98-10322 3 4 C.'i ]0 I1 12 13 14 15 16 Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Councii File # g" b 30 ORIGiNAt RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �7 Committee: Date WHEREAS, on October 8, 1998, Bruce A. Kirkpatrick and Elizabeth K. Sargent (Sellers) paid offthe assessment far the replacement of a lead water service connection located at 1427 Raymond Avenue (20-29-23-41-0044)legally described as: St. Anthony Park North South 25 feet of Lot 3 and a110f Lot 4, Block 18, and; WHEREAS, the Sellers should not have paid off the assessment because of a negotiated purchase agreement with Alain M. and Linda R. Baudry (Buyers/New Owners), and; WHEREAS, the Buyers/New Owners have requested the Rea1 Estate Division to refund $1,590.00 to the Seliers for the repiacement of the lead water service connection, and reinstate the assessment to the properiy so it can be collected with the properiy t�es over the 10-year installment period. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Real Estate Division is authorized to refund the Sellers $1,590.00 and reinstate the assessment to the property to be collected with the property taxes. Requested by Department o£ Technoloev & Manaeement Services Adopted by Councii: Date N� �4 t ti�(°l� Adop 'on Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by May r: D 1 By: , By: �� 1���,�vi� IXAi �/ Directq`� (/ �c� Form Appro d by City Attorney � D � d y� 11 By: � �^' "�' GvtA+tr- ��/b/ <C by Mayor for Submission to Council � �1 Green Sheet #�i 3 0 � (asmtrefres.wpd) � �15 t -lo T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Gree Sheet Number: 63006 EPARTMENTA ' ' IG' Cll'YCOUNCII, onfaMPersonandPhoneNu r: ,�, Q � � 1 ATTORNEY � / ' W CLERK Roganna Fiink —' 266-8858 e d ANCIALSERVICESDIIt 2 &MGT.SVC.Dde. YOR (OR ASSIST 3 ODPICII. RESEARCH OTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) CI'fON REQUESTED: efund assessment payment paid by Seller and reiastate the assessment to the roperty to be paid by the buyer via property taaces. COr�NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECI' (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/firro ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO rumvnvcco�.nssior A srwen . Has t6is persodfirm ever been a CSty employee? YES NO CfVQ. SERVICE COM1N4SSION . Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not uormally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? C1B COhu�L11'eE + Explain alI YES auswers on a separate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WffiCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCII. W ARD(S) 4 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL na TTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, When, WLere, Why?): -Seller inadvertently paid off an assessment negotiated to be assvmed by the uyer. T VAN7'AGES IF APPROVED: he City will be able to collect the assessment including interest via propert taxes. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. �,��� �. � 199g � �������� ISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: �1A �u �OU �� �998 one. , ��.e�� � ,. ta � � _ _ a } � �:'%r�;��u` � i� OTAL AMOiJN7' OF'I'RANSACTION: �` 1� S 9 O. O O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) YES NO INGSOURCE: P=jz ACTIVITYNUMBER: $OZ—FiOOO2—GOI.O—EOOOZ ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIl� ���r�" �� 4,:��-��; RECEIVED �s��e,� ,�;flY .� � �9�� NOV 2 0 1998 � �IAYOR'S OFFICE r-. r � f � J � l�d 4� i ALAINM. BAUDRY I427 RfYMOND AVENUE ST. PRUC, MzrvNSSOZA SSZ08 6I2�642�1489 ra. October 31, 1998 Ms. Roxanna Flink Office of the Ramsey County Assessor City of St. Paul 15 Kellogg Boulevard West - Room 140 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 f '� �1r qY-r� �� :� ���, , {1 itT iLl R�Ai ;�-ATE?;'yi����, RE: Refund of $1590.4pecial Assessment for I427 Raymond Avenue Assessment No. 4903 Properry I.A. No. 20-29-23-4I-0044 File No. 98 LD SCRPL Dear Ms. Flink: This follows up on a telephone conversation I had with you last week concerning a refund of the $1590 taac assessment mistakenly paid by the former owner of our new home at 1427 Raymond Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 551Q8. When we purchased the home from Mr. Kirkpatrick, we agreed to assume pending Eax assessments due to the replacement of lead water connections performed by the City of St. Paul over the summer. We agreed to assume the assessments because, as home owners, we intended to take advantage of the ability of homeowners to pay for the assessment over a ten-year period as part of the property tax payments. Unforiunately, NIr. Kirkpatrick, who is an elderly gentleman, was confused and, on October 8, 1998, just two weeks before closing, paid the entire assessment directly to the City of St. Paul. There was no reason for him to do this, and his doing so unforiunately eliminated our ability to pay for these assessments over a ten-yeaz period. Accordingly, I ask that the City of St. Paul reimburse the assessment directly to Mr. Kirkpatrick, and permit us to make payments on the assessment pursuant to the terms of the City's program. , qY-te�a _ --. Ms. Roxacma F1ink � :: : ` � �,=�'; , � ��.% : r ; ` ,: October 31, 1998 " Page 2 � I would appreciate your letting me Imow if this can be accomplished. