D00615� WV+R� — CItY CNrk Pink — Financ� Opt. Gmry — Wpt. • GITY OF SAI1\'T ��ALTL OYPIGY. OF THY. MAYpR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER AL'IXiET St�17SI0\ Gurrent Amended Budget Chanpe Budget ��I�`IS�.��� �)��R, Consistent with the authoriry granted to tbe Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the requ�t of ine Director of the Department ot F�XRCIITTVF ADMTNT STR ATTON to amend [he 79_ budget of the GENERAI, FTIND fund. the Direcror of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in tfie foilowing manner. FROM: 00157-0857 00158-0814 00155-0221 T�: 00155-0814 $ 959.00 ( 616.25) $ 214.00 ( 214.00) $15 ( 164.75) $ 8;5�3.79 1,000.00 $ 372.75 $ 0 $15,580.25 $ 9,573J9 • ����**�***���**�*�:r*�*:t**���:����*�:�x�t���t���r���x�����:�:��x�t�c�t�t���t�x�t��c�t��,�t�x����t��t��������t���: FROM: 09090-0219 T0: 09090-0133 1 � �.�� � ��� � -� •�. 1� �`a.. ���u� �1. "�. � $83,760.00 -$20,598.94 No: �M.�✓'li �..� Date: � � `�- � � (26,000.00) $57,760.00 26,000.00 $ 5,401.06 /�'` G � nowo : M.yor _.._._ �r ��-- l � �t:. Human Resources wq OCITYATTOflNEY �CT'GLEHK � BUDGET DIPECTOR a FIN. & MGT. SEP' ■ aMAYOR(ORA$SISTANn �F�PQ11C2 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 Purchase a new fa�c machine. a _ qB COMMffTEE _ _ _ STAPF _ _ _ DISTRICT COUHf _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE? Our current fax machine is sending faxes with dark streaks going though the middle of pages In order to repair the outdated machine, it would cost between $500-$600. For that amount, a new, plain paper fax could be ordered. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY {N/ho, What, When, WhBre, Why): Money for intern salaries is currently located in 0219 because outside agencies used to be contracCed with to do the CCYC payroll. Now the payroll is done internally. This change hapvened when the 1995 budQet nrocess was over so the monev was not transferred. We could send quality fa7ces to departments eliminating the need for a hard copy because the faxes would be xeadable and we would receive faxes on plain paper rathex than thexmal paper. Since interns are being paid internally rather than externally, there is a deficit in the 0133 account and a surplus in the 0219 account. Transferring money would show accurate s ��� � ^' A7E INITIATED ' V� 3 5 0 0 9� s-�-9s GREEN SHEET _ _ - - � . _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ .. INRIAVDATE ALL LOCATIONS FOR SICNATUR� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: '1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked undar a coMract for Mis departmeM? � YES NO 2. Has this perso�rcrm ever been a ciiy empbyee,? YES NO 3. Oaes this perso�ttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city empiqrae? YES NO Explain all yas answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet RECEfVED AUG 71995 CITY CLERK We will conYinue to send our customexs fax copies that axe unacceptable quality and they will depend on hard copies through the mail rather than the unreadable copies our fax machine is currently sending. Salaries will show a deficit and 0219 will show a surplus. AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBEH FINANCIAL iNFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)