE3ER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- 1 8 7 1 67A 06/07/96 W . M Y 09/10/97 W M Y 09/18/98 W M � 10-08-98 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 17 APPLICANTS. RPT ' Y 'fl� qp _ �. COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMPfENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------------------°--- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Sandy Howe (831-2350) 003378 Wegener, Arlene G. ,¢222 401 Sibley 5t. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 224-8793 Human Services Advocacy 2 17 02/27/98 W F Bill Wyss 1895 Park Ridge Court St. Paul, MN 55119 h) 730-6852 w) 215-1331 Pat Afwerke 759 W. County Rd. B. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 489-4849 w) 296-4145 Pat Kuehl Route 4 Box 64A St. Peter, MN 56082 h) (507) 931-2249 (w) (507) 931-7669 003171 Wilcox, Rachel A. 2 17 �1910 66 E. 9th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 227-6349 Retired Vocational Counselor Mary Lynn Sabo Citi Walk 66 E. 9th St., 55101 w) 221-0298 Rich Detmers 701 Dorland Rd. Maplewood, MN 55119 h) 578-9067 Sheryl Lee 1344 Colby Ave., 55116 h) 699-4325 3-9-98 N,ACHP 09/30/98 W F Y � 10-08-98 COMMZTTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 18 APPLZCANTS.RPT ��yr� D. ql -� r�� COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisory Committee FOR APPLZCATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE CO24�NTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRZCT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Richard Carter 1957 Larpenteur Ave. W. Falcon Hgts., MN 55113 h) 647-9517 Rhonda Thai 5350 Greystone Drive, #103 Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 h) 455-2569 Sharon Powell 437 W. Co. Rd. C. Roseville, MN 55113 h) 482-1773 w) 449-2260 003292 Williams, Mike Apt. 10 7602 Hinton Ave. So. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Home - 459-7176 Quality Con. Worker/Inspector Brad Hanson Owobopte 2nd w) 686-0405 Carolyn Dobis w) 686-0405 Teny Wallis (ICi) or Brad Avery--Chairperson w) 626-7220 003116 Williams, Nancy 2184 Floral Drive White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Home - 426-0405 Credit Consultant Pete Budner 70 W. 4th St. St. Paul, 55102 w) 221-5096 04/16/97 W M Y 12/20/95 W F Y 10-08-98 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 19 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : MACHP Mayors Advisozy Committee �� - � D �� FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE CAM2�NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) Barb Rappers 70 W. 4th St. St. Paul, 55102 h) 447-4598 w) 229-7371 Deb Syvertsen 70 W. 4th St. w) 229-7620