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. Very huly yours, ���� Alain M. Baudry AMB/azh Enclosure cc: Mr. Bruce A. Kirkpatrick (w/o enclosure) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �, � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES RECEIPT # DATE 36376 10-08-98 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RECESPT PROPERTY ID NO. � ASMT � PROJECT � 20-29-23-41-0044 � 4903 � 98LDSCRPL � � � � BEGINNING I I I BAL,ANCE , INSTAI.,LMENT ' INTERBST � Si,s9o.00 � $i,s9o.00 � So.00 � � � � 2ECEZVED OF: ELIZAB^cTH K SARGENT BRUCE A KSRKPATRICK 1427 RAYMOND AVE ST PAUL MN 55108-1429 ORIG ASMT $1,590.00 TOTAL RECEIVED $1,590.00 Yhis receipt is void unless stamped by the Cashier �t0 �loy a � PROPERTY ADDRESS f 1427 RAYMOI3D AVE � � � ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH � BALANCE � S 25 FT QF LOT 3 AND RLL OF � $0.00 � LOT 4 BLK 18 I I (1!"�':1l21Pv?FPl1. n3 Flniil�Ji:F ri! : ,��f C; li�* �'�lil . t�flivf9 nS�.t_ c �t�A;- �{ rC /:�> (? u;rc_ t .tiG; (?�.T 8 1���; "sd��.�f:.il� ., v�fiai`c:,t�� f?Y _.� .. .. �-'��_'�'�- �T A:�T�ONY ?ARIC PiORTFi S 25 F7 OF LO'i 3 AND ALL OF LOT 4 BlK 18 � `z � f t � `/J J I( � 3 � � `t THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEFi 23, 1998 AT 5:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hali-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiA be considered by the Councii at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: 1998 REPLACEMENT OF LEAD WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS AS REQUESTED BY PROPERTY OWNERS. ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property i$1,590.00 INFORMATION If the City Council approves the assessment you wi days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance wiil be coliected with your property taxes over t0 year(s) at 5.750% interest. The proposed assessment roli for this project is available for review in the Finance Department, Room 140, City Hail. ASSESSMENT LEAD REPLACE 1, 540. 00 X $1 .0000 = $1 , 540.00 CALCULATION ADMIN FEE 1.00 X $25.0000 — $25.00 SERVICE FEE 1.00 X $25.0000 = $25.00 OTE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THE ItEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE qiaiaR zo�2� _ � Az��az�ag Zz�uno� rIq passed Pai3��.za� ��p��►�a��Q :Zt�uno� AQ Pa�doPFI � sutabt�� zone,3 uI L za�ra�� I.z�u�y� stzze�ye uPUia o�n iuozas o�r �aX� Zg� nnu�zag s�eN �s�al, SNOS2T�d'I2�Nf10J 'pa�eiut�sa se �oazau� �so� i��o� aq� pup �uauxanozduxt au� �o azn�au au� 'butzsar� �o a��td pue aiuz� ac�a buz���s 'za�zeg� au� Ac( papZnozd zauueui au� uz pue suoszad au� o� uanrb aq bnzzsac� �ttqnd pt�s ;o aoz�ou �zuy ' Zn23 �uttg 3o T,�t� ac�� ui bu2pttnff asnoH �sno� pue Ztag �C�z� aci� 3o szaQureti� Tz�uno� ari� ur •LS'd X�oZ�,oQ£=5 �� 666T zanu�r �0 2p u�g ar�� uo �uauranosdmt t�s uo P. Pec� aq buzz�au �TZqnd e a�t�.I, - spun,3 ��aCoza ICq pa�ueut� 00'000'ti$ si �oazac�� �soa pa�ewr�sa au� ��u� p�z� 'sanz�puza�t2 ou rt�ren panozdda .Cqazau st aures ac;� pu2 �sodas o?�s ac;� ��qS, f E L _sanTosaz I,qasac� ��zodaz ptps pazaptsuo� butn�c� pue '�uauianozdiu? anoqn acj� uodn zo�t�y,t au� �o �zodaz au� panta�as butn2iT jn2a �ut�g 3o P.�t� au� �o Zz�uno� aqy ry'���1� ; ,,.--„ � � '��osaucxtyl 'fC�uno� I,asu�x ptz,� .zo� pue uzr��im spaaQ �o za�siba� au� �o a�t3�o atl� ut pzoa3s �o pua atr� uo 3oazau� �ejd acZ� o� biSSpS0��2 '�aa.z�g ardnw p o� jajZpz2d Iajj� ac�� �o autt �ijza�sam, papua�xa ati� pu� a�a.z�S aZdpyd uaarv,�aq satj u�tum �uot�zpp� s,uo�A�a ueurl,Z '�T ��°ig �o uorstntpqng s 'Z x�ojg ut I,aZje ac�� �o �.zed ��q,L :smoZZo� s� paqzz�sap '096T '£T - C?sd� '[t�uno� au� I,q pa�dop� 'L6996T 'oN aTi3 jzauno� I,q pa�e�en ea.ze ��LI� iiFl :butmojZo3 aii� �o �aa3 0'OZ Ij�a�seac��zou au� zano sasodznd hajZ� zo� �uauiasea �uau�uuad � buzx�� puz buru�uapuo��q ti T X�OiH 3� uorstnrpqng s,zaZIa�i 'Z xaoiff u? �CaZTa au� buipua�xa pu� buruadp �a .za���i1 aq� u= � 1 L Q�iM �LSISOA 68$T 'ON 34I3 [J xs — �Q ., � • H az=3 z=��t�mo� ���Il���O �� xs�o az�aHx�=z�ua zn�a �ss 3o xsx� (�4 _ir��l Public Hearin Date - Januar 6,1999 � o� ���� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Nov. 6,1998 Green Sheet Number: 52150 ontact Person and Phone Number: EPARTAtENT DIRECTOR Z CITY COUNCIL Peter White �� 266-8850 �TY AITORNEY ITY CLERK �luslbeonCouncllAgcudaby: NOY .18,1y98I'or swce�ru�kecrok Ft7CEUFt7NANCIAL5VC5. January 6, 1999 Public Hearing ipyOR(ORASSISTANI) 1 OUNCILRESEARCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: 1. Set Public Hearing date to discuss the acquisition of a permanent easement for alley purposes as shown on the attached map. FILE NUMBER 18890 ECOM1I�IENDAT[ONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLIAWING: 1. Has the person/Firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNINC COhIM1iLS510N STpFF . Has this persoNfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO CtVIL SERVICE CObIhI15510N . Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO CIB COM1IM1�ITIEE current City employee? Ex lain aIl YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UYPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) '� ,� DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � n NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): By their submitted petition, Jane and Duane Haatvedt have requested the opening, for alley purposes, of part of the vacated aley in Block 2, Kellogg's Subdivision of Block li, Lyman Dayton's Addition. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Atley would be accessable to petitioners' property. ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Other affected property may not agree with the opening of this vacated alley portfon. ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Pw•` � C �� 'iP � 6Nl 39 Petitioners' property would continue to have limited access to alley. ! Qa OTAL AMOONT OF TRANSACTION: �lOOO.00 WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLF ONE) YES NO UNDINGSOURCE: ASSOSSIC1EIlt5 ACTIVITYNUMBER: INANCIAL INFORbG1T[ON: (EXPLAIN) Project costs would be reimbursed 100% by assessments to the adjoining properties. Council File # q 8 - /o� RESO � • � ►T'.l�'�J' _'�rl�Ti Presented Referred To Green Sheet # 36421 Committee Date RESOLUTION REQUESTING ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE ON COMPETE SAINT PAUL 2 WHEREAS, the Compete Saint Paul Task Force completed and released its findings in a report dated 3 September 23, 1998; and 4 WHEREAS, the Administration has begun exploring a variety of ways to introduce compefirion into the 5 delivery of City services based on Compete Saint Paul Task Force recommendafions; and 6 WHEREAS, these explorations include proposals, such as the leasing of the Highland Pazk Golf Course to a 7 private manager, which has significant long-term City policy implicarions; now therefore be it �. 8 RESOLVED, that the City Council requests a report from the Administration at its next mee6ng on �'a�i 9 November 25, 1998, on the status of proposals and ideas under considerafion for Compete Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: Certified by Council Secretary � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: B Approved by M or:� ate � t(�i, � 1 � Adopted by Council: Date ��.� q q� �{$`-10��-- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNC�� DATE INfTIATED p c;c� ca,��� ivisi9s GREEN SHEE N_ 3 6 4 21 INITIAWAlE rwmumxre CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITV CAUNCIL Jay Benanav, 2(�-g� pS��GN O CITV ATTOPNEY � CfiY CLERK NUYBERFOP MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENOABY(DAT� pQ�N� OBUDGETDIflECTO �FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDIR. NOV. IH� 1�$: $�]$(��]$lOII OiiOEN �MpypR(ORASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE5TED: Approval of resolution requesting a report from the Adminsitration at the November 25, 1998 City Cowicil meeting on the status of proposals and ideas under consideLarion for Compete Saint Paul. RECOMMENDnnONS: Approve (n) or Paject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTFiACTS MUST ANSWER TF1E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG CAMMISSION _ CIVII. SERVICE CAMMISSION t Has Mis personrtirm ever worketl under a contract for this departrnen[? - _ CIB COMMI77EE YES NO — 2. Has this personHirm ever been a ciry employee? _ S7nFF — YES NO � _ DISTRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does [his perSONFirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? SUPPOqTS WHICX COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet an0 attaeh to green s�eet INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wlw, What, NTe�. �ere, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: TO7AL AMOUNT OF THANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO PUNDIHG SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INfOflMATION. (EXPLAIN) 2 3 4 C.'i ]0 I1 12 13 14 15 16 Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Councii File # g" b 30 ORIGiNAt RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �7 Committee: Date WHEREAS, on October 8, 1998, Bruce A. Kirkpatrick and Elizabeth K. Sargent (Sellers) paid offthe assessment far the replacement of a lead water service connection located at 1427 Raymond Avenue (20-29-23-41-0044)legally described as: St. Anthony Park North South 25 feet of Lot 3 and a110f Lot 4, Block 18, and; WHEREAS, the Sellers should not have paid off the assessment because of a negotiated purchase agreement with Alain M. and Linda R. Baudry (Buyers/New Owners), and; WHEREAS, the Buyers/New Owners have requested the Rea1 Estate Division to refund $1,590.00 to the Seliers for the repiacement of the lead water service connection, and reinstate the assessment to the properiy so it can be collected with the properiy t�es over the 10-year installment period. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Real Estate Division is authorized to refund the Sellers $1,590.00 and reinstate the assessment to the property to be collected with the property taxes. Requested by Department o£ Technoloev & Manaeement Services Adopted by Councii: Date N� �4 t ti�(°l� Adop 'on Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by May r: D 1 By: , By: �� 1���,�vi� IXAi �/ Directq`� (/ �c� Form Appro d by City Attorney � D � d y� 11 By: � �^' "�' GvtA+tr- ��/b/ <C by Mayor for Submission to Council � �1 Green Sheet #�i 3 0 � (asmtrefres.wpd) � �15 t -lo T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Gree Sheet Number: 63006 EPARTMENTA ' ' IG' Cll'YCOUNCII, onfaMPersonandPhoneNu r: ,�, Q � � 1 ATTORNEY � / ' W CLERK Roganna Fiink —' 266-8858 e d ANCIALSERVICESDIIt 2 &MGT.SVC.Dde. YOR (OR ASSIST 3 ODPICII. RESEARCH OTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) CI'fON REQUESTED: efund assessment payment paid by Seller and reiastate the assessment to the roperty to be paid by the buyer via property taaces. COr�NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECI' (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/firro ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO rumvnvcco�.nssior A srwen . Has t6is persodfirm ever been a CSty employee? YES NO CfVQ. SERVICE COM1N4SSION . Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not uormally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? C1B COhu�L11'eE + Explain alI YES auswers on a separate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WffiCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCII. W ARD(S) 4 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL na TTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, When, WLere, Why?): -Seller inadvertently paid off an assessment negotiated to be assvmed by the uyer. T VAN7'AGES IF APPROVED: he City will be able to collect the assessment including interest via propert taxes. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. �,��� �. � 199g � �������� ISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: �1A �u �OU �� �998 one. , ��.e�� � ,. ta � � _ _ a } � �:'%r�;��u` � i� OTAL AMOiJN7' OF'I'RANSACTION: �` 1� S 9 O. O O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) YES NO INGSOURCE: P=jz ACTIVITYNUMBER: $OZ—FiOOO2—GOI.O—EOOOZ ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIl� ���r�" �� 4,:��-��; RECEIVED �s��e,� ,�;flY .� � �9�� NOV 2 0 1998 � �IAYOR'S OFFICE r-. r � f � J � l�d 4� i ALAINM. BAUDRY I427 RfYMOND AVENUE ST. PRUC, MzrvNSSOZA SSZ08 6I2�642�1489 ra. October 31, 1998 Ms. Roxanna Flink Office of the Ramsey County Assessor City of St. Paul 15 Kellogg Boulevard West - Room 140 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 f '� �1r qY-r� �� :� ���, , {1 itT iLl R�Ai ;�-ATE?;'yi����, RE: Refund of $1590.4pecial Assessment for I427 Raymond Avenue Assessment No. 4903 Properry I.A. No. 20-29-23-4I-0044 File No. 98 LD SCRPL Dear Ms. Flink: This follows up on a telephone conversation I had with you last week concerning a refund of the $1590 taac assessment mistakenly paid by the former owner of our new home at 1427 Raymond Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 551Q8. When we purchased the home from Mr. Kirkpatrick, we agreed to assume pending Eax assessments due to the replacement of lead water connections performed by the City of St. Paul over the summer. We agreed to assume the assessments because, as home owners, we intended to take advantage of the ability of homeowners to pay for the assessment over a ten-year period as part of the property tax payments. Unforiunately, NIr. Kirkpatrick, who is an elderly gentleman, was confused and, on October 8, 1998, just two weeks before closing, paid the entire assessment directly to the City of St. Paul. There was no reason for him to do this, and his doing so unforiunately eliminated our ability to pay for these assessments over a ten-yeaz period. Accordingly, I ask that the City of St. Paul reimburse the assessment directly to Mr. Kirkpatrick, and permit us to make payments on the assessment pursuant to the terms of the City's program. , qY-te�a _ --. Ms. Roxacma F1ink � :: : ` � �,=�'; , � ��.% : r ; ` ,: October 31, 1998 " Page 2 � I would appreciate your letting me Imow if this can be accomplished. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. Very huly yours, ���� Alain M. Baudry AMB/azh Enclosure cc: Mr. Bruce A. Kirkpatrick (w/o enclosure) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �, � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES RECEIPT # DATE 36376 10-08-98 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RECESPT PROPERTY ID NO. � ASMT � PROJECT � 20-29-23-41-0044 � 4903 � 98LDSCRPL � � � � BEGINNING I I I BAL,ANCE , INSTAI.,LMENT ' INTERBST � Si,s9o.00 � $i,s9o.00 � So.00 � � � � 2ECEZVED OF: ELIZAB^cTH K SARGENT BRUCE A KSRKPATRICK 1427 RAYMOND AVE ST PAUL MN 55108-1429 ORIG ASMT $1,590.00 TOTAL RECEIVED $1,590.00 Yhis receipt is void unless stamped by the Cashier �t0 �loy a � PROPERTY ADDRESS f 1427 RAYMOI3D AVE � � � ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH � BALANCE � S 25 FT QF LOT 3 AND RLL OF � $0.00 � LOT 4 BLK 18 I I (1!"�':1l21Pv?FPl1. n3 Flniil�Ji:F ri! : ,��f C; li�* �'�lil . t�flivf9 nS�.t_ c �t�A;- �{ rC /:�> (? u;rc_ t .tiG; (?�.T 8 1���; "sd��.�f:.il� ., v�fiai`c:,t�� f?Y _.� .. .. �-'��_'�'�- �T A:�T�ONY ?ARIC PiORTFi S 25 F7 OF LO'i 3 AND ALL OF LOT 4 BlK 18 � `z � f t � `/J J I( � 3 � � `t THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEFi 23, 1998 AT 5:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hali-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiA be considered by the Councii at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: 1998 REPLACEMENT OF LEAD WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS AS REQUESTED BY PROPERTY OWNERS. ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property i$1,590.00 INFORMATION If the City Council approves the assessment you wi days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance wiil be coliected with your property taxes over t0 year(s) at 5.750% interest. The proposed assessment roli for this project is available for review in the Finance Department, Room 140, City Hail. ASSESSMENT LEAD REPLACE 1, 540. 00 X $1 .0000 = $1 , 540.00 CALCULATION ADMIN FEE 1.00 X $25.0000 — $25.00 SERVICE FEE 1.00 X $25.0000 = $25.00 OTE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THE ItEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE qiaiaR zo�2� _ � Az��az�ag Zz�uno� rIq passed Pai3��.za� ��p��►�a��Q :Zt�uno� AQ Pa�doPFI � sutabt�� zone,3 uI L za�ra�� I.z�u�y� stzze�ye uPUia o�n iuozas o�r �aX� Zg� nnu�zag s�eN �s�al, SNOS2T�d'I2�Nf10J 'pa�eiut�sa se �oazau� �so� i��o� aq� pup �uauxanozduxt au� �o azn�au au� 'butzsar� �o a��td pue aiuz� ac�a buz���s 'za�zeg� au� Ac( papZnozd zauueui au� uz pue suoszad au� o� uanrb aq bnzzsac� �ttqnd pt�s ;o aoz�ou �zuy ' Zn23 �uttg 3o T,�t� ac�� ui bu2pttnff asnoH �sno� pue Ztag �C�z� aci� 3o szaQureti� Tz�uno� ari� ur •LS'd X�oZ�,oQ£=5 �� 666T zanu�r �0 2p u�g ar�� uo �uauranosdmt t�s uo P. Pec� aq buzz�au �TZqnd e a�t�.I, - spun,3 ��aCoza ICq pa�ueut� 00'000'ti$ si �oazac�� �soa pa�ewr�sa au� ��u� p�z� 'sanz�puza�t2 ou rt�ren panozdda .Cqazau st aures ac;� pu2 �sodas o?�s ac;� ��qS, f E L _sanTosaz I,qasac� ��zodaz ptps pazaptsuo� butn�c� pue '�uauianozdiu? anoqn acj� uodn zo�t�y,t au� �o �zodaz au� panta�as butn2iT jn2a �ut�g 3o P.�t� au� �o Zz�uno� aqy ry'���1� ; ,,.--„ � � '��osaucxtyl 'fC�uno� I,asu�x ptz,� .zo� pue uzr��im spaaQ �o za�siba� au� �o a�t3�o atl� ut pzoa3s �o pua atr� uo 3oazau� �ejd acZ� o� biSSpS0��2 '�aa.z�g ardnw p o� jajZpz2d Iajj� ac�� �o autt �ijza�sam, papua�xa ati� pu� a�a.z�S aZdpyd uaarv,�aq satj u�tum �uot�zpp� s,uo�A�a ueurl,Z '�T ��°ig �o uorstntpqng s 'Z x�ojg ut I,aZje ac�� �o �.zed ��q,L :smoZZo� s� paqzz�sap '096T '£T - C?sd� '[t�uno� au� I,q pa�dop� 'L6996T 'oN aTi3 jzauno� I,q pa�e�en ea.ze ��LI� iiFl :butmojZo3 aii� �o �aa3 0'OZ Ij�a�seac��zou au� zano sasodznd hajZ� zo� �uauiasea �uau�uuad � buzx�� puz buru�uapuo��q ti T X�OiH 3� uorstnrpqng s,zaZIa�i 'Z xaoiff u? �CaZTa au� buipua�xa pu� buruadp �a .za���i1 aq� u= � 1 L Q�iM �LSISOA 68$T 'ON 34I3 [J xs — �Q ., � • H az=3 z=��t�mo� ���Il���O �� xs�o az�aHx�=z�ua zn�a �ss 3o xsx� (�4 _ir��l Public Hearin Date - Januar 6,1999 � o� ���� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Nov. 6,1998 Green Sheet Number: 52150 ontact Person and Phone Number: EPARTAtENT DIRECTOR Z CITY COUNCIL Peter White �� 266-8850 �TY AITORNEY ITY CLERK �luslbeonCouncllAgcudaby: NOY .18,1y98I'or swce�ru�kecrok Ft7CEUFt7NANCIAL5VC5. January 6, 1999 Public Hearing ipyOR(ORASSISTANI) 1 OUNCILRESEARCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: 1. Set Public Hearing date to discuss the acquisition of a permanent easement for alley purposes as shown on the attached map. FILE NUMBER 18890 ECOM1I�IENDAT[ONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLIAWING: 1. Has the person/Firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNINC COhIM1iLS510N STpFF . Has this persoNfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO CtVIL SERVICE CObIhI15510N . Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO CIB COM1IM1�ITIEE current City employee? Ex lain aIl YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UYPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) '� ,� DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � n NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): By their submitted petition, Jane and Duane Haatvedt have requested the opening, for alley purposes, of part of the vacated aley in Block 2, Kellogg's Subdivision of Block li, Lyman Dayton's Addition. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Atley would be accessable to petitioners' property. ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Other affected property may not agree with the opening of this vacated alley portfon. ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Pw•` � C �� 'iP � 6Nl 39 Petitioners' property would continue to have limited access to alley. ! Qa OTAL AMOONT OF TRANSACTION: �lOOO.00 WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLF ONE) YES NO UNDINGSOURCE: ASSOSSIC1EIlt5 ACTIVITYNUMBER: INANCIAL INFORbG1T[ON: (EXPLAIN) Project costs would be reimbursed 100% by assessments to the adjoining properties. Council File # q 8 - /o� RESO � • � ►T'.l�'�J' _'�rl�Ti Presented Referred To Green Sheet # 36421 Committee Date RESOLUTION REQUESTING ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE ON COMPETE SAINT PAUL 2 WHEREAS, the Compete Saint Paul Task Force completed and released its findings in a report dated 3 September 23, 1998; and 4 WHEREAS, the Administration has begun exploring a variety of ways to introduce compefirion into the 5 delivery of City services based on Compete Saint Paul Task Force recommendafions; and 6 WHEREAS, these explorations include proposals, such as the leasing of the Highland Pazk Golf Course to a 7 private manager, which has significant long-term City policy implicarions; now therefore be it �. 8 RESOLVED, that the City Council requests a report from the Administration at its next mee6ng on �'a�i 9 November 25, 1998, on the status of proposals and ideas under considerafion for Compete Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: Certified by Council Secretary � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: B Approved by M or:� ate � t(�i, � 1 � Adopted by Council: Date ��.� q q� �{$`-10��-- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNC�� DATE INfTIATED p c;c� ca,��� ivisi9s GREEN SHEE N_ 3 6 4 21 INITIAWAlE rwmumxre CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITV CAUNCIL Jay Benanav, 2(�-g� pS��GN O CITV ATTOPNEY � CfiY CLERK NUYBERFOP MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENOABY(DAT� pQ�N� OBUDGETDIflECTO �FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDIR. NOV. IH� 1�$: $�]$(��]$lOII OiiOEN �MpypR(ORASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE5TED: Approval of resolution requesting a report from the Adminsitration at the November 25, 1998 City Cowicil meeting on the status of proposals and ideas under consideLarion for Compete Saint Paul. RECOMMENDnnONS: Approve (n) or Paject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTFiACTS MUST ANSWER TF1E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG CAMMISSION _ CIVII. SERVICE CAMMISSION t Has Mis personrtirm ever worketl under a contract for this departrnen[? - _ CIB COMMI77EE YES NO — 2. Has this personHirm ever been a ciry employee? _ S7nFF — YES NO � _ DISTRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does [his perSONFirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? SUPPOqTS WHICX COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet an0 attaeh to green s�eet INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wlw, What, NTe�. �ere, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: TO7AL AMOUNT OF THANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO PUNDIHG SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INfOflMATION. (EXPLAIN) 2 3 4 C.'i ]0 I1 12 13 14 15 16 Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Councii File # g" b 30 ORIGiNAt RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �7 Committee: Date WHEREAS, on October 8, 1998, Bruce A. Kirkpatrick and Elizabeth K. Sargent (Sellers) paid offthe assessment far the replacement of a lead water service connection located at 1427 Raymond Avenue (20-29-23-41-0044)legally described as: St. Anthony Park North South 25 feet of Lot 3 and a110f Lot 4, Block 18, and; WHEREAS, the Sellers should not have paid off the assessment because of a negotiated purchase agreement with Alain M. and Linda R. Baudry (Buyers/New Owners), and; WHEREAS, the Buyers/New Owners have requested the Rea1 Estate Division to refund $1,590.00 to the Seliers for the repiacement of the lead water service connection, and reinstate the assessment to the properiy so it can be collected with the properiy t�es over the 10-year installment period. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Real Estate Division is authorized to refund the Sellers $1,590.00 and reinstate the assessment to the property to be collected with the property taxes. Requested by Department o£ Technoloev & Manaeement Services Adopted by Councii: Date N� �4 t ti�(°l� Adop 'on Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by May r: D 1 By: , By: �� 1���,�vi� IXAi �/ Directq`� (/ �c� Form Appro d by City Attorney � D � d y� 11 By: � �^' "�' GvtA+tr- ��/b/ <C by Mayor for Submission to Council � �1 Green Sheet #�i 3 0 � (asmtrefres.wpd) � �15 t -lo T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Gree Sheet Number: 63006 EPARTMENTA ' ' IG' Cll'YCOUNCII, onfaMPersonandPhoneNu r: ,�, Q � � 1 ATTORNEY � / ' W CLERK Roganna Fiink —' 266-8858 e d ANCIALSERVICESDIIt 2 &MGT.SVC.Dde. YOR (OR ASSIST 3 ODPICII. RESEARCH OTAL # OF SIGNAT[JRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) CI'fON REQUESTED: efund assessment payment paid by Seller and reiastate the assessment to the roperty to be paid by the buyer via property taaces. COr�NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECI' (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS M[JST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/firro ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO rumvnvcco�.nssior A srwen . Has t6is persodfirm ever been a CSty employee? YES NO CfVQ. SERVICE COM1N4SSION . Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not uormally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? C1B COhu�L11'eE + Explain alI YES auswers on a separate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WffiCH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCII. W ARD(S) 4 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL na TTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNII'Y (Who, What, When, WLere, Why?): -Seller inadvertently paid off an assessment negotiated to be assvmed by the uyer. T VAN7'AGES IF APPROVED: he City will be able to collect the assessment including interest via propert taxes. ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: one. �,��� �. � 199g � �������� ISADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: �1A �u �OU �� �998 one. , ��.e�� � ,. ta � � _ _ a } � �:'%r�;��u` � i� OTAL AMOiJN7' OF'I'RANSACTION: �` 1� S 9 O. O O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIIiCLE ONE) YES NO INGSOURCE: P=jz ACTIVITYNUMBER: $OZ—FiOOO2—GOI.O—EOOOZ ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIl� ���r�" �� 4,:��-��; RECEIVED �s��e,� ,�;flY .� � �9�� NOV 2 0 1998 � �IAYOR'S OFFICE r-. r � f � J � l�d 4� i ALAINM. BAUDRY I427 RfYMOND AVENUE ST. PRUC, MzrvNSSOZA SSZ08 6I2�642�1489 ra. October 31, 1998 Ms. Roxanna Flink Office of the Ramsey County Assessor City of St. Paul 15 Kellogg Boulevard West - Room 140 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 f '� �1r qY-r� �� :� ���, , {1 itT iLl R�Ai ;�-ATE?;'yi����, RE: Refund of $1590.4pecial Assessment for I427 Raymond Avenue Assessment No. 4903 Properry I.A. No. 20-29-23-4I-0044 File No. 98 LD SCRPL Dear Ms. Flink: This follows up on a telephone conversation I had with you last week concerning a refund of the $1590 taac assessment mistakenly paid by the former owner of our new home at 1427 Raymond Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 551Q8. When we purchased the home from Mr. Kirkpatrick, we agreed to assume pending Eax assessments due to the replacement of lead water connections performed by the City of St. Paul over the summer. We agreed to assume the assessments because, as home owners, we intended to take advantage of the ability of homeowners to pay for the assessment over a ten-year period as part of the property tax payments. Unforiunately, NIr. Kirkpatrick, who is an elderly gentleman, was confused and, on October 8, 1998, just two weeks before closing, paid the entire assessment directly to the City of St. Paul. There was no reason for him to do this, and his doing so unforiunately eliminated our ability to pay for these assessments over a ten-yeaz period. Accordingly, I ask that the City of St. Paul reimburse the assessment directly to Mr. Kirkpatrick, and permit us to make payments on the assessment pursuant to the terms of the City's program. , qY-te�a _ --. Ms. Roxacma F1ink � :: : ` � �,=�'; , � ��.% : r ; ` ,: October 31, 1998 " Page 2 � I would appreciate your letting me Imow if this can be accomplished. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation. Very huly yours, ���� Alain M. Baudry AMB/azh Enclosure cc: Mr. Bruce A. Kirkpatrick (w/o enclosure) � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �, � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES RECEIPT # DATE 36376 10-08-98 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RECESPT PROPERTY ID NO. � ASMT � PROJECT � 20-29-23-41-0044 � 4903 � 98LDSCRPL � � � � BEGINNING I I I BAL,ANCE , INSTAI.,LMENT ' INTERBST � Si,s9o.00 � $i,s9o.00 � So.00 � � � � 2ECEZVED OF: ELIZAB^cTH K SARGENT BRUCE A KSRKPATRICK 1427 RAYMOND AVE ST PAUL MN 55108-1429 ORIG ASMT $1,590.00 TOTAL RECEIVED $1,590.00 Yhis receipt is void unless stamped by the Cashier �t0 �loy a � PROPERTY ADDRESS f 1427 RAYMOI3D AVE � � � ST ANTHONY PARK NORTH � BALANCE � S 25 FT QF LOT 3 AND RLL OF � $0.00 � LOT 4 BLK 18 I I (1!"�':1l21Pv?FPl1. n3 Flniil�Ji:F ri! : ,��f C; li�* �'�lil . t�flivf9 nS�.t_ c �t�A;- �{ rC /:�> (? u;rc_ t .tiG; (?�.T 8 1���; "sd��.�f:.il� ., v�fiai`c:,t�� f?Y _.� .. .. �-'��_'�'�- �T A:�T�ONY ?ARIC PiORTFi S 25 F7 OF LO'i 3 AND ALL OF LOT 4 BlK 18 � `z � f t � `/J J I( � 3 � � `t THE TIME: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEFi 23, 1998 AT 5:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Council Chambers, 3rd Fioor City Hali-Court House HEARING Written or oral statements by any owner wiA be considered by the Councii at this hearing. PURPOSE To consider approval of the assessment for: 1998 REPLACEMENT OF LEAD WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS AS REQUESTED BY PROPERTY OWNERS. ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property i$1,590.00 INFORMATION If the City Council approves the assessment you wi days to pay without interest. Any unpaid balance wiil be coliected with your property taxes over t0 year(s) at 5.750% interest. The proposed assessment roli for this project is available for review in the Finance Department, Room 140, City Hail. ASSESSMENT LEAD REPLACE 1, 540. 00 X $1 .0000 = $1 , 540.00 CALCULATION ADMIN FEE 1.00 X $25.0000 — $25.00 SERVICE FEE 1.00 X $25.0000 = $25.00 OTE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL YOU WILL RECEIVE AN INVOICE AFTER THE ItEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PAY THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE qiaiaR zo�2� _ � Az��az�ag Zz�uno� rIq passed Pai3��.za� ��p��►�a��Q :Zt�uno� AQ Pa�doPFI � sutabt�� zone,3 uI L za�ra�� I.z�u�y� stzze�ye uPUia o�n iuozas o�r �aX� Zg� nnu�zag s�eN �s�al, SNOS2T�d'I2�Nf10J 'pa�eiut�sa se �oazau� �so� i��o� aq� pup �uauxanozduxt au� �o azn�au au� 'butzsar� �o a��td pue aiuz� ac�a buz���s 'za�zeg� au� Ac( papZnozd zauueui au� uz pue suoszad au� o� uanrb aq bnzzsac� �ttqnd pt�s ;o aoz�ou �zuy ' Zn23 �uttg 3o T,�t� ac�� ui bu2pttnff asnoH �sno� pue Ztag �C�z� aci� 3o szaQureti� Tz�uno� ari� ur •LS'd X�oZ�,oQ£=5 �� 666T zanu�r �0 2p u�g ar�� uo �uauranosdmt t�s uo P. Pec� aq buzz�au �TZqnd e a�t�.I, - spun,3 ��aCoza ICq pa�ueut� 00'000'ti$ si �oazac�� �soa pa�ewr�sa au� ��u� p�z� 'sanz�puza�t2 ou rt�ren panozdda .Cqazau st aures ac;� pu2 �sodas o?�s ac;� ��qS, f E L _sanTosaz I,qasac� ��zodaz ptps pazaptsuo� butn�c� pue '�uauianozdiu? anoqn acj� uodn zo�t�y,t au� �o �zodaz au� panta�as butn2iT jn2a �ut�g 3o P.�t� au� �o Zz�uno� aqy ry'���1� ; ,,.--„ � � '��osaucxtyl 'fC�uno� I,asu�x ptz,� .zo� pue uzr��im spaaQ �o za�siba� au� �o a�t3�o atl� ut pzoa3s �o pua atr� uo 3oazau� �ejd acZ� o� biSSpS0��2 '�aa.z�g ardnw p o� jajZpz2d Iajj� ac�� �o autt �ijza�sam, papua�xa ati� pu� a�a.z�S aZdpyd uaarv,�aq satj u�tum �uot�zpp� s,uo�A�a ueurl,Z '�T ��°ig �o uorstntpqng s 'Z x�ojg ut I,aZje ac�� �o �.zed ��q,L :smoZZo� s� paqzz�sap '096T '£T - C?sd� '[t�uno� au� I,q pa�dop� 'L6996T 'oN aTi3 jzauno� I,q pa�e�en ea.ze ��LI� iiFl :butmojZo3 aii� �o �aa3 0'OZ Ij�a�seac��zou au� zano sasodznd hajZ� zo� �uauiasea �uau�uuad � buzx�� puz buru�uapuo��q ti T X�OiH 3� uorstnrpqng s,zaZIa�i 'Z xaoiff u? �CaZTa au� buipua�xa pu� buruadp �a .za���i1 aq� u= � 1 L Q�iM �LSISOA 68$T 'ON 34I3 [J xs — �Q ., � • H az=3 z=��t�mo� ���Il���O �� xs�o az�aHx�=z�ua zn�a �ss 3o xsx� (�4 _ir��l Public Hearin Date - Januar 6,1999 � o� ���� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Nov. 6,1998 Green Sheet Number: 52150 ontact Person and Phone Number: EPARTAtENT DIRECTOR Z CITY COUNCIL Peter White �� 266-8850 �TY AITORNEY ITY CLERK �luslbeonCouncllAgcudaby: NOY .18,1y98I'or swce�ru�kecrok Ft7CEUFt7NANCIAL5VC5. January 6, 1999 Public Hearing ipyOR(ORASSISTANI) 1 OUNCILRESEARCH OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: 1. Set Public Hearing date to discuss the acquisition of a permanent easement for alley purposes as shown on the attached map. FILE NUMBER 18890 ECOM1I�IENDAT[ONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE FOLIAWING: 1. Has the person/Firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNINC COhIM1iLS510N STpFF . Has this persoNfirm ever been a City employee? YES NO CtVIL SERVICE CObIhI15510N . Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO CIB COM1IM1�ITIEE current City employee? Ex lain aIl YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach. UYPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) '� ,� DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � n NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): By their submitted petition, Jane and Duane Haatvedt have requested the opening, for alley purposes, of part of the vacated aley in Block 2, Kellogg's Subdivision of Block li, Lyman Dayton's Addition. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Atley would be accessable to petitioners' property. ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Other affected property may not agree with the opening of this vacated alley portfon. ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Pw•` � C �� 'iP � 6Nl 39 Petitioners' property would continue to have limited access to alley. ! Qa OTAL AMOONT OF TRANSACTION: �lOOO.00 WST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLF ONE) YES NO UNDINGSOURCE: ASSOSSIC1EIlt5 ACTIVITYNUMBER: INANCIAL INFORbG1T[ON: (EXPLAIN) Project costs would be reimbursed 100% by assessments to the adjoining properties. Council File # q 8 - /o� RESO � • � ►T'.l�'�J' _'�rl�Ti Presented Referred To Green Sheet # 36421 Committee Date RESOLUTION REQUESTING ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE ON COMPETE SAINT PAUL 2 WHEREAS, the Compete Saint Paul Task Force completed and released its findings in a report dated 3 September 23, 1998; and 4 WHEREAS, the Administration has begun exploring a variety of ways to introduce compefirion into the 5 delivery of City services based on Compete Saint Paul Task Force recommendafions; and 6 WHEREAS, these explorations include proposals, such as the leasing of the Highland Pazk Golf Course to a 7 private manager, which has significant long-term City policy implicarions; now therefore be it �. 8 RESOLVED, that the City Council requests a report from the Administration at its next mee6ng on �'a�i 9 November 25, 1998, on the status of proposals and ideas under considerafion for Compete Saint Paul. Requested by Department of: Certified by Council Secretary � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: B Approved by M or:� ate � t(�i, � 1 � Adopted by Council: Date ��.� q q� �{$`-10��-- DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNC�� DATE INfTIATED p c;c� ca,��� ivisi9s GREEN SHEE N_ 3 6 4 21 INITIAWAlE rwmumxre CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITV CAUNCIL Jay Benanav, 2(�-g� pS��GN O CITV ATTOPNEY � CfiY CLERK NUYBERFOP MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENOABY(DAT� pQ�N� OBUDGETDIflECTO �FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDIR. NOV. IH� 1�$: $�]$(��]$lOII OiiOEN �MpypR(ORASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE5TED: Approval of resolution requesting a report from the Adminsitration at the November 25, 1998 City Cowicil meeting on the status of proposals and ideas under consideLarion for Compete Saint Paul. RECOMMENDnnONS: Approve (n) or Paject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTFiACTS MUST ANSWER TF1E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG CAMMISSION _ CIVII. SERVICE CAMMISSION t Has Mis personrtirm ever worketl under a contract for this departrnen[? - _ CIB COMMI77EE YES NO — 2. Has this personHirm ever been a ciry employee? _ S7nFF — YES NO � _ DISTRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does [his perSONFirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? SUPPOqTS WHICX COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet an0 attaeh to green s�eet INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wlw, What, NTe�. �ere, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPflOVED: TO7AL AMOUNT OF THANSAC710N $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO PUNDIHG SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INfOflMATION. (EXPLAIN)